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分地区和学校的,看看你是属于下面哪个各校会计考研科目2007-01-04 19:23●北京大学:微观经济学与财务管理1999-2002 会计学 (含财务会计、成本会计)1996,1998-2002 ●人民大学:④会计学与审计学(含初级会计、成本会计、财务会计、审计学)1997-2001 ⑤财务与管理会计(含企业财务管理学、管理会计) 1997-2001 ●北方交大:④403会计学1997-2001 ⑤505财务管理1997-2001 ●北京工商大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况: ④406专业综合课(会计学)1997-2002[2002试卷名为会计学] 另有财务2002;经济学1996-2002试题 ●对外经济贸易大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况: ④431会计综合(包括:专业英语、企业财务报表分析、管理会计、财务管理、成本会计) 试题情况:专业英语2001,2002, 会计综合(包括:财务会计-含报表分析、管理会计、成本会计、公司理财)2001,2002(2001有答案,也是5元/份)会计学2001,2002(2001有答案,也是5元/份) ●首都经济贸易大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况: 初试科目:④401经济学1999-2002 相关试题:516会计学综合1999-2002;财务会计1997,1998;财务管理1997,1998 ●中央财经大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况:方向23.企业会计理论和方法24.西方会计理论与方法25.审计理论与方法26.投资会计与审计 初试:管理学(404)[新改名] 往年考 经济学,有1997-2002试题 复试:会计学1997-2002 会计学包括(1)中级财务会计学(40%)(2)成本会计学(30%)(3)审计学(30%)(4)管理会计(30%)研究方向23、24、26考(1)、(2)及(4);研究方向25考(1)、(2)及(3)。 ●财政部财政科学研究所2003年考试科目及试卷情况: 方向01会计理论02国际会计03企业财务与会计: ③经济学2002 另有往年试题:经济学(文)1997-2001;经济学(理)1998-2001;政治经济学(文)1997;政治经济学(理)1997 ④会计学1997-2002 方向04会计电算化: ③经济学(会计电算化与税收征管电算化方向)2002 另有往年试题:经济学(文)1997-2001;经济学(理)1998-2001;政治经济学(文)1997;政治经济学(理)1997 ④软件开发技术1999-2002 (2)上海地区[6所院校] ●复旦大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况: 初试科目:④445会计学1995-2001 相关试题:微观经济学1996-2001 ●上海交通大学 :可以从专业课考试科目组12,33,35,59,62中任选一组,每组的考试科目/试卷年份信息如下: 12组:电路基本理论1995-2002 电子技术基础1995-2002 33组:量子力学1995-1999,2001,2002 统计物理(含热力学)1995-1999,2001,2002 35组:光学1995-1999,2001,2002 原子物理与量子力学1995-1999,2001 59组:材料力学1995-2002 自动控制原理1995-2002 62组:会计学1999-2002 财务管理1999-2002 ●同济大学: 专业课可以从第8、102、103考试科目组中任选一组8组: ④西方经济学(经管)1998-2000 ⑤工程经济学1994-2000 102组:④西方经济学(经管)1998-2000 ⑤企业管理1998-2000 103组:④西方经济学(经管)1998-2000 ⑤会计学1999,2000 [另有财务管理1999试卷] ●上海财大2003年考试科目及试卷情况: 初试科目: ④411经济学1994-2002 另有2003年经济学考试大纲(5元/份) 复试科目: 会计学 历年试卷情况: 成本会计与管理会计1994–1997; 基础会计与财务会计1994-1997;会计学1998-2002 参考书目:《成本会计》《管理会计》《中级财务会计》 ●上海大学2003年专业课考试科目、试卷情况说明 初试:④479会计学(基础会计和财务会计)1998-2002 复试:金融学(管理学原理与货币银行学) 1998-2002 ●上海海运学院2003年考试科目及试卷情况:A组:④415财务会计1999-2002 复试:⑤521成本管理会计[新科目] B组:④416财务管理1999-2002 复试:⑤522审计学[新科目] A、B任选 (3)江苏地区[5所院校] ●南京大学:④管理学原理1998-2002 ⑤财务与会计(含会计原理、财务会计、成本会计、管理会计、财务管理)1998-2002 ●东南大学:④448管理学2000-2001[另有管理原理1999-2002] ⑤552财务管理1999-2001 或554会计学(新科目) ●南京理工:④424会计学2000-2002 有该课程2003年考试大纲(也是5元/份) ⑤529微观经济学2000-2002 ●江苏理工:④427会计学2001 ⑤534财务管理2001 535审计学 536证券投资学 516微机原理及应用 中选一 ●苏州大学 ④454经济学(含西方经济学)2002⑤567会计学 2002 (4)浙江福建广东地区[2所院校] ●浙江大学:会计学(含基础会计、中级财务会计)2000,2001 管理学1998-2001 ●厦门大学:④430会计学(含会计学原理、中级财务会计、高级财务会计)1998-2002 ⑤530综合考试(含管理会计、成本会计、审计学、企业理财学)1998-2002 (5)武汉长沙重庆地区[4所院校] ●武汉大学: 方向01会计理论02审计理论: ④449管理学(含管理学原理、微观经济学)2002 ⑤563会计学与审计学2002 另有往年会计学2000,2001;审计学与财务管理2000,2001;管理学原理与财务管理2000,2001;综合知识(含会计、审计原理)2000试卷 方向03财务管理: ④449管理学(含管理学原理、微观经济学)2002 ⑤564会计学与财务管理2002 另有往年会计学2000,2001;审计学与财务管理2000,2001;管理学原理与财务管理2000,2001试卷 方向04电脑会计: ④449管理学(含管理学原理、微观经济学)2002 ⑤565会计学与电脑会计 2002 另有往年计算机基础与数据库应用2000;会计学2000,2001试卷 ●华中科技大学: ④471财务会计与成本会计2002 ⑤979财务管理与管理会计2002 有会计学2000试卷 ●重庆大学会计学原理1999,2000;西方经济学 1999,2000 ;微观经济学1998-2000 ●西南财经大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况: 初试科目: ④403管理学2002 复试科目:会计学(含基础会计学30%,财务会计学30%,财务管理学40%或成本会计学40%或审计学40%) 相关试题:会计学(基础会计学,财务会计,财务管理,会计学,审计学)2002,会计学(基础会计、成本会计、财务会计)2001,2000;综合考试(政治经济学、财务管理与分析、财务管理、审计学)2001,2000 其中,基础会计学、财务会计学各方向必考;研究方向01财务会计研究、04财务管理考财务管理学,研究方向02成本管理会计考成本会计学,研究方向03审计与CPA考审计学 ●中南财经政法大学2003年考试科目及试卷情况: 方向1.财务管理: 初试课程: ④414会计与财务管理(会计原理与中级财务会计90分,财务管理60分)[新改名] 往年试卷情况:财务管理与管理会计2000,2002;财务会计与成本会计2000,2002 复试课程:533成本会计与管理会计(各50分) 方向2.会计学、审计学: 初试课程: ④414会计与财务管理(会计原理与中级财务会计90分,财务管理60分)[新改名] 往年试卷情况:财务管理与管理会计2000,2002 ;财务会计与成本会计2000,2002 复试课程:534高级财务会计与审计(各50分) (6)天津西安山东地区[4所院校] ●南开大学: ④914会计学综合(含财务 会计学、成本会计学、审计学 )1999k,2000-2002 [01,02年试卷名为综合考试(财会、成本、审计)] ⑤616管理会计与财务管理1999k,2000,2001 ●天津大学 选考科目组编号 每组考试科目及试卷说明 0109691 ④454技术经济学1996-1999 ⑤616会计学1999 0209692 ④451西方经济学1997-1999 ⑤616会计学1999 0309693 ④453数据组织与管理 ⑤616会计学1999 0409694 ④456财务管理 ⑤616会计学1999 0509695 ④456财务管理 ⑤614企业管理1995-1999 0609696 ④456财务管理 ⑤617运筹学基础1996-1999 ●天津财经学院 会计学2000-2002 ;西方经济学2000-2002 ●山东大学:④439管理学2000,2001; ⑤553综合考试(管) 参考资料:http://hi.baidu.com/libaipm/blog/item/0d73a1d37da1c834960a1648.html






Defensive partner; Guadang defense; where copied defense; outside copied defense; knee raised the defense; interceptor defense; flash defense; side flash defense; dive defensive jump defense;


第一章 开办旅行社的条件第一条 申请开办第一类旅行社,应当具备下列条件:  (一)必须是全民所有制企业;  (二)经营第二类旅行社业务满三年;  (三)年接待外国旅游者及华侨、香港、澳门、台湾同胞不少于一万五千人次和旅行社业务创汇总额不少于五百万美元;  (四)总经理具有大专以上文化水平,在旅游部门从事管理或接待工作满三年,其业务知识和工作能力经旅游行政管理部门考核合格;  (五)具有经考试合格的英、日、法、德及中国地方语的导游人员和外联人员。在编导游人员和外联人员不少于二十五人,其中以接待外国旅游者为主要业务的旅行社的外语导游人员和外联人员不少于二十人;  (六)具有取得会计师以上职称的专职财会人员;  (七)营业场所的实际使用面积不少于二百平方米;  (八)拥有电传机、传真机、直线电话机(不少于四部,其中一部为接受游客问询和投诉的专用电话)、电脑、复印机、打字机等设备和办公用具。第二条 申请开办第二类旅行社,应当具备下列条件:  (一)必须是全民所有制企业;  (二)经理人员具有中专以上文化水平,有从事经济管理工作的经验,其业务知识和工作能力经旅游行政管理部门考核合格;  (三)具有经考试合格的英、日等两种以上的外国语及中国地方语导游人员。在编的导游人员不少于十五人,其中以接待外国旅游者为主要业务的旅行社的外语导游人员不少于十人;  (四)具有取得助理会计师以上职称的专职财会人员;  (五)营业场所的实际使用面积不少于一百平方米;  (六)拥有电传机、直线电话机(不少于两部)、复印机、打字机等设备和办公用具;  (七)有稳定的客源渠道。第三条 申请开办第三类旅行社,应当具备下列条件:  (一)经理人员应熟悉旅游业务,其业务知识和工作能力经旅游行政管理部门考核合格;  (二)具有五人以上经考试合格的汉语普通话或地方语导游人员;  (三)具有专职的财会人员;  (四)有直线电话机和面积不少于三十平方米的营业场所。第四条 本办法公布之日前已经开办的第一类旅行社,达不到第一条规定条件的,须在本办法公布之日起两年内达到;届时仍达不到规定条件的,如符合第二条规定的条件,经批准,可登记为第二类旅行社。第五条 各类旅行社所拥有的流动资金在其注册资本额中所占比例不得少于百分之五十。第六条 在中国境内不得开办中外合资、中外合作或外商独资的旅行社。第二章 旅行社的审批第七条 国家旅游局和省、自治区、直辖市旅游局根据旅游事业发展的需要和供求关系的变化,对全国或本地区各类旅行社的数量和结构比例进行宏观控制,可以批准、暂缓批准或者停止批准开办各类旅行社。第八条 申请开办各类旅行社的单位,按照《旅行社管理暂行条例》第九条、第十条、第十一条的规定,填写国家旅游局统一印制的“申请经营旅行社业务登记表”,经有关旅游行政管理部门批准后发给“旅行社业务经营许可证”;然后持此证及其他有关的批准文件到工商行政管理部门办理注册登记手续。第九条 申请开办旅行社的单位,应提交下列文件:  (一)开办申请书。  (二)旅行社章程。章程应包括下列内容:  (1)旅行社的名称(第一类和第二类旅行社应同时附有英文译名);  (2)办公地址及电传、电话号码;  (3)经济性质;  (4)宗旨和目的;  (5)业务经营范围;  (6)注册资本金额及奖金来源;  (7)组织机构;  (8)财务管理制度;  (9)对旅游者承担的责任;  (10)其他应说明的问题。  (三)旅行社正、副经理的履历表。  (四)上级主管财务部门出具的资信证明书。  (五)如租用办公、营业场地,应出示租用房舍不少于一年的合同证明。  (六)与民航、铁道、公路交通、航运、饭店等签订购票、用房等协议书。  (七)使用集团性名称的旅行社,须提交该集团同意使用其名称的证明文件。  (八)申请开办旅行社的单位属于国家限制或者禁止办企业的,中央一级部门,应出示国务院的批准文件;地方部门,应出示省、自治区、直辖市政府的批准文件。


按工作原理分:有离心泵,齿轮泵,螺杆泵,往复泵,喷射泵,柱塞泵。容积式泵的工作原理都 是靠改变容积来完成工作的。










/急哦老规矩哦ifjsgofjspo`可;大哥,风飞花gfghgh更好的李开复进化论史可法了;红粉世家;磷灰石lfh 首付款噢乖评价佛光急哦副书记哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦oogfohk 更何况老规矩函谷关古古怪怪古古怪怪古古怪怪古古怪怪广告歌


http://www.tingtk.com/DA_MUSIC_PIC/2004223182154.jpg 图片 姓名:陈百强 英文名:Danny(丹尼) 花名:小妖、叮叮、三浦百强 籍贯:台山 身高:175公分 体重:59公斤 生肖:狗 宗教:佛教 生日: 1958.9.7 类型:演员歌手/乐队 星座:处女座 家庭状况:父陈鹏飞、母姚玉梅、兄百灵、百敏、百良、姊小仪、弟百欣 婚姻状况:未婚、独居 嗜好:音乐、跳舞、时装 喜爱明星:卢根尼斯(美国跳水奥运冠军)、陈宝珠、山口百惠、梅里史翠普喜爱歌手:WhitneyHouston、MichealJackson 喜爱食物:奇异果、辣 喜爱颜色:黑、紫、绿 喜爱人物:母亲 爱去地方:香港兰桂坊 喜爱服装:牛仔裤 喜爱品牌:YOHJIYAMMMOTO 喜爱歌曲:一生何求、今宵多珍重、烟雨凄迷 难忘事情:在泰国公主前歌唱 尴尬事情:忘歌词 中意部位:眼睛 1958年9月7日出生于香港,童年时备受宠爱, 经商的父亲特别疼爱他这个公子,而陈先生与另一位太太生下的二子一女,与DANNY的年龄有段距离,DANNY自小就赢得父亲的心,加上精灵活泼,父亲对他更是千依百顺.陈百强毕业于圣保罗男女中学,与周梁淑怡及庄静而等是校友,在校内DANNY热衷参加大小音乐活动,更精于电子琴和钢琴. 陈父原希望DANNY专注学业,长大后继承衣钵,但陈百强一心唱歌,无心读书,中学毕业即辍学在家,并曾随哥哥客串当时阿伦等人组成的“失败者乐队”,在电台演唱英文曲。因英文歌在乐坛日趋衰落,乐队解散,陈百强被父亲送往美国三番市音乐学院进修。 七七年返港,获香港山叶电子琴冠军,同年又在一项"流行歌曲创作比赛"中获得季军,接着便加盟EMI(百代)唱片公司为基本歌星. 演艺生涯 1977[YAMAHA电子琴大赛]冠军78[流行歌曲创作大赛]季军、81获颁黄大仙区[模范年]奖、演电视剧《突破》、电影《喝采》、《失业生》 1983红馆个唱(2场) 1984演出电影《快乐圣诞》、[香港小姐]总决赛与张曼玉合演歌舞、东京参加[世界歌祭]得[最有魅力奖] 1985[陈百强85演唱会]伊馆(3场)、被传於罗省自杀,后澄清实为入院检查心脏 1986红馆个唱(2场)加盟DMI唱片公司(潘迪生投资)演出电影《八喜临门》 1987澳门综艺馆个唱(2场)、红馆个唱(2场)、厦门个唱(2场)、泰国慈善表演在泰国主御前演出、荣获香港[十大最有品味服装奖]、演出电影《秋天的童话》 唱片及热门曲目 1979EMI《眼泪为你流》眼泪为你流,恩情,留住夕阳,两心痴,FIRSTLOVE 1980EMI《不再流泪》不再流泪,昨夜梦见你,初恋,伤心几多次,心里在唱 1980WEA《喝采》喝采,飞出去,失业生,几分钟的约会,人在雨中 1981WEA《陈百强》有了你,太阳花 1982WEA《倾诉》倾诉,今宵多珍重,孤雁 1983WEA《陈百强》偏偏喜欢你,相思河畔,脉博奔流 1984WEA《百强84》创世纪,粉红色的一生,划出彩虹 出处:http://www.tingtk.com/singer/mda_84.htm 陈百强DANNY1958年9月7日出生于香港,童年时倍受宠爱,经商的父亲特别疼爱他的这个公子,而陈老先生与另一位太太生下的二子一女与DANNY的年龄有段距离,DANNY自小就赢得了父亲的欢心,加上机灵活泼,父亲对他更是千依百顺,陈百强毕业于圣保罗男女中学,与周梁淑怡及庄静等是校友,在校内DANNY热衷于参加大小音乐活动,更精于电子琴和钢琴。 陈父原希望DANNY专注学业,长大后继承衣钵。但陈百强一心歌唱,无心读书,中学毕业即辍学在家,并曾随哥哥客串当时阿伦等人组成的“失败者乐队”,在电台演唱英文歌曲。因英文歌在乐坛日趋衰落,乐队解散,陈百强被父亲送往美国三番市音乐学院进修。 77年返港,获香港山叶电子琴冠军,同年又在一项“流行歌曲创作比赛”中获得季军。接着便加盟EMI(百代)唱片公司为其基本歌星。 翌年,凭着一曲《眼泪为你流》走红歌坛,之后还有《喝彩》,《涟漪》,《今宵多珍重》等多首歌曲均大受欢迎,凭实力而成为偶像。15年的歌唱生涯是闪过无数光辉时刻。在音乐修为而言,陈百强真可称得上是一位多面手。他懂得作曲,写的词也不差。除了歌唱的好,也弹得一手好琴。在香港乐坛像陈百强这样“周身刀”的歌手其实十分难得。 陈百强总是给人太多的惊奇和不解。出生于名门望族的上流公子,自小受父母的百般宠爱与呵护,在我们看来这样的环境中长大的孩子应该是一路阳光的,可陈百强不是,他生性孤独,从小便是一脸无助的样子,惹得父母包括亲戚愈加对他疼爱有加,或许正是太多的爱让这个梅艳芳嘴里的“极需爱护的大孩子”如此抑郁。歌如其人。《一生何求》、《一生不可自决》……一个年轻的生命为何总是拿“一生”来歌唱,这是否在冥冥中暗示着什么?是否暗示着他年轻的生命之花将过早的凋零? 其实,丹尼的艺术之花是开得较早的!他初中毕业后去美国洛杉矶音乐学院进修,1977年回香港参加山叶电子琴比赛获得冠军,同年亦获得香港流行歌曲创作季军,隔年便出版了他的首张专辑《眼泪为你流》,从此在歌坛走红。同年,他又进军影坛,在两年多的时间里拍了三部电影,而这三部电影当时的配角正是时下大红大紫的影帝张国荣。丹尼的事业如日中天,爱情亦是蒸蒸日上,艺坛风雨十几年,丹尼的红颜知己颇多,从梅艳芳、钟楚红到痴心于丹尼的翁静晶、何起琼,在他们眼中丹尼始终是个气质优雅、有品味但曲高和寡的忧郁王子,以致于未有结果。 大约在十年前,正当丹尼的事业红得发紫的时候,他曾遇到一个很不起眼的老先生,老先生并不认识丹尼,他很平静地告诉丹尼,你事业的顶峰将是你生命的顶峰,当时丹尼的经理人很生气,而丹尼却说:“他说得对!……”之后不久,丹尼的事业渐显下坡,而且人气似乎也不如以前旺了,这令丹尼更多地抑郁起来。然而正是在这种情形之下,少言寡语的丹尼仍然还是以他艺术家般的细腻情绪和喷涌的才情唱出了好多歌:《偏偏喜欢你》《我的故事》《当晚梦见你》《对酒当歌》。说到酒,我很痛心,其实是酒丧送了丹尼年轻的生命。事业的颓废让争强好胜的丹尼倍受打击,他开始沉湎于酒精药物。最后,终于在1992年5月18日因酒后服药,在家中昏迷,后变成“植物人”,一年后离开他心爱的歌坛、影坛和人世。


赵州桥,是一座弧型单孔石拱桥,全长64.4米,拱顶宽9米,结构坚固,雄伟壮观.它的设计完全合乎科学原理,施工技术堪称巧妙绝伦.古人说它“制造奇特,人不知其所为”.从整体来看,是一座单拱桥.拱长达37.4米,在当时可算是世界上最长的石拱.桥洞不是普通半圆形,而像一张弓,桥面平坦宽阔,兼顾了水陆交通,方便了车船运行,这种形式被称为“坦拱”.这一石拱是由28道拱圈纵向并列砌成,每道拱圈可独立站稳,自成一体,既便于施工,又便于单独修补.这样大跨度的坦拱,对桥台水平推力很大,建造难度高.而桥台却是既浅又小的普通矩形,厚度仅1.529米,由五层排石垒成.其地基是承载力较小的亚黏土.在这样的地基上,用这样的小桥台,建这样大跨度的石拱桥,在世界上是罕见的. 赵州桥最大的科学贡献,则在于它的“敞肩拱”的创造.在大拱的两肩,砌了四个并列的小孔,既增大流水通道,节省石料,减轻桥身重量,又利于小拱对大拱的被动压力,增强了桥身的稳定性.这就有力地保证了安济桥在1400多年的历史中,经受住无数次洪水冲击,8次大地震摇撼,以及车辆重压,至今仍巍然挺立在河之上. 赵州桥至今仍是世界上现存最早、保存最完善的古代敞肩石拱桥.赵州桥结构所取的方式,表现出一种极近代化的进步的工程精神. □本报记者张红波/采访整理 赵州桥建于隋代大业年间(公元605-618年),由著名匠师李春设计和建造,距今已有1400年的历史.赵州桥的地理位置,在古代“吞齐跨赵”,地处兵家必争之咽喉要路,交通任务十分繁重.自大桥建成之后,就一直作为实用性交通大桥而使用,直到1955年修缮前,仍在通行现代载重汽车. 赵州桥全长64.4米,拱顶宽9.6米,跨径37.02米,弧矢(拱顶到两拱脚的连线)高度是7.23米.直到1958年,它一直是我国跨度最大的石拱桥,且至今仍是世界上现存最早、保存最完善的古代敞肩石拱桥.古人称赞其“制造奇特,人不知其所为”.早在七十多年前,梁思成先生经过实地勘察和计算后惊讶地说:“赵州桥结构所取的方式,对于工程力学方面竟有非常的了解——表现出一种极近代化的进步的工程精神.” 为何设计成拱形 国家文物局古建筑专家罗哲文: 《石桥铭》中是这样说的:“两涯嵌四穴”,就是两边四个洞,“以杀怒水之荡突”,就是说减小洪水对桥身的冲击,它的科学价值就大在这儿.这种结构名为敞肩拱,英语名为Openspan-drel,这是赵州桥最突出的特点. 清华大学土木工程系副教授张崇厚博士: 赵州桥最突出的技术成就,是创建了世界上第一座敞肩圆弧拱.国外圆弧拱的应用,虽较我国为早,但矢跨比(拱高与跨径的比值)较大,接近于半圆,而且为实腹拱.真正的敞肩圆拱,在西方迟至十九世纪才出现.在欧洲,直到1883年,法国在亚哥河上修建的安顿尼特铁路石拱桥和卢森堡建造的大石桥,才揭开欧洲建造大跨度敞肩拱桥的序幕,比赵州桥晚了近1300年.知道赵州桥的西方桥梁专家也都认为,赵州桥敞肩拱建筑,堪称现代许多钢筋混凝土桥梁的祖先,开了一代桥风. 赵州桥的“券”小于半圆,采用圆弧拱.我国习惯上把弧形的桥洞、门洞之类的建筑叫做“券”.一般石桥的券,大都是半圆形.但赵州桥跨度很大,从这一头到那一头有37.04米.如果把券修成半圆形,那桥洞就要高18.52米.这样车马行人过桥,就好比越过一座小山,非常费劲.赵州桥的券是小于半圆的一段弧,这既减低了桥的高度,减少了修桥的石料与人工,又使桥体非常美观.二是“撞”空而不实,即敞肩型.券的两肩叫“撞”.一般石桥的撞都用石料砌实,但赵州桥的撞没有砌实,而是在券的两肩各砌两个弧形的小券.这样桥体增加了四个小券,大约节省了一百八十立方米石料,使桥的重量减轻了大约500吨(减少自重15%%).而且,当河流涨水时,一部分水可以从小券流过,既可以使水流畅通,又减少了洪水对桥的冲击,保证了桥的安全. 为何千年不坠 中国历史协会秘书长马执斌教授: 赵州桥选址合理,桥基坚实稳固.李春凭借丰富的施工经验,通过周密勘察,大胆使用天然桥基,把桥台建筑在河床密实的粗沙层上.桥台由五层石料砌成.根据解放后验算,一般粗沙地基的“许可耐压力”为每平方厘米4.5~6.6公斤,而赵州桥对地面的压力是每平方厘米5~6公斤.现代科学证明,这里的天然地基完全能够承受住大桥的载荷.据测量,自建桥至今,两边桥基下沉水平差只有五厘米.这充分说明桥址选择是多么符合科学原理!古代中国人的卓越才智,实在令人钦佩. 清华大学土木工程系副教授张崇厚博士: 赵州桥的桥台及基础构造十分巧妙.自重为2800吨的赵州桥,根基只是五层石条砌成高1.55米的桥台,直接建在自然砂石上.按现代力学理论验算,基底压应力与地基允许应力相接近,既安全又经济,古代匠师凭实践经验得出如此精确的结果,简直令人难以置信;另一方面,桥台很短,非常经济.另外赵州桥的拱轴线(即拱券的中心线)和恒载(一般为自重)压力线非常接近,充分考虑了石材耐压不耐拉的特点.由赵州桥结构本身提出的二线要重合这一重大课题,直到近代运用现代力学原理才得以解决,而我国早在1400年前已在实践中得到应用,确实令人称奇.再者,赵州桥的拱顶比拱脚窄60厘米,以防止券石倾斜,保持桥体稳定,其筹划可谓周密精详. 联合国教科文组织顾问、著名建筑考古学专家杨鸿勋教授: 赵州桥在保持大桥稳定性方面采取了许多严密措施.赵州桥的拱圈共有二十八道,三十五厘米宽的石头,二十八条、一块块石头叠成一个又一个三十五厘米的拱圈,二十八条这样的拱圈并在一起,它总是向中间凹进去就出来,就产生一个向内的水平分力,使这二十八条拱圈结合得更紧密,所以这个桥两边宽,中间窄,建筑史上有人把它叫做巴比伦式,因为古巴比伦文明发源于两河(幼发拉底河和底格里斯河)流域,石头建筑发展得很早,他们做了很多圈,包括门洞,包括桥洞.各块条石之间用两个形似锯子的“腰铁”相连,腰铁也叫“细腰”.腰铁镶进去以后,它互相错了位也拔不出去了,所以这个桥的整体性,虽然是二十八条单独的拱圈并列着,但是互相之间是有连接的,再加上顶面的石头,把这些石头再连上,它就把它拉在一起了. 为何会有驴蹄印 中国历史协会秘书长马执斌教授: 为什么桥身上会有传说中的驴蹄子印及桥腹上传说的鲁班的手掌印呢?据现代桥梁专家罗英先生按照工程原理推测,这些痕迹是行车指标和工程指标.由于赵州桥是采取纵向并列砌筑法修建的,两边如行重车,桥就容易损伤.桥面的驴蹄印都在东侧1/3的位置.这就是说,重载过桥如果太靠边,石拱券容易变形外倾发生危险,应当走中间.桥腹上的手掌印应当是一种工程指标,表示万一桥发生裂痕,可在手掌印处暂时支撑,以免立刻坍圮,可以从容维修. 完美实用的典范 国家文物局古建筑专家罗哲文: 我们中国的古建筑的技术水平,是非常之高的.比如说在秦汉时候,就有建设一百多米高楼的记载.我想当时在隋代,或者隋代以前,也许还有比赵州桥更大、更好的工程.但是仅仅就从赵州桥的科学水平、艺术水平来说,那是了不起的.公元七世纪初的中国正处于隋王朝时代,当时的建筑技术日趋成熟而又富有创造性,精美的桥梁建筑随处可见,而赵州桥为破译古人建桥技术提供了最好的实例.隋代的设计师与建造者们驾轻就熟地使用着石拱券这种古老而又坚固的建筑结构,同时又采用难度极大的大跨度弧线,巧妙地使这座巨大的石砌建筑看上去是如此地轻巧与和谐.正如著名的桥梁专家茅以升先生所说的那样:“我国古桥比起外国古桥来,如罗马、希腊、埃及、波斯古桥,都显得格外均匀、对称与和谐”.特别应该指出的是,聪明的中国人使用了拱上加拱的这种特殊设计,这在当时的世界上是个了不起的发明. 清华大学土木工程系副教授张崇厚博士: 正是由于赵州桥在世界桥梁史上的划时代地位,1961年3月4日,国务院公布赵州桥为第一批全国重点文物保护单位.1991年10月下旬,赵州桥被美国土木工程师学会选定为世界第十二处也是我国唯一一处“国际历史土木工程里程碑”,并赠送铜牌立碑纪念.这标志着赵州桥已与埃及金字塔、巴拿马运河、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔等世界著名历史古迹并称而齐名.




我先说明一下环球 和索尼是美国的,总部在纽约,在中过有总部,在中国。百代是中国的,在台湾华纳好象是英国的

自学新概念2,对于 关于knock 的短语 表示不懂,谁能讲解。

knockv. [nu0252k] ( knocks; knocked; knocking )vt. & vi. 1.敲,击,打 hit or strikevt. 2.批评,数落,非难 say critical or insulting things about sb/sthn. [nu0252k] ( knocks )1. 短促的敲打(声) (sound of) a sharp blowC 2. 爆震声 (in an engine) sound of knockingC 3. (板球赛的)一局 (in cricket) inningsC 4. 一件倒霉事或麻烦事 a piece of bad luck or troubleknock off: 1)下班 He knockedoff earlier. 2)knock sth off+地点:从……把……撞倒 knock the vase off the table 3)打折 knock 10% off the price knock over A car knocked the boy over. [注]如果有地点:off;无地点:over knock out:打晕(拳击术语,把人打倒在地) [解题过程] knock about$#58 闲置 That"s been knocking about the house for years. 那东西在房子里已经闲置几年了。 在场;活跃 She"s been knocking about here for years. 她在这儿待了好几年了。 漫游;漂泊 He"s knocked about Africa all his life. 他在非洲漂泊一生。knock around = knock about knock back 暴饮;大口喝掉 使花费 That car knocked her back $5000. 那辆车她花了5000美元。 使吃惊,使惊奇 The news knocked him back. 这消息使他大吃一惊


knock at 敲(门) knock off 把...撞下来,撞倒 knock out of把...从...中敲出来get the knock 喝醉; 被解雇; 被开除; 遭到失败 take the knocks 遭受挫折 喝醉 stand the knocks 遭受挫折 喝醉 knock about 接连打击(指拳击), (浪等)反复冲击(船只); (物等)碰撞; 粗暴对待(=knock around); [口]到处流浪, 漫游; 乱放东西 knock (up) against 碰撞; 同...冲突; 偶然遇见 knock back 一口喝掉; 花费, 用掉; 使...大吃一惊 knock down 打[撞]倒; 驳倒 把...撞入 (拍卖时)敲锤卖出 拆除, 拆开 [口]使降价 (与 for 连用)指名要求 [美俚]偷; 盗用(公款) [美俚]赚钱, 挣(工资) knock down and drag out 彻底战胜 激烈残酷的打仗 knock for six [俚]使大吃一惊; 彻底击败 knock home (把钉子等)敲进去, 钉到头; 彻底驳倒 knock in (把钉子)钉入 knock into 把(某种知识)灌输给... 与...相撞 [口]偶然碰到(某人) knock it off [美俚]住嘴! 别吵了! 住手; 别胡闹了。 knock off 敲掉; 击倒 下班休息; 罢工 [口]匆忙写出; 即席作成(诗、文等) 降低(速度, 价格) [美俚]杀死 偷, 抢 很快吃光 拘捕, 捉拿 赢得, 得到 knock oneself out 把自己弄得精疲力竭; 尽最大努力 knock out 敲出, 敲空(烟灰等) 击倒, 打昏 使震惊; 使高兴万分 匆匆写成(文章), 草草订出(计划) 使失去效能, 使无用; 破坏, 使...失败 (在比赛中)把...击败[淘汰] 【无】脱模 knock over 弄翻, 打倒 [美俚]袭击; 搜查; 逮捕 使心烦意乱, 使不知所措 完成, 干完 [美俚]抢劫 knock through 把(两个房间的隔墙)拆除, 打通 knock together (使)互撞 草草做成 knock under 屈服; 服输, 投降 knock up 敲门叫醒 赶做; 匆匆安排 使精疲力尽 [英](板球赛中)很快得分 [美俚](指男人)与...通奸; 使受孕 (装订)弄齐(纸边) knock up against 碰撞; 同...冲突; 偶然碰见 base knock 安全打 carbon knock 【机】积炭(引起的)爆震 compression knock (内燃机的)压缩爆燃 gas knock 气体爆震[击] main bearing knock 主轴承(由于间隙过大而引起的)敲击声 piston knock 活塞与缸套间(由于间隙过大而引起的)敲击声 piston pin knock 活塞销与销座间(由于间隙过大而引起的)敲击声 side knock 横向冲击, 活塞松动 spark knock 火花爆击, 提前点火爆震 trace knock 轻度爆震 have it knocked【俚语】 To be certain of success: 确信能成功: “He knew he had it knocked after he saw a rough cut ofChinatown ” (Time) “他在看了唐人街 的粗制烟叶后,他知道自己已经成功了” (时代) knock cold To render unconscious; knock out. 使昏迷;击昏 knock dead 一拳打死


knock abouta/around 玩;漫游;接连打击;活着knock out 击倒;淘汰;使不能使用;使昏迷knock ...out of 把、、、、、、从、、、、、、中敲击出来knock off<非正>杀;<口>完成;<非正>降低;<非正>将…击打掉My health compels me to knock off work. 我的健康问题使我不得不停止工作。knock over偷窃;碰翻;使吃惊;轻易击败Try not to knock that vase over. 小心别把花瓶碰倒了。 祝你开心如意!




Last week, John watched a film about animals.


In the zooOh,today is warm!I am going to the zoo.In the zoo,I can see many animals.The elephants are walking.The monkeys are swinging.There are many rabbits in the zoo.They are very cute!Oh,look at the birds,they are flying.I am so happy!Haha!

关于Stray kids成员的身高是多少?



1832年,林肯失业了,他要当政治家,当州议员但竞选失败了。接着,林肯着手自己开办企业,可一年不到,企业就倒闭了,他在十七年间一直在为偿还企业倒闭时所欠的债务而到处奔波,历经磨难。 1838年,林肯觉得身体良好,于是决定竞选州议会议长,可他失败了。1843年,他又参加竞选美国国会议员,但这次仍然没有成功。 林肯虽然一次次地尝试,但却是一次次地遭受失败。要是你碰到这一切,你会不会放弃?放弃这些对你来说是重要的事情? 但是林肯没有放弃,1846年,他又一次参加竞选国会议员,最后终于当选了。 然后林肯申请当本州的土地官员,但他又接连两次失败了。然而,林肯没有服输。1854年,他竞选参议员,但失败了;两年后他竞选美国副总统提名,结果被对手击败;又过了两年,他再一次竞选参议员,还是失败了。 林肯一直没有放弃自己的追求,他一直在做自己生活的主宰。终于,在1860年,他当选为美国总统。 in 1832, Lincoln has been unemployed, he wants to work as statesman, when state congressman but campaigned for is defeated. then, Lincoln begins oneself Begin business, but one year, the enterprise went out of business, he during 17 years continuously when for repayment business failure owes the debt everywhere rushes about, after tribulation. the 1838 year, Lincoln thinks the body to be good, therefore decision campaign State Assembly speaker, but he was defeated. 1843 the year, he participates campaigns for United States Congress congressman, but this time had still not succeeded. although Lincoln place attempts, but is actually place suffers the defeat. If you bump into all these, you can give up? Gave up these to you are the important matter? but Lincoln has not given up, in 1846, he participated once again campaigns for member of national assembly, finally was elected finally. then Lincoln applies to work as Honshu"s land official, but he one after another two times was defeated.however , Lincoln has not conceded. the 1854 year, he campaigns for the senator, but was defeated; Two years later he campaigns for American vice president to nominate, the result is defeated by the match; Also two years, he had campaigned for the senator again, was defeated. Lincoln had not given up his pursue, he has been making the control which one live. finally, in 1860, he was elected as American president.





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[1] 张毅刚.《新编MCS51单片机应用设计(第三版)》,哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2008[2] 何立民.《单片机应用技术选编》,北京:北京航空大学出版社,1998[3] 李华.《MCS-51系列单片机使用接口技术》,北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,1993[4] 彭为.《单片机典型系统设计实例精讲》,北京:电子工业出版社,2006[5] 潘永雄.《新编单片机原理与应用》,西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2003[6] 童诗白,华成英,《模拟电子技术基础》,北京:高等教育出版社,2000[7] 阎石主.《数字电子技术基础》,北京:高等教育出版社,1998[8] 樊昌信,曹丽娜.《通信原理》,北京:国防工业出版社,2007[9] 李瀚荪.《电路分析基础》,北京:高等教育出版社1991毕 业 论 文(设 计)开 题 报 告[10]G.Edward Suh, Charles W.O"Donnell, Srinivas Devadas, Aegis:a single-chip secure processor, IEEE Design and Test of Computers.2008,24(6)570-580.[11] Mt. Prospect.MCS 51 Family of Microcontrollers Architectural Overview. September 1993


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A friend indeed is a friend you need.




On The Wings of A Butterflyby Christine McClimYour friendship is special Like the flowers that bloom Or when a butterfly emerges From within its cocoon... You remind me of that butterfly Loving and free Bright and colorful For the world to see... We will share sunshine and rainbows; Sometimes the rain and the snow; We"ll stand together through it While the cold winds blow... When the time is right We won"t stop to ask "Why?" Our friendship will take flight On the wings of a butterfly ... 参考: 100-poems/poems/friendship/ Pome: Me friend you friend everybody friend. You Play me play everybody play. me Like you you like me everybody like. We friends they friends everybody friends! You remind me of that butterfly Loving and free Bright and colorful For the world to see... Warning T.K.Lay!You know what happened if you delete with deliberate insults now! Friendly with the couple.(English Poem) An Attempt To Response:- We had no quarrel-not even one A close good friend we stand As supportive supporter you"ve done Loving on our sociable land. (--) (--) (--) (--) (---) (---) Warm weling we chat and attend Getting to know your fame Of the couple at corridor end A neighbourly name.. 2012-04-18 08:52:42 补充: How dare you to "delete" me from yourpoem!On friendly terms--Higher than the treasure hoards Is the ladies" choice Sweeter than the chat-up of birds Is the friendly loving voice.--Wele *** iles on 5 faces not sad As the 5 butterfly of spring Let the romantic 5 be glad With TVB *** ile they bring. 参考: google website google website


1、A bosorn friend after brings distant land near.翻译:海内存知己,天涯若比邻。2、A father is a treasure,a brother is a comfort,but a friend is both.翻译:父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。3、A friend is a second self.翻译:朋友是第二个自我。4、A friend indeed is a friend in need.翻译:患难见真情和患难之交才是真正的朋友。5、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.翻译:人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。




【 #励志名言# 导语】友谊是冰雪中纯洁的雪花,友谊是高山上茁壮的常青树,友谊是花园中美丽的花朵。 整理“关于友谊的英文名言带翻译”,以供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,感谢大家的阅读与支持! 【篇一】关于友谊的英文名言带翻译   1、友情不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。  What friendship does not require, however, it has a warm, is we can all relate to.  2、得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者。没有友情的社会则只是一片繁华的沙漠。  Man can not get friendship, will be lonely poor for the rest of my life. No friendship society, is only a slice of flourishing desert.  3、友谊!你是灵魂的神秘胶漆;你是生活的甜料,社会性的连接物。  Friendship! The mysterious lac is your soul, You is the sweetener of life, social connections.  4、富裕带来荣誉,富裕创造友谊,穷人到哪儿都是下人。  Create friendships bring honor, rich rich, where the poor are inferior.  5、是所有人的朋友,对谁也不是朋友。  Are all friends, not friends.  6、友谊建立在同志中,巩固在真挚上,发展在批评里,断送在奉承中。  Friendship is based on comrade, consolidate on sincere, development in criticism, terminate in flattery.  7、友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。  Friendship is the spice of life, also is the life of painkillers.  8、友谊像婚姻一样,其维持有赖于避免不可宽恕的事情。  Friendship is like a marriage, for its depends on avoid inexcusable.  9、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。  This is a law of friendship: once a suspect from the front door into the, love will slip through the back door.  10、真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。  Sincere friendship is like health, the loss is less than the, unable to appreciate the precious.  11、谁要是选择吝啬鬼做朋友或信赖自私和怯懦者的虚假友谊,谁就有被误解的可能。  If anyone chooses to do the miser friends or trusted selfish and coward false friendship, who has the possibility of being misunderstood.  12、友谊永远是美德的辅佐。  Friendship is always a virtue in the adjuvant.  13、东西新的好,朋友老的好。  Everything is good when new, but friend when old.  14、竭诚相助亲密无间,乃友谊之境界。  Sincerely help close, is the highest realm of friendship.  15、那些背叛同伴的人,常常不知不觉地把自己也一起灭亡了。  Of those who rebelled against fellow, often unknowingly himself also perish together.  16、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。  A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is often as brothers.  17、友谊是一个神圣而又古老的名字。  Friendship is a sacred and ancient name.  18、用不存成见的心情和人交往,才可以交到朋友。  With the mood of prejudice and people, can make friends.  19、友谊是一棵可以庇荫的树。  Friendship is a tree can patronage.  20、真诚的友谊好象健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。  Sincere friendship like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.【篇二】关于友谊的英文名言带翻译   1、友谊总需要用忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。  Friendship always needs with loyalty to sow, with passion to irrigation, with principle to cultivate, with understanding to care.  2、当穷神悄然进来,虚伪的友情就越窗仓皇而且逃。  False of the friendship, when poor god quietly came in the window and fled helter-skelter.  3、友谊像清晨的雾一样纯洁,奉承并不能得到友谊,友谊只能用忠实去巩固它。  Friendship is like the morning mist as chaste, flatter and can"t find friendship, friendship can only use a loyal to consolidate it.  4、顺利时结交朋友,逆境中考验朋友。  Smoothly when making friends, adversity tries them.  5、恋爱使人坚强,同时也使人软弱。友情只使人坚强。  Love makes people strong, at the same time, it makes one weak. Friendship only makes a man strong.  6、建立和巩固友谊的的方法,莫过于互相信赖地闲谈心事与家常。  The best way to establish and consolidate friendship, mutual trust is gossip worry and homely.  7、在无利害观念之外,互相尊敬似乎是友谊的另一要点。  In the absence of an idea, respect for each other seems to be another point of friendship.  8、友谊只能在实践中产生并在实践中得到保持。  Friendship can only be created in the practice and keep in practice.  9、所谓友情,是平等的人们之间离开了利益关系的交易。  The so-called friendship, between people is equal to leave the trading interests.  10、友情在过去的生活里,就像一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂,使我的生存有了一点点光彩。  Friendship in the past, life is like a beacon, shining into my soul, make my survival had a little bit of brilliance.  11、友谊就好比一颗星星,而爱情只是一支蜡烛。蜡烛是要耗尽的,而星星却永远闪光。  Friendship is just like a star, but love is only a candle. The candle is exhausted, and the stars never flash.  12、富贵固然和友谊的好坏无关,但是贫穷却最能考验朋友憎爱分明的真假。  Wealth is nothing to do with the quality of friendship, but poor but can test most friends abhorred love of true and false.  13、在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。  Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.  14、帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。  To help a friend, to keep the friendship; Forgive an enemy, for influence.  15、单单一个有智慧的人的友谊,要比所有愚蠢的人的友谊还更有价值。  A wise man"s friendship alone, than all the stupid people friendship is more valuable.  16、友谊是冰雪中纯洁的雪花,友谊是高山上茁壮的常青树,友谊是花园中美丽的花朵。  Friendship is the pure snow, ice and snow is vigorous, mountain evergreen tree, friendship is a beautiful flowers in the garden.  17、我们的朋友比我们想象的少,却比我们认识的多。  We have less friends than we think, is more than we know.  18、像橡树般一寸寸成长起来的友情,要比像瓜蔓般突然蹿起来的友情更为可靠。  Like oak inching grew up friendship, than like he suddenly shot up friendship more reliable.  19、在业务的基础上建立的友谊,胜地过在友谊的基础上建立的业务。  In the business established on the basis of friendship, resort a business founded on the basis of friendship.  20、在智慧提供给整个人生的一切幸福之中,以获得友谊为最重要。  In wisdom for the whole life happiness, is the most important for friendship.【篇三】关于友谊的英文名言带翻译   1、虚伪的迎合是友谊的毒剂,诚恳的批评是友爱的厚礼。  Hypocrisy is the poison of friendship, honest criticism is gift of love.  2、把友谊归结为利益的人,我以为是把友谊中最宝贵的东西勾销了。  Friendship comes down to the interests of the people, and I think that is the most precious thing in the friendship write-off.  3、在欢乐时,朋友会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。  When joy, friends will know us; A friend in trouble, we will know.  4、朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊。  Friends must be in trouble, that can be hardly the true friendship.  5、妥协对任何友谊都不是坚固的基础。  Compromises on the basis of any relationship is not strong.  6、朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。  Keep a certain distance between friends, and make the friendship forever.  7、要结识朋友,自己得先是个朋友。  To meet friends, she must first a friend.  8、破裂的友谊虽然能恢复,但却再也达不到亲密无间的程度了。  Although broken friendship can restore, but can not reach the degree of intimacy.  9、我们彼此间的友谊将协力维护我们的美誉。  We the friendship between each other will be together to maintain our reputation.  10、如果说,友谊能够调剂人的感情的话,那么友谊的又一种作用则是能增进人的智慧。  If, the friendship can regulate people"s feelings, the friendship of another role is to promote the wisdom of the people.  11、要想得到别人的友谊,自己就得先向别人表示友好。  To get other people"s friendship, you have to be friendly to others.  12、真正的友谊不是一株瓜蔓,会在一夜之间蹿起来,一天之内枯萎下去。  True friendship is not a rattan, growing up overnight, withering away in a day.  13、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一种机会。  Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity.  14、于顺境中交朋友只需费一举手之劳;在困厄时寻找友谊简直比登天还难。  To make friends in prosperity just charge a little effort; At the time of hardship for friendship than ascend day also difficult.  15、友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。  Friendship does not need to slave, also there is no ruler, friendship like equality.  16、你我间的友情就是彼此一种心灵的感应,是一种心领神会的感悟。  The friendship between you and me is a kind of heart induction each other, is a kind of feeling of empathy.  17、友情是装在瓶里的佳酿,无色无味,多年后开启溢出的是那浓浓的情。  Friendship is in a bottle of wine, colorless, tasteless, open the overflow after so many years is it thick.  18、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。  The depth of the honesty and friendship, it should not be measured by the length of time.  19、我曾想过,友情会比爱情长久,可惜友情不能像爱情一样时刻陪身边。  I had thought, friendship than love for a long time, but friendship can"t like love moment accompany side.  20、大量的友谊使生命坚强,爱与被爱是生活中幸福。  A lot of friendship makes life strong, to love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life.


1、【To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。】 2、【Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。】 3、【Bet friend afar brings a distant land near.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。】 71、【 majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear orrow.朋友的要求不要拖。】 87、【The friend has a friend and the friends friend has a friend so be discreet. 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。】 88、【Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.友谊地久天长。】 描写友谊的英文句子 1、友情是用心灵写就的诗,友情是滋润心田的雨。 Friendship is a poem ething. I think my life is better because of friendship. 21、我有,完美无缺的我,和缺一不可的你们。 I have, perfect me, and indispensable you. 22、知音,能有一两个已经很好了,实在不必太多。朋友之乐,贵在那份踏实的信赖。 Bosom friend, it"s good to have one or t and bear fruit in the opposite sex. 26、你我相遇不容易,若是相知,唯有珍惜。 It"s not easy for us to meet. If we know each other, we can only cherish. 27、朋友不是那个你认识得最久的人,而是那个来到你身边后便不再离开的人。 A friend is not the one you know the longest, but the one who never leaves when he comes to you. 关于友谊的唯美中英文句子 1、Youre ing to you.越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。 13.A FRIEND is a gift if of our heart treasures. Thank you forbeing the treasure in my heart. 朋友是心里的一个宝物。 14.If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee difficults,we can lean on each other.Then we will be okay!遇困难时,让我们互相扶持! 17.You are the best friend becuase you always can listen to what I dont say! 你是那位可以听到我心里深处的朋友! 18.You the real friend who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.谢谢你是那位全世界都遗弃我时还在我身边的朋友。 关于婚纱的英文句子 关于婚纱唯美英文句子 下面给大家精选了一些关于婚纱的英文句子,喜欢这些关于婚纱的唯美英文句子的朋友可以看一下吧! 1.婚纱是每一个女孩子所向往的,各种漂亮的婚纱礼服让我们眼花缭乱。e of the ideas just en. 4.我想和我亲爱的闺蜜一起举行婚礼。 I plained of course not long for SB. one loves 7.婚礼是每个女孩最完美的梦,婚纱则是梦的嫁衣 The perfect wedding is every girl"s dream wedding is dream of Jia Yi 8、咬著唇边 穿起婚纱上路 余生请你指教 Bit his lip edge wear wedding rest of you please enlighten road 9、婚纱既体现出美丽漂亮,更加的体现出小鸟依人以及可爱之至,新娘走进教堂,头上的婚头纱衬托着她的美丽,就连脖子上的项链也闪闪发光,必定是耀眼可爱的。 Beautiful beautiful wedding not only reflect, reflect more innocent girl and pretty matter, the bride entered the church, the head of the wedding veil off her beauty, even on the neck necklace sparkling, dazzling must be lovely. 10、婚纱其实就是女人心底一个最温暖、最柔情的梦,在女人的心里最深处静静地蛰伏着,随时等待着一阵风起,直到吹得心旌摇曳,吹得婚纱裙袂飘飘。 ernal love their man. 12、那件层层叠叠轻纱弥漫,缀满软缎织就的玫瑰和宝石拼镶的婚纱,是对爱情的期盼,是对幸福的憧憬。 Filled with layers of veil that piece, encrusted satin weave roses and wedding gemstone inlaid fight is the expectation of love, is a happy dream. 13、那一件薄薄的婚纱,承载着我们许多的梦想和希望。 That a thin dress, carrying many of our dreams and hopes. 14、我定定地、定定地望着这件婚纱,困惑至极。这就是我印象中完美的那一件吗?分明,它的颜色不够纯正,它的细纱不够轻盈,它的珠绣不够精致。还有,经过磨练后的双眼分明辨出,它的质地几近低劣,它的款样,亦不是华丽中的简单,竟是纯粹的简单啊。在看过的所有婚纱中,它实在很不怎么起眼的。 I the eye. 15、我想每个女人都是喜欢婚纱的,每个女人的梦里都有一件美仑美奂的婚纱,不论她丑陋俊美,也不论她有没有已过了穿婚纱的时节。 I think every an"s life must ent. There are also many original marriage of my heart that light ewhat unrealistic, still far from it, like most East es, not the special way, is Tonggui. Love is one thing, a man threw a person"s Lengnuanzizhi, a man forever, nothing other. e a supporting role, trapped in the prison of your love. 上面给大家精选的关于婚纱的英文句子、关于婚纱的唯美英文句子,希望大家喜欢!


1. 关于友谊的英文诗 友谊地久天长啊 Auld lang syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, for the sake of auld lang syne. If you ever change your mind, but I living, living me behind, oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, bring it home to me. bring it home to me.Yeah~ Yeah~ 一首关于友谊的英文诗歌To My Friends No friendship is useless and no day is in vain. Just as God has a purpose for sunshine and rain. All can be discouraged and everyone cries, But we have friends to comfort us. Beneath these cloudy skies. All hearts can break… they"re fragile as glass But with a friend beside us, this too shall pass. Friends who are faithful are noble at heart, You may be afar, but we will never be apart. Be swift to give praises for the friendship we have gained, And remember God will raise the sun just after it has rained. Your friendships are a gift, So be sure to thank all My friends. 没有友谊是无用的,没有日子是空虚的, 正如上帝决定了睛天和雨天一样。 每个人都有气馁和哭泣的时候, 但是我们有朋友们的安慰。 在这些多云的天空下。 所有的心可能破碎…….他们像玻璃那样易碎, 但是有朋友在身边,这些都将过去。 朋友的心是忠诚、高尚的, 也许你在很远的地方,但是我们从来都没有分开过, 为我们获得的友谊赞美吧, 并记住阳光总在风雨后, 你的友谊是一个礼物, 所以一定要感谢你们,我所有的朋友们。 2. 关于友谊的英语句子有哪些 1、The best mirror is an old friend. 最好的镜子是老朋友。 2、Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。 3、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 4、The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water. 君子之交淡如水。 5、Set great store by friendship. 情意重千斤。 6、Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。 7、Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times. 你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 8、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 9、Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇,老友情深。 10、Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship. 烈火试真金,苦难试友情。 11、Friendship cannot stand always on one side. 友谊是双方的事。 12、A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。 13、Friendship is like wine---the older the better. 友谊像美酒, 越陈越醇厚。 14、Friends are like wine; the older, the better. 朋友象酒,越久越淳。 15、There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书 16、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 17、True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊恒久不变。 18、He who mistrusts most should be trusted least. 最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任。 19、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 20、A friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 交友慢,失友快。 21、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 在你最需要时出现 朋友上一真正的朋友。 22、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 23、A frie nd is a second self. 朋友是另一个我。 24、Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。 25、A friend exaggerates a mans virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。 26、A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真友。 27、One tree does not make a forest. 独木不成林。 28、To find friendship offer friendship. 以友谊换友谊。 29、A man is known by his friends. 什么人交什么朋友。 30、Life without a friend is death without a witness. 没有朋友的生活等于孤独一人死去。 31、A friend is never known till a man has need. 不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。 3. 有关友谊的英文诗 A true friend "A true friend is always there for you. A person who will help, with all your problems. The one whom you can trust, With all your secrets. And the one who cheer you up when you are lonely. That is a friend. I want to meet. I do not know, if he"s a boy or a girl. but I always believe that I will find my one true friend." 我想不用翻译你也看得懂。 4. 速求关于描写友谊的唯美英文诗句 To My Friends No friendship is useless and no day is in vain. Just as God has a purpose for sunshine and rain. All can be discouraged and everyone cries, But we have friends to comfort us. Beneath these cloudy skies. All hearts can break… they"re fragile as glass But with a friend beside us, this too shall pass. Friends who are faithful are noble at heart, You may be afar, but we will never be apart. Be swift to give praises for the friendship we have gained, And remember God will raise the sun just after it has rained. Your friendships are a gift, So be sure to thank all My friends. 朋友,不知您认为此诗如何。梅逊雪白 5. 描写友谊的英文诗句有哪些 描写友谊的英文诗句如下: Tang - bai juyi Spend time with drunk and broken spring, drunk to make wine raise. I think of the old people"s sky, and I plan to go to liangzhou today. Tang - zhang jiuling Pine leaf is a wine, spring is a few times.The mountain road is far from the snow. Don - li bai Qingshan hengbei guo, white water around dongcheng. Here is a farewell, a single wanli sign. The drift of the clouds, the setting sun. Wave and wave, xiao xiao bamo. Don - li bai Li bai"s boat will go, he can smell the song on the bank. Peach blossom pool depth of a thousand feet, less than wang lun gave me love. Don - meng haoran The old man had a chicken and invited me to the field. Green tree village close together, qingshan guo wai. Open the hexuan surface garden, the wine talk sangma. Stay until the sun day, also come to chrysanthemum. 中文翻译: 唐-白居易《同李十一醉忆元九》 花时同醉破春愁,醉折花枝作酒筹。忽忆故人天际去,计程今日到梁州。 唐-张九龄《答陆澧》 松叶堪为酒,春来酿几多。不辞山路远,踏雪也相过。 唐-李白《送友人》 青山横北郭,白水绕东城。此地一为别,孤蓬万里征。 浮云游子意,落日故人情。挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣。 唐-李白《赠汪伦》 李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。 唐-孟浩然《过故人庄》 故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家。绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。 开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻。待到重阳日,还来就菊花。 6. 关于友情的英文诗 A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 "A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。” Sometimes in life, 有时候在生活中, You find a special friend; 你会找到一个特别的朋友; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. 他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。 Someone who makes you laugh until you can"t stop; 他会把你逗得开怀大笑; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. 他会让你相信人间有真情。 Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. 他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。 This is Forever Friendship. 这就是永远的友谊。 when you"re down, 当你失意, and the world seems dark and empty, 当世界变得黯淡与空虚, Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。 Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times. 你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 If you turn and walk away, 你转身走开时, Your forever friend follows, 真正的朋友会紧紧相随, If you lose you way, 你迷失方向时, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. 真正的朋友会引导你,鼓励你。 Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. 真正的朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。 And if you find such a friend, 如果你找到了这样的朋友, You feel happy and complete, 你会快乐,觉得人生完整, Because you need not worry, 因为你无需再忧虑。 Your have a forever friend for life, 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, And forever has no end. 永永远远,永无止境。 7. 有关友谊的英文句子 [有关友谊的英文句子]A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳,有关友谊的英文句子。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。 A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。A friend exaggerates a man"s virtue, an enemy his crimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。 A friend is best found in adversity.患难见真友。A friend is never known till a man has need.不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。 A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.交友慢,失友快。A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.广交友,无深交。 A friend without faults will never be found.没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。 Better lose a jest than a friend.宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。Choose an author as you choose a friend.选书如择友。 He that has a full purse never wants a friend.只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。Life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。 Thy friend has a friend and thy friend"s friend has a friend so be discreet.你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。 Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy.不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。 We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.生活可无友,邻居不能无。When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.朋友的要求不要拖。 Without a friend the world is a wilderness.没有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。A faithful friend is hard to find.益友难得。 A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.一本好书,莫逆之交。A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.远亲不如近邻。 An empty purse frightens many friends.囊中无分文,亲友不上门。A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.失友皆从借钱起。 A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many.朋友千人尚觉少,仇敌一人犹嫌多。A true friend is known in the day of adversity.疾风知劲草,患难见真情。 A true friend is one soul in two bodies.真正的朋友好似两个身子长著一颗心。Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 Between friends all is common.朋友之间不分彼此。Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.书籍如朋友,应该少而精。 Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。Familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。 Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight.朋友像琴弦,不能太拧紧。Friendship cannot stand always on one side.来而不往非礼也。 Friendship is love with understanding.友谊是爱加上谅解,中学生作文《有关友谊的英文句子》。Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。 Friendship ---- one soul in two bodies.友谊是两人一条心。Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.友谊地久天长。 Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.朋友可相逢,高山永分离。Friends must part.天下无不散之筵席。 God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself.防友*天,防敌*己。He is rich enough who has true friends.有真朋友的人是富翁。 Hunger knows no friend.饥难周友。In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; In time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人Friendships are relaxed, loyal relationships that involve intimacy, communication, and empathy. Friendship is a relief. Friends relate. Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship! Friends relate. It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave. Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma"s for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling w。 8. 关于友谊的英文句子 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 while China holds our friendship, And heaven remains our neighbourhood, 王勃 送杜少府之任蜀州 城阙辅三秦, 风烟望五津。 与君离别意, 同是宦游人。 海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。 无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾。 Five-character-regular-verse Wang Bo FAREWELL TO VICE-PREFECT DU SETTING OUT FOR HIS OFFICIAL POST IN SHU By this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts, Through a mist that makes five rivers one, We bid each other a sad farewell, We two officials going opposite ways。. And yet, while China holds our friendship, And heaven remains our neighbourhood, Why should you linger at the fork of the road, Wiping your eyes like a heart-broken child? 译文摘自《唐诗三百首中英对照》。


1、a bosorn friend after brings distant land near 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.2、A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟未必是朋友,而朋友总是兄弟。 ——Benjamin Franklin3、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。4、A friend exaggerates a man"s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过5、Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任,就没有友谊。——Epicurus6、A friend indeed is a friend in need.患难见真情和患难之交才是真正的朋友.7、A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。8、A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友难,失朋友易。9、A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友。10、True friendship is like health, not to lose, can not appreciate the precious真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。 --(英)培根


关于友谊的英文句子A true friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.请点击输入图片描述Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It"s not something you learn in school. But if you haven"t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven"t learned anything.The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.请点击输入图片描述A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.


1、朋友是烈日里的一缕清风,会为你拭去脸上的汗水。 A friend is a wisp of wind in the hot sun, which will wipe the sweat off your face. 2、愿多年以后你我仍旧在一起,共饮一杯老酒一醉方休。 I hope you and I will still be together after many years, drink a cup of old wine and get drunk. 3、不是渐行渐远,而是有一天终要重逢。 It"s not going away, but meeting again one day. 4、在幸运时不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。 He who does not share in fortune is not a faithful friend in disaster. 5、愿你坚强,身处不如意时从容不慌张。 May you be strong and calm when you are in trouble. 6、很开心你能来,不遗憾你走开。 I"m glad you"re here. I"m not sorry you"re gone. 7、你现在是我的闺蜜,以后是我的伴娘,将来是我孩子的干妈。 You are my best friend now, my Bridesmaid later, and the godmother of my children in the future. 8、要有闺蜜在一起那才叫嗨到爆棚!我要我们的友谊长存,直到地老天荒。 If you want to have friends together, you"ll be full of hi! I want our friendship to last forever. 9、爱情也许会随着季节的变迁而褪去,但友谊会为你全年守侯。 Love may fade with the seasons, but friendship will wait for you all year round. 10、我这一生遇见过很多风景,但你们的出现胜过任何山水风光。 I have met a lot of scenery in my life, but your appearance is better than any landscape. 11、结交两种人:能借给你钱的人和按时还给你钱的人,前者值得珍惜,后者值得尊重。 Make friends with two kinds of people: those who can lend you money and those who pay you back on time. The former is worth cherishing and the latter is worth respecting. 12、遇见你们,是我最美丽的意外。 Meeting you is my most beautiful accident. 13、看到那棵长青树了没,那就象征着我们之间的友谊,愿我们的友谊长存,直到地老天荒。 See that evergreen tree, it symbolizes the friendship between us, I wish our friendship forever, until the end of time. 14、不见就想,刚见就吵,分了又念,这就是闺蜜。 If you don"t see it, you will think about it. If you just see it, you will quarrel. If you share it, you will read it again. This is your best friend. 15、你生气了我哄你,我生气了你哄我。 You are angry, I coax you, I am angry, you coax me. 16、闺蜜是世界上另一个自己,遇上你是我唯一的骄傲,愿我们白头到老。 My best friend is another self in the world. Meeting you is my only pride. May we live forever. 17、闺蜜就是那种,今天吵,明天笑,近了烦,远了想。 My best friend is the kind who quarrels today, laughs tomorrow, gets bored near and thinks far away. 18、真正的好友,能经得起时间的锤炼,岁月的打磨,再次见面时也可一如既往。 A true friend can stand the tempering of time, the polishing of years, and meet again as before. 19、只要有闺蜜在一起那才叫嗨到爆棚!我要我们的友谊长存,直到地老天荒。 As long as there is a friend together, it is called hi to burst! I want our friendship to last forever. 20、我们之间,从一开始不熟,变成那么那么亲的朋友,回想起来都会挂起微笑。 Between us, from the beginning not familiar, become so close friends, in retrospect will hang up a smile. 21、待你婚纱落地,我必短裙相配。 When your wedding dress falls, I will match it with my skirt. 22、我在偏袒自己朋友的时候别跟我讲什么大道理,我聋了。 Don"t talk to me when I"m partial to my friends. I"m deaf. 23、真挚的友谊,不会因时间的阻隔而冲淡。昔日的承诺,也不会因漫长的岁月而改变。 Sincere friendship will not be diluted by time. The old promises will not be changed by the long years. 24、谢谢你我的老朋友,无论境遇如何,你始终在我身边。 Thank you, my old friend. No matter what the situation, you are always by my side. 25、人之相识,贵在相知;人之相知,贵在知心。 To know each other is important; to know each other is important. 26、同伴,不一定非要一起走到最后,某一段路上,对方给自己带来的朗朗笑声,那就已经足够。 Companions don"t have to go to the end together. On a certain road, the laughter each other brings to them is enough. 27、兄弟不是勾心斗角,而是打一架起来拍拍灰说一句中午没吃饭没打过你。 Brother is not intrigue, but fight up, patting ash said a lunch did not hit you. 28、友谊就是,知道你每天都从我包里偷拿巧克力吃,但我还是放在老地方。 Friendship is knowing that you steal chocolate from my bag every day, but I still put it in the same place. 29、友情,它是一种只有付出了同样一份这样的东西,才可以得到这种东西。 Friendship, it is a kind of only paid the same one such thing, can get this kind of thing. 30、除了一个真心的朋友之外,没有一样药剂是可以通心的。 Except for a true friend, there is no medicine that can communicate with the heart. 31、就算每一个小事都能忍耐,如果全都累积起来,总有一天会崩溃的。 Even if every little thing can be tolerated, if it all accumulates, it will collapse one day. 32、我想有个能在我葬礼上讲述我一生的朋友。 I want to have a friend who can tell my life at my funeral. 33、友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。 Friendship needs neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality. 34、好朋友会在看到你的第一滴眼泪时,接住你的第二滴眼泪,止住你的第三滴眼泪。 A good friend will catch your second and stop your third tears when he sees your first. 35、总有一些人,不管多久没联络,感觉都不会变。 There are always some people, no matter how long they don"t get in touch, their feelings will not change. 36、你怀念那场张扬青春里的你自己,被你记起只不过是因为我恰好在那里。 You miss the publicity of youth in your own, you remember just because I happened to be there. 37、朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 A friend is someone who can see you through and still like you. 38、一辈子的友情远远值钱于那短暂的利益。 A lifetime of friendship is far more valuable than the short-term interests. 39、这辈子最开心的事,莫过于有一群人惯着我,让我各种嚣张各种得瑟。 The happiest thing in my life is that a group of people are used to me and make me arrogant. 40、我实在是个坏人,但作为你的朋友的我,却确实是在努力着学做好人。 I am really a bad person, but as your friend, I am really trying to learn to be a good person. 41、你是我最重要的兄弟,不是亲人,胜似亲人的兄弟。 It"s more important than a brother, whether you are my family or not. 42、因为你手里有我的丑照,所以你要和我做一辈子朋友。 Because you have my ugly picture in your hand, so you want to be friends with me all your life. 43、所谓的坚强,只不过实在你面前的逞强。 The so-called strong, just in front of you to show off. 44、好朋友简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘份久久长长。 A good friend is simple, a good friendship is fresh, and a good fate is long. 45、有时候,我们做错事,是因为该用脑子的时候却动用了感情。 Sometimes we do something wrong because we use our feelings when we need to use our brains. 46、一个人要说的尽兴,必需要另一个人听得入神。善言能赢得听众,善听才干赢得朋友。 One needs another to listen to what one wants to say. Good speech can win audience, good listening can win friends. 47、最好的朋友,平时互相调侃,是嘴最狠的那个;在你需要的时候,却是心最软的那个。 The best friend, who laughs at each other at ordinary times, is the one with the strongest mouth; when you need it, it is the one with the softest heart. 48、毕业的我们联络少了,可是你们就像我喜欢的每一首歌,一听前奏我就认得。 Graduation we contact less, but you are like every song I like, I recognize the prelude. 49、梧桐树,是一棵思念之树,爱情从梧桐树那一端开始,抒怀着人间爱情的浪漫情愁。 Phoenix tree is a tree of yearning. Love starts from the end of the Indus tree and expresses the romantic sadness of human love. 50、周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。 People who are surrounded by good friends are happier than those who are besieged.


[有关友谊的英文句子] A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳,有关友谊的英文句子。Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。A father is a treasure, a brother is a fort, but a friend is both.父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。A friend exaggerates a man"s virtue, an enemy his crimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。A friend is best found in adversity.患难见真友。A friend is never known till a man has need.不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.交友慢,失友快。A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.广交友,无深交。A friend without faults will never be found.没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。Better lose a jest than a friend.宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。Choose an author as you choose a friend.选书如择友。He that has a full purse never wants a friend.只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。Life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。Thy friend has a friend and thy friend"s friend has a friend so be discreet.你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy.不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.生活可无友,邻居不能无。When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.朋友的要求不要拖。Without a friend the world is a wilderness.没有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。A faithful friend is hard to find.益友难得。A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.一本好书,莫逆之交。A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kin *** an.远亲不如近邻。An empty purse frightens many friends.囊中无分文,亲友不上门。A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.失友皆从借钱起。A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many.朋友千人尚觉少,仇敌一人犹嫌多。A true friend is known in the day of adversity.疾风知劲草,患难见真情。A true friend is one soul in o bodies.真正的朋友好似两个身子长著一颗心。Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。Beeen friends all is mon.朋友之间不分彼此。Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.书籍如朋友,应该少而精。Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。Familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight.朋友像琴弦,不能太拧紧。Friendship cannot stand always on one side.来而不往非礼也。Friendship is love with understanding.友谊是爱加上谅解,中学生作文《有关友谊的英文句子》。Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。Friendship ---- one soul in o bodies.友谊是两人一条心。Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.友谊地久天长。Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.朋友可相逢,高山永分离。Friends must part.天下无不散之筵席。God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself.防友*天,防敌*己。He is rich enough who has true friends.有真朋友的人是富翁。Hunger knows no friend.饥难周友。In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; In time of adversity, not one amongst enty.富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人Friendships are relaxed, loyal relationships that involve intimacy, munication, and empathy. Friendship is a relief. Friends relate. Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship! Friends relate. It is an in-depth relationship bining trust, support, munication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave. Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma"s for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I"m home. I can relax now." That"s what a friendship should be. You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform. Then you e "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it"s not a relief. Friendship is a fy situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes, relax and sigh, "Ahh, home." Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic: What does friendship mean? You should write at least 120 words and you shouldbase your position on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.友谊是人生永恒的主题。2.友谊到底意味着什么。3.友谊的重要性。What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. We admire the great friendship beeen Marx and Engel, which firmly bined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communi *** .Friendship isn"t almighty, but no one can live happily without it.  What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. We admire the great friendship beeen Marx and Engel, which firmly bined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communi *** . Friendship isn"t almighty, but no one can live happily without it什么是友谊,指的是什么?有没有确切的答案。一个永恒的主题,在文学,友谊也是不可缺少的,在日常生活中。友谊是我们生活中有什么盐是Dasher的。当你快乐,友谊,就像是加入鲜花博科;当你感到悲哀,友谊,是一剂安慰;如果你有麻烦了,朋友们将环绕你和排除障碍,为你,如果你有一个难点打击,你可以找朋友帮忙。我们对此表示钦佩伟大友谊,马克思和恩格斯,紧紧结合起来,并把他们前进道路上的探索和实现共产主义。 友谊不是万能的,但是没有友谊人不能够快乐地生活


A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. ---Samuel johnaon, British writer 人应该经常维修友谊。 ---英国作家 约翰逊A true friend is for ever a friend. ---Grorge Macdonald, British novelist 真正的朋友是永远的朋友。Animals are such agreeable friends --they ask no questions, they pass no criticism. ---George Eliot, British novelist 动物是极易相处的朋友,它们不提问,也不批评。 ---英国小说家 艾略特 Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.---Benjamin Franklin, American pesident 选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。 ---美国总统 富兰克林 Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊。---美国思想家 爱默生Don"t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others"heart through appropriate ways.---Socrates, Ancient Greek philosopher不要用馈赠去获得朋友,你必须奉献你诚挚的爱,学会怎样用适当的方法来赢得别人的心。---古希腊哲学家 苏格拉底 He that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger.---Aesop, Ancient Greek fable writer 不肯让朋友共享果实的人,不要指望朋友与他共患难。---古希腊寓言作家 伊索 Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness,some common interests.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 确保友谊常青的要素是:诚实、朴实自然、体贴和某些共同兴趣。---美国思想家 爱默生Suspicion is the poison of friendship .---St, Augustine, Bishop of hippo 怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药。---希波主教 圣奥古斯丁 The only way to have a friend is to be one.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 唯一能获得朋友的办法就是自己先当个朋友。---美国思想家 爱默生Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. 告诫朋友要在私下里,但是夸奖朋友要公开。


友谊地久天长啊 Auld lang syne Should auld acquaintance be fot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be fot, for the sake of auld lang syne. If you ever change your mind, but I living, living me behind, oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, bring it home to me. bring it home to me.Yeah~ Yeah~ 一首关于友谊的英文诗歌 2007-04-04 18:38:56 大 中 小 To My Friends No friendship is useless and no day is in vain. Just as God has a purpose for sunshine and rain. All can be discouraged and everyone cries, But we have friends to fort us. Beneath these cloudy skies. All hearts can break… they"re fragile as glass But with a friend beside us, this too shall pass. Friends who are faithful are noble at heart, You may be afar, but we will never be apart. Be swift to give praises for the friendship we have gained, And remember God will raise the sun just after it has rained. Your friendships are a gift, So be sure to thank all My friends. 没有友谊是无用的,没有日子是空虚的, 正如上帝决定了睛天和雨天一样。 每个人都有气馁和哭泣的时候, 但是我们有朋友们的安慰。 在这些多云的天空下。 所有的心可能破碎…….他们像玻璃那样易碎, 但是有朋友在身边,这些都将过去。 朋友的心是忠诚、高尚的, 也许你在很远的地方,但是我们从来都没有分开过, 为我们获得的友谊赞美吧, 并记住阳光总在风雨后, 你的友谊是一个礼物, 所以一定要感谢你们,我所有的朋友们。   friendship may our friendship be not like the tides, tides rise,tides fall. may it be like the ocean. whose face may show *** ile,frown,or ahger, but whose heart is at bottom unchanging. may our friendship be not like the flower, flowers bloom,flower fade. may it be like grass and trees, their leaves may wither, but their roots live long. may our friendship be not like the moon, the moon waxes,it also wanes. mayit be like the stars. they appear or do not appear in the sky, but always exist with mysterious light. 友情 或许我们的友情不似潮汐, 潮起还有潮落. 或许它更像大海. 海面时而现出微笑,时而阴霾,时而暴怒, 可它的心在深深的海底,却始终如一. 或许我们的友情不似花朵,花开还有花谢. 或许它更像青草和树木. 叶儿会凋零, 可它的根却有长久的生命. 或许我们的友情不似月亮, 月有阴晴圆缺. 或许它更像繁星. 它们在夜空里时隐时现, 可它们那神秘的光芒却恒古永存   "Maybe you will fet those who shared pleasure with you, but you will remember those who tasted tears with you. " Kahlil Cirbran “你也许会忘记那些与你一同笑过的人,但是你将永远记住那些与你一同伤心落泪的人。”---- kahlil Girbran Everyone has a lot of friends and he must have his own friendship as well. But usually only when you get into trouble, will you know what the true friendship is. The friend in need is the friend in deed. Only the real friends will help you when you are in trouble. If you establish your friendship when you are in trouble, make it go on forever. 每个人都有很多朋友,也一定有属于他自己的友谊。但是,通常只有当你遇到困难时,你才能知道什么是真正的友谊。患难见真情,只有真正的朋友会在你身处困境时帮助你。如果你在逆境中将友谊建立,那么请让它继续到永远。 Maybe a boy and a girl bee good friends. They feel very happy when they are each other, but other students may think that they have fallen in love. If you were one of them, what would you do? If I were in that position, I would not care about what anyone else may say. I only care about her feeling. We should know that our friendship is pure without anything bad mixed. Friendship is very important for everyone, so I will let my friendship last forever. 也许一个女孩和一个男孩成为了好朋友,他们在一起会感到很幸福。但是,其他同学会认为他们相爱了。如果你是其中之一,你会怎么办?如果是我,我将不会在乎别人说什么,我只在乎她的感觉。我们应该明白,我们的友谊是纯洁的,是不含任何杂质的。友谊对每个人都很重要,所以我会让我们的友谊继续下去。 Everyone should know that he can not lose his opposite sex friends. If you do not make friends with your opposite sex clas *** ates, then you have already lost half of the friends. So you can make friends with all your clas *** ates, and don"t be shy. You should also pay enough attention to the friendship that you have already established. Don"t undermine it unless you want to hurt him. You should never try to do so, for if you do that you will lose much in emotion. 每个人都应该明白你不能失去异性的朋友如果你不与异性同学交朋友,那么你就已经失去了一半朋友。所以你可以与你所有的同学交朋友,不要害羞。你同样也应该重视你已经建立的友谊,不要破坏它,除非你想伤害他。不过,请不要去尝试,如果你这么做你会失去太多的感情。 Please cherish everything that you have already possessed. Maybe you don"t care about it now. But when you lose it, you will find that how important it is. 请珍惜你所拥有的一切也许你现在并不在乎,但当你失去时你会发现它是多么的重要。




关于友谊的名言英文:1、Familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。2、Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。3、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。4、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。5、A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。6、One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible.一生有一个朋友就够了,有两个则太多,三个则很难存在。7、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。8、A hedge between keeps friendship green.有一道隔墙会保持友谊常青。9、Life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。


1、友谊是精神的默契,心灵的相通,美德的结合。 Friendship is the tacit understanding of spirit, the connection of soul and the bination of virtue. 2、信任是友谊的重要空气,这种空气减少多少,友谊也会相应消失多少。 Trust is an important air of friendship. How much less this air is, how much friendship will disappear accordingly. 3、友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。 Friendship needs neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality. 4、比荣誉、美酒、爱情和智慧更宝贵、更使人幸福的东西是我的友谊。 What is more precious and happy than honor, wine, love and wisdom is my friendship. 5、友谊之于人心其价值真有如炼金术上常常所说的他们的宝石之于人身一样。 Friendship is to the heart what alchemy often says is to the body. 6、友谊本身就是一根神圣的纽带,苦难使它变得更为神圣。 Friendship itself is a sacred bond, and suffering makes it more sacred. 7、朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。 Keep a certain distance beeen friends, so that friendship will last forever. 8、友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。 Friendship is based on the greatest similarity beeen the hearts and souls of o people. 9、在智慧提供给整个人生的一切幸福之中,以获得友谊最为重要。 Among all the happiness that wisdom offers to the whole life, friendship is the most important. 10、恋爱使人坚强,同时也使人软弱。友情只使人坚强。 Love makes a man strong, but also weak. Friendship only makes one strong. 11、坎坷的道路上可以看出毛驴的耐力,患难的生活中可以看出友谊的忠诚。 The endurance of donkeys can be seen on rough roads, and the loyalty of friendship can be seen in life in distress. 12、单单一个有智慧的人的友谊,要比所有愚蠢的人的友谊还更有价值。 The friendship of a wise man alone is more valuable than that of all fools. 13、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,它是温柔甜蜜的。 Friendship beeen people unites the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, it is tender and sweet. 14、生活将在种种友谊之中得到充实。爱他人,并为他人所爱,这就是生存的最大乐趣。 Life will be enriched by friendships. To love others and to be loved by others is the greatest joy of living. 15、人生最美好的东西,就是他同别人的友谊。 The best thing in life is his friendship with others. 16、于顺境中交朋友只需费一举手之劳;在困厄时寻找友谊简直比登天还难。 It takes a lot of effort to make friends in good times; it"s harder to find friendship in bad times than to climb into the sky. 17、如果没有节操,世界上的恋爱、友情、美德都不存在。 Without moral integrity, love, friendship and virtue do not exist in the world. 18、把友谊归结为利益的人,我以为是把友谊中最宝贵的东西勾销了。 The person who attributes friendship to interests, I think, has cancelled the most precious thing in friendship. 19、建立和巩固友谊的最好的方法,莫过于互相信赖地闲谈心事与家常。 The best way to build and consolidate friendship is to talk trustfully about one another"s thoughts and family life. 20、真正的友谊,只能基于相近性情的结合。 True friendship can only be based on the bination of similar temperaments. 21、朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊。 Friends must help each other in order to be true friendship. 22、不论是多情的诗顺,漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的欢乐,什么都不能代替无比亲密的友情。 Whether it is sentimental poetry, beautiful articles, or leisure joy, nothing can replace the inparably close friendship. 23、友谊真是一样最神圣的东西,不仅值得特别推崇,而是值得永远赞扬。 Friendship is really the most sacred thing. It deserves not only special praise, but also eternal praise. 24、友谊,那心灵的神秘的结合者!生活的美化者,社会的巩固者。 Friendship, the mysterious union of the soul! The beautifier of life, the consolidator of society. 25、帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。 Help your friends to maintain friendship, five your enemies and strive for inspiration. 26、友谊!你是灵魂的神秘胶漆;你是生活的甜料,社会性的连接物。 Friendship! You are the mysterious paint of the soul; you are the sweetener of life, the social connector. 27、撇开友谊,无法谈青春,因为友谊是点缀青春的最美的花朵。 Without friendship, we can not talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flower embellishing youth. 28、金子使兄弟反目;,金子使家庭不和;金子使友谊破裂;金子使国家内讧。 Gold turns brothers against each other; gold turns families against each other; gold breaks friendships; and gold turns nations against each other. 29、友谊就好比一颗星星,而爱情只是一支蜡烛。蜡烛是要耗尽的,而星星却永远闪光。 Friendship is like a star, but love is only a candle. Candles are exhausted, but stars shine forever. 30、没有哪一种友谊的基础比有着一个共同的敌人更稳固。 No friendship is stronger than having a mon enemy. 31、大量的友谊使生命坚强,爱与被爱是生活中最大幸福。 A great deal of friendship makes life strong. Love and being loved are the greatest happiness in life. 32、我服从理性,有必要时,我可以为它牺牲我的友谊,我的憎恶,以及我的生命。 I submit to reason, and when necessary, I can sacrifice my friendship, my hatred, and my life for it. 33、友谊只能在实践中产生并在实践中得到保持。 Friendship can only e into being in practice and be maintained in practice. 34、友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。 Friendship is not only the spice of life, but also the painkiller of life. 35、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一种机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 36、真实的十分理智的友谊是人生最美好的无价之宝。 Real, very rational friendship is the best priceless treasure of life. 37、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。 It"s a rule of friendship: once suspicion enters through the front door, love slips through the back door. 38、友谊像清晨的雾一样纯洁,奉承并不能得到友谊,友谊只能用忠实去巩固它。 Friendship is as pure as the fog of the morning. Flattery can"t get friendship. Friendship can only be consolidated with loyalty. 39、谈到名声、荣誉、快乐、财富这些东西,如果同友情相比,它们都是尘土。 When it es to fame, honor, happiness and wealth, they are all dust when pared with friendship. 40、如果人表面效果来判断,爱情与其说像友谊不如说像仇恨。 If judged by human surface effect, love is more like hatred than friendship. 41、富裕带来荣誉,富裕创造友谊,穷人到哪儿都是下人。 Richness brings honor, richness creates friendship, and the poor are inferior everywhere. 42、友谊、活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。 The songs of friendship, activity and youth will ease our pain. 43、愿除了寻求心灵的加深之外,友谊没有别的目的。 May friendship have no other purpose than to seek the deepening of the soul. 44、所谓友情,是平等的人们之间离开了利益关系的交易。 The so-called friendship is a transaction beeen equal people who leave their interests behind. 45、真诚的友谊好象健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。 Sincere friendship seems to be healthy, but its value is not known until it is lost.


友情 [词典] friendship; friendly sentiments; good-fellowship; hail-fellow; [例句]她珍惜自己和克里斯之间长达10年的柏拉图式的友情。She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.




不同的摄像机效果和作用是不一样的,价格也不一样。监控摄像机也可以被叫作监控摄像头 简称:监控头, 都是一个意思 需要了解更多的摄像机的问题,(1750QQ123772)可以加我聊


1、主流固态硬盘的尺寸和普通的笔记本硬盘一样大,由于笔记本硬盘和台式机硬盘的接口是完全一样的,所以,固态硬盘可以用在笔记本和台式机上。  2、固态盘和普通盘的安装方式完全一样。


含钠元素Na 黄 含锂元素Li 紫红 含钾元素K 浅紫(透过蓝色钴玻璃观察,因为钾里面常混有钠,黄色掩盖了浅紫色) 含铷元素Rb 紫 含钙元素Ca 砖红色 含锶元素Sr 洋红 含铜元素Cu 绿 含钡元素Ba 黄绿 含钴元素Co 淡蓝 (注:含铁元素Fe 无色)


关于氯化亚铜溶解的问题 氯化亚铜能与氨形络合物,能溶解浓氨水,色溶液. CuCl + 2NH3?H2O = 2H2O + [Cu(NH3)2]Cl 氯化亚铜溶于氯化钠的反应 应该是生成 [CuCl2]-络合物, 刚开始[CuCl4]2-应该不生成或量很少,放置一段时间后,量应该会逐渐变多,因为铜的四配位才是最稳定的。(个人考虑著是这样,不敢保证准确) 氯化亚铜会不会和铁单质反应氯化亚铜微溶于水,用钢质 氯化亚铜会不会和铁单质反应氯化亚铜微溶于水,用钢质 当然会了,铁会置换出溶液中的铜, 中间反应生成Cu2+和单质铜,Cu2+继续反应生成单质铜. 老师,氯化亚铜溶于哪些溶液 加入浓氨水的话,亚铜离子会和氨水中的氨分子发生配位形成二氨合亚铜配离子,此离子是无色的:Cu+ + 2NH3 = [Cu(NH3)2]+;这种离子虽然由于形成配合物而相对稳定存在,但放置一段时间的话,空气中的氧气会把里面的Cu(Ⅰ)氧化为Cu(Ⅱ),而变成了深蓝色的溶液:4[Cu(NH3)2]+ + 8NH3 + O2 + 2H2O = 4[Cu(NH3)4]2+ + 4OH-.加入浓盐酸的话,亚铜离子会和氯离子发生配位形成二氯合亚铜配离子,此离子也是无色的,但溶液中尚存在亚铜离子会被氧化成铜离子,和氯离子配位得四氯合铜配离子,使得溶液显黄绿色到棕黄色:Cu+ + 2Cl- = [CuCl2]-;(Cu2+ + 4Cl- = [CuCl4]2-). 为什么氯化亚铜不溶于水? 希望 说的详细点,而不只是 说氯化亚铜是沉淀. 氯化亚铜中氯离子与铜离子相互极化,化学键接近于共价键,在水中溶解度很小。 为什么氯化钠易溶于水,氯化亚铜难溶于水 你好!这和分子中金属离子的性质有关系的。金属钠极易容易水,而金属铜很难溶于水。因此,易溶于水的金属钠、钾、钙、镁等其形成氯化物(与盐酸反应)易溶于水。而氯化亚铜则难溶于水,因为其在水中无法完全电离形成亚铜离子和氯离子,因此难溶。 如何生产氯化亚铜 先制备无水氯化铜: 要在氯化氢的气流中将二水氯化铜加热到413-423K时可得 再将无水氯化铜进一步受热可得: 2CuCl2===(773K)2CuCl+Cl2 比较氯化亚铜和氯化银在水中的溶解度的大小 解析: Ksp(AgCl)= 1.8 × 10^(-10) Ksp(CuCl)= 1.2 × 10^(-6) Ksp(CuCl)> Ksp(AgCl) 又因为CuCl与AgCl为同一型别物质,即MCl 所以 溶解度: S(CuCl)> S(AgCl) 实验实制备氯化亚铜? 实验室氯化亚铜的制备方法如下: 将硫酸铜与氯化钠加水溶解,并用盐酸调节酸度,再加入铜粉一起加热,二价Cu2+ 被单质铜还原成可溶性的配合物Na[CuCl2],经水解后产生白色沉淀,即为氯化亚铜产品。有关化学反应方程式如下: Cu+CuCl2+2NaCl ══ 2Na[CuCl2] [CuCl2]- ══ CuCl↓+Cl-。 氯化亚铜别名一氯化铜为白色立方结晶或白色粉末,微溶于水,溶于浓盐酸和氨水生成络合物,不溶於乙醇。用作催化剂、杀菌剂、媒染剂、脱色剂;冶金工业;在气体分析中用于一氧化碳和乙炔的测定。 氯化亚铜是什么颜色?我想知道氯化亚铜是什么颜色 氧化亚铜粉末为鲜红色;当在紫铜表面生成氧化亚铜薄层时,颜色接近棕红色。


补充:日语的 t 和 d 的区别是清浊;汉语(普通话)的 t 和 d 的区别是送不送气。日语的 t 音本来送气不怎么强,有时候听起来像送气音,有时候听起来像不送气音(对日本人来说,送不送气的区别是根本不重要的)。


这个素自己去年写毕业论文用到的一段哈,要原文就上原文了The different dimensions of loyalty The first problem in studying loyalty in human organizations is that there seems to be no generally accepted definition of this concept. Often, loyalty is taken to mean remaining in an organization for a long time. But some studies have shown how it can have many different dimensions. Cole (2000), for instance, interviewed David L. Sturn, President of the Loyalty Institute, an arm of Chicago-based Aon Consulting, about a study undertaken by that organization interviewing the employees of more that 200 of its corporate clients. According to that study, what characterizes a “committed” employee is that (1) he is a team player; (2) willing to make sacrifices for the good of the company; (3) believes in the company"s products; (4) will recommend the company as among the best places to work, and (5) is prepared to stay in the company for the next several years, even if offered a modest pay increase elsewhere (Cole, 2000). Obviously, the first four characteristics of a committed employee go well beyond the fifth one, which is the only one related with remaining in the organization; and, still qualifying the fact of remaining in the organization by rejecting a change with a “modest” pay increase elsewhere. Powers (2000) offers an interesting set of indicators of loyalty:– Remaining with the company; not leaving, not job hunting– Staying late to complete a project– Keeping the company"s business confidential; no whistle-blowing– Promoting the company to customers and community– Adhering to rules without close supervision– Sacrificing personal goals to achieve company"s goals– No gossiping, lying, cheating or stealing– Buying company"s products– Contribution to company-sponsored charities– Offering improvement suggestions– Participating in company"s extracurricular activities– Following orders– Taking care of company property and not being wasteful– Working safely– Not abusing leave policies; including sick leave– Helping coworkers; cooperating Again, remaining with the company is a symptom of loyalty, but only a symptom. And a symptom is an indication, a noisy signal. A headache may be a symptom of a malignant brain tumor or a symptom of poor eyesight. The remaining indicators are also noisy signals, which go along with the basic intuitive concept of loyalty. In summary, both in the Cole and Powers articles, the basic idea is that an employee is committed, or loyal, to an organization when he holds two kinds of beliefs: (1) believes that what the organization is doing “is worth the while”, i.e., feels that the products of the company are really solving some type of human need; and (2) feels that the people he works with (superiors, subordinates, or at the same level) are people he can work with, and, therefore, is willing to cooperate with them, is willing to have initiatives, and be a team player. It is interesting to point out though, that in these analyses, loyalty and commitment are viewed as very positive for the organization and (possibly) for the individual. On the opposite side, some researchers have noticed some negative characteristics of loyalty and commitment. Randall (1987), for instance, signals as disadvantages of a strong commitment to an organization: (a) for the individual, that it may stymie individual growth and limit opportunities for mobility, as well as stifle creativity and innovation, and (b) for the organization, that it may blindly devote the individuals to their employers, and therefore perhaps waste their time and talents in jobs they don"t like, making it a situation that is unprofitable both for the individual and for the organization. Essentially then, the unfavorable consequences of loyalty are reduced to the possible loss of efficiency that is obtained if an individual is used where he shouldn"t be, which harms both the individual and the organization, but much more the former than the latter, and has to do with a misallocation of resources that is rather an error in judgement than a mistake arising from loyalty itself. Josep M. Rosanas and Manuel Velilla. Loyalty and Trust as the Ethical Bases of Organizations.[D]Journal of Business Ethics , 2003(1): 29~44.




a tough/hard nut to track 棘手的事或不可理喻的人 from soup to nuts 从头到尾,从开始到结束 e.g It would be a good idea to follow the process from soup to nuts 从头到尾按照进程行事会是个好主意 be nuts about 对...着迷 the nuts and bolts 具体细节,实际操作 e.g In class I can only address some theoretical issues. This afternoon in the lab we will deal with the nuts and bolts. be off one"s nut 失去理智=out of one"s mind nut up 以强烈的、自信的方式行动起来 e.g You need to nut up and ask your boss for a raise already.




Bubble tea is a tea beverage with tapioca balls mixed in. The Taiwanese name for bubble tea translates to "pearl milk tea" (珍珠奶茶). When tea is shaken a thin layer of bubbles forms on the surface. Due to this foaming process, any tea that is prepared by being shaken can be called bubble tea. It wasn"t until the tea was brought over to non-Asian countries that it was given the name "bubble tea." Since the most notable difference between bubble tea and other tea is the tapioca in the bottom of the drink, it was assumed that the "bubble" in bubble tea referred to the tapioca.

关于GPU渲染器 Redshift 的破解安装问题的求教


关于手机锂电池保护板,求教,急急急 !!!



My daily life is extremely monotonous,I try hard to adapt myself to it.Why?Because I intend to be a good student.I wish to render service to my country.I get up at six o"clock every day.After I wash my face and brush my teeth,I begin to review my lessons.I go to school at seven o"clock.After school is over,I return home.We usually have supper at seven o"clock.Then I begin to do my homework.I want to finish it before I go to bed.(二)My Daily LifeI get up at six every day.I dress myself quickly and have breakfast at half past six.After breakfast I go to school.I have four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon.I study hard and always help my classmate with their lessons.I have lunch at school.School is over at five.After supper I read newspapers or watch TV for half an hour.I prepare my lessons between half past seven and nine.I go to bed at nine.The above is a brief account of my daily life on weekdays.There is no school on Sundays.I usually review my lessons in the morning and call on some friends or to go to see a film in the afternoon.(三)MY DAILY LIFEThough my daily life is extremely monotonous,I try hard to adapt myself to it.Why?Because I intend to be a good student.I wish to render service to my country.I get up at six o"clock every day.After I wash my face and brush my teeth,I begin to review my lessons.I go to school at seven o"clock.After school is over,I return home.We usually have supper at seven o"clock.Then I begin to do my homework.I want to finish it before I go to bed.




  常群干燥设备有限公司  QG/JG系列气流干燥机气流干燥又称瞬间干燥  商品分类:干燥系列关键字:气流干燥机商品简述:干燥强度大、设备投资省:气流干燥设备的处理量是最大的,我们厂供应的产品的蒸发水份能力从 50kg/h-1500kg/h,而设备容积小,投资省,是其他干燥设备比不上的。自动化程度高、产品质量好:气流干燥物料全在管道中进行,干燥时间极短(只有O.5-2秒)因此可实现自动化,产品不与外界接触,污染小,质量好。  ,我国从六十年代起开始在制药化工行业应用。我厂在建厂伊始就选用国内外最先进技术,为制药、化工、食品等行业提供质高价廉的成套设备。多年来,经过不断地改进提高,发展成以下三大系列  特 点:  干燥强度大、设备投资省:气流干燥设备的处理量是最大的,我们厂供应的产品的蒸发水份能力从 50kg/h-1500kg/h,而设备容积小,投资省,是其他干燥设备比不上的。  自动化程度高、产品质量好:气流干燥物料全在管道中进行,干燥时间极短(只有O.5-2秒)因此可实现自动化,产品不与外界接触,污染小,质量好。  设备成套供应、热源自由选择:我厂气流干燥设备成套供应,基本型由空气过滤器、加热器、加料器、干燥管、风机、旋风分离器组成。用户可根据需要添置除尘器或其他辅助设备。  在加热方式选择上,气流干燥设备有较大的适应性,用户可以根据所在地区的条件选用蒸汽、电、热风炉加热、同时又可根据物料耐热温度(或热风温度)选择:≤150℃时,可选用蒸汽加热;≤200℃时,电加热(或蒸汽加热,电补偿或导热油加热);≤300℃时,燃煤热风炉;≤600℃时,燃油热风炉。  工作原理:  湿物料经输送机与加热后的自然空气同时进入干燥器,二者充分混和,由于热质交换面积大,从而在很短的时间内达到蒸发干燥的目的。干燥后的成品从旋风分离器排出,一小部分飞粉由旋风除尘器或布袋除尘器得到回收利用。Q型气流干燥器是负压操作,物料不经过风机;QG型气流干燥器是正压操作;物料经过风机带有粉碎作用;FG型气流干燥器是尾气循环型;JG型气流干燥器是强化型气流干燥器,其集闪蒸干燥 与气流干燥为一体,是我厂根据用户要求设计的新型干燥设备。  技术咨询及试验:  气流干燥是一种批量大、热效率较高的快速连续瞬间干燥设备,虽然其适用于多种物料的干燥,但由于物料性质差异较大,为了使广大用户能够选择到最佳的干燥设备,我厂免费技术咨询,提供安装布置图,进行物料试验。




什么是学术英语教育?在英国的130余所大学中,一共有40万国际学生,这其中有15%的本科生,也就是大约6万人。在这些人中,有20%是来自中国的本科留学生,也就是1.2万人。如果按人均投入100万来算,这些学生的教育投入是120亿。这一数字一方面证明英国本科教育的吸引力,另一方面也证明中国家庭对大学教育的重视度。可是,如果付出了高昂的学费,却发现无法适应英国的本科教育而中途放弃,那将会是一件特别令人遗憾的事情。事实上,一个普遍的认识误区是,只要能够考过雅思,就能够适应国外大学的全英文教学,而事实真是这样么?我们来细细剖析英国的大学教育,看看到底咱们需要哪些学术英语能力?1、 了解教师的考评用语-除了我们在入学时的雅思考试,我们在英国学习中需要了解英国教授是如何阅卷以及阅卷时的规则。比如,教授批阅作业经常会使用WC,它代表的是Wrong Word Choice,意思是用词不恰当。2、 能够用英语进行团队协作-英国大学经常要求学生合作完成一项课题,每个人要各自负责一部份,这个过程中学生需要能够听懂别人的意见,更要能表达自己的意见和说服别人接受这些意见。3、 能够用英语进行课堂学习-在英国大学课堂上,学生要听懂教授所讲、并记录下来形成笔记,还要知道就教授所讲提出自己的看法。4、 会使用专业学科英语-在与自己相关的专业课上,需要了解与学科相关的概念的表达方法,并了解如何解释、引用、综合、评价、甚至批判这些概念。5、 能够进行跨文化交际-由于老师和同学们来自世界各地,那么他们的英语表达习惯也是不同的,要能与他们进行交流。6、 能在不同的学习场合使用英语-英国大学有不同的学习形式,如Lecture(讲座)、Roundtable Discussion(研讨会)等,要知道在这些不同的场合的规则,知道如何使用适当的语言来进行交流,否则很容易冒犯他人。 雅思等考试能够帮助学生获得一张进入英国大学的门票,却不能保证学生在这个过程中顺利完成学业。而湖南师范大学外国语学院国际教育中心的学术英语教育是为了让学生提早适应海外学习生活,而进行的纯正学术英语教育,这与雅思考试培训是不同的。


Once upon a time,there was a shepherd who kept some sheep.He herded them outside in daytime;at night,he drived them in the sheepfold which was inclosed by hays and pegs etc. One morning,the shepherd went to herd sheep and found one sheep lost.He then discovered that the sheepfold had been broken,and the wolf must had thieved the sheep through the hollow. "You"d better repaire the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible!"Neighbours advised him. "The sheep has been lost,why should I reparie the sheepfold?" He didn"t accept the neighbour"s kind suggestions. The next morning,he went to herd and found another sheep lost.The wolf had again did it. The shepherd now regreted for not taking neighbour"s advice and taking remediations in time.So he stifled the hollow soon,and reinforced the whole sheepfold ,and made the sheepfold so substantial.






赤脊山15-25 然后去湿地(米港)20+-30+


PEST分析是指宏观环境的分析,P是政治(Politics),E是经济(Economy),S是社会(Society),T是技术(Technology)。在分析一个集团外部所处的背景的时候,通常是通过这四个因素来进行分析集团所面临的状况。P政治法律环境政治环境主要包括政治制度与体制,政局,的态度等等;法律环境主要包括制定的法律、法规。2. E经济环境构成经济环境的关键战略要素:GDP、利率水平、财政货币政策、通货膨胀、失业率水平、居民可支配收入水平、汇率、能源供给成本、市场机制、市场需求等。3. S社会文化环境影响最大的是人口环境和文化背景。人口环境主要包括人口规模、年龄结构、人口分布、种族结构以及收入分布等因素。PEST分析方法通常采用矩阵式的方法,就是在坐标中分成四个象限。如拿政治和经济两个做坐标,政治环境和经济环境都好的情况下,就应该发展。政治环境和经济环境都不理想的情况下,就不能发展。环境一个好一个不太好时,就要适当考虑,可以发展也可以不发展。PEST分析通常用于外部环境分析。




关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇一   The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people.   In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food.They could only eat these during the Spring festival.So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon.Now,although people"s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday.People still like the festival.Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family.In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.   I like the Spring Festival very much.How wonderful the Spring Festival is!   春节对中国人来说非常重要。   在过去,人们不能经常吃肉类、大米或其他美味的食物。他们只能在春节吃这些。所以每年他们都希望春节快到。现在,虽然人们的生活好多了,我们每天都能吃到美味的食物。人们仍然喜欢这个节日。因为大多数人都可以有一个很长的假期,我们可以自由地去旅行、拜访我们的朋友或和家人聚会。晚上,我们可以在餐馆里吃顿大餐,或者和家人呆在家里看电视节目。   我非常喜欢春节。春节真是太好了! 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇二   In China,Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals.It is also getting more and more popular in some foreign countries.When Spring Festival comes,it means that a new year comes,and people grow a year older.During the festival,it is very crowded throughout the country.   On the eve of Spring Festival,parents get food,clothes and Spring Festival"s goods prepared.The people who work outside come back,and the whole family gets together to have meals and say goodbye to the last year,and welcome the New Year.After the meal,they wait until midnight comes.They set off fireworks then.   On the first morning of the Spring Festival,everyone wears their new clothes and then go to other"s homes to celebrate the New Year.Each family sets off fireworks when their guests come,and they take out sweets and peanuts to share.On the following days,they go around to their relatives and friends.The Spring Festival has several meanings.It means people working outside can come back to relax themselves,a new year begins.When spring comes,farmers begin to plant crops and people make a plan for the New Year.   All the people throughout the world pay much attention to it.Our country of course holds some national celebrations to celebrate it.This most traditional festival in China will go on being celebrated in the future.   在中国,春节是最重要的节日之一。它在国外也越来越流行。当春节来临时,意味着新年来临,人们会长大一岁。节日期间,全国都很拥挤。   春节前夕,父母准备好食物、衣服和春节用品。在外面工作的人回来了,全家聚在一起吃饭,告别去年,迎接新年。饭后,他们一直等到午夜。那时他们放烟花。   春节的第一个早晨,每个人都穿上新衣服,然后去别人家庆祝新年。每个家庭都会在客人来的时候放烟花,他们会拿出糖果和花生来分享。在接下来的几天里,他们会去他们的亲戚朋友那里。春节有多种含义。这意味着在外面工作的人可以回来放松自己,新的一年开始了。当春天来临时,农民开始种植庄稼,人们为新年制定计划。   全世界的人都非常关注它。我们国家当然会举行一些全国性的庆祝活动来庆祝它。中国最传统的节日将在未来继续庆祝。 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇三   After the Preliminary Eve,people begin preparing for the coming New Year.This is called "Seeing the New Year in".   Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year.Materials not only include edible oil,rice,flour,chicken,duck,fish and meat,but also fruit,candies and kinds of nuts.What"s more,various decorations,new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly,friends and relatives,are all on the list of purchasing.   Before the New Year comes,the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes,bedclothes and all their utensils.   Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity.All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets,highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper.The content varies from house owners" wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year.Also,pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.   除夕前夜,人们开始为即将到来的新年做准备。这叫做“拜年”。   那时商店老板很忙,因为大家都出去买过年的必需品。原料不仅包括食用油、大米、面粉、鸡肉、鸭、鱼和肉,还包括水果、糖果和各种坚果。此外,各种各样的装饰品、给孩子们的新衣服和鞋子以及给老人、朋友和亲戚们的礼物都在采购清单上。   在新年到来之前,人们会彻底清洁他们家的室内和室外,以及他们的衣服、床上用品和所有用具。   然后人们开始装饰他们的房间,使其具有一种欢乐和节日的气氛。所有的门板将贴春联,突出中国书法与黑色字体的红纸。内容不尽相同,从业主对美好未来的愿望到新年的好运。此外,门和财富之神的图片将张贴在前门,以抵御恶灵,欢迎和平和富足。 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇四   Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It"s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .   春节是中国最重要的节日。它是庆祝农历新年。在春节前的晚上,家人聚在一起吃大餐。在许多地方,人们喜欢放鞭炮。饺子是最传统的食物。孩子们非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以好吃的,穿新衣服。他们还可以从父母那里得到一些钱。这些钱是为了给孩子们好运。人们把新年卷轴挂在墙上以求好运。春节大约持续15天,人们带着“祝你万事如意”的字样来探亲访友。人们喜欢春节,在这段时间他们可以好好休息。 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇五   Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring.It began in the last day of the lunar year,end in the 15th day of lunar New Year,also is the Lantern Festival.During the Spring Festival,people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house,put on all kinds of colored clothes,often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings,fish,meat and other delicious food.The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money,and together they play each other the fireworks,with happy.Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities,CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.   中国的春节庆祝冬天的结束和春天的温暖。它开始于农历年的最后一天,结束于农历新年的第十五天,也是元宵节。春节期间,人们用红灯笼和春联装饰房屋,穿上各种颜色的衣服,经常拜访亲朋好友或一起吃饺子、鱼、肉等美味食品。孩子们期待着收到红包,他们一起玩烟花,一起开心。街上有舞龙、舞狮等嘉年华活动,中央电视台将举办盛大的春节联欢晚会。 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇六   The lunar new year is a great occasion to the chinese people.it lasts about the first four days of the year,during which people do not work except for the workers on duty.students do not go to school,and shops are closed.   several days before the new year,people begin to prepare.farmers kill pigs,sheep,cocks and hens.city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables.houses are cleaned,coupletsare posted on the doors.colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.   On the eve of the new year,each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner.after the meal they watch tv until the clock strickes twelve.then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year.on the first day of the new year,almost everyone is dressed in his or her best.when people meet on the way,they say to each other “happy new year”.friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other.children indulge themselves in games.   农历新年对中国人来说是一个伟大的节日。一年中的头四天,除了值班的工人外,其他人都不工作。学生不上学,商店关门。   新年前几天,人们开始准备。农民杀死猪、羊、公鸡和母鸡。城里人买肉、鱼和蔬菜。房子打扫干净了,门上贴着对联。门口挂着五颜六色的灯笼。   除夕之夜,家家户户都聚在一起吃团圆饭。饭后他们看电视直到钟敲十二点。然后家家户户燃放长串的小鞭炮等火工品,迎接新的一年。在新年的第一天,几乎每个人都穿着他或她的衣服。当人们在路上相遇时,他们互相说“新年快乐”。亲朋好友打电 话拜年,互赠礼物。孩子们一起玩游戏。 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇七   The happy spring festival spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month.chinese people most like the spring festival.during spring festival,Chinese people like having meals with their families,playing fireworks in the open air.my sisters and iplayed fireworks on that day.We had many fireworks.they were very beautiful.they were running into the sky and breaking into pieces.they looked like flowers in the sky.we were very happy and excited.After that,I made awish.I hope that,we can have ahappy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family can be happy.I enjoy the festival very happy!   春节是在第一个月的第一天,中国人最喜欢春节。在春节期间,中国人喜欢和自己的家人一起吃饭,一起放焰火。在那些日子里,我和我姐姐一起放焰火。我们燃放了很多的焰火,它们非常漂亮,它们升上天空并且使一些地方变得很亮。在天空中,它们看起来像是花,我们很高兴也很兴奋。在这之后,我许了一个愿,我希望,在来年,我们能够高高兴兴并且拥有健康的生活,还有每一个人在我们家庭里都可以开开心心。我非常高兴! 关于新年的英语作文带翻译篇八   The Spring Festival is the most important festival all the year round for the Chinese.During this Spring Festival,I have a good time.First of all,I did so well in the final exam that makes my parents very happy.They say that it"s their best gift for the New Year.And we come back our hometown to spend this biggest festival with other relatives.We had a big dinner on the New Year"s Eve.There were about thirty people had the dinner together.It was really great.After dinner,we enjoyed the Spring Festival Gala Evening.On the New Year"s Day,we gathered together to play games or cards.We children got lucky money from adults.This was the most exciting thing for us.On the following days,we visited to each other,bringing our best wishes.   对中国人来说,春节是一年中最重要的节日。今年,我度过了一个快乐的春节。首先,期末考试我考得很好,这让我的父母非常高兴,他们说这是他们的新年礼物。我们回老家和亲人们一起度过了这个春节,除夕夜,我们吃了一顿丰盛的年夜饭,大概有三十个人一起吃饭,非常热闹。晚饭过后,我们一起看了春节联欢晚会。大年初一,我们聚在一起玩游戏、打牌。大人们会给小孩压岁钱,这是最让我们高兴的事。在接下来的几天,我们带上的祝福,和亲戚们相互串门。


1.Happy new year!新年快乐!2.Best of luck in the year to come.原你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。3.Wish all the best wishes for you.献上最美好的祝福。4.Hope all your New Year dreams come true!愿你所有的新年梦想都成真!5.Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.祝福您及全家新年快乐。6.As the New Year begins, let us also start a new!新年新气象!7.Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新的一年充满快乐。8.Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.祝福您及全家新年快乐。9.To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。10.Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝好运、健康、快乐伴你度过一个愉快的新年。习俗一:年夜饭说到春节,肯定最先想起的就是年夜饭。家庭是华人社会的基石,一年一度的年夜饭充分表现出华族家庭成员的互敬互爱,这种互敬互爱使一家人之间的关系更为紧密。吃年夜饭,是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜,丰盛的年菜摆满一桌,阖家团聚,围坐桌旁,共吃团圆饭,心头的充实感真是难以言喻。人们既是享受满桌的佳肴盛馔,也是享受那份快乐的气氛。习俗二:窗花新春佳节时,许多地区的人们喜欢在窗户上贴上各种剪纸一一一窗花。窗花不仅烘托了喜庆的节日气氛,而且也为人们带来了美的享受,集装饰性、欣赏性和实用性于一体。窗花以其特有的概括和夸张手法将吉事祥物、美好愿望表现得淋漓尽致,将节日装点得红火富丽、喜气洋洋。习俗三:走会走会是一种传统的中国民间歌舞表演,主要集中在春节至灯节前后,在北京亦称香会,1949年后改称花会。每逢年节或遇喜庆大典以及山坛庙会,它便成为最有组织、最为热烈的街头歌舞表演。 走会的主要表演形式有:开路、秧歌、五虎棍、旱船、中幡、小车会、高跷、杠箱、狮子、十番、太平鼓等。习俗四:扫尘“腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子。”每临春节,家家户户都要清洗家具,拆洗被褥,开展一次卫生大扫除,干干净净迎新春。它起源于古代人民驱除病疫的一种宗教仪式,《吕览法》称:“岁除日,击鼓驱疠疫鬼,谓之逐除,亦曰木难。”后来,逐渐演变为年终的卫生大扫除了。民谚云:“二四扫房屋,二七、二八贴花花。”就是说,从腊月二十四开始,到年终,均为“扫年”时间。“扫年”之风俗,反映了我国劳动人民爱清洁、讲卫生的传统。习俗五:放鞭炮“是璀灿的珠宝溢光流彩,是闪光的花瓣落英缤纷,真想不到呀,小小的纸筒里,有着那么美的灵魂??火一般的热烈,花一样的迷人,它把迅息的一生,献给了新春……”放爆竹庆贺春节,在我国已有两千多年的历史了。古人焚竹发声,名曰“爆竹”,爆竹的原意在于惊惮和驱逐恶鬼。习俗六:挂年画兰荷菊梅开满墙,满屋似闻花芬芳。引来燕雀檐前闹,直冲屋里抖翅膀。这首咏年画的诗,描绘了春节将至,家家户户挂年画的新气象。年画是我国民间绘画艺术中,人民群众喜闻乐见的一种形式。它是伴随着我国农历春节送旧迎新的活动而产生的。早在尧舜时期,年画就已出现了。至今,广大农村每年春节还有张贴年画的传统。


  “多情自古伤离别”。千百年来,多少文人墨客为这拨动心弦的时刻写下了不计其数的离别诗作。下面是我带来的关于离别的 英语诗歌 ,欢迎大家阅读!  关于离别的英语诗歌篇一   sorrow of separation 泰戈尔   离愁——徐翰林   it is the pang of separation that spreads throughout   the world and gives birth to shapes innumetable   in the infinite sky.   it is this sorrow of separation that gazes   in silence all nights from star to star   and becomes lyric among rustling leaves   in rainy darkness of july.   离别的创痛笼罩了整个世界,   无边的天宇变得姿态万千。   正是这离愁,夜夜默望着星辰,   并在七月雨夜的萧萧叶片间化做抒情诗。   it is this overspreading pain that   deepens into loves and desires,   into sufferings and joy in human homes;   and this it is that ever melts and   flows in songs through my poetu2019s heart.   正是这弥漫的离恨,   深化为爱和欲,成为人间的苦乐。   正是它通过我诗人的   关于离别的英语诗歌篇二   离别时...   Colder thy kiss一吻寒更添;   Truly that hour foretold日后伤心事,   Sorrow to this!此刻已预言。   The dew of the morning 朝起 寒露 重,   Sunk chill on my brown 凛冽凝眉间   It felt like the warning彼时已预告:   Of what I feel now.悲伤在今天。   The vows are all broken,山盟今安在?   And light is the fame:汝名何轻贱!   I hear the name spoken,吾闻汝名传,   And share in its shame.羞愧在人前。   They name thee before me,闻汝名声恶,   A knell to mine ear;犹如听丧钟。   A shudder comes o"er me-不禁心怵惕--   Why wert thou so dear?往昔情太浓。   They know not I knew thee谁知旧日情,   Who knew thee too well:斯人知太深。   long, long shall I rue thee,绵绵长怀恨,   Too deeply to tell.尽在不言中,   In secret we met-昔日喜幽会,   In silence I grieve,今朝恨无声。   That the heart could forget,旧情汝已忘,   The spirit deceive.疾心遇薄幸。   If I should meet thee多年离别后,   After ling year,抑或再相逢,   How should I greet thee?相逢何所语?   With silence and tears.泪流默无声。   关于离别的英语诗歌篇三   别离辞,莫悲伤   A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning   别离辞:莫悲伤   As virtuous men pass mildly away   正如贤人安然辞世   And whisper to their souls to go   轻声呼唤灵魂离去   Whilst some of their sad friends do say   悲伤的有人或伤逝   "Now his breath goes," and some say "no"   叹其气绝魂离,亦又说不然   So let me melt, and make no noise   就让我们悄然别离,不要喧哗   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move   不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声叹息   They were profanation of our joys   那是对我们欢乐的亵渎   To tell the laity of our love   向俗人宣示我们的爱   Moving of the earth brings harms and fears   地动带来伤害与恐惧   Men reckon what it did, and meant   人们推其为断其义   But trepidation of the spheres   而天体运转震动, 威力虽大   Though greater far, is innocent   却对什么都没损伤   Dull sublunary lovers" love   乏味的烦情俗爱   -whose soul is sense- cannot admit   建立在感官之上,无法承受   Of absense, "cause it doth remove   别离,因为别离   The things which elemented it   使爱的根基破碎支离   But we by a love so much refined   但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱   Though ourselves know not what it is   连我们都无法理解   Inter-assured of the mind   心心相印、相许   Careless,eyes,lips and hands to miss   岂在乎眼、唇和手的交融   Our two souls therefore, which are one   我们俩的灵魂合而为一   Tought I must go, endure not yet   我纵须远离   A breach, but an expansion   非违爱诺,实是延展   Like gold aery thinness beat   宛若黄金锤炼成轻飘韧箔   If there be two, they are two so   若我们的灵魂一分为二   As stiff twin compasses are two   应如坚定的圆规般   Thy suol, the fied foot, makes no show   你的心灵是定脚,坚守不移   To move, but doth, if the other do   但另一只脚起步,你便随之旋转   And though it in the centre sit   尽管一直端坐中央   Yet, when the other far doth roam   但当另一只脚四周漫游   It leans, and hearkens after it   它亦会侧身,细听周详   And grows erect, when that comes home   待它归来,便挺直如旧   Such wilt thou be to me, who must   这便是你之于我,我一直   Like the other foot, obliquely run   如同那另一只脚,侧身转圈   Thy firmness makes my circle just   你的坚贞使我的轨迹浑圆   And makes me end where it begun   也让我的漫游在起跑线终止 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于离别的英语句子 2. 关于精彩英文诗歌鉴赏 3. 关于经典英语诗歌鉴赏 4. 唯美英语离别句子精选 5. 关于英文优美诗歌鉴赏


  诗歌朗读、学习诗歌、并进行诗歌创作和翻译过程中都是一种美的感受,能够让学生体会其特有的韵律美,尽情发挥想象,驰骋在诗歌的海洋中。我整理了关于悲伤的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   关于悲伤的英文诗歌篇1   A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning   别离辞:莫悲伤   As virtuous men pass mildly away   正如贤人安然辞世   And whisper to their souls to go   轻声呼唤灵魂离去   Whilst some of their sad friends do say   悲伤的有人或伤逝   "Now his breath goes," and some say "no"   叹其气绝魂离,亦又说不然   So let me melt, and make no noise   就让我们悄然别离,不要喧哗   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move   不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声叹息   They were profanation of our joys   那是对我们欢乐的亵渎   To tell the laity of our love   向俗人宣示我们的爱   Moving of the earth brings harms and fears   地动带来伤害与恐惧   Men reckon what it did, and meant   人们推其为断其义   But trepidation of the spheres   而天体运转震动, 威力虽大   Though greater far, is innocent   却对什么都没损伤   Dull sublunary lovers" love   乏味的烦情俗爱   -whose soul is sense- cannot admit   建立在感官之上,无法承受   Of absense, "cause it doth remove   别离,因为别离   The things which elemented it   使爱的根基破碎支离   But we by a love so much refined   但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱   Though ourselves know not what it is   连我们都无法理解   Inter-assured of the mind   心心相印、相许   Careless,eyes,lips and hands to miss   岂在乎眼、唇和手的交融   Our two souls therefore, which are one   我们俩的灵魂合而为一   Tought I must go, endure not yet   我纵须远离   A breach, but an expansion   非违爱诺,实是延展   Like gold aery thinness beat   宛若黄金锤炼成轻飘韧箔   If there be two, they are two so   若我们的灵魂一分为二   As stiff twin compasses are two   应如坚定的圆规般   Thy suol, the fied foot, makes no show   你的心灵是定脚,坚守不移   To move, but doth, if the other do   但另一只脚起步,你便随之旋转   And though it in the centre sit   尽管一直端坐中央   Yet, when the other far doth roam   但当另一只脚四周漫游   It leans, and hearkens after it   它亦会侧身,细听周详   And grows erect, when that comes home   待它归来,便挺直如旧   Such wilt thou be to me, who must   这便是你之于我,我一直   Like the other foot, obliquely run   如同那另一只脚,侧身转圈   Thy firmness makes my circle just   你的坚贞使我的轨迹浑圆   And makes me end where it begun   也让我的漫游在起跑线终止   关于悲伤的英文诗歌篇2   On Joy and Sorrow   By Kahill Gilbran   欢乐与忧伤---纪伯伦   Then a woman said, “Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow.”   And he answered: Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.   And the selfsame well from   Which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.   一位妇人说:请给我们谈谈欢乐和忧伤。   他回答:你们的欢乐是无法掩饰的忧伤。   你欢笑的泉眼常常也饱含着泪水。   And how else can it be?   The deeper that sorrow carves into your being.   The more joy you can contain.   Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup   That was burned in the potteru2019s oven?   And is not the lute that soothes your spirit,   The very wood that was hollowed with knives?   除此之外,又当如何?   镌刻在你们身上的忧伤愈深,你们能盛装的欢乐愈多。   斟满了美酒的杯盏,难道不是曾在陶工炉火中锻造的杯盏吗?   When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and   You shall find it is only that which has given   You sorrow that is giving you joy.   When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,   And you shall see that in truth you are weeping for   That which has been your delight.   当你们快乐时,审视自己的内心,   你们会发现曾经的忧伤如今却让你们快乐。   当你们忧伤时,再次审视自己的内心,   你们会发现曾经的快乐如今却让你们流泪。   Some of you say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.”   But I say unto you, they are inseparable.   Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board,   Remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.   你们中有些人说:“欢乐胜于忧伤。”   另一些人则说:“不,忧伤更伟大。”   但我要说,他们是相辅相成的。   它们一同降临,当其中一个单独与你同坐时,   记住另一个正在你的床上安歇。   Verily you are suspended like scales   Between your sorrow and your joy.   Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.   When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh   His gold and his silver, needs must your   Joy or your sorrow rise or fall.   的确,你们就像在忧伤与欢乐之间摇摆不定的天平。   只有当你们彻底空虚时,你们才能平衡稳定。   把你浮沉不定的快乐和悲伤都留给   那用你来称量金银的守财奴吧。   关于悲伤的英文诗歌篇3   一个忧伤的孩子 A Sad Child   Youu2019re sad because youu2019re sad.   Itu2019s psychic. Itu2019s the age. Itu2019s chemical.   Go see a shrink or take a pill,   Or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll.   You need to sleep.   你忧伤,因为你忧伤。   这是心灵。这是年龄。这是化学药物。   去看心理医生,或者吃颗药,   或者像个没有眼珠的阴郁的娃娃,抱着忧伤。   你需要睡觉。   Well, all children are sad   But some get over it.   Count your blessings. Better than that,   Buy a hat. Buy a coat or pet.   Take up dancing to forget.   你看,所有的孩子都忧伤,   但有些孩子能克服那种情绪。   数数你的幸事。更好的选择是去   买顶帽子,买件外套或买个宠物。   去跳舞,忘掉。   Forget what?   Your sadness, your shadow,   Whatever it was that was done to you   The day of the lawn party.   When you came inside flushed with the sun,   Your mouth sulky with sugar,   In your new dress with the ribbon   And the ice-cream smear,   And said to yourself in the bathroom,   I am not the favorite child.   忘掉什么?   你的忧伤,你的阴影,   无论是发生在你身上的任何事,   在草地派对那天。   你走进来,脸被阳光晒得通红,   嘴含着糖,在生气,   你穿着系着丝带的新连衣裙,   上面还有冰激淋污迹。   你在浴室自言自语,   我不是最讨人喜欢的孩子。   My darling, when it comes   Right down to it   And the light fails and the fog rolls in   And youu2019re trapped in your overturned body   Under a blanket or burning car   亲爱的,总而   言之,   当光变暗,雾涌来,   当你翻倒,   受困于毯子或焚烧着的车子之下   And the red flame is seeping out of you   And igniting the tarmac beside you head   Or else the floor, or else the pillow,   None of us is;   Or else we all are.   红色的火焰从你身体冒出,   引燃你脑旁的柏油碎石路面,   要不然就是地板,或者枕头,   我们谁都不忧伤;   否则我们都忧伤。




Wishes for the New Year新年心愿The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year.Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health. I want my father has more free time to company my mother and I. I don"t want him work so hard all the time.Secondly, I wish myself can have a good year and do well in my study.Study is my priority now and I hope I can work hard and make progress.Finally, I want a new computer for my study and enjoyment.As I learn more in school, a computer is necessary.When I am free, I want to play computer games or search the Internet.I think my father would buy it for me.What are your wishes for next year?新年就要到了,我对来年有着美好的愿望。首先,我希望家人健康快乐,希望爸爸能有更多的时间陪我和妈妈,不要总是工作。其次,我希望自己来年顺利,成绩优异。学习是我现在最总要的事,我希望自己能努力学习,有所进步。最后,我想要一台新电脑,用于学习和娱乐。在学校学的东西越来越多,电脑是很有必要的。我空闲的时候,我想玩玩游戏或者上上网。我的爸爸应该会买给我。你来年的愿望又是什么呢?


The new year is coming .I hope that I will improve my poor English and study better in all subject.I wish I can break my bad habits.I hope my parents can spend more time communcating with me.I wish my relative will be healthy and happy.




We"re going to say goodbye to 2009. The year 2010 is around the corner. The next year is the Year of the Tiger. What are your wishes1 for the next year? We invite2 five kids across the country to talk about their New Year"s wishes. We"re going to say goodbye to 2009. The year 2010 is around the corner. The next year is the Year of the Tiger. What are your wishes1 for the next year? We invite2 five kids across the country to talk about their New Year"s wishes. Shanghai will hold3 the World Expo next year. The Expo Park is getting more and more beautiful every day. I want to be a volunteer (志愿者) at the Expo. I want to introduce my hometown to visitors4. Xu Yifan, 10, Shanghai I love learning English. Next year, I want to make a lot of progress5 in English. I hope I can get good scores on all my English exams. Gao Tong, 11, Beijing I hope more and more people around me protect the environment (保护环境) and care about our Earth. Wang Zihao, 9, Dalian Yao Ming is my favorite sports star. I want to go to the US to watch an NBA game. But it"s difficult for me. So I hope he and his Rockets teammates will come to China next year. Yang Tao, 12, Nanjing Although (尽管) I"m a girl, I like playing football. I want my parents to watch the FIFA World Cup (世界杯) with me next year. Que Jiaxin, 12, Xiamen




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