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argue debate discuss dispute quarrel都含有一定的"争论"之意argue 指一方坚持自己的意见,立场和观点,通过争论企图说服对方(argue with sb. about/over sth.) debate 多指公开,正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,"交锋""往返"的意味较强discuss 指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的讨论,磋商 quarrel 争吵,争论,含与人发生口角的意思;argument,debate,argument的争论不一定能得到解决; debate常指分组或个人的争论,目的是为了辨清真理;quarrel是普通词汇,既可表示温和的争论,也可表示激烈的争吵。


argue 和debate 区别:argue指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。debate侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。

[A] opposed[B] debated[C] supported[D] argued


Rogue World Asylum 歌词

歌曲名:Rogue World Asylum歌手:Machinae Supremacy专辑:Redeemer (Remastered)标题:Rogue World Asylum艺术家:Machinae SupremacyShe blooms like a flowerAs she opens up and wallows in the lightBut it looms like die mauerAs we search for what to follow in the nightAnd now they build another wall againCome with me and you will seeOur future in debrisFirst the sun and now the stars are fadingIn a rogue world we are freeWe have found the colored keysBut I know that we are still here waitingWaiting for herShe breathes death insideas we keep trying to nurture her with liesNow scorched her eyes are blindThough given time she can recover if we trybut now they build another wall againCome with me and you will seeOur future in debrisFirst the sun and now the stars are fadingIn a rogue world we are freeWe have found the colored keysBut I know that we are still here waitingWaiting for herAnd now they build another wall againCome with me and you will seeOur future in debrisFirst the sun and now the stars are fadingIn a rogue world we are freeWe have found the colored keysBut I know that we are still here waitingBut I know that we are still here waiting for her金属梦:66032164

求late night alumni的《epilogue》歌词翻译

Here we are 我们相聚着Finally together最后终于相聚 Holding close贴紧的拥抱着 Never release this永不放手 Feeling, this Moment 感受这一时刻My dream is now alive in you 此时,我的梦应你而存在Cause beautiful 因为你是美丽的Something in your eyes tell me你的眼睛告诉我 I have found a love that never dies我已找到不灭的爱情 I don..t have to dream 我不需再去追寻梦境Reality is beautiful in you有你的现实世界是美不胜收 It..s never felt more true.这个世界是前所未有的真实 There you are 你所在的地方Finally the answer便是最后的答案 Take my hand牵起我的手 Never release the Sweetness, the Magic, the happiness 让那甜蜜,魔法,幸福永不褪色I found in you我已从你身上找到一切

I deem 和 I argue 和 I think 可以互换吗?后两个我知道可以相互代替,主要是I deem

如果说 deem 和 think 可以看做是近义词,它们和 argue 的基本词义却相去甚远。其实,它们之间的互换除了某些特定的语境,基本上很少有人会在这三个词中间考虑“互换”。deem 和 think 的基本词义里都有 to have an opinion, to reason,但是,这两个词的使用语法环境却有很大的不同。deem的直接宾语通常是名词,代词;而 think 的直接宾语通常是宾语从句。例:Most people would deem quality quite immeasurable.Most people think [that] quality would be quite immeasurable.上面这两个句子表达的是同一个意思,但在语法和实际应用中却不能互换。 argue 与另外两个词的互换可能性就更不大了。如果不想改变语义的话,多数情况下不能彼此互换。如:I would argue that it is impossible to transfer data from old computers to iPhones. I would think that it is impossible to transfer data from old computers to iPhones. 上面两个句子在不改变句子结构的情况下,语义是有很大差异的。前者说的是“我提出的观点”、“我提出的理论”是......(强势、争辩);而后者说的是“我认为”......(表明意见、看法)。 语法结构上和语义上,argue 和 deem 都不能互换。

幼儿趣味英语绕口令:Tongue Twister A

A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.   大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了!   A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where"s the big black bear the big black bug bit?   大黑虫咬大黑熊,被大黑虫咬的大黑熊在那里呢?   A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "I"m a bitter biter bit, alack!"   一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鳽咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。那只被咬的沮丧麻鳽对它的兄弟说:「我是一只充满怨恨的麻鳽!我害人终害己了!   A bloke"s back bike brake block broke.   一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。   A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.   一盒饼干,一炉杂饼干。   A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.   一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。跳蚤说:「让我们飞吧!」苍蝇说:「让我们逃跑吧!」就这样,它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。   A laurel-crowned clown!   戴桂冠的小丑。   A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.   一个精力充沛的女士爱上了一位律师,她渴望诱惑律师离开实验室,投入她的怀抱。   A noisy noise annoys an oyster.   嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。   A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.   放置鲽的地方是鲽愿意被放置的地方。   A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk.   一只臭鼬坐在树墩上,臭鼬认为树墩发臭,而树墩又认为臭鼬发臭。   A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.   一只老虎将领带系紧,清洁它的尾巴。   A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad"s heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn"t please her whim. From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.   一只树蟾蜍爱上另一只住在树上的蟾蜍女郎。它是一只二趾的蟾蜍,而蟾蜍女郎是三趾的。那只二趾的树蟾蜍尝试夺取三趾蟾蜍女郎的方心,因为二趾蟾蜍喜欢三趾蟾蜍女郎所踩踏的土地。可是,二趾蟾蜍徒劳无功。它不能满足三趾蟾蜍女郎的心意。在三趾蟾蜍女郎的卧室,三趾蟾蜍女郎用它的三趾能力将二趾蟾蜍的念头打消了。   A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"   一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:「吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?」   All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can"t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I"ll have a cup of tea!   我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。假如我不能要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧!   Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.   在满布薄雾,严寒期最冻的那天,他用最结实的手腕和最自夸的话用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。   Are our oars oak?   我们的桨是橡树吗?

求英语大神教小弟做Clarify vague pronouns,我是美国九年级的学生。直接教我好

就是代词指代不明啊,打个比方:i put your letter in my briefcase, but now i can"t find it. 这里的it就很模糊,所以要改的话,要么把it改成letter 要么就把it 改成briefcase。把指代说清楚

He spoke so()that even his opponents were won over by his arguements。 A、bluntly。B、c

B. convincingly 有说服性的,让他的对手信服

kylie minogue 的loving days 歌词

歌手名:Kylie Minogue专辑名:Body LanguageIll dive deep I have fallen all the way Happily theres no escape Surrender to your heart Giving in to all of this Fascinated by your kiss Im floating in your arms Take your time, just unwind Ooh, I wanna breathe you in A little while to ease your mind Youre the world Im living in Precious time with you Diving in the blue We are riding on the waves These are loving days Loving days with you Fantasy, feel it rushing over me Nowhere else I want to be My love is by my side For a moment you and me Holding on to ecstacy Give us all day and night. These are loving days with you


analogue注重于模拟,如analogue computer模拟计算机,analoge注重于类比和比喻的意思


grasp: 有掌握那种抓住的意思,即理解的意思 scratch:有刮、擦的意思,那种clutch:和grip差不多,也是紧紧抓住地意思 grab:强取豪夺的意思,和前几个

想看街头梦想2009年上映的由Paul Rodriguez Jr.主演的百度云资源

《街头梦想 Street Dreams》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:tq4z《街头梦想 Street Dreams》导演: Chris Zamoscianyk编剧: Elisa Delson、Rob Dyrdek主演: Paul Rodriguez Jr.、Ryan Sheckler、Rob Dyrdek类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语This story is based where the skateboard culture is the most foreign, the Midwest. Derrick Cabrera, like all skaters, has a dream of being sponsored and one day going pro. He is an up and coming skater with all the talent but has the world against him. Parents, friends and schoolmates can"t understand how Derrick has so much passion for something that has no future in their eye...

coupe de la league是什么比赛?

标准的法文应该这么写Coupe de la Ligue 楼主的,是英文夹杂着法文的写法The Coupe de la Ligue, the French League Cup 法国联赛杯Results of cup finals1982 Laval Nancy 3-2 1984 Laval Monaco 3-1 1986 Metz Cannes 2-1 1991 Reims Niort 0-0 aet, 4-3 pen 1992 Montpellier Angers 3-1 1994 Lens Montpellier 3-2 1995 Paris Saint-Germain Bastia 2-0 1996 Metz Lyon 0-0 aet, 5-4 pen 1997 Strasbourg Bordeaux 0-0 aet, 7-6 pen 1998 Paris Saint-Germain Bordeaux 2-2 aet, 4-2 pen 1999 Lens Metz 1-0 2000 Gueugnon Paris Saint-Germain 2-0 2001 Lyon Monaco 2-1 aet 2002 Bordeaux Lorient 3-0 2003 Monaco Sochaux 4-1 2004 Sochaux Nantes 1-1 aet, 5-4 pen 2005 Strasbourg Caen 2-1 2006 Nancy Nice 2-1 2007 Bordeaux Lyon 1-0

请问大家dialog 和dialogue 有什么区别


dialog 和 dialogue什么区别




dialog 和 dialogue什么区别



e mad at/with *** 生某人的气 be mad about sth 因某事而生气 drive *** mad 使某人抓狂 go mad 大动肝火、非常生气 be annoyed with *** about/at sth 因某事生某人的气 be annoyed with sth 用...惹恼某人 be angry with *** for sth 因某事生某人的气 be angry about /st sth 因某事而生气 argue with *** about/over sth 因某事同某人争吵/争辩 argue for/against 为支持或者反对某事而据理力争

antoinette guedia怎么读

Antoinetten.安托瓦妮特(女子名,Antonia的法语昵称); [例句]After Marie Antoinette was guillotined, her lips moved in an attempt to speak.玛丽·安托瓦内特被送上断头台处决后,她的嘴唇动了动,想开口说话。Guedia 盖迪亚;antoinette guedia安托瓦妮特.盖迪亚(人名)



Borel-lebsgue公理不知道是不是 去看看吧 希望可以帮到你 ^_^





谁能准确区别一下argue debate discuss dispute qurral reason senior junior superior inferior prior

1 argue:vi. 争论,辩论;提出理由 vt. 辩论,争论;证明;说服通常跟about连用2 debate vt. 辩论,争论,讨论 vi. 辩论,争论,讨论 n. 辩论;辩论会3 discuss vt.讨论4 dispute 争吵5 quarrel 吵架6 reason 原因7 senior adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的;年资较深的,资格较老的 n. 上司;较年长者;毕业班学生8 junior 大三学生9 superior 杰出的10 inferior 次等的,拙劣的11 prior 优先的,在前的


  argue表示辩论,争论,说理的意思,你知道argue的同义词是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    argue的同义词 :   quarrel   argue的同义词:   debate   argue的同义词:   dispute   argue的同义词:   discuss   argue的同义词:   reason   同义词辨析:   argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss, reason   这些动词均含"辩论,争论,说理"之意。   argue :指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。   quarrel :指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指"吵嘴、吵架"。   debate :侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。   dispute :侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含"各持已见"或"争论不休"意味。   discuss :最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。   reason :指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究   词组习语:   argue the toss   1. (非正式, 主 英)对已成定局的事加以争论   be open to debate   1. 有待讨论   under debate   1. 讨论中,争论中   beyond (或 past, without) dispute   1. 无疑的;无疑地   他的观点的主要部分是毋庸置疑的。   the main part of his argument was beyond dispute.   open to dispute   1. 未确定的   这样的推测总是不确定的。   such estimates are always open to dispute   argue的例句:   1. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.   这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。   2. I don"t think many people would argue with that.   我认为多数人不会对此有异议。   3. They egged each other on to argue and to fight.   他们互相拱火,大打大闹。   4. One could argue that smoking, by its very nature, is addictive.   有人可能认为抽烟从本质上说就具有成瘾性。   5. They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland"s economy.   他们认为,只有私人资本家才能重振波兰经济。   6. There are those who argue that true independent advice is unattainable.   有一些人认为真正独立的意见是不存在的。   7. She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room.   要是让她离开房间,她会暴跳如雷,吵闹不休。   8. The room was so lovely it seemed churlish to argue.   房间太漂亮了,要是再争辩的话就会显得很无礼。   9. To argue otherwise is trying to defend the indefensible.   持相反的论点就是试图为站不住脚的事情强辩。   10. Don"t argue with me.   别和我争辩。   11. If there"s a dispute we argue it out.   如果有了纷争,我们就说清楚。   12. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.   没人愿意与史密斯争辩。   13. Libertarians argue that nothing should be censored.   自由论者主张一切均不应审查。   14. She knew better than to argue with Adeline.   她不至于和阿德琳发生争执。   15. Don"t agree, but don"t argue either.   别同意,但是也别争辩。


意思是:争论薪资。重点词汇:argue英['ɑ:ɡju:]释义:v.主张,认为;说服;争论,争辩;争吵;提出质疑;提出理由【名】(Argue)(英、法)阿格(人名)[第三人称单数argues;现在分词:arguing;过去式:argued;过去分词:argued]短语:argue about争论;议论某事;争辩;辩论某事词语辨析:argue,quarrel,debate,dispute这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意。1、argue指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。2、quarrel指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。3、debate侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。4、dispute侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。

argue debate dispute都有可以 加that从句吗?


请问这个几单词有什么区别? argue controversy dispute debate altercate



读音不同、具体含义不同。argue:说服;争论;辩论,dispute: 争论;辩驳;争议;质疑、用法不同argue的基本意思是争,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论,argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义,argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter之类的名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句。argue → 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。dispute → 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见。argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。dispute的基本意思是“辩论,争论”,表示激烈地争论以求说服别人。引申可表示“怀疑真实性或妥当性”。dispute可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语。

argue debate dispute都有可以 加that从句吗? 引导宾语从句

它们都作动词的时候,argue 和 dispute 可以加that 从句,是宾语从句, 但 debate 后面最好接whether or not to do,如: Theydebated whether to have yet another double vodka (思忖着) 第一位网友给的例句中,debate 和 dispute 都 是名词,后面that 引导的是同位语从句




argue → 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。dispute → 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。侧重指长时间,言词激烈,针锋相对的争辩。

求一首男声英文歌,有句歌词“taste you on my tongue”“sugar”等。。

cash cash - Sugar RushI took my timeI never touched when you taste you tease meAll night, sugar rushJust gimme a taste tonightOh oh oh girl you"re too muchI"m burning up right now, and I need your touchCome on let"s take a rideCrash and we"ll collideJust give it a chance tonight[Chorus]I can taste you on my tongueWith your lips to kiss like the red hot sunYou"re one big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very endI hate the chaseJust stop the clock cause you"re so close nowThat I can taste, sugar rushThen up and go without a traceOh oh oh you and your hoaxYou got me all lit up in your fireworksCome on we"ll light the skySmokes a shooting flyLet"s give a chance tonight[Chorus]I can taste you on my tongueWith your lips to kiss like the red hot sunYou"re one big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very endI can taste you on my tongueWith your lips to kiss like the red hot sunYou"re one big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very endHold me down till the very endLove, your sweet sweet love"s making meGo off the wallMaking me fly highCan"t sleep, got a big crushI, I can"t sleep need a sugar rushLove, your sweet sweet love"s making me, go[Chorus]So I can taste you on my tongueWith your lips to kiss like the red hot sunYou"re one big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very endI can taste you on my tongueWith your lips to kiss like the red hot sunYou"re one big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very endI can taste you on my tongueWith your lips to kiss like the red hot sunYou"re one big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very endOne big sugar rushSuck me in, suck me in, hold me down till the very end


葡萄牙人 巴西人

argue about argue on,argue over有什么区别

一、argue about=argue over,意思为就...争吵,例:The family argued bitterly over(about) who should inherit the house.这家人就谁应该继承房产激烈地争吵.二、-argue on:1.辩论某事简明英汉词汇 ...argue into || 劝(某人)使做某事argue on || 辩论某事argue out || 说服某人不去做某事 ...2.辩论[争论]某事argue:经过争论而证明_天涯博客_有见识的人都......argue about 辩论[争论]某事argue on 辩论[争论]某事argue over 辩论[争论]某事 ...3.就...发生争论航空航天词汇接龙 ...就...而战 war over就...发生争论 argue about ;argue on ;argue over就...方面来讲 on the part of ...4.争吵航空航天词汇接龙 ...争辩琐屑的事 quibble about ;quibble over争吵 argue about ;argue on ;argue over ;at odds ;bicker about ;contend about ;fall aboard ;fall to loggerheads ;fallen out ;fallen to loggerheads ;falling out ;fell out ;fell to loggerheads ;get to loggerheads ;strife争吵得有理 in a good quarrel ...三、argue with sb.on sth.:与某人争辩某事 简明英汉词汇 ...argue to the contrary || 提出相反意见argue with sb.on sth.|| 与某人争辩某事argue with || 与某人议论 ...

when i was in elementary school ,i argued

41. argument 42. a 43.brought 44. and 45. what 46. obviously 47. between 48. where 49.his 50.looking

it was argued that是什么意思

it was argued that 全部释义和例句>>有争论说

It is argued that whether environmental

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没有到无需争论这么强烈的程度,arguably表示 可以说,按理说稍弱的语气。

“it can be argued that”是什么意思

it can be argued that也许有人会说;人们可能这样辩解;或许可以这么说1.It can be argued that human knowledge and achievement is limited by our attention.也许可以说,人的知识和成就受到专注能力的限制。2.It can be argued that manufacturers bear some responsibility for the amount of waste rich countries produce.可以说,制造业对发达国家产生的废弃物应承担一些责任。

It is advised that,It is believed that, It can be argued that 后面应该怎么接句子? 用法要注意什么?

advise 和argue那两句接虚拟语气 that后加 sb (should) do sth 或者sth (should) be donebelievethat那句后接 1)从句主语do sth 2)从句主语 be doing sth 3)从句主语have/has done sth 4)从句主语have/has been doing sth

It is advised that,It is believed that, It can be argued that 后面应该怎么接句子? 用法要注意什么?


Argue 所有用法与中文意思!后面接 with / for / about / that?来搞懂

Argue 用法跟中文意思 ,你都搞懂了吗?Argue 最基本的意思是指「争论、争吵」的意思,Argue 后面可以接的介系词很多,例如 Argue with 、Argue for 、Argue about、Argue that…等等,用法跟意思各有不同。 如果你还不知道Argue with 、Argue for 、Argue about、Argue that…等等跟 argue 有关的各种用法,本篇文章都会有完整的教学。 Argue 用法怎么用?中文意思是? 下面整理各种 Argue 片语,以及跟 Argue 有关的用法与中文意思。 文章目录 1.argue 争论、争吵 2.argue with 跟某人争吵、争论 3.argue for 争辩 4.Argue about 为某事争吵、争论 5.Argue that + 子句(争论) 1.argue 争论、争吵 argue 最常见也是最基本的意思就是指「争论、争吵」。 例: They are always arguing. 他们一直吵个不停。 例: Stop arguing with me! 别跟我吵了。 2.argue with 跟某人争吵、争论 Argue 后面常常接 with,代表跟某人争吵的意思。A argue with B,代表 A 跟 B争吵的意思。 例: Can you guys stop arguing with each other? 你们能不能别吵架了? 例: Don"t argue with your girlfriend. 不要和你的女朋友争论。 3.argue for 争辩 Argue 后面还可以接 for ,Argue for 代表争辩的意思,Argue for + 某事,代表为了某事而争辩。 例: They argued for changing the rules. 他们主张改变规则。 例: They argued for the right to strike. 他们主张 *** 的权利。 4.Argue about 为某事争吵、争论 Argue 后面还可以接 about,Argue about + 某事,意思是为了某件事而争论。 例: It is absurd to argue about this. 争论这个是荒谬的。 例: Let s not waster our time arguing about it. 我们不要浪费时间争论它。 5.Argue that + 子句(争论) Argue that 也是很常见的用法,Argue that 后面通常会接一个子句,代表要争论的那件事。 例: She argued that we needed a larger office. 她认为我们需要一个更大的办公室。 例: He argued that cuts in military spending were needed. 他认为需要削减军费开支。 上面就是常见的各种跟 Argue 有关的用法,下次看到要知道意思唷。 总结 下面整理一下跟 Argue 有关的片语跟用法。 「争论」、「争辩」英文怎么说?「argue」相关英文片语一次弄懂!


  argre的名词是argrement。   argue可以用作及物动词或者不及物动词,表示“争辩,争论,主张”的意思。   如:   Theboyarguedwithhisteacherabouthishomework。   那个男孩因为作业与老师争执了起来。   argue,debate,dispute都含有争论,争辩的意思。而且这三个词的词性相同,但是他们之间在使用上有所差别。


高考英语词汇详解:argue的用法   1 . argue about sth 为某事而争论。如:   They always argue about [over] money. 他们总是为钱争吵。   They are arguing about [over] who lost the ball. 他们在争论是谁丢了球。   注:有时 argue 后可接 with sb, 表示与某人争吵。如:   He argued with the driver about the fare. 他就车费与司机论理。   2 . argue sb into sth 说服某人做某事。如:   They tried to argue me into joining them. 他们设法要说服我加入他们一起干。   We argued him out of going on such a dangerous journey. 我们说服他不去作那样危险的旅行。   I argued him out of his opposition. 我说服他不再反对。


vi. 1. 争论 辩论;争吵[(+with/over/about)] I"m not going to argue with you tonight. 我今晚不想与你争辩。 2. 提出理由[(+for/against)] He argued against the plan. 他据理反对这个计划。 vt. 1. 辩论;议论 We argued the matter over for hours. 我们为这事辩论了几小时。 2. 主张 认为[+that] Columbus argued that the world was round. 哥伦布认为地球是圆形的。 3. 说服[(+into/out of)] We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey. 我们说服她不要去作这样危险的旅行。 4. 证明 表明[O2][+that] –verb (used without object) present reasons for or against a thing: He argued in favor of capital punishment. contend in oral disagreement; dispute: The Senator argued with the President about the new tax bill. –verb (used with object) state the reasons for or against: The lawyers argued the case. maintain in reasoning: to argue that the news report must be wrong. persuade drive e by reasoning: to argue someone out of a plan. show; prove; imply; indicate: His clothes argue poverty. The meanings of argue are as follows:- –verb (used without object) 1. to present reasons for or against a thing: He argued in favor of capital punishment. 2. to contend in oral disagreement; dispute: The Senator argued with the President about the new tax bill. –verb (used with object) 3. to state the reasons for or against: The lawyers argued the case. 4. to maintain in reasoning: to argue that the news report must be wrong. 5. to persuade drive e by reasoning: to argue someone out of a plan. 6. to show; prove; imply; indicate: His clothes argue poverty. 参考: on-line dictionary argue:1)disagree 2)discuss 3)debate 4)dispute 5)quarrel argue: 争论 辩论;争吵;议论 another : 提出理由 主张 认为 说服 证明 表明 动变: argued; argued; arguing 参考: dict. + me




argue的用法及固定搭配:argue的意思是说服;争论;辩论。英式发音 ["ɑu02d0ɡjuu02d0] 美式发音 ["ɑu02d0rɡjuu02d0]。argue的词态变化为:名词: arguer,过去式:argued,过去分词:argued,现在分词: arguing,第三人称单数:argues。argue的具体用法1、用作动词:argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。2、argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为…而争论”时接 about , on或over; 表示“为反对…而争论”时接against; 表示“为赞成…而争论”时接for; 表示“与…争论”时接with。


1. argue的过去式 argue 英百[u02c8ɑ:gju:] 美[u02c8ɑ:rgju:] vt. 坚决主张; 提出理由证明度; 说服,劝告; 表明,证明; vi. 争论,辩论; 提出理由; [例句]The mittee is concerned about players "behaviour, especially arguing with referees 委员会很关知注运动员道的行为,特别是与裁判争吵的行为。 [其他版] 第三人称单数:argues 现在分词:arguing 过去权式:argued过去分词:argued 。 2. argue的过去式 argue 英[u02c8ɑ:gju:] 美[u02c8ɑ:rgju:] vt. 坚决主张; 提出理由证明; 说服,劝告; 表明,证明; vi. 争论,辩论; 提出理由; [例句]The mittee is concerned about players "behaviour, especially arguing with referees 委员会很关注运动员的行为,特别是与裁判争吵的行为。 [其他] 第三人称单数:argues 现在分词:arguing 过去式:argued过去分词:argued 3. 用过去式写篇英语作文 Today is May 1 , Tuesday .It was sunny,so Iwent to New York City to visit Central Park this morning,there were many visitors,some were taking photos,some were doing exercise,and some children were flying kites.They were happy.At noon,we went to the zoo watching animals,they were all very interesting,I like animals,because they are our friends.Then I go shopping with my mom at the supermarket ,It was crowded,Idon"t like shopping .When we went home ,It was already seven o"clock .I was very tired,but I still felt happy.。 4. 英语作文:用过去式写一篇作文 那就U4的Topic吧 I got up at six,after a quick breakfast,I left for school at 6:50.It"s about 10 kilometers from home and it took me about 25 minutes to get to school.In my class,many students went to school on foot,some of us also rode bike or took buses to school.I rode the bike,too. 5. 写一篇英语作文,用过去式 today is children"s father takes me to the zoo.there are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears. they are different from each other ,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. but i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest. 英语作文:用过去式写一篇作文 6. 写英语过去式作文时,写到人物时要不要用过去式 写英语过去式作文时,如果主语是已过世的人物,就要用过去式来表示。 过去一般时常表过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。过去一般时常和表过去的状语连用,如a minute ago,yesterday,last week,in 1900,during the night,in those days等。 用过去一般时时,要说“过多少时间之后”,一般用after,不用in。如:Tom suddenly fell ill yesterday. 汤姆昨天突然病了。 They got married last year. 他们是去年结婚的。They had a baby last month. 他们上个月生了个小孩儿。 It happened after three days. 事情发生在3天以后。She didn"t look well when I last saw her. 我上次看到她时,她脸色不好。 过去一般时亦可与today,this week,this month,this year等时间状语连用。但这些时间状语须指过去,决不包括“现在”在内。 如:Did you see him today? 今天你看见他了吗?(today实际上指今天的过去某一时刻) 过去一般时虽不可与now连用,但却可与just now(刚才)连用。如:He went out just now. 他刚出去。 过去一般时表过去时还有以下一些情况。1)用于since从句。 主句的谓语动词如用现在完成时,其后面的since引导的从句一般须用过去一般时。如:You haven"t changed much since we last met. 自从上次我们见面以来,你变化不大。 It"s been over a year since I came back from the countryside. 我从乡下回来已经一年多了。(主句的谓语动词has been亦可改为is,但美国英语多用现在完成时) 如果since从句的谓语动词是无限动词或静态动词,则一般仍表动作或状态的结束,并无持续性。 如:It"s a long time since I lived here. 我不住在这里已有好久了。(lived here已结束,说话人说话时已不住在这里) It has been ten years since I was a teacher. 我不当教师已有十年了。 (was a teacher的状态已结束)2)时间状语可省略。前面说过,过去一般时通常要与表过去的时间状语连用。 但在下面一些情况下,时间状语可以省去不用。从上下文可以清楚地看出时间状语时。 如:Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?(显然指“昨晚”) Who was that? 那人是谁?(who指刚才在这里的那个人) 前文如有现在完成时所引导时。如:Have you measured how wide the window was? 你量过那窗户有多宽吗?I have been within an inch of life, and didn"t know it! 我差点丧了命,而我当时我还不知道哩。 和现在时态对比时。如:He is no longer the man he was. 他已不是过去的他了。 (和现在一般时is相对比) 有表过去习惯的used to时。如:I used to play football on the street. 我过去常在街上打橄榄球。 3)所表的动作多已完成。如:I wrote a position yesterday. 昨天我写了一篇作文。 I read a book last week. 上星期我读了一本书。但静态动词的过去一般时所表的状态当然一般未完成。 如:Why were you absent from school yesterday? 昨天你为什么没有上学?I am sorry I fot to post the letter. 对不起,我忘了寄那封信。但在一般情况下,无限动词仍表持续的动作。 如:I sat in the chair and my cat sat sat in the rug. 我坐在椅子上,我的猫坐在地毯上。4)可表死者的动作和状态。 在英语中,说到死去的人时,一般皆用过去时态。如:The old man in the photo was my grandfather. 照片上的这位老人是我的外公。 5)有时感 *** 彩。如:You asked for it ! 你这是自找!I heard you! 我早听见了!(即你不用再喊叫了) Did you ever hear of such a thing? 你听见过这种事吗?(含义是:你当然没有) I told you so. 我早就告诉过你。 (有“而你就是不信”的含义) 过去一般时有时形式上为过去,实际上指现在。用过去形式乃是根据时态一致的原则。 如:I didn"t know you were here. 我不知道你在这里。(were实际上指现在) They told me that the rats were a real problem around here. 他们告诉我说这里老鼠成灾了。 (were实际上指现在) 过去一般时还可以用来表示委婉客气,亦指现在。如:Did you wish to see me? 你是找我吗?Did you want anything else? 你还要别的吗?I wondered if you could help me. 我不知道你能否帮我一下。 过去一般时有时可以表将来发生的事。如:In the years to e it will be a great thing for a man to say that I died here like a hero. 在未来的岁月里,当人们说到我在这里英勇牺牲时,那会是多好啊。 (died在此表未来) As soon as you get it, mail it to me here. I"ll be on the lookout, so Tom will never know it came. 你一拿到它就寄到我这里。我一定留神不让汤姆知道这件事。 (came在此表未来) 过去一般时也可以表过去的将来发生的事。如:They had to leave early as they started work the next day. 他们第二天要开始工作,所以不得不早走。 (started表过去的将来) He told me that school opened the following morning. 他告诉我第二天上午开学。(opened表过去的将来) 表“过去的过去”时,如不是强调先后、因果关系,常可用过去一般时。 这种过去一般时多用于从句中。如:The boy said he was sorry for what he said. 那男孩说他对他说的话感到懊悔。 (said表过去的过去,用在宾语从句中) Did you find the pen 。 7. 用一般过去式写一篇英语作文描述你上周干什么了30词 Last week, on Saturday morning, I cleaned my room, it was very dirty, but now is very clean, so because of this I feel happy. In the afternoon, I went to the library, I read a book about Chinese history. We want to learn, make persistent efforts. On Sunday morning, I went to the uncle, and brother play together for a long time, I am very happy. In the afternoon, I watched a movie about aliens. I have such a happy weekend! Next weekend, I want to go to a clas *** ate home, discuss with him. In the afternoon, I want to take a shower, good personal hygiene. I also want to go to the playground, relax. Hope I can be happy! 上周,在星期六的上午,我打扫了自己的房间,它以前很脏,但现在非常干净,我的心情也因为这个随之高兴。下午,我去了图书室,我读了一本关于中国历史的书。我们要吸取经验,再接再厉。在周日上午,我去了叔叔家,和哥哥一起玩了很久,我很高兴。下午,我看了一场关于外星人的电影。我拥有一个多么快乐的周末啊!下个周末,我想去同学家,和他一起探讨问题。下午,我想要去洗澡,搞好个人卫生。我还想去游乐场,放松心情。希望我能快乐!




argue的读音是:英["ɑ_ɡju_]。argue的读音是:英["ɑ_ɡju_]。argue的例句是用作动词(v.)We argued her into joining us.我们说服她参加了宴会。argue名词:arguer;过去式:argued;过去分词:argued;现在分词:arguing;第三人称单数:argues。一、详尽释义点此查看argue的详细内容v.(动词)论证(说),(提出理由)证明,用辩证证明争辩,争论,辩论,分辨(道),反驳说表明(原因等)议论,讨论为作辩解,把辩解过去,对...做出...辩解说服,劝说,劝服(某人)做某事主张,认为争论之点是争吵,争执坚决(主张)说理持异议提供?证据,提出证明二、英英释义Verb:present reasons and argumentshave an argument about somethinggive evidence of;"The evidence argues for your claim""The results indicate the need for more work"三、词典解释1.争吵;争执If one personargues with another, they speak angrily to each other about something that they disagree about. You can also say that two peopleargue .e.g. The committee is concerned about players" behaviour, especially arguing with referees...委员会很关注运动员的行为,特别是与裁判争吵的行为。e.g. They were still arguing; I could hear them down the road.他们还在争吵;我在马路的那头都能听见他们的声音。2.争论;争辩If you tell someone not toargue with you, you want them to do or believe what you say without protest or disagreement.e.g. Don"targue with me...别和我争辩。e.g. The children go to bed at 10.30. No one daresargue.孩子们10点半上床睡觉。没有人敢说不。3.辩论;讨论If youargue with someoneabout something, you discuss it with them, with each of you giving your different opinions.e.g. He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength...他正和国王讨论保留骑兵全部力量的必要性。e.g. They are arguing over foreign policy...他们正就外交政策进行讨论。4.主张;认为If youargue that something is true, you state it and give the reasons why you think it is true.e.g. His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial...他的律师正在提出理由说明他不适合出庭受审。e.g. It could be argued that the British are not aggressive enough.可以说英国人不够强势。5.支持/反对If youargue for something, you say why you agree with it, in order to persuade people that it is right. If youargue against something, you say why you disagree with it, in order to persuade people that it is wrong.e.g. The report argues against tax increases...报告提出理由反对提高税率。e.g. I argued the case for an independent central bank.我支持设立独立的中央银行。6.论证;说理;争辩If youargue, you support your opinions with evidence in an ordered or logical way.e.g. I"ve argued deductively from the text...我已依文字作过推理论证。e.g. He argued persuasively, and was full of confidence.他的论证很有说服力,且充满自信。7.不承认;对?有争议If you say that no-one canargue with a particular fact or opinion, you are emphasizing that it is obviously true and so everyone must accept it.e.g. We produced the best soccer of the tournament. Nobody wouldargue with that.本届比赛中我们踢出了最漂亮的足球,谁都不会否认这一点。8. toargue the toss -> see toss相关词组:argue out四、例句We argued her into joining us.我们说服她参加了宴会。The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.他认为,美国应保持超然态度。As we"ve seen, the experts argue about which diet is best.正如我们所看见,而专家们争论,是最好的饮食。One student make so bold as to argue with the professor有个学生真冒失, 竟然和教授争论起来They argued the case for hours.他们就这个案子辩论了几个小时。五、常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Why are they always arguing?为什么他们老是争吵?They"ll argue all night long, unless you stop them.要是没人阻止他们,他们会整夜地争论下去。You are arguing along the same old lines.你还是按老一套的思路来争论。It is useless to argue on a trifle.为琐事争论毫无用处。We have been arguing on this problem for two hours.我们对这个问题已经争论两个小时了。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.We argued the point for half an hour.这一点我们争论了半小时。The lawyers argued the case for hours.律师们辩论该案达数小时之久。It is difficult to argue the matter without hurting her feelings.就这件事进行争论而又不伤她的感情是困难的。Cadets should be allowed to argue any question that troubles the world.应当允许军校学员们辩论使世界不安的任何问题。Her flower arrangements argue her artistic taste.她的插花技巧显示出她的艺术鉴赏力。His clothes argue poverty.他的衣服表明他贫穷。S+~+that-clauseShe argued that she should not go.她争辩说她不该去。The driver argued that he was not responsible for the collision at the crossroad.那位司机辩解说他对十字路口的撞车不负责任。He argued that man was descended from apes.他论证人类的祖先是类人猿。Her accent argues that she was born abroad .她的口音表明她出生在国外。The smoke coming from the chimney argues that there is somebody in the house.烟囱冒出来的烟表明这幢房子里有人。引出直接引语“That is a wrong answer.”he argued.他争辩说,“那是个错误答案”。用作宾补动词S+~+ pron. +to be n./adj.His action argues him to be an honest man.他的行为表明他是个诚实的人。Her rich clothes argue her to be wealthy.她那华贵的衣服显出她富有。六、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词argue politics for hours辩论政治几个小时argue sb"s position争论某人的立场argue the case争论案例~+副词argue acrimoniously剧烈地争论argue calmly沉着地辩论argue forcibly雄辩argue heatedly热烈地辩论argue plausibly似乎有理地辩论argue sensibly敏感地辩论argue shrewdly精明地辩论argue soundly充分地发表议论argue vehemently激烈地辩论argue away找理由把?搪塞过去argue back反驳argue off找理由把?搪塞过去argue out把?辩论清楚,辩出结果argue a matter out把某问题辩个水落石出~+介词argue about为?争论argue about a matter争论某一件事argue against为反对?而辩论argue for为赞成?而争论argue in a circle争论不出结果argue sb into说服(某人)(做某事)argue on讨论,议论,争论argue on a subject就某一题目辩论argue out of说服某人使之不做某事argue over为?争论argue to the contrary提出相反的意见argue with与?争论argue with the facts否认这些事实七、词语用法v.(动词)argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为?而争论”时接 about , on或over; 表示“为反对?而争论”时接against; 表示“为赞成?而争论”时接for; 表示“与?争论”时接with。argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question之类的名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。argue作“说服”“劝说”解时,接out of表示“拒绝”,即“不做某事”; 接in表示“采纳”,即“做某事”。argue作“表明”解时,可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”作补足语的复合宾语。argue还可用于引出直接引语。注意去argue一件事情的时候,常指反对该事情,才去argue,若是赞成该事情,不该用argue,而是用dispute。argue的相关近义词debate、disagree、discuss、disputeargue的相关反义词agree、concurargue的相关临近词argument、arguable、arguer、Arguel、Argueta、Arguero、Argueil、Argueso、argue on、Arguello、Arguedas、Arguence点此查看更多关于argue的详细信息


Monologue是美式脱口秀的一个传统环节,后经中国网友发扬光大风靡微博,在微博搜索#Monologue#标签即可看到大量此类段子,它们的语言特点是:前半段是真实新闻,后半句是戏谑调侃。外文名 Monologue 出 处 美式脱口秀 特 点 前半段是真实新闻 性 质 一个传统环节目录1 例句2 代表人物例句编辑1)街边,阳光下,王奶奶灿烂的笑容温暖了路过的每一个人。她安静地坐在小板凳上,旁边斜放着一块小黑板,上面写着:过马路5元,拍照10元。2)据媒体报道说:林书豪体能不错,身高也远超过父母,主要是因为从小拿牛奶当水喝,消息一出,他马上又有了个新绰号:Linmilk (林妙可)。代表人物编辑马克·吐温(Mark Twain)鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope)理查德·普赖尔(Richard Pryor)乔治·卡林(George Carlin)比尔·考斯比(Bill Cosby)强尼·卡森(Johnny Carson)Monologue是美式脱口秀的一个传统环节,后经中国网友发扬光大风靡微博,在微博搜索#Monologue#标签即可看到大量此类段子,它们的语言特点是:前半段是真实新闻,后半句是戏谑调侃。外文名 Monologue 出 处 美式脱口秀 特 点 前半段是真实新闻 性 质 一个传统环节Monologue是美式脱口秀的一个传统环节,后经中国网友发扬光大风靡微博,在微博搜索#Monologue#标签即可看到大量此类段子,它们的语言特点是:前半段是真实新闻,后半句是戏谑调侃。外文名 Monologue 出 处 美式脱口秀 特 点 前半段是真实新闻 性 质 一个传统环节Monologue是美式脱口秀的一个传统环节,后经中国网友发扬光大风靡微博,在微博搜索#Monologue#标签即可看到大量此类段子,它们的语言特点是:前半段是真实新闻,后半句是戏谑调侃。外文名 Monologue 出 处 美式脱口秀 特 点 前半段是真实新闻 性 质 一个传统环节



intrigue arouse区别

intrigue arouse区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同intrigue:英 [u026an"triu02d0ɡ]美 [u026an"triu02d0ɡ]。    arouse:英 [u0259"rau028az]美 [u0259"rau028az]。    2、意思不同intrigue:vt. 欺骗;激起 ... 的兴趣;vi. 密谋。n. 阴谋;私通;复杂的事。arouse:v. 叫醒;唤醒;激起;睡醒。arouse用法:arouse的本意是“唤醒”,指把某人从睡眠状态中唤醒,用于比喻则指唤起他人的注意或者兴趣、怀疑、愤怒、同情、批评、讨论等。arouse是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式为补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。arouse主要指唤起引起无形的东西。arouse与rouse的不同类似rise与arise之间的不同:arouse通常与fear,curiosity等抽象名词连用。 rouse则常以具体的人或动物为对象,指把某人叫醒,引起某人的兴趣。

dramatic monologue是什么意思

dramatic monologue戏剧独白例句:1.Clint eastwood walks amidst the shadows, delivering adramatic monologue about triumphing in hard times. 广告中,克林特u2022伊斯特伍德穿行于黑夜的暗影中,剖白战胜艰辛的心路历程,令人热血沸腾。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

Dramatic Monologue的定义是什么?


dramatic monologue是什么意思


求问dramatic monologue 名词解释什么意思啊看的我很懵 图片有英文解释!

戏剧独白是一种由一个角色对一个或多个倾听者(倾听者不回应)讲述的叙述诗 ,这种场合通常是很重要的一个(在这个讲述者的个性和诗主题的穿插),罗伯特布朗的my last dahett 是一个经典的例子

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Dannii Minogue的《Creep》 歌词

歌曲名:Creep歌手:Dannii Minogue专辑:Neon NightsRZA - CreepCreep, creep, creepCatch them while they sleepEmpty every shell from your clipKnock them off their feetThese streets that we maneuver through,ain"t nothing you familiar tooDon"t talk it out, noodle you, walk it out at your funeralCold blooded, black hearted, Black Knight and Black Ballin"Black Christmas, be all in your crib with my killas callingEven if you ain"t street, then we creepin", it ain"t no secretDelete you with big toast, that roast you when it heat yaOff whiskey, pop up and bong that ass like Bob DigiCrisis the Sharpshooter, I"mma lay "em down gentlyOne shot, guns pop, in the streets of CamelotThat"s why some keep they shit on safety,others keep they hammers cockedReady to blow, ready to go, fire in the holeAnd if a nigga ready to retire, we retiring his soulAiyo, I woke up hungry every day (every day)Til I learn to do the hustle, every which and every wayA couple niggas hit the Chevy wit the KAnd the candy apple tray, it gets heavy in L.A.When Track died, Mack criedOnce we start banging again, then he did a back slideI was in tune wit the sun, star, moonEddie shot up thirty niggas, in the bar, over JuneThe city"s full of CripsAK"s, four-fives, mac-11"s, full of clips (Long Beach)Young hogs wit they pockets full of chipsIf any, not many, academic scholarshipsPulp Fiction, driving in your car without permissionWith a video vixen, giving me head like Bill ClintonGot a drug addiction, pop pills with no prescriptionStuck in the rehab, the only man with bad intentionsTruly, I"m the one the West is really missingYour shit is garbo", I kill you off with one sentenceThe rap apprentice, with a little sack of new inventionsDon"t listen, and I Jimmy off your head like a HenchmanSqueeze, squeeze, squeezeMake them Swiss cheeseYou wanna feel the heat? I pull the flame outMake a wish, boy, blow your brains outWatch me step out the cribby, with the heavy chain outLeaving blood on your shirt, you can"t get the stain outIn a big body truck, my hair, knotty as a fuckShotty tucked under the seat, plus a hottie in the truckGet these wizes, get these digits, get my ninjas back in businessAll you suckas, get the scissorsYou don"t work like you broke and keep AK"s like I"m OaklandI be, making that dough, like the Pillsbury DoughmanBobby, covered in ice, like it"s Frosty the SnowmanYou suckas is useless like old New York tokensFront on the Bobby D, watch how your body bleedYou ain"t worth the weight of a grain, from a poppy seedMake your brain rupture, decompose your frame structureMC"s tremble when they hear the name of usPuffin" Eastwood stogies, swinging Tiger Woods bogeysThe mic is my co-d, the pen is a paroleeNo jail cell can hold me, Zodiac can"t describe meKing Tech scratch the beat, like he caught poison ivyCompton"s where you can find me in the hood, so grimyRun laps on these tracks, it"s a fact, you can time meReady, set, go, I let the, tech blowRugged Monk, kill a track at any, tempoIt"s simple, We Usually Take All Niggas GarmentsSpot rush them busters, blockade they apartmentIt"s over, foreclosure, your shit is shut downCreep when you sleep and squeeze the four pound

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Roguelite类游戏《地下城与矿工》曝光 阴暗地牢巨龙为伴

首先,不要急着纠错,我并没有打错,《Dungeons and Miners》确实是一个“roguelite”类的游戏。虽然也属于roguelike类的游戏,但严格上来说这两者还是有区别的,或者说“roguelite”其实是roguelike的一个子分类,与roguelike不同的是“roguelite”相对来说更友善,因为当角色死亡的时候并不是失去了一切,一切都要重新开始的,换句话来说也就是削弱了惩罚机制。如果还是不清楚的话,那么我提两个游戏你或许就会大概明白一些,《以撒的结合》与《死亡细胞》就是典型的roguelite类游戏。关于这个分类在这就不过多赘述了,感兴趣的可以自己去百度一下。 死亡细胞 接下来说正事,这次曝光的游戏叫《Dungeons and Miners》,中文译为《地下城和矿工》,来自一个名叫“AngryBugs”的工作室,对就是愤怒的Bug,这个游戏是该工作室的第一个作品,不过看起来非常有趣,不知道到时候具体情况如何。不过从游戏的实机演示截图来看,画面阴暗,风格压抑,界面UI简洁,十分吸引人。 而且可以得知这是个竖屏玩的横版游戏,感觉好像挺拗口的。。。说实话,在此之前还没见过竖屏玩的roguelite类游戏,我反正是看着还蛮期待的 从官方给出的信息来看,这个游戏很可能有联机系统,官方给出的信息是游戏具有伙伴系统,但并没有指明所谓的“伙伴”到底是什么,当然也有可能是宠物,不过就我个人来说我比较偏向有联机系统,毕竟和朋友一起开黑有趣多了。 除了伙伴系统以外,还有两个地方值得注意,首先,这个游戏拥有魔法系统,是的,这也就意味着并不是“突突突”和“砍砍砍”,而且还可以使用魔法“呼呼呼”,看来游戏在内容方面还是蛮丰富的。 还有一个值得一提的地方就是这个游戏里似乎是可以让龙帮打造武器的,其实说来也挺合适,毕竟西方的龙在设定上都是会喷火的,做个铁匠算是对资源的合理分配了。 最后,这会是一个付费游戏,是买断制的,但具体多少钱开发者并没有说 via:taptap

Butthole Surfers的《Tongue》 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:Independent Worm SaloonSeether - TongueWell the tongue inside my mouth is not for saleAny spirit left in me is fading fastCould you throw another stone to ease my pain?Could you throw another stone to seal my faith?"Cause I don"t believe in this world anymore, anymoreI don"t believe in meAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Second chances are too few and far betweenWill to change this circumstance eludes me stillShould I grow another shell in which to live?Should I grow another shell and not forgive?I don"t believe in this world, anymore, anymoreI don"t believe in meAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Goodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel world at last you see me drownAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Goodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel world

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