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unforgettable[英][u02ccu028cnfu0259u02c8getu0259bl][美][u02ccu028cnfu0259ru02c8getu0259bl]adj.难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的; 形近词:Unforgettable



求一篇以"AN UNFORGETTABLE......"为题的英语作文


unforgettable memory是什么意思



我刚刚查了字典,是unforgettable. <我们结婚了25>的答案是对的。

求一篇An unforgettable thing作文。

2.I met a beautiful girl last summer and was deeply impressed the memories she brought to me. It was a nice morning,we boarded the bus to visit the local memorial.After minutes,there was a boy getting sick and then threw up.The boy beside him got angry and shouted at him at once.The girl next to me immediately exchanged the seat to prevent things going amuck. After the visit she told me the boy"s behavior could just make people look down upon him. I never see her again,but her personality left a forever impression on me.




第一个是无法忘记,自己没有办法控制的,例如前男友前女友第二个是不能忘记,带有命令口吻,例如918纪念日 纪念国耻。不过一般英语会话里第二个基本不用

英语作文 An Unforgettable

An Unforgettable Spring Festival After the New Year"s Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2010 CCTV Spring Festival gala. At about ten o"clock, the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound. We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala, and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view, and my father took some fireworks up, and we also began to play fireworks. What a beautiful night. Later, my cell phone was ringing all the time. I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates. They all blessed me happy New Year. I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words. At almost 12 pm, I made a wish in New Year, and began to sleep. This is my happiest time of the year.


complain;wide;male;totally;forgettable;fortunately;excited;dead;living things.

an unforgettable thing 英语作文初三水平加翻译

An Unforgettable thing My happy Spring Festival After the New Year"s Eve dinner with my family,we began to sit down in front of the TV,and enjoyed 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala.At about ten o"clock,the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound.We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala,and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view,and my father took some fireworks up,and we also began to play fireworks.What a beautiful night.Later,my cell phone was ringing all the time.I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates.They all blessed me happy New Year.I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words.At almost 12 pm,I made a wish in New Year,and began to sleep.This is my happiest time of the year.我的快乐春节 吃完年夜饭后,我们一家人开始坐在电视机前,观看2008年春节晚会.大概十点钟左右,黑暗的天空被许多五彩缤纷的礼花照亮了,阵阵礼花声洋溢喜悦之气.于是我们不看晚会了,开始爬上阳台去看礼花夜景.父亲也把我们家的礼花拿出来,让我们去放.真的好漂亮的夜晚.过了一会,我的手机不停地响个不停.我收到很多来自我的朋友和同学的祝福短信,他们都祝福我新年快乐.我回了短信,也祝他们新年快乐.在接近12点时,我在即将到来的新年里许了个愿,然后就睡觉了.这是一年之中我最幸福的时候.




《Unforgettable》中文歌词 [Hero] 不要说 这全部都是谎言 说时间会让我忘记一切 [Max] 那天离别留下的痛已渐渐稍微平静 可是对你的思念却越来越无法停止 [Hero] 虽然知道不会那麼简单 [Max] 虽然雨季也已经过去 [Hero Xiah] 还是不习惯 没你的日子 [All] 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 [Hero] 失去了你后世界都停止了转动 [Max] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 终於可以了解 在我的心里只有你 [Micky] 不要听 这全部都是谎言 说已经忘了你的那句话 [Xiah] 只害怕微不足道的那颗心再被伤害 心便背叛了话语 要我怎麼能忘记你 [Uknow] 只去回想你的那些任性 [Xiah] 这样努力想要忘记你 思念是永不停息的旋律 [All] 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 [Uknow] 失去了你后 世界都停止了转动 [Max] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 [Xiah] 终於可以明白 在我的心里只有你 [Micky] 我好想再把你抱进我的怀抱 永远的 不放手 守护你 [Xiah](永远的守护你) [Xiah] 其实我的那颗心 从来都不曾离你而去 [Hero](离你而去) [All] 彷佛美好时光不曾走远 静静的 [Micky] 停在那一天 [All] 在我小小的怀里 找不到一丝安慰 [Xiah] 为什麼当我失去你后才能明白 [All] but I love you everyday [Hero] 这一生我的灵魂只属於你 (不要忘记) 记得我在这里等你 [Micky]see you once again, My love..《Unforgettable》音译歌词 [Hero]kao qin ma mu du kao ji ma li jiao xi ga ni ku dai hei gai ha mun mao [Max]yi bao lai a pun ma hu mu qiu gong mu liao jiao ji ma ku dou hai an na hai ma yao jiao ni ku dai lu hen dai [Hero]xu hu gao la san ga ga nai qi ma [Max]ma nu xi ga ni lao sao dao [Hero]na ga hong nu gao na su gei man hai ha ji sa la ga nen dai ha ji nao bao na nen dai ku dai ao pu xi na kang qia na ji su hao hun nun gao [All]mi liao na gai bao yao dao [Xiah]hei gai na yin gao [MAx]na jiu qia mao la qiu ku tai man ku yi wo ha jiao [Micky]kao qin ma ku gang gao jiu ma li jiao yi jie nen ku zai li gou san da ma [Xiah]nai mu su qiu la hai ga ba ai niang an jia jiu xi mai ku jiao hai bong ma li bong ku dai lu li jin qiao gao pu jiao [U-know]ma mai ya du pao lu dao hao li miao [Xiah]yi jiao bao liao gou hai lu sao dou ku mao si ma jiao ku li wo ji nu [MAx]ha ji sa la na nen dai a ji nao wo na nen dai [U-know]ku dai ao pu xi na kang qia la ji su ao nun kao [Xiah]ma liao ha gai bu yao dou hei gai na yin gao na jiu qia mou la jiu ku tai man ku li wo ha jiu [Micky]na mang qiu jiao gao pu jiu gu dai sa la ha hen ma han ban dou bian nan jiao gao sao jiao(piao nan jiao gao sao jiu) [Xiah]a niao qiao jiao pao jiao man ga nu sa la man ke nai man dou(nai man dou) [Micky]dan ji ha kai hai dong du xi gan ma ka ma ni wao qiao bao li gao wo~~ [All]qia li mai pu ma nai sao hei min lao su ku dai lu [Xiah]pu nan dui ye ya hai ai liao bu su yin nen kao [Hero]But I love you everyday. nnu gu lai du xi yao jiao ni gai dai ma kai ta li gao wen nu nai gai hai [Micky]See you once again. My love.中文加上罗马发音.

the unforgettable 中文什么意思


an unforgettable experience是什么意思

Oneofmymostunforgettableexperiencesoccurredonadaylastsummer,whenIwashandingoutnewspapersfromdoortodoor.  Disappointedatmystudyresults,Ididn"twanttogotoschoolanylonger.Ifoundatemporaryjobduringmysummervacation.BecauseIwaspoorinknowledge,themanageronlyaskedmetodelivernewspapersfromhousetohouse.  Atthebeginning,Itookitforgrantedthatitwouldbeapieceofcake.Therewouldbenodifficultlyinfinishingit.Buttomysurprise,whenIwenttopeople"shouses,theylookedmeupanddown.Icouldfeelthattheylookeddownuponme.Iwasbadlyhurt.ThoughIwasdiscouraged,Icametoanotherhouse.Ablackdogjumpedoutsuddenly.Iwasfrightenedandscreamedwithfear.Butnoonecametohelpme.Atthattime,Icametorealizethatdeliveringnewspaperswasmoredifficultthanreadingintheclassroom.Iwantedtogiveup,butIcouldn"t.  Itriedmybesttodothejobbetter.AlthoughIwasverytired,Imadeitfinally.  Fromthisunforgettableexperience,Ihavelearntthatifweputourheartintoit,nothingisdifficultandnothingisimpossible.  Now,Iamsittingintheclassroom,happy,confident,andhard-working.AslongasIdon"tloseheartandworkharderandharder,Iwillmakemuchprogress.

Unforgettable 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The Way You Look Tonight: A Crooner CollectionNat King Cole - UnforgettableUnforgettable, thats what you areUnforgettable though near or farLike a song of love that clings to meHow the thought of you does things to meNever before has someone been moreUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable tooinstrumental interludeUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable too

unforgettable 为什么双写t

动词是闭音节的单音节词,或是以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,末尾只有一个辅音字母时,这个辅音字母须双写;forget前面是e的音, 以t结尾最后三个音是辅+元+辅

unforgettable 是什么意思


unforgetable还是unforgettable 有几个t

rgettable 有几个t




难忘的, 铭刻肺腑的




unforgettable 英 [u028cnfu0259"getu0259b(u0259)l] 美 [,u028cnfu025a"ɡu025btu0259bl] adj. 难忘的




unforgettable的意思、解释unforgettable 基本解释形容词难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的unforgettable 相关例句形容词1. It was an unforgettable experience.那是一次令人难忘的经历。unforgettable 网络解释1. 令人难忘:20 A 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 我们也就可以用经过某一个熟悉却又无法叫出名字的(unnamed)人,这人也许令人难忘(unforgettable),也许难以置信(unbelievable),也许是不真实的(unreal),来识别我们自己所处的位置.unforgettable 双语例句1. This kind of sincere friendship and the simple, to a man, are forever unforgettable.这种友谊的真挚和朴实,对于一个人来说,都是永世难忘的。2. This book is a record of an unforgettable journey to Central and South America by Alumni Wong Hung Mui, Jess and Kwok Shiu Ming, Jessis. They went through Peru, Chili, Argentina, Mexico and Cuba in four months.内容简介:此书记录了黄红梅校友及郭瑞明校友以四个月时间浪走中南美的经历,先由秘鲁开始,探索印加古城马丘比丘,再往人生必到的智利百内国家公园;之后,跨境到阿根廷与梁朝伟来个火热探戈;意犹未尽,於墨西哥泛蓝的加勒比海玩浪;转眼,在古巴与热情的国民大跳salsa,幻想与海明威对饮mojito。3. During this unforgettable experience, I improved my oral English, widened my knowledge and built up a good relationship with my family and teachers.在这次既难忘又珍贵的经历中,我不仅提高路英语口语水平,获得了比赛经验,提升了综合能力,还学到了许多课外的知识,建立了良好的家庭情感和师生情谊。4. It was really an unforgettable experience to go to Cornell University.去康奈尔的日子是一段难忘的经历。5. unforgettable5. Charles Stockell, a forward artillery observer for the 2nd Division, had two unforgettable experiences on Christmas Day.在前线,第2师炮兵校射查尔斯·斯托尔中尉对圣诞节有两次难忘的经历。6. On schedule in the real estate market has an opportunity for all developers, banks and real estate funds拆入customers unforgettable words.






unforgettable unforgettable[英][ˌʌnfəˈgetəbl][美][ˌʌnfərˈgetəbl] adj.难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的; 例句: 1. A restaurant"s name must be short and unforgettable. 餐厅的名字一定要简短精悍,一见难忘. 2. May the rest of your journey be unforgettable. 希望你剩余的旅程将令你难以忘怀. 3. He whiled away the unforgettable summer. 他度过了一个难忘的夏天.


有现成函数GetUserName。具体的你查查MSDN吧,如果没安装,直接看我copy的吧:GetUserNameThe GetUserName function retrieves the user name of the current thread. This is the name of the user currently logged onto the system. BOOL GetUserName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer LPDWORD nSize // address of size of name buffer);ParameterslpBuffer Pointer to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the user"s logon name. If this buffer is not large enough to contain the entire user name, the function fails. A buffer size of (UNLEN + 1) characters will hold the maximum length user name including the terminating null character. UNLEN is defined in LMCONS.H. nSize Pointer to a DWORD variable that, on input, specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the buffer specified by the lpBuffer parameter. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters copied to the buffer. If the buffer is not large enough, the function fails and the variable receives the required buffer size, in characters, including the terminating null character. Return ValuesIf the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, and the variable pointed to by nSize contains the number of characters copied to the buffer specified by lpBuffer, including the terminating null character. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, callGetLastError. RemarksIf the current thread is impersonating another client, the GetUserName function returns the user name of the client that the thread is impersonating. QuickInfo Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later. Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later. Windows CE: Unsupported. Header: Declared in winbase.h. Import Library: Use advapi32.lib. Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows NT.

get doing sth。和get do sth那个是正确的呢?翻译是什么呢?


Even if you get no applause, you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own


get sb off the hook是什么意思

get sb off the hook把某人从钩子上拿下来

开头是女生唱的几句声音很小的you get feel me 然后后面是节奏很快的纯音


Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood.Together with (she) ___________1 m


motivation is what gets you started,habit is what keeps you going,什么意

抄来答案:「让你开始的是动机,让你持续的是习惯。」– 吉姆u2027莱恩 (运动员及从政者)----------------------------------------------------------------------------“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”– Jim Rohn, Author「动机让你展开行动,习惯让你持续前进。你无法在一夕间改变命运,但你可以在一夕间改变方向。」–吉姆u2027罗恩 (励志作家)motivation (n.) 动机,原因。例:What is her motivation for becoming a doctor? (她想成为医生的动机为何?) destination (n.) 目的地,终点。overnight (n.) 一夜间,马上。例:She became a millionaire overnight. (她在一夕间成为百万富翁。)吉姆u2027罗恩 (1930-2009) 是美国励志及个人成长领域的讲师,他由穷至富的个人成长经验是他著作及演讲的主轴。

翻译:Do you have a dream? If you do,what do you do to get it? Talking the first step may be most



get on,上车,穿上,get off,下车,一般指的是公共汽车,,get away离开,,get lost=lose one"s way=be lost迷路,丢失,get /be married结婚,get married强调动作,be married表状态,get ready for...准备好,get to=arrive in加大地点=arrive at加小地点=reach,到达,如果地点是副词,要省略介词,如get home等,get+形容词,变得。。。如get warm 变暖。 希望对你有帮助。

“I Can`t Get you Out My MinD”是什么意思??


go back to 与get back to的区别


天才理论传里说过的一句话get back on the horse 是什么意思啊?

回到马背上请问是第几集的哪一级 要看语境的 这可能是个俚语

Get your back 什么意思?

Get your back:回来吧Have your back:支持你At your back:在你背后Behind your back :在你背后

get back up什么意思



你好,0℃冰or水. 理解高中生的任重道远.下面摘自英语高考备考总结,例句结合分析比较集中,都是get为中心的常见短语.略加整理,希望能给你一个清晰的了解. 1.get away表示“逃走”、“逃掉”. He got away just before the enemy came. 他在敌人来之前逃掉了. 2.get along表示“相处”. In this way they managed to get along. 他们就这样相处了下来. 3.get back表示“回来”. I"ll get back at 10 o"clock. 我10点钟回来. 4.get...back for...表示“把……给……取回来”. Get it back for me and quickly! 把它给我取回来,要快! 5.get hold of表示“抓住”、“握”. We have not been able to get hold of him. 我们一直没能抓住他. 6.get in表示“收获”、“收割”、“进来”. They were busy getting in the crops. 他们正忙着收割庄稼. Streets were widened so that fire engines could get in. 街道被加宽以便消防车能进来. 7.get into表示“陷入”、“染上”、“穿上”. How did he get himself into such an awkward situation? 他怎么会陷入这种窘迫的境地? What got you into the habit of taking drugs? 什么使你染上了吸毒的习惯? I can"t get into the shoes. They are too small. 这鞋太小,我穿不进去. 8.get off表示“下来”、“离开”、“逃脱”. Get off the bus carefully, or you may be hurt.下车当心,否则你可能碰伤. We must get off before it gets dark. 我们必须趁天黑前离开. They got off lightly. 他们轻易地逃脱了惩罚. 9.get on表示“上车”、“情况如何”. Please get on the bus. 请上车. I asked how he was getting on. 我问他情况怎么样. 10.get on well with...表示“与……和睦相处”. I can get on well with all the classmates. 我能与所有的同学和睦相处. 11.get out表示“离开”、“出去”. He took his cap and got out. 他拿了帽子出去了. 12.get rid of表示“摆脱”. I"ll be glad to get rid of him. 摆脱掉他,我将非常高兴. get together表示“相聚”、“联欢”. The students of these two classes got together for an English evening. 这两个班的学生在一起开了一次英语晚会. 13.get through表示“(使)通过”. I get through everything except biology. 除了生物,我所有学科的考试都通过了. 14.get up表示“起床”、“站起来”. It"s time for you to get up. 该是你起床的时候了.

get back to sth. 用汉语怎么说


go back to sp,get back to sp,come back to sp区别?


是get back home 还是get back to home

顺手采纳答案正确的是get back home ,因为home是副词同理 go home是对的,go to home 不对。

有句歌词好像是。。天天不睡觉。。get back 。什么什么的。求歌词

歌曲:街道歌手:林俊杰[1]作词:Jeff/luke/donp/suffa+mr mars作曲:林俊杰制作:林俊杰/林子钦编曲:林俊杰/任中强/林子钦[2]专辑:JJ陆发行日期:2008年10月18日编辑本段歌曲歌词节奏正在跳跃音乐在狂叫要我们get down get down天黑不睡觉天亮还在耗日夜早颠倒颠倒霓虹灯在闪耀对拍着心跳要我们get down get down不同的颜色混搭的出色这就是街道街道谁主角路人彼此在扫描哪一招裤管卷的很花俏哇靠在玻璃橱窗瞪着限量公仔却买不到又跌倒滑板功力还没到安全帽流汗总比流血好美眉手机拿很高用力嘟着小嘴拍大头照这是我们的街道潮流变换的符号混搭自己的味道谁要跟风就统统逊掉潮牌就该炫耀耍帅就要到爆让我们大声叫为这个城市尖叫 come on节奏正在跳跃音乐在狂叫要我们get down get down天黑不睡觉天亮还在耗日夜早颠倒颠倒霓虹灯在闪耀对拍着心跳要我们get down get down不同的颜色混搭的出色这就是街道街道谁主角路人彼此在扫描哪一招裤管卷的很花俏哇唠在玻璃橱窗瞪着限量公仔却买不到这是我们的街道潮流变换的符号混搭自己的味道谁要跟风就统统逊掉潮牌就该炫耀耍帅就要到爆让我们大声叫为这个城市尖叫 come on节奏正在跳跃音乐在狂叫要我们get down get down天黑不睡觉天亮还在耗日夜早颠倒颠倒霓虹灯在闪耀对拍着心跳要我们get down get down不同的颜色混搭的出色这就是街道街道节奏正在跳跃音乐在狂叫要我们get down get down天黑不睡觉天亮还在耗日夜早颠倒颠倒霓虹灯在闪耀对拍着心跳要我们get down get down不同的颜色混搭的出色这就是街道街道

get back for是什么意思?速求答案!!!


get to/up/back/on/off/away/out of 各是什么意思

get to do表示逐步开始做,get to someplace表示去某地其他的意思为起床,回来,上车,下车,离开,出去(如get out of my room!滚出我的房间!一般用在口语里,表示愤怒)


1、get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传2、get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传3、get above oneself 自视高傲4、get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常5、get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解6、get ahead of 胜过,超过7、get along 前进,进步;同意;离去8、get along with 与~~相处 get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击9、have got to do 不得不,必须10、get away 离开,逃脱11、get back 取回,回来;报复12、get behind 落后;识破13、get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁14、get down to 认真对待,静下心来15、get familiar with 熟悉16、get hold of 获得,取得17、get home 到家18、get in 进入,陷入;牵涉19、get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身20、get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处21、get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功22、get one"s hand in 熟悉;习惯23、get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休24、get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成25、get ready for 为~~作准备26、get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱27、get through 到达,完成,通过,及格28、get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见29、get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于,安排,组织30、get used to 习惯于向左转,向右转扩展资料:1.How do they get at that conclusion?他们如何得到这样的结论呢?2.We get a lot of letters from people,they"re not going to class any more.我们收到了很多人的来信,说他们不会再去课堂上课。3.You always get stuck with the "gruntwork" nooneelse wants."通常拿到的都是别人不愿意做的繁重工作。4.In most cases,they now go along to get along.大多数情况下,它们相处得还不错。参考资料来源:百度百科:get例句


如果你和我复合,我将会非常开心. 这句话不能用 with,尽管还能意会.正确写法应该是用 and: If you "and" me get back together,I will be very happy.

那些get up、give up、set back这些英语抽象词是什么意思?应该怎么去记?

get up get down and dance!:D/-< :D-< :D|-< :D/-< :D-< :D|-< :D/-< :D-< :D|-<

第一句歌词是 get out of my mind的dj舞曲

歌曲: Inside My Head Is it wise enough to sayThat I"m better off without youIs it cool enough to fake"cause all that I"ve been breathing is about youIs it wise enough to flow (flowing down)From the head until my toesBut somehow I don"t really knowAll that I"ve been doing is without youIs it you inside my headIs it you inside who saysThat I"ve become, someone elseAnd on and on my mind keeps sayingThis is not what I believe inThis is where it endsAnd on and on my mind"s made upAnd that is why it never stopsAlone againAlone againIs it you inside my headIs it you inside who saysThat I"ve become, someone elseI didn"t know that you"re buzzing right through inside my headI didn"t know that you"re coming right through inside my headI didn"t know that you"re buzzing right through, no II didn"t know that you"re coming right through, noI didn"t knowI didn"t knowI didn"t knowTell meIs it you inside my headIs it you inside who saysIs it you inside my head

get off/back/in/on 四者的区别??

get off 下车get back 返回get in 到达,收割,当选,被录取get on 进行,上车,变老,对付希望对你有所帮助……

go back from和get back from的区别


“轻”的英文是light.那么灯的英文呢?keep off,get over与get back的意思?


谁能帮我将 Bellefire《Get you out out of my mind》的歌词翻译成中文

一个吻不只是一个吻一个微笑比一个微笑更多也许我们聚在一起也许永远地也许仅仅一阵子我已经在你的眼睛中见到神情我已经见到你觉得奇怪为什么有地心引力的中心接近我带来你比较近的所有时间而且我被化成石头,施催眠术每一次,你走被而且我不能把你赶出我的想你不有是我的我 认为 我正在浪费我的时间darlin"每天的 i 想到你我不能相信它是真实的你在这里在我身边而且我被化成石头,施催眠术每一次,你走被而且我被施催眠术,使每一次,你走被而且我不能使你疯了,我的思想我不能使你疯了我 不能使你疯了请采纳...

Can T Get You Out Of My Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Can T Get You Out Of My Mind歌手:Alex Bugnon专辑:Soul PurposeAqualung - Can"t Get You Out Of My MindA kiss is not just a kissA smile is more than a smileMaybe we get togetherMaybe foreverMaybe just for a whileI"ve seen the look in your eyeI"ve seen you wondering whyThere"s a center of gravityBrings you near to meNearer all the timeAnd I"m petrified, hypnotizedEvery time you walk byAnd I can"t get you out of myThought you"d never be mineI thought I was wasting my timeDarlin" everyday I think of youI can"t believe it"s trueThat you"re here by my sideAnd I"m petrified, hypnotizedEvery time you walk byAnd I"m hypnotized, petrifiedEvery time you walk byAnd I can"t get you out of my mind, my mindI can"t get you out of my mindI can"t get you out of my mind

return,return to,get back to,get back,go back to与go back怎么用

go back to 后面必须加宾语go back 后不加成分get back to和go back to意思一样get back和go back一样

come back 和 be back、get back的区别是什么?


歌词get out,get out,out of my mind,you cant···get out,get out,out of my head···求歌名!

One thing - one direction不知道是不是这个。one direction 是一个英国男子组合

come back与 get back有什么区别

come back , 回来。 get back, 取回。这只是简单回答。

get back sth 还是get sth back

是get sth back;get sb (sth) back 表示重新找回某物,是“拿回??”,“找回??”的意思。另外,get back to后面如果加地点的话就会变成“回到??”。

Get You out of My Mind 歌词

歌名:Get You out of My Mind所属专辑:After the Rain作词:Bellefire作曲:Bellefire歌手:Bellefire歌词:It was the last time we metI really try to forgetThough I knew it all alongI felt for sureI was that strongBut noIt all happened so quickThere was no way to control itWhat am I supposed to do?Now when I"m in love with youMy loveI must face this factI won"t take this fightI"ve got to leave it all behindI wish thatI could get you out of my mindI want to take away the painI"m feeling withinEvery word you said came a minute too lateNow I know you"re goneAnd it feels so wrongI gotta get you out of my mindI guess it"s all up to youThere"s nothingI"m gonna doI"m dreaming about you night and dayShould I just let it fade awayGot to face the factI must do what"s rightI could tell youBut it wouldn"t be fairI wish thatI could get you out of my mindI want to take away the painI"m feeling withinEvery word you said came a minute too lateNow I know you"re goneAnd it feels so wrongI gotta get you out of my mindYou just came into my worldI just opened the doorHow couldI be such a foolNow all I think about is you...I wish thatI could get you out of my mindI want to take away the painI"m feeling withinEvery word you said came a minute too lateNow I know you"re goneAnd it feels so wrong,I wish thatI could get you out of my mindI want to take away the painI"m feeling withinEvery word you said came a minute too lateNow I know you"re goneAnd it feels so wrongI gotta get you out of my mind

get back home什么意思?



get something back这个短句中的谓语是get,不是get back

come back 和 be back、get back的区别是什么?

come back 回来 I"m going away and I may never come back. 我要走了,可能永远不再回来. 记起,回忆起 Gradually,the fragments of her childhood came back to her. 渐渐地,她回忆起了童年生活的一些片断. 强烈反驳 “But you"re just as guilty!”Jane came back. “可你同样有罪!”珍反驳道. 〈非正〉重复说 I didn"t hear you.Could you come back? 我没听见你说的什么,你能重复一遍吗? be back 回来,放回 get back 回来,回家 What time will you get back? 你什么时候回来? 回到…上来 Things will not get back to normal soon after the earthquake. 地震过后一切都不会马上恢复正常. 退后 Get back,don"t block the traffic. 往后退,不要阻塞交通. 找回,取回 I haven"t got back the book I lent him. 我还没有收回我借给他的那本书. 报复,向…报仇 I"ll get back at them somehow for this! 我一定想法为这件事报复他们! 所以,区别应该很明显看的出来了吧

get back和giveback有什么区别

get back :回来;恢复;取回;重新上台。例句:1.Don"t worry,I"ll get you back safely. 别担心,我会把你安全送回家。2.I woke early,but couldn"t get back to sleep. 我早就醒了,后来再也睡不着了。3. never lend books;it"s difficult to get them back. 我从不外借书,把它们要回来是很难的。4.Will the Labour Party get back at the next election?在下届选举中工党会重新执政吗?give back:归还;反射;恢复。例句:1.When can you give back the money that you owe? 你什么时候可以归还欠款?2.This well gives back the sound of your voice. 这个井能把你的声音折射回来。3.There was nothing the doctors could do to give me back the use of my legs. The paralysis was complete and irreversible. 医生对恢复我双腿的功能已无能为力。瘫痪是完全的,不可逆转的。(我猜你是问give back ,因为giveback是一个名词,也有意思:福利归还;回扣)

get in与get back的区别。

c get in 收衣服


get back回来, 恢复, 找回 I might call youwhen I get back to my room.或许我回屋就找你。getbackinto回到Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn"t dared to get back into one自从一年前被困在电梯里之后,他就再也没敢乘过电梯。

get/come/be back 的区别!!!

前面两个表动作 后面表状态 可以是已经和现在

get/come/return back 各有什么区别?

get/come/return back get here,过来。come here 过来return 回来back 回来不过你这只不过是片面的分析这4个单词。get本身的意思是得到的意思。get sth for sb.但是get还有很多特殊意义比如,i get it. 我明白了。get up 起来。get lost,滚蛋come 便是一个意思,就是来。come here, 过来,come up,上来。come over,过来。return 也是一个意思,就是sth go back to some place,i returned,我回来了,returned home, 回家了。returned books,还书。back的意思有很多种,you hurt my back,你把我的后背弄疼了。i am back,我回来了。back then,以前,back home,在我故乡。你并没有returned back有回来的意思,my friendly returned back to his room.我朋友回到他房间了。i returned back my friend"s books.我把朋友的书还给他了。

get back的用法


get back to和go back to的区别

go back 回去如go back to school...比如You have to go back to school when this summer vacation is over.所以go back和come back的区别,就是go back是回去come back是回来get back的意思蛮多的,不一定是回去到某个地方,还可以使回去/返回到某种状态比如I have to get back to work immediately because I haven"t finished the proposal yet.我必须马上回到工作状态,因为我还没有写完我的提案.get back如果中间加个东西意思就变成把.取回Can I get my book back?我能把我的书要回来么?He got his former job back.他重获旧职.所以总的来说,关于get back你记住它有三个基本意思就可以了1.回到某个地方2.返回到某种状态3.拿回,取回

用get back造句

When did we get back ?

go back 、come back、get back的区别

go back 回去,就是说花的人不在所说的地方come back 回来,就是说话的人在所说的地方get back 取回,这是其中一种常用解释如果一定要解释为和上面两个类似的话,就是动身回来(说话的人所在地未知

甲壳虫《get back》歌词中文翻译

Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner 乔乔觉得自己是个孤独客But he knew it wouldn"t last. 但是他知道事还没完Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona 乔乔离开了她亚利桑那图森的家For some California grass. 来到了加州的农场Get back, get back. 回到过去Get back to where you once belonged 回到你的归属Get back, get back. 回到过去Get back to where you once belonged. 回到你的归属Get back Jojo. Go home 回去,乔乔,回家Get back, get back. 回到过去Back to where you once belonged 回到那个你最初的归属Get back, get back. 回到过去Back to where you once belonged. 回到那个你最初的归属Get back Jo. 回去吧乔Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman 甜美的洛丽塔马丁觉得他是个女人But she was another man 但是她更像是男人All the girls around her say she"s got it coming 所有的在他身边的女孩都说他想得到什么东西But she gets it while she can 其实她只是得到他能得到的Get back, get back. 回到过去Get back to where you once belonged 回到你的归属Get back, get back. 回到过去Get back to where you once belonged. 回到你的归属Get back Loretta. Go home 回去,洛丽塔,回家Get back, get back. 回到过去Back to where you once belonged 回到那个你最初的归属Get back, get back. 回到过去Back to where you once belonged. 回到那个你最初的归属Get back Loretta 回去吧洛丽塔Your mother"s waiting for you 你的妈妈在等你Wearing her high-heel shoes 穿着她的高跟鞋And her low-neck sweater 和她的高领毛衣Get on home Loretta 回家吧洛丽塔Get back, get back. 回到过去Get back to where you once belonged. 回到那个你最初的归属

get back 和give back有啥区别 吴

get back:回来;恢复;取回;重新上台 get…back退还;退还… get sth back重新得到 get It Back找回来 give back:归还;反射;恢复 give It Back还给我 give…back把…还回来 give something back回馈客户



get back加动词的什么形式 是什么意思?

get back to do sth.回到,恢复,回溯到
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