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为什么我的myeclipse 10下没有菜单栏Myeclipse下的subscription information

朋友您好,您可以点击“window”->"Preferences"->MyEclipse Blue Edition->"Subscription",查看一下。

Myeclipse总弹出Subscription Key Information

你用的多少版本啊?那是让你注册的!哈哈……去网上搜个注册码 填上就行了

什么是Cognitive_Information_Processing_Theory?拜托了各位 谢谢

认知信息加工理论(Cognitive Information Processing theory) 认知信息加工理论认为生涯发展就是看一个人如何做出生涯 决策 以及 在生涯问题解决和生涯决策过程中如何使用 信息 的。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

forwarder information是什么意思

forwarder information货运代理人信息forwarder[英]["fu0254:wu0259du0259][美]["fu0254:wu0259du0259]n.代运人; 运输业者; 转运公司; 促进者;


确切来说不是宾语从句,而是宾语补足语,宾语从句充当整个句子宾语,去掉它句子缺宾语,例如 I think that she will win.但宾补只是补充说明,前面已有宾语。宾补可不做句子成分,去掉它句子还是完整的。它不是定语从句是因为:它不是起修饰作用,而是起补充说明作用,指出information是什么。

英语user-oriented format怎么翻译?

user-oriented format翻译成中文是:面向用户的格式重点单词解析:oriented[u02c8u0254u02d0rientu026ad]adj. 以……为方向的,重视……的v. 朝向,面对,使适合;定向放置(某物)短语:detail oriented 注重细节object oriented analysis 面向对象的分析例句:Therefore, the ranking is not purely academically oriented.因此,这些排名并不是仅仅以学术为导向的。The building is oriented south and north.这座楼房坐北朝南。He oriented himself on coming to a new city.他初到一个新城市, 就使自己适应新的环境。


这个不得不佩服楼主看得细致。查了一下help,上面这样说的:An unformatted file is a sequence of unformatted records. An unformatted record is a sequence of values. Unformatted direct files contain only this data, and each record is padded to a fixed length with undefined bytes. Unformatted sequential files contain the data plus information that indicates the boundaries of each record.Binary sequential files are sequences of bytes with no internal structure. There are no records. The file contains only the information specified as I/O list items in WRITE statements referring to the file.也就是说unformatted文件不仅仅只是数值,还包含 information that indicates the boundaries of each record(每个记录的边界)。而binary则只含有数值。

信息化的英文怎么说阿 informationalization不对

信息化用作名词是:Informationization 例如:Informationization brings higher efficiency of the enterprises.信息化使企业效率提高了. 用作动词是:Informationize 例如:xx company infomationized the related data and they found something must be changed. 某公司通过信息化的数据处理发现,有些问题已经到了非解决不可的地步了.

c# 用directSound 采集语音 创建waveformat的问题

Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WaveFormat Format = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.WaveFormat();

硬盘分区提示"Failed to format NTFS due to too many bad clusters"


Failed to format NTFS due to too many bad clusters. Certain bad sector exists in DBR.

美国IN102钴基沉淀硬化合金 美国IN102高温合金 美国IN102化学成分编号:N06102化学成分:Cr:15.0 Ni67.0 Mo:2.9 W3.0 NB:2.9 Ti:0.5 Al:0.5 Fe:7.0 C:0.06 B:0.005 Mg0.02 Zr0.03



Directions (25’): Write an English composition according to the information given below in Chin..

Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When an earthquake happens, first we should calm down, which is the most important. Shouting and crying is of no use. Follow the teachers" guidance and keep our actions in order. Second, hide beneath our desks with the schoolbags on our heads if we are in class. That can keep us a little safer. Be sure not to jump off the building. Third, if we are on the playground, don"t move. Sit on our feet and use hands to cover our heads so that they can be kept from being hit on. At last, help each other. Faced with natural disasters, individual power is tiny. Only by uniting can we overcome the difficulties. These are my suggestions. Keep them in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of an earthquake!Another version: Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When a fire breaks out, don"t forget to call 119 for help and tell the police the detailed address so that the firefighters can get there in time. Then we should try to find a safe exit to escape. Never take a lift because the electricity may be cut off if there is a fire, otherwise we will be trapped in the lift. Next, if we can"t find the way out, just stay in a room. Don"t open any hot door but stay close to the floor! As we all know, smoke can be more dangerous than fire. In many cases, the air near the floor is fresher. If possible, try to cover our mouths with wet towels to prevent taking too much heavy smoke and wait for rescue. There are my suggestions. Keep in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of a sudden fire! 略

请教专家Supporting Information是什么意思,怎么写

Supporting Information[网络]支持信息; 辅助资料双语例句 1Many commercial technologies depend on the availability of supporting information and communication technologies.许多商务技术取决于是否具备提供支持的信息通信技术。2Additional or supporting information may be supplied through other documents such as a technical annex.补充信息或佐证信息可通过技术附件等其他文件提供。

文献中supporting information 有什么用

supporting information——支持信息SI在一些很好的期刊(PRL,JACS等)中是非常重要的部分,一般来说在较短的文章中,如letter, comm.等都有字数限制,在这个字数内我们需要把我们要表达的idea表达清楚,并且给予最直接的证据。然而,除了这些最直接的证据,还有很多旁证也是非常重要的,但是却不适合放在正文里面,因此需要把这些内容写进SI中,当然,很多实验条件、参数选择、实验步骤也应该写入SI。比如研究某种材料的特性。那么表征这种材料特性的实验结果就是直接证据,是必须写在正文里面的。但是关于样品的制备过程(如果样品制备过程很普通,没有独特的新意),XRD(表明制备的样品是好的)等常规实验需要写进SI,此外还有关于每个实验条件。采用的仪器、参数等,一般写进SI。当然以上所说一般局限于Letter和comm.,对于article就没有必要了,因为没有字数限制。SI包括一些实验现象的视频,或者辅助实验,或者实验的具体细节等等。。看文献时候最好顺带看一下SI,这些SI都是免费的,即使你没有权限也可以下载。对于你对文章的理解很有帮助,你可以从中了解更多实验的细节。请采纳!

文献中supporting information 有什么用?

Supporting Information 支持信息,就是参考文献。另外还有,Supporting Information Available 支持现有资料。supporting information system 服务支撑系统。参考文献是在 学术研究过程中,对某一著作或 论文的整体的 参考或借鉴。征引过的文献在 注释中已注明,不再出现于文后参考文献中。按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》”的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关 文献信息资源。根据《 中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范(试行)》和《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范(修订版)》的要求,很多刊物对参考文献和注释作出 区分,将 注释规定为“对正文中某一内容作进一步解释或 补充说明的文字”,列于文末并与参考文献分列或置于当页脚地。

求助:如何投Wiley 的 supporting information?

大于5M的你找个免费的在线存储,上传上去,然后把链接发给编辑部,他们自己下载。在你的正文中要提及这些supporting information,在脚注里或者在方法介绍那部分等等。

文献中supporting information 有什么用?

Supporting Information 支持信息,就是参考文献。另外还有,Supporting Information Available 支持现有资料。supporting information system 服务支撑系统。参考文献是在 学术研究过程中,对某一著作或 论文的整体的 参考或借鉴。征引过的文献在 注释中已注明,不再出现于文后参考文献中。按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》”的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关 文献信息资源。根据《 中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范(试行)》和《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范(修订版)》的要求,很多刊物对参考文献和注释作出 区分,将 注释规定为“对正文中某一内容作进一步解释或 补充说明的文字”,列于文末并与参考文献分列或置于当页脚地。




1、DTS数据同步报错 2、源端用户user1拥有所有database的权限,包括select权限 3、使用user1用户登录源端MySQL,当指定database为database1,select被拒绝 4、从MySQL的物理表文件看,表的.frm和.ibd文件是正常的 5、将报错的表table1备份为table2,删除table1,select information_schema.columns、information_schema.tables可执行且不报错 6、将table2重命名为table1,select information_schema.columns、information_schema.tables再次报一样的错误 7、将table1重命名为table2,select information_schema.columns、information_schema.tables可执行且不报错 8、原因判断 参考: 其他用户也遇到了与MySQL对象相关的information_schema.columns、information_schema.tables的select报错,但是涉及的MySQL对象为view,而我们这里为table。 view可以指定definer等,而table1的创建语法中没有找到这样的字眼。但是推测以某一种方式与definer相关联。 9、辅证

sql语句中的information_schema.COLUMNS 是什么意思呢

information_schema.COLUMNS 这东西的意思是 information_schema库的cloumns表where后面是该表的过滤信息,用来具体定位的。


可数:1 4 6 7 11 12 14 15 剩下不可数

identifying information是什么意思

identifying information 意思:辨识信息; [例句]Current standards regarding digital certificates have identifying informationincluded along with the key.目前关于数字证书的标准中都有一些标识信息,在密钥中也都包含了这些信息。

找一篇关于information security的文章 要英文的 2000字左右

Information security technology is the Information Management and Information Systems Undergraduate courses a student. With the rapid development of computer technology, computer information security problems are becoming increasingly of concern. Students to master the necessary information security management and security technology is essential. Through the course of the study, students can master the computer the basic principles of information security and information security in today"s popular settings, security vulnerabilities, firewall, strategy and realization of the principle and to guard against hackers in order to enable students to achieve competence in information systems, operations, management and maintenance and other related work. Information security technology Broadband Network has been going deep into the lives of social activities have a profound impact, network security has become more and more important result. The urgent need for all sectors to engage in the work of information security of computer systems, senior technical personnel. Master of the professional training of the installation of network equipment, management and maintenance, analysis and information systems enterprise network security vulnerabilities, network security issues resolved in a timely manner and in accordance with the operational characteristics of enterprises and institutions secure e-commerce design / Professional Administrative site . Engaged in information security product sales and promotion, information systems and e-commerce / Chief security design, network and information system security test and so on. Major professional courses: the basis of computer network technology, TCP / IP protocol, information security technology infrastructure, based on cryptography, information security products and application technology, assembly language programming, SQL database security design, ASP.NET Programming (Web security), computer system security, Web programming technology.

IO Error : unsupported file format or corrupt file是什么 psp模拟器模拟游戏就出现这个

现在的psp模拟器不完善的 很多游戏玩不到的(应该说只有几个游戏能玩)如果真的想玩 不如买真机

gre送分时billing information怎么填?

按照习惯这个 Info 是给你记账单用的,但一般我们也不太需要账单,所以其实没有什么太大作用。不过一切信息建议真实填写,以免发生意外。



用信用卡网上国际支付时,Billing Information 指什么

用信用卡网上国际支付时,Billing Information 指信用卡持有人的地址信息,即办卡时候填写的地址。Name:__________________ 名称Address:_____________________________ 地址State: ______ City:______________ Zip:______ 州/省 市 邮编E-Mail:____________________________ 电子邮箱Home Phone: _______________________ 电话座机Cell Phone:_________________________ 手机扩展资料信用卡的优点有以下:1、不需要存款即可透支消费,并可享有20-56天的免息期按时还款利息分文不收(大部分银行取现当天就会收取万分五的利息,还有2%的手续费,工商银行取现免收手续费,只收利息)。2、购物时刷卡不仅安全、方便,还有积分礼品赠送。3、持卡在银行的特约商户消费,可享受折扣优惠。4、通行全国无障碍,在有银联标识的ATM和POS机上均可取款或刷卡消费。5、刷卡消费、部分信用卡取现有积分,全年多种优惠及抽奖活动,让您只要用卡就能时刻感到惊喜。6、特有的附属卡功能,适合夫妻共同理财,或掌握子女的财务支出。7、自由选择的一卡双币形式,通行全世界,境外消费可以境内人民币还款。8、400电话或9字打头5位数短号24小时服务,挂失即时生效,失卡零风险。9、利用第三方平台进行商务合作,为持卡人提供优惠服务。参考资料来源:百度百科--信用卡

The file format module could not parse the file(45::35) ae 报错了 怎么回事

报错信息说明:After Effects错误:文件格式模块不能解析该文件。After Effects无法读取你正试图导入的图片格式。报错的可能原因:不是文件被损坏了,就是文件格式的问题。它的头文件可能是错误的文件类型或文件的子类型,在这样的情况下要确定它是否是正确的几乎不太可能。比如,你在没有过多考虑文件类型的情况下,就将那些没有添加扩展名的文件转移到了Mac系统上,上述情况就可能发生。另外,当你试图导入采用了不用色彩空间编码(如CMYK或Lab)的文件时,错误也可能会产生。解决方法:为文件添加正确的扩展名,并在其他程序中验证该文件的类型,如果是因为错误的颜色模式导致,就将它转换为RGB颜色空间模式

aul中,如何解决file format not supported


common object file format中文翻译

The pilers produce mon object file format object files 这些编译器生成通用对象文件格式对象文件。 > Coff mon object file format 通用对象文件格式> With a mon object file format coff based image containing an emitted 、基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像来加载> Common object file format 通用物件档案格式> Is used to create and manage a brary of mon object file format coff object files 用于创建和管理通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件库。 > Parameter to load a mon object file format coff image , evidence is bined 方法加载通用对象文件格式( coff )图像时,将对证据进行合并。 > Parameter to load a mon object file format coff image , evidence is inherited from the calng assembly 方法加载通用对象文件格式( coff )图像时,将对证据进行合并。 > Loads the assembly from a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly 加载来自基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > Loads the assembly with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > Assembly . load method byte , byte loads the assembly with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > Describes the microsoft brary manager b . exe , which creates and manages a brary of mon object file format coff object files 描述用于创建和管理通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件库的microsoft 32位库管理器( b . exe ) 。 > Loads the assembly with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted assembly . the assembly is loaded into the domain of the caller 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像的程序集,该图像包含已发出的程序集。 > In windows xp , the operating system loader checks for managed modules by examining a bit in the mon object file format coff header 在windows xp中,操作系统加载程序通过检查通用对象文件格式( coff )头中的某个位来检查是否有托管模块。 > Describes the microsoft coff binary file dumper dumpbin . exe , which displays information about mon object file format coff binary files 描述用于显示有关32位通用对象文件格式( coff )二进制文件的信息的microsoft coff二进制文件转储器( dumpbin . exe ) 。 > Link is a tool that nks mon object file format coff object files and braries to create a executable . exe file or dynamic - nk brary Link是将通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件和库链接起来以创建32位可执行( . exe )文件或动态链接库( dll )的32位工具。 > Introduces nk , a tool that nks mon object file format coff object files and braries to create an executable . exe file or dynamic - nk brary 介绍nk ,这是一种32位工具,可将通用对象文件格式( coff )对象文件和库链接起来,以创建32位可执行( . exe )文件或动态链接库( dll ) 。 > Loads the module , internal to this assembly , with a mon object file format - based image containing an emitted module , or a resource file 加载带有基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像或资源文件的模块(该模块相对于程序集是内部的) ,基于通用对象文件格式( coff )的图像包含已发出的模块。 > The msil and metadata are contained in a portable executable file that is based on and extends the pubshed microsoft pe and mon object file format coff used historically for executable content Msil和元数据包含在一个可移植可执行( pe )文件中,此文件基于并扩展过去用于可执行内容的已公布的microsoft pe和公共对象文件格式( coff ) 。 > What is more , the paper *** yzes vs undershoot and gives some effective countermeasures . in sofare design , first the paper discusses the integrated sofare development environment for texa instrument " s tms320c2xx dsp , which is characterized by mon object file format and run - time environment 该方法以集成开发环境中的公共目标文件格式coff ( monobjectfileformat )和运行环境( run - timeenvironment )为特色,是嵌入式系统软件开发方法的一次有益尝试。 >



Unknown file format怎么办


Excel SaveAs FileFormat后面的文件格式有哪些

有以下几种:51 = xlOpenXMLWorkbook (without macro"s in 2007-2016, xlsx) 保存为xlsx52 = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled (with or without macro"s in 2007-2016, xlsm) 保存为xlsm带宏的格式50 = xlExcel12 (Excel Binary Workbook in 2007-2016 with or without macro"s, xlsb)以二进制保存的工作表56 = xlExcel8 (97-2003 format in Excel 2007-2016, xls)以xls,2003格式保存的工作表

桥梁博士unexpected file format 急急急!

Format方法有两种形式,另外一种是三个参数的,主要区别在于它是线程安全的, 但并不多用,所以这里只对第一个介绍。Format参数是一个格式字符串,用于格式化Args里面的值的。Args是一个变量数组,即它里面可以有多个参数,而且每个参数可以不同。 例如:Format("my name is %6s","wind");返回的是:my name is windFormat里面可以写普通的字符串,比如"my name is" ,但有些格式指令字符具有特殊意义,比如"%6s"格式指令具有以下的形式: "%" [index ":"] ["-"] [width] ["." prec] type它是以"%"开始,而以type结束,type表示一个具体的类型。中间是用来格式化type类型的指令字符,是可选的。

电脑出现file format error什么意思


tagged image file format是什么意思

tagged image file format_百度翻译tagged image file format [释义] 标记图像文件格式; TIFF是一种比较灵活的图像格式,它的全称是Tagged Image File Format,文件扩展名为TIF或TIFF。该格式支持256色、24位真彩色、32位色、48位色等多种色彩位。

用exfile提取bios时提示Source file format not acceptable-missing header!怎么办?


C4D文件保存的好好的,电脑重启了下就打不开了,提示Unknown file format是怎么回事呢


video avatar导入文件之后总是提示 bad file format?


MP4上的视频打不开。显示File format error.


protel新建原理图时总出现file format not recognized的对话框?

应该不会,怕出问题卸载重装下吧!!我用98画原理图及PCB快OK了,再用99修正!但GERBER我还是用98转的! 记得做图时5分钟备份一次!!另存档案;切记!!我是怕了!!!!!!

unknown file format!是什么意思


打印时出现lnvailid file format什么意思


救命啊,打开文件出现WRONG FILE FORMAT怎么办


苹果平板打开doc文件时出现the file format is invalid 怎么办


This file format is not supported by the File Preview是什么意思?

不知道。。。 你自己去 有道词典里搜搜吧

VBA BeforeSave事件 SaveAs 指定Filename 指定Fileformat

saveas方法不要用在循环里这个循环是遍历当前工作簿中的所有工作表,并取消保护而saveas保存的是整个工作簿,不是单个工作表,因此放在循环体中就会多次保存同一个文件,所以会出现“替换”的提示。由于saveas的文件格式是不带宏的xlsx,因此会提示“删除宏”,可以加一句代码:application.DisplayAlerts =False 禁止提示窗口即可。完整代码如下:Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)" 撤消所有工作表的保护For each sht in Thisworkbook.Worksheets sht.Unprotect Next shtApplication.DisplayAlerts = False " 禁止显示提示窗口MyFilename = "AAA-" & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & ".xlsx" ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=MyFilename, FileFormat:=xlNormal " 另存为" 恢复所有工作表的保护For each sht in Thisworkbook.Worksheetssht.ProtectNext shtApplication.DisplayAlerts = True " 允许显示提示窗口End Sub

显示incorrect scatter file format错误怎么办

Format方法有两种形式,另外一种是三个参数的,主要区别在于它是线程安全的, 但并不多用,所以这里只对第一个介绍。Format参数是一个格式字符串,用于格式化Args里面的值的。Args是一个变量数组,即它里面可以有多个参数,而且每个参数可以不同。 例如:Format("my name is %6s","wind");返回的是:my name is windFormat里面可以写普通的字符串,比如"my name is" ,但有些格式指令字符具有特殊意义,比如"%6s"格式指令具有以下的形式: "%" [index ":"] ["-"] [width] ["." prec] type它是以"%"开始,而以type结束,type表示一个具体的类型。中间是用来格式化type类型的指令字符,是可选的。

VB Excel SaveAs FileFormat参数问题?


vb 不能设置 excel 的FileFormat 属性

Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Set xlBook = & "123123.xlt")Set xlsheet = xlBook.Worksheets("2014")这中间就没有 mybook这个变量MyBook.SaveAs 如何执行




Windows 命令脚本

mp3显示 file format error怎么回事?


vba word转pdf 的 FileFormat是几



正常模式下 :f 或CTRL+G 用 :f 可以看文件名, 用CTRL+G 看文件名和详细路径。 用 :!pwd 可以看当前的详细路径。 这样看到的详细路径不一定是当前编辑文件的详细路径,准确的说是vi的执行路径,即vi 的执行目录。是vi 运行时的 PWD 环境变量值。

C++出现file format not reconized怎么办


file format convert 转换后数据丢失,是数据过大造成的吗?

你目前使用中的硬盘,如果是FAT32的,转换为NTFS有几种方法: 重新格式化为NTFS分区,这样速度快,但是会丢失数据; 使用第三方软件,进行转换,这个方法可以保留数据,但是时间会比较长; 建议,你还是先备份数据,然后删除分区,重新格式化为N.

Invalid file format什么意思

the file tormat is invalid 的意思是:xxxxxxx的文件格式无效.(x代表文件)

file format is ont supported 什么意思

这是“文件格式不被支持”的意思。如果是在做视频剪辑中出现,可能是你准备载入的文件格式不支持。如果是图片,要注意图片的格式。很多软件都可以转换图片格式,例如“光影魔术手”;如果是视频片段,转换的软件也很多,例如“WinAVI Video Converter”。只要格式正确,视频编辑就会很轻松了!

invalid file format line number 1 in the csv file contains 8 fields什么意思


地面破裂和变形Ground Cracking and Deformation

现场调查发现,5.12汶川大地震在龙门山断裂带沿线产生了大量地表破坏,主要体现在发震断裂处的挤压和走滑破裂、山体失稳引起的地面变形、路堤滑塌引起的路面缺失或开裂、地表结构物差异运动引起的各类破坏等。地震波的传播受到地层与岩性、构造与岩体结构、地形地貌、地表水体、植被等因素的影响,不同类型的大量地表破裂显然是开展地震灾害防灾和减灾工作的前提条件,同时它们也是研究和发现强震作用下地表响应规律的重要现象。路面拉裂Tensile failure in asphalt pavement都江堰市高原村因断裂活动导致的地面剧烈抬升变形Dramatic deformation in Gaoyuan Village,Dujiangyan City caused by the activity of faultSite inspections found that Wenchuan Earthquake caused tremendous ground cracking and deformation along Longmenshan fault zones.A majority of the ground damages were compressive and shearing cracking in the ground along the quake faulting belt,ground deformation due to the slope instability,pavement losing and and tensile fracturing due to collapses and landslides of road embankments,and other damages caused by differential movements of ground structures.The propagation of seismic waves was affected by many factors including strata and lithology,tectonic and rock mass structures,topography and geomorphology,water bodies and vegetations.Consequently,the large amount of different types of ground cracking and deformation are the pre-conditions for undertaking reconstruction works to prevent and mitigate earthquake damages.They are also the factual data with great importance to investigate and understand the actual ground response mechanisms under strong ground quaking.都江堰-映秀公路震陷变形Subsidence in Dujianyan-Yingxiu highway due to ground quaking公路震陷拉裂的漩口Tensile opening in pavement of Xuankou highway due to quake subsidence去映秀的岷江边便道(其上为以被滑坡体掩埋的原公路)Temporary road on Mingjiang river to Yingxiu town(the above is the original highway but was buried by landslide debris)映秀路上山体崩塌破坏了原来的公路The original highway to Yingxiu town was blocked by rock avalanche blocks地震作用下拱桥路面的挤压破裂Quaking induced compressive fracturing in pavements around arch bridges5.12汶川地震地质灾害安县秀水镇城北桥头桥面隆起Bridge deck upheaval at north of Xiushui town in Anxian小鱼镇路面右旋张剪性裂纹,走向N25°EPavement cracking in Xiaoyu town:crack striking N25°E小鱼镇公路地震断层现象Earthquake faulting in road pavement in Xiaoyu town崩塌破坏及路基外侧下沉Rock avalanche damage and subsidence of embankment toward adjacent gully纵向开裂路面和垮塌的路基挡土墙Longitudinal pavement cracking and collapse of road retaining wall都汶公路沿线路面的挤压隆起及破裂Ground compression induced bulging and fracturing in draingage channel and pavement on Dujiangyan-Wenchuan highway路基挡土墙滑塌引起的路面缺失和开裂Collapse and cracks in road pavement due collapse of embankment retaining wall路面隆起Upheaved road surface路面破损Scathing road路面坍塌Embankment fall

请问各位计算机论文中的bookkeeping information是指什么意思呀?


formative assessment什么意思

formative assessment形成性评价;形成性评量;形成性评估例句1.What is the relationship between formative assessment and summative assessment?是什么关系形成性评价和终结性评价?2.A Try at Formative Assessment to Improve Student Oral English尝试形成性评价提高学生英语口语能力3.The Increasing Importance of Formative Assessment形成评价越来越重要4.The Formative Assessment Research of Middle School English Curriculum中学英语课程形成性评价研究5.A Study of Formative Assessment in College English Writing Teaching大学英语写作教学中的形成性评价

formative assessment什么意思


新托福 当 innovation 和 reformation 的意思都是革新的时候 其二者之间的区别在


dorso-ventral axis formation是什么意思

dorso-ventral axis formation是背腹轴的形成的意思

RAD51 foci formation怎么翻译啊


gross capital formation是什么意思



backformation n. 逆序造词;倒反构词不太懂

什么是word formation

word formation n. 构词,构词法; 词性转换;[例句]The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.文法一种语言的字尾变化,句法和单词构成的体系。




Form the dough into small balls and place them on the baking sheet. (把面团揉成小球,放在烤盘上。)He filled out the form with his personal information. (他填写了表格,包括个人信息。)The formation of a new political party is in the works. (正在筹备新的政党组织。)The soldiers marched in formation across the parade ground. (士兵们排成队伍在阅兵场上行进。)The rock"s unusual formation attracted many geologists to study it. (这块岩石独特的形态吸引了许多地质学家前来研究。)

the formation of...是什么意思






What is word-formation?




heat of formation是什么意思

heat of formation生词本英 [hi:t u0254v fu0254:u02c8meiu0283u0259n] 美 [hit u028cv fu0254ru02c8meu0283u0259n]生成热,形成热网 络生成热;形成热双语例句1. In this paper, the ionic absolute standard heat of formation is gotten. 本文将给出水溶液中离子的绝对标准生成焓.2. Nitro - compounds are commonly used as energetic materials. Estimation of their heat of formation is very important. 硝基化合物是常用的含能材料, 其生成热的估算具有重要的意义.3. By using the effective heat of formation, Mo 3 Al 8 is predicted to bethe first phase formed. 利用有效生成焓理论, 推测生成的非晶合金可能是Mo3Al8.4. Heat causes the formation of steam from water. 热气造成水形成蒸气.

大家有比较过formation5.1 和bose650的吗?

BOSE650听演唱会和音乐,会被宝华秒杀。在看电影时,宝华formation5.1的人物对白非常清晰,偏中高音。BOSE650人物对白浑厚,偏中低。formation5.1 是无线的,BOSE650是有线的,后环绕可选无线。从整个影院效果来说,BOSE650在遇到飞机环绕飞行时声场的连贯性比宝华得好,但宝华的声场整体现场感好很多。
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