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Eugune A Nida 翻译理论是什么

  尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A.Nida),语言学家,翻译家,翻译理论家.   奈达已经成为翻译理论和语言学领域的先驱.   他的博士 论文,英语语法大纲,是根据“立即组成”理论的第一个完整规模的一个主要语言的分析 .他最显着的贡献的翻译理论是动态等值,又称功能等同 .   “没有这两种语言是相同的,给予相应的符号的含义或在其中符号短语和句子的排列方式,按理说,可以有语言之间没有绝对的对应 .因此,可有没有完全确切的翻译.“   奈达理论的核心概念是“功能对等”.所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等.为使源语和目的语的之间的转换有一个标准,减少差异,尤金·A·奈达从语言学的角度出发,根据翻译的本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对等”.在这一理论中,他指出,“翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息”(郭建中,2000 , P65).奈达有关翻译的定义指明,翻译不仅是词汇意义上的对等,还包括语义、风格和文体的对等,翻译传达的信息既有表层词汇信息,也有深层的文化信息.“动态对等”中的对等包括四个方面:   1. 词汇对等;2. 句法对等;3. 篇章对等;4.文体对等.   在这四个方面中,奈达认为,“意义是最重要的,形式其次“.形式很可能掩藏源语的文化意义,并阻碍文化交流.因此,在文学翻译中,根据奈达的理论,译者应以动态对等的四个方面,作为翻译的原则,准确地在目的语中再现源语的文化内涵.

george gund hall是什么大学

george gund hall是乔治敦大学。具体如下:乔治敦大学(Georgetown University),或译乔治城大学,是一所私立研究型大学,位于美国首都华盛顿特区,是全球大学校长论坛成员。乔治城大学从一所地区性学校发展为一所全国性的学校,学生和教职员工的多样性以及教职员工的数量显著增加。在20世纪90年代,女性在教师队伍中的人数也大大增加,到2001年,女性占了近40%。乔治城大学已发展成为一所国际研究型大学,拥有九所学校、一家附属医院。超过12000名本科生和研究生,在五个地点上课:主校区、医学中心、法律中心、继续教育学院和乔治城卡塔尔校区。乔治城大学在华盛顿的三个校区中共雇佣了1291名全职及882名兼职教职人员,此外,在卡塔尔校区中还有其他教职员。教职员中包括不少杰出学者和知名政界及商界领袖,性别比例以男性占主导,约占总人数的三分之二。在政治上,乔治城大学的教职员倾向于支持自由派候选人,而他们的捐资倾向与美国其他大学的教职人员一致。

The Man With The Golden Gun 歌词

歌曲名:The Man With The Golden Gun歌手:The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra&Carl Davis专辑:Best Of James Bond-The Man With The Golden Gun-Performed by LuluMusic by John BarryHe has a powerful weapon.He charges a million a shot.An assassin. A second to none.The man with the golden gun.Lurking in some darkened doorway,Or crouched on a rooftop somewhere,In the next room, or this very one,The man with the golden gun.Love is required whenever he"s hired.It comes just before the kill.No one can catch him.No hitman can match him,For his million dollar skill.One golden shot means another poor victimhas come to a glittering end.For a price, he"ll erase anyone.The man with the golden gun.His eye may be on you or me.Who will he bang?We shall see...Love is required whenever he"s hired.It comes just before the kill.No one can catch him.No hitman can match him,For his million dollar skill.One golden shot means another poor victimhas come to a glittering end.If you want to get rid of someone,the man with the golden gun,Will get it done.He"ll shoot anyone.With his golden gun...

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《The Man with the Golden Gun》(Fleming, Ian)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: yr8n书名:The Man with the Golden Gun作者:Fleming, Ian出版社:AudioGO Limited出版年份:2012-9-6内容简介:On 4CD"s: If you try to assassinate your boss - even though brainwashed at the time - you must pay the price. To redeem himself James Bond has to kill one of the most lethal hitmen in the world: Paco "Pistols" Scaramanga. In the sultry heat of Jamaica 007 infiltrates his target"s criminal cooperative - only to find that Scaramanga"s bullets are laced with snake venom. When the end comes, every shot will count.作者简介:伊恩·弗莱明 Ian Fleming英国小说家,生于伦敦,先后毕业于伊顿公学和皇家军事学院,后又前往德国慕尼黑和瑞士日内瓦学习语言。曾在路透社莫斯科记者站工作,后来回到英国从事金融和股票方面的工作。

50分!谁敢把lay you down 这首歌翻译了! GUnit 唱的


跪求这首歌:naughty boy 歌词 歌手:gunther

You naughty boy!(Ah)You"re my naughty boyYou"re the one my mother loves, but daddy won"tAha ahaDarling, you"re my naughty boyYou got the touch, and I can"t get enoughAha ahaSexy, sexyI"m a ladies" manAlways ready to answer a callJust give me a chanceAnd I will give you allFor so long I have tried to get to youDarling, you"re a one-of-a-kindIn my dreams every night it"s me and youDarling, please, will you be mine?You"re my naughty boyYou"re the one my mother loves, but daddy won"tAha ahaDarling, you"re my naughty boyYou got the touch, and I can"t get enoughAha ahaYeahYou know who I am(Oh)Yeah, I"m the oneWho never, ever close the doorDarling, come with your flowerAnd I will give you moreFor so long I have tried to get to youDarling, you"re a one-of-a-kind (Yeah)In my dreams every night it"s me and you (Ah)Darling, please, will you be mine? (Ah)[2x]You"re my naughty boyYou"re the one my mother loves, but daddy won"tAha ahaDarling, you"re my naughty boyYou got the touch, and I can"t get enoughAha aha(Ah)I"m your sex bombHold me tight(Sex, sex, ah, ah)Yes(Oh, oh, ooh)Darling, come with your flowerI"m your naughty boy[2x]You"re my naughty boyYou"re the one my mother loves, but daddy won"tAha ahaDarling, you"re my naughty boyYou got the touch, and I can"t get enoughAha aha (Uh, uh, yeah)

Love Is a Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is a Gun歌手:Mateo专辑:Love & Stadiums IIMateo - Love Is A GunLove & Stadiums IICut open, I"m all bloodyI"m counting all my battle scarsYou fill me up with love and tear me up like bulletsOne finger on the triggerOne shot and Cupids dead on the groundIt"s getting dangerous nowBecause your love is a gunReady to fire awayAnd I"m the target but I bruise so easilyYou got your hand on the gunYou wanna just blow me awayBut I"m not gonna moveAnd you don"t understandI"m not bulletproofNot bulletproofNot bulletproofNot bulletproof, yeah yeahTen paces, my heart is beatingYour deadly, but theres no backing downIt"s like you turned our love into the luck of a drawOne moment your lips may kill meNext moment your poison brings me to lifeI hope that I survive, yeahBecause your love is a gunReady to fire awayAnd I"m the target but I bruise so easilyYou got your hand on the gunYou wanna just blow me awayBut I"m not gonna moveAnd you don"t understandI"m not bulletproofNot bulletproof, yeahNot bulletproofNot bulletproof, yeah yeahI keep on fighting for my lifeI just want you by my sideGirl you"ve seen the bullet woundsI took them all for youThis love has turned to warI keep on fighting for my lifeI don"t know if it"s wrong or rightYour in it for my heartTrying to split this all apartI keep coming back for moreBecause your love is a gunReady to fire awayAnd I"m the target but I bruise so easilyYou got your hand on the gunYou wanna blow me awayAnd I"m not gonna moveUntil you understandThat I"m not bulletproof, no, no, yeahI"m not bulletproof, oh, yeah, ohI"m not bulletproofAnd neither are youBulletproof, yeah



A kill B with a gun 是说A杀了带枪的B? 还是说 A用枪杀了B?

A kill B with a gun 是A用枪杀了B。主语有动作,with 是修饰补充的。A杀了带枪的B为A killed B who brought a gun.用定语从句。

21 guns的中文歌词

16) 21 GUNS 21支枪 do you know what"s worth fighting for, 当已不值得用死亡来争取 when it"s not worth dying for? 你还知道什么是值得奋斗的吗? does it take your breath away 它是否带走了你的呼吸 and you feel yourself suffocating? 让你透不过气? does the pain weigh out the pride? 这痛苦能承载荣誉? and you look for a place to hide? 而你却在寻找藏身之处? did someone break your heart inside? 有人从内心击垮你了吗? you"re in ruins 你正在毁灭 * one, 21 guns 一,二十一支枪 lay down your arms 放下你的武器 give up the fight 放弃这战斗 one, 21 guns 一,二十一支枪 throw up your arms into the sky 把你的武器扔向空中 you and i * 我和你 when you"re at the end of the road 当你走达道路的尽头 and you lost all sense of control 你失去了控制感 and your thoughts have taken their toll 你为你的想法已经付出代价 when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul 当你的头脑击碎灵魂 your faith walks on broken glass 你的信念在玻璃碎片上行走 and the hangover doesn"t pass 余波还未平息 nothing"s ever built to last 没有什么是永存的 you"re in ruins. 你正在毁灭 repeat * did you try to live on your own 当你把房屋付之一炬时 when you burned down the house and home? 你试过自己生存吗? did you stand too close to the fire? 你是不是太靠近大火 like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone 像个骗子似的从石头里寻求宽恕? when it"s time to live and let die 当生存还是死亡的时刻已到 and you can"t get another try 你再也没有重试的机会 something inside this heart has died 你内心的一些东西已经消亡 you"re in ruins. 你正在毁灭 repeat * SEE THE LIGHT 看见光明 i crossed the river 我穿越河流 fell into the sea 掉进海洋 where the non-believers go beyond belief 那里无信仰者令人难以置信 then I scratched the surface 然后我在地狱的出口 in the mouth of hell 撕开表面的伪装 running out of service in the I fell 筋疲力尽掉入鲜血中 * i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明 i don"t want to lose my sight 我不想忽视 i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明 i need to know what"s worth the fight 我需要知道什么值得战斗 i"ve been wasted 我已经被遗弃 pills and alcohol 药品和酒精 i"ve been chasing 我一直在被追逐 down the pool halls 直到桌球房 then I drank the water from a hurricane 然后我从暴风雨中喝了水 and I set a fire 我点燃了火 just to see the flame *只想看见火焰 repeat * i crossed the desert 我穿越沙漠 reaching higher ground 寻求高地处 then I pound the pavement 然后我重重敲打地面 to take the liars down 想让骗子们都摔倒 but it"s gone forever 但这些都永久地逝去了 but never too late 但永不为时过晚 where the ever after is in the hands of fate 此后,在命运的手中 repeat *

21guns 歌词翻译`

绿日 - 二十一响你知道什么值得战斗/ 当它不值得死的? / 是否您屏息凝神/ 你觉得你窒息? / 权衡是否疼痛的骄傲? / 你找一个藏身之地? / 没有人打破你的心吗? / 你在废墟/ 其中, 21枪/ 放下你的武器/ 放弃斗争/ 其中, 21枪/ 扔掉你的武器天空/ 你和我/ 当你在路的尽头/ 和你失去了所有意义上的控制/ 和您的想法已经考虑了他们的人数/ 当你考虑到休息的精神,你的灵魂/ 你们的信仰走在碎玻璃/ 和宿醉没有通过/ 没有有史以来建造的最后/ 你在废墟/其中, 21枪/ 放下你的武器/ 放弃斗争/ 其中, 21枪/ 扔掉你的武器天空/ 其中, 21枪/ 放下你的武器/ 放弃斗争/ 其中, 21枪/ 扔掉你的武器天空/ 你和我/

21 guns是什么意思?寓意着什么?

礼炮在国家庆祝大典可增添一种隆重的气氛。 礼炮仪式起源于德国的中世纪。当时在奥格斯堡城为了隆重地迎接一位从前线凯旋的皇帝,决定鸣礼炮100响。但负责鸣炮的军官数到后来数糊涂了,鸣了101响。从此,鸣礼炮101响的传统就沿袭下来了。 另一说,鸣放礼炮起源于英国。17至18世纪,英国已成为当时头号殖民帝国,世界上几乎每块大陆都有它们的殖民地。英国军舰驶过国外炮台或驶入外国港口时,蛮横地要求所在国内向他们鸣炮致礼,以示对英国的尊重和臣服。作为回礼,英舰一般鸣炮7响。但是,英国殖民主义者认为弱国与强国、殖民地与宗主国不能平起平坐。英舰鸣一声礼炮,别国应报3声。这样三七二十一声,礼炮的习俗就诞生了。不过,后来随着英国在国际上的地位逐渐走下坡路,英国军舰也开始改为鸣 21响礼炮,以示平等。 举行盛大庆典鸣放礼炮的规格各国不尽相同。美国国庆日鸣放50响,表示每州鸣一声。在迎宾仪式中鸣放礼炮,最高规格是21响,一般国家元首鸣放;其次19响,为政府首脑鸣放。GD的本意是为战死的士兵举行国葬时,鸣礼炮21响

21 guns歌词中文


21 guns这首歌想要表达什么意思?

21Guns 又是一首反战的歌曲,很容易想到另外一首经典之作 Wake me up when september endsGreen Day 总是能把“ 救赎 原谅 VS 战火 死亡 ”诠释得如此悲壮,然后给人们前进的力量。比照Viva La Gloria的俏皮和另类,21Guns 这首延续了绿日经典曲风和反战情结的作品,也许更能打动听众。21GunsDo you know what"s worth fighting forWhen it"s not worth dying for?Does it take you breath awayAnd you feel yourself suffocating?Does the pain weight out the pride?And you look for a place to hide?Does someone break your heart inside?You"re in ruinsOne, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the skyYou and IWhen you"re at the end of the roadAnd you lost all sense of controlAnd your thoughts have taken their tollWhen your mind breaks the spirit of your soulYour faith walks on broken glassAnd the hangover doesn"t passNothing"s ever built to lastYou"re in ruinsOne, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the skyYou and IDid you try to live on your ownWhen you burned down the house and home?Did you stand too close to the fire?Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stoneWhen it"s time to live and let dieAnd you can"t get another trySomething inside this heart has diedYou"re in ruinsOne, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the skyYou and I 出自GREENDAY吧,感谢吧友

21 guns的歌曲歌词

Do you know what"s worth fighting for"When it"s not worth dying forDoes it take your breath awayAnd you feel yourself suffocatingDoes the pain weigh out the prideAnd you look for a place to hideDid someone break your heart insideYou"re in ruinsOne" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"You and IWhen you"re at the end of the roadAnd you lost all sense of controlAnd you"re throughts have taken their tollWhen your mind breaks the spirit of your soulYour faith walks on broken glassAnd the hangover doesn"t passNothing"s ever built to lastYou"re in ruinsOne" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"You and IDid you try to live on your ownWhen you burned down the house and homeDid you stand too close to the fireLike a liar looking for forgiveness from a stoneWhen it"s time to live and let dieAnd you can"t get another trySomething side this heart has diedYou"re in ruinsOne" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"One" 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne" 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky"You and I 你是否明白为何而奋斗  当这一切不值得为之牺牲?  你是否感觉呼吸被带走  自己慢慢窒息?  那痛苦是否压过荣耀?你是否在找寻藏身之所?  又可曾有人刺穿你的心脏?  你,只剩残骸  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止战斗  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  只剩你和我  当你无路可走  迷失于狂乱  当你心中丧钟敲响  心智将灵魂磨灭  你的信仰在玻璃上赤足行走  一夜宿醉恒久弥留  天长地久又何曾有过  你,只剩残骸  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止厮杀  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  只剩你和我  你可曾活出真正的自己  当你烧毁你的房屋和家园?  你可曾玩火自焚?  想骗子妄图从石头那儿寻求宽恕  到了生死即定的时刻  没有任何后悔的余地  心中的某些东西早已化为乌有  你,只剩残骸  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止厮杀  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  鸣炮,21响  放下武器  停止厮杀  鸣炮,21响  将武器抛向天空  只剩你和我

The captain ordered the crew to throw ____ the side of the ship all heavy guns a

答案D该题考查短语的用法。throw sth over...意为“把东西从…地方扔出去”。over有“越过”之意。

Skid Row的《Big Guns》 歌词

歌曲名:Big Guns歌手:Skid Row专辑:Skid RowShe was a ballerina on a subway trainStiletto heels and a candy caneLooked like a number on a station wallHot on the tail of a social callI wet my lips I thought I had it madeLike Valentino with a hand grenadeI made my move with my libido onShe circled once and then she dropped the bombShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsBlew me awayAnd I went down in flamesI met a sidewalk preacher on a roller skateHe said he had the key to heaven"s gateI said: "I"ll wait for the movie "cause I been there before"And learned: like is a battle and love is warShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsTook me by surpriseShe got my lovin" reachin" for the skyShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsBlew me awayAnd I went down in flamesI"m doing time as a back seat RomeoPlay solitaire with my hands in the airAnother night and no bullets to spareShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsBlew me awayAnd I went down in flamesBig gunsBig gunsShe shot me down in flames

Skid Row的BIG GUN歌词

Big Guns[Bolan, Hill, Snake, Affuso]She was a ballerina on a subway trainStiletto heels and a candy caneLooked like a number on a station wallHot on the tail of a social callI wet my lips I thought I had it madeLike Valentino with a hand grenadeI made my move with my libido onShe circled once and then she dropped the bombShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsBlew me awayAnd I went down in flamesI met a sidewalk preacher on a roller skateHe said he had the key to heaven"s gateI said: "I"ll wait for the movie "cause I been there before"And learned: like is a battle and love is warShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsTook me by surpriseShe got my lovin" reachin" for the skyShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsBlew me awayAnd I went down in flamesI"m doing time as a back seat RomeoPlay solitaire with my hands in the airAnother night and no bullets to spareShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsTook me by surpriseShe got my lovin" reachin" for the skyShe got the big gunsPointed at my heartBang bang shooting like a firing squadBig gunsBlew me awayAnd I went down in flamesBig guns (Big guns)Big guns, blew me awayAnd I went down in flamesBig guns, big gunsShe really, really got the big gunsShe shot me down in flames



Gunslinger Girl(持枪少女)》ED美声意大利文是什么意思?


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GUNSLINGER GIRL(快枪少女)大结局是什么 五个少女和男主角的



·手枪:双手持枪的神枪手武器,空速和连击是手枪的特点。手枪可用的技能是2连发的“连锁技能”;一次性可以连发5弹攻击的“迅速淋弹”;还有可给与自己周围敌人打击的“亡命之徒”技能。 ·来复枪:比手枪空速有所不如,但命中率高,每发子弹的威力强大。来复枪使用的技能是瞄准后射击,远距离可解除敌人武器的“缴械射击”,还可以发射穿透敌人的子弹来打击敌人,产生出血效果的“刺穿射击”等。 ·散弹枪:空速非常慢,但每一发威力都很强大。基本上攻击本身带有飞溅攻击性能的特殊武器。散弹枪可使用能给超近距离的敌人集中发射子弹的“尘埃”技能,一次性发射多个子弹来加大威力的“庞然大物”技能和更大范围内扩大散弹枪攻击范围的“扩散进攻”技能。 ·格林机关枪:乱射,连射的极致!攻击速度虽然有些下降,但是想感受和十字刺客的“音速投掷”一样的爆发力的话,就使用格林机关枪。格林机关枪的技能中有个提高攻击速度和打击效果的“格林机关枪狂热”技能 ·榴弹枪:一击必杀的可怕武器,就算一发子弹破坏力也很大,如果轮流使用各种类型的子弹,就可以属性攻击或状态以上的攻击!榴弹枪的技能“地面铺开”,就像猎人的圈套一样,在地上发射子弹,让敌人踩到后爆发给与敌人巨大的伤害,或者被中毒等状态,具有多样效果的特点。 1、初学者JOB达到10级,乘坐飞空艇前往钢铁之都艾音布罗克。进入中央位置的建筑物内(einbroch 134,199)。2、和npc米勒教官对话,提出转职申请。(que_ng 152 167)3、之后,米勒教官要你去Payon找炼金术士“聪明的黄牛角”(payon 184 65)4、聪明的黄牛角要你收集以下道具,记得顺便带一瓶牛奶给他。因为之后他会问你要。需要的道具有:彩色昆虫外壳x3、坚硬外壳x10、柔毛x3、玛哪树枝x1、刹勒空结晶x3、绿色药草x3。5、将收集来的东西交给聪明的黄牛角后,就可以回钢铁都市找米勒教官交差了,对话后即可转职,并且获得支枪3洞x1。技能详解双面硬币(Filp the Coin)技能等级:5技能类别:辅助/枪类武器通用技能内容:弹射硬币落下后正面在上能获得一枚环绕周身的金色硬币;反面在上则失去一枚硬币。最大能收集10枚硬币,技能等级越高正面在上的概率越大。使用该技能时消耗1Zeny。SP消耗:2扔(Fling)技能前置:双面硬币Lv1技能等级:1技能类别:攻击/枪类武器通用技能内容:使用硬币在攻击的同时减少敌人的防御力。最大同时消耗5枚硬币,消耗数量越多防御力减少就越多。SP消耗:10三次连击(Triple Action)技能前置:双面硬币Lv1、连锁动作Lv10技能等级:1技能类别:攻击/枪类武器通用技能内容:消耗1枚硬币实现3连打攻击。SP消耗:20粗壮眼(Bulls Eye)技能前置:跟踪Lv10、双面硬币Lv5技能等级:1技能类别:攻击/枪类武器通用技能内容:给予人型或动物型敌方1人强大攻击。消耗1枚硬币实现500%的伤害并给予0.1%的濒死状态。濒死对BOSS型怪物不产生效果。SP消耗:30疯狂消灭(Madness Canceler)技能前置:双面硬币Lv4、格林机关枪狂热Lv10技能等级:1技能类别:辅助/枪类武器通用技能内容:消耗4枚硬币,产生ATK+100、攻击速度+20%、陷入不能移动的效果。经过15秒后上述效果解除。该技能不能和自动调整技能并用。SP消耗:30自动调整(Adjustment)技能前置:双面硬币Lv4、放下武器Lv5技能等级:1技能类别:辅助/枪类武器通用技能内容:消耗2枚硬币,30秒内产生命中率-30、回避率+30的效果。减少20%远距离物理攻击的伤害。经过30秒后上述效果解除。该技能不能和疯狂消灭技能并用。SP消耗:15逐渐精确(Increasing Accuracy)技能前置:双面硬币Lv2、蛇眼Lv10技能等级:1技能类别:辅助/枪类武器通用技能内容:消耗4枚硬币,在1分钟内产生命中率+20、DEX+4、AGI+4的效果。SP消耗:30魔术子弹(Magicial Bullet)技能前置:双面硬币Lv1技能等级:1技能类别:辅助/枪类武器通用 技能内容:消耗1枚硬币,发射不消耗子弹的魔法弹丸。魔法弹丸伤害以ATK+MATK的结果计算且为念属性。SP消耗:7惊吓(Cracker)技能前置:双面硬币Lv1技能等级:1 技能类别:辅助/枪类武器通用 技能内容:开枪来吓唬对方并让对方处于昏眩状态。消耗1枚硬币,距离敌人位置越近眩晕率越高。SP消耗:10一次性动作(Single Action)技能等级:10 技能类别:被动/枪类武器通用 技能内容:为正确而快速使用所装备的枪而准备的基本的神枪手的技能. 技能等级越高其命中率和攻击速度会提高。 技能详细:┌————┬———┬————┐│技能等级│命中率│攻击速度│├————┼———┼————┤│ 1 │+2 │+1% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 2 │+4 │+1% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 3 │+6 │+2% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 4 │+8 │+2% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 5 │+10│+3% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 6 │+12│+3% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 7 │+14│+4% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 8 │+16│+4% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 9 │+18│+5% │├————┼———┼————┤│ 10 │+20│+5% │└————┴———┴————┘蛇眼(Snake Eye)技能等级:10 技能类别:被动/枪类武器通用 技能内容:增加枪支的射程距离与命中率技能详细:┌————┬———┬————┐│技能等级│命中率│射程距离│├————┼———┼————┤│ 1 │+1 │ +1 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 2 │+2 │ +2 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 3 │+3 │ +3 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 4 │+4 │ +4 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 5 │+5 │ +5 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 6 │+6 │ +6 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 7 │+7 │ +7 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 8 │+8 │ +8 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 9 │+9 │ +9 │├————┼———┼————┤│ 10 │+10│ +10│└————┴———┴————┘连锁动作(Chain Action)技能前置:一次性动作Lv1技能等级:10 技能类别:被动/手枪专用 技能内容:射击时有一定概率再次发射子弹。连击率随着技能等级的增加而增加。跟踪(Tracking)技能前置:一次性动作Lv5技能等级:10 技能类别:攻击/手枪、来复枪专用 技能内容:慎重瞄准敌人来给与目标对象巨大伤害。技能等级越高其施展时间越长,攻击力越高。只有在持着手枪和步枪的情况下才能使用。咏唱时间不会因DEX的增加而减少。技能详细:┌————┬—————┬————┬————┐│技能等级│ 攻击力 │咏唱时间│SP消耗│├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 1 │300% │1.2秒│ 15 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 2 │400% │1.4秒│ 20 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 3 │500% │1.6秒│ 25 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 4 │600% │1.8秒│ 30 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 5 │700% │2.0秒│ 35 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 6 │800% │2.2秒│ 40 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 7 │900% │2.4秒│ 45 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 8 │1000%│2.6秒│ 50 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 9 │1100%│2.8秒│ 55 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┤│ 10 │1200%│3.0秒│ 60 │└————┴—————┴————┴————┘放下武器(Disarm)技能前置:跟踪Lv7技能等级:5 技能类别:攻击/手枪、来复枪专用 技能内容:以7格的射程距离来攻击敌人的手,让敌人掉落武器。使用在怪物身上时会有ATK-25%的效果,技能等级越高其成功率也会越高。只有在持着手枪和来复枪的情况下才能使用。该技能不能使用于Boss级怪身上。┌————┬————┐│技能等级│SP消耗│├————┼————┤│ 1 │ 15 │├————┼————┤│ 2 │ 20 │├————┼————┤│ 3 │ 25 │├————┼————┤│ 4 │ 30 │├————┼————┤│ 5 │ 35 │└————┴————┘刺穿射击(Piercing Shot)技能前置:跟踪LV5技能等级:5 技能类别:攻击/手枪、来复枪专用 技能内容:发射抵御敌人防御力的子弹,被射中一方将以一定机率出血。只有在持着手枪和来复枪的情况下才能使用。技能详细:┌————┬————┬————┬————┐│技能等级│攻击力 │出血概率│SP消耗│├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 1 │120%│+3% │ 11 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 2 │140%│+6% │ 12 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 3 │160%│+9% │ 13 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 4 │180%│+12%│ 14 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 5 │200%│+15%│ 15 │└————┴————┴————┴————┘迅速淋弹(Rapid Shower)技能前置:连锁动作Lv3技能等级:10 技能类别:攻击/手枪专用 技能内容:连续5次射击敌方1人。该技能只有在装备手枪类武器时才能使用。消耗5颗子弹技能详细:┌————┬—————┬————┐│技能等级│ 攻击力 │SP消耗│├————┼—————┼————┤│ 1 │550% │ 22 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 2 │600% │ 24 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 3 │650% │ 26 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 4 │700% │ 28 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 5 │750% │ 30 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 6 │800% │ 32 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 7 │850% │ 34 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 8 │900% │ 36 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 9 │950% │ 38 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 10 │1000%│ 40 │└————┴—————┴————┘亡命之徒(Desperado)技能前置:迅速淋弹Lv5技能等级:10 技能类别:攻击/手枪专用 技能内容:扫射周身7格以内的敌人。最多给予范围内所有敌人10次攻击。该技能只有在装备手枪类武器时才能使用。延迟1秒。消耗10颗子弹。技能详细:┌————┬—————┬————┐│技能等级│ 攻击力 │SP消耗│├————┼—————┼————┤│ 1 │100% │ 32 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 2 │150% │ 34 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 3 │200% │ 36 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 4 │250% │ 38 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 5 │300% │ 40 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 6 │350% │ 42 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 7 │400% │ 44 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 8 │450% │ 46 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 9 │500% │ 48 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 10 │550% │ 50 │└————┴—————┴————┘格林机关枪狂热(Gatling Fever)技能前置:亡命之徒Lv5、迅速淋弹LV7技能等级:10技能类别:辅助/机关枪专用技能内容:一定时间内以减少回避率与移动速度为代价增加攻击速度与伤害。在该时间内再次使用该技能则解除技能效果。是格林机关枪专用技能。技能详细:┌————┬————┬————┬————┬————┬————┐│技能等级│ 伤害 │攻击速度│回避率 │持续时间│SP消耗│├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 1 │+30 │+2% │-5% │30秒 │ 30 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 2 │+40 │+4% │-10%│45秒 │ 32 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 3 │+50 │+6% │-15%│60秒 │ 34 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 4 │+60 │+8% │-20%│75秒 │ 36 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 5 │+70 │+10%│-25%│90秒 │ 38 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 6 │+80 │+12%│-30%│105秒│ 40 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 7 │+90 │+14%│-35%│120秒│ 42 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 8 │+100│+16%│-40%│135秒│ 44 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 9 │+110│+18%│-45%│150秒│ 46 │├————┼————┼————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 10 │+120│+20%│-50%│165秒│ 48 │└————┴————┴————┴————┴————┴————┘尘埃(Dust)技能前置:一次性动作Lv5技能等级:10 技能类别:攻击/散弹枪专用 技能内容:把扩散的子弹对近处敌人集中一点进行高威力射击。该技能只有在装备散弹枪类武器时才能使用。受到攻击的敌人会被击退5格。GVG模式下无击退效果。 技能详细:┌————┬—————┬————┐│技能等级│ 攻击力 │SP消耗│├————┼—————┼————┤│ 1 │150% │ 3 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 2 │200% │ 6 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 3 │250% │ 9 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 4 │300% │ 12 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 5 │350% │ 15 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 6 │400% │ 18 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 7 │450% │ 21 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 8 │500% │ 24 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 9 │550% │ 27 │├————┼—————┼————┤│ 10 │600% │ 30 │└————┴—————┴————┘庞然大物(Full Buster)技能前置:尘埃Lv3技能等级:5 技能类别:攻击/散弹枪专用 技能内容:将所有子弹一气射出,给予敌人极大的伤害。使用后自身一定几率陷入黑暗状态,一定时间内将陷入不能使用攻击、技能、道具的状态。该技能只有在装备散弹枪类武器时才能使用。使用技能时消耗最多10发子弹。技能详细:┌————┬—————┬————┬————┬——————┬————┐│技能等级│ 攻击力 │ 延迟 │消耗子弹│自身黑暗几率│SP消耗│├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 1 │400% │1.2秒│ 2发 │ 2% │ 20 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 2 │500% │1.4秒│ 2发 │ 4% │ 25 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 3 │600% │1.6秒│ 4发 │ 6% │ 30 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 4 │700% │1.8秒│ 4发 │ 8% │ 35 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 5 │800% │2.0秒│ 6发 │ 10% │ 40 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 6 │900% │2.2秒│ 6发 │ 12% │ 45 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 7 │1000%│2.4秒│ 8发 │ 14% │ 50 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 8 │1100%│2.6秒│ 8发 │ 16% │ 55 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 9 │1200%│2.8秒│10发 │ 18% │ 60 │├————┼—————┼————┼————┼——————┼————┤│ 10 │1300%│3.0秒│10发 │ 20% │ 65 │└————┴—————┴————┴————┴——————┴————┘扩散进攻(Spread Attack)技能前置:庞然大物Lv5技能等级:10 技能类别:攻击/散弹枪专用 技能内容:将散弹枪的子弹扩散至一定范围进行攻击。该技能只有在装备散弹枪类武器时才能使用。消耗5颗子弹。技能详细: ┌————┬————┬———┬————┐│技能等级│攻击力 │范 围│SP消耗│├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 1 │100%│3x3│ 15 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 2 │120%│3x3│ 20 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 3 │140%│3x3│ 25 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 4 │160%│5x5│ 30 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 5 │180%│5x5│ 35 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 6 │200%│5x5│ 40 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 7 │220%│7x7│ 45 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 8 │240%│7x7│ 50 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 9 │260%│7x7│ 55 │├————┼————┼———┼————┤│ 10 │280%│9x9│ 60 │└————┴————┴———┴————┘地面铺开(Ground Drift)技能前置:扩散进攻Lv7技能等级:10 技能类别:攻击/榴弹枪专用 技能内容:使用榴弹枪在地面铺设榴弹。敌人踩踏该地面时产生爆炸给予伤害。根据使用弹丸的不同产生不同效果。该技能只有在装备榴弹枪类武器时才能使用。技能详细:┌————┬————┬————┬————┐│技能等级│ 伤害 │持续时间│SP消耗│├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 1 │+50 │ 3秒 │ 4 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 2 │+100│ 6秒 │ 8 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 3 │+150│ 9秒 │ 12 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 4 │+200│12秒 │ 16 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 5 │+250│15秒 │ 20 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 6 │+300│18秒 │ 24 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 7 │+350│21秒 │ 28 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 8 │+400│24秒 │ 32 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 9 │+450│27秒 │ 36 │├————┼————┼————┼————┤│ 10 │+500│30秒 │ 40 │└————┴————┴————┴————┘





Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Robert Cray专辑:20th Century Masters: The Best Of Robert CrayI get a constant busy signal when I call you on the phoneRobert CrayI get a strong uneasy feeling you"re not sitting there aloneI"m having nasty, nasty visions and baby, you"re in every one one, yeahAnd I"m so afraid I"m gonna find you with that so-called smoking gunMaybe you wanna end it, you"ve had your fill of my kind of funI put 2 and 1 together and we know that"s not an even sumAnd I know just where to catch you with that well-known smoking gunI"m standing here bewildered, I can"t remember just what I"ve doneI can hear the sirens whining, my eyes blinded by the sunI know that I should be running, my heart"s beating just like a drumNow they"ve knocked me down and taken it- that still hot smoking gun

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Robert Cray专辑:Audio"s Audiophile, vol.6: Best Blue GuitarsI get a constant busy signal when I call you on the phoneRobert CrayI get a strong uneasy feeling you"re not sitting there aloneI"m having nasty, nasty visions and baby, you"re in every one one, yeahAnd I"m so afraid I"m gonna find you with that so-called smoking gunMaybe you wanna end it, you"ve had your fill of my kind of funI put 2 and 1 together and we know that"s not an even sumAnd I know just where to catch you with that well-known smoking gunI"m standing here bewildered, I can"t remember just what I"ve doneI can hear the sirens whining, my eyes blinded by the sunI know that I should be running, my heart"s beating just like a drumNow they"ve knocked me down and taken it- that still hot smoking gun

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Ben Saunders专辑:You Thought You Knew Me By NowSmoking GunYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunNever ever thought about settling downHad too much fun, tearing up the townI had the fastest gun in the west"Till you put it to the testYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunShe"s so fine, I"d quit my player waysAll this lying has become a prayerCalling me sweetly, give your tendernessSo I can lay my guns to restYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gun, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)I never thougt about it, baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)But you"re only what I need, yeah, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)You"ll be my baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)All that I need(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)

求《SMOKING GUN~决定的证据~》的资源,谢谢!


SMOKING GUN~决定的证据~的剧情简介

《SMOKING GUN~决定性证据~》是一部推理剧,以民间的科学搜查研究所为舞台,讲述了调查员流田缘解决各种事件的故事。

SMOKING GUN~决定的证据~的介绍

《SMOKING GUN~决定的证据~》是村上正典、佐藤源太执导,香取慎吾等主演的一部日剧。该剧讲述了香取饰演的是顶着爆炸头游手好闲但才能出类拔萃的民间科学搜查研究所的调查员。用科学技术挑战法律和警察也无法解决的案件。

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Robert Cray专辑:Authorized Bootleg - Live, Outdoor Concert, Austin, Texas, 5/25/87Smoking GunYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunNever ever thought about settling downHad too much fun, tearing up the townI had the fastest gun in the west"Till you put it to the testYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunShe"s so fine, I"d quit my player waysAll this lying has become a prayerCalling me sweetly, give your tendernessSo I can lay my guns to restYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gun, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)I never thougt about it, baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)But you"re only what I need, yeah, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)You"ll be my baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)All that I need(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:The Robert Cray Band专辑:Triple Best Of BluesSmoking GunYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunNever ever thought about settling downHad too much fun, tearing up the townI had the fastest gun in the west"Till you put it to the testYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunShe"s so fine, I"d quit my player waysAll this lying has become a prayerCalling me sweetly, give your tendernessSo I can lay my guns to restYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound"Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gun, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)I never thougt about it, baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)But you"re only what I need, yeah, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)You"ll be my baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)All that I need(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)

father and son make love and guns 什么意思


《现代西班牙语》习题中有句话Puedo hacerle a usted unas preguntas ahora?这里hacerle是什么用法?

动词原型加宾语hacer le 分开你就懂了吧


alguno是 某个 的意思 alguien 是某人 的意思 algunos/as是alguno/a 多数 也就是 某些 的意思。 如果还有疑问可以继续提问





とある科学の超电磁炮 only my railgun 求该歌无损音质的

这里 有 为了方便你的下载,我先给你这个APE+DVDISO的下载链接复制了之后用QQ旋风下载! 再发个MP3的下载链接下载方法同上! 专辑信息网址在这里 望采纳!O(∩_∩)O谢谢

colour metal and black /// gun metal grey 分别是啥意思啊


gundam versus是电脑游戏还是什么


英语里除了son of gun坏小子,son of bitch还有哪些son of啥?

son of God救世主son of adam男子son of heaven天子

欧美的女声唱的 歌词中含单词gun


壮志凌云(TOP GUN)中 呆头鹅是因为什么原因死的??




找一款FC游戏,要控制飞机F-4是从航母上起飞(不是TOP GUN),一开始是空战,而后是换成A-6对地攻击还要降落


哪位好心人知道电影《无敌雷公号》和《霹雳游侠》及《壮志凌云(TOP GUN)》哪有下载?



《壮志凌云 Top Gun (1986) 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:nf4x“独行侠”皮特·米切尔(汤姆u2022克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)的父亲是个战功显赫的老飞行员,他决心也要成为父亲那样的英雄。终于机会来了,他与军官“笨鹅”尼克·布拉德肖(安东尼u2022爱德华兹 Anthony Edwards 饰)一起被派到了Top Gun训练基地接受最严格的飞行训练。可是,“独行侠”的训练并不像预想中顺利,他的成绩一直不令人满意,一起训练的”冰人”汤姆·卡赞斯基(方·基默 Val Kilmer 饰)也对他也颇有微词。与此同时,“独行侠”遇到了美丽的女教官查莉(凯莉u2022麦吉利斯 Kelly McGillis 饰),两人对彼此暗生情愫,这令本来有些心灰意冷的“独行侠”重拾信心。在毕业前的一次训练中,“独行侠”搭档“笨鹅”再次同驾一机,但由于马达发生故障,“独行侠”与“笨鹅”被迫跳海,结果“笨鹅”不幸身亡。这次事件给“独行侠”带来了沉重的打击,本来因学业不顺就郁郁寡欢的他更加消沉了,甚至想要彻底放弃成为飞行员的梦想。“独行侠”最终能否克服心障重回蓝天?


“TOP GUN”是美国海军空战部队的学校的一般叫法,不是职称。

美国电影《TOP GUN》里女主角是谁?

凯利·麦吉丽丝 Kelly McGillis


iwc飞行员系列top gun机械男表iw388001怎么调日期和星期

【广东省/深圳市/罗湖区/深南东路5002号/地王大厦/(信兴广场)/25层/2513室】为您解答中间的头拧得螺丝突出,按拐角防水设计,调节时间时逆时针转动,拧松茶杯的盖子。松开后,0挡直接向上扭转,手动变为发条。 (新买的手表或长时间未佩戴,再次佩戴时,为了确保手表的能量,请手动旋转手表30圈。 平时不需要)。轻轻拉,向上转一级调节星期,向下转调节日历。拉一下,可以分两个阶段调节时间。

电影top gun中影片刚开始的敌军飞机是什么型号?


美国电影《壮志凌云》(Top gun)放完后的 歌曲是什么???




英语作文top gun观后感

What becomes of a movie star when the career hits a hiccup and the lustre starts to fade? If the movie star is smart, they go back to basics, reconnecting with the fire of their formative years. What drove them back then? What first made them strive for greatness? "When I was a kid I always wanted to kill Hitler," Tom Cruise revealed recently. "I hated that guy and all he stood for."Valkyrie, then, is not just the latest Tom Cruise action thriller. It is the fruition of a dream; a boyhood fantasy writ large; a Hollywood blockbuster that provides an opportunity that was denied him in life. Inevitably he bungles it.Bryan Singer"s picture casts Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg, the Wehrmacht colonel who spearheaded the 20 July 1944 plot to save the fatherland. Wounded in battle and sporting a natty eye-patch, von Stauffenberg has grown sick of war. He wants to "show the world that not all Germans are like Hitler". He hates that guy and all he stands for.The obvious sticking point here is that (spoiler!) von Stauffenberg did not actually kill Hitler. The plot failed and the conspirators were executed. Played as a tragedy, or a stark study of failed ambitions, this might not have been a problem. Except that Singer opts to frame Valkyrie as a high-concept wartime suspense thriller, inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride. The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed. Singer"s, by contrast, seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.But what of Singer"s co-conspirator? Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the archetypal "good German", a model of elegant disenchantment. And yet Cruise, for all his skills as a performer, does not do disenchantment. For all the anguished moments of doubt, the constant stares into the mirror, his von Stauffenberg is essentially Top Gun with an eye-patch.The film"s curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality. Von Stauffenberg"s cohorts are played by British actors (Bill Nighy, Terence Stamp, Kenneth Branagh) who deliver their lines in English accents. The villainous Nazi is portrayed by German actor Thomas Kretschmann who speaks English in a German accent. And then - standing separate and apart - is Cruise himself, intoning his lines in pureblood American. He might as well have been dropped in from an Allied plane; a gung-ho Hollywood hero sent in to clean up a very European mess. He couldn"t manage it as a kid, and he can"t quite do it now. Hitler one; Tom Cruise nil.

top gun片头曲

unknown - top gun anthen.mp3

老电影《top gun》,中文译《壮志凌云》(汤姆.克鲁斯)主演的电影里有一段摇滚音乐,是什么?

take my breathe away吗

TOP GUN 里男主角 开的是什么飞机?

美国f-14雄猫战斗机 为美海军舰载战斗机 1970年开始装备部队 由格鲁门公司研制制造 如今由于老化已逐步退出现役 双座 配有AIM-54不死鸟远程空空导弹 这算是名机吧 很多人都很喜欢的 《TOP GUN》字幕里还有鸣谢F-14战斗机中队的字幕啊 LZ没注意啊 虽然《TOP GUN》已经很是部很老的电影了 但很经典个人很喜欢 不是剧情而是飞机穿梭的感觉 哈哈 我第一次看是95年算早的了吧

请问Top Gun中,汤姆克鲁斯带的眼镜/太阳镜到底是AO的还是RAY-BAN的?

说实话,电影里的道具不合时宜的很常见的,难说这片子里就没搞错,这种眼镜是rayban设计的,但是1986年应该早改用AO改进版的设计才对啊。据说这片子开拍前雷朋就跟制片方接触想方设法让眼镜露脸,这片子出来后销量提高了好几倍,已经成了广告学的经典案例之一了。这种蛤蟆镜是1930博士伦设计并用于军方的,到1937开始用rayban这个牌子推向民用市场。按军品的传统,军用产品是禁止打商标的,象经典的M65军用风衣那样很多公司都给美军生产过,只能根据合同号去查生产厂商,因为M65是ALPHA设计的,基本大家都只认ALPHA的M65。据说在二战期间AO也在一起生产这种眼镜,眼镜上显然也印不下合同号,这眼镜又是rayban设计的,大家没留意AO存在也正常,二战后RAYBAN这个墨镜就成美国文化代表之一了。后来很多其它牌子也生产销售这种眼镜都叫雷朋款,从这个角度来说不管TOP GUN里戴的眼镜是什么牌子叫它雷朋眼镜都没错。1958年AO对这种眼镜进行了改进,外形上主要改变就是把腿换成扁的直腿,戴眼镜的都知道普通戴弯腿眼镜再戴耳机会把腿垫在耳朵后面很难受,腿换成直的就是为了适应空军的耳机头盔,后来Randolph也是沿用这个造型至今,但是我刚才特地翻出片子看了下,片子里戴的还是细腿的,应该是老的经典款

a Top Gun pilot

Top Gun的一项试验/一名飞行员 top gun 本身是一把手,高手的意思,大写应该是一个专有名词


《壮志凌云 Top Gun (1986) 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:nf4x“独行侠”皮特·米切尔(汤姆u2022克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)的父亲是个战功显赫的老飞行员,他决心也要成为父亲那样的英雄。终于机会来了,他与军官“笨鹅”尼克·布拉德肖(安东尼u2022爱德华兹 Anthony Edwards 饰)一起被派到了Top Gun训练基地接受最严格的飞行训练。可是,“独行侠”的训练并不像预想中顺利,他的成绩一直不令人满意,一起训练的”冰人”汤姆·卡赞斯基(方·基默 Val Kilmer 饰)也对他也颇有微词。与此同时,“独行侠”遇到了美丽的女教官查莉(凯莉u2022麦吉利斯 Kelly McGillis 饰),两人对彼此暗生情愫,这令本来有些心灰意冷的“独行侠”重拾信心。在毕业前的一次训练中,“独行侠”搭档“笨鹅”再次同驾一机,但由于马达发生故障,“独行侠”与“笨鹅”被迫跳海,结果“笨鹅”不幸身亡。这次事件给“独行侠”带来了沉重的打击,本来因学业不顺就郁郁寡欢的他更加消沉了,甚至想要彻底放弃成为飞行员的梦想。“独行侠”最终能否克服心障重回蓝天?


壮志凌云:独行侠(又名:topgun2)上映日期:2022-05-27(美国)。剧情简介:作为海军顶尖飞行员服役30多年后,皮特·米切尔(代号:“独行侠”)(汤姆·克鲁斯 饰演)决定打破体制的限制,成为一名试飞员接受更大的挑战。当他接到命令,为一项高难度特殊任务训练一群“高空利剑”项目的毕业生时,他遇到了已故的好友兼雷达截获官,代号“笨鹅”的尼克·布拉德肖中尉之子布莱德利·布拉德肖中尉(代号:“公鸡”)。面对不确定的未来和难以释怀的心魔,独行侠必须战胜内心深处的恐惧。因此,他参与了一项需要巨大牺牲才能完成的任务。阿汤在片里片外掌控了一切,结果他成了这个片的最大负资产。有他在一切其他人物都成了摆设,但他自己衰老的体态容颜早已镇不住场子。导演水平太差,文戏全是水词儿,情绪魅力、剧情张力和荷尔蒙感荡然无存,连沙滩上打橄榄球的造型都拗得不能再土鳖。影片结尾忽然转型成了偷飞机搞笑片,

我想问一下英文“Top Gun”该怎么翻译?

电影翻译做壮志凌云,楼上的已经介绍过了实际上的美国海军top gun学校翻译做神枪手



TOP GUN是不是翻译成:好大一把枪


电影《Top Gun》的中文翻译?


壮志凌云用英语怎么说```top gun什么意思

top gun就是高手 大人物的意思

top gun中文翻译是壮志凌云的意思。但我想要英文解释。

The one who had great ambition.

请问Top Gun中,汤姆克鲁斯带的眼镜/太阳镜到底是AO的还是RAY-BAN的?


Shotgun Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Shotgun Blues歌手:Isobel Campbell&mark lanegan专辑:Sunday At Devil Dirt  I got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t wait here foreverI got too much here to loseAn now you"re blowin" smokeI think you"re one big jokeMe...I gotta lot to learnAn I"m still waitin" for the heads to turnYou say I walk a lineFuck they move it every timeYou walk a mile in my shoesAnd then you tell me "bout singin" the bluesYou get what you pay forAn freedom"s real high pricedAn while your rippin" off childrenSomebody"s fuckin" your wifeIt"s never made a differenceIt"s only how you surviveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t wait here foreverI got too much here to loseAn now you ask me whyI said it"s do or dieI"ll stick it right in your faceAnd then I"ll put you in your motherfuckin" placeAnd can suck my assAn I think it"s so low classMe...I"m just so concernedI"m still waitin" for your ass to burnOoooh you want a confrontationI"ll give you every fuckin" chanceWith your verbal masturbationMe...I just like to danceHow"s that for provocationI"m just makin" a stanceAn I"m tired of the frustrationOf livin" inside of your liesAnd I"m wired on indignationI said somebody"s got to dieI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t stay here foreverI got too much here to loseI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesListen motherfuckerYou"re about to pay your duesI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesIf you"re goin" up against meThen you know you"re gonna loseI knowI know (there"s ways- that we- can find)I knowI knowYou think anyone with an I.Q. over 15Would believe your shit...fuckheadNothin" but a fuckin" pussy

guns n roses-chinses democracy中文翻译


Shotgun Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Shotgun Blues歌手:Junior Wells专辑:Best Of The Vanguard Years  I got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t wait here foreverI got too much here to loseAn now you"re blowin" smokeI think you"re one big jokeMe...I gotta lot to learnAn I"m still waitin" for the heads to turnYou say I walk a lineFuck they move it every timeYou walk a mile in my shoesAnd then you tell me "bout singin" the bluesYou get what you pay forAn freedom"s real high pricedAn while your rippin" off childrenSomebody"s fuckin" your wifeIt"s never made a differenceIt"s only how you surviveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t wait here foreverI got too much here to loseAn now you ask me whyI said it"s do or dieI"ll stick it right in your faceAnd then I"ll put you in your motherfuckin" placeAnd can suck my assAn I think it"s so low classMe...I"m just so concernedI"m still waitin" for your ass to burnOoooh you want a confrontationI"ll give you every fuckin" chanceWith your verbal masturbationMe...I just like to danceHow"s that for provocationI"m just makin" a stanceAn I"m tired of the frustrationOf livin" inside of your liesAnd I"m wired on indignationI said somebody"s got to dieI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t stay here foreverI got too much here to loseI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesListen motherfuckerYou"re about to pay your duesI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesIf you"re goin" up against meThen you know you"re gonna loseI knowI know (there"s ways- that we- can find)I knowI knowYou think anyone with an I.Q. over 15Would believe your shit...fuckheadNothin" but a fuckin" pussy

grease gun中文翻译

Grease guns ; lever type - hand guns and accessories 滑油枪.手动杠杆式油枪和附件 Specification for grease gun cartridges posite type 注油枪套筒 Grease guns ; push type - hand gun 润滑脂枪.手动挤压式油枪 Grease gun and oiler are the lubrication service tools for machinery 油枪和注油器都是机械润滑维护工具。 Grease gun and oiler are the lubrication service tools for machinery 油枪和注油器都是艺术机械润滑维护工具。 Grease guns technical specification 油枪技术条件 Grease guns ; grease cartridges for lever type - hand gun ; main dimensions 润滑脂枪.杠杆式滑油枪的润滑脂筒.主要尺寸 Lever type grease guns 压杆式油枪 Automotive grease gun 自动黄油枪 Specification for grease guns hand - operated lever type for use with cartridges plying with bs 4507 同bs 4507规定的润滑脂筒配合使用的润滑脂枪 Mingjin auto maintenance tools co . , ltd . is located in " hardware city " - yongkang . our pany is the professional manufactory to produce the " mingjin " brand grease gun 名进汽保工具有限公司坐落于中国五金之都? ?永康。是一家专业生产“名进”牌黄油枪的企业。 We are the manufacturer specially in auto maintenance tools and finess , such as ab lounge , ab king pro , ab swing , ab roller , sit up bench , arm trainer , mini stepper , ist shape stepper crazy fit massage , lateral thigh trainer , five up fitness , bicycles , folding bike , mini a - bike , and kinds of grease guns , pke high grade german grease gun , heavy grease gun , american color black steel grease gun , chrome - plate grease gun , aluminum alloy grease gun , mon grease gun , air operate grease gun , pistol grease gun , mini grease gun etc . because of the new and unique design , outstanding and preeminent quapty , and the top - grade after - sales service , our products is winned good reputation from all of our customers 黄油枪,健腹器,健腹板,健腹轮,臂力器,踏步机,甩脂机,折叠自行车本企业专业生产健身器材和汽保工具,主要产品有各类黄油枪,健腹器,健腹板,健腹轮,臂力器,踏步机,甩脂机,折叠自行车等等产品凭借其新颖别致的设计,卓越超群的品质,一流的售后服务,赢得了广大客户的信赖并备受推崇。

女孩子说A new day has begun什么

A new day has begun新的一天开始了《百度翻译》供你参考。

Gunslinger (Running Out of Time) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Gunslinger (Running Out of Time) (Album Version)歌手:Over It专辑:Summer Tour SamplerYeah, you"ve been aloneI"ve been gone for far too longBut with all that we"ve been throughAfter all this time I"m coming home to youNever let it showThe pain I"ve grown to knowCause with all these things we doIt don"t matter when I"m coming home to youI reach towards the sky, I"ve said my goodbyesMy heart"s always with you nowI won"t question why so many have diedMy prayers have made it through yeahCause with all these things we doIt don"t matter when I"m coming home to youLetters keep me warmHelped me through the stormBut with all that we"ve been throughAfter all this time I"m coming home to youI reach towards the sky I"ve said my goodbyesMy heart"s always with you nowI won"t question why so many have diedMy prayers have made it through yeahCause with all these things we doIt don"t matter when I"m coming home to youI"ve always been trueI"ve waited so long just to come hold youI"m making it through, it"s been far too longWe"ve proven our love over time"s so strong in all that we doThe stars in the night, they lend me their lightTo bring me closer to heaven with youBut with all that we"ve been throughAfter all this time I"m coming home to youI reach towards the sky I"ve said my goodbyesMy heart"s always with you nowI won"t question why so many have diedMy prayers have made it through yeahCause with all these things we doIt don"t matter when I"m coming home to youAnd with all that we"ve been throughAfter all this time I"m coming home to you

Guns N Roses的《Breakdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakdown歌手:Guns N Roses专辑:Use Your Illusion IIGuns N Roses - Breakdown  We all come in from the coldWe come down from the wireAn everybody warms themselvesto a different fireWhen sometimes we get burnedYoud think sometime wed learnThe one you love is the oneThat should take you higherYou aint got no oneYou better go back out and find herJust like children hidin in a closetCant tell whats goin on outsideSometimes were so far off the beaten trackWell get taken for a rideBy a parlor trick or some words of witA hidden hand up a sleeveTo think the one you lovecould hurt you nowIs a little hard to believeBut everybody darlin sometimesBites the hand that feedsWhen I look aroundEverybody always brings me downWell is it them or meWell I just cant seeBut there aint no peace to foundBut if someone really caredWell theyd take the time to spareA moment to try and understandAnother ones despairRemember in this game we call lifeThat no one said its fairBREAKDOWNLet me hear it nowBREAKDOWNlet me hear it nowYeahBREAKDOWNLet me hear it nowBREAKDOWNlet me hear it nowGet down with yo bad selfAlrightIve come to know the coldI think of it as homeWhen there aint enough of meTo go aroundId rather be left aloneBut if I call you out of habitIm out of love and I gotta have itWould you give it to meIf I fit you needsLike when we both knew we had itBut now the damages doneAnd were back out on the runFun how evrything was RosesWhen we held on to the GunsJust because youre winninDont mean youre the lucky onesBREAKDOWNLet me hear it nowBREAKDOWNYeahBREAKDOWNBREAKDOWNlet me hear it now"There goes the challenger being chasedBy the blue blue meanies on wheelsThe vicious traffic squad cars areAfter our lone driverThe last American heroThe-the electric sintarThe demi-god,The super driver of the golden west!Two nasty Nazi cars are close behindThe beautiful lone driverThe police cars are getting closer-closer...Closer to our soul hero in his soul mobile- Yeah baby!They about to strike, They gonna get him, SMASH! RAPE!The last beautiful free soul on this is writen if the Evil SpiritArms the Tiger with clawsBrahman provided wings for the DoveThus spake the Super Guru" *



Gundam00人物简介 . . . .

Shotgun Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Shotgun Blues歌手:Guns N" Roses专辑:Use Your Illusion Ii  I got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t wait here foreverI got too much here to loseAn now you"re blowin" smokeI think you"re one big jokeMe...I gotta lot to learnAn I"m still waitin" for the heads to turnYou say I walk a lineFuck they move it every timeYou walk a mile in my shoesAnd then you tell me "bout singin" the bluesYou get what you pay forAn freedom"s real high pricedAn while your rippin" off childrenSomebody"s fuckin" your wifeIt"s never made a differenceIt"s only how you surviveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t wait here foreverI got too much here to loseAn now you ask me whyI said it"s do or dieI"ll stick it right in your faceAnd then I"ll put you in your motherfuckin" placeAnd can suck my assAn I think it"s so low classMe...I"m just so concernedI"m still waitin" for your ass to burnOoooh you want a confrontationI"ll give you every fuckin" chanceWith your verbal masturbationMe...I just like to danceHow"s that for provocationI"m just makin" a stanceAn I"m tired of the frustrationOf livin" inside of your liesAnd I"m wired on indignationI said somebody"s got to dieI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don"t know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI can"t stay here foreverI got too much here to loseI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesListen motherfuckerYou"re about to pay your duesI got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesIf you"re goin" up against meThen you know you"re gonna loseI knowI know (there"s ways- that we- can find)I knowI knowYou think anyone with an I.Q. over 15Would believe your shit...fuckheadNothin" but a fuckin" pussy
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