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第一个是形容词 第二个是名词。


非常简单. 1 因为‘基金会"要追溯到FOUNDer"s 的经济基础. 2 因为“基础”要追溯 fund 到底是多少才能构成某工程/事业的底数/基础.

fundamental 和foundational 这两词有什么区别吗?

fundamental 意思是基本的,foundational 是基础(意思是地基的意思).意思不一样.比如,this is our fundamental rights (这是我们基本的权利)vs this is a foundational class (这是基本的课程)

fundamental 和foundational

fundamental 意思是基本的,foundational 是基础(意思是地基的意思)。。。意思不一样。比如,this is our fundamental rights (这是我们基本的权利)vs this is a foundational class (这是基本的课程)

you found me中英文对照歌词 ,借花献佛,呵呵


我怕来不及 我要抱着你直到感觉你的皱纹有了岁月的痕迹直到肯定你是真的直到失去力气为了你 我愿意动也不能动 也要看着你直到感觉你的发线有了白雪的痕迹直到视线变得模糊直到不能呼吸让我们 形影不离如果全世界我也可以放弃至少还有你值得我去珍惜而你在这里就是生命的奇迹也许全世界我也可以忘记就是不愿意失去你的消息你掌心的痣我总记得在那里也许全世界我也可以忘记就是不愿意失去你的消息你掌心的痣我总记得在那里在那里至少还有你 - 姚贝娜词:林夕

carbon is found in all living things在所有活的东西中都有碳

这里“found”是表示“被发现”的意思是be found,而这句是陈述事实,所以be动词用一般现在时

Separated for years, father and son found each...

你的句子在时态上出了一点错,have应该改成had。正确的句子应该是:Father and son who had separated for years found each other greatly changed.分开多年的父子发现彼此都有了很大的变化。

Git | 执行push命令,出现Repository Not Found问题

原因: 远程仓库的地址出错 解决: 1. 控制台"cd"至项目路径下,输入"ls -a"命令显示文件夹内全部文件,正常目录结构中应该包含一个.git文件夹 2. 控制台执行"cd .git",切换至.git文件夹内,再执行"ls -a"命令,正常目录结构中应该包含一个config文件 3. 控制台执行"vim config"命令打开配置文件,将url参数值改为正确的远程库地址,":wq"保存修改即可 Done!

wvs扫出来的svn repository found漏洞怎么利用


A doctor ___________(find) dead in his house this morning.答案是found ,为什么?

was found今天早上有个医生被发现死在自己房里

make: command not found什么意思?求解答

常见的用现在分词作宾补的结构有: : get / leave / keep / set / catch / have sb. doing; see / find / watch / feel / hear / listen to / discover sb. doing 如: He kept me waiting the whole morning. 他让我等了整整一上午。注意:如果把上述结构变为被动语态(get, have, feel除外),则原来作宾补的现在分词变成主补。如: The girl was caught stealing. 这女孩被抓住偷东西。宾补的定义: 有些及物动词带了宾语后还需要有一个补足成分才能使句子完整,这个补足成分就叫做宾语补足语。用来说明宾语的行为、特征、状态、身份等。宾语和宾补一起构成复合宾语。主要有下面几种类型:1. 名词(或代词)+名词She found him a very clever boy.2. 名词(或代词)+形容词He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.3. 名词(或代词)+副词或介词短语Last Sunday I saw you out with your sister.To her surprise, she found herself in a different world.4. 名词(或代词)+分词(分词短语)I saw him doing his homework when I passed his window.I was absent-minded when I heard my name called.注意:在用现在分词或不定式作宾语补足语的动词中,有些只能用现在分词作宾语补足语;有些只能用不定式作宾语补足语;还有的动词既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语:1)、只能用现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有:catch, keep, mind, prevent, stop(阻止)等。She caught her son smoking a cigarette.His words started me thinking.2)、只能用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:wish, desire, expect, love, prefer, trust, encourage, let, allow, permit, mean, lead, bring, put, hurry, cause, remind, ask, invite, beg, request, worry, advise, persuade, call on, tell, order, command, require, make, force, drive, forbid, warn, help, teach, show, assist, report, bear, wait for, think, take, know, judge, consider, suppose, believe, allow, prove, declare等。Their parents don"t allow him to stay out late.他父母不允许他在外面呆到很晚。3)、既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, notice, look at, observe, listen to, hear, feel, have, imagine, discover, like, want, understand, hate, get, set, leave等。She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开。我见你把钥匙放进了口袋。

Delphi7关于declaration expected but if found

if 上面一行没有加begin最后一行没有end。所以你这按钮点击过程是有语法错误的

运行J-link Commander时,提示no matching core found,Selecting default core


跪求we found love 歌词中文意思


kaiser family foundation造句 kaiser family foundationの例文

Sharing that sentiment is Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation . It is based on information from the Kaiser Family Foundation . AIDS awareness campaigns aren"t new for the Kaiser Family Foundation . Source : Kaiser Family Foundation / Health Researc ` Ajd Educational Trust. Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org The Gathering Place is a project of the George Kaiser Family Foundation . The study was funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation . The survey that got the most attention came from the Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org/ The Kaiser Family Foundation studied how consumer-driven health plans cover pregnancy. It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 J . Kaiser Family Foundation , Lewin-VHI, Employee Benefits Research Institute. Kaiser Family Foundation : . kff . org A recent survey by the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation bears this out. The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. A recent survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University backs him up. The Kaiser Family Foundation "s Levitt said doctors share some blame for the HMO system. The Kaiser Family Foundation said 41 percent of the panies in the survey reported tiered plans. Main source : Kaiser Family Foundation . The project was funded by the Ford Foundation and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org _ _ _= Reinhardt serves as a Commissioner for the Kaiser Family Foundation Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. In 2009, Medicare Rights and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation , among others. She is a trustee of the Capfornia Endowment and The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . The show also includes the unremarkable results of a nationwide sex survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation . NPR sponsored the survey with the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. Drew Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , called on wealthy governments to do more. The Kaiser Family Foundation and advocates for the chip said the problem was a lack of pubpc education. Talking With Kids About Tough Issues is a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation . The Post did a random survey of 1, 970 people with Harvard University and the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 She serves with the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Kaiser Family Foundation . Matt James, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , said in a statement acpanying the study. Includes Kaiser Family Foundation survey from April, released this week, showing continuing strong support for protection legislation. The Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 34 percent of all schools now teach an abstinence-only message. The survey was conducted by The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. The Barbara Jordan Youth Debates, made possible by the Kaiser Family Foundation , were held for urban debaters. Foundations pke the Kaiser Family Foundation , has conducted longitudinal studies relating the media habits of children and adolescents. The poll by Harvard, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post shows massive role reversal. The other, by the Kaiser Family Foundation , surveyed 1, 180 *** all businesses employing 3 to 199 workers. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation , annual prescriptions per individual went from seven to almost 11 during the 1990s. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation released said that state Medicaid directors expect further cuts in benefits and epgibipty. Kaiser Family Foundation report : : / / . kff . org / content / 2002 / 6032/ With his wealth, he estabpshed the Kaiser Family Foundation , a nonprofit, non-partisan, charitable organization. In 1999, a Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 95 % of pubpc secondary schools offered sex education programs. Largely funded by the George Kaiser Family Foundation , it contains an outdoor theater, fountains and a sidewalk cafe. He made a straightforward _ and unpopular _ parenting call that The Kaiser Family Foundation wants the TV works to make. A 1999 survey of employers for the Kaiser Family Foundation said more than half would seriously consider a defined contribution approach. Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation , says the tiered approach is clearly a response to contract disputes with hospitals. The survey was a joint project of The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. About 10 % of firms offered such plans to their workers, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的

请帮忙翻译thank god i found you 和 there you will be 的歌词


电脑重装系统后出现 Serial Number Not Found,然后就停在那里。按F9F10F12无用,怎么办?


HP电脑cq61 开机显示serial number not found 然后电脑能上无线但是用不了宽带怎么办 求具体解决方法


I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else-  ...

D 试题分析:考查固定搭配。A更糟糕的是;B总的说来;C万事如意;D换句话说;句意:我很快就发现我正在做的工作已经被别人做了。换句话说,我是在浪费时间。根据句意说明D正确。点评:固定短语的考查是高考中的重点内容,在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。

单片机S08AW60的这个错误derivative.h file not found,什么意思怎么解决


Boulders - New Found Glory [Coming Home] 歌词中文翻译

ooh~~ooh~~oh~oh~here I am in another place我在另一个地方another city another plane另一座城市另一架飞机上different soul? different face不同的灵魂?不同的脸wherever I go无论我去哪but I see you in every crowd我总能在人群中看见你hear your voice I can"t keep it out你的声音一直在我脑中环绕feel your breath like youre all around我能感到你的呼吸就好象你一直围绕在我身旁cause I miss you so因为我是如此的思念你and I know you cry我只到你哭了and it hurts me too那也伤了我another day goes by又一天过去that I don"t think of you我不再想念你I know I"m so faraway now我知道此刻我离你如此的远we will get to it somehow不管怎样,我们终会在一起cause I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我总会回家到你身边baby you don"t need to worrybaby不要担心I"ll be there in a hurry我会立刻到那儿I miss you the same way too我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll coming home to you我会回家到你身边coming home to you baby回家到你的身边babyI"m coming home I"m coming home I"m coming home to you~回家回家回家到你身边Its when I lie alone in night当我在夜晚独自躺着的时候without you right here by my side没有你的陪伴picturing how we talked about just anything设想我们如何讨论着事情thats when I find its hard to sleep就在那时,我发现是如此难以入睡thats when it really hits me deep就在那时,它使我深受痛苦thats when I feel so incomplete就在那时,我感到我是如此不完整and lost within深深地迷惘了I know its hope to try我知道尝试是有希望的to try and hide love in尝试着把爱情藏起but it will be alright但它会好起来的when I see you once again当我再一次看到你I know I"m so faraway now我知道我现在离你如此的远we will get to it somehow不管怎样,我们终会在一起cause I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我会回家到你身边baby you don"t need to worrybaby不要担心I"ll be there in a hurry我会立刻到那儿cos I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you ooh ~我总会回家到你身边baby I"m coming home I"m coming home I"m coming home to you~baby我会回家回家回家到你身边oh baby all I need is something哦 baby我所需要的就是to hold on to yeah~ yeah~(ooh yeah yeah)坚持住feels like we"ve been waiting forever感觉就像我们已经等了一辈子counting days counting nights数着日日夜夜when I"d be coming home to you当我回家回到你身边的时候I"m know so far away我知道是如此的遥远hey we will be get to one dayhey我们总有一天会在一起的cos I miss you the same way to因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"m coming home to you我会回家到你身边I know I"m so faraway now我知道我现在离你如此的远we will get to it somehow不管怎样,我们终会在一起cause I miss you the same way too因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我总会回家到你身边baby you don"t need to worrybaby不要担心I"ll be there in a hurry我会立刻到那儿I miss you the same way too我也在以同样的方式想念你I"ll always be coming home to you我会回家到你身边I"ll always be coming home to you我会回家到你身边ooh~~ooh~~coming home to youooh~~ooh~~oh~oh~here我在另一个地方我在另一个地方another城市另一架飞机另一座城市另一架飞机上different灵魂? 另外面孔不同的灵魂 ?不同的脸wherever我去无论我去哪but我看见您每人群的我总能在人群中看见你hear您的声音我不可能把它关在外面你的声音一直在我脑中环绕feel您的呼吸喜欢youre所有 我能感到你的呼吸就好象你一直围绕在我身旁cause我如此想念您因为我是如此的思念你and我认识您啼声我只到你哭了and它伤害仿造那也伤了我another天流失又一天过去我不认为您的that我不再想念你I知道我现在是很遥远的我知道此刻我离你如此的远we将莫名其妙地有它不管怎样, 我们终会在一起cause我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我总会回家到你身边您不需要担心的babybaby不要担心I急忙在那里我会立刻到那儿I错过您也是同一个方式我也在以同样的方式想念你I将回家到您我会回家到你身边coming回家给您婴孩回家到你的身边baby来的I上午在家我来临在家我回家到you~ 回家回家回家到你身边Its,当我在夜单独在当我在夜晚独自躺着的时候without您这里由我的边没有你的陪伴picturing我们怎么谈论了任何东西设想我们如何讨论着事情that是我发现它难睡觉就在那时, 我发现是如此难以入睡that是它真正地击中我深深就在那时, 它使我深受痛苦that是我感到很残缺不全就在那时, 我感到我是如此不完整失去的and内深深地迷惘了I知道它的希望尝试我知道尝试是有希望的to尝试和皮爱尝试着把爱情藏起but它将行是但它会好起来的when我再次看见您当我再一次看到你I知道我现在是很遥远的我知道我现在离你如此的远we将莫名其妙地有它不管怎样, 我们终会在一起cause我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我会回家到你身边您不需要担心的babybaby不要担心I急忙在那里我会立刻到那儿cos我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您ooh ~我总会回家到你身边我来临在家我的baby来临在家我回家到you~ baby我会回家回家回家到你身边oh婴孩我需要的全部是某事哦 baby我所需要的就是to坚持yeah~ yeah~ (ooh呀呀)坚持住feels,如我们永远等待感觉就像我们已经等了一辈子计数夜的counting天数着日日夜夜when我会回家到您当我回家回到你身边的时候I上午知道到目前为止 我知道是如此的遥远我们将是的hey有一天hey我们总有一天会在一起的cos我想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你回家到您的I上午我会回家到你身边I知道我现在是很遥远的我知道我现在离你如此的远we将莫名其妙地有它不管怎样, 我们终会在一起cause我也是想念您同一个方式因为我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我总会回家到你身边您不需要担心的babybaby不要担心I急忙在那里我会立刻到那儿I错过您也是同一个方式我也在以同样的方式想念你I永远回家到您我会回家到你身边I永远回家到您我会回家到你身边ooh~~ooh~~coming回家给您回家到你身边回家的I上午我已经在路上了coming回家给您 回家到你身边 回家到你身边I"m coming home我已经在路上了coming home to you 回家到你身边

corruption was found while examining the volume bitmap中文什么意思

corruption was found while examining the volume bitmap腐败是在检查卷位图发现如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

After years of research, he found the key ____ differences between species. explain B..

B 试题分析:考查动名词做宾语:the key“关键”后面接to doing做定语,因为to是介词,所以接动名词,句意:多年的研究后,他发现解释物种间差异的关键。选B。点评; 英语中有些动词短语中的to是介词只能接动名词做宾语,如get down to doing,pay attention to doing,be used to doing,prefer doing to doing等平时要加强记忆。

I found my black cat in( )room


坦克世界进游戏显示texture not found是什么意思


CoffeeEnt 怎么用不了提示 time out. bytes not found


歌词第一句是:I found a dream catcher是什么歌?

DreamcatcherPeter Henry PhillipsI found a dreamcatcherLost halfway into his flightFound a dreamcatcherI"m gonna catch his wings and learn to flyAnd i"ll be fighting hardFor my dreamsFor my homeFor my babySweet babyFound a dreamcatcherI"m gonna catch all his ways and findSomeday, somedayGonna make it somewhereWell I"m almost thereI"m almost thereI"m almost thereMUSICThe hillsThey"re tidesThe hillsThey"re mineAnd I go, I go there aloneThe hillsThey"re highThe hillsThey"re mineNow I goI go downThe hillsThey"re tidesThe hillsThey drive me onMe on

Laravel执行migrate操作提示”Class not found”怎么解决

  可执行以下composer dump-autoload,问题得到解决。  一开始报错如下:  []# php artisan migrate:reset    [SymfonyComponentDebugExceptionFatalThrowableError]  Fatalerror: Class "CreateAttachmentTable" not found  无论执行migrate什么操作都提示类找不到。  执行composer dump-autoload后,再次运行migrate操作,一切正常。  []# composer dump-autoload  Generatingautoloadfiles  []# php artisan migrate:reset  Rolledback: 2016_03_30_104849_create_attachment_table  Rolledback: 2016_03_07_094057_create_admins_table  Rolledback: 2016_02_22_102354_entrust_setup_tables  Rolledback: 2016_02_22_091444_my_ask_anwser_table  Rolledback: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table  Rolledback: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table

在nios eds上编译程序时,出错:nios2-elf-gcc: Command not found,这是什么原因呢?求高手指点


nios2 IDE编程时点击louline头文件时出现no include files were found that matched that name


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/maven/surefire/booter/SurefireExecutionException

1,首先执行mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true把测试阶段过滤掉不执行,然后再看报不报错,如果没有报错说明是执行了测试阶段问题需要解决乱码问题,确定一下你的pom文件中的字符定义是否是utf-8,即<>UTF-8</>希望可以帮你解决。


He found a small gold nice watch

be found of是什么意思

翻译为:被发现的用法:暂无 sorry有关例句:"Unless a way can be found of making this climate-compatible, we can never meet our climateobjectives, regardless of what action we take ineurope," it added. “除非可以找到一种使这种情况与气候可兼容的方法,要不然我们永远也不可能实现我们的气候目标,尽管我们在欧洲采取行动”,报告中还说。He asserts that since philosophical questions are formulated in words, if the limits of languagecan be found, the limits can also be found of what philosophical questions can be asked andanswered. 他还断言道,既然哲学问题是由词语构成的,那么如果找到语言的极限,那也就意味着我们能找到提出和回答哲学问题的极限。如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳就是我的力量!请您一定要采纳非常感谢!




fundamentals英 [,fu028cndu0259"mentlz]美 [,fu028cndu0259"mu025bntl]n. 基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数)

lions have been called the kings of the animals world.these animals can be found wild in africa


ghost备份时,弹出dos error:file not found(0×0002),为什么呢?高手们啊~~~~


Paw prints were seen in a number of palces and puma fur was found clinging to the bushes.

这个句子我没记错的话是新概念英语3里面的句子吧,我印象很深,文章题目是《a puma at large》此处clinging to the bushes作主语puma的主语补足语,因为主语与补语之间构成动宾关系,故用现在分词。

incompatible types required: boolean found: int怎么解决

类型不正确,赋值前,应该先强制转化成相同类型,如: double a = 54.25; int b = (int)a/2;

手机运行编程软件时出现sdcc:inaccessible or not found的解决方法


Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.transaction.TransactionManager


电脑开机显示hard disk not found怎么办?


惠普笔记本打魔兽卡机,重启后开机显示 hard disk not found

“hard disk not found”找不到硬盘,有可能是硬盘接口那里松了,也有可能硬盘坏了,找个会拆机的人看看。



did you know they found属于什么句式

这是一个嵌套的多重复合句第一重  主句:Did you know 你是否知道  宾语从句:that it"s been found in laboratory testing that some types of oilare really bad for us第二重(嵌套复合句)  主句:it"s been found in laboratory testing 这已经在实验室测试中被发现【形式主语】it(指代下面的主语从句)  【谓语部分】has been found in laboratory testing  主语从句:that some types of oil are really bad for us 有些类型的油类确实对我们有害参考译文:你是否知道有些类的油类确实对我们有害这个事实已经在实验室检验中被证实.

i found it difficult to do这句话对吗?

应该是前面的那个,就是不要再加do 了,因为前面的那个it 就是后面do 的宾语,你在加一个it就是多余了!

翻译Founded in the year of 2001, we have never wait to grow up to the most profe

在2001的年中,建立的,我们从不有等待要对各种各样的数字的在中国和完全国际地加印服务中最最职业供应者发展 从不等待向

请问put up ,set up,build,found,有什么区别.

build“建立、建造、建设,营造”,常指建大东西,如 build a house,ship(造房、造船) 在表示建立一个商店、企业时,也可以用start和open.Start(open) a factory (shop,business) . set up“开办”“创立”,常和表示组织、机构、团体等意义的词连用,与found基本相同. found 建立层面较大的机构.一般和set up 通用 而put up 则和这些词组单词(包括set up)没有一点关系,put up 是穿上的意思,是动词词组.表示一个动作.通常要和wear dress 区分. 附:wear 也是穿,戴的意思,是动词,表示状态.戴眼镜 也用wear ——wear glasses(a pair of glasses) dress 也是穿的意思,它也可以表示给谁穿衣服,不过一般后面都直接跟人(宾格)(dress him )另外 dress up—— 装扮,穿上 它做名词是连衣裙.

found与set up的区别?

表示“建立、建设”中:build最普通用词,主要指“修建、建筑”,常带house, road, bridge, socialism, hope等;如:The house is built of wood.这房子是用木头建造的。establish主要指建立机构、组织或联系,有稳固建成的意思;如:Our hospital was established in 1950. 我们的医院建于一九五○年。She established her fame as an actress. 她已成为大名鼎鼎的演员。 found主要用于创立机构、组织或理论;如:They founded a college.他们创办了一所大学。His theory is founded on facts.他的理论建立在事实的基础上。set up是口语用词,同establish;着重表示开始,草创。如:A new government was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。

set up &b uild & found & put up 这个四个短语或者单词有什么区别?

set upv.设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起, 装配, 创(纪录), 提出, 开业例如set up a bank set up a help centerset up建立(事业);成立(组织) 为某人提供 必需品或有用的东西 set up as使自己立业当… 自称为…set oneself up as a scholar 自称为学者buildv.建造, 建筑n.构造, 体格, 体形意思是造(房子)built, building 建筑;建造;盖He built a model ship out of wood. 他用木头造了个模型船。 The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.`水晶宫"是为1851年的`世界博览会"在海德公园建造的。The ancient temple was built of wood.这所庙宇是木结构的。found 所表示的“建立”或“成立”应当含有这样的意思:所建立的只是初步的,仍有待于进一步的发展和完善The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1931.…法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的,这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上,日期是1931年3月9日。The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the elventh century, lies about a mile away. 著名的圣·伯纳德修道院是11世纪建立的,它座落在离开关隘一英里的地方。put up举起;抬起;张开(伞)to put up a tent 架起帐篷 Put your hands up!; Put "em up!举起手来!张贴;公布to put up a notice 张贴布告 "Jasper has put up "No Parking" signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect.""贾斯珀把几块`禁止停车"的牌子挂在大门外边,但这没有任何效果。"接待;为…提供食宿;供膳宿 We can put up ten people for the night at a pinch.必要时我们可以留宿十个人。提供(资金);供应(某事所需之钱 )表现出;显示出;做出to put up a bluff 虚张声势 Your last remark has really put his monkey up.你最后一句话实在使他大为生气。出售 She"s putting her new car up for sale.她要把她的新车卖掉。推荐(某人做某事)

the user name could not be found or is not logged in是什么意思?


有句歌词是 when i found you i found me 男女对唱的 在24日的电影频道的《爱拍电影》里的《“抢”来的新

那期节目我也看了,很感人!歌名:When You Find Me歌手:Joshua Radin这首歌是电影《Adam》的原声音乐,经典的男女对唱!



求一首女歌手唱的英文歌第二句歌词是:i am feeling so confuse i can t found away to you

love mail

有首歌,歌词好像有句是I never knew love until that I found you

jim brickman 的 destiny试听地址

i found love 歌词

歌曲名:i found love歌手:Quicksilver Messenger Service专辑:quicksilverBeen waiting here a ong long time, pain and trouble on my mind,Quicksilver Messenger ServiceYou came along and made me see, oh you lifted me.Shot up everything that our money could buy, over and over, tryin" to find outwhy.I was a sinkin" ship on a stormy sea, oh I found love.I found love in a baby"s smile, I found love in an old man"s eye,All my friends thought I was cryin", it"s strange to see a good man goingdown.I gave all I had to give and you came along, taught me how to live.I want to thank you each and every day, thank you baby, for showin" me theway,I was a sinkin" ship on a stormy sea, oh I found love, love, love, I foundlove ...

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: NewJFrame


求助!HTTP 错误 404.17 - Not Found 请求的内容似乎是脚本,因而将无法由静态文件处理程序来处理!


you are with a group of students and have found 2 tickets.what do you ask the group?

Anyone need ticketuff1f20 dollars eachuff01

private key not found 什么情况

添加box如下添加一个debian的boxE:ubuntuvagrant-box-ngixn-php-fpm-mysql-redis-nodejs>vagrant box add debian> box: Adding box "debian" (v0) for provider: box: Downloading: file://E:/ubuntu/vagrant-box-ngixn-php-fpm-mysql-redis-nodejs/ box: Progress: 100% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)==> box: Successfully added box "debian" (v0) for "virtualbox"!vagrantfile在任何vagrant工程下面都有一个vagrantfile,就像makefile一眼规,用来配置vagrant的欣慰所创建的虚拟机信息。vagrant使用添加镜像vagrant box add abc boxpath[url|path] #abc未名称开发到开发目录vagrant init abc #初始化D:work est>vagrant init debianA Vagrantfile has been placed in this directory. You are nowready to vagrant up your first virtual environment! Please readthe comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation for more information on using Vagrant.vagrant up #启动D:work est>vagrant upBringing machine "default" up with "virtualbox" provider...==> default: Importing base box "debian"...==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...==> default: Setting the name of the VM: test_default_1413449093680_48484==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...default: Adapter 1: nat==> default: Forwarding ports...default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)==> default: Booting VM...==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...default: SSH address: SSH username: vagrantdefault: SSH auth method: private keydefault: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...==> default: Machine booted and ready!==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...==> default: Mounting shared folders...default: /vagrant => D:/work/testvagrant ssh #ssh登录D:work est>vagrant sshssh executable not found in any directories in the %PATH% variable. Is anSSH client installed? Try installing Cygwin, MinGW or Git, all of whichcontain an SSH client. Or use your favorite SSH client with the followingauthentication information shown below:Host: 2222Username: vagrantPrivate key: C:/Users/zhangwei_f/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key开启ssh后使用xshell登录网络配置Vagrant的网络有三种模式1、较为常用是端口映射,就是将虚拟机中的端口映射到宿主机对应的端口直接使用 ,在Vagrantfile中配置 :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080guest: 80 表示虚拟机中的80端口, host: 8080 表示映射到宿主机的8080端口。 开启这个后,如果vagrant已经启动了,在命令行输入 vagrant reload 重启机器,就可以再宿主机伤使用 localhost:8080来访问虚拟机的localhost:80 。2、如果需要自己自由的访问虚拟机,但是别人不需要访问虚拟机,可以使用private_network,并为虚拟机设置IP ,在Vagrantfile中配置 :private_network, ip: "" 表示虚拟机的IP,多台虚拟机的话需要互相访问的话,设置在相同网段即可3、如果需要将虚拟机作为当前局域网中的一台计算机,由局域网进行DHCP,那么在Vagrantfile中配置 :public_network目录映射:既然是开发环境,那么开发工作肯定还是需要在本地完成,而不是都要进到虚拟机中去完成,虚拟机就好好在后台运行服务就好了,不然就本末倒置了,所以这里就需要使用目录映射功能,将本地的目录映射到虚拟机的对应目录。默认情况下,当前的工作目录,会被映射到虚拟机的 /vagrant 目录,当前目录下的文件可以直接在 /vagrant 下进行访问,当然也可以在通过 ln 创建软连接,如ln -fs /vagrant/wwwroot /var/www来进行目录映射,当然,从自动化配置的角度,能不进系统就不需要进系统,所以在Vagrant也可以进行目录映射的操作:config.vm.synced_folder "wwwroot/", "/var/www"前面的参数 “wwwroot/” 表示的是本地的路径,这里使用对于工作目录的相对路径,这里也可以使用绝对路径,比如: “d:/www/”后面的参数 “/var/www” 表示虚拟机中对应映射的目录。一些命令vagrant up (启动虚拟机)vagrant halt (关闭虚拟机——对应就是关机)vagrant suspend (暂停虚拟机——只是暂停,虚拟机内存等信息将以状态文件的方式保存在本地,可以执行恢复操作后继续使用)vagrant resume (恢复虚拟机 —— 与前面的暂停相对应)vagrant destroy (删除虚拟机,删除后在当前虚拟机所做进行的除开Vagrantfile中的配置都不会保留) vagrant reload (重启)

Till I Found You 歌词

歌曲名:Till I Found You歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:Stoned And DethronedMassari - Till I found YouIf only I can show youAll of the things you mean to meMy heart is aching for youI know that you were made for meAlthough I barely know youI love the way you make me feelI want to get to know youFeel like an angel next to meI wanna fall in loveYou"re everything I"ve ever wantedGirl when I feel your touchI know my soul is calling for youI want you in my lifeI wanna be your one and onlyPick up you every night yeahhhI do anything for youI used to wonder whyWhy I"ve always been so lonelyI never thought that IFall in love untill I found youFall in love untill I found youFall in love untill IIf only I can hold youAnd tell you things you need to hearI kiss your hands and show youYou were the girl livin" in my dreamsI"ll always be there for younever treat you wrong you can lean on meI"ll be the one you go toI"ll make you strong baby you"re my queenI want the world to knowThat I want you girl (Baby baby)I need you lady (Baby stay with me)Baby till I found youI never knew that your love can set me freeI want you in my life(I want you in my life I want you in my life Baby)I want to be your one and onlyPick up you every night yeahhI do anything for you (Da da da da)I used to wonder whyWhy I"ve always been so lonelyI never thought that IFall in love untill I found you(never thought that I could fall in love)Fall in love untill I found you( never thought that I could fall in love)Fall in love untill I

一首歌,是一个女唱的,歌词里有found of you,歌词里也有中文,求歌名和歌手

歌名:I Found You作词:永邦作曲:永邦歌手永邦演唱:永邦!!!!!采纳 谢谢



i found you the wanted中文歌词

She wants me to come over她邀请我走近 I can tell her eyes don"t lie我可以分辨出她的眼睛没有说谎She"s calling me in the dark她在黑暗中呼唤我She moves us around the room where the lights turn like the sky她带着我们在亮如天空的房间里起舞Confidence like a rock star像摇滚明星一样自信I wanna put my hands on her hands我想用我的手覆盖她的Feel the heat from her skin感觉她皮肤的热度Get reckless in the starlight在星光下鼓足勇气I"m moving to the beat of her heart我随着她的心跳舞动I was so lost until tonight, tonight今晚之前我是如此迷茫I found you, in the darkest hour我找到了你,在最黑暗的时刻I found you, in a pouring rain我找到了你,在瓢泼大雨中I found you, when I was on my knees我找到了你,当我跪倒在地And your light pulled me back again但你的光芒将我拉起Found you in a river of pure emotion我找到了你,在纯净的情感之河I found you, my only truth我找到了你,我唯一的真理I found you, with the music playing我找到了你,在音乐的伴随下I was lost til I found you, you, you我迷失了,直到我找到你,你,你Til I found you, you, you直到我找到了你,你,你The night is getting older夜渐深And I can"t come off this high我情绪高涨不能自已I don"t want this here to end我不希望如此结束I know she feels the same我知道她有相同感觉Cause I can see it in her eyes 因为她的眼睛告诉了我She says can we start again 她说,我们可以再一次开始I wanna put my hands on her hands 我想用我的手覆盖她的Feel the heat from her skin感觉她皮肤的热度Get reckless in the starlight在星光下鼓足勇气I"m moving to the beat of her heart我随着她的心跳舞动I was so lost until tonight, tonight今晚之前我是如此迷茫I found you, in the darkest hour我找到了你,在最黑暗的时刻I found you, in a pouring rain我找到了你,在瓢泼大雨中I found you, when I was on my knees我找到了你,当我跪倒在地And your light pulled me back again但你的光芒将我拉起Found you in a river of pure emotion我找到了你,在纯净的情感之河I found you, my only truth我找到了你,我唯一的真理I found you, with the music playing我找到了你,在音乐的伴随下I was lost til I found you, you, you我迷失了,直到我找到你,你,你Til I found you, you, you直到我找到了你,你,你I said, people 我说,人们啊We"re all looking for love tonight 今晚我们都在寻找真爱But sometimes we can"t see it 但有时我们遍寻不着We"re blinded by the light是因为我们被灯光迷惑And we all get low, all get low 而我们都失望低落Searching for that piece of mind 找寻那种想法Just when I"ve given up就在我放弃的时候Looking for some kind inside 寻找内心的感觉That"s when I found you, you, you 这时候,我找到了你,你,你I found you, you, you 我找到了你,你,你I found you, you, you 我找到了你,你,你I found you, you, you 我找到了你,你,你I found you, in the darkest hour我找到了你,在最黑暗的时刻I found you, in a pouring rain我找到了你,在瓢泼大雨中I found you, when I was on my knees我找到了你,当我跪倒在地And your light pulled me back again但你的光芒将我拉回Found you in a river of pure emotion我找到了你,在纯净的情感之河I found you, my only truth我找到了你,我唯一的真理I found you, with the music playing我找到了你,在音乐的伴随下I was lost til I found you, you, you我迷失了,直到我找到你,你,你Til I found you, you, you直到我找到了你,你,你



I Found You 歌词

歌曲名:I Found You歌手:永邦专辑:真爱珍爱 2005风行精选集词/曲:永邦I"ve found what I"m searching for I"ve been searching for the truthThat"s how I found youoh I start to realize you"re the prettiestGirl in my life without you can"t surviveoh tonight....tonight is just the nightoh tonight....I"m gonna hold you"re my prideyou"re the reason I"ll be strong and I couldn"t carry on...without youby your side you"re the angel in my lifeyou"re reason I surviveand I love you

I Found You 歌词

歌曲名:I Found You歌手:The Wanted专辑:I Found You EPI Found YouThe Wanted★Your lovin" ELECTRO -珂珂sheery lyrics-She wants me to come overI can tell her eyes don"t lieShe"s calling me in the darkShe moves us around the roomwhere the lights turn like the skyConfidence like a rock starI wanna put my hands on her handsFeel the heat from her skinGet reckless in the starlightI"m moving to the beat of her heartI was so lost until tonight, tonightI found you, in the darkest hourI found you, in a pouring rainI found you, when I was on my kneesAnd your love pulled me back againFound you in a river of pure emotionsI found you, my only truthI found you, with the music playingI was lost til I found you, you, youTil I found you, you, youThe night is getting colderAnd I can"t come off this highI don"t want this here to endI know she feels the sameCause I can see it in her eyesShe says can we start againI wanna put my hands on her handsFeel the heat from her skinGet reckless in the starlightShe"s moving to the beat of my heartWe were so lost until tonight, tonightI found you, in the darkest hourI found you, in a pouring rainI found you, when I was all in needAnd your love pulled me back againFound you in a river of pure emotionsI found you, my only truthI found you, with the music playingI was lost til I found you, you, youTil I found you, you, youI said, peopleWe"re all looking for love tonightBut sometimes we can"t see itWe"re blinded by the lightAnd we all get low, all get lowSearching for that piece of mindJust when I"ve given upLooking for some kind insideThat"s when I found you, you, youI found you, you, youI found you, you, youI found you, you, youI found you, in the darkest hourI found you, in a pouring rainI found you, when I was all in needAnd your love pulled me back againFound you in a river of pure emotionsI found you, my only truthI found you, with the music playingI was lost til I found you

I Found You 歌词

歌曲名:I Found You歌手:The Wanted专辑:I Found You EPI Found YouThe Wanted★Your lovin" ELECTRO -珂珂sheery lyrics-She wants me to come overI can tell her eyes don"t lieShe"s calling me in the darkShe moves us around the roomwhere the lights turn like the skyConfidence like a rock starI wanna put my hands on her handsFeel the heat from her skinGet reckless in the starlightI"m moving to the beat of her heartI was so lost until tonight, tonightI found you, in the darkest hourI found you, in a pouring rainI found you, when I was on my kneesAnd your love pulled me back againFound you in a river of pure emotionsI found you, my only truthI found you, with the music playingI was lost til I found you, you, youTil I found you, you, youThe night is getting colderAnd I can"t come off this highI don"t want this here to endI know she feels the sameCause I can see it in her eyesShe says can we start againI wanna put my hands on her handsFeel the heat from her skinGet reckless in the starlightShe"s moving to the beat of my heartWe were so lost until tonight, tonightI found you, in the darkest hourI found you, in a pouring rainI found you, when I was all in needAnd your love pulled me back againFound you in a river of pure emotionsI found you, my only truthI found you, with the music playingI was lost til I found you, you, youTil I found you, you, youI said, peopleWe"re all looking for love tonightBut sometimes we can"t see itWe"re blinded by the lightAnd we all get low, all get lowSearching for that piece of mindJust when I"ve given upLooking for some kind insideThat"s when I found you, you, youI found you, you, youI found you, you, youI found you, you, youI found you, in the darkest hourI found you, in a pouring rainI found you, when I was all in needAnd your love pulled me back againFound you in a river of pure emotionsI found you, my only truthI found you, with the music playingI was lost til I found you

I Found You 歌词

歌曲名:I Found You歌手:永邦专辑:永邦同名专辑词/曲:永邦I"ve found what I"m searching for I"ve been searching for the truthThat"s how I found youoh I start to realize you"re the prettiestGirl in my life without you can"t surviveoh tonight....tonight is just the nightoh tonight....I"m gonna hold you"re my prideyou"re the reason I"ll be strong and I couldn"t carry on...without youby your side you"re the angel in my lifeyou"re reason I surviveand I love you

have i found you是 什么意思

1. 我找到你了吗?2。= If I have found you 如果我能找到你

说一些情侣之间的英语对话,或是有爱意的句子,用英语!!如:I bless the day i found you

1.Do you have a map? Because I just keep losting in your eyes.你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了。2.Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。3.No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is, won"t make your cry.没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣。4.There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.我早上醒来的原因有两个: 闹钟和你。5.You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。6.In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。7.If I could rearrange the alphabet, I"d put Y and I together.如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)排在一起。8.It"s not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you.不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。9.There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together通往幸福的路有四步:1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起。10.Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.爱你所以我不愿去睡觉,因为现实比梦 境更美



一首男女对唱的歌 歌词里有you found me i found you at the lovely month of june

just one last dance

一首歌词有句I found you的经典英文歌 女声的 抒情歌

thank god I found you?

一首歌,是一个女唱的,歌词里有found of you,歌词里也有中文,求歌名和歌手

歌名:I Found You作词:永邦作曲:永邦歌手永邦演唱:永邦!!!!!采纳 谢谢

I found you mp3格式歌曲链接

提问者下载无需财富,仅针对其他知友。上传文件是为了防止百度误删链接,已发附件,望查收,你的采纳不单帮到自己,还能帮到大家点击下载,进入网盘再点下载把下好的txt文件打开,复制里面的链接即可。放上后如果没声音,记着点播放,再刷新,然后再点播放 ,等一下。 让空间音乐加载歌曲

求一首日文歌歌词,歌名叫【I found you】

真的爱你 - BEYOND词:梁美薇曲:黄家驹无法可修饰的一对手带出温暖永远在背后纵使啰嗦始终关注不懂珍惜太内疚沉醉于音阶她不赞赏母亲的爱却永未退让决心冲开心中挣扎亲恩终可报答春风化雨暖透我的心一生眷顾无言地送赠是你多么温馨的目光教我坚毅望着前路叮嘱我 跌倒不应放弃没法解释怎可报尽亲恩爱意宽大是无限请准我 说声真的爱你无法可修饰的一对手带出温暖永远在背后纵使啰嗦始终关注不懂珍惜太内疚仍记起温馨的一对手始终给我照顾未变样理想今天终于等到分享光辉盼做到春风化雨暖透我的心一生眷顾无言地送赠是你多么温馨的目光教我坚毅望着前路叮嘱我 跌倒不应放弃没法解释怎可报尽亲恩爱意宽大是无限请准我 说声真的爱你春风化雨暖透我的心一生眷顾无言地送赠是你多么温馨的目光教我坚毅望着前路叮嘱我跌倒不应放弃没法解释怎可报尽亲恩爱意宽大是无限请准我说声真的爱你是你多么温馨的目光教我坚毅望着前路叮嘱我跌倒不应放弃没法解释怎可报尽亲恩爱意宽大是无限请准我说声真的爱你

i found you the dog

我找到了你的狗i found you the dog

永邦 - I FOUND YOU谁有中文歌词,(不是thank god I found you)?或者帮我翻译一下,不要在线翻译的那种

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