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哪里有《every breath you take》 中文歌词

酷我音乐 。


《孤勇者》歌词完整版如下:歌曲原唱:陈奕迅。填词:唐恬。谱曲:钱雷。都,是勇敢的你额头的伤口,你的,不同,你犯的错都,不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶,你的,面具,你的自我。《孤勇者》MV不仅有陈奕迅本人的深情演唱画面,还穿插了《双城之战》本身的各种炸燃镜头,卡点完美,同时还选取了各种霸气的打戏画面,可以说画面震撼,称得上是二次元和三次元的梦幻联动。在MV中,蔚、金克丝以及杰斯等人生活在黑暗之下。歌曲鉴赏:《孤勇者》唱出了每个孤独者的心声。“战吗?战啊!以最卑微的梦”这句充满力量的歌词,戳中了许多听众的泪点,更让很多孤独奋斗者破防。《孤勇者》单独听是首好歌,如果结合《双城之战》的背景,听众还会感叹泪目于歌词的手术刀般的刻画。金克丝和蔚在混乱的祖安谋生存,Imagine Dragons的《Enemy》写出了姐妹成为对立面的无奈,而《孤勇者》则表现了两个人为了活下去而不得不去战斗的一面。歌曲对蔚和金克丝的写照,更是对每个“孤勇者”的写照,大气地展现着“勇者”的魅力,哪怕只是孤独前进的勇者,但“岁月不败勇者,我战益弥坚。




《孤勇者》歌词含义是每一个孤独的英雄,不管是身处暗巷还是绝望,不管是逆风还是绝境,都能奋力为自己而战,为梦想而战。表现了两个人为了活下去而不得不去战斗的一面。《孤勇者》由音乐制作人钱雷编曲制作、作词人唐恬作词,他们以平凡英雄、背后英雄的角度开展创作,主要扣住《英雄联盟:双城之战》的主题,还原出那些不是正统意义中的无名英雄形象。因动画围绕上城和底城文明冲突的故事、英雄成长的磨炼和蜕变展开,“天生就是用音乐讲故事”的陈奕迅便成为了演唱主题曲的最佳人选。歌曲歌词:都是勇敢的,你额头的伤口你的不同你犯的错都不必隐藏,你破旧的玩偶你的面具你的自我他们说要带着光驯服每一头怪兽,他们说要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑为何孤独不可光荣,人只有不完美值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄,爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样,爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场,爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪,爱你和我那么像缺口都一样,去吗配吗这褴褛的披风战吗战啊以最卑微的梦,致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄,他们说要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢,他们说要顺台阶而上而代价是低头,那就让我不可乘风你一样骄傲着那种孤勇,谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗配吗这褴褛的披风,战吗战啊以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼,谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳与众不同,你的沉默震耳欲聋You Are The Hero,爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样,爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场(You Are The Hero),爱你来自于蛮荒一生不借谁的光,你将造你的城邦在废墟之上,去吗去啊以最卑微的梦战吗战啊以最孤高的梦,致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄



Every Breath You Take 歌词

Every breath you take.你的每一次呼吸。Every move you make.你的每一个举动。Every bond you break.你打破的每一个规则。Every step you take.你跨出的每一步。I"ll be watching you ! 我都在看着!Every single day.你的每一天。Every word you say.你说的每一个字。Every game you play.你玩的每一个把戏。Every night you stay.你留下来的每一晚。I"ll be watching you ! 我都在看着!**Oh,can"t you see ? 哦,你明白吗?you belong to me.你属于我。How my poor heart aches.我有多伤心。With every step you take.你离去时跨出的每一步。Every move you make.你的每一个举动。Every vow you break.你违背的每一个誓言。Every smile you fake.你假装的每一个笑颜。Every claim you stake.你作出的每一个要求。I"ll be watching you ! 我都在看着!Since you"ve gone I been lost without a trace.自从你离开我迷失了自己。I dream at night I can only see your face.晚上做梦总是梦见你的面容。I look around but it"s you I can"t replace.我四处寻找但你无可替代。I feel so cold and long for your embrace.我感到心寒所以渴望你的拥抱。I keep crying baby,baby,please.我一直在哭泣,宝贝!repeat **I"ll be watching you ! 我都在看着


《孤勇者》歌词完整版如下:歌曲原唱:陈奕迅填词:唐恬谱曲:钱雷都,是勇敢的你额头的伤口,你的,不同,你犯的错都,不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶,你的,面具,你的自我他们说,要带着光,驯服每一头怪兽他们说,要缝好你的伤,没有人爱小丑为何孤独,不可,光荣人只有不完美,值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗,配吗,这褴褛的披风战吗,战啊,以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说,要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说,要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我,不可,乘风你一样骄傲着,那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗,配吗,这褴褛的披风战吗,战啊,以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳,与众不同你的沉默,震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你来自于蛮荒,一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦,在废墟之上去吗,去啊,以最卑微的梦战吗,战啊,以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄创作背景孤勇者这首歌是动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲。这首歌的歌词很燃很励志,虽然是为《英雄联盟》创作的歌曲,但是这首歌想要歌颂的可以是现实中各行各业里千千万万孤独勇敢的前行者。作词背景是一个勇敢美丽的姑娘,作词人唐恬的故事。天有不测风云,在2012年大年三十,唐恬被确诊为鼻咽癌三期。由于怕父母担心,唐恬没有将此事告诉父母,一个人去北京租房,一个人去检查,直到一个月后父母才知晓此事。癌症的化疗的过程十分痛苦,唐恬口腔全部溃烂,甚至一度失去了嗅觉,可她没有哭,勇敢地坚持了下来。为了支持和鼓励女儿,2012年的5月11号,唐恬的父母来到《中国梦想秀》的现场,在观众面前朗读了女儿在病床上所写的歌词,并希望能在生日时能够完成女儿的愿望把她写的这首歌给她最喜欢的歌手陈奕迅来演唱。


《孤勇者》-歌词原唱-陈奕迅作词: 唐恬作曲: 钱雷编曲: 钱雷制作人: 钱雷歌词:都是勇敢的你额头的伤口你的不同你犯的错都不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶你的面具你的自我他们说要带着光驯服每一头怪兽他们说要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑为何孤独不可光荣人只有不完美值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我不可乘风你一样骄傲着那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳与众不同你的沉默震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场 (You Are The Hero)爱你来自于蛮荒一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦在废墟之上去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄歌曲介绍:《孤勇者》是《英雄联盟: 双城之战》的动画聚集中文主题曲,故事背景:《英雄联盟: 双城之战》讲述的是在充满蒸汽朋克气息的乌托邦-皮尔 特沃夫和由化学品驱动的地下城-祖安中,蔚和金克丝两姐妹,她们由于全 新的半魔法半科学的海克斯科技,导致她们在一场激烈的碰撞后发现两个人 站在了彼此的对立面。她们从此分开,走上不同的道路,朝着不同的命运终 点走去,但心中的羁绊又无时不刻地让姐妹二人想要破镜重圆,心怀正义的 姐姐蔚也拼尽全力,誓要战胜地下城中的一切邪恶。歌手信息:陈奕迅(Eason Chan),1974年7月27日 出生于中国香港,祖籍广东省东莞市,中国香港流行乐男歌手、演员、作曲人,毕业于英国金斯顿大学。1996年发行个人首张专辑《陈奕迅》。代表作:《天下无双》、《K歌之王》、《十年》、《浮夸》

wonder girls-- hey boy中文歌词什么意思






Michael Owen Boy Wonder歌词



《孤勇者》歌词完整版如下:歌曲原唱:陈奕迅填词:唐恬谱曲:钱雷都,是勇敢的你额头的伤口,你的,不同,你犯的错都,不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶,你的,面具,你的自我他们说,要带着光,驯服每一头怪兽他们说,要缝好你的伤,没有人爱小丑为何孤独,不可,光荣人只有不完美,值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗,配吗,这褴褛的披风战吗,战啊,以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说,要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说,要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我,不可,乘风你一样骄傲着,那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗,配吗,这褴褛的披风战吗,战啊,以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳,与众不同你的沉默,震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你来自于蛮荒,一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦,在废墟之上去吗,去啊,以最卑微的梦战吗,战啊,以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄创作背景孤勇者这首歌是动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲。这首歌的歌词很燃很励志,虽然是为《英雄联盟》创作的歌曲,但是这首歌想要歌颂的可以是现实中各行各业里千千万万孤独勇敢的前行者。作词背景是一个勇敢美丽的姑娘,作词人唐恬的故事。天有不测风云,在2012年大年三十,唐恬被确诊为鼻咽癌三期。由于怕父母担心,唐恬没有将此事告诉父母,一个人去北京租房,一个人去检查,直到一个月后父母才知晓此事。癌症的化疗的过程十分痛苦,唐恬口腔全部溃烂,甚至一度失去了嗅觉,可她没有哭,勇敢地坚持了下来。为了支持和鼓励女儿,2012年的5月11号,唐恬的父母来到《中国梦想秀》的现场,在观众面前朗读了女儿在病床上所写的歌词,并希望能在生日时能够完成女儿的愿望把她写的这首歌给她最喜欢的歌手陈奕迅来演唱。

歌词baby hands up give me your love give me give me

你好!这首歌曲的名字应该是:Hands Up (百度mp3和酷我音乐合里均有)演唱者:Ottawan完整歌词:Hands Up (Give Me Your Love)Hands up, baby, hands up,Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heartGive it, give it.Hands up, baby, hands up,Gimme your heart, gimme, gimmeAll your love, all your love.Angel face, I love your smile,Love your ways, I like your style.What can I do to get closer to you?Don"t think twice or count to ten.Don"t take advise, don"t ask me when.Just come my way, simply kiss me and say:Hands up, baby, hands up, ...With you head up in the sky,Every day you"re walking by,Why don"t you never starts looking at me?Stop that game, don"t waste your time,For all your dreams are matchin" mine,No use to play hide and seek for a week.Hands up, baby, hands up, ...Let me be your Romeo, your wonder boy,And your super champ.Let me take you to the milky wayOn a holiday, on a holiday.Follow me, why don"t you follow me?Just come my way simply kiss me and say:Hands up, baby, hands up, ... 希望我的回答能够帮到你!^_^


gū yǒng zhě孤 勇 者Dōu shì yǒng gǎn dē都 是 勇 敢 的nǐ é tóu dē shāng kǒu nǐ dē bù tóng nǐ fàn dē cuò你 额头 的 伤 口 你 的 不 同 你 犯 的 错dōu bú bì yǐn cáng都 不 必 隐 藏nǐ pò jiù dē wán óu nǐ dē miàn jù nǐ dē zì wǒ你 破 旧 的 玩 偶 你 的 面 具 你 的 自 我tā mēn shuō yào dài zhē guāng xùn fú měi yì tóu guài shòu他 们 说 要 带 着 光 驯 服 每 一 头 怪 兽tā mēn shuō yào féng hǎo nǐ dē shāng méi yǒu rén ài xiǎo chǒu他 们 说 要 缝 好 你 的 伤 没 有 人 爱 小 丑wèi hé gū dú bù kě guāng róng为 何 孤 独 不 可 光 荣rén zhǐ yǒu bù wán měi zhí dé gē sòng人 只 有 不 完 美 值 得 歌 颂Shúi shūo wū ní mǎn shēng dē bù suàn yīng xióng谁 说 污 泥 满 身 的 不 算 英 雄ài nǐ gū shēn zǒu àn xiàng ài nǐ bú gùi dē mú yàng爱 你 孤 身 走 暗 巷 爱 你 不 跪 的 模 样ài nǐ dùi zhì guò jué wàng bù kěn kū yì chǎng爱 你 对 峙 过 绝 望 不 肯 哭 一 场ài nǐ pò làn dē yī shāng què gǎn dǔ mìng yùn dē qiāng爱 你 破 烂 的 衣 裳 却 敢 堵 命 运 的 枪ài nǐ hé wǒ nà mē xiàng quē kǒu dōu yí yàng爱 你 和 我 那 么 像 缺 口 都 一 样qù mā pèi mā zhè lán lǚ dē pī fēng去 吗 配 吗 这 褴 褛 的 披 风zhàn mā zhàn ā yǐ zuì bēi wēi dē mèng战 吗 战 啊 以 最 卑 微 的 梦zhì nà hēi yè zhōng dē wū yè yū nù hǒu致 那 黑 夜 中 的 呜 咽 与 怒 吼Shúi shūo zhàn zài guāng lǐ dē cái suàn yīng xióng谁 说 站 在 光 里 的 才 算 英 雄tā mēn shuō yào jiè lē nǐ dē kuáng jiù xiàng cā diào lē wū gòu他 们 说 要 戒 了 你 的 狂 就 像 擦 掉 了 污 垢tā mēn shuō yào shùn tái jiē ér shàng ér dài jia shì dī tóu他 们 说 要 顺 台 阶 而 上 而 代 价 是 低 头nà jiù rang wǒ bù kě chéng fēng那 就 让 我 不 可 乘 风nǐ yī yàng jiāo ào zhē nà zhǒng gū yǒng zhe你 一 样 骄 傲 着 那 种 孤 勇 者Shéi shuō dùi yì píng fán dē bú suàn yīng xióng谁 说 对 弈 平 凡 的 不 算 英 雄ài nǐ gū shēn zǒu àn xiàng ài nǐ bú gùi dē mú yàng爱 你 孤 身 走 暗 巷 爱 你 不 跪 的 模 样ài nǐ dùi zhì guò jué wàng bù kěn kū yì chǎng爱 你 对 峙 过 绝 望 不 肯 哭 一 场ài nǐ pò làn dē yī shāng què gǎn dǔ mìng yùn dē qiāng爱 你 破 烂 的 衣 裳 却 敢 堵 命 运 的 枪ài nǐ hé wǒ nà mē xiàng qē kǒu dōu yí yàng爱 你 和 我 那 么 像 缺 口 都 一 样qù mā pèi mā zhè lán lǚ dē pī fēng去 吗 配 吗 这 褴 褛 的 披 风zhàn mā zhàn ā yǐ zuì bēi wēi dē mèng战 吗 战 啊 以 最 卑 微 的 梦zhì nà hēi yè zhōng dē wū yè yū nù hǒu致 那 黑 夜 中 的 呜 咽 与 怒 吼shúi shūo zhàn zài guāng lǐ dē cái suàn yīng xióng谁 说 站 在 光 里的 才 算 英 雄nǐ dē bān bó yǔ zhòng bù tóng你 的 斑 驳 与 众 不 同nǐ dē chén mò zhèn ěr yù lóng你 的 沉 默 震 耳 欲 聋ài nǐ gū shēn zǒu àn xiàng ài nǐ bú gùi dē mú yàng爱 你 孤 身 走 暗 巷 爱 你 不 跪 的 模 样ài nǐ dùi zhì guò jué wàng bù kěn kū yì chǎng爱 你 对 峙 过 绝 望 不 肯 哭 一 场ài nǐ lái zì yú mán huāng yì shēng bú jiè shéi dē guāng爱 你 来 自 于 蛮 荒 一 生 不 借 谁 的 光nǐ jiāng zào nǐ dē chéng bāng zài fèi xū zhī shàng你 将 造 你 的 城 邦 在 废 墟 之 上qù mā qù ā yǐ zuì bēi wēi dē mèng去 吗 去 啊 以 最 卑 微 的 梦Zhàn mā zhàn ā yǐ zuì gū gāo dē mèng战 吗 战 啊 以 最 孤 高 的 梦zhì nà hēi yè zhōng dē wū yè yū nù hǒu致 那 黑 夜 中 的 呜 咽 与 怒 吼shúi shūo zhàn zài guāng lǐ dē cái suàn yīng xióng谁 说 站 在 光 里 的 才 算 英 雄




yeah yeah tricky let"s show "em some love welcome to detroit where"s my gangstas and all my thugs throw them hands up and show some love and i welcome you to detroit city i said welcome to detroit city every place, everywhere we go man we deep everywhere we roll ask around and they all know tricky that"s what"s good man they all say tricky click click boom, just as soon as we hit the room you can hear "em holla goon squad in this ***** let me hear you holla goon squad in this ***** let me hear you holla runyon ave. in this ***** so who am i gonna call on when i ain"t got them boys with me and the situation gets a little sticky i"ma dial 911 like a mother****in" punk, **** that, bla bla i"ma call that rude boy from detroit, trick trick quick come pick me up, bring them guns come to the club, meet me out front there"s some chump up in this ***** poppin" some junk cause he"s drunk and we may have to **** his ass up cause uh, somethin" smells a lil" fishy and i don"t like the way his boys keep lookin" at me so homie come get me, chedda boys what up though i see you rock bottom, yeah i see you, all my detroit people where you at man, let me see them hands in the sky detroit mother****ers "till we die homie it"s been a long time comin" and i"m straight with that marshall call me the fifty ?? and laced the track this the beat, you hear it bangin", he produced it himself my bad, almost forgot to introduce myself my name is trick trick, head of the goon squad and gangsta been bangin" the underground since "95, we"re bangin" elected to be the villain and certified a menace holdin" it down since i paroled up outta prison you heard about me, you just didn"t know it was me all the treacherous, evil deeds of the d you never see pickin" that kid up in the game, i just wasn"t chasin" the fame i been chasin" the paper product and givin" lames the pain accusations of violence you know you done heard of that a quarter of a million dollars for beatin" a murder rap and my boy holdin" me up, shady done put it out trick trick and eminem, detroit back in the house where"s my gangstas and all my thugs where"s my gangstas and all my thugs throw them hands up and show some love throw them hands up and show some love and i welcome you to detroit city and i welcome you to detroit city i said welcome to detroit city i said welcome to detroit city every place, everywhere we go every place, everywhere we go man we deep everywhere we roll man we deep everywhere we roll ask around and they all know tricky ask around and they all know tricky that"s what"s good man they all say tricky that"s what"s good man they all say tricky ayo em, you ever need one of these weapons come get it from now on every beef that you get in, homie i"m in it i been ridin" for this city, whether wrong or right i been whippin" on mother****ers for the longest time so it"s evident, it"s time for trick to get it fast the public, see they appreciate my criminal past authorities tried to stop me but they couldn"t keep up got a fan-base that"s bigger then an average star i"m satisfied with it bein" my time to shine and i freak from the precinct for violent crimes i ain"t sayin" the shit that i"m sayin" so girls can fear me only speakin" on what i know so the world can hear me so peace to jimmy and dre for signin" my nigga he reached back to detroit and grabbed a winner so the gangstas and thugs, we embrace with love and beat the hell outta anybody that **** with us where"s my gangstas and all my thugs throw them hands up and show some love and i welcome you to detroit city i said welcome to detroit city every place, everywhere we go man we deep everywhere we roll ask around and they all know tricky that"s what"s good man they all say tricky yeah, trick trick eminem, wonder boy, shady it"s goin" down baby ayo em, i got you back my nigga damn right i said my nigga that"s my nigga tricky 望采纳、、


歌曲原唱:陈奕迅填词:唐恬谱曲:钱雷都,是勇敢的你额头的伤口,你的,不同,你犯的错都,不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶,你的,面具,你的自我他们说,要带着光,驯服每一头怪兽他们说,要缝好你的伤,没有人爱小丑为何孤独,不可,光荣人只有不完美,值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗,配吗,这褴褛的披风战吗,战啊,以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说,要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说,要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我,不可,乘风你一样骄傲着,那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样去吗,配吗,这褴褛的披风战吗,战啊,以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳,与众不同你的沉默,震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场爱你来自于蛮荒,一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦,在废墟之上去吗,去啊,以最卑微的梦战吗,战啊,以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄创作背景孤勇者这首歌是动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲。这首歌的歌词很燃很励志,虽然是为《英雄联盟》创作的歌曲,但是这首歌想要歌颂的可以是现实中各行各业里千千万万孤独勇敢的前行者。作词背景是一个勇敢美丽的姑娘,作词人唐恬的故事。天有不测风云,在2012年大年三十,唐恬被确诊为鼻咽癌三期。由于怕父母担心,唐恬没有将此事告诉父母,一个人去北京租房,一个人去检查,直到一个月后父母才知晓此事。癌症的化疗的过程十分痛苦,唐恬口腔全部溃烂,甚至一度失去了嗅觉,可她没有哭,勇敢地坚持了下来。为了支持和鼓励女儿,2012年的5月11号,唐恬的父母来到《中国梦想秀》的现场,在观众面前朗读了女儿在病床上所写的歌词,并希望能在生日时能够完成女儿的愿望把她写的这首歌给她最喜欢的歌手陈奕迅来演唱。

sj wonder boy歌词








哪些英文歌中间有一段是用鼻音哼的男歌手 歌词里面经常唱一句come什么you的

Welcome To Detroit - TrickTrick ft.Eminem(eminem talking)yeah yeahtrickylet"s show "em some lovewelcome to detroit(chorus - eminem)where"s my gangstas and all my thugsthrow them hands up and show some loveand i welcome you to detroit cityi said welcome to detroit cityevery place, everywhere we goman we deep everywhere we rollask around and they all know trickythat"s what"s good man they all say tricky(verse 1 - eminem)click click boom, just as soon as we hit the roomyou can hear "em holla goon squad in this bitchlet me hear you holla goon squad in this bitchlet me hear you holla runyon ave. in this bitchso who am i gonna call on when i ain"t got them boys with meand the situation gets a little stickyi"ma dial 911 like a motherfuckin" punk, fuck that, bla blai"ma call that rude boy from detroit, trick trickquick come pick me up, bring them gunscome to the club, meet me out frontthere"s some chump up in this bitchpoppin" some junk cause he"s drunkand we may have to fuck his ass upcause uh, somethin" smells a lil" fishyand i don"t like the way his boys keep lookin" at meso homie come get me, chedda boys what up though i see yourock bottom, yeah i see you, all my detroit peoplewhere you at man, let me see them hands in the skydetroit motherfuckers "till we die(chorus - eminem)where"s my gangstas and all my thugsthrow them hands up and show some loveand i welcome you to detroit cityi said welcome to detroit cityevery place, everywhere we goman we deep everywhere we rollask around and they all know trickythat"s what"s good man they all say tricky(verse 2 - trick trick)homie it"s been a long time comin" and i"m straight with thatmarshall call me the fifty ?? and laced the trackthis the beat, you hear it bangin", he produced it himselfmy bad, almost forgot to introduce myselfmy name is trick trick, head of the goon squadand gangsta been bangin" the underground since "95, we"re bangin"elected to be the villain and certified a menaceholdin" it down since i paroled up outta prisonyou heard about me, you just didn"t know it was meall the treacherous, evil deeds of the d you never seepickin" that kid up in the game, i just wasn"t chasin" the famei been chasin" the paper product and givin" lames the painaccusations of violence you know you done heard of thata quarter of a million dollars for beatin" a murder rapand my boy holdin" me up, shady done put it outtrick trick and eminem, detroit back in the house(chorus - eminem)where"s my gangstas and all my thugsthrow them hands up and show some loveand i welcome you to detroit cityi said welcome to detroit cityevery place, everywhere we goman we deep everywhere we rollask around and they all know trickythat"s what"s good man they all say tricky(verse 3 - trick trick)ayo em, you ever need one of these weapons come get itfrom now on every beef that you get in, homie i"m in iti been ridin" for this city, whether wrong or righti been whippin" on motherfuckers for the longest timeso it"s evident, it"s time for trick to get it fastthe public, see they appreciate my criminal pastauthorities tried to stop me but they couldn"t keep upgot a fan-base that"s bigger then an average stari"m satisfied with it bein" my time to shineand i freak from the precinct for violent crimesi ain"t sayin" the shit that i"m sayin" so girls can fear meonly speakin" on what i know so the world can hear meso peace to jimmy and dre for signin" my niggahe reached back to detroit and grabbed a winnerso the gangstas and thugs, we embrace with loveand beat the hell outta anybody that fuck with us(chorus - eminem)where"s my gangstas and all my thugsthrow them hands up and show some loveand i welcome you to detroit cityi said welcome to detroit cityevery place, everywhere we goman we deep everywhere we rollask around and they all know trickythat"s what"s good man they all say tricky(outro)yeah, trick trickeminem, wonder boy, shadyit"s goin" down babyayo em, i got you back my niggadamn right i said my niggathat"s my nigga



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sorry sorry完整口号**口号 = []*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]바라보는 눈빛속에 눈빛속에 나는마치 나는마치 뭐에홀린놈 (이젠 벗어나지도 못해)걸어오는 너의모습 너의모습 너는마치 내심장을 밟고왔나봐 (이젠 벗어나지도 못해)어딜가나 당당하게 웃는 너는 [매력적]착한여자 一色이란 생각들은 [보편적]도도하게 거침없게 정말 너는 [환상적]돌이킬수 없을만큼 네게 빠져 [버렸어]*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴, 딴딴 딴따다 따 (네게 반해버렸어 baby)딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴, 딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라(Hey, girl) gir, gir, gir, gir, gir, girl, i 눈만 뜨면 니 생각(Hey, girl) 자나깨나 사실 너 하나밖에 안보여[말해봐] 맘에 내가 [말해봐] 자리 잡았는지 [말해줘] 내게 말해줘 (나는 바보 [바보 바보])주변사람들은 말해 내가 너무 [적극적]이 세상에 그런 사람 어디 한둘[이냐고]그걸 몰라, 그녈 몰라 시기하며 [하는 말]내가 부럽다면 그건 그대들이 [지는 거]*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴, 딴딴 딴따다 따 (네게 반해버렸어 baby)딴딴 딴따다 따 따라라라, 딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라Let"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance dance dance dance danceHey 이제 그만 내게 와줄래. 정말 미칠 것만 같아 yeah난 너만 사랑하고 싶어. 절대 다시 한눈 팔 생각 없어 [hey]애인이라기보다 친구 같은 내가 [되고 싶어]너의 모든 고민, 슬픔, 함께 간직[하고파]다시없을 만큼 만큼 너를 너무 [사랑해]내가 바란 사람. 니가 바로 그 that [that that girl].*SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY 내가 내가 [내가 먼저]네게 네게 [네게 빠져] 빠져 빠져 [버려 baby]SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY, SHAWTY 눈이 부셔 [부셔 부셔]숨이 막혀 [막혀 막혀] 내가 미쳐 [미쳐 baby]Dance Dance Dance DanceDigidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry] Digidigi [Sorry]UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry] UhUh [Sorry]SORRY~~[So!rry! So!rry!슈!퍼!주니!어! Shaw!ty! Shaw!ty! 슈!퍼!주니!어!]一巡的供参考twins(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-01)2.rock this house (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-02)3.Don"t don(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-03)Don"t don时,基范在云梯上大喊时,我们在下面整齐喊他的名字:金基范!(韩文)http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=44210464.渴(a man in love) (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-04)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/PZxsj-t6pC4/5.镜子 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-05)1.在成员集体问候时,当成员喊完,我们是SUPERJUNIOR O R YO时,我们就喊??? ?? CHINA ??~ WULI NEN E.L.F CHINA E YO~(韩文的!)(提供音频-1122应援口号文件夹- ELF CHINA YE YO应援版)2.在成员自我介绍时,第一个成员介绍完,就喊1,第二个介绍完,就喊2,以此类退!(数字用中文喊)最后一个介绍完后集体喊个:YAO SANG MIENG, YONG WO NI(永远13名)(提供音频-1122应援口号文件夹-13名 永远)当希澈说完时,我们就喊个:数字+bangsang,这里纯属调戏一下我们的希大Bangsang不会读的妖精可以参考DVD版本在成员集体问候时的视频。6.she"s gone(爱已离开)(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-06)7.You"re My Endless Love (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-07)8. Dancing Out (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-08)9.the night chicago died (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-09)10.my everything (东海)(提供应援音频原唱音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-10)应援方式:刚开始时,有节奏的一起大喊:李东海 我爱你 (韩文)。可参考HF喊的:李东海,李东海。副歌部分与他一起唱出:you"re my everything, nothing your love won"t bring.[你(们)是我的全部,你(们)的爱可以带来一切。] 该部分歌词会重复两遍。在线地址:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/DglOhpQk5HA/11. 一如初见之感 (厉旭, 圭贤) (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-11)圭贤和丽旭SOLO《最初的感觉》一起喊:曺圭贤 我爱你, 金丽旭 我爱你(韩文)12.人偶(李特 艺声)(提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-12)李特和艺声SOLO《人偶》时大家一起喊 :朴正洙 我爱你, 金钟云 我爱你(韩文)13.停下脚步 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-13)14.Pink Spider(希澈、始源、晟敏)希澈SOLO一起喊:金希澈,我爱你15. 卢森堡 (利特,强仁,神童) (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-14)强仁 神童 李特 SOLO 《卢森堡》时,大家一起跟着茄子的节奏一起大合唱!在线地址:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Y9Qz8Vd6pmI/20.来过倒 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-20)在SJT表演来过倒时,希澈唱完第一句时,就是要到神童唱时,跟着希澈喊“神童”的名字(韩文)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2UUtH657Teo/(SUPERSHOW来过倒现场)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/YUtRzfNvvFo/(来过倒现场)在24秒这个部分,喊神童的名字!21.首班车 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-21)22. 没有像我这样的人 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-22)23. H.I.T (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-23)24. One love 恩赫+KRY (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-24)赫宰+KRY SOLO 《ONE LOVE》时,RAP部分,大J家齐喊:李赫宰,我爱你! (韩文)KRY部分跟着大合唱25. 恨(hate u love u)(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-25)这首温柔的歌,大家也可以一起大合唱!26.marry u (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-26)http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3SXc4AqQatU/这首歌不用说,大家都明白的了,一定要背的非常熟,是唱歌哥哥们听的!!27. Y.M.C.A (提供应援音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-27)这首歌,大家就跟着我们的抽抽们学做公主舞吧,高吼:YMCA!28.wonder boy (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-28)29. dance Performance (银赫, 东海, 神童, 韩庚) (提供原唱音频-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-29)30. 初雪来了 (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-30)31. U (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-32)32.幸福(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-33)33. Way For Love (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-34)34. Believe (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-35)35. Miracle (提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹-36)36.the girl is mine(提供应援音频歌词-supershow歌曲应援文件夹)安可SONG -----FOR MY LOVE 【提供音频-1122应援口号文件夹- FOR MY LOVE (安可部分版本)】是视频《世界上最悲伤的爱》的配曲,SJ们也听过,李特曾经在KTR唱过,这个视频李特也在半夜看过,相信SJ们也都有看过。李特还对此写了日记鼓励我们!所以我们只截取了一分钟版本(原唱的第二段)的作为安可SONG,安可的时候大合唱,一分钟比较容易学,而且歌曲充分表达了我们和SJ之间的感情!一分钟版本歌词:虽然我们分隔很远的地方 风会帮我传话告诉你在一起好长的时间 你呼吸的声音节奏我都记得我还爱著你啊不让你离开我身边Don"t say goodbye my love如果我们有相同的心的话我相信我们还会是一体的唱完以后,大喊一句“永远13名!”(YO SAN MING , YONG WO NI)然后一直大喊:“擦浪嘿哟,13名!安可SONG+擦浪嘿哟,13名,可重复喊!一直喊到他们出来为止!




为游戏【英雄联盟】动画片的写的主题曲,因动画围绕上城和底城文明冲突的故事、英雄成长的磨炼和蜕变展开,为了宣传游戏,强调每个英雄不管出身设置,还是逆风还是绝境,都能奋力为自己而战,为梦想而战。------------------------------------------------孤勇者 (《英雄联盟:双城之战》动画剧集中文主题曲) - 陈奕迅词:唐恬曲:钱雷编曲:钱雷吉他:高飞人声录音师:利伟明Vocal edite:汝文博混音/母带:周天澈出品监制:霍锦/卢泓宇联合出品方:拳头游戏/腾讯游戏/腾讯视频制作人:钱雷----------------------------------------------------都是勇敢的你额头的伤口你的不同你犯的错都不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶你的面具你的自我他们说要带着光驯服每一头怪兽他们说要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑为何孤独不可光荣人只有不完美值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我不可乘风你一样骄傲着那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳与众不同你的沉默震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场 (You Are The Hero)爱你来自于蛮荒一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦在废墟之上去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄


都 是勇敢的你额头的伤口 你的 不同 你犯的错都 不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶 你的 面具 你的自我他们说 要带着光 驯服每一头怪兽他们说 要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑 为何孤独 不可 光荣人只有不完美 值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说 要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说 要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我 不可 乘风你一样骄傲着 那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷 爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望 不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳 却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像 缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳 与众不同 与众不同你的沉默 震耳欲聋 震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷 爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望 不肯哭一场爱你来自于蛮荒 一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦 在废墟之上去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄

急求~wonder boy 横山裕 关八唱的 中文歌词

好了走吧 和我一起去新世界 击个掌吧兄弟跟我来吧beauty的my girl 大家都来拍拍手好了走吧 和我一起去新世界 击个掌吧兄弟跟我来吧beauty的my girl 热辣的节拍 躁动却甜蜜巨大的梦想 一阵阵袭来要成为这个城市最大的英雄还会继续拿出最佳状态binbinbin 再来一次doon doon doonはみ出していこうぜ((尽情表现?))有爱就完美 很帅吧?清廉洁白 容貌端庄 击中我纯情的心为了身材姣好的女孩儿们而出生的我 everybody say(噢耶~)happy birthday 全新的nice day后背沐浴着阳光(只想为你)唱歌很帅吧?(没错!)上前搭话 勇气满分但是女孩们根本不理睬今天就先放过你们吧这样的我很帅吧?まじけろwonder boy oh yeah恋爱就是one chance直到让人融化的相遇 one more chance c"mon((come on))白忙一场 lonely game oh no!!妖艳的姐姐~但我不会上你的当哦!命中注定的人啊快来找我吧!我就在这里哦!热热闹闹(吵吵嚷嚷)燃烧吧 热闹起来吧 yeah万事俱备(什么啊?)在时髦的法国餐厅吃晚餐(好棒啊~)一边做着梦一边吃超市的便当 很帅吧?真是太帅了!(你真帅啊)谢谢啊另一个我!对着镜子自卖自夸在高速路上迎着风 someday冲出一条自己的路(只想对你)唱歌 很帅吧?不知不觉太阳完全落山了在来往的情侣们面前仰望星空弹唱着这样的我很帅吧?向着明天 wonder boy oh yeah不放弃one chance直到玫瑰色的人生 one more chance c"mon纠结 lonely game oh no!!让我头疼吧 姐姐~要和我一起跳舞吗?dance!来 dance with YOU((裕))!想怎么做就怎么做发现各种各样的自己say doon! say doon doon doon!想叫什么叫出来亮出线条迷人的身体吧say doon! say doon doon doon!要去喽 最后一次!!不用介意什么打扮(叫吧 叫吧)自我表现才重要 say yeah yeah yeah yeah变成自己想成为的样子(去吧 去吧)不赶紧就来不及了 say hohohoho不享受仅有的一次人生不就亏大了?(请成熟点吧)まじけろwonder boy oh yeah 恋爱就是one chance直到让人融化的相遇 one more chance c"mon(come on)白忙一场 lonely game oh no!!妖艳的姐姐~但我不会上你的当哦!向着明天 wonder boy oh yeah不放弃 one chance直到玫瑰色的人生 one more chance c"mon纠结 lonely game oh no!!让我头疼吧 姐姐~要和我一起跳舞吗?dance!来 dance with YOU!其实这个歌词真没体现出什么知性,有些词也没法用中文准确表达。让大白来唱确实再合适不过了,靠气势来唱,只有他能唱出味道吧,呵呵。实在不能确定意思的就没写,有两三处是靠推测和胡诌写的,抱歉啦。





wonder boy的中文音译歌词




Make Love To Me 歌词

歌曲名:Make Love To Me歌手:Helen Reddy专辑:Helen Reddy"s Greatest Hits (And More)Sally met him in the war, back in 1944He took her home to the statesHis buddies thought that she was greatSubway sallys 51Her man is gone, the dreams are doneShe rides by night the Brooklyn trainSleeps by day to hide the painLonely women of the worldWere the happy girlsLonely heroes of the worldSeek the happy girlsNancy saw him on the streetHis shoes were shined, his suit was neatShe couldnt see his broken mindBehind the mask of being kindHe sleeps inside the iron barsNancys smile cant hide the scarsHer daughters grown, theres no one homeShe cries all night, shes all aloneLonely women of the worldWere the happy girlsLonely heroes of the worldSeek the happy girlsTo tell the truth theres no end in sightMr Lonely always calls at nightLets hold on tight until the morning lightTerrys gonna meet him soonToday at school, maybe noonI hope for her it turns out rightI know shes got a date tonightHad my ups, had my downsTruth was lost but truth was foundThis Ive learned, the world still turnsWe all get bruised, we all get burnedLonely women of the worldWere the happy girlsLonely heroes of the worldSeek the happy girlsHappy girls, happy girls, happy girlshttp://music.baidu.com/song/28156751


dilemma--nelly and kelly I.. love you, and I.. need youNelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you - butNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, Know you know I"m crazy over youNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEven when I"m with my boo, y"know I"m crazy over youI met this chick and she just moved right up the block from meAnd uhh, she got the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seenBut oh no, oh no, she gotta a manAnd a son, doh"ohhh, but that"s okayCause I, wait for my cue and just listen, play my positionLike a shortstop, pick up e"rything mami hittinAnd in no time.. (no time) I..I plan to make this wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that"s for sureCause I, I never been the type to, break up a happy homeBut uh, there"s something bout baby girl I just can"t leave aloneSo tell me ma what"s it gonna be? She saidYou don"t know what you mean to meI see a lot and you look and I never say a wordI know how niggaz start acting tripping out here about they girlsAnd there"s no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon" fight overNo day-hey-ame.. as you can seeBut I, I like your steez, your style, your whole demeanorThe way you come through and holla and swoop me in his 2-seaterNow that"s gangstah-ah-ahhh..And I got special ways to thank yah-ah-ahhh.. don"t you forget itBut uh, it ain"t that easy for you to pack and leave himBut uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasonsI respect that and right before I turn to leave, she saidSing it for me KNelly I.. love you, I do.. (c"mon girl)And it"s more than you"ll.. ever knowBut.. it"s fo"shoYou can always count on my loveForeveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh..East coast, I know you shaking rightDown South, I know you bouncing rightWest coast, I know you walking right, causeMidwest, I see you swinging rightNo matter what I do, all I think about is youEast coast, you still shaking rightWest coast, I know you walking rightMidwest, I see you swing it rightEast coast, you still shaking rightDown South, I see you bouncing right

求negative专辑《war of love》的所有歌词

01 Lost Soul Open my grave and let the sun shine in i am just a lost soul help me to grow show me the way the way into your heart Oh, can"t you see how i"m dying? i"ve got no reason to be proud drink this water around me before i drown God save the queen but why can"t god save me all the flowers die tonight tear drops falling down my face and all the candles lose their flames And the more we grow the less we know until the time we lose it all Look at me now i"m broken and empty why does it always rain on me? give me your heart so i can live God save the queen but why can"t god save me all the flowers die tonight tear drops falling down my face and all the candles lose their flames 02 naive I see someone"s crying I see tears are shining I see grass is green I see what you feel I mean you are so Naive I see I"m not blind I mean you are so Naive I see I"m not blind I hear someone"s crying I hear tears are falling I mean you are so Naive I see I"m not blind I mean you are so Naive I see I"m not blind I see someone"s crying I see tears are shining I see grass is green I see what you feel I mean you are so Naive I see I"m not blind I mean you are so Naive I see I"m not blind 03 After All It was all those Things you said to me It was all those lies You believed in I guess that now you Stand higher than Anyone els in this world So fragile that It"s hard to touch you So pure and so beautiful It was all so hard to see Or i was too blind to be Killing me in your heart Love is gone The deepest touch And all is done All is done It was all So beautiful It was all So bright and true My eyes staring at you Watching it all Go wrong Killing me in your heart Love is gone The deepest touch And all is done All is done 04 Misery These are those days When i am yours Pathetic little naked doll I"d like to give My life inte your hands Forget that i asked Forgive me for what i am I close my eyes I still can see You are right here Where i want you to be Forget that asked Forgive me for what i say My baby cheated on me The whole world Turned its back on me She left me here In this misery The whole world Turned its back on me My speeding heart Is overloaded I got to know What"s going on I"d like to help you Only today Forget that asked Forgive me for what i say 05 The Moment Of Our Love I"ve tried to kill the pain But it keeps me In this circle It"s hard to get away And i feel you again You"re with me Love is a word You gave it a name Love is right now So don"t close your heart I"ve been waiting All my life for this Moment of our love With you I"ve tried to feel the pain But it keeps me In this circle I don"t wanna get away "cos you"re here with me I feel you Love is the word You gave it a name Love is right now So don"t close you heart I"ve been waiting All my life for this Moment of our love 06 Inspiration I feel like dying Everyday Am i here Just to fade away? Do you know What it means? You can think it"s ok But the story is not The same anymore Drop me and let me fall In a way i haven"t Felt before Leave me alone Don"t come any closer I"m so alone And i think i"m a loser Nobody never Understands Now i"m alone And on my own It"s so unfair People cry, people smile Is it wrong or is it right? I know it"s right Drop me and let me fall In a way i haven"t Felt before Leave me alone Don"t come any closer I"m so alone And i think i"m a loser 07 1000 Nails In My Heart I tought that We had fallen in love But somehow i felt The nails in my heart So deep that I couldn"t even scream It was all the things You said to me Every lie You made me believe Days when i cared Days when i loved Days when i woke and Felt those thousand Nails in my heart Sometimes it"s easier To give up than cry And keep on living In those lies It was all those things You said to me Every lie You made me believe Days when i cared Days when i loved Days when i woke and Felt those thousand Nails in my heart 08 Bleeding I feel the whisper Of your heart It"s so loud it Dissipates me away But when i"m gone I feel like drowning Drowning in you And in your eyes You"re bleeding In my arms Bleeding in my arms Have you ever started That brand new day? Had a second chance And thrown it away? Don"t crush on me It only hurts And makes you bleed With me You"re bleeding In my arms Bleeding in my arms You"re bleeding In my arms Bleeding in my arms 09 Good Bye by N/A We been down, We been down All our lives We have changed So many ways So many ways, so many Ways that it hurts inside I"ve got nothing Left to say to you Goodbye, Goodbye my friend Goodbye, Goodbye my love Goodbye, Goodbye my love I gotta go So many times, Too many times We"ve been drowning I"ve got nothing Left to lose anymore Goodbye, Goodbye my friend Goodbye, Goodbye my love Goodbye, Godbye my love I gotta go 10 Last Hero When you"re alone You have no faith I know that i found you And i take you "cos i take you home Anymore You"re not alone Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah There is no time For me to be sorry Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah I"ve lost my pain in me But only for a while For a while Where have Been for so long I"ve been waiting for You - now i found you And i take you You"re not alone "cos i take you home Anymore You"re not alone Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah There is no time For me to be sorry Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah I"ve lost my faith in me But only for a while For a while There is no time For me to be sorry To be sorry I"m the last hero Only for you I"m the last hero Just for you 11 Still Alive There are those days When i can get no sleep I"m so tried i"d like To fall inte sleep I fall in my bed But still i"m alive These questions in my Mind are so much Bigger than life I have to leave Them behind I have to try to forget That i am still in my bed In my deepset fears I"m losing you Even if somebody Tried to stop my heart I"m still alive I will never give up Just turn off the lights Don"t wanna See me die I look like i"m dead but When you look at me I am still alive Just open your eyes Don"t wanna see me cry I"m right here where you Want be to be fighting With myself All i need to feel is your Breath on my skin This endless longing Between you and me We can"t give up now We"re gonna make it Somehow In my sweetest dreams I"m with you Even if somebody Tried to stop my heart I"m still alive I will never give up Just turn of the lights Don"t wanna see me die I look like i"m dead but When you look at me I"m still alive Just open your eyes Don"t wanna see me cry I"m right here where you Want be to be fighting With myself

make it up fall in love是哪首歌的歌词?

呃,应该是《Dusk Till Dawn》记得不太清楚了(点个赞呗)

Love Is War 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is War歌手:Scorpions专辑:Humanity: Hour ILOVE IS WARMatthias Jabs, James Michael, Desmond Child and Marti FrederiksenI"m a manTrying to understandThe reason I"m lost in this worldTonightI was blindI just couldn"t see the signsCaught in your web of liesIt"s too dark to sleepToo late to prayToo hard to reachToo much to saveYou were once a friend to meNow you are my enemyPassion turns to hate and you makeHate worth fighting forI will re-write historyAnd you will not exist to meOn the day you crossed the lineI found out love is warLife goes byFaster than lightning strikesCrashes before you can sayGoodbyeToo scared to runToo proud to hideToo far to fallToo high to climbYou were once a friend to meNow you are my enemyPassion turns to hate and you makeHate worth fighting forI will re-write historyAnd you will not exist to meOn the day you crossed the lineI found out love is warI laid down my defensesI opened up the doorI gave you what you wantedI couldn"t give you moreAnd I gave you everythingYou said it"s all or nothingTo you it"s just a gameA game you"re never losingYou were once a friend to meNow you are my enemyPassion turns to hate and you makeHate worth fighting forI will re-write historyAnd you will not exist to meOn the day you crossed the lineI found out love is warYou were once a friend to meNow you are my enemyPassion turns to hate and you makeHate worth fighting forI will re-write historyAnd you will not exist to meOn the day you crossed the lineI found out love is warFound out love is warhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2215299


陈奕迅《孤勇者》歌词图片如图所示:《孤勇者》是游戏《英雄联盟》衍生动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲,由唐恬作词,钱雷作曲,陈奕迅演唱,于2021年11月8日以单曲的形式发布。《孤勇者》唱出了每个孤独者的心声。“战吗?战啊!以最卑微的梦”这句充满力量的歌词,戳中了许多听众的泪点,更让很多孤独奋斗者破防。《孤勇者》单独听是首好歌,如果结合《双城之战》的背景,听众还会感叹泪目于歌词的手术刀般的刻画。《孤勇者》背景故事:2021年11月,继EDG拿下英雄联盟全球总决赛冠军之后,由拳头公司筹备了6年的动画作品《英雄联盟:双城之战》开播,将《英雄联盟》热度推高。《英雄联盟:双城之战》上映后收获了玩家的喜爱,并在52个国家地区的收视率迅速登上Netflix全球收视率榜第一名。而英雄联盟官方为此携手陈奕迅发布了《英雄联盟》首部动画剧集《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲《孤勇者》。这是在继梦龙乐队(Imagine Dragons)之后,《英雄联盟:双城之战》再次与流行歌手进行合作。

Love Is Not A Fight 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Not A Fight歌手:Warren Barfield专辑:Fireproof Original Motion Picture SoundtrackWarren Barfield-Love Is Not A Fight★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Love is not a place, to come and go as we please,is a house we enter in, and than commit to never leave,so lock the door behind you, throw away the key,we"ll work it out together, let it bring us to our kneesLove is a shelter in a raging storm;Love is a peace in a middle of a war,and if we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door.No, love is not a fight, but is something worth fighting for.To some love is a word that they can fall into,but when they"re falling out, keeping their word is hard to doLove is a shelter in a raging storm;Love is peace in a middle of a war,but if we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door.No, love is not a fight, but is something worth fighting for.Love will come to save us, if we"ll only call,he will ask nothing from us, but demand we"ll give our all. Love is a shelter in a raging storm;Love is a peace in a middle of a war,and if we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door.No, love is not a fight, but is something worth fighting for.I will fight for you!Would you fight for me?It"s worth fighting for.http://music.baidu.com/song/31684314

Too Much War 歌词

歌曲名:Too Much War歌手:Pato Banton专辑:Never Give InToo muchkylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神Got to have itIt"s like a shockwave to my brainTo get it togetherI"ve had a headful to explainIt gives me a funny feelingI"ve got to find out if it"s trueI"d give you the answer babyI don"t know what we"re going throughIt"s too much, It"s too muchIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time, not the last timeWhen you read my bodyCan you touch my mindWill we make it happenEach and every timeThey say it doesn"t happenLightning struck twiceFirst one got me hotLast was cold, but nicePush me to the brimAnd then fill me to the breakI can"t function, I can"t fakeIt"s too much WoooooIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too muchthis kind of lovenot the last time, not the last timeIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time, not the last timeI see what it isI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIf I say what I feel it"s too muchI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIf I say what I feel it"s too muchI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIf I say what I feel it"s too muchI can"t say, I can"t say what it isIt"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time, not the last time (it"s too much)It"s too much, this kind of lovefor the first time, for the first timeIt"s way too much, this kind of lovenot the last time , the way I feel about you(the way I feel about you) it"s too much(the way I feel about you) it"s too muchOh, (the way I feel about you) it"s too much(the way I feel about you) it"s too muchkylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神http://music.baidu.com/song/7406605




歌曲:《孤勇者》所属专辑:《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲歌曲原唱:陈奕迅填词:唐恬谱曲:钱雷编曲:钱雷《孤勇者》的歌词是:都 是勇敢的你额头的伤口 你的 不同 你犯的错都 不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶 你的 面具 你的自我他们说 要带着光 驯服每一头怪兽他们说 要缝好你的伤 没有人爱小丑为何孤独 不可 光荣人只有不完美 值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说 要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说 要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我 不可 乘风你一样骄傲着 那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳 与众不同你的沉默 震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场 (You Are The Hero)爱你来自于蛮荒一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦在废墟之上去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄


《好春光》(搞笑版)作词:王远 作曲:钟志荣 演唱:李玲玉 http://yc.5sing.com/749892.html《好春光》演唱:晴天作词:夏劲风 作曲:杨歌阳http://yc.5sing.com/749884.html出自【中国原创音乐基地】


好春光 不如梦一场梦里青草香你把梦想带身上蓝天白云青山绿水还有轻风吹斜阳一千年 年年花开放天天好时光来一次人间也匆忙小风大浪地狱天堂还有你的灿烂脸庞开心一刻也是地久天长痛痛快快向前走决不回望这花开花落一千年一切形状我还是自己模样不是神仙自己编造的翅膀晃晃悠悠 飞起来飞过四大洋好春光好春光 不如梦一场梦里青草香你把梦想带身上蓝天白云青山绿水还有轻风吹斜阳 《春光灿烂猪九妹》片头曲  好春光不如梦一场梦里青草香你把梦想带身上蓝天白云青山绿水还有轻风吹斜阳一千年年年花开放天天好时光一次人间也匆忙小风大浪地狱天堂还有你的灿烂脸庞开心一刻也是地久天长痛痛快快向前走绝不回望这花开花落一千年一切形状我还是自己模样不是神仙自己编造的翅膀晃晃悠悠飞起来 飞过四大洋好春光好一个春光鸟在语花在香傻傻大梦一场征途开始起航四大金刚出游东方水色清清天地苍茫青春年少带点疯狂嘻嘻哈哈吊儿郎当自古道败为寇胜者为王前世扬善锄奸除鬼怪今生巧为麻辣女儿郎我们稀里糊涂的游荡一千年回头望只是尘世走一趟开心一刻也是地久天长痛痛快快向前走绝不回望这花开花落一千年一切形状我还是自己模样不是神仙自己编造的翅膀晃晃悠悠飞起来 飞过四大洋好春光




陈奕迅的《孤勇者》歌词如下:都是勇敢的,你额头的伤口,你的不同,你犯的错,都不必隐藏。你破旧的玩偶,你的面具,你的自我,他们说要带着光,驯服每一头怪兽。他们说,要缝好你的伤,没有人爱小丑。为何孤独,不可光荣,人只有不完美,值得歌颂。谁说污泥满身的不算英雄。爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样,爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场。爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪,爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样。去吗?配吗?这褴褛的披风。战吗?战啊!以最卑微的梦,致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼,谁说站在光里的才算英雄。他们说,要戒了你的狂,就像擦掉了污垢。他们说,要顺台阶而上,而代价是低头,那就让我 不可乘风。你一样骄傲着,那种孤勇,谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄。爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样,爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场。爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪,爱你和我那么像,缺口都一样。去吗?配吗?这褴褛的披风。战吗?战啊!以最卑微的梦,致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼,谁说站在光里的才算英雄。你的斑驳与众不同,你的沉默震耳欲聋,You Are The Hero。爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样,爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场,爱你来自于蛮荒,一生不借谁的光,你将造你的城邦,在废墟之上。去吗?去啊!以最卑微的梦。战吗?战啊!以最孤高的梦,致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼,谁说站在光里的才算英雄。《孤勇者》简介:《孤勇者》由音乐制作人钱雷编曲制作、作词人唐恬作词,他们以平凡英雄、背后英雄的角度开展创作,主要扣住《英雄联盟:双城之战》的主题,还原出那些不是正统意义中的无名英雄形象。歌词表达出无论遇到多大的困难都只能靠自己,哪怕前方没有希望,但是他们却能凭借自己顽强的毅力而生活下去。尽管未来已经确定,但是他们并没有向命运妥协,而是继续坚持生活,这种精神值得每个人学习。

lana del rey puppy love歌词

It"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveYou make me wanna beLike one of those girlsFrom the 1950sWearing those big pearlsI"ll cook you breakfastCoffee on your desk yesI"ma bring you toast,But baby I"m still the bestestIt"s not puu1e57py love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveYou make me wanna beLike one of those girls on the colored TVIt was a new worldThe The Dick Van Dyke ShowWe"re sharing BonoThe way I see I got you babeMakes you say oh noCause you"re the class presidentWithout Jackie OAnd I"m singing happy birthdayLike Marilyn MonroeThis is not a school girl crushThis is not a u1e57uppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved meu1e56romise I"ll never see a Barbie day, oneThis is not a school girl thing(no two)What about the diamond ringEveryone knows I"m like Jessica RobinWondering when you are gonna have it babyIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveYou make me wanna beLike one of those girlsPin-up queen and platinum girlsI"ll do my summer poseGolden sand between my toesYou can back my favorite snucklesWe"ve been going ho-hoDear everybody"s here oh and when you"re hitting it homeOh I"m singing for the soldiers like Marilyn MonroeOneThis is not a school girl crushNo twoThis is not a puppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved mePromise I"ll never see a Barbie day,OneThis is not a school girl thing(no two)What about the diamond ringEveryone knows I"m like Jessica RobinWondering when you are gonna have it babyAnd if I call you on the telephoneOn night overdoseCause I"m strong and I"m lonely like Marilyn MonroeThis is not a school girl crushThis is not a puppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved meWhat ever hapu1e57ened to hold me, trust me babyOneThis is not a school girl crushNo twoThis is not a puppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved mePromise I"ll never see a Barbie day, oneThis is not a school girl thing(no two)What about the diamond ringEveryone knows I"m like Jessica RobinWondering when we are gonna have a babyIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy love

Love and War 歌词

歌曲名:Love and War歌手:Tamar Braxton专辑:Love and War - SingleLove And WarTamar BraxtonSomebody said everyday was gonna be sunny skiesOnly Marvin Gaye and lingerie,I guess somebody liedStarted discussing it to fighting then don"t touch me pleaseTo let"s stop the madness,come lay with meTruth be told,I"m waving my flag before it goes badGuess we made it this far on for better or worseI want to feel it even if it hurtsGuess I gotta cry to get to the other sideIt"s gold cause we gon" surviveWe stay on the frontline,but we"re still here after the bomb dropsWe go so hard,we lose controlThe fire starts,then we explodeWhen the smoke clears,we dry the tearsOnly in love and warSometimes you"re my generalYou gotta let go this placeSometimes you"re my enemyAnd I"m throwing grenadesWell they see chill in a life,and im laying on your chestDont know what happen,cause things just will letBut here we go back down that roadThat"s just the way that it goesGuess we made it this far on for better or worseI want to feel it even if it hurtsIf I gotta cry to get to the other sideAs long as you"re there I"ll surviveWe stay on the frontline,but we"re still here after the bomb dropsWe go so hard,we lose controlThe fire starts,then we explodeWhen the smoke clears,we dry the tearsOnly in love and warAs long as we make up that storm every night when it"s overYou know I"m going homeRight back where I belongI take it up inside meAnd We stay on the frontlines,but we"re still here after the bomb dropsWe go so hard,we lose controlThe fire starts,then we explodeWhen the smoke clears,we dry the tearsOnly if love and warhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31870314


《孤勇者》歌词如下:都是勇敢的你额头的伤口你的不同你犯的错都不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶你的面具你的自我他们说要带着光驯服每一头怪兽他们说要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑为何孤独不可光荣人只有不完美值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗配吗这褴褛的披风战吗战啊以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我不可乘风你一样骄傲着那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗配吗这褴褛的披风战吗战啊以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳与众不同你的沉默震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你来自于蛮荒一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦在废墟之上去吗去啊以最卑微的梦战吗战啊以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄《孤勇者》创作背景《孤勇者》是游戏《英雄联盟》衍生动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲 ,由唐恬作词,钱雷作曲,陈奕迅演唱,于2021年11月8日以单曲的形式发布 。《孤勇者》原本只是游戏动画的主题曲,这首歌一次次火出了圈,还火到了小学生群体中。究其原因,便是作词家唐恬创作的歌词以及她的故事能引发大众广泛共鸣有关。作词者唐恬,是一个与癌症抗争数年的湖南女孩。2012年,她被诊断为鼻咽癌,热爱创作的她最大的心愿就是偶像陈奕迅可以唱一首她写的歌。面对命运的打击,她并没有妥协,而是把对生活的感悟写进了歌词里。

有首歌歌词是make love face 黑人唱的 调子轻快

love face-trey songz






都 是勇敢的 你

make love的歌词谐音

Close your eyes, make a wish 闭上眼,许个愿And blow out the candlelight吹熄蜡烛 For tonight is just your night因为今夜只属于你 We"re gonna celebrate, all thru the night我们要庆祝,整夜 Pour the wine, light the fire倒上酒,点上火 Girl your wish is my command女孩,你的愿望是我的命令I submit to your demands我服从你的要求 I"ll do anything, girl you need only ask我会做任何事,你只管开口 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱Like you want me to如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you我要和你做 爱 When you want me to当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待Till you tell me to直到你让我如此 Girl relax, let"s go slow 女孩,放松,我们慢慢来I ain"t got nowhere to go我哪也不去 I"m just gonna concentrate on you 我只集中于你Girl are you ready, it"s gonna be a long night女孩,你准备好了么?这会是个长长的夜 Throw your clothes on the floor 把你的衣服扔到地上I"m gonna take my clothes off too我也会脱光我的 I made plans to be with you 这一切我早有计划Girl whatever you ask me you know I"ll do 女孩,无论你要求任何你知道我都会去做I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱Like you want me to如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you我要和你做 爱 When you want me to当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待Till you tell me to只到你让我如此 Baby tonight is your night 宝贝,今夜属于你And I will do you right我会好好待你 Just make a wish on your night在你的夜许你的愿 Anything that you ask你要的任何 I will give you the love of your life我会给你一生的爱 I"ll make love to you我会和你做 爱 Like you want me to如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我要和你做 爱When you want me to当你想要我时 And I will not let go我会一直等待 Till you tell me to直到你让我如此 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱Like you want me to 如你所愿And I"ll hold you tight我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱When you want me to 当你想要我时And I will not let go 我会一直等待Till you tell me to直到你让我如此

有首英文歌,歌词是讲,他刚认识个女的,从星期一到星期天做了什么的,里面还有MAKE LOVE 这词

craig david--7 dayshttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=7+days

一首带有Make love的歌词.是男的唱的,流行歌曲.

big bang 的吗。。。

make love英文版歌词的中文意思??!!

Close your eyes, make a wish 闭上眼,许个愿 And blow out the candlelight 吹熄蜡烛 For tonight is just your night 因为今夜只属于你 We"re gonna celebrate, all thru the night 我们要庆祝,整夜 Pour the wine, light the fire 倒上酒,点上火 Girl your wish is my command 女孩,你的愿望是我的命令 I submit to your demands 我服从你的要求 I"ll do anything, girl you need only ask 我会做任何事,你只管开口 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱 Like you want me to 如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight 我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night 宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我要和你做 爱 When you want me to 当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待 Till you tell me to 直到你让我如此 Girl relax, let"s go slow 女孩,放松,我们慢慢来 I ain"t got nowhere to go 我哪也不去 I"m just gonna concentrate on you 我只集中于你 Girl are you ready, it"s gonna be a long night 女孩,你准备好了么?这会是个长长的夜 Throw your clothes on the floor 把你的衣服扔到地上 I"m gonna take my clothes off too 我也会脱光我的 I made plans to be with you 这一切我早有计划 Girl whatever you ask me you know I"ll do 女孩,无论你要求任何你知道我都会去做 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱 Like you want me to 如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight 我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night 宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我要和你做 爱 When you want me to 当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待 Till you tell me to 只到你让我如此 Baby tonight is your night 宝贝,今夜属于你 And I will do you right 我会好好待你 Just make a wish on your night 在你的夜许你的愿 Anything that you ask 你要的任何 I will give you the love of your life 我会给你一生的爱 I"ll make love to you 我会和你做 爱 Like you want me to 如你所愿 And I"ll hold you tight 我会抱紧你 Baby all through the night 宝贝,整夜 I"ll make love to you 我要和你做 爱 When you want me to 当你想要我时 And I will not let go 我会一直等待 Till you tell me to 直到你让我如此



Love After War 歌词

歌曲名:Love After War歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:Love After WarRobin Thicke - Love After WarLove After War…Love After War…Love After War…Oooh yeah…Love After War…Oooh it"s a knock-out baby, you want the fightI said I"m sorry that I acted like a selfish childPlease forgive baby, I was out of lineYou know I can make it rightDon"t you love it when we fightLove After War…Oooh I need you tonight babyLove After War…Come on and let me make it rightLove After War…Oooh I"m knockin on your doorLove After War…You know I want, you know I want thatCuddle up, doors, clap, door slams and broken lightsBottles at the TV screenYou got to go, or I"m gonna leaveThrowing closing to the yardWhen we go we go so hardIt only makes me want you more, more, moreLove After War…Oooh I need you tonight babyLove After War…Come on and let me make it rightLove After War…Oooh I"m knockin on your doorLove After War…You know I want,Don"t you leaveThat"s all we need…all we needThats all we needThats all we needLove After War…I just wanna love you ladyLove After War…Wanna put down our weapons babyLove After War…Lay it cause down on the floorLove After War…And give me some love after warLove After War…You know it"s gonna be your night babyLove After War…You know the way that we fightLove After War…Just drink this glass of wineLove After War…And you"ll remember you"re mineLove After War…Remember you"re mine babe, you"re mine babyLove After War…Come on and let me inLove After War…Let me let me inLove After War…You know I want it, you know I want you babyYou know I want you babyYou know I want you babyYou know I want you babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18013077




《孤勇者》的歌词是:都 是勇敢的你额头的伤口 你的 不同 你犯的错都 不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶 你的 面具 你的自我他们说 要带着光 驯服每一头怪兽他们说 要缝好你的伤 没有人爱小丑为何孤独 不可 光荣人只有不完美 值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说 要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说 要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我 不可 乘风你一样骄傲着 那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳 与众不同你的沉默 震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场 (You Are The Hero)爱你来自于蛮荒一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦在废墟之上去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄




都 是勇敢的你额头的伤口 你的 不同 你犯的错都 不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶 你的 面具 你的自我他们说 要带着光 驯服每一头怪兽他们说 要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑 为何孤独 不可 光荣人只有不完美 值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说 要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说 要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我 不可 乘风你一样骄傲着 那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷 爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望 不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳 却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像 缺口都一样去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳 与众不同 与众不同你的沉默 震耳欲聋 震耳欲聋You Are The Hero爱你孤身走暗巷 爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望 不肯哭一场爱你来自于蛮荒 一生不借谁的光你将造你的城邦 在废墟之上去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄

求Rihanna-Love The Way You Lie的歌词翻译。蕾哈娜个人版的。

有人回答过 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/197206392.html?si=2

All my love 的英文歌词

All My Love Lyricsoh..oh yeah yeahmy babyyou know i cannot explainhow it feels when we toucheverywhere i go i call your nameit keeps me strong to carry onsometimes when all hope is goneyour love is there to guide me throughtil the end of time my love is yourswhen we flyfeels like your loving takes me highthe stars are shining on this special nightfeels like true love is in the airlove is in the air babyyou know i cannot explainhow you just got me this wayyou make me wanna give all my love to youand every time that you"re not hereyou know it drives me crazyyou make me wanna give all my love to youall my lovewhoa whoaall the little things i will dolike crawl my fingers through your hairbring you breakfast when you are in bedto let you know i really carebaby i won"t treat you wrongcos i don"t wanna see you crywith me your lonely days are goneit feels so rightwaking up with you here by my sidegirl i never wanna say goodbyethis love that we have will never endthis love will never endbabyyou know i cannot explainhow you just got me this wayyou make me wanna give all my love to youand every time that you"re not hereyou know it drives me crazyyou make me wanna give all my love to youso many times i wondered to myself if i would finda special kind of love to hold me down and change my lifeand now you"re here girl i will always be right by your sideright by your sideyou know i cannot explainhow you just got me this wayyou make me wanna give all my love to youand every time that you"re not hereyou know it drives me crazyyou make me wanna give all my love to youyou know i cannot explainhow you just got me this wayyou make me wanna give all my love to youand every time that you"re not hereyou know it drives me crazyyou make me wanna give all my love to youyou know i cannot explainhow you just got me this wayyou make me wanna give all my love to youand every time that you"re not hereyou know it drives me crazyyou make me wanna give all my love to you

Far awar from home歌词意思

Far away from home歌词翻译I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so. 我喜欢过简单的每一天,但是有时我却感觉到.. I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. 我希望找到一个属于我的小地方,我现在要去知道这个地方. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. 如果我们能打败这个黑暗的晚上,我们将能迎来光明的白天. The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 我看见超越你美丽的眼睛的世界,它让我想留下. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. 我依靠着你,不管他们什么说,相爱后发现爱就是时间 I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 我希望我是你的一部分,宝贝,让我们一起发光 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能帮助这个弱小破碎的心,我将会是什么样的自己? Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 哪里是牛奶星星上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪. In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你 In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 远离家,在我的梦想里我什么都没有 What am I in a world so far away from home. 远离家,在这个世界上我是什么? All my life all the time so far away from home. 远离家,在我的整个命运里,在我的整个时间里 Without you I will be so far away from home. 远离家,我将没有你



权志龙的《I am Mugler》 的歌词


艾薇儿的here"s to never growing up

Love and War 歌词

歌曲名:Love and War歌手:Tamar Braxton专辑:Love and WarLove And WarTamar BraxtonSomebody said everyday was gonna be sunny skiesOnly Marvin Gaye and lingerie,I guess somebody liedStarted discussing it to fighting then don"t touch me pleaseTo let"s stop the madness,come lay with meTruth be told,I"m waving my flag before it goes badGuess we made it this far on for better or worseI want to feel it even if it hurtsGuess I gotta cry to get to the other sideIt"s gold cause we gon" surviveWe stay on the frontline,but we"re still here after the bomb dropsWe go so hard,we lose controlThe fire starts,then we explodeWhen the smoke clears,we dry the tearsOnly in love and warSometimes you"re my generalYou gotta let go this placeSometimes you"re my enemyAnd I"m throwing grenadesWell they see chill in a life,and im laying on your chestDont know what happen,cause things just will letBut here we go back down that roadThat"s just the way that it goesGuess we made it this far on for better or worseI want to feel it even if it hurtsIf I gotta cry to get to the other sideAs long as you"re there I"ll surviveWe stay on the frontline,but we"re still here after the bomb dropsWe go so hard,we lose controlThe fire starts,then we explodeWhen the smoke clears,we dry the tearsOnly in love and warAs long as we make up that storm every night when it"s overYou know I"m going homeRight back where I belongI take it up inside meAnd We stay on the frontlines,but we"re still here after the bomb dropsWe go so hard,we lose controlThe fire starts,then we explodeWhen the smoke clears,we dry the tearsOnly if love and warhttp://music.baidu.com/song/38211595

求Alexis Jordan 的《hush hush》歌词汉语意思

亚历克西斯乔丹-嘘husheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来tougheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来toughare你害怕吗?你不跑nowwelcome的乐趣housetossed我的情绪,所以这里的commotionit感觉很好,保持knifecut我只是rightrevenge和一个吻,宝贝我snitchhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormeverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来tougheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来toughyou习惯savedhold你的呼吸的okaycause你今天打算动摇它就会淹死要索了小somethingsure有些派尼会快乐,我camehush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormdon不多说一句mewont你闭嘴你explainhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的风暴

尚雯婕的《Outro》 歌词

歌曲名:Outro歌手:尚雯婕专辑:时代女性Lil Wayne Feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes - OutroVerse 1: Bun BYeah... When I step in the spot, motherf-ckers say "who that?"Big Bun B, but you already knew thatLive from the state where they chop it and screw thatYou hatin" on the trill OG, where they do that? (for real!)Motherfckers need to get off the dick, manFall the f-ck back like a bike with no kickstandGet out my mix man, just go" get you stuckDeeper in the quicksand, with no easy fix, man (damn!)No tricks, man, those is for kidsKush in my cigar, and hoes in the cribDrank, and the 20 ounce froze in the fridgeYou f-ckin" with DA so you know what it isI"m sittin" on the fours that clackComin" down candy in the golden "LacWe gettin" to the money like it"s Goldman SachsAnd we do it for the pimps that are holding back... let"s go!Verse 2: NasLook who crept in with automatic weapons, reppin" QB till the death of himThat nigga that inspired lyrical tyrants like Kanye West and EmTrack record goes back to "The Essence"Smack adolescents who ask who the best isI"m nasty like gas from a fat man, attested,I pass it, you gaspin" for breath and you die fastBut I"m like a gastric bypass,Bunch of Nas African actors seemed to get typecast in the same roleSince 16 I ain"t grow a day old yet my brain grow, cocaine white Range Rov"Tats on my body like an art exhibit, I did real good for a project niggaWas once a Bacardi sipper, now it"s Chandon,Fat blunts in the car with strippersGuns in compartments hidden, I was real young, little youth, a novice niggaBlessings, bowed down, respected, chowed down now my food"s digestedPow pow, with my shooters are Techs, bust louder than the noise I just spitLet"s get one thing straight that my crown ain"t for testin"... testin"Chop heads off like King Henry the 8th, guillotine to ya neck, bitch!I"m a king in this thing, don"t be dumbBeen in this shit since "91Niggas can"t f-ck with the style I useYour fate is sealed, no Heidi KlumCalm now, was a wylin" dude, studied cowards that made power movesWatched Wild Planet seen lions devour food, you can say that"s how I moveA monster nigga, and I don"t really like doing songs with niggasThere go my nigga Wayne, let them niggas hateI love my nigga Drake say "we ain"t got time to respond to niggas"Verse 3: ShyneI"m a villain, I"m a villain, all that happens in the streetPoverty and desperation made me everything I beI"m a shotta, when I pop up with them poppers burn ya block upCall the judges, call the coppers, we takin" over GothamWord to PoppaBlood gang, five! It"s that Blood gang, five, but green is the bottom lineI run this town, I ain"t gon" lie, they run they mouth, they ain"t gon" fightThey actin" like they ain"t gon" die until I let them llamas flyFlatbush to Bed-do-or-die, from Watts to Larry Hoover ChiPoverty and heroine, it"s no place for a juvenilePut greed in our heart, it"s the green that we wantCash Money is the company and Weezy the boss!Verse 4: Busta RhymesThey say I"m underrated, but un-compete-with-ableUnderstandable, being that my rating levels are unreachableAnything said other than that should be silenced, unspeakable!And the thought of you being nicer than me, unfeasible!They ask is what I do ever gonna stop, this shit will never endThat"s when you hear a car crash in the vocal booth got em sayin""There he goes again!"See now they nominated a nigga to come and flatten everythingNow let me dominate it, nigga runAnd they be knowin" that I be blackin" on everythingAnd make it complicated like a nigga constipated with a gunI gotta make it what they want and wake "em when I come and shake "emAnd bake "em and take "em to another placeAin"t no fakin", ain"t no kind of mistakin" how I be breakin" upEverything and be creating a s-s-s-situation when I"m done (Damn!)You see I spit National Treasure, discography richAnd I done killed more cats than curiosity, snitch!Most of you niggas sorry and owe apologies, quickWhat the f-ck you niggas still hangin" around here for, you apostrophe bitch?OK, now enough of that, see now I"m out the doorTunechi, thanks for giving us a whole "nother classic with Tha Carter IVEndLil Wayne Feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes - Outrohttp://music.baidu.com/song/578328

Jacqueline du Pré&Ernest Lush的《Nana》 歌词

歌曲名:Nana歌手:Jacqueline du Pré&Ernest Lush专辑:The Early BBC Recordings 1961-1965N-Dubz Ft. Skepta - Na Na (Remix)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiHahaNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiNana Nana Nana NiiiiiiYo I am a rapper slash nang singer song writerFrom when i was a younger even up to this dayMan trying to drag me underWhat a bumba you know that you can find me i never change my numberI don"t mind if these private callers wanna carry on blinging off my lineI"m happy to remind that if there gal was to see me on there one"sThey would wanna bang me or give me the shinesI"m a Dappa X white gold chain ripperCrack pusher man if it need beLast man to pull his hands on my chain found himself in a scarred.. oil greasy (Ni)NananizleNorth east south west whole of the countryI"m kinda famous… thanks popsyYou want food stay around dubsyC"s got the leng ting, trust meBun your cheap talk (pop, pop)What do you think i am?See me me me I"m on a mad tingYou don"t understandNever will i sing sing to the feds like couple man i knowSnitch (know)Plonka (know)FoolYo if you stackin up p and you aint frontin then you have the right to represent LondonKnow MeNa na niniNanaIf you"ve got your own whip and your earning paperThen you have the right to be a heartbreakerKnow meHahahaHahaha(Skepta)Guess who it is yeah its SkeptaNever will i sing to da inspectorEventually ima chart top this 2 years backThis all started wiv..Am am doing it again 2010I asked Tulisa if it was OK to featureAnd i was like brap brap let me go for it.Pass the key to the door let me open itYour never gonna blow wiv it.. get over itToo many many many man have been fucked for yearsAnd they ain"t got nufink to show for it.Back in 05 my line so deadI ws taking £16.40…Nowerdays i rep BBkAll day Monday to Sunday like Shorty.Bun your cheap talk (pop, pop)What do you think i am?See me me me I"m on a mad tingYou don"t understandNever will i sing sing to the feds like couple man i knowwwwYou"re a snitch i was thereDuku yourselfIf you stackin up p and you aint frontin then you have the right to represent LondonKnow MeNa na niniNanaIf you"ve got your own whip and your earning paperThen you have the right to be a heartbreakerKnow meHahahaHahahaWait til you see what I end up with (Mills)Momma didn"t raise no dumb kidCame from the dirt and licking man"s mercBut now in a bema one series turbsMoney, money makes the world go roundThe same way the money makes the girls go downBlatantly killin" themNo more playing man a hundred poundStraight ten grand minimumMy car, my house, my billsThese bitches know the deal (Tell em T)Cause they"re all paid by meI got my own money and i ain"t looking for no footballersSo if you wanna bring it to meLet"s take it backI will defeat youBun your cheap talk (pop, pop)What do you think i am?See me me me I"m on a mad tingYou don"t understandNever will i sing sing to the feds like couple man i knowSnitch (know)Plonka (know)FoolYo if you stackin up p and you ain"t frontin then you have the right to represent LondonKnow MeNa na niniNanaIf you"ve got your own whip and your earning paperThen you have the right to be a heartbreakerKnow meHahahaHahahaMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2593493

this song is for you中文歌词

This is my heartbeat song and i"m gonna play it 这是我的心跳之歌 我要大声唱响 Been so long i forgot how to turn it 已然太久 我快忘了如何点燃我的似火激情 Up up up up all night long 彻夜唱响 我要彻夜唱个不停 Up up all night long 彻夜唱响 You where the hell did you come from 你究竟从何而来 You"re a different different kind of fun 你真的很不同 带给我不同的欢乐 And i"m so used to feeling numb 曾常常习惯于麻木 Now i got pins and needles on my tongue 感觉舌头像是发麻 Anticipating what"s to come 期待着会出现的种种可能 Like a finger on a loaded gun 像是指尖扣在上膛的枪一样 I can feel it rising 能感觉愈来愈鲜明 Temperature inside me 体内热火炙燃 Haven"t felt it for a long time 我已太久没有这样的感觉 This is my heartbeat song and i"m gonna play it 这是我的心跳之歌 我要大声唱响 Been so long i forgot how to turn it 已然太久 我快忘了如何点燃我的似火激情 Up up up up all night long 彻夜唱响 我要彻夜唱个不停 Up up all night long 彻夜唱响 This is my heartbeat song and i"m gonna play it 这是我的心跳之歌 我要大声唱响 Turned it on but i know you can take it 活力四射无限激情 但我知道你能接受 Up up up up all night long 彻夜唱响 我要彻夜唱个不停 Up up all night long 彻夜唱响 I i wasn"t even gonna go out 我甚至不用走出房门 But i never would have had a doubt 但我绝不会怀有任何怀疑 If i"d have known where i"d be now 如果我已知道我会置身何处 Your hands on my hips 你的手搭在我的臀部 And my kiss on your lips 我的吻吻向你的唇 Oh i could do this for a long time 我可以这样坚持很长时间 This is my heartbeat song and i"m gonna play it 这是我的心跳之歌 我要大声唱响 Been so long i forgot how to turn it 已然太久 我快忘了如何点燃我的似火激情 Up up up up all night long 彻夜唱响 我要彻夜唱个不停 Up up all night long 彻夜唱响 This is my heartbeat song and i"m gonna play it 这是我的心跳之歌 我要大声唱响 Turned it on but i know you can take it 活力四射无限激情 但我知道你能接受 Up up up up all night long 彻夜唱响 我要彻夜唱个不停 Up up all night long 彻夜唱响 Until tonight i only dreamed about you 今夜 我的梦境里仍只有你 I can"t believe i ever breathed without you 无法相信没有你我仍残喘呼吸 Baby you make me feel alive and brand new 宝贝你让我感觉焕然新生 重新感受生命 Bring it one more time one more time 就再一次让我激情四溢 魅力四射 This is my heartbeat song and i"m gonna play it 这是我

Lil Wayne的《Snitch》 歌词

歌曲名:Snitch歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:Tha CarterVanessa Amorosi - SnitchI am not a snitchI know nothing I know nothingA liar with a twistI know nothing I know nothingTelling me the unknown truthI know nothing I know nothingDoing it behind youI know nothing I know nothingI am not a ratI know nothing I know nothingDabbling with no factI know nothing I know nothingRipping others downI know nothing I know nothingTaking people outI know nothing I know nothingMy words my word, I am not a snitchWont throw you under a bus, or rat on itsneak or a stag, a spineless snakeI know nothingTelling to a screwI know nothing I know nothingThe man wearing blueI know nothing I know nothingA chief with a badgeI know nothing I know nothingHolding a green flagI know nothing I know nothingTrust is worthI know nothing I know nothingIt"s weight in goldI know nothing I know nothingI"m on the alertI know nothing I know nothingSo I guess you knowI know nothing I know nothingMy words my word, I am not a snitchWont throw you under a bus, or rat on itA sneak or a stag, a spineless snakeI know nothingMy words my word, I am not a snitchWont through you under a bus, or rat on itMy word is my word, I"m not a snitchWont through you under a bus, or ride on itA sneak or a stag, a spineless snakeI know nothinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8526770

this one is for you歌词

Barry Manilow -This One"s For You This one will never sellThey"ll never understandI don"t even sing it wellI try but I just can"tBut I sing it every nightAnd I fight to keep it inCause this one"s for youThis one"s for youI"ve done a hundred songsFrom fantasy to liesBut this one so real for meThat I"m the one who criesAnd I sing it every nightAnd I fight to hide the tearsCause this one"s for youThis one"s for youThis one"s for youWhere ever you areTo say that nothing"s been the sameSince we"ve been apartThis one"s for all the love we once knewLike every thing else I haveThis one"s for you ohhhhhI"ve got it all it seemFor all it mean to meBut I sing of thing I missAnd things that use to beAnd I wonder every nightIf you might just miss me tooAnd I sing for youI sing for youThis one"s for youWhere ever I goTo say the things I should have saidThings that you should knowThis one"s to say that all I can doIs hope that you will hear me singCause this one"s for you ohhhhThis one"s for youWhere ever you areTo say that nothin been the sameSince we been apart ohhhhThis one"s for all the love we once knewLike every thing else I haveThis one"s for youOf Mice And Men-This One"s For You Friend of mine, I"ve tried a revolution, Everyone"s screaming, it"s not fair.It"s not fair.I"ll be the Romeo, you play the Juliet.The sun won"t set, until you appear.Cause I know you"re the one, my love, my love.What light through this window breaks?So bright, so bright.My life, just for one more day.So bright, You"re so bright.Fall fast.The course of love never did run smooth.I"ll try.I"ll try to dream on my own tonight.We will meet in the moonlight.Meet in the moonlight, This is not pretend, don"t play the end.I know you"re real and not just a book I read.Soon I will show you how a heart can never fail, Never change.I"ll never change.

《Wheels on the Bus》是哪首歌曲的歌词?

《Wheels on the Bus》是一首由Kids All-Stars演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Silly Sing Along Fun Songs (Bright Mind Kids), Vol. 2》中。歌词:Wheels On The Bus - Kids All-StarsThe wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll round the town.The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"All round the town.The people on the bus go up and downUp and down, up and downThe people on the bus go up and downAll round the town扩展资料:(中文名《巴士上的轮胎》)起源上世纪30年代的美国,起初由乘着巴士旅行的孩子们哼唱,描绘了孩子们校车旅行的美好回忆。它是一首深受世界各国孩子喜爱的经典儿歌。因其节奏欢快,易于传唱,逐渐风靡于全球,并被改编为多种语言和绘本故事。这首儿歌有多个不同版本,今天分享的是Child"s Play出版的Annie Kubler版本,它有着重复的句型以及叠句的结构,读起来节奏感和韵律感十足。这个版本适合放在0-6岁英文启蒙的第一套,适合零基础或者初学者。

All You Got 歌词

歌曲名:All You Got歌手:Tim Halperin专辑:Rise and Fall (Bonus Version)Tim Halperin - All You Got.This is for you who lost your hopeStuck in the fight and you""re on the ropeYou know I""ve been there beforeI couldn""t take anymore.You were still running when the storm cloud brokeLost on the water with nowhere to goAnd you swore it was the endBut we all gotta start again.Brother this life is all you gotThis could be your only shotDon""t miss your chance staring at the clockCuz the fighting""s never gonna stopYeah this life is all you got.I""ve been in the front taking shots,And they""re watching me fallNow it makes me wonderIf there""s reason to fight at allI""m praying to God up in the skyTo give me grace and make it right.Cuz brother this life is all you gotThis could be your only shotDon""t miss your chance staring at the clockCuz the fighting""s never gonna stopWoah, yeah this life is all you got.The pain is real that you feelSo take this time and let it healAnd all the lies that you despiseLet them go and win this fightYou""ll win this fightOoh, you""ll win this fight.Brother this life is all you gotThis could be your only shotDon""t miss your chance staring at the clockCuz the fighting""s never gonna stopWoah, woah, woah it""s all you gothttp://music.baidu.com/song/17291519

求Deaf Havana的Smiles All Round 歌词

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