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亚瑟士 艾斯克斯 tiger有什么区别吗

Asics,是日本大家鬼冢八喜郎创立的跑鞋运动品牌,中文译名“亚瑟士”,意为“健康身体中的健康灵魂”。其产品代表着日本精致、专业的民族文化。该品牌坚持高科技、高品质的标准,研发了多项专利,将防止穿着者受伤与运动乐趣相结合,奠定了全球第五大运动品牌的地位。1949年,鬼冢喜八郎先生在日本神户创立了ASICS的前身——ONITSUKA TIGER公司(鬼冢株式会社),专门研发、生产迎合运动员需求的专业运动鞋。1949年,鬼冢先生制造了第一双篮球鞋,取名ONITSUKA TIGER(鬼冢虎)。在1950年,公司更名为“ONITSUKA TIGER”。到了1970年,TIGER成为美国最大的跑鞋生产商并且70%的著名运动员都在穿TIGER鞋。在1972年的奥运会上,80%的排球运动员穿着TIGER鞋。自从慕尼黑奥运会后,TIGER开始在欧洲盛行起来。1985年,ASICS科技研发中心正式成立。如今,Onitsuka Tiger并没有被ASICS完全取代,而是形成了类似Adidas Original与Adidas Performance的格局。Onitsuka Tiger的虎爪Logo成了胜利、夺冠的象征,同时代表着生活态度和方式。所以亚瑟士、艾斯克斯都是Asics的不同音译,tiger则是Asics品牌旗下的一个高端分支。




Defining cell types requires integrating diverse single-cell measurements from multiple experiments and biological contexts( 这个不用多介绍了,一个样本发文章的时代早就过去了 ). To flexibly model singlecell datasets, we developed LIGER, an algorithm that delineates shared and dataset-specific features of cell identity. We applied it to four diverse and challenging analyses of human and mouse brain cells. (1) First, we defined region-specific and sexually dimorphic gene expression in the mouse bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.( 这个地方用到了形态学方法方面的辅助,以检验整合结果的优劣 ) (2)Second, we analyzed expression in the human substantia nigra, comparing cell states in specific donors and relating cell types to those in the mouse.( 跨物种之间的整合结果检验 ) (3)Third, we integrated in situ and singlecell expression data to spatially locate fine subtypes of cells present in the mouse frontal cortex.( 原位和单细胞共同的分析检验 )。 Finally, we jointly defined mouse cortical cell types using single-cell RNA-seq and DNA methylation profiles( DNA甲基化,这个不是我们今天的重点 ), revealing putative mechanisms of cell-type-specific epigenomic regulation( 表观调控 ). Integrative analyses using LIGER promise to accelerate investigations of celltype definition, gene regulation, and disease states( 让我们拭目以待 )。 The function of the mammalian brain is dependent upon the coordinated activity of highly specialized cell types.( 第一句话就很重要,强调了细胞空间位置的重要性,这也是为什么现在推出10X空间转录组的原因 )。单细胞技术have provided an unprecedented opportunity to systematically identify these cellular specializations,across multiple regions,in the context of perturbations,and in related species( 每次读到这里,都会想空间转录组如果也是单细胞精度就非常完美了 ),Furthermore, new technologies can now measure DNA methylation( 甲基化的结果也是非常的重要,大家可以深入的学习,这个方面你的大牛是汤富筹(不知道名字打对了没) ),chromatin accessibility( 这个就是ATAC ),and in situ expression( 原位杂交 ),in thousands to millions of cells.( 庞大的单细胞数据目前也是一个大问题,其中张泽民团队研究的新冠文章细胞数量达到恐怖的百万级 )Each of these experimental contexts and measurement modalities provides a different glimpse into cellular identity. Integrative computational tools that can flexibly combine individual single-cell datasets into a unified, shared analysis offer many exciting biological opportunities.( 整合分析的必要性 ),The major challenge of integrative analysis lies in reconciling the immense heterogeneity observed across individual datasets.( 现在不止免疫的个体异质性了,很多都设及到批次 )。However, in many kinds of analysis, both dataset similarities and differences are biologically important, such as when we seek to compare and contrast scRNA-seq data from healthy and disease-affected individuals。 To address these challenges, we developed a new computational method called LIGER (linked inference of genomic experimental relationships). We show here that LIGER enables the identification of shared cell types across individuals, species, and multiple modalities (gene expression, epigenetic, or spatial data), as well as dataset-specific features, offering a unified analysis of heterogeneous single-cell datasets.( 在这里我们只关注样本的差异去除,至于物种可以了解一下 )。 LIGER takes as input multiple single-cell datasets, which may be scRNA-seq experiments from different individuals, time points, or species—or measurements from different molecular modalities, such as single-cell epigenome data or spatial gene expression data( 个体,物种,技术 ) LIGER then employs integrative non-negative matrix factorization (iNMF)( 不知道大家对非负矩阵分解有多少了解 ) to learn a low-dimensional space in which each cell is defined by one set of dataset-specific factors, or metagenes, and another set of shared metagenes。 We assessed the performance of LIGER through the use of two metrics: alignment and agreement ( 这里应该理解为指标 )。 Alignment measures the uniformity of mixing for two or more samples in the aligned latent space.( 衡量对齐的潜在空间中两个或多个样本的混合均匀性。 ),This metric should be high when datasets share underlying cell types, and low when datasets do not share cognate populations.( 我们暂且记住这个注释 )。The second metric, agreement , quantifies the similarity of each cell"s neighborhood when a dataset is analyzed separately versus jointly with other datasets( 量化相似性 )。High agreement indicates that cell-type relationships are preserved with minimal distortion in the joint analysis.( 高度aggrement表明,在联合分析中,细胞类型关系得以保留,并且失真最小 )。 We calculated alignment and agreement metrics using published datasets,comparing the LIGER analyses to those generated by the Seurat package( 和Seurat相比较 ),We first ran our analyses on a pair of scRNA-seq datasets from human blood cells that show primarily technical differences( 技术上带来的批次 ),and should thus yield a high degree of alignment. Indeed, LIGER and Seurat show similarly high alignment statistics,and LIGER"s joint clusters match the published cluster assignments for the individual datasets An important application of integrative single-cell analysis in neuroscience is to quantify cell-type variation across different brain regions and different members of the same species. To examine LIGER"s performance in these tasks, we analyzed the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a subcortical region composed of multiple subnuclei,implicated in social, stress-related, and reward behaviors,To date, scRNA-seq has not been performed on BNST, providing an opportunity to clarify how cell types are shared between this structure and datasets generated from related tissues. We isolated, sequenced, and analyzed 204,737 nuclei enriched for the BNST region。Initial clustering identified 106,728 neurons, of which 70.2% were localized to BNST by examination of marker expression in the Allen Brain Atlas (ABA),Clustering analysis revealed 41 transcriptionally distinct populations of BNST-localized neurons( 单纯的聚类分析 ) 这个地方设及到因子分析,不知道大家没有过多的分析过,我们下一篇文章分享这个,但是这里的差异分析大家要关注一下,不知道大家知不知道这个差异基因排序的原理以及什么软件做的,知道的话,恭喜你,赶紧尝试一下吧 。 这里对不同技术进行整合,我们简单看一下 To perform online iNMF, we need to install the latest Liger package from GitHub. Please see the instruction below. We first create a Liger object by passing the filenames of HDF5 files containing the raw count data. The data can be downloaded here . Liger assumes by default that the HDF5 files are formatted by the 10X CellRanger pipeline. Large datasets are often generated over multiple 10X runs (for example, multiple biological replicates). In such cases it may be necessary to merge the HDF5 files from each run into a single HDF5 file. We provide the mergeH5 function for this purpose (see below for details). We then perform the normalization, gene selection, and gene scaling in an online fashion, reading the data from disk in small batches. Now we can use online iNMF to factorize the data, again using only minibatches that we read from the HDF5 files on demand (default mini-batch size = 5000). Sufficient number of iterations is crucial for obtaining ideal factorization result. If the size of the mini-batch is set to be close to the size of the whole dataset (i.e. an epoch only contains one iteration), max.epochs needs to be increased accordingly for more iterations. After performing the factorization, we can perform quantile normalization to align the datasets. We can also visualize the cell factor loadings in two dimensions using t-SNE or UMAP. Let"s first evaluate the quality of data alignment. The alignment score ranges from 0 (no alignment) to 1 (perfect alignment). With HDF5 files as input, we need to sample the raw, normalized, or scaled data from the full dataset on disk and load them in memory. Some plotting functions and downstream analyses are designed to operate on a subset of cells sampled from the full dataset. This enables rapid analysis using limited memory. The readSubset function allows either uniform random sampling or sampling balanced by cluster. Here we extract the normalized count data of 5000 sampled cells. Using the sampled data stored in memory, we can now compare clusters or datasets (within each cluster) to identify differentially expressed genes. The runWilcoxon function performs differential expression analysis by performing an in-memory Wilcoxon rank-sum test on this subset. Thus, users can still analyze large datasets with a fixed amount of memory. Here we show the top 10 genes in cluster 1 whose expression level significantly differ between two dataset. We can show UMAP coordinates of sampled cells by their loadings on each factor (Factor 1 as an example). Underneath it displays the most highly loading shared and dataset-specific genes, with the size of the marker indicating the magnitude of the loading. We can generate plots of dimensional reduction coordinates colored by expression of specified gene. The first two UMAP dimensions and gene ISG15 (identified by Wilcoxon test in the previous step) is used as an example here. Furthermore, we can make violin plots of expression of specified gene for each dataset (ISG15 as an example). The online algorithm can be implemented on datasets loaded in memory as well. The same analysis is performed on the PBMCs, shown below. 如果有条件的话,不妨试一下,如何灵活运用这个软件,就看大家的需求了 生活很好,有你更好


officer是一个很有弹性的头衔,一般很大,例如CEO,也可能很小,例如IPO(improvement production officer),仅表示一个类似经历的头衔;manager很恒定,就是管理者中最小的头衔,仅仅比员工或者主管类头衔大一级.另外,每个企业也有不同的解释,我说的是泛泛而谈.



Officer 与manager


Teenagers In Tokyo的《Peter Pan》 歌词

歌曲名:Peter Pan歌手:Teenagers In Tokyo专辑:SacrificeUn día llega, mira calma mi Peter Panhoy amenaza aquí hay poco que hacerMe siento como en otra plazaen la de estar solito en casaserá culpa de tu pielSerá que me habré echo mayorQue algo nuevo ha tocado este botónpara que Peter se larguey tal vez viva ahora mejormás a gusto y mas tranquilo en mi interiorque campanilla te cuide y te guardea veces gritas des de el cieloqueriendo destrozar mi calmavas persiguiendo como un truenopara darme ese relámpago azulahora me gritas des de el cielopero te encuentras con mi almaconmigo ya no intentes nadaparece que el amor me calma.. me calmasi te llevas muy bien llevate la parte que me sobra a miSi te marchas viviré con la paz que necesitoY tanto ansié

《J. D. Salinger A Life》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《J. D. Salinger》(Kenneth Slawenski)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 88ni书名:J. D. Salinger作者:Kenneth Slawenski出版社:Random House出版年份:2011-1-25页数:464内容简介:Amazon Best Books of the Month, January 2011: In the year since his death, we"ve heard much more about J.D. Salinger"s reclusiveness and eccentricities, both real and exaggerated, than we have about the writing that made him famous in the first place. Kenneth Slawenski"s Salinger: A Life avoids such scandalmongering in order to deliver a sensitive (but not fawning) portrait of Salinger the writer. Slawenski looks not only at Salinger"s most famous works, but also finds a wealth of psychological insights in places like rejection letters and biographical statements. Not surprisingly, Salinger"s life, and especially his service in World War II, provided much of the raw material for his stories. But Slawenski does much more than compare Salinger"s biography to his literary output: he also shows how compromises, conflicts, and editorial intrigues shaped Salinger"s works, even when he was at the peak of his career. The book has much less to say about Salinger"s post-1960 retirement and self-seclusion, apart from the author"s occasional foray into the public eye by way of a rare interview or court case. But Slawenski does this for good reason: Salinger: A Life seeks only to explain Salinger as most of us knew him, through his writing. As a result, both die-hard fans and those who last picked up Catcher in the Rye in high school will find it enlightening. --Darryl Campbell作者简介:坎尼斯·斯拉文斯基(Kenneth Slawenski),全球最权威的塞林格研究专家,他为塞林格经营DeadCaulfields网站已有十年的历史,这个网站被公认为是最权威、最可靠的塞林格资讯网站,媒体上许多许多有关塞林格的报道都是从这里引用材料。作者为了撰写这本传记,耗费了7年时间,亲身调查和查阅图书馆文献资料,走访相关当事人,同时对塞林格的书信材料进行细致分析,解开了塞林格生平中许多重要的谜团。史国强教授,沈阳师范大学外国语学院教授,硕士生导师,长期从事翻译、教学工作。代表译著有:《世界服装史》《苏菲的选择》《赛珍珠传》《喜福会》《海明威评传》《布什自传》。

younger older 都是什么意思啊


英语选择题:( )that sign mean"No smoking"?No,it means"Danger".A.Is B.Does C.Do D.Are


英语作文,my favorite singer,初中难度就可以了,60-80字

MY FOVURITE SINGER my favoriter singer is PSY .he is famous for his Gangnam Style .I have heard it for many times ,however,I can"t stop listening it. PSY is a fat,he always wears a pair of sunglasses .it makes him cool .

Strangers In The Night 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers In The Night歌手:Manuel & The Music Of The Mountains专辑:The Magic Of ManuelAnna Ternheim - Strangers In The NightStrangers in the night exchanging glancesWondering in the nightWhat were the chances we"d be sharing loveBefore the night was through.Something in your eyes was so inviting,Something in your smile was so exciting,Something in my heart,Told me I must have you.Ever since that night we"ve been together.Lovers at first sight, in love forever.It turned out so right,For strangers in the night.Strangers in the nightWe are strangers, you and I.


4. You"d better not

英语作文 Should we help strangers?

你是吉珠的吧?people should not rush to help strangers under many circunstances.first of all,helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated.leading a hand to a stranger often puts you in a vu...

Loving Strangers 歌词

歌曲名:Loving Strangers歌手:田馥甄专辑:To My Love 影音馆~田馥甄~Loving Strangers“摇你们自己喜欢的节拍都可以”《To My Love影音馆》~By shecici~“嗯,真的很随性”Loving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~Loving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~I"ve got a hole in my pocketWhere all the money has goneI"ve got a whole lot of workTo do with your heart"Cause it"s so busy, mine"s notLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~Loving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~It"s just the start from the winterAnd I"m all aloneBut I"ve got my eye right on youGive me a coinAnd I"ll take you to the moonGive me a billAnd I"ll kiss you so foolishlyLike you do when you lieWhen you"re not in my thoughtsLike you do when you lieAnd I know it"s not my imaginationLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~Loving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~~By shecici~Loving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~Loving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh~~End~

找歌词a stranger

kelly clarkson 的stranger?

急寻歌名 "" notice me,take my hand.why are we.strangers then.....

你要找的是everytime这首歌么?everytimenotice metake my handwhy are westrangers whenour love is strongwhy carry on without me?and everytime i try to flyi fall without my wingsi feel so smalli guess i need you babyand everytime i see you in my dreamsi see your face, it"s haunting mei guess i need you babyi make believethat you are hereit"s the only wayi see clearwhat have i doneyou seem to move on easyand everytime i try to flyi fall without my wingsi feel so smalli guess i need you babyand everytime i see you in my dreamsi see your face, it"s haunting mei guess i need you babyi may have made it rainplease forgive memy weakness caused you painand this song is my sorryat night i praythat soon your facewill fade awayand everytime i try to flyi fall without my wingsi feel so smalli guess i need you babyand everytime i see you in my dreamsi see your face, it"s haunting mei guess i need you baby

英语作文 Should we help strangers?


We become the most familiar strangers,什么意思


loving strangers 歌词

歌曲名:loving strangers歌手:Russian Red专辑:2011年3月欧美新歌速递2电影《Room in Rome》原声音乐《Loving strangersRussian RedLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohI"ve got a hole in my pocketWhere all the money has goneI"ve got a whole lot of workTo do with your heart‘Cause it"s so busy, mine"s notLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohIt"s just the start of the winterAnd I"m all aloneBut I"ve got my eye right on youGive me a coinAnd I"ll take you to the moonNow give me a billAnd I"ll kiss you so foolishlyLike you do when you lieWhen you"re not in my thoughtsLike you do when you lieAnd I know it"s not my imaginationLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, ohLoving strangers, loving strangersLoving strangers, oh

Strangers in the Night 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers in the Night歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:Sinatra: Best Of The BestStrangers In The NightWritten by Barry Manilow/Kaempfert/Snyder/SingletonPerformed by Barry ManilowStrangers in the nightExchanging glancesWond"ring in the nightWhat were the chancesWe"d be sharing loveBefore the night was throughSomething in your eyesWas so invitingSomething in your smileWas so excitingSomething in my heartTold me I must have youStrangers in the nightTwo lonely peopleWe were strangers in the nightUp to the momentWhen we said our first helloLittle did we knowLove was just a glance awayA warm embracing dance away andEver since that nightWe"ve been togetherLovers at first sightIn love foreverIt turned out so rightFor strangers in the nightLove was just a glance awayA warm embracing dance away andEver since that nightWe"ve been togetherLovers at first sightIn love foreverIt turned out so rightFor strangers in the nightFor strangers in the nightFor strangers in the night

求英语作文 Should We Help Strangers。 英语四级水平的。


killing strangers歌词的中文意思


like strangers意思是喜欢陌生人

enter as strangers,leave as friends什么意思


good night,stranger是什么意思

good night,stranger晚安,陌生人stranger[英][u02c8streu026andu0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8strendu0292u025a]n.陌生人,不认识的人; 外地人; 局外人; 门外汉; adj.不熟悉的,陌生的(strange)的比较级; 复数:strangers例句:1.So why did he sell his daughter to a stranger? 那么他为什么将自己的女儿卖给一个陌生人呢?

Perfect Strangers 歌词

歌名:Perfect Strangers歌手:Deep Purple所属专辑:Perfect Strangers发行时间:1984-11-01Can you remember remember my nameAs I flow through your lifeA thousand oceans I have flownAnd cold spirits of iceAll my lifeI am the echo of your pastI am returning the echo of a point in timeDistant faces shineA thousand warriors I have knownAnd laughing as the spirits appearAll your lifeShadows of another dayAnd if you hear me talking on the windYou"ve got to understandWe must remainPerfect StrangersI know I must remain inside this silent well of sorrowA strand of silver hanging through the skyTouching more than you seeThe voice of ages in your mindIs aching with the dead of the nightPrecious life (your tears are lost infalling rain)And if you hear me talking on the windYou"ve got to understandWe must remainPerfect Strangers

英语专四经典范文:Should We Help Strangers?

  Helping strangers used to be considered as a virtue. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of strangers. They are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. What"s your opinion?   Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:   Should We Help Strangers?   You are to write in three parts.   In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.   In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details.   In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.   范文:   Should We Help Strangers?   We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of strangers, because they are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. In my opinion, we should try our best to help others in a reasonable way.   We should try to help others, no matter they are strangers or not. First, helping others is a virtue, and it will make our society more harmonious. Just imagine what a terrible world it would be if everyone was coldhearted! Second, to some extent, helping others is helping oneself. We may come across some trouble and need others" help some day. If everyone turns a blind eye to our trouble and turns a deaf ear to our appeal for aid just because we are strangers to them, what shall we do at that time? Therefore, we should be glad to help others.   However, helping others may sometimes bring us trouble or even put us in danger. So when we are helping others, we should also protect ourselves and offer our help in an appropriate way. For example, to help someone who was robbed, calling the police is a much wiser way than chasing the robbers alone.


unitedstrangers" 的音标可表示为 /juːˈnaɪtɪdˈstreɪndʒərz/。其中:"united" 的音标为 /juːˈnaɪtɪd/,读作 "you-nai-tid",表示为 "联合的"。"strangers" 的音标为 /ˈstreɪndʒərz/,读作 "strein-jerz",表示为 "陌生人"。

Strangers,Friends.Best friends.Lovers.Strangers.是什么意思

Strangers,Friends Best friends Lovers Strangers.陌生人,朋友,最好的朋友” 陌生人。双语对照例句:1.Does it depend upon the kindness of strangers? 它是不是依靠陌生人的仁慈才存在的?

求初音未来 strangers歌词

strangers fuan bakari senkou shite 不安ばかり先行 して 只得不安的走在前方 mijuku na boku ga tadoritsu i ta machi wa 未熟な仆が 辿り着いた街は 稚嫩的我好不容易才走到的街道 kitsuke ba hampatsu ba kka 気付け ば 反発 ばっか 注意到稚嫰的我 就只会将我排斥 sore hitsuyou na n desuka それ必要なんですか? 那是必要的吗? kako wa re ta sekai da tta囲われた世界だった被围了起来的世界boku ga juu to teigi shiteita tokowa仆 が 自由と定义 していた とこは我将之定义为「自由」的地方yappari tobidashi ta tteやっぱり飞び出したって果然走出那里kowaimonda怖いもんだ是可怕的事呀Strangersgamen no ou画面の奥画面的深处ka u n ta na boku ra niカウンターな 仆らに对反抗的我们提出fukai ki ma ri na i不快极まりない极之令人不快的ku e su cho nクエスチョン问题Strangers陌生人wadakamariwa「da u to!」わだかまりは「ダウト!」心存疑惑的人会有问题!so u sake n da n daそう叫んだんだ那样呼喊着sonokoedeその声で以那个声音kizi i te ta n da気付いてたんだ察觉到了的honshitsumo honrai mo本质も本来も本质和本来也waka tte ta n da分かってたんだ从很久以前就已经mo u zu tto mae ka raも う ずっと 前 か ら理解到了“dareka no tame”“谁かの为”为了谁jibun no tame da自分の为だ是为了自己soredemo anatawa anatawaそれでも贵方は贵方は尽管如此 你却 你却anata da ke wa贵方だけは唯独你却kitai bakarisenkou shite期待ばかり先行して只期待着走在前方mijuku na boku ga tadoritsu i ta machi wa未熟な仆が辿り着いた街は稚嫰的我好不容易才走到的街道hyoumen wo suke tosurudakede表面をスケートするだけで我却只在表面溜动kotobawarifureku sho n言叶はリフレクション说话因而给反射了kikaza ru dake kikaza tte着饰るだけ着饰って尽可能的盛装打扮mirareta i no wa hontowa nakami na n da见られたいのはホントは中身なんだ其实想要被看到的是内在呀so re de mo shintou shi te ruそれでも浸透してる尽管如此这样的风气却散布四周kowa i ku ra i怖いくらい那么的可怕Strangers陌生人izen a u tosaida na依然アウトサイダーな依然是局外人的bokurawa仆らは我们tokinirajikaru ni时にラジカルに时而激进地ho e te n da吠えてんだ咆哮着Strangers陌生人kikasete yo boku ni闻かせてよ仆に告诉我hon tou no ishiwosa本当の意思をさ真正的意思吧sono koe deその声で那个声音fusa i de ta n da塞いでたんだ紧闭的ko no mabuta woこの睑を眼睛sukuwaretanda救われたんだ明明应该对其ata e ru ha zu ga与えるはずが给予救赎kodoku no naka孤独の中在孤独之中warawaretemo笑われても被取笑也好todoita anatani anatani届いた 贵方に 贵方に到达了你身边 你身边anatani wa sa贵方にはさ你的身边darekaga darekega谁かが 谁かが某个人 某个人tteshigamitsuitetandarouってしがみ付いてたんだろう紧紧地抱住了我对吧tsutsumikomukoemozatsuonde包み込む声も雑音で因为包含了其中的声音和杂音nanimokikitorenaimama何も聴き取れないまま所以仍是什么都听不到anataga anataga贵方が 贵方が你就在 你就在sokoniwaitekureta n da ro uそこには居てくれたんだろう就在那里陪伴我对吧tatoeba maikonoyouna bokurawa例えば迷子のような 仆らは就像个迷路的小孩hitorikirija na ka tta独りきりじゃなかった我们并不是孤单一人的终

Strangers,Friends.Best friends.Lovers.Strangers.是什么意思


kindness of strangers翻译



The Kindness of Strangers可以翻译为陌生人的善良,详细介绍如下:1、Kindness:英文单词,名词,作名词时意为仁慈,好意,友好的行为,人名,英坎德尼斯,The Kindness of意为善良的人。短语搭配:great kindness盛情,非常浓厚的情意,深厚的情谊。Showing Kindness显出恩慈。Kindness Counts善良的重要性,brotherly kindness手足亲情,My kindness我很善良,我的好意。双语例句:We do this by extending kindness to each other.我们做这些是通过向所有的人伸出善意之手。He did it entirely out of kindness, not for the money.他做那件事完全是出于仁慈,而不是为了金钱。I wish I could do something in return for her kindness.我希望我能做点什么事情以报答她的好意。2、Stranger:陌生人,外国人,外地人,新来者,异乡人,生手,外行,不习惯的人,一无所知的人,局外人,预示来客的事物,如漂起的茶叶或扑面而来的飞蛾等。双语例句:How many times has your mother told you never to talk to strangers?你母亲告诉你多少次了,绝不能和陌生人谈话?She is always bashful among strangers.她和生人在一起,总是忸忸怩怩。Some people are always coming up to perfect strangers and asking them what they do.有些人总爱和完全不认识的人搭讪,询问人家的职业。

Strangers In The Night 午夜的陌生人的中文翻译

Ooooooh 。 Wooooh 。陌生人在夜间,交换眼神,不知道在夜间什么样的机会,我们会爱上之前,晚上通过。东西在你的眼睛是如此令人振奋的,在您的微笑,户外,邀请。在我的心我知道我必须有你。密勒蓓蒂陌生人在深夜,孤独的人。陌生人在夜间行动的时刻,我们说,我们第一次打招呼。没想到我们都知道爱情只是一眼以外,包括舞蹈了.这只是一个一目了然了。这只是一个机会了。 Dancin " , dancin "在夜间。陌生人,来吧,来吧,对待一个陌生人的权利。我dancin " , dancin "在夜间。陌生人,我说什么我的想法。让我们成为恋人。是啊,这一定是所有权利中的陌生人。 。 。是啊,宇豪!我dancin " , dancin "在夜间。你好陌生人。来吧,哇。 Dancin " ,我dancin "在夜间。你好陌生人。禹。我dancin "在夜间。你好陌生人。噢,我。 Ohhhh 。斗是斗,是斗。不想被斗的斗,是斗。不想被陌生人。否,斗的斗,是斗。不想被斗的斗,是斗。不想被陌生人。斗是斗,是斗。不想被斗的斗,是斗。不想被陌生人。不,不, nooo ,不想被陌生人。号陌生人。雨!

Alone among strangers课文翻译


Loving Strangers是什么意思

Loving Strangers亲爱的陌生人百科释义西班牙电影《Room In Rome》主题曲,收录于原声带Room in Rome (Habitación en Roma, 2010)中。查看更多>>例句:1.Strangers to love, befriend to our loving hold. 陌生人的爱,对我们的爱交朋友举行。

Strangers,Friends.Best friends.Lovers.Strangers.是什么意思?拜托各位大神

意思是 两个人从陌生人变成朋友,又变成最好的朋友,变成爱人,最后又形同陌路 追问: 谢谢。


stranger 指一个或者一类陌生人strangers指多个陌生人




当你完成剧情任务时,你将解开各种陌生人任务。 陌生人会以“?”图标出现在地图上。 这些陌生人介绍他们的方法之一就是向你倾诉他们心中的困难。帮助他们完成任务就可以获得Fame/Honor, outfit scraps和现金。 一旦你开始了一个陌生人的任务,检查你地图上的的紫色区域,然后去那里完成它。你会发现在这个紫色区域,要么完成这个任务要么会触发另一个陌生人的任务。献给夫人的花(Flowers for a Lady)前提条件:完成"New Friends, Old Problems”任务(就是一开始在农场里射兔子和狼的任务)你会在MacFarlane"s Ranch东边的道路旁碰见叫Billy的陌生人,Billy正在给他的妻子采摘鲜花,然后你提出可以帮助他。这些花束是: 3 Wild Feverfews, 3 Red Sage和3 Desert Sage。在杂货铺购买张Survivalist Map帮助寻找这些花。寻找这三种花的地方可参照我先前写的Challenges-Survivalist攻略。收集齐花束后,来到先前遇见他地点的北边,交付花朵完成任务。不要让任何人分开(Let No Man Put Asunder)前提条件:完成“Obstacles in Our Path”任务(就是开始和美女赛马的任务)在Armadillo的东南边到达Coot"s Chapel前,你会遇见一位叫Miss Horlick的小老太太坐在一堆废墟上(道路的右边)。她在等Peter并希望你到Armadillo的酒吧找他。来到酒吧跟一位叫Harling的乐师询问Peter。Harling要求除非给他5美元或者说服他妻子回到他身边否则不会告诉你。他的妻子在外边驿站准备外出(我在杂货铺门口看见她的)。他妻子拒绝和你回去见Harling,没法你只能威胁、绑架她或者干脆回去给Harling5美元。当然如果你采用威胁或绑架的方式就会损失100荣誉点。无论采用哪种方式,Harling都会告诉你答案。原来Peter已经过世20年了。然后他建议你去Old Fellows Rest(墓地,在Armadillo的西边)看看。来到墓地看见Peter的墓碑后完成任务。珍妮的信仰(Jenny"s Faith)前提条件:完成“This is Armadillo, USA”任务(就是赶牛的任务)在Ridgewood Farm的东边你会发现一个女孩躺在地上,就是游戏开始序幕里面那个女孩。她病得非常厉害但是拒绝你带她回城。在一大段对话后,你发现唯一能做的就是给她弄些药来。如果身上有就直接给她(我就是,任务正好送了一瓶),如果没有,就回城去买点。为Jenny做完这些后,就能得到Honor和Fame。

Chris Brown的《Strangers》 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers歌手:Chris Brown专辑:欧美2009年4月最新单曲Chris Brown - StrangersIm sweating gasolinewill somebody just come and wipe me downIf you struck a match on mefrom the ceiling to the groundwhats that beat,no whats that soundgot me blazing all around, all aroundlike like like like like dangergimme sumthin on the rocks andima take you staight upgot me poppin like a mighty morphin power rangerheat it up until the firegot u com-complainindont dont come complaininit"s hotIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhmost of the chicks you meetarent like me, they dont even countso dont get me at sprinklers onfrom the ceiling to the groundwhats that beat,no whats that soundthis beat blazing all around, all aroundlike like like like like dangergimme sumthin on the rocks andima take you staight upgot me poppin like a mighty morphin power rangerheat it up until the firegot u com-complainindont dont come complaininit"s hotIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huh (x2)you can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhMake em dance girl ohmake em dance oh (x2)Make em dance girl ohmake em dance ohcome make em dance, come make em dance (x4)come make em dance, come make em dancecome make em dance, come make em dancecome make em dance, come make em danceIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upyou can burn it up……

some stranger中stranger为什么不加s?

stranger陌生人是可数名词,some后跟可数名词时要用复数 strangers 即some strangers

The Kinks的《Strangers》 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers歌手:The Kinks专辑:The Darjeeling LimitedChris Brown - StrangersIm sweating gasolinewill somebody just come and wipe me downIf you struck a match on mefrom the ceiling to the groundwhats that beat,no whats that soundgot me blazing all around, all aroundlike like like like like dangergimme sumthin on the rocks andima take you staight upgot me poppin like a mighty morphin power rangerheat it up until the firegot u com-complainindont dont come complaininit"s hotIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhmost of the chicks you meetarent like me, they dont even countso dont get me at sprinklers onfrom the ceiling to the groundwhats that beat,no whats that soundthis beat blazing all around, all aroundlike like like like like dangergimme sumthin on the rocks andima take you staight upgot me poppin like a mighty morphin power rangerheat it up until the firegot u com-complainindont dont come complaininit"s hotIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huh (x2)you can burn it upmore fire (fire)you can burin it upuh huhMake em dance girl ohmake em dance oh (x2)Make em dance girl ohmake em dance ohcome make em dance, come make em dance (x4)come make em dance, come make em dancecome make em dance, come make em dancecome make em dance, come make em danceIts hot in herebut i dont wanna cool offyou keep this upwatch all my clothes come offyou burnin things upsexy flame thrower, sexy flame throwergot me burnin up, infernoyou can burn it upyou can burn it up……


Strangers Vocal: Raj Ramayya Music: Yoko Kanno Words: Raj Ramayya We"ve found a kind of paradise in a flowers bloom. 在那鲜花绽放的彼端,我们仿佛找到了寻觅已久的天堂We"ve seen the end of a mystic land so close it meets the parting sun. 那片神秘大陆的尽头与落日相交,一切如此近在眼前We"ve shared the thoughts that two could share, we feel the truth, magic that we send... 信奉同一种信仰的我们,感受着彼此之间传递着的真诚与魔力Searching for something new 为了找寻全新的世界Isle of Gold in flowers bloom 找寻那鲜花盛开的黄金之岛We"ve heard a kind of paradise beyond the desert"s dunes. 我们仿佛可以听到那来自于沙漠之丘上空的天堂传来的鼓动We"ve walked the earth in solitude, so cold we need the warmth of sun.徘徊于孤独大陆的我们,在冰冷的空气中渴求着太阳的温暖We"ve lived the life that we could live, we see the truth magic that begins...以自己的方式竭尽全力生活着的我们,终于看到了真理开始散发的魔力Searching for something new 为了找寻全新的世界Isle of Gold in flowers bloom 找寻那鲜花盛开的黄金之岛We"ve found a kind of paradise, below a sky so new.在崭新的天空下,我们仿佛找到了寻觅已久的天堂We"ve weaved a web of mystery so wide, we need the light of day. 编织出宽大神秘之网的我们,渴求着白昼的光芒We"ve worn the cloak of secret lives, we"ve seen the truth, magic that we send... 神秘而未知的生命外衣保护着我们,终于,我们看到了彼此之间传递的真理与魔力Searching for something new 为了找寻全新的世界Isle of Gold in flowers bloom 找寻那鲜花盛开的黄金之岛so when will it end? 这样的旅途何时才会结束?so when, when will we meet, my friend?何时,又要等到何时才能与你相见,我的朋友?我知道故事的结尾,根本没有什么乐园,四只狼相继死去。他们这一生,虽然不清楚“乐园”、未来在何方,却从未停止过追寻的脚步。我想许多人像他们一样,在自己的路上孤独地走着,即使前路迷离而又让人绝望。


可以啊。 如果说一个陌生人就不用加s.Stranger 是这个名词的原型, strangers 是它的复数形式,在二人及二人以上时使用。


  stranger的意思是名词的陌生人,不认识的人,外地人,局外人,门外汉或者形容词的不熟悉的,陌生的的比较级的,复数为strangers。   以下分享stranger的一些用法例句:   1、If a stranger stops you, just wind the window down a fraction.   如果有陌生人拦你的车,把车窗摇下一点点就行。   2、To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.   让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。   3、Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult.   要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难。



stranger什么意思 stranger中文意思

1、stranger:n.陌生人;外地人;新来者;adj.奇怪的;奇特的;异常的;陌生的;不熟悉的; 2、[词典]strange的比较级; 3、[例句]Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult。要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难。 4、[其他]原型:strange;复数:strangers.

strangers什么意思 急 急 急



DataSourceTransactionManager:事务管理器 对JDBC(Java Data Base Connectivity,java数据库连接)进行事务管理,在spring中是对JdbcTemplate进行事务管理 扩展: HibernateTransactionManager:是对Hibernate进行事务管理,当在spring中使用Hi...


用过spring的人应该都使用过@Transactional注解了在只有一个TransactionManager时没有问题配置如下:Java代码 <!-- 事务配置 --> <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager"> <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" /> </bean> <!-- 使用annotation定义事务 --> <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" proxy-target-class="false"/> 如果有两个事务管理器 如 HibernateTransactionManager和 DataSourceTransactionManager就不好办了 为什么不直接在@Transactional上指定事务管理器呢 比如说这样Java代码 @Transactional(transactionManager=DataSourceTransactionManager)



eye of the tiger歌词,要中英文一行行对照的,不要分开的

老虎的眼睛Risin" up back on the street站起来回到街上!did my time took my chances went the distance时光带着我的机遇远去。 now i"m back on my feet现在的我凭自己的力量再次站了起来, just a man and and his will to survive只不过是个男人求生的欲望! so many times it happens too fast有太多次事情发生的很快,you trade your passion for glory你为了荣誉而改变了热忱。 don"t lose your grip on the dreams of the past永不放弃昨日梦的憧憬,you must fight just to keep them alive你必须奋斗才能将他们拥有! It"s the eye of the tiger这就是猛虎的双眼, it"s the thrill of the fight这正是战斗的惊悚! risin" up to the challenge of our rival正是由于困难使我们强大and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night最后的幸存者在深夜默默祈祷and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger他用如猛虎的双眼注视着我们Face to face面对面out in the heat内心挣扎hang in tough stay in hungry忍耐饥饿之苦they stack the odds他们诡计多端still we take to the street我们坚持自己的法则for the kill with the will to survive继续厮杀直到幸存下去It"s the eye of the tiger这就是猛虎的双眼it"s the thrill of the fight这正是战斗的惊悚risin" up to the challenge of our rival正是困难使我们强大and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger他用猛虎的双眼注视着我们Risin" up努力奋斗! straight to the top勇蹬巅峰had the guts got the glory用勇气获得胜利went the distance走过漫漫长路now i"m not gonna stop现在我将永不停息just a man and his will to survive Chorus这正是男人永生的欲望It"s the eye of the tiger这正是猛虎的双眼it"s the thrill of the fight这正是战斗的惊悚risin" up to the challenge of our rival困境使我们强大and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger他猛虎般的双眼正注视着我们

Eye of the Tiger 歌词

歌曲名:Eye of the Tiger歌手:Survivor专辑:Rocky Balboa: The Best Of RockyEye Of The TigerRisin" upback on the streetdid my time took my chanceswent the distancenow i"m back on my feetjust a man and and his will to surviveso many timesit happens too fastyou trade your passion for glorydon"t lose your grip on the dreams of the pastyou must fight just to keep them aliveChorusIt"s the eye of the tigerit"s the thrill of the fightrisin" up to the challenge of our rivaland the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightand he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tigerFace to faceout in the heathangin" toughstayin" hungrythey stack the oddsstill we take to the streetfor the kill with the will to surviveRisin" upstraight to the tophad the gutsgot the glorywent the distancenow i"m not gonna stopjust a man and his will to survive

eye of the tiger歌词,要中英文一行行对照的,不要分开的

老虎的眼睛Risin" up back on the street站起来回到街上!did my time took my chances went the distance时光带着我的机遇远去。 now i"m back on my feet现在的我凭自己的力量再次站了起来, just a man and and his will to survive只不过是个男人求生的欲望! so many times it happens too fast有太多次事情发生的很快,you trade your passion for glory你为了荣誉而改变了热忱。 don"t lose your grip on the dreams of the past永不放弃昨日梦的憧憬,you must fight just to keep them alive你必须奋斗才能将他们拥有! It"s the eye of the tiger这就是猛虎的双眼, it"s the thrill of the fight这正是战斗的惊悚! risin" up to the challenge of our rival正是由于困难使我们强大and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night最后的幸存者在深夜默默祈祷and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger他用如猛虎的双眼注视着我们Face to face面对面out in the heat内心挣扎hang in tough stay in hungry忍耐饥饿之苦they stack the odds他们诡计多端still we take to the street我们坚持自己的法则for the kill with the will to survive继续厮杀直到幸存下去It"s the eye of the tiger这就是猛虎的双眼it"s the thrill of the fight这正是战斗的惊悚risin" up to the challenge of our rival正是困难使我们强大and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger他用猛虎的双眼注视着我们Risin" up努力奋斗! straight to the top勇蹬巅峰had the guts got the glory用勇气获得胜利went the distance走过漫漫长路now i"m not gonna stop现在我将永不停息just a man and his will to survive Chorus这正是男人永生的欲望It"s the eye of the tiger这正是猛虎的双眼it"s the thrill of the fight这正是战斗的惊悚risin" up to the challenge of our rival困境使我们强大and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger他猛虎般的双眼正注视着我们望采纳

eye of tiger 的歌词中英文对照的

Risin" upback on the streetdid my time took my chanceswent the distancenow i"m back on my feetjust a man and and his will to surviveso many timesit happens too fastyou trade your passion for glorydon"t lose your grip on the dreams of the pastyou must fight just to keep them aliveIt"s the eye of the tigerit"s the thrill of the fightrisin" up to the challenge of our rivaland the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightand he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tigerFace to faceout in the heathangin" toughstayin" hungrythey stack the oddsstill we take to the streetfor the kill with the will to surviveIt"s the eye of the tigerit"s the thrill of the fightrisin" up to the challenge of our rivaland the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightand he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tigerRisin" upstraight to the tophad the gutsgot the glorywent the distancenow i"m not gonna stopjust a man and his will to surviveChorusIt"s the eye of the tigerit"s the thrill of the fightrisin" up to the challenge of our rivaland the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightand he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tiger老虎的眼睛站起来回到街上! 时光带着我的机遇远去。 现在的我凭自己的力量再次站了起来, 只不过是个男人求生的欲望! 有太多次事情发生的很快, 你为了荣誉而改变了热忱。 永不放弃昨日梦的憧憬, 你必须奋斗才能将他们拥有! 这就是猛虎的眼睛, 这正是战斗的惊悚! 由于面对困境而使我们走向强大! 最后的幸存者在深夜偷偷祈祷, 他正以猛虎的眼睛注视着我们的所有! 面对着面, 在那热浪中挣扎! 依然感受着饥饿的折磨! 他们累积了许多的诡异, 我们将带在身上, 运用着生存的法则, 回到街头撕杀! 这就是猛虎的眼睛, 这正是战斗的惊悚! 由于面对困境而使我们走向强大! 最后的幸存者在深夜偷偷祈祷, 他正以猛虎的眼睛注视着我们的所有! 努力奋斗! 登上巅峰! 以勇气夺得荣誉! 走过漫漫长路, 我将永远不会停息! 那正是一个男人求生的欲望! 这就是猛虎的眼睛, 这正是战斗的惊悚! 由于面对困境而使我们走向强大! 最后的幸存者在深夜偷偷祈祷, 他正以猛虎的眼睛注视着我们的所有! 这就是, 猛虎的眼睛!

Eye Of The Tiger 歌词

歌曲名:Eye Of The Tiger歌手:Echoes The Fall专辑:BloodlineEye Of The TigerRisin" upback on the streetdid my time took my chanceswent the distancenow i"m back on my feetjust a man and and his will to surviveso many timesit happens too fastyou trade your passion for glorydon"t lose your grip on the dreams of the pastyou must fight just to keep them aliveChorusIt"s the eye of the tigerit"s the thrill of the fightrisin" up to the challenge of our rivaland the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightand he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tigerFace to faceout in the heathangin" toughstayin" hungrythey stack the oddsstill we take to the streetfor the kill with the will to surviveRisin" upstraight to the tophad the gutsgot the glorywent the distancenow i"m not gonna stopjust a man and his will to survive

有没有大神能帮我把Eye Of The Tiger 这首歌翻译一下 ,谢啦

Risin" up爬起来back on the street回到大街上did my time took my chances那些辉煌的日子,所有的努力went the distance已经远去now i"m back on my feet是时候再一次脚踏实地了just a man and and his will to survive作为一个男人,生存下去so many times不记得多少次了it happens too fast想都没想就you trade your passion for glory把梦想放弃,用虚荣代替don"t lose your grip on the dreams of the past还是不要轻易放开梦想吧you must fight just to keep them alive起码要为它再奋斗一次It"s the eye of the tiger这是猛虎之眼it"s the thrill of the fight是战斗的热血risin" up to the challenge of our rival直面对手的挑战and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night就像传奇中的斗士,在黑夜中紧盯着他的猎物and he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tiger他也注视着你我,用他的猛虎之眼Face to face面对着面out in the heat被热气环绕着hangin" tough坚持勇气stayin" hungry执着己意they stack the odds他们看起来赢定了still we take to the street但是这是大街上,for the kill with the skill to survive是为了生存而努力It"s the eye of the tiger这是猛虎之眼it"s the thrill of the fight是战斗的热血risin" up to the challenge of our rival是面对敌人的挑战and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night传说中最后的斗士在黑夜里跟踪他的猎物and he"s watchin us all with the eye他会注视着你我of the tiger用那猛虎之眼Risin" up奋起吧straight to the top直上云霄had the guts曾有的勇气got the glory过去的荣光went the distance已经远去now i"m not gonna stop但是我不会放弃just a man and his will to survive作为一个男人,生存下去ChorusIt"s the eye of the tiger这是猛虎之眼it"s the thrill of the fight是战斗的热血risin" up to the challenge of our rival奋起面对敌人的挑战and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night传说中的斗士在黑夜中跟踪他的猎物and he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tiger他注视着我们,用那猛虎之眼

有没有大神能帮我把Eye Of The Tiger 这首歌翻译一下 ,谢啦


Eye Of The Tiger 歌词

歌曲名:Eye Of The Tiger歌手:Survivor专辑:I Migliori Anni "80 - 2010Eye Of The TigerRisin" upback on the streetdid my time took my chanceswent the distancenow i"m back on my feetjust a man and and his will to surviveso many timesit happens too fastyou trade your passion for glorydon"t lose your grip on the dreams of the pastyou must fight just to keep them aliveChorusIt"s the eye of the tigerit"s the thrill of the fightrisin" up to the challenge of our rivaland the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightand he"s watchin us all with the eyeof the tigerFace to faceout in the heathangin" toughstayin" hungrythey stack the oddsstill we take to the streetfor the kill with the will to surviveRisin" upstraight to the tophad the gutsgot the glorywent the distancenow i"m not gonna stopjust a man and his will to survive

eye of the tiger歌词,要中英文一行行对照的,不要分开的

老虎的眼睛 Risin" up back on the street 站起来回到街上! did my time took my chances went the distance 时光带着我的机遇远去。 now i"m back on my feet 现在的我凭自己的力量再次站了起来, just a man and and his will to survive 只不过是个男人求生的欲望! so many times it happens too fast 有太多次事情发生的很快, you trade your passion for glory 你为了荣誉而改变了热忱。 don"t lose your grip on the dreams of the past 永不放弃昨日梦的憧憬, you must fight just to keep them alive 你必须奋斗才能将他们拥有! It"s the eye of the tiger 这就是猛虎的双眼, it"s the thrill of the fight 这正是战斗的惊悚! risin" up to the challenge of our rival 正是由于困难使我们强大 and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night 最后的幸存者在深夜默默祈祷 and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger 他用如猛虎的双眼注视着我们 Face to face 面对面 out in the heat 内心挣扎 hang in tough stay in hungry 忍耐饥饿之苦 they stack the odds 他们诡计多端 still we take to the street 我们坚持自己的法则 for the kill with the will to survive 继续厮杀直到幸存下去 It"s the eye of the tiger 这就是猛虎的双眼 it"s the thrill of the fight 这正是战斗的惊悚 risin" up to the challenge of our rival 正是困难使我们强大 and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night 最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷 and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger 他用猛虎的双眼注视着我们 Risin" up 努力奋斗! straight to the top 勇蹬巅峰 had the guts got the glory 用勇气获得胜利 went the distance 走过漫漫长路 now i"m not gonna stop 现在我将永不停息 just a man and his will to survive Chorus 这正是男人永生的欲望 It"s the eye of the tiger 这正是猛虎的双眼 it"s the thrill of the fight 这正是战斗的惊悚 risin" up to the challenge of our rival 困境使我们强大 and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night 最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷 and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger 他猛虎般的双眼正注视着我们

eye of the tiger歌词,要中英文一行行对照的,不要分开的

老虎的眼睛 Risin" up back on the street 站起来回到街上! did my time took my chances went the distance 时光带着我的机遇远去。 now i"m back on my feet 现在的我凭自己的力量再次站了起来, just a man and and his will to survive 只不过是个男人求生的欲望! so many times it happens too fast 有太多次事情发生的很快, you trade your passion for glory 你为了荣誉而改变了热忱。 don"t lose your grip on the dreams of the past 永不放弃昨日梦的憧憬, you must fight just to keep them alive 你必须奋斗才能将他们拥有! It"s the eye of the tiger 这就是猛虎的双眼, it"s the thrill of the fight 这正是战斗的惊悚! risin" up to the challenge of our rival 正是由于困难使我们强大 and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night 最后的幸存者在深夜默默祈祷 and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger 他用如猛虎的双眼注视着我们 Face to face 面对面 out in the heat 内心挣扎 hang in tough stay in hungry 忍耐饥饿之苦 they stack the odds 他们诡计多端 still we take to the street 我们坚持自己的法则 for the kill with the will to survive 继续厮杀直到幸存下去 It"s the eye of the tiger 这就是猛虎的双眼 it"s the thrill of the fight 这正是战斗的惊悚 risin" up to the challenge of our rival 正是困难使我们强大 and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night 最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷 and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger 他用猛虎的双眼注视着我们 Risin" up 努力奋斗! straight to the top 勇蹬巅峰 had the guts got the glory 用勇气获得胜利 went the distance 走过漫漫长路 now i"m not gonna stop 现在我将永不停息 just a man and his will to survive Chorus 这正是男人永生的欲望 It"s the eye of the tiger 这正是猛虎的双眼 it"s the thrill of the fight 这正是战斗的惊悚 risin" up to the challenge of our rival 困境使我们强大 and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night 最后幸存者在深夜默默祈祷 and he"s watchin us all with the eye of the tiger 他猛虎般的双眼正注视着我们




Hilary Duff - Stranger stranger陌生人Nobody believes me when I tell them that you"re out of your mind. 当我告诉别人你精神不正常时别人都不相信Nobody believes me when I tell them that there"s so much you hide. 当我告诉别人你隐藏了你的本性别人都不相信You treat me like a queen when we go out, 当我们外出时你对待我像对待一个女王wanna show everyone what our love"s about. 想显示给每个人看我们有多么恩爱All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd, 不论何时我的追求者都一堆But when no ones around; 但当身旁没有人时There"s no kindness in your eyes, 你眼神冰冷he way you look at me, it"s just not right. 他让你看着我,但那不是真正的你I can tell whats going on this time, 我能告诉别人现在正发生着什么Theres a stranger in my life. 我的生命里有个陌生人You"re not the person that I once knew. 你不是我认识的那个人Are you scared to let them know it"s you? 你能让他们接受那就是你吗?If they could only see you like I do, 如果他们能看到我所看到的Then they would see a stranger too.. 那么他们也会和我一样发现你是一个陌生人Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you? 我是否做过任何让你感到痛苦的事?Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room? 我是否让你惊讶于谁正站在房间中?You made yourself look perfect in everyway, 你让自己无论何时何地都完美无缺So when this goes down, I"m the one that will be blamed. 当这情况被所有人接受时,我就成了那个要被排除的人Your plan is working so you can just walk away, 你计划通过工作离开Baby your secret"s safe. 宝贝,你的秘密保守得很好There"s no kindness in your eyes, 你眼神冰冷he way you look at me, it"s just not right. 他让你看着我,但那不是真正的你I can tell whats going on this time, 我能告诉别人现在正发生着什么Theres a stranger in my life. 我的生命里有个陌生人You"re not the person that I once knew. 你不是我认识的那个人Are you scared to let them know it"s you? 你能让他们接受那就是你吗?If they could only see you like I do, 如果他们能看到我所看到的Then they would see a stranger too.. 那么他们也会和我一样发现你是一个陌生人Such a long way back, from this place we arrived. 回顾前路,那是一段多么漫长的旅程When I think of all the time I"ve wasted, I could cry.. 我为我所浪费了的时间哭泣There"s no kindness in your eyes, 你眼神冰冷he way you look at me, it"s just not right. 他让你看着我,但那不是真正的你I can tell whats going on this time, 我能告诉别人现在正发生着什么Theres a stranger in my life. 我的生命里有个陌生人You"re not the person that I once knew. 你不是我认识的那个人Are you scared to let them know it"s you? 你能让他们接受那就是你吗?If they could only see you like I do, 如果他们能看到我所看到的Then they would see a stranger too.. 那么他们也会和我一样发现你是一个陌生人There"s no kindness in your eyes, 你眼神冰冷he way you look at me, it"s just not right. 他让你看着我,但那不是真正的你I can tell whats going on this time, 我能告诉别人现在正发生着什么Theres a stranger in my life. 我的生命里有个陌生人You"re not the person that I once knew. 你不是我认识的那个人Are you scared to let them know it"s you? 你能让他们接受那就是你吗?If they could only see you like I do, 如果他们能看到我所看到的Then they would see a stranger too.. 那么他们也会和我一样发现你是一个陌生人





Bon Jovi Stranger中英歌词对照

Stranger陌生人 #Nobody believes me when I tell them that you"re out of your mind当我告诉他们你疯了,没人相信我 ##Nobody believes me when I tell them that there"s so much you hide当我告诉他们你很假,没人相信我 ##You treat me like a queen when we go out,我们出去时你把我当个女皇捧著 #wanna show everyone what our love"s about你想让每个人看到我们有多相爱 #All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd在外人面前你全心呵护我 ##But when no ones around但当四下无人时 ##Theres no kindness in your eyes你眼中的温柔消失无踪 #The way you look at me, it"s just not right你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #I can tell whats going on this time这次我终於了解了 #Theres a stranger in my life原来我的生命里有个陌生人 #You"re not the person that I once knew你不是我当初认识的那个人 #Are you scared to let them know it"s you?你敢不敢让他们知道真正的你 #If they could only see you like I do如果别人也能像我一样看到这样的你#Then they would see a stranger too他们也会以为眼前是个陌生人 ##Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?我有没有狠心对你过 ##Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?我是否曾让你怀疑站在你面前的到底是谁? ##You made yourself look perfect in everyway你让自己呈现出完美的形象 #So when this goes down, I"m the one that will be blamed所以当我们之间亮起红灯大家都会怪我 #Your plan is working so you can just walk away你的计划很成功所以你大可扬长而去 ##Baby your secret"s safe你的秘密得以保全 ##Theres no kindness in your eyes你眼中的温柔消失无踪 #The way you look at me, it"s just not right你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #I can tell whats going on this time你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #Theres a stranger in my life原来我的生命里有个陌生人 #You"re not the person that I once knew你不是我当初认识的那个人 #Are you scared to let "em know it"s you?你敢不敢让他们知道真正的你 #If they could only see you like I do如果别人也能像我一样看到这样的你#Then they would see a stranger too他们也会以为眼前是个陌生人 #Such a long way back, from this place we are at我们现在的处境 ,和过去距离甚远 #When I think of all the time I"ve wasted, I could cry当我想到在你身上浪费的时间 ,我只想哭##Theres no kindness in your eyes你眼中的温柔消失无踪 #The way you look at me, it"s just not right你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #I can tell whats going on this time你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #Theres a stranger in my life原来我的生命里有个陌生人 #You"re not the person that I once knew你不是我当初认识的那个人 #Are you scared to let "em know it"s you?你敢不敢让他们知道真正的你 #If they could only see you like I do如果别人也能像我一样看到这样的你#Then they would see a stranger too他们也会以为眼前是个陌生人 ##Theres no kindness in your eyes你眼中的温柔消失无踪 #The way you look at me, it"s just not right你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #I can tell whats going on this time你看我的眼神完全不对劲 #Theres a stranger in my life原来我的生命里有个陌生人#You"re not the person that i once knew你不是我当初认识的那个人 #Are you scared to let "em know it"s you?你敢不敢让他们知道真正的你 #If they could only see you like I do如果别人也能像我一样看到这样的你#Then they would see a stranger too他们也会以为眼前是个陌生人 #"

求perfect stranger“完整”中文歌词

Dive from the blue sky And to see who I really am Facing my desire with the answer Dive from the blue sky And to see who I really Facing my desire with the answer to start again, be brave again What will stop in my way? Who will challenge the fate The test of pain and rack Are we living in circus? Are we beat up by curse ? Cus I"m sure will take the race ( give my beat alive ) Holding my will Cuz I‘ve never met someone like you ( take my breath away ) Cus" I"m blind in your smile Using tears buryin" the lie Oh~ Pretty Stranger Rock my soul and world with a gentle kiss Fly~ makin" me fly To eternal Oh once again ,the love we make Until the sun has arise Our life will bond together Oh mine, perfect stranger. Would you dream about me? Could you spend time with me? I crave your lip life time breathing in frozen fever standing in burning winter all the misery need you by my side ( give my beat alive ) Now seize the time defaet the weak and break my runaway ( take my breath away ) Cus I"m conquered by your eyes and I am losing all my mind 这是中文的 跳水蓝天 并看到谁我真的 面对我的愿望 与答案 跳水蓝天 并看到谁我真的面对我的愿望 与答案 重新开始,勇于再次 什么将停止在我的方式? 谁将挑战命运 测试疼痛和机架 我们生活在马戏团? 我们击败了诅咒? 定制我肯定会在比赛 (让我击败活着) 我国将举行Cuz我从未见过像你(我的呼吸的距离) 顾客"我在你的微笑盲人 用眼泪buryin "的谎言 哦91漂亮的陌生人 摇滚我的灵魂和世界的温柔吻 粉煤灰91金"我飞 为了永恒 噢再次,我们的爱 直到太阳升上天空已经出现 我们的生活将债券在一起啊地雷,完美陌生人。 你会梦到我吗? 你能花时间吗? 本人渴望您的嘴唇生活时间 呼吸冻结发烧 站在燃烧的冬季 所有的苦难需要你我身边 (让我击败活着)现在抓紧时间 defaet弱者和打破我的离家出走 (我的呼吸的距离) 定制我征服你的眼睛 我失去我的脑海

求 《合金装备崛起:复仇》 boss背景音乐 《A Stranger I Remain》歌词?

life of a stranger歌词的中文翻译

you saved my heart 你拯救了我的心 you don"t even know me 你甚至不知道我是谁 you saved my dream 你拯救了我的梦 you heard me scream 你听到了我的尖叫 (woah) my lost soul was saved by a stranger 我丢失的灵魂被一个陌生人拯救 who saved my life 谁拯救了我的生命 you saved my life 你拯救了我的生命 why did you do it 为什么你要这样做 what made you stop and turn around 是什么使你停下转身 do you even know the reason 你知道原因吗 why you had to help me out 为什么你不得不帮我摆脱困境 just when I knew it 正当我知道的时候 it was my time to sink or swim 这正是我沉浮的时候 you came along and pulled me out 你来了并拉我出来 of all the trouble I was in 把我从我所在的困境中拉出来 why did you do it 为什么你要这么做 why did you risk your life for mine 为什么你要为我冒生命危险 who"d have done the same for you 谁为你做过相同的事 who"d have saved you just in time 谁及时拯救过你 you saved my heart 你拯救了我的心 you dont even know me 你甚至不知道我是谁 you saved my dream 你拯救了我的梦 you heard me scream 你听到了我的尖叫 (oh) you saved my soul 你拯救了我的灵魂 love that you have shown me 爱那些你向我展示的一切 you saved my life 你拯救了我的生命 you saved my life 你拯救了我的生命 where did you come from 你从哪里来 how did you know I was alone 你怎么知道我是孤独的 that I never stood a chance 我从未有希望 to find a way out on my own 去发现一条让我摆脱困境的路 you sent a message 你传递了一个信息 that I was hanging by a thread 那就是这是被丝悬挂 by this very time tomorrow 在明天的这个特殊时刻 they will leave me here for dead 他们将要把我留在死亡这里 why did you do it 为什么你要这么做 why did you risk your life for mine 为什么你要为我冒生命危险 who"d have done the same for you 谁为你做过相同的事 who"d have saved you just in time 谁及时拯救过你 you saved my heart you don"t even know me you saved my dream you heard me scream Oh my lost soul was saved my a stranger you saved my life you saved my life save my life, save my life save my heart, save my heart and you don"t even know me (ooh) save my soul, save my soul save my dream, save my dream save my life you saved my heart you don"t even know me you saved my dream you heard me scream (woah) my lost soul was saved by a stranger who saved my life you saved my life you saved my heart you don"t even know me you saved my dream you heard me scream (woah) my lost soul was saved by a stranger who saved my life you saved my life



StrangerWe belong in a world that"s too strange for this worldStrangerWe do long for a fatamorgana dream worldWhere people love each otherGready in loveGready in loveStrangerTouch my face to prove I"m awake in this worldStrangerGently blow some life into hope for a strange worldWhere people love each otherGready in loveGready in loveWhere people love each otherGready in loveGready in loveGready in loveGready in loveGready in love

请提供陈奕迅《Stranger under the skin》歌词及翻译

Love is a mystery to me She was once here,and now she"s someone that I could not bear No matter how I tried "ll the day I died Damages are done and hidden within Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin 日 晒在眉梢 夜 染在唇角 即使可素脸 可找到替身 继续 渴望年轻 并 渴望前看 往事没言语 在皮下呼吸 要到哪里 会碰不到故人 要在哪片大镜中发现我没有遗憾 从没有抛不开的一种吻 难以过去的叫灵魂 能藏下多少的亲爱 想不到哪段最吸引 在大笑后哭泣 熟悉过然后陌生 但并未陌路 在皮肤碰面 是皱纹 All the burning roses Filled up with ashes Crying out loud but no time for condolences Like a stranger"s "stare",she never cared Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin 愿 快乐如一 若 美丽残缺 岁月极微细 从皮上渗入 要到哪里 见每一个故人 要在哪片大镜中炫耀我没法再生 从没有抛不开的一种吻 难以过去的叫灵魂 能藏下多少的亲爱 想不到哪段最吸引 在大笑后哭泣 熟悉过然后陌生 但并未陌路 在皮肤碰面 是皱纹 从没有抛不开的一种吻 谁已老去都有灵魂 能藏下多少的相信 可相信以后更吸引 未做到亦一生 或者我才是陌生 但并未陌路 在皮肤碰面 是皱纹 Drifing alone, on my own Be it a car or a shooting star Its glare finally came to the end of something I could not bear Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin

陈奕迅 stranger under my skin的歌谱谁有

陈奕迅 stranger under my skin 的前奏是什么曲?就是吉他那一点点。


求歌曲翻译!来自陈奕迅stranger under my skin

来自监制舒文的微博 爱对我来说是一个解不开的奥秘。 她曾经在我的生命中出现,但现在她已经是我不能承受的人了。 无论我如何尝试,试到我死的那天,那些伤害已成和深深埋藏了, 那些就是隐藏在我皮肤下的东西。 燃烧着的玫瑰,充斥满灰烬, 放声大哭但已没有时间哀悼, 像一个陌生人的“眼光”,她从不在乎。 那些就是隐藏在我皮肤下的东西。 孤单的流离,一个人。 一辆汽车,或一颗流星, 它的光芒最终变成我不可承受的东西

陈奕迅歌“Stranger under my skin”翻译成中文是什么意思

一夜情人 是不是更贴切?

“Stranger Under My Skin” 是什么意思?

“Stranger Under My Skin”陌生人在我的皮肤下。英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语是国际指定的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。英语由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊以及朱特部落的白人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。由于在历史上曾和多种民族语言接触,它的词汇从一元变为多元,语法从“多屈折”变为“少屈折”,语音也发生了规律性的变化。在19至20世纪,英国以及美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学在世界上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言。如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 苏格兰语、低地撒克逊语、丹麦语、德语、荷兰语、南非荷兰语和英语也很接近。拥有法国血统的诺曼人于11世纪征服英格兰王国,带来数万法语词汇和拉丁语词汇,很大程度地丰富了英语词汇外,相对也驱使不少原生的语汇作废。


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