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有谁知道Robert Burns,George Gordon Byron,Jane Austen ,William Makepeace Thackeray这些人的个人经历?

Robert Burns生于麻省波士顿。其父为阿瑟·伍德沃德,系英格兰移民。其母为玛格丽特·伍德沃德,为苏格兰移民,生于格拉斯哥。Robert Burns从小即醉心于化学。上昆西的小学、中学时就已经开始自学化学。在他上中学前就已经把一本普遍使用的保罗·嘎特曼编写的有机化学实验教材里的实验大部分都想办法做了一遍。 1928年(11岁)时伍德沃德找到了驻波士顿的德国领事馆总领事,通过他搞到了一些发表在德国期刊上的论文。 后来在其科普讲座中伍德沃德回忆起他无意中在这堆论文中发现了狄尔斯和阿尔德关于双烯合成反应的原始通讯并被迷住了的经历。在随后的生涯中,Robert Burns大量地应用此反应于有机合成,并在理论和应用上对此反应做了非常深入的研究。 1933年他被麻省理工录取,然后次年即因忽视其他课程的学习导致成绩不好而被校方开除。麻省理工于1935年再次录取了Robert Burns,并于1936年授予其理学学士学位。再一年后他拿到了博士学位,其时,他的同学学士都还没毕业。Robert Burns的博士论文是关于雌性荷尔蒙孕酮的合成。在伊立诺依大学香槟分校做了短暂的博士后工作后他获得了哈佛大学Junior Fellowship的职位(1937-1938)。 以后便一直在哈佛呆了下去。 1960年代,Robert Burns被任命为唐纳理学教授,于是他便不需要给学生上课,从而能把所有的时间都耗在研究上。George Gordon Byron,英国诗人。1788年1月22日出生于伦敦破落的贵族家庭。10岁承继男爵爵位,求学于哈罗中学和剑桥大学。成年后进入上议院,支持民主派。他在学生时代发表诗集《闲暇的时刻》(1807),出版后受到《爱丁堡评论》的攻击,诗人乃答之以《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》(1809)一诗,初次显示他的讽刺才能的锋芒。1812年他的新作《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》1、2两章出版,风靡全英。以后,拜伦写了一系列长篇叙事诗,如《异教徒》(1813)、《海盗》(1814)、《莱拉》(1814),3、4年之内共写了6首,都以东欧、西亚一带为背景,都有一个富于叛逆精神、不惜与命运抗衡的主人公,都充满浪漫情调,受到广大读者的欢迎,使得原来擅长于这类叙事诗的苏格兰作家司各特自叹不如,改而用散文去写历史小说。人们主要根据哈罗尔德和这些“东方叙事诗”的主人公而构筑起所谓“拜伦式英雄”的形象。在意大利他参加烧炭党的抗击奥国占领者的活动,在诗歌创作上也进入更为成熟的时期。首先,他写了《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》的3、4两章(1816、1818)。从1817至1824年的8年之中,拜伦完成了7部带有剧本性质的作品。一部是以主人公的名字命题的《曼弗雷德》(1817)。作者自称它是“戏剧性的诗篇”,另外两部是中古“神秘剧”的仿作,其中《该隐》(1821)一剧利用了《圣经》中该隐杀弟的故事,但把重点放在对上帝的指摘和嘲笑,因而剧本出版之后,引起了教会人士的激烈反对。诗和剧的进一步结合,见于4部五幕长剧。《福斯卡里父子》(1821)、《马林诺·法里埃罗》(1821),作者在这两部剧里用生动的情节描绘上层社会少数人掌权所造成的无情的压制,其主旨仍然是人必须为自由而斗争。更大的成就则是后期所写的讽刺诗。拜伦本有讽刺才能,这时又寻到一种适合的诗体,即口语化的伸缩性较大的意大利八行体。他先用它写了一首叙事诗《别波》(1818),后来,他又用八行体写了讽刺长诗《审判的幻景》(1822)。原来桂冠诗人骚塞也写有以《审判的幻景》为题的诗。骚塞一度是法国革命热烈的歌颂者,现在却写这首诗歌颂刚死的英王乔治三世如何进入天堂,以讨好王室。拜伦针锋相对,也用相同的体裁,写这个又瞎又疯的英王如何在天堂的门口受到盘问和指责。骚塞的原诗在今天几已无人一顾,而拜伦的仿作则超越当时具体的人和事而仍然传诵,成为讽刺艺术的典范。在创作上述诗剧和讽刺诗的同时,拜伦一直在写一部巨著,即《唐璜》。从1818至1823年他离开意大利去希腊,共写了16章又14节,约计一万六千行,虽未最后完成,已是世界文学杰作之一。1823年初,从希腊传来抗土斗争高涨的消息,拜伦放下正在写作《唐璜》的诗笔,毅然乘船去希腊一小岛,参加希腊志士争取自由、独立的武装斗争。他为希腊军筹款、购械、调停内部纠纷,表现了政治家和领导人的才能。然而他的身体不支了。几个月的劳累,一次又被大雨淋湿,他终于一病不起,1824年4月19日死于希腊军中。珍˙奥斯汀(Jane Austen),1775年12月生於英国汉普郡的史蒂文顿,有六个兄弟和一个姐姐,家境尚可。父亲在该地担任了四十多年的教区长,是个学问渊博的牧师,妻子出身於比较富有的家庭,也具有一定的文化修养。因此,奥斯丁虽然没有进过正规学校,但是家庭的优良条件和读书环境,给了她自学的条件,培养了她写作的兴趣。奥斯汀十三岁便开始创作,显示了她在语言表达方面的才能。1800年父亲退休,全家迁居巴思,住了四年左右,后来父亲在该地逝世,於是奥斯汀和母亲、姐姐又搬到南安普敦,1809年再搬到乔登。1816年初她得了重病,身体日益衰弱,1817年5月被送到温彻斯特接受治疗,但医治无效,不幸於同年7月18日在她姐姐的怀抱里离开人间。她终生未婚,安葬在温彻斯特大教堂。奥斯汀21岁时写成自己的第一部小说,题名《最初的印象》,她与出版商联系出版,没有结果。就在这一年,她又开始写《埃莉诺与玛丽安》,其后她再写《诺桑觉寺》,於1799年完成。十几年后,《最初的印象》经过改写,更名为《傲慢与偏见》,《埃莉诺与玛丽安》经过改写,换名为《理智与情感》,分别得到出版。至於《诺桑觉寺》,作者生前没有出书。以上这三部是奥斯汀前期作品,写於她的故乡史蒂文顿。她的后期作品同样也是三部:《曼斯费尔德庄园》、《爱玛》及《劝导》,都是作者迁居乔顿以后所作。前两部先后出版,只有1816年完成的《劝导》,因为作者对原来的结局不满意,要重写,没有出版过。她病逝以后,哥哥亨利˙奥斯汀负责出版了《诺桑觉寺》和《劝导》,并且第一次用了珍˙奥斯汀这个真名。英国最令人推崇的时尚小说家,非"珍奥斯汀"莫属了,其作品主要关注乡绅家庭之女性的婚姻和生活,以细致入微的观察和活泼风趣的文字著称。她理性且务实的创作笔法,造就了独特的风格,她幽默且写实的作品,对当代欧洲社会有深刻,但不失轻松的描述,所以其脍炙人口的作品,经常被搬到萤幕上呈现,像李安导演与艾玛汤普逊、凯特温斯蕾合作的『理性与感性』,葛妮丝派特洛主演的『艾玛姑娘要出嫁』,以及众所皆知的『傲慢与偏见』也被搬演数次,可想而知,珍˙奥斯汀的功力之深,足以影响现代人。威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray,18ll一1863)是英国19世纪杰出的批判现实主义小说家,1811年7月18日出生在印度加尔各答附近的阿里帕小镇,父亲是英国东印度公司的税收员兼行政官,家境富裕。4岁时父亲去世,母亲改嫁,他继承了父亲的一笔相当丰厚的遗产。6岁时被送回英国读书,ll岁入查特豪斯私立学校(Charterhouse Sch001)。1829年从该校毕业后进入剑桥大学三一学院。但他对当时的学校教育不感兴趣,在剑桥未得学位就中途离校去德国的魏玛游学,并结识了大学者歌德等名流。1931年,他听从家人建议,回到伦敦学习法律,但因兴趣不浓又放弃了律师职业。.1833年,他主办《国旗》周刊,并于同年10月前往巴黎专攻美术,后又半途而废。1836年,他出任伦敦《立宪报》驻巴黎的记者。不久,《立宪报》停刊,他又回国,立志以写作为生,为报刊撰稿,并与爱尔兰一位陆军上校的女儿伊莎贝拉·萧结婚。婚后生下三个女儿,四年后妻子患病,从此精神失常直至去世。萨克雷自1833年起在报刊杂志上发表了很多文章,用了不少笔名,也出了好几本集子,颇得好评,但直到长篇小说《名利场》问世,他才被公认是一位天才小说家。为了保障病妻弱女的生活,他发愤写作,自绘插图,作品接二连三地发表,同时还在英国各地和美国演说、讲学。1857年,他r在牛津选区竞选下议院议员失败。1859年他担任新创刊的《康希尔杂志》的第一任主编。最后,他终于积劳成疾,于:1863年圣诞节前夕因心脏病发作在伦敦去世。萨克雷的早期小说有的鞭笞上流社会的各种骗子和冒险家,有的讽刺当时流行的渲染犯罪行为的小说,其中主要有《当差信使》(TheYellowplush Correspondence,1838),《凯瑟琳》(Catherine,1840),《霍加蒂大钻石》(The Great Hoggarty Diamond,1841),《巴利·林登的遭遇》(17heLuck of Barry Lyndon,844·)。萨克雷的重要小说有《彭登尼斯的历史》(The History ofPendennis,1848一1850),《亨利·埃斯蒙德的历史》(The History of Henry Esmond,1852),《纽克姆一家》(nle New-comers,1853—1855),《弗吉尼亚人》(The Virginians,1857—1859)。他的最后一部小说是《丹尼斯·杜瓦尔》(Denis Duval),在他死时仅完成八章,1864年在《康希尔杂志》发表。萨克雷还发表了一批散文集,其中以《势利小人脸谱》(TIle Bookof Snobs,1847)最为有名,这是由45个特写组成的英国社会各阶层势利小人的肖像集;《转弯抹角的随笔》(The Roundabout Papers,1863)收集了他一系列文笔隽永的小品文;他的文学评论集中最出色的是《英国的幽默作家》(The English Humourists,1853)。萨克雷是一位多产的作家,为后世留下了一系列脍炙人口、饶有趣味的优秀作品。

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really这里是副词,修饰后面的形容词old,意思:adv. 实际上,事实上;真正地,真实地

george gund hall是什么大学

george gund hall是乔治敦大学。具体如下:乔治敦大学(Georgetown University),或译乔治城大学,是一所私立研究型大学,位于美国首都华盛顿特区,是全球大学校长论坛成员。乔治城大学从一所地区性学校发展为一所全国性的学校,学生和教职员工的多样性以及教职员工的数量显著增加。在20世纪90年代,女性在教师队伍中的人数也大大增加,到2001年,女性占了近40%。乔治城大学已发展成为一所国际研究型大学,拥有九所学校、一家附属医院。超过12000名本科生和研究生,在五个地点上课:主校区、医学中心、法律中心、继续教育学院和乔治城卡塔尔校区。乔治城大学在华盛顿的三个校区中共雇佣了1291名全职及882名兼职教职人员,此外,在卡塔尔校区中还有其他教职员。教职员中包括不少杰出学者和知名政界及商界领袖,性别比例以男性占主导,约占总人数的三分之二。在政治上,乔治城大学的教职员倾向于支持自由派候选人,而他们的捐资倾向与美国其他大学的教职人员一致。


乔治敦港乔治敦港位于开曼群岛(全称:开曼群岛THE CAYMAN ISLANDS)西部的大开曼(GRAND CAYMAN)岛西南沿海霍格斯特尔(HOGSYTLE)湾内,濒临加勒比海(CARIBBEAN SEA)的西北侧,是开曼群岛的最大港口。



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关于美国george town university

Georgetown University37th and O Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20057 (202) 687-0100




Georgetown:n. 乔治城(圭亚那首都)英 ["d??d?taun] 美 ["d??d?taun] 乔治城 :乔治城是保留了不少十八、十九世纪的建筑物,街上到处有喷泉和雕塑,河边还铺有木板路。短语: Georgetown Hoyas 乔治城大学惊叹队 ; 乔治城大学队 ; 大学队 ; 乔治城大学霍亚队 GEORGETOWN GEO 乔治敦 Georgetown Hotel 乔治敦酒店 ; 乔治城酒店例句: And where better than here, at Georgetown University, to seek to blend the scholarly with policy? 而且,要寻求学术与政策的结合还有比乔治城大学更好的地方吗?



Stanley Clarke & George Duke的《Sweet Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby歌手:Stanley Clarke & George Duke专辑:Jazz Moods - Midnight"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away

Stanley Clarke & George Duke的《Sweet Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby歌手:Stanley Clarke & George Duke专辑:Jazz Moods - "Round Midnight"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away

Stanley Clarke & George Duke的《Sweet Baby》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Sweet Baby歌手:Stanley Clarke & George Duke专辑:Original Album Classics"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades awayhttp://music.b***.com/song/7290958

George Duke的《Sweet Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby歌手:George Duke专辑:George Duke Greatest Hits"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away

George Duke的《Sweet Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby歌手:George Duke专辑:The Essential George Duke"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away



Lesson #8 (From "Sunday In The Park With George") 歌词

歌曲名:Lesson #8 (From "Sunday In The Park With George")歌手:Mandy Patinkin&Paul Gemignani专辑:Sunday In The Park With GeorgeLRC之家制作Lesson 87A perfect alibiFirst listen and then answer the question.What was wrong with the man"s story?"At the time the murder was committed,I was travelling on the 8 o"clock train to London,"said the man."Do you always catch such an early train?"asked the inspector."Of course I do," answered the man."I must be at work at 10 o"clock.My employer will confirm that I was there on time.""Would a later train get you to work on time?"asked the inspector."I suppose it would,but I never catch a later train.""At what time did you arrive at the station?""At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for the train.""And you didn"t notice anything unusual?""Of course not.""I suggest," said the inspector,"that you are not telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o"clock train,but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time.You see,on the morning of the murder,the 8 o"clock train did not run at all.It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line

paul george是谁?

是乔治乔宝山。他的英文名是Paul George,读起来跟中文的泡椒相似,因此而得名。然后乔宝山是因为曾有段时间,乔治投篮非常的不准,有网友称,乔治打过的铁媲美宝山钢铁厂一年的产量,故得名乔宝山。NBA本身就如同武侠小说中的江湖,我们将他们划分为不同的区,代表着不同的门派,球星就如同江湖中的大侠,如果一个大侠在江湖上没有自己的名号,那简直都不符合自己的身份。但是随着NBA的发展,好多球迷都说如今的赛场没有以前那么激烈的对抗了,似乎变成了三分大赛的秀场。NBA球星这些年绰号的变化似乎也反应出了这一点。之前的球星不仅在场上作风霸气硬朗,绰号也是如此,如今的却是有点让人哭笑不得。

paul george是谁?

paul george是保罗·乔治。保罗·乔治(Paul George),男,1990年5月2日出生于美国加利福尼亚州帕姆代尔(Palmdale, California),美国职业篮球运动员,司职前锋,效力于NBA洛杉矶快船队。职业生涯2010年6月25日,在2010年NBA选秀中第一轮第10顺位被印第安纳步行者队选中。2011年1月1日在步行者队主场95-86战胜华盛顿奇才队的比赛中,得到13分、7个篮板和5次抢断,刷新职业生涯单场抢断纪录。5月12日NBA官方公布了2010-11赛季最佳新秀阵容入选最佳新秀阵容第二阵容。2010-11赛季代表步行者队出战61场常规赛比赛,其中首发19场,场均得到7.8分和3.7个篮板,场均1.0次抢断数位列全队第一。在2011年季后赛中是兰德里·菲尔兹之外首位被列在首发阵容中的2010届新秀球员。


在Nike超过40年的历史中,只有不到百分之一的 Nike 运动员能够拥有属于自己的签名鞋。 伦敦时间1月12日(周四), Paul Gee 将在印第安那对战丹佛的伦敦赛中穿上他的第一双签名球鞋亮相国际舞台,正式加入 Nike 签名鞋运动员大家庭。 Paul Gee 是Nike篮球第4位拥有签名球鞋的现役运动员,也是历史上第21位获得Nike签名球鞋的篮球运动员。 融合了Paul Gee 沉稳的性格和比赛特点,PG1专为攻防俱佳、身披13号战袍的Paul Gee量身打造。PG1采用轻量化、低筒设计,正是Paul Gee与设计师Tony Hardman通力合作的成果。球鞋外形简洁,注重功能性,前掌独特的绑带以Flywire固定,提供动态包覆,同时前掌搭载的Zoom Air气垫带来贴地的回应缓震。 PG1的性能优势包括:前掌绑带采用Flywire科技系统,提供可调整性支撑、前掌采用 Zoom Air 气垫,配备毛绒鞋垫,带来回应性缓震、一体式鞋面构造,提供舒适、完美的贴合、从鱼鳞的结构中吸取灵感,采用多方向鞋底,提供如刀锋一般锐利的抓地性能。 PG1 2K配色是向作为电玩游戏 NBA 2K17封面人物的 Paul Gee 致敬,而电玩游戏也正是他的休闲爱好之一。鞋垫上印有 Paul Gee 在游戏中的人物形象。以浮标为灵感设计的鞋带扣展现了 Paul Gee 另一项嗜好——钓鱼。 更多PG1资讯请关注:Nike。 资讯、图片提供:nike

睡前英语小故事:可怜的乔治Poor George

Poor George   George is a little monkey. He lives in a deep forest. He likes jumping and climbing trees. He is happy every day. But he has a shortcoming. He is curious.   One day an old man goes by the forest. He carries a lot of straw hats. George sees the man, and the man sees George, too. The man says to himself, “What a lovely monkey! I will catch him. I will take him home.”   The man sits down and thinks over. George sees and also sits down. The man has an idea. He puts a hat on his head, and puts other hats on the ground. Then he pretends to sleep.   George is curious and looks at the hats. “I will be nice if I put a hat on my head.” George thinks. Then he climbs down from the tree, picks up a hat and puts it on. The hat is too big, and covers George"s eyes. George can"t see. And the man gets up at once, rushes out and catches him quickly.   Poor George!   可怜的乔治   乔治是一只小猴子。他住在大森林里。他喜欢在树上跳来跳去,爬上爬下。他整天都乐呵呵的。但是他有个毛病,就是太好奇。   一天, 一个老人路过大森林,他带着许多草帽。乔治看见了这个老人,老人也看见他了。;老人自言自语道:“多可爱的猴子啊!我要捉住他,把他带回家去。”   老人坐下来。想着办法。乔治看见了,也坐下来。   不一会老人有个办法,他戴上一顶帽子,又把其他帽子放在地上,然后假装睡觉。   乔治很好奇,看看帽子,心想:“要是我戴上一顶,肯定好看。”于是爬下树,捡起一顶帽子戴在头上。可是帽子太大了,遮住了他的眼睛了。那个老人一下站起来,冲过去,迅速地捉住乔治。   可怜的乔治啊!

阿甘正传开头 箱子里的一本书curious george,有什么寓意吗?


英语故事翻译:可怜的乔治Poor George

George is a little monkey. He lives in a deep forest. He likes jumping and climbing trees. He is happy every day. But he has a shortcoming. He is curious.   One day an old man goes by the forest. He carries a lot of straw hats. George sees the man, and the man sees George, too. The man says to himself, “What a lovely monkey! I will catch him. I will take him home.”   The man sits down and thinks over. George sees and also sits down. The man has an idea. He puts a hat on his head, and puts other hats on the ground. Then he pretends to sleep.   George is curious and looks at the hats. “I will be nice if I put a hat on my head.” George thinks. Then he climbs down from the tree, picks up a hat and puts it on. The hat is too big, and covers George"s eyes. George can"t see. And the man gets up at once, rushes out and catches him quickly.   Poor George!   故事37 可怜的乔治   乔治是一只小猴子。他住在大森林里。他喜欢在树上跳来跳去,爬上爬下。他整天都乐呵呵的。但是他有个毛病,就是太好奇。   一天, 一个老人路过大森林,他带着许多草帽。乔治看见了这个老人,老人也看见他了。;老人自言自语道:“多可爱的猴子啊!我要捉住他,把他带回家去。”   老人坐下来。想着办法。乔治看见了,也坐下来。   不一会老人有个办法,他戴上一顶帽子,又把其他帽子放在地上,然后假装睡觉。   乔治很好奇,看看帽子,心想:“要是我戴上一顶,肯定好看。”于是爬下树,捡起一顶帽子戴在头上。可是帽子太大了,遮住了他的眼睛了。那个老人一下站起来,冲过去,迅速地捉住乔治。

curious george 动画片一共多少集

奇的乔治动画片从2006年开始在PBS Kids频道首播,到2014年已播出8季共102集

"Curious George doll " what does it mean?




jean georges英文怎么念


George Michael的《Fantasy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fantasy歌手:George Michael专辑:Ladies And Gentlemen... The Best Of George MichaelArtist: George MichaelTitle: FantasyOne day you say you love meThe next you tell me you don"tOne day you say you willAnd the next you tell me you won"tHey little babyThere ain"t much point in hanging around (Yea).One day you make me feel like your love is in my handsOne day you say you"ll stayThe next you"re changing your plansHey little babyAin"t much point in hanging around (Yea).Cause" if you ain"t got time for me I"ll find another Fantasy.It is kind of funny that you think thatI am the boy to make you cryI can make you happyIf only for a whileLittle baby I can give you all the loving that your heart desiresIf you ain"t got time for me I"ll find another Fantasy.It could be the price of loveCould the price of hateWhat am I guilty ofWhy do you make me waitSo long I don"t know your intentions.Look to the sky"s aboveI am in the hands of fatePush till it gets to shoveI have got to know for heavens sakeIs this love or inventionBaby can"t you see I"ll find another Fantasy.You hang around with people who are sure to make you cryI can make you happy if only for a whileLittle baby oh, oh little babyI can give you all the lovin" that your heart desiresIf you ain"t got time for me I"ll find another Fantasy.You take someone"s heartAnd you kick it aroundKeep on picking it upSo you can watch it come downI don"t know what I am suppose to doWhy I wait for you to make up your mindWould you please be so kindWhen you know what to do I"ll be in the the next roomBut if you make it to late I may be in the next dayHmm...

George Michael的《Fantasy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fantasy歌手:George Michael专辑:Ladies & Gentlemen... The Best Of George MichaelArtist: George MichaelTitle: FantasyOne day you say you love meThe next you tell me you don"tOne day you say you willAnd the next you tell me you won"tHey little babyThere ain"t much point in hanging around (Yea).One day you make me feel like your love is in my handsOne day you say you"ll stayThe next you"re changing your plansHey little babyAin"t much point in hanging around (Yea).Cause" if you ain"t got time for me I"ll find another Fantasy.It is kind of funny that you think thatI am the boy to make you cryI can make you happyIf only for a whileLittle baby I can give you all the loving that your heart desiresIf you ain"t got time for me I"ll find another Fantasy.It could be the price of loveCould the price of hateWhat am I guilty ofWhy do you make me waitSo long I don"t know your intentions.Look to the sky"s aboveI am in the hands of fatePush till it gets to shoveI have got to know for heavens sakeIs this love or inventionBaby can"t you see I"ll find another Fantasy.You hang around with people who are sure to make you cryI can make you happy if only for a whileLittle baby oh, oh little babyI can give you all the lovin" that your heart desiresIf you ain"t got time for me I"ll find another Fantasy.You take someone"s heartAnd you kick it aroundKeep on picking it upSo you can watch it come downI don"t know what I am suppose to doWhy I wait for you to make up your mindWould you please be so kindWhen you know what to do I"ll be in the the next roomBut if you make it to late I may be in the next dayHmm...

George Eliot最著名最伟大的小说是哪一部

应该是《米德尔马契》吧,该小说是George Eliot较成熟的一部作品,也被许多批评家认为是她的代表作.小说塑造了约一百五十个"圆型"或"扁平"人物,并将他们安排在错综复杂的社会关系中,再现了一个完整的社会结构.由于作家的成功塑造,展现在读者面前的这组人物群像,既栩栩如生,又有小说人物的独特艺术魅力;读者仿佛能看见他们,听见他们说话,感受到他们的生活状态,但同时又能感觉到他们那来自艺术世界的特殊韵味.小说《米德尔马契》有一个副标题——当地生活研究,在米德尔马契这个充满了"喧嚣"与"骚动"的地方,当地人既是导演又是演员,上演了一幕幕人生的悲喜剧.因此 这部小说的成功在很大程度上有赖于人物塑造的成功.在世界小说史上,刻画有血有肉的小说人物一直是摆在小说家面前的一大挑战.许多小说家,从理查德逊(Samuel Richardson)到伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf)都做了可贵的探索和尝试,并取得了可喜的成就.艾略特在创作技巧方面可能不像乔伊斯(James Joyce)和伍尔芙那样特立独行,但我们在阅读《米德尔马契》时,能明显领略到成功的人物塑造给小说带来的熠熠光辉.对小说家的人物塑造策略的研究无疑有助于对人物性格,人物关系以及小说主旨的理解,从而进一步体验小说的艺术魅力.基于此,本文将从戏剧化策略,作者"插话"策略,描写策略和话语策略几个方面对乔治·艾略特在《米德尔马契》中的人物塑造策略进行探讨.





King George iii的英文介绍,详细点哈。。。谢谢了啊!


George Michael的《Older》 歌词

歌曲名:Older歌手:George Michael专辑:Jesus To A Child EpI should have knownit seemed too easyyou were thereand I was breathing bluestrange babydon"t you think I"m looking older?but something good has happened to mechange is a strangeryou have yet to knowwell you"re out of timeI"m letting goyou"ll be finewell that much I knowyou"re out of timeI"m letting goI"m not the man you wantI should have knownit seemed so easyyou were thereI thought I needed youstrangebaby don"t you think I"m looking older?but something good has happened to mechange is a strangerwho never seems to showso you"re out of timeI"m letting goyou"ll be fineor maybe you won"tyou"re out of timeI"m letting goI"m not the man that you wantI never should have looked back in your directionI know thatjust the same old fights again, babythese are wasted days without affectionI"m not that foolish anymoreso you"re out of timeI"m letting goyou"ll be finewell that much I knowyou"re out of timeI"m letting goI"m not the man that you want

George Michael的《Older》 歌词

歌曲名:Older歌手:George Michael专辑:Twenty FiveI should have knownit seemed too easyyou were thereand I was breathing bluestrange babydon"t you think I"m looking older?but something good has happened to mechange is a strangeryou have yet to knowwell you"re out of timeI"m letting goyou"ll be finewell that much I knowyou"re out of timeI"m letting goI"m not the man you wantI should have knownit seemed so easyyou were thereI thought I needed youstrangebaby don"t you think I"m looking older?but something good has happened to mechange is a strangerwho never seems to showso you"re out of timeI"m letting goyou"ll be fineor maybe you won"tyou"re out of timeI"m letting goI"m not the man that you wantI never should have looked back in your directionI know thatjust the same old fights again, babythese are wasted days without affectionI"m not that foolish anymoreso you"re out of timeI"m letting goyou"ll be finewell that much I knowyou"re out of timeI"m letting goI"m not the man that you want




成立于 : 11 August 1786

Georges St. Pierre的基本档案

姓名:Georges St. Pierre绰号:Rush战绩:25胜2败0平 胜 10次卫冕UFC次中量级冠军 负 1 次被KO/TKO( 50 %)1 次被降服( 50 %) 所属团队:Jackson"s Submission Fighting流派:巴西柔术 极真空手道(三段)身高:5英尺10英寸(178cm)体重:169磅(77kg)


歌曲名:Six Play歌手:GEORGE BENSON专辑:IrreplaceableGeorge Benson - Six PlaySix play~ Six play~I tried to write it in calligraphyBut the words wouldn"t come to meCouldn"t send it in a telegramOr sculpt it like RodanIf I could think the words across the skyCuz when we touch I feel like I can flyI couldn"t build another Taj MahalBut music says it allBrown eyes, let my~guitar gently groove youLike rain, falls downSurrender to the soundFeel my six play Caress you in todayStrum you like you are A mahogany guitarWe mix the six play Flip it a million waysSpend your every fantasyYour desire"s fulfilled by my songMakin love till the symphonic dawnGot a private show that"s sure to floor yaMy guitar is cryin for ya StayEnjoy my six playSix play~ Six play~We could drift into a fantasyTwo lovers walkin on a emerald seaCheck the music let it set your freeBe the girl you wanna beNever felt the beat quite like thisNever had a dance quite like thisNever played guitar quite like this Aww babyBrown eyes, let my~guitar gently groove youLike rain, falls downSurrender to the soundFeel my six play Caress you in todayStrum you like you are a mahogany guitarWe mix the six play Flip it a million waysSpend your every fantasyYour desire"s fulfilled by my songMakin love till the symphonic dawnGot a private show that"s sure to floor yaMy guitar is cryin for ya StayEnjoy my six playPull up a chair this is a private affairWe can work it our GB(他名字缩写)gonnashow you what its aboutThere aint nothin betterthan us chillin out togetherWith a song from my heartSix play~ Six play~Feel my six play Caress you in todayStrum you like you are a mahogany guitarWe mix the six play Flip it a million waysSpend your every fantasyYour desire"s fulfilled by my songMakin love till the symphonic dawnGot a private show that"s sure to floor yaMy guitar is cryin for ya StayEnjoy my six play


英国科学家乔治.布尔(George.Boole)发明了()。 A.图灵机 B.ENIAC计算机 C.逻辑代数 D.帕斯卡计算机 正确答案:C



George Strait的《Go On》 歌词

歌曲名:Go On歌手:George Strait专辑:50 Number OnesJack Johnson - Go OnIn my reviewI watch you watching the twilightBehind the telephone linesWith nothing to prove, or to assumeJust thinking if your thoughts are different than mineIn my reviewI watch youI give you your life,would you give me mine?I see you slowly swim awayCause the light is leaving townTo a place that I can"t beThere"s no apologiesJust go onJust go onThere"s still so many thingsI wanna to say to youBut go onJust go onWe"re bound by blood that"s movingThe moment that we startedThe moment that we startedI see perfect little livesWatch the shadows of the cloudsAnd the surface of the ocean out the window of a planeI get nervous when I flyI"m used to walking with my feetTurbulence is like a sighthat I can"t help but over thinkWhat is the purpose of my lifeIf it doesn"t ever doWith learning to let goYou can do the sameIt"s the least you can doCause it"s a lonely little chainIf you don"t add to itSo go onJust go onThere"s so many thingsI wanna say to youGo onJust go onWe"re bound by blood and loveThe moment that we startedJust go onJust go onThere"s still so many thingsI wanna say to youJust go onJust go onWere bound by blood that movingThe moment that we startedThe moment that we started

捡到了一个手表,是george jandin的,japan movt的,如图,值多少钱


George Strait的《What Say》 歌词


生活大爆炸hi my name id george为什么是种族歧视

是这样的, 黑人历史月(Black History month)是美国、加拿大和英国纪念历史上重要的非裔黑人的日子。在黑人历史月期间Sheldon 做了一段视频,他在其中扮演George Washington Carver。 George是一名黑人植物学家和发明家,出生就是奴隶。这里出问题的地方是,Sheldon是白人,白人假扮黑人会有种族歧视嫌疑,给人觉得你在嘲笑黑人,Leonard 就觉得他这样扮演有歧视。 于是Sheldon试探了Burton,“Hi, my name is George“,结果Burton觉得可以接受,完全没有种族歧视的感觉。

The First Day (by George and Helen Papashvily)的翻译


跪求George Michael的《Jesus to a child》歌词~

Jesus To A ChildKindness in your eyesI guess you heard me cryYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childI"m blessed, I knowHeaven sent and heaven stoleYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childAnd what have I learnedFrom all this pain?I thought I"d never feel the sameAbout anyoneOr anything againBut now I knowWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold, cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSadness in your eyesNo one guessed, or no one triedYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childLoveless and coldWith your last breath you saved my soulYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childAnd what have I learned>From all theseI"ve waited for you all those yearsAnd just when it beganHe took your love awayBut I still sayWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold, cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSo the words you could not sayI"ll sing them for youAnd the love we would have madeI"ll make it for twoFor every single memoryHas become a part of meYou will always beMy loveWell, I"ve been lovedSo I know just what love isAnd the lover that I kissedIs always by my sideOh the lover I still missWas Jesus to a child中文加英语:Kindness in your eyes你眼中闪现着温柔I guess you heard me cry我想你听到了我哭泣You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子I"m blessed, I know我知道我受到保佑Heaven sent and heaven stole天堂来去You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子And what have I learned从所有所有的伤痛From all this pain?我所感受到的I thought I"d never feel the same我想我不会从任何人About anyone任何事Or anything again中再次感受到But now I know现在我知道了When you find love当你找到爱When you know that it exists当你知道爱人的存在Then the lover that you miss你思念的爱人将会Will come to you在这冷冷的夜晚On those cold, cold nights回到你身边When you"ve been loved当你坠入爱河When you know it holds such bliss当你知道这意味着无限幸福Then the lover that you kissed你吻着的爱人Will comfort you在你无望的时候When there"s no hope in sight带给你慰籍Sadness in your eyes伤痛在你眼中No one guessed, or no one tried没人知道也没人探问You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子Loveless and cold冷漠而没有爱意With your last breath you saved my soul随你最后一丝呼吸的消逝你拯救了我灵魂You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子And what have I learned从所有这些眼泪中From all these tears我所学到的I"ve waited for you all those years我这许多年来一直在等你And just when it began当一切开始的时候He took your love away他带走了你的爱But I still say但我依然要说When you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold, cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSo the words you could not say你说不出口的话I"ll sing them for you我将为你唱出And the love we would have made我们所应有而未有的爱I"ll make it for two我将为两人准备For every single memory因为每一份记忆Has become a part of me都已成为我的一部分You will always beMy love你将永远是......我的爱Well, I"ve been loved我坠入爱河So I know just what love is我懂得了爱的真谛And the lover that I kissed我所亲吻的爱人Is always by my side永在我身旁Oh the lover I still miss哦......我思念的爱人Was Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子

Lettre De George Sand à Alfred De Musset 歌词

歌曲名:Lettre De George Sand à Alfred De Musset歌手:Céline Dion专辑:D"EllesCeline Dion - Lettre De George Sand A Alfred De MussetVenise, 12 mai 1834Non mon enfant chéri,ces 3 lettres ne sont pas le dernier serment de l"amant qui te quitteC"est l"embrassement du frère qui te resteCe sentiment la est trop beau,trop pur et trop douxpour que j"éprouve jamais le désir d"en finir avec luiQue mon souvenir n"empoisonne aucune des jouissance de ta vieMais ne laisse pas ces jouissances détruire et méprimer mes souvenirsSoit heureux, soit aiméComment ne le serais tu pasMais garde moi dans un petit coin secret de ton coeurEt descend y dans tes jours de tristessepour y trouver une consolation ou un encouragementAime donc comme AlfredAime pour tout de bonAime une femme jeuneMénage la et ne me la fait pas souffrirLe coeur d"une femme est une chose si délicateQuand ce n"est pas un glacon ou une pierreJe crois qu"il n"y a guère de millieuEt il n"y en pas non plus dans ta manière d"aimerTon ame est faite pour aimer ardammentOu pour se désécher tout a faitTu l"as dit cent fois et tu as eu beau tant a dire?Rien, rien a effacer cette sentence laIl n"y au monde que l"amour qui sur quelque chosePeut-etre m"a tu aimé avec peinePour aimer une autre avec abandonPeut-etre celle qui viendraT"aimera tellement moins que moiEt peut-etre sera-elle plus heureuse et plus aiméePeut-être ton dernier amour sera-t-ilplus romanesque et le plus jeuneMais ton coeur, mais ton bon coeurne le tue pas je t"en prieQu"il se mette tout entierdans tout les amours dans ta vieAfin qu"un jour tu puisse regarder en arrièreEt dire comme moi j"ai souffert souventJe me suis trompé quelques foisMais j"ai aimé

St. Georgeu2019s Day

St George"s Day When is St George"s Day? St. George"s Day is on April 23rd, so, in a sense, this is England"s national day. St George"s EmblemThe Flag of England A symbol of England Who was St George?St. George is the patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag. St George"s emblem was adopted by Richard The Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century. The king"s soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid confusion in battle.Like England, every country in the UK has its own patron saint who in times of great peril is called upon to help save the country from its enemies. Who was the real St George and what did he do to become England"s patron saint?St George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans" torture of Christians and died for his beliefs. The popularity of St George in England stems from the time of the early Crusades when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision and were victorious.Find out more... Dragon-Slaying Patron Saint of EnglandOne of the best-known stories about Saint George is his fight with a dragon. But it is highly unlikely that he ever fought a dragon, and even more unlikely that he ever actually visited England. Despite this, St George is known throughout the world as the dragon-slaying patron saint of England.Find out more..... St George is always depicted as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross (or a banner with a red cross), generally sitting upon a horse and always killing a dragon.Pictures of St St. George St George, Patron Saint of ScoutingOn the Sunday nearest to April 23rd, scouts and guides throughout Britain parade through high streets and attend a special St George"s Day service at their local church.How does England celebrate St George"s Day?By tradition, April 23rd is the day for a red rose in the button hole, the national flower. However, unlike other countries, England does not celebrate it like Americans celebrate 4 July with fireworks. In fact, you are more likely to see big St Patrick parades in England celebrating Ireland"s National Day, more than you would see any sign of St Georges Day being celebrated. This was certainly true in Manchester in 2003, when St George"s Day was virtually ignored soon after the biggest St Patrick"s Day Celebrations in the city"s history.For most people in England St George"s Day is just another ordinary day.Interesting FactsDespite the fact that St. George has been the patron saint of England since the 14th century, only one in five people know that St. George"s Day falls on April 23rd. More than a quarter of people living in England do not even know who their patron saint is! Shakespeare was born on April 23rd, 1564 and he died on the same day in 1616. Mummers PlaysSt. George frequently appears in Mummers" Plays during Easter and Christmas celebrations. Mummers" Plays have been performed in Britain for hundreds of years. They are folk dramas based on the legend of St. George and the Seven Champions of Christendom. 简单来说 就是英国国庆日
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