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royalty-based crowdfunding 什么意思

Royalty-based Crowdfunding,收益权众筹Crowdfunding(众筹) (同类英文翻译:crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd-sourced fundraising) 是通过向不定向个人集资,通常通过因特网,以支持某些个人或群体的想法和努力。在国外,Crowdfunding被用于多类活动,包括灾难救助,公民新闻,支持艺术,政治游行,创业融资,软件开发,科学研究等等。







Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Art Garfunkel) 歌词

歌曲名:Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Art Garfunkel)歌手:Hans Zimmer专辑:As Good As It Gets: Music From The Motion PictureMonty Python / Always Look On The Bright Side Of LifeSome things in life are bad,They can really make you mad,Other things just make you swear and curse.When youre chewing on lifes gristleDont grumble, give a whistle.And thisll help things turn out for the best.And....Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)If life seems jolly rotten,Theres something youve forgotten,And thats to laugh and smile and dance and sing.When youre feeling in the dumps,Dont be silly chumps.Just purse your lips and whistle, thats the thing.And...Always look on the bright side of life. (whistle)Come on...Always look on the bright side of life...For life is quite absurd,And deaths the final word,You must always face the curtain with a bow.Forget about your sin,Give the audience a grin,Enjoy it - its your last chance anyhow.So always look on the bright side of death,Just before you draw your terminal breath,Lifes a piece of shit,When you look at it,Lifes a laugh and deaths a joke, its true.Youll see its all a show,Keep em laughing as you go.Just remember that the last laugh is on you.And always look on the bright side of life,Always look on the right side of life,Come on guys, cheer up.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.Worse things happen at sea, you know.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.Always look on the bright side of life.I mean - what have you got to lose?You know, you come from nothing,youre going back to nothing.

excess function是什么意思

超额函数 的意思

I feel good funny什么意思


it reminds me how much fun it is when we are in the college. remind me后面是宾补,能用句子?

我认为remind me 后面是宾语从句,整个句子做remind 的直接宾语。

how you remind me 中 are we having fun yet怎么理解



shower better later easilier more funny

funeral procession是什么意思

funeral procession送葬;

no money no funny是什么意思


funky stars quazar 下载地址

网盘链接: /s/1Y0ZC1aNmkr8kT3-2QvPCIQ 无损

missing function header是什么原因?

程序missing function header是什么意思___whj___ LV92014-09-28满意答案轻描淡写010203LV12推荐于2017-09-27丢失没有头文件说明。这个应该是C++程序。C++程序的特点,就是需要一个.h文件来定义函数信息,然后在cpp文件内实现函数体内容。如果函数只需要在cpp文件内使用,也可以直接在cpp文件内,声明和定义。如果cpp内有函数的实现过程,但在使用前没有定义函数结构,就会出错。如果是文本内上面定义函数的实现,下面调用,就不会出错。如果是文本内上面调用,下面定义函数体,则必须在使用前对函数结构进行声明。例如:(CTest是一个类,包含2个文件,Test.h,Test.cpp。TestA是cpp文件内的一个非成员函数。)上面定义下面实现:void TestA(int a);void CTest::Load(){Test(1);}void Test(int a){//}

Slam Dunk (Da Funk) 歌词

歌曲名:Slam Dunk (Da Funk)歌手:Five专辑:Essential - The 90SFive-slam Dunk(Da Funk)Five bad boys with the power to rock youBlowing your mind so you gotta get intoFive - what you waitingFour - if you wannaThree - three - two - twoOne - let"s do itDo you wanna get freakyWhen the five of make us oneYou gotta push da good vibe onIf you really wanna feel itDo you wanna get funkyGot da flava in my songBut I really need to knowHere we goDo you wanna get downDo you wanna get funkyDo you wanna get downGet on downSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upput it upSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upYou gotta shoot, press, slam, baby time to set it offI"ll be up, up away above the rim and hook a shootAlly oop baby, whoop there it is, and now I got yaThree seconds left it"s just enough for me to rock yaNow check it, how I flip it, rock a beat, cause I get with itAnd everybody wants to be a manWith a hey, yippee, yo, yippee four quarter slamEverybody grab a party and just get on downDo you wanna get downDo you wanna get downGet on downSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upput it upSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upBy now you wanna know what hits you like a fork lift truckWe got J, Ab, Rich, Sean and Scott rocking the extra curricalarLadies love particularFella who knock da meter get the boom shake regularFive bad boys, honey no we don"t quit"Till we hit the rebound sound with a kickSo come on everybody, everybody in tuneAs I boomshake "n" rock, honey gimme roomClap your hands, move your feetPush it in, pull it out to the beatClap your hands, move your feetPush it in, pull it out to the beatHere we goSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upput it upSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upput it upSlam dunk da funk, put it upDo you wanna get freakySlam dunk da funk, put it upGet on downSlam dunk da funk, put it upIf you got that feelingSlam dunk da funk, put it upGet on down,put it up

origin的function model 中explicit和implicit 有什么区别

explicit 和 implicit 属于转换运算符,如用这两者可以让我们自定义的类型支持相互交换explicti 表示显式转换,如从 A -> B 必须进行强制类型转换(B = (B)A)implicit 表示隐式转换,如从 B -> A 只需直接赋值(A = B)隐式转换可以让我们的代码看上去更漂亮、更简洁易懂,所以最好多使用 implicit 运算符。不过!如果对象本身在转换时会损失一些信息(如精度),那么我们只能使用 explicit 运算符,以便在编译期就能警告客户调用端。转自h t t p: / / kb.cnblogs.c o m /p a g e/42277/

void export fun(int,int)这个export什么意思?

export 是 商品进口出口的 “出口”,写动态库时用到。这是古老的16位系统时使用的东西。32位开始,用 __declspec(dllexport)你就改用 __declspec(dllexport) 吧。不必去考古。再说,32 位也要 过渡到 64位了。要赶上时代步伐啊。


泛型中<? extends T>和<? super T> 差别<? extends T>和<? super T>含有JAVA5.0的新的概念。由于它们的外表导致了很多人误解了它们的用途: 1.<? extends T>首先你很容易误解它为继承于T的所有类的集合,这是大错特错的,相信能看下去你一定见过或用过List<? extends T>吧?为什么我说理解成一个集合是错呢?如果理解成一个集合那为什么不用List<T>来表示?所以<? extends T>不是一个集合,而是T的某一种子类的意思,记住是一种,单一的一种,问题来了,由于连哪一种都不确定,带来了不确定性,所以是不可能通过 add()来加入元素。你或许还觉得为什么add(T)不行?因为<? extends T>是T的某种子类,能放入子类的容器不一定放入超类,也就是没可能放入T。2.<? super T>这里比较容易使用,没<? extends T>这么多限制,这里的意思是,以T类为下限的某种类,简单地说就是T类的超类。但为什么add(T)可以呢?因为能放入某一类的容器一定可以放入其子类,多态的概念。擦除也许泛型最具挑战性的方面是擦除(erasure),这是 Java 语言中泛型实现的底层技术。擦除意味着编译器在生成类文件时基本上会抛开参数化类的大量类型信息。编译器用它的强制类型转换生成代码,就像程序员在泛型出现之前手工所做的一样。区别在于,编译器开始已经验证了大量如果没有泛型就不会验证的类型安全约束。通过擦除实现泛型的含意是很重要的,并且初看也是混乱的。尽管不能将List<Integer> 赋给List<Number>,因为它们是不同的类型,但是 List<Integer> 和 List<Number> 类型的变量是相同的类!要明白这一点,请评价下面的代码:new List<Number>().getClass() == new List<Integer>().getClass()编译器只为 List 生成一个类。当生成了 List 的字节码时,将很少剩下其类型参数的的跟踪。当生成泛型类的字节码时,编译器用类型参数的擦除替换类型参数。对于无限制类型参数(<V>),它的擦除是 Object。对于上限类型参数(<K extends Comparable<K>>),它的擦除是其上限(在本例中是 Comparable)的擦除。对于具有多个限制的类型参数,使用其最左限制的擦除。如果检查生成的字节码,您无法说出 List<Integer> 和 List<String> 的代码之间的区别。类型限制 T 在字节码中被 T 的上限所取代,该上限一般是 Object。 多重限制一个类型参数可以具有多个限制。当您想要约束一个类型参数比如说同时为 Comparable 和 Serializable 时,这将很有用。多重限制的语法是用“与”符号分隔限制:class C<T extends Comparable<? super T>&Serializable>通配符类型可以具有单个限制 —— 上限或者下限。一个指定的类型参数可以具有一个或多个上限。具有多重限制的类型参数可以用于访问它的每个限制的方法和域。类型形参和类型实参在参数化类的定义中,占位符名称(比如 Collection<V> 中的 V)叫做类型形参(type parameter),它们类似于方法定义中的形式参数。在参数化类的变量的声明中,声明中指定的类型值叫做类型实参(type argument),它们类似于方法调用中的实际参数。但是实际中二者一般都通称为“类型参数”。所以给出定义:interface Collection<V> { ... }和声明:Collection<String> cs = new HashSet<String>();那么,名称 V(它可用于整个 Collection 接口体内)叫做一个类型形参。在 cs 的声明中,String 的两次使用都是类型实参(一次用于 Collection<V>,另一次用于 HashSet<V>)。关于何时可以使用类型形参,存在一些限制。大多数时候,可以在能够使用实际类型定义的任何地方使用类型形参。但是有例外情况。不能使用它们创建对象或数组,并且不能将它们用于静态上下文中或者处理异常的上下文中。还不能将它们用作父类型(class Foo<T> extends T),不能用于 instanceof 表达式中,不能用作类常量。类似地,关于可以使用哪些类型作为类型实参,也存在一些限制。类型实参必须是引用类型(不是基本类型)、通配符、类型参数,或者其他参数化类型的实例化。所以您可以定义 List<String>(引用类型)、List<?>(通配符)或者 List<List<?>>(其他参数化类型的实例化)。在带有类型形参 T 的参数化类型的定义中,您也可以声明 List<T>(类型形参)。

ArtGarfunkel breakaway


fund facts 什么意思

fund facts基金的事实factsn.真实( fact的名词复数 ); 事实; 现实; [常用复数][法律](犯罪)行为; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Are your facts and figures right? 你了解的事实和数字正确吗?

think in real money terms but talk funny money 什么意思

think in real money terms but talk funny money用真正的金钱来思考,但谈论有趣的钱think in real money terms but talk funny money用真正的金钱来思考,但谈论有趣的钱

VB编程题:编写一个产生1 至100之间的随机整数的Function 过程


issue the refund 的英语翻译







目标: 灵感: 程序设计模型: Functions处理消息类型: FQFN(完全限定函数名) 支持的开发语言 消息处理三种模式保证 Exactly-once delivery:只投递一次 基本实现的方式有两种: Pulsar Broker消息去重: Pulsar Function SDK:引入pulsar指定的库,实现的函数带有对应的context; 消息序列化: a.) Pulsar内置的schema注册中心 b.) 自定义的序列化、反序列化函数(SerDe) 注意:需要将SerDe打包到function的包中 3.) 调试 a.) unit Test b.) localrun mode 4.) 部署 使用pulsar-admin functions命令,主要参数如下: 特别说明 【Subscription type】 For at-least-once and at-most-once [processing guarantees], the [ SHARED ]mode is applied by default; for effectively-once guarantees, the [ FAILOVER ] mode is applied. 支持本地运行(localrun,运行于连接的broker)和集群运行(create,伴随broker集群运行) 并行度设置(Parallelism): localrun,多次调用命令,命令亦提供参数项parallelism create,设置参数项parallelism



求Fiona Fung 唱的Proud Of You中文歌词

proud of you简介  原唱:M2M   歌手: M2M   M2M(窈窕美眉)是由两个来自挪威的小女孩Marit(乖乖美眉——玛莉特)及Marion(好动美眉——玛莉安)所组成的团体,由于两人名字都是M开头,所以就叫M2M。 Marit与Marion两人认识于1990年(大约五岁时),由于对音乐的喜爱,两人成了好朋友,并常在一起为家人及朋友表演。他们的第一张唱片是八岁时以挪威语灌录的儿童专辑,这张专辑也获得Spillemanspriest (相当于挪威葛莱美奖)《最佳儿童专辑》提名。当时他们的团名是Marit & Marion。最终于2002年解散。   歌曲歌词   proud of you (歌名)   Love in your eyes 你眼中的爱   Sitting silent by my side 就是静静地坐在我身边   Going on holding hands 一直牵着手   Walking through the nights 走过夜晚   Hold me up hold me tight 紧紧地抱着我   Lift me up to touch the sky 高高举起让我摸到天   Teaching me to love with heart 教我用心去爱   Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心门   I can fly 我能飞翔……   I"m proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲   To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的   Till the end of the time 直到生命的最后一刻   Believe me I can fly 相信我,我能飞翔   I"m proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲   To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的   The heaven in the sky 空中的天堂   Stars in the sky 空中的星星   Wishing once upon a time 很久以前的愿望   Give me love make me smile 给我爱让我微笑   Till the end of life 直到生命的最后一刻   Hold me up hold me tight 紧紧地抱着我   Lift me up to touch the sky 高高地举起让我摸着天   Teaching me to love with heart 教我如何用心去爱   Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心门   I can fly 我能飞翔   I"m proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲   To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的   Till the end of the time 直到最后一刻   Believe me I can fly 相信我吧,我能飞翔   I"m proud that I can fly 我为自己能翱翔于空中而骄傲   To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的   The heaven in the sky 空中的天堂   Can"t you believe that you light up my way 难道你不相信你照亮了我的道路   No matter how dark is my path 不论前路有多昏暗   I"ll never lose my faith 我决不会放弃我的信念   See me fly 看我飞翔   I"m proud to fly up high 我骄傲的高高地向上飞   Show you the best of mine 将我最好的展示给你看   Till the end of the time 直到最后一刻   Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞   I"m singing in the sky 我在空中歌唱   Show you the best of mine 将我最好的展示给你   The heaven in the sky 空中的天堂   Nothing can stop me 没有什么能阻挡我   Spread my wings so wide 大大的张开我的翅膀



Make It Funky 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Funky歌手:Will.i.am专辑:Songs About GirlsWill.I.Am - Make It Funky{Hip Hop,My life...}Make it funky for meMake it funky for meMake it funky for me, DJMake it funky for meMake it funky for meMake it funky for me, DJShe said, she said sheMove it in, check it outMove it in, check it outMove itIt"s the funk that make you jumpSexy honeys shake they humpGot them dummies spendin" moneyJust to get up in your junkBuy you drinks up at the barFill you up with alcoholRendezvous you, try to do youEven walk you to your carYou don"t want what"s goin" downYou freak them to the soundThe bass was steady poundin"You dropped it to the groundHypnotized by the DJWhen he select the beatSteady rockin on a weekdayHeavy on repeatSo put "em up, put "em upDrop it down to the groundBack it up, back it upSomebody ask the DJCan you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it, DJ?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Gotta ask the DJI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alReach for somethin" really highGo ahead and touch the skyAin"t no limit when you in itLive it up "cause it"s your lifeAny minute we gon" spend itLike the shit never gets spunOh yeah, this shit just begunAnd we came to have funPut away your gunsLadies keep shakin" your bunsSome body grab some bodyParty "til the sun come upAnd we ain"t stoppin"I don"t care if 20 cops come inLet "em keep knockin" and knockin"We keep on rockin"So put "em up, put "em upDrop it down to the groundMake it hot, make it hotSomebody ask the DJCan you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it DJ?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me?Can you make it funky for me? DJI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alrightI make it funky for yaI make ya feel alYou like the beat? YeahYou like the beat? YeahYou like the beat? YeahYou like the beat? OhGo "head girl rock it to the beatGo "head girl rock it to the beatYo, you like the track? YeahYou like the track? YeahYou like the track? YeahYou like the track? OhGo "head girl shake it like thatGo "head girl shake it like thatYou like the sound? YeahYou like the sound? YeahYou like the sound? YeahYou like the sound? OhGo "head girl move it all aroundGo "head girl move it all around, yesGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head girl rock your bodyGo "head boy rock my bodyGo "head boy rock my body

Funny Face (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Funny Face (Lp Version)歌手:Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons专辑:Off Seasons: Criminally Ignored Sides From Frankie Valli & The Four SeasonsBackstreet Boys - Funny FaceBaby wipe your eyesCause I don"t want to see you cryAnd I don"t want you thinking I"m a bad guySometimes I say somethingThat I don"t really meanThe last thing that I want is you mad at meI know I know what I gotta doTo get a get a smile outta youMake my lips touch my noseCross my eyes until I go blindBefore I go blindAnytime I think you"re sad I just makeA funny face (make a funny face)Even when I make you madI put on my funny face (on my funny face)I like it when you smile, I like it when you smileI love it when you laugh, I love it when you laughI love it when you do it too so I can see your funny faceSee your funny face, yeahIt tickles me to see, you"re trying not to laugh at meCause we both know you"re not as tough as you seemI know you want to laugh come onI know you want to laugh come onI know you want to laugh come onLaugh with me come onAnytime I think you"re sad I just makeA funny face (make a funny face)Even when I make you madI put on my funny face (on my funny face)I like it when you smile,I like it when you smileI love it when you laugh, I love it when you laughI love it when you do it too so I can see your funny faceSee your funny face, yeahYou stick your tongue outI stick mine out tooYou roll your eyesAnd I laugh at youYou say I hate youI say I love you (yeah, yeah, yeah)No matter what you doI can stay mad at youYou can stay mad at meSo what are we gonna do?But make funny faceAnytime I think you"re sad I just makeA funny face (make a funny face)Even when I make you madI put on my funny face (on my funny face)I like it when you smile, I like it when you smileI love it when you laugh, I love it when you laughI love it when you do it too so I can see your funny faceSee your funny face, yeah

Fun-it gets better 歌词翻译


void (*func)(int) 知道这样定义这个函数什么意思么?


My Funny Friend and Me 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Friend and Me歌手:Sting专辑:Nothing Like the RaritiesMy Funny Friend and meStingThe Emperor"s New Groove OSTIn the quiet time of eveningWhen the stars assume their patternsAnd the day has made his journeyAnd we wondered just what happenedTo the life we knew before the world changedWhen not a thing I held was trueBut you were kind to meand you reminded meThat the world is not my playgroundThere are other things that matterAnd when a simple needs protectingMy illusions all would shatterBut you stayed in my cornerThe only world I know was upside downAnd now the world and me,I know you carry meYou see the patterns in the big skyThose constellations look like you and IJust like the patterns in the big skyWe could be lost we could refuse to tryBut we made it through in the dark nightWould those lucky guys turn out to beBut that unusual blendof my funny friend and meI"m not as clever as I thought I wasI"m not the boy I used to be becauseYou showed me something different,You showed me something pureI always seemed so certainbut I was really never sureBut you stayed and you called my nameWhen others would have walked out on a lousy gameAnd you could"ve made it throughBut your funny friend and meYou see the patterns in the big skyThose constellations look like you and IThat tiny planet in a bigger guyI don"t know whether I should laugh or cryJust like the patterns in the big skyWe"ll be together till the end is nighDon"t know the answer or the reason whyWe"ll stick together till the day we dieIf I had to do this all a second timeI won"t complain or make a fussWhen the angels sing that that unlikely blendAre those two funny friendsThat"s us

private equity funds是什么意思


have fun 中的fun是名词还是形容词?



high 疯

have fun的过去式

Have fun的过去式是had fun

have fun 只能构成have fun doing 吗? 没有have fun to do 吗?


英语作文《have fun》

There are many places for us to enjoy ourselves on weekends.But I think the best place to have fun on weekends is cinema.Because it is not only a good place for us to enjoy all kinds of movies but also a proper place to relax.Besides,it is a easy but effective way to watch movies with you family and friends in order to build good relationship with them.In the end,it is a good way to learn more about the culture of other country by watching foreign movies

Boy George的《Funtime》 歌词

歌曲名:Funtime歌手:Boy George专辑:This Is... 1995FuntimePop/bowieFunHey baby we like your lipsFunHey baby we like your pantsAll aboard for funtimeFunHey, I feel lucky tonightFunI"m gonna get stoned and run aroundAll aboard for funtimeFunLast night I was down in the labFunTalkin" to dracula and his crewAll aboard for funtimeFunI don"t need no heavy tripsFunI just do what I want to doAll aboard for funtimeFunBaby baby we like your lipsFunBaby baby we like your pantsAll aboard for funtimeFunEverybody we want inFunWe want some we want someAll aboard for funtimeFunBaby baby we like your lipsFunBaby baby we like your pantsAll aboard for funtimeq421654485

Boy George的《Funtime》 歌词

歌曲名:Funtime歌手:Boy George专辑:Cheapness And BeautyFuntimePop/bowieFunHey baby we like your lipsFunHey baby we like your pantsAll aboard for funtimeFunHey, I feel lucky tonightFunI"m gonna get stoned and run aroundAll aboard for funtimeFunLast night I was down in the labFunTalkin" to dracula and his crewAll aboard for funtimeFunI don"t need no heavy tripsFunI just do what I want to doAll aboard for funtimeFunBaby baby we like your lipsFunBaby baby we like your pantsAll aboard for funtimeFunEverybody we want inFunWe want some we want someAll aboard for funtimeFunBaby baby we like your lipsFunBaby baby we like your pantsAll aboard for funtimeq421654485

do you havefun是什么意思


have fun 后面接什么

have fun后面加动名词。1、即动词的ing形式,have fun doing sth可以看成have fun in doing sth ,in可以省略,介词in后面接动名词作介词的宾语,所以have fun后面加动名词,动名词在句子里有着名词的作用。2、have fun doing sth意为“做某事很开心”,和have fun in doing sth是一致的,in是介词可以省略,后接动名词作介词的宾语。例句如下:1、I had great fun (in)playing football with them.我和他们踢足球玩得非常高兴。2、We have fun (in) learning Maths.我们学数学有乐趣。3、I had fun (in) playing the game.我玩游戏玩得很开心。4、I have fun (in) doing housework.我觉得做家务很有意思。

可以直接用have fun吗



have fun意思是玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍。例句:1、You and I can have fun.你和我也可以来一下啊。2、That"s why I love nightlife; it"s where I can escape and have fun.这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。3、I guess I like to have fun.我想我是个喜欢享受的人。4、He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him.他是个风趣的人,和他在一起我就有乐趣了。5、We have fun, Mom and me!我们玩的很开心,妈妈和我!6、Have Fun With Your Coworkers.和你的同事一起玩的开心。7、If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English.如果你做这些事情,你将不只会拥有乐趣和学习英语。8、If all else, I hope you have fun playing it.如果一切,我希望你享受其中的乐趣了。9、You have to have fun together.你和伴侣要有一些共同的乐趣。10、What I want is for you to have fun.我想要的是你能体会乐趣。

have fun什么意思?

have fun意思是玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍。例句:1、You and I can have fun.你和我也可以来一下啊。2、That"s why I love nightlife; it"s where I can escape and have fun.这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。3、I guess I like to have fun.我想我是个喜欢享受的人。4、He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him.他是个风趣的人,和他在一起我就有乐趣了。5、We have fun, Mom and me!我们玩的很开心,妈妈和我!6、Have Fun With Your Coworkers.和你的同事一起玩的开心。7、If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English.如果你做这些事情,你将不只会拥有乐趣和学习英语。8、If all else, I hope you have fun playing it.如果一切,我希望你享受其中的乐趣了。9、You have to have fun together.你和伴侣要有一些共同的乐趣。10、What I want is for you to have fun.我想要的是你能体会乐趣。

have fun是什么意思?

have fun意思是玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍。例句:1、You and I can have fun.你和我也可以来一下啊。2、That"s why I love nightlife; it"s where I can escape and have fun.这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。3、I guess I like to have fun.我想我是个喜欢享受的人。4、He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him.他是个风趣的人,和他在一起我就有乐趣了。5、We have fun, Mom and me!我们玩的很开心,妈妈和我!6、Have Fun With Your Coworkers.和你的同事一起玩的开心。7、If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English.如果你做这些事情,你将不只会拥有乐趣和学习英语。8、If all else, I hope you have fun playing it.如果一切,我希望你享受其中的乐趣了。9、You have to have fun together.你和伴侣要有一些共同的乐趣。10、What I want is for you to have fun.我想要的是你能体会乐趣。

have fun是什么意思?

have fun意思是玩得高兴,过得快活;耍笑;玩耍。例句:1、You and I can have fun.你和我也可以来一下啊。2、That"s why I love nightlife; it"s where I can escape and have fun.这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。3、I guess I like to have fun.我想我是个喜欢享受的人。4、He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him.他是个风趣的人,和他在一起我就有乐趣了。5、We have fun, Mom and me!我们玩的很开心,妈妈和我!6、Have Fun With Your Coworkers.和你的同事一起玩的开心。7、If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English.如果你做这些事情,你将不只会拥有乐趣和学习英语。8、If all else, I hope you have fun playing it.如果一切,我希望你享受其中的乐趣了。9、You have to have fun together.你和伴侣要有一些共同的乐趣。10、What I want is for you to have fun.我想要的是你能体会乐趣。



have fun 是什么意思




funnel king 歌词

歌曲名:funnel king歌手:dog eat dog专辑:all boro kingsWake up Monday nothing newWeekend has caught up with youLie in bed hold your headPray to god you ain"t deadAlarm clock rings out like a bellDog Eat DogStart this day a living hellTake a breath and what"s that smell?Well it smells like shit... but you can"t tellJust like you - always thereJust like you - never careJust like you - head"s in a slingJust like you - the Funnel KingPuke it out think its goneBut you"re in for a marathonLips are blue eyes are goneGarb the rim just hold onThis is like a weekly thing"Cause you are the funnel thingOK now but you ain"t done...Just wait until next Monday comesKnock knock knockin" at your doorNever ever gonna drink that filthy beetno more

donate money to fund

C 句型辨析。 Worthwhile (adj) 值得的,worthwhile用于下列句:It is worthwhile doing sth./ to do sth.干某事是值得的;worth 用于下列句型:sth. is worth sth/ doing,此句型中只能用doing, 不能使用被动;worthy 用于下列句型:sth. be worthy of sth/ being done ; worthy to be done。Worthless是无价值的意思,用法与worthwhile相似。句意:我认为捐款给这个基金会是很值得做的。故选C。

It is one of the funniest things ____on the Internet so far this year. A.finding B.being fo.

D 本题考查非谓语动词。found on the Internet so far this year是后置定语,修饰things,things与find之间是被动关系。B项表示正在被发现,C项表示将要被发现,都不符合所给语境。

08浙江高考英语单项13. It is one of the funniest things ______ on the Internet so far this year.

13 It is one of the funniest things _which is found_ on the Internet so far this year. 在这里which is 是可以省略的。这是定语从句的一种情况。 后面一题也可作如此解释。

It is one of the funniest things _____on the internet so far this year

B...后置定语 far 迄今为止。。。

It is one of the funniest things___on the Internet so far this year

1、It is one of the funniest things___on the Internet so far this yearA.finding B.being found find D.found be found 答案为D译:这是今年目前为止网上发现最有趣事件之一。______ on the Internet so far 充当后置定语修饰one of the funniest things 。动词find与one of the funniest things 之间是动宾关系,宾语提前后,动词用被动,只有过去分词,排除AC项。B强调正被发现,与句意不符, be found 表示将要被发现。不符合,所以选D2、(题目做了下修改):Prices of daily goods___through a computer can be lower than store prices.A.are bought B.bought C.been bought D.buying 答案为B:Prices of daily goods_(which are )bought__through a computer can be lower than store prices.看上面的句子 你就明白了 首先 daily goods与买bought之间是动宾关系 且是daily goods被买,需要用被动,bought是过去分词做后置定语。所以D直接排除。Aare bought不行 后面已经有谓语了,排除,C没有been bought这种用法

It is one of the funniest things___on the Internet so far this year

都考察非谓语动词1 D things后相当于省略了that has been,things 和found之间是动宾关系,也就是说事情是被发现的.AC项逻辑关系弄错了,BE项时态有误.2 B goods之后相当于省略了that are.goods和bought之间也是动宾关系,货物是被购买的.AC明显错误,D逻辑关系错误,goods本身不能发出buy这个动作.

Explain:investment bank,saving insitution,pension funds,mutual funds,insurance companies.

依次是 投资银行,拯救部门、退休基金、共同基金、保险公司 。

为什么float fun(float x,float y);void fun(float y);不


Linux/c++ 多线程写文件时怎么正确使用flockfile/funlockfile

必须要控制! 目录相当于临界资源,必须要在线程实现过程中进行线程同步控制,否则有多个线程并发处理同一个文件的风险,导致一个线程把文件删除后,另外一个线程还在进行读取,导致读取和输出报错。

提问 c# action func 这2个委托怎么用和理解

都是3.5的新特性,理解委托就能理解这两个了,下面看用法 func<T,TResult> : T为可传参数,允许多个;TResult为返回值,永远都是最后一个. //1.使用匿名委托方式 Func<int, int, int> add1 = delegate(int i, int j) { return i + j; }; //2.使用方法委托方式 Func<int, int, int> add2 = new Func<int, int, int>(this.add); //3.使用lamdba方式 Func<int, int, int> add3 = (n1, n2) => { return n1 + n2; }; action<T>:与func类似,只是没有返回值而已 Action<DateTime> action1 = d => { this.lblResult.Text = d.ToString("D"); }; action1(DateTime.Parse(this.txtText.Text)); Predicate<T>:可以有返回值 Predicate<string> p1 = d => { return d != null; }; bool b = p1(null);

海德格尔的基本本体论(Fundamental Ontology)是什么?谢谢


managed fund是什么意思

管理基金,托管基金definition:Managed funds are managed usually by insurance companies and serve the needs of smaller investors.


function 是函数 有返回值procedure 是存储过程 无返回值packae是一种将过程、函数和数据结构捆绑在一起的容器;包由两个部分组成:外部可视包规范,包括函数头,过程头,和外部可视数据结构;另一部分是包主体(package body),包主体包含了所有被捆绑的过程和函数的声明、执行、异常处理部分。







oracle procedure 和function ,PACKAGE的区别有哪些?


存储过程中的 procedure、function和 package是干什么的,需要详细介绍

procedure:过程function:函数package:包一、过程 PL/SQL过程是一个编译到oracle数据库模式的单机程序。过程可以接受参数。当编译一个过程时,CREATE PROCEDURE语句的过程标识符成为数 据字典中的对象名。 CREATE OR REPLACE PPROCEDURE procedure_name (optional parameters) IS | AS declarative part BEGIN program body EXCEPTION exception handler END procedure_name; Declarative Part 是声明变量的地方,比如: local_counter NUMBER := 0; 也可以声明复合类型结构,如records和tables 也可以声明异常,但必须在Exception部门进行处理。 Subprogram Body 包含使用PL/SQL控制结构的逻辑算法实现。PL/SQL控制结构支持loops、if-then-else、case、和声明块结构。 Exception handler 可选,类似于其他语言的try-catch模型,你可以对特定错误类型或一般异常编写处理器. 应当以动词来命名一个过程。过程常常执行一些操作如更新数据库、写数据到一个文件或者发送一条消息。 一个过程不必要有参数,如果没有参数创建过程是不需要括号。当调用一个过程时(过程没有参数)括号是可选的。 例如: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_temp IS BEGIN INSERT INTO TEMP (n) VALUES (0); END insert_temp: sqlplus调用过程: SQL>execute insert_temp; SQL>execute insert_temp(); 都是正确的。 IS 或 AS关键字是一样的,都可以用。 PROCEDURE insert_temp IS | AS END关键字后加过程名也是可选的,但建议加过程名。一个过程可能跨越几屏的长度,当滚屏时,有助于看到END子句知道没有跳到下一个包过 程中。 完整的过程结构如下: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE print_temp IS v_average NUMBER; v_sum NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT AVG(n), SUM(n) INTO v_average, v_sum FROM TEMP; dbms_output.put_line("Average:"||v_average); dbms_output.put_line("Sum:"||v_sum); END print_temp; 二、函数 函数提供了获取对象状态和情形信息的手段,函数有返回值。 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION student_status(optional parameters) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS declarative part BEGIN program body RETURN expression; EXCEPTION exception handler code that should include a RETURN END student_student_status; 参数是可选的,但RETURN语句是必须的。FUNCTION必须有一个return 语句。 下面的例子是返回一个DATE类型的函数: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tomorrow RETURN DATE IS next_day DATE; BEGIN next_day := SYSDATE + 1; RETURN next_day; END tomorrow; 函数中的return语句可以是一个表达式,上面函数可以直接返回一个表达式而不用本地变量: FUNCTION tomorrow RETURN DATE IS BEGIN RETURN SYSDATE + 1; END tomorrow; 函数于过程结果相似,只是函数返回值,而过程不返回值 三、包说明 1、语法和风格 包说明基本语法: CREATE PACKAGE package_name IS Type definitions for records, index-by tables, varrays, nested tables Constants Exceptions Global variable declarations PROCEDURE procedure_name_1 (parameters & types); PROCEDURE procedure_name_2 (parameter & types); FUNCTION function_name_1 (parameters & types) RETURN type; END package_name; 包说明中过程和函数没有顺序限制。 包主体将包含包说明中每一个子程序的PL/SQL代码。包说明中的每一个子程序包体中必须有相应的子程序体。 在包说明中的数据对象声明是全局的。因此,仅声明需要全局定义的对象。 在包体内的过程语句,包括子程序名、参数名、参数模式、参数类型,必须匹配包说明中的过程语句。同样,函数也是一样。 包主体模板如下: CREATE PACKAGE BODY package_name IS PROCEDURE procedure_name_1 (parameters & types) IS local variables BEGIN body of code END procedure_name_1; PROCEDURE procedure_name_2 (parameter & types) IS local variables BEGIN body_of_code END procedure_name_2; FUNCTION function_name_1 (parameters & types) RETURN type IS local variables BEGIN body of code RETURN statement; END function_name_1; END package_name; 2、示例: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE students_pkg IS PROCEDURE add_student (v_student_name IN students.student_name%TYPE, v_college_major IN students.college_major%TYPE, v_status IN students.status%TYPE, v_state IN students.state%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, v_license_no IN students.license_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL); FUNCTION NO_OF_STUDENTS (v_major IN major_lookup.major_desc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, v_status IN students.status%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) RETURN NUMBER; END students_pkg; 四、包主体 下面是上例的包主体实现: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY students_pkg IS PROCEDURE add_student (v_student_name IN students.student_name%TYPE, v_college_major IN students.college_major%TYPE, v_status IN students.status%TYPE, v_state IN students.state%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, v_license_no IN students.license_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO students VALUES ("A"||students_pk_seq.NEXTVAL, v_student_name, v_college_major, v_status, v_state, v_license_no); END add_student; FUNCTION NO_OF_STUDENTS (v_major IN major_lookup.major_desc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, v_status IN students.status%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) RETURN NUMBER IS ccount INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT (*) INTO ccount FROM students, major_lookup WHERE students.college_major = major_lookup.major AND major_lookup.major_desc = nvl(v_major,major_lookup.major_desc) AND students.status = nvl(v_status,students.status); RETURN ccount; END NO_OF_STUDENTS; END students_pkg; 开发包主体可能需要其他本地过程和函数,这些是隐藏的,叫私有(过程或函数)。 常常情况下要把一个单独的过程放入一个新包或一个已存在包里面。 PACKAGE temp_operations IS PROCEDURE insert_temp; END temp_operations; PACKAGE BODY temp_operations IS PROCEDURE insert_temp IS BEGIN INSERT INTO temp (n) VALUES (0); END insert_temp; END temp_operations; 使用下面方式调用: temp_operations.insert_temp; temp_operations.insert_temp();




procedure 就是纯运行的过程(可以不命名),function则是函数,是有值的,有时可以直接输出procedure多用于深搜,function多用于递归,比较(以下都是正确打法):①procedure;②procedure dfs(x:longint);//(此处dfs只能调用,不能以ans:=dfs(x)或writeln(dfs(x))的形式出现)③function a:(x:boolean):longint;//(此处a被赋为longint,可以直接输出或作为longint使用,如ans:=a(x),当然,每次都会重新算一遍,boolean则是变量x"的定义,如果a被赋为boolean,是不可以输出的,但同样能作为boolean使用)



procedure 和function 在pascal里有什么区别




请问大家javascript里 Function.prototype 有显示的prototype属性吗?



function-prototype意思是函数原型,一个构造函数的prototype属性,就是这个构造函数制造(即new)的实例的原型对象单片机(Single-Chip Microcomputer)是一种集成电路芯片,是采用超大规模集成电路技术把具有数据处理能力的中央处理器CPU、随机存储器RAM、只读存储器ROM、多种I/O口和中断系统、定时器/计数器等功能(可能还包括显示驱动电路、脉宽调制电路、模拟多路转换器、A/D转换器等电路)集成到一块硅片上构成的一个小而完善的微型计算机系统,在工业控制领域广泛应用。从上世纪80年代,由当时的4位、8位单片机,发展到现在的300M的高速单片机。

a fun holiday还是a funny

fun和funny都有形容词词性 1、fun 偏指愉快的 We had a fun night in the club.我们在俱乐部度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。2、funny 偏指有趣的(事物)That"s the funniest joke I"ve ever heard.那是我所听过的最风趣的笑话。另外, fun 主要词性是名词,为“乐趣”。如have fun。funny就只是形容词。所以,应该是fun

Fun Times Park的短文翻译

九年级上册的 fun times park always a fun time这篇短文么?我想知道我们接下来应该去哪?那边那个新项目怎么样?好吧。。。看起来蛮吓人的。勇敢些!我保证它将激动人心!如果你害怕,只要喊叫或者抓住我的手臂。你是对的!那很有趣!我开始很害怕,但喊叫还蛮管用的。看吧,那并不糟糕,对吧?你尝试过某些东西后你才知道。对,我很高兴我尝试了!你现在想去水世界么?好,但我很饥饿。你知道我们能在哪吃到好的快餐。当然!我建议在水世界的水城饭店,它能提供美味可口的事物。好极了!我们走!看!这个饭店看起来蛮有趣的。这招牌上说摇滚乐队每晚在这儿演出。为何我们不去饭店吃晚饭后再来这儿?让我们问什么时间乐队开始演出。打扰一下,你能告诉我这儿什么时间乐队晚上开始演出?晚上八点,在那时饭店总是忙的,所以来的早一些占个位子。好的,谢谢你。大概就是这样,我只是个初三学生,难免有些错误,所以有错误请指出,望采纳。谢谢!!
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