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ggs是重力梯度稳定,全称为gravity gradient stabilization。ggs是利用重力梯度力矩来稳定航天器空间姿态的技术。绕地球运行的航天器各部分质量所受到的不相等引力等因素所产生的力矩称为重力梯度力矩。重力梯度稳定系统能使航天器的纵轴指向地心。重力梯度稳定技术在60年代得到了广泛应用,特别是用于导航卫星。原理:当航天器绕地球作轨道运行时,地心对航天器各部分质量有不同的引力,同时它们也有不同的离心力。引力和离心力的合力称为重力。设哑铃式卫星的纵轴在轨道平面(俯仰平面)内偏离当地铅垂线,哑铃两端的质量相等(m1=m2)。由于m1离地心较近,所以它所受的引力比离心力大,重力指向地心。m2受到的引力比离心力小,所以重力背向地心。而哑铃中点O的重力为零(失重)。这样就形成了一个绕O点的恢复力矩(即重力梯度力矩)。月球有一面总是朝着地球这个自然现象就是重力梯度稳定的一个例子。


GGS一共有两种意思。1、GGS英文缩写:GGS英文全称:Ground Guidance System中文解释:地面制导系统缩写分类:专业词汇2、GGS英文缩写:GGS英文全称:Gyro-Gun Sight中文解释:陀螺仪型射击瞄准器缩写分类:专业词汇扩展资料:相近缩写词语:1、GGSN英文缩写:GGSN英文全称:Gateway GPRS Support Node中文解释:网关GPRS支持节点缩写分类:电子电工2、GGSE英文缩写:GGSE英文全称:Gravity Gradient Stabilization Experiment中文解释:重力梯度稳定试验缩写分类:航空航天、军事政治缩写简介:美国海军试验卫星







Ryan Giggs We Love You歌词


ryan giggs we love you 中文歌词

Ryan Giggs We Love You吉格斯 我们爱你。ryan.. we love you吉格斯 我们爱你running down the wing爱你展翅飞奔our hearts begin to sing我们的心灵开始歌唱you spin around and then你使人为你着迷you set this game on fire你使这个游戏 充满激情ryan... we love you吉格斯 我们爱你try to understand努力去体会you"re soon to be a man你将很快成为一个男人you"ll have it all and turn heads你将拥有这一切并且潇洒的转身。like you turn defenders就像你转成 后卫一样try to realise请你努力地去觉醒the fear that"s in their eyes他们的眼里将会充满恐惧but never compromise and we go la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la但是我们绝不妥协 我们前进吧 啦啦啦啦啦ryan we love you....吉格斯 我们爱你although you never smile虽然你从不微笑we wouldn"t reconcile我们不会甘心we heard and it"s enough我们听说着 那就够了you want to make us happy你想要让我们快乐ryan we love you吉格斯我们爱你try to realise努力地去觉醒the fear that"s in their eyes他们的眼里将会充满恐惧but never compromiseand we gola la la la la la la la la但是我们绝不妥协 我们前进吧 啦啦啦啦啦

GIGGS的:《Ryan Giggs - True Red》里面那首歌是?


fm2011 开曼联档为什么GIGGS和SCHOOLES都不能当老师


How to make fry eggs? 怎样制作炸鸡蛋?用英文!

Fried Eggs Recipe Ingredients: 1 egg 1 Tablespoon butter salt and pepper Utensils: Frying Pan Spatula Cup <>1. Place the butter in the frying pan and make sure the temperature is on low to medium high. Melt the butter slowly... 2. Take your egg and tap in gently on the side of a bowl or on the counter. This will crack the egg. Have a cup ready and pour the egg into the cup. If you get any shells in the cup, take a large piece of shell and scoop the little pieces out. You will find this is the easiest way to remove shells that have fallen into the egg...3. Now, take the egg that is in the cup and gently pour it into the hot frying pan. As the egg is cooking, carefully spoon some of the butter that has melted in the pan over the egg. Keep spooning the butter till the white of the egg is very white. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Remove from the pan with a spatula and place on a plate. Some buttered toast would go nice with this. Don"t forget a glass of milk!

使命召唤4结尾曲 说唱的那首叫 mx girggs deep hard的URL

The Infinityward team has been developing call of duty 4: modern warfare紧接着使命召唤2,IW小队已经在开发使命召唤4:现代战争。we"re making it more sophisticated for a deeper call of duty experience.有了深厚的开发COD的经验,我们做得更加精密。Variety is the next big thing for us, we"re going deep and we"re going hard.游戏的变化是我们的下一件大事,我们会做得很深层次,更加努力。First Verse“The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己(3D游戏综合征。。。呕吐)Enter the mind in time you"ll find my linesCombine intertwine underlined rhyme divine注意及时地听,你会发现我的歌词拥有天才般的韵律。(这太难了点。。。不过大意是这样)No Hind can go against me 249 lift you switfly雌鹿直升机也不是我对手,249式机枪飞快地把你射飞Frontline"s in here with me我在哪前线就在哪Think I"m lying? come and get me觉得我在撒谎?敢就跟上我Sgt. Griggs reporting for duty*roger*军士格里格斯,报道收到Some say this belong in a movie有人说这是电影里的吧But this the 3rd installment但这是第三部游戏Infinityward shitIW真他M棒Don"t soil your drawers别把你裤子弄脏了Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战HELLO~~你好啊~~Ready for action 50 cals start to clapping准备行动,50口径的狙在鼓掌了4 horsemen kicking a Rerun asking “What"s happening?”天启四骑士回攻了一球(橄榄球术语)问道“发生什么了?”Too late for all that flapping现在慌张已经太迟了Out the gates with autos packed in大门外的汽车停了下来This one"s for MacMillian这是迈克米兰的目标15 years you had relaxing你已经休养15年了Now it"s time to settle the score现在是算分的时间了We ready for War我们准备战争SAS on boardSAS在飞机上My Tribe Award Tour我的部落奖赛Chorus合唱And this the 3rd installment这是第三部作品Infinityward shitIW真TM棒Don"t soil your drawers别把你裤子弄脏了Cause it"s deep and it"s hard bitch因为这游戏可是个非常困难的挑战Gri-GriggsAll right, fall in marines, stay frosty...(不确定)Gri-GriggsGo and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians?开始吗?但是他们是好俄罗斯人还是坏俄罗斯人?Gri-GriggsHold your fire! Friendlies coming out!停火!友军出来了!Gri-GriggsSir, we"re got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast!长官,我们找到伙伴了!直升机部队在飞速靠近!No sign of Al-asad sir.没阿尔-阿萨德的踪迹,长官Gri-GriggsMaybe a hate as in Kamrov won a bloody catch...Gri-GriggsI think his in here. I hear him!我认为他在这。我听到他声音了!Soap! Regroup the team and follow captain price and Kamrov storm the building tower, go!肥皂!重组队伍并跟随PRICE队长和KAMROV攻占那个塔,上!Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk?Nikolai,你还好吗?能走不?“The weak man may be careful not to soil himself when he plays this game”体虚的家伙玩这游戏要小心,别弄脏了自己Marines! SAS! — Hands Up!Marines! SAS!--举起双手!Zakhaev! —— HAHA — Hand Up!扎卡耶夫--哈哈--举起单手!(他的确只有一只手- -!)Yo! Shoutout to Price the one handed bandit maker唷!对着独臂强盗制造者普莱斯大声叫Gaz and Vazquez disbanding any takersGAZ和范奎兹能灭掉任何战士If there"s anyone greater then show me如果有谁比他们猛那就给我看看If not then blow me如果他们不猛就揍我You get labeled a hater for sidetalk你已经被标上sidetalk憎恨者的标签I - Dub (Infinityward) is soleyOut for Success我-配入的声音(IW)只是力图要成功Back it up with a little Success用一点点成功来支持它And when you back down and digress而当你放弃它并误入岔道You hear them yell “Success!”你听到他们大叫:成功了!Devastation - yeah thats what you facing毁灭-是的那就是你面对的When our Call of Duty is to Touch Down in Nations当我们的使命召唤在国家触地得分时It your heart gets you"re racing when your role of competitions daddy"s boy on the roof bucks themselves.Damn mission!改死的任务!Oh! Report man down.OH!报告员挂了。When the bridge we had full down. Buck me in my prose down.Things you go back in a wonna.And this is the third installment infintyward"s shit.Don"t throw you draws cause it"s deep and hard bitch.Gri-GriggsWatch your six, devil dog!注意后面,魔狗!Gri-GriggsRoger that, I got somethin" better anyway.收到,不管杂样我拿到些更好的货色Gri-GriggsRoger, cover left flank.收到,掩护左翼Gri-Griggs678 452 056这个是griggs的士兵编号678 452 056678 452 056Gri-griggs 参考:这是视频地址: 你给个邮箱,我把MP3文件发给你改成肯定句

这个疑问句的肯定形式是 The eggs are in the basket.




CaseyBiggs凯西·比格斯,1955年4月4日生于美国,演员,代表作品《同父异母的兄弟》、《感兴趣的人》、《小学》。 外文名:CaseyBiggs出生日期:1955年4月4日职业:演员代表作品:《感兴趣的人》

mercy bishop briggs歌词中文翻译

歌曲:Mercy电影《极限特工:终极回归》插曲歌手:Bishop Briggs所属专辑:xXx: Return of Xander Cage (Music from the Motion Picture)互译歌词:You lay me down on a bed of nails你将我置身钉床上Just to pierce a thousand veins钉子刺穿我上千的血管Hands so numb didn"t feel the shame双手太过麻木感受不到羞愧Lonely souls they love the pain孤独的灵魂沉溺痛苦So let it run, let it all fall away放它去吧 随它消逝You don"t give a damn if I leave or I stay我的离开与否你根本不在乎Have mercy仁慈些吧Darling have mercy亲爱的要仁慈些Have mercy仁慈些Cause I ain"t strong我并不强大Have mercy仁慈些吧When the love"s gone当爱已远去Oh, when the love"s gone, when the love"s gone当爱已逝去Have mercy, oh, have mercy仁慈些吧When the love"s gone当爱已远去The fall out know it never clear破裂的结局并不清晰Messiah for a hundred years救世主存在的一百年Swing me low, darling, drag me down让我摇摆沉溺 将我击倒Draw my blood with a stolen crown用偷来的皇冠吸取我的鲜血And let it run, let it all fall away就让一切顺其自然You don"t give a damn if I leave or I stay我的去留与否你丝毫不在意Have mercy仁慈些吧Darling have mercy亲爱的怜悯我Have mercy仁慈些Cause I ain"t strong我并非强大Have mercy仁慈些吧When the love"s gone当爱已远去Oh, when the love"s gone, when the love"s gone当爱已逝去Have mercy, oh have mercy求求你仁慈些吧And let me run, let my heart get away让我逃离这里 让我心碎离开You don"t give a damn if I leave or I stay你并不在意我的去留Have mercy仁慈些吧Darling have mercy亲爱的仁慈些吧Oh, have mercy怜悯我吧Cause I ain"t strong因为我并不强大Darling, have mercy, when the love"s gone亲爱的仁慈些吧 当爱已经远去Oh, when the love"s gone, when the love"s gone当爱已逝去Have mercy, oh, have mercy仁慈些吧When the love"s gone当爱已逝去

Bishop Briggs - 《River》的歌词翻译(中文)

Like a river, like a river, sh-像一条河,像一条河,嘘-。Like a river, like a river, sh-像一条河,像一条河,嘘-Like a river, like a river像一条河,像一条河,Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样流淌How do we fall in love我们如何坠入爱河Harder than a bullet could hit ya?比子弹还厉害?How do we fall apart我们如何崩溃Faster than a hair pin trigger?比发卡还快?Don"t you say, don"t you say it不要说,你不要说Don"t say, don"t you say it不要说,你不要说One breath, it"ll just break it一口气,它就会把它打断So shut your mouth and run me like a river所以,闭上你的嘴,把我像条河一样奔流Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver闭上你的嘴,婴儿站着分娩Holy hands, oh they make me a sinner上帝啊,他们让我成了罪人Like a river, like a river像一条河,像一条河,Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样流淌Choke this love till the veins start to shiver去抑制这种爱直到血管开始颤抖One last breath till the tears start to wither最后一口气,直到眼泪开始枯萎Like a river, like a river像一条河,像一条河。Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样流淌Tales of an endless heart关于一颗无穷的心的传奇故事Curses is the fool who"s willing祸不单行Can"t change the way we are不能改变我们现在的样子吗One kiss away from killing离杀人只有一吻的距离Don"t you say, don"t you say it不要说,你不要说。Don"t say, don"t you say it别说,你不要说。One breath it"ll just break it一口气就能打破它。So shut your mouth and run me like a river所以,闭上你的嘴,让我像条河一样奔流Shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver闭上你的嘴,宝贝站着来传送。Holy hands, ooh they make me a sinner神圣的手,他们让我成为罪人Like a river, like a river像一条河,像一条河。Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样流淌Choke this love till the veins start to shiver去抑制这种爱直到血管开始颤抖One last breath till the tears start to wither最后一口气,直到眼泪开始枯萎Like a river, like a river像一条河,像一条河。Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样流淌Like a river, like a river, (oh oh oh)像河流,像河流,(哦哦哦哦)Like a river, like a river, (ooh-oh-oh)像河流,像河流,(哦哦哦哦)Like a river, like a river像河流,像河流Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样流淌Hey, oh oh oh嘿,哦哦哦Hey, oh oh oh (like a river)嘿,哦哦哦哦(像一条河)Hey, oh oh oh嘿,哦哦哦Oh oh oh (like a river)哦哦哦哦哦(像一条河)Like a river像一条河Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver (stand and deliver)(like a river, like a river)闭上你的嘴,宝贝站着传递(像河流,像河流)Holy hands, oh they make me a sinner (make me a sinner)(like a river, like a river)神圣的手啊,它们使我成为罪人(使我成为罪人)(如河流,如河流)Like a river, like a river (like a river)像一条河,像一条河,(像一条河)Shut your mouth and run me like a river (and run me like a river)闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样奔流(让我像河流一样奔流)Choke this love till the veins start to shiver (start to shiver)(like a river, like a river)抑制这种爱直到血管开始颤抖(开始颤抖)(像河流,像河流)One last breath till the tears start to wither (oh oh)最后一口气,直到眼泪开始枯萎(哦)Like a river, like a river像一条河,像一条河,Shut your mouth and run me like a river闭上你的嘴,让我像河流一样奔流。

Blend the sugar, eggs, and flour.


blend的用法,是blend with还是blend into blend the eggs w

with starch into …

easter,look for eastereggs in the grass什么意思


富怡放码-快速/准确/简便放码系统(GGS)”,“排料系统(GMS)”,(DGS) ,有谁知道他们的关系吗?


nike court borough low BGGS会不会烂大街


nike court borough low BGGS会不会烂大街




最近发现的Higgs boson说是有5sigma的置信度是什么意思?5sigma不是代表很大的标准误差吗?为什么很准确?

这里5-sigma置信度可以理解为,所观测到的结果99.99994%是真实的结果,但有0.00006%的可能性这个结果其实只是实验误差。其实这的确也可以理解为一个“很大的标准误差”。实际做法是这样的:首先我们假设higgs boson不存在,这样从理论上可以计算得到一个理论测量值;然后我们看真实测得的数据,并和假设higgs boson不存在的理论值进行比较。5-sigma的意思是,测得实验数据“远远偏离”不存在higgs boson的假设.反过来说,我们基本可以肯定higgs boson是存在的。几sigma的概念可以用于描述误差大小,也可以用于描述置信度。这个概念本质上来源于正态分布,而实验误差分析等等绝大部分都是基于正态分布的。:)求采纳




方法/步骤:1.孵化准备 :1.使用干净的锥型底孵化缸;2.在缸的上部设置光源; 3.安装若干个充气管在缸的底部充气;4.加入过滤15-35‰的海水,如果需要,使用消毒过的海水,...2.孵化条件:1.温度:28-30℃;2.PH:8.0-9.0;3.充气:...3.孵化收集 :1.在理想的孵化条件下,孵化24小时;2.停止充气;3.覆盖孵化缸的表面(...4.保存方法 :1.保存在温度0℃-5℃的干燥避光的地方;2.打开包装罐的产品需马上...

The eggs went crunch! 这是绘本中的一句话,这里crunch的词性是什么?


eggs for opps and suppo 是什么菜

eggs for opps and suppo对有机磷农药及支持鸡蛋
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