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There is "r"in green


小学英语:The boy in green is Liutao. 对 in green 提问。 请高手指点!

What is Liutao boy?



she is beautiful in green


穿着绿色的衣服,是on green 还是 in green


穿着绿色的衣服,是on green 还是 in green

应该用 in green

用所给单词的适当形式填空 You and I ____(be)OK. ____(she)key is Green.

are Her

Green Light 歌词

歌曲名:Green Light歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Write Me Back (Deluxe Version)Shawn Desman - Green LightGirl, when you"re with him, I see you lookin" backThe smile, smile that means something more and, whyWhy do I feel so connected babe?When you said you were his for sureYou"re tellin" me this, then you"re tellin" me thatCallin" me up, baby where you at?Teasin" me like you want something moreSo baby, I just got to knowAre you giving me the green light?Is there something he doesn"t do?You know it"s wrong but it feels right,Cause there"s something bout me and youEver wonder what it"d be likeWith someone to set you freeSo are you giving me the green light?Are you giving me the green light?I"m, I"m not the one tryna take your heart awayIf you, you are still so in love then I"ll stopShow me the red, baby I"ll fade away and goCause I just can"t take no moreYou"re tellin" me this, then you"re tellin" me thatCallin" me up, baby where you at?Teasin" me like you want something moreSo baby, I just got to knowAre you giving me the green light?Is there something he doesn"t do?You know it"s wrong but it feels right,Cause there"s something bout me and youEver wonder what it"d be likeWith someone to set you freeSo are you giving me the green light?Are you giving me the green light?And girl, girl you got me on for youNow it doesn"t matter what I doBaby you"re all in my mindAnd I got to know for sureIf you"re giving me the...Are you giving me the green light?Is there something he doesn"t do?You know it"s wrong but it feels right,Cause there"s something bout me and youEver wonder what it"d be likeWith someone to set you freeSo are you giving me the green light?Are you giving me the green light?Are you giving me the green light?Is there something he doesn"t do?You know it"s wrong but it feels right,Cause there"s something bout me and youEver wonder what it"d be likeWith someone to set you freeSo are you giving me the green light?Are you giving me the green light?

What is color? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?Colors are...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:A小题4:D小题5:B试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了为什么我们周围的东西看起来五颜六色?那是因为大部分物体能反射光线。通过光的反射我们就能看到不同的颜色。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段Weseecolourbecausemostofthethingsreflectlight,我们能看到颜色因为大部分物体能反射光线。故选A小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段Ifsomethingreflectsalllight,itiswhite.如果某物反射了所有的光线那么它就是白色的。故选C小题3:推理判断题。根据第三段Themorelightistakenin,themoreheatwillbeabsorbed(吸收).Sodark-coloured clothesarewarmerinthesunthanlight–colouredclothes.描述,光线进入的多热量吸收的就多,故可以判断深颜色的衣服光线吸入更多,故选A小题4:推理判断题。根据第三段Sodark-coloured clothesarewarmerinthesunthanlight–colouredclothes.描述,深颜色的衣服在太阳底下比浅颜色的衣服热,所以夏天浅颜色的衣服凉快,故选D小题5:标题归纳题。根据短文大意可知,文章主要是围绕颜色来讲的,故选B。


(二)符合元音字母读音规则的单词湖 lake[leik]脸face[feis] 饼(蛋糕)cake[keik]宫殿palace[plis] 制造make[meik]箱(子)case[keis] 拿take[teik]3.ame读[eim] 7.ate读[eit],ade读[eid]游戏game[ɡeim] 盘子plate[pleit]安全的safe[seif] 迟(的)late[leit]同(样的)same[seim] 滑冰skate[skeit]合成词联想:由name(名字) (大)门gate[ɡeit]联想family["fmili]家;再 年级(等级)grade[ɡreid]联想family name姓氏 日期读date[deit]4.ane读作[ein] 8.ave读[eiv]仙鹤,吊车读crane[krein] 戴伟(男名)Dave[deiv]飞机,平面读plane[plein] 救save[seiv]5.ape读[eip] 勇敢的brave[breiv]磁带tape[teip] 离(开)leave[li:v]形(状)shape[eip] 有是特例读have[hv]同义词联想:由have(有) 联想have的单三现在式 has[hz],过去had[hd]。(二)e在重读开音节中读[i:]1.字母e读作[i:] 2.ese读 [i:z]男他he[hi:] 请please[pli:z]女她she[i:] (汉语)Chinese[taini:z]我们we[wi:] 日语(日本人)Japanese我读me[mi:] [dpni:z]这,那the读[][i:] 词义联想:由Chinese(汉是读be[bi:] 语)联想China[tain]中国;体育读P.E[pi:i:] 由Japanese(日语)联想词义联想:由be(是)联想 Japan[pn]日本。be的现在式am,is,are. 加字母联想:由please(请)同音词联想:由be(是)联想 联想please[pi:zd](高兴bee[bi:](蜜蜂) 的)。(三)i(y)在重读开音节中读[ai]1.i和y都读[ai] 天空sky[skai]我的my[mai]为什么why[wai] 果(菜,肉)汁juice害羞的shy[ai] [du:s]眼睛eye[ai] 办公室读office[fis]哭cry[krai] 3.ide读[aid]试try[trai] 骄傲pride[praid]飞fly[flai] 骑ride[raid]买buy[bai] (在…)旁边beside被by[bai] [bisaid]再见bye[bai] 边side[said]滑雪ski[ski:] 决定decide[disaid]喂读hi[hai] (向)导guide[ɡaid]同音词联想:由eye(眼睛) 4.ike读[aik]联想I[ai]我 迈克(男名)Mike[maik]2.ice读[ais] 喜(欢)like[laik]价格price[prais] 自行车bike[baik]米rais[rais] 像like[laik]好的nice[nais] 前缀联想:由like(喜欢)冰ice[ais] 联想dislike[dislaik](讨厌; 不喜欢)5.ine读[ain] 后缀联想:由write(写)联想我的mine[main] writer[rait](作者)。好的fine[fain] 7.ive读[aiv],ove读[u:v]发光shine[ain] 到达arrive[raiv]线line[lain] 驾(驶)drive[draiv]机器特例读machine居住live[liv][mi:n] 给give[ɡiv]内服药读作medicine 贵的expensive[medisin] [ikspensiv]6.ite读[ait] 提高improve[impru:v]怀特(姓)White[wait] 后缀联想:由drive(驾驶)联写write[rait] 想driver[draiv](驾驶员)。喜爱的favourite 8.ise读[aiz][feivrit] 练习exercise[ekssaiz]风筝读kite[kait] 聪(明的)wise[waiz]同音词联想:由White(怀 惊奇的surprise[spraiz]特)联想white[wait](白的)。(四)o在重读开音节和非重读音节中都读[u]所以so[su] 溜溜球yo-yo[ju ju]不是no[nu] 零[ziru]以前ago[ɡu] 电视播放读video[vidiu]去读go[ɡu] 同音词联想:由no(不是)联照片photo[futu] 想know[nu](知道)也also[:lsu] 2.oke读[uk]土豆potato[pteitu] 打破broke[bruk]番茄tomato[tmɑ:tu] (玩)笑joke[juk]东京Tokyo[tukiu] 可口可乐读Coke[kuk]多伦多Toronto 吸烟smoke[smuk][trntu] 3.one读[un]千克kilo[kilu] 电话telephone[telifun]喂hello[hlu] 骨头读作bone[bun]钢琴读作[pinu] 一读one[wn]4.ose读[uz]没有人none[nn]那些those[uz] 的单三现在式does[dz]鼻(子)nose[nuz] 同音词联想:由to(到)联想关闭close[kluz] too[tu:](也)丢lose[lu:z]6.ome读[m]词义联想:由close关闭联想 一些some[sm]closed(关着的)。 来come[km]5.字母o读作[u:]欢迎welcome[welkm]做do[du:] ▲家home[hum]到to[tu:] 合成联想:由home(家)联想鞋读shoe[u:] homework[humw:k]到…里into[intu:] (家庭作业)。(到…)上onto[ntu] ove读[v]词义联想:由do(做) 手套glove[ɡlv](五)u在重读开音节中读[ju:]1.u和ue读作[ju:] 2.use读[ju:z]菜单menu[menju:] 原谅excuse[ikskju:z]大街(林荫道)avenue use用[ju:z][vnju:] 3.ute读[ju:t]▲徒手功夫读kung fu 可爱的cute[kju:t][kfu:] 分钟minute[minit]二、元音字母a、e、i、o、u在重读闭音节中分别读[][e][i][][](一)a在重读闭音节中读[]1.black黑的[blk] (杰克,男名)Jack[k]back背[bk] 外套jacket[kit],ad读[d] 合成词联想:由back(背)联高兴的glad[ɡld] 想backpack[bkpk](双肩背包)。爸dad[dd] 5.and读[nd],ant读[nt]悲哀的sad[sd] 和and[nd]坏(的)bad[bd] 手hand[hnd]沙拉读作salad[sld] 站(忍受)stand[stnd]*,an读作[n] 沙sand[snd]一个an[n] 岛屿island[ailnd]可以can[kn] 地land[lnd]妇女woman[wumn] 英国England[iɡlnd]男人man[mn] 乐队读band[bnd]计划plan[pln] 植物plant[plnt]球迷(扇子)fan[fn] 大象elephant[elifnt]音乐家musician 6.ank读[k][mju:zin] 银行bank[bk]岸4.ance读[ɑ:ns] 谢thank[k]法国france[frɑ:ns] 7.any读[eni](跳)舞dance[dɑ:ns] 多many[meni]公司company[kmpni]8.arrot读[rt] 班级class[klɑ:s]胡罗卜carrot[krt] 草读grass[ɡrɑ:s]鹦鹉woman[wumn],at读[t]9.ask读[ɑ:sk],ast读 帽子hat[ht][ɑ:st] 那that[t]面罩mask[mɑ:sk] 肥的fat[ft]问读ask[ɑ:sk] 猫cat[kk]经过past[pɑ:st] 在at[t]快的fast[frɑ:st] 坐sat[st](sit的过去式)早餐breakfast[brekfst]什么what[wt]同义词联想:由pass(介绍 球拍读bat[bt ]“经过”)联想pasted 同义词联想:由bat(球拍)[pɑ:stid](动词“经过”的过 联想racket[rkit] (球拍)去式)。 由hat(帽子)联想cap[kp]10.ass读[ɑ:s] (帽)。玻璃glass[ɡlɑ:s]传(递)pass[pɑ:s](二)e在重读闭音节中读[e]1.ed,ed读[ed] 4.en,en读作[en]红的red[red] 何时when[wen]床bed[bed] 那么then[en]一百读作hundred 十ten[ten][hndrd] 笔pen[pen]2.elf读[elf] 母鸡hen[hen]架子shelf[elf] 女子(复数)women自己self[self] [wimin]3.ell读[el] 男子(复数)men[men]拼写spell[spel]* 花园读garden[ɡɑ:(r)dn]铃bell[bel] 5.end读[end],ent读[nt]闻smell[smel] 朋友friend[frend]卖sell[sel] 修(理mend[mend]告诉tell[tel] 花费读作spend[spend]*好(井)well[wel] 学生student[stju:dnt]*旅行trave[trv] 公寓apartment饭店hotel[hutel] [pɑ:tmnt]6.ess读[es]地址address[dres] 7.et读[et]衣(服)dress[dres] 忘记forget[fɡet]象棋chess[tes] 取get[ɡet]猜guess[ɡes] 秘密secret[si:krit]商业,事务business 让let[let][biznis] 8.even读[i:vn]词义联想:由dress(衣服)联 晚上evening[i:vni]想clothes[kluz](衣服); 更even[i:vn]再联想uniform[ju:nif:m] 加字母联想:由even(更)(制服)再联想pants 联想event[ivent](比赛项[pnts](裤子,美国口语); 目)。再联想short[:ts]短裤)。(三)i在重读闭音节中读[i]1.ick和ic读[ik] music [mju:zik]棒stick[stik] 滴(答)tick[tik]快(的)quick[kwik]2.ridge读[ri] 小提琴violin[vailin]冰箱fridge[fri] 薄的thin[in]稀饭porridge[pri] 企鹅penguin[peɡwin]桥读bridge[bri] 由win(获胜)联想3.ill读[il] winner[win](获胜者)病ill[il] 5.ind[aind]药(丸)pill[pil] 找到find[faind]将要will[wil] 种(类)kind[kaind](小)山hill[hil] 想法(思想)mind[maind]技能,技巧skill[skil]* 在…后面读作behind词义联想:由will(将要) [bihaind]联想will的过去式would 6.ing读作[i][wud]。 带来bring[bri],in读作[in] 东西thing[i]开始begin[biɡin] 轻松的relaxing在…里in[in] [rilksi]孪生(子之一)twin[twin] 唱 sing[si]获胜win[win] 响(戒指)ring[ri]海豚dolphin[dfin] 国王king[ki]参加读join[in]有趣的interesting 7.ip读[ip][intristi] 旅行trip[trip]早(上)morning[m:ni] (轮)船ship[ip]兴奋的exciting[iksaiti] 炸土豆条读chips[tips]●饺子dumpling 8.ish读[i][dmpli] 希望wish[wi]下面的following[flui] 鱼fish[fi]漂亮的good-looking 英语English[iɡli][ɡudluki] 碟(子)dish[di]在…期间读during 9.is和iss读[is][djuri] 小姐Miss[mis]开始beginning[biɡini] 想(念),(失去)miss[mis]没(有东西)nothing 网球读作tennis[tenis][ni] 近义词联想:由Miss(小姐)任何事情anything[enii] 联想Ms[mis];再联想无聊的读boring[b:ri] Mrs[misiz](夫人,太太)。躺lying[laii](lie的现在分词)(四)o在重读闭音节中读[]1.ob,ob读[bb] 3.ong读作[]鲍勃Bob[rb] 年轻的young[j]抢(劫)rob[rb] 歌读song [s]工作读job[b] 强的strong[str]2.ock读[k] 错的wrong[r]钟表clock[klk] 沿着along[l]锁lock[lk] 长的long[l]点钟oclock[klk] 4.ot,ot读[t](短)袜sock[sk] 许多 lot[lt]摇滚乐读rock[rk] 不not[nt]同义词联想:由clock(钟表) 忘记forgot[fɡt]联想[lɑ:m]clock(闹钟)。 热(的)hot[ht]机器人[rubt](五)u在重读闭音节中读[]1.uch读[] 同音词联想:由sun(太阳)这样such[s] 联想son[sn] (儿子)。(许)多much[m] us读[s]2读[p] 我们us[s]向上up[p] (公共汽)车bus[s]杯(子)cup[kp] 加plus[pls]▲跳跃读作jump[kp] ●减minus[mains]3.un,un读作[n] ●小中巴minibus[minibs]枪gun[ɡn] 讨论discuss[disks] *跑run[rn] 5.ut,ut读[t]太阳sun[sn] 但是but[bt]玩笑读作fun[fn] 切cut[kt]合成读作:由sun(太阳) 放置put[put]联想sunglasses 关(闭)shut[t][snɡlɑ:siz](太阳镜)。三、元音字母在非中毒音节中读 [],[i] 或者不发音树袋熊koala[kuɑ:l] 孩子children[ildn]熊猫读panda[pnd] (打)开open[upn]澳大利亚Australia 小鸡(鸡肉)读chicken[streilj]* [ikin]加拿大Canada[knd] 3.et读[it]非洲Africa[frik] 钱包wallet[wlit]沙发sofa[suf] ▲街道street[stri:t]香蕉banana[bnɑ:n] ●安静的quiet[kwait]照相机读camera 喇叭trumpet[trmpit][kmr] 4.字母y读作[i]2.en,en读作[n] 容易easy[i:zi]经常often[fn] (快)乐(的)happy[hpi]听listen[lisn] 业余爱好读hobby[hbi]多云的cloudy[klaudi]喜剧comedy[kmdi]有风的windy[windi] 相当pretty[priti]没有人nobody[nubdi] 脏(的)dirty[d:ti]学习study[stdi] 活动activity[ktiviti]悉尼Sydney[sidni] 6.ly和li都读[li]调查survey[s:vei] 丑陋的ugly[ɡli]健康的healthy[heli] 早(的)early[:li]晴朗的读sunny[sni] 大声地loudly[laudli]极小的teeny[ti:ni:] 卷(毛的)curly[k:li]懒惰的lazy[leizi] 不友善的unfriendly重heavy[hevi] [nfrendli]电影movie[mu:vi] 花椰菜broccoli[brkli]5.ty,ty读作[ti] 家(家庭)family[fmli]同情piti[piti] 仅(仅)only[unli]城(市)city[siti] 通常usually[ju:uli]职责duty[dju:ti] 事实上really[rili]党,(聚会)party[pɑ:ti] 7.ry和rry都读[ri]渴的thirsty[:sti] 每一every[evri]空的empty[empti] 很very[veri]工厂factory[fktri] 8.on,on读作[n]字典dirtionary 伦敦London[lnn][iknri] 狮(子)lion[lain]图书馆library[laibrri] 原因reason[ri:zn]国家country[kntri] ▲在…上[n]记录片documentary 洋葱onion[njn][dkjumentri] 波士顿Boston[bstn]饰品accessory[ksesri] 意见(看法)opinion草莓strawberry [pinjn][str:bri]* 羊肉特例读mutton抱歉的sorry[sri] [mtn](令人担)忧worry[wri]运送(扛)读carry[kri]可怕的scary[skεri]饥饿的hungry[hɡri]故事story[st:ri]第二部分 符合辅音字母读音规则的单词1.b和be都读[b] 体格build[bild]描述(形容)describe 土地field[fi:ld][diskraib] 年长的读old[uld]俱乐部club[klb] 野的wild[waild]2.字母d读作[d] 孩子child[taild]世界world[w:ld] 潮湿的humid[hju:mid]词word[w:d] 词义联想:由child(孩子)联胡须beard[bid] 想kid[kid](小孩,年青人。)鸟bird[b:d] 3.f,fe和ffe都读[f]疲倦的tired[taid] 牛肉beef[bi:f]需(要)need[ni:d] 叶(子)leaf[li:f]拥挤的crowded[kraudid] 妻子wife[waif]放松的relaxed[rilkst] (小)刀knife[naif]长颈鹿读giraffe[irf] 6.字母k读作[k]围巾读作scarf[scarf]* 想think[ik]4.字母g读作[ɡ] 喝(饮料)drink[drik]腿部leg[leɡ] 公园park[pɑ:k]蛋egg[eɡ] 暗(的)dark[dɑ:k]旗flag[flɡ] 猪肉pork[pk]包bag[bɡ] 叉fork[f:k]大的big[biɡ] 办事员clerk[klɑ:k]猪pig[piɡ] 说话speak[spi:k]*小径zigzig[ziɡzɡ] 空白表格blank[blk],ge读作[] 牛奶milk[milk]年龄age[ei] 工作work[w:k]页page[pei] 后缀联想:由work(工作)联语言language[lɡwi] 想worker[w:k](工人)大(的)large[lɑ:] 7.l,ll读作[l]桔子orange[rin] 邮政mail[meil](巨)大(的)huge[hju] 电子邮件e-mail[i:meil]改变读change[tein] 玩具娃娃读doll[dl]车轮读wheel[wi:l]感觉feel[fi:l] 9.m和me都读[m]女孩girl[ɡ:l] 时间time[taim]极坏的读awful[:fl] (石)灰lime[lain]8.le读[l] 奶油cream[kri:m]人们people[pi:pl] 队(组)team[ti:m]紫(的)purple[p:pl] 农场farm[fɑ:m]桌子table[teibl] 臂arm[ɑ:m]小(的)little[litl] 温暖的warm[w:m]规则rule[ru:l] 鼓drum[drm]面(条)noodle[nu:dl] 中等的midium[mi:dim]文章读作article[ɑ:tikl] 从…读作from[frm]可怕的terrible[terbl] 游泳swim[swim]出售读sale[seil] 下午pm[pi:em]例子example[] 考试exam[iɡzm]苹果读apple[pl] 学期读term[t:m]加字母联想:由(桌子) (吉姆男名)Jim[im]联想vegetable[vetbl] 夫人madam[mdm](蔬菜);由rule(规则)联 情景喜剧sitcom[sitkm]想ruler[ru:l](尺子) 问题problem[prblm]近义词联想:由(桌子)联想desk[desk](书桌)博物馆读作museum 11.p和pe都读[p][mju:zim] 希望hope[]近义词联想:由medium(中 (地)图map[mp]等的)联想middle[midl] 团体(组)group[ɡru:p](中间的)。 汤(羹)soup[su:p]同音词联想:由Jim(吉姆) 野营camp[kmp]gym联想[im](体育馆)。 帮助help[help]10.n和ne都读[n] 便宜的cheap[i:p]学会learn[l:n] 停止stop[stp]轮流(转弯)turn[t:n] 12.se和ce读作[s]干净的(干扫)clean[kli:n] 护士nurse[n:s]意思mean[mi:n] (钱)包purse[p:s](在…)之间 因为because[bikz]绿(的)green[ɡri:n] 别的else[els]外国的foreign[frin] 科学science[sains]杂志magazine[mɡzi:n] (一)张piece[pi:s]后缀联想:由clean(打扫)联 实践(练习)practice想clean[kli:n](清洁工)。 [prktis]许可证licence[laisns]不同difference[difrns][st] T恤衫T-shirt[ti: :t]最多的most[must] 男(衫)shirt[ :t]考试(测试)test[test] 卡式录音带盒cassette最后的last[lɑ:st] [kset]丢失的lost[l:st] 裙子skirt[sk:t]*竞争contest[kntest] 单元unit[ju:nit]主持人host[hust] 直的straight[streit]*必须must[mst] 漂亮的smart[smɑ:t]刚才just[st] 甜食dessert[diz:t]邮件(邮递)post[pust] 参观visit[vizit](最)后(的)best[best] 水果fruit[fru:t]清单读作list[list] 左边的left[left]14.t和te都读[t] 困难的difficult[difiklt]西方west[west] 皮带belt[belt]它it[it] 严格的strict[strikt]*休息rest[rest] 地方district[distrikt]*坐sit[sit] 学科;科目subject前面front[frnt] [sbikt](计)数count[kaunt]5.x读[ks],xt读[kst] 下一个next[nekst]性别sex[seks] 课文text[tekst]传真fax[fks] 出租车读taxi[tksi]狐狸fox[fks]箱(盒)子box[bks]更多注意力、快速记忆、快速阅读、思维导图文章速读速记精华文章汇总更多福利资料开年福利!有孩子的你有福了刻意练习和习得性无助,教你不再是巨婴,文末有福利。懒惰与勤奋,今日有福利觉得孩子笨,那是你培养方向和方法错了习得性无助,你不够成功的根本原因和药你的表达好不好,看这里舒适区、学习区、恐慌区,站错区域,玩死你没商量注意力测试,你必须做的舒尔特方格量表:有深度解析

green 机械加工中的cleanup指的是什么?punch side 是冲压面,那brekout side是什么?

Green Grind绿色磨削,机加工新技术,主要指以往的磨削加工采用磨削液降低加工区温度,但其大量使用给操作者和环境带来大量危害,绿色磨削主要是指采用干磨削、微量润滑、液态氮冷却、气体射流冷却等技术; Cleanup 补加工,补加工是解决曲面交线、曲面内凹区域及浅平面和陡斜面等加工的有效途径 Breakout side指刀具穿出面或弓箭出口端

You can cross the street at a green light and you must stop at a red light.是什么意思?


Red Light Green Light 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light Green Light歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Results May VaryLimp Bizkit - red light green lightfreak baby, freak freak baby (x2)red light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)i got the keys baby, put your mind at ease babygo playa, layin" the cheese babyi know you bitin", bitin" my steez babybut i came, came to please babydon"t wait, lay the greeze babydon"t flake, shake the knees babyyour fella"s mad at me baby, oh well, enemies babywho"s braggin" they raggin" on me baby?who"s breath is draggin" on me baby?who steps through all agony baby?who"s checks are bigger than me baby?who thinks before it goes down baby?who rocks in every town baby?i don"t know if it ain"t memust be a clone on this microphone babyred light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)(you know i"m down and ready to go)jump in the who ride, slide to the rhythm ofsnoop d.o. double g nigga from the dubi represent it to the fullest everywhere i goguaranteed to bust a ho, yeah i"m so originali don"t have to, i told you from the get goi like to lay low with my niggas blowin" endowe like to drink, talk shit, and spit at bitchesand that"s the way we do it, sometimes we hittin" switchesin the low-rider slidin" to the hood and backit"s snoop dogg in the muthafuckin" cadillacthey call it snoop deville for reali get the money and i never ever pop no pillsi used to pop"em, i"m lyin" to these motherfuckers nowi used to do all kind of shit when i was wildthey used to call me lil" bow wow now i"m big bow wowin this motherfucka bustin" a freestylesnoop dogg is in the place to see, do it with my nephew freddy dooh wee, in the place to seesnoop d.o. double g from the light, green light (x3)you ready to roll?tell me when you"re ready to go (x2)(you know i"m down and ready to go)freak baby, freak freak baby (x3)look who"s talkin" it up babyone more chalkin" it up babystar maps stalkin" it up babymy dogs barkin" it up babywho"d a thought i"d be layin it down baby?who"d a thought i"d be turnin" your frown baby?never know about things these days baby"till your cell phone rings and it"s me babychorus.......

"Red Light"means STOP ,"Green Light"means GOING 最后一个词为什么不是填"go"


and the sky is green好像是这句。是哪首歌的歌词

不确定是哪首1、西城男孩的 《my love》My Love歌词 歌手:Westlife(西城男孩) an empty street, an empty house, a hole inside my heart, i"m all alone and the rooms are getting smaller. (bridge) i wonder how, i wonder why, i wonder where they are, the days we"ve had, the songs we"ve sang together(oh yeah). (mountain) and oh my love, i"m holding on forever, reaching for a love that seems so far, (chorus) so i say a little prayer, and hope my dreams will take me there, where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, my love. i try to read, i go to work, i"m laughing with my friends, but i can"t stop to keep myself from thinking(so long). (bridge). i wonder how.. i wonder why i wonder where they r the days we had, the songs we sang together[oh yeah] and oh my love..... i m holding on forever, reachign for the love that seems so far..... so i say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there, where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, to hold u in my arms, to promise u my love, to tell u from my heart..... what i m thinking offfff [music] reaching for the love that seems so far.. [chorus starts] so i say a little prayer.... and hope my dreams will take me there... where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, my love.2、Tell Me WhyDeclan Galbraith 、The Young Voices ChoirIn my dream,children singA song of love for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenAnd laughter is the language of the worldThen i wake and all i seeIs a world full of people in needTell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?Everyday i ask myselfWhat will i have to do to be a man?Do i have to stand and fightTo prove to everybody who i am?Is that what my life is forTo waste in a world full of war?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping handTell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we"re all the same)Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)Tell me why (why,why does it never end)Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes)Why,why,(do the greedy life)Why,why,(do we fight for land)Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?Why,why?!3、June Tabor - FinisterreFarewell, FinisterreSleep away the afternoonRocking with the tideDrinking with the moonI found a ticket in my pocketAll the way from Port of SpainAnd the warm windFrom the Indies covered me againSantander, the sky is fallingThe tale we told each other has an endSantander, you hear me callingYou, that never lost a friendWe"d often look for goldTreasure buried in the sandWe hid it long agoBefore our wars beganWhen the world was green and earlyAnd time was on our sideBefore the storm got upTo blow us far and wideSantander, the sky is fallingThe tale we told each other has an endSantander, you hear me callingYou, that never lost a friendFarewell, FinisterreSleep away the afternoonJust rocking with the tideDrinking with the moonLast night I turned the glasses overAnd I drank the bottle dryThe moon stared out to seaAll night and so did ISantander, the sky is fallingThe tale we told each other has an endSantander, you hear me callingYou, that never lost a friend, never lost a friendNever lost a friend

Which本身也表哪一个,那么which one is miss green 能去掉one么?

可以的,去掉就是代词,不去掉就是形容词性的代词. 再问: 这里的one指什么?如果不要这个one不也是说哪本是格林小姐么? 再答: 哪一 which 本 one 如果直接用which,就是哪一个的意思了。 明白了吧,同学! 再问: 我还是不太明白?你能再说具体点么? one 本 是什么意思? 再答: 呵呵,看错了 which指哪一个 one指人 which one 哪一个人 Which one is Mr Green?哪一个是格林先生? Which is Mr Green?哪一个是格林先生? 两句话的区别是: which 作代词,后面不跟名词 which作形容词性的代词,后面必须跟一个相当于名词的词。 可以了吧,同学?

Which本身也表哪一个,那么which one is miss green ?能去掉one么?


急求关于green energy的短文

ENERGY FROM WINDWind is simple air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth抯 surface by the sun. Since the earth抯 surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun抯 heat at different rates. During the day, the air above the land heats up more quickly than the air over water. The warm air over the land expands and rises, and the heavier, cooler air rushes in to take its place, creating winds. At night, the winds are reversed because the air cools more rapidly over land than over water. In the same way, the large atmospheric winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the earth"s equator is heated more by the sun than the land near the North and South Poles. Today, wind energy is mainly used to generate electricity. Wind is called a renewable energy source because the wind will blow as long as the sun shines.The History of WindSince ancient times, people have harnessed the winds energy. Over 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used wind to sail ships on the Nile River. Later, people built windmills to grind wheat and other grains. The earliest known windmills were in Persia (Iran). These early windmills looked like large paddle wheels. Centuries later, the people of Holland improved the basic design of the windmill. They gave it propeller-type blades, still made with sails. Holland is famous for its windmills. American colonists used windmills to grind wheat and corn, to pump water, and to cut wood at sawmills. As late as the 1920s, Americans used small windmills to generate electricity in rural areas without electric service. When power lines began to transport electricity to rural areas in the 1930s, local windmills were used less and less, though they can still be seen on some Western ranches. The oil shortages of the 1970s changed the energy picture for the country and the world. It created an interest in alternative energy sources, paving the way for the re-entry of the windmill to generate electricity. In the early 1980s wind energy really took off in California, partly because of state policies that encouraged renewable energy sources. Support for wind development has since spread to other states, but California still produces more than twice as much wind energy as any other state. The first offshore wind park in the United States is planned for an area off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (read an article about the Cape Cod Wind Project). HOW WIND MACHINES WORKLike old fashioned windmills, today抯 wind machines use blades to collect the wind抯 kinetic energy. Windmills work because they slow down the speed of the wind. The wind flows over the airfoil shaped blades causing lift, like the effect on airplane wings, causing them to turn. The blades are connected to a drive shaft that turns an electric generator to produce electricity. With the new wind machines, there is still the problem of what to do when the wind isn抰 blowing. At those times, other types of power plants must be used to make electricity.TYPES OF WIND MACHINESThere are two types of wind machines (turbines) used today based on the direction of the rotating shaft (axis): horizontal朼xis wind machines and vertical-axis wind machines. The size of wind machines varies widely. Small turbines used to power a single home or business may have a capacity of less than 100 kilowatts. Some large commercial sized turbines may have a capacity of 5 million watts, or 5 megawatts. Larger turbines are often grouped together into wind farms that provide power to the electrical grid. Horizontal-axis Most wind machines being used today are the horizontal-axis type. Horizontal-axis wind machines have blades like airplane propellers. A typical horizontal wind machine stands as tall as a 20-story building and has three blades that span 200 feet across. The largest wind machines in the world have blades longer than a football field! Wind machines stand tall and wide to capture more wind.Vertical-axisVertical–axis wind machines have blades that go from top to bottom and the most common type (Darrieus wind turbine) looks like a giant two-bladed egg beaters. The type of vertical wind machine typically stands 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide. Vertical-axis wind machines make up only a very small percent of the wind machines used today.The Wind Amplified Rotor Platform (WARP) is a different kind of wind system that is designed to be more efficient and use less land than wind machines in use today. The WARP does not use large blades; instead, it looks like a stack of wheel rims. Each module has a pair of small, high capacity turbines mounted to both of its concave wind amplifier module channel surfaces. The concave surfaces channel wind toward the turbines, amplifying wind speeds by 50 percent or more. Eneco, the company that designed WARP, plans to market the technology to power offshore oil platforms and wireless telecommunications systems. WIND POWER PLANTSWind power plants, or wind farms as they are sometimes called, are clusters of wind machines used to produce electricity. A wind farm usually has dozens of wind machines scattered over a large area. The world"s largest wind farm, the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Texas, has 421 wind turbines that generate enough electricity to power 230,000 homes per year. Unlike power plants, many wind plants are not owned by public utility companies. Instead they are owned and operated by business people who sell the electricity produced on the wind farm to electric utilities. These private companies are known as Independent Power Producers. Operating a wind power plant is not as simple as just building a windmill in a windy place. Wind plant owners must carefully plan where to locate their machines. One important thing to consider is how fast and how much the wind blows. As a rule, wind speed increases with altitude and over open areas with no windbreaks. Good sites for wind plants are the tops of smooth, rounded hills, open plains or shorelines, and mountain gaps that produce wind funneling. Wind speed varies throughout the country. It also varies from season to season. In Tehachapi, California, the wind blows more from April through October than it does in the winter. This is because of the extreme heating of the Mojave Desert during the summer months. The hot air over the desert rises, and the cooler, denser air above the Pacific Ocean rushes through the Tehachapi mountain pass to take its place. In a state like Montana, on the other hand, the wind blows more during the winter. Fortunately, these seasonal variations are a good match for the electricity demands of the regions. In California, people use more electricity during the summer for air conditioners. In Montana, people use more electricity during the winter months for heating. WIND PRODUCTIONIn 2005, wind machines in the United States generated a total of 17.8 billion kWh per year of electricity, enough to serve more than 1.6 million households. This is enough electricity to power a city the size of Chicago, but it is only a small fraction of the nation"s total electricity production, about 0.4 percent. The amount of electricity generated from wind has been growing fast in recent years, tripling since 1998. New technologies have decreased the cost of producing electricity from wind, and growth in wind power has been encouraged by tax breaks for renewable energy and green pricing programs. Many utilities around the country offer green pricing options that allow customers the choice to pay more for electricity that comes from renewable sources. Wind machines generate electricity in 25 different states in 2005. The states with the most wind production are California, Texas, Iowa, Minnesota, and Oklahoma. The United States ranks third in the world in wind power capacity, behind Germany and Spain and before India. Denmark ranks number five in the world in wind power capacity but generates 20 percent of its electricity from wind. Most of the wind power plants in the world are located in Europe and in the United States where government programs have helped support wind power development. WIND AND THE ENVIRONMENT In the 1970s, oil shortages pushed the development of alternative energy sources. In the 1990s, the push came from a renewed concern for the environment in response to scientific studies indicating potential changes to the global climate if the use of fossil fuels continues to increase. Wind energy is an economical power resource in many areas of the country. Wind is a clean fuel; wind farms produce no air or water pollution because no fuel is burned. Growing concern about emissions from fossil fuel generation, increased government support, and higher costs for fossil fuels (especially natural gas and coal) have helped wind power capacity in the United States grow substantially over the last 10 years. The most serious environmental drawbacks to wind machines may be their negative effect on wild bird populations and the visual impact on the landscape. To some, the glistening blades of windmills on the horizon are an eyesore; to others, they抮e a beautiful alternative to conventional power plants.

al green的歌词哪位大侠有!

Take your time Amy diamondaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahTake your timeIf you cage me I"d wanna be free right?when you"re tired you wanna sleep safe at nightWe"re not changing human nature nowSo when you need love I will show you howBut if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breatheIf the butterfly wings were never meant to flyUnreachableMaybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbyeThough my heart callsWhen your heart wants to run with the windOh I"ll be fineAnd then maybe come back in the springSo take your timeWhen you let go then your soul decidesIt is easy to enjoy the rideWe"re united, separated, trueAnd all that is yours you will never loseBut if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breatheIf the butterfly wings were never meant to flyUnreachableMaybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbyeThough my heart callsWhen your heart wants to run with the windOh I"ll be fineAnd then maybe come back in the springSo take your timeHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahSo hardIf the butterfly wings were never meant to flyUnreachableMaybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbyeThough my heart callsWhen your heart wants to run with the windOh I"ll be fineAnd then maybe come back in the springSo take your time

“The gress is always greener on the other side”的意思


英语谚语:The grass is greener on the other side 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The grass is greener on the other side 中文意思: 草是另一边的绿。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Practice what you preach 言必行。 Praise is not pudding 恭维不是布丁。 Praise makes good men better and bad men worse 赞扬使好人更好,坏人更坏。 Praise no man till he is dead 盖棺论定。 Preachers can talk but never teach Unless they practise what they preach 说教的人不身体力行,就只能空谈,不能起教育作用。 Prepare for a rain day 未雨绸缪。 Prevention is better than cure 预防胜于治疗。 Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。 Pride apes humility 大巧若拙。 Pride goes before a fall (or destruction). 骄兵必败。 英语谚语: The grass is greener on the other side 中文意思: 草是另一边的绿。

“The gress is always greener on the other side”的意思

这是个外国的熟语.意译是“草总是另一边的绿”. 其实他的意思在汉语里有基本一模一样的对应——中国的俗语,“这山望得那山高”.

Evergreen (Love Theme From A Star Is Born) 歌词

歌曲名:Evergreen (Love Theme From A Star Is Born)歌手:Tom McBryde专辑:The Legacy Of Barbara Streisandevergreen作词:小林武史作曲:小林武史水まきしてた 季节が过ぎて风の香り 変わりはじめてた绿はやがて 褪せてゆくけど干は今も 岚に耐えてる そこに立ってる谁もが痛み抱いて 迷いも消えなくてこの地球(ほし)は淋しさ溢れていて 何を求めてるあなたをただ 爱してるだけただそれだけで生きて行けるとぼんやりと思ってたら 何だか勇気が涌いてきてたそれは気持ちに 羽根が生えた様に 空を飞んでく水平线の见えない この街に生まれてそして死んで行っても あなたがいれば 全てを感じる枯れ叶落ちてく 木枯らしが吹いてく 长い冬を越えて自分の中 春が访れて 夏は来る永远の绿は 心に広がってるそう信じていたい いつの日にも どんな时でもevergreen with you


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如何监控GreenPlum Segment磁盘空间




请问green day 的"basket case"这首歌的歌名怎么翻译?


有谁知道《I see green,I see yellow》这首歌

《What a Wonderful World》好多人唱过呢,可能只要是歌手都唱过。《What a Wonderful World》一歌由Bob Thiele(署名George Douglas)和George David Weiss创作。由Louis Armstrong首次录制并于1967年作为单曲发行。Thiele和Weiss两人都享誉音乐界(Thiele作为制作人而Weiss作为作曲家和表演者)。Armstrong的录制版本于1999年进入格莱美名人堂。路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(被称为爵士音乐之王)于1967年演唱了这首歌,他那具有强烈感染力的声音是这首歌充满了激动之情与乐观精神。如今,《多么美妙的世界》已成为20世纪“流行音乐的圣歌”(The Anthem of Pop Music),很多音乐家都有此歌的翻唱版本。邓丽君,洛史都华(Rod Stewart),席琳·迪翁(Céline Dion),林忆莲和陈奕迅等翻唱过。作为路易斯·阿姆斯特朗最经典的曲目“What A Wonderful World(多美好的世界啊)”曾作为电影《早安,越南》的插曲 ,布鲁斯·威利斯主演的电影《12只猴子》(Twelve Monkeys)的片尾曲 和赫里尼克·罗斯汉主演的电影《雨中的请求》插曲,以及汤唯主演电影《北京遇上西雅图》片尾曲。What A Wonderful World原唱:Louis ArmstrongI see trees of green, red roses tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myself what a wonderful world.I see skies of blue and clouds of whiteThe bright blessed day, the dark sacred nightAnd I think to myself what a wonderful world.The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the skyAre also on the faces of people going byI see friends shaking hands saying how do you doThey"re really saying I love you.I hear babies cry, I watch them growThey"ll learn much more than I"ll never knowAnd I think to myself what a wonderful worldYes I think to myself what a wonderful world.你在下面的页面找一个,你想听的版本吧:

这是什么歌? I see trees of green, red roses too 我看见青翠的树林,还有那红

What A Wonderful World (电影《北京遇上西雅图》片尾曲)-Louis Armstrong

谁有green day的详细介绍?

译成青葱岁月 比较好吧他们的Wake me up when september ends不错.还有She is a rebellongviewAmerican IdiotBoulevard of Broken Dreams等都很好


百度百科....= =

求greenday的Viva La Gloria!的中文歌词

Hey GloriaAre you standing close to the edge?你是否站在悬崖边缘Lookout to the setting sun守望夕阳The brink of your vision在你视线的边沿Eternal youth is永恒的青春只是A landscape of the lie谎言的风景The cracks of my skin can prove我皮肤的裂纹就可以证明As the years will testify岁月也将见证Say your prayers and light a fire祈祷吧然后燃起一把火We"re going to start a war我们就要发动一场战争Your slogans a gun for hire你的标语就是那寻找主人的枪It"s what we waited for这就是我们一直等待的Hey Gloria,This is why we"re on the edge这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘The fight of our lives been drawn to生命之战已引来This undying love.这不朽的爱Gloria, Viva La GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaYou blast your name你让你的名字绽放In graffiti on the walls在墙壁上的涂鸦Falling through broken glass that"s你从破碎的玻璃中坠落Slashing through your spirit划过你的灵魂I can hear it like a jilted crowd我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人Gloria, where are you GloriaGloria, 你在哪里, GloriaYou found a home你已找到了归宿之地In all your scars and ammunition在你所有的伤痕和攻防里You made your bed in salad days你在你的全盛时期安息Amongst the ruin在废墟Ashes to ashes of our youth在我们青春的灰烬之间She smashed her knuckles into winter她在冬天来临之际打碎了她的关节As autumns wind fades into black当秋季之风褪为黑色She is the saint on all the sinners她是所有有罪者的圣人The one that"s fallen through the cracks那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人So don"t put away your burning light所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光Gloria, where are you GloriaGloria, 你在哪里Don"t lose your faith不要对你已逝的纯真To your lost naivete丧失信心Weather the storm and don"t look经历风霜吧,不要回头Back on last November不要回顾去年的十一月When your banners were burning down当你的旗帜被烧毁的时候Gloria, viva la GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaSend me your amnesty down降大赦于我吧To the broken hearted于那受伤的心灵吧Bring us the season带给我们这样一季That we always will remember将永远铭刻于我们心中的季节Don"t let the bonfires go out不要让篝火熄灭So Gloria,所以,Gloria,Send out your message of the light发送出你光明的讯息That shadows in the night.那在黑夜中投以阴影的光明Gloria, where"s your undying love?你那不朽的爱在哪里?Tell me the story of your life.告诉我你生命的故事

viva la gloria(green day)表达的思想

!VIVA LA GLORIA 万岁Gloria! hey gloria, are you standing close to the edge? 嗨,Gloria,你是否站在悬崖边缘 lookout to the setting sun 守望夕阳 the brink of your vision 在你视线边沿 eternal youth is a landscape of the lie 永恒的青春只是谎言的风景 the cracks of my skin can prove 我皮肤的裂纹可以证明 as the years will testify 岁月也会见证 say your prayers and light a fire 祈祷吧然后点燃火把 we"re going to start a war 我们就要发动一场战争 your slogans a gun for hire 你的标语就是那把被出租的枪 it"s what we waited for 这就是我们一直等待的 hey gloria, this is why were on the edge 嗨,Gloria,这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘 the fight of our lives been drawn to this undying love 生命之战已引来这不朽的爱 gloria, viva la gloria Gloria,万岁Gloria you blast your name in graffiti on the walls 你的名字绽放在墙壁的涂鸦上 falling through broken glass that"s 你从破碎的玻璃中坠落 slashing through your spirit 玻璃划破你的灵魂 i can hear it like a jilted crowd 我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人 gloria, where are you gloria? Gloria,你在哪里,Gloria? you found a home 你已找到了归宿之地 in all your scars and ammunition 在你所有的伤痕和弹药里 you made your bed in salad days amongst the ruin 你在涉世未深时在废墟中安息 ashes to ashes of our youth 在我们青春的灰烬里 she smashed her knuckles into winter 她的关节在冬天来临时破碎 as autumns wind fades into black 当秋季的风褪为黑色 she is the saint on all the sinners 她是全部有罪者的圣人 the one that"s fallen through the cracks 那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人 so don"t put away your burning light 所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光 gloria, where are you gloria? Gloria,你在哪里,Gloria? don"t lose your faith to your lost naivete 不要对你已逝的纯真失去信心 weather the storm and don"t look back on last november 经历风霜,不要回顾去年的十一月 when your banners were burning down 当你的旗帜被烧毁 gloria, viva la gloria Gloria,万岁Gloria send me your amnesty down to the broken hearted 特赦我那破碎的心 bring us the season that we always will remember 带给我们将永远铭记的一季 don"t let the bonfires go out 不要让篝火熄灭 so gloria, 所以,Gloria, send out your message of the light that shadows in the night 发送出你将在黑夜中投以阴影的光明的讯息 gloria, where"s your undying love? Gloria, 你那不朽的爱在哪里? tell me the story of your life 告诉我你一生的故事

Green Day-Viva La Gloria 歌词中文译文

Viva la Gloria! 万岁Gloria (注:Gloria直接音译成格洛瑞亚,还是翻译成荣耀之类的似乎都不好。所以不如就按原文不动它。歌词中可以慢慢理解)Hey Gloria Are you standing close to the edge? 你是否站在悬崖边缘 Lookout to the setting sun 守望夕阳 The brink of your vision 在你视线的边沿 Eternal youth is 永恒的青春只是 A landscape of the lie 谎言的风景The cracks of my skin can prove 我皮肤的裂纹就可以证明 As the years will testify 岁月也将见证 Say your prayers and light a fire 祈祷吧然后燃起一把火 We"re going to start a war 我们就要发动一场战争 Your slogans a gun for hire 你的标语就是那寻找主人的枪 It"s what we waited for 这就是我们一直等待的Hey Gloria,This is why we"re on the edge 这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘 The fight of our lives been drawn to 生命之战已引来 This undying love. 这不朽的爱Gloria, Viva La Gloria Gloria, 万岁Gloria You blast your name 你让你的名字绽放 In graffiti on the walls 在墙壁上的涂鸦 Falling through broken glass that"s 你从破碎的玻璃中坠落 Slashing through your spirit 划过你的灵魂 I can hear it like a jilted crowd 我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人Gloria, where are you Gloria Gloria, 你在哪里, Gloria You found a home 你已找到了归宿之地 In all your scars and ammunition 在你所有的伤痕和攻防里 You made your bed in salad days 你在你的全盛时期安息 Amongst the ruin 在废墟 Ashes to ashes of our youth 在我们青春的灰烬之间She smashed her knuckles into winter 她在冬天来临之际打碎了她的关节 As autumns wind fades into black 当秋季之风褪为黑色 She is the saint on all the sinners 她是所有有罪者的圣人 The one that"s fallen through the cracks 那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人 So don"t put away your burning light 所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光Gloria, where are you Gloria Gloria, 你在哪里 Don"t lose your faith 不要对你已逝的纯真 To your lost naivete 丧失信心 Weather the storm and don"t look 经历风霜吧,不要回头 Back on last November 不要回顾去年的十一月 When your banners were burning down 当你的旗帜被烧毁的时候Gloria, viva la Gloria Gloria, 万岁Gloria Send me your amnesty down 降大赦于我吧 To the broken hearted 于那受伤的心灵吧 Bring us the season 带给我们这样一季 That we always will remember 将永远铭刻于我们心中的季节 Don"t let the bonfires go out 不要让篝火熄灭So Gloria, 所以,Gloria, Send out your message of the light 发送出你光明的讯息 That shadows in the night. 那在黑夜中投以阴影的光明 Gloria, where"s your undying love? 你那不朽的爱在哪里? Tell me the story of your life. 告诉我你生命的故事

Green Day-Viva La Gloria 歌词中文译文

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