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请问gateshead是英国的什么市(中文名)?tyne and wear 是英国的哪个省?

我在英国读研Gateshead中文译名是 盖茨黑德,是Newcastle-纽卡斯尔南面的城市,它跟newcastle是双子城,中间就隔一条tyne river 泰恩河。我在newcastle住过,然后再gateshead打过工,景色很美,没有newcastle那么喧嚣tyne and wear是泰恩威尔郡


杨琪敏 饰 毗兰婆菩萨

this time tomorrow you------- there negotiating with the delegates

now you"re sitting here negotiating with the delegates|||this time tomorrow he will be sitting here negotiating with the delegates

The delegates went back to their ___________ rooms after the meeting.

填写: respective: 各自的。The delegates went back to their respective rooms after the meeting.意思是:会后代表团成员回到各自的房间。

请根据B. Gates, Jobs, 韩寒、方舟子等人名,解释其所隐藏的深层信息,并展开讨论。

-一个半文盲小丑在文坛瞒天过海, 招摇撞骗, 兴风作浪十几年文坛算个P 神马J8思想导师神马J8天才作家导你妈了隔壁的师作你妈了隔壁的家``呕像死翘翘 粪丝全死光骗子世家演双簧 .. 欺世盗名捞钱忙 某个中年猥琐男 .. 冒充妓巴思想家`妓.馆.门.口.竖.牌.坊 .庭.院.深.深.三.虫.门 .一.虫.妓.巴.文.学.门 .一.虫.妓.巴.思.想.门 .一.虫.妓.巴.自.由.门倒韩是一次难得的思想启蒙运动。韩寒神话破灭,一群妓巴公知跟着陪葬,觉醒的是广大网民。世界上没有神;我们谁也指不上,不管是妓巴天才还是妓巴公知,我们只有靠我们自己,靠我们自己的头脑判断。真能独立自由运用自己的理性,自己的判断力,我们也就获得了宝贵的启蒙。你是质疑还是盲目某人?如果是前者,那么,恭喜你,你自我启蒙了。许多人士恍然领悟:原来许多门前高挂“贞.洁”幌子的宅院是妓馆也许这个才是方韩事件带给国民的最大收获1、一个文学少年语文却不及格。2、有拉丁文水平、能大量引用英语写作的少年,英语却不及格。3、能在一小时内写出来《杯》旁征博引、谈古论今的文章,自已写的书的书名却不知道什么意思4、在乎随地吐痰、远光灯的高尚之人,却是一个睡过的女人不下20个,爬水管追这个、追那个,骂起别人满口脏话的无耻之人5、自称《三重门》的手稿是自己一次性写的,没有草稿,非常干净,你们做不到我做得到。却是把“抑扬顿挫”写成“抑杨顿错”,把“犄角旮旯”,写成“崎角旮旯”。不会写“户枢不蠹”中的“蠹”字, “君子之交淡若水” 说成出自韩非子。骗子韩寒在挑战现代人对常识、常理、常情的认识 ,,,


No matter how hard you try, you can"t stop us nowNo matter how hard you try, you can"t stop us nowWe"re the renegades of this atomic ageThis atomic age of renegadesRenegades of this atomic ageThis atomic age of renegadesSince the Prehistoric ages and the days of ancient GreeceRight down through the Middle AgesPlanet earth kept going through changesAnd then no renaissance came, and times continued to changeNothing stayed the same, but there were always renegadesLike Chief Sitting Bull, Tom PaineDr. Martin Luther King, Malcom XThey were renegades of their time and ageSo many renegadesWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkFrom a different solar system many many galaxies awayWe are the force of another creationA new musical revelationAnd we"re on this musical mission to help the others listenAnd groove from land to land singin" electronic chants likeZulu nationRevelationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsDestroy our nationsNow renegades are the people with their own philosophiesThey change the course of historyEveryday people like you and meWe"re the renegades we"re the peopleWith our own philosophiesWe change the course of historyEveryday people like you and meC"monWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkPoppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopBecause where we"re goin" there ain"t no stoppin"Poppin", sockin", puttin" a side of hip-hopBecause where we"re goin" there ain"t no stoppin"Poppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hop"Cause we"re poppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopPoppin", sockin", rockin" puttin" a side of hip-hopWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re the renegades of funkWe"re teachers of the funkAnd not of empty poppingWe"re blessed with the force and the sight of electronicsWith the bass, and the treble the horns and our vocals"Cause everytime I pop into the beat we get freshThere was a time when our musicWas something called the Bay Street beatPeople would gather from all aroundTo get down to the big soundYou had to be a renegade in those daysTo take a man to the dance floorSay jam suckerSay jam suckerSay groove suckerSay groove suckerSay dance suckerSay dance suckerNow move suckerNow move sucker[x2]We"re the renegades of funk不管你怎么努力,你都不能阻止我们不管你怎么努力,你都不能阻止我们我们这个原子时代的叛徒这个叛徒的原子时代这个原子时代的叛徒这个叛徒的原子时代自史前时代和古希腊时代通过中世纪的权利行星的地球不断变化然后没有复兴来,时代继续改变什么都一样,但总是有叛徒像首席坐着的公牛,汤姆路德金博士,马尔科姆X他们都是时间的叛徒和年龄这么多的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒从一个不同的太阳系许多星系我们是另一个创造的力量一种新的音乐启示而我们正是在这个音乐的使命,以帮助其他人听槽从土地到土地唱圣歌像电子祖鲁族启示录摧毁我们的国家摧毁我们的国家摧毁我们的国家摧毁我们的国家摧毁我们的国家摧毁我们的国家现在,他用自己的哲学的人他们改变了历史的进程像你和我一样的普通人我们人民的叛徒用我们自己的哲学我们改变历史的进程像你和我一样的普通人拜托我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒突然,sockin,摇滚放一边嘻哈因为我们要去的地方”,没有任何停止的突然,sockin ",把一副嘻哈因为我们要去的地方”,没有任何停止的突然,sockin,摇滚放一边嘻哈因为我们要跳,sockin,摇滚放一边嘻哈突然,sockin,摇滚放一边嘻哈我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们的怯懦的叛徒我们教师的恐惧而不是空洞的弹出我们是受祝福的力量和电子的视线与低音和高音喇叭,和我们的歌声因为每次我弹打我们的新鲜有一段时间我们的音乐被称为海湾街拍人们会聚集来自各地得到了很大的声音你必须在那些日子里,一个叛徒把一个人带到舞蹈地板说果酱吸盘说果酱吸盘说槽吸盘说槽吸盘说跳舞说跳舞现在移动吸盘现在移动吸盘【x2】我们的怯懦的叛徒

请问有谁知道Gareth Gates唱的Anyone of us的歌词中文意思是什么啊?

Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake) (我们都会错) I"ve been letting you down, down Girl I know I"ve been such a fool Giving in to temptation When I should"ve played it cool The situation got out of hand I hope you understand CHORUS: It can happen to Anyone of us, anyone you think of Anyone can fall Anyone can hurt someone they love Hearts will break Cause I made a stupid mistake It can happen to Anyone of us, say you will forgive me Anyone can fail Say you will believe me I can"t take my heart will break Cause I made a stupid mistake A stupid mistake She was kind of exciting A little crazy I should"ve known She must have altered my senses Cause I offered to walk her home The situation got out of hand I hope you understand CHORUS A stupid mistake She means nothing to me (nothing to me) I swear every word is true Don"t wanna lose you The situation got out of hand I hope you understand CHORUS A stupid mistake she means nothing to me (nothing to me) I swear every word is true don"t wanna lose you chorus to fade 我们都会错(中文翻译) 我让你失望了 我知道自己实在太傻 一时的情不自禁 让冷静消失无踪 如今弄到无法收拾 我只求你能谅解 副歌: 这种是可能发生在 任何人身上 所有你想得到的人 每个人都会犯错 每个人都可能让爱人心痛 我的心快碎了 因为我犯了愚蠢的错 这种是可能发生在 任何人身上 说你会原谅我吧 每个人都可能失控 说你会相信我吧 无法忍受我的心就要碎了 只因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错 一个愚蠢的错 那天她看起来很兴奋 我早该知道他有点疯狂 一定是她影响了我的判断力 因为我竟然提议陪她走路回家 情况就这麼失控了 我希望你能谅解 副歌: 这只是个愚蠢的错 她对我没有任何意义 (没有任何意义) 我发誓句句属实 我不想失去你 情况就这麼失控了 我希望你能谅解 副歌: 每个人都会犯错 每个人都可能让爱人心痛 我的心快碎了 因为我犯了愚蠢的错 一个愚蠢的错

这首歌中文歌词是什么?Gareth Gates-Anyone of Us

anyone of us 我们都会错 i"ve been letting you down, down 我让你失望了 girl i know i"ve been such a fool giving into temptation 女孩 我知道我曾经是一个陷入诱惑的傻瓜 i should have played it cool 我当时应该镇定下来 * the situation got out of hand 但是事已至此 i hope you understand 我希望你理解 it can happen to anyone of us 这样的情况可能发生在我们任何人身上 anyone you think of 你可以想到的任何人 anyone can fall 任何人都可能沉沦 anyone can hurt someone they love任何人都可能伤害爱他的某个人 hearts will break 让他伤透心 cos i made a stupid mistake 我犯了个低级错误 it can happen to anyone of us 这样的情况可能发生在我们任何人身上 say you will forgive me 说你原谅我吧 anyone can fail 任何人都可能沉沦 say you will believe me 说你相信我吧 i can"t escape 我无法逃避 my heart will break 我的心都要碎了 cause i made a stupid mistake 因为我犯了个低级错误 a stupid mistake * 低级错误 she was kind of exciting 她有点兴奋 a little crazy 有点疯狂 i should have known 我早应该知道 she must have altered my senses 她改变了我的认识 as i offered to walk her home 以至于我曾想去她家 repeat * she means nothing to me 她对我来说什么也不是 nothing to me 什么也不是 i swear every word is true 我发誓我说的每个字都是真的 i don"t wanna lose you 我不想失去你

Bill gates 算不算黑客?


I was told _____ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.

选D,that when

翻译 Bill Gates is the founder of the software company Microsoft


Bill Gates is the f-(填空)of microsoft.

founder Bill Gates is the founder of microsoft.

bill gates is skilled in programming 句中skilled为什么是过去式,be动词明明是现在时

这里skilled 是形容词,非过去分词,也非过去式。还有一个近义形容词skillfull

英语课文The Story of Bill Gates翻译



比尔盖茨跟他的智能房子通话得到了有效力的回应.在回家的路上,他可以要求智能房间将浴室的热水放好.此外,智能房间替他照看他最爱的植物,一棵140年的枫树.枫树有电脑进行二十四小时电子监控,当它干时就适量浇水. 哪里不会可以问.

Bill Gates is one of the world’s richest men. ____小题1:______.This figure, however, depen...

小题1:E小题2:B小题3:D小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要介绍了美国微软总裁——比尔盖茨的生平故事。他出生在1955年,从小时候就开始对编写电脑程序感兴趣,迄今已经为慈善组织捐款超过2亿美元。小题1:联系前一句比尔盖茨是世界上最富有的人之一。后一句,这个数字取决于他的微软电脑公司在任何时候的价值。故选E,据估计,他每天要挣30万美元.小题2:联系后一句,每个家庭都会需要软件。可知选B,那时他认为到各个家庭都普及电脑的时间不会太长。小题3:联系前一句,当他在学校时,就已经开始编写电脑程序了。故选D,在八年级时,他编写了一个简单的数学程序……。小题4:联系前一句,在1994年,盖茨娶了梅琳达佛伦奇。可知选A,他们只有一个孩子。小题5:联系后一句任何想联系比尔盖茨的人都可以在网址ask bill @ microsoft.com上这样做。可知选C,他同样一天要发出无数封电子邮件。

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle, Washington. He was a very cleve...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:D小题4:B小题5:A 小题1:根据文章内容Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle, Washington.可知答案为C。小题2:根据文章内容His favorite subjects at school were science and math可知答案为A小题3:根据文章内容they worked out a software program with the old machine. Bill sold it for $4,200 when he was only 17.可知答案为D小题4:根据文章内容In the end, they worked out a software program with the old machine. Bill sold it for $4,200 when he was only 17.可知答案为B小题5:根据单词的意思为私人的,故选答案为A

求Bill Gates 2007博鳌论坛上演讲原文(英文)

Bill Gates: Bo"ao Forum for AsiaBo"ao, ChinaApril 21, 2007BILL GATES: Good morning, it"s a great honor to be on the panel with these distinguished leaders. This is my first time at the conference and I am very impressed with the important dialogue that is taking place as part of this meeting. I hope I wasn"t asked to be on the panel to represent the county with the lowest growth rate and highest deficit. I think what I"ll focus on is what"s changing in technology. I was surprised to see that the Thomas Friedman"s book, "The World is Flat," is not only popular in the Unites States but also countries throughout Asia. It"s a big best-seller here in China. That book does an amazing job of talking about how two amazing things have come together. First, the economic development in Asia, particularly the investment, and the focus on education. Second are the advances in technology and the arrival of the Internet. What this has done is changed the rules. One simple way that I like to describe it is the opportunity of a person used to be determined by the country they are living in. Now we can say that the opportunity is much more determined on the education that they receive. Advances in AsiaThe advances in Asia are incredible. Even as I follow the numbers, it"s amazing to see it in person. To see the construction and go to the universities to see how the classes have become very world-class in their capabilities. Microsoft started a research center here in Asia just 10 years ago. The results have been quite amazing, among the best work in the world. Not only is Asia benefiting from technology, but Asia will be a major source of the breakthroughs and advances of technology. That will come from having companies start here. There was a survey done in the United States that asked where the next Bill Gates will come from. Sixty percent of the United States said that the next stunning success would come from Asia. I think it"s true and amazing that it"s so well recognized that the investment and changes here are leading to very innovative work. What has technology done for us?What has technology done for us? It"s given us the mobile phone, the PC and the Internet. We can say that a worker that has a PC can look at information in ways far better than a paper-based approach. They can use databases, communicate with customers and see trends. Things like video have allowed people to refresh their skills simply by clicking on a video or a quiz that will test their knowledge. The ability to ask their employees about their projects and their goals. The ability to reach out and share with them the goals of the company, and have constant tracking of the metrics that are important for your organization. More and more workers are empowered with this tool, the PC connected to the Internet. It is the greatest tool that mankind has ever created to leverage our creativity. It allows them to communicate and share information in rich ways. Today, for students, that means a shared machine that they can only use a limited time during the day in their school, library or community center. It"s our goal that the cost of machine is so low, that it"s something every student can have. By that time we expect it to take a new form. It will look like the size of a tablet of paper. You will be able to talk to the computer and have your speech recognized. You will be able to use a pen with ink and your writing will be recognized as well. That device, through connection to the Internet, will give you educational material beyond what any textbook can provide. It will eliminate that need for textbooks because the information will be presented on the screen. The recent advances include things like video as a standard thing on the Internet. It includes bringing the telephone network together with the data network. You won"t have a separate desktop phone or a PBX in your organization. We can use software that connects over the Internet that gets a communications capability that"s not only lower cost but more effective than the phone system today. You can share documents and edit them together. If you want video conference, that will be very straight forward. If you come back to your office to see who has called, you will see that list immediately. This type of communication can have a very beneficial impact on productivity. Technology and Government TransparencyFor citizens, the use of technology allows governments to be more transparent. To see where the money is being spent. It allows them to share and voice common interest about where they see things that the government can do better. That"s a way to get people to share their views and solve the complex issues and complex tradeoffs that governments often face. Everyone today has cited the issue of equity. As we have these incredible economic, medical and education advances, will they share on an equal basis so that everyone can benefit? This is a huge challenge. As powerful as market incentives are, we often need to compliment them with government action and philanthropy and special incentives to make sure the benefits are very widespread. We can look at drug development. Ninety percent of the developed drugs are aimed at the disease conditions of the richest 20 percent. I remember when my foundation organized a $20-million grant for a malaria vaccine and I was told it doubled the amount of money going towards that work. That"s really a stunning thing because this disease kills over a million children a year. There has not been enough energy put into it. For a number of reasons, the market incentives have not caused those achievements to be made. I am optimistic. I think with government efforts and commitments of companies, these equity initiatives are capable of making these advances widespread. For Microsoft that means give every kid a chance to use a computer connected to the Internet. In many countries, our projects with the governments have gone out to libraries and many are going out to schools. In China we have pilot programs out in the rural areas, training the teachers and bringing down the cost of connectivity. It"s very exciting to see that work proceeding. Need for Increase in Educational InvestmentThe increase in educational investment needs to come at all levels. Universities are important factors, but also broad-based education is an important challenge. I think we can make that more effective. The world"s best lectures on any topic can be found on the Internet. If you want to learn about chemistry or physics, that information is there. We are seeing TV that used to be limited to channels, by moving to Internet TV, not only do you eliminate that channel, but you allow all video of interest to be accessed whenever it might be interesting. Academic material will easily be there. Students will be able to watch video, test their knowledge, and talk to other students. I do think that we can revolutionize education. It"s not just students, but also teachers, seeing the best practice or seeing what material they might use to do their job more effectively. Healthcare and education are increasing portions of every economy in the world. Making sure that we bring technology and equity to these sectors is very important. Microsoft in AsiaMicrosoft sees immense opportunity to make better software. We are initiating a great campus in Beijing and Shanghai that will more than double the capacity to bring great R&D people in those locations. It"s us and other major players driving this expansion throughout Asia. I think there is no doubt that as Asia corresponds with it"s part of the population, which is over 60 percent, the R&D base will also migrate in that direction. If we look at the number of science and engineering students, Asia is a high percentage of that. The quality of those students continues to improve to a level where they will be able to make contributions. Technology has already made the world a smaller place. It"s already made it easier to find information. In not too many years, you will be able to talk to your cell phone and ask information. You will be able to see maps and have digital currency. You will be able to communicate without thinking about phone numbers. It"s as easy as picking a person and asking to be in touch with them. It won"t just be the cell phone or the personal computer. The TV set and the car, we will have technology in a very pervasive way and make it incredibly user-centric. The Asian MiracleLet me close by saying the rapid peaceful economic development of Asia really is a miracle. It"s having incredible benefits on a worldwide basis. Understanding the key elements and how we can continue that, how technology can come in to play an increasingly positive role, that"s something I am very excited about and very committed to. I know that Microsoft can play its part and I believe my foundation can also play a part, so it"s exciting to be a part of this. Thank you. (from比尔盖茨:博鳌亚洲论坛博鳌,中国2007年4月21日比尔盖茨:早上好,这是很大的荣誉,以对小组与这些杰出的领袖。这是我第一次在会议上,我感到很深刻的印象,与重要的对话,就是正在发生的一部分,本次会议。我希望我没有要求对小组,以代表县与最低增长速度和最高的赤字。我想我会着重的是什么的,在不断变化的技术。我很惊讶地看到,在托马斯弗里德曼的新书"世界并不都是平坦的, "不仅是流行在美国,而且亚洲其它国家。这是一次规模很大的畅销书在这里,在中国。这本书确实是一个了不起的工作,在谈论如何两个了不起的事情,走到一起。第一,亚洲各国的经济发展,尤其是投资,并侧重于教育。二是科技的进步和到达因特网。这是什么做的是改变了规则。一个最简单的方式,我喜欢来形容,它是有机会的一个人使用,以确定该国,他们都是生活的,现在我们可以说,机会是更为确定的对教育,他们接受的。 垫款在亚洲预付款在亚洲是令人难以置信。甚至在我跟随号码,它的惊人,看看它的人。看到建设,深入到各大学看看如何班级变得十分世界一流的,在他们的能力。微软展开一项研究中心在亚洲仅在10年前。结果却相当惊人,其中包括最佳作品,在世界上。不仅亚洲从中受益,从技术,但亚洲将是一个主要来源的突破和进展的技术。这将是来自公司后,从这里开始。有一项调查显示,在美国,当问及下一个比尔盖茨将从何而来。百分之六十的美国说,在未来惊人的成功将来自亚洲。我认为它的真实而令人惊奇的是它的这么好认识到,投资和变化,这里是通往十分有创意的工作。 有什么技术为我们所做的吗? 有什么技术为我们所做的吗?它给我们的移动电话,个人电脑及互联网。我们可以说,一个工人说,有电脑可以看资料的方式远胜于一份文件为基础的方法。他们可以利用数据库中,与客户沟通,看看趋势。事情,比如视频,让人们重温他们的技能,仅仅通过点击视频或有奖问答游戏,这将考验自己的知识水平。能力要求雇员对他们的计划,以及它们的目标。有能力伸出手与他们分享的目标,该公司并已不断跟踪的度量是重要的,你的组织。越来越多的工人都有权与此工具,个人电脑已接驳上互联网。它是人类最大的工具,这是人类有史以来创造的杠杆作用,我们的创造力。它使它们能够相互通信和共享信息,在丰富的途径。今天,对学生,即是一个共同的机器,他们只能用有限的时间在白天,在他们的学校,图书馆和社区中心。这是我们的目标成本,机器是如此之低,它的东西每一个学生都可以有。到那时,我们期望它采取新的形式。它看上去很像,大小如一张片纸。您将可以谈论,以电脑及有你的讲话承认。你将能够使用钢笔与墨水和你的写作将被确认为好。该装置通过连接到网际网路,将与你的教育材料超出任何教科书可以提供。它会消除这种需要的课本,因为这些资料将介绍在屏幕上。 最新研究进展,包括像视频作为标准件事在互联网上。它包括将电话网与数据网络。你不会有一个单独的桌面电话或服务器,在你的组织。我们可以利用软件连接在互联网上获得的通信能力,这不仅降低成本,而且更有效,比电话系统今日。你可以共享文件,并编辑在一起。如果你想要视频会议,那将是非常直截了当。如果你回来给你的办公室,看谁有所谓的,你都会看到,立即被撤消。这种类型的沟通,能有一个非常有利的影响生产力。 科技及政府透明度对于公民的,技术的应用使得政府更加透明。看到那里的钱是花在。它使他们能够分享和语音的共同利益在哪里,他们看到的东西,政府可以做的更好。 that"sa办法让人们分享他们的看法和解决复杂的问题和复杂的权衡,认为政府常常面对的问题。大家今天已经引用了公平的问题。由于我们拥有这些令人难以置信的经济,医疗和教育的进步,他们将分享关于平等的基础上,使每个人都可以从中得益?这是一个巨大的挑战。强大的市场诱因是,我们经常需要在恭维他们的政府行动和慈善事业,并特别奖励,以确保好处是非常普遍的现象。 我们可以看看药物的发展。百分之九十的发达毒品是着眼于病情最富有的百分之二十。我记得当我的基金会组织了一个200万美元赠款用于疟疾疫苗,并有人告诉我,它增加一倍,这笔钱去实现这项工作。这真是令人吃惊的事情,因为这种疾病死亡100多万儿童一年。有没有足够的精力投入到其中。由于若干原因,市场诱因,并没有引起这些成就了。我很乐观。我认为,与政府的努力和承诺的公司,这些股票的举措,能够使这些进展十分普遍。对于微软即让每个孩子有机会使用电脑已接驳上互联网。在许多国家,我们的项目与有关国家政府已外出图书馆和许多人走出去学校。在中国,我们有试点,在农村地区,培训教师和降低成本的连接。这是非常令人兴奋地看到,工作程序。 需要增加教育投入增加教育投资的需求来在各个层面。大学是很重要的因素,但也有广泛基础教育是一个重要的挑战。我认为我们可以取得更为有效。世界上最优良的讲座就任何问题都可以在互联网上找到。如果你想了解化学或物理,信息是有。我们正看到电视所用的是限于渠道,转向互联网电视,你不仅消除这一渠道,但你让所有的录像,有兴趣上网时,它可能会很有意思。学术物质很容易会放在那里。学生将能够观看,测试他们的知识,跟其他同学。我确实认为我们可以革命性的教育。这不只是学生,而且教师,看到最好的做法或看到什么材料,他们可能使用,以做好本职工作,更有效地学习。医疗保健和教育是增加的部分,每一个经济体系,在世界上。确保我们带来技术和公平,以这些行业是非常重要的。 微软在亚洲微软认为巨大的机遇,努力实现更好的软件。我们正启动一个伟大的校园,在北京和上海将增加一倍以上,有能力带来巨大的研发人,在这些地点。这是我们和其他主要参与者驾驶这种扩张在整个亚洲。我觉得这是毫无疑问的,因为亚洲是符合它的一部分人口,这是60 %以上,研发基地也准备将这一方向努力。如果我们看看有多少科学与工程系的学生,亚洲是一个相当高的比例。质量,这些学生继续提高到一定程度,他们将在那里能够做出自己的贡献。技术已使世界变小的地方。它已经取得了用户方便地查找资料。在没有太多年了,你能谈谈你的手机,并要求信息。您将可以看到地图和拥有数字货币。你将能够沟通,没有想到电话号码。它的那么简单,接载一个人,并要求被接触到他们。这将不只是手机或个人电脑。电视和汽车,我们将有技术的一个非常普遍的方式,使之令人难以置信的以用户为核心。 亚洲奇迹让我在结束发言时说,和平快速的经济发展,亚洲的确是一个奇迹。它具有令人难以置信的好处就世界范围基础。理解的关键要素,以及我们如何能继续如此,科技如何能在发挥着越来越积极的作用,这一点我感到很兴奋,并致力发展。我知道微软可以尽自己的本份,我相信我的基础,也可以发挥的一部份,所以这是令人振奋的是这项工作的一部分。 谢谢。

BillGates辍学后成功了如何看待 用英语回答?

After Bill Gates dropped out of school, he became a very rich and successful person. This example tells us that if you are not highly educated, you will succeed. As long as you are willing to work hard and do not have a degree, you can still succeed.

Bill Gates"的全部资料

William (Bill) H. Gates 是微软公司主席和首席软件设计师。微软公司是为个人计算和商业计算提供软件、服务和Internet技术的世界范围内的领导者。在截止于2000年6月的上个财年,微软公司收入达229.6亿美元,在60个国家的雇员总数超过了44,000人。 盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,和两个姐姐一块在西雅图长大。他的父亲,William H. Gates II,是西雅图的律师。他过世的母亲,Mary Gates,是学校教师,华盛顿大学的董事以及United Way International的主席。 盖茨曾就读于在西雅图的公立小学和私立的湖滨中学。在那里,他发现了他在软件方面的兴趣并且在13岁时开始了计算机编程。 1973年, 盖茨考进了哈佛大学. 在那里他和现在微软的首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默住在一起。 在哈佛的时候,盖茨为第一台微型计算机 – MITS Altair 开发了BASIC编程语言的一个版本。 在大三的时候,盖茨离开了哈佛并把全部精力投入到他与孩提时代的好友Paul Allen在1975年创建的微软公司中。在计算机将成为每个家庭、每个办公室中最重要的工具这样信念的引导下,他们开始为个人计算机开发软件。盖茨的远见卓识以及他对个人计算的先见之明成为微软和软件产业成功的关键。 上排:Steve Wood (左),Bob Wallace,Jim Lane. 中排: Bob O"Rear, Bob Greenberg, Marc McDonald, Gordon Letwin. 下排:Bill Gates, Andrea Lewis, Marla Wood, Paul Allen. 摄于 1978年12月7日.在盖茨的领导下,微软持续地发展改进软件技术,使软件更加易用,更省钱和更富于乐趣。公司致力于长期的发展,从目前每财年超过40亿美元的研究开发经费就可看出这一点。 1999 年, 盖茨纂写了《未来时速》一书,向人们展示了计算机技术是如何以崭新的方式来解决商业问题的。这本书在超过60个国家以25种语言出版。 《未来时速》 赢得了广泛的赞誉,并被纽约时报、今日美国、华尔街日报和Amazon.com列为畅销书。盖茨的上一本书,于1995年出版的《 The Road Ahead》(未来之路), 曾经连续七周名列纽约时报畅销书排行榜的榜首。 盖茨把两本书的全部收入捐献给了非赢利组织以支持利用科技进行教育和技能培训。 除了对计算机和软件的热爱之外,盖茨对生物技术也很有兴趣。他是ICOS公司的董事长,这是一家专注于蛋白质基体及小分子疗法的公司。他也是很多其它生物技术公司的投资人。盖茨还成立了Corbis公司, 它正在研究开发世界最大的可视信息资源之一 – 来自于全球公共收藏和私人收藏的艺术及摄影作品综合数字档案。此外,盖茨还和移动电话先锋Craig McCaw 一起投资于Teledesic。这是一个雄心勃勃的计划,计划使用几百个低轨道卫星来提供覆盖全世界的双向宽带电讯服务。 对于盖茨来说,慈善事业也是非常重要的。他和他的妻子Melinda已经捐赠了超过210亿美元建立了一个基金,支持在全球医疗健康和知识学习领域的慈善事业,希望随着人类进入21世纪,这些关键领域的科技进步能使全人类受益。到今天为止,盖茨和他的妻子Melinda Gates 建立的基金已经将20多亿美元用于了全球的健康事业,将5亿多美元用于改善人们的学习条件,其中包括为盖茨图书馆购置计算机设备、为美国和加拿大的低收入社区的公共图书馆提供Internet培训和Internet访问服务。此外将超过2亿元用于西北太平洋地区的社区项目建设,将超过2900万美元用在了一些特殊项目和每年的礼物发放活动上。 盖茨和Melinda French Gates 于1994年1月1日结婚。他们有两个孩子:女儿Jennifer Katharine Gates,生于1996年; 儿子 Rory John Gates, 生于1999年。 盖茨是一个热心读者,喜欢打高尔夫球和桥牌。

有谁知道Bill Gates的名言

1. Life is not fair, get used to it. 生活是不公平的;要去适应它。2. The world won"t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。3. You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won"t be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both. 高中刚毕业你不会一年挣4万美元。你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车,直到你将此职位和汽车电话都挣到手。4. If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn"t have tenure. 如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板再这样想。老板可是没有任期限制的。5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity. 烙牛肉饼并不有损你的尊严。你的祖父母对烙牛肉饼可有不同的定义;他们称它为机遇。6. If you mess up, it"s not your parents" fault, so don"t whine about our mistakes, learn from them.如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。7. Before you were born, your parents weren"t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room. 在你出生之前,你的父母并非像他们现在这样乏味。他们变成今天这个样子是因为这些年来他们一直在为你付账单,给你洗衣服,听你大谈你是如何的酷。所以,如果你想消灭你父母那一辈中的"寄生虫"来拯救雨林的话,还是先去清除你房间衣柜里的虫子吧。8. Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they"ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn"t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. 你的学校也许已经不再分优等生和劣等生,但生活却仍在作出类似区分。在某些学校已经废除不及格分;只要你想找到正确答案,学校就会给你无数的机会。这和现实生活中的任何事情没有一点相似之处。9. Life is not divided into semesters. You don"t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time. 生活不分学期。你并没有暑假可以休息,也没有几位雇主乐于帮你发现自我。自己找时间做吧。10. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. 电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。

bill gates was born onu2026u2026

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. He was a very clever boy. At school, his favourite subjects were science and math. When people asked him what he wanted to be in the future, he always said, "A scientist." When he was 13 years old, Bill started to play with computers. At that time, a computer was a very large machine. Once he was interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it. In the end, they worked out a software program (软件程序). Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17. In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University. There he developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer(微机), but he didn"t finish his studies in Harvard. In his third year, he left Harvard to work for Microsoft company(微软). He thought computer would be an important tool (工具) in every office and every family, so he began developing software for personal computers. He made it much easier for people to use computers than before.

Bill Gates是什么意思

bill gates 和 mother teresa 的区别

比尔盖茨和特蕾莎修女。这是两个不同人。比尔盖茨的智慧改变了世界,这是一种伟大 特蕾莎修女的无私,帮助穷人的慈悲之心是另一种无可取代的伟大。

比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates):未来能超越我的一定是“基因行业”

据外媒报道,微软创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)认为,人工智能和基因治疗将是改变人类生活的重要力量。盖茨在美国科学促进协会发表的演讲中表示,人工智能可以“理解复杂的生物系统”,而基因技术则具有治愈艾滋病的潜力。 盖茨还表示,人工智能最令人兴奋的是它可以“帮助我们理解复杂的生物系统并加速发现对应的疗法以改善病人 健康 状况”。比尔·盖茨认为基因编辑技术将同时帮助疫苗研发,病症诊断和治疗:“基因编辑技术具有改善 健康 的潜力,不仅可以帮助治疗罕见的遗传疾病,还可以治疗各种常见的疾病。”什么是基因 基因是包含着一个人所有遗传信息的片段,与生具有,并终身保持不变。这种遗传信息蕴含在人的骨骼、毛发、血液等所有人体组织或器官中。  近年来,科学家们开发出多种遗传标记用于个体识别。其中短片段重复序列(Short Tandem Repeat 简称STR)由于检测方法简便、快速、准确度高、扩增片段大小适中,目前已发展为各实验室最主要的个体识别检测标记。  我们所知的亲子鉴定、法医鉴定、身份确认等,都是利用这项技术较成熟的领域。亲子鉴定最先发源于西方发达国家,但是,使其真正得到公众认识并迅速发展起来的时间并不长,也就是十年光景。1995年,一本名为《人类的精子竞争:性交、自慰与不贞(伦)》的学术著作在美国及世界媒体掀起轩然大波并引发了一系列争议,该书作者——美国知名生物学家罗宾·贝克和他的同事马克·贝里斯也因此一夜成名。据统计:1996年,在意大利亲子鉴定仅做了2.4万例,而2000年达到了27万例,增长速度十分惊人。检测结果也令人震惊,竟有高达12%-15%的意大利人与婚内父亲无亲生血缘关系!在美国,1999年全美共进行了28万例父亲身份的亲子鉴定,几乎是十年前的3倍,有28%受测试的男子发现自己不是孩子的父亲。研究结果显示,那些经济状况较差或 社会 地位极差的男性较容易被配偶蒙骗,抚养的其实是第三者的孩子。就受到蒙骗的比例而言,地位较高的男性当中约占1%(美国与瑞士),中等阶级的男性当中占5%-6%(美国与英国),而地位较低的男性当中约占30%(英国、法国、美国)。 DNA个体识别技术的应用 通过遗传标记的检验与分析来判断父母与子女是否亲生关系,称之为亲子试验或亲子鉴定。DNA是人体遗传的基本载体,人类的染色体是由DNA构成的,每个人体细胞有23对(46条)成对的染色体,其分别来自父亲和母亲。夫妻之间各自提供的23条染色体,在受精后相互配对,构成了23对(46条)孩子的染色体。如此循环往复构成生命的延续。 人体约有30亿个核苷酸构成整个染色体系统,而且在生殖细胞形成前的互换和组合是随机的,所以世界上没有任何两个人具有完全相同的30亿个核苷酸的组成序列,这就是人的遗传多态性。尽管遗传多态性的存在,但每一个人的染色体必然也只能来自其父母,这就是DNA亲子鉴定的理论基础。 传统的血清方法能检测红细胞血型、白细胞血型、血清型和红细胞酶型等,这些遗传学标志为蛋白质(包括糖蛋白)或多肽,容易失活而导致检材得不到理想的检验结果。此外,这些遗传标志均为基因编码的产物,多态信息含量(PIC)有限,不能反映DNA编码区的多态性,且这些遗传标志存在生理性、病理性变异。 DNA检验可弥补血清学方法的不足,故受到了法医物证学工作者的高度关注,近几年来,人类基因组研究的进展日新月异,而分子生物学技术也不断完善,随着基因组研究向各学科的不断渗透,这些学科的进展达到了前所未有的高度。 在法医学上,STR位点和单核苷酸(SNP)位点检测分别是第二代、第三代DNA分析技术的核心,是继RFLPs(限制性片段长度多态性)VNTRs(可变数量串联重复序列多态性)研究而发展起来的检测技术。作为最前沿的生物技术,DNA分析为法医物证检验提供了更为科学、可靠和快捷的手段,使物证鉴定从个体排除过渡到了可以作同一认定的水平,DNA检验能直接认定犯罪、为凶杀案、强奸杀人案、碎尸案、强奸致孕案等重大疑难案件的侦破提供准确可靠的依据。 随着DNA技术的发展和应用,DNA标志系统的检测将成为破案的重要手段和途径。此方法作为亲子鉴定已经是非常成熟的,也是国际上公认的最好的一种方法。 贵州亲子鉴定机构咨迅

Bill Gates出生年月日及国家


Bill Gates是谁


Life is not fair, get used to it. Bill gates 是在什么情况下说的?

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!Rule 2 : The world won"t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won"t be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.Rule 6: If you mess up, it"s not your parents" fault, so don"t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren"t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent"s generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they"ll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn"t bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don"t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one.




gates ,tes发/ts/.


gaten.门;闸门;登机门;入场费vt.给…装大门;[电子学] 电波传送gate 变化形式复数: gates第三人称单数: gates


gates n. 闸门; 门( gate的名词复数 ); 登机门; 入场费; [例句]I drove out of the gates, past the keeper"s lodge.我驶出大门,经过守门人的小屋。[其他] 原型: gate



bill gates英文介绍(短的)

William (Bill) H. Gates is the world"s leading personal computer software vendors - Microsoft"s founder, former chairman and chief executive officer.Gates was born October 28, 1955, he and two sisters grew up in Seattle.Gates attended public elementary school in Seattle and the private Lakeside School, where he started his own personal computer software, professional experience, 13-year-old began to write computer programs.In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University a year.Third grade, Gates dropped out of Harvard and threw himself into it with childhood partners, together with Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975.In addition to computers outside the complex, Gates is also very interested in biotechnology.Gates, January 1, 1994 and married Melinda French Gates, they have a child Jennifer Katharine Gates, 1996 was born. Bill Gates is a reading fan, but liked to play golf and bridge.威廉(比尔)H.盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商-微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和首席执行官.盖茨出生于1955年10月28日,他和两个姐妹一起在西雅图长大。盖茨曾就读于西雅图的公立小学和私立湖滨中学,在那里,他开始了自己个人计算机软件的职业经历,13岁就开始编写计算机程序。1973年,盖茨进入哈佛大学一年级.三年级时,盖茨从哈佛退学,全身心投入其与童年伙伴Paul Allen一起于1975年组建的微软公司。除计算机情结之外,盖茨对生物技术也很感兴趣。盖茨1994年1月1日与Melinda French Gates结婚,他们有一个孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。盖茨是一个读书迷,而且很喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。

Bill Gates是什么意思

Bill Gates比尔盖茨Bill Gates[计]比尔; 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世,简称比尔或盖茨。1955年10月28日出生于美国华盛顿州西雅图,企业家、软件工程师、慈善家、微软公司创始人。曾任微软董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔·盖茨13岁开始计算机编程设计,18岁考入哈佛大学,一年后从哈佛退学,1975年与好友保罗·艾伦一起创办了微软公司,比尔盖茨担任微软公司董事长、CEO和首席软件设计师。比尔·盖茨1995-2007年连续13年成为《福布斯》全球富翁榜首富,连续20年成为《福布斯》美国富翁榜首富。2000年,比尔·盖茨成立比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会

有关于gareth gates(葛瑞盖斯)的生平事迹?

年仅19岁的葛瑞·盖斯,自从2002年在英国“Pop Idol”比赛上赢得亚军荣衔后,一路走来积累了超高人气。17岁时便以《奔放的旋律》荣登英国金榜冠军宝座并蝉联三周,因此而成为了吉尼斯纪录上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手。随后盖斯再凭单曲《我们都会错》、《猜疑的心》拿下英国金榜冠军,被英国媒体看作是英国乐坛未来的超级巨星。而他在2003年全英音乐奖获得的两项提名及4座Smash Hits奖无可质疑地向世人宣告了他作为英国全民偶像地位的确立!      小葛的首张个人专辑《我心声处》于2002年10月推出,再度在英国专辑销售榜上创下佳绩。在台湾《我心声处》连霸G-Music销售榜12周冠军,更是2003年台湾地区唯一销售冲破10万大关的欧美专辑。2003年末葛瑞·盖斯推出他的第二张大碟《走自己的路》,以一种介乎于流行、节奏蓝调、放克类型的动感歌声出现,让人不禁想起上世纪80年代时期的迈克尔·杰克逊。   2004年4月,盖斯造访亚洲,在汉城、雅加达、吉隆坡、台湾举行了个唱。葛瑞·盖斯此次的亚洲之行掀起了一场犹如热带风暴般的“小葛热潮”,也许这场难以抵挡的热旋风还将随着葛瑞·盖斯两张专辑的引进发行而席卷中国内地,《走自己的路》由美卡音像引进现已经全面上市,紧接着也将发行他的首张专辑《我心声处》。 乍一听葛瑞盖斯的声音,总觉得他好像还没有完全变好声,那一份青涩和稚气正是这个19岁男孩特别吸引人注意的地方。这个男孩曾经患有严重的口吃,说出自己的名字要用3分钟时间,但是他却创造了英国唱片业的奇迹,成为吉尼斯世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手,并成为百事可乐英国地区广告代言人,还曾经为英国女王献唱。在亚洲,他被歌迷亲切地称呼为“小葛”,他所引发的热潮被称为“小葛旋风”。这张唱片是他的第2张大碟,不过却先于首张唱片被引进。专辑中收录了富于活力的《Sunshine》、深情小品《Say It Isn't So》、翻唱自美国迷幻派民谣男歌手Norman Greenbaum的《Spirit In The Sky》等。小葛的演唱和迈克尔·杰克逊颇有几分神似,但更具阳光气息。 答案补充 GarethGates葛瑞盖斯-概述 一个曾经患有口吃的男孩从歌声中找回自信,并藉由歌声感动全球乐迷,葛瑞盖斯创造了21世纪的歌声奇迹,自从2002年从英国选秀节目"Pop Idol"比赛赢得亚军荣衔后,葛瑞盖斯歌声传情的功力所向披靡。17岁的他便以超龄的纯熟情感重唱正义兄弟合唱团经典歌曲"Unchained Melody"而改写金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手纪录,并获百事可乐选为英国地区广告代言人。2002年首航专辑「What My Heart Wants To Say」进占英国金榜亚军,连创"Unchained Melody"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)"、"Suspicious 答案补充 经典曲目:《What My Heart Wants To Say》《Anyone of Us》《Say It Isn"t So》《With You All The Time》

有谁知道Bill Gates的一些故事?英文的!谢谢

Bill Gates was born on October28,1955l.He was a very clever boy when he was young ,and he wanted to be a scientist.He went to Harward University in 1973.He began a company called Microsoft in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen.In 1999,Bill wrote a book called Business@the Speed of Thought. It was one of the best sellers of the New York Time list.Bill enjoys reading a lot, he also likes playing golf and bridge.

把Gates of dawn 的歌词翻译成中文。

命运之轮在不停转动 无法控制地旋转 心灵也在不断渴望着 那首灵魂之赞歌 黑夜中充满了泪水 因为我们曾经播下的罪恶 但明天是要我们去守护的 明天——未来的昭示 抬眼看那天国的荣光 那里是生命轮回所刻画 目睹这永不完结的传说 跟随我通往曙光之门 谁抬起了那只手 将太阳托出汹涌的大海 这种令人惊愕的力量 我们看到却永远不会拥有 是谁播下了生命的种子 是谁为麦田涂上了金色 谁构造了制造出我的模型 在地球诞生之前 抬眼看那天国的荣光 那里是生命轮回所刻画 目睹这永不完结的传说 跟随我通往曙光之门 抬眼看那天国的荣光 那里是生命轮回所刻画 目睹这永不完结的传说 跟随我通往曙光之门求采纳

The River (Featuring M. Shadows And Synyster Gates) 歌词

歌曲名:The River (Featuring M. Shadows And Synyster Gates)歌手:Good Charlotte专辑:Good Morning RevivalGood Charlotte - The River(feat. M Shadows & Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold)As I walk through the valleyof the shadow of LAThe footsteps that were next to mehave gone their separate waysI"ve seen enough nowto know that beautiful thingsdon"t always stay that wayI"ve done enough nowto know this beautiful placeisn"t everything they sayI heard that evil comes disguisedLike a city of angelsI"m walking towards the lightBaptized in the riverI"ve seen a vision of my lifeAnd I wanna be deliveredIn the city was a sinnerI"ve done a lot of things wrongBut I swear I"m a believerLike the prodigal sonI was out on my ownNow I"m trying to find my way back homeBaptized in the riverI"m deliveredI"m deliveredYou"re from a small townyou"re gonna grow up fastunderneath these lightsDown in Hollywood on the boulevardthe dead come back to lifeTo the praying MotherThe worried FatherLet your children goIf they come back they"ll come home strongerand if they don"t you"ll knowThey sing that evil comes disguisedLike a city of angelsI"m walking towards the lightBaptized in the riverI"ve seen a vision of my lifeAnd I wanna be deliveredIn the city was a sinnerI"ve done a lot of things wrongBut I swear I"m a believerLike the prodigal sonI was out on my ownNow I"m trying to find my way back homeBaptized in the riverI"m deliveredI"m deliveredBaptized in the river (on my own)Baptized in the river (on my own)I wanna be delivered(on my own)(on my own)Baptized in the river (on my own)I wanna be deliveredBaptized in the river (on my own)I wanna be deliveredBaptized in the river (on my own)I wanna be deliveredI confess I"m a sinnerI"ve seen a vision of my lifeAnd I wanna be delivered-----END-----



at the gates的《Non-Divine》 歌词

歌曲名:Non-Divine歌手:at the gates专辑:With Fear I Kiss The Burning DarknessMusic: Anders/Alf/AT THE GATESFrom cold storms I emerge to infernoKiss me with your insanity, bless me with your plagueBurn through my headThe psychic treasures in the arena to findDead symbols that walk through the dreams of manNon-divine, burning souls of redTongues of insanity, here I amLick me free from my dark pastand open my heart for your joyI seek eternity where it lies to be foundAt The GatesMy life will not end 6 feet under the groundNo rebirth in heaven where eternal sleep awaitsWe must seek our immortality beyond the seven gatesMake love with me this one last timeThis one dead dreamAnd rot we can as godsTogether in a distant hellBurn me with the tongues of your loveBurn me free from my bitterness and hateSo let the light devour menAnd eat them up with blindnessNon-divine, a restless soulWorm, goat, eater of gods[The psychic treasures in the arena to findDead symbols that walk through the dreams of manBurn me with the tongues of your loveBurn me free from my hate[Burn me with the tongues of your loveBurn me free from my hateSet me on fireSet me on fire]Set me on fireAgain and again[I seek eternity where it lies to be foundMy life will not end 6 feet under the groundNo rebirth in heaven where eternal sleep awaitsWe must seek our immortality beyond the seven gatesNon-divine, a restless soulWorm, goat, eater of godsThe psychic treasures in the arena to findDead symbols that walk through the dreams of manNon-divine, burning souls of red]


《Parker Pyne Investigates》([英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:i8qc书名:Parker Pyne Investigates作者:[英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂出版社:Minotaur Books出版年份:2002-07-14页数:288内容简介:Agatha Christie is more than the most popular mystery writer of all time. In a career that spans over half a century, her name is synonymous with brilliant deception, ingenious puzzles, and the surprise denouement. By virtually inventing the modern mystery novel she has earned her title as the Queen of Crime. Curious? Then you"re invited to read...PARKER PYNE INVESTIGATESThe personal ad posed a simple question: Are you happy? If not, consult Mr. Parker Pyne. The answer is a resounding no for a jealous wife who suspects her husband of infidelity...for a lonely widow driven to assume a new identity...for a distraught mother whose son has been kidnapped...and for the fianc of a strangely reclusive bride-to-be. But what sort of detective would solicit in the personals? The sort who has a knack for investigating affairs of the heart. For therein lie the darkest motives for murder. And they are proving most lucrative for the hopelessly romantic-and highly suspicious Inspector Parker Pyne.AUTHORBIO: AGATHA CHRISTIE is the world"s best known mystery writer. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language and another billion in 44 foreign languages. She is the most widely published author of all time in any language, outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare. Her writing career spanned more than half a century, during which she wrote 80 novels and short story collections, as well as 14 plays, one of which, The Mousetrap, is the longest-running play in history. Two of the characters she created, the brilliant little Belgian Hercule Poirot and the irrepressible and relentless Miss Marple, went on to become world-famous detectives. Both have been widely dramatized in feature films and made-for-TV movies.Agatha Christie also wrote under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. As well, she wrote four non-fiction books including an autobiography and an entertaining account of the many expeditions she shared with her archaeologist husband, Sir Max Mallowan. Agatha Christie died in 1976.作者简介:无可争议的侦探小说女王,侦探文学史上最伟大的作家之一。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂原名为阿加莎u2022玛丽u2022克拉丽莎u2022米勒,一八九○年九月十五日生于英国德文郡托基的阿什菲尔德宅邸。她几乎没有接受过正规的教育,但酷爱阅读,尤其痴迷于歇洛克u2022福尔摩斯的故事。第一次世界大战期间,阿加莎u2022克 里斯蒂成了一名志愿者。战争结束后,她创作了自己的第一部侦探小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》。几经周折,作品于一九二○年正式出版,由此开启了克里斯蒂辉煌的创作生涯。一九二六年,《罗杰疑案》由哈珀柯林斯出版公司出版。这部作品一举奠定了阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂在侦探文学领域不可撼动的地位。之后,她又陆续出版了《东方快车谋杀案》、《ABC 谋杀案》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《无人生还》、《阳光下的罪恶》等脍炙人口的作品。时至今日,这些作品依然是世界侦探文学宝库里最宝贵的财富。根据她的小说改编而成的舞台剧《捕鼠器》,已经成为世界上公演场次最多的剧目;而在影视改编方面,《东方快车谋杀案》为英格丽u2022褒曼斩获奥斯卡大奖,《尼罗河上的惨案》更是成为了几代人心目中的经典。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂的创作生涯持续了五十余年,总共创作了八十部侦探小说。她的作品畅销全世界一百多个国家和地区,累计销量已经突破二十亿册。她创造的小胡子侦探波洛和老处女侦探马普尔小姐为读者津津乐道。阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂是柯南u2022道尔之后最伟大的侦探小说作家,是侦探文学黄金时代的开创者和集大成者。一九七一年,英国女王授予克里斯蒂爵士称号,以表彰其不朽的贡献。一九七六年一月十二日,阿加莎u2022克里斯蒂逝世于英国牛津郡沃灵福德家中,被安葬于牛津郡的圣玛丽教堂墓园,享年八十五岁。

Cemetery Gates 歌词

歌曲名:Cemetery Gates歌手:Pantera专辑:Cowboys From HellReverend reverend is this some conspiracy?Crucified for no sinsAn image beneath meWhats within our plans for lifeIt all seems so unrealI"m a man cut in half in this worldLeft in my misery...The reverend he turned to meWithout a tear in his eyesIt"s nothing new for him to seeI didn"t ask him whyI will rememberThe love our souls hadSworn to makeNow I watch the falling rainAll my mind can seeNow is your (face)Well I guessYou took my youthI gave it all awayLike the birth of aNew-found joyThis love would end in rageAnd when she diedI couldn"t cryThe pride within my soulYou left me incompleteMemories now unfold.Believe the wordI will unlock my doorAnd pass theCemetery gatesSometimes when I"m aloneI wonder aloudIf you"re watching over meSome place far aboundI must reverse my lifeI can"t live in the pastThen set my soul freeBelong to me at lastThrough all thoseComplex yearsI thought I was aloneI didn"t care to look aroundAnd make this world my ownAnd when she diedI should"ve cried and spared myself some pain...Left me incompleteAll alone as the memories still remainThe way we wereThe chance to save my soulAnd my concern is now in vainBelieve the wordI will unlock my doorAnd pass the cemetery gates

Pledged delegates是什么意思

  Pledged Delegates_翻译  Pledged Delegates  宣誓代表票;  [例句]Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are vying for a total of31 pledged delegates in Montana and South Dakota.  参议员希拉里。克林顿和奥巴马正在蒙大拿州和南达科塔州竞争总共的31个的代表人数。

中文翻译Yet for all his scientific gifts, he was no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.


“Idolize Bill Gates, Not Steve Jobs.”什么意思?


有谁能帮我找找gareth gates-with you all the time的歌词呢?感激不尽啊...

Gareth Gates >> What My Heart Want To Say >> With You All The Time I live beneath the heartI watch you from the darkI"m every breath I"m every dreamI"ve known you foreverI"ve followed you everywhereI"m every scar I"m who you arewhen you think you"re alonewhen you cry cos someone"s unfairyou can rest assured I"m always thereeven when you feel like you don"t belongeven when you fall and it all goes wrongyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift apartknow that I"m with youknow that I"m with youwith you all the timeI"m walking round the roomI"m laughing when you smileand when you cry I cry tooI made you a promisethat I shall forever beyou"re on your own but not alonewhen you"re down and you"re rifeand the world tells you no-one caresyou can rest assured im always thereeven when you feel like you dont belongeven when you fall and it all goes wrongyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift apartknow that I"m with youknow that I"m with youwith you all the timesave a little love for meyou"ll seesave a little love for meyou"ll seesave a little love for meyou"ll seeand you"ll seeeven when you feel like you dont belongeven when you fall and it all goes wrongyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift aparknow that I"m with youknow that I"m with youwith you all the timeyou know that I"m with youthat I"m with you all the timesay a little prayer for the restless heartwe shall never ever drift apartknow that im with youknow that im with youwith you all the time

