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歌名:《别知己》歌手:海来阿木、阿呷拉古、曲比阿且作词:海来阿木作曲:海来阿木歌词:月亮冷冷挂在天上,它也知道明天将是一场离别我们升起火堆,唱起歌儿跳起舞来,趁着酒意诉说这一生的悲与喜月亮你别再柔情似水,我的朋友你别再多愁善感昨天已经过去,所有的伤心和烦恼已离去你要相信,明天的天空会更蔚蓝iet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo昨天已经过去,所有的伤心和烦恼已离去你要相信明天的天空会更蔚蓝,不知不觉地天就亮起来我们唱睡了黑夜唱睡了星辰,在你踏上离别的火车那一刻我只顾着流泪,忘了挥手忘了说再见,望,一路珍重iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa ietssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo在你踏上离别的火车那一刻,我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重iet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbogat qop bop iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo在你踏上离别的火车那一刻,我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重扩展资料:《别知己》由海来阿木、阿呷拉古、曲比阿且演唱的一首歌,该歌曲时长4分40秒。发行于2019-03-05。收录在海来阿木的个人专辑《别知己》中,歌曲一上线就受到了广泛的关注,收获了众多网友的喜爱。《别知己》在网上有众多的翻唱版本,截止2021年3月,娜娜丽莎、亚男等都进行过翻唱。并发布在酷我音乐平台上。


U(中文)[SJ-M]: 【始源】梦中的天使来降临 而我已经确定要的人就是你 【韩庚】请让我来为你断定 守护你的骑士他现在在这里 【奎贤】我无法想象身旁你不在 要怎么忍耐一个人的无奈 【丽旭】oh~我的爱 放出去怎么收回来 【全体】cuz I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【东海】你属于我 最美的梦 【全体】no I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【周觅】我要我们手紧紧相握 【东海】你发上残余的香气 白皙的背脊 让我沉醉不已 【Henry】低沉带磁性的话语 缠绕在耳边 流连不曾消去 【丽旭】把戒指藏在玫瑰里 能不能请你和我一起走那未来 【奎贤】oh~我的爱 放出去不会收回来 【全体】cuz I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【东海】疯狂不已 不能失去你 【全体】no I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【周觅】我只要我们心紧紧相依 【全体】cuz I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【韩庚】不要留我 孤单在这里 【全体】no I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【始源】你只属于我 让我属于你 【周觅】没有什么能够改变我爱你的自由 我只想握着你的手 和你分享所有美梦 想要陪伴着你 在你孤单时候 擦掉你的眼泪 付出我的温柔 【东海】不管有什么 我也不感觉寂寞 没有你等于永远偏离了重心 让我这样捧着你 在你手中 让我望着你看着你爱着你的笑容 【丽旭】我会让你 只要我只为我而哭 【全体】cuz I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【Henry】疯狂不已 不能失去你 【全体】no I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【奎贤】我只要我们心紧紧相依 【全体】cuz I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【韩庚】不要留我 孤单在这里 【全体】no I can"t stop thinking bout u girl 【始源】你只属于我 让我属于你


你要相信明天的天空会更蔚蓝是《别知己》,《别知己》是由海来阿木演唱的歌曲。歌词曲比阿且:月亮冷冷地挂在天上,它也知道明天将是一场离别,我们升起火堆唱起歌儿,跳起舞来趁着酒意诉说,这一生的悲与喜海来阿木:月亮你别再柔情似水,我的朋友你别再多愁善感昨天已经过去,所有的伤心和烦恼已离去你要相信明天的天空,会更蔚蓝合:Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ne iet ssa iet ssa mu bboIet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ngat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo昨天已经过去,所有的伤心和烦恼已离去你要相信明天的天空,会更蔚蓝阿呷拉古(1娃·四爷):不知不觉的天就亮起来,我们唱睡了黑夜唱睡了星辰在你踏上离别的火车,那一刻我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重合:Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ne iet ssa iet ssa mu bboIet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ngat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo在你踏上离别的火车,那一刻我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ne iet ssa iet ssa mu bboIet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ngat qop bop iet ssa mu bboIet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ne iet ssa iet ssa mu bboIet ssa iet ssa mu bbo,Ngat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo在你踏上离别的火车,那一刻我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重忘了挥手忘了说再见,望一路珍重扩展资料别知己是由海来阿木、阿呷拉古、曲比阿且演唱的一首歌,由海来阿木填词谱曲,曲比阿且编曲,歌曲发行于2019年3月5日,并收藏在专辑《别知己》中。2018年10月,海来阿木发布个人首支单曲《阿果吉曲》,从而正式出道,11月,他发布献给母亲的歌曲《月亮妈妈》。2019年3月5日,海来阿木与阿呷拉古、曲比阿且共同演唱的歌曲《别知己》发布,12月21日,他的作品《阿果吉曲》获得长江三峡网络音乐节十大网络金曲。2020年3月,海来阿木创作的歌曲《点歌的人》发布,5月22日,他创作的歌曲《你的万水千山》发布。

《别知己》歌词中的拼音还是英文 什么意思?

月亮冷冷地挂在天上它也知道明天将是一场离别我们升起火堆唱起歌儿跳起舞来趁着酒意诉说这一生的悲与喜月亮你别再柔情似水我的朋友你别再多愁善感昨天已经过去所有的伤心和烦恼已离去你要相信明天的天空会更蔚蓝iet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo昨天已经过去所有的伤心和烦恼已离去你要相信明天的天空会更蔚蓝不知不觉的天就亮起来我们唱睡了黑夜唱睡了星辰在你踏上离别的火车那一刻我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见望一路珍重iet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo在你踏上离别的火车那一刻我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见望一路珍重iet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo在你踏上离别的火车那一刻我只顾着流泪忘了挥手忘了说再见望一路珍重忘了挥手忘了说再见望一路珍重忘了挥手忘了说再见望一路珍重iet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbone iet ssa iet ssa mu bboiet ssa iet ssa mu bbongat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo不是我们常听到的英语,这是彝族语,它的意思是:Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo慢走,你慢些走Ne iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo我的朋友你慢走Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo慢走,你慢些走Ngat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo我的朋友别着急,你慢走莱垍头条






Heart of feel grateful I come from being like a dust by chance Have who see my flimsiness of I come from what square my feeling return where Who at under a moment calls me World although this road of breadth but difficult walk I see the frustrated pain of this human life How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears Want the heaven knows my gameness Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish I come from being like a dust by chance Have who see my flimsiness of I come from what square my feeling return where Who at under a moment calls me World although this road of breadth but difficult walk I see the frustrated pain of this human life How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears Want the heaven knows my gameness Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish


励志歌曲:坚持到底(中英)歌词   作词:吴剑泓 作曲:林怡凤   演唱:阿杜   在水里 在火里   我的爱不偏不倚   就算时光倒回去   我也追到石器世纪   在风里 在雨里   你的雨伞吹翻过去   我绝对毫不犹豫   为你披上我的外衣   是你让我看透生命这东西   四个字 坚持到底   如果没有你   我的生活回到一片狼藉   是你让我翻破爱情的秘笈   四个字 坚持到底   不管有多苦 我会全心全力   爱你到底   在风里 在雨里   你的雨伞吹翻过去   我绝对毫不犹豫   为你披上我的`外衣   是你让我看透生命这东西   四个字 坚持到底   如果没有你   我的生活回到一片狼藉   是你让我翻破爱情的秘笈   四个字 坚持到底   不管有多苦 我会全心全力   爱你到底   当你看进我的眼里   我的心颤抖不已   请让温柔的说一句   感觉累的时候 让我抱紧   是你让我看透生命这东西   四个字 坚持到底   如果没有你   我的生活回到一片狼藉   是你让我翻破爱情的秘笈   四个字 坚持到底   不管有多苦 我会全心全力   坚持到底   坚持到底英文版   Adhere to in the end   Authors: Wu Jianhong Composer: Lin Yifeng   Singer: Adu   In the water in a fire   I love to avoid leaning to either side   If time back   I also seek stone Century   In the wind in the rain   Your umbrella blown over the past   I would not hesitate   Give you my coat   You make me what life really   Four words, adhere to in the end   If not for you   My life back in a mess   You make me tips over broken love   Four words, adhere to in the end   No matter how hard I will wholeheartedly   Love you in the end   In the wind in the rain   Your umbrella blown over the past   I would not hesitate   Give you my coat   You make me what life really   Four words, adhere to in the end   If not for you   My life back in a mess   You make me tips over broken love   Four words, adhere to in the end   No matter how hard I will wholeheartedly   Love you in the end   When you look into my eyes   My heart is trembling   Please let the gentle words   Let me feel tight when tired   You make me what life really   Four words, adhere to in the end   If not for you   My life back in a mess   You make me tips over broken love   Four words, adhere to in the end   No matter how hard I will wholeheartedly   Adhere to in the end ;

harlot widow and the virgin bride 歌词

歌曲名:harlot widow and the virgin bride歌手:Tourniquet专辑:stop the bleedingSee the harlot riding sinner scarlet (Rev 17:3)She"s a city made of souls (Rev 17:18)to the Devil she will hold...to the endMadnessdrunken blindness...fallen! is her kingdom (Rev 18:2-3)TourniquetFuture people living out an ancient sin (Rev 17:5, Du 10:12-13)Before the can win the wedding begins (Rev 19:6-8, 21:1-2, 21:9-11)Queen of ultra darkness harlot of hateBecause of your lust you"ll never escapeThe pride on your lips is sealing your fate...You just wait! (Rev 18:16-18)You"ve boasted glory as your ownYou kept the children from their homeNo moreSay goodbye to all your liesThe chosen live againfree from sinnew life within (Rev 18:4,23)Broken humans consecrated by the One they once degradedHateful whore transformed to virginsdelivered from a way that scourged HimThey scourged Him (Col. 1:13, Act 2:22-23)Virgin bride the Holy blood justifiedYour spiritual birth from out of His side (Gen 2:21-24, Jn 19:34)Now the marriage never dies...open your eyes (Rev 22:7)http://music.baidu.com/song/14225528

caring is creepy 歌词

歌曲名:caring is creepy歌手:shins专辑:oh inverted worldI think i"ll go home and mull this overBefore i cram it down my throatAt long last it"s crashed, the colossal massHas broken up into bits in my moat.Lift the mattress off the floorShinsWalk the cramps offGo meander in the coldHail to your dark skinHiding the fact you"re dead againUndeneath the power lines seeking shadeFar above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reasonIt"s a luscious mix of words and tricksThat let us bet when you know we should foldAnd the whole mess of roads we"re now on.Hold your glass up, hold it inNever betray the way you"ve always known it is.One day i"ll be wondering howI got so old just wondering howI never got cold wearing nothing in the snow.This is way beyond my remote concernOf being condescendingAll these squawking birds won"t quit.Building nothing, laying bricks.http://music.baidu.com/song/14210019

Sex Pistols的《Problems》 歌词

歌曲名:Problems歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsJay-Z - 99 ProblemsIf your having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneI got the rap patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure my casket"s closedRap critics that say he"s "Money Cash Hoes"I"m from the hood stupid what type of facts are thoseIf you grew up with holes in your zapitosYou"d celebrate the minute you was having doeI"m like fuck critics you can kiss my whole assholeIf you don"t like my lyrics you can press fast forwardGot beef with radio if I don"t play they showThey don"t play my hits well I don"t give a shit SORap mags try and use my black assSo advertisers can give em more cash for ads...fuckersI don"t know what you take me asor understand the intelligence that Jay-Z hasI"m from rags to ritches nigga I ain"t dumbI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meThe year is "94 and in my trunk is rawIn my rear view mirror is the mother fucking lawI got two choices yall pull over the car orbounce on the double put the pedal to the floorNow I ain"t trying to see no highway chase with jakePlus I got a few dollars I can fight the caseSo I...pull over to the side of the roadAnd I heard "Son do you know why I"m stopping you for?"Cause I"m young and I"m black and my hats real lowDo I look like a mind reader sir, I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some mo?"Well you was doing fifty five in a fifty four""License and registration and step out of the car""Are you carrying a weapon on you I know alot of you are"I ain"t stepping out of shit all my papers legit"Do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the backAnd I know my rights so you gon" need a warrent for that"Aren"t you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?""Or somebody important or something?"Nah I ain"t pass the bar but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"Well see how smart you are when the K-9"s come"I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNow once upon a time not too long agoA nigga like myself had to strong arm a hoeThis is not a hoe in the sense of having a pussyBut a pussy having no God Damn sense, try and push meI tried to ignore him and talk to the LordPray for him, cause some fools just love to performYou know the type loud as a motor bikeBut wouldn"t bust a grape in a fruit fightThe only thing that"s gonna happen is i"mma get to clappingHe and his boys gon" be yapping to the captainAnd there I go trapped in the kit kat againBack through the system with the riff raff againFiends on the floor scratching againPaparazzi"s with they cameras snapping themD.A. tred to give the nigga the shaft againHalf-a-mil for bail cause I"m AfricanAll because this fool was horrasin themTrying to play the boy like hes saccarinBut ain"t nothing sweet "bout how I hold my gunI got 99 problems but being a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneYou"re crazy for this one RickIt"s your boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31169028

Sex Pistols的《Problems》 歌词

歌曲名:Problems歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsJay-Z - 99 ProblemsIf your having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneI got the rap patrol on the gat patrolFoes that wanna make sure my casket"s closedRap critics that say he"s "Money Cash Hoes"I"m from the hood stupid what type of facts are thoseIf you grew up with holes in your zapitosYou"d celebrate the minute you was having doeI"m like fuck critics you can kiss my whole assholeIf you don"t like my lyrics you can press fast forwardGot beef with radio if I don"t play they showThey don"t play my hits well I don"t give a shit SORap mags try and use my black assSo advertisers can give em more cash for ads...fuckersI don"t know what you take me asor understand the intelligence that Jay-Z hasI"m from rags to ritches nigga I ain"t dumbI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meThe year is "94 and in my trunk is rawIn my rear view mirror is the mother fucking lawI got two choices yall pull over the car orbounce on the double put the pedal to the floorNow I ain"t trying to see no highway chase with jakePlus I got a few dollars I can fight the caseSo I...pull over to the side of the roadAnd I heard "Son do you know why I"m stopping you for?"Cause I"m young and I"m black and my hats real lowDo I look like a mind reader sir, I don"t knowAm I under arrest or should I guess some mo?"Well you was doing fifty five in a fifty four""License and registration and step out of the car""Are you carrying a weapon on you I know alot of you are"I ain"t stepping out of shit all my papers legit"Do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"Well my glove compartment is locked so is the trunk and the backAnd I know my rights so you gon" need a warrent for that"Aren"t you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something?""Or somebody important or something?"Nah I ain"t pass the bar but I know a little bitEnough that you won"t illegally search my shit"Well see how smart you are when the K-9"s come"I got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meNow once upon a time not too long agoA nigga like myself had to strong arm a hoeThis is not a hoe in the sense of having a pussyBut a pussy having no God Damn sense, try and push meI tried to ignore him and talk to the LordPray for him, cause some fools just love to performYou know the type loud as a motor bikeBut wouldn"t bust a grape in a fruit fightThe only thing that"s gonna happen is i"mma get to clappingHe and his boys gon" be yapping to the captainAnd there I go trapped in the kit kat againBack through the system with the riff raff againFiends on the floor scratching againPaparazzi"s with they cameras snapping themD.A. tred to give the nigga the shaft againHalf-a-mil for bail cause I"m AfricanAll because this fool was horrasin themTrying to play the boy like hes saccarinBut ain"t nothing sweet "bout how I hold my gunI got 99 problems but being a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit me99 Problems but a bitch ain"t oneIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneHit meIf you having girl problems I feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain"t oneYou"re crazy for this one RickIt"s your boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31168991

求《斗鱼》插曲《Breathe Again》歌词

If I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you now and thenWill I never make love to you once againPlease understand if love endsThen I promise you, I promise youThat, that I shall never breathe againBreathe againBreathe againThat I shall never breathe againBreathe againAnd I can"t stop thinkin" aboutAbout the way things used to beAnd I can"t stop thinkin" aboutAbout the love that you make to meAnd I can"t get you outta my headHow in the world will I beginTo let you walk right out my lifeAnd blow my heart awayAnd I can"t stop carin" aboutAbout the apple of my eyeAnd I can"t stop doin" withoutWithout the center of my lifeAnd I can"t get you outta my headAnd I know I can"t pretendThat I won"t die if you decideYou won"t see me againIf I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you now and thenWill I never make love to you once againPlease understand if love endsThen I promise you, I promise youThat, that I shall never breathe againBreathe againBreathe againThat I shall never breathe againBreathe againAnd I can"t stop thinkin" aboutAbout the way my life would beNo I can"t stop thinkin" aboutHow could your love be leavin" meAnd I can"t get you outta my mindGod knows how hard I triedAnd if you walk right out my lifeGod knows I"d surely dieAnd I can"t stop doin" withoutWithout the rythm of my heartNo I can"t stop doin" withoutFor I would surely fall apartAnd I can"t get you outta my mindCause I know I can"t deny itAnd I would die if you decideYou won"t see me againIf I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you now and thenWill I never make love to you once againPlease understand if love endsThen I promise you, I promise youThat, that I shall never breathe againBreathe againBreathe againThat I shall never breathe againBreathe again

谁知道仓木麻衣的summer time gone-歌词,谢谢


求西城男孩(westlife)SHE"S BACK歌词中文翻译

我只有歌词,没有翻译````楼上的那几位都是错的,翻译也是用的在线翻译,根本不准确Shane: Took some time to heal To get my heartbeat back Just when I"m ahead Returning from the dead She"s back again... Aha She knows just what to say She always gets her way Just when I was free She"s back inside of me She"s back again Mark (All): So tell me why the hell I hear music Every time she calls I hear music Is it just the way she loves to confuse me Oh baby, ooooh Just when I moved on Believed that she was gone She"s back again... she"s back She"s back again... she"s back Shane: Like a predator and prey She"ll tear my heart away She"ll chew me to the bone Leave me rotting here alone "Till she"s back again Mark (All): So tell me why the hell I hear music Every time she calls I hear music Is it just the way she loves to confuse me Oh baby, ooooh Just when I moved on Believed that she was gone ooooh, She"s back again...she"s back ooooh, She"s back again...she"s back ooooh, She"s back again...she"s back ooooh, She"s back again...she"s back ooooh, She"s back again...she"s back ooooh, She"s back again...she"s back Mark (All): So tell me why the hell I hear music Every time she calls I hear music Is it just the way she loves to confuse me Oh baby, ooooh Just when I moved on Believed that she was gone She"s back ,oh yeah Every time she calls I hear music Is it just the way she loves to confuse me Oh baby, ooooh Just when I moved on Believed that she was gone She"s back again...oooh, she"s back Repeat till end Sorry````我真的找不到中文翻译````




斗鱼插曲 - 小燕子之歌Breathe Again 演唱:Juwita Suwito Have you wounder how it feels when it"s all over. 你是否想过一切结束时会是怎样的感觉? Wound how it feels when you just have to start?a new. 想过要重新开始又会是怎样的感觉? Never knowing?where you"re going. 从不知道你往哪里去? When you face a brand new day. 当你面对崭新的一天? It used to be that way. 过去曾经是这个样子? Now I just close my eyes and say. 而现在我只闭上眼睛,说? I just want to?breathe again. 我只不过想再一次呼吸? Learn to face the?joy and pain. 学习面对那份快乐与痛楚? Discover how to laugh a little,cry a little,live a little more. 探索怎么多去欢笑一点,多去哭泣一点,多活出自己一点? I just wanna face today. 我只想活在今天 Forget about?the woes of?yesterday. 遗忘昨天的伤悲? Maybe if I hope a little,try a little more. 或许如果我多期盼一点,多尝试一点? I"ll breathe again. 我就能够真正再次呼吸? Starting out again is never easy. 重新再出发从来就不是易事? Disappointments come and go but life still moves on. 失望来来去去而人生依然继续? With a bit of luck. 拥有那么一点运气 It"s a brand new start. 就会是个崭新的开始? That might?just work my way. 那也许是适合我的方式? No need to walk away. 不需要逃避? Don"t want to?live on life?replay. 不想活在过往的重复里? Things will work out fine. 事情自然会迎刃而解? If you can find the courage to look past the night. 只要你能找到度过今夜的勇气? To see the break?of down. 就会看见明日的破晓曙光



求 Sean Kingston Feat. Soulja Boy & Teairra Mari - 《BBM》 歌词

hey don"t know girl, love takes them wide upBy the blackberry, …Just lift you upAll this texting is getting kinda crazyDon"t be mad if I … at you ladyNo, and just because I don"t pick up every dayYeah, find another way to communicate, she told meBBM, BBM, BBM every day X 2Cause I"ve been hitting up your phone all dayBut I found a way to communicate, bbm me every dayBBM every day, she … with that smiley faceShe said she likes it, that"s the best way to communicateAnd don"t worry I …in a hurry, need to talk to somebody, just bbm …My … she wanna call me, swag so official, wanna blow it like …She saying, always, I"ll be getting always, … so she mess around with me the long wayLong way, … so …, we get it in, I could fit in like a ball playLike she … hard, and I know she want me, cause she"s in my swag …Touch me in the club, she texting omg, … smiley face and she be putting sms because she"s grindingYeah I know she grinding, I know she want me, she don"t gotta find me …All this texting is getting kinda crazyDon"t be mad if I … at you ladyNo, and just because I don"t pick up every dayYeah, find another way to communicate, she told meBBM, BBM, BBM every day X 2Cause I"ve been hitting up your phone all dayBut I found a way to communicate, bbm me every dayBBM, BBM girl you look so damn goodTake the swill, take the swill, … in my neighborhoodMansion, I can hear you … in my living room, dancingMan I swear you look so damn good, leave me on my bed ……Let me know what"s upI hit you with a hard hand, you know that we is turning onhttp://www.lyvido.co m/sean-kingston-bbm- lyrics-video-feat-so ulja-boy-teairra-mar i… here, you know …… to the city, Lamborghini …Man I … , man this girl is sexyDouble day, bottom lay, there she had text meLOL, smiley face, we did it by the fire placePut the … forever less she was hibernateShe hears my voice she says soldier you the best isI don"t wanna mess with none of the rest isI lay you down on the bed and you … thisBaby hell yeah, I got the wrong …All this texting is getting kinda crazyDon"t be mad if I … at you ladyNo, and just because I don"t pick up every dayYeah, find another way to communicate, she told meBBM, BBM, BBM every day X 2Cause I"ve been hitting up your phone all dayBut I found a way to communicate, bbm me every day, bbm me every day,Bbm me every day.


キャラメル*ソルトの魅力的なhalf & halfでいつもlife styleを満吃してたいbe with youお気に入りのメロディ 刺激的な恋爱涙したぶんだけ爱の味が深まってくanywhereどんな道も babyanytime君へ向かう ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere思いっきり生きているって感じたい もっと自由に小さな魔法みたい かかるたびに変わっていけるのこの瞬间はね 二度とこないってことね素敌な君 离れたくない can"t take my eyes off of youanywhereどんな道も babyanytime君へ向かう ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere±0で走る babyこのまま风を感じて ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere少女に戻れるの溢れてるこのときめきサイドミラーに映るのは 过ぎ去ってく私が见える...助手席にもたれて君とキスをしたらまた恋に落ちてくそう何度も...そう永远に...Can"t take my eyes off of you...anywhereどんな道も babyanytime君へ向かう ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere±0で走る babyこのまま风を感じて ready?lowからhighに変えてall my life... anywhere中文:翻译来自MKL加入牛奶糖*盐的富有魅力的half & half想一直满满享受这份life style be with you令人喜爱的melody刺激感的恋爱惟有泪水的部分让爱的味道更深刻anywhere 怎样的道路 babyanytime 都朝你前进 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere你曾说过要尽情地生活着想要更加 自由地感触每次都宛如实施了小小的魔法就能可以改变一般这样一个瞬间 不会再一次地来临的哦美丽的你 让我不想离开can"t take my eyes off of youanywhere 怎样的道路 babyanytime 都朝你前进 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere以±0奔跑 baby就这样感受着清风 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere回到少女时代的溢出的这份心潮澎湃我仿佛能看到在后视镜里映射出来的过去的我...如果和依在副驾驶上的你接吻的话就能再次坠入爱河这样多少次...都化作永远...Can"t take my eyes off of you...anywhere 怎样的道路 babyanytime 都朝你前进 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywhere以±0奔跑 baby就这样感受着清风 ready?从low 向high转变着 all my life ...anywherekyarameru*sorutonomiryokutekina half & half deitsumo life style womankitsushitetai be with youokiniirinomerodhi shigekitekinarenainamidashitabundake ainoajigafukamattekuanywhere donnamitimo babyanytime kimiemukau ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywhereomoikkiriikiteiruttekanjitaimottojiyuunitiisanamahoumitai kakarutabinikawatteikerunokonosyunkanwane nidotokonaittekotonesutekinakimi hanaretakunai can"t take my eyes off of youanywhere donnamitimo babyanytime kimiemukau ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywherepuramaizerodehashiru babykonomamakazewokanjite ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywheresyoujonimodorerunoafureterukonotokimekisaidomiraaniuturunowa sugisattekuwatashigamieru...jyosyuusekinimotaretekimitokisuwoshitaramatakoiniotitekusounandomo...soueienni...Can"t take my eyes off of you...anywhere donnamitimo babyanytime kimiemukau ready?low kara high nikaeteall my life... anywherepuramaizerodehashiru babykonomamakazewokanjite ready?low kara high nikaete all my life... anywhere

《for your babies》的歌词翻译


‘它是天的镜子 沙漠的眼 星星沐浴的乐园"你们知道这是哪首歌的歌词吗?




ten green bottles的歌词中文

十大绿色瓶子挂在墙上十大绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降九绿色瓶子挂在墙上9绿色瓶子挂在墙上9绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降 8个绿色瓶子挂在墙上8个绿色瓶子挂在墙上8个绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降是7绿色瓶子挂在墙上7绿色瓶子挂在墙上7绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降有六个绿色瓶子挂在墙上六绿色瓶子挂在墙上六绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降有五个绿色瓶子挂在墙上5绿色瓶子挂在墙上5绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降四个绿色瓶子挂在墙上四件绿瓶挂在墙上四件绿瓶挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降三个绿色瓶子挂在墙上三道绿色瓶挂在墙上三道绿色瓶挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降两个绿色瓶子挂在墙上两个绿色瓶子挂在墙上两个绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降是一个绿色瓶子挂在墙上一个绿色瓶子挂在墙上一个绿色瓶子挂在墙上如果一个绿色瓶子应意外下降没有绿色瓶子挂在墙上

Pop Bottles 歌词

歌曲名:Pop Bottles歌手:Birdman专辑:5 * StunnaPop BottlesChopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop models (uh-huh) believe thatChopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop modelsOkay we poppin champagne like we won a championship gameLook like I got on a championship ringCuz I ball hard no bitch we ball harderI am the Birdman and Im the J.R.Okay start with straight shots and then pop bottlesPour it on the models, shut up bitch swallowIf you cant swallow, shut up bitch GargleStraight up out the water wit my mark Jacob"s gogglesIm fresher than a muthafucka, yea Im a muthafuckNo I wouldn"t take ya girl but I should take her thong from herCould you take it love woman, like no other womanIm sorry sweetheart, I thought you were my other womanChopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop models (uh-huh)Chopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop modelsOkay we poppin champagne like we won a championship gameLook like I got on a championship ringCuz I ball hard no bitch we ball harderI am the Birdman and Im the J.R.Now as I recline behind my deskI aint got a lot of Nikes but I got a lot of checks (money)Got my own shoe brand new on the setWent from sittin in a cell to sittin on a jetFrom shittin in a cell to shittin on a jetI lost too many friends but I won too many bets (too many bets)I made too much money I aint made enough yetSo I scratch, and yes Junior is the best (shawty)So many niggaz from my hood on they backSo many niggaz from ya hood on they backThats why we so paid and it be like thatI rather pop a bottle, before I pop a gatChopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop models (uh-huh)Chopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop modelsOkay we poppin champagne like we won a championship gameLook like I got on a championship ringCuz I ball hard no bitch we ball harderI am the Birdman and Im the J.R.Yea, only sippin red champagneWhite-tee red hat red bandanaUptown, choppers fuck the companionFuckin wit the Birdman we choppin yo propaneFuckin wit my son man and we run up in ya mansionChopper make music, bitch start dancinStunt a man back so you know the circumstancesAnd Im cookin up the Carter 3 no advances (youngin)All my cars automatic automaticNo lie, we dont even drive no askinUptown we packin and we stackin (believe that)Young Money Cash Money we the championChopper with straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop models (uh-huh)Chopper straight shots and then pop bottles (ya)Flirt wit the hood rats then pop modelsOkay we poppin champagne like we won a championship gameLook like I got on a championship ringCuz I ball hard no bitch we ball harderI am the Birdman and Im the J.R.http://music.baidu.com/song/10273551

Mariah Carey 的the one中文歌词

See I"m going through a situationThat I can"t helpWanna get a little closerBut I promised myselfThat I would never give my heartAway againOo oo babe, I know it"s hardButcha gotta understand itThe truth is all the hurt and the painAnd the shit that you getWhen you have itAin"t worth itI"ve been there so many timesI should know better but ICan"t stop what I feelWhen you"re next to meI really think IFinally found somebodyThat could be the oneBut I promised myselfThat I wouldn"t give in to loveAnd I"m scaredAnd I"m nervousDon"t wanna be hurt anymoreThis is bad"Cause I know that you"re the one(Baby you"re the one)(Baby you"re the one)See the problem with relationshipsIn general is that it"s always a gameIn the beginning they"ll doAnything to have youAnd once they do it"s never the sameAnd I, know everyone out there can relateSo the question isOne: do I really wanna trust this feelingTwo: do I wanna let it pass me byThree: do you think it"s only superficialFour: could it actually be different this timeSomeone to love meSomeone to be my everythingMaybe I"ve stumbled uponFinally found somebody (The only one)That could be the oneBut I promised myselfThat I wouldn"t give in to love (No, no)And I"m scaredAnd I"m nervous (I just don"t wanna be hurt)Don"t wanna be hurt anymoreThis is bad"Cause I know that you"re the one(But boy I think you might be the one)Finally found somebodyThat could be the one (Maybe I"ve found)But I promised myselfThat I wouldn"t give in to loveAnd I"m scaredAnd I"m nervous (Boy I"m so afraid)Don"t wanna be hurt anymoreThis is bad"Cause I know that you"re the one("Cause I know you"re the one)Oh babySweet darlingII think I finally foundFinally found somebody (The only one)That could be the oneBut I promised myselfThat I wouldn"t give in to loveAnd I"m scaredAnd I"m nervous (No)Don"t wanna be hurt anymore(I don"t wanna be hurt anymore)This is bad "cause I know that you"re the one(But I think you might really be the one)Finally found somebodyCould be the one, but I promised myself (Finally found)That I wouldn"t give in to love(I promised myself not to give in)And I"m scaredAnd I"m nervousThis is bad(Anymore this is bad)Don"t wanna be hurt anymoreThis is bad"Cause I know that you"re the one("Cause I know that you"re the one)Finally found somebodyCould be the one(I finally found somebody that could be the one)But I promised myself(But I promised myself that I wouldn"t give in to love)That I wouldn"t give in to loveAnd I"m scared(And I"m scared)And I"m nervous(And I"m nervous)Don"t wanna be hurt anymoreThis is bad"Cause I know that you"re the one(Please, please baby baby)

up out my face mariah carey (玛利亚.凯莉) 的歌词

t"s not chipped we"re not crackedOh we"re shatteredI thought we had something specialAnd we had something goodBut I should have hadAnother mechanic under my hoodIf you see me walkin by yaBoy don"t you ever speakPretend you"re on a sofaAnd I"m on the TVMight see me on a posterSee me at a showBut you won"t see me for freeBoy this ain"t no promoActin all shamed nowWherever you been layin"You can stay nowGotta board the BBJAnd pull the shades downI"m on the plane nowAnd don"t keep callin from yourMomma"s houseWhen I break, I break, boyUp out my face boy, up out my face boyUp out my face, I breakUp out my face boy, up out my face boyUp out my face, I breakYou ain"t ever gonna feelThis thing againYou"re gonna get a lot of callsCause I CC"d all your friendsI ain"t walkin around all mopey and sadThat ain"t even my bag, babyI breakSo look who"s cryin" now, boo hoo hooTalkin" about you"re missin"Your boo hoo hooNo you ain"t getting itNo you ain"t hitting itNo you ain"t a rapper so you need toStop spittin" it - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haYou"ll wonder who I"m messin"With while you ain"t next to meI"m going bye...So pay the consequencesCause you acting all ignorantSo you"re ashamed nowWherever you been layin"You can stay nowGotta board the BBJAnd pull the shades downI"m on the plane nowAnd don"t keep callin from yourMomma"s houseWhen I break, I break, boyUp out my face boy, up out my face boyUp out my face, I breakUp out my face boy, up out my face boyUp out my face, I breakYou ain"t ever gonna feelThis thing againYou"re gonna get a lot of callsCause I CC"d all your friendsI ain"t walkin around all mopey and sadThat ain"t even my bag, babyI breakCause when I break, I break, I breakAnd no super clue can fix this shhhWen I break, I break, I breakNot even a welder and a builderCan rebuild this shhh when I break, I break, I breakNot even a nail technicianWith a whole lottaGel and acrylic can fix thiswhen I break, I breakIf we were two lego blocksEven the Harvard UniversityGraduating class of 2010Couldn"t put us back together againWhen I break, boy(Up out my face boy)Up out my face boy, up out my face boyUp out my face, I break(No no nooo-oo)(I break, I break, I break)Up out my face boy, up out my face boyUp out my face, I break(Yeah)You ain"t ever gonnaFeel this thing again(Gonna feel this thing again)You"re gonna get a lot of calls(Cause I)Cause I CC"d all your friends(Ha ha ha ha ha-aa)I ain"t walkin around all mopey and sadThat ain"t even my bag, baby(Cause when I break baby baby)I break, boy(I brea-ee-ek)Up out my face boy, up out my face boy(Up out my face boy, up out my face boy)Up out my face, I break(I tell you what)Up out my face boy, up out my face boy(Tell you nothin")Up out my face, I break(Here, I"ll tell you something)(I"m outta here)(Oh yeah)

帮帮忙,求 Mariah Carey 的《I stay in love》的歌词

Baby I stay in love with youDying inside cause I can"t stand itMake or break upCan"t take this madnessWe don"t even really know whyAll I know is baby ITry and try so hardTo keep our love aliveIf you dont" know me at this pointThen I highly doubt you ever willI really need you to give meThat unconditional love I used to feelIt"s no mistakingWe"re just erasingFrom our hearts and mindsAnd I know we said let goBut I kept on hanging onInside I know it"s overYou"re really goneIt"s killing meCause there ain"t nothingThat I can doBaby I stay in love with youAnd I keep on telling myselfThat you"ll come back aroundAnd I try to front like "Oh well"Each time you let me downSee I can"t get over youNow no matter what I doBaby babyI stay in love with youNa na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na naBaby I stay in love with youIt cuts so deepIt hurts down to my soulMy friends tell meI ain"t the same no moreWe still need each otherWhen we stumble and fallHow we gon" actLike what we hadAin"t nothin" at allWhat I wanna do isRide shot-gun next to youWith the top down like we used toHit the blockWe both know our heart is breakingCan we learn from our mistakesI can"t last one moment aloneWe said let goBut I kept on hanging onInside I know it"s overYou"re really goneIt"s killing meCause there ain"t nothingThat I can doBaby I stay in love with youAnd I keep on telling myselfThat you"ll come back aroundAnd I try to front like "Oh well"Each time you let me downSee I can"t get over youNow no matter what I doBaby babyI stay in love with youWe said let goBut I kept on hanging onInside I know it"s overYou"re really goneIt"s killing meCause there ain"t nothingThat I can doBaby I stay in love with youAnd I keep on telling myselfThat you"ll come back aroundAnd I try to front like "Oh well"Each time you let me downSee I can"t get over youNow no matter what I doBaby babyI stay in love with you

Mariah Carey"H.A.T.E.U."的歌词翻译

  Once upon a time 我们曾经发誓永不分开  We swore not to say goodbye  Something got a hold 有些事使我们发生变化  of us and we changed  Then you sat alone in 你独自沉浸在你的自尊中 我却在家哭泣  pride and I sat at home and cried  Howd our fairy tale just 我们的童话为何会这般结束  end up this way  We went round for round 我们(的爱)纠缠着 迂回着 直到我们毁掉爱情  til we knocked love out  We were laying in the 我们相互包围 一声不响  ring not makin a sound  And if thats a metaphor 如果这是对于你我的隐寓 为何如此难以道别  of you and I  Why is it so hard to say goodbye  I cant wait to hate you 我等不及去恨你 让你像我一样痛苦  Make you pain like I do  Still cant shake you off 但始终无法摆脱你  I cant wait to break through 我等不及去冲破这些仿佛是损失的情感更迭  These emotional changes  seems like such a loss  Cause I cant wait to 因为我等不及去面对你 完全的毁掉你 让你无路可退  face you break you down  So low theres no place left to go  I cant wait to hate you 我等不及去恨你  Oh this was the laugh 这是我心中没人能懂的苦笑  in my mind no one could explain  And I wish I could press 而我希望能按下重新开始的按钮 重温那种感觉  reset and feel that feeling again  I sit and press rewind 我坐下 倒带 每夜每夜的重温着(我们的过去)  and watch this everynight  Wanna pause it but I 想要它暂停 却已留不住你  cant make you stay  We went round for round 我们(的爱)纠缠着 迂回着 直到我们毁掉爱情  til we knocked love out  We were laying in the 我们相互包围 一声不响  ring not makin a sound  And if thats a metaphor 如果这是对于你我的隐寓 为何如此难以道别  for you and I  Why is it so hard to say goodbye  I cant wait to hate you 我等不及去恨你 让你像我一样痛苦  Make you pain like I do  Still cant shake you off 但始终无法摆脱你  I cant wait to break through  These emotional changes 我等不及去冲破这些仿佛是损失的情感更迭  seems like such a loss  Cause i cant wait to 因为我等不及去面对你 完全的毁掉你 让你无路可退  face you break you down  So low theres no place left to go  I cant wait to hate you 我等不及去恨你  No need to call my phone 没必要再给我打电话了  cause I changed my number today 因为我今天换了号码  Matter a fact I think Im movin away 事实是 我想我要离开了  Sorry the frustrations 抱歉这些令人失意的事让我有这种感觉  got me feelin a way  And I just keep havin 我只有最后一件事要说  one last thing to say  And I just wanna hold 我只是想抱住你 触碰你 感觉你 靠近你  you touch you feel you  Be near you I miss you 我想念你  baby baby baby  Im tired of tryin to fake through 我受够了一直假装(不在乎。。。应该是这个意思吧 囧)  But theres nothin I can do 但我已无能为力  Boy I cant wait to hate you 男孩,,我等不及去恨你  I cant wait to hate you 我等不及去恨你 让你像我一样痛苦  Make you pain like I do  Still cant shake you off 但始终无法摆脱你  I cant wait to break through 我等不及去冲破这些仿佛是损失的情感更迭  These emotional changes  seems like such a loss  Cause I cant wait to 因为我等不及去面对你 完全的毁掉你 让你无路可退  face you break you down  So low theres no place left to go  I cant wait to hate you 我等不及去恨你

mariah carey的《bye bye》的中英文歌词

Mariah Carey - Bye ByeMamas daddys sisters brothersFriends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift your head to the skyCause we will never say bye

100% -MARIAH CAREY 的中文歌词。

Mariah Carey - 100 Percent Lyrics玛丽亚凯莉 百分百I"am a dream, just beginning我的梦想只是开端truth is,事实是I prayed when you"d open my eyes,and you reveal, something to me,当你开示我的心灵,我祈祷会有所得suddenly,突然间I am no longer confined!我不再坐困愁城My life ain"t defined by limits我的人生不受规范I Don"t need no permission to live it我有权生存於此I"m a break thru the door til I get in我在夹缝中求生Everything that I got I"m a give it一切靠我自己100 Percent and I ain"t stopping til I reach the finish我百分百绝不会半途而废I"m a believer not just a dreamer我不会纸上谈兵I"m givin everything I got我自力救济I"m a go getter我勇往前进100 Percenter百分百冲劲Undoubtedly I can reach the top and I ain"t gonna let nothing discourage or dissuade me我一定会登峰造极,不怕任何险阻Cuz I"m walking out of here a champion either way babe因为我会成为冠军走出去I am givin 100 Percent我有百分百的冲劲So go on put your ones up所以勇往直前吧If you"re putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up如果你百分百努力不懈,你就勇往直前If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up如果你知道这就是目标,你就勇往直前If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, your ones up如果你真懂得这感觉,你就勇往直前If you"re walking into victory keep on shining如果你要走向胜利并持续闪耀One hundred percent那就用尽百分百的全力You can only do it if you do it like I did你可以和我一样的努力Cause" suffering ain"t easy因为这煎熬并不容易But if you can turn your wounds into living proof that you"ve survived the fight and you no longer defined但是如果可以用伤口换取生存的证明,你就能对抗一切,不受局限My life ain"t defined by limits我的人生不受规范I Don"t need no permission to live it我有权生存在此I"m a break thru the door til I get in我在夹缝中求生Everything that I got I"m a give it一切靠我自己100 Percent and I ain"t stopping til I reach the finish我百分百绝不会半途而废I"m a believer not just a dreamer我不会纸上谈兵I"m givin everything I got我自力救济I"m a go getter我勇往前进100 Percenter百分百冲劲Undoubtedly I can reach the top and I ain"t gonna let nothing discourage or dissuade me我一定会登峰造极,不怕任何险阻Cuz I"m walking out of here a champion either way babe因为我会成为冠军走出去I am givin 100 Percent我有百分百的冲劲So go on put your ones up所以勇往直前吧If you"re putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up如果你百分百努力不懈,你就勇往直前If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up如果你知道这就是目标,你就勇往直前If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, your ones up如果你真懂得这感觉,你就勇往直前If you"re walking into victory keep on shining如果你要走向胜利并持续闪耀One hundred percent那就用尽百分百的全力Don"t you ever be discouraged, let nobody take your courage不要灰心,你会有勇气If you gonna pray don"t worry,只要祈祷,无须担心If ya gonna wait don"t pray即使来不及祷告You just keep the faith and listen to me只要坚定信念并倾听我心If you"re putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up如果你百分百努力不懈,你就勇往直前If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up如果你知道这就是目标,你就勇往直前If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, your ones up如果你真懂得这感觉,你就勇往直前If you"re walking into victory keep on shining如果你要走向胜利并持续闪耀One hundred percent那就用尽百分百的全力I"m a believer not just a dreamer我不会纸上谈兵I"m givin everything I got我自力救济I"m a go getter我勇往前进100 Percenter百分百冲劲Undoubtedly I can reach the top and I ain"t gonna let nothing discourage or dissuade me我一定会登峰造极,不怕任何险阻Cuz I"m walking out of here a champion either way babe因为我会成为冠军走出去I am givin 100 Percent我有百分百的冲劲So go on put your ones up所以勇往直前吧If you"re putting in a hundred put your ones up, ones up如果你百分百努力不懈,你就勇往直前If you know that this is something, put your ones up, ones up如果你知道这就是目标,你就勇往直前If you really comprehend this feel, your ones up, your ones up如果你真懂得这感觉,你就勇往直前If you"re walking into victory keep on shining如果你要走向胜利并持续闪耀One hundred percent那就用尽百分百的全力

Mariah Carey "love takes time" 中英文歌词

Love takes time-Mariah CareyI had it all 我曾拥有一切But I let it slip away 但是我放开了它Couldn"t see I treated you wrong 没能发现我没能好好待你Now I wander around 现在我如此彷徨Feeling down and cold 感到失落又寒冷Trying to believe that you"re gone 尝试相信你真的走了Love takes time To heal then you"re hurting so much 当你很受伤的时候爱需要时间来复原Couldn"t see that I was blind 没能发现我那么盲目To let you go 竟然让你离开I can"t escape the pain inside 我摆脱不了心中的痛"Cause love takes time 因为爱需要时间I don"t wanna be here 我不想独自一人I don"t wanna be here Alone 我不想独自一人Losing my mind From this hollow in my heart 心中空洞中失掉自我Suddenly I"m so incomplete 突然间变得不完整Lord I"m needing you now 主 我需要你Tell me how to stop the rain 告诉我如何能让雨停住Tears are falling down endlessly 泪水不住地落下Love takes time To heal then you"re hurting so much 当你很受伤的时候爱需要时间来复原Couldn"t see that I was blind 没能发现我那么盲目To let you go 竟然让你离开I can"t escape the pain inside 我摆脱不了心中的痛"Cause love takes time 因为爱需要时间I don"t wanna be here 我不想独自一人I don"t wanna be here Alone 我不想独自一人You might say that it"s over 你或许会说一切已结束You might say that you don"t care 你或许会说你已不在乎You might say you don"t miss me 你或许会说你不想念我You don"t need me 你不需要我But I know that you do and I feel that you do 但我知道你在乎我知道你需要Inside 从心底Ooh Love takes time To heal then you"re hurting so much 当你很受伤的时候爱需要时间来复原Couldn"t see that I was blind 没能发现我那么盲目To let you go 竟然让你离开I can"t escape the pain inside 我摆脱不了心中的痛"Cause love takes time 因为爱需要时间I don"t wanna be here 我不想独自一人I don"t wanna be here Alone 我不想独自一人

求Mariah Carey的right to dream的歌词

Right To Dream",这首由Mariah和Willie Nelson共同为电影Tennessee创作的抒情单曲,10月20日已经派发成人抒情电台。而电影Tennessee也将于11月19日进入院线。RIGHT TO DREAM[Written by Mariah Carey, Willie Nelson]I lay awake sometimesScared to close my eyesAnd I wonder where I left myselfI lost the will to flyAnd the night melts into morningStill it"s cold beneath the sun"Cause the fire in me"s languishingAnd I"m too frozen to runEvery once in a whileThere"s a distant glimmer of hopeI findSomewhere deep inside Someone strong still residesAnd I know she"s gonna be fineIn time"Cause you seeI"ve got a lot to dreamThere"s more than this for meAn angel lands with broken wingsWarms me with his eyesAnd the ice that sheaths around my heartUnravel as he smilesSee I grew up locked in sorrowSo I learned to block the painBut I won"t give up tomorrow"Cause I"ve come to life againEvery once in a whileThere"s a distant glimmer of hopeI findSomewhere deep inside Someone strong still residesAnd I know I"m gonna be fineThat"s right"Cause for realI"ve got a right to dreamThere"s more than this for meBut I keep on going "causeEvery once in a whileThere"s a distant glimmer of hopeI findSomewhere deep inside Someone strong still residesAnd I know she"s gonna be fineIn time"Cause you seeI"ve got a right to dreamThere"s more than this for me

求mariah carey的歌词~

Mariah Carey - I"ll Be Lovin" U Long TimeI"ll be lovin u long timeI"ll be lovin"You ain"t even gotta worryAbout a thing I gotcha babeAnd ain"t nobody takin" me awayIt"s not a game I"m here to stayOur love is stronger than any drugAddictive just can"t get enoughAnd everytime I"m with you I want some moreJust close the doorAnd let"s explore each otherLong as I know you got meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can be)I"ll be loving u long time (eternally)There"s no stopping you and meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can breathe)I"ll be loving u long time (eternally)Don"t care what no one has to sayThey don"t understand us like we doI need you near me night and dayTogether there ain"t nothin" we can"t doScoop me up and we can goTo that little spot where no one knowsSpend a little time just us aloneYou can caress my body and never let goLong as I know you got meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can be)I"ll be loving u long time (eternally)There"s no stopping you and meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can breathe)I"ll be loving u long time (eternally)I don"t want anotherAin"t gon" never be anotherCan"t nobody do what you do to meDon"t want anotherAin"t gon" never be anotherCan"t nobody do what you do to meDon"t want anotherAin"t gon" never be anotherCan"t nobody do what you do to meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can be)I"ll be loving u long time (eternally)Long as I know you got meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can be)I"ll be loving u long time (eternally)There"s no stopping you and meI"ll be loving u long time (as I can be)I"ll be loving u long timeI"ll be lovin"I"ll be lovinI"ll be lovinI"ll be lovinI"ll be lovinI"ll be lovin u

Mariah Carey - We Belong Together 中英问歌词


Lisa Ekdahl open door歌词


谁能把mariah carey唱的《i stay in love 》的歌词翻译成中文给我,谢了!

Dying inside cause I can"t stand it 挣扎的心让我实在无法忍受 Make or break up Can"t take this madness 弥补或分手都无法带走这种疯狂 We don"t even Really know why 我们都不曾真正了解为什么 All I know is baby I try and try so hard 我只知道,宝贝我已经竭尽全力了 To keep our love alive 为了挽留我们的爱If you don"t" know me at this point 如果此时你还不懂我说的 Then I highly doubt you ever will 那我真的疑惑你曾给的承诺 I really need you To give me That unconditional love I used to feel 我渴望你能再给我那种曾经毫无保留的爱 It"s no mistaking 可是,不再是误会We"re just erasing from our hearts and minds 我们已渐渐将这感情忘怀 And I know we said let go 我知道我们曾经说过放手 But I kept on hanging on 但我却始终没有真的放下 Inside I know it"s over 我心里明白已经结束了 You"re really gone 你真的离开了 It"s killing me Cause there ain"t nothing that I can do 这在煎熬我因为我什么都做不了 Baby I stay in love with you 我仍沉浸在与你的爱河中 And I keep on telling myself that you"ll come back around 我一直都在告诉自己你会回到我身边的 And I try to front like "oh well" 在你面前我试着装成自己过得很好 Each time you let me down 每次你都让我失望了 See I can"t get over you now No matter what I do 看吧,现在不管我怎么做我根本忘不了你 But baby, baby 宝贝,宝贝 I stay in love with you 我仍沉浸在与你的爱河中 Baby I stay in love with you It cuts so deep 这种感觉深深刺痛我 It hurts down to my soul 让我的灵魂坠到低谷 My friends tell me 朋友和我说 I ain"t the same no more 现在和以前已经不同了 We still need each other when we stumble and fall 当我们跌倒失落的时候我们仍然需要彼此 How we gon" act like what we had 我们能怎么做如同我们过去那样 Ain"t nothin" at all now 而不是像现在什么都不做 Hey What I wanna do is 我想做的就是 Ride shotgun next to you 坐在你旁边的副驾驶座上 With the top down 由上至下的颠簸 Like we used to 就和我们以前一样 Hit the block 撞倒障碍物 Proud in the SUV 为我们的运动型多功能车而骄傲 We both know 我们彼此都知道 Our heart is breaking 我们的心在破碎 Can we learn from our mistakes 能不能从我们的错误中学到些什么呢 I can"t last one moment alone 我现在不能忍受片刻的寂寞 Now go I know 我知道我应该离开 We said let go 我知道我们说好放开手的 But I kept on hanging on 但我却紧紧地握住 Inside I know it"s over 我心里明白已经结束了 You"re really gone 你真的离开了 It"s killing me Cause there ain"t nothing that I can do 这在煎熬我因为我什么都做不了 Baby I stay in love with you 我仍沉浸在与你的爱河中 And I keep on telling myself that you"ll come back around 我一直都在告诉自己你会回到我身边的 And I try to front like "oh well" 在你面前我试着装成自己过得很好 Each time you let me down 每次你都让我失望了 See I can"t get over you now No matter what I do 看吧,现在不管我怎么做我根本忘不了你 But baby, baby 宝贝,宝贝 I stay in love with you 我仍沉浸在与你的爱河中 参考资料: http://hi.baidu.com/%CB%AE%C0%B6%C9%AB%B5%C4%BB%C3%CF%EB/blog/item/afaa8bddde0d52ea76c638a5.html

MariahCarey ByeBye 歌词翻译

  歌曲:Bye Bye  所属专辑:E=MC²  演唱者:Mariah Carey  作词:Mariah Carey / Mikkel S. Eriksen / Tor E. Hermansen / Johntá Austin  作曲:Mariah Carey / Mikkel S. Eriksen / Tor E. Hermansen / Johntá Austin  编曲:Mariah Carey / Mikkel S. Eriksen / Tor E. Hermansen / Johntá Austin  歌词:  This is for my peoples  这首歌  Who just lost somebody  献给那些刚刚失去某人的人  Ya best friend ya baby  你最好的朋友或是你最爱的宝贝  Ya man or ya lady  你的丈夫或是你的妻子  Put ya hand way up high  高举你的手  We will never say bye  永不说再见  Mamas daddys sisters brothers  妈妈 爸爸 姐妹 兄弟  Friends and cousins  朋友和远亲  This is for my peoples  这首歌  Who lost their grandmothers  送给失去祖母的人们  Lift ya head to the sky  仰望天空  Cause we will never say bye  永不说再见  As a child there were them times  孩提时,有他们相伴的时光  I didn"t get it but you kept me in line  我还不懂事,但你将我紧紧记在脑海里  I didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimes  我不懂为什么 星期天早上你会有时不在  On Sunday mornings and I missed you  我十分想念你  But I"m glad we talked through  但我很开心我们谈了许多  All them grown folk things  他们都长成了普通人  Separation brings  带来了分离  You never let me know it  你从不让我知道这些  You never let it show because  你从不让他在我眼前出现  You loved me and obviously  因为你很爱我  There"s so much more left to say  还有好多话想说  If you were with me today  你今天仍和我同在  Face to face  面对面的  Never knew I could hurt like this  从没想过我会如此痛苦  And everyday life goes on I  每天生活都继续着  Wish I could talk to you for a while  我希望我能和你聊一会儿  Miss you but I try not to cry  我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣  As time goes by  时间流逝  And it"s true that you"ve  事实上  Reached a better place  你已经到了一个更加美好的地方  Still I"d give the world  然而我来到这个世界上  To see your face (bye)  看见你的脸庞  And be right here next to you (bye)  就在你的身边  But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye)  但似乎你离开的太快了  Now the hardest thing to do  现在我最难以接受的事情  Is say bye bye  就是与你永远告别  Bye bye bye bye bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye bye bye bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye bye bye bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye  后会有期  And you never got a chance  你没有机会  To see how good I done  来看我做的有多么棒  And you never got to see me  你从没有看到我  Back at number one  重新成为第一  I wish that you were here  我希望你能在这儿  To celebrate together  和我一起庆祝  I wish that we could spend  我希望我们能一起度过  The holidays together  整个假期  I remember when you used to  我记得你曾经  Tuck me in at night  在夜晚给我塞好被子  With the teddy bear you gave me  你给我的小熊  That I held so tight  我紧紧抱在怀里  I thought you were so strong  我曾以为你很强大  You"d make it through whatever  你克服了很多困难  It"s so hard to accept the fact  很难接受  You"re gone forever  你已永远离开  I never knew I could hurt like this  从没想过我会如此痛苦  And everyday life goes on I  每天生活都继续着  Wish I could talk to you for a while  我希望我能和你聊一会儿  Miss you but I try not to cry  我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣  As time goes by  时间流逝  And it"s true that you"ve  事实上  Reached a better place  你已经到了一个更加美好的地方  Still I"d give the world  然而我来到这个世界上  To see your face  看见你的脸庞  And be right here next to you  就在你的身边  But it"s like you"re gone too soon  但似乎你离开的太快了  Now the hardest thing to do  现在我最难以接受的事情  Is say bye bye  就是与你永远告别  Bye bye bye bye bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye bye bye bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye bye bye bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye  后会有期  This is for my peoples  这首歌  Who just lost somebody  献给那些刚刚失去某人的人  Ya best friend ya baby  你最好的朋友或是你最爱的宝贝  Ya man or ya lady  你的丈夫或是你的妻子  Put ya hand way up high  高举你的手  We will never say bye  永不说再见  Mamas daddys sisters brothers  妈妈 爸爸 姐妹 兄弟  Friends and cousins  朋友或是远亲  This is for my peoples  这首歌  Who lost their grandmothers  送给失去祖母的人们  Lift ya head to the sky  仰望天空  Cause we will never say bye  永不说再见  Never knew I could hurt like this  从没想过我会如此痛苦  And everyday life goes on I  每天生活都继续着  Wish I could talk to you for a while  我希望我能和你聊一会儿  Miss you but I try not to cry  我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣  As time goes by  时间流逝  And it"s true that you"ve  事实上  Reached a better place  你已经到了一个更加美好的地方  Still I"d give the world  然而我来到这个世界上  To see your face (bye)  看见你的脸庞  And be right here next to you (bye)  就在你的身边  But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye)  但似乎你离开的太快了  Now the hardest thing to do  现在我最难以接受的事情  Is say bye bye  就是与你永远告别  Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye  后会有期  Bye bye...good bye  后会有期

mariah carey all my life中英对照歌词


Mariah Carey ---We Belong Together>的中文歌词

歌名:《We Belong Together》发行时间:2005年歌曲原唱:Mariah Carey音乐风格:R&B,Pop歌曲语言:英语歌词:I didn"t mean it when I said I didn"t love you so当我说我并不那样爱你的时候,我并非本意I should have held on tight. I never should"ve let you go.我应该抱得更紧,我不应该让你离开。I didn"t know nothing. I was stupid. I was foolish. I was lying to myself.我如此得无知,我好笨,我好傻,我在欺骗我自己。I could not fathom that I would ever be without your love.我无法想象,没有了你的爱,我该怎么办。Never imagined I"d be sitting here beside myself.从未想象过,我会孤独一人坐在这里。Cause I didn"t know you. Cause you didn"t know me. But I thought I knew everything.因为我不了解你,因为你不了解我,但是我却以为我知道一切。I never felt the feeling that I"m feeling now.我从未感受过我现在体会到的这种感觉。Now that I don"t hear your voice or even touch or kiss your lips.现在我听不到你的声音、无法触摸到你、无法亲吻你的唇。Cause I don"t have a choice or what I wouldn"t give to have you lying by my side right here.因为我别无选择 又不能退步来让你此时此刻躺在我的身边Coz baby, when you left I lost a part of me, it"s still so hard to believe.因为亲爱的,当你离开的时候,我失去了自我,这一切仍然难以想象。Come back baby please, Coz we belong together.亲爱的,回来吧,因为我们属于彼此。Who else am I gonna lean on when times get rough当日子变得糟糕,又有谁能让我依靠。Who"s gona talk to me on the phone till the sun comes up直至黎明破晓,又有谁可以和我在电话里倾诉。Who"s gonna take your place.谁能取代你的位置。There aren"t nobody there.没有人能够代替你。Oh baby, we belong together.亲爱的,我们属于彼此。I can"t sleep at night when you"re all on my mind脑海中满是你 我夜不能寐Bobby Womack"s on the radio, singing to me, "If you think you"re lonely now"电台里面放着鲍比沃玛克的歌,对我唱着 “如果你认为你现在很孤独的话”Wait a minute; this is too deep, too deep.稍等片刻,这太压抑了。I gotta change the station. So I turn the dial. Trying to catch a break我要改变这种境况,所以我调换了频道,想要放松一下。And then I hear Babyface这时我听见了娃娃脸的歌I only think of you. And it"s breaking my heart.我现在想到的只有你,我的心承受着撕裂般的痛。I"m trying to keep it together, but I"m falling apart.我想要尽力挽救,但是我已经崩溃了。I"m feeling all out of my element我感觉浑身每个细胞都要脱离我I"m throwing things, crying, trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong我已经在自暴自弃,一边哭泣一边去想到底我哪里做错了。The pain reflected in this song aren"t even half of what I"m feeling inside映射在这首歌中的痛苦甚至还不到我内心深处感觉到一半I need you, need you back in my life我需要你,我需要你回到我的生活中。Baby, when you left I lost a part of me, it"s still so hard to believe.亲爱的,当你离开的时候,我失去了自我,这一切仍然难以想象。Come back baby please, Coz we belong together.亲爱的,回来吧,因为我们属于彼此。Who else am I gonna lean on when times get rough当日子变得糟糕,又有谁能让我依靠。Who"s gona talk to me on the phone till the sun comes up直至黎明破晓,又有谁可以和我在电话里倾诉。Who"s gonna take your place.谁能取代你的位置。There aren"t nobody there.没有人能够代替你。Oh baby, we belong together.亲爱的,我们属于彼此。Baby, when you left I lost a part of me, it"s still so hard to believe.亲爱的,当你离开的时候,我失去了自我,这一切仍然难以想象。Come back baby please, Coz we belong together.亲爱的,回来吧,因为我们属于彼此。Who else am I gonna lean on when times get rough当日子变得糟糕,又有谁能让我依靠。Who"s gona talk to me on the phone till the sun comes up直至黎明破晓,又有谁可以和我在电话里倾诉。Who"s gonna take your place.谁能取代你的位置。There aren"t nobody there.没有人能够代替你。Oh baby, we belong together.亲爱的,我们属于彼此。

Mariah Carey Hero 歌词中文翻译

RT:我想知道Mariah Carey Hero 歌词中文翻译 用户回答1: 《Hero》 《英雄》 歌曲原唱:Mariah Carey 填词...

Breakin" through -voiceless version- 歌词

歌曲:Breakin" through歌手:喜多修平感情に抗うなよ その足を止めんな/不要抗拒感情 不要停下脚步倒れるのは未だ早いぜ/倒下去现在还早oh Breakin" Through  打ち抜けよ/oh Breakin" Through闇を振り解き 辿り着く场所は1つさ/解除黑暗 最后到达的地方只有一个震える空…何が动き出している?/震动的空间 有什么要出来了?頬を切りつける…风は何を告げる…?/风刮过脸颊,在告诉我什么?正しいだとか そうじゃないとか/是不是正确的下らない论争は 消えやしないけど/虽然无用的争论着信じた事を信じ抜く事/原本相信的事都不相信了その先に仆等は 光见つけるだろう/首先我们要先找到光明吧さぁ…解き放て、今/那么,现在,解放吧感情に抗うなよ その足を止めんな/不要抗拒感情 不要停下脚步倒れるのは未だ早いぜ/倒下去现在还早oh Breakin" Through  打ち抜けよ/oh Breakin" Through闇を振り解き 辿り着く场所は1つさ/解除黑暗 最后到达的地方只有一个TV アニメ 「PERSONA - trinity soul -」OP作词:椎名庆治/作曲:TAKUYA/编曲:TAKUYA/h-wonderざわめく鼓动…何に怖じ気づいてる?/嘈杂的鼓动 在害怕什么?戻れやしない…过去に别れ告げろ/不要回来了 跟过去告别吧矛盾だらけのこの世界じゃ/尽是矛盾的这个世界全ての言叶が嘘に闻こえるけど/所有的话语都是谎言それでもこの手は离さないでと/但是不要放开这只手その先で仆等は笑い合えてるだろ?/首先我们笑一笑吧さぁ…飞び込めよ、今/那么、飞吧,现在现状に従うなよ その両手上げんな/不要跟丛现状 举起你的双手见えない锁断ち切れよ/切断看不见的枷锁oh Breakin" Through  打ち抜けよ/oh Breakin" Through闇を振り解き 辿り着く场所は1つさ/解除黑暗 最后到达的地方只有一个そうさ今ゆっくりと瞳を闭じてごらんよ/是啊 现在慢慢的闭上眼伪りの无い世界が见えるだろう?/看得到没有虚伪的世界吗だから感情に抗うなよ その足を止めんな/所以不要抗拒感情 不要停下脚步倒れるのは未だ早いぜ/倒下去现在还早oh Breakin" Through  打ち抜けよ/oh Breakin" Through闇を振り解き 辿り着く场所は1つさ/解除黑暗 最后到达的地方只有一个収録:喜多修平 - Breakin" through/発売日:2008/02/27http://music.baidu.com/song/18218680

Breakin" Dishes 歌词

歌曲名:Breakin" Dishes歌手:Rihanna专辑:Good Girl Gone BadBreakin" DishesRihannaI don"t know who you think I amI don"t know who you think I amI don"t know who you think I amI don"t know who you think I amam am am am...uhHe been gone since 3.30 (3.30)Been comin home lately at 3.30 (3.30)I"m super cool, I"ve been a foolBut now I"m hot and baby you won"t get itNow I ain"t trippin", I, I aint twistinI am demented, I"m just a little bit (huh)I"m kickin ass, I"m taking namesI"m on a flame, don"t come home babeI"m breakin" dishes off your headAll night (uh huh)I aint gon stop until I see police and lights (uh huh)I"m a fight a man (tonight)I"m a fight a man (tonight)I"m a fight a manOn a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOn a man, on a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOhhhhI"m still waiting, come through the doorI"m killing time and I"m bleachin ya clothesI"m roasting marshmallows on the fireAnd what I"m burnin, is your attireI"m gettin restless, I"m gettin testedAnd I cant believe hes always out every night and never checks inMust be cheatin, man I dont knowIm looking round for somethin else to throwI"m breakin" dishes off your headAll night (uh huh)I aint gon stop until I see police and lights (uh huh)I"m a fight a man (tonight)I"m a fight a man (tonight)I"m a fight a manOn a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOn a man, on a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOhhhh(Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh)I don"t know who you think I am(I dont know who you think I am)But I really don"t give a damn right now(Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh)If you don"t come I"m a huff and puff andBlow this, Blow this, huhBlow this, Blow this,I"m a blow this, blow this, huhBlow this, Blow thisI"m a blow this, blow this, huhBlow this house downDishes, breakin" dishes, breakin" dishesI"m breakin" dishes off your headAll night (uh huh)I aint gon stop until I see police and lights (uh huh)I"m a fight a man (tonight)I"m a fight a man (tonight)I"m a fight a manOn a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOn a man, on a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanfight a man, on a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOn a man, on a man, on a m-a-a-a-aanOhhhh Breakin" dishesBreakin" dishes...Breakin" dishes...http://music.baidu.com/song/8551905

The Music的《Breakin"》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakin"歌手:The Music专辑:Welcome To The NorthThe All-American Rejects - Breakin"Hold on tightWrap your arms around me til your knuckles are burning whiteAll your tearsCouldn"t match the bitter taste of all these wasted yearsAll you take take (everything that wasn"t even yours)Wait wait (you don"t got a hold of me anymore)In a clear view there"s a silhouetteAnd I watch you and I can"t forgetKnew we were done when you locked that doorYeah I figured it out nowBreaking"s what the heart is forWhen I see you in a silhouetteAnd you hold closeDo you feel regretKeeping me down when I hit that floorAnd I figured it out girlBreakings what your heart is forFor so longI"ve had to bite my tongue but what"s the point if the feelings goneI turn my headLearned I only see some memory but all I see is redNow don"t don"t (say it didn"t happen that way)I won"t won"t (believe another word that you say)In a clear view there"s a silhouetteAnd I watch you and I can"t forgetKnew we were done when you locked that doorYeah I figured it out nowBreaking"s what the heart is forWhen I see you in a silhouetteAnd you hold closeDo you feel regretKeeping me down when I hit that floorAnd I figured it out girlBreakings what your heart is forYeah breaking"s what your heart is forYeah breaking"s what your heart is forAnd not a soul sleepsAnother heart skips a beatIt"s every note that you wrote and I hope that you choke on the linesYou"re wasting my time, another heart beats tonightIn a clear view there"s a silhouetteAnd I watch you, no I"ll never forgetKnew we were done when you locked that doorYeah I figured it out nowBreaking"s what the heart is forWhen I see you in a silhouetteAnd you hold closeDo you feel regretKeeping me down when I hit that floorAnd I figured it out girlBreakings what your heart is forYeah breaking"s what your heart is forYeah breaking"s what your heart is forYeah breaking"s what your heart is forYeah breaking"s what your heart is ...http://music.baidu.com/song/7367821

The Music的《Breakin"》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakin"歌手:The Music专辑:Welcome to the NorthPut your lighter in the air and lead me back homeWhen it"s all said and done and follow where the air goesI hear you night after night calling out my nameAnd I"m finding myself running to meet youI didn"t want to escapeFrom the bricks that I laid downYou are the only oneThe only to tease meThat trusts me and believes meYou are the only oneThe only one that knows meAnd in the dark you show meIt"s perfectly recklessDamn you leave me defenselessSo break inBreak inYou let me fall apart without letting goThan you pick up the pieces and you make me wholeI didn"t want to escapeFrom the bricks that I laid downYou are the only oneThe only to tease meThat trusts me and believes meYou are the only oneThe only one that knows meAnd in the dark you show meIt"s perfectly recklessDamn you leave me defenselessSo break inAnd take everything I haveUntil there is nothing leftUntil it"s just your voice in my headAnd when the lights come onYou see me as I amYou"re still inside meYou are the only oneThe only to tease meThat trusts me and believes meYou are the only oneThe only one that knows meAnd in the dark you show meIt"s perfectly recklessDamn you leave me defenselessSo break inBreak inPut your lighter in the air and lead me back homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54100976


strongerYou know the bed feels warmer,Sleeping here alone,You know I dream in color,And do the things I want.You think you got the best of meThink you had the last laughBet you think that everything good is gone.Think you left me broken downThink that i"d come running backBaby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrongWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.What doesn"t kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, Myself and IWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.You heard that I was starting over with someone new,They told you I was moving on over you,You didn"t think that I"d come back ,i"d come back swingingYou try to break me but you seeWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.What doesn"t kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, Myself and IWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.Thanks to you I got a new thing startedThanks to you I"m not the broken heartedThanks to you I"m finally thinking about meYou know in the end the day I left was just my beginning..... in the end...What doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.What doesn"t kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone.What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, Myself and IWhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.

The Music的《Breakin"》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakin"歌手:The Music专辑:Singles & EPs: 2001-2005Put your lighter in the air and lead me back homeWhen it"s all said and done and follow where the air goesI hear you night after night calling out my nameAnd I"m finding myself running to meet youI didn"t want to escapeFrom the bricks that I laid downYou are the only oneThe only to tease meThat trusts me and believes meYou are the only oneThe only one that knows meAnd in the dark you show meIt"s perfectly recklessDamn you leave me defenselessSo break inBreak inYou let me fall apart without letting goThan you pick up the pieces and you make me wholeI didn"t want to escapeFrom the bricks that I laid downYou are the only oneThe only to tease meThat trusts me and believes meYou are the only oneThe only one that knows meAnd in the dark you show meIt"s perfectly recklessDamn you leave me defenselessSo break inAnd take everything I haveUntil there is nothing leftUntil it"s just your voice in my headAnd when the lights come onYou see me as I amYou"re still inside meYou are the only oneThe only to tease meThat trusts me and believes meYou are the only oneThe only one that knows meAnd in the dark you show meIt"s perfectly recklessDamn you leave me defenselessSo break inBreak inPut your lighter in the air and lead me back homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10457716

求adept的The Busiess of Living的歌词

We need everyone"s attention!there are words that must be saidwe will never bite our tongues again,because everything they hold is the greatest lie.and i watch the sun go down over an empty streetbut no one of us sleeps tonight.we are the ones who must make a standas it all comes down to thisand even though we at times seem helpless,we must always strive forwardon the brightest path i recall your name.yet the shadows settles in for the very first time.hands are shaking cold. heartbeats racing fast.tonight it"s heart and soul versus none.dont lose hopethis isn"t over yetwe are staring at the beginningwe will not stand for the business of our living.come on and dance away another year of disaster!we need everyone to listen up! to the frailty words that we say!bring back our fucking strength - pick up yourselfin a word filled with hate -we are the hope!we are the hope!we"ve been sleeping for ages but never once did we dream about this.that the bitter tast of disillusion is just enough to keep usunderneath the surface.now i can"t change my past, but who the fuck are you to predict my future.the shadows we cast define our soul purpose. therefor our wings must be brokenit"s in our hands and we need everyone"s attention,that hand in hand we will walk these streets with more pride and courage than ever before.on the brightest path i recall your nameyet the shadows settles in for the very first time.hands are shaking cold. heartbeats racing fast.tonight it"s heart and soul versus none.days like these wont last forever!!

请问谁有careless whisper这首歌的歌词啊

是不是这个 ?[00:05.00]Careless whisper-Wham 无心快语(威猛)[00:27.33]Time can never mend.时光永远无法弥补[00:33.56]The careless whispers of a good friend.好友间的无心细语[00:40.16]To the heart & mind.于内心深处。[00:43.36]Ignorance is kind.无知是福[00:46.06]There"s no comfort in the truth.真相只会让你难过[00:48.66]Pain is all U"ll find.你发掘出的只会是痛苦[01:05.41]Should"ve known better than.我知道本可以更好些的[01:42.47]I feel so unsure.我没有丝毫把握[01:48.11]As I take Ur hand.当我牵着你的手[01:50.41]And lead U 2 the dance floor.带你步入舞池时[01:55.06]As the music dies.一曲终了[01:58.05]Something in Ur eyes.你眼中的遗憾[02:00.84]Calls 2 mind the silver screen.唤起了过去的一幕幕[02:03.84]And all its sad good-byes.但对这一切我只能伤感的说再见了[02:07.67]I"m never gonna dance again.我以后不会再跳舞[02:09.78]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏[02:13.67]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰[02:16.25]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜[02:19.38]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的[02:22.34]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会[02:26.19]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞[02:28.93]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步[02:44.83]Time can never mend.时光永远无法弥补[02:51.00]The careless whispers of a good friend.好友间的无心细语[02:57.34]To the heart & mind.于内心深处。[03:00.68]Ignorance is kind.无知是福[03:03.34]There"s no comfort in the truth.真相只会让你难过[03:06.36]Pain is all U"ll find.你发掘出的只会是痛苦[03:10.19]I"m never gonna dance again.我以后不会再跳舞[03:12.76]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏[03:16.07]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰[03:18.63]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜[03:22.09]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的[03:25.03]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会[03:28.68]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞[03:31.27]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步[03:40.76]Never without Ur love.从此失去你的爱![03:59.55]Tonight the music seems so loud.今晚的音乐是如此的刺耳[04:02.50]I wish that we could lose this crowd.我希望我们能远离这喧嚣的人群[04:06.22]Maybe it"s better this way.也许这样会好些[04:09.16]We"d hurt each other with the things we"d want 2 say.我们所说的话将打动彼此的心(也会伤害彼此)[04:12.45]We could have been so good together.我们本好好的在一起的[04:15.27]We could have lived this dance forever.我们本可以让这舞曲无限延续[04:18.48]But now,who"s gonna dance with me ? 但今夜谁与我共舞?[04:23.53]Please stay.请留步[04:25.47]And I"m never gonna dance again.因为我以后不打算再跳舞[04:28.07]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏[04:31.68]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰[04:34.26]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜[04:37.58]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的[04:40.68]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会[04:44.27]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞[04:46.98]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步[05:03.83](Now that U"re gone)Now that U"re gone.现在你走了[05:16.29](Now that U"re gone)Was what I did is so wrong.我所为是不是错误的?[05:22.52]So wrong that U had 2 leave me alone ? 错到以至你离我而去?


《Careless Whisper》歌曲原唱:WHAM!填词:乔治·迈克尔,安德鲁·瑞吉里,田宇谱曲:乔治·迈克尔,安德鲁·瑞吉里Time can never mend,the careless whispers of a good friend时间也无法弥补好友无心的耳语To the heart and mind ignorance is kind对心灵而言无知是福There"s no comfort in the truth真相总令人难爱Pain is all you"ll find疼痛是所有你找到早知道该多好Should"ve known better我感觉如此的不确定I feel so unsure当我牵起你的手As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor带你走进跳舞的地方一曲终了As the music dies something in your eyes我看到了什么Calls to mind the silver screen让我想起一个银幕及其所有的悲伤And all its sad good-byes我再也不跳舞了I"m never gonna dance again,guilty feet have got no rhythm充满内疚感的韵律抓不住节奏Though it"s easy to pretend虽然伪装很容易I know your not a fool但我知道你并非蠢物Should"ve known better than to cheat a friend早知不该欺骗朋友And waste the chance that I"ve been given也浪费被赐予的大好机会So I"m never gonna dance again因此我不再跳舞The way I danced with you如果无法与你共舞Time can never mend,the careless whispers of a good friend时间也无法弥补好友无心的耳语To the heart and mind,ignorance is kind对心灵而言无知是福There"s no comfort in the truth现实中没有舒适Pain is all you"ll find,I"m never gonna dance again疼痛是所有你找到我再也不跳舞了Guilty feet have got no rhythm充满内疚感的韵律抓不住节奏Though it"s easy to pretend虽然伪装很容易I know your not a fool但我知道你并非蠢物Should"ve known better than to cheat a friend早知不该欺骗朋友And waste this chance that I"ve been given应该早点知道也浪费被赐予的好机会So I"m never gonna dance again因此我不再跳舞The way I danced with you如果无法与你共舞Never without your love从未和你一起Tonight the music seems so loud今晚的音乐似乎过于喧嚣I wish that we could lose this crowd但愿我们能避开人群Maybe it"s better this way也许这样会比较好We"d hurt each other with the things we"d want to say我们可以用真心话来伤害彼此We could have been so good together我们本该是令人羡慕的一对We could have lived this dance forever我们本该让这曲共舞没有终结But now who"s gonna dance with me但再也没有人愿与我共舞Please stay留下来,好吗And I"m never gonna dance again我再也不能跟你一起跳舞了Guilty feet have got no rhythm充满罪恶的双脚抓不住节奏Though it"s easy to pretend虽然伪装很容易I know your not a fool但我知道你并非蠢物Should"ve known better than to cheat a friend早知不该欺骗朋友And waste the chance that I"ve been given也浪费被赐予的好机会So I"m never gonna dance again因此我不再跳舞The way I danced with you无法与你共舞(Now that you"re gone) Now that you"re gone(如今你已远去)如今你已远去What I did"s so wrong,that you had to leave me alone犯错的我让你不愿再相守扩展资料歌曲创作背景:乔治·迈克尔写下这首歌曲时只有17岁。1980年的一天,在英国芬契列电影院当引座员的乔治·迈克尔在乘坐公共汽车时,脑海里一直盘旋着一个旋律,回到家后,他急忙把它写了下来。歌词描述了一段迟迟不敢表白的暗恋心情。完整歌曲的时间长达六分半钟,但唱片公司为了打歌宣传而用了另外剪辑约五分钟的版本。虽然《Careless Whisper》获得了各种积极地评论,不过乔治·迈克尔在日后接受记者访问时,他却表示对这首歌曲不是很满意,他觉得写的可以再更好。歌曲MV:歌曲的MV是采用的五分钟版本。MV开头出现了城市的夜景,然后乔治·迈克尔从一个漆黑的房间出现,他穿过绳子来到一个铁索前。然后,镜头转向乔治·迈克尔正面,他开始演唱歌曲。过程中,浮现了许多乔治·迈克尔与女友的亲热画面。一天晚上与另一个女友做了爱之后,被第一个女友发现,而第一个女友悄悄离开了。最后,两人在城市的不同地方四处瞭望。获奖记录:于1984年9月17日,在《滚石》杂志被评为年度最佳100首歌曲中的第24名。参考资料来源:百度百科-careless whisper

Differently 歌词

歌曲名:Differently歌手:Sister2Sister专辑:OneWish you told me by and by,That my life would come to this,That I"d have to find a wayto let things go,That my friends would turn to foes,And my love would come to blows,Then I would have done some thingsdifferently.Differently...I would ask you out every night.Differently...And I would make you feel so good.Differently...And appreciate the things thatyou bring to me, babe.Differently...Oh yes I would, oh yeah.Yeah, I know you tried and tried,But your signal I just missed,When you said my little girlwould soon be gone,Yes I didn"t hear you then,And it might be too late now,That"s another thing I"d dodifferently.Differently...Like trying to make you feelloved every day.Differently...And saying little things tolet you know how I feel.Differently...Yes I can hear your youngvoice calling me, babe.Differently...Oh yes I can.When I "m away I call you up,And you don"t seem to miss me as much,But I know our loveis still there in your heart,Just differently.Differently...Oh yes, I can hear your youngvoice calling me, babe.Differently...Oh yes I can.Differently...I"d appreciate the things that youbring to me babe, yes I would.Differently...Oh come on back to me babe,bring your love back to me.Differently...Oh yeah I need your love,I need your love.Differently...Yes I can tell you babe,I need your love.Differently...Today is a brand new day, yes it is.Differently...Got to get your love back, babe,come on now bring it back to me.Differently...Turn it around babe, turn itaround and bring it back.Differently...Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, got to getyour love back, come on babe.Differently...Yeah I can hear your youngvoice calling me babe.Differently...Come on back to me, come on back,yeah yeah, turn it around.Differently...Oh yes I can, yes I can.Differently.http://music.baidu.com/song/7912115

Differently 歌词

歌曲名:Differently歌手:Q-Burns Abstract Message专辑:Invisible AirlineWish you told me by and by,That my life would come to this,That I"d have to find a wayto let things go,That my friends would turn to foes,And my love would come to blows,Then I would have done some thingsdifferently.Differently...I would ask you out every night.Differently...And I would make you feel so good.Differently...And appreciate the things thatyou bring to me, babe.Differently...Oh yes I would, oh yeah.Yeah, I know you tried and tried,But your signal I just missed,When you said my little girlwould soon be gone,Yes I didn"t hear you then,And it might be too late now,That"s another thing I"d dodifferently.Differently...Like trying to make you feelloved every day.Differently...And saying little things tolet you know how I feel.Differently...Yes I can hear your youngvoice calling me, babe.Differently...Oh yes I can.When I "m away I call you up,And you don"t seem to miss me as much,But I know our loveis still there in your heart,Just differently.Differently...Oh yes, I can hear your youngvoice calling me, babe.Differently...Oh yes I can.Differently...I"d appreciate the things that youbring to me babe, yes I would.Differently...Oh come on back to me babe,bring your love back to me.Differently...Oh yeah I need your love,I need your love.Differently...Yes I can tell you babe,I need your love.Differently...Today is a brand new day, yes it is.Differently...Got to get your love back, babe,come on now bring it back to me.Differently...Turn it around babe, turn itaround and bring it back.Differently...Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, got to getyour love back, come on babe.Differently...Yeah I can hear your youngvoice calling me babe.Differently...Come on back to me, come on back,yeah yeah, turn it around.Differently...Oh yes I can, yes I can.Differently.http://music.baidu.com/song/3458268

A Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:A Twist Of Fate歌手:齐豫专辑:藏爱的女人life is a bookeachday is a pageeach word a moment in timeand as you reedthe story unfousit"s there to see in your mindin my berg of memoryare words I don"t understandsomeone else has written therea pen and a different handas I look backand think of the pastwould I have chosen this wayone never knowswhat life has instoreyou live it day by dayA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateTurn on the the big red light"Cause here I comeGonna tell the worldHe"s the greatest scumWhen you defied my loveI told my heartThat if I fall againI"ll leave this partGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateAre you lonesome ?look at your pastWhat did you do to make it last ?Are you It"s the way, I wanna beI know that you"ll be missing meYou"ll be missing meA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateRAPhttp://music.baidu.com/song/932281

Don"t Forget To Say I Love You 歌词

歌曲名:Don"t Forget To Say I Love You歌手:Jeanette专辑:Undress to the BeatJeanette - Don"t Forget to say I Iove Youmama i love you more than i can sayyou help me find my waydon"t worry if i am far awayhey sister you are the best friend i"ve ever hadwhen you are around my heart is gladand breast my heart to see sadsometimes unfored things can changeeverything everyday so don"t waitdon"t forget to say i love youcause you never knowyou never know when it"s time for us to goso unforget to say i love yousay it everyday and everywherecause you never knowoh...but i don"t knowi love you so........daddy i love you more than i can sayyou show me my waydon"t worry if i am far awaymy love i wanna share my life with you(life with you)you make me live within blueand with you my dream come truesometimes unfored things can changeeverything everyday so don"t waitdon"t forget to say i love youcause you never knowyou never know when it"s time for us to goso unforget to say i love yousay it everyday and everywherecause you never knowbut i don"t knowi love you soi love you sodon"t forget to saydon"t forget to sayi love youdon"t forget to say....i love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19140410

长发公主 I"ve got a dream 歌词

Tangled(魔发奇缘) I"ve Got A DreamHook Hand Thug:I"m malicious, mean and scaryMy sneer could curdle dairyAnd violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanestBut despite my evil lookAnd my temper, and my hookI"ve always yearned to be a concert pianistCan"tcha see me on the stage performin" Mozart?Tickling the ivories "til they gleam?Yep, I"d rather be called deadlyFor my killer show-tune medleyThank you!"Cause way down deep insideI"ve got a dreamThug Chorus:He"s got a dream!He"s got a dream!Hook Hand Thug:See, I ain"t as cruel and vicious as I seem!Though I do like breaking femursYou can count me with the dreamersLike everybody elseI"ve got a dream!Big Nose Thug:I"ve got scars and lumps and bruisesPlus something here that oozesAnd let"s not even mention my complexionBut despite my extra toesAnd my goiter, and my noseI really want to make a love connectionCan"t you see me with a special little ladyRowin" in a rowboat down the stream?Though I"m one disgusting blighterI"m a lover, not a fighter --"Cause way down deep insideI"ve got a dreamI"ve got a dream!Thug Chorus:He"s got a dream!Big Nose Thug:I"ve got a dream!Thug Chorus:He"s got a dream!Big Nose Thug:And I know one day romance will reign supreme!Though my face leaves people screamingThere"s a child behind it, dreaming --Like everybody elseI"ve got a dreamThug Chorus:Tor would like to quit and be a floristGunther does interior designUlf is into mimeAttila"s cupcakes are sublimeBruiser knitsKiller sewsFang does little puppet showsHook Hand Thug:And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns!Flynn:I have dreams, like you -- no, really!Just much less touchy-feely转载来自 ※ Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 They mainly happen somewherewarm and sunnyOn an island that I ownTanned and rested and aloneSurrounded by enormous piles of moneyRapunzel:I"ve got a dream!Thug Chorus:She"s got a dream!Rapunzel:I"ve got a dream!Thug Chorus:She"s got a dream!Rapunzel:I just want to see the floatinglanterns gleam!Thug Chorus:Yeahh!Rapunzel:And with every passing hourI"m so glad I left my tower --Like all you lovely folksI"ve got a dream!Thug Chorus:She"s got a dream!He"s got a dream!They"ve got a dream!We"ve got a dream!So our diff "rences ain"treally that extreme!We"re one big team...!Call us brutal --Sick --Hook Hand Thug:Sadistic --Big Nose Thug:And grotesquely optimisticThug Chorus:"Cause way down deep insideWe"ve got a dream!Hook Hand Thug:I"ve got a dream!Big Nose Thug:I"ve got a dream!Thug Chorus:I"ve got a dream!I"ve got a dream!I"ve got a dream!Rapunzel:I"ve got a dream!All:Yes way down deepinside, I"ve got a dream!Yeahh!

I got a dream 歌词

《I‘ve Got a Dream》演唱:various artist所属专辑:《Tangled(长发公主)》发行时间:2010-11-16歌词:I"ve Got A Dream Hook Hand Thug: I"m malicious, mean and scary My sneer could curdle dairy And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest But despite my evil look And my temper, and my hook I"ve always yearned to be a concert pianist Can"tcha see me on the stage performin" Mozart? Tickling the ivories "til they gleam? Yep, I"d rather be called deadly For my killer show-tune medley Thank you! "Cause way down deep inside I"ve got a dream Thug Chorus: He"s got a dream! He"s got a dream! Hook Hand Thug: See, I ain"t as cruel and vicious as I seem! Though I do like breaking femurs You can count me with the dreamers Like everybody else I"ve got a dream! Big Nose Thug: I"ve got scars and lumps and bruises Plus something here that oozes And let"s not even mention my complexion But despite my extra toes And my goiter, and my nose I really want to make a love connection Can"t you see me with a special little lady Rowin" in a rowboat down the stream? Though I"m one disgusting blighter I"m a lover, not a fighter -- "Cause way down deep inside I"ve got a dream I"ve got a dream! And I know one day romance will reign supreme! Thug Chorus: Though my face leaves people screaming There"s a child behind it, dreaming -- Like everybody else I"ve got a dream Thug Chorus: Tor would like to quit and be a florist Gunther does interior design Ulf is into mime Attila"s cupcakes are sublime Bruiser knits Killer sews Fang does little puppet shows Hook Hand Thug: And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns! Flynn: I have dreams, like you -- no, really! Just much less touchy-feely They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny On an island that I own Tanned and rested and alone Surrounded by enormous piles of money Rapunzel: I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream Rapunzel: I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam! And with every passing hour I"m so glad I left my tower -- Like all you lovely folks I"ve got a dream! She"s got a dream! He"s got a dream! They"ve got a dream! We"ve got a dream! So our diff "rences ain"t really that extreme! We"re one big team...! Call us brutal -- Sick -- And grotesquely optimistic "Cause way down deep inside We"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! Yes way down deep I"ve got a dream! inside, I"ve got a dream! Yeahh!

跪求He Loves Me 的歌词~

Текст песни Алсу - He Loves me Lately it"s crazy, this feeling taken over me I"m neglect and that"s not how it used to be He used to walk me home Talk for hours on the phone Never leave me alone So where did we go wrong If he can"t make up his mind Maybe I should go If he loves or loves me not, That"s All I need to know He love me, he loves me not He likes to play around a lot But it"s bound to stop Cos one thing he still got is.... I can walk away He love me, he loves me not I know what he"s thinking but I"m all ? But I see, I"m history If you don"t make me believe He loves me, loves me Take it for granted that I will always be around, Turns out that ? If there isn"t no law break out He says we"re got nowhere If I am here he"s always there. I suggest I make it clear, A bruiser really cares It"s time to realise that I can take no more, Does he love or love me not, That"s all I need to know He love me, he loves me not

长发奇缘的歌曲I"m Got A Dream歌词,求啊~

I"ve Got A Dream Hook Hand Thug: I"m malicious, mean and scary My sneer could curdle dairy And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest But despite my evil look And my temper, and my hook I"ve always yearned to be a concert pianist Can"tcha see me on the stage performin" Mozart? Tickling the ivories "til they gleam?Yep, I"d rather be called deadly For my killer show-tune medley Thank you! "Cause way down deep inside I"ve got a dream Thug Chorus: He"s got a dream! He"s got a dream! Hook Hand Thug: See, I ain"t as cruel and vicious as I seem! Though I do like breaking femurs You can count me with the dreamers Like everybody else I"ve got a dream! Big Nose Thug: I"ve got scars and lumps and bruises Plus something here that oozes And let"s not even mention my complexion But despite my extra toes And my goiter, and my nose I really want to make a love connection Can"t you see me with a special little lady Rowin" in a rowboat down the stream? Though I"m one disgusting blighter I"m a lover, not a fighter -- "Cause way down deep inside I"ve got a dream I"ve got a dream! And I know one day romance will reign supreme! Thug Chorus: Though my face leaves people screaming There"s a child behind it, dreaming -- Like everybody else I"ve got a dream Thug Chorus: Tor would like to quit and be a florist Gunther does interior design Ulf is into mime Attila"s cupcakes are sublime Bruiser knits Killer sews Fang does little puppet shows Hook Hand Thug: And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns! Flynn: I have dreams, like you -- no, really! Just much less touchy-feely They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny On an island that I own Tanned and rested and alone Surrounded by enormous piles of moneyRapunzel: I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream Rapunzel: I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam! And with every passing hour I"m so glad I left my tower -- Like all you lovely folks I"ve got a dream! She"s got a dream! He"s got a dream! They"ve got a dream! We"ve got a dream! So our diff "rences ain"t really that extreme! We"re one big team...! Call us brutal -- Sick -- And grotesquely optimistic "Cause way down deep inside We"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! I"ve got a dream! Yes way down deep I"ve got a dream! inside, I"ve got a dream! Yeahh! 希望采纳O(∩_∩)O~

Mel Smith & Griff Rhys Jones的《Hooligans》 歌词

歌曲名:Hooligans歌手:Mel Smith & Griff Rhys Jones专辑:Smith & Jones Live - Emi ComedyBIG B - Hooligan.I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)I"m waking up at like eleven in the morningPlaying by the rules, yo, it"s just so boringI"m eatin" Captain Crunch for lunchDo I got issues, yeah man, I go a bunchLike late night fist fights, halfpipes and dirtbikesYo I love "em all so they label me an outlaw, but I still keep it rawYou don"t have to respect me, you can love me or hate meBut I ain"t gonna change and you ain"t gonna make meThe lyrical privilege, full player, living life on the edgeStraight outta control, self-proclaimed asshole,and I am what I amI am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)Thinkin" of my next hustleLookin" for the next sorry fuck I can muscleTalkin" shit for the fuck of itRunnin" amock and still loving itA hoodlum role model chuggin" on a Jager bottleMesh hat, t-shirts and baggy pantsPuttin" in work over some bud plantsOh it"s a hard life we live but nothing"s changedEver since I was a kid,so a fuck Is something that I still don"t giveMaybe it"s in my genes,maybe I was born to be spiteful and meanBut whatever it is, I wouldn"t change a thingIt"s all about living life in the fast laneI am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)The west coast bruiser, five nine cruiserOne hundred per cent, natural born loserThat never sold out, not even onceDedicate my life to rockin" mics,dirtbikes and knockin" out frontsA menace to sobriety with a variety of mental problemsI"m refusin" to quit till I hit rock bottomAddicted to cadillacs, jumbo Jacks, twelve packs and fat tracksThe local bar superstar whose mind"s scarredFrom punchin" the time cardA strip club stalker, late night street walkerA loner with the bonerTryna make some money but my printer"s out of tonerI am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)http://music.baidu.com/song/2786690


我真的不懂 什麽是 Rocker 的 Feel是要耍一点酷 还是要天生反骨前卫的角度 让人很 High 的速度是一种艺术 也是种生活态度打扮有一点 Metal 周末要来点 Disco思考有一点庞克 骨子里都是放克我是个假 Rocker 也爱听莫札特不会电吉他 也不懂巴哈就当个假 Rocker 喜欢玩 Facebook喜欢粉红色 唱着自己的歌我开始喜欢学一点 Rocker 的 Feel就算没有大鼓 我还可以打铃鼓学海棉宝宝 也是种 Rocker 的 Feel吃美味蟹堡 就是种 Rocker 的 Feel没去过乌兹塔克 没听过平克佛洛伊德虽然也喜欢台客 绝不会乱说法克我是个假 Rocker 也爱听莫札特不会电吉他 也不懂巴哈就当个假 Rocker 喜欢玩 Facebook喜欢粉红色 唱着自己的歌现在就来点 Hardcre油条配可乐 也是种 Rocker 的 Feel不乱丢垃圾 也是种 Rocker 的 Feel爱护小动物 也是种 Rocker 的 Feel孝顺父母! 就是种 Rocker 的 Feel


不抛弃不放弃bbf--baby face从你踏上征途的那一刻起我们就许下诺言陪你喜欢你唱歌给我听带着美好的憧憬在这纷纷扰扰的世界里一定要学会要照顾自己我们期盼着有一天你站在世界之巅知道你不轻易放弃我们也不轻易抛弃一起向着目标勇敢迈进勇不畏惧我们永不抛弃不放弃永远和你在一起就算风雨在大也要冲破阻力一起努力纵然困难如影随形但坚持爱是前进的动力没有你我不知道还能去向哪里在多少个想你的夜里多少次期盼听你声音希望你一切都顺利只要看到你开心心甘情愿付出真心真意无怨无悔都传递给你看你不断的前进等你创造奇迹知道你不轻易放弃我们也不轻易抛弃一起向着目标勇敢迈进永不畏惧我们永不抛弃不放弃永远和你在一起就算前路迷茫也要坚信梦想希望闯荡无论挫折围绕着你要坚持爱你存在的意义走下去你会看见前途一片光明特别谢谢所有有才的bbf井柏然:不抛弃不放弃坚持自己的梦想未来每步都需要你扎实地留下脚印张开怀抱拥抱这片天地我们永不抛弃不放弃永远和你在一起就算前路迷茫也要坚信梦想希望闯荡我们永不抛弃不放弃这是我们的约定天空之大蔚蓝永远为你绽放奇迹

Big B的《Hooligan》 歌词

歌曲名:Hooligan歌手:Big B专辑:Music For MisfitsBIG B - Hooligan.I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)I"m waking up at like eleven in the morningPlaying by the rules, yo, it"s just so boringI"m eatin" Captain Crunch for lunchDo I got issues, yeah man, I go a bunchLike late night fist fights, halfpipes and dirtbikesYo I love "em all so they label me an outlaw, but I still keep it rawYou don"t have to respect me, you can love me or hate meBut I ain"t gonna change and you ain"t gonna make meThe lyrical privilege, full player, living life on the edgeStraight outta control, self-proclaimed asshole,and I am what I amI am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)Thinkin" of my next hustleLookin" for the next sorry fuck I can muscleTalkin" shit for the fuck of itRunnin" amock and still loving itA hoodlum role model chuggin" on a Jager bottleMesh hat, t-shirts and baggy pantsPuttin" in work over some bud plantsOh it"s a hard life we live but nothing"s changedEver since I was a kid,so a fuck Is something that I still don"t giveMaybe it"s in my genes,maybe I was born to be spiteful and meanBut whatever it is, I wouldn"t change a thingIt"s all about living life in the fast laneI am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)The west coast bruiser, five nine cruiserOne hundred per cent, natural born loserThat never sold out, not even onceDedicate my life to rockin" mics,dirtbikes and knockin" out frontsA menace to sobriety with a variety of mental problemsI"m refusin" to quit till I hit rock bottomAddicted to cadillacs, jumbo Jacks, twelve packs and fat tracksThe local bar superstar whose mind"s scarredFrom punchin" the time cardA strip club stalker, late night street walkerA loner with the bonerTryna make some money but my printer"s out of tonerI am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m a hooligan (hooligan)I am what I am and that"s all that I am (what)I am what I am, I"m still a hooligan (hooligan)http://music.baidu.com/song/20447656


歌曲:more and more歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses 歌曲:it s over now歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses • 搜索"it s over now"LRC歌词• 搜索"it s over now"mp3 [ti:it s over now ][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - it s over now (single mix)album: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider (qq 1878886 icq 151476238)what kind of love have you gotyou should be home but you"re noti don"t wanna believe that it"s over nowi could be wrong but i"m notand you still think you"re on hearti dont wanna believe that it"s over nowla la la la la, la la la la la la lacan you tell me a secretthen i"ll tell you mineshow me that you still love methen i will show real loveuh babyyou are walking the wirelooking for a loving betweenbut you don"t have desiredo you know what i meanit"s over nowwake up you loose my lovingwake up we"re used to thinkingthink twice about the thingsthat you have said and done[ti:more and more][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses][by:anubis_维]more and more - natasha thomasanubis_维(qq48701547)more and more babymy emotion where on displayfrom i first saw youi really don"t know what i have to say, yai will be on the right wayi think i am walking on air tonightyou the love of my lifetimeand i know that my feeling"s righti know you"ll never live until you loveuh i hope it will be last foreveryou and i will stay togethermore and morelovin" youmore and morei can feel the glow of your kiss i don"t have the strength to resistmore and morebaby just more and moreinto your trap i will fall i will give all i have for a chance to love you moreyou took my hand and guide me to a placewhere our feelings just begin to growi think that all my wishes will come truejust be yourself in what you doi never thought that a rendezvous couldchange the way that i live my lifei know that my feelings righti know you"ll never live until you loveuh i hope it will be last foreveryou and i will stay togetherjust stay together babymore and morelovin" youmore and morei can feel the glow of your kiss i don"t have the strength to resistmore and morebaby just more and moreinto your trap i will fall i will give all i have for a chance to love you moreand it"s your smilewhen i get sadand it"s your kisswhen i just want it more and moreit"s getting more than itit"s just more than itit"s getting more than itit"s just more than itit"s getting more than itit"s just more than itit"s getting more than itit"s just more than iti"ll give you all i havecan"t resist your kissmore and morelovin" youmore and morei can feel the glow of your kiss i don"t have the strength to resistmore and morebaby just more and moreinto your trap i will fall i will give all i have for a chance to love you more 歌曲:save your kisses for me歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:save your kisses for me][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - save your kisses for mealbum: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider save your kisses for meshow me how you miss meoh, so easilymy loving"cause i don"t wanna bea summer love fadethe way i am touching"s always heavenlyi love the way that you were loving meyou rubbed me up in the colour of your loveyou must be an angel high from abovehow can i be sure that you won"t goand what will be…are you gonna be there when i need someonewill i be always just the only onei don"t wanna have just another heartbreakso tell me it"s sure love true are a fakeone kissone loveone wordone lieone dreamgonna save it save it for me(summer love fade)(kisses for me)(how you miss me)i don"t wanna be a summer love fade(so easily)歌曲:let me show you the way歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:let me show you the way][ar:natasha thomas][t_time:(03:44)][by:http: www.feiyes.net]natasha thomaslet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilythe way of your touch is always heavenlyand i love the way that you are lovin" meyou wrapped me up in the colour of your loveyou must be an angel high from above in the game of the heartyou know i know that you are minelet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilyare you gonna be there when i need someoneand will i be always just the only onei don"t wanna have just another heartbreakso tell me is your love true or fake in the game of the heartyou know i know that you are minelet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilyone kissone loveone wordone mouth with nothin" moreone life one dreamyou save it save it for melet me show you the wayit"s a game that we playoh everyday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easily(show you the way)show you the waygame that we playeveryday so easylet me show you the wayoh just say what you sayso easilylet me show you the way歌曲:why歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses natasha thomas - why (does your love hurt so much)album: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider why...la di da di dawhy does your love hurts so muchwhydon"t know whyyou know i loved you babybut all the while you just retreat mein the one all the babeall the things that you said were:(babe tell me why)you said our love for secretsbut you left me alone to make ityou want to come back again somedaybut darling here"s what i"m said:(oh oh)歌曲:young and carefree歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:young and carefree][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses][by:anubis_维]young and carefree - natasha thomasanubis_维(48701547)la di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreei don"t wanna worry to much about my lifewe don"t wanna hurry, no rugh now, we"re alrightme and my friends, got plantie of timebefore we have to make up our mindsdon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, young and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreei don"t wanna worry to much, about my lifei just wanna sit here with you now, by my sidei don"t wanna talk or do anythinglet"s just kick back and enjoy what life bringsdon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, we"re young and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreewe don"t know what the future holds (for us)if it"s good or bad (it"s too much)so we"re just taking it one day at a time, so far it"s worked out finedon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, young and carefreedon"t know what we wanna be, la di da di da da daheverybody sing with me, young and carefreeonly living for today, la di da di da da dahtomorrow seems so far away, young and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefreela di da di da di da, da di da di da da dahla di da di da di dayoung and carefree歌曲:it s over now歌手:natasha thomas 专辑:save your kisses [ti:it s over now ][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - it s over now (single mix)album: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider what kind of love have you gotyou should be home but you"re noti don"t wanna believe that it"s over nowi could be wrong but i"m notand you still think you"re on hearti dont wanna believe that it"s over nowla la la la la, la la la la la la lacan you tell me a secretthen i"ll tell you mineshow me that you still love methen i will show real loveuh babyyou are walking the wirelooking for a loving betweenbut you don"t have desiredo you know what i meanit"s over nowwake up you loose my lovingwake up we"re used to thinkingthink twice about the thingsthat you have said and done(oh why)(tell me why)why ,whydoes your love hurts so muchyou say you come back again somedaybut darling here"s what i say



原来是美男5集黄泰京做造型时出现的英文歌,有句歌词是any louder

是please don"t leave me - -Pink

Louder Than Words 歌词

歌曲名:Louder Than Words歌手:Celldweller专辑:The Complete CelloutLouder than wordsActions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效Actions speak louder 行动更有效(Shut up)(Shut up)...So here we go again 又来了You"re opening your mouth before you think 你没有思考就开口Your insincerities are clinging to me 你无诚意的话语在向我逼近Like the stench of your last drink (Shut up) 随着你最后一口酒的臭气Did I really hear you say you"re sorry? 你真在说对不起吗?Hard for me to believe 让我难以置信I don"t get how you"re buying your own story 我不知道你怎么会对自己说的话深信不疑You"re piss broke emotionally 我冲动地赶走了你I"m watching 我在看Listening 我在听The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do (Shut up) 我只想看看你会干什么So here it comes again 还是那样A deafening parade of duplicity 口是心非震耳欲聋的游行Birds falling from the sky 鸟都从天上掉下来了The air is poisoned by the breath you waste on me (Shut up) 空气被你对我说的废话污染了The thought of you becomes so disappointing 你的想法变得令人失望Hard for you to believe? 令你无法相信么?You never seem to fail change the stories 你对于扭曲事实这种事从没失败过You so effortlessly breed 你毫不费力地说着谎I"m watching 我在看Listening 我在听The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do (Shut up) 我只想看看你会干什么Actions speak louder... 行动更有效It"s time to play again 该再玩玩了Deception is your game 欺诈是你的大名But why would you want to wear that shame? 但是为什么你要面露羞愧It speaks louder than words 行动比语言更有效(Shut up)Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do 我只想看看你会干什么The thought of you becomes so disappointing 你的想法变得令人失望Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效(Shut up)The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder... 行动更有效http://music.baidu.com/song/18739893

Les Friction - Louder Than Words的中文歌词

Les Friction - Louder Than WordsThere are survivors这里有幸存者They"re coming home他们正在回家They float in darkness他们在黑暗中飘荡They"re not alone他们一直孤独Now here they come现在,他们来了这里Now hear they come现在,听着他们到来Now they will be received现在,他们被接受No one could outrun the crash没人能从这场冲击中逃脱It was all reduced to rubble一切都粉碎成瓦砾残片And then again to ash然后成为灰烬To the blinding burning light为了点亮燃烧的火焰It"s no use to fight抵抗是徒劳的There"s no one out there没人能逃脱There was no signal from where you were你所在的地方没有信号All failed contact, no life disturbed一切失去联络,生活不再被打扰Hovering above gravity"s lure徘徊在自然的召唤We have the force to fight我们有战斗的力量We have the blinding light我们可以重建光亮We have the will to win我们有求胜的意念Forever we"ll defend我们永远不会被击败Knocking out the sun走出太阳With a runaway transmission用一条逃离的力量A force that can"t be heard一种不能被听到的力量Coming in louder than words比任何语言都要大声高亢We have the force to fightWe have the blinding lightA war is more than heardComing in louder than words(重复)Louder!

Carefree的《Anak》 歌词

歌曲名:Anak歌手:Carefree专辑:Anakanakfreddie aguilarnong isilang ka sa mundong itolaking tuwa ng magulang moat ang kamay nila ang iyong ilawat ang nanay at tatay moydi malaman ang gagawinminasdan pati pag -tulog moat sagabi napupuyat ang iyong nanaysa pag-timpla ng gatas moat sa umaga namay kalong ka nang iyong amatuwang -tuwa sa yongayon ngay malaki ka naat nais may maging malayadi man sila payag walang magagawaikaw ngay biglang nagbagonaging matigas ang iyong uloat ang payo nilay sinuway modi mo man lang inisipna ang kanilang ginagaway para sa yopagkat ang nais moy masunod ang layaw modi mo sila pinapansinnagdaan pa ang mga arawat ang landas moy naligawikaw ay nalulung sa masamang bisyoat ang una mong nilapitanang yong i nang lumuluhaat ang tanong anakbat ka nagkaganyanat ang iyong mga mataybiglang lumuha nang di mo napapansinpagsisisi ang sa isip moynalaman mong ikay nagkamalipagsisisi ang sa isip moynalaman mong ikay nagkamalipagsisisi ang sa isip moynalaman mong ikay nagkamalhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2680007



live from chicago 歌词

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Louder Than Words 歌词

歌曲名:Louder Than Words歌手:Celldweller专辑:Wish Upon A BlackstarLouder than wordsActions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效Actions speak louder 行动更有效(Shut up)(Shut up)...So here we go again 又来了You"re opening your mouth before you think 你没有思考就开口Your insincerities are clinging to me 你无诚意的话语在向我逼近Like the stench of your last drink (Shut up) 随着你最后一口酒的臭气Did I really hear you say you"re sorry? 你真在说对不起吗?Hard for me to believe 让我难以置信I don"t get how you"re buying your own story 我不知道你怎么会对自己说的话深信不疑You"re piss broke emotionally 我冲动地赶走了你I"m watching 我在看Listening 我在听The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do (Shut up) 我只想看看你会干什么So here it comes again 还是那样A deafening parade of duplicity 口是心非震耳欲聋的游行Birds falling from the sky 鸟都从天上掉下来了The air is poisoned by the breath you waste on me (Shut up) 空气被你对我说的废话污染了The thought of you becomes so disappointing 你的想法变得令人失望Hard for you to believe? 令你无法相信么?You never seem to fail change the stories 你对于扭曲事实这种事从没失败过You so effortlessly breed 你毫不费力地说着谎I"m watching 我在看Listening 我在听The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do (Shut up) 我只想看看你会干什么Actions speak louder... 行动更有效It"s time to play again 该再玩玩了Deception is your game 欺诈是你的大名But why would you want to wear that shame? 但是为什么你要面露羞愧It speaks louder than words 行动比语言更有效(Shut up)Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do 我只想看看你会干什么The thought of you becomes so disappointing 你的想法变得令人失望Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效(Shut up)The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder... 行动更有效http://music.baidu.com/song/56667600

Life is struggle 的歌词

have to repeat the first person"s answer

Louder Than Words 歌词

歌曲名:Louder Than Words歌手:Celldweller专辑:Live Upon A BlackstarLouder than wordsActions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效Actions speak louder 行动更有效(Shut up)(Shut up)...So here we go again 又来了You"re opening your mouth before you think 你没有思考就开口Your insincerities are clinging to me 你无诚意的话语在向我逼近Like the stench of your last drink (Shut up) 随着你最后一口酒的臭气Did I really hear you say you"re sorry? 你真在说对不起吗?Hard for me to believe 让我难以置信I don"t get how you"re buying your own story 我不知道你怎么会对自己说的话深信不疑You"re piss broke emotionally 我冲动地赶走了你I"m watching 我在看Listening 我在听The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do (Shut up) 我只想看看你会干什么So here it comes again 还是那样A deafening parade of duplicity 口是心非震耳欲聋的游行Birds falling from the sky 鸟都从天上掉下来了The air is poisoned by the breath you waste on me (Shut up) 空气被你对我说的废话污染了The thought of you becomes so disappointing 你的想法变得令人失望Hard for you to believe? 令你无法相信么?You never seem to fail change the stories 你对于扭曲事实这种事从没失败过You so effortlessly breed 你毫不费力地说着谎I"m watching 我在看Listening 我在听The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do (Shut up) 我只想看看你会干什么Actions speak louder... 行动更有效It"s time to play again 该再玩玩了Deception is your game 欺诈是你的大名But why would you want to wear that shame? 但是为什么你要面露羞愧It speaks louder than words 行动比语言更有效(Shut up)Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I don"t want to hear dead words from you 我不想听你说那没有说服力的语言Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效I just want to see what you will do 我只想看看你会干什么The thought of you becomes so disappointing 你的想法变得令人失望Actions speak louder than words do 行动比语言更有效(Shut up)The volume"s always the same 事情明摆着Actions speak louder... 行动更有效http://music.baidu.com/song/18754052




Roar - Katy PerryI used to bite my tongue and hold my breathScared to rock the boat and make a messSo I sat quietly, agreed politelyI guess that I forgot I had a choiceI let you push me past the breaking pointI stood for nothing, so I fell for everythingYou held me down, but I got upAlready brushing off the dustYou hear my voice, your hear that soundLike thunder, gonna shake your groundYou held me down, but I got upGet ready cause I"ve had enoughI see it all, I see it nowI got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fireCause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROARLouder, louder than a lionCause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAROh oh oh oh oh ohYou"re gonna hear me roarNow I"m floating like a butterflyStinging like a bee I earned my stripesI went from zero, to my own heroYou held me down, but I got upAlready brushing off the dustYou hear my voice, your hear that soundLike thunder, gonna shake your groundYou held me down, but I got upGet ready "cause I"ve had enoughI see it all, I see it nowI got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROARLouder, louder than a lion"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAROh oh oh oh oh ohYou"re gonna hear me roarRoar-or, roar-or, roar-orYou"re gonna hear me roarYou"re gonna hear me roarI got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROARLouder, louder than a lion"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAROh oh oh oh oh ohYou"re gonna hear me roar


Run i"ll sing it one last time for youthen we really have to goyou"ve been the only thing that"s rightin all i"ve doneand i can barely look at youbut every single time i doi know we"ll make it anywhereanywhere from herelight up, light upas if you have a choiceeven if you cannot hear my voicei"ll be right beside you dearlouder, louderand we"ll run for our livesi can hardly speak i understandwhy you can"t raise your voice to sayto think i might not see those eyesit makes it so hard not to cryand as we say our long goodbyei nearly dolight up, light upas if you have a choiceeven if you cannot hear my voicei"ll be right beside you dearlouder, louderand we"ll run for our livesi can hardly speak i understandwhy you can"t raise your voice to sayslower, slowerwe don"t have time for thatall i want is to find an easier wayto get out of our little headhave heart my dearwe"re bound to be afraideven if it"s just for a few daysmaking up for all this messlight up, light upas if you have a choiceeven if you cannot hear my voicei"ll be right beside you dear 跑 我会为你唱一最后一次 那么我们就真的要离开 你是我至今唯一的权利 我所做的一切 我几乎无法看着你 但每一次我做 我知道我们去哪里 从这里的任何地方 亮起来,亮起来 因为如果你有一个选择 即使你不能听到我的声音 我会在你身边亲爱的 响亮,响亮 我们将要为我们的生活 我很难说明白 你为什么不能提高你的声音说 认为我可能再也见不到那双眼睛 它是那么的难不要哭 当我们说我们的漫长的告别 我几乎不 亮起来,亮起来 因为如果你有一个选择 即使你不能听到我的声音 我会在你身边亲爱的 响亮,响亮 我们将要为我们的生活 我很难说明白 你为什么不能提高你的声音说 慢,慢 我们没有足够的时间来 所有我想要的是找到一个更简单的方法 走出我们的小脑袋 有心脏病我亲爱的 我们一定会害怕 即使只是几天 弥补这一切混乱 亮起来,亮起来 因为如果你有一个选择 即使你不能听到我的声音 我会在你身边亲爱的


Charice - LouderLouder (x4)I"m staring out of my windowAnd the rain is pouring downWhen you left, I was so lowBut I"m not gonna drownI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandI"m just gonna run right through the rainI"m just gonna dance right through the painI just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart speak louderWanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my headI, I am over overthinking of how to get you backI"m checking out for the weekendAnd I ain"t going backI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandOh, letting goYeah it feels so good, so rightOh, all I knowIs that I let my heart beatHeart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder这首歌还蛮好听的。

女生英文歌,歌词里面连着四个louder louder louder ouder


Charice的《Louder》 中文歌词

我正凝视窗外大雨倾盆而下当你离开时,我心情低汤到谷底但我不会就此沉沦我不需要任何肩膀我要像战士般武装自己我只想感受些我不懂的事我只是想奔越大雨我只是想舞越苦痛我只想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧[回响]心跳搏动加剧占领理智的头脑 [回响]心大声发言想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧我,我一直太过执著於如何让你回头我要放自己一个周末然後再也不打算回去了我不需要任何肩膀我要像战士般武装自己我只想感受些我不懂的事我只是想奔越大雨我只是想舞越苦痛我只想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧[回响]心跳搏动加剧占领理智的头脑 [回响]心大声发言想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧噢,放手吧吔,这样的感觉真好,如此正确噢,我仅知道…我听任我…心跳搏动、听任我心喊话 [回响:大声点儿]心跳搏动、听任我心喊话 [回响:大声点儿]心跳搏动、听任我心喊话 [回响:大声点儿]大声点儿[回响]我只是想奔越大雨我只是想舞越苦痛我只想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧[回响]心跳搏动加剧占领理智的头脑 [回响]心大声发言想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧

Charice的《Louder》 歌词

歌曲名:Louder歌手:Charice专辑:LouderCharice - LouderLouder (x4)I"m staring out of my windowAnd the rain is pouring downWhen you left, I was so lowBut I"m not gonna drownI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandI"m just gonna run right through the rainI"m just gonna dance right through the painI just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart speak louderWanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my headI, I am over overthinking of how to get you backI"m checking out for the weekendAnd I ain"t going backI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandOh, letting goYeah it feels so good, so rightOh, all I knowIs that I let my heart beatHeart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10350890