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secret base音译歌词

君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)   大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない   10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ)   また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて   最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を……   出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん)   帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で   声(こえ)をかけてくれたね「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」  仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうに カバンで颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら   本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよ   あぁ花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナク   あぁ风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れる   嬉(うれ)しくって 楽(たの)しくって   冒険(ぼうけん)も いろいろしたね   二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)   君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)  大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない  10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ)  また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて   君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 心(こころ)から  「ありがとう」叫(さけ)んでたこと  知(し)ってたよ   涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさようなら  せつないよね  最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を……  あぁ 夏休(なつやす)みも あと少(すこ)しで 终(おわ)っちゃうから  あぁ 太阳(たいよう)と月(つき) 仲良(なかよ)くして  悲(かな)しくって 寂(さび)しくって 喧哗(けんか)も いろいろしたね  二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)  君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 心(こころ)から  「ありがとう」叫(さけ)んでたこと  知(し)ってたよ  涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさようなら  せつないよね 最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を……   突然(とつぜん)の 転校(てんこう)で どうしようもなく   手纸(てがみ) 书(か)くよ 电话(でんわ)もするよ   忘(わす)れないでね 仆(ぼく)のことを  いつまでも 二人(ふたり)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)  君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり ずっと话(はな)して  夕日(ゆうひ)を见(み)てから星(ほし)を眺(なが)め  君(きみ)の頬(ほほ)を 流(なが)れた涙(なみだ)は ずっと忘(わす)れない   君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 大(おお)きく手(て)を振(ふる)ってくれたこと  きっと忘(わす)れない  だから こうして 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)で ずっと永远(えいえん)に…  君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)  大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない  10年後(じゅうねんご)の8月(はちがつ)  また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて   君(きみ)が最后(さいご)まで 心(こころ)から  「ありがとう」叫(さけ)んでたこと  知(し)ってたよ  涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさようなら  せつないよね  最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を……  最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を……  

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sg wannabe和玉珠贤演唱的page one的中文歌词


沙罗的 return to the sea 歌词

Return to the SeaOtogibanashi saigo no PEEJI waおとぎ话最后のページはThe last page of a fairy taleKakikaerarete higeki ni kawari书きかえられて悲剧に変わりhas been re-written and changed into tragedy.Tatta hitotsu shinjiteta hito no kokoro sae mo miushinauたったひとつ信じてた人の心さえも见失うEven for one person"s heart who believed in it, it"s been lost.Ai mo yume mo maru de suna no oshiro mitai na no爱も梦もまるで砂のお城みたいなのLove and dreams are nothing more but a sandcastleHakanaku kowarete yuku no yo sore wo nozomanakutatteはかなく壊れてゆくのよそれを望まなくたってthat"s short-lived, and breakable, even if you didn"t wish it so.Dakedo ima mo wasurerarenai noだけど今も忘れられないのBut even now, I can"t forgetAnata ga itsumo utatta MERODIIあなたがいつも歌ったメロディーof that song you always used to sing.Mune ni hibiku tabi itsuka modoreru ki ga suru no ano koro ni胸に响くたびいつか戻れる気がするのあの顷にIt echoes in my chest, and I feel as if I might return to that dayKitto kitto kaereru no tsunagareta kusari furiharaiきっときっと帰れるのつながれた锁ふりはらいDefinitely I can return to it, but right now all it"s been is a chain surrounding me that I will shake off.Futatsu no sekai ga musubareta aoi umi heふたつの世界が结ばれた苍い海へOur two worlds are linked together by the blue sea.Zettai绝対"Definitely..."Ai dake wa subete wo norikoeru爱だけはすべてを乗り越える"Love will conquer all, "Unmei kimeru seiza mo kaerareru运命决める星座も変えられる"The constellations that decide fate can be changed."Kiete shimae okubyou no USO mo ima mo...消えてしまえ臆病のウソも今も。。。should completely vanish. All it is, is a cowardly lie.Houseki no you ni kirameku hahanaru umi no宝石のようにきらめく母なる海のLike a jewel, the sea which shines bright as it"s nursedYasashisa to ai ni tsutsumare umareta nanatsu no inochi ga mitsumeru yume ga aru优しさと爱に包まれ生まれた7つの命が见つめる梦があるEngulfs everything with kindness and love, and gives seven lives birth and dreams to gaze at.Dakara watashi mo koko ni kita noだから私もここに来たのSo I"ve come back here.Mou jibun ni USO tsukanaiもう自分にウソつかないI won"t lie to myself any longer.Mamoru hito ga ite mamoru sekai ga aru kara守る人がいて守る世界があるからI have my people to protect, and a world to protect.KittoきっとDefinitely...Mienakute utagau no wa yowasa见えなくて疑うのは弱さThe invisible distrust between another is a weaknessKatachi no nai ai wo shinjitetai形のない爱を信じてたいto a love with no shape that I want to believe inYagate ai wo kono te ni kanjiru hi madeやがて爱をこの手に感じる日までUntil I can finally feel the love within my grasp.Sazanami no BEDDO de me wo samashita asa niさざ波のベッドで目を覚ました朝にOn a bed of ripples, on the morning you woke upSubete ga owatte hajimaru noすべてが终わって始まるのEverything ended and began again.Atatakaku shizuka na hikari ni tsutsumarete暖かく静かな光に包まれてEngulfed in the warm, quiet lightKibou ga michiteru umi ni kaeru no希望が満ちてる海に帰るのmy hopes matured, and returned to the sea.Hora shiawase no kane ga natte nanatsu no umi ga kagayakidashitaraほら幸せの钟が鸣って7つの海が辉きだしたらThe bell of happiness rings out as the seven seas shine forth.Ai no kiseki wo ichiban suki na anata to futari mitsumetai爱の奇迹を一番好きなあなたとふたり见つめたいA miracle of love that it causes is what I love most, and as we want to gaze at each otherSoshite sotto KISU wo shite neそしてそっとキスをしてねwe gently kiss.个童话的最后页被重写了和被改变了到悲剧为相信它的一人的心脏 它丢失了爱和梦想是□什麼更多但是短命的沙堡 并且会破碎 既使您没如此祝愿了它但平衡现在 我不能您总过去常唱歌的忘记那首歌曲它echoes 在我的胸口 并且我感到似乎我也许回来到那天我能确定地返回到它 但现在所有它是链围拢我我将摆脱我们的二个世界由蓝色海一起连接"确定地" "爱将征服所有," "决定的星座命运可能被改变" 完全地假如消失 所有这是 是一句怯懦的谎言像珠宝 发光明亮的海照原样被护理吞噬一切布满仁慈和爱 和给七生活诞生和梦想注视在如此我回来了这里我任何长期不会说谎对我自己我有我家人保护 和一个世界保护确定地 无形的distrust 在另之间是弱点对爱没有我想要相信的外形直到我能最后感觉爱在我的把握之内在波纹床上 在早晨您叫醒了一切被结束和再开始了吞噬在暖和 安静的光我的希望成熟 和返回到海幸福响铃敲响当七海发光它导致爱的奇迹是什麼我爱多数 和当我们想要注视彼此我们柔和地亲吻

secret base的中文歌词

君と夏の终わり 将来の梦 大きな希望 忘れない 10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて 最高の思い出を 出会いは ふっとした 瞬间 帰り道の交差点で 声をかけてくれたね「一绪に帰ろう」 仆は 照れくさそうに カバンで颜を隠しながら 本当は とても とても 嬉しかったよ あぁ 花火が夜空 きれいに咲いて ちょっとセツナク あぁ 风が时间とともに 流れる 嬉しくって 楽しくって 冒険も いろいろしたね 二人の 秘密の 基地の中 君と夏の终わり 将来の梦 大きな希望 忘れない 10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて 君が最後まで 心から 「ありがとう」叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ 涙をこらえて 笑颜でさようなら せつないよね 最高の思い出を あぁ 夏休みも あと少しで 终わっちゃうから あぁ 太阳と月 仲良くして 悲しくって 寂しくって 喧哗も いろいろしたね 二人の 秘密の 基地の中 君が最後まで 心から 「ありがとう」叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ 涙をこらえて 笑颜でさようなら せつないよね 最高の思い出を 突然の 転校で どうしようもなく 手纸 书くよ 电话もするよ 忘れないでね 仆のことを いつまでも 二人の 基地の中 君と夏の终わり ずっと话して 夕日を见てから星を眺め 君の頬を 流れた涙は ずっと忘れない 君が最後まで 大きく手を振ってくれたこと きっと忘れない だから こうして 梦の中で ずっと永远に 君と夏の终わり 将来の梦 大きな希望 忘れない 10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて 君が最後まで 心から 「ありがとう」叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ 涙をこらえて 笑颜でさようなら せつないよね 最高の思い出を 最高の思い出を 中文歌词: 与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 别忘记 我相信十年后的8月 我们还能再相遇 共创美好的回忆 相识 是在那么不经意的瞬间 我在回家途中的十字路口 听见你的一声“一起回家吧” 我当时有点尴尬 还拿书包遮着脸 其实我心里好高兴 真的好高兴 啊 烟火在夜空中灿烂盛开 几许伤感 啊 风随着时光流逝 满心欢喜地 兴致冲冲地 我们四处探险 就在我们的秘密基地中 与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 别忘记 我相信十年后的8月 我们还能再相遇 我知道一直到最后 你仍在心底呼喊着“谢谢你” 强忍着泪水笑着说再见 无限感叹涌现 那一段最美好的回忆 啊 暑假就快要过完了 啊 太阳和月亮 默契十足 想来令人悲伤 或许有些寂寥 我们也多有争吵 就在我们的秘密基地中 我知道一直最后 你仍在心底呼喊“谢谢你” 强忍着泪水笑着说再见 无限感叹涌现 那一段最美好的回忆 你突然要转学 你我都无可奈何 我回写信给你 也会打电话给你 千万别忘记我 永远别忘记 那段在秘密基地中的日子 与你在夏末 聊了那么多 从黄昏到繁星点点 流过你双颊的泪水 我永远不会忘记 直到最后 你紧紧握住我的手 这感觉也将长在我心中 就这样 让我们永远在梦中相会吧 与你在夏末约定 将来的梦想 远大的希望 别忘记 我相信十年后的8月 我们还能再相遇 我知道一直到最后 你仍在心底呼喊着“谢谢你” 强忍着泪水笑着说再见 无限感叹涌现 那一段最美好的回忆

《secret base》歌词的翻译是什么?

《secret base》歌词的中文翻译与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想远大的希望不会忘记十年后的八月我相信我们还能再相见怀着最美好的回忆初次邂逅是个不经意的瞬间在回家途中的十字路口听见你的一声『一起回家吧』我当时有点脸红 还用书包遮住脸其实心里是多么多么的高兴啊 烟花在夜空中绚烂绽放莫名感伤啊 风随着时光流逝多少开心的多少欢快的冒险也经历了很多次在两人的秘密基地里与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想远大的理想不会忘记十年后的八月我相信我们还能再相见你由始至终仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』我其实是知道的强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧怀着最美好的回忆……啊 暑假就快要结束了啊 太阳和月亮也变得友好令人悲伤的 令人寂寞的我们也争吵了好多次在两人的秘密基地里你由始至终仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』我其实是知道的强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧怀着最美好的回忆……突如其来的转学彼此也无能为力我会写信给你 也会打电话给你所以千万别忘记我永远别忘记 我们两人在秘密基地中的日子与你在最后的夏末 说不完的话从夕阳西下到繁星点点在你面颊流过的眼泪 我永远不会忘记你直到最后都不停地用力向我挥手我一定不会忘记如果这是一场梦能不能永远不要醒与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想远大的理想不会忘记十年后的八月我相信我们还能再相见你由始至终仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』我其实是知道的强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧怀着最美好的回忆……怀着最美好的回忆……中日对照君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない远大的希望不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるの 信(しん)じて我相信我们还能再相见最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん)初次邂逅是个不经意的瞬间帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で在回家途中的十字路口声(こえ)をかけてくれたね 「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」听见你的一声『一起回家吧』仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうに カバンで 颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら我当时有点脸红 还用书包遮住脸本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよ其实心里是多么多么的高兴あぁ 花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナク啊 烟花在夜空中绚烂绽放莫名感伤あぁ 风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れる啊 风随着时光流逝嬉(うれ)しくって 楽(たの)しくって 冒険(ぼうけん)も いろいろしたね多少开心的 多少欢快的冒险也经历了很多次二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)在两人的秘密基地里君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない远大的理想不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて我相信我们还能再相见君(きみ)が最後(さいご)你由始至终まで 心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』んでいたこと 知(し)っていたよ我其实是知道的涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさよなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆……あぁ 夏休(なつやす)みも あと少(すこ)しで 终(お)わっちゃうから啊 暑假就快要结束了あぁ 太阳(たいよう)と月(つき) 仲良(なかよ)くして啊 太阳和月亮也变得友好悲(かな)しくって寂(さび)しくって喧哗(けんか)も いろいろしたね令人悲伤的 令人寂寞的 我们也争吵了好多次二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)在两人的秘密基地里君(きみ)が最後(さいご)你由始至终まで 心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』んでいたこと 知(し)っていたよ我其实是知道的涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさよなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆……突然(とつぜん)の 転校(てんこう)で どうしようもなく突如其来的转学彼此也无能为力手纸(てがみ)书(か)くよ 电话(でんわ)もするよ我会写信给你 也会打电话给你忘(わす)れないでね永远别忘记仆(ぼく)のことをいつまでも 二人(ふたり)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)我们两人在秘密基地中的日子君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり ずっと话(はな)して与你在最后的夏末 说不完的话夕日(ゆうひ)を见(み)てから 星(ほし)を眺(なが)め从夕阳西下到繁星点点君(きみ)の頬(ほほ)を 流(なが)れた涙(なみだ)はず っと忘(わす)れない在你面颊流过的眼泪 我永远不会忘记君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで 大(おお)きく手(て)を振(ふ)ってくれたこと你直到最后都不停地用力向我挥手きっと忘(わす)れない我一定不会忘记だから こうして 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)如果这是一场梦で ずっと永远(えいえん)に…能不能永远不要醒君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり与你在夏末的约定将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない远大的理想不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて我相信我们还能再相见君(きみ)が最後(さいご)你由始至终まで 心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』んでいたこと 知(し)っていたよ我其实是知道的涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさよなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆……


天使的翅膀 Angel"s Wings 落叶随风将次去何方 The falling leaves where will you go with thepany of wind 只留给天际斑斓一场 You just leave to the sky a beautiful sense 曾飘动的声音 The former sound of your dance 像天使的翅膀 Like the angel"s wings 划过我幸福的过往 Drive me to the happiness of the past memory 爱曾来到过的地方 The place that love has evere to 依稀留着昨天的芬芳 Still remains yesterday"s fragrance 那熟悉的温暖 The familiar warmth 像天使的翅膀 Like angel"s wings 划过我无垠的思量 Drive me to endless meditation 信赖你还在这里 从不曾离去 Believe you are still here never leave here a step 我的爱像天使看守保护你 My love will apany and protect you like an angel 若生命知道这里 If lifees to the end 从这个时候起没有我 No more me will exist since then 我会找个天使替我去爱你 I will find an angel to love you for me

求Tomi Popovic的you can tell me 的歌词

Tomi Popovic - You Can Tell Me Girl You strike me like the sunSo just tell me how you wanna be doneI"ve know you for couple of weeksYou seem like you don"t play stupid tricksSweetie you are so beautiful I can image you must feel wonderfulI"d like to know what I need to do How to behave oh how to please youcan"t take it Oh Come on let me feel those hipsYou can tell me what you wanna do if you want me to bring the freak out of youIts all you I put my ego on the side whatever you wish I ain"t got no prideGirl I became your biggest fan I can be your perfect manChorus: You can tell me what you want You can tell me what you needI will do whatever you want Just don"t ever make my soul bleedGirl you don"t understand that your wish is my commandBaby drop the mask show me what"s the task and tell me everything you wantGirl you told me what was in the past all the relationshipsthat would never last no man ever let you be free I know youfed up with the jealousy I"ll give all the freedom that you needbaby I"m down for you thats guaranteedI"d like to know what I need to do How to behave oh how to please youcan"t take it Oh Come on let me kiss those lipsYou can tell me what you wanna do if you want me to bring the freak out of youI don"t wanna find later things that make you mad I don"t wannafind later things that make you sad let just find them right herepretty lady before we make a babyChorus repeatwhat if we loose all the money baby what if there"s nothing butyou and me tell me what would you do pretty lady would youat least take care of meYou can tell me how to deal with stresswhen everething becomes a big mess will you stay strong andfight it off or will you pack your stuff and take offSpend your life with me baby Spend your life with me baby girlChorus repeat

歌曲secret base里面的歌词是什么?

歌名:secret base ~君がくれたもの~歌手:日本女子乐团ZONE君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない远大的希望不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるの 信(しん)じて我相信我们还能再相见最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆出会(であ)いは ふっとした 瞬间(しゅんかん)初次邂逅是个不经意的瞬间帰(かえ)り道(みち)の交差点(こうさてん)で在回家途中的十字路口声(こえ)をかけてくれたね 「一绪(いっしょ)に帰(かえ)ろう」听见你的一声『一起回家吧』仆(ぼく)は 照(て)れくさそうに カバンで 颜(かお)を隠(かく)しながら我当时有点脸红 还用书包遮住脸本当(ほんとう)は とても とても 嬉(うれ)しかったよ其实心里是多么多么的高兴あぁ 花火(はなび)が夜空(よぞら) きれいに咲(さ)いて ちょっとセツナク啊 烟花在夜空中绚烂绽放莫名感伤あぁ 风(かぜ)が时间(じかん)とともに 流(なが)れる啊 风随着时光流逝嬉(うれ)しくって 楽(たの)しくって 冒険(ぼうけん)も いろいろしたね多少开心的 多少欢快的冒险也经历了很多次二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)在两人的秘密基地里君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)与你在夏末的约定 将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない远大的理想不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて我相信我们还能再相见君(きみ)が最後(さいご)你由始至终まで 心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』んでいたこと 知(し)っていたよ我其实是知道的涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさよなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆……あぁ 夏休(なつやす)みも あと少(すこ)しで 终(お)わっちゃうから啊 暑假就快要结束了あぁ 太阳(たいよう)と月(つき) 仲良(なかよ)くして啊 太阳和月亮也变得友好悲(かな)しくって寂(さび)しくって喧哗(けんか)も いろいろしたね令人悲伤的 令人寂寞的 我们也争吵了好多次二人(ふたり)の 秘密(ひみつ)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)在两人的秘密基地里君(きみ)が最後(さいご)你由始至终まで 心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』んでいたこと 知(し)っていたよ我其实是知道的涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさよなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆……突然(とつぜん)の 転校(てんこう)で どうしようもなく突如其来的转学彼此也无能为力手纸(てがみ)书(か)くよ 电话(でんわ)もするよ我会写信给你 也会打电话给你忘(わす)れないでね永远别忘记仆(ぼく)のことをいつまでも 二人(ふたり)の 基地(きち)の中(なか)我们两人在秘密基地中的日子君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり ずっと话(はな)して与你在最后的夏末 说不完的话夕日(ゆうひ)を见(み)てから 星(ほし)を眺(なが)め从夕阳西下到繁星点点君(きみ)の頬(ほほ)を 流(なが)れた涙(なみだ)はず っと忘(わす)れない在你面颊流过的眼泪 我永远不会忘记君(きみ)が最後(さいご)まで 大(おお)きく手(て)を振(ふ)ってくれたこと你直到最后都不停地用力向我挥手きっと忘(わす)れない我一定不会忘记だから こうして 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)如果这是一场梦で ずっと永远(えいえん)に…能不能永远不要醒君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり与你在夏末的约定将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)将来的梦想大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない远大的理想不会忘记十年(じゅうねん)後(ご)の八月(はちがつ)十年后的八月また出会(であ)えるのを 信(しん)じて我相信我们还能再相见君(きみ)が最後(さいご)你由始至终まで 心(こころ)から 「ありがとう」叫(さけ)仍在心底呼喊着『谢谢你』んでいたこと 知(し)っていたよ我其实是知道的涙(なみだ)をこらえて 笑颜(えがお)でさよなら せつないよね强忍着泪水 笑着说再见 有些伤感吧最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…怀着最美好的回忆……最高(さいこう)の思(おも)い出(で)を…扩展资料:「secret base~君がくれたもの~」中文译名为「secret base~你给我的所有~」。这首由女子乐团ZONE在2001年演唱的歌曲,曾一度飙升至日本公信榜的第二位,两度登上红白合战的舞台,成为ZONE乐团史上销量最高的单曲。单曲在Oricon公信榜最高排行第2位,总销量超过90万张,是ZONE销量最高的单曲。荣获日本有线大奖和ALL JAPAN点播奖两大音乐奖项的最优秀新人奖。因电视动画《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字。》所翻唱的片尾曲《secret base ~你给我的所有~(10 years after Ver.)》的声势以及歌词中“我相信在10年之后的8月 一定能够再见面(10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて)”的缘故,在2011年8月一个月期间限定复活,2011年8月14日及15日在东京赤坂BLITZ举办复活Live,并于8月底发表两片装CD,包含十年后世界观的新曲。参考资料:百度百科_secret base~你给我的所有


where would the leaves go with the windjust leave a beautiful picture to the skythe voice from ever-flyingis like the wings of angle

看不到明天和Return to the sea的歌词日语拼音?谢谢

《明日が见えなくて》作词:MARIA作曲:鹤来正基、延近辉之编曲:延近辉之歌:新谷良子(天城みかる)私なりに育てた愿いきれいな花を 咲かそうって梦が叶わないなら あきらめるならひと粒の种 まいておこう今は透明な风の中静かに眠りたいの 翼を抱いて托された运命の 行方探そうひとひらの舞い散る羽根蜃気楼に诱われるようにこんな场所まで来たけれどひとりぼっちじゃないと 谁か教えて梦が姿を 消す前にこの瞳が映し出すのよ哀しみのカケラを 拾い集めて永远は切なくて 果てしなくてあこがれてしまいそうなの爱されたい そばにいてほしいだけど明日が 见つからない=======================================罗马:Watashi nari ni sodateta negaiKirei na hana wo sakasoutteYume ga kana wa nai nara akirameru naraHitotsu bunotane maiteokouIma ha toumei na kaze no nakaShizuka ni nemuritai no tsubasa wo daiteTakusareta unmei no yukue sagasouHitohira no maichiru haneShinkirou ni saso wareru youniKonna basho made kitakeredoHitori botchi janaito dareka oshieteYume ga sugata wo kesumaeniKono hitomi ga utsushi dasu no yoKanashimi no kakera wo hiroi atsumeteEien ha setsunakute hateshinakuteAkogarete shimaisou nanoAi saretai sobani itehoshiiDakedo ashita ga mitsukaranai=======================中文:看不到明天 (第一段) 在我心里面 有一个深深的愿望 要让美丽的花朵 微笑地绽放 如果梦总不能实现 放弃已是最难的决定 我想在这土地里埋一颗种子 只想卧在透明的风不需要安慰 让我静静地沉睡 自己怀抱自己的羽翼 我要去寻找 命运的方向 为着谁的托付 一片片羽毛飘向无尽远方 (第二段) 海市蜃楼仿佛不停声声呼唤我 不知不觉来到这一个地方 到底谁能告诉我 我不会孤单一个人 就在我眼前的梦消失之前 当我仰望双眸映着未知的许多 让我默默地收集 悲伤不止悲伤的碎片 听说了永远 就是那永远 让人难以承受 无边又无尽却有叫人向往 希望被爱 希望有人在我身边 但是我却看不到明天在哪里Return to the Sea Otogibanashi saigo no PEEJI wa おとぎ话最后のページは The last page of a fairy tale Kakikaerarete higeki ni kawari 书きかえられて悲剧に変わり has been re-written and changed into tragedy. Tatta hitotsu shinjiteta hito no kokoro sae mo miushinau たったひとつ信じてた人の心さえも见失う Even for one person"s heart who believed in it, it"s been lost. Ai mo yume mo maru de suna no oshiro mitai na no 爱も梦もまるで砂のお城みたいなの Love and dreams are nothing more but a sandcastle Hakanaku kowarete yuku no yo sore wo nozomanakutatte はかなく壊れてゆくのよそれを望まなくたって that"s short-lived, and breakable, even if you didn"t wish it so. Dakedo ima mo wasurerarenai no だけど今も忘れられないの But even now, I can"t forget Anata ga itsumo utatta MERODII あなたがいつも歌ったメロディー of that song you always used to sing. Mune ni hibiku tabi itsuka modoreru ki ga suru no ano koro ni 胸に响くたびいつか戻れる気がするのあの顷に It echoes in my chest, and I feel as if I might return to that day Kitto kitto kaereru no tsunagareta kusari furiharai きっときっと帰れるのつながれた锁ふりはらい Definitely I can return to it, but right now all it"s been is a chain surrounding me that I will shake off. Futatsu no sekai ga musubareta aoi umi he ふたつの世界が结ばれた苍い海へ Our two worlds are linked together by the blue sea. Zettai 绝対 "Definitely..." Ai dake wa subete wo norikoeru 爱だけはすべてを乗り越える "Love will conquer all, " Unmei kimeru seiza mo kaerareru 运命决める星座も変えられる "The constellations that decide fate can be changed." Kiete shimae okubyou no USO mo ima mo... 消えてしまえ臆病のウソも今も。。。 should completely vanish. All it is, is a cowardly lie. Houseki no you ni kirameku hahanaru umi no 宝石のようにきらめく母なる海の Like a jewel, the sea which shines bright as it"s nursed Yasashisa to ai ni tsutsumare umareta nanatsu no inochi ga mitsumeru yume ga aru 优しさと爱に包まれ生まれた7つの命が见つめる梦がある Engulfs everything with kindness and love, and gives seven lives birth and dreams to gaze at. Dakara watashi mo koko ni kita no だから私もここに来たの So I"ve come back here. Mou jibun ni USO tsukanai もう自分にウソつかない I won"t lie to myself any longer. Mamoru hito ga ite mamoru sekai ga aru kara 守る人がいて守る世界があるから I have my people to protect, and a world to protect. Kitto きっと Definitely... Mienakute utagau no wa yowasa 见えなくて疑うのは弱さ The invisible distrust between another is a weakness Katachi no nai ai wo shinjitetai 形のない爱を信じてたい to a love with no shape that I want to believe in Yagate ai wo kono te ni kanjiru hi made やがて爱をこの手に感じる日まで Until I can finally feel the love within my grasp. Sazanami no BEDDO de me wo samashita asa ni さざ波のベッドで目を覚ました朝に On a bed of ripples, on the morning you woke up Subete ga owatte hajimaru no すべてが终わって始まるの Everything ended and began again. Atatakaku shizuka na hikari ni tsutsumarete 暖かく静かな光に包まれて Engulfed in the warm, quiet light Kibou ga michiteru umi ni kaeru no 希望が満ちてる海に帰るの my hopes matured, and returned to the sea. Hora shiawase no kane ga natte nanatsu no umi ga kagayakidashitara ほら幸せの钟が鸣って7つの海が辉きだしたら The bell of happiness rings out as the seven seas shine forth. Ai no kiseki wo ichiban suki na anata to futari mitsumetai 爱の奇迹を一番好きなあなたとふたり见つめたい A miracle of love that it causes is what I love most, and as we want to gaze at each other Soshite sotto KISU wo shite ne そしてそっとキスをしてね we gently kiss.中文歌词:个童话的最后页被重写了和被改变了到悲剧 为相信它的一人的心脏 它丢失了 爱和梦想是□什麼更多但是短命的沙堡 并且会破碎 既使您没如此祝愿了它 但平衡现在 我不能您总过去常唱歌的忘记那首歌曲 它echoes 在我的胸口 并且我感到似乎我也许回来到那天我能确定地返回到它 但现在所有它是链围拢我我将摆脱 我们的二个世界由蓝色海一起连接 "确定地" "爱将征服所有," "决定的星座命运可能被改变 " 完全地假如消失 所有这是 是一句怯懦的谎言 像珠宝 发光明亮的海照原样被护理吞噬一切布满仁慈和爱 和给七生活诞生和梦想注视在 如此我回来了这里 我任何长期不会说谎对我自己 我有我家人保护 和一个世界保护 确定地 无形的distrust 在另之间是弱点对爱没有我想要相信的外形直到我能最后感觉爱在我的把握之内 在波纹床上 在早晨您叫醒了一切被结束和再开始了 吞噬在暖和 安静的光我的希望成熟 和返回到海 幸福响铃敲响当七海发光 它导致爱的奇迹是什麼我爱多数 和当我们想要注视彼此我们柔和地亲吻

求:姜胜允 《本能》的 歌词

站在你后面欣赏你的美神秘的背影刺激我神经出自于本能男人的本能像饭桌前的小狗那样情不自禁i"m i"m so cool lady ladyi"m i"m so hot reason reasoni"m i"m i"m so cool wow wowi"m i"m i"m so hot lady lady靠近你一些享受零距离稳住你此心灵魂已飘逸出自于本能男人的本能就像盯着冰淇淋的小孩没耐性i"m i"m so cool lady ladyi"m i"m so hot reason reasoni"m i"m i"m so cool wow wowi"m i"m i"m so hot lady ladysorry baby 其实我很诚实sorry baby 都是男人的本能(i"m so sorry) sorry sorry sorry (sorry babay)oh~ sorry baby你是黑桃king 我是黑桃queen很清楚你现在的底牌所以我不需要你亮牌hei man 你是king 我是红桃queen很清楚你现在的底线所以不用你表白i"m i"m so cool lady ladyi"m i"m so hot reason reasoni"m i"m i"m so cool wow wowi"m i"m i"m so hot lady ladysorry baby 其实我很诚实sorry baby 都是男人的本能(i"m so sorry) sorry sorry sorry (sorry babay)oh~ sorry babysorry baby 其实我很诚实sorry baby 都是男人的本能(i"m so sorry) sorry sorry sorry (sorry babay)oh~ i"m so sorry babyi"m i"m so cooli"m i"m so hoti"m i"m i"m so cooli"m i"m i"m so hot

Run Into Me 歌词

歌曲名:Run Into Me歌手:Taylor Thrash专辑:Taylor Thrash - EPTaylor Thrash - Run Into MeQQ : 349777127Girl y"know I might not know your name but everyday is the same,I hope to see you again.You"d think we"re close and you never know, need someone to hold.Don"t wanna be just friends.And lately, baby, my heart just takes me,Where the wind blows more like where you may go.Baby take a chance on romance and hope and pray that you could...Run into me like they do in the movies,like when Harry met Sally baby that would be groovy.And I could linger, and sing her a song or two,fall in love happily ever after, just say I do.And run into me, baby,"cause that would be so cool.Girl y"know I wanna know your name and it"s a, new day,Can I just see you again?You"d think we"re close but the story goes I want you to hold,So tell all of your friends.And lately, baby, my heart just takes me,Where the wind blows more like where you may go.Baby take a chance on romance and hope and pray that you could...Run into me like they do in the movies,like when Harry met Sally baby that would be groovy.And I could linger, and sing her a song or two,fall in love happily ever after, just say I do.And run into me, baby,"cause that would be so cool.Run-a run-a run-a run-a little closer babe.Stay stay stay stay a little longer babe.Where ya gotta be, where ya gotta go,don"tcha wanna see, don"tcha wanna kn-kn-kn-kn-know?http://music.baidu.com/song/17200723


 Bong neng jio guo lo ni kio jio so bong na sa la mi di da neng go qion no pa la ba do zun ga qion na join ne ni ji mo tay wo~ wo~wo~~~~ jion sa la min ji mo neng gie so mi qin de xi ma ge li bo ya sa pu lu pang da niu qi da bu wen ji sa lang yi go men ga ta wo~ wo~wo~~~~ nei ga te ke do kiu nio li na mi ge so nei ga te ke do kiu ba mi na seng jio go yi sa lang miu ji min ji sa lang yi xi jiang gi ji hel ba ya a neng gi sa lang yi ji yi jie wu li xi jia ga ga wo~ wo~wo~~~~ RAP) Hong jia na da ga neng ba neng die so go ga na po an so Qio a pa na bu li de so no ei di na gou hei gou Ko es lin ena jias jio long ge yo Na du mo le ge qi ma han ba go he yo O hei ha ji ma na neng song mu na ni a Sa lang hi gad gi ha ni ge pong de yi ya wu ya ni ji wu miu yi ji na neng noy ya bei wa so ke sa ga teng ko cang bu teng he ni ge da ma gio nei ga te ke do kiu nio li na mi ge so nei ga te ke do kiu ba mi   wo~~~~ nei ga te ke do kiu ba mi mo min ge so ku huang mo li do su ga ni (ke long ni gi mi ya li ge mon ni ya) Ni seng jio gou yi sa lang yi deng min qin ca lang yi xi ja gi deng Jio dei hu he non su go ya yi jie wu li xi jia ga da wo~wo ~wo ~~~~ (ke long ni gi mi ya li ge mon ni ya) wo~wo ~wo ~~~~(Ha Ha.. Evere Body Now)wo~wo ~wo ~~~~

谁知道run into the sun 的歌词

We will run, run, run into the sunWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameDo run, run, baby, do run, run, baby do run, run, againDo run, run, baby, do run, run, we will never ever feel the sameOne more night and it"s holiday, I keep, I waiting just for youWe gonna make it right, all of my dreams will come trueWe will run, run, run into the sunI"m happy when the music is soundWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sunSo happy when my troubels are goneWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameDo run, run, baby, do run, run, baby do run, run, againDo run, run, baby, do run, run, will you help me just kill the rainNo one knows when we meet again, but there"s a changse for you and meWe gonna make it right, all of my dreams will come trueWe will run, run, run into the sunI"m happy when the music is soundWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sunSo happy when my troubels are goneWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameRun, run, run into the sunOne more night and it"s holiday, I keep, I waiting just for youWe will run, run, run into the sunI"m happy when the music is soundWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sunSo happy when my troubels are goneWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sun!






来。户外,是啊。 不会同过去一样。 我打电话给你了,每当事情也是不对的。 你总是有。你是我的肩膀哭了。 我不能相信我花了这么长。 采取了故宫的一步。 这是一些我可能会后悔吗? (来吧,来) 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 (您是第一个) 孤独的心不能驯服。 (来吧,来) 我希望能够有你同样的感觉。 这是一件我不能忘记的。 我以为我们只是朋友。 事情将不会同过去一样。 这只是个开始,它的不是结束。 事情将不会同过去一样。 它不是一个秘密了。 目前,我们已经开放了大门。 今晚开始,从现在开始就。 我们将永远,永远不会是一样的。 不会同过去一样。 c梅兰妮 现在我知道,我们是被前结束。 我很高兴,我意识到我需要你,让更多的工作。 我不关心什么,大家都会说。 它是关于你和我。 我们将不会同过去一样。 我以为我们只是朋友(噢,耶) 。 事情将不会同过去一样。 (永远一样) 这只是个开始,它的不是结束。 (我们现在才刚刚开始) 事情将不会同过去一样。 它不是一个秘密了。 目前,我们已经开放了大门。 (打开门) 今晚开始,从现在开始就。 我们将永远,永远不会是一样的。 不会同过去一样。 日程及日间。 黑沙滩沙子,红粘土。 美国,英国,青辅会,以香格里拉。 从人行道上公路。 看到它永远是一样的。 我要sayin " 我心目中帧从未改变童来重新安排。 但有时好像完全禁止的。 发现这些情感,我们一直这么好隐藏。 那里有没有竞争。 你使我的条件。 虽然难以琢磨这并非是不可能的。 为爱可以阻挡。 但等待。 一根细线条的之间的命运和命运。 您认为在这件事只是意思呢? 当你告诉我的故事,你的追求我。 风景如画的是图片,你的油漆毫不费力。 作为我国能源结构,并开始繁殖。 日常情况下,他们开始以简化。 所以事情将不会同过去一样在你我之间一。 我们交织在一起,我们的生命力量,现在我们统一的。 我以为我们只是朋友。 事情将不会同过去一样。 这只是个开始,它的不是结束。 事情将不会同过去一样。 它不是一个秘密了。 目前,我们已经开放了大门。 今晚开始,从现在开始就。 我们将永远,永远不会是一样的。 (来吧,来) 事情将不会同过去一样。 (您是第一个) 不会同过去一样。 它不是一个秘密了。 我们将不会同过去一样。 它不是一个秘密了。 我们将不会同过去一样。 不会同过去一样。 不会同过去一样。 不会同过去一样。 不会同过去一样。

Right Here, Right Now 歌词

歌曲名:Right Here, Right Now歌手:High School Musical Cast专辑:High School Musical 3: Senior YearRight Here, Right NowHigh School Musical CastHmm yeaHey YeaCan You imagine?What would happen?If we could have any dreamId wish this momentWas ours to own itAnd that it would never leaveThen i would thank that starThat made our wish come true(come true) oh yeahCause he knows thatWhere you are is whereI should be tooRight here, Right nowIm looking at you andMy Heart love the viewCause you mean everythingRight Here, I"ll promise you Somehowthat tomorrow Can wait for some otherDay to be (to be)But right now there"s(You and me)(Oh yeah)If this was forever,What could be better?We already proved it wasBut in 2,123 hoursBlend in the universeGonna make everythingIn our whole world change(it"s our change, yeah)And you know thatWhere we are will,never be the same oh noRight here, Right nowIm looking at you andMy Heart love the viewCause you mean everythingRight Here, I"ll promise you Somehowthat tomorrow Can wait for some otherDay to be (to be)But right now there"s(You and me)(Oh yeah)Oh we know it"s comingAnd it"s coming fast(As long as theres)So lets make the ourSecond last, make it last!Right here, Right nowIm looking at you andMy Heart love the viewCause you mean everythingRight Here, I"ll promise you Somehow that tomorrowCan wait for some otherDay to be (to be)But right now there"sYou and Me(you and me)Ohh you and meBut right here right nowThere"s you and mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8580710

求michelle branch唱的 - “here with me”中文翻译的歌词,精通英文的麻烦了啊

"Here With Me"MICHELLE BRANCHIt"s been a long, long time since I looked into the mirror自从上次看过镜子後已经过了好久I guess that I was blind我猜我一定是瞎了眼Now my reflection"s getting clearer现在(对於你离开这件事)我的感觉,反应越来越清晰Now that you"re gone things will never be the same again现在你离开了,一切都不会像以前一样了There"s not a minute that goes by every hour of every day每天每时每分的时间都像是停止了一样You"re such a part of me你早就是成为我身体裏的一部分But I just pulled away但是我竟然就这样将你推离Well, I"m not the same girl 也许,我也不是从前的我you used to know那个你认识的我I wish I said the words I never showed真希望我从没讲过那些话I know you had to go away我知道你必须要离开I died just a little, and I feel it now(你离开时)我整个人其实快死掉般(难受),可我现在才感觉到You"re the one I need你才是那个我需要的人I believe that I would cry just a little我相信我是会哭一下下Just to have you back now(这样做)为了让你现在能回来Here with me回来这里,和我在一起Here with me回来这里,和我在一起You know that silence is loud when all you hear is your heart你知道当你所听到的一切都只是你的心跳时,沉默也会突显的响亮,And I wanted so badly just to be a part of something strong and true我是如此想要与坚强和真实为伍But I was scared and left it all behind但是我却退缩了,竟将他们都丢掉了I know you had to go away我知道你必须要离开I died just a little, and I feel it now(你离开时)我整个人其实快死掉般(难受),可我现在才感觉到You"re the one I need你才是那个我需要的人I believe that I would cry just a little我相信我是会哭一下下Just to have you back now(这样做)为了让你现在能回来Here with me回来这里,和我在一起Here with me回来这里,和我在一起And I"m asking我在乞求And I"m wanting you to come back to me我在等待,等你回到我身边Please?拜托了I never will forget that look upon 我永远也不会忘记your face你看我的那个眼神How you turned away and left你怎麼能就这样转身离开without a trace一点痕迹都不留下But I understand that you did what you had to do但是我理解我知道你只是做了你必须做的And I thank you我也感谢你I know you had to go away我知道你必须要离开I died just a little, and I feel it now(你离开时)我整个人其实快死掉般(难受),可我现在才感觉到You"re the one I need你才是那个我需要的人I believe that I would cry just a little我相信我是会哭一下下Just to have you back now(这样做)为了让你现在能回来Here with me回来这里,和我在一起Here with me回来这里,和我在一起纯手工翻译。因为本人很久没看中文书了,所以如果有翻译的不太顺畅的地方,望LZ见谅。希望lz满意哈。

Love Remains The Same 的中英文歌词翻译???

Gavin Rossdale - Love Remains The Samethousand times I"ve seen you standing 上千次我看到你站在那里 Gravity like a lunar landing 你对我来说仿佛具有月亮般的吸引力 You make me want to run till I find you 让我如此沉迷 I shut the world away from here 我离开了我原来的世界 I drift to you, you"re all I hear 我向你飘去,你就是我听到的全部 As everything we know fades to black 我知道所有的一切都会随着时间流逝而退色 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 I find a place where we escape 我找到了一个适合我们的地方 Take you with me for the space 我会带你前往那里 The city buzz sounds just like a fridge 城市的喧嚣仿佛嗡嗡作响的巨大冰箱 I walk the streets through seven bars 我穿过七个酒吧的街道 I have to find just where you are 我必须要找到你在哪 The faces seem to blur 周围的面孔都变得模糊 They"re all the same 仿佛看起来都是一样的 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 So much more to say 我有很多的话想说 So much to be done 我有很多的事想做 Don"t you trick me out 不要再让我离开你 We shall overcome 我们应该一起克服困难 It"s all left still to play 我们一定要把过去忘记 We - should have the sun 生活应该有阳光 Could have been inside 过去的一切 Instead we"re over here 就让它深埋心底吧 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 Too much time too long defending 经过这么久的挣扎 You and I are done pretending 我们都结束伪装吧 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 Everything will change 每件事都会改变…… I, oh I, 噢,我,噢 I wish this could last forever 我希望我们的爱是永恒的 I, oh I, 噢,我,噢 As if we could last forever 如果我们永不分离 Love remains the same 我们的爱也不会变 Love remains the same 我们的爱也不会变

Always the Same 歌词

歌曲名:Always the Same歌手:The Legends专辑:Over and OverUseless ID-Always The Same★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Are you here to save the world?The odds are running against you.Every day the same impression that something will change.Today I felt so sick when all the warnings got me down.All we are is a voice without a sound.Face the problem, lead the way to the solution.Raise your flag in victorywhen you lost more than you had.It"s all gone.Now, it"s more than a dream and it"s dying next to me.If we had so much more then what would we be fighting for?Are days go by, we"re killing time with so much in our wayBut it"s always the same.(Always the same.)I remember when we were faces in the hall.Now what"s left are memories, posters on the wall.We"re getting by with no direction faster than we know.It feels like we"ve been winning all along. No more.Now, it"s more than a dream and it"s dying next to me.If we had so much more then what would we be fighting for?Are days go by, we"re killing time with so much in our wayBut it"s always the same.Let"s turn it off (Let"s turn it off) and walk away.I don"t want to know what we were thinking.Let"s turn it off (Let"s turn it off) and walk away.No, I don"t want to know at all. (No, I don"t want to know...)Now, it"s more than a dream and it"s dying next to me.If we had so much more then what would we be fighting for?Are days go by, we"re killing time with so much in our wayBut it"s always the same. (Always the same.)Always the same. (Always the same.)http://music.baidu.com/song/16410854

歌词一句是what you want to same,一句是elber,elber,elber重复


Same Old Same Old 歌词

歌曲名:Same Old Same Old歌手:Montego Joe专辑:Iarriba! Con Montego JoeMest - Same Old Same Old Lyricsyou would never turn around yourturning everything upside downand tryin" to put the blame on mebut now that I"m a superstaryou always want to hang aroundand act like you did nothing wrong to meI"m putting an end to my miseryand this the end why can"t you seeI"m putting an end to my miseryand this the end why can"t you seethe way you act now seems likewe"ve been friends foreverbut lookin" into thoselying eyesI know betteryou say it"s been a long timesince we have seen each otheryou"re feeling kind of beatand you wanna" talk to a friendbut here"s the truth here"s truth aboutthe matterwe were never friendsI"m putting an end to my miseryand this the end why can"t you seeI"m putting an end to my miseryand this the end why can"t you seethe way you act now seems likewe"ve been friends foreverbut lookin" into thoselying eyesI know betteryou say it"s been a long timesince we have seen each otheryou"re feeling kind of beatand you wanna" talk to a friendbut we were never friendsI"m putting an end to my miseryand this the end why can"t you seeI"m putting an end to my miseryand this the end why can"t you seecant you seehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8286365

Same Time Same Place求此曲的歌词~

I don"t wanna be alone Yo I"ll be there Same place same time I can"t stand being without you As we lay face to face Sharing love in a temporary place I got a girl you got a man If they found out I"m sure they wouldn"t understand See I can"t keep myself from wanting you You see I wanna lay with you I wanna play with you I wanna stay with you Chorus Don"t ask me how I can"t say why Why we"re here you and I At the same place at the same time Don"t stop now don"t let it end Girl we must do it again In the same way at the same time I want my cake eat it too Making love to her I wish I"m making love to you So here we are we know it"s wrong Each moment without you Baby is too damn long There"s no time to be wasting baby So let"s slip away to our favorite place Chorus Make sure you got your pumps on When you come baby come along I swear I"m gonna keep it hot Come on give me all you got it"s our secret Keeping it a secret nobody has to know The things that we do or the places we go You know what time of evening You know just where we meet It ain"t nobody"s business We"re keeping it discreet chorus

求孙耀威《party life》歌词


黑眼豆豆的party all the time歌词翻译

Party All the TimeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeIf we could party all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life would be easyMy life wouldl be easyI would drink and go ou-out with my booParty party all the time, yep, thats what I doMac models pop bottles, live li-like a sheet(Party)Monday through sunday every day all the week1Huh I take light in the fast lane zoomMay I join, dont pop till I walk in the roomWhen the DJs rocking my favorite my songWhen he shaking up the speakers like boom boom boomIf we could party all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life wouldl be easyMy life wouldl be easyIf we could party all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life would be easyMy life would be easy(If we could)Party all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeIf we could party party partyBreak that body downLadies dont stop itShake it round and roundFeel that bass poppingAnd rock to the beatJust be steady poppingThey jumping out their feetCheck it outLady got their hands in the ayerFreaking like they just dont careParty goingl down like yeahSomebody say yeahCheck it out, check it outWhatCheck it out, check it out, check it outWhatNow you check it out, check it outWhatIma party hard like theres no turning backWhat you gon" doParty all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life would be easyOur lives would be easyIf we could party all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life would be easyMy life would be easyI dont give a fuckIma "bout to get looseIma take take take take shots get drunk of gooseIma live my fucking lifeIma party all night, all day, anytimeI dont care if its rightI wanna party party partyParty all day, party all the wayI wanna party like in VisaWe dont need no VisaParty like VisaI dont need one eitherTake me to the clubI need to dance (X3)Ima "bout to danceGirl Im gonna take you to the clubSo we can dance (X4)If we could party all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life would be easyMy life would be easyIf we could party all nightAnd sleep all dayAnd throw all of my problems awayMy life would be easyMy life would be easyParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the timeParty all the time

Party All The Time 歌词

歌曲名:Party All The Time歌手:Eddie Murphy专辑:How Could It BeCasely - Party All The TimeMy girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the timeMy girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time(listen)She ain"t no ordinary girl, she"s a ladyShe wanna dance around this world Sunday to SaturdayNow this ain"t easy keepin" up with her, believe meBut I just can"t say no (no no no...)I said she"s crazy for me, my lovin" and my moneyYou know there ain"t no short supply...But I"m needin" some relief, "coz I"m about to loose my mind, my mind, yeah!My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the timeMy girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the timeShe never wanna be home, always ready to go, she"s a billion dollar dime"Coz my girl wants to party all the time, party all the time! (the time the time...)I see her workin" on that floor that body so rightThey know our face at every club, you know we own the nightThe only problem is I get no sleep "til the job"s doneBut I just can"t say no (no no ooh no no)Miami we be, hoes in the clubs, on the beachYou know we hold our (rosey?) up in the skyTakin" all my energy, about to make me loose my mind, my mind!My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the timeMy girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the timeShe never wanna be home, always ready to go, she"s a billion dollar dime"Coz my girl wants to party all the time, party all the time! (the time, the time...)Ooooh, girl I"ve reached the limit I"m about to dieBut somehow you"re always keepin" me aliveBarely recover, we go, we go and we go, we goShorty wanna go, hold down DubaiSee what it do when I feelher planes gonna land by the end of the nightShe"s the badest thing that I"ve seen around the worldSo I stay with the girl for the rideMy girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the timeMy girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time(she"s outta control)She"s always ready to go, she"s a billion dollar dime"Coz my girl wants to party all the time, party all the time! (oh yeah!)http://music.baidu.com/song/7498651

The Same Way 歌词

歌曲名:The Same Way歌手:Gary Moore专辑:Blues For GreenyDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2746093

Here In Your Bedroom 歌词

歌曲名:Here In Your Bedroom歌手:Goldfinger专辑:GoldfingerHere In Your BadroomGoldfingerBy LeVeLHere in your bedroom,I can turn my head offThe less that I feelIs the less that I"m on topI wonder what you thinkAs we lay here in bedI don"t know what I"m thinking,But that"s better for my headWhen I wake up tomorrowWill you still feel the same?When I wake up tomorrowWill you have changed?"cuz I still feel the same hei....ma.."cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameHere in your bedroomI can turn my head offThe less that I feelIs the less that I"m on topI wonder what you thinkAs we lay here in bedI don"t know what I"m thinking,But that"s better for my headWhen I wake up tomorrowWill you still feel the same?When I wake up tomorrowWill you have changed?"cuz I still feel the same hei....ma.."cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameHere we go!<----------- ----- LeVeL ----- ----------->Here in your bedroom,I feel safe from the outside.I can tell that you"re changing,But still I feel so high.I wonder what you think.Sometimes I feel so old.I don"t know if it"s worth itWhen I just do what I"m told.When I wake up tomorrow,Will you still feel the same?When I wake up tomorrow,Will you have changed?"cuz I still feel the same hei....ma.."cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~"cuz I still feel the sameI ..... I~~~I still feel the sameWon"t you?......http://music.baidu.com/song/8768905

Sean Paul的歌词 10分!!

http://www.metrolyrics.com/private-party-lyrics-sean-paul.html 这个是歌词。。而且建议楼主以后想要什么英文歌词,都在这个网站上找,非常的方便。。。我每次都在这个网上找。希望能帮到你。

Gone Too Soon 歌词

歌曲名:Gone Too Soon歌手:Simple Plan专辑:Get Your Heart On!╰ Album: Get Your Heart On! (2011) ╯Hey there nowWhere"d you go?You left me hereSo unexpectedYou changed my lifeI hope you know"Cause now I"m lostSo unprotectedIn a blink of an eyeAnd never got to say goodbye !Like a shooting starRunning across the roomSo fast, so farYou were gone too soonYou are a part of meAnd now I"ll never be the sameHere without youYou were gone too soonYou were always thereLike a shining lightOn my darkest daysYou were there to guide meOh I miss you nowI wish you could seeJust how much your memoryWill always mean to meIn a blink of an eyeI never got to say goodbye !Like a shooting starRunning across the roomSo fast, so farYou were gone too soonYou are a part of meAnd now I"ll never be the sameHere without youYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onOnto a better placeShine on, Shine onWe"ll never be the sameShine on, Shine on...Like a shooting starRunning across the roomSo fast, so farYou were gone too soonYou are a part of meAnd now I"ll never be the sameHere without youYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onYou were gone too soonShine on, Shine onYou were gone too soon...http://music.baidu.com/song/7179112

The Same God 歌词

歌曲名:The Same God歌手:Carman Featuring Commissioned & The Christ Church Choir专辑:Shakin" The House LiveDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8892623

The Same God 歌词

歌曲名:The Same God歌手:NewSong专辑:One True GodDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8110036

John Carpenter的《Teaser》 歌词

歌曲名:Teaser歌手:JohnCarpenter专辑:Vampires幸田来未-Teaser(feat.Clench&Blistah)作词 S.Bennett/Clench & Blistah作曲 渡辺美树SpangleColorMirror360゜回転Oh上げますか?FloorMasterCooUpandDowninthehouseya"llA-Haベッピン见とれんなそこのWannaBeおたすけ手助けCBMICPartyESPOnandOn揺らせ揺れろAllnightlong甘い密おぼれろMuddlerかき回す奥の奥深く解るか?!欲しいんだろ刺激がha-HardなBodyLineめちゃCoolDeChaChaChaYesonYouknowit"sshowtimeウンこれからOhNo物足んねぇ溢れる程SayYesEntranceKeyPassでCBにまかせろComeyecomeyeah-yeahPutyahandsup!It"sPartyTimeYouGottaGetYourGrooveOn,CooInTheHouse,WeKnowWhereItsAt.LetMeTellYouBabyYouGotItGoingOn.SoMoveItLikeThatRet-A-TaPartyTime!调子どうだ?KUMIKODALikeThatClench&Blistah参道中かけろイキなPartyTuneBurst寸前SpeakerいくぜみんなPutyahandsup!HiなVibes常备ChampagneにGirl囲み食べるニョッキあっちこっちかき乱しJamboree酔ったくらいが丁度イイMicrophoneCheckOneTwo浓く色浓くYeah固まった野郎もうなずくMotherFuckin"RhymingTalkFloorめがけブチかます终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7883482

The Same Air (O.S.T. Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Same Air (O.S.T. Lp Version)歌手:The Sum Of All Fears (O.S.T.)专辑:The Sum Of All FearsDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7930577

(We Are) The Same 歌词

歌曲名:(We Are) The Same歌手:Headboard专辑:Nothing Is StaticDC Yeager - The SameHere we are back in my baddreamSeems like some good things never changeWe both tried to do all the thingsWe"ve been through and nowI just can"t seem to quit youAnd I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youGirl this is more than a crushOne look at you ain"t enoughI wanna tell you how I feelBut you don"t look at me the sameStop messing with all those guysThey"ll never love you like IOur love could get realIf you are look at me the sameGirl let"s not throw in our towelLet"s go back two monthsWhere we went wrongI don"t wanna be another love casualtyCome homeYou already know girlGirl I - Wanna wake up with youAnd I -Always will be trueAnd I - Never leave you lonelyNot like all those guysGirl I - Wanna kiss you dailyAnd I - Need a lady a ladyAnd I - Just wanna sayI will be here for youSee baby ohhWish you were looking me the sameGive us another chanceLet"s fall in love againWhere would you beg me choseTake time tell meWhat you"re feelingWhen I"m not with you I"m not completeJust look at me the sameThe same ohLook at me the sameOhh babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15049360

麻烦懂英语的人把《嗨Mr dj》歌词的英文部分翻译成英文 谢谢

come on,hi,dj party time feeling tonight 来吧,嗨,今晚感受DJ派对的时光。baby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone. 宝贝别走,大家都和我跳起来吧come on,hi,dj party time feeling tonight 来吧,嗨,今晚感受DJ派对的时光。DJ play the song just me and I DJ 把歌伴出来one two three 123Three two one come to me321 跟我来。music move your body 音乐震撼你身体。

Free The Music 歌词

歌曲名:Free The Music歌手:Jerrod Niemann专辑:Free The MusicJerrod Niemann - Free The Music.Free the music, unleash the vibeOf a psychedelic relic from the trailer park tribeWith a 12 pack of audio beerDesigned to make you move like a puppeteerTwang town sound taking a tripGonna shake this town like it""s the Vegas stripIt""s one of those days you need one of those nightsYou throw your hands in the air and let your birdies fly.Free the musicC""mon blast your stereoFree the musicWhoaFree the musicHere we goYou gotta free your mindIt""s party time.Free the music, unbreak the chainsLet my straightjacket racket run through your veinsDon""t care where you come from or what you wearIt""s what makes you tap your feet and shake your derriereTell me who came here tonight to get lit as a neon light, rightGrab your liquid creation and hold it highthe nationWe""re here to dehydrate.Free the musicC""mon blast your stereoFree the musicWhoaFree the musicHere we goYou gotta free your mindIt""s party time.Soundtrack dump itBassman drummer boy pump itBrassoline trumpets.Hey, so I asked myself what would I getIf I mixed me a donkey with some violinsWell, tonight I solved that riddleWhen I found myself some cocky brass kickin"" fiddlesPlayin""Free the musicFree the musicFree the musicYou gotta free your mindIt""s party time.Free the musicC""mon blast your stereoFree the musicWhoamusicFree theHere we gogotta free your mindYouIt""s party time.Free the music, wherever you goIn the car, in the bar, in the studioIf you""re sittin"" alone with a bottle of jackListenin"" for tradition skip to the next track.http://music.baidu.com/song/31326394

求这首歌的中文歌词《the ketchup song》!



日文:Hah HahYou know I gotta do it again, right?Aooooh YeahB B Big BangOh Eh OhYeahOh Eh OhTake the party down! Oh!ホットな夏の太阳It"s about time 始めようTime to party here for sureTake the party down! Oh!皆で游びに行こう俺达と come on let"s go!夏だぜ party time だよ。 oh! oh!そして踊れの dance floorもっと movin" groovin"生かした bodySay B I G to the BANG騒ぎが朝までJust dance!ガラガラ Go!俺达 no wayLa La La La La踊りな my sexy lady盛り上がれ everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Take the party down!もう胸がはじけそう音に乗って行こう生ける床まで行こうTake the party down! Oh!侧に来て give me some more全てを忘れちゃおうCome on and feel the rhythm in my flowそしてここで二人ずっと bumpin" shakin"踊ろうよ honeySay B I G to the BANGこれからまだまだJust bang!ガラガラ Go!俺达 to stayNa Na Na Na Na手を上げて my sexy baby声出して everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh (T.O.P.)T.O.P (Hey)My style, my stageso fresh, so cleannever falling, just ke-ke-keep it jumpingsee her, get lowlong fall for sureshe gon" make it go bump bump bumpso let"s go ya"llwe gon" let it all out tonight girlsee the name T.O.P up in lights girleverybody knows we up, they downso let me see you shake shake that aroundIt"s onHear the beat pump through the speakersMan the myth the heart of the pictureGD is neat in the flesh top to bottom so freshly DressedI am here to get downLose control take hold of the soundBring it o-o-o-offf the groundBig bang no doubtWe gon" turn it out for sureSay B I G to the BANG騒ぎが朝までJust dance!ガラガラガラ Go!俺达 no wayLa La La La La踊りな my sexy lady盛り上がれ everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh罗马注音:Hah HahYou know I gotta do it again, right?Aooooh YeahB B Big BangOh Eh OhYeahOh Eh OhTake the party down! Oh!Hotna natsu no taiyouIt"s about time hajimeyouTime to party here fo" ho (for sure)Take the party down! Oh!Minna de asobi ni ikouOretachi to come on let"s go!Natsu daze party time dayo! oh! oh!Soshite odore wo dance floorMotto movin" groovin"Ikashita partySay B I G to the BANGSawagi ga asa madeJust dance!Gara Gara Gara Go!Oretachi no wayLa La La La LaOdorina my sexy ladyMoriagare everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Take the party down!Mou mune ga hajikesouOto ni notte ikouIkeru toko made ikouTake the party down! Oh!Soba ni kite give me some moreSubete wo wasurechaouCome on and feel the rythm in ma flowSoshite koko de futarizutto bumpin" shakin"odorou yo honeySay B I G to the BANGKore kara mada madaJust bang!Gara Gara Gara Go!Oretachi to sayNa Na Na Na NaTe wo agete my sexy babyKoe dashite everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh (T.O.P.)「TOP"s rap」T.O.P (Hey)My style, my stageso fresh, so cleannever falling, just..see her, get lowlong fall fo" sho"she gon" make it go bump bump bumpso let"s go ya"llwe gon" let it all out tonight girlsee the name T.O.P up in lights girleverybody knows we up, they downso let me see you shake shake that around「GD"s rap」It"s all sound bring the beat pump to the speakersMan then meet the heart of the pictureGD is neat in the flesh top to bottom so freshly DressedI am here to get downLose control take hold of the soundBring it o-o-o-offf the groundBig bang no doubtWe gon" turn it out for sureSay B I G to the BANGSawagi ga asa madeJust dance!Gara Gara Gara Go!Oretachi no wayLa La La La LaOdorina my sexy ladyMoriagare everybodyDon"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Don"t stop now JUMP! JUMP!Big Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh OhBig Bang rocks tonight!Oh Eh Oh

《嗨!MR DJ》歌词

[ti:嗨!MR DJ][ar:李琳][al:别再为我哭][by:David碧咸][00:02.33]嗨!MR DJ - 李琳[00:07.36][00:12.34]词曲:KBO 编曲:李金龙[00:17.53][00:22.47]制作人 David碧咸 QQ 370974323[00:28.39][00:29.59]嗨!MR DJ,[00:31.60]你现在的音乐很浪漫[00:36.69]转换频道感受心跳其实也是很简单[00:43.82]不要浪费时间赶快来跟我一起DANCER[00:50.91]刺激放纵随你 就在今晚 [00:57.62][00:58.04]come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonight[01:05.09]baby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.[01:12.09]come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonight[01:19.18]DJ play the song just me and I [01:26.18][01:26.47]one two three[01:27.48]Three two one come to me [01:29.39]感受这happy[01:33.37]热情释放压力[01:35.91]来证明自己的魅力[01:40.47]看着我不要再犹豫的释放你自己[01:47.56]今晚随便你跟着music move  your body [01:54.23][01:54.66]come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonight[02:01.71]baby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.[02:08.84]come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonight[02:15.93]DJ play the song just me and I [02:36.34][02:37.31]come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonight[02:44.38]baby don"t go,everybody flow me dancing alone.[02:51.48]come on,hi,dj partytime feeling tonight[02:58.56]DJ play the song just me and I [03:09.12]

歌舞青春2里What time is it歌词谁能告诉我?

What time is itSummer timeIt"s our vacationWhat time is itParty timeThat"s rightSay it loudWhat time is itTime of our livesAnticipationWhat time is itSummer timeSchool"s outScream and shoutFinally summer"s hereGood to be chillin" outI"m off the clockThe pressure"s outNow my girl"s what it"s all aboutReady for some sunshineFor my heart to take a chanceOh yeahI"m here to stayNot moving awayReady for a summer romanceEverybody readyGoing crazy yeah we"re outCome on and let me hear you say it nowRight nowWhat time is itSummer timeIt"s our vacationWhat time is itParty timeThat"s rightSay it loudWhat time is itTime of our livesAnticipationWhat time is itSummertimeSchool"s outScream and shoutGoodbye to rulesNo summer schoolI"m free to shop till I dropIt"s an education vacationAnd the party never has to stopWe"ve got things to doWe"ll see you soonAnd we"re really gonna miss you allGoodbye to you and youAnd you and youBye byeUntil next fallBye byeEverybody readyGoin" crazy yeah we"re outCome on and let me hear yousay it nowRight nowWhat time is itSummer timeIt"s our vacationWhat time is itParty timeThat"s rightSay it loudWhat time is itTime of our livesAnticipationWhat time is itSummer timeSchool"s outScream and shoutNo more waking up at 6 A M"Cause now our time is all our ownEnough already we"re waitingCome on let"s goWe"re outta controlAlrightCome onSchool pride let"s show itThe champions we know itWildcats are the bestRed white and goldWhen it"s time to win we do itWe"re number one we proved itLet"s live it upParty downThat"s what the summer"s all aboutWhat time is itSummer time is finally hereLet"s Celebrate!We wanna here you loud and clear nowSchool"s outWe can sleep as late as we want toIt"s our timeNow we can do whatever we wanna doWhat time is itIt"s summertimeWe"re loving itC"mon and say it again nowWhat time is itIt"s party timeLet"s go and haveTime of our lives

Sd5行堂的《Shyshy》 歌词

歌曲名:Shyshy歌手:Sd5行堂SD5行堂 - ShyShy曲Jae Chong、词TCE、制作人Jae Chong炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA KISS KISS炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA BOUNCE BOUNCE灏:手拿着这麦克风 我就是英雄灏:灯光打在这头 主角就是我原杰:像是下凡ANGLE 你看了心动原杰:全场气氛掌控 都由我CONTROL合唱:你只要WATCH TV 就可看到我江南:随着我跳的舞步一起遨游宇宙合唱:你只要LISTEN MUSIC 就会想到我磊:随着这节奏扭动 LET"S GO LET"S GO合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT有我都是 PARTY TIME合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:一起TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT一起GO TO BOUNCE炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA KISS KISS炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA BOUNCE BOUNCE灏:眼看着这个结果 不是一场梦灏:掌声围绕四周 让我来享受原杰:唤醒你的冲动 不需要理由原杰:全场气氛掌控 都由我CONTROL合唱:你只要WATCH TV 就可看到我江南:随着我跳的舞步一起遨游宇宙合唱:你只要LISTEN MUSIC 就会想到我磊:随着这节奏扭动 LET"S GO LET"S GO合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT有我都是 PARTY TIME合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:一起TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHTTO THE PARADISE炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA KISS KISS炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA BOUNCE BOUNCE炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA KISS KISS炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA BOUNCE BOUNCE合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT有我都是 PARTY TIME合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:一起TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT一起GO TO BOUNCE合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHT有我都是 PARTY TIME合唱:BABY Don"t be shy shyDon"t be shy shy合唱:一起TO THE LEFT TO THE RIGHTTO THE PARADISE炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA KISS KISS炎介:GIVE ME BASS BASS BASSYOU WANNA KISS KISShttp://music.baidu.com/song/5833889

Kris Kross的《Party》 歌词

歌曲名:Party歌手:Kris Kross专辑:Totally Krossed Out「PARTY」作词:Nanase Aikawa作曲:Fredrik“Figge”Bostrom/Anna Engh歌∶Rockstar Steadyキラキラしよう 梦叶えよう冒険しよう もっと笑おう何でも出来る、魔法を挂けるみんなで歌おう!踊り明かそうよ!Now it"s Party Time We gonna scream and shoutNow it"s Party Time We gonna Rock it OutNow it"s Party Time You and me tonightNow it"s Party Timeit"s Party Party Party Yeah!内绪の话 カミングアウト知り合ったなら もっと爱し合おう!Now it"s Party Time We gonna scream and shoutNow it"s Party Time We gonna Rock it OutNow it"s Party Time You and me tonightNow it"s Party Timeit"s Party Party Party Party TimeWe gonna do it rightNow it"s Party Time We gonna dance all nightNow it"s Party Time I don"t wanna sleepNow it"s Party Time it"s Party Party Party Yeah!ネガティブはやめてください、立ち入り禁止にしちゃうよ热风に水差すような、野暮なことしないで踊ろう何でも出来る、魔法を挂ける悲しいことも吹き飞んでしまえNow it"s Party Time We gonna scream and shoutNow it"s Party Time We gonna Rock it OutNow it"s Party Time You and me tonightNow it"s Party time it"s Party Party Party Party TimeWe gonna do it rightNow it"s Party Time We gonna dance all nightNow it"s Party Time I don"t wanna sleepNow it"s Party Time it"s Party Party Party Yeah!ネガティブはやめてください 友达でいたいのなら思い切りはじけちゃえば!? 四の五の言わず踊ろうNow it"s Party Time We gonna scream and shoutNow it"s Party Time We gonna Rock it OutNow it"s Party Time You and me tonightNow it"s Party Time it"s Party Party Party Party TimeWe gonna do it rightNow it"s Party Time We gonna dance all nightNow it"s Party Time!【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8752509

Flower Party 歌词

歌曲名:Flower Party歌手:SIU2专辑:开门Welcome to our party作:Soluna, Shun, 井翔作曲:Stephan Elfgren, Conor Edwards, Junior Jokinenslip into the party に合えば(Hey!)灯りともり 肩に影が(Hey!)波が(Hey!) 始まれば(Hey!)はにかみ ほら あなたに会えた(Hey!)to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんなの声に 分は上身体ごとらすEmotionそのリミッタ外したらHigh!めくるめくロラコスタGood time! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time)わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohHi(Hi) five (five)の人とハイタッチこれかららぎ出しわりなき 会の合to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんながいれば 果は相 声を合わせればもっと空に届きそうなくらい 感じてるWe are freeだ!Good day! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうれた所だって(You&Me) 同じ想いさ手を伸ばせばいつも(All the time) がってLet"s go party, party, party, partyめぐリ会った Party time奇はもう起きてるはずだろう?Hands up higher, higher, higher, higherよりも Touch the sky最高の瞬があるだろう?Say yeah oh! 上を向いてSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happyここに立っているんだよ幸せにするための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohYeah oh! Say yeah oh!...ここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time) わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/27519634

Lonely in Gorgeous 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely in Gorgeous歌手:Tommy february6专辑:Lonely in GorgeousLonely In Gorgeous午前0时、飞び出した 午夜零时 我踢开大门扉を蹴飞ばして跑了出来硝子の靴が割れて 玻璃鞋坏掉了ドレスも破れた 长裙也裂开了ねぇ 呆れているんでしょう? 你讨厌我了吧?追いかけてもこない 这么久都不追出来涙が溢れて もう走れないわ... 我哭得不成样子 再也跑不动了ジェラシーかも... 或许是嫉妒吧 令我如此难过SE-TSU-NA-I...!!“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah... 欢乐中的孤独Party night...I"m Breaking my heart 狂欢之夜 我却在自暴自弃今すぐ见つけて抱きしめてほしい 好想你马上来找到我 抱紧我ヘッドライトが光る... 打开车灯 焦急寻觅where are you Bad boy? 你到底在那里?爱のスカーフで涙を拭いて用心爱的围巾檫干眼泪何も见えない 却还是什么也看不见星屑をかき集め 很想抓起一把星星あなたにぶつけたい 全部砸到你身上なぜ构うの? 还管我干什么自分しか爱せないくせに... 明明只知道关心自己失恋かも... 这就是失恋么マジなの...?! 不会是真的不吧“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah... 欢乐中的孤独Party time...埋まらない 狂欢之夜 却无法填补心灵あな たがいないと 空っぽな世界“I miss you Bad boy” 我现在好想你きらめきの中に闭じ込めないで 别把我丢在霓虹闪烁的世界壊れてしまうわ 我会变坏的“Lonely in Gorgeous” 欢乐中的孤独 我在自暴自弃I"m Breaking my heart 我在自暴自弃Where are you Bad boy?你到底在哪了?“Lonely in Party night”狂欢夜的孤独“Lonely in Gorgeous” 欢乐中的孤独I"m Breaking my heart我在自暴自弃I miss you Bad boy 你到底在哪里?“Lonely in Party time”聚会中的孤独“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah... 欢乐中的孤独あな たがいないと 空っぽな世界Party night...笑えない 狂欢之夜 我却无心欢笑何もいらない ただそばにいて 只希望你能陪伴在我身边“Lonely in Gorgeous” Yeah... 欢乐中的孤独Party night...I"m Breaking my heart 狂欢之夜 我在自暴自弃あなたが残した きらめきの箱の中で 在你留给我的华丽箱笼中孤独を抱いて动けない 满心孤独的我不知所措何もいらないの ただそばにいて 只希望你能陪伴在我身边ひざまずいて わたしを见て 单膝跪地 凝视着我爱を誓って 对我说出爱的誓言http://music.baidu.com/song/55893681

What time is it的歌词?

what time is it? summertime!it"s our vacationwhat time is it? party time!that"s right,say it loudwhat time is it? the time of our lives!anticipationwhat time is it? summertime!school"s out,scream and shout!finally summer"s heregood to be chiilin"outi"m off the clock,the pressures outnow my girl"s what it"s all aboutgabriella:ready for some sunshinefor my heart to take a chancei"m here to stay,not movin"awayready for a summer romanceeverybody ready,going crazy,yeah we"re outcome on and let me hear you say it now,right nowwhat time is it? summertime!it"s our vacationwhat time is it? party time!that"s right,say it loudwhat time is it? the time of our lives!anticipationwhat time is it? summertime!school"s out,scream and shout!we"ve got no rulesno summer schooli"m free to shop till i dropit"s an education vacationand the party never has to stopwe"ve got things to doi"ll see you soonand we"re really gonna miss you alli"ll see you and youand you and youbye bye until next falleverybody ready going crazy yeah we"re outcome on and let me here you say it now right nowwhat time is it? summertime!it"s our vacationwhat time is it? party time!that"s right,say it loudwhat time is it? the time of our lives!anticipationwhat time is it? summertime!school"s out, scream and shout!no more wakin"up at 6 am"cause now our time is all our ownenough already,we"re waiting come on let"s goout of control!!!all righteverybodyyeahcome onschool pride lets show itthe champions we know itwildcats,are the bestred white and gold!when it"s time to win we do itwe"re number one we proved itlet"s live it up,party down!that"s what the summer"s all aboutwhat time is it?summertime is finally herelet"s celebratewe wanna hear you loud and clear nowschool"s outwe can sleep as late as we want toit"s party timenow we can do whatever we wanna dowhat time is it ? it"s summertime!we"re lovin" it!come on and say okay now!what time is it?it"s party time!let"s go and have!the time of our lives!

摇摇摆摆 歌词

歌手名:花儿乐队专辑名:歌舞青春2花儿乐队-摇摆摆↓→花儿乐队←↓ 元宝亮亮↓ 摇摆摆~summer time~歌舞青春爱 摇摆摆~party time~花开的舞台 摇摆摆~summer time~歌舞青春爱 摇摆摆~party time~HIGH就要痛快春暖花儿开 不热闹不精彩要替代喊出来 挥洒热血趁现在夏日给你爱 不是放不开怀跳起来 喊出来 这是我们的时代欢欢笑笑蹦蹦跳跳可否准备好劲歌热舞众生倾倒 我们要 摇摆摆~summer time~歌舞青春爱 摇摆摆~party time~花开的舞台 摇摆摆~summer time~歌舞青春爱 摇摆摆~party time~HIGH就要痛快心花不用灌溉 一笑他就开所以跳起来 喊出来 挥洒热血趁现在忘了无奈忘了释怀忘了应该不应该就是要跳起来 喊出来 我们的时代欢欢笑笑蹦蹦跳跳可否准备好劲歌热舞众生倾倒 我们要 摇摆摆~summer time~歌舞青春爱 摇摆摆~party time~花开的舞台 摇摆摆~summer time~歌舞青春爱 摇摆摆~party time~HIGH就要痛快跟着新的节奏尽情摇摆年轻绝对不要黑白跟着梦的憧憬散|发|光|彩!~ 一起HIGH~不闹不精彩 不Fun不开怀^^跳起来 喊出来 挥洒趁现在不闹不精彩 不Fun不开怀^^跳起来 喊出来 这是我们的时代 summer time 歌舞青春摇摆摆 party time 春暖花开的舞台 summer time 歌舞青春摇摆摆 party time HIGH起来我就要就要痛快 summer time 歌舞摇摆 ~ party time 春暖花开的舞台~ summer time 青春摇摆~http://music.baidu.com/song/1163962


《Party Time》。

至上励合《甜心》《Love Live》《繁星》《Party Time》的歌词?

至上励合 - 甜心专辑:齐天大盛五:你的微笑画出彩虹让我着迷我的明天想交给你管理一封情书没有文字也会读下去草莓色唇印是爱的证据刘:手绘漫画一箭穿心证明我爱你你的眼睛就是我的天气为你准备香水和玫瑰表白心意要是不接受我的心就下雨阳:你是我的甜心 遥控我的心情守护我们的爱 很用心一起享受沿途浪漫风景五:恋爱手册条款温柔倒背一万遍爱你疼你许下爱的心愿刘:躲过风暴抓住流星找到了天使读出九十九朵玫瑰的秘语远:你是我的甜心 遥控我的心情守护我们的爱 很用心爱的糖果藏在你的梦里茂:Hey honey爱像糖果 让我爱上你我在糖果里 藏满了甜蜜当你不开心 我就会哄你我我我的公主殿下我的时间 全都嫁给你你就是我 一生的传奇像个超人守护着你哦哦哦哦不会停我发誓 绝不会惹你生气这一辈子用心去爱你未来的未来 全都交给你只要你的一声令下我就变成你的 专属天使每天都要为你制造甜蜜让爱的糖果浓情蜜意阳:你是我的甜心 遥控我的心情守护我们的爱 很用心一起享受沿途浪漫风景远:你是我的甜心 遥控我的心情守护我们的爱 很用心爱的糖果藏在你的梦里合:你是我的甜心 遥控我的心情守护我们的爱 很用心一起享受沿途浪漫风景你是我的甜心 遥控我的心情守护我们的爱 很用心一起享受沿途浪漫风景你是我的甜心歌曲:love live歌手:至上励合专辑:《齐天大盛》茂:we are the top combinethis is lovelive阳:迷人的坏笑招牌动人的电眼风采优雅的王子气概亲切的邻家男孩美:我这样一表人才天生的人见人爱唯独你是个例外总对我不理不睬茂:我相信你是为我而来就像我的爱只为了你存在我没有口才也不太会表白但我的存在有一天你会明白远:baby baby 对我的爱我的爱不用一百个女孩一百个女孩五:baby baby 给我的爱我的爱只要你一个女孩你一个女孩只要你一个人的百分之百远:不做谁的偶像派只做你的mr right要抓拍你的可爱要把你的的爱随身带合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi五:你的心猜猜猜猜合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi美:我的爱无处不在合:nonononononowhynonononononowhynonononononowhynonononononowhy合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi阳:偏偏你不理不睬合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi远:可是我不得不爱至上励合- love live专辑:齐天大盛阳:从为你扮酷耍帅沦落到耍宝搞怪使出了浑身解数只为了博你青睐美:每一天都在等待每一刻都在忍耐每一秒都在期待看缘分怎么安排远:不做谁的偶像派只做你的mr right要抓拍你的可爱要把你的爱随身带合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi五:你的心猜猜猜猜合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi美:我的爱无处不在合:nonononononowhynonononononowhynonononononowhynonononononowhy合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi阳:偏偏你不理不睬合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi远:可是我不得不爱茂rap:再一段rap 再卷土重来没攻下你的心不轻易言败我安营扎寨你却偏偏故意挂起免战牌 ok 算你厉害why别出心裁用饶舌告白跟随着节拍即兴的编排说得这么快是为了掩盖紧张的神态怕你看出来why远:baby baby 对我的爱我的爱不用一百个女孩一百个女孩五:baby baby 给我的爱我的爱只要你一个女孩你一个女孩只要你一个人的百分之百远:要命中你的要害要正中你的下怀要揭开你的底牌不在乎谁给的崇拜合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi五:我的爱与你同在合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi美:nonononononowhy合:nonononononowhynonononononowhynonononononowhynonononononowhy合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi阳:宣判对你的制裁合:bilibi bilibi bilibi bilibi远:宣布我对你的爱远:给我你现现现在听我唱love love love live让这个bo bo boy 许你个未未未来至上励合—繁星茂 你如风铃 一不小心 我把你惊醒也许注定 爱的憧憬 等着你回应美 沿着风景 道着树影 留下的幻影开始感应 张开眼睛 想与你同心五 黑夜太浑浊不清 将我轻易的软禁喜欢你的人庆幸是我为你听一起的甜蜜远 唔~湖面的上繁星 闪烁到天明倒影出甜蜜的身影完美的场景 彼此的约定月光是纯洁的证明刀 你化作一片繁星 手里的水晶紧握着温暖而透明天空是幸福的布景相偎相依 是你我的爱情茂 你如风铃 一不小心 我把你惊醒也许注定 爱的憧憬 等着你回应美 沿着风景 道着树影 留下的幻影开始感应 张开眼睛 想与你同心五 黑夜太浑浊不清将我轻易的软禁喜欢你的人庆幸是我为你听一起的甜蜜远 唔~湖面的上繁星 闪烁到天明倒影出甜蜜的身影完美的场景 彼此的约定月光是纯洁的证明刀 你化作一片繁星 手里的水晶紧握着温暖而透明天空是幸福的布景相偎相依 是你我的爱情合 唔~湖面的上繁星 闪烁到天明倒影出甜蜜的身影完美的场景 彼此的约定月光是纯洁的证明你化作一片繁星 手里的水晶紧握着温暖而透明天空是幸福的布景相偎相依 是你我的爱情唔~湖面的上繁星 闪烁到天明倒影出甜蜜的身影完美的场景 彼此的约定 月光是纯洁的证明你化作一片繁星 手里的水晶紧握着温暖而透明天空是幸福的布景相偎相依 是你我的爱情至上励合 - Party Time专辑:齐天大盛茂:Yeah yeah yeahHello pretty girlIt"s party time nowHere we go!刘:空气中 弥漫静电古龙水 跟着脉搏跳动 hey 来去无踪马:Party time随着夜色起风 that"s cool人群随着摇曳灯影闪动远:Oh baby I see you性感的高跟鞋 钻石般炫千里之外我也可以看见五:So tell me let"s get down我想要靠近点 再靠近点放慢呼吸可以放电刘:night night night night...Oh party 全场我最特别风靡像天王MJnight night night night...太危险 快乐需要直觉所有妥协 丢到一边刘:空气中 弥漫静电古龙水 跟着脉搏跳动 hey 来去无踪马:Party time随着夜色起风 that"s cool人群随着摇曳灯影闪动远:Oh baby I see you性感的高跟鞋 钻石般炫千里之外我也可以看见五:So tell me let"s get down我想要靠近点 再靠近点放慢呼吸可以放电刘:night night night night...Oh party 全场我最特别风靡像天王MJnight night night night...太危险 快乐需要直觉所有妥协 丢到一边茂:Yeye I am Caesarlistenshow me you 最自信的possYES 音乐像一只空气中流动的箭噢没错 你最特别刹那间 射向全场唯一闪亮焦点心跳加速在你的指尖其他女生在我眼中只是陈列don"t stop 燃烧我的热烈哦 baby 拥有你就好像拥有整个世界刘:night night night night...Oh party 全场我最特别风靡像天王MJnight night night night...太危险 快乐需要直觉所有妥协 丢到一边

守护甜心party time歌词的罗马读音!


守护甜心扑哧扑哧的《Party Time (派对时间)》这首歌的歌词

中文谐音:巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚You may be sweet girl巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚与美米大意巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚You may be sweet girl巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚与美米得路啊大啦系意过多哈吉马路多ki(拼音中没有这个音…)哇思过苦挖苦挖苦系得得莫那恩得莫那一哟我那噶哦我系得一级一把力 亚啊把力思那哦你那累大啦一一恩大给多那啊得以粗莫哦莫舞哟母组噶系一给多内就哦多组粗噶恩吧得米路Party time 哈吉马路哟大类莫西拉那一级部恩你那路一马大给挖死背得哇思类得一咯恩那娃大系撒噶系得米大意诺Party time 哈吉美哟我大类莫西拉那一级部恩噶一路一马大给挖死过细过诺玛玛一咯恩那娃大系米醋给得米大意诺巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚罗马音:Pa pa ya pa pa pa piaPa pa ya pa pa pa piaPa pa ya pa pa pa piaYou may be sweet girlPa pa ya pa pa pa piaYu me mi ta iPa pa ya pa pa pa piaYou may be sweet girPa pa ya pa pa pa piaYu me mi te ruA ta ra shi i ko to ha ji ma ru to ki waSu go ku wa ku wa ku shi te te moNa n de mo na i yo wo na ka o wo shi teI ji i ba li ya a ba liSu na o ni na re ta raI i n da ke do na a te i tsu mo o mo u yoMu zu ka shi i ke do neCho o to zu tsu ga n ba a te mi ruParty time ha ji ma ru yoDa re mo shi ra na i ji bu n ni na ruI ma da ke wa su be te wa su re teI ro n na wa ta shi sa ga shi te mi ta i noParty time ha ji me yo woDa re mo shi ra na i ji bu n ga i ruI ma da ke wa su ko shi ko no ma maI ro n na wa ta shi mi tsu ke te mi ta i noPa pa ya pa pa pa pia


少女时代 Party【Tiffany】Hey girls,do you know what time it is?It must be party timeHere we go!【小贤】在这里是Summer现在打开Radio随之流淌的 Favorite song【允儿】(Hey, turn it up)【Sunny】热辣的节奏就此随着Drive璀璨耀眼的夏季中 Oh Oh【yuri】跟随那穿过窗户而来的风【孝渊】现在Yeah YeahYeah Yeah YeahSinging Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah【秀英】提高音量Louder and Louder【Tiffany】随着海浪声音奔跑Here we go【泰妍】We can"t stop stop stop这里是 Party time!就这样继续 Party time!【孝渊】(It"s a party)【允儿】We gon rock rock rock如此酥麻地我 (Tonight)【集体】P A R T Y, P A R T Y柠檬烧酒,我要龙舌兰你要莫吉托走吧 济州岛,加州,还有罗马怀抱雪白珍珠的大海帅气的波涛 Finito!P A R T Y, P A R T Y【泰妍】We love summer那些忙碌奔跑的昨日都忘却吧【小贤】(Hey, turn it up)那蓝天真是如此完美沾染充满水面之上 Oh Oh【秀英】在这璀璨夏日消逝之前【允儿】一起 Yeah YeahYeah Yeah YeahSinging Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah【孝渊】我那飘然起舞的心Higher and Higher【Tiffany】那就赶紧 来一杯A shot, here we go!【Sunny】We can"t stop stop stop这里是 Party time!就这样继续 Party time!【允儿】(It"s a party)【小贤】We gon rock rock rock如此酥麻地 我 (Tonight)【集体】P A R T Y, P A R T Y柠檬烧酒,我要龙舌兰你要莫吉托走吧 济州岛,加州,还有罗马怀抱雪白珍珠的大海帅气的波涛 Finito!P A R T Y, P A R T Y【小贤】召唤我们的 Sunrise就算到来也无法停止【泰妍】持续进行的Party timeGo on and on and on一整宿!【Tiffany】We can"t stop stop stop这里是 Party time!就这样继续 Party time!【秀英】(It"s a party)【Sunny】We gon rock rock rock如此酥麻地 我 (Tonight)【集体】P A R T Y, P A R T Y柠檬烧酒,我要龙舌兰你要莫吉托走吧 济州岛,加州,还有罗马怀抱雪白珍珠的大海帅气的波涛 Finito!P A R T Y, P A R T YParty time

守护甜心party time歌词

pa pa ya pa pa pa piayou may be sweet girlpa pa ya pa pa pa pia如梦一般pa pa ya pa pa pa piayou may be sweet girlpa pa ya pa pa pa pia如在梦中每当尝试新的事情我都会心跳不已装出一副不以为然的表情逞强呢吧,果然阿我总是在想如果能变的坦率就好了虽然这很难但是我会一点一点努力Party time 开始啦展现出自己不为人知的一面就在此时 忘掉一切去发现多姿多彩的自我Party time 开始吧我心中有着不为人知的一面就在此时让我稍稍保持这个样子我想去发现多姿多彩的自我pa pa ya pa pa pa pia最重要的事物是什么?圆圆的 白白的软绵绵的就算没有察觉到在每个人的心中都有一个信任这种心情在背后推着我们前进一定是这样的无论守护蛋还是坏蛋无论守护甜心还是坏甜心都是很重要的所以 open heart 吧别担心 就算感到迷茫你不是孤身一个人我们一直都在你身边每当我想起这件事总会感到心中充满活力open heart 吧你看到了吧 大家的蛋在欢笑 在蹦跳从今往后 直到永远它们都陪在你身边 中文译音歌词:party time巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚You may be sweet girl巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚与美米大意巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚You may be sweet girl巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚与美米得路啊大啦系意过多哈吉马路多ki哇思过苦挖苦挖苦系得得莫那恩得莫那一哟我那噶哦我系得一级一把力 亚啊把力思那哦你那累大啦一一恩大给多那啊得以粗莫哦莫舞哟母组噶系一给多内就哦多组粗噶恩吧得米路Party time 哈吉马路哟大类莫西拉那一级部恩你那路一马大给挖死背得哇思类得一咯恩那娃大系撒噶系得米大意诺Party time 哈吉美哟我大类莫西拉那一级部恩噶一路一马大给挖死过细过诺玛玛一咯恩那娃大系米醋给得米大意诺巴巴亚巴巴巴比亚

Party Times 歌词

歌曲名:Party Times歌手:Little Beaver专辑:The Very Best Of Little Beaver「Party time!」作词∶twenty4-7作曲∶TAZZ/MIKA歌∶twenty4-7It"s Party time! It"s Party time!It"s Party time! It"s Party time!You need to blow off some steam叫んでみたって OK 楽か苦 结局合计no way 决め付けず要点见つけて游びな そう getある人は右 ある人左 今日は Back Wild で go思う存分はしゃいで走行君にとっての楽园何処?glass 片手にそれぞれの事を话して (Oh…)くだらない事で笑い合っててもいいよね? (Oh…)こうして息抜く事 それが great!仲间集めて君と all night longI need to get that off my chest昔みたいに ねぇ 何も気にせずにDo you feel all right? all rightハメ外して今だけは騒ぎなparty people! Yes Here we go!It"s Party time!それぞれの宝探しに出かけようぜIt"s Party time!そんな自由な时间を描け Oh YeahIt"s Party time!吹き飞ばしリセット my way 手がけ all dayIt"s Party time!You need to blow off some steam君は outside or inside?好きな方へ足运びなさい谁もがしてる everyday失败 私なら 今行くならそれはもち千鸟足でしょう考える间もなくアリでしょう结果はいつでも High & Low时にはゲームでハイテンションここでは肩の力抜いてBut things do happen you knowそんな毎日は 今だけ忘れてspend oneself on a joyハメ外して今だけは騒ぎなparty people! Yes Here we go!It"s Party time!それぞれの宝探しに出かけようぜIt"s Party time!そんな自由な时间を描け Oh YeahIt"s Party time!吹き飞ばしリセット my way 手がけ all dayIt"s Party time!You need to blow off some steam1,stop 2,step 3,stand up 4,start咲かない日々たくさん don"t stop集中しすぎに注意だ放り出す事も大切さ その通り泣く悲しい涙は胸にしまって嬉しい涙は既に决まっているはずさ今手を取り合ってLet"s start Don"t stop この Party time!It"s Party time!それぞれの宝探しに出かけようぜIt"s Party time!そんな自由な时间を描け Oh YeahIt"s Party time!吹き飞ばしリセット my way 手がけ all dayIt"s Party time!You need to blow off some steam【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2754544

李玟的《Party Time》 歌词

Party Time作词:周莹 作曲:周莹演唱:李玟Baby Girl 穿上漂亮衣裳今天星期八 期待开心一场Baby Girl 不爱淑女靓妆最In的时尚 来我Twitter逛逛角落 That Boy 是不是 你喜欢的模样说着一口英伦腔中央 舞池的中央Long Hair 金黄色的头发是不是你姐妹来捧场It"s The Party Time赶快忘记你了不起的忧伤It"s The Party Time喜欢就来听听我的歌唱Let Me Rock Your Time心情好似发狂的惊涛骇浪Let Me Rock Your Time这里是你最美的天堂谁都别想 让魔鬼来砸场Baby Girl 穿上漂亮衣裳今天星期八 期待开心一场Baby Girl 不爱淑女靓妆最In的时尚 来我Twitter逛逛角落 That Boy 是不是 你喜欢的模样说着一口英伦腔中央 舞池的中央Long Hair 金黄色的头发是不是你姐妹来捧场It"s The Party Time赶快忘记你了不起的忧伤It"s The Party Time喜欢就来听听我的歌唱Let Me Rock Your Time心情好似发狂的惊涛骇浪Let Me Rock Your Time这里是你最美的天堂谁都别想 让魔鬼来砸场角落 That Boy 是不是 你喜欢的模样说着一口英伦腔中央 舞池的中央Long Hair 金黄色的头发是不是你姐妹来捧场It"s The Party Time赶快忘记你了不起的忧伤It"s The Party Time喜欢就来听听我的歌唱Let Me Rock Your Time心情好似发狂的惊涛骇浪Let Me Rock Your Time这里是你最美的天堂It"s The Party Time赶快忘记你了不起的忧伤It"s The Party Time喜欢就来听听我的歌唱Let Me Rock Your Time心情好似发狂的惊涛骇浪Let Me Rock Your Time这里是你最美的天堂Come on Baby Let"s Rock Your Timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/53013235

至上励合的《Party Time》 歌词

Party Time演唱:至上励合Yeah yeah yeahHello pretty girlIt"s party time nowHere we go空气中 弥漫静电古龙水 跟着脉搏跳动 hey 来去无踪Party time随着夜色起风 that"s cool人群随着摇曳灯影闪动Oh baby I see you性感的高跟鞋 钻石般炫千里之外我也可以看见So tell me let"s get down我想要靠近点 再靠近点放慢呼吸可以放电night night night night...Oh party 全场我最特别风靡像天王MJnight night night night...太危险 快乐需要直觉所有妥协 丢到一边空气中 弥漫静电古龙水 跟着脉搏跳动 hey 来去无踪Party time随着夜色起风 that"s cool人群随着摇曳灯影闪动Oh baby I see you性感的高跟鞋 钻石般炫千里之外我也可以看见So tell me let"s get down我想要靠近点 再靠近点放慢呼吸可以放电night night night night...Oh party 全场我最特别风靡像天王MJnight night night night...太危险 快乐需要直觉所有妥协 丢到一边Yeye I am Caesarlistenshow me you 最自信的possYES 音乐像一只空气中流动的箭噢没错 你最特别刹那间 射向全场唯一闪亮焦点心跳加速在你的指尖其他女生在我眼中只是陈列don"t stop 燃烧我的热烈哦 baby 拥有你就好像拥有整个世界night night night night...Oh party 全场我最特别风靡像天王MJnight night night night...太危险 快乐需要直觉所有妥协 丢到一边http://music.baidu.com/song/701735



有一首dj ,女生唱的 其中有一句歌词是 嗨dj 嗨dj ~~~ 是什么歌阿。


守护甜心主题曲歌词 罗马音&中文


Super Junior -Sexy , free & Single 韩文歌词 华语歌词 罗马歌词~

韩文歌词 Every single day I try We get closer to a good time Say goodbye. Sexy, Free & Single . Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo ! , . , , . Wake up . Upgrade - Have a good time Party time Have a good time ? - Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo Bingo , We fail, We lose, To win , . Yeah! Time for romance. . Upgrade , . . Sexy, Sexy, Sexy Too hot- . Sexy, Sexy, Sexy Have fun 3. 2. 1 Go! Have a good time Party time Have a good time ? - Sexy, Free & Single Sexy, Free & Single Bingo . Let"s go! Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo Have a good time Party time Have a good time ? - Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo 中文歌词 Every single day I try 真的即将成功 We get closer to a good time对着历练Say goodbye. Sexy, Free & Single 现在准备就绪. Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo HEY!谁都能轻易到手的不就没意思了吗 要更高,更强 啦啦啦啦啦啦 从高处看,坚持下来的人要想醒悟还得忍受,忍受 啦啦啦啦啦啦 我的人啊,人啊 相信我吧 我终于Wake up到水面上 漫长历练之后更加深沉,更加像我.现在要Upgrade想着下个阶段出发 oh~ 喘着粗气奔跑 帅气的结束的你 Have agood time 今天就来 Party time 感受一下让心脏震荡的胜利滋味 现在开始Have agood time 谁能拦住你呢?oh Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo 果然要与不利的概率对决不要害怕 果然不看最终不利的概率也Bingo 不要因为沉重,因为害怕就此放弃 现在开始真的是我我我我我我 不过是谁都会经历过一次的 We fail,We lose, To win 不要害怕 我的人啊,人啊 我已变得更加坚强. Yeah!终于我们 Time forromance. 向着更潇洒的梦想再次飞翔. 再次 Upgrade 看着吧,交给我吧. 我会渐渐变得胆大吧.Sexy,Sexy,Sexy 应对这个疲倦世界Too hot~ 只有有所准备的人才懂吧. Sexy,Sexy, Sexy 就像这无止境的变数一样Have fun3. 2. 1 Go! 喘着粗气奔跑 帅气的结束的你 Have agood time 今天就来 Party time 感受一下让心脏震荡的胜利滋味 现在开始Have agood time 谁能拦住你呢?oh~ Sexy, Free & Single 我是个不错的男人 Sexy, Free & Single 你是个了不起的男人 果然要与不利的概率对决不要害怕 果然不看最终不利的概率也Bingo 在世界的尽头调整呼吸 珍藏守护我的人对我宝贵的信任期待一下也不错. Let"s go! Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo 喘着粗气奔跑 帅气的结束的你 Have agood time 今天就来 Party time 感受一下让心脏震荡的胜利滋味 现在开始Have agood time 谁能拦住你呢?oh~ Sexy, Free & Single I"m ready too, Bingo 罗马拼音 Every single day I try Jeong"mal geo"eui da wass"eo We get closer to a good time Si"ryeon"deul"e Say goodbye Sexy, Free &Single I"je jun"bi"neun wan"ryo Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo Hey! Nu"gu"na swib"sa"ri gaj"neun geon jae"mi"eobs"janh"a jom deo nob"ge, se"ge lalalalalalala wi"e"seo bwa. Gyeon"dyeo"naen ja"ga kkae"dat"ge dwe"neun geos jom deo beo"tyeo, beo"tyeo lalalalalalala nae sa"ram"a, sa"ram"a nal deo mid"eo"jweo. Nan deu"di"eo Wake up su"myeon"wi"ro gin si"ryeon"e deo gip"eo"jyeo na"da"weo"jyeo. I"jen Upgrate da"eum dan"gye"ro na"ga o- Sum"i cha"ge dal"ryeo"wa meos"ji"ge kkeut"naen geu"dae Have a good time O"neul"man"keum Party time ga"seum"i yo"dong"chi"neun seng"ri"reul mas bwa i"je"neun Have a good time Nu"ga geu"dael mak"gess"na? oh~ Sexy, Free&Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free&Single I"m ready too, Bingo yeok"si bul"ri"han hwak"ryul"e maj"seo geob"nae"ji mal"go" yeok"si bul"ri"han hwak"ryul"eun kkeut"do an bwa"do Bingo mu"geob"da"go, mu"seob"da"go po"gi"ha"ji"neun ma i"je"bu"teo"ga jin"jja" nananananana nu"gu"na han"beon"jjeum da gyeokk"eo bo"neun geos"ppun We fail, We lose, To win du"ryeo"weo"ha"ji mal"a" nae sa"ram"a, sa"ram"a nan deo dang"hae"jyeoss"eo" Yeah! Deu"di"eo u"ri Time for romance deo meos"jin kkum"eul hyang"hae tto nal"a"ga"gess"eo. Da"si Upgrate ji"kyeo"bwa, mat"gyeo"bwa" nan jeom"jeom dae"dam"hae ji"neun"geol. Sexy,Sexy,Sexy i geo"chin se"sang"eul ma"ju han chae Too hot jun"bi"dwen ja"man a"neun"geol. Sexy,Sexy,Sexy yeo"gin kkeut"do eobs"neun byeon"su"man"keum Have fun 3. 2. 1 Go! Sum"i cha"ge dal"ryeo"wa meos"ji"ge kkeut"naen geu"dae Have a good time O"neul"man"keum Party time ga"seum"i yo"dong"chi"neun seng"ri"reul mas bwa i"je"neun Have a good time Nu"ga geu"dael mak"gess"na? oh~ Sexy, Free&Single neon jom dae"dan"han nam"ja " Sexy, Free&Single neon jom dae"dan"han nam"ja" yeok"si bul"ri"han hawk"ryul"e maj"seo geob"nae"ji mal"go" yeok"si bul"ri"han hwak"ryul"eun kkeut"do an bwa"do Bingo I se"sang kkeut"e"eo tto han beon sum"eul dol"ri"go nal ji"kyeo"jun sa"ram so"jung"han mid"eum"eul gan"jik"hae gi"dae"hae"do joh"a. Let" s go! Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo *sum"i cha"ge dal"ryeo"wa meos"ji"ge kkeut"naen geu"dae Have a good time O"neul"man"keum Party time ga"seum"i yo"dong"chi"neun seng"ri"reul mas bwa i"je"neun Have a good time Nu"ga geu"dael mak"gess"na? oh~ Sexy, Free &Single I"m ready too, Bingo

谁有 歌舞青春第二部开头的 summer 的歌词,最好是中英文都有的,英文也可以,谢谢呢~有急用。谢谢。

What time is it? Summertime! Its our vacation What time is it? Party time! Thats right,say it loud What time is it? The time of our lives! Anticipation What time is it? Summertime! Schools out,scream and shout! Finally summers here Good to be chiilinout Im off the clock,The pressures out Now my girls what its all about Gabriella:Ready for some sunshine For my heart to take a chance Im here to stay,Not movinaway Ready for a summer romance Everybody ready,going crazy,yeah were out Come on and let me hear you say it now,right now What time is it? Summertime! Its our vacation What time is it? Party time! Thats right,say it loud What time is it? The time of our lives! Anticipation What time is it? Summertime! Schools out,scream and shout! Weve got no rules No summer school Im free to shop till I drop Its an education vacation And the party never has to stop Weve got things to do Ill see you soon And were really gonna miss you all Ill see you and you And you and you Bye bye until next fall Everybody ready going crazy yeah were out Come on and let me here you say it now right now What time is it? Summertime! Its our vacation What time is it? Party time! Thats right,say it loud What time is it? The time of our lives! Anticipation What time is it? Summertime! Schools out, scream and shout! No more wakinup at 6 am Cause now our time is all our own Enough already,were waiting Out of control!!! All right Everybody Yeah Come on School pride lets show it The champions we know it Wildcats,Are the best Red white and gold! When its time to win we do it Were number one we proved it Lets live it up,Party down! Thats what the summers all about What time is it? Summertime is finally here Lets celebrate We wanna hear you loud and clear now Schools out We can sleep as late as we want to Its party time Now we can do whatever we wanna do What time is it ? Its summertime! Were lovin it! Come on and say again now! what time is it? Its party time! Lets go and have! The time of our lives! end....现在是什么时候? 到暑假啦 这是我们的假期 现在是什么时候??? 开party的时候 没错 大声的叫吧 现在是什么时候??? 我们生命中的时光 对未来的期望 现在是什么时候??? 到暑假啦 学校放假啦 惊声尖叫吧 夏天终于来了 能放松真好 我摆脱了时间的束缚 压力都消除了 现在我的女朋友是我的全部 准备好好迎接阳光 为了使自己碰碰运气 我就在这 那也不去 准备好迎接夏日的浪漫 每个人都去疯玩吧 我们自由了 快点让我听你们说 现在 就是现在 现在是什么时候? 到暑假啦 这是我们的假期 现在是什么时候??? 开party的时候 没错 大声的叫吧 现在是什么时候??? 我们生命中的时光 对未来的期望 现在是什么时候??? 到暑假啦 学校放假啦 惊声尖叫吧 没有了规定 没有暑期补习 我可以去购物直到晕倒 这是教育的假期 永远也不会停止 我们很快就会再见面 我们将会很想你们的 对你和你还有你和你说再见 秋天再见 每个人都准备去疯狂 是的我们来了 现在是什么时候? 到暑假啦 这是我们的假期 现在是什么时候??? 开party的时候 没错 大声的叫吧 现在是什么时候??? 我们生命中的时光 对未来的期望 现在是什么时候??? 到暑假啦 学校放假啦 惊声尖叫吧 不用6点钟就起床 因为现在有我们自己支配时间 漫长的等待已经足够了 赶快 我们去疯咯 让我们展示学校的骄傲 我们证实了我们是冠军 是最好的 红色 白色 金色(wildcats的队标的颜色) 该胜利的时候我们做到了 我们证明了我们是第一 让我们尽情狂欢 这就是暑假的价值 夏天终于来了 能放松真好 让我们庆祝 我们想听到你洪亮的清晰的声音 放假啦 我们可以想睡到多晚就睡到多晚 开party的时候 我们可以想做什么就做什么 现在是什么时候? 到暑假啦 我们爱他 来吧,让我们现在说ok 现在是什么时候??? 开party的时候 让我们现在去举办他 这就是我们的生活

歌舞青春2what time is it的中英文歌词

what time is itcome on...what time is it? summer timeit"s our vacation what time is it? party timethat"s right, say it loud!what time is it? time of our livesanticipationwhat time is it? summer timeschool"s out! scream and shout!finally summer"s heregood to be chilling" outi"m off the flock the pressure"s outnow my girl is what it"s all aboutready for some sunshinefor my heart to take a chancei"m here to stay and i"m moving" no wayready for a summer romanceeverybody is ready goin" crazy and we"re outc"mon and let me hear you say it now right nowwhat time is it? summer timeit"s our vacationwhat time is it? party timethat"s right, say it loud!what time is it? time of our livesanticipationwhat time is it? summer timeschool"s out! scream and shout!goodbye to rules, no summer schooli"m free to shop till i dropso education vacationand the party never has to stopwe"ve got things to do, we"ll see you soonand we"re really gonna miss you allgoodbye to you and you and you and youbah bye till next fall (bah bye)everybody is ready goin" crazy and we"re outc"mon and let me hear you say it now right nowwhat time is it? summer timeit"s our vacationwhat time is it? party timethat"s right, say it loud!what time is it? time of our livesanticipationwhat time is it? summer timeschool"s out! scream and shout!no more waking up at 6 a.m.cause now the time is all our ownenough already, we"re waiting come on let"s goout of controlalrighteverybodyby:tracy(~.~)!!!etc"monschool"s pride, let"s show itwe"re champions and we know itwildcats, are the bestred white and goldwhen it"s time to win we do itwe"re number one, we proved itlet"s live it up, party downthat"s what the summer"s all aboutwhat time is it? summer time is finally herelet"s celebrate wanna hear you loud and clear nowschool"s out we can stay as late as we want toit"s party time now we can do whatever we wanna dowhat time is it? it"s summer timewe loving it c"mon and say again nowwhat time is it? it"s party timego say it loud time of our livesyeah!

Welcome To My Town 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To My Town歌手:Zarahn专辑:怪诞城之夜Welcome to our party作:Soluna, Shun, 井翔作曲:Stephan Elfgren, Conor Edwards, Junior Jokinenslip into the party に合えば(Hey!)灯りともり 肩に影が(Hey!)波が(Hey!) 始まれば(Hey!)はにかみ ほら あなたに会えた(Hey!)to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんなの声に 分は上身体ごとらすEmotionそのリミッタ外したらHigh!めくるめくロラコスタGood time! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time)わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohHi(Hi) five (five)の人とハイタッチこれかららぎ出しわりなき 会の合to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんながいれば 果は相 声を合わせればもっと空に届きそうなくらい 感じてるWe are freeだ!Good day! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうれた所だって(You&Me) 同じ想いさ手を伸ばせばいつも(All the time) がってLet"s go party, party, party, partyめぐリ会った Party time奇はもう起きてるはずだろう?Hands up higher, higher, higher, higherよりも Touch the sky最高の瞬があるだろう?Say yeah oh! 上を向いてSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happyここに立っているんだよ幸せにするための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohYeah oh! Say yeah oh!...ここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time) わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14544152

一首日韩歌曲 歌词有一句偶吧欧尼here we go(这一句是说唱是) 女生唱的


歌词里有we are to party的歌是

歌曲名:WE - Party歌手:WeWelcome to our party作:Soluna, Shun, 井翔作曲:Stephan Elfgren, Conor Edwards, Junior Jokinenslip into the party に合えば(Hey!)灯りともり 肩に影が(Hey!)波が(Hey!) 始まれば(Hey!)はにかみ ほら あなたに会えた(Hey!)to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんなの声に 分は上身体ごとらすEmotionそのリミッタ外したらHigh!めくるめくロラコスタGood time! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time)わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohHi(Hi) five (five)の人とハイタッチこれかららぎ出しわりなき 会の合to shine 届きそうな このskyにtouchyou are ready なら put your hands up! hey!(yeah yeah yeah yeah)みんながいれば 果は相 声を合わせればもっと空に届きそうなくらい 感じてるWe are freeだ!Good day! 二度とない瞬を逃すなEverybody 一前 け出して行こうれた所だって(You&Me) 同じ想いさ手を伸ばせばいつも(All the time) がってLet"s go party, party, party, partyめぐリ会った Party time奇はもう起きてるはずだろう?Hands up higher, higher, higher, higherよりも Touch the sky最高の瞬があるだろう?Say yeah oh! 上を向いてSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happyここに立っているんだよ幸せにするための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-ohYeah oh! Say yeah oh!...ここでまた会えたね(You&Me)同じ笑にえたいことだけは(All the time) わらないLet"s go party, party, party, party始めようか? Party timeはもうできてるはずだろう?Keep on going, going, going, going大きな声出せ Make some noise!ここから始まる新たなストリ生まれるSay yeah oh! 声の限りSay yeah oh! ひとつになろうMake you happy, happy, happy, happy君を待っていたんだよ幸せになるための It"s a party timeIt"s a party time Wo-oh-oh

守护甜心 party time 歌词

生(い)きてる限(かぎ)り石(いし)コロだらけでも 大(おお)きな声(こえ)でがんばれ!がんばれ!(がんばれ!) 止(と)まることないウチらのジンセー だから终(お)わらない歌(うた)を歌(うた)おう 我(わ)が道(みち)を突(つ)きすすめ デタラメなキャラでもいい ロクデナシでも爱(あい)してるんだマイダーリン バカヤロ!ホントのじぶん 言(い)いたいこと言(い)ってやれ はみだしてくんだよ近(ちか)づいてくんだよ梦(ゆめ)に コノヤロ!ホントのじぶん 出(で)て来いよ雔れてないで oh yeah 今(いま)すぐ 弱気(よわき)なオレがいやな日(ひ)もあるけど それで他人(アイツ)の気持(きも)ちがわかるんだ(わかる) かっこつけるオレ引(ひ)いちゃうけれど だから负(ま)けずにまた顽张(がんば)れるんだ 土砂降(どしゃぶ)りも晴(は)れもある ちっちゃなコト気にすんな でっかい明日(あした)のためにキスしてあげたい バカヤロ!ホントのじぶん やりたいことやってやれ 飞(と)びだしてくんだよ飞(と)びこえてくんだよ梦(ゆめ)に コノヤロ!ホントのじぶん 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)さこわがらないで oh yeah 今(いま)すぐ 何(なん)にも无(な)い场所(ばしょ)から何(なに)かが始(はじ)まる 抱(だ)きしめたいんだろ駆(か)けだしたいんだろ梦(ゆめ)へ バカヤロ!ホントのじぶん 言(い)いたいこといってやれ はみだしてくんだよ近(ちか)づいてくんだよ梦(ゆめ)に コノヤロ!ホントのじぶん 出(で)て来いよ雔れてないで oh yeah 今(いま)すぐ

谁知道哪首英文歌里面有歌词是so he is sorry,sorry is he 的

SHE --Groove Coverage

The Downbeats的《Party Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Party Time歌手:The Downbeats专辑:The Motown Anthology今日もあと少し Survive a day待ちきれなくて We count down笑おう楽しもう イヤな事を忘れようぜミンナいるかい!?Party Time Party Time 騒ごうTo-NightこれからがFun Time 始まるShow夜明けまでは 叫ぼうTo-Nightみんなの笑颜 见れてso happyParty To-Night Oh Yeah !!今周も最终日 Survive a week集まった友达 Let"s Chill Out飞んどこう跳ねとこう 明日の事を気にしないぜGonna be alright ! Are we ready !?Party Time Party Time 游ぼうTo-Nightこれからもずっとヨロシクって夜明けまでは 叫ぼうTo-Nightみんながいてさ ホント良かったThank you my friends Oh Yeah !!Non stop そのまま皆一晩中今というAventure Play中いつもの连中轮にOne Two乱入OK巻き込むNEWS手をひろげて 夜の风 受けとめたら もっと騒げParty Time Party Time Party Time Party TimeParty High Party High Party High Party HighParty Time Party Time 騒ごうTo-NightこれからがFun Time 始まるShow夜明けまでは 叫ぼうTo-Nightみんなの笑颜 见れてso happy见れてso happyParty Time Party Time Party Time Party TimeParty High Party High Party High Party High Party Timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10055161

F.L.Y. (Fast Life Yungstaz)的《Party Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Party Time歌手:F.L.Y. (Fast Life Yungstaz)专辑:Jamboree今日もあと少し Survive a day待ちきれなくて We count down笑おう楽しもう イヤな事を忘れようぜミンナいるかい!?Party Time Party Time 騒ごうTo-NightこれからがFun Time 始まるShow夜明けまでは 叫ぼうTo-Nightみんなの笑颜 见れてso happyParty To-Night Oh Yeah !!今周も最终日 Survive a week集まった友达 Let"s Chill Out飞んどこう跳ねとこう 明日の事を気にしないぜGonna be alright ! Are we ready !?Party Time Party Time 游ぼうTo-Nightこれからもずっとヨロシクって夜明けまでは 叫ぼうTo-Nightみんながいてさ ホント良かったThank you my friends Oh Yeah !!Non stop そのまま皆一晩中今というAventure Play中いつもの连中轮にOne Two乱入OK巻き込むNEWS手をひろげて 夜の风 受けとめたら もっと騒げParty Time Party Time Party Time Party TimeParty High Party High Party High Party HighParty Time Party Time 騒ごうTo-NightこれからがFun Time 始まるShow夜明けまでは 叫ぼうTo-Nightみんなの笑颜 见れてso happy见れてso happyParty Time Party Time Party Time Party TimeParty High Party High Party High Party High Party Timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7653189

红辣椒乐队歌词 i will be there 哪首歌?

Don"t Forget Me I"m an ocean in your bedroomMake you feel warmMake you wanna re-assumeNow, we know it all for sureI"m a dance hallDirty break beatMake the snow fallUp from underneath your feetNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goI"m a meth lab, first rehabTake it all offAnd step inside the running cabThere"s a love that knows the wayI"m the rainbowIn your jail cellAll the memories ofEverything you"ve ever smelledNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you want to goOohSideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Come again, get me excited)I"m an inbred and a potheadTwo legs that you spreadInside the tool shedNow, we know it all for sureI could show youTo the free fieldOvercome and moreWill always be revealedNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goOohSideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Come again, get me excited, ooh)Sideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Never met now, let me light it)I"m the bloodstainOn your shirt sleeveComing down and more are coming to believeNow, we know it all for sureMake the hair standUp on your armTeach you how to danceInside the funny farmNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goI"ll be there butTell me when you wanna goCome again andTell me when you wanna goMore will be revealed my friend

Crystal Clear 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Clear歌手:Marc Copely专辑:Limited Lifetime GuaranteeCrystal ClearJaci VelasquezWhen I"m a sparrow in winterYou are the seed I findWhen I"m a heart with a splinterYour whole blood, keeps me aliveIf I could call you a colorYou"d be the deepest of bluesIf I had my pleasure of anythingYou"d be the one that I"d chooseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouNow that I can see the mysteries revealedNow I"m coming cleanI can feel my fears releaseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouI"m soft like clayYour hands they mold meFor You, I would run awayJust to hear You calling out my nameNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouNow that I can see the mysteries revealedNow I"m coming cleanI can feel my fears releaseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouI"m broken and emptyWithout You, I"m blindedI need You,I need You near me, I need You near meOooh...I"m fallingNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouNow that I can see the mysteries revealedNow I"m coming cleanI can feel my fears releaseNow it"s crystal clear I"m falling for YouPlease catch me, I"m falling for youPlease catch me, I"m falling for youPlease catch me, I"m falling for youPlease catch me, I"m falling for...end~ a-ning loves alexhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8251367

Just Close Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Just Close Your Eyes歌手:Dean Martin专辑:Everybody Loves SomebodyJust Close Your Eyesif you close your eyes your life,a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyes.if you just close your eyesand all I was told I should see,Opinion"s not mine,the person they taught me to be,one night in the dark,a vision of someone I knew,and in the darkness I herd,a voice say I"m you.Inside me a light was turned on,and I was alive,if you close your eyes, your life will, a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Eyes in the sky,trapped inside somebody"s dream,too close to the fire,yet cold and so numb without me,the fever has broken, the river has run to the sea,washed in the ocean, and saved by a voice inside me.Inside me a light was turned on,and I was alive,if you close your eyes your life, a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness, light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Never thought I would be so here, so high in the air,this is my unanswered prayer,defined by another,so much wasted time,out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.If you close your eyes, your life, a naked truth revealed,dreams you never lived and scars never healed,in the darkness light will take you to the other side,and find me waiting there,you"ll see if you just close your eyesJust Close Your Eyes_Christianhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1757970

Shotgun Symphony 歌词

歌曲名:Shotgun Symphony歌手:Blind Stare专辑:Symphony of DelusionsShotgun SymphonyBlind StareSymphony of DelusionsBlind Stare--Shotgun Symphony--lndjove--......It all begins from this pointand it"s the point for all this to endEvery story has got an ending,but his is the oneThat keeps going without it......I"ve been haunted by the impossibleAnd blinded by my own eyesThis is the end of me!I pull the trigger to escape......I have followed the path and walked through the doorI have hated you so much, but now I knowIt would be pointless forevermoreCountless nights spent onjust pacing under the streetlightsThis is the part of the playwhere the hero is sentenced to death......This is called my realityand it is just my dreamThe hate so pure is the life of meand it is what I amEvery step towards you takes metowards to my endThe truth is now revealedand I am standing at the edge......I"ve been haunted by the impossibleAnd blinded by my own eyesThis is the end of me!I pull the trigger to escapeWaking up every morning is like entering a dreamSadness is just the gate to my own realmWalking forward is no longer an optionI am no longer part of this world......This is called my realityand it is just my dreamThe hate so pure is the life of meand it is what I amEvery step towards you takes metowards to my endThe truth is now revealedand I am standing at the edgeThis is called my realityand it is just my dreamThe hate so pure is the life of meand it is what I amEvery step towards you takes metowards to my endThe truth is now revealedand I am standing at the edgehttp://music.baidu.com/song/24782611

This Kingdom 歌词

歌曲名:This Kingdom歌手:HeartCry Worship专辑:HeartCry Vol. 2: How Great Is Our GodJesus, God"s righteousness revealed,The Son of Man, the Son of God,His Kingdom come.Jesus, redemption"s sacrifice,Now glorified, now testifiedHis Kingdom come.And this Kingdom will know no end,And it"s glory shall know no bounds.For the majesty and powerOf this Kingdom"s King has come.And this Kingdom"s reign,And this Kingdom"s rule,And this Kingdom"s power and authorityJesus, God"s righteousness revealed.Jesus, the expression of God"s love,The Grace of God, the Word of God, revealed to us.Jesus, God"s holiness displayed,Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom come.And this Kingdom will know no end,And it"s glory shall know no bounds.For the majesty and powerOf this Kingdom"s King has come.And this Kingdom"s reign,And this Kingdom"s rule,And this Kingdom"s power and authorityJesus, God"s righteousness revealed.( Repeat Chorus)http://music.baidu.com/song/15363597


摔迷 你好!很高兴为你解答:克里斯坦出场音乐:歌名:《Just Close Your Eyes》 歌词:if you close your eyes, your life will, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyes.if you just close your eyes,if you just close your eyes!Deceived by my eyes, and all I was told I should see, Opinion"s not mine, the person they taught me to be, one night in the dark, a vision of someone I knew, and in the darkness I saw, a voice say I"m you.Inside me a light was turned on, and I was alive, if you close your eyes, your life will, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Eyes in the sky, trapped inside somebody"s dream, too close to the fire, yet cold and so numb without me, the fever has broken, the river has run to the sea, washed in the ocean, and saved by a voice inside me.Inside me a light was turned on, and I was alive, if you close your eyes, your life, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness, light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyes.Never thought I would be so here, so high in the air, this is my unanswered prayer, defined by another, so much wasted time, out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.If you close your eyes, your life, a naked truth revealed, dreams you never lived and scars never healed, in the darkness light will take you to the other side, and find me waiting there, you"ll see if you just close your eyesIf you just close your eyes 歌曲试听和下载: http://www.wwesm.com/music/10912/

郑敬基的《CINDY》 歌词

歌曲名:CINDY歌手:郑敬基专辑:香港最后探戈郑敬基 - Cindy曲词:郑敬基|编:陈泽忠Cindy Cindy I know You"re Pretty今天再遇似火般灼热真心的一刻 倾出心所有当中一个梦 直到以后自觉内心激动 亦觉情似是梦凝望你风中转退 依稀感觉柔柔温馨但愿今世今生 全然投入每次邂逅说句我愿意 高呼你名字 HACindy Cindy I know You"re Pretty今天再遇似火般灼热真心的一刻 盼倾出心所有 盼当中一个梦 直到以后夜半缠绕的梦 令我脉搏跳动随着你风中起舞 依稀感觉柔柔温馨Cindy Cindy I know You"re Pretty今天再遇似火般灼热真心的一刻 盼倾出心所有 盼当中一个梦 被你接受http://music.baidu.com/song/17464739

The Chieftains的《Cindy》 歌词

歌曲名:Cindy歌手:The Chieftains专辑:Down The Old Plank Road: The Nashville Sessions郑敬基 - Cindy曲词:郑敬基|编:陈泽忠Cindy Cindy I know You"re Pretty今天再遇似火般灼热真心的一刻 倾出心所有当中一个梦 直到以后自觉内心激动 亦觉情似是梦凝望你风中转退 依稀感觉柔柔温馨但愿今世今生 全然投入每次邂逅说句我愿意 高呼你名字 HACindy Cindy I know You"re Pretty今天再遇似火般灼热真心的一刻 盼倾出心所有 盼当中一个梦 直到以后夜半缠绕的梦 令我脉搏跳动随着你风中起舞 依稀感觉柔柔温馨Cindy Cindy I know You"re Pretty今天再遇似火般灼热真心的一刻 盼倾出心所有 盼当中一个梦 被你接受http://music.baidu.com/song/8905588

The Outlaws的《Prisoner》 歌词

歌曲名:Prisoner歌手:The Outlaws专辑:Lady In WaitingNeedtobreathe - PrisonerI"m down in a hole, babyYou"re lockin me upAnd this pain I feelWon"t set me free from youCause I"m a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, but then I locked up hardI am a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, and I was caught off guardI"m helpless, and I"m hurtingI"m affixed to your moves and you"re shakin me downYou got me locked upI"m in the doghouseYou had to chain me up cause I was fallin for youI"m a hopeless situationI"ve been cut to the bone and I"m coming for moreSo if you need me I"ll be waitingFor the girl that I love to be a coming aroundThis lockless cage you trapped me inHas brought me to my kneesCause I"m a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, but then I locked up hardI am a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, and I was caught off guardCause I"m a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, but then I locked up hardI am a prisoner of your heartCause I"m a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, but then I locked up hardCause I"m a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, but then I locked up hardCause I"m a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, but then I locked up hardI am a prisoner of your heartTakin" it slow, and I was caught off guardhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9139909
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