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这个内存是:金士顿的啊`是老内存了 属RRD 的


金士顿 查看




kingston 1668金士顿1668



kingston kvr800D2N5 /1G 是什么牌子的内存?是不是就是金士顿1GB DDR2 800?


kingston snvs500g什么意思

kingston snvs500g的意思是:金士顿的500g固态硬盘。固态硬盘(Solid State Disk或Solid State Drive,简称SSD),又称固态驱动器,是用固态电子存储芯片阵列制成的硬盘。固态硬盘,因为台湾的英语里把固体电容称为Solid而得名。SSD由控制单元和存储单元(FLASH芯片、DRAM芯片)组成。固态硬盘在接口的规范和定义、功能及使用方法上与普通硬盘的完全相同,在产品外形和尺寸上基本与普通硬盘一致(新兴的U.2,M.2等形式的固态硬盘尺寸和外形与SATA机械硬盘完全不同)。





kingston adapter 是什么东西,干什么用?在什么上用?

kingston是一个厂商的名字——金士顿, adapter 是适配器的意思,这是一个手机TF卡适配器,你的手机的存储卡可以插在里面,通过读卡器和电脑连接,就不用长长的连接线了




Kingston 金斯敦(牙买加首都)



kingston u盘什么名?

Kingston U盘中文名叫“金士顿”。







请问,KINGSTON 是什么牌子的卡?

是金士顿不知道楼主说的是内存还是存储卡? 如果是内存就250-300吧现在










金士顿金士顿为全球第一大独立内存模组制造商。 金士顿成立于1987年,是全球存储产品的领导品牌。金士顿目前拥有2000多种存储产品,支持个人电脑、服务器、打印机、MP3播放器、数码相机及手机等几乎所有使用存储产品的设备。2009年,金士顿公司营收高达41亿美元。 包括位于美国加州芳泉谷的全球总部在内,金士顿在全球拥有4000多名员工,并被美国《财富》杂志评选为“最适宜工作的企业”。它的尊重、忠诚、弹性、正直和快乐工作的模式,已成为金士顿独特的企业文化。金士顿相信人是企业最重要的资产,每位员工都是企业成功的重要因素,更是金士顿家族不可或缺的一份子。 金士顿运营体系遍布全球五大洲,包括代理商、经销商、零售商及OEM客户。同时,金士顿也为半导体厂商和系统OEM商提供代工和供应链管理服务。




Kingston 金士顿著名的U盘品牌




Kingston 英[u02c8kiu014bstu0259n]美[u02c8ku026au014bstu0259n][释义] 金斯敦(牙买加首都) (品牌) 金士顿;[网络] 金斯顿; 京斯顿; 牙买加;[例句]I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town我不得不离开一个小女孩在金斯敦镇[其他] 形近词: Langston Bengston Hingston金士顿,一个品牌,主做存储,如内存,U盘,闪存卡等

英语词汇辨析YOUNG、YOUNGSTER、YOUTH 都有年轻人的含义,有什么具体的区别吗?

young. 形容词. 意思是年轻的,年纪小的,没有经验的,尚早的,初期的. 前面加the.就变成名词.the young.泛指年轻人. youngster 名词. 年幼者,年轻人,小伙子. 例:Bill is a lively youngster.比尔是个有活力的小伙子 youth 名词, 指青春,青年时代. 加the.变成the youth.意为青年们.

kingston upon thames是什么意思


Sean Kingston的《Over》 歌词

歌曲名:Over歌手:Sean Kingston专辑:TomorrowSean Kingston - OverSee it started round December when we first talkedBut then I knew you was fake from the startSayin" that you love me. playin" with my heartActin" like you cared, just to be around a star(But oh no)Me shoulda knew when you take me to the mallSmilin at my face but you"re buying up a stormNow I regret it, should I listen to my mom?To my mom, whoaEverything good must come to a stopYou played with my headNow you"re bout to get droppedGimme my ring, gimme my watch and goSo girl, it"s over,O V E Rover,you tried to come up a starOver and I don"t wanna see your face again,againSo girl, it"s over,O V E Rover,you tried to come up a starOver and I don"t wanna see your face again,againTalkin" on the phone like everydaySendin me messages, " Hey baby"Tellin me you want me to meet your familyWhen you really, you just trying to go to the Grammys(Well, Oh no)I shoulda knew you wasn"t for meYou didn"t like me ,you like by BentleyAll them stories were shadyBut baby, dont worry causeEverything good must come to a stopYou played with my headNow you"re bout to get droppedGimme my ring, gimme my watch and goSo girl, it"s over,O V E Rover,you tried to come up a starOver and I don"t wanna see your face again,againSo girl, it"s over,O V E Rover,you tried to come up a starOver and I don"t wanna see your face again,againEver since she walked through that floorShe left my heart on the floorAnd i cant take this no moreI dont wanna. dont wanna. dont wanna see her againEver since she walked through that floorShe left my heart on the floorAnd i cant take this no moreI dont wanna. dont wanna. dont wanna see her againSo girl just back to your days, leave my planGirl stop talking im tired of thisAll this fussing all this fightingSo girl, it"s over,O V E Rover,you tried to come up a starOver and I don"t wanna see your face again,againSo girl, it"s overSo girl, it"s over







美剧路西法第二季14集 candy morningstar 是谁扮演的?

Lindsey Gort 林赛·高特

morningstar 歌词

歌曲名:morningstar歌手:a.f.i.专辑:the art of drowningI saw a star beneath the stairsGlowing through the melting walls.Who will be the first to begin their fall?Or will we become one?Am I the star beneath the stairs?Am I the ghost upon the stage?Am I your anything?I saw a star beneath the stairsGlowing bright before descent,And in the morning there was nothing leftBut what"s inside of me.Am I the star beneath the stairs?Am I the ghost upon the stage?Am I your anything?Am I the star beneath the stairs?Am I the ghost upon the stage?Am I your anything?And I don"tWant toDie tonightWill you believe in me?And I don"tWant toFall into the light.Will you wish upon?Will you walk upon me?I don"t want to die tonight.Will you believe in me tonight?Am I the star beneath the stairs?Am I the ghost upon the stage?Am I your anything?Am I the star beneath the stairs?Am I the ghost upon the stage?Am I your anything?

Morningstar 歌词

歌曲名:Morningstar歌手:Ozzie Ahlers专辑:FingerpaintingYou are my morning starFlunk-Morning StarYou are my morning starYou are my morning starYou are my morning starYou′re my morning StarIt′s just the way you areWhen the orange skyKiss the night goodbyeYou′re my morning StarIt′s just the way you areWhen the orange skyKiss the night goodbyeYou′re my morning StarIt′s just the way you areWhen the orange skyKiss the night goodbyeIt′s not the way you moveIt′s not the way you walkIt′s just the way you areOh you"re my morning starIt′s just the way you areYou are my morning starAh, ah, ah, ah , ah, ahMy morning starYou′re my morning StarYou′re my morning StarYou′re my morning StarYou′re my morning StarYou′re my morning StarIt′s just the way you areWhen the orange skyKiss the night goodbyeIt′s not the way you moveIt′s not the way you walkIt′s just the way you areOh you"re my morning starIt′s just the way you areYou are my morning starAh, ah, ah, ah , ah, ahYou are my morning starbrought to you by McSilence









Morningstar 歌词

歌曲名:Morningstar歌手:Sixteen Cities专辑:Bethlehem Skyline 2标题:Morning Star艺术家:Amberian DawnIn the early skyI see the light of the Morning starshining bright, and from the open groundI hear the harmony of voices singing far away.Follow the light,it will lead your way to harmony!Follow the light,with only one reach you can touch the First light!Purity, eternal shinepower of the Morning star!Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.To the sky I send my light,join the power of the morning star andwholeness of the greatnessSun and Stars, the Milkyway in the wide Universe!Follow the light,it will lead your way to harmony!Follow the light,with only one reach you can touch the First light!Purity, eternal shinepower of the Morning star!Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.Follow the light,it will lead your way to harmony!Follow the light,with only one reach you can touch the First light!Purity, eternal shinepower of the Morning star!Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.Follow the light,it will lead your way to harmony!Follow the light,with only one reach you can touch the First light!Purity, eternal shinepower of the Morning star!Harmony of colours is shining the eternal light.金属梦:66032164


晨星(Morningstar, Inc)于1984年美国芝加哥创立,旨在为投资者提供专业的财经资讯、基金及股票的分析和评级,以及方便、实用、功能卓著的分析应用软件工具,是目前美国最主要的投资研究机构之一和国际基金评级的权威机构。2003年2月20日晨星中国总部在深圳成立,目前中国员工人数约500人。 概述 晨星公司是一个跨国公司,有1900名成员分布在美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本、韩国、香港、澳大利亚、新西兰及中国,为全球的投资者提供关于 260,000 多种基金、股票投资的数据和资讯以及分析工具。晨星自身并不进行基金和股票投资,这是凸显其评级和分析的独立性和客观性的首要保证。晨星专注于帮助个人投资者作出正确的投资决策,通过客观全面的分析和比较,帮助他们确定完整的、合乎个人需求与特点的投资方案。晨星拥有20年来被证明了的成功经验,拥有世界级的研究分析师队伍、数百名资深的软件开发和专业版面的设计人员。 产品及服务 晨星是投资研究的创新先锋,在某些方面晨星的产品和方法已经成为业内的行业标准,比如:晨星评级(Morningstar Rating)、投资风格箱(Investment Style Box)、分类评级(Category Rating)等等,这些工具不但专业,而且简单易用,可以帮助投资者做出明智的投资决策。 授权数据及工具 晨星授权数据 (Morningstar Licensed Data) 基金超市授权工具及资讯(Morningstar License Tools & Content) 软件平台 晨星投资顾问工作站 (Advisor Workstation ) 晨星全球投资研究平台(Morningstar Direct) 资产配置软件EnCorr 基金评鉴 评鉴和指南(Morningstar Investment Profiles & Guides) 投资咨询 咨询服务(Institutional Investment Consulting) 其他 晨星指数产品 (Morningstar Index) 晨星网站广告和赞助 (Morningstar Websites) 晨星海外出版物(Morningstar Publications ) 品牌 晨星的品牌被广大机构和个人投资者——你的最终用户,所认知和信任。据美国证券监会(SEC)的一份调查报告,美国有三分之一的投资人认识 Morningstar 的品牌,而《华尔街日报》的调查结果表明,在美国的基金研究和评价机构中,Morningstar 名列第一。投资者信任和依赖晨星的数据和资讯,而晨星则为投资者引导了投资机会。 晨星初入中国,已经引起广大投资人的关注,2004年3月15日,晨星推出中国的基金业绩排名,在业内引起轰动;四年来,晨星相继推出2003、 2004、2005、2006年度“晨星中国基金奖”,以独立客观性得到广大投资者的认可。 方法论 晨星坚持对证券和资产的基本面进行分析。对基金和保险产品的分析将追溯至其投资组合的具体证券品种。晨星并不预测股票价格等短期内的市场波动和走势,而是通过计算公司真正的内在价值,判定其市场价格是否背离了公司本身的价值。在投资理财计划方面,晨星认为,个人投资者应当了解投资的过程和原则,在投资组合层面考虑投资策略和行为。因为能否实现适合个人境况和要求的理财目标,是衡量投资成功与否的唯一标准。 技术 多年来,晨星不断投入资源来发展技术,在全球有300多名IT工程师,专注于开发软件产品,提升现有的各种工具。在很多其它机构还在用DOS系统的时候,晨星是第一家运用互联网工具来开发应用软件的。晨星的技术强调灵活性和实用性,让使用者得到更好的投资经验。 公司文化 晨星推崇平等、自由的企业文化,芝加哥总部新办公楼内所有人员均无封闭办公室,包括CEO本人也与普通员工一样在开放式的办公室里有一张办公桌,充分体现了晨星的平等与开放文化。公司活动相对其他金融业企业较多,包括夏季在芝加哥总部办公室天台上举办露台派对,季度团队活动以及年终舞会等。放松的公司文化与金融行业传统的严肃死板大为不同,也因此吸引了众多富有天赋的员工。

by Langston Hughes 急需中文翻译...谢谢...

<拯救> 兰斯顿休斯




drugstore上博朗耳温枪285/把 包邮

what do you do at drugstore的答句是什么?

itu2018s snows

pharmacy , drugstore, dispensary区别

XXX Pharmaceutical Chain Stores Ltd.

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药房,Drugstore(药店小铺),1993于伦敦成军的团,团名从葛斯范桑(Gus Van Sant)的电影《药店牛仔追阳光的少年》(Drugstore Cowboy)而来,女主唱Isabel Monteiro是个巴西人,她的声音有种烟熏过的诡异甜美感,气音很重,好像不能平稳地一直唱一直线,不知道随时要飘像哪里去感觉,却也可以一直这样有气无力的飙高拉低,甚至有一首〈El President〉跟Thom Yorke互飙高音,真是苍凉沙哑与耽溺的怪异综合体。她的嗓音也因此成为Drugstore最吸引人的特质,所以走的也是有点迷茫梦幻甜美路线。




SAPPHIRE 蓝宝石 CRYSTAL 水晶WATER RESISTANT 防水3ATM 译为3个大气压,就是手表的防水性有三个气压即30米防水 市场价格大概是1400元以上


英文原文:reading stories英式音标:[u02c8riu02d0du026au014b] [su02c8tu0254u02d0ru026az] 美式音标:[u02c8ridu026au014b] [su02c8tu0254u02d0ru026az]




ELK 由三部分组成elasticsearch、logstash、kibana,elasticsearch是一个近似实时的搜索平台,它让你以前所未有的速度处理大数据成为可能。Elasticsearch所涉及到的每一项技术都不是创新或者革命性的,全文搜索,分析系统以及分布式数据库这些早就已经存在了。它的革命性在于将这些独立且有用的技术整合成一个一体化的、实时的应用。Elasticsearch是面向文档(document oriented)的,这意味着它可以存储整个对象或文档(document)。然而它不仅仅是存储,还会索引(index)每个文档的内容使之可以被搜索。在Elasticsearch中,你可以对文档(而非成行成列的数据)进行索引、搜索、排序、过滤。这种理解数据的方式与以往完全不同,这也是Elasticsearch能够执行复杂的全文搜索的原因之一。应用程序的日志大部分都是输出在服务器的日志文件中,这些日志大多数都是开发人员来看,然后开发却没有登陆服务器的权限,如果开发人员需要查看日志就需要到服务器来拿日志,然后交给开发;试想下,一个公司有10个开发,一个开发每天找运维拿一次日志,对运维人员来说就是一个不小的工作量,这样大大影响了运维的工作效率,部署ELKstack之后,开发任意就可以直接登陆到Kibana中进行日志的查看,就不需要通过运维查看日志,这样就减轻了运维的工作。日志种类多,且分散在不同的位置难以查找:如LAMP/LNMP网站出现访问故障,这个时候可能就需要通过查询日志来进行分析故障原因,如果需要查看apache的错误日志,就需要登陆到Apache服务器查看,如果查看数据库错误日志就需要登陆到数据库查询,试想一下,如果是一个集群环境几十台主机呢?这时如果部署了ELKstack就可以登陆到Kibana页面进行查看日志,查看不同类型的日志只需要电动鼠标切换一下索引即可。Logstash:日志收集工具,可以从本地磁盘,网络服务(自己监听端口,接受用户日志),消息队列中收集各种各样的日志,然后进行过滤分析,并将日志输出到Elasticsearch中。Elasticsearch:日志分布式存储/搜索工具,原生支持集群功能,可以将指定时间的日志生成一个索引,加快日志查询和访问。Kibana:可视化日志Web展示工具,对Elasticsearch中存储的日志进行展示,还可以生成炫丽的仪表盘。

ELK logstash日志正则匹配?

你根本就没写ip2当然只能匹配到一个ip了(?<ip1>[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3})[, ]*?(?<ip2>[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}) - - [(?<时间>[^ ]+ +[0-9]+)] "(?<请求类型>[A-Z]+) (?<请求网址>[^ ]+) (?<页面类型>[^ ]+)" (?<请求状态>[0-9]+) (?<请求大小>[0-9]+) "(?<来源网址>[^ ]+)" "(?<浏览器类型>[^"]+)" "(?<IP3>[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3})


使用版本:elk6.0 配置文件:logstash.confg 问题:如图14号的数据,结果采集到了15号,慢了8小时,希望得到的结果,是凌晨0点索引自动切换 原因: 原来Logstash用的UTC时间, logstash在按每天输出到elasticsearch时,因为时区使用utc,造成每天8:00才创建当天索引,而8:00以前数据则输出到昨天的索引查看一些论坛,不建议更改源码,因为logstash和elasticsearch是按照UTC时间的,kibana却是按照正常你所在的时区显示的 解决:修改logstash配置 logstash在按每天输出到elasticsearch时,因为时区使用utc,造成每天8:00才创建当天索引,而8:00以前数据则输出到昨天的索引 在logstash filter 解决   1. 增加一个字段,计算timestamap+8小时 2. 用mutate插件先转换为string类型,gsub只处理string类型的数据,在用正则匹配,最终得到想要的日期 3.output配置

那位知道Gareth Gstes的Anyone of us的中文歌词


Bruce Springsteen的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The RiverCeline Dion - Fade AwayI learned from the pastNot everything lastsI understand that nowEverything changedWhen you walked awayBut I"ll survive somehowThough I have regretsI"ll learn to forgetAnd just keep moving onCause when love is goneYou have to be strongOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downJust fade awayAwaySo I try to smileBut after a whileThe memories come backBut I won"t give inCause I know that thenMy heart will fade to blackAnd this time I learnedThat love can burn...There"s no right or wrongI"ve got to be strongOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downJust fade awayI know that one day I"ll find that feeling againBut until I do I"ll do fine by myselfOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downYou know thatOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downSo let the cloudsThat bring you downJust fade awayAway

请分析一下同义词junior, minor, adolescent,youngster的区别


求QQ飞车商城的一首歌曲的歌词:gangsta bop

[ti:gangsta bop](heh heh heh)konvict (konvict) eh eh eh eh eh ehgo gangsta eh eh eh eh eh ehgo gangsta keep boppin"(block all y"all)rock wit me lets get this bitch poppin"(upfront)go gangsta keep boppin"(g-eah)like back when the nigga was glockin"see now a days seems like "erbody wanna be killasgorillas getting high off they weed and die quickerparamedics drive back the hospitalyou get pronounced dead at 4... to the hospital so stop frontin" when you know you won"t pull none (pull none)first nigga to retreat when the tools bust (tools bust)playin" with death is bad for your health all your homeboys gone you da last one left nowthey hearts beatin" but these nigga"s be scared (scared)the real ones are all locked up or dead (dead)now a days you can"t find a good connect but if you do you might be the feds so...i don"t know youyou don"t know meyou don"t know the history i got on these streetsonly if you seen what my eyes have seenthen you"ll understand why i"m surrounded by g"sif you owe me or we got beef i recommend you reach for your heat and don"t freezepause for a minute guarantee you gon" bleedcuz that"s how we was raised growin" up in these streetsgo gangsta keep boppin"rock wit me lets get this bitch poppin"go gangsta keep boppin"like back when the nigga was glockin"see its hard(eh)to be good easy to do evil and i ain"t really into meetin" wit new peoplejus" put the money in the bag and i"ll leave you with the weed, coke, lambo, or visayou make a hundred dollars to the streets you made a g (uh-huh)when you coppin o"s they swearin you move keys (uh-huh)feds getting close in the rats seen cheeseand they tryin" find em bearswe got the purpnot the one that sleep in trees (uh-huh)we got that blue (chikaa!)you want short skirtswe got that toowhatever you needmy nigga show me the cheese and baby you could believe that we can make that brewpause for a minute guarantee you gon" bleedgo gangsta keep boppin"(eh eh eh)rock wit me lets get this bitch poppin"(eh eh eh)like back when the nigga was glockin"(eh eh eh)streets been watchin" and they don"t blinksidewalk get ears the pavement don"t sleepthe fittest will survive the weak just don"t eat everybody in between just getting the rap sheetthe streets been watchin" and they don"t blinkeverybody in between just getting the rap sheet (and everyone in between gettin" the rap sheet)you don"t know the history i got on these streets (oh oh ooohh)only if you seen what my eyes have seen (seen what my eyes have seen)then you"ll understand why i"m surrounded by g"s (oh yeah)if you owe me or we got beef i recommend you reach for your heat and don"t freeze (we got beef)pause for a minute guarantee you gon" bleed (don"t pause for a minute)cu

Bruce Springsteen的《The River》 歌词

歌曲名:The River歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Greatest HitsThe Riverby Bruce SpringsteenI come from down in valleywhere mister when you"re youngthey bring you up to dolike your daddy doneMe and Mary we met in high schoolwhen she was just seventeenwe"d drive out of this valleydown to where the fields were greenWe"d go down to the riverand into the river we"d diveOh~down to the river we"d rideThen I got Mary pregnantand man that was all she wroteand for my nineteenth birthdayI got a union card and a wedding coatwe went down to the courthouseand the judge put it all to restno wedding day smilesno walk down the aisleno flowersno wedding dressThat night we went down to the riverand into the river we"d diveOh~down to the river we"d ride喜欢这段口琴的solo吗I got a job working constrctionfor the johnstown companybut lately there ain"t been much workon account of the economyNow all them things that seemed so importantwell mister they vanished right into the airnow I just act like I don"t rememberMary acts like she don"t careBut I remember us riding in my brother"s carHer body tan and wet down at the reservoirat night on them banks I"d lie awakeand pull her close just to feel each breath she"d takeNow those memories come back to haunt meThey haunt me like a curseis a dream a lie if it don"t come trueor is it something worsethat sends me down to the riverthough I know the river is drythat sends me down to the rivertonightDown to the riverMy baby and IOh down to~ the river we rideWoo...【Ting_Michael制作】2007/11/11

我发现了一首有趣的歌The River (河流)-Bruce Springsteen

第一次看到Bruce Springsteen(布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀)是在神曲《We Are The World》里,当时就被他那一声吼吸引了。随后有意识地听了一些他的作品,然后就发现了《The River》。这首歌首先节奏很好,虽然是英文的,第一次听不太懂,但是看着歌词就感觉不简单,不结合上下文不知道里面还讲了一个很悲惨的故事。下面我根据我的理解还原一下歌词大意。主人公跟一个人诉说自己的过去,说他在高中时遇到了17岁的Mary,然后他们开车冲出了山谷,沿着一条河一起疯狂,Mary后来怀孕了。可Mary同时还在跟另外一个人联系,她甩了主人公。令主人公意外的是,Mary的另外一个男人竟然是主人公的兄弟(这是我根据后文猜的),他们结婚时还邀请了正在过19岁生日的他,我猜测主人公肯定大闹一番,里面提到的courthouse与juge并非真的法庭和法官,应该是他们的亲友。亲友们最后劝解了他们。“No wedding day smiles,no walk down the aisle”这段歌词应该是主人公在回忆过去,内心悔恨,他没有和Mary举办婚礼,他只顾着和Mary在一起开心。他后面提到了自己的境遇,说经济萧条,他在建筑公司没什么活儿可干,在主人公看来,Mary当时并不怎么在意他的条件,可现在他感觉自己错了。他现在满脑子都是往日美好的回忆,但过去的时光越美好,他现在就越痛苦。“Now those memories come back to haunt me They haunt me like a curse”主人公面对Mary的薄情,不敢相信她们曾经有过的美好,可主人公还希望和Mary回到河边,回到甜蜜的过去。需要注意的是,QQ音乐里面的翻译没有一个完全正确的。举例说明:正确的翻译是,他们躺在河边,他睡不着。这个银行有点飘。总的说来这首歌非常有内涵。以上都是我的个人理解,欢迎批评指正


counting stars 数星星

美国要的vat/gst number 是什么东西

VAT/GST 这两个都是消息税,不同国家叫法不同。 number 这个词在贸易行业释义为数目。vat=valueaddtax增值税gst=goodsservicestax商品服务税两个都是消息税,不同国家不同叫法,大陆/英国等叫vat,加拿大/澳洲等叫gstvat是税务登记号想问一下出口到新西兰清关的时候,要向海关提供的税号,就是这个gstnumber吗?

Bruce Springsteen的《The Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:The Angel歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.Lord, oh my LordWhy this place, magic placeThe mist is everywhereThe light is in the airI hear in the skyThe whisper of the timeI need an answerA reason to my prayerbyThe Angel以下段送于my love zyjYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelForeverYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelForeverSo far awayThrough the lightThrough the skyTil the end of timeYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelWhite as the winterWhite as the wings of life

Gangstas Make The World Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Gangstas Make The World Go Round歌手:Westside Connection专辑:Snoop Dogg Presents: The West Coast BlueprintGangstas Make The World Go RoundWestside Connection【ICE CUBE】Iam gettin dizzy as the world keeps spinnin like a frisbieGangsta"s and girls make the world twirlNo hesitation I can run a nation from incarceration30 years is what Im facinBut give me 7 seas and 11 geesI make enough cheese to bring wall street to its kneesNigga please I got enough gunsTo fill the empire state building full of 1"sGo to school is what you tell usBut nigga"s in school is scared of the GoodfellasWe got the Yayo you can just say noBut nobody makes a fuckin move untill I say soThat"s how it is and that"s how it"s gonna beKids when you grow up who the fuck you wanna be?Like me ya black superheroGot enough zeros to hire Bob ShapiroYa honor Im have to get rid of yaBecause it aint no trivia about my house in WEST BOLIVIABlew the jury a kiss they rather dismissThem swim the big fishYOU fuckin guppies!!!!!!!!【Hook】Gangsta"s make the world go round【Hook】【W.C.】Not just saggin waving my flag and never willI ease up niggaSo stop askin see I was taught as a tiny loc onThe set its allAbout the pussy & money fuck the rest nigga thisTech is quickerTo collect when Im seekin all the jewlery & theMoney so missMe with that preachin teaching fuck all thatBullshit I want toSlang yae like Noriaga sit back watch my paperCollect like theI.R.S. as I kick it with 50 bitches all on my dickJust like thePresident & like the police I want a gang of killersAll on mySide thats down to lie more crooked that St. Ides rip ride on myBehalf as I call shots as if I was Saddaam HusseinJackin mothaFuckas for Dana Danes hated by many bit I don"tCare because IRather be feared than loved with a pocket fullOf dubs becauseGangsta gangsta"s make th eworld go round & ifYou want a peiceThen you best to be down so quit chastising meAnalzing me &Like the escorts look over your sholder nigga itsPlain to seeCrooked ass cowards......................【Hook】Gangstas Make The World Go Round【Hook】【Mack 10】360 degrees like my D"s the world be spinningNigga"s been sinning since the beginningHistorys a trip so I peep when Iam readingNigga"s probaly grew weed in the garden of EdenBefore big ballin sex cars and lootIts like bitches been scandolaus biting forbidden fruitBut gangsta"s dont deal with that shit, on theWestsideAnd since they regulating hoes I roll with theBest sideSo check it as my lifetime is tickingComing up strong licking and flipping chickensNeed cheese in amounts of G"sI gave up sports to slang Key"sBut blamed it on my KneesMake sure I got what I needTo make your orderEverything to baggies triple beams to jugs forMy waterLike a snitch lifes a bitch a world full of dramaDrug paraphernalia being found by my mommaTrauma brings the sad song on your way to killa kingNiggaSo now I stand with heat in my hand for my wholeLife spanCause evil lurks the landPlus I got a packet with this gang-bang jacketGotta hold it keep it loaded devoted since quotedFo sho One-0 got the ups on thses prankstasWhile the world keep twisting as a WestsideGangstaFOE LIFE NIGGA【Hook】Gangstas make the world go round【Hook】



谁能告诉我这是什么歌??? 网址

Flo Rida - Whistle



shiningstar 韩文歌词

Dead At Heart韩文歌词 Shining Star韩文歌词&中文意译2009-04-03 16:18죽어있는 것 (Dead At Heart) - 슈퍼주니어정말 뭐한 건가요 길었던 한 해 동안그댈 보내고 나니 어제까지의 나는 마치 죽어있던 것과 같네요그렇게 길었던 시간 속엔 떠나간 당신밖에 없네요그대 밖엔 아무런 생각하지 않은 채 이렇게 한 해가 지나가네요그댈 찾아갔던 어느 비 내리던 날의 기억 함께 걸어갔던 우릴 비춰주던 맑은 햇살그 어느 하나도 나를 떠나지 않고 나의 머릿속에서 나를 죽어있게 해친구들은 모두 어른이 되고 난 아직 철없는 아이처럼그대밖에 아무런 생각하지 않은 채 마치 죽어 있던 것과 같네요그댈 찾아갔던 어느 비 내리던 날의 기억 함께 걸어갔던 우릴 비춰주던 맑은 햇살그 어느 하나도 나를 떠나지 않고 나의 머릿속에서 나를 죽어있게 해헤어짐을 깨닫지 못하는 난 아직도 우리 미랠 상상하고헤어진 지금도 내 맘은 언제나 그대의 곁에서 살아있는 것처럼 죽어있는 거예요너를 사랑했던 순간 내가 멈춰 버린 거야 함께 있을 때도 너를 기억할 순 없을 거야그 어느 하나도 내가 아니었다고 그렇게 생각하면 아무것도 아닌 걸너를 잊지 못하면 내가 죽어있는 것Shining Star!!like a little diamond, makes me love내겐 꿈결같은 달콤한 미소로 날 바라보며 속삭여줘 항상 함께 할거라 till the end of timeRap> Oh! Day by Day 항상 내 곁에 그대가 머물러 줘Stay in my heart 눈부신 Shining my love늘 바라고 있죠 항상 거기에서 웃음짓기를뜻 모를 오해와 이유 없는 미움에 힘이 들어도더 먼 곳을 봐요 이제 시작이죠 울고 싶을 땐 내게 기대요부족하지만 그댈 지킬게요사랑은 그렇게 처음 순간부터 찾아와 가장 깊은 곳에 날아와 날 뜨겁게 해변하지 않는 떨림 그대는Shining Star!! like a little diamond, makes me love내겐 꿈결같은 달콤한 미소로 날 바라보며 속삭여줘 항상 함께 할거라 till the end of timeRap> Shining Star 태양보다 밝아 햇살 같은 그대 눈빛은 내게 휴식을 줘지쳐있을 땐 내 맘을 밝혀 줘 Promise 믿기로 해 언제든 네 편이 되어줄게누구보다 더 큰 사랑으로 네 작은 어깨 감싸줄게사랑은 그렇게 처음 순간부터 찾아와 가장 깊은 곳에 날아와 날 뜨겁게 해변하지 않는 떨림 그대는Shining Star!! like a little diamond, makes me love내겐 꿈결같은 달콤한 미소로 날 바라보며 속삭여줘 항상 함께 할거라*Shining Star!! like a little diamond, makes me love내겐 꿈결같은 달콤한 미소로 날 바라보며 속삭여줘 항상 함께 할거라 till the end of timelike a little diamond,makes me love我梦里我凝望拿甜蜜的微笑,一只在一齐till teh end of timeRAP>oh! day by day 我一直在你身边stay in heart 耀眼的shining my love总在期望,像再搞笑一样无意义的误会和无理由的憎恨让人好累想哭的时候就看向远方,现在开始我如此期待即使我不完美我也要保护你爱情充第一个瞬间开始产生,再最情深的时候稿费,让我充满激情仍然颤抖的你ShiningStar!! like a little diamond,makes me love我梦里我凝望拿甜蜜的微笑,一只在一齐till teh end of timeRAP>shining star 犹如比太阳梗耀眼的你的眼神让我放松厌烦的时候就相信我的真诚的PROMISE(承诺)吧无论合适我都会支持你永无可比拟的爱庇护你的小肩膀爱情从第一个瞬间开始产生,再最深情的时候高分,让我充满激情仍然颤抖的你ShiningStar!! like a little diamond,makes me love我梦里我凝望拿甜蜜的微笑,一只在一齐till teh end of time


keepondoingsth的意思是:继续作某事,坚持做某事。一、网络释义点此查看keepondoingsth的详细内容 继续作某事...keepondoingsth继续作某事;继续做某事;持续做某事;坚持做某事keepsbdoing使某人一直做某事;让某人保持做某事KeepOnDoing继续干;继续做;继续作某事;继续做某事... 继续做某事...keep(kept,kept)v.保持,留住;饲养;照顾keepondoingsth.继续做某事kenneln.狗窝,狗房;一群猎犬vt.置于狗舍vi.待在狗窝... 持续做某事...keepondoingsth继续作某事;继续做某事;持续做某事;坚持做某事keepsbdoing使某人一直做某事;让某人保持做某事KeepOnDoing继续干;继续做;继续作某事;继续做某事... 不停地做...keepdoingsth.继续做;不断地做keepondoingsth.不停地做;反复地做keepout不许.入内...keepondoingsth的相关临近词keep、keephead点此查看更多关于keepondoingsth的详细信息

Bruce Springsteen的《The Line》 歌词

歌曲名:The Line歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The Ghost Of Tom JoadNoah And The Whale - The LineShe looks out her window,And the stars don"t feel that far away,She watches the wind blow,Blowing all her problems away,But then she"ll ask,As she cleans up the glass,"Is this the line?Is this the line?Is this the line between heaven and hell?Is this the line where I get up and walk out?Is this the line where you get drunk you yell?"She fixes her make-up,Treading lightly on the floor,Hoping he won"t wake up,As she makes her way towards the door,But then she"ll say,as she waves him away,"Is this the line?Is this the line?Is this the line between heaven and hell?Is this the line where I get up and walk out?Is this the line where you get drunk you yell?"She says "I"ve lived my life like a diamond,Bright and hard like a diamond",She says "I"ve lived my life like a diamond,Bright and hard like a diamond".

求Coolio的gangsta walK歌词

Coolio - gangsta walk

gst collected为什么是负债

GST是商品及服务税(Good and Service Tax),GST跟个人直接收入没有直接关系。GST也可以抵扣,就是说在做生意中提供销售额的时候收取别人的税(GST collected),可以扣减在别人那里购买商品或服务时候交的税(GST paid),最终需要交给税务局ATO的是:你收取的别人的税(GST collected)减去购买商品或服务缴纳的税(GST paid)。

找一首西海岸death row的说唱,高潮部分就是重复“gangsta rap”

《gangsta luv》 snoop dogg


浙大校内邮箱,或者 估计不是本校的注册不了的




you can go upstairs by escalator. Do you own or rent your video? There is a drugstore on the street.He went the theater last night.

gst on purchases和gst on sale什么意思

gst on purchases销售税购买gst on sale销售税出售


上面说的三个事件的目标都是被拖动的元素触发。默认情况下,浏览器不会再拖动期间改变被拖动元素的外观。但是可以自行修改。不过,大多数浏览器会为正被拖动的元素创建一个半透明的副本,这个副本始终跟随光标移动。当某个元素被拖动到一个有效的放置目标的时候,会触发的事件有:dragenter事件、dragover事件和dragleave或者drop事件。只要有元素被拖动到放置目标上,就会触发dragenter事件(类似于mouseover事件)。紧随其后的是dragover事件,而且在被拖动的元素还在放置目标的范围内移动是,会连续触发dragover事件。如果元素被拖出放置目标,dragover事件不再发生,但是会触发dragleave事件(类似于mouseout事件)。如果元素被放到了放置目标中会触发drop事件而不是dragleave事件。dragenter事件、dragover事件和dragleave或者drop事件的目标都是作为放置目标的元素。自定义放置目标在拖动元素经过某些无效放置目标的时候,可以看到一种特殊鼠标手势(圆环中一条反斜线),表示不能放置。虽然所有元素都支持放置目标事件,但是这些元素默认是不允许放置的。如果拖动元素经过不允许放置的元素,无论用户如何操作,都不会发生drop事件。不过,你可以把任何元素变成有效的放置目标,方法是重写dragenter和dragover事件的默认行为。重写了默认行为之后,就会发现当拖动着元素移动到放置目标上的时候,光标变成允许放置的符号。在Firefox 3.5+中,放置事件的默认行为是打开被放到放置目标上的url。如果是把图像拖到放置目标上,页面就会转向图像文件。如果是把文本拖放到放置目标上,则会导致无效url错误。所以为了让Firefox支持政正常的拖放,还要取消drop事件的默认行为,
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