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Big Top的《Gladiator》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiator歌手:Big Top专辑:LifeCommon - GladiatorThey say he"s a radical, he don"t fit the gameA heart full of glory and a fist of painA couple of battle scars but shit"s the sameAre you not entertainedSo all the onlookers and the bystandersWait til intermission, run buy your cameraRecord the moment, cause it"ll be platinumAnd you could say you seen Common rock the stadiumI was told by a wise old to come from the heartThough I might"ve did The Light, I don"t run from the darkThe dark knight to spark mics, and start fightsThe warrior archetype like Kimbo SliceIt"s strength in the beard, am I loved or fearedA beast amongst boys like Paul I"m reveredVroof, vroof vroof vroof vroof Vroof vroof wellLike Jacob Jewel, I keep clienteleYou frail on the mic like you might break a nailI might smoke a joint but I won"t take the LI knew a fat girl who broke the scaleStill touched down cause I was off ArtellHad dreams of breaking Mike Vick out of jailTook the underground rail to the end that failedI rebel, NYSLHere to leave a trail like Nelson Mandelanothing you could doMy words is the sword, my skill is the shieldMy life is the style I stay dressed to killA legend like Will Smith with the steelI could save the world when shit get for realSkinny George Foreman, all in your grillMy rhyme style is blind, it"s all in the feelTouch it and watch the blood fall with the steelThe weak raps you wrote you could call that your willMy drive VROOM is how I stay the livestYour guys got you gassed, my flow is a hybridCrashed I survived it, gashes over eyelidsYou easy to take out cause you hot garbageI"m amped like wattage, the truth nigga honestAny moment opponents drop out like collegeKneel and pay homage to the rap Ziggy StardustStadium hands in the air fists balled upFeet in the dirt, blood on the shirtScars over bars, symbols of the workTight clothes the armor, center of the dramaDefeat your whole army like this is SpartaSo don"t violate or you"ll get violatedSome of you model bitches is so overratedDon"t mean to underrate it but damn it I made itIn the water I waded on the corner I paintedDraw blood like we relatedMCs get de-decapitatedSyncopated is the style that I fight with, write withMr. Excitement, change your face up like a white chickThen light shit up like a dread with the herbsGet sex in the city and head in the burbsThese are the words of a radicalThe crowd applaud, I"m bowed, I"m proudTo be the gladiator

SGR Gladiators的《Gladiators》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiators歌手:SGR Gladiators专辑:Gladiator Music Vol. 1Common - GladiatorThey say he"s a radical, he don"t fit the gameA heart full of glory and a fist of painA couple of battle scars but shit"s the sameAre you not entertainedSo all the onlookers and the bystandersWait til intermission, run buy your cameraRecord the moment, cause it"ll be platinumAnd you could say you seen Common rock the stadiumI was told by a wise old to come from the heartThough I might"ve did The Light, I don"t run from the darkThe dark knight to spark mics, and start fightsThe warrior archetype like Kimbo SliceIt"s strength in the beard, am I loved or fearedA beast amongst boys like Paul I"m reveredVroof, vroof vroof vroof vroof Vroof vroof wellLike Jacob Jewel, I keep clienteleYou frail on the mic like you might break a nailI might smoke a joint but I won"t take the LI knew a fat girl who broke the scaleStill touched down cause I was off ArtellHad dreams of breaking Mike Vick out of jailTook the underground rail to the end that failedI rebel, NYSLHere to leave a trail like Nelson Mandelanothing you could doMy words is the sword, my skill is the shieldMy life is the style I stay dressed to killA legend like Will Smith with the steelI could save the world when shit get for realSkinny George Foreman, all in your grillMy rhyme style is blind, it"s all in the feelTouch it and watch the blood fall with the steelThe weak raps you wrote you could call that your willMy drive VROOM is how I stay the livestYour guys got you gassed, my flow is a hybridCrashed I survived it, gashes over eyelidsYou easy to take out cause you hot garbageI"m amped like wattage, the truth nigga honestAny moment opponents drop out like collegeKneel and pay homage to the rap Ziggy StardustStadium hands in the air fists balled upFeet in the dirt, blood on the shirtScars over bars, symbols of the workTight clothes the armor, center of the dramaDefeat your whole army like this is SpartaSo don"t violate or you"ll get violatedSome of you model bitches is so overratedDon"t mean to underrate it but damn it I made itIn the water I waded on the corner I paintedDraw blood like we relatedMCs get de-decapitatedSyncopated is the style that I fight with, write withMr. Excitement, change your face up like a white chickThen light shit up like a dread with the herbsGet sex in the city and head in the burbsThese are the words of a radicalThe crowd applaud, I"m bowed, I"m proudTo be the gladiator

Private Gladiator 角斗士三部曲


魔兽世界技能语音插件 GladiatorlosSA.rar 安装后为什么没有用?


GladiatorlosSA插旗的时候怎么弄出声? 在战场和jjc都有声音,我也把总是开启给勾选上了。








请问PSP上的《剑斗士:起源》(Gladiator Begins)有秘籍吗?这游戏好难啊,又墨迹!







极限竞速地平线4Gladiator Rubicon是35赛季追加的一辆新车,Gladiator Rubicon好用吗?下面一起来看看极限竞速地平线4Gladiator Rubicon车辆测评极限竞速地平线4Gladiator Rubicon车辆测评新季度来叻 本周第一辆放送的新车 吉普的角斗士这辆Gladiator Rubicon使用一台3.6L V6引擎 输出285hp的动力 太可怜了 一台越野车才285hp 不过看起来这应该是辆皮卡才对 2.3吨的车重也是一个很尴尬的数据 并且这车只能装机增 哦豁 机增这才多少马力 结果就是拉满之后只有639hp 说不好听话大部分四缸机都比这个上限高 而且1748kg的极致减重也没让这车有多好康的数据直线应该是有四驱加成所以还能看得过去 毕竟面板极速才282km/h拉力方面 手感是真的不错 就是太慢了 唯一解决办法就是换台引擎 不过换了以后有多好我也不知道越野图的手感也是好到爆 当然这个好的来源完全是因为车子太慢了 全程基本很少到200km/h 所以不用考虑别的问题作为新车来说 Gladiator的颜值我只能说不是我吃香的内种 应该会有人喜欢吧 我单纯觉得轴距太长了 而且这个动力是真的不堪入目 连F-150都不如吧这个 好歹是台V6诶 6缸机上限还不如台4缸? 逗我么?

斗角士的角斗士 Gladiator

导演: 雷德利·斯科特编剧: 大卫·弗兰佐尼 / 约翰·洛根 / William Nicholson主演: 类型: 动作 / 冒险 / 剧情制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2000-05-05片长: 155 分钟 / 171 分钟(extended version)又名: 神鬼战士 / 帝国骄雄角

求PS2游戏 GLADIATOR(角斗士:自由之路)攻略


请问PSP上的《剑斗士:起源》(Gladiator Begins)有秘籍吗?这游戏好难啊,又墨迹!

PSP的游戏一般没有秘籍。。这游戏其实很不错,我已经通了。技术要求比较高。这个游戏主要就是装备。你弄好了装备K人很简单。我初期没有钱,用的拳套。虽然攻击力较低。但是速度很快。通常我都用下段位和上段位攻击。攻击腿部虽然一开始掉血很少,但是只要你能保持节奏。虐掉一个BOSS绝对没问题。我打实力悬殊的都用这招。但是一旦节奏感没有了。你就要挨一两下揍了。还有头部攻击。打头打出伤口后就是拳套也有可观的伤害。同样。保持节奏,打飞头盔后别让他再捡起来。到了后期我是斧子+盾牌。一直都是HI头部。头盔打掉打头一下将近能打100多。- -不过貌似是我的斧子好。。后期有能力纯属个人爱好。。好了打这么多不容易。。给分吧

gladiator 剧情

角斗士分集剧情暂无。 罗马大将军马克穆斯(Russell Crowe)率领罗马大军在战场上冲锋陷阵,大获全胜,凯旋而归。此时,他只想赶快回到自己的家里看到心爱的妻子和儿子。然而,此时皇帝马克思·阿里欧斯(Richard Harris)已经奄奄一息,他急召这位大将军,想皇位传于他。 这一幕被理应的皇储卡莫德斯所知,当皇帝驾崩后,卡莫德斯夺得皇位,他对马克穆斯家人下了毒手,抄了家后,还将马克穆斯沦为了一个奴隶,在角斗场上拼杀。马克穆斯并不会忘记深仇大恨,他现在只有一个目的,就是寻找机会为妻儿报仇。他仍然是人民心目中的英雄,甚至他将屹立于罗马帝国之上…… 由于人们已经许久没有在大银幕上看到辉煌的罗马帝国中的战斗场面了,因此本片还未上映即受到人们所关注。影评界将此片与40年前的《宾虚》相提并论,可见此片的分量。影片场面恢弘,服装道具故事情景无不真实的体现了当年罗马帝国的气势,成为下一届奥斯卡不能忽视的一部重作。影片中的征杀场面和人兽相斗的场面也曾引起人们不少的非议,不过谁都不能否认,这部诞生在21世纪的史诗巨片必将成为影迷们的心爱之作。 能驾驭这部史诗片的自非泛泛之辈,本片导演利迪里·斯考特因导演著名的影片《异形》而成名,作品主要还有《刀锋战士》、《女兵简》、《末路狂花》、《1492》、《黑雨》等,并且他还将执导《沈默的羔羊》续集。虽然他的影片不是票房的灵药,但总是由于风格凸现而让影片留名影史,甚至影响到其他电影人的风格。雷德利·斯科特对这部耗资一亿美元的史诗巨片充满野心,虽然出于历史时代的巨大差异,本片外景并没有选择在罗马实拍,而是在英国取景,但导演为了增加影片的真实度,按1: 1的实际比例复制了一个古罗马圆形剧场和一个角斗士训练营,狮子和群众演员一应俱全。 本片聚集了众多的知名演员,男主角马克穆斯的扮演者罗塞尔·克劳在97年的热门影片《洛城机密》中就有出色的表演,他曾经与沙朗斯通合演《致命的快感》,和丹左华盛顿合作《时空悍将》,他在《铁面特警队》中的出色表现获得人们称赞。在99年的影片《惊爆内幕》中,他一举获得洛杉矶影评人协会、全美影评人协会颁发最佳男主角,同时获得奥斯卡最佳男主角提名。除了罗塞尔·克劳外,本片还汇集了1974出生的青年演员(《8MM》、《U Turn》);康尼·尼尔森(《Rushmore》);奥立佛 ·瑞德(《三个火枪手》)等。


n.1. 【史】斗剑者2. 论争者

灵魂飞翔的《Gladiator》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiator歌手:灵魂飞翔专辑:EnslavedCommon - GladiatorThey say he"s a radical, he don"t fit the gameA heart full of glory and a fist of painA couple of battle scars but shit"s the sameAre you not entertainedSo all the onlookers and the bystandersWait til intermission, run buy your cameraRecord the moment, cause it"ll be platinumAnd you could say you seen Common rock the stadiumI was told by a wise old to come from the heartThough I might"ve did The Light, I don"t run from the darkThe dark knight to spark mics, and start fightsThe warrior archetype like Kimbo SliceIt"s strength in the beard, am I loved or fearedA beast amongst boys like Paul I"m reveredVroof, vroof vroof vroof vroof Vroof vroof wellLike Jacob Jewel, I keep clienteleYou frail on the mic like you might break a nailI might smoke a joint but I won"t take the LI knew a fat girl who broke the scaleStill touched down cause I was off ArtellHad dreams of breaking Mike Vick out of jailTook the underground rail to the end that failedI rebel, NYSLHere to leave a trail like Nelson Mandelanothing you could doMy words is the sword, my skill is the shieldMy life is the style I stay dressed to killA legend like Will Smith with the steelI could save the world when shit get for realSkinny George Foreman, all in your grillMy rhyme style is blind, it"s all in the feelTouch it and watch the blood fall with the steelThe weak raps you wrote you could call that your willMy drive VROOM is how I stay the livestYour guys got you gassed, my flow is a hybridCrashed I survived it, gashes over eyelidsYou easy to take out cause you hot garbageI"m amped like wattage, the truth nigga honestAny moment opponents drop out like collegeKneel and pay homage to the rap Ziggy StardustStadium hands in the air fists balled upFeet in the dirt, blood on the shirtScars over bars, symbols of the workTight clothes the armor, center of the dramaDefeat your whole army like this is SpartaSo don"t violate or you"ll get violatedSome of you model bitches is so overratedDon"t mean to underrate it but damn it I made itIn the water I waded on the corner I paintedDraw blood like we relatedMCs get de-decapitatedSyncopated is the style that I fight with, write withMr. Excitement, change your face up like a white chickThen light shit up like a dread with the herbsGet sex in the city and head in the burbsThese are the words of a radicalThe crowd applaud, I"m bowed, I"m proudTo be the gladiator