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forget peace of mind什么意思

fforget peace of mind 忘记内心的平静Don"t forget the peace of mind 勿忘心安

choose happy and forget bored是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你回答,choose happy and forget bored的意思是“选择快乐的,忘记烦恼的”bored 英 [bɔːd] 美 [bɔrd] adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的


forgetful说的是人 健忘的,记性不好的often forgetting hingsforgettable容易被忘的, 可忘记的 说的是事物 是遗忘的对象  not interesting or special and therefore easily forgotten


FORGET TO DO SOMETHING。 FORGET DOING STH 前者是忘记干某事 后者是干了但是忘记了~ 接不定式啊,名词也行:I FORGET YOUR NAME 副词也行,修饰FORGET这个动词啊! 扩展资料 例句: 1、It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. 不应忘记的是,人们过去的`锻炼要多得多。 2、Don"t forget to bring your books with you. 别忘了把书带来。 3、Heb. 13:16 but do not forget doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. 来十三16只是不可忘记行善和供输,因为这样的祭物是神所喜悦的。




forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,忘怀,忘机,忘忧,忘情,遗忘,忘怀,忘恩,忘机,忘忧,忘情,遗忘,忘怀,遗忘,忘恩,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,忘怀,忘机,忘忧,忘情,遗忘,忘怀,遗忘,忘恩,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,忘怀,忘机,忘忧,忘情,遗忘,忘怀,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘 forgetfulnes忘记,遗忘,忘怀,忘情,忘却,遗忘。




forget的过去分词是forgotten。forget,英语动词,意思是忘记,忽略,忽视,怠慢,不再考虑,忘记。 forget 它的英式读法为[fəˈɡɛt];美式读法为[fərˈɡɛt]。forget的过去式forgot;过去分词forgotten 短语搭配 Forget Him忘记他 Forget Me忘记我 Forget fly忘记飞翔 forget to do sth与forget doing sth的区别 1、forget to do sth 意思是“忘记要去做某事”,指的是这件事情本来要做,但是忘bai记了而没有去做。例如: I forgot to close the windows this morning. 今天早上,我忘记关窗户了。(窗户没关) He forgot to turn off the lights when he left the classroom. 他离开教室的时候,忘记了关灯。(灯没有关) 2、forget doing sth意思是“忘记做了某事”,指的是这件事情本来做了,但是忘记了而以为没做。例如: I forgot paying for this book. 我忘了已经付过这本书的钱。(之前已经付过钱了) She forgot locking the door. 她忘了已锁了门。(门之前已经上锁了)





forgetable forgetful 什么区别

首先,更正一下提问中的错误: 没有forgetable这个词,其正确写法是forgettable。因此,这个问题应更正为:forgetful与forgettable有何区别?下面正式解答这个问题。1.forgetful adj.(指人或形容人)健忘的; 易忘事的; 疏忽的。She is a forgetful girl. 她是个健忘的女孩。(forgetful作定语)My mother has become very forgetful and confused recently. 我妈妈近来变得非常健忘,糊里糊涂。(forgetful作表语)Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story. 爷爷记忆不好,他讲故事时老爱重复。 (forgetful作表语) Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness maymake him forgetful. 所有演员在上台前都应当把台词记得滚瓜烂熟, 因为一紧张就容易忘词。(forgetful作宾补)以上例句中forgetful词义都是“健忘的;易忘事的;”。The clerk was forgetful of his duties and was dismissed by the company.该员工玩忽职守,被公司解雇了。(forgetful作表语,意为“疏忽的”。)2.forgettable adj.(因平淡无奇)容易被遗忘的,不被人记住的; 可以忘记的。指人或事物、事件等容易被人遗忘的、不被人记住的、不起眼的、可以忘记的。He has a forgettable face. 他长着一张过目即忘的脸。He has acted in three forgettable action films. 他曾经在三部不起眼的动作片中出演角色。3.拓展延伸:unforgettable adj.难忘的,令人难忘的,不能忘记的。be forgetful of sb./sth. (对某人/某事物)不考虑、疏忽be forgetful of one"s duties 玩忽职守be forgetful of one"s sleep and meals 废寝忘食A visit to the museum is an unforgettable experience. 参观博物馆是一段令人难忘的经历。(unforgettable 作定语) The film is unforgettable because there are lots of wonderful fight scenes in it.这部影片令人难忘,因为其中有许多精彩的武打场面。(unforgettable 作表语)The scientist is so absorbed in his work that he is often forgetful of his sleep and meals.那位科学家专心致志地工作,常常达到废寝忘食的程度。(forgetful作表语)

left forget的区别


fail也有忘记的意思,它和 forget的区别是什么呢?

fail 没有忘记的意思啊


forget的中文意思如下:忘记.v1.Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them 有时,我临场发挥改了词,因为我把原来的词给忘了。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典2.She never forgets her daddy"s birthday 她从来不会忘记老爸的生日。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典3.Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport. 有一次我们准备去巴黎时,我忘了带护照。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典4.He was so fascinated by her beauty that he forgot himself and leaned across to touch her. 他为她的美貌所倾倒,以至于忘乎所以地靠上前去触摸她。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典5.The first thing is to support as many shows as one can, not forgetting the small local ones. 首先要尽可能多地支持演出,这其中也包括当地的小型演出。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典6.She forgot to lock her door one day and two men got in 有一天她忘了锁门,两个男人溜了进来。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典7.Don"t forget that all dogs need a supply of fresh water to drink 不要忘记所有的狗都需要喝干净的水。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典8.She forgot about everything but the sun and the wind and the salt spray. 除了太阳、风和盐雾,她什么都记不得了。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典9.I can"t forget what happened 我无法不去想发生的事。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典10.I found it very easy to forget about Sumner 我发现忘掉萨姆纳很容易。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典11.She tried to forget that sometimes she heard them quarrelling. 她尽量不把有时听到他们争吵的事放在心上。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典12."You want more?" roared Claire. "Forget it, honey." “你还想要?”克莱尔吼道。“想都别想,宝贝。”柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典13.Don"t forget. 别忘了。汉英大词典14.We must not forget your birthday. 我们一定不能忘了你的生日。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典15.If you ever cross him, forget it, you"re finished. 如果你曾经跟他作过对,就别想了,你没戏了。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典16.In case I forget, please remind me of my promise. 假如我忘记了,请提醒一下我的诺言。汉英大词典17.Don"t forget to take your camera. 别忘了带上相机。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典18.Once you have chosen a kennel, don"t forget to make a booking for your pet. 一旦你选好了养狗场,别忘了为你的宠物预订。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典19.Don"t forget to convey my regards when you see him. 你去见着他,别忘了给我捎个好儿。汉英大词典20.Don"t forget to give my regards to them. 别忘了代我向他们问好。汉英大词典


forget作动词用,有忘记,遗忘,不再想等含义。接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了”; 接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时意为“要做而忘记做”。1.forget用于将来时或祈使句时通常用否定式,表示“不要忘记做某事”。 2.forget的主语是单数第一人称时,用一般现在时,强调暂时仍处于想不起来的状态; 用现在完成时,强调遗忘的彻底性; 用过去时,强调曾经遗忘,而现在又想起来了; 用过去完成时,强调在过去某一时刻遗忘,但后来又想起来了。 3.forget是状态动词,不用于现在完成进行时,而用于现在完成时。 4.接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时意为“要做而忘记做”; forget to do 忘记还没做的事情 I"m sorry I forgot to return the library book.
 对不起,我忘记归还图书馆的书了。(书没有还) 5.forget接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了” forget doing 忘记已经做过的事情 He forgot going to Shanghai with his parents when he was five years old.


forget 英[fə"ɡet] 美[fɚˈɡɛt,fɔr-] vt.忘记,忘却;忽略,疏忽;遗落;忘掉 vi.忘记;忽视 第三人称单数:forgets;过去分词:forgotten;现在分词:forgetting;过... [例句]Often people get so focused on the factual content that they forget to consider the visual impact ." 人们通常过于关注事实内容,结果忘记考虑视觉效果.”


forget英音[fə"ɡɒt]。英语单词forget,主要用作动词,作及物动词时意思是“忘记;忽略”,英音[fə"ɡɒt];作不及物动词时意思是“忘记”。forget的基本含义是“忘,忘记”,指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”既可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的。forget还可表示“疏忽,忽略”。forget造句1、Forget not!Oforget not this.2、Don"t forget the waiter.3、Don"t forget that conditioner!4、Don"t forget about ambiance.5、Don"t forget your sunscreen.6、Don"t forget you het.7、I want to forget you,forget any memory about you.8、You forget to remember,I forgot to forget.9、He that will forget God,will also forget his benefactors.10、Can you forget?Looking forward to you can forget her.11、Yea,they may forget,yet will I not forget thee.12、I never forget a face.13、Don"t forget to praise me.14、Don"t forget your lunch box.15、Let"s forget the whole thing.16、Don"t forget the Body Glide.17、In fact,sometimes,can forget,not forget,should forget,always remain in the deepest memory!

forgive and forget 是什么意思?


It is a virtue to forgive and forget. forgive的宾语


"forget and forgive"什么意思?


魔法少女小圆最后的一段英文:Don"t forget. Alaways, somewhere, s


求agnes的 sometimes I forget歌词!

sometimes i forget[al:dance love pop: the love love love edition]agnes - sometimes i forgeti get so busy and i shut you outand you don"t have no clue what that"s aboutyou probably thinking that i"m getting mad at youi should take the time to just explainthat you"re the only thing that keeps me sane"cause there would really be the kindest thing to doeven though there"s no one who is closer to my hearti can see that i have catch you in the darksometimes i forget sometimes i don"t thinkto show the things i feel and to tell you what i meanbut there is not a day that ever passes bythat i don"t think i that i got you in my lifeif you have any doubts what my love is abouti just want it you to knowi wanna blame you give it turn awaybut i"ll be begging you to stop and sayyou"re more important to one then i ever showedso if you"re thinking i don"t care as muchthat i don"t appreciate your lovebut i"ll be devasted if you let me goi hate to think i didn"t give youthe attention you deserve so i" m hoping nowthat you"ll believe these wordssometimes i forget sometimes i don"t thinkto show the things i feel and to tell you what i meanbut there is not a day that ever passes bythat i don"t think i that i got you in my lifeif you have any doubts what my love is abouti just want it you to knowi just wanted you to feel what i feel for youi just wanted you to knowsometimes i forget sometimes i don"t thinkto show the things i feel and to tell you what i meanbut there is not a day that ever passes bythat i don"t think i that i got you in my lifeif you have any doubts what my love is abouti just want it you to knowsometimes i forget sometimes i don"t thinkto show the things i feel and to tell you what i meanbut there is not a day that ever passes bythat i don"t think i that i got you in my lifeif you have any doubts what my love is abouti just want it you to know

forget sorrow翻译过来是什么


forget it 和forget about it 的区别

忘记它forget it不再想起,忘掉它forget about it


tell sb. for sb./call sb. to du sth.forget doing sth. 指忘记做过的某事forget to do sth. 指忘记将要做的某事bring sb sth. /bring sth. to sb.


是的,可在 有道 里面搜


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv]v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet]v. 忘记;忽略

Forget to do sth和forget doing的区别是什么

中考英语易错题:forget to do和forget doing有什么区别


forget for.get[fL`gZt; fəˋ^єt]([-`g@t; -")t];[-`g@t; -")tn],(美)及物动词1 忘(←→ remember)a. 忘记…,想不出…,记不起…I ~ your name.我忘了你的名字I forgot all about it.我全忘了那件事I shall never ~ your kindness.我决不会忘记你的好意b. 忘记<做…>I forgot to answer the letter.我忘了回那封信Don"t ~ to sign your name.别忘了签你的名字c. 忘记 <做过…>I shall never ~ hearing the President"s address.我将永不忘记听过总统演说的事d. 忘记<…事>I quite forgot (that) you were coming.我全忘了你要来的事e. 忘记…I forgot whether he would come on Monday or Tuesday.我忘了他要在星期一或星期二来I"ve forgotten when to start.我已忘记要在什么时候动身2 遗忘<东西>,忘记拿 [买] 回来I"m forgetting my umbrella.我忘了我的伞I almost forgot my umbrella.我差一点就忘了我的伞He forgot the ticket and went back for it.他忘了带车票而回去拿3 忽略…,疏忽…Never ~ your duties.绝不可怠忽你的职守→ not FORGETting.4 [~ oneself]a. 忘我,失态,忘记自己的身分; 发脾气,做粗心大意的事Forgetting himself, he burst out in a string of oaths.他失了态,连珠炮似地咒骂起来I forgot myself so far as to tell it to him.我太大意竟告诉他那件事"Bloody hell!"-"You ~ yourself, sir.".“畜牲!”“你失态了,先生(别忘了有女士在场)b. (忘了自己而) 为他人做事 [设想] ,奋不顾身不及物动词忘记[…]; [对…]不放在心上[about]Let"s forgive and ~.让我们把过去的事 [仇恨] 全忘了吧; 不念旧恶,不记仇I forgot about promising her that.我忘了对她允诺的那件事Forget it(美) (那样的事) 没关系,别再提了"I"m sorry I stained your book."-"F~ it.".“对不起,我把你的书弄脏了”“没关系”not forgetting?…也,也包括…Bring some presents back for Kate and me, not forgetting the maid.给凯蒂和我带一些礼物回来,女佣的 (礼物) 也别忘了remember re.mem.ber[rI`mZmbL; riˋmєmbə]及物动词1 想起a. 想起,记起I cannot ~ his name.我想不起他的名字She often ~ed her schooldays.她常常想起她的学生时代b. 想起…I ~ed that I had a lot of things to do.我想起有很多事要做c. 想起…I cannot ~ where I met him.我想不起在哪里见过他I have just ~ed how to operate this machine.我刚想起操作这机器的方法 [如何操作这机器]【同义字】remember 记得或想起过去的事recall 努力而有意地想起recollect 意图想起遗忘之事的努力2 记得a. 记得,记著Do you ~ me?.你记得我吗?b. 记住,把…牢记在心R~ my promise.记住 [别忘了] 我的承诺c. 记得 < (做) 过> …I ~ seeing her somewhere.我记得以前在哪儿见过她I ~ having heard him mention it.我记得曾经听他提到过那件事d. +doing] 记得 <…做过…>I ~ you [your] saying so.记得你那样说 过e. 记住要 (做) …I"ll ~ to mail [. (英)post] these letters.我会记著 [不会忘记] 寄这些信f. 记著…R~ that I love you very much.记住 [不要忘了] 我很爱你g. 记得…Do you ~ where you met her?.你记得你在哪儿见过她吗?Do you ~ how to spell his name?.你记得他的名字如何拼写吗?h. 记得<人、物>从前是…How fat he is!I ~ him as a thin little boy.他现在好胖啊!我记得他从前是个瘦瘦的小男孩3 a. 送礼给<人>,酬谢<人>,馈赠Please ~ the waiter.请别忘了给服务生小费b. 赠送<人>[…][with]She always ~s me with a Christmas card.她总是送我一张耶诞卡4 [在…中]提到…的名字[in]Please ~ me in your prayers.请你为我祷告 [在祷告时,也提到我的名字]He ~ed her in his will.他在遗嘱中列入了她的名字5 代…[向…]问候 [请安,致意] [to]Please ~ me to Mr. Brown.请代我向布朗先生问候My mother asked to be ~ed to you.家母向你请安不及物动词想起,忆起,回忆; 记住 (不忘) ; 记得if I ~ right(ly)如果我没有记错"You met me there, didn"t you ?"-"Not that I ~.".“你在那儿跟我见过面,不是吗?”“没有,我不记得有这一回事”Don"t forget to do it. Please ~!.请记著别忘了做这件事!remember?against a person对<某人>记恨<某事>He still ~s it against me.他还在对我记恨那件事


forget有及物动词与不及物动词两种用法。及物动词I never forget a face.见过的面孔我从不忘记。不及物动词Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you.趁我还记得,有一个从意大利打来的电话找你。

remember,forget,stop的用法. 如题.举几个例子.

remember to do sth. 记得去做某事Remember to close the door.记得关门(这件事要去做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 I remembered closing the door this morning.我记得今天早上我关门了(这件事做过了) forget to do sth.忘了去做准备去做的事I forget to post the mail.我忘记去寄信了(这件事没有去做) forget doing sth.这件事做过了,但是忘记了I forgot borrowing a book from you.我忘记曾问你借了一本书(这件事做过,忘记了) stop to do sth.停下现在正在做的事,去做别的事情I stopped to do my homework.我停下别的事,去做作业stop doing sth.停止做某事I stopped playing.我停止玩耍

forget sth.和 forget about sth.有何区别

一、基本区别1. forget 通常指忘记具体的东西(如名字、号码、地址等),forget about 后者通常指忘记一件事情(如开会、学习、吃饭、锁门等)。比较:I forget her name. 我把她的名字给忘了。Don"t forget about your study. 别忘了学习。They were so busy that they even forgot about their own meals. 他们忙得连饭都忘记吃。有时两者可换用,尤其是表示“不要把…放在心上”时。如:He forgot (about) her birthday. 他把她的生日忘了。Let"s forget (about) our differences. 咱们不要把彼此的分歧放在心上。2.表示“忘记做某事”,除可用 forget to do sth 外,有时也可用 forget about doing sth。如:She had forgotten all about posting the letter. 她把寄信的事忘得一干二净。另外,一般现在时的forget后可直接跟动名词表示忘记做过某事,但一般过去时的forgot后接动名词时,则通常会先接介词about(有时也有不用about的)。如:I forgot about doing it. 我忘记已做此事了。二、forget (about) it在口语中的用法口语中说forget (about) it有以下用法:① 用于回答感谢,意为“不客气”。如:A:Thank you very much for your help. 多谢你的帮助。B:Forget about it. 不用谢。② 用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。如:A:I"m sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话道歉。B:Forget it! I don"t remember anyway. 没关系,反正我也没有记住。③ 用于表示否定或拒绝,意为“不行”。如:A:I"ll take the small truck. 我要开那辆小卡车。B:And leave me to drive the other one? Forget it. 啊,让我开另外那辆? 不行不行。④ 用于表示不想提及某情况或指某情况无关紧要等。如:A:How much do I owe you? 我欠你多少钱?B:Forget it! 算了吧!




forget,过去式:forgot;过去分词:forgotten;第三人称单数:forgets;现在分词:forgetting forget释义 v.忘记;遗忘;忘记做(或带、买等);不再想;不再把…放在心上 forget用法例句 1. If you ever cross him, forget it, you are finished. 如果你曾经和他作对过,就别想了,你没戏了。 2. Would they forgive and forget ; or show him the door? 他们会既往不咎吗;;还是会对他下逐客令呢? 3. Im not ever going to forget what you have done for the nippers.  我永远忘不了你为这些小孩子所做的一切。 4. Dont forget, I have always kept the money rolling in.  不要忘记,我总是有大量钱财滚滚而来。 5. I found it very easy to forget about Sumner. 我发现忘掉萨姆纳很容易。 


remembertodosth.记得去做某事Remembertoclosethedoor.记得关门(这件事要去做)rememberdoingsth.记得做过某事Irememberedclosingthedoorthismorning.我记得今天早上我关门了(这件事做过了)forgettodosth.忘了去做准备去做的事Iforgettopostthemail.我忘记去寄信了(这件事没有去做)forgetdoingsth.这件事做过了,但是忘记了Iforgotborrowingabookfromyou.我忘记曾问你借了一本书(这件事做过,忘记了)stoptodosth.停下现在正在做的事,去做别的事情I stoppedtodomyhomework.我停下别的事,去做作业stopdoingsth.停止做某事Istoppedplaying.我停止玩耍

leave 和forget有什么区别


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv]v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet]v. 忘记;忽略


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv] v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet] v. 忘记;忽略


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv] v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet] v. 忘记;忽略


forget 后面what 引导什么从句

forget 后面what 引导宾语从句用法1:forget的基本含义是“忘,忘记”,指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的.forget还可表示“疏忽,忽略”. forget的用法2:forget可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词.用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词、动词不定式或含有疑问词的动词不定式作宾语,还可接由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语.可用于被动结构. forget的`用法3:forget接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了”; 接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时。


remembertodosth.记得去做某事Remembertoclosethedoor.记得关门(这件事要去做)rememberdoingsth.记得做过某事Irememberedclosingthedoorthismorning.我记得今天早上我关门了(这件事做过了)forgettodosth.忘了去做准备去做的事Iforgettopostthemail.我忘记去寄信了(这件事没有去做)forgetdoingsth.这件事做过了,但是忘记了Iforgotborrowingabookfromyou.我忘记曾问你借了一本书(这件事做过,忘记了)stoptodosth.停下现在正在做的事,去做别的事情I stoppedtodomyhomework.我停下别的事,去做作业stopdoingsth.停止做某事Istoppedplaying.我停止玩耍


remember to do sth. 记得去做某事Remember to close the door.记得关门(这件事要去做)remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 I remembered closing the door this morning.我记得今天早上我关门了(这件事做过了) forget to do sth.忘了去做准备去做的事I forget to post the mail.我忘记去寄信了(这件事没有去做)forget doing sth.这件事做过了,但是忘记了I forgot borrowing a book from you.我忘记曾问你借了一本书(这件事做过,忘记了) stop to do sth.停下现在正在做的事,去做别的事情I stopped to do my homework.我停下别的事,去做作业stop doing sth.停止做某事I stopped playing.我停止玩耍


forget是小学六年级学的。forget 英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet]    v. 忘记;忽略。I"m afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly.当时我有些忘乎所以,疯狂地吻著他。Don"t forget your friends when you become rich.致富后不要忘了老朋友。用法:forget的基本含义是“忘,忘记”,指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的。forget还可表示“疏忽,忽略”。forget可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词、动词不定式或含有疑问词的动词不定式作宾语,还可接由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv]v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet]v. 忘记;忽略

forget的用法 一个是~doing sth 另一个~to du sth 用法

doing是忘记做过某事.to do是忘了去做某事(没做过的)


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv] v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet] v. 忘记;忽略




forget+ about这里的forget是不及物动词,就是不能跟宾语只能跟动词的词.而forget是及物动词,forget sth,forget to do ,forget to do


forget to do :忘记要去做某事;而forget doing:忘记已经做了某事. forget:及物动词 vt.1.忘记[+to-v][+v-ing][+(that)][+wh-]I forgot posting the letter. 我忘了信已寄出.Don"t forget to post the letter. ...


leave 和forget的区别:①forget是忘记,不再把某事放心上,忽视忽略的意思。leave是遗忘,丢下的意思。具体用法上,forget一般是forger to do sth(忘记去做)或forget doing sth(忘记曾做过的事),这时不能用leave;leave一般是leave sth sp(把某物忘在某地),这时不能用forget。②forget指抽象的:I forget to bring my book.(带书是抽象的动作)leave指具体的:I left my book at home.(书是具体事物)③forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:He forgot his English book this morning.leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:The little girl left her English book at home this morning.拓展资料:leave英 [liːv]     美 [liːv]v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子forget英 [fə"ɡet]     美 [fər"ɡet]v. 忘记;忽略


三个用法第一,forget to do,忘记还没做的事情第二,forget doing忘记已经做过的事情第三,forget that-从句




forget的用法如下:forget作动词用,有忘记,遗忘,不再想等含义。接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了”; 接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时意为“要做而忘记做”。1.forget用于将来时或祈使句时通常用否定式,表示“不要忘记做某事”。2.forget的主语是单数第一人称时,用一般现在时,强调暂时仍处于想不起来的状态; 用现在完成时,强调遗忘的彻底性; 用过去时,强调曾经遗忘,而现在又想起来了; 用过去完成时,强调在过去某一时刻遗忘,但后来又想起来了。3.forget是状态动词,不用于现在完成进行时,而用于现在完成时。4.接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时意为“要做而忘记做”;forget to do 忘记还没做的事情I"m sorry I forgot to return the library book.
对不起,我忘记归还图书馆的书了。(书没有还)5.forget接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了”forget doing 忘记已经做过的事情He forgot going to Shanghai with his parents when he was five years old.



leave,forget的用法区别 forget和 leave两个词都有“遗留,丢失”的意思,但用法和具体含义相异. forget表示“遗留,丢失”时,其后只能跟被遗忘的东西,不能跟地点。相反,leave表达这种含义时,其后必须跟地点。   Father had forgotten his wallet and went back for it.   爸爸忘了他的钱包他回去把它取回来了。   I left my homework at home,so I can"t hand it in.   我把作业忘在家里了,因此我不能交上来了。


forget的读音是:英[f?"ɡet]。forget的读音是:英[f?"ɡet]。forget的词语用法是v.(动词)forget的基本含义是“忘,忘记”,指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的。forget还可表示“疏忽,忽略”。forget的意思是v.忘记;忽略。一、详尽释义点此查看forget的详细内容v.(动词)忘记,遗忘,忘掉忽略,忽视置诸脑后,丢三拉四别提不必介意,没关系怠慢放弃没注意;未想到n.(名词)忘记,记忆消失二、英英释义Verb:dismiss from the mind; stop remembering;"I tried to bury these unpleasant memories"be unable to remember;"I"m drawing a blank""You are blocking the name of your first wife!"forget to do something;"Don"t forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!"leave behind unintentionally;"I forgot my umbrella in the restaurant""I left my keys inside the car and locked the doors"三、网络解释1. 遗忘:盘的权限S :表示客户有无回存(restore)模盘的权限U :表示客户有无保存(save)模盘的权限R :表示客户有无还原(recover)模盘的权限F :表示系统会不会遗忘(forget)客户上次登录模盘的修改数据注二:遗忘(forget)开关若是打开,则用2. forget的意思2. 忘:盘的权限S :表示客户有无回存(restore)魔盘的权限U :表示客户有无保存(save)魔盘的权限R :表示客户有无还原(recover)魔盘的权限F :表示系统会不会遗忘(forget)客户上次登录魔盘的修改数据注二:遗忘(forget)开关若是打开,则用3.3. 李磊:NUKEKE今天有幸约到了IM队员李磊(forget)进行了一次谈话短访,下面的访谈内容讲道了这套夺走北京出线名额的阵容的动向,希望喜欢IM的朋友们不要错过!enjoy it!四、例句I"m sorry; I"ve forgotten your name.对不起,我忘了你的名字。I almost forget to pay the phone bill.我几乎忘记电话费用。We must not forget about the grass roots.我们绝不能忘记民众。That was a moment that I shall never forget.那个时刻我永远不会忘记。Forget yourself and think of someone else for a change.别光想著你自己,你也为别人想一次。I"m afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly.当时我有些忘乎所以,疯狂地吻著他。Don"t forget your friends when you become rich.致富后不要忘了老朋友。五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词forget the address忘了地址forget the date忘记日期forget the key忘了钥匙forget sb"s face忘记某人的脸forget sb"s hat忘记某人的帽子forget the beginning of a story忘记故事的开头forget the name忘记名字forget time忘记时间副词+~almost forget几乎忘了nearly forget差一点忘了never forget永远不忘quite forget完全不记得~+副词forget cleanly完全地忘掉forget completely彻底地遗忘forget conveniently容易忽略forget deliberately故意忘记forget easily容易忘forget eternally永远地忘记forget flagrantly公然忽视forget momentarily短暂地忘记forget promptly迅速地遗忘forget speedily迅速地遗忘forget utterly彻底遗忘forget wantonly不负责任地忽略~+介词forget about忘记forget oneself in沉浸于forget to替…捎去问候六、情景对话购物英语对话A:Could you tell me how much it is?您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?forget的解释B:In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.500美元左右。A:That"s way too much money.价格太贵了。B:We can make dow by model.我们可以根据型号给予优惠。A:We have to ask for another price reduction.再给我们优惠点儿吧。B:You canforget about another cut.不能再降价了。Turning in-(上床睡觉)A:I guess I"ll turn in, Bob. It"s been a long day.我想我要上床了,鲍勃。今天很累了。B:I"ve got a chapter to read for tomorrow, so I"ll be up for a while yet.I"ll turn off thd heat and lock thd door before I go to bed.我还有一章要读完,这是明天的功课,所以我要等一会儿再睡。 在我上床以前我会关掉暖气和锁上门的。A:Okay. What time are you getting up tomorrow?好的。明天你几点起床?B:Oh, the usual time. No, wait a minute.Make sure I"m up before you go to work, will you? I"ve got a quiz at ten. It wouldn"t hurt to read over my notes.啊,老样子。不,等一等。记住,我要在你上班之前起来,好吗?十点钟我有一个小型考试。最好能再读一遍我的笔记。A:I"ll try, but when seven o"clock comes around, don"tforget you asked me to wake you.我尽量做到,不过到七点钟时别忘了是你要我叫醒你的。B:Good night, Joe.晚安,乔。TV Series-(电视剧)B:What"s on TV tonight?今晚有什么电视节目?A:Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel.没有很多节目,有那个新写实电视《甜心俏佳人》,哦哦哦,还有《末世黑天使》。forgetB:Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal.等等。我想看《甜心俏佳人》。A:Oh, come on. That"s such a girl"s show.哦,得了吧,那是小女孩子看的。B:No it"s not. It"s just funny.不是呀,很有趣的。A:Yeah, if you"re a girl.是有趣,如果你是小女孩的话。B:Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl.哦,你不就是因为那个热辣的女孩才看《末世黑天使》的。A:That"s not true. Dark Angel is a good show.不是这样。《末世黑天使》可是一部好电视。B:It"s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits.故事情节无非是那个女孩找各种借口着全套装备而已。A:O.K., O.K. Let"sforget it. There"s a football game on too.好了好了,不说了。还有足球赛可以看。B:No way. I"m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John"s to watch the game.没门。我要看《甜心俏佳人》。要看足球赛去约翰家看吧。七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的forgytan:for (路过,放走) + gytan (抓),意为放某人或事走过。forget的相关近义词disregard、disrememberforget的相关反义词recall、rememberforget的相关临近词forgetful、forgery、Forgetta、Forgette、Forgetto、forget it、forget to、forgetive、forgetter、forgetness、forgetting、forgettery点此查看更多关于forget的详细信息


forget to do :忘记去做谋事(事情还没做) forget doing 做过的事忘了(可能发生了。也可能没发生


1. forget通常指忘记具体的东西(如名字、号码、地址等),forget about后者通常指忘记一件事情(如开会、学习、吃饭、锁门等)。2. 有时两者可换用,尤其是表示“不要把…放在心上”时。如:He forgot (about) her birthday. 他把她的生日忘了。Let"s forget (about) our differences. 咱们不要把彼此的分歧放在心上3. 一般现在时的forget后可直接跟动名词表示忘记做过某事,但一般过去时的forgot后接动名词时,则通常会先接介词about(有时也有不用about的)。如:I forgot about doing it. 我忘记已做此事了。4.forget about也较常用于口语


for‧get  v./ fə"ɡet  ; fɚˋgɛt  / 英  / fə"ɡet /1. 忘记,遗忘I"m sorry, I"ve forgotten your name.对不起,我忘记你的名字了。I know you told me, but I forgot.我知道你告诉过我,但是我忘了。What happened that day will never be forgotten.那一天的事永远难忘。[+ about ]Karl says he forgot about our date.卡尔说他把我们的约会忘了。She forgot all about their anniversary.她把他们的纪念日忘得一干二净。forget (that)I forgot that there"s a speed limit here.我忘记了这里有限速。forget how/what/when/why etcHow can you forget where you"ve parked the car?你怎么会把停车地点忘了呢?I was forgetting … spoken (= said when you have just remembered or been reminded about something) 【口】 我差点忘了…Oh yes, I was forgetting she was pregnant.哦,对了,我差点忘记她怀孕了。2. 忘记,忘掉〔应当做的事〕‘Did you remember to post that letter?" ‘Oh, sorry, I forgot."“你有没有记得寄那封信?”“哦,对不起,我忘了。”Give me your phone number before I forget (= forget to get it ) .把你的电话号码告诉我吧,免得我忘了跟你要。forget to do sthSomeone"s forgotten to turn off their headlights.有人忘记关汽车前灯了。3.忘记带〔需要之物〕Oh no, I"ve forgotten my wallet.哦,不好,我忘了带钱包。

Perhaps I can forget this world.是什么意思呢?



getting feeling teaching winning losing reading writing forgetting saying spelling throwing putting cutting setting




forget后面可用动词不定式或动名词(-ing)。 forget: v.忘记;遗忘;忘记做(或带、买等);不再想;不再把…放在心上; 第三人称单数: forgets 现在分词: forgetting 过去式: forgot 过去分词: forgotten 扩展资料   I forget how much they paid for it.   我忘了他们用多少钱买的这东西。   Let"s forget our differences and be friends.   咱们别把分歧放在心上,做个朋友吧。   I completely forgot her birthday, what with one thing and another.   因为忙得不可开交,我把她的生日忘得一干二净。   I"ll never forget it to my dying day.   我将终生不忘。


forget是动词,中文:忘记,过去式forgot,过去分词:forgotten反义词是:remember记住,是个规则动词,过去式直接加ed, remembered


leave的意思是“遗留,落下”,过去式是left。leave指把某物忘在某地,其后接地点状语。forget的意思是“忘记”,过去式是forgot。forget指由于记忆上的忽略而忘记了某人或某事物,后面可以接名词、动词不定式或动词-ing形式,不可接地点状语。 leave和forget的用法例句 一、forget 音标:英 [fəˈget]美 [fərˈget] 释义:忘掉;忘记,忘却;忽略,疏忽;遗落 1、I forgot to ask him forhisaddress. 我忘记向他要地址。 2、I forgot my purse (= I did not remember to bring it) . 我忘了带钱包。 3、‘Hey, don"t forget me (= don"t leave without me) !" “喂,走时别落下我!” 4、Aren"t you forgetting something? (= I think you have forgotten to do sth) 你是不是忘了什么? 二、leave 音标:英 [li:v]美 [liv] 释义:离开;遗弃;忘了带;交托 1、He will leave by train. 他将乘火车离开。 2、She left work early to meet her husband. 她提前下班去接她丈夫。 3、My baby cries when I leave the room. 我一离开房间宝宝就会哭。 4、The plane leaves at 11 o"clock. 飞机11点起飞。

I forget to 与I forgot to的区别



forget-it=for-get-it,意思是放弃便是得到。forget的具体解释读音:英 [fə"ɡet],美 [fər"ɡet]释义:v. 忘记;忽略例句:I almost forget to pay the phone bill.我几乎忘记电话费用。get的具体解释读音:英 [ɡet],美 [ɡet]释义:(1)v. 得到;使得;抓住;克服;明白;激怒;达到(2)n. 生育;后代;救球扩展资料forget的近义词1、disregard读音:英 [ˌdɪsrɪ"ɡɑːd], 美 [ˌdɪsrɪ"ɡɑːrd]释义:(1)vt. 不顾;忽视(2)n. 漠视;不理会例句:He shows ruthless disregard for other people"s feelings.他对别人的感情漠不关心。2、disremember读音:英 [ˌdɪsrɪ"membə],美 [ˌdɪsrɪ"membə]释义:v. 忘记例句:I want to know how to disremember u.我想知道如何才能忘记你。







英语forget 的音标怎样写




forget 的用法


forget 的现在分词

过去式:forgot 过去分词:forgotten 现在分词:forgetting 第三人称单数:forgets


forget,英语单词,主要用作动词,作及物动词时意思是“忘记;忽略”,作不及物动词时意思是“忘记”。外文名forget词性动词英式读音[fəˈɡet]美式读音[fərˈɡet]双语例句基本用法1.forget的基本含义是“忘,忘记”,指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”既可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的。forget还可表示“疏忽,忽略”。2.forget既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词、动词不定式或含有疑问词的动词不定式作宾语,还可接由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。3.forget接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了”; 接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时意为“要做而忘记做”; 用于将来时或祈使句时通常用否定式,表示“不要忘记做某事”。4.forget的主语是单数第一人称时,用一般现在时,强调暂时仍处于想不起来的状态; 用现在完成时,强调遗忘的彻底性; 用过去时,强调曾经遗忘,而现在又想起来了; 用过去完成时,强调在过去某一时刻遗忘,但后来又想起来了。5.forget是状态动词,不用于现在完成进行时,而用于现在完成时。6.forget的过去式为forgot,而其过去分词则有两种形式,即forgot和forgotten,在英式英语中常用前者,而在美式英语中二者均可。短语搭配Forget Him忘记他 ; 遗忘他 ; 忘不了他Forget Me忘记我 ; 忘了我 ; 校花我爱你 ; 忘了我吧Forget fly忘记飞翔 ; 重新混音 ; 记忆飞翔 ; 诺里斯特写[1]双语例句1、Yes, but I forget where I put it.是啊,可是我忘记后来我放哪里了。2、Do not forget, we in together day.不要忘记,我们在一起的日子。3、Do not forget me!千万不要忘记我!


  forget有忘记;忽略等意思,那么你知道forget的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    forget的用法:   forget的用法1:forget的基本含义是“忘,忘记”,指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的。forget还可表示“疏忽,忽略”。   forget的用法2:forget可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词、动词不定式或含有疑问词的动词不定式作宾语,还可接由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。   forget的用法3:forget接动名词时意为“做了某事而把它忘记了”; 接动词不定式用于过去时或完成时时意为“要做而忘记做”; 用于将来时或祈使句时通常用否定式,表示“不要忘记做某事”。   forget的用法4:forget的主语是单数第一人称时,用一般现在时,强调暂时仍处于想不起来的状态; 用现在完成时,强调遗忘的彻底性; 用过去时,强调曾经遗忘,而现在又想起来了; 用过去完成时,强调在过去某一时刻遗忘,但后来又想起来了。   forget的用法5:forget是状态动词,不用于现在完成进行时,而用于现在完成时。   forget的用法6:forget的过去式为forgot,而其过去分词则有两种形式,即forgot和forgotten,在英式英语中常用前者,而在美式英语中二者均可。   forget的用法7:forget是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,一般不用于进行体,偶尔用于进行体可表示“开始忘记”“渐渐忘记”。    forget的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   forget about( v.+prep. )   forget to( v.+prep. )   forget的用法例句:   1. If you ever cross him, forget it, you"re finished.   如果你曾经和他作对过,就别想了,你没戏了。   2. Would they forgive and forget — or show him the door?   他们会既往不咎吗——还是会对他下逐客令呢?   3. I"m not ever going to forget what you"ve done for the nippers.   我永远忘不了你为这些小孩子所做的一切。   4. Don"t forget, I have always kept the money rolling in.   不要忘记,我总是有大量钱财滚滚而来。   5. I tend to forget things unless I mark them down.   除非把事情记下来,否则我常常会忘事。   6. I found it very easy to forget about Sumner.   我发现忘掉萨姆纳很容易。   7. I hope you will forget the bad experience you had today.   我希望你不要把今天遇到的倒霉事放在心上。   8. I could not forget the wild look in his eyes.   我忘不了他圆睁的双眼。   9. They would never forget their time in his charge.   他们永远忘不掉在他手下的日子。   10. I must forget these side issues and remember my mission.   我必须忘掉这些枝节问题,记住我的使命。   11. Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them.   有时,我临场发挥改了词,因为我把原来的词给忘了。   12. If you don"t like the program, just uninstall it and forget it.   如果不喜欢这个程序,把它卸载不用就行了。   13. She tried to forget that sometimes she heard them quarrelling.   她尽量不把有时听到他们争吵的事放在心上。   14. How can I forget, with people sniggering behind my back?   我怎么会忘记呢?人们一直在我背后偷偷地笑话我。   15. Don"t forget to clip the token and stick it on your card.   别忘了剪下标志,贴到你的卡上。

forget,forgot用法的区别,什么时候用forget ,什么时候用forgot,详细一点,谢谢!!!


forget 的现在分词

过去式:forgot 过去分词:forgotten 现在分词:forgetting 第三人称单数:forgets


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