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天啊.Undergraduate和Graduate并排放在一起的时候,一般都是美国的说法.英国说Graduate studies是Post Graduate. Undergraduate是本科阶段,Graduate是研究生阶段(硕士和博士). Graduate也指一个大学的毕业生,但是一般而你把Undergraduate和Graduate放在一起的话,Graduate就是研究生阶段.College Graduates一般都是本科毕业生.




  graduate有 毕业 ;获学位;逐渐变得信等意思,那么你知道graduate的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    graduate的用法:   graduate的用法1:graduate用作动词表示“从u2026毕业”用from,表示某科的毕业生用in,表示所获学位或成绩情况多用as或with。   graduate的用法2:graduate为非延续性动词,现在完成时的肯定式不与表示一段时间的状语连用。   graduate的用法3:graduate在美式英语中可指任何学校的毕业生,在英式英语中只指大学毕业生,尤指学士学位获得者。    graduate的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   graduate from( v.+prep. )   从u2026毕业   graduate的用法例句:   1. My first job was as a graduate trainee with a bank.   我的第一份工作是在一家银行做大学毕业实习生。   2. Children graduate to the kindergarten, then pre-school, and then school.   孩子们先上幼儿园,然后上学前班,再接着上小学。   3. In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.   毕业税具 体操 作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。   4. Graduate status is the minimum requirement for entry to the teaching profession.   研究生学历是从事教学工作的最低要求。   5. Chicago has 6 graduate and professional schools of high repute.   芝加哥有6所颇负盛名的研究生院和专业院校。   6. About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years.   所有入学新生中约有40%在4年内毕业。   7. Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.   现在他只需再修两个学分就可以毕业了。   8. I"m fixing to go to graduate school.   我打算去读研究生。   9. a graduate in history   历史学学士   10. Overcame childhood dyslexia to graduate second in his high - school class.   克服幼儿时期所患的诵读困难症后以第二名的优异成绩毕业于一所中学.   11. Professor Zhu will give lectures to the postgraduates [ graduate students ] this term.   朱教授这学期给研究生 开课.   12. To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor.   优等毕业即光荣的毕业.   13. She is a graduate nurse.   她是护士学院的毕业生.   14. We"ve heard that you would graduate soon.   我们听说你很快就要毕业了.   15. Mary, a junior, will graduate next year.   玛丽, 一名三年级的中学生, 明年将毕业.

「毕业」英文怎么说?秒懂英文graduate 中文意思

毕业 英文 应该怎么说呢?「毕业」的英文叫做graduate,graduate 当成动词的话,中文可以翻译为毕业,当成名词的话可以翻译为大学毕业生。下面来教学一下graduate的中文意思跟用法。 下面整理了「毕业」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. graduate 毕业 「毕业」的英文是graduate,graduate的中文意思就是指「毕业」或是「大学毕业生」。 例: I plan to graduate in July. 我计划在七月毕业。 例:Jenny is a physics graduate. 珍妮是物理学专业的毕业生。 2.毕业其他相关英文单字 毕业的英文叫做graduate,那么毕业典礼怎么说呢?你可以说mencement,这是最正式的说法。另一种比较非正式说法则可以说graduation ceremony,也是毕业典礼的意思。 例: Tomorrow is the mencement day. 明天是毕业典礼当天。 例: a graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 其他毕业相关英文单字: academic dress 学士服 graduation photo 毕业照 graduation party 毕业晚会 mencement speech 毕业典礼演讲 毕业, 毕业 英文, 毕业 英文例句, 毕业 英文怎么说, 毕业 英文说法, 毕业的英文, 英文 毕业






graduate的名词是graduation,指学位获得者(尤指学士学位)。形容词是graduated,指已得学位的,研究生的,毕业的。一、名词特点:graduate作名词可数但不是集合名词,后面要加S,graduates指毕业生。名词有可数和不可数之分。可数名词分为单数可数名词和复数可数名词。单数可数名词前面一般要加不定冠词a/an。代词my,his或数词one等,不可单独使用。二、短语搭配:1、College graduate:持有大专以上学历;大专毕业。2、graduate trainee:见习生;培训生;项见习员。3、The Graduate:毕业生;结业生;毕业生电影mp;毕业生。三、双语例句:1、Most foreign students here are graduate students.这里多数的外国学生是研究生。2、He graduated as an M.D. at Edinburgh.他毕业于爱丁堡大学,获得医学博士学位。3、After a summer of diving instruction,they had all graduated to back flips.经过一个夏天的跳水指导,他们都掌握了后空翻。




graduate的读音是:英["ɡr_d_u_t]。graduate的读音是:英["ɡr_d_u_t]。graduate的词语用法是n.(名词)graduate在美式英语中可指任何学校的毕业生,在英式英语中只指大学毕业生,尤指学士学位获得者。graduate名词:graduator;过去式:graduated;过去分词:graduated;现在分词:graduating;第三人称单数:graduates。一、详尽释义点此查看graduate的详细内容n.(名词)大学毕业生毕业生【化】量筒,量杯,分度器刻度,标度(学士)学位获得者生活经历丰富的人,尤其是在性方面adj.(形容词)毕业了的研究生的,研究院的刻度的得学士称号的;已得学位的为大学毕业生设立的分等级的毕业生的v.(动词)大学毕业毕业取得资格;取得学位逐渐变化,发展,渐次变为准予...毕业,授与...学位把...分等级,划分级别将...累进化给...标上刻度渐次消逝从偶尔使用毒品转为上瘾(毒品相关用语)二、词典解释The noun is pronounced /"gr_d_u_t/. The verb is pronounced /"gr_d_ue_t/. 名词读作/"gr_d_u_t/,动词读作 /"gr_d_ue_t/。1.(英国的)大学毕业生,学士学位获得者In Britain, agraduate is a person who has successfully completed a degree at a university or college and has received a certificate that shows this.graduate的近义词e.g. In 1973, the first Open University graduates received their degrees.1973年,第一批开放大学的毕业生获得了学位。e.g. ...graduates in engineering.工程学学士2.(美国的)高中(或学院、大学)毕业生In the United States, agraduate is a student who has successfully completed a course at a high school, college, or university.e.g. The top one-third of all high school graduates are entitled to an education at the California State University.高中毕业生当中排名前1/3的学生可以进入加利福尼亚州立大学深造。3.(英国)大学毕业In Britain, when a studentgraduates from university, they have successfully completed a degree course.graduatee.g. She graduated in English and Drama from Manchester University.她毕业于曼彻斯特大学的英语和戏剧专业。4.(美国)中学(或大学)毕业,授予?学位(或毕业文凭)In the United States, when a studentgraduates, they complete their studies successfully and leave their school or university. You can also say that a school or universitygraduates a student or students.e.g. When the boys graduated from high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont...当儿子们高中毕业后,安搬到佛蒙特州的一个小镇上居住。e.g. In 1986, American universities graduated a record number of students with degrees in computer science.1986年,美国大学计算机专业的毕业生人数创下了历史纪录。5.晋升;升职;升级If yougraduate from one thingto another, you go from a less important job or position to a more important one.e.g. Bruce graduated to chef at the Bear Hotel...布鲁斯晋升为大熊饭店的厨师长。e.g. From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows.她很快就从拍商业广告上升到拍电视节目。三、网络解释1. 研究生:在麻省理工的主页上可以看到,其招生录取工作 (Admission)分为3个层次,即本科生(Undergraduate)招录、研究生(Graduate)招录和职业高级培训 (Professional)招录.四、例句He is a graduate in medicine.他是医科毕业生。He is a graduate of Tokyo University.他是东京大学的毕业生。They graduate 30,000 engineers every year.每年有3万名工程师从学校毕业。This ruler is graduated in centimeters.这把尺的刻度是厘米。The salary scale is graduated so that you get more money each year.工资划分成各个等级,因此职工逐年获得加薪。He will graduate from the school in May.他将要在五月份毕业。He eventually graduated from clerical work to his present role.最终他从普通文员逐渐发展到现在的职位。She was taken on as a graduate trainee.她应聘为新毕业的实习生。When did Zack graduate from Seaside High?扎克何时从海滨高中毕业的?五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~turn out graduates培养出毕业生形容词+~brilliant graduate出色的毕业生名词+~college graduate大学毕业生law graduate法律系毕业生~+介词a graduate in?专业的毕业生a graduate of?大学的毕业生用作动词 (v.)~+介词graduate at毕业graduate in law法律系毕业graduate in the class of?届的毕业生graduate into逐渐变为六、情景对话学校B:I"m applying for (law school/ business school/graduate school).我在申请(法律学校/商业学校/研究所)。A:Sounds hard. Good luck.听起来很难申请,祝你好运。求职面试B:What contribution did you make to your current /previous organization?你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在 这份工作上。graduate的反义词B:What do you think you are worth to us?你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?graduate的解释A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。graduateB:What make you think you would be a success in this position?你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?A:Mygraduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。教育A:So, what"s your educational background?那么,你的教育背景是什么?B:Igraduate from high school with a 4.0, graduated from university with a degree in English, and am currently in the middle of obtaining a master"s degree in Linguistics.我以4.0 的成绩从高中毕业, 大学获得了英语学士学位,近来正在读语言学硕士学位。A:What university did you go to ?你在那所大学?B:I went to UCB, the university of California, Berkeley.UCB,加州伯克利大学。A:Are you from California originally?你是加州本地人么?B:No, I"m from Colorado. I received a full scholarship to UCB, so I went.不,我来自科罗拉州,我活得了UCB 全额奖学金,所以我去那里了。A:That"s great. How did you like your classes there?那太好了,你觉得那些课上得怎么样?B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren"t the stuffy professors that I thought they"d be.。我很喜欢我的教授。 他们似乎有很多教学热情。他们不是我想象的那种乏味的教授A:How about the other students? Did you get along well with them?其他同学怎么样?和他们相处的好吗?graduate的翻译B:The students were from all over the country. I found that most of my friends were people who were from the mid-west?这里的学生来自全国各地,我发现我的大多数朋友来自中西部。A:That"s interesting. Why do you think that is?真有意思,为什么你这样认为?B:I"m not sure. I lived in Iowa during middle school, so I guess we had that in common. Mid-westerners and people from the west coast have a different view of the world.我搞不清,我初中住在衣阿华州,所以我猜我们有共同之处。中西部和来自西海岸的人有不同的世界观。A:What do you mean?你指什么?B:It"s hard to explain. I guess people from the west coast come off as a bit snobby sometimes, especially if you aren"t come from the west coast。很难解释清,我猜西海岸的人有点势利,尤其是对纳妾不是来自西海岸的人。A:I see. Well, thanks for coming in for the interview. My secretary will get back to you within a week.我懂了,奥,谢谢你接受这次面试,我的秘书会在一周内给你回电话的。七、词语用法n.(名词)graduate在美式英语中可指任何学校的毕业生,在英式英语中只指大学毕业生,尤指学士学位获得者。v.(动词)graduate用作动词表示“从?毕业”用from,表示某科的毕业生用in,表示所获学位或成绩情况多用as或with。graduate为非延续性动词,现在完成时的肯定式不与表示一段时间的状语连用。graduate的相关近义词postgraduate、receive a degreegraduate的相关反义词undergraduate、dropout、drop out ofgraduate的相关临近词graduation、gradual、graduated、graduate s、graduatess、graduate at、graduate in、graduateship、graduate tax、graduated tax、graduated cup、graduate text点此查看更多关于graduate的详细信息

A graduation ceremony is a ceremony which the graduates attend 这是什么句型?which的作用是什么

定语,可以写成两句。A graduation ceremony is a ceremony.The graduates attend the ceremony.

求助claremont graduate university的信息

undergraduate freshman什么意思


college student 和 student of junior colleges以及undergraduate的区别

depends on where you are.

postgraduate admission brochure什么意思

postgraduate admission brochure研究生招生简章

用英语解释英语1.childhood 2.a boarding 3.a burglar 5.a leader 6.election graduate

1. the state of being a child2. 这个有很多意思如:- a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes-. a thin, flat, rectangular piece of wood or other stiff material used for various purposes, in particular3.a person who entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, esp. theft4. the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties5.the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country6. a formal and organized process of electing or being elected, esp. of members of a political body 7. successfully complete an academic degree, course of training, or high school
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