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miRNA mimics和miRNA agomir的区别在哪里


CSGO西班牙骑士荣耀 Movistar Riders的黑马之路

CSGO2022IEM科隆 Movistar Riders vs Liquid 淘汰赛中,伴随SunPayus枪响拿下NAF的人头,Movistar Riders全队以及粉丝全部陷入了狂欢中,西班牙人将自己的黑马传奇一黑到底,继续延续了下去。当Movistar Riders拿到瓦伦西亚站的冠军,很多人对西班牙人的看法没有多少改变,认为A级赛事的含金量并没有足够的说服力,但这只战队靠着极其严谨的纪律性以及团队执行力在IEM科隆过关斩将,击败G2,双杀小蜜蜂,打败液体成功拿下四强名额,虽然败于FaZe止步于四强,但这段黑马传奇足以让世界上的CS:GO玩家注意到西班牙CS,注意到这支西班牙人战队。 2021年8月这家基地位于马德里的战队对队伍结构做出了重大调整,下放突破手shokz、老将steel、和狙击手smooya,签下了DeathZz、SunPayus和dav1g,与mopoz、alex和教练bladE彻底组建全西班牙阵容。对于新阵容西班牙粉丝难掩欣喜之情,表示非常开心能够把西班牙最好的选手组合在一起,并期待能够与新队友们一起振兴西班牙CSGO,也正是此次阵容的更替,让Movistar Riders在本次IEM科隆中写下了一段浓墨重彩的黑马传奇。新阵容的蜜月期并没有想象中的顺利,在首秀对阵德国俱乐部GamerLegion失利之后,大家对Movistar Riders的新阵容产生了质疑。之后,他们经历两次公开海选杀入IEM秋季赛欧洲区封闭预选赛,并在预选赛中以2-0击败同样刚刚组建不久的全土耳其人阵容的Eternal Fire,成功跻身IEM秋季赛欧洲区正赛。小组赛阶段,他们前两轮状态不佳输给了Heroic和A队,但在后面的比赛逐渐找到了手感,接连战胜COL、Sinners和Endpoint,并在最后的加赛中击败Heroic和Sinners,成功晋级到八强。虽然淘汰赛首轮1-2憾负最后的冠军NiP,但是在第5-8名排位赛当中,西班牙人接连击败Copenhagen Flames和G2,以第五名的身份拿下1875点RMR积分,在缺席当年首次RMR的情况下,最终凭借这1875分,以欧洲区RMR积分榜第七的身份晋级PGL斯德哥尔摩Major,成为第一支晋级Major正赛的西班牙战队。在10月份的斯德哥尔摩Major上,Movistar Riders击败了TYLOO、Renegades,但是在对阵VP、Entropiq和Heroic连续的败下阵来,他们首次的Major之旅止步于2胜3负的战绩。 2022年初,西班牙新军开始遭遇了自己的瓶颈期。ESL二月挑战赛,Movistar Riders作为直邀战队,在小组赛当中接连不敌VP和9z,遗憾出局。IEM卡托维兹入围赛,西班牙人2-0战胜MIBR,但也以两场落败于BIG和NIP遭到出局。 三月份,他们在PGL安特卫普Major欧洲赛区RMR的公开海选当中全部失利,这意味着宣告了西班牙人与Major正赛无缘。他们在经历了连续的失利之后,EPL S15让西班牙人有了再一次证明自己的机会!面对曾经击败过自己的对手以及众多强队,深处死亡之组的Movistar Riders却用一波五连胜将悬念打破,先后击败GODSENT,C9(前Gambit),液体,BIG以及Party Astronauts和ENCE,以小组第一直接晋级八强,西班牙人依靠着团结性和纪律性一路过关斩将。尽管最后在四分之一决赛1-2不敌ENCE,但是这一次的梦幻之旅,让他们再度上升了一个台阶,再次走进了观众的视野里。 进入到7月份,Movistar Riders开启了疯狂之旅。在主场(瓦伦西亚)作战,使西班牙人状态火热,小组赛大胜HUMMER和MIBR,半决赛2-0击败Sprout,决赛让一追二击败VP,拿下自己队史首个线下A级赛事的冠军。在IEM科隆入围赛上,西班牙人逆转MIBR、2-0击败小蜜蜂。在死亡之组A组,Movistar Riders面对传统强队丝毫没有面露难色,面对拥有着Niko,m0nesy被人们寄予厚望的G2,Movistar Riders状态神勇,2-0横扫G2,2-1再次力克渴望在淘汰赛中复仇的小蜜蜂,晋级六强!面对NaVi,西班牙人打出了自己的气势,鏖战三图,虽然落败但也给了NaVi极大的冲击力。随后西班牙人在IEM科隆四分之一决赛上迎战Liquid,主动出击的Movistar Riders用出色的团队协作牢牢控制Ancient,攻防转换后Movistar Riders稳住脚步展开阵型先下一城;在经历过强队检验的地图inferno中Movistar Riders上半场依旧发挥出较高水准,但来到进攻端之后Liquid展现实力两度将比分追平,焦灼之际YEKINDAR香蕉道三杀破局将比赛打进图三;决胜图Movistar Riders还是在防守方拿到10分,可控住A大坡的Liquid打出张力又将劣势扳回,最终Movistar Riders顶住压力一鼓作气取得胜利晋级四强并继续书写着属于他们的黑马传奇。当面对本届IEM科隆冠军战队FaZe时,西班牙人毫不示弱,图一Ancient,dav1g前顶中路收获颇丰,MRS防守渐入佳境,不料Twistzz的极限1v3终结图一,来到Nuke,外场控制权决定着比赛的走向,双方展开激烈争斗,ropz把控全场局势总能做到关键击杀,FaZe反超比分。Movistar Riders面对困境韧性十足,第十三局经济局的MRS逐个击破走单的土匪,alex捡起大狙一穿二成功翻盘,MRS熟悉对手的进攻方式,灵活的根据场上形式应变,给FaZe造成了不小的压力,长枪局MRS重心放在外场,抱团下K1打开局面,但难耐ropz发挥神勇,关键残局1v2打崩MRS经济。最终0-2遗憾落败,但本次IEM科隆无疑让Movistar Riders这只战队成为了极具焦点,极具话题的队伍。 黑马传奇还在续写,西班牙人正在用一次次的惊艳表现,来向CS:GO玩家证明,西班牙CS是不逊色于任何一支战队的!

miRNA mimics和miRNA agomir的区别在哪里?

miRNA mimics就相当于miRNAmiRNA antagomir是miRNA inhibitor 经过化学修饰的稳定的抑制剂

求一首歌名.貌似叫什么喷火的龙.闪太快没看清楚 歌曲名字最后一个单词貌似是dargon

  ~~是这个吧  欧美经典民谣 Puff,the Magic Dragon - Peter,Paul & Mary《神龙帕夫》 (这是原版)  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUyOTg2MTY4.html  于1963年录制发行。这首歌的知名度很高,在美国及英国则最为人知。  下载  http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=puff%20the%20magic%20dragon%20Paul%20and%20Mary  这首歌说的是发生在一头具有魔力名叫Puff的神龙与一个叫Jackie的小男孩之间的故事。  Puff是一头会喷火的魔龙,长久以来他一直住在海 边的岩洞里,经常独自在薄雾弥漫的海中寂寞游荡。一天有一个名叫Jackie的小男孩来到了海边,他不像普通人那么害怕Puff,还与Puff交上了朋 友。从此以后他们就天天在一起玩耍,Puff还让Jackie骑在他的脖子上,威风凛凛地带着他四处游历。  但他们毕竟属于不同的两个世界,Puff是神 龙,他不会死不会老也不会长大,而Jackie却在一天天的成长着,他接触了更多的人和事,有了更多的朋友和自己的生活。Jackie越来越少出现在海 边,Puff孤独地窝在岩洞里不再那么生龙活虎,失去朋友的他伤心地连身上的鳞片也开始片片剥落。  英文歌词:  puff,the magic dragon  live by the sea  and frolicked in the autumn mist  in a land called honahlee  little jackie Paper  loved that rascal Puff  and brought him strings and sealing wax  and other fancy stuff  together they would travel  on a boat with billowed sail  Jackie"s kept a look-out  perched on Puff"s gigantic tail  noble kings and princes would bow  whenever they came  Pirate ships would lower their flags  when puff roared out his name  a dragon lives forever  but not little boys  painted wings and giant rings  make way for other toys  one grey night it happened  Jackie Paper came no more  and puff that mighty dragon  he ceased his fearless roar  his head was bent in sorrow  green scales fell like rain  Puff no longer went to play  along the cherry lane  without his lifelong friend  Puff could not be grave  so puff that mighty dragon  sadly slipped into his cave  中文大意:  "帕夫"这只神奇龙住在海边  在秋天的雾中嬉戏  在一个叫做"哈诺里"的地方  小杰奇佩柏喜欢这只调皮的龙  为它带来细线、封蜡  和一些好玩的东西  他们一起旅行,乘着船航过滔天巨浪  杰奇在帕夫巨大的尾巴上不停的张望  尊贵的国王和王子们在他们来到时也得行礼如仪  海盗船必须降下旗子  当帕夫咆哮着它的威名  龙可以长生不死,小男孩却没办法  用画的翅膀和巨人的戒指  即使想尽办法,找遍了各种玩具  一个灰蒙蒙的夜里,事情终于发生了  杰奇佩柏再也没有来了  帕夫这只力大无比的龙  停止了它肆无忌惮的怒吼  它的头哀伤的垂下来  绿色的鳞片像雨一样的掉落下来  帕夫从此再也不去樱桃小径玩耍  失去了它一生的朋友  帕夫再也勇敢不起来  于是,帕夫这只力大无穷的龙忧伤的潜入它的洞穴里……

puff the magic dragon的歌词是什么意思

Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Little Jackie Paper 小男孩杰克佩波Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Together they would travel 他们会一起旅行On a boat with billowed sail只凭着一只小船乘风破浪Jackie kept a lookout perched杰克不住地远处瞭望On Puff"s gigantic tail倚靠在帕夫强健的尾巴上 Noble kings and princes 高贵的王子和国王Would bow whenever they came都会在他们到来时鞠躬 Pirate ships would lower their flags甚至连海盗都会降下旗帜 When Puff called out his name当他们听见帕夫喊出他名字的时候 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩A dragon lives forever 神龙能永保青春But not so little boy可男孩却注定要成熟Painted wings and giants" rings幻想中的翅膀和巨人的戒指Make way for other toys 不再能取悦他的心One grey night it happened在一个伤感的夜晚不幸终于发生Jackie Paper came no more杰克佩勃的身影不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙He ceased his fearless roar不能再勇敢地喊叫His head was bent in sorrow 他的脑袋被沉重的忧伤压下Green scales fell like rain 绿色的鳞片像雨一样坠落Puff no longer went to play 他不会再去Along the cherry lane沿着长满樱桃的小径玩耍Without his life-long friend离开了他永远的朋友 Puff could not be brave帕夫的坚强如烟一样消散So Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙 Sadly slipped into his cave 只能躲进他的洞穴里痛哭Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩

puff the magic dragon的歌词是什么意思

Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Little Jackie Paper 小男孩杰克佩波Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Together they would travel 他们会一起旅行On a boat with billowed sail只凭着一只小船乘风破浪Jackie kept a lookout perched杰克不住地远处瞭望On Puff"s gigantic tail倚靠在帕夫强健的尾巴上 Noble kings and princes 高贵的王子和国王Would bow whenever they came都会在他们到来时鞠躬 Pirate ships would lower their flags甚至连海盗都会降下旗帜 When Puff called out his name当他们听见帕夫喊出他名字的时候 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩A dragon lives forever 神龙能永保青春But not so little boy可男孩却注定要成熟Painted wings and giants" rings幻想中的翅膀和巨人的戒指Make way for other toys 不再能取悦他的心One grey night it happened在一个伤感的夜晚不幸终于发生Jackie Paper came no more杰克佩勃的身影不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙He ceased his fearless roar不能再勇敢地喊叫His head was bent in sorrow 他的脑袋被沉重的忧伤压下Green scales fell like rain 绿色的鳞片像雨一样坠落Puff no longer went to play 他不会再去Along the cherry lane沿着长满樱桃的小径玩耍Without his life-long friend离开了他永远的朋友 Puff could not be brave帕夫的坚强如烟一样消散So Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙 Sadly slipped into his cave 只能躲进他的洞穴里痛哭Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩

superjunior的歌puff the magic dragon的歌词

那是圭贤的歌(Chorus)Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah LeeLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh!(Chorus, twice)Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sailJackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail,Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came,Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. Oh!(Chorus)A dragon lives forever but not so little boysPainted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no moreAnd Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!(Chorus, softly)(Chorus, loudly)

Puff, the Magic Dragon的歌词

Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff小杰克·培培喜欢顽皮的帕夫And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff给他细绳封蜡还有别的东西Oh哦Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Together they would travel on boat with billowed sail他们一同扬帆穿越滚滚浪尖Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail杰克在帕夫的巨尾上搭了了望台Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came尊贵的王公贵族见了他们也得鞠躬Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name帕夫吼一声自己的名字 海盗船统统要降旗Oh哦Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys神龙永在,孩童不再Painted wings and giants"s rings make way for other toys.彩翅和巨环被其它玩具代替One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more一个灰暗的晚上奇奇不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.帕夫神龙停止了它勇敢的嘶吼His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain伤心的耷拉下脑袋 绿色的鳞甲雨点般散落Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.帕夫不再到樱桃小径上玩耍Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave失去了它的老朋友 帕夫的勇气不再拥有So, Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave, oh于是帕夫巨龙伤心的躲进了山洞Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎

Puff (The Magic Dragon) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Puff (The Magic Dragon)歌手:Slim Whitman专辑:The Essential Slim WhitmanPuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puffand brought him strings and sealing waxand other fancy stuffPuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeTogether they would travelon a boat with billowed sailAnd Jackie kept a lookout perchedOn Puff"s gigantic tailNoble kings and princeswould bow whene"er they cameAnd pirate ships would lower their flagwhen Puff roared out his namePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeA dragon lives foreverbut not so little boysPainted wings and giant ringsmake way for other toys.One grey night it happened,Jackie Paper came no moreAnd Puff that mighty dragonhe ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrowgreen scales fell like rainPuff no longer went to playalong the cherry laneWithout his life-long friendPuff could not be braveSo Puff that mighty dragonsadly slipped into his cavePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah Leehttp://music.b***.com/song/2887223

NEON乐队的一首叫I love you,goodbye的歌词

歌词:发送歌词到手机Wish I could be the oneThe one who could give you loveThe kind of love you really needWish I could say to youThat I"ll always stay with youBut baby that"s not meYou need someone willing to give their heart and soul to youPromise you forever, baby that"s something I can"t doOh I could say that I"ll be all you needBut that would be a lieI know I"d only hurt youI know I"d only make you cryI"m not the one you"re needingI love you, goodbyeI hope someday you canFind some way to understand I"m only doing this for youI don"t really wanna goBut deep in my heart I know this is the kindest thing to doYou"ll find someone who"ll be the one that I could never beWho"ll give you something betterThan the love you"ll find with meOh I could say that I"ll be all you needBut that would be a crimeI know I"d only hurt youI know I"d only make you cryI"m not the one you"re needingI love you, goodbyeLeaving someone when you love someoneIs the hardest thing to doWhen you love someone as much as I love youOh I don"t wanna leave youBaby it tears me up insideBut I"ll never be the one you"re needingI love you, goodbyeBaby, its never ganna work outI love you, goodbye我第一个哦!挖哈哈 分给我 卡卡

Dragon Slayer的基本介绍

该系列可以说是以后《英雄传说》系列(直接从系列分离)和《伊苏》系列(参考了部分Dragon Slayer设计)的前身作品,系列第一作被日本业界誉为ARPG的鼻祖,第二作Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu是日本计算机游戏史上销量最高的作品。自制作人木屋善夫从Falcom离职、1995年系列最后一作风の伝说Xanadu II-the Last of Dragon Slayer发售之后系列宣告完结,以后各自作品均脱离Dragon Slayer系列独自发展。时至今日现在依然活跃的《Dragon Slayer(屠龙者)》系列衍生作品有:《イース(伊苏)》系列、《英雄伝说(英雄传说)》系列以及《Xanadu(迷城的国度)》。

Puff the magic dragon的歌词及中文翻译

  Puff the Magic Dragon  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,  And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.  Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail  Jackie kept a lookout perched on puff"s gigantic tail,  Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came,  Pirate ships would lower their flag when puff roared out his name. oh!  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.  A dragon lives forever but not so little boys  Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.  One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no more  And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.  His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,  Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.  Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,  So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,  Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea  And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  小杰克。派博很喜欢它  常带给他一些细线,封蜡和很多奇特的材料  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  他们一起驾着小船航行探险,乘风破浪,  杰克站在波夫的大尾巴上了望  当他们到来的时候,尊贵的国王和王子也要向他们鞠躬行礼  当波夫大声叫出他的名字,连那些海盗船也要降下他们的旗子  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  一条龙是永生的,但那小男孩不是  美丽的风形成巨大的环为另一些玩具开路  在一个灰色的晚上终于发生了,杰克。派博再也没有来  波夫,这条大龙停止了他威严的吼叫  波夫变得悲哀,阴暗的心情就下雨天  波夫不再前往美丽的陆地玩耍  失去了多年的伙伴,波夫不再勇敢  最后,波夫这条大龙悲伤地躲进了它的洞穴  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里  波夫,一种海边的魔龙  常在有雾的秋天到陆地上来玩耍的那种我们叫它荷拉里

Puff, the Magic Dragon的歌曲简介

《Puff》的主题是“the loss of innocence(失却的纯真)”,有歌评这样说:“这首歌主要是谈小孩子长大的过程,及对环境的感受。歌词中的Puff实为一虚构的奇异龙,用此来影射孩子小时候很喜欢小玩具,长大后就把奇异龙甩掉,因为孩子已慢慢长大,对这种虚构的东西已不再有兴趣了”。让我们再深入一些来看待这首歌。英文puff原本应是象声词,是烟或气体喷出时的声音,有如蒸气火车起动时的声响。歌中puff既是歌名,又是神龙之名。再看看歌中男孩之名Jackie Paper。Jackie是昵称,本名是Jack,这是英美最常见的名字,而paper作为姓氏却并不多见,虽然西方姓氏如中国百家姓一般无奇不有。其实,我们只需参透两个名字背后的含义,歌曲内涵便可一览无遗。英国十七世纪哲学家约翰.洛克在谈及人类心智成长时将儿童比作一块白版(Blank Tablet),盖指儿童的纯真世界没有成人世界独有的阴险狡诈,如一块白版,等待着外面的世界在上面刻画点染上各种各样的印迹。歌中的paper明显是化用了白版之说。英文中指代儿童时代词常常用it,应是一样的含义。汉语说“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”是同样道理:正因为是块白版,最容易印染上各色痕迹。这样,我们便容易明白歌曲的含义了。作者取歌名为puff,又为小男孩取名Jackie Paper,正是用吹气即消,白纸易染喻指童真的脆弱,Jackie之名正隐指状况的普通性。歌中用大量的篇幅描绘Jackie和Puff一起出行时的威猛:连王孙贵胄都要向他们弯腰行礼,海盗船也要退让三分。这与男孩离开puff后,神龙的形单影孤,郁郁寡欢形成鲜明对比。反差如此之大。何故?歌中的神龙当是小男孩最喜欢的一件玩具,孩童了无羁绊的心灵为它插上了想象的神奇外衣。在想象的奇境中,他们纵横驰骋,白纸被染上污迹,失去孩童可贵纯真的同时,想象力也折断了翼翅。每每看到小学生瘦小稚嫩的双肩上架着一只宽厚的书包,蹒跚着沉重前行时,我便不禁为他们而悲哀;而当我看到学龄前儿童已然会撒谎造假阿谀奉承,我又不禁为人类而悲戚。成长本是不可逆转的过程,每个人都要经历从男孩到男人的过程,这本是自然规律;然而,丧失想象力却是可悲的。人们在谈他们失却的纯真的时候,其实是在追忆追悼着童真而失却的自由自在的想象力。   孟子曰:“大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。”(有德行的人,是保留了儿童般纯洁之心的人)这里的赤子之心,在当代的大环境中是否可以理解为充满自由想象的心灵呢?当我们再度品味这听似简单的“儿歌”时,千年古训仿佛在耳边响起,发人深思。愿我们都保持一颗纯洁真诚的赤子之心,在心田珍藏一片让想象力自由飞升的空间。可笑的是这首歌被指影射毒品大麻,而且在香港和新加坡也已禁播。怎么回事呢?原来有些人想到这个小男孩的名Jackie Paper是代表用来卷毒品的卷纸,而歌中出现的autumn mist秋天的雾气是指吸大麻时的白烟,连地名land of Hanalee也是说夏威夷的Hanalei城,因产大麻而出名。歌唱组合Peter, Paul, and Mary 为了反抗和嘲讽这种牵强地把歌曲和毒品联系起来的流言,有时会特意暂停演唱会来向广大歌迷解释Puff的歌词是怎样描述毒品,或者干脆说药物引起的幻觉。Newsweek上还有一篇文章专门写流行歌曲中隐含的毒品信息,其中就提到了Puff这首歌。在2000年的电影Meet the Parents中,关于这首歌是否隐含毒品信息而展开一场辩论。一首1958年诞生的歌到了2000年还总有人提,命运坎坷!


新版本nuke更新到现在已经有一年多的时间了,我在普通匹配过程中依旧很少能够匹配到这张地图的竞技比赛。对于我而言最大的问题在于nuke这种地图糟糕的优化让我无法像其他地图一样流畅的用笔记本电脑进行游戏,而和周围的CSGO玩家讨论后还会有诸如地图太大导致笔记本电脑屏幕小看不到人和迷路这两个头号问题。普通玩家对nuke这种地图会有各种各样的烦恼而职业圈对nuke这张地图的喜爱程度又有什么不同呢?在HLTV的总统计当中nuke的比赛次数依旧垫底,这其中有一部分是因为nuke在一段时间内长时间的被踢出了竞技比赛池的原因。在最近三个月的比赛统计当中nuke依旧以极低的比赛次数垫底,和最热门的Mirage比起来相形见绌。同样是全新地图的Inferno更晚推出但是却一举登上热门地图的行列仅次于Mirage,这其中有Inferno这张地图在改版之前就非常热门的原因也有新版本Inferno总体变化不大可以轻松复刻旧版地图战术的原因。相对于普通玩家来说玩游戏最重要的是开心,对于我来说因为nuke地图掉帧这一个原因我就没有理由在匹配的时候勾选该地图,同样的因为屏幕小看不到人,因为找不到路的原因也不会去勾选这张地图。同样的原因也适合匹配中冷门的cobblestone,overpass,train,运河水城,办公大楼等。但是职业比赛当中不一样的是对一张地图的不熟悉往往意味着熟悉该地图的一方能够占据非常大的优势。这也是Train,overpass,cobblestone经常在比赛当中登场的原因。我们也很容易会想到某些队伍因为对特定地图不训练而直接在比赛当中首先去掉自己最不会玩的地图,比如某中国战队固定两张Ban图是nuke和train,也有一些强队会针对比赛的对手专门去Ban对手强势的地图。但这一切战术考量在nuke上似乎都失效。为此我专门去找到了最近一次线下大赛IEM Oakland 2017的比赛数据,在强队对抗中nuke就稳坐首Ban位置。无论是Faze还是SK还是NIP似乎对这张地图都有着极大的抗拒。在小组赛BO1当中虽然nuke不是首Ban位置但是每队3次Ban图机会下nuke几乎从来没有上场机会。这意味着几乎所有队伍都不敢把nuke放出来当做自己的强势地图来比赛然而这并不意味着这些队伍的nuke很弱。我们之前说有些队伍会专门选择自己的强势地图以获得优势,在最近的比赛中主动选择nuke的队伍有Envyus。在DreamHack Winter 2017,IEM两次比赛中Envyus都尝试用nuke来挑战Navi和Nip但最后都宣告败北。同样喜欢选择nuke的还有G2,在更早的EPICENTER 2017当中G2在比赛中选择nuke挑战Ast还是败北,但是同一场比赛中VP选择nuke来挑战G2也是败北。在这里规律很明显,强强对抗之间要么不敢打nuke要么选择nuke的都输掉了比赛。在这里我专门去掉了两场本身两队实力差距巨大所以在nuke上总比分不超过20分的比赛,因为本身nuke的比赛不够多所以在此也没办法做更多的统计。不过G2在EPICENTER 2017上在nuke上连败之后也是彻底想通了再也没有打过nuke。而传统的老nuke强队诸如NIP在新版本nuke面前也变得畏手畏脚,多次小组赛BO1当中最后两张地图之间的抉择也没有青睐nuke即使自己曾经具有绝对的nuke统治力。各大战队在仅有的几次nuke比赛当中也并没有展现出非常独到的战术配合。在最近的比赛中主动选择nuke的队伍战术也停留在一开始就研究出来的外场一线烟下K1和简单进攻A点的战术,在新版本nuke推出的时候许多玩家都关注的A点天窗四个洞疯狂爆弹的想法也并没有实现,目前来看最有用的只是燃烧弹烧黄房顶而已。战术上外场下K1需要三个烟雾无非是让整个战术僵硬的地方,仅仅是为了造成一个下K1的假象就需要三颗烟雾弹无疑给T最后进攻和守包非常大的压力。即使进攻A点如果不对K1和外场造成压力那么进攻A点等待的将是非常多的防守力量,铁板的CT也可以快速的回防。正如flusha所说,在nuke这张地图上十分混乱,看起来就像是一个8V8的地图却强行让10个人展开比赛,从目前来看许多队伍都需要更多的投掷物去达成想要的转点或者欺骗对手。对于nuke的战术因为没有更多的职业队伍进行开发,在此也没有办法多谈。总之nuke的毒性过大,等待nuke的可能是下一个回炉重造。

Feel Good Inc 歌词

歌曲名:Feel Good Inc歌手:Gorillaz专辑:2006 Grammy NomineesFeel Good IncgorillazHahahahahahahahahahahahafeel good ...City"s breaking down on a camel"s back.They just have to go "cos they don"t know wackSo all you fill the streets it"s appealing to seeYou wont get undercounted, "cos you"re bad and freeYou"ve got a new horizon It"s ephermal style.A melancholy town where we never smile.And all I wanna hear is the message beep.My dreams, they"ve got to kiss,because I don"t get sleep, no...Windmill, Windmill for the land.Turn forever hand in handTake it all in on your strideIt is sticking, falling downLove forever love is freeLet"s turn forever you and meWindmill, windmill for the landIs everybody in?Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,Lining them up-a like ass cracks,Ladies, homies, at the trackits my chocolate attack.Shit, I"m stepping in the heart of this hereCare bear bumping in the heart of this herewatch me as I gravitatehahahahahahaa.Yo, we gonna go ghost town,this motown,with yo soundyou"re in the placeyou gonna bite the dustcan"t fight with usWith yo soundyou kill the INC.so dont stop, get it, get ituntil you"re cheddar header.Yo, watch the way I navigateHahahahahahahahaafeel good ...Windmill, Windmill for the land.Turn forever hand in handTake it all in on your strideIt is sticking, falling downLove forever love is freeLet"s turn forever you and meWindmill, windmill for the landIs everybody in?Dont stop, get it, get itwe are your captains in it (feel good)steady,watch me navigate,ahahahahahhaa. (feel good)Dont stop, get it, get itwe are your captains in it (feel good)steady, watch me navigate (feel good)ahahahahahhaa.(feel good)(feel good)(feel good)(feel good)(feel good)http://music.baidu.com/song/7900659

siam shade的《Let It Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Go歌手:siam shade专辑:Siam Shade Iii《Let It Be》Sung By "Paul McCartney"When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be,Let it be, Let it beLet it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it behttp://music.baidu.com/song/26676947

曼谷siam paragon怎么去唐人街


Chicago (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Chicago (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!by Vaetion ChinI"ve never known youBut I"m no stranger to this feelingI I know it"s over but the hurts notWhat do you call it?What do you call it when broken hearts are not done healingYou threw down your cigarette but it"s still hotWell I"ve learned to lieAnd here"s what I"ve gotChorus:Well didn"t I think you would always love meAnd didn"t I want you to take care of me babyWell that ain"t happenin"No no noWouldn"t I love just to rise above thisYou gotta believeI have suffered enough to be freeSo I"m officially leavin"With just a kiss on the cheek andI"m gone.I"ll be up at 7 o"clockwhoa oh oh whoa oh oh7 o"clock to ChicagoWhoa oh whoa ohIt"s never easyBreakin" this old addictionI I"ve got the reasonsBut no rationalAnd I wanna hate you cause you don"t give me no convictionYour betrayal oughta make this break down no trouble at allSo let the rubble fallCause I"m running offChorus:Well didn"t I think you would always love meAnd didn"t I want you to take care of me babyWell that ain"t happenin"No no noWouldn"t I love just to rise above thisYou gotta believeI have suffered enough to be freeSo I"m officially leavin"With just a kiss on the cheek andI"m gone.I"ll be up at 7 o"clockwhoa oh oh whoa oh oh7 o"clock to ChicagoWhoa oh whoa ohI"ll be on the 7 o"clock to ChicagoI ain"t got no second thoughtsBecause I know I"m on my way to the topOn my wayChorus:Well didn"t I think you would always love meAnd didn"t I want you to take care of me babyWell that ain"t happeningWouldn"t I love just to rise above thisYou"ve gotta believe I"ve suffered enough to be freeSo I"m officially leavingJust a kiss on the cheek and I"m goneI"ll be on the seven o"clockOh Oh the seven o"clock to ChicagoOh Ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2844908

Never Gonna Give You Up (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Gonna Give You Up (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke 80 SNever Gonna Give You UpAshley TisdaleWe"re no strangers to loveYou know the rules and so do IA full commitment"s what I"m thinking ofYou wouldn"t get this from any other girlI just wanna tell you how I"m feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youWe"ve known each other for so longYour heart"s been aching but you"re too shy to say itInside we both know what"s been going onWe know the game and we"re gonna play itAnd if you ask me how I"m feelingDon"t tell me you"re too blind to seeNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you(Ooh give you up)(Ooh give you up)(Ooh give you up)(Ooh give you up)We"ve known each other for so longYour heart"s been aching but you"re too shy to say itInside we both know what"s been going onWe know the game and we"re gonna play itI just wanna tell you how I"m feelingGotta make you understandNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you downNever gonna run around and desert youNever gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbyeNever gonna tell a lie and hurt youThe End ~u2665http://music.baidu.com/song/2808223

gategory category sourcing是什么意思

gate gory category sourcing 血淋淋的采购category sourcing分类采购Companies should develop a balanced sourcing portfolio for each product category across regions. 企业应为每个产品类别建立一个跨地区的平衡采购组合。

Venice Lagoon 是什么意思?


you better know where you are going是什么歌

歌曲名:Nevada (Original Mix),歌手名:Vicetone,专辑名:Nevada


john wants to go at a red light约翰想去一个红灯

people donot go at the red light改为祈使句

去掉主语就行 Do not go at the red light 或者Stop at the red light

can you goat the red light是什么?


Don’t go at the red light.这句话的汉语意思是什么?


roses and gold中文歌词翻译

Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(代指美好珍贵的事物)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月光,笼我在月光中…and I will fill your cup with u2028sentimental tales of raspberry wine而我将用深情传说酿就的山莓酒,斟满你的酒杯。Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自我们分别以来,我一直唱着盛满着牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems u2028and drinking alabast gin我抒写无以抚慰的诗篇,饮着乳白的杜松子酒…Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上寻觅全新日出的旅途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让我们的泪水化作的河流,带走我们的忧惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry并且能抑止我的泪水…And I pray to mother mary,而我向圣母、great spirit and the holy fool神思和圣愚祈祷That we listen to each other and take heed of the golden rule让我们聆听彼此,遵从诤言That you do unto me让你待我,what I do unto you一如我待你一往情深and we both see it through让我们俩都能坚持到旅途的尽头Soft grace, oh cover me in soft grace温柔的爱意啊,给予我你的温柔爱意and I"ll fashion you a cup of forgiveness, gypsum, nettle and lace而我将回馈你,以宽恕为基,荨麻为边的杯盏Cause the poetry that you"ve put inside my heart因为那些你深深烙进我心底的诗篇rattles like a ‘57 engine about to start躁动有如57年的车头就要启动Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Rain dance,oh do a little rain dance雨中起舞吧,让我们一起在雨中起舞call in the clouds and thunder to wash away this sorrowful trance让雨云和惊雷涤荡我们的悲哀和昏沉And we"ll bath in rose petal fire而我们将浸浴在玫瑰花瓣的火焰中while the whill-o-whisps sing and purify our eyes with water from the holy spring当天使们低吟浅唱着,用圣泉之水涤净我们的双眸And in the days that were old等到了时光老去的时刻may the story that"s told让这些低诉的往事be one of Roses and Gold 成为馨香而珍贵的回忆…自己翻译的,可能有一些意译,不是很恰当。希望有所帮助。

keep fit well by going什么意思

keep fit well by going保持身体健康


玫瑰和黄金Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(弥足珍贵)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月色,让我浴于月光and I will fill your cup with 
sentimental tales of raspberry wine我用那山莓酒里的多情传说斟满你的酒杯Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自从与你分手,我便一直吟唱着噙满牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems 
and drinking alabast gin我饮着乳白的杜松子酒,写下无以慰藉的诗篇Like a kite in the wind如飘在风中的风筝I"m caught in a spin被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上追寻全新开始的征途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让泪水化作的河流冲刷掉我们的恐惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry止住我伤心的眼泪And I pray to mother mary,我向圣母祈祷

The Gold Soul All Stars的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:The Gold Soul All Stars专辑:A Tribute To Kanye WestClaude Kelly - Roses-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----I was already thereStanding there like a shadowI was already thereAlways ready to catch youBut you never knowHow much it hurtTo know that your loveWon"t be returnedI was already thereKnowing I"ll never have youCuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itThe thorns cut me everytimeDon"t know why I even tryStill I can"t stop reaching for itI was already thereLoving you since the first dayI was already thereStill you never look my wayAnd you never seeHow long I waitAnd how much I dreamMy life won"t payWishing u could be hereBut I know it"s impoossibleCuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itThe thorns cut me everytimeDon"t know why I even tryStill I can"t stop reaching for itWhy he gets your loveEveryday I guess I"ll never know itLove rosesWhy.....Cuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itCuz ur loveCuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itThe thorns cut me everytimeDon"t know why I even tryStill I can"t stop reaching for itRosesLike rosesSo beautiful ye..But I"ll never hold it ye...Ye....Roses...http://music.baidu.com/song/15111083

bigoh notation里面的c 和n0是什么意思

首先我们说一下big-O定义:(big-Oh notation) 我们把函数t(n)包含在O(g(n))中,记作t(n)=O(g(n));它成立的条件是:对于足够大的n,t(n)的上界由g(n)的常熟倍所确定,也就是说, 存在大于0的常熟c和非负的整数n0,使得: 对于所有的n>=n0来说,t(n)

Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?

VMAX 超大屏幕GOLD Class 有贵宾休息室。躺着看,厅小,屏幕小。 还可点酒水,餐点(如 seafood plater),巨好吃,但贵。

lingo 投资组合问题

观察下a*x*r-(1-a)*x*q=x*(a*r-(1-a)*q);当a=0,a*r-(1-a)*q=-q;当a=1,a*r-(1-a)*q=r;那么0<=a<=1,则有-q(i)<=a*r(i)-(1-a)*q(i)<=r(i);我们由不同的i对a*r(i)-(1-a)*q(i)=m(i)的大小排序,假设对输入的a,存在m(1),m(2)……m(10),这10个值里面最大的是m(k),1<=k<=10,则要使@sum(stocks:a*x*r-(1-a)*x*q)=@sum(stocks:x(a*r-(1-a)*q))最大,而@sum(stocks:x)=M,假设M存在分量dx,那么应该尽量把dx分配到x(k)上去,即dx(a*r(k)-(1-a)*q(k)),比分配到其他x(j)有效,即比dx(a*r(j)-(1-a)*q(j))增加的多,所以最终结果是将M=1全部分配到x(k)上。随着改变a来调节m(k)最大值出现的位置,x(k)=1将取不同的k值。例如:model:sets: stocks/1..10/:x,q,r;endsetsdata: M=1; a=?; r=0.389776165,0.097561267,0.023470243,0.281206808,0.390689223,1.081013575,0.048511427,0.062998466,0.068605725,0.068982759;q=0.161831268,0.14801282,0.127808518,0.13004923,0.19365783,0.255347072,0.120788376,0.151881205,0.167771785,0.198562765;enddata[obj] max=@sum(stocks:a*x*r-(1-a)*x*q);@sum(stocks:x)=M;@for(stocks:@bnd(0,x,1));@bnd(0,a,1);end 输入0.01,结果:x(7)=1;输入0.1,结果:x(4)=1;输入0.2,结果:x(6)=1;希望我的分析对你有所帮助!

Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?


跪求Selena Gomez的《Wolves》mp3,谢谢


mongolian tent怎么读?

英文原文:mongolian tent英式音标:[mu0252u014bu02c8ɡu0259u028aliu0259n] [tent] 美式音标:[mɑu02d0u014bu02c8ɡou028aliu0259n] [tu025bnt]

求selena gomez的新单wolves百度云,谢谢了!


—Hello, Sally. How’s everything going? —__________ . A.The same to you B.Not too bad


Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?

VMAX指的是超大屏幕影厅,Gold Class指的是贵宾观看室。两者区别在于Gold Class类似于包间性质,在里面可以躺着看, 还可点酒水,餐点。Event Cinema:指的是大电影院,是为观众放映电影的场所。电影在产生初期,是在咖啡厅、茶馆等场所放映的。随着电影的进步与发展,出现了专门为放映电影而建造的电影院。电影的发展——从无声到有声乃至立体声,从黑白片到彩色片,从普通银幕到宽银幕乃至穹幕、环幕,使电影院的形体、尺寸、比例和声学技术都发生了很大变化。电影院必须满足电影放映的工艺要求,得到应有的良好视觉和听觉效果,现在电影已经成为人们饭后的论点。电影院构成:观众厅是电影院的主要组成部分,银幕是观众厅设计的依据,银幕尺寸的大小决定观众的容量,银幕越大容纳观众的人数越多,观众少的观众厅其银幕则相对缩小,所以观众厅的尺度实际上取决于银幕的大小。

求Selena Gomez的wolves的歌词

In your eyes, there"s a heavy blue  你的眼眸中透漏着一丝沉重  One to love, and one to lose  是爱还是放手  Sweet divine, a heavy truth  沉重的现实如甘露  Water or wine, don"t make me choose  清醒还是买醉,不要逼我做出选择I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night  我只想重温我们曾一起共度的仲夏之夜  Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky  独自在醉意朦胧间仰望繁星点点  I"ve been running through the jungle  我曾穿越荆棘  I"ve been running with the wolves  我曾与狼共舞  To get to you, to get to you  只为追寻你 前往你身旁  I"ve been down the darkest alleys  我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行  Saw the dark side of the moon  抬头遥望月球的背面  To get to you, to get to you  只为追寻你 前往你身旁

mongolian tent怎么读

"Mongolian tent" 这个词可以读作 "mɒŋˈɡoʊliən tɛnt"。下面是对这个词的更详细解释:"Mongolian" 的发音:"Mongolian" 是一个形容词,用来描述蒙古国和蒙古族人的。它的发音为 mɒŋˈɡoʊliən,其中 "mɒŋ" 的音素与英文单词 "long" 中的 "o" 的发音相似,"ɡoʊ" 的音素与英文单词 "go" 中的 "o" 的发音相似,"liən" 的音素与英文单词 "lion" 中的 "i" 的发音相似。"tent" 的发音:"Tent" 是一个名词,指的是一种移动式的帐篷。它的发音为 tɛnt,其中 "t" 的音素与英文单词 "top" 中的 "t" 的发音相似,"ɛ" 的音素与英文单词 "bed" 中的 "e" 的发音相似,"nt" 的音素与英文单词 "went" 中的 "nt" 的发音相似。"Mongolian tent" 的解释:"Mongolian tent" 也被称为 "yurt",是一种传统的蒙古族移动式圆顶帐篷。它由一系列木材骨架和覆盖物构成,可以在短时间内搭建和拆除。蒙古包通常用于蒙古族人民的居住,也在旅游和露营中被使用。"Yurt" 这个词来自蒙古语 "ger",在蒙古语中意为 "家" 或 "住所"。它是蒙古族人民的传统居住方式,也是他们的文化象征之一。


MongoDB[1] 是一个基于分布式文件存储的数据库。由C++语言编写。旨在为WEB应用提供可扩展的高性能数据存储解决方案。ZooKeeper是一个分布式的,开放源码的分布式应用程序协调服务,是Google的Chubby一个开源的实现,是Hadoop和Hbase的重要组件。它是一个为分布式应用提供一致性服务的软件,提供的功能包括:配置维护、域名服务、分布式同步、组服务等。Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。从2010年3月15日起,Redis的开发工作由VMware主持。从2013年5月开始,Redis的开发由Pivotal赞助。Solr是一个独立的企业级搜索应用服务器,它对外提供类似于Web-service的API接口。用户可以通过http请求,向搜索引擎服务器提交一定格式的XML文件,生成索引;也可以通过Http Get操作提出查找请求,并得到XML格式的返回结果。


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thorough adj. 1. 彻底的;完全的 The film was a thorough success. 这电影获得极大的成功。 You must promise me to take a thorough rest. 你得答应我彻底休息一下。 2. 周密的;完善的 The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。 3. 十足的 彻头彻尾的[B] He is a thorough scoundrel. 他是一个十足的无赖。 4. (人)十分仔细的 She is not brilliant but she is thorough. 她并非才华横溢 但很仔细。 thoroughgoing adj. 彻底的 完全的 They are very similar. thorough: adj. with great attention to detail eg.The police carried out a through investigation. thoroughgoing: adj. very through; looking at every detail eg.a thoroughgoing revision of the text.

电影《王牌特工2:黄金圈》(Kingsman: The Golden Circle)有哪些让人印象深刻的画面?


Whou2019s Got Talent? Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented.Itu2019s alw


God Save The Foolish Kings 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Foolish Kings歌手:House Of Heroes专辑:SuburbaHouse of Heroes - God Save The Foolish Kings ft. Stephanie SmithMidnight,At the school"Hind the bleachersThere"s gonna be a rumbleThe lions and the kingsAnd my baby, she criesIn her bed and she worriesAnd my baby, she praysGod save the kings!Promise me you won"t do anything crazyI promise you I won"t do anyting, babyPromise meI promise you nothing!We"re outcasts only "cause we choose to dream,We"re princes who"d rather dine with thieves,We"re honest only "cause the truth, it cannot hide,God save us, the foolish kingsMidnight,At the school,Behind the bleachers,Hey baby, lets go, lets goThere"s gonna be a rumbleBut the cops won"t be notifiedWhoa, whoa, whoa, whoaSo the lions bear their armsBut the kings gonna break the hearts of their babies tonightWe"re desprate only "cause we"ve none to lose,We"re lions missing half our teeth,We"re honest only "cause the truth, it cannot hide,God save us, the foolish kings,God save us, the foolish kingsAnd we fight "causeWe"d rather break our bonesThan brave this loneliness,We draw blood "causeWe"re just trying to draw out some significanceBut I met God on the street tonightAnd he said,"Choose your battles wiselyOr you"ll never find Me"Promise me you won"t do anything crazy,Promise meI promise you,I promise you one thing!We"re devils try"n to earn our angels wings,We stumble at every turn indeed,We"re desperate chasing down the love to just survive,God save us, the foolish kings,Promise me you won"t do anything crazyGod save us, the foolish kings,Promise me, promise meGod save us,God save us, the foolish kings!http://music.baidu.com/song/2172581




这个标志是以中国电信英文“China TeleCom”的首字母“CTC”组成,上半部分的“C”字也是一个牛角,代表了电信的未来上市的愿景。中间的“C”字是一个飞翔物的造型,寓意电信的腾飞。


回答good afteroon加对方名字就可以了


《Django By Example》(Antonio Mele)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kQe_Jj9b55RbKRPaaIsB_g 密码:4ke3书名:Django By Example作者:Antonio Mele豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Packt Publishing出版年份:2015-11-30页数:474内容简介:Learn Django by building four fully-functional, real-world web applications from scratchDevelop powerful web applications quickly using the best coding practicesIntegrate other technologies into your application with clear, step-by-step explanations and comprehensive example code作者简介:Antonio Mele holds an MSc in Computer Science. He has been developing Django projects since 2006 and leads the django.es Spanish Django community. He has founded Zenx IT, a technology company that creates web applications for clients of several industries. Antonio has also worked as a CTO for several technology-based start-ups. His father inspired his passion for computers and programming.

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《Django by Example - Second Edition》(Antonio Mele)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QtntNTX2k9OA5WV5BvFEZQ 提取码: zvv7书名:Django by Example - Second Edition作者:Antonio Mele出版社:Packt Publishing出版年份:2018-5-31页数:526内容简介:If you want to learn about the entire process of developing professional web applications with Django, then this book is for you. This book will walk you through the creation of four professional Django projects, teaching you how to solve common problems and implement best practices.You will learn how to build a blog application, a social image-bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. The book will teach you how to enhance your applications with AJAX, create RESTful APIs, and set up a production environment for your Django projects. The book walks you through the creation of real-world applications, while solving common problems and implementing best practices. By the end of this book, you will have a deep understanding of Django and how to build advanced web applications作者简介:Antonio Mele holds an MSc in Computer Science. He has been developing Django projects since 2006 and leads the django.es Spanish Django community. He has founded Zenx IT, a technology company that creates web applications for clients of several industries. Antonio has also worked as a CTO for several technology-based start-ups. His father inspired his passion for computers and programming.

求un-go ed歌词的罗马音

「Fantasy」作词∶LAMA作曲∶LAMA歌∶LAMA淡い朝もやに ささやく祈りawai asa moyani sasayaku inori歪んだ景色を 君となぞってゆくhizun da keshiki wo kun tonazotteyuku“本当”を求め、「“嘘”でもいいから」なんてね" hontou " wo motome ,(" uso " demoiikara ) nantene见透かしあう様に たどってくken suka shiau youni tadottekuLooking for 言叶越えてLooking for kotoba koe teおちていく 羽のようにochiteiku hane noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouniLooking for 解きほどいてLooking for toki hodoiteちぎれる 云のようにchigireru kumo noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouni理由(ワケ)を求める同士 隙间つむぐ时riyuu ( wake ) wo motome ru doushi sukima tsumugu toki愈えぬかさぶたを そっと剥がしてゆくie nukasabutawo sotto haga shiteyuku「“绮丽”が“嘘”でも どうでもいい」だなんてね(" kirei " ga " uso " demo doudemoii ) danantene话し合うために たどってくhanashiau tameni tadottekuLooking for 手を伸ばしてLooking for te wo nobashi teよせあう 波のようにyoseau nami noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouniLooking for 照らし出してLooking for tera shi dashi teさすらう 月のようにsasurau gatsu noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouni

un go因果ed罗马音ED:「Fantasy」

「Fantasy」作词∶LAMA作曲∶LAMA歌∶LAMA淡い朝もやに ささやく祈りawai asa moyani sasayaku inori歪んだ景色を 君となぞってゆくhizun da keshiki wo kun tonazotteyuku“本当”を求め、「“嘘”でもいいから」なんてね" hontou " wo motome ,(" uso " demoiikara ) nantene见透かしあう様に たどってくken suka shiau youni tadottekuLooking for 言叶越えてLooking for kotoba koe teおちていく 羽のようにochiteiku hane noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouniLooking for 解きほどいてLooking for toki hodoiteちぎれる 云のようにchigireru kumo noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouni理由(ワケ)を求める同士 隙间つむぐ时riyuu ( wake ) wo motome ru doushi sukima tsumugu toki愈えぬかさぶたを そっと剥がしてゆくie nukasabutawo sotto haga shiteyuku「“绮丽”が“嘘”でも どうでもいい」だなんてね(" kirei " ga " uso " demo doudemoii ) danantene话し合うために たどってくhanashiau tameni tadottekuLooking for 手を伸ばしてLooking for te wo nobashi teよせあう 波のようにyoseau nami noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouniLooking for 照らし出してLooking for tera shi dashi teさすらう 月のようにsasurau gatsu noyouniLooking for ミツケテLooking for mitsuketeここで よりそうようにkokode yorisouyouni

google sheet pivot sort

如果使用Google sheet的pivot(数据透视表),通过这张表生成的graph中,有些配置可以自由配置 比如选择stacked column chart: 可以把第二行的文字显示在chart的图例中 如果想更改图例中各个数据的颜色,选择series->Apply to,选择不同的serie,再选择不同的color即可 如果想sort图例中的各个值,要在Pivot table editor编辑 定位在表格任意单元格,可以唤起Pivot table editor,在columns->order选择相应的选项:Descending/Ascending ※如果表格是经常更新的,最好把rows的order改成Descending,这样最新的数据都会显示在最上面,表格的数据也会抓最新的

What do you do after you go poo-poo and pee-pee?

go poo-poo 是英语俚语,常常用于和三岁以下小儿的会话中,既然是俚语就不会按标准英语语法去考虑,也就不会说go to poo-poo 或者go poo-pooing 。

Gossip Girl中Serena和Dan最后在一起了吗


gossip girl 中Nate和Serena有没有在一起


gossip girl最后一集里,Serena和谁在一起了?


Gossip girl 里的Serena原名是什么以及个人资料

姓名:布莱克-克里斯蒂娜-莱弗利(Blake Christina Lively) 生日:1987年8月25日 出生地:美国加州 身高:1米78 作品一览: 《Sandman》(1998) 《牛仔裤的夏天》(2005) 《录取通知》(2006) 《我说你做》(2006) 《Elvis and Anabelle》(2007) 《八卦天后》(2007,电视剧) 《牛仔裤的夏天2》(2008)

vortexed vigorously什么意思

vortexed 漩涡;旋风vigorously 精神旺盛地,活泼地



Never say goodbye baby vox谐音中文歌词


跪求as的用法,越多越好,还有must,have to,have got to的联系与区别,今天就要,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!!

  as的用法:  as……as  AS +adj(原级)+AS  AS +adv(原级)+AS  as soon as 一……就  as soon as possible 尽可能快地  as early as possible 尽可能早的  as carefully as you can 尽可能认真地  as careful as you can 尽可能认真的  must,have to,have got to的:  一、must的用法  1)表示主观的义务和必要, 主要用于肯定句和疑问句, 意思为 “必须……,得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to, 否定回答要用needn"t或don"t have to, 意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustn"t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。如:  We must find a good method to learn computer well.  我们必须找一个学好电脑的方法。  —Must I finish the task right now?  我现在必须完成这个工作吗?  —Yes, you must. / Yes, you have to. 是的。  (—No, you needn"t. / No, you don"t have to. 不,不必。)  You mustn"t come here without permission. 未经允许,你不能来这儿。  2)表示肯定的猜测,常用于肯定句中,意思为 “一定是, 必然……”。  注意must表示推断或猜测的几种情况:  Your sister must be a doctor in this hospital. (现在的猜测)  你姐姐一定是这家医院的医生。  He must be reading newspapers in the reading room now.  (正在进行的猜测)  他此刻一定正在阅览室读报。  It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. (过去的猜测)  昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面上是湿的。  二、have to / have got to 的用法  1)must表示一种主观的需要,而have to 表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。 如:  I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon.  今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。  Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.  妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。  2)have to 的否定形式是don"t have to, 相当于needn"t。如:  They don"t have to buy a computer at present.  他们目前没有必要买电脑。  3)have to 与have got to 常可以互换。


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[Melissa的Essay观]第三篇:什么样的Career Goal才是好Goal?

”“我写这样的Career Goal会不会太common?”“Career Goal到底要specific到什么程度?” 那么,到底“什么样的Career Goal才是好Goal呢?”我觉得一个好的Career Goal需要满足如下的条件: 1. 一个好的Career Goal首先需要Make Sense虽然这看起来很基本,但是看到的不make sense的career goal实在不在少数。中国的申请者,比较谦虚,不会有不着边际的career goal。但是,例如,有些applicants的work experience里全是某某industry的经验,最后却说想从事NGO相关的工作。可能NGO真是他的goal,可能他申请的学校在NGO上是最出色的。但是,这都将导致一篇Goal Essay的失败。因为这个Goal和你以前的工作经验无关,无法connect dots;你没有任何的工作经验,Adcom的人没有任何证据说明该校MBA的学习可以帮你实现你的梦想。 所以,这条虽然基本,但也真的有必要拿出来单独说一下。大家在忠于自己的理想和说真话的同时,也不要忽略Adcom选人的标准。 2. 请目标高远!前文中也有提到,MBA的seats太过宝贵了,所以不将目标写的高远,写的有深度,是很难拿到有限的位置的。那么紧接着的一个话题就是,什么样的Career Goal算是一个高远的Goal?怎么样才能写出一个高远的Career Goal呢?其实很简单:就是站在行业leader的角度看问题。如果你是马化腾,你将如何改变互联网行业?如果你是巩俐,你将如何改变电影业?MBA说到底是看重的是Leadership,培养的也是Leadership,所以用你所定义的Career Goal来体现你的领导力吧! 这点尤其要说给work experience较长的朋友。和刚毕业2-3年的申请者相比,你对所在行业的理解和见地,才是你作为年纪“较长”的申请者的可以利用的优势所在。3. Be Specific在描写Career Goal的时候一定要specific,即便是long term goal。要让Adcom的人通过你对Career Goal的描述能够Picture出来你5年10年后的样子。这样Adcom的人才知道你的理想不是梦,你对待你的Career和MBA的这个事情上是非常serious的。举个例子啊。比如这样一句话:My long-term goal is to build and operate the nation"s leading company in professional information services. 看到这样一句话,你明白他想build的公司是什么吗?这个公司怎么leading法吗?他要怎么operate吗?所以,Adcom的人看到这样的Career Goal其实还是完全不知道这个申请者到底要干什么。4. “我们”真的是你要找的Business School最后一点关于Career Goal的是在写的时候要考虑下与Why School的关联。当然如郎咸平所说MBA在美国已经是标准化的教育模式了,但是仍然不可否认的,各个学校有各个学校的特色。到一个financial-oriented的学校非要去做NGO也不是不可以,可是这是图什么呢?所以,在写Career Goal的时候,还是要考虑学校的特色的。不能太以自己为中心了。最后再老调重弹,大家有什么问题或者想法就post出来啊。其实已经有很多人在私下联系过我了,他们的问题和feedback都很好。其实你们的问题,也可能代表了很多人想问还没问,或者正在犹豫要不要“豁出脸去”问的问题呢。

Iu2019m not going to study the HUD you Melissa

I"m not going to study the HUD you Melissa翻译成中文是:我不会去学习HUD你梅利莎

May God have mercy on you my soul是什么意思

愿上帝宽恕你的灵魂 是什么情况下?如果是LZ犯错后应该对那个人说I"M SORRY 如果他只是突然这样祝福你,(好吧,其实没有人会这样祝福别人的),恩,就说YOU

有谁知道拳皇97里的SHINGO 和KYO是什么关系?是不是师徒啊?

草剃京,就是kyo,是矢吹真吾,shingo的师傅,因为矢吹真吾不是草剃家的人,没有血液遗传,所以打出来的招式不带火 详情可见拳皇97漫画

足球进球的英文是GOAL 助攻的英文是什么? 记分牌上的

Key Passuff1f

我的匡威09经典款木村系列 为什么鞋舌上没有LOGO 侧面也没有ONE STAR的字样?


You Got A Nerve 歌词

歌曲名:You Got A Nerve歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Foot Loose & Fancy FreeYou Got a NerveRod StewartFoot Loose & Fancy FreeHere you stand with tears in your eyescrying into my armspleading with me to take you backteasing me with your charmsBut you got a nerve to come round hereafter all you"ve said and doneI thought I had seen everythingobviously I was wrong"Cause where were you when the sun went downSkies turned dark and grayWhere were you when the north winds blewHoney tell me where were youI heard you were living down in Brazilwith them high class friends of mineI can"t believe I was so naiveDid I never once cross your mindYou told them all I was down and outMy existence you even deniedOh what pleasure it gives me nowto know that you"re bleeding insideYou were my life, you were my breathYou were every move I ever madeBut recently my opinion"s changedThe joke"s on you I"m afraid"Cause I have a woman so beautifulFor you I could no longer waitPlease go away you may spoil everythingYour love has turned up too lateGo away, go awayPlease, please go awayI loved you onceI don"t love you nowPlease, please go awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2206823

贾斯汀比伯的Nerve let you go的歌词

never let you go贾斯汀比伯They say that hate has been sent 他们说讨厌已经被送走So let loose the talk of love 所以,让我们把爱的语言释放Before they outlaw the kiss 当他们把亲吻的权利剥夺之前Baby give me one last hug 宝贝,给我最后一个拥抱吧There"s a dream 那儿有个梦That I"ve been chasin" 而我曾经追赶过。Want so badly for it to be reality 现实总比想要的糟糕(Reality, reality) 现实,现实And when you hold my hand 当你握着我的手Then I understand 我会懂That it"s meant to be它的意思是,Cuz baby when you"re with me 因为当你和我在一起的It"s like an angel came by, and took me to heaven 就像一个天使从身边走过,带我去天堂(It"s like you took me to heaven girl) (就像你带我去天堂,女孩)Cuz when I stare in your eyes 当我凝视你的眼睛时It couldn"t be better 这会变得好得多(I don"t want you to go oh no sooo)我不想让你走,哦,不,所以Let the music blast 让这音乐枯萎We gon" do our dance 而我们仍然在跳我们自己的舞Bring the doubters on 让那些怀疑我们的人去吧They don"t matter at all 他们根本无关紧要Cuz this life"s too long 因为这生命是如此的长And this love"s too strong 这爱是如此的长So baby know for sure 因此,宝贝要肯定的是,That I"ll never let you go 我决不会让你走。I got my favorite girl 我得到了我最爱的女孩Not feelin" no pain no fear 我们的感情,没有痛苦,没有害怕(Pain no fear, pain no fear, no pain) (没有害怕引起的痛苦,没有痛苦)Oh no, don"t have a care in the world 哦,不,在世界上,生活总是无忧无虑的Why would I when you are here为什么我愿意在你在的时候(You are here, you are here) 你在这,你在这There"s a moment I"ve been chasin"有一个瞬间我曾经追逐过And I finally caught it out on this floor 我最后在这层抓到了它(On this floor, on this floor) (在这里,在这里)Baby, there"s no hesitation, 宝贝,不要犹豫了No reservation by taking a chance and more 冒险从没有预定Ohh noo, because 哦,不,因为It"s like an angel came by, and took me to heaven这就像一个天使从身边走过,带我去天堂(It"s like you took me to heaven girl) (就像你带我去天堂,女孩)Cuz when I stare in your eyes 当我凝视你的眼睛时It couldn"t be better这会变得好得多(I don"t want you to go, oh no sooo) 我不想让你走,哦,不,所以Let the music blast让这音乐枯萎We gon" do our dance而我们仍然在跳我们自己的舞Bring the doubters on让那些怀疑我们的人去吧They don"t matter at all他们根本无关紧要Cuz this life"s too long因为这生命是如此的长And this love"s too strong这爱是如此的长So baby know for sure因此,宝贝要肯定的是,That I"ll never let you go我决不会让你走。It"s like an angel came by, and took me to heaven(It"s like you took me to heaven girl)Cuz when I stare in your eyesIt couldn"t be better(I don"t want you to go, oh no, sooo)Take my hand, let"s just danceWatch my feet, follow meDon"t be scared, girl I"m hereIf you didn"t know, this is loooove(Let the music blast)(We gon" do our dance)(Bring the doubters on)(They don"t matter at all)Oh babyyyy(Cuz this life"s too long)(And this love"s too strong)(So baby know for sure)That I"ll never let you goooooo(I"ll never let you go)I"ll never let you go, ooooohI"ll never let you go(Ohh noo, oh noo, ooohh)I"ll never let you go(Ohh noo, oh noo, ooohh)I"ll never let you go

unsatisfied though he was with the payment ,he took the jib just to got some work experience.翻译

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