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geek: [ gi:k ] n. [俚语]反常的人,畸形人,野人

geek uninstaller免费和收费的区别



你把geek放到任何文件夹里都可以固定到开始屏幕,只需要右键它,选择固定到开始屏幕就好了。Geek Uninstaller 非常好用!开发者说他的一个追求极致的人,所以从软件的体积大小就可以看出来,更新了很多年了,目前软件的大小只有2.5 MB。无一点多余的内容!简单明了,鼠标右键选择卸载即可。但是这款软件也有专业版!Geek Uninstaller Pro (Uninstall Tool )专业版 则功能更加强大,并且是一次购买,终身使用,让您绝对觉得物超所值!








智能钢琴,不同于延续百年的传统钢琴,也不同于大众眼中的电钢琴,它是一个互联网时代的全新概念。 一般智能的定义主要在于:自动演奏、钢琴静音、连接互联网、帮助用户钢琴学习以及其他娱乐功能。 与之相比,传统钢琴追求单调的练习,学琴者在学习过程中,除了要加强对音乐的领悟和技术的熟习外,还需为很多传统钢琴教学、功能设置上的繁琐不便买单,这种 传统钢琴教育体验差,效率低,无法适应现代人的使用习惯。但随着智能设备的高度普及,智能不仅意指与互联网连接,还意味着互联网思维下的用户体验。新一代的智能钢琴中,出现与智能设备连接、并自带教学App的发展趋势,钢琴也开始能教人弹琴。以智能设备连接App,智能钢琴便能以游戏化学习引导用户体验在线教程,在保持兴趣的基础上,因人施教,寓教于乐,把学钢琴变成玩钢琴








与字典的字面意思刚好相反,现在的Geek自然已经大相径庭,不过还是很难进行精确的定义。一般认为在电脑和网络上进行生活的人就是Geek。这可以被解释成使用各种Internet和电脑工具,如IRC,网络游戏或者编写Open Source。但是和工作中必须使用电脑的人不同,Geek需要把他们的休闲时间也在电脑中度过。而且Geek的定义也正在逐渐地更加特指那些有较高电脑能力的人。Geek是新的精英亚文化群,是一群爱好流行文化的、以技术为中心的、同时对社会怀有深刻不满的地下人类。Geek们是那些依靠计算机技术结合成的社会性人群,他们把大量社交时间花费在irc(国际互联网交谈服务,Internet Relay Chat)之类的聊天程序上,他们的娱乐是多人参与的互联网在线游戏,他们在这样的新闻讨论组中发表代表个人观点的帖子,有些高级Geek则以编写共享软件为乐事。这是在03年对于geeker的描述,其中提到“Geek们是那些依靠计算机技术结合成的社会性人群”,这不就是早期关于SNS的描述吗?“一般在电脑和网络上进行生活的人就被称为geeker”一个相对独立的定位阐述,不想我们今天程在网络写作的叫写手,或者blogger,或者就自由攥稿人,他们也具有geek的显著特征,社会性,依靠网络进行沟通,叛逆,那我在想是不是能把现在这些blogger成为geeker呢?owen也曾经提到过geek,geeker们的反蹼归真,说的是google的geeker们,scobler也在自己博客标题位置注明Microsoft geek blogger,更有geek blog站点。我的意思是在blogger,wikier,googler们至上可否提炼处一个geeker的概念,或许我们那天改程keso blogger为keso geeker了哦,该欣欣blogger为欣欣geeker,wangyi geeker。。。。是不是乱套了呢


解决方法如下:geek删除条目恢复Geek Uninstall运行后,会自动扫描系统中已经安装的软件,并在其窗口中列出这些软件。如果我们已经卸载一款软件,点击这款软件之后回车即可执行卸载操作,此外,要对软件进行恢复操作的话,可以通过软件的操作菜单选择执行相应的命令。通过列表滚动不好找,可以通过底部的搜索框,输入软件关键词进行搜索和快速定位,对软件所能执行的操作,还可以通过在列表中选中软件并单击右键,从快捷菜单中进行选择。另外要是想要恢复删除的条目的话,可以还是有恢复的可能,只要在文件还没有被完全损坏或者是覆盖的情况下,通过万能数据恢复大师软件即可找回。运行万能数据恢复大师软件,选择要恢复的功能误删除文件,在跳转的界面上选择我们要恢复的文件所在的磁盘扫描。接着选择要恢复的文件类型,然后点击下一步进行扫描数据,完成扫描后,找到要恢复的文件,双击预览文件,并点击恢复按键。文件误删恢复就是这么简单,以上的恢复介绍希望对你有帮助,另外万能数据恢复大师软件除了恢复误删的文件还可以恢复回收站,u盘,手机等数据。


本意是指对一个或几个特定领域的有狂热兴趣并投入大量时间研究的人(参考维基百科和百度百科)。维基的解释比较准确,因为一个极客所关注的领域未必是电脑甚至是科技,也可以是电影、音乐等相对大众的领域。举个例子来说,刚刚退休的美国著名脱口秀主持人Jay Leno,个人拥有近千辆各种各样的汽车和摩托车,他不仅熟悉汽车历史和典故,也擅长复原老车、评论新车,这就是位典型的汽车极客。成为一名极客没有固定的标准,但一般来说,仅对对某领域的理论、实践了如指掌还远远不够,对该领域相关的零碎琐事(Trivia)也如数家珍,才能称得上是这个领域的极客。再举个例子来说,有10年JavaScript的工作经验并不代表你是个JavaScript极客,但是,如果你能说出本名LiveScript的JavaScript的是由当时在Netscape工作的Brendan Eich在10天之内设计出来的,那么你勉强可以算是个JavaScript的极客了。


GEEK和BP本质效果上大差不差, 就是罐头. 都有掉转速的嫌疑, 油耗上浮非快速路1个左右.这俩模块价格都在3k~3.6左右, 不需要置换. 换了的前期1/2 5/4档位会有点顿挫, 开一段时间会好很多.最后就是GEEK基本都是二选一罐头




很长时间在西方文化里geek的意思一直偏向鄙意,在PC革命初期,Geek开始衍生为一般人对电脑黑客的贬称,他们具有极高的技术能力,对计算机与网络的痴迷有时... 现在国外普遍定义Geek是指一些喜于业余时在电脑网络上与人交往的人,...




geek是卸载软件1、带有中文语言。默认情况下,首次运行后可能是繁体中文界面,你可以在“界面语言”菜单中更改过来。2、界面简单,使用方便。这个软件只有一个主界面。windows中所有已安装的软件会全部显示在这里,而所有和卸载有关的功能都集中在右键菜单中。3、单文件绿色版软件。在官网上下载后解压缩就可以使用,无需安装,更另人惊讶的是,这个软件只有一个文件哦。4、“注册表条目”功能可以快速打开与之有关的注册表键值(注册表编辑器中显示)5、带有强制删除功能。使用后,所有和这个软件有关的文件和注册表项都会被清理干净哦。6、GeekUninstaller还可以把已安装软件列表导出成html格式。7、体积小,只有1.65 MB。完美支持windowsWindows 7/8/XP/Vista/2003/2008操作系统。


geek [[giu02d0k]]基本翻译n. 做低级滑稽表演的人,反常的人;畸形人;野人n. (俚)极客,即智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的怪才网络释义geek:极客 | 呆子 | 高手

geek什么意思 geek解释

1、极客,又译为技客、奇客,是英文单词geek的音译。智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的学者或知识分子,含有贬义。 但近年来,随着互联网文化兴起,其贬义的成分正慢慢减少。 也指一些电脑狂热者 2、有关身体的俚语:an eye for an eye 以牙还牙。have a bedroom eyes 有一双性感的眼睛。an eye for something 对某物有鉴赏力。eye someone 细看某人,打量某人。have eyes bigger than one"s stomach? 眼馋肚饱




美 [ɡiːk] n.〈非正式〉对…痴迷而不善交际的人,极客;奇客;技客.例句:Perhaps a geek even became the president of the United States.那个当了美国总统的甚至可能也是奇客。It"s a great time to be a tech geek with a love for the cinema.这是一个适合技术控对电影表白的伟大时代。6. Bill is always on the computer! What a geek!Bill老是待在电脑前,真是个书呆子!


geek翻译不是怪咖。geek一、含义:n. 反常人;电脑迷;杂技团表演者;极客。二、用法:极客是美国俚语Geek音标[ɡiu02d0k]的音译。随着互联网文化的兴起,这个词含有智力超群和努力的意思,又被用于形容对计算机和网络技术有狂热兴趣并投入大量时间钻研的人。现代的Geek含义虽然与过去有所不同,但大多仍相似,Geek更多是指在互联网时代创造全新的商业模式、尖端技术与时尚潮流的人。The engineer in my office is a real geek.我们办公室的工程师是个真正的电脑迷。近义词:eccentric一、含义:adj. 古怪的;反常的;不同圆心的。n. 怪人;[物]偏心轮。二、用法:作形容词含有“奇怪的,奇异的,新奇的”之意,eccentric指偏离常规的怪异或怪癖。The old lady is a bit of an eccentric.这位老太是个有点古怪的人。


geek英 [gi:k] 美 [ɡik] n. 笨蛋,蠢货;对电脑痴迷的人;不可救药的人

韩国组合Geeks的officially missing you 的中韩歌词

[Verse One]All I hear is raindrops我听到的都是雨落的声音Falling on the rooftop打在房顶上Oh baby tell me why"d you have to go哦,宝贝告诉我为什么你要离开Cause this pain I feel因为这痛苦It wont go away实在驱之不散And today I"m officially missing you而如今我是真的想你了I thought that from this heartache我还以为心痛过后I could escape我可以逃离But I fronted long enough to know但是面对了这么久There ain"t no way发现毫无办法And today今天I"m officially missing you我正式地想念你[Chorus]Oh can"t nobody do it like you哦,没有人像你Said every little thing you do你做的每件小事Hey baby say it stays on my mind嘿,宝贝,它仍留在我心中And I, I"m officially现在的我,动了真格[Verse Two]All I do is lay around我所做的一切都是在边际徘徊Two ears( years ) full tears两耳(两年时光)充满泪水From looking at your face on the wall只要看到墙上你的照片Just a week ago you were my baby一周前你还是我的宝贝Now I don"t even know you at all现在我竟完全不认识你I don"t know you at all彻底陌生Well I wish that you would call me right now我希望你能给我打电话,就现在So that I could get through to you somehow好让我能了解你But I guess it"s safe to say baby safe to say但是我觉得还是这样说比较安全That I"m officially missing you我是真的想念你[Chorus][Bridge]Well I thought I could just get over you baby我还以为我会忘记你But I see that"s something I just can"t do但是我知道有些事情我无法做到From the way you would hold me从你搂我的方式To the sweet things you told me到你对我说的甜言蜜语I just can"t find a way我就是不能To let go of you将你忘记[Chorus]It official是真的You know that I"m missing you你知道我想你Yeah yes是的All I hear is raindrops我听到的都是雨声And I"m officially missing you我真的想你了

Bigbang的《How Gee》 歌词

歌曲名:How Gee歌手:Bigbang专辑:For The WorldHow GeeBig Bangone for the money, two for the showwe got the party peolple screamin" out...(hey - ho)let"s go!on and on into the breaka-dawni got a mic and i just can"t leave it alone i be the - t.o.p. aiite!i represent the big bang big thangs feel me i bring"em likedown and dirty you heard me it"s straight whoa!people gotta have it they really won"t let go, huhyo, i got it full controlindeed i"m ridin" high no need to lay lowi"m psyked i"m rippin" the show-rap- tight like kick in the doethat"s right baby zero below you know thegd got ya city throwin"em upit"s oh so - ficky ficky fresh! i give you nuttin" lessand if you aint known by now i be the bestladi dadi we came to party yes yesand while ya freakin" ya shawty let"s just...ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emdamn yo"m killin" the flow gotit pack wall to wall doe to doe that"s,quite incredible i know and everybody in the place be tipsyamazin" what this be we blazin" it crispyya honey wanna get down with thisi make her bounce to thisevery ounce of this i shit"chu notand it"s the shit"chu not you know i hits the spot-gd- yeah, i wear my sunglasses at nightstill 20-20 suckas walkin" around talkin"all"at balony damn homie you phony!be on about"cha biz what it is you aint gotmany and plenty they wanna know mei"m 50nuttin" fo mebeen an mc since my first sonyrockkarots you a cubic zakoni fall back let mypeople react, we in the zone yeah!ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emall yall get"cha hands up clap nowwe gonna shake and tear the house downi know you wanna do this right nowyou gotta get up and move it all aroundlove the way the kick drum plays nowi feel it in my heart that"s it nowi think i"m gonna count it off now...yeah, fire in the hole it"s a newload"m killin"em slow make"em learn about the t.o.pand how the story goit"s not nice - not prettyya hear a crack when i"m full contacti"m crushin" down manyyeah, uh, straight comin" fromthe back shootin" hennypeople be gettin" wild just kickin" and rippin"em outyou know it"s what it"s all about when you move a crowdjust raise the roof, now!ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"em



BEE GEES Heartbreaker 歌词翻译

戏剧歌词(有bee gees ) Bee Gees - Heartbreaker 有bee gees -戏剧歌词 HeartBreaker戏剧 I got to say it and it"s hard for me我得说,它和它的有点难 You got me cryin" like I thought I would never be你明白我的哭泣一样,我以为我会永远 Love is believin" but you let me down爱情是believin " ,但你让我失望 How can I love you when you ain"t around我怎样爱你,当你不在身边 And I .....我… … Get to the morning and you never call到早上你从不调用 Love should be ev"rything or not at all爱情应该ev"rything与否都 And it don"t matter what ever you do这不什么事都做,你 I made a life out of lovin" you我的生活出了贾斯汀你 Only to find any dream that I follow is dying只有找到任何梦想,我走垂危 I"m cryin" in the rain我哭泣,在雨中 I could be searchin" my world for a love everlasting我可以搜"我的世界,为爱情永固 Feeling no pain, when will we meet again没有感到疼痛时,我们将再次会晤 Why do you have to be a heartbreaker为什么你必须有一系列的戏剧 Is it a lesson that I never knew它是一个教训是,我从来不知道 Gotta get out of the spell that I"m under下班了魔咒,我下 My love for you我爱你 Why do you have to be a heartbreaker为什么你必须有一系列的戏剧 When I was bein" what you want me to be当我bein "你要什么,我只 Suddenly ev"rything I ever wanted has passed me by ev"rything突然,我都希望通过我的 This world may end这个世界可能结束 Not you and I不是你和我 My love is stronger than the universe我的爱是要强于宇宙 My soul is cryin" for you我的灵魂在哭泣,为你 And that can not be reversed并不能逆转 You made the rules and you could not see你的规则,你不能见 You made a life out of hurtin" me你的生活出伤人的,我 Out of my mind ,出我的心中, I am held by the power of you love我所持的权力,你爱 Tell me when do we try告诉我什么时候我们尝试 Or should we say goodbye或者我们应该说再见 Why do you have to be a heartbreaker为什么你必须有一系列的戏剧 When I was bein" what you want me to be当我bein "你要什么,我只 Suddenly ev"rything I ever wanted has passed me by ev"rything突然,我都希望通过我的 (break) (休息) . Ohhh, ohhh , Why do you have to be a heartbreaker为什么你必须有一系列的戏剧 Is it a lesson that I never knew它是一个教训是,我从来不知道 Suddenly ev"rything I ever wanted ev"rything突然,我都想要 My love for you ,,哇… … Why do you have to be a heartbreaker为什么你必须有一系列的戏剧 When I was bein" what you want me to be当我bein "你要什么,我只 Suddenly ev"rything I ever wanted has passed me by (fade) ev"rything突然,我都希望通过我的(褪色)

secret love bee gees 歌词翻译



fngeen是宝珀的牌子;Blancpain宝珀,秉承“创新即传统”的品牌基因,坚持只做机械表。自1735年诞生起,Blancpain宝珀的每一枚顶级复杂机械腕表都完全以手工制作且均由制表师亲自检查,刻上编号、签名,这项传统自诞生起一直延续。Blancpain宝珀——“经典时计的缔造者”,始终怀抱对于时间与制表的不渝信仰,锻造非凡的制表能力,坚守低调、坦诚、务实的品牌态度,以至臻制表为基石,倡导精致优雅的生活方式,将情感、艺术和文化浓缩融合为人类生活中至关重要的美好追求。迄今为止,钟表行业虽然没有任何的官方排名,但在众多的排名中,宝珀始终名列世界“十大名表”。在2008至2013年的胡润百富榜中,宝珀连续六年蝉联“最受青 睐的复杂功能手表”大奖扩展资料:在20世纪70年代,制表工业面临严峻挑战。石英机芯的问世令一些专家预测传统腕表或将日暮途尽,然而,Blancpain宝珀却致力于生产顶级复杂功能腕表。宝珀制表厂一直坚持以最纯粹的传统方式制造腕表,遵循两世纪前由Jehan-Jacques Blancpain与其继承人的腕表理念。1983年,Blancpain宝珀以Cal.6395机芯作为试金石,将全历月相这一消失已久的复杂功能,重新带回表坛。不仅重现了机械制表的价值,将世人的目光拉回传统制表领域,使所有的瑞士制表品牌有所依随,同时也奠定了复杂功能机制的设计典范。品牌由此遵循传统的工艺催生而出的代表性作品还有堪称“表王”的1735腕表。这款时计于1991年推出时俨然是全球最复杂的时计,汇集最顶级的复杂功能:超薄、三问报时、陀飞轮、万年历、月相与双追针计时。制表师需要1年的时间方能完成机芯组装。参考资料来源:百度百科-手表

Geeeeeeee 什么意思?

Geeeeeeee = geeSomtimes more e"s are added to suggest the person held the "e" sound for a longer time...Webster"s dictionary says:GEEFunction: interjectionEtymology: euphemism for Jesus-- used as an introductory expletive or to express surprise or enthusiasm Similar to something like "天啊" and "哇" in Chinese.Another similar word:Main Entry: gee-whiz / gee whizFunction: adjective1 : designed to arouse wonder or excitement or to amplify the merits or significance of something especially by the use of clever or sensational language <play-by-play specialists who wallow in gee-whiz banality -- Jack Gould>2 : marked by spectacular or astonishing qualities or achievement <gee-whiz technology>3 : characterized by wide-eyed enthusiasm, excitement, and wonder source:

Why do wild geese move around so much ?汉意是什么

move 指 “迁徙”,move around 就是 “到处迁徙”,so much 是程度状语,所以这句话的意思是 “大雁为什么如此频繁地四处迁徙?”

The Wild Geese(野鹅敢死队)的英文歌词

《Flight of the Wild Geese》 Sad are the eyes, yet no tears.The flight of the wild geese brings a new hope--rescue from all this.Old friends, and those that we"ve found.What chance, to make it last?When there"s fighting all around, and reason just ups and disappears.Time is running out.There is so much to be done--Tell me what more, what more, can we do?There are promises made, plans firmly laid.Now madness prevails, lives will be ended!What more can we do?What chance, to make it last?What more, can we do?

GEE 杰西卡


GEE 少女时代 韩语歌词


gee lo green -fuck you 歌词翻译

哎呀瞧绿色 ----去你妈的

Geert Hofstede是谁

吉尔特·霍夫斯塔德(Geert Hofstede):文化大师 G·霍夫斯坦德教授,是社会人文学博士,曾主管过IBM欧洲分公司的人事调查工作,荷兰马城(Maastricht)大学国际管理系名誉教授,在欧洲多所大学任教,并担任香港大学荣誉教授,从事组织机构人类学和国际管理(Organizational Anthropology and Internataional Management)。1993年退休以后,他依然是香港、夏威夷、澳大利亚的一些大学的客座教授。具体的你可以在网上搜一下他的相关信息,不知道你问的是哪方面的。。

gee mv那个男主角叫什么名字


谁能将BIGBANG的HOW GEE翻译一下 有追分


Bigbang的《How Gee》 歌词

歌曲名:How Gee歌手:Bigbang专辑:Number 1How GeeBig Bangone for the money, two for the showwe got the party peolple screamin" out...(hey - ho)let"s go!on and on into the breaka-dawni got a mic and i just can"t leave it alone i be the - t.o.p. aiite!i represent the big bang big thangs feel me i bring"em likedown and dirty you heard me it"s straight whoa!people gotta have it they really won"t let go, huhyo, i got it full controlindeed i"m ridin" high no need to lay lowi"m psyked i"m rippin" the show-rap- tight like kick in the doethat"s right baby zero below you know thegd got ya city throwin"em upit"s oh so - ficky ficky fresh! i give you nuttin" lessand if you aint known by now i be the bestladi dadi we came to party yes yesand while ya freakin" ya shawty let"s just...ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emdamn yo"m killin" the flow gotit pack wall to wall doe to doe that"s,quite incredible i know and everybody in the place be tipsyamazin" what this be we blazin" it crispyya honey wanna get down with thisi make her bounce to thisevery ounce of this i shit"chu notand it"s the shit"chu not you know i hits the spot-gd- yeah, i wear my sunglasses at nightstill 20-20 suckas walkin" around talkin"all"at balony damn homie you phony!be on about"cha biz what it is you aint gotmany and plenty they wanna know mei"m 50nuttin" fo mebeen an mc since my first sonyrockkarots you a cubic zakoni fall back let mypeople react, we in the zone yeah!ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emall yall get"cha hands up clap nowwe gonna shake and tear the house downi know you wanna do this right nowyou gotta get up and move it all aroundlove the way the kick drum plays nowi feel it in my heart that"s it nowi think i"m gonna count it off now...yeah, fire in the hole it"s a newload"m killin"em slow make"em learn about the t.o.pand how the story goit"s not nice - not prettyya hear a crack when i"m full contacti"m crushin" down manyyeah, uh, straight comin" fromthe back shootin" hennypeople be gettin" wild just kickin" and rippin"em outyou know it"s what it"s all about when you move a crowdjust raise the roof, now!ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"em

求BEE GEES乐队的歌曲的中文歌词

我是午夜车手在我在每一个冲程, 可能使妇女垂悬,我是一个铁人,我有一个总计划抽烟的云彩,但我是单独的,我能听见您呼吸以风的叹气,我记得怎么您的身体开始了打颤oh,它是的什么是夜,我仍然单独,为地球和所有心灵做的所有奇迹在所有创作,我总莫名其妙地结束,总单独结束,我如此使用,我将等待,因为您知道爱花费到目前为止敲打寂寞的心的时间, 偏僻心脏和它是我不很好想要是单独的我的,因为我在您的答复电话没有收到消息,并且,因为您每分钟是繁忙的。i正义不爱出门的人i虚假您关心我感觉您到处,但我单独,我在抓阄转轮以命运转弯,因为我知道它不是天堂,是它爱或怨恨是我痛苦主题是我陌生人在雨中我是单独的,并且,如果那里可能注视它的那里荣耀是我的想像力那里如此告诉的另一个故事我使用,我将等待,并且我祈祷它不太晚我们来了到目前为止偏僻的心脏的敲打,并且它是我不想要是单独和为地球和所有做的所有奇迹的我的, 心在那里是如此讲的另一个故事我演奏的所有创作,我将等待,并且我祈祷它不太晚我们来了到目前为止僻寂寞的心的敲打,并且它是我不想要是单独去的我的,但是不视线之外在雨中捉住的i"m和那里是没有家庭面孔夜的热您爱得到心由石亮光和查寻制成光的那个,并且您在您的海洋迟早巡航,并且视线之外清洗在雨中,和那里是没有家

geeks3d furmark烤机多久

用Furmark烤机,半个小时左右看一下结果,基本上在85度左右徘徊,峰值87度,室温19度。 1.FurMark对显卡有一定的影响。 2.FurMark是一个烤机软件,主要是使得显卡满载,看温度能去到多高(越低越好)。 3.如果长时间运行FurMark烤机,对显卡也是有害的。 4.烤久了不是没有意义,而是对显卡硬件会有些许影响!显卡长时间处于满载阶段温度上去,显卡质量好的或者新的一时半会看不出,但是你没事一直烤机,显卡早晚会花屏的!测试达到目的看温度适当就适可而止了。

少女时代MV Gee里面 这几个女孩的名字谁知道





Angeles [词典] [人名] 安杰利斯; [地名] [美国] 安杰利斯; [地名] [波多黎各(美)、菲律宾、哥斯达黎加] 安赫莱斯; [网络] 安吉利斯; 天使城; 安吉尔斯; [例句]Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there.发生在洛杉矶附近的两起漏油事故已经污染了那里的海洋和天空。






angel 天使;守护神;善人ange [ɑu0303:u0292] (法)昂热(品牌名字);法国一乐队名。

除了KARA的屁股舞.WG的nobody.少时的GEE tara的猫舞以外还有什么好看的韩国组合MV~!望韩族告诉?

f(x)的nu abo,少时的oh,褐眼女孩的abracadabra、Sign,泫雅的change,


对MODIS数据的土地覆被图斑完成形态学处理 Force an image to be computed in a given projection and resolution. Arguments: this:image (Image): The Image to reproject. crs (Projection): The CRS to project the image to. crsTransform (List, default: null): The list of CRS transform values. This is a row-major ordering of the 3x2 transform matrix. This option is mutually exclusive with the scale option, and replaces any transform already on the projection. scale (Float, default: null): If scale is specified, then the projection is scaled by dividing the specified scale value by the nominal size of a meter in the specified projection. If scale is not specified, then the scale of the given projection will be used. Returns: Image 强制实现一个影像对象重投影。输入参数:输入影像对象,crs(投影),crsTransform(列表,默认为空),尺度参数(重采样分辨率)浮点型,默认使用原始大小 对输入影像对象的每一个波段执行形态学reducer()操作,类似于滤波操作,使用核名称或自定义核。 输入参数:输入影像对象,半径(浮点型,默认1.5),核类型(字符串型,默认:圆形,可选:圆形,正方形,十字,plus,八角形,菱形),单位(默认1像素"pixels",也可以指定为米"meters"),循环次数(整形,默认为1),核心(自定义核心,若使用,则核心类型和半径可以不指定) 与2中参数相同,实现影像对象腐蚀膨胀操作。膨胀其实就是求局部最大值,腐蚀是求局部最小值。 本例中,var image5 = image4.focal_max(3).focal_min(5).focal_max(3); 使用指定分隔字符来连接一个列表的所有元素,返回一个字符串

Bee Gees的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Bee Gees专辑:The Ultimate Bee GeesOneI feel my heartbeat,when you run your fingers through my hair.(Yeah) I can feel you,I can feel you by my side when you"re not there.(Yeah) Just as my life fades to darknessyou you make me see the light.Show me that my search is overI pay the price, I pay the price.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it always, brighter than the eye can see, we hide the sun.The taste of love is sweeter like honey on the vine,like the wind that feeds the fire, two souls become entwined.Someday baby you and I should be one, one.VERSE 2:So I"m standing "round this cornerTall enough to touch the New York sky, oh yesMy love is so blindI just cannot hear or see the world go by, oh yesSomeone can love so completelyOne kiss should break the sea.Truth can be stranger than fictionThis love is realThis love is real.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it always, brighter than the eye can see, we hide the sun.Ah we are one, we are one.VERSE 3:I will followCount on me, I"ll never let you down, oh yesMy devotionIf love is an ocean I"ll surely drown, oh yesYou"ll be my only possessionI"ll be a slave to youWe hold the power togetherJust me and youJust me and you.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it always, brighter than the eye can see, we hide the sun.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.You know my life is in your hands,and every breath you take is plannedand all this love goes on forever.]Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it someday Baby, you and I should be one, one....(Repeat to Fade)



少女时代的gee oh的罗马音

罗马音:少女时代 -gee Aha! Listen Boy My First Love Story My Angel and My Girl My First Story Oh! Oh! Let"s go! No mu no mu mos jio nu ni nu ni pu sio Gu man mi qi gei so dol li nun gol Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby O no mu pu ku lo wo qio da pol su o so Sa lang ei ba jio so su ju pun gol Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby O do kei ha jiu (o do ga jiu) Dol li nun na nun (dol li nun na nun you) (du gun du gun du gun du gun ) Du gun du gun go liu pa mein jiam do mo xi lu jiu Na nun na nun pa pong a bua you gu dei gu dei pa gei mo lu nun pa po Gu lei you gu deil po nun mam No mu pan qiag pan qiag nu ni pu sio no no no no no No mu kam qiag kam qiag nol lan na nun oh oh oh oh oh No mu qia lis qia lis mo mi dol lio gee gee gee gee gee O so jiun nun bi (oh yeah ) o jio wun hyang gi (oh yeah yeah yeah) O no mu no mu ye bo ma mi no mu ye bo Qios nu nei pan hei so sog tui nun gol Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby No mu na tu go wo man jil su ga op so Sa lang ei ta po lio hu gun han gol Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby O qio mion jiu a (o qio mion jio a you) Su jiu pun na nun (su jiu pun na nun you) (mol la mol la mol la mol la ) Mol la ha mio mei yi gu dei man gu li jiu Gu nyang qin gul du lun ma la jiu Jong mal no nun jong ma mos mal lio pa po Ha ji man gu dei po nun nan No mu pan qiag pan qiag nu ni pu sio no no no no no No mu kam qiag kam qiag nol lan na nun oh oh oh oh oh No mu qia lis qia lis mo mi dol lio gee gee gee gee gee O jo jun nun bi (oh yeah) O jio wun hyang gi (oh yeah yeah yeah)Mal do mo seis nun gol no mu pu ku lo wo ha nun nan Hyang gi ga op nun gol ga o do kei ya jio wun gol ga Du gun du gun mam jio li mio pa la po go yi so (ya ) No mu pan qiag pan qiag nu ni pu sio no no no no no No mu kam qiag kam qiag nol lan na nun oh oh oh oh oh No mu qia lis qia lis mo mi dol lio gee gee gee gee gee O jo jun nun bi (oh yeah) O jio wun hyang gi (oh yeah yeah yeah)No mu pan qiag pan qiag nu ni pu sio no no no no no No mu kam qiag kam qiag nol lan na nun oh oh oh oh oh No mu qia lis qia lis mo mi dol lio gee gee gee gee gee O jo jun nun bi (oh yeah) O jio wun hyang gi (oh yeah yeah yeah)OH 罗马拼音jeo ne al deon nae ga a nya Brand New Soundsae ro wo jin na wa ham kke One More RoundDance Dance Dance You"ll be wrong This Timeoppa oppa I"ll Be I"ll BeDown Down Down DownTalk> "I like the way you smile, like the way you talk, whenever you"re ready, wanna be.... something new, oh!")hey oppa na jom bwa na reul jom ba ra bwacheo mi ya i reon nae mal tu Hameo ri do ha go hwa jang do haen neun dewae neo man neo man mo reu nidu geun du geun ga seu mi tteol lyeo wa yoja kku ja kku sang sang man ha neun geol lyoeo tteo ke ha na kot dae no peun nae gamal ha go si peoOh! Oh! Oh! Oh! ppa reul sa rang haeAh! Ah! Ah! Ah! manh i manh i haesu ju beun i je bal ut ji ma yojin sim i ni nol li ji do ma ra yotto ba bo ga teun mal ppu nyajeo ne al deon nae ga a nyaBrand New Soundsae ro wo jin na wa ham kkeOne More RoundDance Dance DanceYou"ll be wrong This Timeoppa oppa I"ll Be I"ll BeDown Down Down Downoppa jam kkan man jam kkan man deu reo bwaja kku han yae gin eun mal godong saen geu ro man saen ggak ha ji ma rail nyeon dwi myeon hu hoe hal geolmol la mol la nae ma meul jeon hyeo mol lanun chi eop ge jang nan man chi neun geol lyoeo tteo ke ha na i cheo reom neun sa ra madeu reo bwa jom manOh! Oh! Oh! Oh! ppa reul sa rang haeAh! Ah! Ah! Ah! manh i manh i haesu ju beun i je bal ut ji ma yojin sim i ni nol li ji do ma ra yotto geu reo myeon na ul ji do mol lajeo ne al deon nae ga a nya Brand New Soundmwon ga da reun o neul ma neun tteu geo un mamDown Down i reo ji ma hwa nan daoppa oppa i dae ro neunNo No No NoTell Me Boy Boy LoveIt It It It It It It AhOh! Oh! Oh! Oh! ppa reul sa rang haeOh! Oh! Oh! Oh!Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! ppa reul sa rang haeAh! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!manh i manh itto ba bo ga teun mal ppu nyaOh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!ppa reul sa rang hae Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!Ah! Ah! Ah! manh i manh i haeOh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!ppa reul sa rang hae Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!Ah! Ah! Ah! manh i manh i Oh!





摔跤吧爸爸 geeta最后比赛本来是1:5落后,怎么一个背摔后,由5:5变成6


求一篇英文演讲稿,主题为:A Word That Has Changeed The World

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Today, my topic is that China is the word that has changed the world. China is not only a word, but also a kind of high quality porcelains originally made in China, a symbol that has been well known all around the world, a culture that has been producing great effects on the world literature. Above all, it is a nation that stands in the East like a giant. China is a nation with a history of five thousand years. So China began to change the world at the very beginning. Chinese porcelain, nay, china, was one of the greatest inventions of Ancient China. Europeans began to make copies of those beautiful Chinese porcelains as soon as they were introduced to Europe in seventeenth century. China made the whole of European porcelain industry blossom. At the same time, it promoted the development of European economic history and the European Industry Revolution. Moreover, four great inventions of Ancient China are known to every household. They gave enormous impetuses to China"s politics, economics, and civilization. What"s more, they made great contributions to the world civilization. They were introduced to the west in succession long before the production of European modern civilization. Then they became the necessary premise of Bourgeois development and provided material base for Bourgeois to board the stage of politics. China has changed the world from the past to the present. Now, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture. As a second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners. This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay. Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicines, and martial arts. They are also interested in kung fu films, fashions and crafts. Seemingly outlandish words such as dimsum, ginseng, gingko, oolong cha have crept into their everyday language. The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, and ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement. So China is the very word that has changed the world. We are proud that we are Chinese. I wish China, our motherland, is more thriving in the years ahead.

I love the way you lie 的歌词 stephenie Gee 唱的

和Rihanna 唱的吧!!

Sandra Gee - If You Want Me的歌词

Are you really hereOr am I dreamingI can"t tell dream from truthFor it"s been so longSince I have seen youI can hardly remember your face anymore]When I get pretty lonelyAnd the distance causes only silencei think of you smiling]With pride in your eyesLover that sighsIf you want meSatisfy meIf you want meSatisfy meAre you really sure that you believe meWhen others say I lieI wonder if you could ever despise meWhen you know I really triedTo be a better oneTo satisfy youFor you"re everything to meAnd I"ll do what you ask meIf you want mesatisfy me]If you want meSatisfy meIf you want meSatisfy meIf you want meSatisfy me

英语任务型阅读Canada Geese are large blue and white birds.When autu?

仅供参考:1.They will die.(The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there.)2.No, he isn"t.(600 miles South of his home in Canada.)3.Because he flew there to get the geese...,2,英语任务型阅读 Canada Geese are large blue and white birds.When autumn es.they have to move to south where the weather is warmer.The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there. Last spring,Bill and a man found sixteen young Canada Geese on his farm.They had lost their way.Bill thought,"These young birds won"t know what to do in the autumn." He had a *** all plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him.All through the summer,he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese new after him. When the cold weather arrived in the autumn,Bill flew to Virginia in the United States.600 miles South of his home in Canada.The geese followed him all the way.Bill left the geese in Virginia and he returned home. This spring,Bill was waiting for the birds to e back.They didn"t arrive,so Bill flew to Virginia to get them.He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn"t find them.When he arrived back home,he found the geese waiting for him.They had found their way home without him! 1.what will happen if canada geese stay in winter bill le *** an from the united states 3.why did bill fly back to virginia this spring? 4.did the 16 geese have a good memoty 5.what do you think of bill lishman

Jquery出错:Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

不太懂你这个函数为什么会报错,我copy你的本地调试,什么错误提示都没有但是我要提下:1、你的html写法不标准,a标签不能直接嵌套在ul里头的2、可能是onclick是关键字,直接写函数有误,我本地是点击直接没反应,alert也没反应3、属性选择器有误li[display="block"],这个选择不到,li[style*="block"]应该这么写才对经修改方案如下:<script type="text/javascript"> function onc(){ //alert($("#a").text()) var more = $("a"); if(more.html()=="更多"){ $("li:hidden").css("display","block"); more.html("简化"); return; } if(more.html()=="简化"){ $("li[style*="block"]").css("display","none"); more.html("更多"); return; } }</script><ul> <li style="display:none">第1个li</li> <li>第2个li</li> <li style="display:none">第3个li</li> <li>第4个li</li> <li style="display:none">第5个li</li> <li>第6个li</li> <li>第7个li</li> <li>第8个li</li></ul><a href="#" id="a" onclick="onc()">更多</a>

Bee Gees的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:Bee Gees专辑:22 Hits OfMy World-Bee GeesDon"t shed a tear for meNo, it"s not your styleIf you"re not here by meThen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineDon"t shed a tear for methat"s not your styleif you"re not here by methen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my world

Bee Gees的《My World》 歌词

歌曲名:My World歌手:Bee Gees专辑:MythologyMy World-Bee GeesDon"t shed a tear for meNo, it"s not your styleIf you"re not here by meThen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineDon"t shed a tear for methat"s not your styleif you"re not here by methen it"s not worth whileMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineI"ve been cryingI"m lonelyWhat do I do to have you to stayI"ve needed youto cry onI"ve written you nearly ev"ry dayMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my worldand my world is your world is mineMy world is our worldAnd this world is your worldand your world is my world


异常类:public class AgeException extends Exception { public AgeException() { super(); } public AgeException(String arg0, Throwable arg1) { super(arg0, arg1); } public AgeException(String arg0) { super(arg0); } public AgeException(Throwable arg0) { super(arg0); }}测试类:public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ int age = 20; if(age<18||age>80) throw new AgeException("年龄不在18到80的范围内"); }}


柯林斯英汉双解大辞典congress /ˈkɒŋɡrɛs/ 1.集体可数名词 A congress is a large meeting that is held to discuss ideas and policies. 代表大会例:A lot has changed after the party congress.该党代表大会后很多都变了。

Selim Kagee的《The Voice》 歌词

歌曲名:The Voice歌手:Selim Kagee专辑:Cry For LoveEveryday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meSo when you"re lost wishing for an angelOr a hand to pull you throughWhen the world is on your shoulderEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in...Sometimes life moves in mysterious waysAnd you don"t know where it will endIt"s a fight, no one can fill your placeBut when you call looking for an answerTo justify what you have to doBaby don"t look any furtherEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m just too blind to seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundWhen the world is on your shoulderEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundWe all have our own private warYou know those times when doubt fills your headEveryday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in... Me, in me

Bee Gees的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Bee Gees专辑:Their Greatest Hits: The Record Cd2OneI feel my heartbeat,when you run your fingers through my hair.(Yeah) I can feel you,I can feel you by my side when you"re not there.(Yeah) Just as my life fades to darknessyou you make me see the light.Show me that my search is overI pay the price, I pay the price.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it always, brighter than the eye can see, we hide the sun.The taste of love is sweeter like honey on the vine,like the wind that feeds the fire, two souls become entwined.Someday baby you and I should be one, one.VERSE 2:So I"m standing "round this cornerTall enough to touch the New York sky, oh yesMy love is so blindI just cannot hear or see the world go by, oh yesSomeone can love so completelyOne kiss should break the sea.Truth can be stranger than fictionThis love is realThis love is real.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it always, brighter than the eye can see, we hide the sun.Ah we are one, we are one.VERSE 3:I will followCount on me, I"ll never let you down, oh yesMy devotionIf love is an ocean I"ll surely drown, oh yesYou"ll be my only possessionI"ll be a slave to youWe hold the power togetherJust me and youJust me and you.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it always, brighter than the eye can see, we hide the sun.Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.You know my life is in your hands,and every breath you take is plannedand all this love goes on forever.]Tell you someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it someday Baby, you and I should be one, one.Do it someday Baby, you and I should be one, one....(Repeat to Fade)

ideacentre Geekpro 14IMB有显卡供电吗



congee[英]["ku0252ndu0292i:] [美]["ku0252ndu0292i:] vi.告别,鞠躬n.粥


少女时代-Gee LRC edit:Redleaf QQ:394029817 (Ffany)A-ha! listen boy my first love story (Ssica)my angel I"m a girl my sunshine oh oh let"s go (uc11cud604)ub108ubb34 ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 ub208uc774 ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 uc228uc744 ubabb uc26cuaca0uc5b4 ub5a8ub9acub294 uac78 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby (Ffany)oh ub108ubb34 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6cc uccd0ub2e4 ubcfc uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc0acub791uc5d0 ube60uc84cuc5b4 uc218uc90duc740 uac78 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee babe babe....... (Sunny&uc724uc544)uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uc8e0(uc5b4ub5a1ud558uc8e0) ub5a8ub9acub294 ub9c8uc74c(ub5a8ub9acub294 ub9d8uc740uc694) (ub450uadfc ub450uadfc ub450uadfc ub450uadfc) (uc724uc544)ub450uadfc ub450uadfcuac70ub824 ubc24uc5d0 uc7a0ub3c4 ubabb uc774ub8e8uc8e0 (Ssica)ub098ub294 ub098ub294 ubc14ubcf8uac00ubd10uc694 uadf8ub300 uadf8ub300ubc16uc5d0 ubaa8ub974ub294 ubc14ubcf4 uadf8ub798uc694 uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub294 ub09c (All)ub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 no no no no no ub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 oh oh oh oh oh ub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee uc816uc740 ub208ube5b(oh yeah )uc88buc740 ud5a5uae30(oh yeah yeah yeah) (Sunny)oh ub108ubb34 ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0 ub9d8uc774 ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0 uccabub208uc5d0 ubc18ud588uc5b4 uaf2d ucc1duc740 uac78 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby baby (SooYoung)ub108ubb34ub098 ub728uac70uc6cc ub9ccuc9c8uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 uc0acub791uc5d0 ud0c0ubc84ub824 ud6c4ub048ud55cuac78 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee babe babe...... (uc11cud604&ud6a8uc5f0)uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544(uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544uc694) uc218uc90duc740 ub098ub294(uc218uc90duc740 ub098ub294uc694) (ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c) (ud6a8uc5f0)ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77cud558uba70 (ud0dcuc5f0)ub9e4uc77c uadf8ub300ub9cc uadf8ub9acuc8e0 uce5cud55c uce5cuad6cub4e4uc740 ub9d0ud558uc8e0 uc815ub9d0 ub108ub294 uc815ub9d0 ubabbub9d0ub824 ubc14ubcf4 ud558uc9c0ub9cc uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub294 ub09c (All)ub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 no no no no no ub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 oh oh oh oh oh ub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee uc816uc740 ub208ube5b(oh yeah)uc88buc740 ud5a5uae30(oh yeah yeah yeah) (Yuri)ub9d0ub3c4 ubabbud588ub294 uac78 ub108ubb34 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6cc ud558ub294 ub0a0 (ud0dcuc5f0)uc6a9uae30uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac78uae4c uc5b4ub5a1ud574uc57c uc88buc740uac78uae4c ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub9d8 uc878uc774uba70 ubc14ub77cubcf4uace0 uc788uc8e0 (All)ub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 no no no no no ub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 oh oh oh oh oh ub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee uc816uc740 ub208ube5b(oh yeah)uc88buc740 ud5a5uae30(oh yeah yeah yeah) ub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 no no no no no ub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 oh oh oh oh oh ub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee uc816uc740 ub208ube5b(oh yeah)uc88buc740 ud5a5uae30(oh yeah yeah yeah) THE END

求歌词:gee 少女时代韩语

Aha! Listen boyMy first love storyMy angel & My girlsMy sunshine ah! ah! let"s go!ub108ubb34ub108ubb34 uba4buc838 ub208uc774 ub208uc774 ubd80uc154uc228uc744 ubabb uc26cuaca0uc5b4 ub5a8ub9acub294 GirlGee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby BabyGee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby BabyOh ub108ubb34 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6cc uccd0ub2e4ubcfc uc218 uc5c6uc5b4uc0acub791uc5d0 ube60uc84cuc5b4 uc218uc90duc740 GirlGee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby BabyGee Gee Gee Gee Be Be Be Be Be Be(uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud558uc8e0) uc5b4ub5a1 uc5b4ub5a1ud558uc8e0(ub5a8ub9acub294 ub098ub294) ub5a8ub9acub294 ub098ub294uc694(ub450uadfc ub450uadfc ub450uadfc ub450uadfc) ub450uadfc ub450uadfcuac70ub824 ubc24uc5d4 uc7a0ub3c4 ubabb uc774ub8e8uc8e0ub098ub294 ub098ub294 ubc14ubcf8uac00ubd10uc694uadf8ub300 uadf8ub300ubc16uc5d0 ubaa8ub974ub294ubc14ubcf4 uadf8ub798uc694 uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub294 ub09cub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774ubd80uc154 No No No No Noub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 Gee Gee Gee Gee GeeOh uc816uc740 ub208ube5b Oh Yeah Ohuc88buc740 ud5a5uae30 Oh Yeah Yeah YeahOh ub108ubb34 ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0 ub9d8uc774 ub108ubb34 uc608ubed0uccabub208uc5d0 ubc18ud588uc5b4 ucf55 ucc0duc740 GirlGee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby BabyGee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Babyub108ubb34ub098 ub728uac70uc6cc ub9ccuc9c8 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4uc0acub791uc5d0 ud0c0ubc84ub824 ud6c4ub048ud55c GirlGee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby BabyGee Gee Gee Gee Be Be Be Be Be Be(uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544)uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544uc694 (uc218uc90duc740 ub098ub294)uc218uc90duc740 ub098ub294uc694(ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c) ubab0ub77cubab0ub77c ud558uba70 ub9e4uc77c uadf8ub300ub9cc uadf8ub9acuc8e0uce5cud55c uce5cuad6cub4e4uc740 ub9d0ud558uc8e0uc815ub9d0 ub108ub294 uc815ub9d0 ubabbub9d0ub824ubc14ubcf4 ud558uc9c0ub9cc uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub294 ub09cub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774ubd80uc154 No No No No Noub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 Gee Gee Gee Gee GeeOh uc816uc740 ub208ube5b Oh Yeah Oh uc88buc740 ud5a5uae30 Oh Yeah Yeah Yeahub9d0ub3c4 ubabbud588ub294 uac78 ub108ubb34 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6cc ud558ub294 ub09cuc6a9uae30uac00 uc5c6ub294uac78uae4c uc5b4ub5a1ud574uc57c uc88buc740uac78uae4cub450uadfcub450uadfc ub9d8 uc878uc774uba70 ubc14ub77cubcf4uace0 uc788ub294 ub09cub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774ubd80uc154 No No No No Noub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824(ub5a8ub824uc640)Gee Gee Gee Gee GeeOh uc816uc740 ub208ube5b Oh Yeah Oh uc88buc740 ud5a5uae30 Oh Yeah (ub208uc774ubd80uc154)ub108ubb34 ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd ub208uc774ubd80uc154 No No No No Noub108ubb34 uae5cuc9dduae5cuc9dd ub180ub780 ub098ub294 Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohub108ubb34 uc9dcub9bfuc9dcub9bf ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824 (ub5a8ub824uc640)Gee Gee Gee Gee GeeOh uc816uc740 ub208ube5b Oh Yeah Ohuc88buc740 ud5a5uae30 Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah




《HOW GEE》*s&current=1&rev=4《MAKE LOVE》*s&current=1&rev=4《BABY BABY》*s&current=1&rev=4

谁能帮我把bigbang的How gee的歌词翻译成中文啊...谢谢...

  HOW GEE  [ GD] One for the money, two for the show  1献给金钱,2献给这场表演  We got the party people screamin" out (hey - ho)  我们让所有人一起尖叫  Let"s go! 一起来吧!  [TOP] On and on into the breaka-dawn  持续不停地直到第二天的清晨  I got a mic and I just can"t leave it alone  我拿着我的麦克风就无法放开  I be the T.O.P aiite!  我要成为最高的歌手  I represent the Big Bang big thangs feel me I bring "em like  我要重新展现BIG BANG的音乐,感受我吧  Down and dirty you heard me it"s straight whoa!  直接让你从中听到我的坏  People gotta have it, they really won"t let go, huh  人们都将会为之着迷,他们都舍不得停止,哈  Yo, I got it full control  是的,我掌控了这一切  Indeed I"m ridin" high no need to lay low  没有什么理由可以让我停止下来  [GD] I"m psyked I"m rippin" the show  我近乎疯狂地投入在这场演出中  Tight like kick in the doe  仿佛是要踢开一切般地卖力表演  That"s right baby zero below  没错宝贝就要让你冻结在冰点以下的温度  You know the GD got ya city throwin" em up  当你知道GD已经掌控了这座城市并快要把他掀翻  It"s oh so - ficky ficky fresh! I give you nuttin" less  这真是太-新鲜了!我不会给你很难的问题  And if you ain"t known by now I be the best  如果你现在还不明白我会做到最好  Ladi dadi we came to party yes yes  女孩们让我们一起来开派对  And while ya freakin" ya shawty let"s just...  当你开始尖叫我们就可以…  Ahhhhhhhh Big Bang gon" raise the roof yall  啊-BIG BANG的表演将要开始进入高潮  So you know what to do yall  所以你知道现在该干什么了  Just keep on rockin" em  只需继续随着我们摇摆  Ahhhhhhhh Big Bang gon" raise the roof yall  啊-BIG BANG的表演即将进入高潮  Just keep on rockin" em  就跟着我们摇摆吧  [TOP] Damn yo"m killin" the flow got it pack wall to wall doe to doe that"s  该死,气氛开始有些降低了下来  Quite incredible I know  我知道这难以置信  And everybody in the place be tipsy  每个人都喝得醉醺醺地东倒西歪  Amazin" what this be we blazin" it crispy  奇怪酒不是会让人头脑清醒的吗  Ya honey wanna get down with this, I make her bounce to this  你的宝贝想要离开这里,我会让她再次兴奋地跳起来  Every ounce of this I sh*t"chu not  即使是一丁点也够了  it"s the sh*t"chu not you know I hit the spot  你知道我说的正合你心意  [GD] Yeah, I wear my sunglasses at night, still 20-20  哈,我在晚上戴上我的墨镜,符合我的年龄和身份  Suckas walkin" around talkin" all"at balony, damn homie you phony!  人们在四周走来走去谈论的都是无聊的话题,该死的虚伪的人们!  Be on about"cha biz what it is you ain"t got nuttin" fo me  对你稍微有些关注,你却对我视而不见  Been an MC since my first sony  我自从初次表演便作为气氛的调动人  Rock many and plenty they wanna know me  带领着不少人尽情摇摆,她们都想主动与我接近  I"m 50 karats you a cubic zakoni  我像50克拉的钻石一样珍贵  Fall back let my people react, we in the zone yeah!  请你后退几步让我的伙伴们作出行动,我们就在区域的中央!  [YB] All yall get"cha hands up, clap now  将手举起来的人们,鼓掌吧  We gonna shake and tear the house down  我们将要将撼动整个屋子  I know you wanna do this right now  我知道你已经迫不及待  You gotta get up and move it to the sound  你应该起来走向我们的音乐  Love the way the kick drum plays now  爱上鼓棒敲击鼓面发出的那些节奏  I feel it in my heart, that"s it now  我的心能感受到现在已经到了适当的时候  I think I"m gonna count it off now...  我想我将要开始倒数…  [TOP] Yeah, fire in the hole, It"s a new load I"m killin"em slow  来吧,释放你的热情,这又是新的篇章,我打算放慢速度  Make"em learn about the T.O.P - and how the story go  让他们认清我TOP,和了解整个故事的过程  It"s not nice - not pretty  它并不美好-并不优美  Ya hear a crack when I"m full contact I"m crushin" down many  当我拼尽全力的时候你会听到爆裂的声音  [GD] Yeah, uh, straight comin" through from the back shootin" Henny 喔,是的,从激动人心的时刻直接带来的激情  People be gettin" wild just kickin" and rippin"em out  人们开始变得狂热,喝得烂醉如泥  You know it"s what it"s all about when you move a crowd  当你鼓动人群的时候你知道自己在干什么  Just raise the roof, now!  就让我们从现在开始大声喧闹吧  还有个字幕版的视频



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绝对原创哦!!求加分!!我今天早上花了一个多钟头你除了在我空间看得到,在网上搜也搜不到!!啊哈/listen,boy/my first love story/5噢喔5噢喔耶~~/my angel/I"m a girls/my sun shine/uh,uh,let"s go/那么那么幕交,努力努力不下,斯么嘛斯get the瑟大力嫩歌/gee gee gee gee babybabyba(*2)/哦 那么不得打喔插得不斯op萨/萨那哩吧泽,ah苏组beg打/gee gee gee gee babybabyba(*2)/on the pair a noo(..)/大力noon大力(大力noon打noon 诺)/(这个这个这个这个)嘟loon嘟loon耷拉/把咪cem幕non你嘟做~/那琳那琳笨得嘎巴哟/could they could they巴get no 嘟捏/巴boat(后~)/could大意koon they波noon纳/no~noon本价本价no你不下no no no no no~/no 甘架甘架norlearn那里oh oh oh oh oh~/noo奴 加你加你哞咪dar呀/gee gee gee gee gee/加猪唔no比 oh yeah/走唔嘎你 oh yeah yeah yeah/oh 那么那么耶吧 妈咪那么也把/ cen怒那把耶撒 go机分噶啊/gee gee gee gee babybabybei/那么那泽嘎哇 门则思那ep撒/撒那里打bar拉/good goo嫩哒/gee gee gee gee geebabybaby bei(*2)/啊周变做哇 啊左边做why哟/素组本那里 素组本纳len哟/笨啦笨啦笨啦笨啦 不路不moon哈拉/may哭爹门哭D错~哦/金哪金库嘟噜马哈做哦/chem么那里em么哞my啦/怕boat(后~)/怕em咪库捏moment那/诺怒 本价本价no你不下 no no no no no/ no 甘架甘架norlearn那里oh oh oh oh oh~/ noo奴 加你加你哞咪dar呀/ gee gee gee gee gee/哦加猪唔no比 oh yeah/哦走唔嘎你 oh yeah yeah yeah/my吨nun den奴da呀/阿玛嘟古纳瓦哈嫩那/5噢喔5噢喔耶~~/用gi噶on moon goi 噶/哦多ke呀错唔goi噶/组组那满嗯李留/巴巴波波E呀/no那 本价本价no你不下 no no no no no/no 甘架甘架norlearn那里oh oh oh oh oh~/ noo奴 加你加你哞咪dar呀/ gee gee gee gee gee/加猪唔no比 oh yeah/走唔嘎你 oh yeah yeah yeah/no你本价本价no你不下 no no no no no/ no 甘架甘架norlearn那里oh oh oh oh oh~/ noo奴 加你加你哞咪dar呀/ gee gee gee gee gee/哦加猪唔no比 oh yeah/哦走唔嘎你 oh yeah yeah yeah网上有些是音不准的,一楼的就是网上的,虽然很多,但不要被他蒙骗了啊。为什么没分???
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