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omnigraffle 中使用diagram工具创建的方块无法自由拖动,怎么办

Mac下常用软件列表Acrobat 8:创建专业PDF的最佳工具,当然目前Panther有自带创建PDF的工具,但要创建加密和带有更多功能的PDF就只能用Acrobat8了。Address Book Importer:可以将PC的Outlook联系人转换到Mac的免费工具(PC需要将联系人导出成以tab分隔的纯文本文件),在没有Exchange服务器的时候,这是首选。AOL Instant Messenger :AOL的聊天工具。Atomix Dojam X SC:我认为Mac上最好的英汉/汉英双向词典,支持拖放和剪贴板取词。Backup:苹果提供给.Mac用户使用的备份软件,你可以将主要应用程序的设置备份到iDisk,也支持输出到外挂硬盘或者CD/DVD光盘。BBEdit :不可缺少的万用编辑器,我用他编辑plist文件和startup item。BitTorrent:BT下载软件,免费。CDFinder:可快速编制远程服务器硬盘,光盘和外挂存储器的目录和文件信,方便在本机查询。Chinese Rewriter:快速转换简体繁体中文,支持热键转换,双向转换和实时转换(打字同时转换),并且支持转换文本文件和MP3 ID3 Tag!!CHM Viewer:查看PC上CHM格式文件的工具,和下面介绍的xchm互相补充。Clear Dock:免费软件,可以把Dock的背景颜色变成任何你希望的,又或者是变成完全透明。CloneX:Mac上的Ghost:)!Cocktail:Mac上最老牌的系统优化和维护工具,功能非常多而且更新很快。CopyPaste-X :多重剪贴板工具,可存储多个你指定的剪贴板内容,并且能在多种应用程序中加入右键菜单。Déjà Vu:我认为最佳的备份程序,可以备份/同步到本地或者远程服务器,又或者是结合Toast写入CD/DVD,非常便利,支持定时或者手动备份,还可以在备份之前自动修复磁盘权限。Delocalizer:许多OS X的应用程序附带了你永远不会用到的其他国家语言包,用这个免费工具可以找出那些你不要的语言包并且删除之释放空间。Desktop Manager:提供多个虚拟桌面的免费软件,小巧快速方便易用。DiskWarrior:最老牌的Mac磁盘拯救和优化工具之一,但不是做碎片整理,而是优化文件和文件夹的目录结构,效果非常显著,我每个月必用的优化和维护软件。DivX Pro 5.1.1:可以让Quicktime播放和编码输出DivX 5.1.1格式的文件,同时也有免费的单纯解码器下载。DVD2oneX:可以将D9的大容量DVD影片转换成一张D5 DVD-R能放下的大小。EarthBrowser:通过网上的数据察看当前的卫星云图和各大城市的天气预报,并且可以察看设置在当地摄像头传回的影像。EasyBatchPhoto:快速批量转换图片格式。File Buddy 7:可以修改文件/文件夹的各种属性(创建,修改日期,权限,所有者等等),Finder的最佳辅助工具之一。FR-PhotoStudio(OS X):之前撰文介绍过的优秀图片浏览器。Frozen-Bubble:免费的泡泡龙游戏,消磨时间精品。FruitMenu:我认为它比著名的MaxMenu更加好,它能将苹果菜单和右键菜单让你自己定义,并且提供按下左键几秒钟自动变成右键的功能(只在Finder中有效),还能显示之前访问过的文件/文件夹和程序,其中图片可以直接预览。gBrowser:之前撰文介绍过的优秀免费图片浏览器,可以将选定的图片输出成屏保,浏览图片速度也很快GraphicConverter:最接近ACDSEE的图片浏览器,支持上百种图片格式,并且可以输出50种以上的图片格式。HexEdit:16位编辑器icon2ico:之前介绍的Can Combine Icons的免费版本,但是只能直接把Mac OS X的128x128 icon输出成Windows的ico格式,不能编辑。ICQ 3.4:不用解释了吧?免费软件。iDisk Utility:苹果为.Mac用户提供的iDisk挂接程序,虽然在Panther中可以不必,但我比较喜欢它可以用菜单操作。iGetter 1.9.5:我最喜欢的多线程下载软件,和浏览器有紧密的结合,类似PC的Flashget类似,免费版本没有限制,但启动有10秒钟的版权画面。iOrganize:个人搜集资料的管理器,可以直接拷贝网页黏贴到里面,支持分组和查询,网虫必备。IP Checker:查询IP来源的小软件,是iSQ的附属产品。iPodRip:强大的iPod管理程序,可直接播放iPod中的音乐并且修复和优化iPod数据库,直接拖放歌曲,将iPod歌曲拷贝回电脑,还有很多其他功能。iRecordNow:将iSight变成一个简易DV。iScreensaver Designer :设计屏保的程序,也可以输出PC用的屏保格式,并且给你的屏保加上各种限制和设置:)。iSQ:由第三方开发的免费OICQ兼容程序,但目前还不支持文件传输和语音视频。iVCD:可以制作标准VCD2.0的软件,包括菜单。iVisit:比较成熟的PC和Mac视频聊天工具,也可以音频,但服务器在国外,我这里经常断线:(。KDXClient:用于连接KDX服务器的免费客户端。LameSecure:傻瓜化文件/文件夹加密程序,加密后打开文件和文件夹的时候会要求输入密码。Leechster:可以浏览并且下载其他电脑的itunes共享出来的音乐,免费工具。Little Snitch:可以防止应用程序在你不知道的情况下自动访问“老家”,你可以定义不允许访问,允许一次,允许直到该程序退出和允许访问相同端口,服务器和一直允许等选项,非常灵活,配合系统内建防火墙或者NetBarrier使用最佳。Logorrhea:免费的iChat聊天纪录察看工具。MacStumbler:查找附近的无线网络并且显示其信息,和PC上的Stumbler基本相同。免费工具。MacSword:免费的电子版《圣经》,带有简体和繁体中文,英文等格式的圣经,引经据典利器!!MacTheRipper:将DVD转换成DVD Rip的免费工具,但在我机器上不太稳定。Mactracker:查询Mac硬件产品从古董级别到最新机型的详细信息。免费软件macvcd X:mac上看VCD的工具。MakingMusic:免费软件,有各种乐器的信息和说明,并且带有示范片断。MenuMeters:可以在菜单上显示CPU占用率,内存和硬盘剩余,网络出入的情况,非常直观,免费软件。Meteorologist:免费的菜单显示天气预报程序,可同时显示多个城市的天气情况和未来的预测,定时自动上网更新。MPEGinsu:切割MPEG文件的小工具。MPlayer OS X 2:Mac上最有名的免费媒体播放程序之一。NetBarrier X3:我最喜欢的单机网络防火墙。Norton Internet Security:Norton Antivirus+Personal Firewall套装,但我只用其中的Norton Antivirus,因为它是我能找到的最好的实时防毒软件。Norton SystemWorks:和PC版本的Norton SystemWorks类似,但功能少一些,有磁盘整理功能和数据拯救功能,维护的必备利器。OmniGraffle Professional:画流程图的软件。OmniWeb:Mac上界面最华丽的浏览器,免费版本不能更改首页,这个浏览器和SunDigi的后台配合的最好,我用它登陆后台管理。OnyX:免费的系统维护和优化程序,和Cocktail类似当功能比较少。Palm Desktop:有Palm的都知道。PDF U:可以把打印中的输出到PDF按钮加强,安装之后可直接将PDF输出到特定应用程序。免费的好东西PhotoStitch:制作全景图的利器。Playlist to DVD:很有趣的软件,可以把iTunes中的MP3输出到iDVD刻录出MP3 音乐DVD!!并且自动加上转换特效和提取MP3 ID信息,唱片封面作为显示,现在一张DVD可以放一整天高品质MP3了!可惜不支持中文曲名:(Pod 2 Pod:Ghost你的iPod,也支持两台iPod之间复制。PodUtil:免费工具,可以将iPod内的音乐复制回电脑,并且听iPod内的歌曲。Proteus:让你同时登陆iCQ,MSN,iChat和yahoo等账号,我用它同时登陆两个MSN:)。资源占用比MSN Messenger小,但个人觉得连线状态不太稳定。PureFTPd Manager:免费FTP服务端,从Free BSD转移到Mac平台,最稳定的选择之一。Quake3:经典Open GL 3D游戏,写累了就杀两盘。RealOne Player:不是第一天用电脑的都应该知道Remote Desktop:用来遥控其他的苹果机器,类似PC Anywhere。Remote Desktop Connection:微软出品的免费工具,可以用来遥控WinNT4~Win2003的PC,当然PC必须开终端和远程桌面服务。Rendezvous Browser:浏览网络上其他苹果机器提供的Rendezvous服务。Resorcerer 2.4.1:程序资源编辑器。Romeo:手机通过蓝牙遥控Mac的免费软件。Roxio Toast 6 Titanium:Mac上最好的刻录程序之一,和PC的Easy CD同一间公司出品。SafariSorter:将Safari的书签排序用的免费软件。Salling Clicker:最佳的蓝牙手机遥控Mac软件,支持P800和P900这样的Symbian 7.0手机,我以P802配合它使用,可以直接在屏幕上用笔操作鼠标,开合翻盖均可使用,最新版本已经支持完美显示iTunes中文歌曲和中文搜索。Screen Query:免费坏点检测程序:)。SerialBox Reader:呵呵。SharePoints:Panther自带的共享局限在Home目录,SharePoints提供共享任意位置的选择,并且可以设置更多的安全和共享管理选项。而且还是免费软件。Simple Diary:日记本程序,支持加密和树状浏览,允许插入图片,但查询有bug。SiteSucker:网站离线下载免费程序。Snapz Pro X:Mac上最好的截图软件,而且支持截取操作的视频和音频,还可同时通过麦克风加入语音,在截图之前可以预览效果,自动生成窗口阴影(这样不必切换到白色背景),并且能输出多种格式和指定打开的程序。Sofa:免费的小型itunes控制器,最好的功能是可以自动在网上找唱片封面(根据你的MP3 ID信息),然后share给iTunes,这样只要找一次就一劳永逸。Speed Download:最著名的Mac多线程下载软件,可在本机创建和管理自己的下载服务器分享给他人,不过个人感觉它对带有密码的FTP连接支持不佳(例如SunDigi的驱动下载),因此只是作为iGetter的补充使用。SpeedTools Utilities:一个小巧的系统维护的优化程序,功能众多,也能整理硬盘碎片和快速测试系统性能表现。StuffIt Deluxe :Mac上无可争议的压缩/解压软件王者,支持几乎所有压缩格式。其中Sitx格式更是有比PC的RAR更高的压缩比例(但压缩也很慢)。Synergy:我认为最佳的iTunes菜单控制器,可以用按钮也可以用快捷键,自定义功能灵活而且非常稳定。System Optimizer X :简单的系统优化程序,功能一般,胜在一键完成的简单操作。TechTool Pro 4:个人认为是Mac上最强的检测和维护/优化软件,但一旦操作不慎,问题也会很多。Tex-Edit Plus:完美支持中文的文本/网页免费编辑器,支持Apple Script,有了它我基本上不用系统自带的Textedit。Thumbnail Pro:很有趣的程序,可以为大量图片快速创建icon,请注意不是Preview,可以为创建的icon加上各种有趣的边框,例如星星和邮票锯齿之类,在Finder中看起来很酷。TinkerTool:老牌+免费的系统维护和设置程序,特色是可以改变系统默认的字体和快速重启Finder,其他功能上不如cocktail和Onyx出色。Transmit:老牌Mac FTP/SFTP客户端,功能非常强大。VCDGearX:快速将VCD转换成MPEG文件,当然如果你习惯用Quicktime Pro可能更快。VideoScript:配合Quicktime的专业视频编辑脚本。viJournal:另外一个免费的日记本程序,胜在界面漂亮功能较多,但现在还是beta版本。Virtual PC 6:在Mac上模拟从DOS到WinXP的Windows操作系统,也可以模拟linux和其他能在X86上安装的操作系统(例如BeOS)VLC:Mac上最强悍的多媒体播放软件,免费而且支持VCD和DVD。VueScan:如果你的扫描仪没有For mac的驱动,VueScan几乎是你唯一的选择。Watson:系统自带sherlock的高级版本。Web Devil:另外一个网站离线浏览工具,经典老牌软件。Windows Media Player:如果你要在Mac上播放WMA和WMV格式的文件,这是最稳妥的选择,最新版本能支持Windows Media Player 9系列的编码。WindowsShadeX:可以将程序窗口收缩到只剩Title或者缩小到桌面一角,允许自定义快捷键,配合Exposé如虎添翼!Xbench:快速测试你的Mac性能,结果可以输出报表。xchm:浏览chm文件的最佳选择,免费软件,但有时候对中文CHM支持不够好,我把CHM Viewer和它配合使用。Yahoo! Messenger:呵呵,不必解释了吧,可以和PC的Yahoo! Messenger视频,但没有声音。サファリスイッチフォルダ:日文?没错,但是同样是好东西,唯一的作用就是当Safari浏览网页不正常的时候,按下F11,它会调用IE来浏览当前不正常的连接。希望大家能喜欢这些分享,也希望有更多的朋友分享自己喜爱的软件。

音乐世界Cytus II的Graff的曲包指令码多少?

是1204 制作人的生日










收费的。 作为钻石类定制产品,产品具体的价格会参考款式,款式越复杂价格越高,所以改款是收费的。


没有它在上海等地存在。伦敦土生土长的GRAFF,是全球最负盛名的钻石珠宝品牌之一。格拉夫 (Graff) 是高级珠宝的翘楚,格拉夫 (Graff) 从原石的搜寻、 精工 的切割、经典的设计以及对各种顶级宝石的采用,均不假外求。 GRAFF的钻石珠宝是世界上绝无仅有的,钻石品质、设计、工艺均是最顶级的。在高级定制珠宝这个绝对奢侈的,钻石级的珠宝品项里,GRAFF就是钻石中的钻石。


格拉夫 (Graff) 是高级珠宝的翘楚,格拉夫 (Graff) 从原石的搜寻、精工的切割、经典的设计以及对各种顶级宝石的采用,均不假外求。自六十年代开始,格拉夫 (Graff) 品牌已善于运用各种素材来制作珠宝,而以黄钻来衬托其它钻石或宝石,格拉夫 (Graff) 更是当中的佼佼者。格拉夫 (Graff) 先生骄傲地说:全世界七成以上的黄钻都来自于格拉夫 (Graff) 。GRAFF珠宝详细介绍如下:GRAFF的钻石珠宝是世界上绝无仅有的,钻石品质、设计、工艺均是最顶级的。在高级定制珠宝这个绝对奢侈的,钻石级的珠宝品项里,GRAFF就是钻石中的钻石。高级定制从尊贵店面开始,这里是世界上高级珠宝的圣地,它的存在让巴黎的旺多姆广场(Vend me),纽约的第五街(Fifth Avenue),都稍逊风骚这里就是伦敦庞德街(Bond Street)。伦敦土生土长的GRAFF,在这条街上占有重要的席位,是全球最负盛名的钻石珠宝品牌之一。


graffitin. 在墙上的乱涂乱写(graffito的复数形式)

DGraffiti is a common feature of most Western cities. The word graffiti was from the Greek wo...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D 试题分析:这篇短文给我们介绍的是涂鸦的历史和发展。涂鸦是城市生活的一种表达方式,过去艺术家们用钢笔来进行涂鸦,现在他们更喜欢用喷漆罐。不同的人们对待涂鸦的态度不一样,有人觉得它污染了城市;还有人觉得它是一门艺术。小题1:词义猜测题。根据这个单词所在的上下文意These days, however, the word means drawing or writing on the walls of buildings, or the public transportation, such as trains or buses.可知,这个单词的意思是在建筑物、公共交通工具等上面画画或写字,即我们说的涂鸦。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Graffiti, as a form of expression,可知,涂鸦是一种方式,在后面还有Later, it was mixed with a musical form called hip-hop that was another expression of the city life.,hip-hop是另外一种。故一共是两种。故选B。小题3:根据短文第三段中They turned to using spray paint (喷漆罐). Spray paint allowed them to draw a greater area. And it also allowed them to work quickly.可知,现在的涂鸦艺术家们喜欢用喷漆罐,因为这样可以使他们画画的面积更大,工作起来更快。故选A。小题4:主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们介绍的是涂鸦的历史和发展,涂鸦是城市生活的一种表达方式,过去艺术家们用钢笔来进行涂鸦,现在他们更喜欢用喷漆罐。人们对待涂鸦的态度不一样,有人觉得它污染了城市;而有人觉得这是一种艺术的形式。故D选项的概括更为全面,其他三个选项都只是文章的一部分。

graffiti boy中文是什么意思


Graffiti is it good or bad

Graffiti is common in Stockholm. Most of it consists of lousy gang tags, marring the oldest and most beautiful buildings. But some is very artful. The stairwell at the rear of my apartment building holds a good sampling of both types. I"m afraid I can"t translate most of the inscriptions, but I hope they are as pithy as this fine defacement shot by my pal Eric in the Boston area.




按语法 graffitti 已是复数单词 但一般当单数和复数用.例: These graffiti are all the evidence we need to find the ones responsible and punish them. Graffiti is appearing all over town. 希望帮到了你 我是加拿大人,前海外英语老师.

Chris Brown的《Graffiti》 歌词

歌曲名:Graffiti歌手:Chris Brown专辑:CrawlChris Brown - GraffitiI see you writin" on my wall, why you wanna do that?My name"s tagged you already see thatThe media wanna paint it all blackAnd they do it right in my faceSee I can"t sit back and let it all wash awayI worked too hard for it to be erasedBefore you talk, I"ma finish what I gotta sayCause I already put in time with all of my grindin"You know I grind, through all of this trouble, all of this troubleEven through the pain I still had to hustleMan I had to feed my familyAnd at the same time keep my sanity, oh nooMan I can"t let you do itGraffiti you"re tryna spray, spray on meGraffiti you"re tryna spray, on my nameGraffiti you"re tryna spray, spray on meAll the graffiti you"re tryna spray, on my nameBut it"s already written on the wallCan"t cover it up, can"t cover it upBut it"s already written on the wallCan"t cover it up, can"t cover it upWho got award shows rockin" every time I hit the stageEven the haters went and bought a CDWithout my fans I"m an empty spray can, and I just can"t paint a thingSeems like the less I had the money, the less I had the problemsThe more I got the money, the more I got the problemsLet me clear my throat, gotta make sure you hear me goCause I already put in time with all of my grindin"You know I grind, through all of this trouble, all of this trouble]Even through the pain I still had to hustleMan I had to feed my familyAnd at the same time keep my sanity, oh nooMan I can"t let you do itGraffiti you"re tryna spray, spray on meGraffiti you"re tryna spray, on my nameGraffiti you"re tryna spray, spray on meAll the graffiti you"re tryna spray, on my nameCause it"s already written on the wallCan"t cover it up, can"t cover it upCause it"s already written on the wallCan"t cover it up, can"t cover it upIt"s already done, ain"t gotta pay no moreAll this pain that I"ve enduredI know I was wrong for what I didAnd I made some mistakes cause I"m humanI ain"t gon" feed into the negative, I"ma keep grindin", ohh yeahBut this graffiti, oh oh ohCause I already put in time with all of my grindin"You know I grind, through all of this trouble, all of this troubleEven through the pain I still had to hustleMan I had to feed my familyAnd at the same time keep my sanity, oh nooMan I can"t let you do itGraffiti you"re tryna spray, spray on meGraffiti you"re tryna spray, on my nameGraffiti you"re tryna spray, spray on meAll the graffiti you"re tryna spray, on my nameCan"t cover it up, can"t cover it upCan"t cover it up, can"t cover it up





关于hip hop 文化的DJ、GRAFFITI、STREET DANCE、DRESS 各给段英文的介绍。

DJingDJ Hypnotize and Baby Cee, two Disc jockeysTurntablism refers to the extended boundaries and techniques of normal DJing innovated by hip hop. One of the few first hip hop DJ"s was Kool DJ Herc, who created hip hop through the isolation of "breaks" (the parts of albums that focused solely on the beat). In addition to developing Herc"s techniques, DJs Grandmaster Flowers, Grandmaster Flash, Grand Wizard Theodore, and Grandmaster Caz made further innovations with the introduction of scratching.Traditionally, a DJ will use two turntables simultaneously. These are connected to a DJ mixer, an amplifier, speakers, and various other pieces of electronic music equipment. The DJ will then perform various tricks between the two albums currently in rotation using the above listed methods. The result is a unique sound created by the seemingly combined sound of two separate songs into one song. Although there is considerable overlap between the two roles, a DJ is not the same as a producer of a music track.In the early years of hip hop, the DJs were the stars, but their limelight[citation needed] has been taken by MCs since 1978, thanks largely to Melle Mel of Grandmaster Flash"s crew, the Furious Five. However, a number of DJs have gained stardom nonetheless in recent years. Famous DJs include Grandmaster Flash, Afrika Bambaataa, Mr. Magic, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Scratch from EPMD, DJ Premier from Gang Starr, DJ Scott La Rock from Boogie Down Productions, DJ Pete Rock of Pete Rock & CL Smooth, DJ Muggs from Cypress Hill, Jam Master Jay from Run-DMC, Eric B., DJ Screw from the Screwed Up Click and the inventor of the Chopped & Screwed style of mixing music, Funkmaster Flex, Tony Touch, DJ Clue, and DJ Q-Bert. The underground movement of turntablism has also emerged to focus on the skills of the DJ.Mixtape DJs have also emerged creating mixtapes with different artists and getting exclusive songs and putting them on one disc, such as DJ White Owl, DJ Skee, DJ Drama and DJ Whoo Kid.GraffitiAn aerosol paint can, a common tool used in modern graffitiIn America around the late 1960s, graffiti was used as a form of expression by political activists, and also by gangs such as the Savage Skulls, La Familia, and Savage Nomads to mark territory. Towards the end of the 1960s, the signatures—tags—of Philadelphia graffiti writers Top Cat,[58] Cool Earl and Cornbread started to appear.[59] Around 1970–71, the center of graffiti innovation moved to New York City where writers following in the wake of TAKI 183 and Tracy 168 would add their street number to their nickname, "bomb" a train with their work, and let the subway take it—and their fame, if it was impressive, or simply pervasive, enough—"all city". Bubble lettering held sway initially among writers from the Bronx, though the elaborate Brooklyn style Tracy 168 dubbed "wildstyle" would come to define the art.[58][60] The early trendsetters were joined in the 70s by artists like Dondi, Futura 2000, Daze, Blade, Lee, Zephyr, Rammellzee, Crash, Kel, NOC 167 and Lady Pink.[58]The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises both from early graffiti artists practicing other aspects of hip hop, and its being practiced in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms. Graffiti is recognized as a visual expression of rap music, just as breaking is viewed as a physical expression. The book Subway Art (New York: Henry Holt & Co, 1984) and the TV program Style Wars (first shown on the PBS channel in 1984) were among the first ways the mainstream public were introduced to hip hop graffiti.Breaking(你所说的street dance)Breaking, an early form of hip hop dance, often involves battles, showing off technical skills as well as displaying tongue-in-cheek bravadoBreaking, also called B-boying or breakdancing, is a dynamic style of dance which developed as part of the hip hop culture. In the early 1930s a man named Earl Tucker invented a type of dancing called Snakehips, a dance involving one moving their hips in a fashion intended to look like the person had no skeleton. In an article written by Kennedy Center Earl Tucker earned the nickname “Human Boa Constrictor”.[61][62] Breaking began to take form in the South Bronx alongside the other elements of hip hop. The "B" in B-boy stands for break, as in break-boy (or girl). The term "B-boy" originated from the dancers at DJ Kool Herc"s parties, who saved their best dance moves for the break section of the song, getting in front of the audience to dance in a distinctive, frenetic style. A popular move is called the Headspin a move in which a person holds their entire body weight on their head. And using only the head to propel the whole body around in circles. According to the documentary film The Freshest Kids: A History of the B-Boy, DJ Kool Herc describes the "B" in B-boy as short for breaking which at the time was slang for "going off", also one of the original names for the dance. However, early on the dance was known as the "boing" (the sound a spring makes). Breaking was briefly documented for release to a world wide audience for the first time in Style Wars, and was later given a little more focus in the fictional film Beat Street. Early acts include the Rock Steady Crew and New York City Breakers.B-boying is one of the major elements of hip hop culture, commonly associated with, but distinct from, "popping", "locking", "hitting", "ticking", "boogaloo", and other funk styles that evolved independently during the late 1960s in California. It was common during the 1980s to see a group of people with a radio on a playground, basketball court, or sidewalk performing a B-boy show for a large audience.[citation needed]It is a common misconception that falling during a dance sequence is necessarily accidental and unprofessional; b-boys occasionally add falls to their dance routines to convey a sense of spontaneity. This is particularly true in the U.S.dress 你是指服装么?hiphop clothes based on the baseball sports.cap and T-shirt which with same color.there has been oversize or krump flow and so on.

英语中Graffiti和doodle 有什么区别

graffito 是乱画 胡画doodle 是涂鸦 看似乱画 但实际上是一种艺术形式graffiti [gru0259"fiu02d0tu026a] n. 墙上乱写乱画的东西(graffito的复数形式)doodle ["duu02d0d(u0259)l] n. 涂鸦;蠢人vt. 乱涂出;闲混;随意弹奏vi. 涂鸦;闲混;随意弹奏

英语中Graffiti和doodle 有什么区别?

graffito 是乱画 胡画doodle 是涂鸦 看似乱画 但实际上是一种艺术形式