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Jay Chou - Blue and White Porcelain Word / Fang Wenshan Qu / Jay Chou Edit: High Templar Su-embryo Bifeng thick blue outline slowed Bottle you described as the beginning of makeup Peony Sandalwood slowly through the window of my mind clear This paper put up half of the write rapidly Ladies Figure flavor glaze rendering by possession And such as you smileMoon US-ray of you being released into the atmosphere Can not go to the places I go Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you River Madadayo smoke rising thousands of miles Scribe carved at the bottom like the former book the elegant On when I met you as a foreshadowing Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you The moonlight was the outcome of salvage from Yunkai Handed down a big such as the blue and white beauty Eye with you smile White color of the Koi Yue-ran on the Green Song signed copy when you think about Kiln at you hide a secret in the Millennium As if a very fine needle embroidery landing Basho帘外Jalan Jalan P. Central door showers I walk past me in the southern town you At splash-ink landscape painting Village Were you from the depths of color fade Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you River Madadayo smoke rising thousands of miles Scribe carved at the bottom like the former book the elegant On when I met you as a foreshadowing Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you The moonlight was the outcome of salvage from Yunkai Handed down such as the blue and white with a big beautiful eyes you smile Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you River Madadayo smoke rising thousands of miles Scribe carved at the bottom like the former book the elegant On when I met you as a foreshadowing Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you The moonlight was the outcome of salvage from Yunkai Handed down such as the blue and white with a big beautiful eyes you smile


我的爸爸 我的爸爸长着乌黑的头发,淡淡的眉毛下面长着一双炯炯有神的眼睛,脸蛋圆圆的像一个鸡蛋,他总喜欢手叉着腰,挺着自己的将军肚,显得格外神气。我的爸爸还特别喜欢干家务。 有一天,我的爸爸正在玩电脑,玩着玩着不知怎的,突然站起来走到卫生间,拿起扫把和拖把,慢慢地走到客厅。他左手拿拖把,右手拿扫把,两样东西并用,左一拖右一拖,左一扫,右一扫,他的样子好笑极了,我见了捧腹大笑,爸爸见了生气地说:“笑什么笑 笑什么笑 快过来帮我。”我接过爸爸手中的扫把,扫了起来,但有时候还是会情不自禁的笑起来。 我的爸爸有许许多多的优点,也有许许多多的缺点。 有一天,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,别抽烟了吧!吸烟有害健康。”爸爸只是生气地说了句:“我的事,你别管。”我见了爸爸的态度生气极了,决定把爸爸的香烟藏起来。夜色已深,我去上床睡觉,没想到爸爸像是我肚子里的蛔虫,不到半分钟就找到了香烟,抽了起来,我见了生气地说:“完了!完了!怎么办 ” 我爸爸的优点和缺点都很多,我希望他能保持自己的优点,然后再把那些缺点改正。


The snow it melts the soonest皑雪瞬逝Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing,皑雪瞬逝,清风吟唱。And the corn it ripens fastest when the frosts is settling in,稻麦初熟,寒霜已降。And when a woman tells me my face she"ll soon forget, 昔日种种,倏忽逝亡。Before we"ll part, I will wage a croon, she"s fain to followt yet. 其情也笃,其人也罔。Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing, 皑雪瞬逝,清风吟唱。And the swallow skims without a thought as long as it is spring;燕燕于飞,草木生长。But when spring goes, and winter blows, my lassie you"ll be fain, 枯叶飘零,义纵情伤。For all your pride, to follow me across the stormy main. 风雨如晦,与君偕藏。Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing, 皑雪瞬逝,清风吟唱。And the bee that flew when summer shone, in winter cannot sting; 七月流火,九月为霜。I"ve seen a womans anger melt between the night and morn, 瞻彼日月,陟彼高岗。Oh it"s surely not a harder thing to tame a woman"s scorn. 将子无怒,中心养养。Oh, never say me farewell here, no farewell I"ll receive, 悠悠我思,莫迁莫往。And you shall set me to the stile and kiss and take your leave; 与君同梦,将翱将翔。I"ll stay until the curlew calls and the martlet takes his wing,鹊鸣喈喈,月出之光。Oh, the snow it melts the soonest when the winds begin to sing.煦风习习,冰雪消亡。 Soul Cake灵魂蛋糕A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕, Please, good missus, a soul cake,好太太您请,一个灵魂蛋糕, An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,苹果,梨子,梅子和樱桃, Any good thing to make us all merry.都会使我们大家幸福快乐。 A soul cake, a soul cake,灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕, Please, good missus, a soul cake,好太太您请,一个灵魂蛋糕, One for Peter, two for Paul,一个给彼得,二个给保罗, And three for Him that made us all.三是为他使我们所有。God bless the master of this house上帝保佑这个家的主人 And the mistress also,包括女主人 And all the little children和所有的孩子们 That round your table grow;他们围坐在桌旁。The cattle in your stable,还有你的牛, The dogs at your front door,还有你的狗, And all that dwell within your gates和你门前所有的住宿者 We"ll wish you ten times more.我们会加倍祝福你。 A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕: Go down into the cellar,And see what you can find;下到地窖来看看If the barrels are not empty如果木桶不是空的 We"ll hope that you"ll be kind;我们希望您有爱心; We"ll hope that you"ll be kind我们希望您有爱心 With your apple and your pear,施舍苹果和梨子 And we"ll come no more a-soulin"今后,我们将不超过1 - soulin" Till Christmas time next year.直到明年圣诞节 A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕: The streets are very dirty,街道很脏, Me shoes are very thin,我的鞋很单薄, I have a little pocket我有一个小口袋 To put a penny in;能放进一便士; If you haven"t got a penny;如果你没有得到一分钱 A ha"penny will do;一个 ha"penny也可以If you haven"t got a ha"penny;如果您没有一个ha"penny God bless you.上帝保佑你。Lo How A Rose E"er Blooming(玫瑰如何永远盛开)Lo, How a Rose E"er BloomingLo, how a rose e"er bloomingFrom tender stem hath sprung,Of Jesse"s lineage coming,As men of old have sung.It came a fl ow"ret brightAmid the cold of winterWhen half-spent was the night.Isaiah "twas foretold it,This Rose that I have in mind.And with Mary we behold it,The Virgin Mother so sweet and so kind.To show God"s love aright,She bore to men a SaviourWhen half-spent was the night.7 Cold SongWhat power art thou who from belowHast made me rise unwillingly and slowFrom beds of everlasting snow?See"st thou not how stiff, how stiff and wondrousold,Far, far unfi t to bear the bitter cold?I can scarcely move or draw my breath:Let me, let me, let me freeze again to death.Christmas At Sea(海上的圣诞节)All day we fought the tides between the NorthHead and the South,All day we hauled the frozen sheets to scape thestorm"s wet mouth,All day as cold as charity, in bitter pain anddread,For very life and nature we tacked from headto head.We gave the South a wider berth, for there thetide-race roared;But every tack we made we brought the NorthHead close aboard:We saw the cliffs and houses and the breakersrunning high,And the coastguard in his garden, his glassagainst his eye.The frost was on the village roofs as white asocean foam;The good red fi res were burning bright in every"long-shore home;The windows sparkled clear and the chimneysvolleyed out;And I vow we sniffed the victuals as the vesselwent about.The bells upon the church were rung with amighty jovial cheer;For it"s just that I should tell you how(of all daysin the year)This day of our adversity was blessed Christmasmorn,And the house above the coastguard"s was thehouse where I was born.And well I knew the talk they had, the talk thatwas of me,Of the shadow on the household and the son thatwent to sea;And, oh, the wicked fool I seemed, in every kindof way,To be here and hauling frozen ropes on blessedChristmas Day.The Hounds Of Winter(冬天的猎犬)Mercury fallingI rise from my bed,Collect my thoughts togetherI have to hold my headIt seems that she"s goneAnd somehow I am pinned byThe Hounds of WinterHowling in the windI walk through the dayMy coat around my earsI look for my companionI have to dry my tearsIt seems that she"s goneLeaving me too soonI"m as dark as DecemberI"m as cold as the Man in the MoonI still see her faceAs beautiful as dayIt"s easy to rememberRemember my love that wayAll I hear is that lonesome soundThe Hounds of WinterThey follow me downI can"t make up the fireThe way that she couldI spend all my daysIn the search for dry wood Board all the windows and close the front doorI can"t believe she won"t be here anymoreI still see her faceAs beautiful as dayIt"s easy to rememberRemember my love that wayAll I hear is that lonesome soundThe Hounds of WinterThey follow me downA season for joyA season for sorrowWhere she"s goneI will surely, surely followShe brightened my dayShe warmed the coldest nightThe Hounds of WinterThey got me in their sightsI still see her faceAs beautiful as dayIt"s easy to rememberRemember my love that wayAll I hear is that lonesome soundThe Hounds of WinterThey harry me down其他的还没找到,找到给你


米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你 米兰,米兰 永远为了你 我们走在英雄的身旁在绿地上 在蓝天下你们再多赢一个星星闪烁在我们之间 我们一起歌唱 米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你 米兰,米兰 永远为了你 米兰 在心中 在灵魂深处 你是真正的朋友 我们一起歌唱 米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你 米兰,米兰 永远为了你 暴力不会污染我们的梦米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你 米兰,米兰 永远为了你

Un Amico E Cos 请高手帮我翻译一下歌词大意 谢谢 啦

Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此facile allontanarsi, sai 离开你很容易,你知道Se come te, anche lui ha i suoi guai就像你一样,他也有自己的烦恼Ma quando avrai bisogno sara qui 但是当你需要的时候,他将会在这里Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此Non chiedera ne il come ne il perche 不去问为什么Ti ascoltera e si battera per te 对你聆听,为你尽力E poi tranquillo, ti sorridera 然后平静的,对你微笑Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此E ricordati che finche tu vivrai 请记住,在你生活中Se un amico con te non ti perderai 如果有个朋友和你在一起,你就不会失去自我In strade sbagliate percorse da chi 在错误的道路行走的人Non ha nella vita un amico cosi 在生活中不会有这么一个朋友Non ha bisogno di parole mai, 他并不需要说什么Con uno sguardo solo capirai 一个眼神你就懂Che dopo "un no", lui ti dire di se 在一个“不”之后,他会告诉你如果?????Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此E ricordati che finche tu vorrai 请记住,只要你还想Per sempre al tuo fianco lo troverai你始终能找到我Vicino a te, mai stanco perche在你身边,我永远不会厌倦,因为Un amico la cosa piu bella che c"e 有这么一个朋友真好come un grande amore, solo mascherato un po" 就像一个亲密的爱人,很少隐藏什么Ma che si sente che c"e 但当感觉到有事情藏在心里Nascosto tra le pieghe di un cuore che si daiE non si chiede perche 不要去问为什么Ma ricordati che finche tu vivrai 但请记住,在你生活中Se un amico con te, non tradirlo mai如果有个朋友和你在一起,就永远不会出卖你Solo così scoprirai che只有这样,你才能发现Un amico la cosa piu bella che c"e有这么一个朋友真好E ricordati che finche tu vivrai 请记住,在你生活中Un amico la cosa piu vera que hai 有这么一个朋友真实的存在这里il compagno del viaggio piu grande che fai 能够在一起旅行是件很好的事Un amico qualcosa che non moure mai. 这样一个朋友永远不会消逝



Do Me More的歌词是什么?

这是中文版的你是否受到 甜蜜的香味所吸引而来?你是否因为 一路寻找面包屑而迷途?从刚才起就一直很好奇 You wanna Knowwhat"s in the BOX?a rich one? acheap one?你说你想继续做一个害羞的男孩 are you?其实脸上明白写著你想要隐去的脚步声危险的mission难度相当高 But I"ll be thereYou don"t have to worry no more漂荡在空中Are we flyin?想做些什麼?It gest deeper in the dream world深沉的睡眠潮湿的肌肤抚过的小指头导向的目的地*即使闭上眼也不会消失的 Fantasy梦 - 现实 界限如此的暧昧Bass Line 在这个世界是带路人诡异而闪耀的 R&Me假装自已迷了路You what me more不断地 Feel that you love me more糖果搭建的城堡You wanna give me more, more, more Do me moreIt;s deeper,sweeter, do me more(重复4次)Your red shinin" lips like aqueen butterfly如次大胆的邀约其实我并不排斥若你渴望暸解我更深 question回答我 Hoe you feel good? "I feel good"无意识中追求著最顶级比起任何事物更clean且确实Time刚刚好 高昂的表情 已呈现中毒症状 不需要更多You don"t have to cry 难道不是吗?红色的气球 飘起来了you say 「你优先」It gest deeper in the dream world危险的命运 在视线当中 只要看见的那扇门能打开* repeat浮出的line比今宵的明月还 sexy眼光追寻所到之处弥漫著淡淡的 incense(C"mon)有如迷宫般的世界Every way that you choose哪个才是正确答案?(你说呢?)答案全部 on your mind接下来才精采 kick the floor (yeah)假如有太多的不顺心何不想像自已成了另一个人?因为这里是 Special Dreamin"World这是罗马拼音do me more -Amuro NamieAmai kaori sasowarete kita no?Pan kuzu sagashite mayotte ita no?Sakki kara ki ni shiteruYou wanna know what"s in the box?A rich one? A cheap one?Shai na boy de itai karatte are you?Honto wa hoshii tte kao ni kaite aruKeshi ta ashioto kiwadoi mission woNai do wa soutou but I"ll be thereYou don " t have to worry no moreChuuburarinAre we flyin?Nani shitai?It gets deeper in the dream worldFukai saiminShimeru hada niHau koyubi ga michibiku saki ni waMe wo tojitemo kienai fantasyYume genjitsu sakaime nante aimai niBassline ga kono sekai de wa annai ninAyashiku te hora kirameku R&MeMaigo no furi shite you want me moreNan do demo feel that you love me moreOkashi no shiro de you wanna give me more,more, more, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreYour red shinin" lips like a queen butterflySonna daitan na sasoi wa kirai ja naiMotto oku made shiritai nara questionKotae te how you feel good? "I feel good"Muishiki ni motome teru saijoukyuuDonna mono yori clean de kakujitsuTime wa choudo taka buru hyoujouMou chuudoku shoujou kore ijouYou don"t have to cry sou desho?Akai fuusenUkabu you say"Kimi ga yuusen"It gets deeper in the dream worldYabai unmeiShisen no ueSoko ni mieru tobira o akere baMe wo tojitemo kienai fantasyYume genjitsu sakaime nante aimai niBassline ga kono sekai de wa annai ninAyashiku te hora kirameku R&MeMaigo no furi shite you want me moreNan do demo feel that you love me moreOkashi no shiro de you wanna give me more,more, more, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreUkidasu line wa koyoi no tsuki yori sexyMedeou saki ni tadayou honoka na incenseC"monMeiro no you na kono sekaiEvery way that you chooseDore ga seikai? (nee?)Kotae zenbu on your mind saaMadamada korekara kick the floor (yeah)Iya na koto bakkari naraBetsujin ni natta tsumori de dou?Datte koko wa Special dreamin" lifeMe wo tojitemo kienai fantasyYume genjitsu sakaime nante aimai niBassline ga kono sekai de wa annai ninAyashiku te hora kirameku R&MeMaigo no furi shite you want me moreNan do demo feel that you love me moreOkashi no shiro de you wanna give me more,more, more, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me moreIt"s deeper, sweeter, do me more望采纳


Milan,Milan词曲:托尼·雷尼斯,M·古安特尼歌词:Milan,Milan AC米兰俱乐部Milan,Milan solo con te米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你Milan Milan sempre per te米兰,米兰 永远为了你Camminiamo noi accanto ai nostri eroi我们走在英雄的身旁sopra un campo verde sotto un cielo blu在绿地上 在蓝天下conquistate voi una stella in piu你们又赢得了一个星星ha brillato in noi insieme cantiamo闪烁在我们之间 我们齐声歌唱Milan Milansolo con te米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你Milan Milansempre per te米兰,米兰 永远为了你Con il Milan nel cuorenel profondo dell"anima米兰 在心中 在灵魂深处un vero amico sei insieme AC米兰历史上获得的奖杯cantiamo你是我们真正的朋友Milan Milan solo con te米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你Milan Milan sempre per te米兰,米兰 永远为了你Con il sogno che la violenza no AC米兰队徽只有梦想,没有暴力non ti sporchi mai insieme cantiamo愿你远离污染Milan Milansolocon te米兰,米兰 只愿拥护你Milan Milansempreper te米兰,米兰 永远为了你检举|今天 13:18九九众神|一级最快回答


odoro u kyou ha mahiru no carnival  me ga ae ba minna tomo ? sa maybe  gen kanou mo kanke nai ?? no carnival  bi emi de zenbu tsutawaru ne baby  rizumu ni nore ba tomara nai mama de  tabibito mo sugu ni neitibu sa ready  tenshon ha zutto sou high na mama de  kono daichi fume ba o matsuri sa lady  tanoshimo u Hey Hey Hey ? mo mina futoshi ? no PARADISO  warao u yo Hey Hey Hey nanimokamo seishun no PARADISO  sou nayami ga are ba ima sugu tada odori nagara ke ? ba shi te  ira nai mochi nado ? te chae ?? ja naku ashita mo wasure te  So ima o ikiru no sa yeah, all right!  hadashi ga niau hikari no carnival  nimotsu sae minna ira nai yo maybe  kokoro sae hadashi manma de carnival  nado hazushi hashagu n da baby  i tsuke te machi juu ga ima  hareyaka na matsuri ? wara nai fine day  aozora no choudo mannaka de hora  futoshi no megami waratteru good day  sawago u ka Hey Hey Hey ichi nichi chuu futoshi ? no PARADISO  hontouha Hey Hey Hey ichi nen chuu seishun no PARADISO  Ah ge na emi ukan de sou shira zu shira zu ni odoru yo  jouzu ja naku tatte ii yo ne ? yori karada de kanji te  So sore de kanpeki sa Yeah, all right!


  (We say... Oh... 谢谢你)  Hey! 世界喊著一二三 载著可爱的你  Hey! 世界的明日 未来 依然充满的感激  谢谢你 这多美好 不需要难为情 谢谢你  So 我们都是人类 人生的 每一天 谢谢你  谢谢你 Now 越来越多的感谢之情  谢谢你 洋溢在世界的每个角落 Come on!  谢谢你 Thank you for...!! 与全世界拥抱  谢谢谢谢四千年 Shake it! 让我们共舞  何等刺激! 谢谢你!  间谍电影同样精彩无比  那时尚流行真令人著迷  谢谢谢谢Check it out yo  Wow Wow Wow Wow I love you「谢谢你」  Hey! 想要将这世界拥在怀里  带著感谢 Clap your hands!  Hey! 以世界为目标向前进 总之先踏出一步 谢谢你  怀抱感恩之心来吧! 来到这海滩 感谢产生共鸣的朋友 多谢  So 我们将以一生来致力演出  专心一意埋头努力 谢谢你  谢谢你 Now 越来越多的感谢之情  谢谢你 将地球满满包裹住 Come on!  谢谢你 Thank you for...!! 与全世界亲吻  放声呐喊 从长城上 大声喊道谢谢  让感谢声回荡在贝加尔湖上  如亮片一般闪闪发光  度一个罗马假期  谢谢谢谢充电去吧  Wow Wow Wow Wow I love you「谢谢你」  多 多多多 Thank you You! Just  谢谢谢谢 多谢多谢  365天 Yo Yo  请多指教 你不是孤独的 要开心  来吧,传达感谢之情 是的,要表达自己的心情  无论是分享快乐的时光 还是彼此打气的时刻  时时别忘了唱一句 So 关键字「Thanks」  谢谢你 Thank you for...!! 与全世界拥抱  谢谢谢谢四千年 Shake it! 让我们共舞  何等刺激! 谢谢你!  间谍电影同样精彩无比  那时尚流行真令人著迷  谢谢谢谢Check it out yo  谢谢你 Thank you for...!! 与全世界亲吻  放声呐喊 从长城上 大声喊道谢谢  让感谢声回荡在贝加尔湖上  如亮片一般闪闪发光  度一个罗马假期  谢谢谢谢充电去吧  Wow Wow Wow Wow I love you「谢谢你」

急求【sasakure.UK】蜘蛛糸モノポリー feat. 【初音ミク】 中文歌词+罗马音+日文

可以去初音ミクwiki和中文wiki顺便合并了一下…有点挤= =作词:sasakure.UK 作曲:sasakure.UK 编曲:sasakure.UK 歌:初音ミク翻译:Fancia.葵堕ちた世界の终焉で 绝间ない赤を抱く 赎罪を掻き分けて 白莲の意思は阡年回廊在坠入的地狱底部 被无尽的红色笼罩 白莲念其些微善举 赐其赎罪之机ochi ta sekai no shuuen de zetsu mana i aka wo daku shokuzai wo kaki wake te shiro hasu no ishi ha sen nen kairou忽然、视界の中心で 揺れる感情と裏腹に 真直ぐな银色线は 只、掌で嗫いて居た忽然,在视野中央 与激荡的感情相对 笔直的银色细丝 静静地落入掌中kotsuzen , shikai no chuushin de yure ru kanjou to urahara ni makoto sugu na gin"iro sen ha tada , tenohira de shou ite ita「…きっと其んな意図なんだ。」 蜘蛛を掴む様なモノガタリ「…一定是这样的意思(线)。」 就像抓住蜘蛛一样的故事(... kitto son na ito nanda .) kumo wo tsukamu youna monogatari贵方が何様なんだとしても 救いの亡い莫迦だったとしても 千断れそうな爱の様な"赛"を 手缲り寄せたんだ无论你是何方神圣 还是无可救药的蠢货都会向那随时都会扯断的爱般脆弱的“愿(时机)” 伸出手去anata ga nanisama nandatoshitemo sukui no nai baka dattatoshitemo sen kotoware souna ai no youna " sai " wo taguri yose tanda其の糸が地狱に照り返る "赤色"なんだと気付いて居ても ―仆は其れに缒る事しか 出来なかった訳ですから。这蛛丝反射着地狱 就算意识到那“红色”为何 ——我也只能去依靠它。sono ito ga jigoku ni teri kaeru " sekishoku " nandato kidui te ite mo - bokuha sono reni sugaru koto shika dekina katta wake desukara .堕ちた世界の中心で 绝え间ない梦掴む ふと底を见下ろす 几千の四肢が缒っていた在坠入的地狱中心 紧握住不间断的梦 无意间向底下望去 数千支手臂也抓了上来ochi ta sekai no chuushin de taema nai yume tsukamu futo soko wo mioro su ikusen no shishi ga tsui tteitaどれだけ伝って来たのか? どれだけ足掻いて来たのか? 咽び泣くは血の池の様 蠢き唤くは罪人模様究竟到这里爬了多久? 究竟到现在挣扎了多久? 血池传来呜咽哭鸣 罪人们蠕动叫喊 doredake tsutatte kita noka ? doredake ashi kai te kita noka ? musebi naku ha chi no ike no sama ugomeki wameku ha zainin moyou手を差し伸べた訳じゃ亡いのだろう 贵方は仆が足掻く様を见て 嘲笑っておられたのだろう? かつて仆が"そうした"様に怎可能会伸出援手 你是看到我挣扎的样子 而来嘲笑我的吧? 就像我“曾经做过的”一样te wo sashi nobe ta wake ja nai nodarou anata ha boku ga ashi kaku sama wo mite seserawaratte oraretanodarou ? katsute boku ga " soushita " youni「…其れでも爱していたんだ。」 蜘蛛を掴む様なモノガタリ「即便如此也深爱过。」 那虚幻无稽的故事(... sono redemo itoshi teitanda .) kumo wo tsukamu youna monogatari贵方が神様なんだとしても "救い"と云う釈迦だったとしても 千断れそうな爱の様な"赛"に しがみついたんだ无论你是神仙 还是说来“拯救”的释迦 都会将那随时都会扯断的爱般脆弱的“愿(时机)” 紧紧抓住 anata ga kamisama nandatoshitemo " sukui " to iu shaka dattatoshitemo sen kotoware souna ai no youna " sai " ni shigamitsuitanda其の糸が地狱に照り返る "赤色"なんだと気付いて居ても ―仆は其れに缒る事しか 出来无かった訳なんだ这蛛丝反射着地狱 就算意识到那“红色”为何 ——我也只能去依靠它sono ito ga jigoku ni teri kaeru " sekishoku " nandato kidui te ite mo - bokuha sono reni sugaru koto shika deki naka tta wake nanda贵方が何様なんだとしても 救いの亡い莫迦だったとしても 千断れそうな赛の様な“爱”を 求めてしまったんだ无论你是何方神圣 还是无可救药的蠢货 都会对那如随时都会扯断的愿(时机)般脆弱的“爱” 不断寻求anata ga nanisama nandatoshitemo sukui no nai baka dattatoshitemo sen kotoware souna sai no youna " ai " wo motome teshimattanda『この糸は己の意図だ!』と 叫んで断れた云の异図、ああ ―仆は其れに缒る事さえ 出来无かった訳ですから。叫出『这蛛丝可是我的打算(丝)!』时 云之异图(蜘蛛的丝)应声而断,啊啊 ——我甚至连依靠它 都没能做到。( kono ito ha onore no ito da !) to saken de kotoware ta kumo no i zu , aa - bokuha sono reni sugaru koto sae deki naka tta wake desukara .


Milan,Milan Milan,Milan solo con te Milan Milan sempre per te Camminiamo noi accanto ai nostri eroi sopra un campo verde sotto un cielo blu conquistate vooi una stella in piu ha brillate in nole insieme cantiamo Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan sempre per te Con il Milan nel cuore nel profondo deli"anima un vero amico sele insieme cantiamo Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan sempre per te Con il sogno che la violenza no non ti sporchi maie insieme cantiamo Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan sempre per te


_(:з」∠)_这鬼畜的test......罗马音附上楼主是要去挑战吗!总之望采纳高音厨音域テスト作词:木村わいP 作曲:木村わいP 编曲:木村わいP 呗:初音ミクこんにちは 初音ミクだよ konnichi wa hatsune miku dayo音域テストを 始めるよoniki tesuto wo hajimeru yo 高音厨のお前らならば kouonchuu no omaera naraba余裕で歌えるねyoyuu de utaeru nehiA hiB hiC hiD hiCこんなの重低音だね❤konna no juuteion daneすこしだけ音を上げるよsukoshi dake oto wo ageru yo普通の人なら出ないけど futsuu no hito nara denai kedo高音厨のお前らならばkouonchuu no omaera naraba 风邪でも歌えるねkaze demo utaeru nehiD hiE hiF hiG hiFまだまだ中音域だねmadamada chuuoniki daneもうちょっと音を上げるよmou chotto oto wo ageru yo ファルセットだけじゃきついかな?wwfuarusetto dake ja kitsui kana 高音厨のお前らならばkouonchuu no omaera naraba 朝饭前だよねasameshimae dayo nehiG hihiA hihiA# hihiC hihiDギブアップしてもいいのよ?❤gibuappu shite mo ii no yo最后は一気にあげちゃうよsaigo wa ikki ni agechau yo もはや歌词も闻き取れないねmo haya kashi mo kikitorenai ne 高音厨の本気の力kouonchuu no honki no chikara 见せておくれよmisete okure yohihiC hihiD hihiD# hihiF hihiG终わりだよ❤ owari dayoいや嘘だよ❤iya uso dayohihihiA hihihiB hihihiC hihihiD hihihiEここまで出たなら kokomade detanara合格❤goukaku


酒干倘卖无 チュウ·クヮン·タン·ウェイム チュウ·クヮン·タン·ウェイム なつかしい子守歌 今も忘れない抵父のあの声 みなし児の俺を背负って歩いた チュウ·クヮン·タン·ウェイム チュウ·クヮン·タン·ウェイム 空きビンはないですか つらい暮しでもなぜか温かい ごつくて大きな男の掌 おまえのために明日が来ると 高く抱きあげああ笑ってくれた 抵父が教えたとおり 俺は勇気をふるって生きた 疲れ果ててくじけた时も なつかしい姿が浮かんだ 今幸せの光受けて 恋人と统ばれる时に 胸に热く苏るのは 想い出のあの歌 いつか故郷の下町に帰り 今度は抵父を背负って歌うよ


唯一人(完整版)新しい时代が来たのにatarashii jidaiga kita noni煮诘まって抜け出せないnitsumatte nuke dasenaiこの道が真っ直ぐ过ぎてkono michiga massugu sugite逃げれもしないnigeremo shinai选ぶにも道がなくてerabu nimo michiga nakute迷走中meisouchuu何がしたいかひとりわからなくてnaniga shitaika hitori wakara nakute妄想中mousouchuu自分と他人を比べて堕ちて行くjibunto taninwo kurabete ochite yuku君は世界にたった一人だよkimiwa sekaini tatta hitorida yo仆は世界にたった一人だよbokuwa sekaini tatta hitorida yoねぇ、そうでしょ?nee soudesho?君にしかできないことなんてkimini shika dekinai koto nanteないかもしれないけどnai kamo shirenai kedo何もしないまま消えてゆくのかい〜nanimo shinai mama kiete yukuno kai「仆だって谁だって気持ちイイことがしたいだけえ!」「boku datte dare datte kimochi ii kotoga shitai dakee!」君のその白いとこに全部kimino sono shiroi tokoni zenbu持ってかれてもmotte kareremo君のその黒いとこに全部kimino sono kuroi tokoni zenbu捧げたいsasagetai选ぶにも道がなくてerabu nimo michiga nakute迷走中meisouchuu何がしたいかひとりわからなくてnaniga shitaika hitori wakara nakute妄想中mousouchuu自分と他人を比べて堕ちて行くjibunto taninwo kurabete ochite yukuオイラ世界にたった一人だよoira sekaini tatta hitorida yoいつも世界にたった一人だよitsumo sekaini tatta hitorida yoでもやるのだーのdemo yarunoda-noオレにしかできないことなんてoreni shika dekinai koto nanteないかもしれないけどnai kamo shirenai kedo何もしないまま消えてゆくのnanimo shinai mama kiete yukuno何もしないまま消えてゆくのnanimo shinai mama kiete yukuno何もしないまま消えてゆくもんか〜nanimo shinai mama kiete yuku monka「何だって何时だって気持ちイイことがしたいだけ〜!」「nan datte nanji datte kimochi ii kotoga shitai dake〜!」

Church 歌词 中文

Ladies and Gentlemen 女士们先生们 You already know what it is 你们已经知道这是什么了 Ok, Yea, Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit 好 XX Im tryin to run in this mutherfcka 我试着融进这种气氛里 Im tryin to anyways 不管怎样 我试着 Got two hard lookin mutherfckers 融进这里 Ca mon 男人们 来吧 I was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came here 我试着享受这个夜晚 但是你却来了 Turned around looked mighty happy fore you came here 转过身 看起来到这儿之前很高兴 I then turn into a rude dude 然后让我变成了粗鲁的男人 Why you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights 你为啥要把这个夜晚弄糟呢 以至于我们现在必须为打坏这些灯付出点什么 You aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yapp 你啥都不做就只是跑掉 You got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strapped 你要去找一个同伙来 我现在身无分文的 I then turn into a rude dude man 结果我变成个粗鲁的野蛮男人 Why you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights 你为啥要把这个夜晚弄糟呢 以至于我们现在必须为打坏这些灯付出点什么 Dope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to her 有小姐试着阻止你的时候 你要听她的 She better not talk that shit ima have to put some piss right through her 她最好不要胡说八道 否则我就XXXXXX脏话 I then turn into a rude dude man 结果我变成个粗鲁的野蛮男人 Why you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca mon 你为啥要把这个夜晚弄糟呢 以至于我们现在必须为打坏这些灯付出点什么 来吧 男人们 Yea, damm, You think you cool, you think im not you think you tough 是啊 MD 你觉得自己很酷, 你觉得自己很勇敢和我不一样 Damm, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you rough MD 你觉得自己很牛X 你觉得我跟女人似的 而自己很粗鲁 Damm,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hush MD 你放屁>_<, 最好闭上你的嘴 给我安静下来 Before the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to church 在晚上借宿之前我就要把你这头蠢驴送到教堂里 Its a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve on 礼拜天在公园里 我试着换一个方向 Some little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve on 试着走了有一些小路来改变方向 I then turn into a rude dude man 结果我变成个粗鲁的野蛮男人 Why you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap off 你为啥要把这个公园弄糟呢 以至于你被留在黑暗里毫无陪伴 You aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie hole 你啥都不做就只是躲起来 You gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln" 你让我做些令人吃惊的事 I dont wanna be a rude dude man 我不想变那么粗鲁下作 Why you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap off 你为啥要把这个公园弄糟呢 以至于自己被留在黑暗里毫无陪伴 If thats your car you need to go ahead and get into it 如果那是你的车 你就走过去坐进去 Better not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through it 最好别提那种走过去时你会被炸飞的胡说八道 I then turn into a rude dude man 结果我变成个粗鲁的野蛮男人 Why you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights off 你为啥要把这个公园弄糟呢 以至于自己被留在黑暗里百无聊赖 Those niggas think they hard, so why they think im not 那些黑鬼认为他们很牛X 为毛他们觉得我就不牛X Until i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like 等我变得牛X 我就会让他们知道我到底是谁 Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im not 我要让他们觉得我很男人 他们凭啥不这么认为 Until i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like 等我变得牛X 我就会让他们知道我到底是谁 Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im not 那些贱银认为他们很牛X 为毛他们觉得我就不牛X Until i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like 等我变得强壮我就会让他们知道我到底是谁 Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im not 那些贱银认为他们很牛X 为毛他们觉得我就不牛X Until i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like ....lets do it 等我变得牛X我就会让他们知道我到底是谁 汗 自己翻的也很囧 黑人的俚语太多了

求x japan 的 amethyst的歌词

  You are only a whisper away 你只是一段远去的低语  But I can"t touch your heart 但我不能触碰你的心灵  If the words aren"t enough to bet your soul 如果这些言语都不足以赢取你的灵魂  I"ll give you the moon 我会把月都给你  You are always shining sun or rain 你永远是照耀着的太阳或者雨  Like a violet stone 像紫罗兰色的石头  I close my eyes but you never fade 我闭上眼但你的身影从未消失  You never disappear 你从来没有失去过踪迹  I feel alone 我感受到孤独  Can"t you see me standing on the verge of blue? 你不能看见我站在这片忧伤中吗?  I"ll be watching all the stars till they are gone 我会看着天上所有的星星,直到它们都坠落  Should I know nothing could make me miss you less? 我应该知道没有什么能减缓对你的思念的  Oh, I"ve been waiting for you 我在这里等着你  To tell me what is love 来告诉我什么是爱  I don"t know how to be loved 我不知道这样被爱  How to be by your side 怎样才能在你身边  Morning light shines in my room 晨曦照耀着我的房间  I"m holding dreams of you 我努力拥住有你的梦境  It may take no less than this pain 它可能不逊于这痛苦  But I can"t stop loving you 但我不能停止爱你  Feel my heart感受到我的心  You have never known that you have all of me 你从来不知道你拥有我的全部  Every time I see you I"m falling in love 每次看到你我都陷入对你的爱情  I can live or I can"t live without you 没有你我不能够活下去  Oh, I"ve been waiting for you 我在等着你  To tell me what is love 来告诉我什么是爱  I don"t know how to be loved 我不知道怎么被爱  How to be by your side 怎么才能在你身边  Morning light shines in my room 晨曦照耀着我的房间  I"m holding dreams of you 我努力留住有你的梦境  It may take no less than my life 它要的或许比我的生命还多  But I can"t stop loving you可是我不能停止爱你


就再也回不那一天抹去也不会消失微弱的发型的轮廓记忆同时なぞり我,我还没神…魔法挂上(放上)时间就停了战斗痛苦、悲伤、刺眼感觉的事情的喜悦身体上刻上了站着无法立刻停下这个世界的哪个国家爱语言的操纵下切り落とせ不锁链微微一闪一闪地事实一边我,我还没神…魔法挂上(放上)不要忘记那一天xd "痛苦、悲伤、接受扭曲成幻想只是想接触正确的理由(跟人)等找到爱怎么看被禁止的,一边的果实不断喜悲的前途杀了比现在的结局的未来的剧本皮肤有一个。天声人语集萃一点也洗不掉时间就停了战斗痛苦、悲伤、刺眼感觉的事情的喜悦身体上刻上了站着无法立刻停下这个世界的哪个国家爱不要忘记那一天xd "痛苦、悲伤、接受扭曲成幻想只是想接触正确的理由(跟人)等找到爱怎么看

We No Speak Americano中文歌词

就几句歌词而且没有特别意思主要是歌曲的节奏我也很喜欢这歌 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


Artist:Yolanda Be Cool ft. D CupSong:《We No Speak Americano》Comme te po"Comme te po"Comme te po" capì chi te vò beneSi tu le parle "mmiezzo americano?Quando se fa l"ammore sotto "a lunaCome te vene "capa e di: "I love you!?"Pa pa l" americanoPa pa l" americanoPa pa l" americanoFa l" americano!Pa pa l" americanoFa fa l" americanoWhisky soda e rockenrollWhisky soda e rockenrollWhisky soda e rockenroll说的是这首歌没错吧~


I met a girl in east LA我在洛杉矶遇见了一个女孩In floral shorts as sweet as May穿着花短裙就像那甜美的五月She sang in eigths in two Barrin chords拿着发出弦音的吉他边唱边谈We fell in love我们已经坠入爱河But not in court但是彼此遭到教条的限制La la la la la laAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooMis canciones son de la revolución用我的声音来改变Mi corazón me duele por mi generación改变这心痛的时代If you love We can marry On the west coast如果你爱我我们可以在西海岸上结婚On a Wednesday En un verano En agosto在八月夏天的星期三I don"t speak your但我不懂I don"t speak your我不要讲你们的Languagono语言I don"t speak your我也不会讲I won"t speak your也不讲你们的Jesus Christo耶稣基督Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooI will fight for I have fought for How I love you我会努力的让你知道我是多么的爱你I have cried for I will die for How I care我会为我在意的哭泣,为我在意的消亡In the mountains Las campanas Estan sonando山区上的钟声开始响起Todos los chicos Y los chicos Estan besando远在洛杉矶的男孩与女孩亲吻在一起I don"t speak your但我不讲I don"t speak your我不讲你们的Languagonog语言I don"t speak your我也不说I won"t speak your也不说你们的Jesus Christo耶稣基督I don"t speak your我不愿讲I don"t speak your我不不愿讲你们(的语言)Americano美国佬I don"t speak your我也不说I won"t speak your也不说你们的Jesus Christo耶稣基督Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooDon"t you try and catch me休想抓住我Don"t you try and catch me休想抓住我No no no noI"m living on the edge of我存在于Living on the edge of the存在于法律的边缘Law law law lawDon"t you try and catch meDon"t you try and get me别想抓住我No no no noDon"t you try and catch me休想抓住我I"m living on the edge of我就活在法律之外Law law law law

求 Tori Amos 的Bells for Her歌词翻译 万分感谢~~~

多莉艾莫丝编钟为她 and through the life force and there goes her friend并通过武力和生活有云:她的朋友 on her Nishiki it"s out of time她的西木,它的退出时间 and through the portal they can make amends并通过门户网站他们可以作出修订 hey would you say whatever we"re blanket friends嘿,你说什么我们正在毯的朋友 can"t stop what"s coming不能阻止什么的未来 can"t stop what"s on its way不能阻止什么的就其方式 and through the walls they made their mudpies并通过墙壁,他们取得了他们的mudpies I"ve got your mind I said我已经得到您的想法,我说 she said I"ve your voice她说:我已经您的声音 I said you don"t need my voice girl我说你不需要我的声音的女孩 you have your own你有自己的 but you never thought it was enough of但你从来没有想过这是不够的 so they went years and years所以他们到多年 like sisters blanket girls像姐妹毯女孩 always there through that and this总是有通过这 there"s nothing we cannot ever fix I said没有什么我们不能不断修正我说 can"t stop what"s coming不能阻止什么的未来 can"t stop what"s on its way不能阻止什么的就其方式 Bells and footfalls and soldiers and dolls编钟和footfalls和士兵和娃娃 brothers and lovers she and I were兄弟与情人,她和我 now she seems to be sand under his shoes现在,她似乎是下砂土他的鞋 there"s nothing I can do没有什么我能做的 can"t stop what"s coming不能阻止什么的未来 can"t stop what"s on its way不能阻止什么的就其方式 and now I speak to you are you in there现在我发言你,你在那里 you have her face and her eyes你有她的脸和她的眼睛 but you are not her但你不是她 and we go at each other like blank ettes和我们在每一个其他类似的空白ettes who can"t find their thread and their bare谁不能找到自己的线程和他们的裸 can"t stop loving不能阻止爱好 can"t stop what is on its way不能阻止什么是就其方式 and I see it coming和我看到的未来 and it"s on its way和它的关于其方式


elenments-blue 生命的元素-blue Alice in here wonderland, 爱丽丝的梦幻仙境, her world is big but it"s just pretend, 她的世界广袤无垠,但它只是一场幻境, is there a day when we will understand, 是否有一天我们将明白, this circus we call life 这就是生命。 I keep on hearing time and time again, 我一次又一次地聆听, If we won"t listen, 如果不这样 then our world will end, 我们的世界将结束, we don"t say it just to make amends, 我们不需要弥补, listen through the script of prayers 只需通过文字的聆听来祈祷 It"s not necessary for an eagle to be a crow, 我们没有必要伪装/丢掉生活的棱角, the circle of life is here 生命的轮回就是这样 and respect we must show 我们必须尊重它。 Earth, wind, water and fire, 土,风,水,火, seems like we"ve lost our desire, 仿佛我们已经失去了我们的希望, to fight for what we know is right, 为心中的理想和信念而战, lost in our way of life, 迷失在我们的生活方式里, Earth, wind, water and fire, 土,风,水,火, seems like we"ve lost our desire,仿佛我们已经失去了我们的愿望 to fight for what we know is right, 为心中的理想和信念而战, the Elements of life 生命的元素。 Would you believe there are better ways, to justify what the people say, 你相信有更好的方法来证明人们所说的吗? nothing seems unique these days, 目前是唯一的似乎就是什么也没有, in the circus we call life 这就是生命。 I"ve heard the line that I"m just a man, 我作为一员聆听字里行间 nothing changes we must make a stand, 没有任何改变,我们必须作出的立场, and if that means to fight we can 如果这意味着我们可以作斗争 it"s not necessary for an eagle to be a crow, 我们没有必要伪装/丢掉生活的棱角, the circle of life is here 这就是生命。 and respect we must be shown 我们必须尊重。 Earth, wind, water and fire, 土,风,水,火, seems like we"ve lost our desire, 仿佛我们已经失去了我们的希望, to fight for what we know is right, 为心中的理想和信念而战, lost in our way of life, 迷失在我们的生活方式里, Earth, wind, water and fire, 土,风,水,火, seems like we"ve lost our desire, 仿佛我们已经失去了我们的希望, to fight for what we know is right, 为心中的理想和信念而战, the Elements of life 生命的元素 Colours and fountains and mountains and trees, 喷泉和山区和树木的色彩, take just a second to stop and to think, 让我瞬间停下了,并思考着 God was an artist painted pictures to see, 上帝就是一个艺术家,描画了美丽的画面 look how beautiful life can be 看吧,生活原来如此美丽!||Earth, wind, water and fire, 土,风,水,火, seems like we"ve lost our desire, 仿佛我们已经失去了我们的希望, to fight for what we know is right, 为心中的理想和信念而战, lost in our way of life, 迷失在我们的生活方式里, Earth, wind, water and fire, 土,风,水,火, seems like we"ve lost our desire, 仿佛我们已经失去了我们的希望, to fight for what we know is right, 为心中的理想和信念而的, the Elements of life 生命的元素 Colours and fountains and mountains and trees, 喷泉和山区和树木的色彩, take just a second to stop and to think, 让我瞬间停下了,并思考着 God was an artist painted pictures to see, 上帝就是一个艺术家,描画了美丽的画面 look how beautiful life can be 看吧,生活原来如此美丽!||


[Verse1]Why you mad?你还生气?Talkin" "bout you"re mad你有啥理由生气?Could it be that you just lost the best you"ve ever had?是不是你顿时意识到最好的一切就这么没了?That"s your bag,你包搁那儿了yup, that"s too bad哈,无力回天了Show is over, you ain"t gotta act戏已落幕,你就别再演了Name hold weight like kilos名声是很重要Boy, you actin" so corny like Fritos但你也不用龌龊到这个地步Wouldn"t have none of that without me though要是没有我,你哪儿来的这一切Ain"t none of my business, it"s tea though当然我也根本不care啦Outta ammo, gotta reload激情过了,我要重新开始If life was a game you"re a free throw若说生活是场比赛,那你就只是罚球It"s nothing that you don"t already know我想这些你比谁都清楚吧![Chorus]Close the door, lose the key你走吧,钥匙留下Leave my heart on the mat for me把我的爱也还给我I was yours eternally我也曾经是你的唯一There"s an end to infinity但天下没有不散的筵席to infinity所谓的永恒随之消散吧~[Verse2]How I say this?怎么说呢Fact that you still exist我们井水不犯河水No disrespect, no second thought it truly, truly is留个面子,你也别这么纠结了Truthfully I"m through with this我看淡了,放下了Why are we still doing this?你来问我为啥这么决绝Answer the phone like, Who is this?我回你个“你是谁?”Take your head and knock some sense想敲你脑袋好让你长点脑筋Je ne comprends pas真搞不懂…Ain"t no compliments (duh)不要甜言蜜语Ain"t no being friends (duh)不留所谓友情Ain"t no false pretense (duh)不必虚情假意Ain"t no make amends (duh)不用挽回过去Ain"t no come agains (duh)也不演和好、分手、和好、分手戏That"s the story, ain"t no happy ends故事讲完了,并不是那种童话的结局[Chorus]Close the door, lose the key你走吧,钥匙留下Leave my heart on the mat for me把我的爱也还给我I was yours eternally我也曾经是你的唯一There"s an end to infinity但天下没有不散的筵席to infinity所谓的永恒随之消散吧~[Bridge]Is it lack of ice got you so cold?你还有什么话好说的吗?Have you ever felt this on your own?你自己有没有好好想过这事?Why you tryin" to play like you"re so grown?为什么你装得好像学会了很多?Everything you own, boy, you still owe你现在拥有的一起都是别人的施舍[Chorus]Close the door, lose the key你走吧,钥匙留下Leave my heart on the mat for me把我的爱也还给我I was yours eternally我也曾经是你的唯一There"s an end to infinity但天下没有不散的筵席to infinity所谓的永恒随之消散吧~[Outro]You"re leaving, you"re leaving, you"re out the door你走吧你走吧把门也关了Infinity loving me more and more我和我的爱将永恒绽放You"re leaving, you"re leaving, you"re out the door你走吧你走吧把门也关了Infinity loving me more and more我和我的爱将永恒绽放Cause I believe infinity is more than just a made up dream因为我相信永恒并不只是痴人痴梦I believe infinity is more than just a made up dream我相信永恒并不只是痴人痴梦

求欧阳靖的Like a rock歌词的翻译

请采纳,答题质量保证I used to sit on your shoulders对爸爸说:我以前经常坐在你肩膀上felt like I had a view of那感觉就像是看到the whole globe right below us整个世界被踩在了脚下I was young虽然当时还小but still old enough to know但也足够大知道that my daddy wasn"t rich我爸爸并不有钱but you had a heart of gold但你却有一颗金子般得心these childhood memories这一段段童年回忆are priceless对我来说都是物价的far from perfect虽然并不完美you know how life gets但你知道,when did it all start to go downhill当所有事情都变坏,生活会变成怎样when I realized当我意识到that this passion我对hip-hop的这样热爱I had found"s real非常真实时而选择这条路时,you claimed it was the你却说这是worst decision I could ever make我做的最错的决定to not chase it不要盲目追寻这样的梦想was a risk I could never take因为风险太大你无法承担safe to say as I got我拍着胸膛对你说closer to my dreams我离梦想越来越近the bond between us我们之间的纽带was just tearing at the seams却把我们撕扯开and so it seems后来,我们之间的争辩the war is finally over也慢慢淡化了。I"m older but我虽然长大了,still that little boy但仍然是那个thats on your shoulder坐在你肩膀上的小男孩。loving me is爱我,all you"ve ever done你不曾停歇!all I hear now are the现在我所听到的,words of a father to his son是一个父亲对儿子的肺腑之言。run a little faster跑快一点!stand a little taller站高一点!I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石fight a little harder打架强硬一点fly a little higher飞得更高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石sometimes you sit对儿子说:有时候on my shoulders你坐在我的肩膀上and it"s a perfect view of能够清楚看到the whole globe right below us被我们踩在脚下的整个世界so much to say yet我有很多话想要对你说words can"t truly describe但言语并不能真实how I felt inside表达我心中的感受the second that you arrived当你来到这个世界的那一秒钟a little bit of fear我有那么一点害怕a whole lot of joy却有无穷的欢乐it still hasn"t sunk in直到现在,我依然沉浸当中man got a boy啊,我生了个儿子!!can"t even lie I"m我不说谎,concerned in every way儿子的每一样事情我都要操心I guess all I can do我想我能做的就是is learn everyday每天去学习,去学习怎样当一个爸爸to me and mommy对我和你妈妈来说you"re our number one你就是第一I often wonder what type of man我常常想知道you"ll become长大以后你会是怎样的一个人?you"ll do great things但我非常肯定in that I"m confident你一定会做伟大的事情!always stay humble儿子,面对夸奖amidst the compliments你要经常保持谦逊as for the ladies至于女人save for the wedding ring你要存钱买一只结婚戒指给你心爱的女人always put God你要时常above everything把上帝放第一位as long as I"m alive只要我有一天还活着my job is never done我的职责就永远没完成these are just the这里有几句话words of a father to his son是我想要对你说的run a little faster跑快一点stand a little taller站高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石fight a little harder打架强硬一点fly a little higher飞得更高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石maybe you"re listenin"也许你们在听我说话and you"re contemplatin"同时也在深深地思考cause it"s been a while因为自从上次你们讲过话到现在since ya"ll had a conversation已经有好一阵子了a simple call一通简单的电话time to man up在你按下最后一位数字之前before you hit that last digit你就要表现出你的男子气概quick to hang up但是很快又挂电话了feels like theres no way感觉这事情it can be done永远无法了结pickin" up the phone拿着电话and it weighs about a ton就像有一吨重but still not as heavy as your heart但仍没有你的心一样沉重tryin to make amends我尝试着道歉not sure where you却不知道should start该从何说起even if you talk即使你在说话what do you say但你说了什么?its a scary thought啊,这想法太可怕了don"t let pride get in the way不要让自尊阻挡你的路what a shame真丢脸!share the same last name还是同一个姓呢yet you"re strangers但你们就像是陌生人no pain remains forever没有什么痛苦是一辈子的love can change us爱可以改变我们need someone to lift you up当你跌倒的时候when you fall down你只需要一个可以激励你的人separated hesitate分割的犹豫to tear the walls down能把厚墙拆开forgiveness can heal但原谅能够治愈伤痛when its all said and done只要当最后所有该说的都说了,该做的都做了that goes for both最后the father and the son我们仍然是两父子!run a little faster跑快一点stand a little taller站高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石fight a little harder打架强硬一点fly a little higher飞得更高一点I"ll be there for you like a rock in the我会永远守候着你middle of a raging river就像那激流中的岩石

求tonya mitchell的a little too late歌词翻译

标题:一少许太晚 artist :tonya mitchell by :luvseaka enn yeah呀呀 emm it太晚 没人更比我想相信它i认为您是很真实的 i不回来,您将看见 you错误做了我 and我不会是您的傻瓜 总是丢失的睡眠tired wondering您是昨晚的地方 but婴孩,它aint没有奥秘 放弃您的i"m i不在我的生活中需要此 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言回来道歉 it一少许太晚 it一少许太晚 it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心baby,您一少许太晚 您想要做赔偿的now 全部在梦想的but every故事必须有末端 不是的baby 不是的no爱怎么应该是 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言回来道歉 it一少许太晚 it一少许太晚 it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心baby,您一少许太晚 this去时间的i"m恢复在我的脚put一起我的生活 是的"cos什么我需要 it太晚以至于不能镇痛 no它是对后尝试的 i不要 i不在我的生活中需要此 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言(婴孩。.oh whoa) it太晚了一少许太晚, it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心baby,您一少许太晚 can您听见我说 it太太晚了太晚, it太太晚了太晚, 您说的hear it太太晚了太晚, you太晚 umm it太太晚了太晚, it太太晚了太晚, 您的baby一少许太晚 it一少许太晚您告诉谎言后too后,太太 too后,婴孩 it少许太很快是为一全新的起动time可能只愈合这伤心 只会这么多 加分



24歌词翻译 好的追加50分

been given 24 hours 倒数24小时to tie up loose ends to make amends去捆绑或松开来弥补his eyes said it all i started to fall他的眼睛告诉我,我已经开始坠落、and the silence deafened 变的又聋又哑head spinning round思绪混乱不堪no time to sit down just wanted to已经没有时间坐下来,我只想跑、跑、跑。run and run and runbe careful they say 细心的看他们说don"t wish life away不要想着逃离生活now i"ve one day现在,我已有一天and i can"t believe而且我不相信how i"ve been wasting my time我过去如何的在浪费我的时间。in 24 hours they"ll be laying flowers在这24个小时中,他们将会在我的人生中铺满鲜花on my lifeit"s over tonight那将不止今晚i"m not messing no i我不在迷失,我需要你的祷告和给予我自由的许诺need your blessing and your promise to live freeplease do it for me请为我做这些吧。is there a heaven a hell and will i come back无论这是天堂还是地狱,我会回来的who can tellnow i can see谁能诉说我现在看到的what matters to me it"s as clear as crystal我所做的就像水晶一样清澈透明。the places i"ve been the people i"ve seen我所去过的地方,我所见过的人民plans that i made start to fade我所做的计划已经开始褪色了the sun"s setting gold thought i would grow old 阳光散发出金色的光芒尽管我已经渐渐变老。it wasn"t to bei"m not alone我并不孤单i sense it我明白、我知道我所说的一切i sense itall that i saidi meant it我确信是这样i meant it我确信 尽力了,望楼主守诺


High dive into frozen waves坠入刺骨深海Where the past comes back to life昨日回忆再次涌现Fight fear for the selfish pain我竭力抵抗着私心爱意带来的痛楚迷惘It was worth it every time因为我觉得那是如此值得Hold still right before we crash彼此火化前分手Cause we both know how this ends是我们无可回避的结局A clock ticks till it breaks your glass生命时钟应该滴答悠走,却骤然停留在有你的那刻And I drown in you again无力抗争,我又沦陷Cause you are the piece of me你已融我生命I wish I didn"t need令我弃之不能Chasing relentlessly我不屈不挠地追随你的脚步Still fight and I don"t know why但依旧迷惘挣扎不知路在何方If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?Walk on through a red parade,and refuse to make amends脚下情路道阻且长,我依然义无反顾It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense曾经伤痛刻碎了我们的王国,让我们理智不再Don"t speak as I try to leave, ‘cause we both know what we choose别说的好像是我要离开,毕竟彼此心知肚明此番决定If you pull, then I"ll push too deep and I"ll fall right back to you如果你肯退让一步,我定补送深拥,傍依你的肩头Cause you are the piece of me你已融我生命I wish I didn"t need令我弃之不能Chasing relentlessly我不屈不挠地追随你的脚步Still fight and I don"t know why但依旧心绪纷乱不知路在何方If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my clarity?为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my remedy?为何独你可给我救疗?Why are you my clarity?为何只你可赐我澄净?Why are you my remedy?为何仅你是此情解药?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?旧爱成伤,为何独你可给我救疗?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?身陷痴狂,为什么只有你可送还我心中平静?

clarity--zedd 歌词

High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to lifeFight fear for the selfish pain it was worth it every timeHold still right before we crash, ‘cause we both know how this endsA clock ticks till it breaks your glass and I drown in you againCause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn"t needChasing relentlessly, still fine and I don"t know whyIf our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?Walk on through a red parade, and refuse to make amendsIt cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common senseDon"t speak as I try to leave, ‘cause we both know what we chooseIf you pull, then I"ll push too deep and I"ll fall right back to youCause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn"t needChasing relentlessly, still fine and I don"t know whyIf our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?Why are you my clarity? Repeat clarityWhy are you my remedy? Repeat remedyWhy are you my clarity? Repeat clarity Why are you my remedy? Repeat remedy If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love"s insanity, why are you my clarity?

Sway 歌词


chu fx 译音歌词

  Dodoit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~Dodoit,Chu~♡  Dodoit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~Dodoit,Chu~♡  알고싶은게매일너무나넘쳐아이쿠아이쿠쿠쿠쿠  啊沟西喷给每一no木那弄qio啊一哭啊一哭哭哭哭  느껴봐야할것또한넘쳐YeahBaby,YeahBaby,YeahBaby!!  nirgio把亚哈够多含弄qio  매일수백번상상하며기다려왔던그에게Doit,Chu~♡  每一苏北蹦桑桑哈mioki大流挖洞gir诶给  입맞추는순간잠에서깬그녀처럼  一马就nir笋干家每艘给girnioqio龙  doit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~  전혀다른시공에눈을뜬다해도  qionio大len西沟诶怒nir等大黑多  doit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~  난이렇게떨리는가슴을믿어아직모르는세상을내게열어줘요  难以咯kei多利nir嘎森mir米都啊寂寞lir嫩sei桑enr内给哟楼就哟  DoitchuIt"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~Dodoit,Chu~♡  아직몰라도될게너무나넘쳐아이쿠아이쿠쿠쿠쿠  啊吉姆拉多对给no木纳弄qio啊一哭啊一哭哭哭哭  수록호기심넘쳐YeahBaby,YeahBaby,YeahBaby!!  甘就遛狗哈苏楼hogi新农qio  파랑새가사는새장에서꿈을꾸어도채울수가없어날아가겠어  帕朗sei嘎撒nirsei间给搜股mir哦多切勿素噶哦搜那拉噶给搜  입맞추는순간잠에서깬그녀처럼  一马就nir笋干家每艘给girnioqio龙  doit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~  전혀다른시공에눈을뜬다해도  九nio大len西沟诶怒nir等大黑多  doit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~  난이렇게떨리는가슴을믿어아직모르는세상을내게열어줘요  难以咯kei多利nir嘎森mir米都啊寂寞lir嫩sei桑enr内给哟楼就哟  Growup!Growup!Growup!  아직모르는세상을내게,Amber!  啊寂寞lir嫩sei桑enr内给  RapIgotalittleplansopickuptheslackYouwastin"timewiththeCHITCHAT  You"vebeencaught,sogiveitallyougotIt"stimetomakeit,makeit,take,take,takeit  설레여두근거리는맘왠지마치동화멋진예감다다다가와NOW  艘雷哟度跟狗里嫩满问及骂起动画摸进nio赶他他他噶哇  매일수백번상상하며기다려왔던세상에Doit,Chu~♡  每一苏北蹦桑桑哈mioki大流挖洞sei桑诶  입맞추는순간잠에서깬그녀처럼  一马就nir笋干家每艘给girnioqio龙  doit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~  전혀다른시공에눈을뜬다해도  qionio大len西沟诶怒nir等大黑多  doit,Chu~♡(It"s)true,true,true,trueit"sYou~  난이렇게떨리는가슴을믿어아직모르는세상을내게열어줘요  难以咯kei多利nir嘎森mir米都啊寂寞lir嫩sei桑enr内给哟楼就哟  Growup!Growup!Growup!Growup!

一首英文歌曲里面有歌词好像是 迪C耶C啊里C 歌名是啥



Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~?Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~?每天想要知道的东西多得溢出来 天啊天啊啊啊~需要感受的东西也多得溢出来Yeah Baby Yeah Baby Yeah Baby每天无数次想象着等待着的 对他Do do it Chu~?双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You即使在完全不同的时空中睁开眼睛Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~?虽然还不知道 可以做的非常多 天啊天啊啊啊~越想隐藏好奇心就越要溢出来Yeah Baby Yeah Baby Yeah Baby在青鸟生活的鸟笼里 即使梦想也无法填满 要翱翔远方双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You即使在完全不同的时空中睁开眼睛Do do it Chu~? (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Grow up Grow up Grow up对我而言还是未知的世界 AmberI got a little plan so pick up the slack You wastin" time with the CHITCHATYou"ve been caught, so give it all you got It"s time to make it, make it, take, take, take it颤抖着 忐忑的心 不知道为何童话般美好的预感向我靠近 nowDo do it Chu~?每天无数次想象着等待


歌曲:Chu~♡演唱:f(x)Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~♡Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~♡[Krystal]每天想要知道的东西多得溢出来 ah yi ku ah yi ku ku ku[Luna]需要感受的东西也多得溢出来Yeah Baby Yeah Baby Yeah Baby[Sulli]每天无数次想象着等待着的 对他Do do it Chu~♡[All]双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You即使在完全不同的时空中睁开眼睛Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~♡[Luna]虽然还不知道 可以做的非常多ah yi ku ah yi ku ku ku[Amber]越想隐藏好奇心就越要溢出来Yeah Baby Yeah Baby Yeah Baby[Krystal]在青鸟生活的鸟笼里 即使梦想也无法填满 要翱翔远方[All]双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Grow up Grow up Grow up对我而言还是未知的世界[Krystal]Amber[Amber(Rap)]I got a little plan so pick up the slack You wastin" time with the CHITCHATYou"ve been caught, so give it all you got It"s time to make it, make it, take, take, take it颤抖着 忐忑的心 不知道为何童话般美好的预感向我靠近 now[Krystal]Do do it Chu~♡[Sulli]每天无数次想象着等待着的 对他Do do it Chu~♡[All]双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You即使在完全不同的时空中睁开眼睛Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Grow up Grow up Grow up[3]


Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~♡Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~♡[Krystal]每天想要知道的东西多得溢出来 哎呀 哎呀 哎哎呀[Luna]需要感受的东西也多得溢出来Yeah Baby Yeah Baby Yeah Baby[Sulli]每天无数次想象着等待着的 对他Do do it Chu~♡[All]双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You即使在完全不同的时空中睁开眼睛Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You Do do it Chu~♡[Luna]虽然还不知道 可以做的非常多哎呀 哎呀 哎哎呀[Amber]越想隐藏好奇心就越要溢出来Yeah Baby Yeah Baby Yeah Baby[Krystal]在青鸟生活的鸟笼里 即使梦想也无法填满 要翱翔远方[All]双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Grow up Grow up Grow up对我而言还是未知的世界[Krystal]Amber[Amber(Rap)]I got a little plan so pick up the slack You wastin" time with the CHITCHATYou"ve been caught, so give it all you got It"s time to make it, make it, take, take, take it颤抖着 忐忑的心 不知道为何童话般美好的预感向我靠近 now[Krystal]Do do it Chu~♡[Sulli]每天无数次想象着等待着的 对他Do do it Chu~♡[All]双唇相触的瞬间 像在睡梦中醒来的她一样Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You即使在完全不同的时空中睁开眼睛Do do it Chu~♡ (It"s) true true true true it`s You我相信这样悸动的心 为我打开未知的世界Grow up Grow up Grow up

林肯公园 hands held high 歌词翻译

Turn my mic up louder,调高麦克音量 I got to say somethin.我有话要说 Light weight step it aside,轻轻避开它 when we comin.当我们来时 Feel it in your chest, 用心去体会 the syllables get pumpin.感受领会每一个音节 People on the street,街上的人们 they panic and start running.他们惊恐的逃散 Words on loose leaf,活页上的每句话 sheet complete coming.每一张呈现眼前 I jump on my mind,我绞尽脑汁 I summon the rhyme of dumping.让混乱的韵律清晰 Feeling the blind,盲目的感觉 I promise to let the sun in.我发誓会看到阳光 Sick of the dark ways,讨厌无知的做法 we march to the drumming. 我们向嗡声前行 Jump when they tell us 不去理会他们说些什么 they want to see jumping.他们想看我们的改变 F*** that, I want to见鬼去吧 see some fist pumping.我只想看到我的第一感觉 Risk something.敢于冒险 Take backwards yours你们向后退 Say something that you know 说些什么你们知道的事吧 they might attack you for 也许会受到他们的攻击 cause I"m sick of being treated 我讨厌这样被对待 like I have before.像以前一样 Like a stupid standing for 像一个傻瓜一样 what I"m standing for.我到底象征着什么 Like this war is really just象这场正义的战争一样 a different brand of war.一场不同烙印的战争 Like a dozen catered rich 像那一堆衣食充足的有钱人 and an abandoned poor.和被生活抛弃的流浪汉 Like they understand you 像他们了解你一样 in the back of the jet, 在喷气机后 When you can"t put gas in your tank.当你无法帮坦克补充上油 These f***ers are laughing their way 这些傻瓜嘲笑着自己所做的一切 to the bank and cashing their check 到银行兑现他们的支票 asking you to have compassion and to have some respect.要求你带点同情和尊重 For a leader so nervous 一个紧张不安的领导 in unobvious ways用不明显的方式 Stuttering and mumbling 口吃而自言自语 for nightly news to replay 每夜重复播放的新闻 and the rest of the world 世上的生还者 watching at the end of the day 看着末日的降临 in the living room laughing笑声在房间回荡 like what did he say? 像他过去说的一样吗 Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen 阿门 阿门 阿门 阿门 阿门 In my living room watching, 从我房间看去 But I am not laughing.我笑不出声来 "Cause when it gets tense,因为事情越来越糟时 I know what might happen.我知道有什么事会发生 The world is cold, 这冰冷的世界 The bold men take action.勇敢的人们采取行动 Have to react,不得不反抗 To getting blown into fractions.获得片刻的喘息 10 years old is something to see,看看那些才10岁的孩子 Another kid my age drugged under a G,和我一样的年纪的小孩在毒品下迷失 Taking about and found later under a tree,他们发现了树下的信 I wonder if he thought the next one could be me.我想知道他想的下一个会不会是我 Do you see? 你是否看见 The soldiers that are out today.那些离我们远去的军人 That brush the dust with bulletproof vests away.轻轻扫去防弹背心上的灰尘 It"s ironic. 多么讽刺 At times like this you pray,你不时的祈祷着 But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.但原子弹已经摧毁了那座寺庙 There"s bombs in the buses, bikes, roads, 炸弹遍及公车 自行车和 道路 inside your markets,your shops, your coves,你的市场 商店 心灵深处 My dad, he"s got a lot of fear I know父亲 我知道他面对了多少恐惧 but enough pride inside to let that show.但内心却自豪的面对这一切 My brother had a book he would hold with pride 我的兄弟有一本引以自豪的书 A little red cover with a broken spine.红色的封皮和破旧的书脊 In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,在书的最后他写下引言 when the rich wage war, it"s the poor who die.政客们发动战争 受苦的是百姓 and the rest of the world 世上的生还者 watching at the end of the day 看着末日的降临 both scared and angry 恐惧而愤怒 like what did he say? 像他过去说的一样吗 Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.阿门 阿门 阿门 阿门 阿门 With Hands Held High 高举起双手 into a sky so blue 伸入蓝蓝的天空 the ocean opens up 大海渐渐 to swallow you.把你吞没 With Hands Held High 高举起双手 into a sky so blue伸入蓝蓝的天空 the ocean opens up 大海渐渐 to swallow you.把你吞没 With Hands Held High 高举起双手 into a sky so blue 伸入蓝蓝的天空 the ocean opens up 大海渐渐 to swallow you. 把你吞没 With Hands Held High高举起双手 into a sky so blue 伸入蓝蓝的天空 the ocean opens up 大海渐渐 to swallow you.把你吞没 With Hands Held High 高举起双手 into a sky so blue 伸入蓝蓝的天空 the ocean opens up 大海渐渐 to swallow you.把你吞没 With Hands Held High 高举起双手 into a sky so blue 伸入蓝蓝的天空 the ocean opens up 大海渐渐 to swallow you.把你吞没 (这首歌是明显的反战歌曲,MIKE的RAP给我的感觉和FORT MINOR里一样,也许他已经确立了这种RAP方式,用心倾听 ,你会发现他要表达些什么,也是当今世界的现实)

求so sad草蜢 英文版的歌词

是这个吧。gloria in excelsis deo gloria in excelsis deo gloria in excelsis deo qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram tell me why i feel so sad, so sad tell me why i feel so sad tell me why i feel so sad, so sad tell me why i feel so sad... qui sedes ad dexteram patris, miserere nobis gratias agimus tibi, propter magnum gloriam tuum tell me why i feel so sad, so sad tell me why i feel so sad tell me why i feel so sad, so sad tell me why i feel so sad... jesu christu... amen jesu christu (so sad, so sad, so sad) amen jesu christu... amen jesu christu... amen

take me to church 歌词 中文释意

Take Me To Church - HozierMy lover"s got humor我的爱人幽默风趣She"s the giggle at a funeral她能让葬礼都充满欢声笑语Knows everybody"s disapproval知道世人容不下我们I should"ve worshiped her sooner我应该早点开始朝拜她If the Heavens ever did speak若天堂果真传达过圣言She"s the last true mouth piece她就是真理最后的代言Every Sunday"s getting more bleak当周日开始变得渐渐萧瑟(注:基督教徒定期在周日朝拜)A fresh poison each week每周多一味新鲜的毒药侵袭We were born sick, you heard them say it我们天生“病态” 你听说过吧My church offers no absolutes可我自己的教会里没有绝对真理She tells me "worship in the bedroom"她告诉我可以在卧室祈祷The only heaven I"ll be sent to或许我这一生唯一能沐浴到的天堂福泽Is when I"m alone with you便是与你厮守相伴I was born sick, but I love it是 我生来“病态” 但我至死不悔Command me to be well指引我向善吧Amen. Amen. Amen阿门 阿门 阿门Take me to church将我引向你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies让我像只忠犬将你的谎言 奉若神明I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death让我辗转徘徊在无尽的死亡中Good god, let me give you my life将我引向天国吧,真主啊Take me to church将我引向你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies让我像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death让我辗转徘徊在无尽的死亡中Good god, let me give you my life将我引向天国吧,真主啊If I"m a pagan of the good times若我为这一世繁华中独立的异端My lover"s the sunlight吾之爱你就是我仅有的韶光To keep the goddess on my side缪斯能长伴我左右She demands a sacrifice全靠吾爱血肉的献祭To drain the whole sea排尽汪洋Get something shiny只求一粟Something meaty for the main course寻找圣餐上的血肉That"s a fine looking high horse那匹意气风发的高头大马What you got in the stable?你为何能安享这偏安一隅We"ve a lot of starving faithful”异端“们正饥肠辘辘That looks tasty而你看起来美味可餐That looks plenty何其丰盛This is hungry work这会是一场饕餮的盛宴Take me to church将我引向你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies让我像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death让我辗转徘徊在无尽的死亡中Good god, let me give you my life将我引向天国吧,真主啊Take me to church将我引向你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies让我像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me my deathless death让我辗转徘徊在无尽的死亡中Good god, let me give you my life将我引向天国吧,真主啊No masters or kings when the ritual begins耶路撒冷的圣钟轰鸣,一切君王圣主皆化为齑粉There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin吾辈的温存之罪将在钟声中化为无上纯真In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene跪倒在那片遍布焦土的狂乱之地礼拜忏悔Only then I am human彼时吾身方为人Only then I am clean彼时吾心才为净Amen. Amen. Amen阿门 阿门 阿门Take me to church将我引向你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies让我像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death让我辗转徘徊在无尽的死亡中Good god, let me give you my life将我引向天国吧,真主啊Take me to church将我引向你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies让我像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death让我辗转徘徊在无尽的死亡中Good god, let me give you my life将我引向天国吧,真主啊

有一首外国歌曲的一句歌词 :天上下着男人雨,哈路利亚,下着男人雨。这首歌叫什么

歌名:It"s Raining Men歌手:Geri Halliwell歌词:Humidity is rising温度上升Barometer"s getting low气压表越来越低According to our sources根据我们的情报The street"s the place to go街上是捡男人最好的地方(哈哈哈哈哈哈 基佬们笑开了花)Cause" tonight for the first time因为今晚是世界上仅有的一次Just about half past ten差不多在十点半(我九点钟就调好了闹钟)For the first time in history古往今来 仅有一次It"s gonna start raining men天上要下男人啦It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门Humidity is rising温度上升Barometer"s getting low气压表越来越低According to our sources根据我们的情报The street"s the place to go街上是捡男人最好的地方Cause" tonight for the first time因为今晚是世界上仅有的一次Just about half past ten差不多在十点半For the first time in history古往今来 仅有一次It"s gonna start rainin men天上要下男人啦It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门I"m gonna go out我准备出去I"m gonna let myself get我一定要让自己Absolutley soaking wet全身湿个透It"s rainin men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Every special men每一个特别的男人Tall blonde dark and lean高大 金发 黝黑 结实Rough and tough and strong and mean粗狂 坚韧 强壮 狂野God bless Mother Nature上次保佑自然之母She"s a single woman too她也是一个单身的女人She took over heaven她接手天堂And she did what she had to do做她应该做的She fought every Angel她战胜了天使To rearranged the sky重排天空秩序So that each and every woman让每一个女人Could find the perfect guy可以找到理想的人It"s raining men下男人啦Don"t get yourself Weather Girls不要困惑自己I know you want to我知道你想要I feel stormy wheather moving in我觉得暴风雨已到About to begin即将开始Hear the thunder听到雷声Don"t you loose your head不讲惊慌失措Rip off the roof and stay in bed把屋顶都翻开,然后躺在床上It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门It"s raining men下男人啦Hallejulah赞美主It"s raining men下男人啦Amen阿门It"s raining men下男人啦It"s raining men下男人啦It"s raining men下男人啦


amen作曲 : 米津玄师作词 : 米津玄师歌 : 米津玄师马が走る 黒いアスファルトの上uma ga hashiru kuroi asufaruto no ue荒んだ并木 风もなし 香りだす雨の気配susanda namiki kazemo nashi kaori dasu ame no kehai东京はフラスコの中の风景to-kyo- wa furasuko no naka no fuukei迷い込んでは泣いていたのは远い远い昔mayoi konde wa naite ita nowa tooi tooi mukashi光の淀に 道草を诱う亡霊hikari no ori ni michikusa o sasou boorei九つの门を通り抜けてあの山の麓へとkokonotsu no mon o toori nukete ano yama no fumoto eto空っぽの花瓶に活ける花を探しているkarappo no kabin ni ikeru hanao sagashite iru耻ずかしいくらい生き急いでいた远い远い昔hazukashi- kurai iki isoide ita tooi tooi mukashiお愿い ママ パパ この世に生まれたその意味をonegai mama papa kono yo ni umareta sono imi o 教えて欲しいの わたしにoshiete hoshii no watashi ni悲しい思い出はいらないから ただただ美しい思い出をkanashii omoide wa ira nai kara tada tada utsukushii omoide o祈りの言叶をinori no kotoba o 怒りが満ちる 黒い炎を缠ってikari ga michiru koroi honoo o matotteどうかわたしの この心を 赦してくれやしないかdooka watashi no kono kokoro o yurushite kure yashi naikaさもなければ その清い雷を以ってsamo nakereba sono kiyoi ikazuchi o motteわたしの身を 灰になるまで 焼いてくれないかwatashi no mi o hai ninaru made yaite kure naika音を立てて燃える部屋の中ひとりoto o tatete moeru heya no naka hitori歯轧りみたいに火の粉は舞う 酸素を食べて育つhagishiri mitai ni hi no kowa mau sanso o tabete sodatsuありがとう 今 身をやつす苦渋の全てにarigato- ima mio yatsusu kujuu no subete ni再会を愿い 今日はおやすみ また明日saikai o negai kyo-wa oyasumi mada ashitaお愿い ママ パパ この世に生まれたその意味をonegai mama papa kono yo ni umareta sono imi o 教えて欲しいの わたしにoshiete hoshii no watashi ni悲しい思い出はいらないから ただただ美しい思い出をkanashii omoide wa ira nai kara tada tada utsukushii omoide o祈りの言叶をinori no kotoba o お愿い ママ パパ この世に生まれたその意味をonegai mama papa kono yo ni umareta sono imi o 教えて欲しいの わたしにoshiete hoshii no watashi ni悲しい思い出はいらないから ただただ美しい思い出をkanashii omoide wa ira nai kara tada tada utsukushii omoide o祈りの言叶をinori no kotoba o

Randy Travis 的 forever and ever Amen 歌词和翻译

Randy Travis ——Forever And Ever 永永远远 Edit By laoyao QQ:280360448 You may think that I"m talking foolish 别以为我又在甜言蜜语 you"re heard that I"m wild and I"m free 别被我的玩世不恭所迷惑 you may wonder how I can promise you now 别怀疑这份承诺的真诚 This love that I feel for you 无论如何我希望你相信 always will be 这世上有些爱终会永远 You"re not just time that I"m killing 别以为我在无聊消磨时光 I"m no longer one of those guys 我已不再是花花公子一个 as sure as I live 我发誓要将 this love that I give 所有的爱和笑 is gonna be yours until tha day that I die 用一辈子的时间,交到你的手上 Oh,baby 哦,我的宝贝 I"m gonna love you forever 我将永远爱你 forever and ever,Amen 那将是永远永远,永永远远 as long as old men sit and talk about the weather 直到我变成白发苍苍的老头坐着谈天儿 as long as woman sit and talk about old men 而你变成唠唠叨叨的老太太 if you wonder how long I"ll be faithful 要问这份爱将会持续多久 I"ll be happy to tell you again 我很乐意对着你重复一遍 I"m gonna love you forever and ever 那将会是永远 forever and ever,Amen 永永远远 觐以此歌献给天下有情人,祝天下有情人终成眷属 老妖 *_* They say time takes its toll on a body 他们总说悠悠岁月不饶人 Makes a young girl"s brown hair turn gray 乌黑的缎发终会白发苍苍 well honey I don"t care 但是宝贝,你千万别在意 I ain"t in love with your hair 肤浅的事物容易失去意义 and if it all fell out 但纵使你的长发通通消失 I"d love you anyway 我们的爱情依旧长驻心间 they say time can play tricks on a memory 他们总说岁月会抹杀记忆 Make people forget things they knew 美丽的过往转瞬即会消逝 It"s easy to see 但在我身上 It"s happening to me 你能清楚看到 I"ve already forgotten every woman but you 除了你的影子再没有别的女人 --- Oh darlin" 哦,亲爱的 I"m gonna love you forever 我将永远爱你 forever and ever,Amen 那将是永远永远,永永远远 as long as old men sit and talk about the weather 直到我变成白发苍苍的老头坐着谈天儿 as long as woman sit and talk about old men 而你变成唠唠叨叨的老太太 if you wonder how long I"ll be faithful 要问这份爱将会持续多久 But just listen to how this song ends 请静静聆听这曲子的结尾—— I"m gonna love you forever & ever Forever & ever Amen 我将会爱你一辈子,那将是永远永远,永永远远 I"m gonna love you forever & ever forever & ever 我将会爱你一辈子,那将是永远,永远, Forever & ever Forever & ever Amen ....... 永永远远,永永远远


amen -戴佩妮 作词:penny 作曲:penny amen dear aman 我需要你请你开门 amen dear aman 我觉得冷请给我你的体温 我觉得冷我觉得冷 他走了忘了断了给了痛了我的眼神 你站着笑着看着数着我的伤痕 我醒来原来从来他来的就不够单纯 我崩溃是否显得我比较愚蠢 我的告解就是我的眼泪我的哭泣声 我很难过你明明都听见你却不过问 我要的人为何不能和我一样的那麽忠诚 amen 爱都爱了却不能坚持让它长久生存 我的愤怒源自我对他已不会再信任 分都分了为何非要我承受他留下的 amen amen amen dear amen 你在不在你总是关着灯 amen dear amen 你在不在你在不在

Hozier的一首歌《Take Me To Church》歌词的全部翻译

My lover"s got humor我的爱人似乎风趣She"s the giggle at a funeral因为她在他的葬礼上嬉笑Knows everybody"s disapproval我知道世人容不下我们I should"ve worshiped her sooner或许我早该对她俯首朝拜If the Heavens ever did speak若天堂果真传达过圣言She"s the last true mouth piece那她定是最口无真言的传话者Every Sunday"s getting more bleak每周日都更阴暗一分(注:基督教徒定期在周日朝拜)A fresh poison each week每周多一味新鲜的毒药We were born sick, you heard them say it我们天生“变态” 你听说过吧My church offers no absolutes我自己的教义里没有绝对真理She tells me "worship in the bedroom"她却让我禁欲 祈祷The only heaven I"ll be sent to或许我唯一可能升到的天堂Is when I"m alone with you便是在你身边I was born sick, but I love it是 我生来“变态” 但我至死不悔Command me to be well用教令来“痊愈”我吧Amen. Amen. Amen阿门 阿门 阿门Take me to church带我去你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬将你的谎言 奉若神明I"ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐予我那呼吸着的死亡吧Good god, let me give you my life主啊,请接受我卑微的生命Take me to church带我去你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐我那呼吸着的死亡吧Good god, let me give you my life主啊,请接受我卑微的生命If I"m a pagan of the good times如果在这盛世我却是异类My lover"s the sunlight我的爱人你就是阳光To keep the goddess on my side为了让主站在我这边She demands a sacrifice她索要祭品To drain the whole sea排尽汪洋Get something shiny只求牺牲品Something meaty for the main course寻找圣餐上的血肉That"s a fine looking high horse真是趾高气扬的伪正义啊What you got in the stable?可否展露你幕后的险恶?We"ve a lot of starving faithful我们中出现了嗜血的信徒That looks tasty弱者看起来美味可餐That looks plenty我们沦为你们的鱼肉This is hungry work你渴望着屠杀Take me to church带我去你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐我那呼吸着的死亡吧Good god, let me give you my life主啊,请接受我卑微的生命Take me to church带我去你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me my deathless death赐予我那呼吸着的死亡吧Good god, let me give you my life主啊,请接受我卑微的生命No masters or kings when the ritual begins一旦仪式开始 世间再无君主There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin世上没有比我们柔情似水的罪孽 更美好的纯洁In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene在布满疯狂漫撒悲土之间Only then I am human我才是一个“人类”Only then I am clean我才是“干净的”Amen. Amen. Amen阿门 阿门 阿门Take me to church带我去你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐我那呼吸着的死亡吧Good god, let me give you my life主啊,请接受我卑微的生命Take me to church带我去你的教堂I"ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies我会像只忠犬 对你的谎言顶礼膜拜I"ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife供述我所有的罪孽 你大可磨刀霍霍Offer me that deathless death赐我那呼吸着的死亡吧Good god, let me give you my life主啊,请接受我卑微的生命

求 it"s raining men 的歌词以及翻译!


求 Amen 歌词

你好!I�0�7m siphoning gass from the high school bus Into the tank of my beat-up bug So I can drive away from the shouting and misery I drive into the night, to the hill, to the water tower To lie on my back and drink in the meteor shower Knowing that many men have lain as i do now Ptolemy,Copernicus,Carl Jung Pondering his existence,pondering, Is God with me now? And I look to the sky And I ask these questions Yes,I feel something I don�0�7t understand Can somebody say Amen? My life is but a short and precious seed Like three seasons of life in a leaf on a tree And when I cascade to the ground I will not be done I will mingle with the earth and give life To the roots again Can somebody say Amen? And I look to the sky And I ask these questions Yes, I feel something I don�0�7t understand Can somebody say Amen? Amen for the drivers in their garbage trucks Amen for our mothers,for the lust to fuck Amen for the child with innocent eyes Amen for Kevorkian and the right to die Amen for NASA,The NSA It�0�7s all a front anyway Amen for Marilyn Manson,Saddam Hussein Amen for America and the Milky Way. Amen for Elvis,for Betty Page Amen for Gloria Steinham and Ronald Reagan Amen for O.J.,Clinton too Amen for the Republican witch hunt coup Amen for Gandhi,for Malcolm X Amen for the uprising of the weaker sex Amen for Babylon, the third world�0�7s call, Amen for the unity of us all Amen,Amen,Amen And I am not unique. We are all leave on this great big tree. this tree that is life,that is God,that is you,that is me And I lie under my tree like the Buddhas before and after me And I ask the stars, "What for?" Yes, I feel something I can�0�7t explain A light that flickers off and on again And I look to the sky And I ask these questions Yes, I feel something I don�0�7t understand Oh,can somebody say Amen?

Twilight Chronicle I Am Sisterht 歌词求标假名

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12When"s it now?1minute 3minutes 6minutes 9minutes12minutes 15minutes Only quarter.止(や)まない 鼓动(こどう)が鸣(な)り响(ひび)き小(ちい)さな胸(むね)の中(なか)舞(ま)い踊(おど)る今(いま)すぐ逃(に)げ出(だ)して私(わたし)の手(て)のひらから1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12What time is it?1day 3days 6days 9days12days 15days It"s still half.消(け)せない 炎(ほのお)が燃(も)え盛(さか)り冻(こご)えた身体(からだ)すら涂(ぬ)り溃(つぶ)す何処(どこ)かに消(き)え去(さ)って瞳(ひとみ)に映(うつ)らぬよう1month 3months 6months 9months1year 9years 18years 27years36years 45years 54years 63years72years 81years 90years 99years気(き)づいてねぇ 私(わたし)はここにいるから见(み)つけてほら ここにいる幼(おさな)い 心(こころ)は古时计(ふるどけい)狂(くる)いかけた刻(こく)を蚀(むしば)んで二度(にど)とは戻(もど)れない深(ふか)い迷路(めいろ)のように壊(こわ)れたオモチャだけどんなに集(あつ)めても足(た)らなくてすべてを血(ち)に濡(ぬ)らし赤(あか)く染(そ)め上(あ)げるから覚(さ)めない 梦(ゆめ)から抜(ぬ)け出(だ)してあなたにこの想(おも)い届(とど)けたい(いつの日(ひ)か)小(ちい)さな世界(せかい)には谁(だれ)もいないけれど愿(ねが)いは一(ひと)つだけあなたのすぐ傍(そば)で笑(わら)いたい(永远(えいえん)に)命(いのち)が熔(と)けるまで二人(ふたり)で游(あそ)びましょう月(つき)の光(ひかり)浴(あ)びて495years for you so long time.

寻找满月love chronicle,要和日语歌词读音相同的中文(就是白字

なぜだろう 恋の仕方さえ すっかり忘れてた出逢いはいつか来る 别れの始まりといつの间にか 决めつけていた汚れたスニーカーのほどけた纽 结んでくれた はにかむ あなたの笑颜 朝日を浴びて トキメイた 急に爱されたいから 爱したいわけじゃないまっすぐ爱する勇気を くれたね これからの旅に 二人 今 誓うよ何があっても この手离さない ずっと 不思议だね いつもの景色も 特别に见えてくる 花や鸟や海 风 山 甘い太阳すべて辉き 寄り添う中 解けないジグソーの 最后のピース见つけたよ大きなあなたの背中 私守られついてゆく 永远に今までこんなに 回り道したけど まっすぐ爱せる自信をもてたね明日からの梦に 二人 今 向かうよ何があっても 瞳そらさない爱されたいから 爱したいわけじゃないまっすぐ爱する勇気を くれたね明日からの梦に 二人 今 向かうよ何があっても 瞳そらさない爱されたいから 爱したいわけじゃない まっすぐ爱する勇気を くれたね これからの旅に 二人 今 誓うよ 何があっても この手离さない ずっと

求sound horizon的黒之预言书的歌词。拜托啦

  黒の予言书  幻想物语组曲…クロニクル世界  それは…歴史を辿る少女と世界の物语  咏いたい诗があるんだ…辿りたい途があるんだ…  守りたい丘があるんだ…夸りたい蔷薇があるんだ…  収めたい戦いがあるんだ…聴かせたい歌があるんだ…  语りたい航海があるんだ…掲げたい右腕があるんだ…  どんな时でもボクらは谛めない 歴史の彼方 近くて远いソラ  キミとの约束 受け継がれる想い 终わらないボクらの系谱(クロニクル)…  「<黒の神子>(ルキア)よ…私は悲しい…!  君ならば书の真理が理解できると思っていたのだがねぇ…  まぁ良い…歴史を変えられると思い上がっているのなら…  いつでも挂かって御出でなさい…」  <黒の予言书>(ブラッククロニクル)  物心付いた时 母は既に居なかった  仄かな哀しみは 优しい子守呗…  (——ボクらの道はどこまでも往けそう)  生まれてくる前に 父も既に居なかった  确かな憎しみは 激しい恋心…  (——何処で见つかる何を裏切る)  违う星を抱いて 生まれてきたボクらも现在は  同じソラに抱かれてる それなのに…それなのに…  あの顷ボクらが梦见てた 未来へ駆ける白马を  追い駈ける影が在ることも 识らなかったボクらを乗せて  疾って往くよ…予言された终焉へと…  <黒の予言书>(ブラッククロニクル)  <黒の予言书>(ブラッククロニクル)それは「存在してはならない书物」  とある予言书崇拝(カルト)教団の施设より押収された  全二十四巻から成る黒い表纸の古书  そこに记されていたのは 有史以来の数多の记录  ある种の整合性を持つ 歴然とした年代记  それを史実と认めるならば  我らの肯定してきた歴史とは何なのだろうか?  书の记述は未来にまで及び 一つの相违(しゅし)に  复数の学说(は)を芽吹かせ 虫惑の论争(はな)を咲かせる  その最大の论点は 近い未来(さき)この世界が  终焉を迎えるという<史実>…  何処までが味方で何処からが敌だ?  そこを见误ると歴史に屠られる  各々で胜手に境界を敷いてる  白地図に刻むは争いの轨迹だ  呜呼…狭い…ここは何て狭い世界だ…  ——ジャスティス  敌は全部杀すんだ 盟友よそれで一时安心だ  (幸セカイ? 呜呼…シアワ世界? 死逢ワ世界? ソレデ…幸セカイ?)  けれど味方も敌になるんだ ならば先手打って杀すんだ  (幸セカイ? 呜呼…シアワ世界? 死遭ワ世界? ホント…幸セカイ?)  しかし敌は无くならないんだ だから怯えながら暮らすんだ  (幸セカイ? 呜呼…シアワ世界? 死逢ワ世界? ソレデ…幸セカイ?)  されどそれを缲り返すだけだ それが幸せを掴む途だ  (幸セカイ? 呜呼…シアワ世界? 幸セヲ掴ム途ダ…)  间违ってる そんな论理は 间违ってるんだ  この世界を 売ろうとしてる 奴らがいるんだ  気付くべきだ 気付いたなら 戦うべきだ  たった一羽 时风に向かう 白鸦のように  あの顷ボクらが梦见てた 未来へ托した地図を  描き换える影が在ることも 识らなかったボクらを超えて  疾って往こう…予言にない<ハジマリ>へと…  <黒の予言书>(ブラッククロニクル)  物心ついた时 母は既に居なかった…  病死だとボクに告げたのは  孤児であるボクを引き取り养育した组织だった  组织には似たような奴らが何人も居た  やがて组织に疑问を抱いたボクらは组织から逃亡した…  01.  黑之预言书  幻想故事组曲……编年史(Chronicle)世界  这是……追寻着历史的少女和世界的故事……  有着想咏唱的诗歌……有着想追寻的旅程……  有着想守护的山丘……有着想夸耀的蔷薇……  有着想终结的战争……有着想听到的歌声……  有着想述说的航海……有着想高举的右臂……  无论何时我们都决不放弃 在历史的彼方 那既接近又遥远的穹苍  与你的约定 承继的思念 无尽无终的,我们的系谱(Chronicle)……  “‘黑之神子"(Lucia)啊……你真让我伤心……!  我一直相信,是你的话,就可以理解书的真理了呀……  算了,也好……如果你真以为可以改变历史的话……  不管什么时候,就去做好了……”  《黑之预言书》(Black Chronicle)  从懂事的时候起 妈妈就已不在了  几不可闻的、悲伤的 温柔的摇篮曲……  (我们的道路仿佛无所不至)  在出生之前 爸爸就也不在了  那清楚的憎恨是 激烈的恋情……  (在看着哪里,背叛着什么)  怀抱着不同的星星 出生的我们,现在  被相同的天空拥抱 尽管如此……尽管如此……  那个时候我们梦到 奔向未来的白马  连有影子在追逐它 也不知道的我们就骑在背上  驰骋而去……向预言中的终末而往……  《黑之预言书》(Black Chronicle)  《黑之预言书》(Black Chronicle),那是“不应存在的书籍”  由某处的预言书崇拜(cult)教团所拥有的  全二十四卷,黑色封面的古书  它所记载的 是有史以来的许多记录  拥有某种完整性的 确凿无疑的编年史  如果承认它记载的是史实的话  那我们所知的历史又是什么?  书的记载一直延伸到未来 每一个不同(分歧)  都会生出许多学说(枝叶) 混乱的论争(花朵)也开放出来  而其中最大的论点就是 在不远的未来(刚才),这个世界  将会迎来终结的“史实”……  怎样才算是朋友怎样又算是敌人?  因此而犯的错误全被历史抹杀  各各都自把自为地划出边界  在空白的地图上刻下斗争的轨迹  啊……狭窄……这是何等狭窄的世界啊……  Justice  敌人已经全都杀光啦 朋友啊请暂时放心吧  (幸福的世界? 啊……幸福的世界? 死覆的世界? 这就是……幸福的世界?)  不过朋友也会变成敌人啊 那就先下手为强也杀掉吧  (幸福的世界? 啊……幸福的世界? 死伏的世界? 这就是……幸福的世界?)  但敌人不会永远不在啊 所以得胆战心惊地生活呀  (幸福的世界? 啊……幸福的世界? 死覆的世界? 这就是……幸福的世界?)  于是就这样重复循环吧 这是得到幸福的方法啊  (幸福的世界? 啊……幸福的世界? 得到幸福的方法啊……)  肯定是不对 那种说法 肯定是不对的啊  把这个世界 出卖了的 那些家伙还在呀  察觉到了 察觉到的话 那就起而战斗吧  唯有一只鸟 乘着时间之风 就像是白鸦  那个时候我们梦到 托付给未来的地图  那影子变成了别样 一无所知的我们将地图越出  疾驰前行……向从未预言过的“开始”而往……  《黑之预言书》(Black Chronicle)  从懂事的时候起 妈妈就已不在了……  跟我说的是她病死了  把成为孤儿的我收养的是一个组织  组织里还有许许多多的人和我相仿  终于,对组织产生怀疑的我们从组织中逃亡……

有一首歌,歌词里有一句all the night,好像是christopher唱的,求歌名啊


求Christopher的remind you歌词翻译

Remind You - Christopher You take my breath away 你光洁的铜体 With your naked body 让我无法呼吸 And I"m not the only one 我不是唯一一个感受到你的美 Yeah, everyone thinks you"re stunning 是的 每个人都赞叹你的美丽 It"s the way that you smile when you 置身于人群中 你的微笑 look at the crowd, I can tell that you 让人为之倾倒 我多想提醒你 don"t know that you"re beautiful 你有多美 当我对你 And you"re fine but you 诉说你的美时 think it"s a lie when I say 你会觉得我在说谎吧 You"re beautiful, you"re 你真的很美 beautiful, don"t you know it 难道你不知道吗 I always will, I always will let you know 我会 我会让你知道 Let you know, let you know 让你知道 让你知道 You"re beautiful, you"re beautiful 你是那么的美 你是那么的美 and if you ever forget 如果你忘记了 I will always 那我也将 I"ll remind yooooooou 不时提醒 I"ll remind yooooou 我将提醒你 Remind you, ohh 提醒你 哦 I"ll remind yoooou 我会提醒你 I"ll remind yoooou 我会提醒你你的美 Why"re you so insecure 为什么你那么的不安 Baby you would take me 宝贝 你无法让我 away with your eyes 转移注视你的目光 Give me one good reason 给我一个理由 Don"t you think it"s wrong the many lies 你不觉得那些谎言都是那么的虚伪吗 Tell me what do you see 提醒我你看到了什么 Baby look at me, stop reading my mind 宝贝看着我 不要再猜我的心思 When you"re looking in the mirror 当你看着镜子 It"s the way that you smile when 一定会看到你美丽的微笑 you look at the crowd, I can tell you 当你望向人群我多想提醒你 don"t know that you"re beautiful 你有多美 And you"re fine but you 当我对你诉说你的美时 think it"s a lie when I say 你会觉得我在说谎吧 You"re beautiful 你很美 You"re beautiful, you"re beautiful 你真的很美 你真的很美 don"t you know it 难道你不知道吗 I always will, I always will let you know 我会 我会让你知道 Let you know, let you know 让你知道 让你知道 You"re beautiful, you"re beautiful 你是那么的美 你是那么的美 and if you ever forget 如果你忘记了 I will always 那我也将 I"ll remind yooooou 我将提醒你 Remind you, ohh 提醒你 哦 I"ll remind yooooou 我会提醒你 Never forget, do never forget 不会忘记 我永远不会忘记你的美 Remind you 提醒你 Oh baby, I"ll remind you 哦 宝贝 我会提醒你 I"ll remind yoooou 我会提醒你 I"ll remind yoooou 我会提醒你 Remind you, remind you 我会提醒你 提醒你的美 Baby you"re beautiful 宝贝 你是那么的美 Baby you"re beautiful 宝贝 你是那么的美 Baby you"re beautiful 宝贝 你是那么的美 Baby you"re beautiful 宝贝 你是那么的美 You take my breath away 你光洁的铜体 With your naked body 让我无法呼吸

求Christopher的remind you歌词翻译


求Christopher的remind you的歌词翻译



I hurt myself today 我今天感受着疼痛 to see if I still feel 去试探我是否还有感觉 I focus on the pain 我把注意力集中在疼痛上 the only thing that""s real 唯一真实的东西 the needle tears a hole 针划出了一个洞 the old familiar sting 这很久以前就熟悉的刺痛 try to kill it all away 想要就这样结束我的生命 but I remember everything 但是我记得每一件事 what have I become? 我变成什么样子了? my sweetest friend 我的那些亲爱的朋友 everyone I know 每一个我所熟知的人 goes away in the end 最终都离我而去 and you could have it all 但是你可以拥有这一切 my empire of dirt 肮脏的国王(不肯定哈) I will let you down 我会让你失望,让你伤心 I will make you hurt 我会让你受伤 I wear this crown of thorns 我带着荆棘做的皇冠 upon my liar""s chair 坐在我这张撒谎者的椅子上 full of broken thoughts 充满了破碎的想法 I cannot repair 我不能修复 beneath the stains of time 在被时间污染的背后 the feelings disappear 感觉消失 you are someone else 你变成了别的什么人 I am still right here 我还站在这里 what have I become? my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end and you could have it all my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt if I could start again 如果我可以重来一次 a million miles away 在百万里远的地方 I would keep myself 我会变成我自己 I would find a way 我会找到一条路(我会找到一种方法的)


thought you were my best friend 我曾经以为你是我最好的朋友 I felt we‘d be together ‘til the end 预感我们会一直在一起 You‘re not the girl I once knew 你不再是我认识的那个女孩 Tell me where she is ‘cause she‘s not you 告诉我以前的你在哪里 因为现在这个人不是你 You used to be that shoulder That shoulder I could lean on through it all 你曾经是我生活中可以依靠的肩膀 But now it‘s getting colder 但现在关系却慢慢变冷 There‘s no love between these walls 误会的墙隔开了我们的友谊 Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒 It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you 看着你(嫉妒 )我才发现你是多么地邪恶 Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒 Nobody wins when you‘re full of envy 当嫉妒充满内心 没有人是赢家 La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la I was always happy 我曾经一直快乐 When I was watchin‘ you become a star 当我看着你向着星路迈进 But you were only happy When the world was openin‘ up my scars 但你却只有当我碰到挫折的时候才高兴 And now I‘m like the devil 现在我也好像个魔鬼 Well if I am then what does that make you 如果接下来我也会成为你现在这样 You sold yourself for your fame 你为了出名出卖你的灵魂 You‘d still never walk a day in my shoes 你不会再有一天能穿着我的鞋子出门(指过平常人的生活) Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒 It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you 看着你(嫉妒 )我才发现你是多么地邪恶 Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒 Nobody wins when you‘re full of envy 当嫉妒充满内心 没有人是赢家 La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Interamble Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy Nobody wins when you‘re full of envy La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la





Boys Be ambitious !! 歌词,日文+中文+罗马音

BOYSBEAMBITIOUS自分を恐がることそれがいちばん臆病さきみはきみと戦いホントのきみになれBOYSBEAMBITIOUSBOYSBEAMBITIOUSもらったものはすぐ使い果たし消えてしまうからどんな愿いでも自分の手でつかまなきゃダメさいつだって梦は远い场所手强い感じがいいカンジ失败したっていいよ何度転んでも平気さ大事なことはいつも涙のその次さBOYSBEAMBITIOUSBOYSBEAMBITIOUSなにか暴れてるきみの胸のとても深いトコ気づかないふりで通り过ぎるなんて无理だよねねぇきみが生きている印谁かの心に刻むまでなにが正しいのかもなにが间违っていたかも答えはみんなきみの心の中にあるBOYSBEAMBITIOUSBOYSBEAMBITIOUS届かない梦はないって信じたら歩き出せるそこから自分を恐がることそれがいちばん臆病さきみはきみと戦いホントのきみになれ害怕自己那是最大的怯懦去和自己战斗成为真正的你吧BOYSBEAMBITIOUS得来的一切都会很快用竭无论怎样企求不靠自己的双手来把握是不行的梦永远是遥远的挑战才是最好的感觉失败也无妨不管摔倒多少次也无所谓重要的收获永远是在眼泪之后获得的BOYSBEAMBITIOUS在你的胸中深处一定有什么在猛力地冲撞别装作全然不知漠视是没有用的啊 去实现吧 证明你存在的印记直到刻在某个人的心中为止什么是对的什么又是错的所有的答案都在你的心里BOYSBEAMBITIOUS如果相信没有不遂的梦想就从那里起步吧害怕自己那是最大的怯懦去和自己战斗成为真正的你吧BOYSBEAMBITIOUS罗马音:对不起!您的提问(回答)中包含不适合发表的内容,请修改后再提交

求《神龙斗士》的片尾曲《Boys Be Ambitious》的歌词


boys be ambitious(神龙斗士片尾曲)的中文歌词 翻译要好!!


Ambitious!野心的でいいじゃん 罗马文歌词

Ambitious!野心的でいいじゃん JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を持っている 见上げれば 未来 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious 作り笑颜とかなんか 上手く出来ない 不器用でも毎日を 楽しめる 恋人と居る时间 とても幸せ 终电とか数えると 梦が覚めてく 抱きしめてね 寂しいその时だけは 抱きしめてね 今は 大丈夫だから HEY HEY happyな毎日 野心的でいいんじゃないか みんなだって 同じ 一人じゃないぜ JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を持っている 见上げれば 未来 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious 夏祭りだけはなんか 出かけたくなる いろんなの 颜见てて 饱きないみたい 抱きしめてね お互い様なんだから 抱きしめてね すぐに 飞んでいくから HEY HEY happyな毎日 野心的でいいんじゃないか 明日だって 同じ 晴れわたるから JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を持っている 口付けの 仪式 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を広げたら 见上げれば 未来 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious HEY HEY happyな毎日 野心的でいいんじゃないか 明日だって 同じ 晴れわたるから JUMP JUMP take offしようぜ! 天使の羽を広げたら 口付けの 仪式 Boys&Girls!Be Ambitious JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! tenshi no hane wo motte iru miagereba mirai Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious [Tak/Ko/Ni] tsukuri egao to ka nanka [Og/Mi/Tan] umaku dekinai [Yo/Ka] bukiyou demo mainichi wo [Fu/Ku] tanoshimeru [Tak/Ko/Ni] koibito to iru jikan [Og/Mi/Tan] totemo shiawase [Yo/Ka] shuuden to ka kazoeru to [Fu/Ku] yume ga sameteku dakishimete ne samishii sono toki dake wa [Ni/Mi] dakishimete ne [Ka/Ku] ima wa [Yo/Ko/Og/Fu] daijoubu dakara HEY HEY happy na mainichi [Yo/Tak/Ko/Ni/Ka] yashinteki de iin ja nai ka minna datte onaji hitori ja naize JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! [Og/Fu/Mi/Tan/Ku] tenshi no hane wo motte iru miagereba mirai Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious [Yo/Ka] natsu matsuri dake wa nanka [Fu/Ku] dekaketaku naru [Tak/Ko/Ni] ironna no kao mitete [Og/Mi/Tan] akinai mitai dakishimete ne otagaisama nan dakara [Ni/Mi] dakishimete ne [Tan/Ku] sugu ni [Yo/Tak/Ko/Og] tonde iku kara HEY HEY happy na mainichi [Og/Fu/Mi/Tan/Ku] yashinteki de iin ja na ka ashita datte onaji hare wataru kara JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! [Yo/Tak/Ko/Ni/Ka] tenshi no hane wo hirogetara kuchizuke no gishiki Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! tenshi no hane wo motte iru miagereba mirai Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious HEY HEY happy na mainichi [Yo/Tak/Ko/Ni/Ka] yashinteki de iin ja na ka ashita datte onaji hare wataru kara JUMP JUMP take off shiyouze! [Og/Fu/Mi/Tan/Ku] tenshi no hane wo hirogetara kuchizuke no gishiki Boys & Girls! Be Ambitious

boys be ambitious的罗马拼音歌词

Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Mamoritainda Kimi wo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku no daiji na hito ga Kimi ga sugu soba ni ite kureru Sore dakede gambareru Boku no sabishisa wo suikonde Hohoemi ni shite kureru Yowai kokoro wa ky? Miero ni natte Boku no kimochi Madowasu kedo Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Mitsumetainda Yume wo *Unmei nanka taiatari shite Kitto kaerareru Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Shinjitainda Itsumo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku wo matteta hito ga Kimi ga ochikonde megetetara Zenryoku de ataeru yo Ima no boku ni shika dekinai koto Akiramezu tsumikasane Soshite kokoro no tabi ga Tomodachi yori mo Motto tsuyoi futari ni suru Zutto hitotsu no h⴯ de Yakusoku suru yo Kimi ni Kimi no kokoro no itami wa minna Boku no itami dayo Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Dakishimetai yo Kimi wo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku no daiji na hito ga *重复两遍

you&#39;ve got the touch you&#39;ve got the power这是哪首歌里的歌词?

你确定是这2句么? 我找到只有stan bush - the touchyou got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量yeahafter all is said and done 毕竟说过,做过you"ve never walked, you"ve never run,你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱you"re a winner 你是胜利者you got the moves, you know the streets 拨开迷雾,你看清道路break the rules, take the heat 冲破羁绊,斗志昂扬you"re nobody"s fool 你怎能被邪恶所愚弄you"re at your best when when the goin" gets rough 当前进变得艰难,你显示出你的非凡you"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough 你已突破考验,但是仍然有限you got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量when all hell"s breakin" loose 当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战you"ll be riding the eye of the storm 你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心you got the heart 你燃起斗志you got the motion 你付诸行动you know that when things get too tough 当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮you got the touch 你燃起动力you never bend, you never break 你从不屈服你从不放弃you seem to know just what it takes 你仿佛知道什么带来正义you"re a fighter 你是一名斗士it"s in the blood, it"s in the will 它已溶入生命,它已化作意志it"s in the mighty hands of steel 它握在那强有力的钢铁的手里when you"re standin" your ground 当你屹立在你的阵地and you never get hit when your back"s to the wall 当陷入绝境,你从不曾被打倒gonna fight to the end and you"re takin" it all 坚持战斗到最后,并且赢得所有you got the touch 你激活动力you got the power 你发动力量when all hell"s breakin" loose 当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战you"ll be riding the eye of the storm 你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心you got the heart 你燃起斗志you got the motion 你付诸行动you know that when things get too tough 当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮you got the touch 你燃起动力you"re fightin" fire with fire 你战斗不息you know you got the touch 你知道你该燃起动力you"re at your best when when the road gets rough 当前路变得艰难,你显示出你的不凡you"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough 你已突破考验,但是仍然有限you got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量yeahyou got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量

you"ve got the mind of a child是什么歌里的歌词

stan bush - the touchyou got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量yeahafter all is said and done 毕竟说过,做过you"ve never walked, you"ve never run,你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱you"re a winner 你是胜利者you got the moves, you know the streets 拨开迷雾,你看清道路break the rules, take the heat 冲破羁绊,斗志昂扬you"re nobody"s fool 你怎能被邪恶所愚弄you"re at your best when when the goin" gets rough 当前进变得艰难,你显示出你的非凡you"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough 你已突破考验,但是仍然有限you got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量when all hell"s breakin" loose 当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战you"ll be riding the eye of the storm 你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心you got the heart 你燃起斗志you got the motion 你付诸行动you know that when things get too tough 当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮you got the touch 你燃起动力you never bend, you never break 你从不屈服你从不放弃you seem to know just what it takes 你仿佛知道什么带来正义you"re a fighter 你是一名斗士it"s in the blood, it"s in the will 它已溶入生命,它已化作意志it"s in the mighty hands of steel 它握在那强有力的钢铁的手里when you"re standin" your ground 当你屹立在你的阵地and you never get hit when your back"s to the wall 当陷入绝境,你从不曾被打倒gonna fight to the end and you"re takin" it all 坚持战斗到最后,并且赢得所有you got the touch 你激活动力you got the power 你发动力量when all hell"s breakin" loose 当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战you"ll be riding the eye of the storm 你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心you got the heart 你燃起斗志you got the motion 你付诸行动you know that when things get too tough 当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮you got the touch 你燃起动力you"re fightin" fire with fire 你战斗不息you know you got the touch 你知道你该燃起动力you"re at your best when when the road gets rough 当前路变得艰难,你显示出你的不凡you"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough 你已突破考验,但是仍然有限you got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量yeahyou got the touch 你燃起动力you got the power 你发动力量

AND I LOVE YOU SO的中文歌词是什么?

and i love you so. 我如从前一般爱你the people ask me how.how i"ve lived till now.人们(因此)问我过得怎样, 我是怎样走到如今,i tell them i don"t know.我告诉他们我也说不清,i guess they understand. 我猜他们早已明了how lonely life has been.我的生活是多少寂寮, but life began again. the day you took my hand.但生活再次开始,就在你拉起我的手的那天开始。and yes i know. 噢,是的,我很清楚,how lonely(loveless)life can be. 日子可以多少孤独(美好),the shadows follow me. and the night won"t set me free.我身后的孤单身影,以及那些让人释怀的暗夜里,but i don"t let the evening. get(bring)me down. 但我并没在长长的夜里沉沦自己now that you"re around~ me. and you love me too. 即使你陪在身边,也爱着我自己。your thoughts are just for me. 你的一切思绪因我而起,you set my spirit free. i"m happy that you do. 我为此而高兴,你让我心神如此安宁the book of life is brief. and once a page is read. all but love is dead that is my belief. 生活如同本书样短暂,一旦书页翻完,我坚信,除了爱一切都将逝去,and i love you so. the people ask me how. how i"ve lived till now.我还是那么爱你,人们常问起我过得怎样,我是如何走到现今, i tell them i don"t know 我告诉他们我也说不清。---------------------------

歌词大概是....just then;i love ...what you say

and i love you so. 我如从前一般爱你the people ask me how.how i"ve lived till now.人们(因此)问我过得怎样, 我是怎样走到如今,i tell them i don"t know.我告诉他们我也说不清,i guess they understand. 我猜他们早已明了how lonely life has been.我的生活是多少寂寮, but life began again. the day you took my hand.但生活再次开始,就在你拉起我的手的那天开始。and yes i know. 噢,是的,我很清楚,how lonely(loveless)life can be. 日子可以多少孤独(美好),the shadows follow me. and the night won"t set me free.我身后的孤单身影,以及那些让人释怀的暗夜里,but i don"t let the evening. get(bring)me down.但我并没在长长的夜里沉沦自己now that you"re around~ me. and you love me too. 即使你陪在身边,也爱着我自己。your thoughts are just for me. 你的一切思绪因我而起,you set my spirit free. i"m happy that you do. 我为此而高兴,你让我心神如此安宁the book of life is brief. and once a page is read. all but love is dead that is my belief. 生活如同本书样短暂,一旦书页翻完,我坚信,除了爱一切都将逝去,and i love you so. the people ask me how. how i"ve lived till now.我还是那么爱你,人们常问起我过得怎样,我是如何走到现今,i tell them i don"t know 我告诉他们我也说不清。---------------------------


你才给5分~也太扣了吧?????? 懒得回答你!

wale的 ambition歌词


NEED: 《Last Christmas》的歌词

Last Christmas 歌手:Wham 专辑:music from the edge of heaven Wham / Last Christmas--------------------------------------Last ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis yearTo save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialOnce bitten and twice shyI keep my distanceBut you still catch my eyeTell me babyDo you recognize me?WellIt"s been a yearIt doesn"t surprise me(Happy Christmas)I wrapped it up and sent itWith a note saying "I love you"I meant itNow I know what a fool I"ve beenBut if you kissed me nowI know you"d fool me againA crowded roomFriends with tired eyesI"m hiding from youAnd your soul of iceMy god I thought you wereSomeone to rely onMe?I guess I was a shoulder to cry onA face on a lover with a fire in his heartA man under cover but you tore me apartNow I"ve found a real love you"ll never fool me again


Ambiguity lets a person suffered injusticeFind evidence of loveWhen should advance when to give upEven embrace all have no courageCan bring you hereAfter all, some things can notMore than the friendship is not loveDistance will rain sceneryWhat shouldn"t cryThink too much is you or meI unconvinced also began to doubtThe face of the person is same the real youAmbiguity lets a person suffered injusticeFind evidence of loveWhen to advanceWhen to give upEven embrace all have no courageAmbiguity let a person become greedyUntil waiting meaninglessBut you and ICannot write endPut the beautiful regret

求 fuck the pain way 的歌词

在Google主页输入 fuck the pain way lyrics,很多搜索结果都可以看到。你点击第1个就可以。Suckin" on my titties like you wanted me, Callin me, all the time like blondie,Check out my chrissy behindIt"s fine all of the time Like sex on the beaches,What else is in the teaches of peaches? huh? what?Suckin" on my titties like you wanted me,Callin me, all the time like blondie,Check out my chrissy behindIt"s fine all of the timeWhat else is in the teaches of peaches?Like sex on the beaches. huh? what?huh? right. what? uhh.huh? what? right. uhh.huh? what? right. uhh.huh? what? right. uhh.SIS IUD, stay in school coz it"s the best.IUD SIS, stay in school coz it"s the best.IUD SIS, stay in school coz it"s the best.IUD SIS, stay in school coz it"s the best.Suckin" on my titties like you wanted me,Callin me, all the time like blondie,Check out my chrissy behindIt"s fine all of the time.Like sex on the beaches.What else is in the teaches of peaches? huh? what?Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.huh? what? right. uhh. huh? what? right. uhh.What else in the teaches of peaches, like sex on the beaches.what? right. uhh.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.

together stronger中文歌词!就是威尔士国家队主题曲!求中文翻译

Not since 1958从1958年以来When Brazil would make our hearts break可不是只有巴西伤过我们的心(注:自1958年世界杯遭巴西1:0淘汰之后,威尔士国家队已连续58年无缘国际大赛)But now that France has arrived但现在我们已经到达法兰西啦It feels so good to be alive活着多好啊Let"s not forget Gary Speed别忘了加里·斯皮德(注:威尔士球星,曾代表国家队出战85次,并担任过国家队主帅,于2011年自杀身亡,年仅42岁)He wore his heart upon his sleeve他是个多么直率的人哪And if he is looking down如果他在天堂向下张望Then our love is all around他会看到,到处都洋溢着我们对他的爱So come on Ramsey加油拉姆塞!Let"s set the world alight让我们把世界点亮When Gareth Bale plays当加雷斯·贝尔在场上We can beat any side我们可以打爆任何球队的边路So come on Wales加油威尔士So come on Wales加油威尔士With Ashley Williams有了阿什利·威廉姆斯We can win any fight我们可以赢得任何一场比赛Joe Jordan won with his hand乔·乔丹用手赢了我们(注:1977年10月12日,在世界杯预选赛苏格兰对阵威尔士的比赛中。苏格兰前锋乔丹在禁区内用手将队友开出的大力界外球摆渡给后点的队友,但当值主裁却认定是威尔士后卫琼斯手球犯规,并判给苏格兰队一个点球,最终威尔士0:2惨遭淘汰)Russia was Giggsy"s last chance俄罗斯曾是吉格斯的最后一次机会(注:2003年11月,威尔士在欧洲杯预选赛附加赛与俄罗斯队的比赛中,先在客场与对手0-0战平,随后在主场0-1告负,无缘决赛圈,这是吉格斯的国家队生涯中距离世界大赛最近的一次)Paul Bodin"s penalty miss保罗·博丁错失点球(注:保罗·博丁曾在威尔士国家队担任门将)That 85 night was so tragic1985年的那个夜晚是如此的悲惨But now the past is all gone但现在这一切都已经过去啦The future is ours to be won我们将会赢得未来You"re just too good to be true威尔士的小伙子们,你们真是好的难以置信We can"t take our eyes off you我们的眼睛都离不开你们啦(注:此处歌词引用Frankie Valli名曲《can"t take my eyes off you》So come on Ramsey加油拉姆塞Let"s set the world alight让我们把世界点亮When Gareth Bale plays当加雷斯·贝尔在场上We can beat any side我们可以打爆任何球队的边路So come on Wales加油威尔士So come on Wales加油威尔士With Ashley Williams有了阿什利·威廉姆斯We can win any fight我们可以赢得任何一场比赛Chrissy Coleman Gunter Chester克里斯·科尔曼,冈特,切斯特Hennessey Allen King and Collins亨内西,艾伦,金和科林斯Davis Ledley Taylor Richards戴维斯,莱德利,泰勒,理查兹Hal Robson Kanu哈尔-罗布森-卡努(注:克里斯·科尔曼为威尔士国家队主教练,其余皆为入选本届欧洲杯大名单的球员)So come on Ramsey加油拉姆塞Let"s set the world alight让我们把世界点亮When Gareth Bale plays当加雷斯·贝尔在场上We can beat any side我们可以打爆任何球队的边路So come on Wales加油威尔士So come on Wales加油威尔士Together stronger一起变得更强吧We"ll win if we unite只要团结起来我们就会赢

求Sam Tsui&Chrissy Costanza Heart Attack歌词

采纳答案的肯定没听过翻唱版。为了后来人不要被误导,我这个英语专八人转一贴正确的Sam: You never put your love out on the lineYou never said yes to the right guyYou never had trouble getting what you wantBut when it comes to you I"m never good enoughChrissy: When I don"t careI can play them like a Ken dollWon"t wash my hairAnd make them bounce like a basketballTogether: But you make me wanna act like a girlChrissy: Paint my nails and wear high heelsFor youSam: You make me so nervous that I just can"t hold your handChrissy: You make me glowTogether: But you cover up, don"t let it showSo I"m putting my defenses upCause I don"t wanna fall in loveIf I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackCrissy: Never break a sweat for the other guysWhen you come around I get paralyzedAnd every time I try to be myselfIt comes all out wrong like a cry for helpSam: It"s just not fairBrings more trouble than a love is worthI gasp for airIt feels so good, but you know it hurtsTogether: But you make me wanna act like a girlChrissy: Paint my nails and wear perfumeFor youSam: You make me so nervous that I just can"t hold your handTogether: you make me glowBut you cover up, don"t let it showSo I"m putting my defenses upCause I don"t wanna fall in loveIf I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackSam: The feelings got lost in my lungsThey"re burning, I"d rather be numbTogether: And there"s no one else to blameSo scared I"ll take off and runI"m flying too close to the sunChrissy: And I"ll burst into flamesSam: You make me glowBut you cover up, won"t let it showCrissy: So I"m putting my defenses upCause I don"t wanna fall in loveIf I ever did that, I think I"d have a heart attackTogether: I think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackI think I"d have a heart attackheart attack - tackOh I think I"d have a heart attack


nba 歌曲 amazingIt"s amazing, I"m the reason 这真神奇,我就是原因Everybody fired up this evening所有人把今夜点燃I"m exhausted, barely breathing 我筋疲力尽,无法呼吸Holding on to what I believe in 但我仍坚持我所相信的东西(但我仍坚持我的信仰)[Chorus] No matter what, you"ll never take that from me 无论什么,你都休想从我这夺走My reign is as far as your eyes can see 我的统治无处不在。It"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing (x2) 这真神奇,如此神奇,真TM神奇。。。。。。It"s amazing这真神奇I"m a monster, I"m a killer 我是怪物,我是杀手I know I"m wrong 我知道我错了I"m a problem 我是个问题人物That"ll never ever be solved 永远也不会变好[Chorus] And no matter what, you"ll never take that from me 无论什么,你都休想从我这夺走My reign is as far as your eyes can see 我的统治无处不在It"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing (x2) 这真神奇,如此神奇,真TM神奇。。。。。。It"s amazing 这真神奇I"m a monster, I"m a maven (?) 我是怪物,我就是行家I know this world is changing 我知道这世界在变Never gave in, never gave up (但我)永不屈服,永不放弃I"m the only thing I"m afraid of 唯一能让我恐惧的就是我自己![Chorus] No matter what, you"ll never take that from me 无论什么,你休想从我这夺走My reign is as far as your eyes can see 我的统治无处不在It"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing (x4) 这真神奇,如此神奇,真TM神奇。。。。。。It"s amazing 这真神奇[Young Jeezy] I"m amazing (amazing), yeah I"m all that (all that) 我很神奇,我就是一切If I ain"t on my grind than what you call that (what you call that) 如果这不是磨练,那你说这是什么Victorious, yeah we warriors 胜利,耶,我们是勇士We make history, strive for victory (yeah) 我们创造历史,为胜利拼搏Standing at my podium, I"m trying to watch my sodium 站在我的台上,我最引人瞩目Die high blood pressure either let the feds catch ya (yeah) 要么死于高血压,要么让FBI逮住你I"m amazing born on a full moon 我很神奇,我生于月圆之夜I was breed to get it in, no spoon 我不是纨绔子弟,我是为投篮得分而生That"s why I"m so goon summer time no joke 不开玩笑,这就是为何每到夏天我会如此疯狂(训练)Big family small house, no room 家里人多房小,没有自己的房间They like “Oh God, why he go so hard 他们喜欢说:“噢,上帝啊,他那么刻苦,Look what he"s been through, he deserves an applause” 看看他经历过的东西,他对得起掌声 !”[Outro] So amazing, so amazing, so amazing 这真神奇,如此神奇,真TM神奇It"s amazing 这真神奇


QQ音乐里有Kanye West - Amazing (featuring. Young Jeezy) It"s amazing I"m the reason Everybody fired up this evening I"m exhausted Barely breathing Holding on to what I believe in No matter what You"ll never take that from me My reign is as far as your eyes can see It"s amazin", so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" (Let"s go) I"m a monster I"m a killer I know I"m wrong, yeah I"m a problem That"ll never Ever be solved And no matter what You"ll never take that from me My reign is as far as your eyes can see It"s amazin", so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" (Let"s go) I"m a monster I"m a maven I know this world is changin" Never gave in Never gave up I"m the only thing I"m afraid of No matter what You"ll never take that from me My reign is as far as your eyes can see It"s amazin", so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin". so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" I"m amazin" Yeah I"m all that If i ain"t on my grind Then what you call that? Victorious Yeah we warriors We make history Strive of Victory Standing at my podium I"m trying watch my sodium Die high pressure You even let the feds get cha! I"m amazin" Born on the full moon I was bred to get in No spoon That"s why I"m so goose Summer time, no juice Big family, small house no rooms They like oh god! why you go so hard? Look what he"s been through He deserves an applause so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" (Let"s go) so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"


It"s amazingI"m the reasonEverybody fired up this eveningI"m exhaustedBarely breathingHolding on to what I believe inNo matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazin", so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" (Let"s go)I"m a monsterI"m a killerI know I"m wrong, yeahI"m a problemThat"ll neverEver be solvedAnd no matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazin", so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" (Let"s go)I"m a monsterI"m a mavenI know this world is changin"Never gave inNever gave upI"m the only thing I"m afraid ofNo matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazin", so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin".so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"I"m amazin"Yeah I"m all thatIf i ain"t on my grindThen what you call that?VictoriousYeah we warriorsWe make historyStrive of VictoryStanding at my podiumI"m trying watch my sodiumDie high blood pressureYou even let the feds get cha!I"m amazin"Born on the full moonI was bred to get inNo spoonThat"s why I"m so gooseSummer time, no juiceBig family, small house no roomsThey like oh god!why you go so hard?Look what he"s been throughHe deserves an applauseso amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin" (Let"s go)so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"so amazin", so amazin", so amazin", it"s amazin"




每次 我们的眼睛遇见 这感觉在我之内 几乎比我能拿的更多 当你碰我的时候,纵容 我能感觉你爱我多少 而且它仅仅把我吹走 我从未是对任何人或任何事的这结束 我能听到你的想法 我能见到你的梦 我不知道如何你你做的 我是,如此在爱方面,和你,它仅仅继续逐渐好转 我想要藉着我的身边和你渡过我的生活的其余者 永远地和曾经 你做的每一小的事物 纵容我惊讶于你 翻译结果 你的皮肤的味道 你的吻的味道 你在黑暗中耳语的方式 你的头发在我的周围四处,纵容你周围我 你在我的心到处接触 哦, 它感觉像第一时间 每次 我想要在你的眼睛中度过整个夜晚 我不知道你如何做你做的 我是,如此在爱方面,和你,它仅仅继续逐渐好转 我想要藉着我的身边和你渡过我的生活的其余者 永远地和曾经 你做的每一小的事物 纵容我惊讶于你 你做的每一小的事物 我是如此在爱方面和你 它仅仅继续逐渐好转 我想要藉着我的身边和你渡过我的生活的其余者 永远地和曾经 你做的每一小的事物 哦, 你做的每一小的事物 纵容我惊讶于你




绮罗 [ヒカルの碁 塔矢アキラ IM] 歌 :小林沙苗 作词:藤林圣子 作曲:佐藤英敏 编曲:五岛 翔 1人で雨を歩いてる 街の中 hitori de ame wo arui teru machi no naka 冷たくなった指先 そっと握ってた tsumeta kunatta yubisaki sotto nigitte ta すれ违う伞 笑い合う人混みで sure chigau kasa warai au hitogomi de めぐり逢うことの意味を考えていたよ meguri au kotono imi wo kangae teitayo 何か违ってる 変わり始めている nanika chigatte ru kawari hajime teiru 君って言う出来事が kun tte iu dekigoto ga 距离感狂わせてる? kyorikan kuruwa seteru ? どこまでも 続いてく道 dokomademo tsudui teku michi 仆の速さで歩こう boku no hayasa de aruko u いつかまた 伤付いて itsukamata kizu tsui te ひざまずく夜が来たって hizamazuku yoru ga kita tte 闭ざされた心の中へ toza sareta kokoro no naka he 君が落とした奇迹で kun ga oto shita kiseki de 仆がいたこの世界 boku gaitakono sekai 确実に広がり続ける kakujitsu ni hiroga ri tsuduke ru 夕暮れの色届かない 空を见て yuugure no shoku todoka nai sora wo mite このまま止まないでてと どこか思ってた konomama toma naideteto dokoka omotte ta 痛みを知れば 强くなれるのなら itami wo shire ba tsuyoku narerunonara 朝が来るまで不安に怯えていたい… asa ga kuru made fuan ni obie teitai ... すぐにこの雨も星ぞらに変わる sugunikono ame mo hoshi zorani kawa ru そのリミット闻こえたら sono rimitto kiko etara 仆を取り戻すから boku wo tori modosu kara どこまでも 続いてく道 dokomademo tsudui teku michi 终わりが远くなっても owari ga tooku nattemo いつの日かたどり着く itsuno nichi katadori tsuku 约束がほどけないよに yakusoku gahodokenaiyoni 选ばれた扉の向こう eraba reta tobira no mukou 君が来るのを待ってる kun ga kuru nowo matte ru いつまでも いつまでも itsumademo itsumademo 运命を静かに待ってる unmei wo shizuka ni matte ru どこまでも 続いてく道 dokomademo tsudui teku michi 仆の速さで歩こう boku no hayasa de aruko u いつかまた 伤付いて itsukamata kizu tsui te ひざまずく夜が来たって hizamazuku yoru ga kita tte 闭ざされた心の中へ toza sareta kokoro no naka he 君が落とした奇迹で kun ga oto shita kiseki de 仆がいたこの世界 boku gaitakono sekai 确実に広がり続ける kakujitsu ni hiroga ri tsuduke ru ひとしずく 作词:木本庆子/作曲&编曲:堀隆 塔矢アキラ(Vocal:小林沙苗)[コーラス:川上とも子] 水面は一雫受け止めて suimen ha hito shizuku uke tome te 几重にも穏やかに纺ぎだす ikue nimo odaya kani tsumugi dasu 波纹のゆるやかな広がりは hamon noyuruyakana hiroga riha 波となり果てしなく寄せて返す nami tonari hate shinaku yose te kaesu まだ见ぬ梦を抱き mada minu yume wo daki まるで何も望まないように marude nanimo nozoma naiyouni 见上げればいつも miage rebaitsumo 辉きを求め kagayaki wo motome 前だけを目指し mae dakewo mezashi 歩いて来たけど arui te kita kedo 全ての答えは subete no kotae ha この胸に中に kono mune ni nakani 同じ季节を生きる onaji kisetsu wo iki ru 仆らはみんな bokura haminna 时に舞う一雫 tokini mauhitoshizuku 光が静かに朝を运び hikari ga shizuka ni asa wo hakobi 雾は晴れ 木の叶からこぼれ落ちる kiri ha hare konoha karakobore ochiru ここから何もかも kokokara nanimo kamo 生まれ変わる旅立ちのように umare kawa ru tabidachi noyouni 巡り会いながら meguri ai nagara 伝え合いながら tsutae ai nagara 新しい花を atarashi i hana wo 心に咲かせて kokoro ni saka sete 风に揺れる波 kaze ni yure ru nami 闻こえる潮騒 kiko eru shiosai 违う形を重ね chigau katachi wo omone 时代を作る jidai wo tsukuru 唯一の一雫 yuiitsu no hito shizuku 巡り会いながら meguri ai nagara 伝え合いながら tsutae ai nagara 新しい花を atarashi i hana wo 心に咲かせて kokoro ni saka sete 全ての答えは subete no kotae ha この胸に中に kono mune ni nakani 同じ季节を生きる onaji kisetsu wo iki ru 仆らはみんな bokura haminna 时に舞う一雫 tokini mau hitoshizuku
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