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求夏目友人帐第四季op ed的歌词 最好要有罗马音哦



映画「君の名は。」主题歌 前前前世 RADWIMPS作曲︰野田洋次郎作词︰野田洋次郎歌词やっと目を覚ましたかい…それなのになぜ目を合わせはしないんだ…い遅いよと怒る君これでもやれるだけ飞ばしてきたんだよ…心が体を追い越してきたんだよ君の髪や瞳だけで胸が痛いよ同じ时を吸い込んで离したくないよ遥か昔から知るその声に生まれて初めてなにを言えばいい君の前前前世から仆は君を探し始めたよそのぶきっちょな笑い方をめがけてやってきたんだよ君が全全全部なくなって散り散りになったってもう迷わないlから探し始めるさむしろ0からまた宇宙を始めてみようかどこから话すかな君が眠っていた间のストーリー何亿何光年分の物语を语りに来たんだよけどいざその姿この目に映すと君も知らぬ君とじやれて戯れたいよ君の切れる痛みまで爱してみたいよ银河何个分かの果てに出会えたその手を壊さずどう握ったらいい君の前前前世から仆は君を探し始めたよその騒がしい声と涙をめがけやってきたんだよそんな革命前夜の仆らを谁が止めるというんだろうもう迷わない君のハートに旗を立てるよ君が仆から谛め方を夺い取ったの前前前世から仆は君を探し始めたよそのぶきっちょな笑い方をめがけやってきたんだよ君が全全全部なくなって散り散りになっ

" 新垣結衣 - あいたい "中文歌词?

ひかり 歌:新垣结衣 作词:新垣结衣 作曲:葛谷叶子 かがみをのぞきこめだ いろのない私がいる kagamiwonozokikomeba irononaiwatashigairu 歩がんの谁だって 君にさえも 似せたことない hoganodaredatte kiminisaemo nisetakotonai 谁かがそばにいれば 笑颜のときすぎレジェ度 darekagasobaniireba egaonotokisugirekedo 一人になり急にあふれる 闭じた记忆 hitoninninarikyuuniafureru tojitakioku みにまとった白いべ--る minimatottashiroibe--ru いつの间にか重くなって itsunomanikaomokunatte 引きずりながら歩いて いたことにさえも筑かぬまま hikizurinagaraaruite itakotonisaemokizukanumama 疲れ果てた 足が崩れて tsukarehateta ashigakuzurete 非是をついて 闭まったから hizewotsuite shimattakara 私の 冷えたがなだに watashino hietaganadani しらばるはえんの 记事がまた一つ触れてく shirabaruhaenno kizugamatahitotsufueteku なんだか眠たくって 名のになぜか寝れなくて nandakanemutakutte nanoninazekanerenakute 窓を开けてみる 静かな风と消え行く暗 madowoaketemiru shizukanakazetokieyukuyami 时间が动き出して 急も谁かとであって jikangaugokidashite kyoumodarekatodeatte そのたびにまま 白な自分におびれてゆく sonotabinimata shiranaijibunniobieteyuku いくどとなく 暗い波が ikudotonaku kurainamiga 押しとせてわんお见込まれて oshitosetewanomikomarete それでも 见えない明日に期待してはまた 缲り返して soredemo mienaiashinikitaishitehamata kurikaeshide 疲れ果てた 腕がヒカリお tsukarehateta udegahikario 抱く力尾 失ったから dakuchikarao ushinattakara つずく道の足元 tsuzukumichinoashimoto 照らすこともなく 唯そこにうずくまってる terasukotomonaku tadasokoniuzukumatteru 歩いてきた道のすべてが aruitekitamichinosubetega 忘れたいことだけじゃない wasuretaikotodakejyanai 优しさやぬくもりに yasashisayanukumorini 出会えたことも 本当だから deaetakotomo hontoudakara 自分らしさ の意味わまだ jibunrashisa noimiwamada 探している 途中だけど sagashiteiru tochuudakedo もう迷いたくはない moumayoitakuhanai 自分のヒカリで いい歩ずつあるい ていきたい jibunnohikaride iibozutsuarui teikitai 中文翻译: 凝视着镜子 裏面有个无色的我 别说是别人了 连你也没见过这样的我 身旁若有个人 就能用笑脸度过 变成孤独一人 突然浮现 尘封已久的记忆 穿在身上的白纱 不知不觉变得沉重 就这样无意识地 拖着裙摆走着 疲倦的双脚终于不堪负荷 因为它支持了双膝 我冰冷的身体 又多了一处片散的伤 明明困了 却有为何无法入睡 打开窗户安静的风和逐渐远离的黑夜 时间转动 今天也会遇见一人 那时将又害怕面对未知的自己 黯淡的波朝 几度潮起潮落 就这样反复期待无法预知的明天 疲倦的双臂 因为失去了拥抱的力量 延伸的路上 没有光芒照耀 只能蹲坐在那裏 我不仅想忘记 所有走过的路 我的确也遇到 柔情和温暖 我还在寻找什麽才像自己 不想再迷失 我希望借着自己的光芒一步步向前迈进

求 东京病的罗马音和中文歌词

东京テディベア/东京Teddy bear作词:押入れP 作曲:押入れP 编曲:押入れP 呗:镜音リン 翻译:MIU父さん母さん 今までごめん/爸爸妈妈 至今为止麻烦了tousan kaasan imamade gomen 膝を震わせ 亲指しゃぶる/哆嗦著膝盖 咬著大拇指 hiza wo furuwase oyayubi shaburu 兄さん姉さん それじゃあまたね/哥哥姐姐 那麼再见吧 niisan neesan sorejaa matane 冴えない靴の 踵溃した/磨损的鞋子 擦破脚後跟 sae nai kutsu no kakato tsubushi ta 见え张ったサイズで 型纸を取る/夸张显眼的尺寸下剪著纸mie hatta saizu de katagami wo toru 何だっていいのさ 代わりになれば/那麼做成什麼样才好呢 nanda tteiinosa kawari ninareba 爱されたいと 口を零した/念著好想被爱aisa retaito kuchi wo koboshi ta もっと丈夫な ハサミで/用更结实的剪刀 motto joubu na hasami de 颜を切り取るのさ/剪下这张脸吧 kao wo kiritoru nosa 全智全能の言叶を ほら闻かせてよ/来让我听听全智全能的话语吧zenchi zennou no kotoba wo hora kika seteyo 脳みそ以外 もういらないと/头脑以外再无需要 nou miso igai mouiranaito why not, I don"t know 近未来创造 明日の伤创/近未来创造 明天的创伤 kinmirai souzou asu no shousou ただ揺らしてよ/就这样摇动吧tada yura shiteyo 缝い目の隙间を埋めておくれ/去埋入介面的缝隙间nui meno sukima wo ume teokure 皆さんさよなら 先生お元気で/大家再见了 老师保重啊minasan sayounara sensei o genki de 高なった胸に 涎(よだれ)が垂れる/高鸣的胸中 淌下著口水 takanatta mune ni yodare ga tare ru 正直者は何を见る? 正直者は马鹿を见る!/老实人看著什麼? 老实人看著笨蛋呢!shoujikimono wa naniwo miru ? shoujikimono wa baka wo miru ! 正直者は何を见る? 正直者は马鹿を见る!/老实人看著什麼? 老实人看著笨蛋呢!shoujikimono wa naniwo miru ? shoujikimono wa baka wo miru ! あー、これじゃまだ足りないよ/啊,这样还不够哦a ^ , korejamada tari naiyo もっと大きな ミシンで 心贯くのさ/用再大一点的缝纫机 贯穿心脏吧 motto ooki na mishin de kokoro tsuranuku nosa 全智全能の言叶を ほら闻かせてよ/来让我听听全智全能的话语吧zenchi zennou no kotoba wo hora kika seteyo 脳みそ以外 もういらないと/头脑以外再无需要 nou miso igai mouiranaito why not, I don"t know近未来创造 明日の伤创/近未来创造 明天的创伤 kinmirai souzou asu no shousou ただ揺らしてよ/就这样摇动吧tada yura shiteyo缝い目の隙间を埋めておくれ/去埋入介面的缝隙间nui meno sukima wo ume teokure もう何も无いよ 何も无いよ 引き剥がされて/已经一无所有啊 一无所有啊 被扯下来 mou nanimo nai yo nanimo nai yo biki haga sarete 糸屑の 海へと この细胞も/这些细胞也向著线头的海洋 ito kuzu no umi eto kono saibou mo そうボクいないよ ボクいないよ 投げ舍てられて/是啊我不在了呢 我不在了呢 被丢弃了 sou boku inaiyo boku inaiyo nage sute rarete 帰る场所すら何処にも 无いんだよ/就连回去的地方也不存在呢kaeru basho sura doko nimo naindayo 存在证明。 あー、shut up ウソだらけの体/存在证明。啊,shut up 充满谎言的身体 sonzaishoumei . a ^ , shut up uso darakeno karada 完成したいよ ズルしたいよ 今、解答を/好想完成啊 好想瞒骗过 现在将那解答 kanseishi taiyo zuru shitaiyo ima , kaitou wo変われないの? 饲われたいの?/无法改变吗?想被饲养吗?kawa renaino ? kawa retaino ? 何も无い? こんなのボクじゃない!/一无所有吗?这都不是我! nanimo nai ? konnano boku janai ! 缝い目は解けて引き千切れた/松开线头扯成粉碎 nui me wa toke te biki chigire ta 煮え立ったデイズで 命火を裁つ/沸腾的DAYS 裁剪著生命 nie tatta deizu de inochi hi wo tatsu 谁だっていいのさ 代わりになれば/无论谁都好 来成为替代吧 dare datte iinosa kawari ninareba

求《叛逆的鲁鲁修》主题曲world end 和colors的歌词

[ti:WORLD END] 世界尽头 [ar:FLOW] [by:こえ酱] [00:01.30] [00:02.60]世界の终わりで 生まれた光 今 风の中 在世界的尽头孕育出的光芒,就在此刻的风中 [00:12.59] [00:14.59]「WORLD END」 [00:17.59]アニメ「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ R2」OP2 动画《叛逆的鲁鲁修》主题曲2 [00:23.57]歌手:FLOW [00:26.57] [00:28.57]绮丽事だけじゃ生きれない 仅有美丽无法生存 [00:33.98]优しさだけじゃ愈せない 仅有温柔无法治愈 [00:39.35]夺われたのは何だ? 被夺走的是什么? [00:42.20]変わらない世界で 在这一成不变的世界里 [00:44.68]闻こえて来たのは何だ? 听见的又是什么? [00:47.56]色彩の歌 是五彩缤纷的歌 [00:50.82]Everything is bright 一切都是光明的 [00:56.45]砕け散った梦を 明日の果てに 响かせるように 让业已破碎的梦想,在明天的尽头回响 [01:07.31]世界の终わりで 生まれた光 仆ら一つに 今 风の中让世界的尽头孕育出的光芒将我们包融,就在此刻的风中 [01:22.99] [01:26.30] [01:27.90]他人事みたいに笑えない 就象是别人的事情,笑不出来 [01:33.30]寂しさだけじゃ拭えない 剩下的只是拭不掉的寂寞 [01:38.68]胜ち取った物は何だ? 夺到的是什么? [01:41.63]争いの果てに 纷争的最后 [01:44.08]闻こえて来たのは何だ? 听到的又是什么? [01:47.00]悲しき叫び 是悲伤的呼喊 [01:50.14]Everything is crying 一切都在呼喊 [01:55.89]砕け散った梦を 明日の果てに 响かせるように 让业已破碎的梦想,在明天的尽头回响 [02:06.65]世界の终わりで 生まれた光 仆ら一つに 今 风の中 让世界的尽头孕育出的光芒将我们包融,就在此刻的风中 [02:22.32] [02:30.68] [02:32.68]谁も泣かせないで 帰れ 満たす心に もう何もかも超えて 回去吧,不要再让任何人哭泣,什么都比不上满足的心 [03:00.26]Everything is bright 一切都是光明的 [03:06.04]あの日见た空を 愿いの先へ 届かせるように 想要将那天看见的天空,传给梦想的顶端 [03:16.82]世界の始まり 创造の朝に 仆ら真っ白い 今 风になる 在世界的最初创造出的清晨,我们重归纯白,就在此刻的风中 下面把翻译的歌词整理到一起—— 仅有美丽无法生存 仅有温柔无法治愈 被夺走的是什么? 在这一成不变的世界里 听到的又是什么? 是五彩缤纷的歌 一切都是光明的 让业已破碎的梦想,在明天的尽头回响 让世界的尽头孕育出的光芒将我们包融,就在此刻的风中 就象是别人的事情,笑不出来 剩下的只是拭不掉的寂寞 夺到的是什么? 纷争的最后 听到的又是什么? 是悲伤的呼喊 一切都在呼喊 让业已破碎的梦想,在明天的尽头回响 让世界的尽头孕育出的光芒将我们包融,就在此刻的风中 回去吧,不要再让任何人哭泣,什么都比不上满足的心 一切都是光明的 想要将那天看见的天空,传给梦想的顶端 在世界的最初创造出的清晨,我们重归纯白,就在此刻的风中 罗马音 world end sekai no owari de umare ta hikari ima kaze no naka kireigoto dakeja iki renai yasashi sadakeja iyase nai ubawa retanoha nanda kawa ranai sekai de kiko ete kita noha nanda shikisai no uta everything is bright kudake chitta yume wo ashita no hate ni hibika seruyouni sekai no owari de umare ta hikari bokura hitotsu ni ima kaze no naka taningoto mitaini warae nai sabishi sadakeja nugue nai kachi totta mono ha nanda arasoi no hate ni kiko ete kita noha nanda kanashi ki sakebi everything is crying kudake chitta yume wo ashita no hate ni hibika seruyouni sekai no owari de umare ta hikari bokura hitotsu ni ima kaze no naka daremo naka senaide kaere mita su kokoro ni mou nanimo kamo koe te everything is bright ano nichi mita sora wo negai no saki he todoka seruyouni sekai no hajimari souzou no asa ni bokura masshiro i ima kaze ninaru Colors 自分を 世界さえも 変えてしまえそうな 瞬间は いつもすぐそばに… 隠せぬ苛立ちと 立ち尽くす自分を 见つめ 迷いながら 悩みながら 悔やみながら 决めればいいさ 君がくれた 言叶ひとつ 戸惑いは消え去り からっぽだった 仆の部屋に 光が射した 见上げた大空が 青く澄み切って行く 闭ざした 窓を 开く事を决めた 自分を 世界さえも 変えてしまえそうな 瞬间は いつもすぐばに… 満たせぬ日常に 在るはずの答えを 探して 朝阳に独り 柔らかな声に 振り向けば 眩しい阳射しの中 ふと君が微笑む 闭ざした 窓が 开きそうになる 自分を 世界さえも 変えてしまえそうな 存在は 仆の目の前に… 见上げた大空が 青く澄み切っていく 闭ざした 窓を 开く事を决めた 自分を 世界さえも 変えてしまえそうな 瞬间を 感じる今ここに… 光へと 両手を伸ばして… 心を吹き抜ける 空の色 香る风 Jibun o Sekai sae mo Kaete shimaesou na Shunkan wa Itsumo sugu soba ni… Kakusenu iradachi to Tachitsukusu jibun o Mitsume Mayoi nagara Nayami nagara Kuyami nagara Kimere ba ii sa Kimi ga kureta kotoba hitotsu Tomadoi wa kiesari Karappo datta Boku no heya ni Hikari ga sashita Miageta oozora ga Aoku sumikitte yuku Tozashita Mado o Hiraku koto o kimeta Jibun o Sekai sae mo Kaete shimaesou na Shunkan wa Itsumo sugu soba ni… Mitasenu nichijou ni Aru hazu no kotae o Sagashite Asahi ni hitori Yawakara na koe ni Furimukeba Mabayui hizashi no naka Futo kimi ga hohoemu Tozashita Mado ga Hirakisou ni naru Jibun o Sekai sae mo Kaete shimaesou na Sonzai wa Boku no me no mae ni… Miageta oozora ga Aoku sumikitte yuku Tozashita Mado o Hiraku koto o kimeta Jibun o Sekai sae mo Kaete shimaesou na Shunkan o Kanjiru ima koko ni… Hikari e to Ryoute o nobashite… Kokoro o fukinukeru Sora no iro Kaoru kaze

たからもの 的歌词 罗马音

ho ho en n da u shi ro su ga ta nina ki sou na kao wo ka ku shi te taya sa shi sa de mu ne ga it a ku tekon na ni hi bi ga i t o o shi ku tekazeno neni yuuyami ni natsu kashii kimiwo omoi dasuitsu mademo issho dayo tokana wanu koto kuri kaeshinuku moriwa kono teniazayaka na mama ikite iruwasure taku nai monouke totta aiwo mirai ni kae nagaraato naniwo nanase tada rouhanarete shimau sono mae nisabishisa wo kannjiru kotowakodokuto dokoka chigatte itearigatou ureshiiyotaisetsu na jikann wo kurena neeienn wo tsunagu younifukai bashode fure aetashiawase no yoinn gasotto senakawo oshite irutabidachi no yoakewoterashite tanowa nidoto aenai hibisayonara no kawarini daki shimete ikunndawatashiwo tsukuru hitotsu hitotsu wozutto...nu ku mori wa kono teniazayakana mama ikite iruwasure tari shinaiyouke totta aino kagayaki to arukou

just like fire lrc歌词

《just like fire irc》I know that I am runnin" out of time我知道时间不多了I want it all mmm我要得到全部And I"m wishin" they"d stop tryin" to turn me off我希望他们能停止令人厌烦的举动I want it on mmm我要启动一切And I"m walkin" on a wire我走在钢丝上 如履薄冰Tryin" to go higher试图到达更高的地方Feels like I"m surrounded我感到小丑和骗子By clowns and liars包围了我Even when I give it all away即便当我放弃一切I want it all mmm我要得到全部We came here to run it run it run it我们到这里来是为了征服We came here to run it run it run it我们到这里来是为了征服Just like fire如同火焰Burning up the way熊熊燃烧If I could light the world up for just one day但愿有一天我能照亮世界Watch this madness目睹这疯狂世界Colorful charade色彩斑斓的伪装No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like magic拥有神奇魔力I"ll be flyin" free我将自由翱翔I"m a disappear when they在他们追寻我的时候Come for me消失不见I kick that ceiling我掀翻了房顶What you gonna say你打算怎么说No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like fire如同火焰People like to laugh at you "cause they人们乐于嘲笑你 因为他们Are all the same mmm千篇一律See I would rather we just go a different way看看吧 我宁愿另辟蹊径Than play the game mmm而非因循守旧And no matter the weather无论是晴是雨We can do it better我们能做得更好You and me together只要我们在一起Forever and ever天长地久We don"t have to worry "bout a thing我们什么也不必担心"Bout a thing no没什么好担心We came here to run it run it run it我们到这里来是为了征服We came here to run it run it run it我们到这里来是为了征服Just like fire如同火焰Burnin" up the way熊熊燃烧If I could light the world up for just one day但愿有一天我能照亮世界Watch this madness目睹这疯狂世界Colorful charade色彩斑斓的伪装No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like magic拥有神奇魔力I"ll be flyin" free我将自由翱翔I"m a disappear when they在他们追寻我的时候Come for me消失不见I kick that ceiling我掀翻了房顶What you gonna say你打算怎么说No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like fire如同火焰Run it run it run it征服世界We came here to run it run it run it我们到这里来是为了征服So look I came here to run it我到这里来是为了征服Just cause nobody"s done it仅仅因为没有人曾经做到Y"all don"t think I can run it but你们都不相信我能够征服世界Look I been here I done it看看吧 我已经来到这里 我做到了Impossible please不可能的任务Watch I do it with ease看看我是如何轻松取胜You just gotta believe你不得不相信Come-a come uh with me过来和我一起What"s a girl to do一个女孩能做到什么What"s a girl to do一个女孩能做到什么Hey what"s a girl to do一个女孩能做到什么What"s a girl to do一个女孩能做到什么Just like fire如同火焰Burnin" up the way熊熊燃烧If I could light the world up for just one day但愿有一天我能照亮世界Watch this madness目睹这疯狂世界Colorful charade色彩斑斓的伪装No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like fire如同火焰Burnin" up the way熊熊燃烧If I could light the world up for just one day但愿有一天我能照亮世界Watch this madness目睹这疯狂世界Colorful charade色彩斑斓的伪装No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like magic拥有神奇魔力I"ll be flyin" free我将自由翱翔I"m a disappear when they在他们追寻我的时候Come for me消失不见I kick that ceiling我掀翻了房顶What you gonna say你打算怎么说No one can be just like me anyway我独一无二 没有人能像我一样Just like fire如同火焰Run it run it run it征服世界Just like fire如同火焰Run it run it run it征服世界

求 和纱-stand up for love 的歌词以及罗马音~· 夏季档日剧《逃亡律师》的ED,很有爱的哟~·

[[日文歌词]]爱が镜なら駄目なところ映して欲しい爱が饰りなら弱いところ隠して欲しい何も见えずに旅に出たのにあなたの瞳には映らぬものがあるわたしはただひとつだけの爱をoh 见つめてるの爱が荷物ならここに置いて出てけばいい爱が宝石なら夺われぬよう守り抜いて何も持たずに旅に出たのにあなたのためならば舍てれるものばかりわたしはただひとつだけの爱をoh 守りたいのいま わたしには信じた道があるのいま あなたへ踏み出してふたり手をとったあなたの心には见果てぬ梦があるわたしはただひとつだけの爱に oh 梦见てるの [[罗马歌词]]ai ga kagami naradame natokoro utsushi te hoshiiai ga kazari narayowai tokoro kakushi te hoshiinanimo mie zunitabi ni deta nonianatano hitomi nihautsura numonogaaruwatashihatadahitotsudakenoai wo oh mitsu meterunoai ga nimotsu narakokoni oi te dete kebaiiai ga houseki naraubawa renuyou mamori nui tenanimo mota zunitabi ni deta nonianatanotamenarabasute rerumonobakariwatashihatadahitotsudakenoai wo oh mamori tainoima watashinihashinji ta michi gaarunoima anatahefumi dashi tefutari te wotottaanatano kokoro nihaken hate nu yume gaaruwatashihatadahitotsudakenoai ni oh yumemi teruno

鲁鲁修2季world end歌词

歌曲:《WORLD END》 作词:KOHSHI ASAKAWA作曲:KOHSHI ASAKAWA编曲:FLOW / Ikoman演唱:FLOW歌词:绮丽事(きれいごと)だけじゃ生(い)きれない 优(やさ)しさだけじゃ愈(いや)せない 夺(うば)われたのは何(なん)だ? 変(か)わらない世界(せかい)で 闻(き)こえて来(き)たのは何(なん)だ? 色彩(しきさい)の歌(うた) Everything is bright 砕(くだ)け散(ち)った梦(ゆめ)を 明日(あす)の果(は)てに 响(ひび)かせるように 世界(せかい)の终(お)わりで 生(う)まれた光(ひかり) 仆(ぼく)ら一(ひと)つに 今(いま) 风(かぜ)の中(なか) 他人事(たにんごと)みたいに笑(わら)えない 寂(さび)しさだけじゃ拭(ぬぐ)えない 胜(か)ち取(と)った物(もの)は何(なん)だ? 争(あらそ)いの果(は)てに 闻(き)こえて来(き)たのは何(なん)だ? 悲(かな)しき叫(さけ)び Everything is crying 砕(くだ)け散(ち)った梦(ゆめ)を 明日(あす)の果(は)てに 响(ひび)かせるように 世界(せかい)の终(お)わりで 生(う)まれた光(ひかり) 仆(ぼく)ら一(ひと)つに 今(いま) 风(かぜ)の中(なか) 谁(だれ)も泣(な)かせないで 帰(かえ)れ 満(み)たす心(こころ)に もう何(なに)もかも超(こ)えて Everything is bright あの日(ひ)见(み)た空(そら)を 愿(ねが)いの先(さき)へ 届(とど)かせるように 世界(せかい)の始(はじ)まり 创造(そうぞう)の朝(あさ)に 仆(ぼく)ら真(ま)っ白(しろ)い 今(いま) 风(かぜ)になる

Just Like Jesse James 歌词

歌曲名:Just Like Jesse James歌手:Cher专辑:Hits Of The 90SJust Like Jesse JameCherGiddyYou"re struttin" into town like you"re slingin" a gun.Just a small town dude with a big city attitude.Honey are ya lookin" for some trouble tonightWell alright.You think you"re so bad, drive the women folk wild.Shoot "em all down with the flash of your pearly smile.Honey but you met your match tonight.Oh that"s right!You think you"ll knock me off my feet till I"m flat on the floor.Till my heart is crying Indian and I"m beggin" for more.So come on baby, come on baby.Come on baby show me what that loaded gun is for.If you can give it, I can take itCause if this heart is gonna breakIt"s gonna take a lot to break it.I know tonight somebody"s gonna win the fight.So if you"re so tough come on and prove it.Your heart is down for the count and you know you"re gonna lose it.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.You"re an outlaw lover and I"m after your hide.Well you ain"t so strong.Won"t be long till your hands are tied.Tonight I"m gonna take you in dead or alive.Thaaat"s right.You break the laws of love in the name of desire.Take ten steps back, Cause I"m ready baby aim and fire.Baby there"s no way you gonna run tonight.Ooooh, that"s right.Well you"ve had your way with love.But it"s the end of the day.Now a team of wild horses couldn"t drag your heart away.So come on baby, come on babyCome on baby you know there ain"t nothing left to say.If you can give it, I can take it.Cause if this heart is gonna break it"s gonna take a lot to break it.I know tonight somebody"s gonna win the fight.So if you"re so tough come on and prove it.Your heart is down for the count and you know you"re gonna lose it.Now you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.If you"ll knock me off my feet till I"m flat on the floorTill my heart is crying Indian and I"m begging for more.So come on baby, come on babyIf you can give it, I can take itCome on baby, Come onCause if this heart is gonna breakIt"s gonna take a lot to break it.I know tonight somebody"s gonna win the fight.So if you"re so tough come on and prove it.Your heart is down for the count and you know you"re gonna lose it.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.I"m gonna shoot ya down Jesse James.http://music.baidu.com/song/8574661

帮忙翻译一下bump of chicken ギルド 的中文歌词以及罗马音

人间という仕事を与えられて どれくらいだnin 间 toiu shigoto wo atae rarete dorekuraida相応しいだけの给料 贳った気は少しもしないfusawashi idakeno 给 ryou 贳 tta kiha sukoshi moshinaiいつの间にかの思い违いitsuno 间 nikano omoi 违 i「仕事ではない」解っていた( shigoto dehanai ) kaitte itaそれもどうやら手遅れsoremodouyara teokure仕事でしかなくなっていたshigoto deshikanakunatteita悲しいじゃなくて 疲れただけkanashi ijanakute tsukare tadake休みをください 谁に言うつもりだろうyasumi wokudasai 谁 ni iu tsumoridarou夺われたのは何だ 夺い取ったのは何だ夺 waretanoha nanda 夺 i totta noha nanda缲り返して 少しずつ 忘れたんだろうか缲 ri kaeshi te sukoshi zutsu wasure tandarouka汚れちゃったのはどっちだ 世界か自分の方かyogore chattanohadocchida sekai ka jibun no hou kaいずれにせよ その瞳は 开けるべきなんだよizureniseyo sono hitomi ha 开 kerubekinandayoそれが全て 気が狂う程 まともな日常sorega subete kiga kuruu hodo matomona nichijou腹を空かせた抜け壳 动かないで 饵を待ってhara wo aka seta nuke 壳 动 kanaide 饵 wo matte谁か构ってくれないか谁 ka 构 ttekurenaika喋らないで 思っているだけshabera naide omotte irudake人间という仕事をクビになって どれくらいだnin 间 toiu shigoto wo kubi ninatte dorekuraidaとりあえず汗流してtoriaezu ase nagashi te努力をしたつもりでいただけdoryoku woshitatsumorideitadake思い出したんだ 色んな事をomoidashi tanda ironna koto wo向き合えるかな 沢山の眩しさとmuki ae rukana takusan no mabushi sato美しくなんかなくて 优しくも出来なくてutsukushi kunankanakute 优 shikumo dekina kuteそれでも呼吸が続くことは 许されるだろうかsoredemo kokyuu ga tsuduku kotoha 许 sarerudaroukaその场しのぎで笑って 镜の前で泣いてsono 场 shinogide waratte 镜 no mae de nai te当たり前だろう 隠してるからatarimae darou kakushi terukara気付かれないんだよkiduka renaindayo夜と朝を なぞるだけの まともな日常yoru to asa wo nazorudakeno matomona nichijou爱されたくて吠えて 爱されることに怯えて爱 saretakute hoe te 爱 sarerukotoni obie te逃げ込んだ槛 その隙间から引きずり出してやるnige kon da 槛 sono geki 间 kara biki zuri dashi teyaru汚れたって受け止めろ 世界は自分のモンだyogore tatte uke yamero sekai ha jibun no mon da构わないから その姿で 生きるべきなんだよ构 wanaikara sono sugata de iki rubekinandayoそれも全て 気が狂う程 まともな日常soremo subete kiga kuruu hodo matomona nichijou与えられて クビになってatae rarete kubi ninatteどれくらいだ 何してんだdorekuraida nani shitenda望んだんだ 选んだんだnozon danda 选 ndanda「仕事ではない」解っていた( shigoto dehanai ) kaitte ita人回想的工作给予了多久。只适合的给料贳了一点也不在意什么时候的回想的想法违吗。“工作”不明白了而且好像为时已晚工作以外没了。悲伤不累请让我休息谁打算告诉吧夺可悲的是什么。夺取得的是什么。缲反复淡忘了吗脏了的是哪一个!世界自己的方法吗?反正那个瞳孔开应该继续啊这就是全部疯程正经的日常肚子饿了的壳动脱落。饵等待谁是我吗?构不说想而已人回想的工作,被开除了多久。总之流汗您在打算努力的想起了各种各样的事相对与很多眩目吗不难优美丽什么都做不到尽管如此呼吸的持续被许吧?那场忍耐笑镜面前流泪隐藏着从理所当然的吧不被注意到的。晚上和早上只描画着正经的日常想被爱吼被爱害怕从那个缝隙逃槛回想拖出!脏受け止めろ世界过自己的兽。构因为来不及那身姿应该活啊这些全部都发狂程度正经的日常赋予炒鱿鱼多少是什么啊希望啊选“工作”不明白了

谁有死神number one 的歌词


求你的名字主题曲 前前前世~歌词罗马音

やっと眼を覚ましたかいyatto me o samashi takai总算睡醒了吗?それなのになぜ眼も合わせやしないんだい?sorenanoni naze me mo awaseyashinai n dai可你为什么不肯对上我的视线呢?「遅いよ」と怒る君「osoi yo」 to okoru kimi你生气地责怪我怎么那么晚到これでもやれるだけ 飞ばしてきたんだよkore demo yareru dake tobashite kita nda yo可即便如此我也已经尽我所能 以最快的速度飞奔到你的身边心が身体を追い越してきたんだよkokoro ga karada o oikoshite kita nda yo心脏甚至比身体先一步抵达了这里君の髪や瞳だけで胸が痛いよkimi no kami ya hitomi dake de munegaitai yo只是望着你的发丝和你的眼眸就让我痛彻心扉同じ时を吸いこんで 离したくないよonaji toki o suikonde hanashitakunai yo想和你呼吸在当下 再也不想和你分开遥か昔から知るその声にharuka mukashikara shiru sono-goe ni很久很久以前就熟稔于心的声音生まれてはじめて 何を言えばいい?umarete hajimete nani o ieba i有生以来第一次烦恼着 该如何回应?君の前前前世から仆はkimi no zen zen zense kara boku wa从你的前前前世开始君を探しはじめたよkimi o sagashi hajimeta yo我就一直在寻找你的踪迹そのぶきっちょな 笑い方をめがけてやってきたんだよsono bukitchona warai-kata o megakete yatte kita nda yo循着你那笨拙的笑容 总算找到了这个地方君が全然全部なくなってkimi ga zenzen zenbu nakunatte就算你的一切化为乌有チリヂリになったってchiridjiri ni nattatte支离破碎散落世界各处もう迷わない また1から探しはじめるさmo mayowanai mata ichi kara sagashi hajimeru-sa我也不会再迷茫 我会从头开始再一次寻找むしろ0から また宇宙をはじめてみようかmushiro zero kara mata uchu o hajimete miyou ka不如说就这样从零开始 再创造一个全新的宇宙どっから话すかなdokkara hanasu ka na该从哪儿说起呢君が眠っていた间のストーリーkimi ga nemutte ita aida no sutori在你沉睡这段期间的故事何亿 何光年分の物语を 语りにきたんだよnan oku nan-konen-bun no monogatari o katari ni kita nda yo历经上亿光年所编织的故事 我就是为了将其述说而来到这里的けどいざその姿この眼に映すとkedo iza sono sugata kono me ni utsusu to但是当你的身影映入我的眼帘君も知らぬ君とジャレて戯れたいよkimi mo shiranu kimi to jarete tawamuretai yo我却想和你也不曾知晓的自己说笑玩闹君の消えぬ痛みまで 爱してみたいよkimi no kienu itami made aishite mitai yo包括长久纠缠你的苦痛 我也想一并地爱惜包容银河何个分かの果てに出逢えた その手を壊さずにginga nankobun ka no hate ni deaeta数不清是第几次穿越银河 才终于在尽头和你邂逅どう握ったならいい?sono-te o kowasazu ni do nigittanara i我该如何小心翼翼紧握住你的手才好?君の前前前世から仆はkimi no zen zen zense kara boku wa从你的前前前世开始君を探しはじめたよkimi o sagashi hajimeta yo我就一直在寻找你的踪迹その騒がしい声と涙をめがけ やってきたんだよsono sawagashi koe to namida o megake yatte kita nda yo循着那喧嚣的噪音和你的眼泪 总算找到了这个地方そんな革命前夜の仆らをson"na kakumei zen"ya no bokura o处于革命前夜的我们谁が止めるというんだろうdare ga tomeru to iu ndarou你说还有谁能阻止呢もう迷わない君のハートに旗を立てるよmo mayowanai kimi no haato ni hatawotateru yo我已经不会再迷茫 在你的心中竖起属于我的旗帜君は仆から谛め方を夺い取ったのkimi wa boku kara akirame-kata o ubaitotta no我放弃的念头早就被你夺走了前前前世から仆はzen zen zense kara boku wa从你的前前前世开始君を探しはじめたよkimi o sagashi hajimeta yo我就一直在寻找你的踪迹そのぶきっちょな 笑い方をめがけて やってきたんだよsono bukitchona warai-kata o megakete yatte kita nda yo循着你那笨拙的笑容 总算找到了这个地方君が全然全部なくなってkimi ga zenzen zenbu nakunatte就算你的一切化为乌有チリヂリになったってchiridjiri ni nattatte支离破碎散落世界各处もう迷わない また1から探しはじめるさmo mayowanai mata ichi kara sagashi hajimeru-sa我也不会再迷茫 我会从头开始再一次寻找何光年でも この歌を口ずさみながらnan-konen demo konoutawo kuchizusaminagara不管相隔多少个光年 我都会继续哼唱起这首歌

一首英文歌,歌词just like 有一部分高音有点像海豚音 叫什么歌

Fences播放歌手:Marit Larsenin the heat of the battlehe who hesitates is lostevery word is here on my tongue butwon"t come out at any costoh they"re achingyarningthese fences we invent with what we saythese fences are growing taller every daythese delicate fenceson my mindand in my waywaiting for the dust to settlei"m waiting for another gois it timei realise nowforgiving me is not what you wantoh they"re tossingturningthese fences we invent with what we saythese fences are growing taller every daythese delicate fenceson my mindand in my wayin the heat of the battle



shining tears罗马音歌词

Shining Tears [PS2 GAME:Shining Tears OP]歌 :保志 総一郎作词:近藤 ナツコ作曲:たかはしごう 编曲:たかはしごう 静かに呼吸 重ねあわせた やさしい时の中でshizukani kokyuu kazane awaseta yasashii toki no naka de月の光は 二人を照らし 暗に白く咲いたtsuki no hikari wa futari wo terashi yami ni shiroku saitaどんなふうに伝えて どんなふうに感じてdonna fuuni tsutaete donna fuuni kanjite不思议 自然 君といればfushigi shizen kimi to irebaいつも ホントの 心につながるitsumo HONTO no kokoro ni tsunagaru仆にとって できること すべて捧げたいboku nitotte tekirukoto subete sasagetai君といる 未来 描いてkimi to iru mirai eraite揺るぎない いとしさに 爱を込めyuruginai itoshisani ai wo komeあふれだす想いを 抱きしめて Shining Tearsafuredasu omoi wo dakishimete Shining Tears迷い疲れて 眠る夜には 君の笑颜を 想いmayoi tsukarete nemuru yoru ni wa kimi no egao wo omoi见せない涙 しずくとなって 暗に白く咲いたmisenai namida shizuku tonatte yami ni shiroku saitaこんなふうに出会えて こんなふうに爱してkonna fuuni deaete konna fuuni aishite远い场所に 别の场所にtooi basyo ni betsu no basyo niいても ホントの 心はつながるitemo HONTO no kokoro wa tsunagaruいつの日か いつの日か 离れることなくitsu no hi ga itsu no hi ka hanareru kotonaku过ごしたい 君と二人でsugoshitai kimi to futari de透き通った 梦だから 叶えたいsukitotta yume dakara kanaetaiどうかこの愿いを 届けたい Shining Tearsdouka kono negai wo todoketai Shining Tearsこんなふうに出会えて こんなふうに爱してkonna fuuni deaete konna fuuni aishite远い场所に 别の场所にtooi basyo ni betsu no basyo niいても ホントの 心はつながるitemo HONTO no kokoro wa tsunagaru仆にとって できること すべて捧げたいboku nitotte tekirukoto subete sasagetai君といる 未来 描いてkimi to iru mirai eraite揺るぎない いとしさに 爱を込めyuruginai itoshisani ai wo komeあふれだす想いを 抱きしめて Shining Tearsafuredasu omoi wo dakishimete Shining Tearsいつの日か いつの日か 叶えたいitsuno hi ka itsuno hi ka kanaetaiどうかこの愿い 届けてdouka kono negai todokete揺るぎない いとしさに 爱を込めyuruginai itoshisani ai wo komeあふれだす想いを 抱きしめて Shining Tearsafuredasu omoi wo dakishimete Shining Tears 光明之泪原曲:保志总一朗 Shining tears作词:kinaboa演唱:kinaboa宁静的夜晚时刻 银色的月光洒在 身旁的河水仿佛在沉睡黑暗中谁在传达 感觉到了什么吗 也会觉得不可思议吧让我的心意陪伴着你 把我的一切全部给你 这份爱 就是爱 穿越爱 不动摇 在祈祷 祝福围绕 明天以后 旅途幸福 *告诉我 穿越了时空 穿越了看过 闪耀的星空 闭上了双眼 寻找到梦想国度诉说着未来 溢满的思念 泪水看不见 请你抱紧我 一次也好 别让未来在 Shining tears 宁静的夜晚时刻 银色的月光洒在 身旁的河水仿佛在沉睡黑暗中谁在传达 感觉到了什么吗 也会觉得不可思议吧让我的心意陪伴着你 把我的一切全部给你 这份爱 就是爱 穿越爱 不动摇 在祈祷 祝福围绕 明天以后 旅途幸福 *告诉我 穿越了时空 穿越了看过 闪耀的星空 闭上了双眼 寻找到梦想国度诉说着未来 溢满的思念 泪水看不见 请你抱紧我 一次也好 别让未来在 Shining tears让我的心意陪伴着你 把我的一切全部给你 这份爱 就是爱 穿越爱 不动摇 在祈祷 祝福围绕 明天以后 旅途幸福 *告诉我 穿越了时空 穿越了看过 闪耀的星空 闭上了双眼 寻找到梦想国度诉说着未来 溢满的思念 泪水看不见 请你抱紧我 一次也好 别让未来在 Shining tears穿越了时空 穿越了看过 闪耀的星空 闭上了双眼 寻找到梦想国度诉说着未来 溢满的思念 泪水看不见 请你抱紧我 一次也好 别让未来在 Shining tears

求祝福的救世主与爱之塔这首歌的平假名歌词和罗马音 中间好多字完全不会读pup

终焉(しゅうえん)の大地(だいち)の果(は)て 残(のこ)された子(こ)らは shuuen no daichi no hate nokosareta koraha(wa)頼(たよ)りなく小(ちい)さな手(て)を重(かさ)ねて tayorinaku chiisana tewo kasanete健(すこ)やかなる时(とき)も 病(や)める时(とき)も ただ信(しん)じて…… sukoyakanaru tokimo yameru tokimo tada shinjite「共(とも)に分(わ)け合(あ)っていこう」tomoni wakeatteikou人(ひと)の智(ち)を超(こ)えて 思(おも)い上(あ)がった愚(おろ)かな羊(ひつじ)に hitono chiwo koete omoiagatta orokana hitsujini神(かみ)の裁(さば)きが下(くだ)った kamino shibakiga kudatta灭(ほろ)びゆく世界(せかい)を守(まも)り続(つづ)ける「アイの塔(とう)」には horobiyuku sekaiwo mamori tsudukeru ainotou niha(wa)世界(せかい)の寿命(じゅみょう)が灯(とも)るsekaino jumyouga tomoru若者(わかもの)の村(むら)に 王国(おうこく)の使者(ししゃ)がもたらした wakamono no murani koukoku no shishaga motarashita予言(よげん)の报(しらせ) yugen no shirase针子(はりこ) の少女(しょうじょ) に 誉(ほま) れ高(たか) き【次(つき) のメシア】へと hariko no shoujoni homaretakaki tsukinomeshia he(e)to神托(しんたく) が降(お) りたshinkakuga orita塔(とう) の中(なか) に守(まも) られし【祝福(しゅくふく) 】は touno nakani mamorareshi shukufukuha(wa)9つ(ここのつ) の メシアだけが赐(たま) う【栄光(えいこう) 】 kokonotsuno meshiadakega tamau eikou君(きみ) と共(とも) に 仆(ぼく) らも塔(とう) へ连(つ) れ立(だ) とう kimitotomoni bukuramo touhe(e) tsuredatou灭(ほろ) びゆく楽园(らくえん) の命(いのち) 、繋(つな) ぐためhorobiyuku rakuen no inochi tsunagutame祝福(しゅくふく) をこの手(て) に 心(こころ) 、打(う) ち鸣(な) らし shukufukuwo konoteni kokoro uchinarashi栄光(えいこう) を掴(つか) み取(と) れ 悬命(けんめい) に…… eikouwo tsukamutore kenmeini信(しん) じ合(あ) う仲间(なかま) とともに 助(たす) け合(あ) えば shinjiau nakama totomoni tasukeaeba恐(おそ) れるものは、なにもないosorerumonoha(wa) nanimonai最初(さいしょ) の祝福(しゅくふく) を saishono shukufukuwo命(いのち) が涡巻(うずま) く【华(はな) やぐ波(なみ) 】の扉(とびら) へ 手(て) を伸(の) ばす inochiga uzumaku hanayagunami no tobirahe(e) tewonobasuふと、大(おお) きな手(て) を重(かさ) ねて 青年(せいねん) が言(い) った futo ookinatewo kasanete seinenga itta「共(とも) に分(わ) け合(あ) っていこう」tomoni wakeatte ikouメシアを押(お) しのけ 横取(よこど) られた最初(さいしょ) の祝福(しゅくふく) meshiawo oshinoke yokodorareta saisho no shukufuku仲间(なかま) たちは いがみ合(あ) い nakama tachiha(wa) igamiai2つ(ふたつ) 目(め) の扉(とびら)  赤(あか) き目(め) を血走(ちばし) らせ futatsumeno tobira akakimewo chibashirase剣士(けんし) は【炎(ほのお) の宴(うたげ) 】に兴(きょう) じるkenshiha(wa)honoo noutage ni kyoujiru【恵(めぐ) みの阳光(ようこう) 】を胜(か) ち取(と) って megumino youkou wo kachitotte悦(えつ) に入(はい) る姉(あね) の手(て) を振(ふ) り払(はら) い etsuni hairuaneno tewo furiharai悔(くや) しげな颜(かお) で 妹(いもうと) は【安息(あんそく) の闇(やみ) 】へ kuyashigena kaode imoutoha(wa) ansokuno yamihe(e)息巻(いきま) いて进(すす) むikimaite susumu「选(えら) ばれたのは、私(わたし) なのに……」 erabareta noha(wa) watashinanoni「「独(ひと) リ占(じ) メハ许(ゆる) サナイ……」」 hitorijimeha(wa) yurusanai「欲(よく) 」は人(ひと) を変(か) えてしまうのか? yokuha(wa) hitowo kaete shimaunoka僧(そう) は祝词(しゅくし) を【揺荡(たゆた) う大地(だいち) 】に捧(ささ) げて souha(wa) shukushi wo tayutau daichini sasagete诗人(しじん) は【雷鸣(らいめい) の囃子(はやし) 】口游(くちずさ) ぶshijinha(wa) raimeino hayashi kuchizusabu 祝福(しゅくふく) をこの手(て) に…… 心(こころ) 、研(と) ぎ澄(す) まし shukufuku wo konoteni kokoro togisumashi栄光(えいこう) を夺(うば) い取(と) れ 我先(われさき) に…… eikouwo ubaitore waresakini信(しん) じ合(あ) う仲间(なかま) は、何処(どこ) へ…… 谁(だれ) もが、敌(てき) ? shinjiau nakamaha(wa) dokohe(e) daremoga teki断(た)ち切(き) りなさい 过(す) ぎた爱(あい) をtachikirinasai sugita aiwo【旋风(つむじかぜ)のロンド】に 踊(おど)り子(お)が舞(ま)う tsumujikaze no rondo ni odoriko ga mau双生(そうせい)の姉(あね)は 片割(かたわ)れを押(お)しのけ sousei no aneha(wa)katawarewo oshioke【白银(はくぎん)の园(その)】へ hakugin no sonohe(e)歓喜(かんき)の雫(しずく)は 流(なが)れる间(ま)もなく 冻(い)てたkanki no shizuku ha(wa)nagarerumamonaku iteta9つ目(ここのつめ)の祝福(しゅくふく)は 眠(ねむ)れる【マグマの胎动(たいどう)】 kokonotsumeno shukufukuha(wa) nemureru magumano taidou双生(そうせい)の弟(おとうと)は メシアを欺(あざむ)いて souseino otoutoha(wa) meshiawo azamuite夸(ほこ)らしげに笑(わら)ったhokorashigeni waratta信(しん)じた仲间(なかま)に裏切(うらぎ)られ shinjita nakamani uragirare【祝福(しゅくふく)】はすべて 横取(よこど)られた shukufukuha(wa)subete yokodorareta灯(とも)らぬトーチ 掲(かか)げながら tomoranu to-chi kakagenagara祈(いの)りの祭坛(さいだん)へ……inori no saidan塔(とう)の中(なか)に封(ふう)じられし【祝福(しゅくふく)】 tounonaka ni fuujirareshi shukufuku……という名(な)のメシアに课(か)せられた【赎罪(しょくざい)】 itou nano nashiani kaserareta shokuzai【贽(にえ)】と共(とも)に 乗(の)り越(こ)えたメシアよ nieto tomoni norikoeta meshiayo今(いま)こそ 新(あたら)しき楽园(らくえん)の命(いのち)、繋(つな)ぎ足(た)せimakoso atarashiki rakuenno inochi tsunagitase荒波(あらなみ)に溺(おぼ)れ沈(しず)み 业火(ごうか)の海(うみ)を舞(ま)い aranamini oboreshizumi goukanoumiwo mai无慈悲(むじひ)な干天(かんてん)に颓(くずお)れて mujihina kantenni kuzuorete永远(えいえん)に明(あ)けぬ闇(やみ)に狂(くる)い 大地(だいち)に饮(の)まれても eienni akenu yamini kurui daichini nomaretemo君独(きみひと)りで、いかせはしないkimihitoride ikasehashinai裁(さば)きの雷(かみなり)に打(う)たれ 风刃(ふうじん)に裂(さ)かれて sabakino kaminarini utare fuujinni sakarete心(こころ)ごと冻(こお)らされても 灼热(しゃくねつ)を这(は)う kokorogoto koorasaretemo shakunetsuwo hau健(すこ)やかなる时(とき)も 病(や)める时(とき)も ただ信(しん)じて…… sukoyakanaru tokimo yameru tokimo tadashinjite「共(とも)に分(わ)け合(あ)っていこう」tomoni wakeatteikou导(みちび)きの灯(ひ)を繋(つな)げ 尊(みちび)き贽(えに)の果(は)て michibiki no hiwo tsunage michibiki nieno hate愚(おろ)かなる连锁(れんさ)は 永远(えいえん)に缲(く)り返(かえ)す…… orokanaru rensaha(wa) eienni kurikaesu信(しん)じ合(あ)った仲间(なかま)たちに 助(たす)けられて shinjiatta nakamatachini tasukerarete胜(か)ち取(と)った灯(ひ)を 高(たか)く掲(かか)げてkachitotta hiwo takaku kakagete暁(あかつき)の钟(かね)が鸣(な)く 栄光(えいこう)の调(しら)べ akatsuki no kanega naku eikouno shirabe神(かみ)の威(い)を授(さず)けられたメシアは kaminoi wo sazukerareta meshiaha(wa)独(ひと)り静(しず)かに笑(わら)いながら…… hitori shizukani warainagara9つ(ここのつ)の【哀(あい)】を生(う)みて kokonotsuno aiwo umite祭坛(さいだん)に手(て)を伸(の)ばしたsaidanni tewo nobashita


<img alt="跪求小事乐团>罗马拼音的歌词?" src=""> 分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: 五月雨 kono koe wa todoite"masu ka kono uta wa kyou mo kikoete imasu ka anata no iru anata no ikiru sono kokoro ni samidare ochi kata wo nurashite hajimete anata ni atta hi mo choudo konna kisetsu deshita oboete imasu ka asu no asa no hikari mata mireru you ni asu wo ikiru tame no kyou no seiippai wo shiroku chiisana sono yubisaki ga hora nigirikaeshite, oshiete kuremashita * anata kara uketotta ai wo koushite kyou mo kono sora ni sakenda kono koe yo kono uta yo anata no iki yuku hibi no chikara ni naru you ni... donna kao de donna taido de aeba ii ka tomadotta watashi wo matte ita no wa tenshi no you na egao deshita kono me wo tsumutte wa ukabiagatteku asu wo akiramenai kagayaita manako wo shiroi heya no naka ni kazararete ita taiyou ni mukau himawari no you deshita anata kara uketotta kotoba koe ni naranai koe no arigatou, wo wasurete wa naranu shinjitsu wo kono mune ni daite itsu no hi mo itsu no hi mo... shiroku chiisana sono yubisaki ga hora nigirikaeshite, oshiete kuremashita * repeat


SNS de aite o kensakuYoshuu wa tsune ni nukarinakuTomodachi choisu wa chuucho nakuKyara koumuri wa zettai NGYureru akuse sukeru reesuSakotsu no yoku deta shiroi fukuSemeru yoru nara mitsu no kubi daseKubi ni tekubi ni ashi no kubiTaitsu no deniiru san juu (30) desuAitsu no deniiru roku juu (60) desuDeniiru zero (0) nara nama ashi yoTsukuri egao no joushuuhanUwame zukai wa chuu ni (2) de masutaaWakishime kanpaiGurasu wa itsumo uchimawariHidari hachi do (8°) mahou no anguruKawaisa itsumo no ni (2) wari fuyashiMenyuu sashi dasuNankotsu aosuji chira miseteAete aketoku ichi (1) meetaaKara no mahha de zuumu inRiakushon sanbai deDekiru onna no (sa-shi-su-se-so)Sa Sasuga~!Shi Shiranakatta~!Su Sugo~i!Se Sensu ii desu ne~!So Sou nan da~!"Kono ko wa sugoku majime na no retteru"Hatte raibaru ashi domeShoushoku na ko ni mirareru youJizen ni takusan tabete okuSokuseki ni papa tto tsukutta jinkou tennen kyarakutaaAno te kono te de kasanete itsu datteSenryakuteki geijutsuteki sore ga muteki no tekunikkuAno teku kono teku kasanete kasanetekuShitataka azayaka onna no yutaka na tekunikkuAtsugari sekushiiBeta beta tacchiOshibori insaido fukifukiOhanashi wa omoshirokunai kedo toriaezu (watashi mo!) toka (sou sou!) toka ittoku honne zero no douchou sutairuKuu ji o mawareba yoimawaruIronna haadoru sagaridasuEnjin zenkai enryou nakuKoko kara honban sekigahara~Meate no kare ni osake watasuChakkari tonari no seki gettoImeeji chenji de kami o kakiageUnaji de fui uchi nousatsu shottoUnaga shitai nara (donna aji?)Kakan ni iku nara (Oishii yo!)Kansetsu kissu wa sarigenakuSutorateji~!Oiro naoshi wa sakusen taimuAwai chikku de horo yoi meikuChairo no aishadoo de kaku tanima waMaru de ukideru torikku aatoAzatoi tacchi wa kabu ga bourakuDekiru onna wa ashi tacchiHorigodatsu no shita kakurete barezu ni ashi tacchiAete tsukesugi hando kuriimuKara no gomen moratte~Senryaku burikko deMoteru onna no (a-i-u-e-o)A Agena~i!I Irana~i!U Ugokena~i!E Erabena~i!O Osena~i!"Totta shashin shea shiyou!"Renrakusaki kikidasu koto kaze no gotoshi"Ato de guruupu tsukuru kara"Shiritakunai hito wa kemuri ni makuWarikan de ii yo to saifu dasu kedoDa-shi-ta-da-keAno te kono te de kasanete itsu datteKakumeiteki kyouiteki sore ga muteki no tekunikkuAno teku kono teku kasanete kasanetekuZetsumyou koumyou onna no yutaka na tekunikkuTsuyokunakya tatakaenaiWaza ga nakya tatakaenaiNakitai yoru mo aru kedoTsukamitai shiawase ga aru karaSukoshi no yuuki de sekai wa kawaru karaAno te kono te de kanasete itsu datteSenryakuteki geijutsuteki sore ga muteki no tekunikkuAno teku kono teku kasanete kasanetekuShitataka azayaka onna no yutaka na tekunikkuAno te kono te de kasanete itsu datteKakumeiteki kyouiteki sore ga muteki no tekunikkuAno teku kono teku kasanete kasanetekuZetsumyou koumyou onna no yutaka na tekunikkuAno te kono te kasaneteku anata ni.

R. Kelly的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:R. Kelly专辑:R&B Love Songs 2010R. Kelly feat T-Pain & Keyshia Cole - Number OneR.Kelly:This is the remix for the clubYa boy Kells Payne & KeyshiaI"m just out here looking for dat number one sexTell da DJ gon and play dat number one sexNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohThis is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohT-Pain:Can"t nobody do it like I doI"ll make you tell em" ain"t nobody else doin youCause even if dey do dey not hittin(hittin)Cause they can"t match the love that you gettin(getting)But waitShorty run it like a marathonShe can"t take my beautiful bulletNow shorty let me say I"m goin in yeaWe gon get some BBS spins yeaSo sit back relax and let me smack thatUmma put my BMI all over your rest shortyYou are now rocking with the best, best, best, bestI"ll make you forget about the rest, rest, rest, restWhen shawty bout to back it up cause we about to do itUmma run through it and umma beat dat thing all night longNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohThis is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohKeyshia Cole:You know can"t nobody do you like I doHave standing strong at attention can"t see toBaby I salute youOooh your ride babyI wanna go all night cause your driving me crazyAnd no one can compare to youLike the drop top goes when I"m riding throughIt"s me and you, you, youWat you wanna do, do, do yeaI called all my friends to let em" knowWho hit da spot and gave me sumthin I can fixSo stay tuned to your radio if youWanna dedicate this to your favorite booNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohThis is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohR.Kelly:Bang, Bang grand openingHow I step up in da club no delay scopeningWalk up to dem girls like wat ya"ll drinkiningAnd step up to dem niggas like wat ya"ll smokiningI"m just out there looking for dat number one sexGive me da finger if you got dat number one sexBaby girl I guarantee once I get up in youI will make dat pussy scream to me in auto tuneYo auntie dem would be saying yo nose it wide openAnd shit like Kells got dat girl tweaking cause she be screamingLike RobertI love youAnd my body"s calling for youAnd no baby dis ain"t overThree hours later turn yo ass over Uh OhUmma smack it up, rip it up, break it upDen I"m gonna slow it upShake it up, beat it upR&B kells sayin number oneNu, Nu, Number OneSex that we"re having here girl ooh(remix yea)This is, This is Number OneSex that we"re having here girl oohI"m just out here looking for dat number one sexGive me da finger if you got dat number one sexI"m just out here looking for dat number one sexGive me da finger if you got dat number one sexCause last nightI had a dreamBout you and meI had a dreamBout you and meAnd in this dreamI can"t say it nawI can"t say it nawI can"t say it nawI can"t say it, fuck it I"m gonna sayIt was you and meIn my bedroomHittin it hard like we drink a thousand red bullsAnd I was all over yo bodyYou was all over my bodyWe was drunk like a mutherfuckaDrinkin" all of the bacardi hahaMaxRNB - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music!http://music.baidu.com/song/59318261


今 悲しみすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kanashimi subete nuguisaritaiくすんだ世界で 梦见た未来kusunda sekai de yumemita mirai堕ちてゆく 白い鸟を 追いかけて 黒い森へochite yuku shiroi tori wo oikakete kuroi mori e木立の阴に消えていく 若草の色kodachi no kage ni kiete iku wakakusa no iro逃げていく春の日差し 追いかけた花の香りnigete iku haru no hizashi oikaketa hana no kaori季节の影を彷徨う 裸足の迷路kisetsu no kage wo samayou hadashi no meiroあやふやに隠した 伤の迹ayafuya ni kakushita kizu no atoいつまでも探した ぬくもりitsu made mo sagashita nukumori摘み取ったシランの花环にtsumitotta shiran no hanawa ni重ねた 愁いの蓝kasaneta urei no ao今 悲しみすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kanashimi subete nuguisaritaiくすんだ世界で 梦见た未来kusunda sekai de yumemita mirai手を伸ばしても 届かない空te wo nobashite mo todokanai sora残された日々さえ すりぬけてくnokosareta hibi sae surinukete kuただ はかなさだけの诗 歌いたいtada hakanasa dake no uta utaitai水面に差し込む光 たゆたう花をminamo ni sashikomu hikari tayutau hana wo沈黙だけが见守っているchinmoku dake ga mimamotte iru目を闭じて このまま眠りにつくme wo tojite kono mama nemuri ni tsuku近づいた夜の闇に 何もかものみこまれるchikadzuita yoru no yami ni nanimokamo nomikomareru流れの中に 消えていく 记忆の音色nagare no naka ni kiete iku kioku no neiro过ちが 互いを 伤つけるayamachi ga tagai wo kizutsukeru伪りという名の 悲しみitsuwari to iu na no kanashimi散らばった シランの花弁はchirabatta shiran no haben wa美しい涙の蓝utsukushii namida no ao今 记忆のすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kioku no subete nuguisaritai冻える水辺に 身をさらしたいkogoeru mizube ni mi wo sarashitai梦见ることも 叶わないままyumemiru koto mo kanawanai mama饰られた花なら 枯れればいいkazarareta hana nara karereba iiねえ 明日のために 今日があるならnee ashita no tame ni kyou ga aru nara失くした未来のために 何を捧げる?nakushita mirai no tame ni nani wo sasageru?変わらず夜は 见守っているkawarazu yoru wa mimamotte iru救いの手 差し伸べることもなくsukui no te sashinoberu koto mo naku今 悲しみすべて ぬぐいさりたいima kanashimi subete nuguisaritaiくすんだ世界で 梦见た未来kusunda sekai de yumemita mirai手を伸ばしても 届かない空te wo nobashite mo todokanai sora残された日々さえ すりぬけてくnokosareta hibi sae surinukete kuただ はかなさだけの诗 歌いたいtada hakanasa dake no uta utaitai水面に差し込む光 たゆたう花をminamo ni sashikomu hikari tayutau hana wo沈黙だけが见守っているchinmoku dake ga mimamotte iru目を闭じて このまま眠りにつくme wo tojite kono mama nemuri ni tsuku目覚めた森のしらべ 消えてゆく 鼓动だけがmezameta mori no shirabe kiete yuku kodou dake ga

Skye Sweetnam的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:Skye Sweetnam专辑:Noise From The BasementSkye Sweetnam - Number OneI saw my boyfriendHanging with this girl that I hateHe didn"t have to tell meWhy last night he was lateI can"t believe what you tell meYour lies have come undoneNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneI took a ride to the cityHad to get out of this placeI just can"t stand the pityWhen the tears fall down my faceI used to think it was overBut it"s only just begunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI hitched a ride on a GreyhoundStashed away on a trainBought a ticket for the subwayPlaying guitar out in the rainI wanna follow the riversTo an island in the sunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneLate at nightTrying to fightI just might think about himRight now I"m feeling fineI"m better off without himYeah Yeah Yeah YEAH!One day...One day...One day...You"ll sayI was the oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI know that one dayYou"ll see meI"ll haunt you when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI"m number onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2853427

bigbang的number one歌词

转BBCN [TOP]I"ll be ready in an hour莪会在一小时内准备好Jump in the shower在大雨中跳跃Crisp and clean清爽又干净Now I got the power现在莪有孓力量Blasting music from my speakers劲爆的音乐从莪的speakers中流泻出T-shirt Fresh Brand new sneakersT-shirt新的品牌新的波鞋[GD]Ready to Flow准备好去开始Ready to go准备好过去Ready for the sportlight准备好站在聚光灯丅Ready for the show准备好这场showLet me tell you something that you already know让莪告诉伱一些伱已经知道的东西I"m a hard working man莪是个很努力的人And I work for my fans莪为孓VIP而努力[5120]Girl I love your style love your smile女孩,莪喜欢伱的风格,喜欢伱的微笑Wish that you could be only mine希望伱能祗属於莪Be only mine祗属於莪I can"t let it go.I don"t know莪不能让它溜走。莪不知道What you"ve done to me伱对莪做孓什麽You"re so fine 伱太棒孓Oh you"re so fine伱太棒孓[2205]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see,They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到他们想要更多They want some more[9710]I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信[9710]Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[TOP]Crazy Hot Mad party疯狂的热辣的狂欢的partyShorty drop it low for me一点并不能满足莪You can keep me company只有伱能让莪不孤独You look sweet smell like honey伱看起来就像蜂蜜一样甜[GD]I need a girl who"s in it for me莪需要一个女孩与莪合为一体Not for the money她不是为孓钱财Not for the fame不是为孓名声Not for the glory不是为孓荣耀Not for the name不是为孓名字 It"s ain"t easy这并不容易Cause all they just sayin" is因为她们只会说[5120]Boy I love your style love your smile男孩莪喜欢伱的风格喜欢伱的微笑Wish that you could be only mine希望伱能祗属於莪Be only mine祗属於莪I can"t let it go.I don"t know莪不能让它溜走。莪不知道What you"ve done to me伱对莪做孓什麽You"re so fine 伱太棒孓Oh you"re so fine伱太棒孓[9710]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see.They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到,他们想要更多I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1[9710]Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[ALL]We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳To the ceiling ceiling跳到天花板上We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳What a feelin` feelin`这是什麽样的感觉We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳To the ceiling ceiling跳到天花板上We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳What a feelin` feelin`这是什麽样的感觉[2205]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see,They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到他们想要更多They want some more[9710]I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信[9710]Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1

有一首英文歌歌词好像有“JUST LIKE THE”,不是《just like fire》,很耳熟


bigbang的number one歌词

歌手: big bang 专辑: number 1 搜索"number 1"LRC歌词 搜索"number 1"mp3 [ti:number 1] [ar:big bang] [al:number 1] [by:活在当下] big bang - number 1 bigbang. yeah~ are you ready for the show~!!! i"ll be ready in an hour, jump in the shower crisp and clean now i got the power blasting music from my speakers t-shirts fresh, brand new sneakers ready to flow, ready to go, ready for the spot light, ready for the show let me tell you something that you already know i"m a hardworking man and i work for my fans. girl, i love your style, love your smile wish that you could be only mine, be only mine (fa"sho) i can"t let it go, i don"t know what you"re doin" to me (yeah) you"re so fine (yeah uh huh), oh you"re so fine (let"s go) gettin" hot in the club, i can see they want some more (i will give you more; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock, never stop, you can be sure (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) i,(uh) you know i (yes) you know i(yo) i"m your number one.(i"m your number one) crazy hot, mad party shorty drop it low for me you can keep me company your look sweet smell like honey i need a girl who is in it for me. not for the money, not for the fame, not for the glory, not for the name. it ain"t easy cause all they just sayin" is… "boy i love your style, i love your smile wish that you could be only mine be only mine (fa"sho) i can"t let it go, i don"t know what you"re doin" to me you"re so fine, ooh you"re so fine" gettin" hot in the club, i can see they want some more~ (i will give you more; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock, never stop, you can be sure~ (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) i,(you know i) you know i,(yeah you know i) you know i i"m you"re number one we jump, jump, jump to the ceiling (everybody in the place c"mon now) we jump, jump, jump what a feeling, feeling~ we jump, jump, jump to the ceiling, ceiling (once again bigbang c"mon) we jump, jump, jump, what a feeling, feeling~ gettin" hot in the club yeah i can see they want some more~ you want some more (i will give you more i give you more ; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock rock rock rock never stop, you can be sure~ you can be sure (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) gettin" hot in the club, i can see they want some more~ (oh its getting hot in here~) (i will give you more; i"m your number one) once i get up i will rock, never stop, you can be sure~ (yeah you can be sure; i"m your number one) i,(you know i) you know i,(yeah you know i) you know i i"m you"re number one (i"m.your.number.one)




トコハナ作词:やなぎなぎ作曲:斋藤真也歌:やなぎなぎ初めはいつだってhajime wa itsudatte期待を止められないkitai wo yamerarenaiけれどやがて谛めを覚えるkeredo yagate akirame wo oboeru今を守る盾を薬荚に诘め込んでima wo mamoru tate wo yakkyou ni tsume konde円く壁を切り取ったmaruku kabe wo kiri tottaのぞけば 终わりが见返してたnozokeba owari ga mikaeshiteta硝烟弾雨に飞び込む君のshouen dan u ni tobi komu kimi no爱情には 表情のない仮面が贴りつくaijou niwa hyoujou no nai kamen ga haritsuku报いることだけが君を动かすのならmukuiru koto dake ga kimi wo ugokasu no nara仆はどうしてここにいるboku wa doushite koko ni iru最後は唐突にsaigo wa toutotsu ni一瞬で夺われるisshun de ubawareru谁を责めても戻りはしないのにdare wo semete mo modori wa shinai noni连锁は终わらずに それどころか増してくrensa wa owarazu ni sore dokoro ka mashiteku自分自身を追い込む武装に気づかないjibun jishin wo oi komu busou ni kizukanaiピエロの様だpiero no youda砕けた心を缠った君のkudaketa kokoro wo matotta kimi no感情から微かな声 引き摺り出したいkanjou kara kasuka na koe hiki suri dashitai本当は泣きたくて堪らないって言うならhontou wa nakitakute tamaranaitte iu naraただ黙って抱きしめるtada damatte dakishimeruこの世で最高に绮丽なものはなんだか知ってる?kono yo de saikou ni kirei na mono wa nandaka shitteru?泥の中にいても决して汚れない花だってdoro no naka ni ite mo kesshite kegarenai hana datteなぜだか仆は同じ名前背负って生まれてnazedaka boku wa onaji namae seotte umareteここに居るんだkoko ni irunda激しい黒に包まれた君の哀情でも心伤でもhageshii kuro ni tsutsumareta kimi no aijou demo shinshou demo全部とりこんでzenbu tori kondeそれすら仆の粮にしてみせるさsore sura boku no kate ni shite miseru salike a lotusだからずっとそばにいてdakara zutto soba ni ite全部とりこんでzenbu tori konde淀みない白の花で包みこむよyodomi nai shiro no hana de tsutsumi komuyolike a lotusだからずっと笑っててdakara zutto warattete起初不知何时都无法停止期待然而不久便学会了放弃将守护当下的盾填入弹壳破开围墙向外望去却看到终点在向我回视那飞身跃入枪林弹雨的你的爱情带上了无表情的面具若只是报恩之事使你如此我为何会在此最后唐突地将一切瞬间夺走明明责怪谁但是都无法回到过去锁链无止境地蔓延没有注意到被将自身武装逼上绝路的如小丑的自己想要倾听怀揣一颗破碎之心的你的感情中的微弱声响若是你说真的无法忍受想要哭泣我就会默默地拥抱你知道这世间最纯净的东西是什么吗是出淤泥而不染的花朵(指莲花)不知为何我背负着与之相同的名字出生于此被黑色所包围的、你的哀情也好、心伤也好我都会全部接受如同一朵莲花一样将它们化作食粮因此我会一直待在在你身旁我会将一切接收用无垢的白色花朵包容所以我一直笑容相对= =呀咧呀咧……真是失误呢……中文歌词已附上、翻译得不是很好、但是也与原意差不多了有些中文是几个日文分句的联合翻译、希望你能看得懂吧~话说回来、歌词开头那些据说是梵文、如果你想要的话可以上B站找找~呀~nagi的歌一直很有爱呢~本身也是个才女~这次的歌也很有深意的呢不是吗?莲·太郎呐~望采纳~

John Legend的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:John Legend专辑:Live From PhiladelphiaOoh I promise not to do it againI promise not to do itYou can"t say I don"t love youJust because I cheat on youCuz you can"t see all I doTo keep you from knowing the things I doLike erase my phoneAnd keep it out of townI keep it strapped up when I sleep aroundWell I should have known one day you"d find outBut you can"t go and leave me nowYou know that I love youThere"s no one above youI said it the last timeBut this is the last timeDon"t make me overCuz I can be faithfulBaby you"re my number oneYou"re my number 1Now who is she?What"s her name?You don"t need to know about everythingWe fight about thisWe fight about thatYou hang up the phone and call me right backWell I"ll never be something I"m notPlease don"t throw away what we"ve gotCuz we"ve been together for way too longI was playing around but I"m coming homeYou know that I love you (know that I love you)There"s no one above you (no one above you)I said it the last time (hey, hey)But this is the last timeDon"t make me over (don"t leave me baby)Cuz I can be faithful (you know I try)Baby you"re my number one (baby)You"re my number oneI keep you laced up so you aint gotta borrow nothingFrom them broke ass friends who be bargain huntingThey say they shop on eBay --baby why is they frontin"?They be on the internet but they never cop nothin"I keep you in Girl what is those on your toes?And your neck staying froze off that rose colored goldI suppose you was told by them hoes I was cheatin"Thinkin" my heart don"t got nothing to do with my penisHe got a mind of his own and he just be seeing shitAnd I don"t wanna cheat but I don"t be saying shitI try to jack off he ask me who is you playin" wit?But I know he love you he told me you was his favoriteYou know that I love you (know that I love you)There"s no one above you (above you)I said it the last time (said it the last time)But this is the last time (hey hey hey yeah)Don"t make me over (don"t leave me baby)Cuz I can be faithful (you know I try)Baby you"re my number one (oh baby)You"re my number oneYou"re making it hard for meYou"re messing up everythingYou tell me I gotta leaveSay we overYou saw that she came overCame in the Range RoverLeft with a hangoverSay we overI promise I won"t cheatI promise I won"t lieI promise I"ll act rightSay we overYou can"t tell meI can"t have youI can"t have thatWe aint overHey, it aint over babyWe aint overOh you don"t need to go it"s not overWe aint overOh...We aint overOh it"s gonna be alright now don"t go nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888757

after school《bang》中文歌词

—————————————————————————————————————————T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!跟着星光闪耀的我Oh! Oh! Oh!嘲笑那些假惺惺的话语 Ha! Ha! Ha!乖巧漂亮的你 现在是No! No! No!抛到刺激的音乐里 Bang! Bang! Bang!我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!心跳着的夜晚 我的心 Oh! Oh! Oh!你火热的眼神灼烧着我的身体 Ha! Ha! Ha!不要停止变粗的气息No! No! No!让心脏跟随这节奏 空!空! 空! 我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!rap) Bringin" it to you daily It"s only from the best After School Playgirlz know how to get freshSo cool, So right, just so tastyWe bring it fast forward the fellows go crazy 再大胆点展现啊 你~ (To be raised for my life)更加特别的舞动啊 你~ (To be raised for my life)One! Two!! Three!!! 把你寄托给音乐 念出咒语啊 Yeah~ (To be raised for my life)rap) Crisp clean original new quality is what we give to you.(Check it out) a new generation and a whole new start(check it out) collaboration with a brand new heart 在靠近些 这一瞬间Catch Up!! Oh~ rap) On your mark set ready to go,can you feel it in your body this A.S. flow.. Hey hey what you want ! Let"s go…!! 我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! T.R.Y. Do it now!!. A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!

The Power of Dream 中文歌词


求柿原彻也唱的歌曲number one的歌词

[ti:Number One][ar:柿原彻也][al:still on Journey][by:][00:00.77][00:01.77]「Number One」[00:04.77]柿原彻也[00:07.77]作词/作曲/编曲:Kohei(SIMONSAYZ)[00:13.77][00:18.77][00:24.62]何となく眺めてしまう sunset[00:27.75]肩に手を回す腕のblanket このまま[00:31.34]そのまま时を止めてしまえれば[00:35.07][00:35.32]“また明日”なんて言いたくない[00:37.57]ただもう少し君とこうしていたい[00:40.29]仆から言い出すのは何か违ったりするんかな?[00:45.00][00:45.23]见上げれば紫の空、隙间から小さな光がほら[00:50.06]make a wish to that star[00:54.95]君は今何思ってんだろう? 急に无口になった横颜[01:00.30]仆の肩に颜寄せた[01:04.92][01:05.31]Always love you その一言[01:10.21]言えそうで言えないから[01:15.23]Hear my heart beat[01:17.46]本当のキモチ 言叶以上に I wanna be your Number One[01:27.27][01:34.79]无邪気にはしゃぐ君の姿 この先もこうしていられるかな?[01:40.09]このまま そのまま ずっと変わらないでほしい[01:45.10][01:45.34]愿いが强くなるだけ シリアスに考えてしまうんだぜ[01:50.21]わかってる but わかっても 型にはめようとするんかな?[01:55.00][01:55.29]见上げた青空のように 全てを包み込めますように[01:59.90]Wanna be your only one[02:04.76]君は今何思ってんだろう? たまに见せるそのマジな笑颜[02:09.87]仆の心しめつける[02:14.83][02:15.23]Always love you その一言[02:20.00]今の君にどう闻こえるの?[02:25.24]Hear my heart beat[02:27.42]本当のキモチ 言叶にしたい 伝えたいよ[02:34.66][02:34.97]友达以上という壁に どう向き合ってゆけばいい?[02:40.08]暧昧な言叶では 何も生まれない[02:45.62][03:05.32]Always love you どんな时も[03:09.86]はしゃぐ君を见守っていたい[03:15.06]Hear my heart beat[03:17.43]高鸣る思い もうこれ以上 押さえられないよ[03:25.16][03:25.37]Always love you その一言[03:30.05]言えそうで言えないから[03:35.09]Hear my heart beat[03:37.58]本当のキモチ 言叶以上に I wanna be your Number One[03:47.89][03:50.30]-エンド-

something just like this的中文歌词是什么?

Something just like this歌手:Chris MartinI"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍I"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍I"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍The legends and the myths那些传说与神话Achilles and his gold阿喀琉斯和他的战利品Hercules and his gifts大力神与他的天赋Spiderman"s control蜘蛛侠的控制力And Batman with his fists和蝙蝠侠的铁拳And clearly I don"t see myself upon that list显而易见我未能名列其中She said, where"d you wanna go?她说,你想去何方?How much you wanna risk?你能承担多大的风险?I"m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts我并不渴求那些超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can kiss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟-嘟-嘟, 嘟-嘟-嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟-嘟-嘟, 嘟-嘟-嘟拓展资料:《Something Just Like This》是由美国纽约电子音乐组合烟鬼组合和英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队合作演唱的歌曲,由Andrew Taggart、Guy Berryman、Jonny Buckland、Will Champion、Chris Martin共同谱写,酷玩乐队主唱Chris Martin担任歌曲主音。单曲发行于2017年2月22日,后收录于烟鬼组合2017年4月7日发行的首张录音室专辑《Memories...Do Not Open》中。烟鬼组合、酷玩乐队在日本东京演唱会现场表演的版本以歌曲的“Tokyo Remix”特别收录于酷玩乐队2017年7月14日发行的EP《Kaleidoscope》中。

Just Like This 歌词

歌曲名:Just Like This歌手:The Isley Brothers专辑:EternalJust Like ThisHolly BrookOoh,ooh,ooh~~~There" something in a songshowed us we belongI am falling and there"s nothing I can doIt"s come to here and nowDon"t matter why or howMy heart is dancingand it"s all because of youOoh,oohI can"t believe it"s tureI always dreamed of itI always wanted itI always hoped itwould be just like thisjust like thisI never thought I wouldI never had it so goodI never knew I couldhave it just like thisjust like thisjust like thisSomething in your eyesmade me realizewhat I"m feelingAnd I just can"t get enoughYou opened up the doorto everything and moreThe world is spinningand it"s all because of...You,ooh,ooh~~I can"t believe it"s tureI never thought I wouldI never had it so goodI never knew I couldhave it just like thisjust like thisjust like thisEn en en~~~just like thisjust like thisYeah yeah yeah~~just like thisOh just like thisI always dreamed of itI always wanted itI always hoped itwould be just like thisjust like thisI never thought I wouldI never had it so goodI never knew I couldhave it just like thisjust like thisjust like this愿利杰永远快乐!http://music.baidu.com/song/10292556

bigbang的number one歌词

转BBCN [TOP]I"ll be ready in an hour莪会在一小时内准备好Jump in the shower在大雨中跳跃Crisp and clean清爽又干净Now I got the power现在莪有孓力量Blasting music from my speakers劲爆的音乐从莪的speakers中流泻出T-shirt Fresh Brand new sneakersT-shirt新的品牌新的波鞋[GD]Ready to Flow准备好去开始Ready to go准备好过去Ready for the sportlight准备好站在聚光灯丅Ready for the show准备好这场showLet me tell you something that you already know让莪告诉伱一些伱已经知道的东西I"m a hard working man莪是个很努力的人And I work for my fans莪为孓VIP而努力[5120]Girl I love your style love your smile女孩,莪喜欢伱的风格,喜欢伱的微笑Wish that you could be only mine希望伱能祗属於莪Be only mine祗属於莪I can"t let it go.I don"t know莪不能让它溜走。莪不知道What you"ve done to me伱对莪做孓什麽You"re so fine 伱太棒孓Oh you"re so fine伱太棒孓[2205]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see,They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到他们想要更多They want some more[9710]I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信[9710]Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[TOP]Crazy Hot Mad party疯狂的热辣的狂欢的partyShorty drop it low for me一点并不能满足莪You can keep me company只有伱能让莪不孤独You look sweet smell like honey伱看起来就像蜂蜜一样甜[GD]I need a girl who"s in it for me莪需要一个女孩与莪合为一体Not for the money她不是为孓钱财Not for the fame不是为孓名声Not for the glory不是为孓荣耀Not for the name不是为孓名字 It"s ain"t easy这并不容易Cause all they just sayin" is因为她们只会说[5120]Boy I love your style love your smile男孩莪喜欢伱的风格喜欢伱的微笑Wish that you could be only mine希望伱能祗属於莪Be only mine祗属於莪I can"t let it go.I don"t know莪不能让它溜走。莪不知道What you"ve done to me伱对莪做孓什麽You"re so fine 伱太棒孓Oh you"re so fine伱太棒孓[9710]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see.They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到,他们想要更多I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1[9710]Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[ALL]We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳To the ceiling ceiling跳到天花板上We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳What a feelin` feelin`这是什麽样的感觉We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳To the ceiling ceiling跳到天花板上We jump jump jump莪们跳 跳 跳What a feelin` feelin`这是什麽样的感觉[2205]It"s gettin" hot in the club,I can see,They want some moreclub里越来越热,莪能感觉到他们想要更多They want some more[9710]I will give you more.I"m your Number 1莪会给伱们更多,莪是伱们的Number 1Once I get up, I will rock, never stop.You can be sure.只要莪一开始,莪就会尽情摇动决不停止。伱要相信[9710]Yeah you can be sure.I"m your Number 1伱可以相信。莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1[5120]I, you know I, you know I莪,伱知道莪的,伱知道莪的I"m your Number 1莪是伱的Number 1


1remembering mediscover and seeall over the worldshe"s known as a girlto those who a freethe mind shall be keyforgotten as the past"cause history will lastgod is a girlwherever you aredo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlwhatever you saydo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlhowever you livedo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlshe"s only a girldo you believe it can you recieve itshe wants to shineforever in timeshe is so driven she"s always minecleanly and freeshe wants you to bea part of the futurea girl like methere is a sky illuminating ussomeone is out there that we truly trustthere is a rainbow for you and mea beautiful sunrise eternallygod is a girlwherever you aredo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlwhatever you saydo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlhowever you livedo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlshe"s only a girldo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlwherever you aredo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlwhatever you saydo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlhowever you livedo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girlshe"s only a girldo you believe it can you recieve itgod is a girl2Another day has goneI am still all aloneHow could this beYou are not here with meYou never said goodbyeSomeone tell me whyDid you have to goAnd leave my world so coldEveryday I sit and ask myselfHow did love slip awaySomething whispers in my ear and saysThat you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you are far awayI am here to stayBut you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we are far apartYou are always in my heartBut you are not aloneLone loneWhy loneJust the other nightI thought I heard you cryAsking me to comeAnd hold you in my armsI can hear your prayersYour burdens I will bearBut first I need your handThen forever can beginEveryday I sit and ask myselfHow did love slip awaySomething whispers in my ear and saysThat you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you are far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we are far apartYou are always in my heartFor you are not aloneWhisper three words and I will come runninAnd girl you know that I will be thereI will be thereYou are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you are far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we are far apartYou are always in my heartFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you are far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we are far apart

Styx的《number one》 歌词

歌曲名:number one歌手:Styx专辑:brave new worldWritten by Tommy ShawLead Vocals by Tommy ShawYou can"t be stillYou"re such a nervous fellowLike a yo-yoUp and downTake this little pillAnd life will be so mellowYou"ll feel the worldStart slowing down aroundWho"s that rushing out the doorWho"s not taking any moreWho"s been down this road beforeWithout youYou tell me who"s number oneWho"s not hereStyxWho"s having funWho"s the one who cares this muchAbout youYou won"t feel the painYou won"t mind the rainYou can be happy all the timeAll the timeOne dose twice a dayThe world will go awayYou"ll be smiling throughThe worst of timesWho"s that rushing out the doorWho"s not taking any moreWho"s been down this road beforeWithout youYou tell me who"s number oneWho"s not hereWho"s having funWho"s the oneWho knows so much about youI believe I beliveI believe it"s just beyond the doorI believe there"s something moreI believe it"s justBeyond the doorI believe there"s somethingBetter out thereWanna leave this worldSo far behindI can see your face thereIn my mindI believe there"s somethingBetter our thereWho"s that rushingWho"s not takingWho"s been down thisYou tell me who"sWho"s not here who"sWho"s the one whoSomething betterSomething betterSomething betterSomething betterSomething betterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14051727

Marvin Gaye的《Just Like》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Like歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:Love SongsOne Chance - Just LikeJust likeJust likeIt"s been a couple months since I"ve seen you smiling, babeI"ve been trying to figure it out, girlCould it be because you ain"t seen that much of me?Cuz I"m in and out of town, girlOh, cuckooI know this music playing is so brand new andIt"s rough sometimesIt can be hard on youBut baby, I"m your soldierCan"t wait til I can hold yaJust in case, you forgotI"ll say it once againJust likeYou"re missing meI"m missing youAnd everytimeYou"re without meI"m without youThe days go byIt only brings me closer to coming homeDon"t wanna leave you alone, babyJust like the perfect fit for hand and gloveAnd more like the best of friends, I fell in loveThe days go byIt only brings me closer to youBaby, I want you to knowI"m just like youI know sometimes I don"t call like I"m supposed toDon"t mean I don"t wanna hear your voice, girlAnd you say my actions don"t show I"m missing youBut sometimes I don"t have a choice, girlI know you think that I"m out doing wrongBut none of these girls can gimme what I get at homeBaby, you"re the reason why I"m doing what I"m doingDon"t trip, we"ll make it through itJust likeYou"re missing meI"m missing youAnd everytimeYou"re without meI"m without youThe days go byIt only brings me closer to coming homeDon"t wanna leave you alone, babyJust like the perfect fit for hand and gloveAnd more like the best of friends, I fell in loveThe days go byIt only brings me closer to youBaby, I want you to knowI"m just like youGirl, I understand how you feelCuz I"ve been there beforeBut you gotta knowDon"t act like I ain"t never done it back againGirl, trust meI"m your man, babyJust likeYou"re missing meI"m missing youAnd everytimeYou"re without meI"m without youThe days go byIt only brings me closer to coming homeDon"t wanna leave you alone, babyJust like the perfect fit for hand and gloveAnd more like the best of friends, I fell in loveThe days go byIt only brings me closer to youBaby, I want you to knowI"m just like youI"m just like Just like youI"m just like Just like youI"m just like Just like youOh, somebody help me sayOh, girlI"m just like Just like youI"m just like Just like youI"m just like Just like youOh, babe, yeahJust likeYou"re missing meI"m missing youAnd everytimeYou"re without meI"m without youThe days go byIt only brings me closer to coming homeDon"t wanna leave you alone, babyJust like the perfect fit for hand and gloveAnd more like the best of friends, I fell in loveThe days go byIt only brings me closer to youBaby, I want you to knowI"m just like youJust likeI"m just like youJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likeJust likehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8702915

刘德华 歌词里有number one的是什么歌

  这是刘德华的北京2008残奥会主题曲《EVERYONE IS NO.1》中的歌词,完整的歌词是“Everyone is NO.1(number one)”。  歌名:EVERYONE IS NO.1  主唱:刘德华  作曲:陈德建  填词:刘德华、李安修  编曲:褚镇东  专辑:Everyone Is No.1  发行:2007-12-02  歌词:  我的路 不是 你的路  我的苦 不是 你的苦  每个人都有潜在的能力  把一切去征服  我的泪 不是 你的泪  我的痛 不是 你的痛  一样的天空 不同的光荣  有一样的感动  不需要 自怨自艾的惶恐  只需要沉着 只要向前冲  告诉自己天生我才必有用  Everyone is NO.1  只要你凡事不问能不能  用一口气交换你一生  要迎接未来 不必等  Everyone is NO.1  成功的秘诀在你肯不肯  流最热的汗拥最真的心  第一名属于每个人  我的手不是 你的手  我的口不是 你的口  只要一条心 狂风和暴雨  都变成好朋友  不需要 自怨自艾的惶恐  只需要沉著 只要向前冲  告诉自己 天生我才必有用  Everyone is NO.1  只要你凡事不问能不能  用一口气 交换你一生  要迎接未来 不必等  Everyone is NO.1  成功的秘诀 在你肯不肯  流最热的汗 用最真的心  第一名属于每个人  不害怕路上有多冷  直到还有一点余温我也会  努力狂奔  Everyone is NO.1  只要你凡事不问能不能  用一口气交换你一生  要迎接未来不必等  Everyone is NO.1  成功的秘诀 在你肯不肯  流最热的汗 用最真的心  第一名属于每个人

any one of us歌词

]i"ve been letting you down, downgirl i know i"ve been such a foolgiving into temptationi should have played it coolthe situation got out of handi hope you understandit can happen to anyone of usanyone you think ofanyone can fallanyone can hurt someone they lovehearts will breakcos i made a stupid mistakeit can happen to anyone of ussay you will forgive meanyone can failsay you will believe mei can"t escapemy heart will breakcause i made a stupid mistakea stupid mistakeshe was kind of excitinga little crazyi should have knownshe must have altered my sensesas i offered to walk her homethe situation got out of handi hope you understandit can happen to anyone of usanyone you think ofanyone can fallanyone can hurt someone they lovehearts will breakcos i made a stupid mistakeit can happen to anyone of ussay you will forgive meanyone can failsay you will believe mei can"t escapemy heart will breakcause i made a stupid mistakea stupid mistakea stupid mistakea stupid mistakeshe means nothing to menothing to mei swear every word is truei don"t wanna lose youthe situation got out of handi hope you understandit can happen to anyone of usanyone you think ofanyone can fallanyone can hurt someone they lovehearts will breakcos i made a stupid mistakecan happen to anyone of ussay you will forgive meanyone can failsay you will believe mei can"t escapemy heart will breakcause i made a stupid mistakeanyone can fallanyone can hurt someone they lovehearts will breakcos i made a stupid mistakea stupid mistake


黑檀木、阴沉木等都是黑色的木头。一、黑檀木心边材区别明显,边材白色至浅红褐色;心材黑色及不规则黑色心材。木材有光泽、无特殊气味。黑檀,柿属植物,俗称风车木。别名:乌木、黑紫檀。大乔木,高达45m,直径达2.5m;板根大;材表常见小沟槽。本属15种。 二、阴沉木为炭化木之属,故其树身多为全身乌黑,呈现碳化状,其碳化外观类似被烧烤过的焦炭,碳化开裂;用其碳化的木头在白纸上描画并不会产生与普通木炭的黑划痕;某些有经验的师傅,一般都是从外观碳化程度、手感等来综合评估其大体的形成年限及可能的形成树种,判断是否属于阴沉级别。 拓展资料 1.黑檀木,心材漆黑色或黑褐色。边材近白色。生长轮不明显。略具光泽;纹理交错;结构甚细;甚重硬;强度高;干缩甚大。加工困难,含硅石,易钝刀具,切面光滑。胶黏、磨光性良好。钉钉须先打孔。很耐腐。干燥较慢,易开裂。 2.阴沉木的本质是碳化木(特殊地理状态下,某些特别的树种自然碳化了的木头),它介于碳和木之间,有着自己独特的木质性质;而是否属于阴沉,一般看碳化的程度,碳化得太厉害反就成煤炭了。由于阴沉木其一般浑身乌黑,于是四川一带都形象的称为“乌木”,后来就流传开了变成了对【阴沉木】的俗称,它和中国红木标准中的“乌木”是完全不同的概念。

陈洁仪的《One of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One of Us歌手:陈洁仪专辑:想像空间 LiveIf God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Like a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.http://music.baidu.com/song/17723351

At17的《One Of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Us歌手:At17专辑:Just The Two Of Us...Until We Meet Again LiveOne Of Usar:Eric Bazilianal:Eric BazilianIf god had a name, what would it beand would you call it to his faceif you were faced withhim in all his glorywhat would you ask ifyou had just one questionand yeah yeah god isgreat yeah yeah god is goodyeah yeah yeah yeah yeahwhat if god was one of usjust a slob like one of usjust a stranger on the busOsborne Joantrying to make his way homeif god had a face whatwould it look likeand would you want to seeif seeing meant thatyou would have to believein things like heavenand in jesus and the saints and all the prophetsand yeah yeah god isgreat yeah yeah god is goodyeah yeah yeah yeah yeahwhat if god was one of usjust a slob like one of usjust a stranger on the bustrying to make his way homeback up to heaven all alonenobody calling on the phoneexcept for the pope maybe in romeand yeah yeah god isgreat yeah yeah god is goodyeah yeah yeah yeah yeahwhat if god was one of usjust a slob like one of usjust a stranger on the bustrying to make his way homejust trying to make his way homelike a holy rolling stoneback up to heaven all alonejust trying to make his way homenobody calling on the phoneexcept for the pope maybe in romehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1752752

Sylver的《One Of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Us歌手:Sylver专辑:Sacrifice-Ars ProduktionOne Of UsLead vocal: AgnethaThey passed me by, all of those great romancesYou were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chancesMy picture clear, everything seemed so easyAnd so I dealt you the blowOne of us had to goNow it"s different, I want you to knowOne of us is cryingOne of us is lyingIn her lonely bedStaring at the ceilingWishing she was somewhere else insteadOne of us is lonelyOne of us is onlyWaiting for a callSorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling smallWishing she had never left at allI saw myself as a concealed attractionI felt you kept me away from the heat and the actionJust like a child, stubborn and misconceivingThat"s how I started the showOne of us had to goNow I"ve changed and I want you to knowOne of us is cryingOne of us is lyingIn her lonely bedStaring at the ceilingWishing she was somewhere else insteadOne of us is lonelyOne of us is onlyWaiting for a callSorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling smallWishing she had never left at allNever left at allStaring at the ceilingWishing she was somewhere else insteadOne of us is lonelyOne of us is onlyWaiting for a callhttp://music.baidu.com/song/320984

one of us (格莱美)中文歌词

if god had a name, what would it be? 如果上帝有个名字, 那会是什么呢?and would you call it to his face 你会当着他的面叫他吗?if you were faced with him in all his glory? 如果在他的荣耀中面对他what would you ask if you had just one question? 如果只有一个问题, 你会问他什么呢?chorus:副歌yeah, yeah, god is great 是的,上帝是伟大的yeah, yeah, god is good 是的,上帝是和善的yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah 没错```what if god was one of us? 如果上帝就在我们之中呢?just a slob like one of us? 就像我们之间的一个流浪汉?just a stranger on a bus 就是车上的一个陌生人trying to make his way home 正要赶路回家if god had a face, what would it look like? 如果上帝有一张脸, 会是什么样子呢?and would you want to see 你想看一看吗?if seeing meant that you would have to believe in things 如果说看了就表示你得相信那些事情like heaven and in jesus 像是天国, 耶稣and the saints and all the prophets 还有圣徒和所有先知(chorus)副歌back up to heaven all alone. 孤单的回到天堂nobody callin" on the phone 没人打电话给他"cept for the pope maybe in rome. 可能除了在罗马的教皇(chorus)副歌like a holy rolling stone. 就像颗神圣的滚石back up to heaven all alone 孤独的回到天堂just tryin" to make his way home 只是努力赶路回家nobody callin" on the phone没人给他打电话"cept for the pope maybe in rome. 可能除了在罗马的教皇

something just like this歌词是什么?

歌词:I"ve been reading books of old,The legends and the myths.Achilles and his gold,Hercules and his gifts.Spiderman"s control,And Batman with his fists.And clearly I don"t see myself upon that list,But she said where"d you wanna go.How much you wanna risk,I"m not looking for somebody.With some Superhuman gifts,Some Superhero.Some fairytale bliss,Just something I can turn to.Somebody I can kiss,I want something just like this.Oh I want something just like this,Oh I want something just like this.I want something just like this.《Something Just Like This》是烟鬼组合、酷玩乐队合作的歌曲,中文名:只是想要这样的。歌曲原唱:克里斯·马汀。填词:安德鲁·塔格特、克里斯·马汀、Guy Berryman、Jonny Buckland、威尔·查平。谱曲:安德鲁·塔格特、克里斯·马汀、Guy Berryman、Jonny Buckland 、威尔·查平。编曲:安德鲁·塔格特、亚历克斯·鲍。扩展资料:该曲在2017年2月22日以单曲形式发行,后收录在烟鬼组合的首张录音室专辑《Memories...Do Not Open》和酷玩乐队的迷你专辑《Kaleidoscope》中.2017年,《Something Just Like This》登上英国单曲榜第2位和美国公告牌百强单曲榜第5位 。2018年1月,该曲入围第60届格莱美奖“最佳流行对唱/组合”奖;5月,获得公告牌音乐奖“最佳舞曲/电子单曲”奖。参考资料来源:百度百科-Something just like this

求一首英文歌,歌词里有句just like sugger。


Vikki Carr的《You Are》 歌词

歌曲名:You Are歌手:Vikki Carr专辑:The Ways To Love A Man/Nashville By CarrRock City - You AreGirl I look in your eyes,Says you don"t want to sleep alone (sleep alone).So by the end of the night,Girl I promise Imma take you home (take you home)Extra extra, girl no lie,You gotta extra ass an you look so fly.I can tell by the look in your eye,You wanna take me home right now-now-now.Girl, no need for you to act shy,So lemme get a piece of that american pie.You ain"t ever been with a nigga like I,That can give it to you just the way you like.Girl I wanna see you whine,Throw it back on me one more time.Girl you really blow my mind,Everytime you move your waist li-I-ine.Girl your (hot, hot, hot).Move so (hot, hot, hot).She ain"t (hot, hot, hot),Got nothing on you.Girl your (hot, hot, hot).Move so (hot, hot, hot).She ain"t (hot, hot, hot),That"s why I"m checking.Girl I look in your eyes,Says you don"t want to sleep alone (sleep alone).So by the end of the night,Girl I promise Imma take you home (take you home)Cause damn girl your so sexy,Your lookin" like you got it.I swear that you"re a superstar. Yes, you are.All the girls are checking,Cause you"re too hot to handle,And I see that from afar. Yes, you are.Girl, I see you standing up by yourself,With a drink in your hand,We should get together.Ain"t no way you should be in here alone,So babygirl c"mon,Imma a make it better.O, I wanna let you know,I"m gonna take you home,And give you what you want, OooooOooh.Girl your (hot, hot, hot).Move so (hot, hot, hot).She ain"t (hot, hot, hot),Got nothing on you.Girl your (hot, hot, hot).Move so (hot, hot, hot).She ain"t (hot, hot, hot),That"s why I"m checking.Girl I look in your eyes,Says you don"t want to sleep alone (sleep alone).So by the end of the night,Girl I promise Imma take you home (take you home)Cause damn girl your so sexy,Your lookin" like you got it.I swear that you"re a superstar. Yes, you are.All the girls are checking,Cause you"re too hot to handle,And I see that from afar. Yes, you are.Your a lady in them streets.Yes I know that you are.Your a freak in them sheets.Yes I know that you are.Girl, you"re gonna let me beat.Yes I know that you are.Girl, you"re leaving with me,You are, you are, you are.Girl I look in your eyes,Says you don"t want to sleep alone (sleep alone).So by the end of the night,Girl I promise Imma take you home (take you home)Cause damn girl your so sexy,Your lookin" like you got it.I swear that you"re a superstar. Yes, you are.All the girls are checking,Cause you"re too hot to handle,And I see that from afar. Yes, you are.http://music.baidu.com/song/2826896

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Warrior King专辑:Hold The FaithLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8231281

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:nicolette专辑:Let No One Live Rent Free In Your HeadLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8274700

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Rob Rock专辑:Rage Of CreationLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15069075

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Whitesnake专辑:Whitesnake"s Greatest Hits标题:Judgement艺术家:Before the Dawn珞盟广埠坛坛主:のPlacing the events in a rowThat led me to this pointOf no return, no way to goCrossroad without directionsA dead end streetWhat led me to this pointOf no return, no retreatIs this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fateFacing reality in a formOf denial i choose not to see what lies in front of meIn motionNo destination, no parole pleaImprisonment for lifeWith no redemption to set me freeIs this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fate我来自珞盟发源地——武大三区!Is this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fateIs this incarcerationJustice of my own creation珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/7957664


十代は 数えきれないくらい落ち込んで そして同じようにメモにでも 书き残せる程喜べる出来事もあったけれどクラスの席顺が少しずれてた様で壁际の隅が似合ってた気がしてたじゃあねと 言ったあとに深呼吸して ありふれた自分を取り戻すには手镜见てまあまあぐらいに思ってたのに荒ぶってからまって泣かずに抱きついていた言叶じゃ 胜てないあなたに 飞び込んで そして思い出した大声で空中に叫んだあなたの名前をとにかく 叫んだSCREAMING IN MY SOUL现実に戻されるLAST JUDGEMENT 会いたい...DEEP INSIDEなんとしてでも会いたいTHAT"S ALL I WANTそれからでも遅くはないMY MIND, MY VAIN, MY PAINIT"S HARD TO FINDTHUNDER IN MY MINDA LIGHT IN MY VAINTOO MUCH TROUBLE TO EASEMY PAINどこでなにをIT"S HARD TO FINDTHUNDER IN MY MINDA LIGHT IN MY VAINLUST JUDGEMENTTO EASE MY PAINじゃあねと 言ったあとに深呼吸して ありふれた自分を取り戻すには手镜见て まだ自惚れなきゃおいしいバイトにも闻き耳たてるだけで踌躇している 私は中途半端猫の様に 立ち振る舞えないあなたの足迹そのままたどってたいした事ない私の现実それでも今夜は 私の成熟をうそなく教える笑颜が信じられたから荒ぶってからまって泣かずに抱きついていた言叶じゃ 胜てないあなたに 飞び込むだけ思い出した大声で空中に叫んだあなたの名前をとにかく叫んだあなたの足迹そのまま たどってたいした事ない私の现実それでも今夜は 私の成熟をうそなく教えた笑颜が信じられたから

Vikki Carr的《Moanin 》 歌词

歌曲名:Moanin 歌手:Vikki Carr专辑:The Ultimate CollectionMOANSwoon this is the same old blood rush with a new touchI am safe, quaint and eloquentBut my bottom lip along with the top one tooIs chapped and it"s all thanks to youWe all wet our lips to prepare for the kissBut it never cameAnd we all wet our lips to prepare for the kissIt was but a gameYou have a moan all of your ownAnd I can feel it down to the boneYou have a moan all of your ownAnd I can feel it down to the bone(The bone, the bone)You trained these lips when they were champsAnd now they"re itchin" for a comebackSo come backIt"s a shame that your claim to fameHangs on someone else"s nameSo come backSuch a task and this is such a blastAnd such a taskAnd such a task and this is such a blastAnd all that jazzYou have a moan all of your ownAnd I can feel it down to the boneYou have a moan all of your ownAnd I can feel it down to the boneYou have a dangerous face and illegal tasteAnd that strap is fallen on that shoulder bladeBe patientBehaveYou have a dangerous face and illegal tasteAnd that strap is fallen on that shoulder bladeBe patientBehaveYou have a dangerous face and illegal tasteAnd that strap is fallen on that shoulder bladeBe patientBehaveYou trained these lips when they were champsAnd now they"re itchin" for a comebackYou have a moan all of your ownAnd I can feel it down to the boneYou have a moan all of your ownAnd I can feel it down to the bonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2801993

one of us这首歌的歌词意思

If God had a name, what would it be?如果上帝有个名字那会是什么?And would you call it to His face你会直呼其名么?If you were faced with Him in all His glory?如果他就在你面前What would you ask if you had just one question?在他的光辉历程中哪个是你要提起的?Yeah, yeah, God is Great没错,没错,上帝是伟大的~``Yeah, yeah, God is Good没错,没错,上帝是美好的..Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah没错,没错,没错.......What if God was one of us?可是如果上帝和我们一样Just a slob like one of us?就像我们中某一个俗人Just a stranger on a bus他是一个公车上的陌生人Trying to make His way home正走在他回家的路上If God had a face, what would it look like?如果上帝有张面孔会是什么样子?And would you want to see你会想见见他吗?If seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the Prophets如果相见意味着你不得不相信天堂,耶稣,圣徒和先知这些的东西?Yeah, yeah, God is Great没错,没错,上帝是伟大的..Yeah, yeah, God is Good没错,没错,上帝是美好的..Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah没错,没错,没错...~``What if God was one of us?可是如果上帝和我们一样Just a slob like one of us?就像我们中某一个俗人Just a stranger on a bus他是一个公车上的陌生人Trying to make His way home正走在他回家的路上Back up to heaven all alone.独自赶回天堂Nobody callin" on the phone没人会打电话给他"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.也许除了罗马的教皇Yeah, yeah, God is Great没错,没错,上帝是伟大的..Yeah, yeah, God is Good没错,没错,上帝是美好的..eah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah没错,没错,没错...What if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeLike a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.If God had a name, what would it be?如果上帝有个名字那会是什么?And would you call it to His face你会直呼其名么?If you were faced with Him in all His glory?如果他就在你面前What would you ask if you had just one question?在他的光辉历程中哪个是你要提起的?Yeah, yeah, God is Great没错,没错,上帝是伟大的~``Yeah, yeah, God is Good没错,没错,上帝是美好的..Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah没错,没错,没错.......What if God was one of us?可是如果上帝和我们一样Just a slob like one of us?就像我们中某一个俗人Just a stranger on a bus他是一个公车上的陌生人Trying to make His way home正走在他回家的路上If God had a face, what would it look like?如果上帝有张面孔会是什么样子?And would you want to see你会想见见他吗?If seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the Prophets如果相见意味着你不得不相信天堂,耶稣,圣徒和先知这些的东西?Yeah, yeah, God is Great没错,没错,上帝是伟大的..Yeah, yeah, God is Good没错,没错,上帝是美好的..Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah没错,没错,没错...~``What if God was one of us?可是如果上帝和我们一样Just a slob like one of us?就像我们中某一个俗人Just a stranger on a bus他是一个公车上的陌生人Trying to make His way home正走在他回家的路上Back up to heaven all alone.独自赶回天堂Nobody callin" on the phone没人会打电话给他"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.也许除了罗马的教皇Yeah, yeah, God is Great没错,没错,上帝是伟大的..Yeah, yeah, God is Good没错,没错,上帝是美好的..eah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah没错,没错,没错...What if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeLike a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

lynch.的《JUDGEMENT》 歌词

歌曲名:JUDGEMENT歌手:lynch.专辑:judgementLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28166590

My oh my的歌词!~~~!~!~!!~!~!!~

My oh my 歌手:AquaMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo have the kingdom baby, tell me whyMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo rule the country baby, you can IIf you were my kingMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo have the kingdom baby, tell me whyMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo rule the country baby, you can ILittle princess in a terrible messA kingdom alone with no love to confessDreams of a prince on a tall white horseRuns like a spirit by the castle wallsGotta steal from the rich when they don"t know I"m comin"Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin"My oh my, don"t you cry "cause there"s no way I"m stayin"I will leave, say "bye bye", I"m goin" my wayMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo have the kingdom baby, tell me whyMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo rule the country baby, you can IIf you were my king (oh wow)I would be your queen (oh wow)If you were my king (oh wow)I would be your queen (oh wow)Mystery deep in the royal heartCrying at night, I wanna be apartPrince oh prince, are you really sincereBet you one day you"re gonna disappearGotta steal from the rich when they don"t know I"m comin"Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin"My oh my, don"t you cry "cause there"s no way I"m stayin"I will leave, say "bye bye", I"m goin" my wayMy oh my (oh oh oh)My oh my (oh oh oh)My oh my (oh oh oh)My oh myMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo have the kingdom baby, tell me whyMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbyeTo rule the country baby, you can IIf you were my king (oh wow)I would be your queen (oh wow)If you were my king (oh wow)I would be your queen (oh wow)

有一首老歌 歌词是 你是我的Oh my baby 看到你我不再流泪(好像是这个样子的)

歌曲:执着歌手:田震 u2022 搜索"执着"LRC歌词u2022 搜索"执着"mp3 u2022 下载"执着"铃声[ti:执着]每个夜晚来临的时候孤独总在我左右每个黄昏心跳的等候是我无限的温柔每次面对你时候不敢看你的双眸在我温柔的笑容背后有多少泪水哀愁不管时空多么转变世界怎么改变你的爱总在我心间你是否明白我想超越这平凡的生活注定现在暂时漂泊无法停止我内心的狂热对未来的执著拥抱着你oh my baby你看到我在流泪是否爱你让我伤悲让我心碎拥抱着你oh my baby可你知道我无法后退纵然使我苍白憔悴伤痕累累

有一首英文歌,男生唱的,很清新,有一句歌词是oh! my 什么什么day*3的叫什么歌?

楼主找到了么? 不知道是不是同一首 同求

歌词oh my love 我们结婚吧我想和你拥有一个家 是什么歌


bigbang的oh my friend中文歌词

1 2 3 41 2 3 4uc138uc0c1uc774 uadf8ub300ub97c uc2acud504uac8c ud55cub2e4uba74 uc5b8uc81c uc5b4ub514uc11cub4e0 ub0b4 uc774ub984uc744 ubd88ub7ecuc8fcuc624如果这个世界让你悲伤 无论何时何地请呼唤我的名字ub09c ud56duc0c1 ub108ub9ccuc744 uc704ud55c 119 5ubd84 ub300uae30uc870 ye我永远是仅为你一人的119 只需等待5分钟uadf8ub300uac00 uac00uc9c4 uc544ud514uc740 uc544ud514uc544ub0d0 uc6b0ub9b4 ub9ccub098uac8c ud574 uc900 uc778uc5f0uc758 ub048uc774uc57c你所受的伤痛并不是伤痛 而是让我们相遇的缘分之线ub0b4uac8c uae30ub300 uc6b8uc5b4ub3c4 uc88buc544 uc544ubb34ub9d0 uc5c6uc774 uc548uc544uc904ud14cub2c8靠在我身上哭泣也可以 我会默默地拥抱你ub098 ub110 uc704ud574 ube44ub97c ub9deuc544 uc26cuc9c0 uc54auace0 ub2ecub824uac00 uac70uce5c ubc14ub78cub3c4 ub6abuace0 uc9c0ub098 ye我可以为你淋雨 不知疲倦地奔跑 掠过狂风 yeub124 ub4a4uc5d0 ubb34uac70uc6b4 uc9d0 uc5b4ub450uc6b4 uadf8ub9bcuc790 uc774uc820 ub0b4uac00 ub2e4 ub9c9uc544uc904ud14cub2c8你背负的重担和黑色的影子 我都会帮你挡着oh my friend oh my friend uc601uc6d0ud788 uadf8ub300uc758 uce5cuad6cuac00 ub418ub9acoh my friend oh my friend 我永远都是你的朋友oh my friend oh my friend ub108ub9ccuc774 ub098ub97c uc0b4uac8cud574oh my friend oh my friend 只有你能让我活下去oh my friend oh my friend uc870uc6a9ud788 ub124 ub4a4uc5d0 ub098ubb34uac00 ub418ub9acoh my friend oh my friend 我要静静成为你身后的大树oh my friend oh my friend my friend uc0acub791ud574 uce5cuad6cuc5ecoh my friend oh my friend my friend 我爱你 朋友let"s rock&roll man i don"t controllet"s rock&roll man i don"t controlub208uc744 uac10uace0 uac00uc2b4uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 [Love&peace]闭上眼睛 敞开胸怀[Love&peace]uafc8uafb8ub358 ubc14ub7a8 trust me uac70uc9d3uc5c6uc774 uc9c4uc2e4ub9ccuc744 ub9d0ud574梦想着的期待 trust me 不加掩饰地说出真话ub611ubc14ub85c uac78uc5b4 uaf2d ud55cubc88uc740 uc808uc5b4 ub204uad6cub098 ub2e4 uc2e4uc218ub294 ud558uae30ub9c8ub828好好走下去 一定会有一次跌倒 任谁都有可能会犯错uc2e4ud328ub97c ub51buace0 uc77cuc5b4ub098ubcf4ub834 uc4f0ub9b0 uc0c1ucc98 ub2e4 uc548ub155踩着失败站起来 与刺痛的伤口全都说再见uc790! ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uace0 ub098uc544uac00uc790 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub838ub358 uafc8 ub2e4uc2dc ucc3euc544uac00uc790来吧!抓紧我的手向前走吧 重新找回丢失的梦想吧uac19uc774 ub0a0uc544ubcf4uc790 uba3cuc9c0ub97c ud138uc5b4ubcf4uc790 uc606 uc0acub78cub3c4 ud568uaed8 uac00ubcf4uc790一同飞翔吧 擦去灰尘 一旁的人们也一起来吧ub05duc740 uc548ubcf4uc774uc9c0ub9cc ubbf8ub798ub294 ubc1dub2e4 uc6b0ub9b0 uc544uc9c1 uc80auae30uc5d0 uae30ud68cub294 ub9ceub2e4虽然看不到尽头 但未来是明亮的 我们还年轻 机会还很多uc11cub85c uc0acub791ud558uc790 ub354 ud06cuac8c uc678uccd0ubcf4uc790 uc790uc720!爱着彼此吧 更大声地呼喊吧 自由!oh my friend oh my friend uc601uc6d0ud788 uadf8ub300uc758 uce5cuad6cuac00 ub418ub9acoh my friend oh my friend 我永远都是你的朋友oh my friend oh my friend ub108ub9ccuc774 ub098ub97c uc0b4uac8cud574oh my friend oh my friend 只有你能让我活下去oh my friend oh my friend uc870uc6a9ud788 ub124 ub4a4uc5d0 ub098ubb34uac00 ub418ub9acoh my friend oh my friend 我要静静成为你身后的大树oh my friend oh my friend my friend uc0acub791ud574 uce5cuad6cuc5ecoh my friend oh my friend my friend 我爱你 朋友uc9c0uce5c uc77cuc0c1uc744 ub5a0ub098 ub124uac00 uadf8ub9acub358ub300ub85c摆脱疲倦的日子 就如你所梦想的那样uafc8uc744 ud5a5ud574 ub6f0uc5b4ub77c uadf8ub300uc5ec朝着梦想奔跑吧 朋友go away go away let"s go away babygo away go away let"s go away babyoh oh oh oh oh -oh oh oh oh oh -ubaa8ub450 ub6f0uc5b4所有人都奔跑吧oh my friend oh my friend uc601uc6d0ud788 uadf8ub300uc758 uce5cuad6cuac00 ub418ub9acoh my friend oh my friend 我永远都是你的朋友oh my friend oh my friend ub108ub9ccuc774 ub098ub97c uc0b4uac8cud574oh my friend oh my friend 只有你能让我活下去oh my friend oh my friend uc870uc6a9ud788 ub124 ub4a4uc5d0 ub098ubb34uac00 ub418ub9acoh my friend oh my friend 我要静静成为你身后的大树oh my friend oh my friend my friend uc0acub791ud574 uce5cuad6cuc5ecoh my friend oh my friend my friend 我爱你 朋友



Aqua-my oh my 中文歌词

My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to half a kingdom Baby tell me why 告诉我你为什么要离开,为什么要离开,离开半壁江山 My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to rule a country Baby you and I 为什么要离开,为什么不在我身边,和我共同掌管这个国家 If you were my king 留下吧 My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to half a kingdom Baby tell me why My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to rule a country Baby you and I If you were my king 留下吧 Little princess in a terrible mess - a kingdom alone but no lovers confess Dreams of a prince on a tall white horse - runs like a spirit by the castle walls 小公主现在心乱如麻,拥有一个王国,却不能拥有自己心爱的人。 梦想着王子的出现 如精灵一般,骑着白马沿着古堡的城墙飞奔…… Gotta steal from the rich - when they don"t know I"m coming Gotta give to the poor - no time for loving (王子):我劫富济贫,来去无踪,无暇顾及儿女私情…… My oh my, don"t you cry - ‘cause there"s no way I"m staying I will leave, say bye bye - I"m going my way 居无定所,来去匆匆,我一直在路上…… Chorus If you were my king - I would be your queen 让我做您的王后好吗? If you were my king - I would be your queen 让我做您的王后好吗? Misery deep in the royal heart - crying at night “why wanna be apart?br> Prince, oh prince are you really sincere - that you one day are gonna disappear 高贵的心在夜里痛苦哭泣--“我的王子,你为什么要离开” “你是认真的吗?” “认真又怎样,总有一天你会离我而去” Gotta steel from the rich - when they don"t know I"m coming Gotta give to the poor - no time for loving My oh my, don"t you cry - but there"s no way I"m staying 你不要哭,但是我无法留下来 I will leave, say bye bye - I"m going my way (王子):我劫富济贫,来去无踪,无暇顾及儿女私情…… 居无定所,来去匆匆,我一直在路上…… My oh my - My oh my Chorus If you were my king - I would be your queen 如果你是我的国王,我愿意做你的皇后 If you were my king - I would be your queen

My, Oh My [Live] 歌词

歌曲名:My, Oh My [Live]歌手:The Wreckers专辑:Way Back Home: Live From New York CityThe Wreckers - My, Oh MyThis concrete road used to just be dirtWe"d drive out here after workEvery Friday night when I was eighteenThis parking lot used to be a fieldI parked here with my OldsmobileLong before the Sonic and the WalgreensNot no moreNot no moreMy oh myLook how the time fliesLook how the world changesin the blink of an eyeMy oh myLook how the years have goneTurn it aroundbefore you know it up and goneOh my oh my oh myTimes have changed and so have II once was young and starry-eyedNow I have these bitter-sweet memoriesSongs were long and gas was cheapNo cellphones and the water was freeDaddy paid and I never had to worryNot no moreNot no moreMy oh myLook how the time fliesLook how the world changesin the blink of an eyeMy oh myLook how the years have goneTurn it aroundbefore you know it up and goneOh my oh my oh myOh my oh my oh myNot no moreMy oh myLook how the time fliesLook how the world changesin the blink of an eyeMy oh myLook how the years have goneTurn it aroundbefore you know it up and goneOh my oh my oh myYeehawhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8065305

有首英文女生唱得,歌词有oh my这是什么歌

Right Here Waiting(此情可待) - Bryan AdamsOceans apart day after day隔海相思,日复一日And I slowly go insane我逐渐陷入疯狂I hear your voice on the line在电话里听着你的声音But it doesnt stop the pain但那不能疗伤止痛If I see you next to never如果永远见不到你How can we say forever我俩还谈什么天长地久Wherever you go不论你去了哪里Whatever you do不管你做了什么I will be right here waiting for you我都会在此为你等候Whatever it takes不管未来如何Or how my heart breaks或我有多么伤心I will be right here waiting for you我都会在此为你等候I took for granted all the times过去我一直视为理所当然That I though would last somehow以为那终究会继续I hear the laughted I taste the tears我听到笑语,尝到泪水But I cant get near you now现在却无法靠近你Oh cant you see it baby宝贝,你难道看不出来You"ve got me goin Crazy你已经令我疯狂Wherever you go不论你去了哪里Whatever you do不管你做了什么I will be right here waiting for you我都会在此为你等候Whatever it takes不管未来如何Or how my heart breaks或我有多么伤心I will be right here waiting for you我都会在此为你等候I wonder how we can survive我怀疑要怎样才让继续下去This romance这段恋情But in the end if Im with you如果最后我能够和你在一起I"ll take the chance我会好好把握机会Oh cant you see it baby宝贝,你难道看不出来You"ve got me goin crazy你已经令我疯狂Wherever you go不论你去了哪里Whatever you do不管你做了什么I will be right here waiting for you我都会在此为你等候Whatever it takes不管未来如何Or how my heart breaks或我有多么伤心I will be right here waiting for you我都会在此为你等候waiting for you为你等候

有首英文女生唱得,歌词有oh my这是什么歌

歌词是有 oh my god吗?


踏雪 金桢勋I love you ~~and I love soKi da li~er su yi ge niMa o men duo a neNuo ya se hei~er duoPa len ta yi tei yi duoHang gei yi qu mo teiwong ja hi mi do te en deTo go ka suoMi yang haKi ga mo len gu long ma ler lu gong seen ga ma guo yaKi so li e ma mi po guo xi gei jiOh ni e suo lo guo la wa guo ga jiQiang mou li lu mu yoCu li wa ha~er seen ga geiI love you so I love youNi ga qia pu lu gei ba~er pio suoLe xin qia en ni ga pa ker suooh da ke duo la ka gei miI love you and I love you soQuo gi cha li~er tang gu sun gaWu~er jie mai guo suo lun to nuo juoQie bai qia li suo juoMo dou qi lu ni mu su who ja gou xi qi manNu mer san ki mi o yi den man bu luo wong danQi~er lie pan sa jin hang jang ka ji cu ga~er dueMa bu xi duoGang dang heimu li gu tu ma le man ma dou sue ma men ma~er tu guoPiao la qi wang lang ba du ha ji mo ta daHoh lu nu gun ga ga ma ler gong ma duoMen juo a qie luoYi hang ma ti ma ki yo keiI love you so I love youMi ga qia ku lu lei bai~er piou sounei xing qia e mi ga pa~er kou souoh~er dou kei duo la ka ge miI love you and I love you soQuo gi qia li~er tang len ge sun gaWu~er ge mai guo suo lu~en to luo juoQie bai qia li suo suoEND

宝儿的 shine we are 的日文歌词



ustralia is an important

有一首英文歌 里面有句歌词是oh my 什么什么的

westlife的my love

super junior - m好像有一首歌的歌词是oh my什么的?


歌词里有oh my的歌词

歌名:My Love(Radio Edit)歌手:WESTLIFEAn empty street, an empty houseA hole inside my heartI"m all alone, the rooms are getting smaller.I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they areThe days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)And all my love, I"m holding on foreverReaching for the love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.All the seas from coast to coastTo find the place I Love The MostWhere the fields are green, to see you once again... my love.I try to read, I go to workI"m laughing with my friendsBut I can"t stop to keep myself from thinking. (oh no)I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they areThe days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)And all my love, I"m holding on foreverReaching for the love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.All the seas from coast to coastTo find the place I Love The MostWhere the fields are green, to see you once again...To hold you in my armsTo promise you my loveTo tell you from the heartYou"re all I"m thinking ofReaching for the love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take its thereWhere the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.All the seas from coast to coastTo find the place I Love The MostWhere the fields are green, to see you once again... my love.Say it in a prayer (my sweet love)Dreams will take it thereWhere the skies are blue (woah yeah), to see you once again my love. (oh my love)All the seas from coast to coastTo find the place I Love The MostWhere the fields are green, to see you once again.... My Love.

麻吉的《Oh ! My》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh ! My歌手:麻吉专辑:Oh My!!oh my 一个美眉走过来 oh my 远远看来很不赖oh my 近看好想(流目屎) oh my oh my goodness怎么这样 真的太夸张 有很多怪里怪气在这马路上晃一晃 撞到欧八桑 没想到掉进水沟衣服全弄脏yeah oh my 别找我玩朴克牌 oh my 上次输到剩两块oh my 运气怎么这么坏 oh my oh my goodness 约会失败打篮球被盖 连我的脚踏车都骑到爆胎 刚起床 发现脖子歪买东西才知道没钱在口袋 yeah oh my 电梯突然停下来oh my 乌漆妈黑门不开 oh my 电怎么整晚都不来oh my oh my goodness ah~老天爷在发呆oh my ah~真的应该忍耐 ah~老天爷在发呆 oh my其实也不奇怪 ah~老天爷太无赖ah~真的应该忍耐 ah~老天爷太无赖 oh my其实也不奇怪 打翻油漆 踩到香蕉皮 疯狂打喷嚏我喝水喝到鼻涕 上个课又没带笔 赶不上飞机打破老爸的古董还没整理 又弄坏妈的吸尘器公车上很挤不小心放了一个屁 棒球打破别人家玻璃被狗追到上气不接下气 oh my 一堆蜜蜂飞过来oh my 怎么敢也赶不开 oh my 在我头上停下来oh my oh my goodness ah~老天爷在发呆oh my ah~真的应该忍耐 ah~老天爷在发呆 oh my其实也不奇怪 ah~老天爷太无赖ah~真的应该忍耐 ah~老天爷太无赖 oh my其实也不奇怪 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh说奇怪 早就见怪不怪 ah~老天爷在发呆oh my ah~真的应该忍耐 ah~老天爷在发呆 oh my其实也不奇怪 ah~老天爷太无赖ah~真的应该忍耐 ah~老天爷太无赖 oh my其实也不奇怪 希望倒楣快走开http://music.baidu.com/song/7288980

how much is the doggle in the window的歌词有人知道么,急求呀

How much is that doggie in the window? (Arf! Arf!)The one with the waggily tail?How much is that doggie in the window? (Arf! Arf!)I do hope that doggie"s for saleI must take a trip to California,Page PattiAnd leave my poor sweetheart aloneIf he has a dog he won"t be lonesome,And the doggie will have a good home.How much is that doggie in the window? (Arf! Arf!)The one with the waggily tail?How much is that doggie in the window? (Arf! Arf!)I do hope that doggie"s for saleI read in the papers there are robbers (Rowlf! Rowlf!)My love needs a doggie to protect him,And scare them away with one bark!I don"t want a bunny or a kitty,I don"t want a parrot that talks,I don"t want a bowl of little fishesHe can"t take a goldfish for a walk!How much is that doggie in the window? (Arf! Arf!)The one with the waggily tail?How much is that doggie in the window? (Arf! Arf!)I do hope that doggie"s for sale

英语翻译歌词《 High School Confidential》 中英对照。谢谢~

High School Confidential - Carole Pope 高中机密——卡罗尔教皇 He"s a cool blond scheming trick 他是一个凉爽的金发碧眼的诡计多端的诡计 You want him so much 你想要他那么多 You feel sick 你感到不舒服 The boy can"t help it 那个男孩没办法 He really can"t help it now 他真的忍不住了 Teenage brandos stalk him in the halls 他在青少年brandos茎大厅 They tease him with cat calls 他们取笑他的猫的电话 He"s a combination 他是一个组合 Tom Cruise Zack O"Tool 汤姆·克鲁斯扎克"Tool啊! High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 What"s that man doin with him 那是什么人跟他来往 It"s that guy 这是那个家伙 And he"s screwin with him 他的screwin与他同在 Can he feel the sex and sweat 他能感觉到性与汗水 He makes you cream your jeans 他让你把牛仔裤 So you won"t forget 这样你就不会忘记 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 He drives a loaded jeep 他开一辆满载的吉普车 With seats in the back 后面的座位 If you don"t do him soon 如果你不帮他很快 You"ll have a heart attack 你将会有一个心脏病发作 When he flashes you a look 当他思绪闪你看一看 You wanna burn his books 你想烧他的书 Give up high school 放弃高中 Well well well well 嗯嗯 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 Well well well well 嗯嗯 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密

Confidential 歌词

歌曲名:Confidential歌手:The Radiators专辑:Zig-Zaggin" Through Ghostland作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦编曲:ha-j朝 起きて 窓の外を见たそこには 澄んだ空気と 太阳の光りで辉く雪の世界があるそう 思うと 心が踊る水たまりにできた 氷の中自分の姿を 映す 自信は无いけどきっと 未来の私が见えるはずそして 明日を 信じて歌ってみたり 涙 流してみたり永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる冬をむかえた 木を见ていると 寂しく思う明りを消して 雪の降る 音を闻いて风に揺れるブランコも外灯の光りも 私の心の様でもっと あなたの事を 知りたいよ何を思い考えて 何を感じているの永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8239829

Confidential 歌词

歌曲名:Confidential歌手:Peter White专辑:Confidential作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦编曲:ha-j朝 起きて 窓の外を见たそこには 澄んだ空気と 太阳の光りで辉く雪の世界があるそう 思うと 心が踊る水たまりにできた 氷の中自分の姿を 映す 自信は无いけどきっと 未来の私が见えるはずそして 明日を 信じて歌ってみたり 涙 流してみたり永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる冬をむかえた 木を见ていると 寂しく思う明りを消して 雪の降る 音を闻いて风に揺れるブランコも外灯の光りも 私の心の様でもっと あなたの事を 知りたいよ何を思い考えて 何を感じているの永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8973314

Lyfe Jennings (Featuring Snoop Dogg)的《Old School》 歌词

歌曲名:Old School歌手:Lyfe Jennings (Featuring Snoop Dogg)专辑:Lyfe ChangeLyfe Jennings - Old School (Feat. Snoop Dogg)I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI work the grave yard shift cause I"m dead on my feet ya"llreally want to quit but the kids got to eat ya"llSee money can"t buy you powerbut it can pay the water bill on time so them kids can take a showerAnd I swear to GOD, if they keep on raising these gas pricesI"mma sell this Chevy and go buy me a bikeI"m a King, but my crown in a lay-wayAnd I"m just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansCredit card company called said my bill is overdueTold them I couldn"t afford to pay them and rent tooThey told me they were gonna sue meI said if you didn"t want me to use it then you shouldn"t have gave it to me.And what"s up with these people blowing up buildingsAnd nothing really gangsta about blowing up childrenWould cry, but my eyes in a lay way and I just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansForeign places, court casesSeems they always on my lineI don"t trip, I just dipPop the top on my 69Fleetwood, Cadillacmirror with my Boys on backChandelier so superiorLouis Vitton, oatmeal interiorBossy Boss, mink seats, what it costSpeak yo peace, can"t you see ain"t no big dealhave a seat lil homie and enjoy your mealClose the door and don"t drop crumbs on my flo"Here we go, soul food, so cool, and i got this.....I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansLyfe, Big Snoop, Soul Food, oh I got this greenery causewe need some vegetables too, gotta have you vegetablesthat"s what it is old school, soul foodold school, soul foodKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/7902860





Old School (Interlude) 歌词

歌曲名:Old School (Interlude)歌手:Moabeat专辑:Dringlichkeit Besteht ImmerLyfe Jennings - Old School (Feat. Snoop Dogg)I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI work the grave yard shift cause I"m dead on my feet ya"llreally want to quit but the kids got to eat ya"llSee money can"t buy you powerbut it can pay the water bill on time so them kids can take a showerAnd I swear to GOD, if they keep on raising these gas pricesI"mma sell this Chevy and go buy me a bikeI"m a King, but my crown in a lay-wayAnd I"m just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansCredit card company called said my bill is overdueTold them I couldn"t afford to pay them and rent tooThey told me they were gonna sue meI said if you didn"t want me to use it then you shouldn"t have gave it to me.And what"s up with these people blowing up buildingsAnd nothing really gangsta about blowing up childrenWould cry, but my eyes in a lay way and I just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansForeign places, court casesSeems they always on my lineI don"t trip, I just dipPop the top on my 69Fleetwood, Cadillacmirror with my Boys on backChandelier so superiorLouis Vitton, oatmeal interiorBossy Boss, mink seats, what it costSpeak yo peace, can"t you see ain"t no big dealhave a seat lil homie and enjoy your mealClose the door and don"t drop crumbs on my flo"Here we go, soul food, so cool, and i got this.....I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansLyfe, Big Snoop, Soul Food, oh I got this greenery causewe need some vegetables too, gotta have you vegetablesthat"s what it is old school, soul foodold school, soul foodKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/2784797
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