
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

become,turn into,grow,get的区别是什么?

1、become 成为,理所当然地成为; Because of his hard study,he became a famous Doctor finaly.2、turn into 变成,一般表示变化;He just been efected by the virous,he will turn into a zombie(僵尸)soon.(他被病毒感染,很快就变成僵尸了)3、grow 是指一个长的过程;Truth never grows old. (真理永不过时)4、get 带有一种习惯性在里面He is getting more happier.

Gotta Get on This Train 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Get on This Train歌手:Georgie Fame专辑:Swing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Georgie Fame - Gotta Get On This Train(L. Stansfield/I. Devaney/R. Darbyshire)Yeah, yeah, yeahWe got to get on this trainIt"s coming around againWell, I said it before and I"ll say it againWe got to get on this trainWe"re gonna go all the wayWell, what more can I say?Right on track, it"s not going backWe got to get on this train(Woo, woo)Got to get on(Woo, woo)Got to get on(Woo, woo)Got to get onWe got to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onCome onGotta get on, gotta get onCome onGotta get on, gotta get onWe got to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onWe got to get on this trainGot a long, long journey homeAnd I can feel it in my bonesBut if you wanna ride, just bump insideWe got to get on this train, yeah(Woo, woo)Got to get on(Woo, woo)Got to get on, come on(Woo, woo)Got to get onGot to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onCome onGotta get on, gotta get onOh lordGotta get on, gotta get onWe got to get on this trainGotta get on, gotta get onGot to get on this trainWe"re right on track, no turning backI can hear the whistle blowing right through my baby and meWooh woo! (real train whistle)

be right on target是什么意思


Talking to the Moon Tryna get to you翻译?



sudo apt-get update,然后输入管理员密码回车自动更新。

we are happy and we huging together。哪有错

谢谢大家了 (*^__^*) O(∩_∩)O

never forget 的歌词?

words and music by gary barlowc1993 emi virgin music ltd, london.we"ve come a long way,but we"re not too sure where we"ve been.we"ve had success, we"ve had good times,but remember this.1.been on this path of life for so long,feel i"ve walked a thousand miles,sometimes strolled hand in hand with love,ev"ry body"s been there.with danger on my mind i would stand on the line of hope,i knew i could make it,once i knew the boundaries,i looked into the clouds and saw my face in the moonlight,just then i realised whata fool i could be,just cause i look so high i don"t have to see me,finding a paradise wasn"t easy but still,there"s a road going down the other side of this hill.never forget where you"ve come here from,never pretend that it"s all rea,someday soon this will all be someone else"s dream,this will be someone else"s dream.2.been safe from the arms of disappointment for so long,feel each day we"ve come too far,yet each day seems to make much more.sure is good to be here,i understand the meaning of "i can"t explain this feeling" nowand it feels so night i see the hand that reminds me of the stand that i make,the fact of reality.never forget where you"ve come here from,never pretend that it"s all real,someday soon this will al be someone else"s dream,this will be someone elses dream.we"ve come so far and we"ve reach so high,and we"ve look each day and night in the eyeand we"re still so young and we hope for more.but remember this, we"re not invincible,we"re not invincible,(no)we"re only people, we"re only people, heywe"re not invincible, we"re not girl i"ll tell you,never forget where you"re come here from,never pretend that it"s all reall,someday soon this will be all someone else"s dream,this will be someone else"s dream

完形填空we make a living by what we get

做完形填空其实并非我们想想中的那么难,首先当然要收自信啦,相信自己一定能攻克它。O(∩_∩)O但要知道完型填空其实是和语感,词汇,阅读速度,阅读技能等许多方面有关的,所以为了提高完形填空的能力就必须从这几方面下手。根据我个人的经验和老师的指导,我发现做完形时,真的要分好几个步骤,可能是无形中的,有时你并不会意识到。第一遍先通读全文,了解文章大意,(但注意一般完型的第一句是Topic sentence ),也就是说把很确定的词先选出来。然后读第二遍,更加深刻的了解文章大意,然后尽可能的填出所有的空。如果实在有个别空填不上也没关系。第三遍,按照已填好的空通篇阅读一遍,这时候不仅仅是把文章理解的更透彻,更重要的是通过阅读全文把第一,第二遍填的空和上下文联系起来,看是否前两遍中犯了一些很简单的错误。这时候通过阅读,你会发现刚才未填上的和不确定的,有时候会迎刃而解,这就是在语境中理解文章的好处。特别要注意的是完形填空中有很多次是多次出现的,所以当你上一个次不回做时,可以跳过去往下看,你会发现,它就是下面所指的。当然,提高完形填空也可以通过大量的阅读理解练习。我上高中时就是这样做的,其实刚开始我的阅读理解也很次的,高三时就是通过大量练习阅读理解,慢慢地完型也上来了。这只是自己的方法,不知是否有用。可以试试啦,祝你成功!

we make a living by what we get

make a living 指的是: 谋生,生存 (是为活着) make a life 指的是: 生活 (是为活的更好)

求一首英文歌,前面是音乐,然后第一句好像是we living together


找一首歌,歌词里有一句woo ~you get it gone (重复好几次),后面有set me free

Set It All Free

求My love will get you home简谱


w-ind有首歌的歌词里有"be together",歌名叫什么?超好听的~~~

是他们第一张专集里的第5首歌,叫"Give You My Heart"

get down set down 区别

意思上的差别,有些意思相同,set down 的意思更多点。1、get sb. down :to make sb. feel sad or depressed 使悲伤,使沮丧 get sth. down:1. to swallow sith with difficulty 困难的吞下,咽下2. to make a note of sth. 记下,写下e.g. Did you get his number down ? 你记下他的号码了吗? get down to do sth :to begin to do sth, to give serious attention to do sth 开始做某事,开始认真注意或对待某事e.g. Let"s get down to business. 咱们干正事吧。2、set down1. 放下,搁下: 例句: to set down one"s bag放下包2. 写下,记下;登记: 例句: The police sest down my car number.警察记下了我的汽车号码3. 使(飞机)着陆;使降落: 例句: My plane was set down in a heavy fog.我乘坐的飞机在浓雾中着陆。4. 让(乘客)下车: 例句: to set down the passengers让乘客下车5. 把(货物)从车上卸下: 例句: The train stopped at the station to set down lots of waste.火车进站停车,卸下了许多废物。6. 把…看做,把…认作(as): 例句: He was set down as a fool.他被看成是个傻瓜。7. 把…解释为…,把…归因于…(to): 例句: to set one"s silence down to his diffidence把沉默归因于羞怯8. 制定;规定: 例句: The rules for service have been set down.有关修理业的规章已经出台。9. 确定;决定…的日期: 例句: the plan to be set down业已确定的计划10. 使坐下11. (马赛中)暂停…参赛12. [口语]申斥,谴责: 例句: I was set down by my father.我爸骂了我一顿。



get off 与set off的区别是什么?怎么用?




关于get used的全部知识点解答

你好像打错了是get used to,get used to是渐渐习惯做某事。与used to do sth.,be used to sth./be used for doing sth.,be used to doing区别:used to do sth.是“过去常常做某事”,否定:did not used to do sth./used not to do sth.,疑问:...used to do.../ used to doing是“习惯于做某事”,be used to do sth./be used for doing sth.都是“被用于做某事”,可通用。可参考新概念二册31课。例句:1.He used to live here.他过去常常住在这儿。2.He used to drinking a cup of tea before dinner.他“已”习惯晚饭前喝一杯茶。3.He gets used to drinking a cup of tea before dinner.他渐渐习惯晚饭前喝一杯茶。4.Pens are used to write./Pens are used for writing.钢笔被用来写字。

英语中use to/ be used to (doing)sth/ get use(d) to什么什么之类的解释以及用法

be used to do:过去常常做某事be uses to doing:习惯于做某事

get used to new environment

选A ,这里只是形式主语(it is +adj +to do something ),变成一般疑问句.


get的搭配很多,但在每种搭配中get的意义是不完全相同的。大多数情况下,get是及物动词,有时它也可以起连系动词的作用。 1.get+sb.(sth.)叫来某人,弄到事物. Please go and get him.去把他叫来。 She got high marks in the final examination. 2.get+sb.+st.为某人弄到事物 Will you please get me a ticket for the football match?请给我弄张足球赛票好吗? He got me some beautiful postcards.他大帮我弄到一些漂亮的明信片。 3.get+sth.+adj.使某物处于某种状态。 We have got everything ready for the sports meet.我们已经为运动会做好了一切准备。 She got her school clothes dirty.她把校服弄脏了。 4.get+sth.+done使某事被做 You must get your homework done before you watch TV.你看电视前务必把家庭作业完成。 You"d better go and get your hair cut.你最好去理个发。 5.get+sb.(sth.)+doing让某人(物)行动起来。 My duty was to get the four of us studying the subject.我的责任是使我们四个人研究这个主题。 Who can get the machine running?谁能启动这台机器? 6.get+sb.+to do使某人做某事 My idea is that we should get a porter to carry our luggage.我的想法是我们得请个搬运工来搬运行李。 7.get+sth.+for sb.替某人弄到某物 Could you get a school timetable for me?你能帮我弄张课程表吗? 8.get+adj.(get是连系动词) In summer it doesn"t get dark until after eight o"clock.夏天,直到八点过后,天色才暗下来。 Our nation is getting more and more powerful.我们的国家变得越来越强大。 9.get+done变成某种状态(get是连系动词) Your hand will get burnt if you are not careful.如果你不小心点,你的手会被烫伤的。 Don"t get caught in the rain.别遭雨淋了。

用get used to ⑴sth ⑵doing 造句

Mary gets used to sleeping early.Tom gets used to the milk.

used to do,be/get used to doing,be used to do ,there used to be意思分别是?

used to do过去常常做某事be/get used to doing习惯做某事

get used to doing的否定形式是什么?


it is hard to get used什么different accenr

应该是it is hard to get used to different access。很难适应不同的访问方式。It is hard to do sth意为“做某事不容易。It"s +形容词 +( for sb) + to do sth表示做某事(对于某人)很hard 是形容词,相当于difficult。例如:It"s hard to learn English well。学好英语不容易。get used to的意思:习惯于get used to的读音为英 [ɡet ju:zd tu:] 美 [ɡ_t juzd tu] You will have to get used to a lot of people traipsing in and out of your home。你将不得不习惯许多人在你家进进出出。同义词组:be used to doing 习惯做某事 表示现在已经习惯了例句:Are you used to doing hard work? 你习惯于做艰苦的工作吗?

be /get used to do sth 和 be/get used to sth 这四个分别是什么意思呢?

be used to (1) 被用做 used to do The quilt is used to keep warm. (2)习惯 used to doing He has got used to new enviroments. be used for +名词/动名词 The quilt is used for keeping warm. used to do (did something very often in the past) 过去常做... He used to go there. But now, he seldom go there.

get used to doing sth.的否定句


get used to it什么意思啊

“习惯于 适应于”

用use to ,get used to ,be used for ,be usedas, be used by的适当形式填空

is used asused togets used towas used for is used by

be/get used to doing sth和be used to do sth分别是什么意思?用法区别~~详细~~谢谢了~~

be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事be used to do sth 过去常常做某事~~~~希望对你有所帮助

求黑翼禁卫军的wild target,txt,163的youxiang,1995336619970


答:get used to do sth可以理解为形容词短语哦。在英语中,有四种简单句型,第一种是主语+谓语+宾语,第二种主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(宾补),第三种主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语。第四种就是感叹句句型啦。来自初中英语98分的回稿哦,你明白了吗?有缘再见吧

used to do ,be used to do , get used to doing跟的时态?

您好,used to do意思是“过去常常做某事”,表示一般过去时态,而be used to do意思是“被用来做某事”,get used to doing 意为“习惯做某事”,后面两种表达可以用于不同时态中。

请问一下以下的事甚么意思 used to 、be used to、be /get used to 或be used for

used to 过去常常干某事, be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于某事be used for doing sth.被用来做...等于:be used to do sth.

英语词组“习惯于做某事”get used to 请问若后面接动词是不是要用ing形式?



get used to do、get used to doing、used to do、used to doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、get used to do:习惯于做。2、get used to doing:习惯干某事。3、used to do:过去常常做某事。4、used to doing:习惯做。二、用法不同1、get used to do:get还可用作系动词,在表示“使…变得…”时,可接名词、形容词或常用作形容词的过去分词作表语。2、get used to doing:get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。3、used to do:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语,其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。如强调由不习惯到习惯,须用get或become而不能用be。4、used to doing:其基本意思是指某个行为发生频率的百分之百或某种状态存在的自始至终。三、侧重点不同1、get used to do:通常用来表示用途。2、get used to doing:强调一种习惯。3、used to do:强调现在已经不这样了。4、used to doing:不强调现在,可能现在还在持续。



get used to doing sth是什么意思

get used to doing sth. 等同于 be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

get used to doing和be used to doing的区别


get used to doing的问题




get used to+do还是doing

be used to和get used的区别用法

be used to doing sth. 意思是习惯于做某事get used to sth. 意思是习惯于某事,包含的意思是原来不接受,现在接受了


下面两位大神对。但有一点特别注意:get如果用在造句是数量(考试分数)中是不具体用got具体用gets。如:She got high marks on every exam.她每次考试都得到高分(不够具体)另一句:She gets number one marks on every exam.她每次考试都得到第一(够具体)

get used to doing和be used to doing的区别

get used to doing是渐渐习惯于,属于潜移默化的开始习惯了做某事 be used to doing是 习惯做某事 表示现在已经习惯了

get used to doing和be used to doing的区别?

get used to doing,强调习惯做某事这一动作,而be used to doing则强调习惯做某事的一种状态.如果用完成时,表示某事已经成为了一种状态,最好用have been used to doing,如果用get,则显得不地道.

Be used to / get used to

What is the difference beeen "Be used to" and "get used to" ? 1. Even though my aunt has lived in EnglAND for many years she is still not (used to going out ) in the cold weather in Wiinter. She is still not used to going out .......( Status) 2. John has been in MExico for a long time so he / has got used to eating) spicy food. has got used to eating...........( present perfect tense) This is to show John HAS already got used to doing something. ( Action) He used to eat ..............=/= he has got used to eating........... He used to ...........= in the past he did this. Example: He used to SWIM( no - ing) in winter. <---- in the past he swam in winter. 2009-08-18 20:30:05 补充: This is to show John HAS already got used to doing something. ( Action ) It me he is still used to doing that. ( not past tense here) Be used to = get used to = 现在习惯..... used to = 以前经常... 就好似中文咁 同一意思都有唔同既讲法 第一句一定系用used to going out 因为前面有个is Be used to = get used to . is无理由后面再加个be 第二句一定系has got used to eating 因为如果用used to eat既话 就变咗:佢系墨西哥已经一段日子 所以佢以前习惯食竦野??? 前言不对后语 used to =曾经 get used to = 习惯 1. 用get used to go out 虽然我aunt曾经系英国住过几年,但她仍未习惯于冬天外出。 2. 用has got used to eat john曾经系墨西哥一段时间,所以习惯食spicy野。 2009-08-19 01:17:14 补充: Get used to 是一个很常用的片语 表示习惯于某件事 例如我说美国的天气很干燥 你就可以回答我 "You will get used to it!" 要注意的是 get used to 跟 used to 是截然不同的意思 used to 是说过去习惯如何如何 例如 "I used to get up at 5:30." 言下之意就是你过去都是 5:30 起床 (当兵的时候) 但那已经是过去式了. 参考: sombbs/klee/notebook/note33 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!

use to,be used to,get used to有什么区别

used to是“过去曾经...”的意思 ,后接动词 比如:He used to be a teacher.他曾经是一名教师 I used to go swimming once a week.我曾经每周都去游泳 be used to是“习惯...”的意思 ,后接名词 比如:He is used to getting up early他习惯了早起 Mary is used to her husband"s bad temper Mary习惯了她丈夫的坏脾气 get used to表示“渐渐习惯.”与“be used to”不同,get used to强调的是由“不习惯”到“习惯”的这个过程,而“be used to”所强调的只是“习惯了”这个状态 比如:The food here is not so tasty but you will get used to that这里的伙食不怎么样,但你会慢慢习惯的 The food here is not so tasty but he is used to that这里的伙食不怎么样,但是他“已经”习惯了

get used to doing sth.和used to do sth.有什么区别?

get used to doing sth逐渐习惯于做……used to do sth过去曾经做……意思不同,结构不同。

get used to doing和used to doing的区别是什么?

get used to do、get used to doing、used to do、used to doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、get used to do:习惯于做。2、get used to doing:习惯干某事。3、used to do:过去常常做某事。4、used to doing:习惯做。二、用法不同1、get used to do:get还可用作系动词,在表示“使…变得…”时,可接名词、形容词或常用作形容词的过去分词作表语。2、get used to doing:get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。3、used to do:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语,其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。如强调由不习惯到习惯,须用get或become而不能用be。4、used to doing:其基本意思是指某个行为发生频率的百分之百或某种状态存在的自始至终。三、侧重点不同1、get used to do:通常用来表示用途。2、get used to doing:强调一种习惯。3、used to do:强调现在已经不这样了。4、used to doing:不强调现在,可能现在还在持续。

use to,be used to,get used to有什么区别

use to 是过去常常be used to 习惯于,适用于 后面加doingget used to 也是习惯于的意思

get used to doing和get used to doing的区别是什么

get used to do、get used to doing、used to do、used to doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、get used to do:习惯于做。2、get used to doing:习惯干某事。3、used to do:过去常常做某事。4、used to doing:习惯做。二、用法不同1、get used to do:get还可用作系动词,在表示“使…变得…”时,可接名词、形容词或常用作形容词的过去分词作表语。2、get used to doing:get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。3、used to do:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语,其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。如强调由不习惯到习惯,须用get或become而不能用be。4、used to doing:其基本意思是指某个行为发生频率的百分之百或某种状态存在的自始至终。三、侧重点不同1、get used to do:通常用来表示用途。2、get used to doing:强调一种习惯。3、used to do:强调现在已经不这样了。4、used to doing:不强调现在,可能现在还在持续。

英文短语used to 、get used to 和 be used to 的用法区别

1. used to表示过去的习惯性动作,过去如此,现在不再这样了。常译作“过去常常”。 如:He used to play basketball when he was young.他年轻的时候常常打篮球。 There used to be an apple tree here.过去这儿曾经有棵苹果树。 2. be used to do 1)表示“被用来做某事”。 如:Wood is often used to make desks and chairs.木头常常被用来制作桌椅。 2)be used to (doing) sth. 表示“习惯于”某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。 如:He is used to hard work.他习惯于艰苦的工作。 She is not used to eating Chinese food.她不习惯吃中餐。 3. get used to表示“渐渐习惯.” 与“be used to”不同,get used to强调的是由“不习惯”到“习惯”的这个过程,而“be used to”所强调的只是“习惯了”这个状态 如:The food here is not so tasty but you will get used to that.这里的伙食不怎么样,但你会慢慢习惯的。 早检测论文查重系统我祝大家顺利通过~~~

初三用get used to造句

We should get used to finishing our homework before playing.

get used to doing还是used to doing?

get used to do、get used to doing、used to do、used to doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、get used to do:习惯于做。2、get used to doing:习惯干某事。3、used to do:过去常常做某事。4、used to doing:习惯做。二、用法不同1、get used to do:get还可用作系动词,在表示“使…变得…”时,可接名词、形容词或常用作形容词的过去分词作表语。2、get used to doing:get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。3、used to do:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语,其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。如强调由不习惯到习惯,须用get或become而不能用be。4、used to doing:其基本意思是指某个行为发生频率的百分之百或某种状态存在的自始至终。三、侧重点不同1、get used to do:通常用来表示用途。2、get used to doing:强调一种习惯。3、used to do:强调现在已经不这样了。4、used to doing:不强调现在,可能现在还在持续。

get used to 和be used to的区别

get used to侧重于那种转变,从不适应到适应的转变,而be used to侧重形容一种状态


get used to怎么变疑问句变法如下:用助动词do/does/did+主语+use to +doing sth,即疑问式为:Do/Does/Did sb get use to…? 如Does he get use to reading aloud?

get used to doing和used to do的区别是什么

"get used to doing"和"used to do"都是英语中常用的表达方式,但它们的用法和含义略有不同。下面是它们的区别及举例说明:1. 时间不同- "Get used to doing"通常用来描述习惯的养成,强调一个人正在适应某种新的行为或环境。例如:I"m getting used to waking up early for work.(我正在适应早起上班的生活。)- "Used to do"则用来描述一个人过去一直做某事的习惯,强调这种习惯已经停止。例如:I used to play soccer every Saturday, but now I don"t have time.(我过去每个星期六都踢足球,但现在没时间了。)2. 结构不同- "Get used to doing"的结构是get + used to + doing。例如:It took me a while to get used to living in a big city.(我花了一段时间适应大城市的生活。)- "Used to do"的结构是used to + 动词原形。例如:I used to swim every morning before work.(我过去每天上班前都游泳。)3. 含义不同- "Get used to doing"强调适应过程,指逐渐习惯某种新的行为或环境。例如:It takes time to get used to speaking a new language.(适应说一门新语言需要时间。)- "Used to do"强调过去的习惯或经历,并指现在已不再是这样。例如:I used to live in New York, but now I live in Boston.(我过去住在纽约,但现在住在波士顿。)综上所述,"get used to doing"和"used to do"的区别在于时间、结构和含义上的不同。以下是更多的例子:1. She is getting used to working from home.(她正在适应在家工作。)2. I used to eat fast food every day, but now I try to eat healthier.(我过去每天都吃快餐,但现在尽量吃健康的食物。)3. It took me a while to get used to the cold weather in Canada.(我花了一段时间适应加拿大的寒冷天气。)4. He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but he quit last year.(他过去每天抽一包烟,但去年戒了。)5. She is getting used to driving on the left side of the road in the UK.(她正在适应在英国左侧行驶的习惯。)

she had to get used to a…里面的used

get used to 词组中 to 是介词,因此后面应该用动名词形式: When Jenny came to Britain,she had to get used to driving on the left.

get used to 和is used to


get used to do ? 什么意思?


used to/get used to/be used to 英文用法差在哪?

used to/get used to/be used to 英文用法 差在哪? 「use」除了作为动词使用,你知道「be used to」、「get used to」还代表着去适应与习惯做某件事情,这些英文用法你都了解了吗? Engvid的讲师Gill提出了「use」的各种使用方法,包括三个英文片语动词「be used to」、「get used to」、「used to」,让你用一个单字就能精准表达不同概念! 1. To use 使用 e.g. I use a puter at work. 我在工作时会使用电脑。 e.g. She uses a sat-nav in her car. 她在车上会使用导航。 2. to get used to – adapt to new situation 适应 e.g. I can"t get used to the long, cold winters. 我没办法适应这漫长又寒冷的冬天。 e.g. There"s a lot to learn, but I"m getting used to it. 要学习的事物很多,但我正在逐渐习惯。 3. to be used to – something normal / regular 习惯做某件事 e.g. I"m used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。 e.g. He"s not used to driving on the left. 他不习惯右驾。 e.g. We"re used to wet weather in the UK. 我们习惯英国潮湿的天气。 4. used to – in the past, but not now 以前 e.g. I used to live in North London. 我以前住在北伦敦。 e.g. She used to play tennis, but then she hurt her knee and had to stop. 她以前打网球,但她伤了她的膝盖所以必须停止。 e.g. I used to work full time, but I only work in the afternoons now. 我以前视作全职工作,但我现在只有下午工作。 e.g. We used to go to the same school, didn"t we? 我们以前上同间学校,不是吗? be used to, be used to 中文, be used to 意思, be used to 用法, be used to 翻译, get used to, get used to 中文, get used to 意思, get used to 用法, get used to 翻译, use, use 中文, use 意思, use 片语, use 片语动词, use 用法, use 翻译, use 英文片语, used to, used to 中文, used to 意思, used to 用法, used to 翻译

请问“used to/be used to/get used to”中的“used”分别是什么词性?

be used to doing 和 get used to doing的区别


不清楚 used to ,be used to ,get used to 和would 用法 帮我看看下面的题

got used toused towouldare used tohave been used to

get used to something是什么意思?


get used to 和get used to doing sth的区别


be used to和get used to有什么区别?

be used to sth表示“习惯于某事”,be used to doing sth表示“习惯于做某事”,这里的be是连系动词,可以用不同的形式来表示过去,现在或将来,而且be used tosth. (/doing sth.)中的be可以换用get,become, grow,等连系动词,表示一个慢慢习惯的过程。 (be 动词表示状态,动词表示动作)如:He has become used to living here. 他已习惯于这里的生活了。You will soon get used to living inour ways. 你很快会习惯于我们的生活方式。

get的全部用法~ 谢谢

getvt.1. 获得;得到;赢得He gets first prize in the listening contest.他得到听力比赛第一名。2. 挣到;买到I got a new coat in that store last week.上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。3. 捉住,捕获The police got the thief.警察捉住了贼。4. (不用被动式)收到,接到I didn"t get any answer from him.我没有收到他的回信。5. 使得到;为...弄到;为...买[O1]I"ll get you something to eat.我将给你弄点吃的。6. 使成为或处于(某种状态)[O8][O7][O]The climb got all of us tired.爬山使我们都累了。7. 使运行,使工作[O4]Can you get the machine running?你能把这机器发动起来吗?8. 为...接通...[O1]Could you get me Hong Kong, please.请给我接通香港。9. 收听到;收看到We can get 18 channels on TV.我们可以收看到十八个频道的电视节目。10. 理解;听清楚;记住;学会Don"t get me wrong.不要误会我的意思。11. 把...难倒Your attitude gets me.你的态度令我莫名其妙。12. 说服;使得[O2]I got him to stay for the night.我说服他留下过夜。13. 取出;带走;移开[O]We must get the rock out of the path.我们必须把石头从路上搬走。14. 计算出;得出He finally got the answer to the algebra problem.他终于算出了这道代数题的答案。15. 赶上;乘到(车等)We must get the ten o"clock plane.我们一定要赶上十点的飞机。16. (不用被动式)感染上;患Everyone in our room got the flu.我们房间里的所有人都患了流感。17. 击中;打死Where did the bullet get him?子弹击中他什么部位?vi.1. 到达[Q]When do you get to Hong Kong?你什么时候到香港?2. 变成;成为[L]It"s getting cold.天气变冷。3. 有可能,有机会[+to-v]He never gets to go to school.他从来没有机会上学。4. 开始[+v-ing]We"d better get going.我们最好现在就走。5. 被...[+v-ed]He"ll get punished if he goes on like this.他再这样下去,一定会受到惩罚的。

表示我已经习惯做某事是 get used to 还是 got used to

I get used to doing...I"m used to doing...I"ve got used to doing...这三个都可以。

get used to 后跟什么形式?

get used to sth/doing sth习惯于某事/做某事

get used to doing sth是什么意思

get used to doing sth习惯于做某事双语对照例句:1.Jeff is used to doing whatever he has toto be first, isn"t he? 杰过去尽全力争当第一,对吧?2.So you finally getting used to them doing it on a daily basis? 这么说来你终于习惯他们天天这样了?

英文 used to / be used to / get used to 中文意思与英文用法大解析!

都有「used」,used to、be used to、get used to 的英文用法到底差在哪?中文又分别是什么意思呢? 这一组片语是英文中其中一组非常容易混淆的片语,而且他们字义还不是那种差了十万八千里的那种,是那种英文用法有点相似但不太一样的差别。英文老师 Aly 在《Papa Teach Me》上介绍了这三个片语,帮助人们更加了解其中的不同。 1. used to + V 以前(常常;习惯)是… / 做(某件事)… used to 的英文用法:以前(常常;习惯)是… / 做(某件事) e.g She used to be a man. = She was a man. (她以前是个男的。) e.g Did you use to have a glass of milk for breakfast? (你以前都吃早餐配牛奶吗?) e.g I didn"t use to *** oke. (我以前不会抽烟。) 「used to」强调的是经过时间而产生的「变化」,可以用来表达「以前的状态;以前常做的事」,这个用法只能使用过去简单式,在 to 的后面加上原形动词。 2. get used to + N / V-ing (经过时间后)现在习惯… get used to 的英文用法:现在习惯…. e.g I get used to sleeping 8 hours a day now. (我现在习惯每天睡八小时了。) 「get used to」强调的是经过时间后「现在变成习惯了做某事 / 某件事情」。 3. be used to + V-ing 现在习惯… be used to 的英文用法:现在习惯… e.g I am used to sleeping 8 hours a day. (我现在习惯每天睡八小时。) 「be used to」强调的是「现在的感觉 / 习惯」,而非从以前到现在转变习惯的过程。「be used to」与「get used to」非常相似,但两者强调的重点不太一样。「be used to」重点是「现在的习惯」,而「get used to」则比较重视「经过时间后渐渐养成现在习惯」。 be used to, be used to 中文, be used to 意思, be used to 用法, be used to 翻译, get used to, get used to 中文, get used to 意思, get used to 用法, get used to 翻译, used to, used to 中文, used to 意思, used to 用法, used to 翻译, used to 英文用法, 习惯 英文, 习惯做某事 英文

be/get used to do sth.和used to do sth.区别是什么?

be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词。而used to do sth.则表示过去常常,to后跟原形动词。 如:Now he is used to getting up early. 现在他已经习惯早起了。He used to get up early. 过去他经常早起。(意味着如今他不再早起了。) You"ll soon get/be used to hard work. 你会很快习惯于艰苦的工作的。

get used to翻译


get used to是什么意思

get used to 习惯于做什么表示“渐渐习惯.”与“be used to”不同,get used to强调的是由“不习惯”到“习惯”的这个过程,而“be used to”所强调的只是“习惯了”这个状态 比如:The food here is not so tasty but you will get used to that这里的伙食不怎么样,但你会慢慢习惯的 The food here is not so tasty but he is used to that这里的伙食不怎么样,但是他“已经”习惯了

usd to , be used to , get used to,be used for之间区别?

use to 用...来做某事,后面跟动词原形,应用的时候都是主动语态be used to do 被用作做某事,后面跟动词原形,是被动语态be used to doing习惯做某事,be used to后跟动词ing形式,应用的时候都是主动语态be used for 用来做某事,后跟动词ing形式,是被动语态Get used to 开始习惯于(从不习惯到习惯的一个过程),后跟动词ing形式或者sth,这里的to也是充当介词,因此后面要有动名词或者名词

Use to. 和used to. 和get used to. 有什么区别和用法?

use to意思是曾经 后加to do结构 used to是use to的过去式 用法一样 get used to意思是习惯做某事后加doing结构与be used to doing一样

get used to是什么意思及其用法


get use to后面加动词什么形式

get use to do sth满意请采纳,谢谢!
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