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Youth is the shape of your efforts.


rescue platform是什么意思

rescue platform:救援平台


rescue...form……救援……的形式Then there is a series of rescue operations, usually taking the form of internationalguarantees of one kind or another. 然后是一系列救助行动,通常采取一种或另一种国际担保的形式。






forever 英[fərˈevə(r)] 美[fɔrˈɛvɚ, fə-] adv. 永远; 不断地,无休止地; 老是,经常; n. 永恒; 极长的一段时间;








forever [D.J.:fə"revə] [K.K.:fɔr"ɛvɚ, fə-] 上面的D.J. 是美语发音音标,下面的K.K.音标是英国英语发音音标,比较音标和你听到读音,都是英国人的发音. 美国人地道发音就是上面的D.J.音标. 对你有帮助请采纳,有问题可追问.

forever和for ever有区别吗?

有区别的.forever,for ever 这两个都是副词,意思都是永远,永久.但是用法上是有区别的.forever可以放在句末做状语,也可以放在句中修饰动词.比如说:I love you forever.我永远爱你.He is forever complaining.他总是在埋怨 而for ever只可以放在句末做状语.比如说 I will love you for ever.





be forever的中文翻译是什么?

译文:永远。英 [fər'evə(r)]释义:adv.永远;不断地;常常短语:Batman Forever 永远的蝙蝠侠;蝙蝠侠;永久的蝙蝠侠;片扩展资料:词语使用变化:foreveradv.(副词)1、forever的基本意思是指某一件事情将不停地继续下去,即“永远”,还可表示一件事情一去不复返了,即“永久”。2、forever常用于肯定句,在否定句中可用ever。forever在表示“永远”时,多用来修饰静态动词,表示“不停地,无休止地”时,用于现在进行时或过去进行时来表达厌恶、不耐烦或赞叹的感情,其位置总是在be和分词之间。3、forever还可写作forever,前者是美式英语,后者是英式英语。


forever英 [fə"revə]美 [fɚ"ɛvɚ]adv. 永远;不断地;常常[网络短语]Forever 永远,永恒,希望尽快采纳




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i stand alone in the darkness the winter of my life came so fast memories go back to childhood to days i still recall oh, how happy i was then there was no sorrow, there was no pain walking through the green fields sunshine in my eyes i"m still there everywhere i"m the dust in the wind i"m the star in the northern sky never stayed anywhere i"m the wind in the trees would you wait for me forever i"m still there everywhere i"m the dust in the wind i"m the star in the northern sky never stayed anywhere i"m the wind in the trees would you wait for me forever would you wait for me forever will you wait for me forever






Forever歌手:Stratovarius作词 : Timo TolkkiI stand alone in the dark- ness独自伫立在漆黑的夜The winter of my life came so fast生命的寒冬铺天盖地的来Memories go back to child- hood记忆回到童年时代To days I still recall至今仍令我难以忘怀Oh how happy I was then那时我是多么快乐There was no sorrow there was no pain没有痛苦 没有哀愁Walking through the green fields漫步在葱绿的田间Sunshine in my eyes阳光如金跃入眼眸I"m still there everywhere无论身在何方 我心依旧在那里I"m the dust in the wind我是风中一粒尘埃I"m the star in the northern sky我是北天一颗星辰I never stayed anywhere天涯海角无处停留I"m the wind in the trees我是穿过林叶的一缕风Would you wait for me forever ?你是否愿意永远等我?{Solo......}I"m still there everywhere无论身在何方 我心依旧在那里I"m the dust in the wind我是风中一粒尘埃I"m the star in the northern sky我是北天一颗星辰I never stayed anywhere天涯海角无处停留I"m the wind in the trees我是穿过林叶的一缕风Would you wait for me forever ?你是否愿意永远等我?Would you wait for me forever ?你是否愿意永远等我?Will you wait for me forever ?你会永远等我吗?扩展资料:《Forever》这首歌曲出自芬兰前卫金属乐队Stratovarius(灵云乐队)的1996年的专辑《Episode》。乐队:Stratovarius(灵云乐队)成立于1984年,由三个来自芬兰赫尔辛基的三个年轻人组成,他们分别是鼓手兼主唱Tuomo Lassila。贝斯手John Vihervaauml以及吉他手Staffan Straaringahlman。在他们正式取名为Stratovarius之前这三人以Black Water的名字对外演出。其他版本:《Forever》是台湾女子组合S.H.E的第二张“新歌+精选”专辑,第九张专辑,于2006年7月21日推出。这张专辑名称取为“FOREVER”,是要表现S.H.E三个人对歌唱、对团员彼此、对歌迷永远无可取代的情感。《Forever》由美国男歌手Chris Brown于2008年发布。这个意思是永远的意思。


永远的英文缩写:F.V.  永远的英文:forever。词汇解析:adv. 永远;不断地;常常。近义词:always有时可用于现在完成时,常译为“一直〔向〕”“早已”。always有时还与can,could连用表示“无论如何”“实在不行的话”“当然,肯定”等。always用在口语中还有“厌烦”“气愤”“不满”“责备”“惊奇”“赞许”等意思。扩展资料近义词always英 [ˈɔ:lweɪz]  美 ["ɔlwez] adv. 永远,一直;总是;常常例:She"s always late for everything.她总是每件事都迟到。


其实中国学的是大多数是美式英语,美式英语两个特点:一个是“er”,一个是清辅音浊化还有就是与英式英语不同的文化差异。er的音,美国人读是卷舌的,英国人读都是平舌,所以说不让舌头变弯,美式英语就变成了75%的英式英语。清辅音浊化,这个在美剧,如果非常认真听的话,你能听出来,比如说water,美式英语读wa“d”er(但不用太明显),而加上英式的味道,就是wate(沃特呃....呵呵呵....凑合一下....不知道该怎么表达),美式英语浊化的发音原则:t变d读,p变b读,k变g读,f变v读,只要程度适当,你读出来的美式英语就会很有感觉...嘻嘻....文化差异...其实很少见,不知道你怎么读cafe这个词,不读[keif],读作“咖啡(带着一个语气的下降),实际上这就构成了文化差异,一个词jose,英国人念就是jose,美国人却念作[hausei]这个见到,注意就好如果对英语的发音感兴趣,多看看美剧,很有帮助,中国老师教英语,口语很少过关....P.S.wherever是连起来读的,其实也和习惯有关,比如说interesting,也可以读成inter resting纯手打,累死我了....望采纳....

Forever love 是什么意思啊?





forever 是adv.即永远地,持久地(与动词进行时连用时还要“没完没了”的意思,比较偏门,多用于口语)而eternal是adj.意思是永久的,不朽的。它的adv.形式eternally是forever和always的同义词。


看到楼主的问题,再一次觉得国人过于强调语法的英语教育的确有诸多弊端。这里说明两点:1.forever可以做副词,也可以直接做为名词,如果当它是名词的话,引起楼主疑问的“语法标准”就不成立了;2.我猜楼主大概是在歌词或歌曲名字里看到这个词组的吧?在英语文化里,诗词和歌词一类的文学作品,有些时候为了押韵或者节拍的需要,其句子并不完全符合公认的语法标准,所谓Every rule has an exception。所有的规则都有例外。3.英语中还有一些并不符合英法标准的说法因为得到广泛的使用而被接受和流传;4.英语国家也有语法学得不好的人,从他们口中说出的英语,语法上也未必规范;所以如果楼主是在地道的英文来源里看到这个用法,那么就不必刻意追究原因,只要记住它是可用的就好,同时要注意的是,自己在使用中,也要注意不要乱用,而用在与自己看到的出处类似的地方,久而久之,培养出语感,一切就习惯成自然了。

请问下面程序中 for(Aisle a : this) this 是什么用法表示什么意思?


champagne for breakfast是什么意思

champagne for breakfast香槟早餐.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

For ideal,go!什么意思!!!


thirsty for 和 hungry for 的区别 如题,意思都是渴望,它们有什么区别?

属于同义词,大部分时间可以互相取代对方用. 但我感觉HUNGRY FOR的程度更加深一些~

She is thirsty for new knowledge.是什么意思?


responsible for是什么意思

responsible for[英][riˈspɔnsəbl fɔ:][美][rɪˈspɑnsəbəl fɔr]为…负责,是造成…的原因; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.And who was responsible for that deregulation? 谁应该为这种放松管制负责?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

responsible for是什么意思

responsible for负责双语对照词典结果:responsible for[英][riˈspɔnsəbl fɔ:][美][rɪˈspɑnsəbəl fɔr]为…负责,是造成…的原因; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.And who was responsible for that deregulation? 谁应该为这种放松管制负责?

as responsible for是啥意思?


be responsible for的用法?

前面的be responsible翻译都是一样的,就是“对。。。负责”区别在于后面的介词 For 和Tofor后面只能跟名词,也就是某件事;或者跟动名词和代词,也就是for doing sth或者 someoneto后面跟 to do sth意思当然也会相应不一样。比如 i am responsible for making you happy。 我有责任让你幸福。就是后面加了动名词 doing。 这个for在这里就有“为了”的意思,表示原因。 或者i am responsible for you。 直接加代词,意思就是“我对你是有责任的”。这时候就是表示"目标性“ , ”对“你,或者”为了“你。 如果是to的话, i am responsible to finish my job. 我有责任完成我的工作。就是很直接的翻译成“去做什么”,我有责任去完成我的工作,表示“要怎样”这个词组主要是看语法,然后语法决定了你翻译成什么意思,翻译时候可以很灵活,只要分清楚每个介词后面跟什么样词性的词就可以了不明白再问我吧

be responsible for 和be responsible to什么区别

for后面接doing sth.形式或名词宾格形式,to后面接do sth.形式


  responsible for you的中文翻译  responsible for you  对你负责  双语例句  1  I am personally responsible for you.  我对你的行动要负责任。  provided by jukuu  2  I don"t feel responsible for you or for anybody.  我不觉得我对你有什么责任。  3  I can"t be responsible for you every time you screw up!  我不能你每次搞砸时都帮你收拾局面!

be responsible for是什么意思

be responsible for负责双语对照词典结果:be responsible for[英][bi: riˈspɔnsəbl fɔ:][美][bi rɪˈspɑnsəbəl fɔr]为…负责,形成…的原因; 主管; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.One person should be responsible for new employee orientation. 应当有一个人负责新员工的培训。

responsible for是什么意思




be responsible for 和be responsible to什么区别

beresponsiblefor和beresponsibleto的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.beresponsiblefor释义:为…负责,形成…的原因,主管。2.beresponsibleto释义:负责。二、用法不同1.beresponsiblefor用法:beresponsiblefor后加名词。2.beresponsibleto用法:beresponsibleto后加人物,或是接动词,对做某事负有责任。三、侧重点不同1.beresponsiblefor解析:不特指人或物。例句:He"s going to be responsible for all this.他得为将要发生的这一切负责。2.beresponsibleto解析:特指对人负责。例句:So I have to be responsible to my health.所以我必须对我的健康负责任。

be responsible for 和be responsible to什么区别 responsible for 对……负责;负责某事例句:1)Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?2)be responsible for sth.或 be responsible for doing sth.也可表示"负责(做)某事"例:be responsible for sales 负责销售 Our client wanted to be responsible for testing the application.我们的客户想要负责测试这个应用程序.He should be responsible for that.他应该对此事负有责任 responsible to do 负责做某事 ;对某人负责例句1:They are to be responsible to you and are to perform all the duties of the Tent,but they must not go near the furnishings of the sanctuary or the altar,or both they and you will die.他们要守所吩咐你的,并守全帐幕,只是不可挨近圣所的器具和坛,免得他们和你们都死亡.例句2:But we just have to be responsible to ourselves.但是,我们只需要对自己负责.-----to后面接人就表示“对……负责”,to后面接动词就表示“负责做……(事情)”

be responsible for用法是什么?

后面接的是上级 responsible for的用法: 1.for sb/sth/doing sth 在法律上承担责任 后面接你承担的内容 2.for sth指对自己的行为负责 后面接自己的行为 3.for sth指作为...的原因 后面接现实情况 总的说来,responsible to后面跟着上级,其余的用for

be responsible for 和be responsible to什么区别

be responsible for 和be responsible to都有“对……负责”的意思,有时它们可以互换,但它们的用法有点不同 responsible for sth / doing sth 对……负责; 负责做某事2. be responsible to do sth / sb 负责做某事 ;对某人负责如:1).Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions? 你真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?2).You have to be responsible for making such a bad decision. =You have to be responsible to makie such a bad decision. 你不得不为做出如此糟糕的决定负责。3).we just have to be responsible to ourselves. 我们只需要对自己负责。

as responsible for是啥意思?

as responsible for的意思是:作为负责responsible 读法 英 [rɪ"spɒnsɪb(ə)l]  美 [rɪˈspɑnsəbəl] adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的例句:1、He still felt responsible for her death.他依然觉得对她的死负有责任。2、He feels that the media should be more responsible in what they report.他觉得媒体应该对他们的报道更负责些。扩展资料一、responsible的词义辨析:responsible, liable这组词都有“对某人或某事负责的”的意思,其区别是:1、responsible 指能熟练而出色地履行职责或完成任务,或指在出差错而对其原因有争执时承担过失。2、liable 着重指在不履行债务等时应负法律责任或受罚。二、responsible的词汇搭配:1、responsible for对?负责,是?的原因,对?有影响2、responsible in morals and in law在道义上和法律上负有责任3、responsible to sb对某人负责4、responsible officer 负责人员5、responsible care 责任关怀


n. 空军。读音:["ɛrfɔrs]短语1、Airforce University 统称为空军大学2、Airforce Base 空军基地3、airforce campaign 空军战役例句:AirForce Colonel Joseph Davis Jr. had other ideas. 空军上校约瑟夫.戴维斯却有其他想法。扩展资料近义词:air service短语1、Air Traffic Service 空中交通服务 ; 航空业务 ; 空中交通处 ; 在空中交通服务2、Air Freight Service 空运服务 ; 航空货运3、Air Customer Service 空运客服例句:Instead, the air service would like to use a synthetic dye, based one the microorganisms, to juice up its robotic planes而是空军希望使用一种基于微生物的合成涂料,来使他的机器人飞机翱翔于空中。

Air Force中文是什么呢

AIR 是空气的意思 就是这鞋有气垫. FORCE是力量的意思!所以以前的AF都是力量型球星代言的!

take responsibility for是什么意思

take responsibility for的意思是:负责;对?负责;承担责任;为...负责短语take the responsibility for sth 对某事负责 ; 翻译Take Responsibility for Learning 担负学习的责任take responsibility for oneself 亲自承担责任例句1、They chose to take responsibility for their education and set goals for themselves. And I expect all of you to do the same. 但是他们从未放弃,他们选择要承担他们教育的责任,为自己的人生设定目标,我希望你们都能这样做。2、A number of countries require that producers take responsibility for recycling everything from those cartridges to shavers , cars and electronic equipment. 许多国家要求生产商承担回收的一切责任,包括从那些弹药筒到剃具、汽车和电子设备。扩展资料词义辨析1、responsibility, obligationobligation仅指对他人应尽的职责和义务,没有对自己应尽的责任的含意; responsibility则指一个人必须对后果负责的职责或义务。2、duty,obligation,responsibility,function这些名词都有“义务”或“职责”之意。duty指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。obligation指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。responsibility指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所应尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。function指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。

information society是什么意思

信息社会;资讯社会 请采纳!


braver,deeper,thinner,hotter,less,worse,more friendly,more comfortable

for society和to society有什么区别,意思是什么


高中英语,请进 It was a challenging but rewarding job,quite different from( )I did the year before


be ready for endings as well as challenging beginnings



获取当前文档name="form1" 的表单Document 对象描述HTMLDocument 接口对 DOM Document 接口进行了扩展,定义 HTML 专用的属性和方法。很多属性和方法都是 HTMLCollection 对象(实际上是可以用数组或名称索引的只读数组),其中保存了对锚、表单、链接以及其他可脚本元素的引用。

急需一篇关于Challenges and opportunities for college students 的英文三分钟演讲稿

Challenges and Opportunities for college students Life is full of challenges.School has to be the most challenging obstacle in the lives of youth today. Elementary school brings about a few challenges characteristic of those years spent there.There"s the challenge of coloring in the lines,a very real problem to any youngster.Or how about the challenge of remembering to raise one"s hand before one speaks?There are hundreds of rules and regulations that govern these young children.The one thing that keeps these children in line is the hope of reward.Yes ,this is the brass ring.The reward for a clean desk is an extra five minutes of recess!The prize for having all homework done,a shiny-new pencil topper!These small wonders keep small people in line.They make the children love challenge. Middle schoolis not so easy.It is not easy for the students,and it also isn"t easy for the teachers.The challenge of staying out of trouble,or wrinting that research paper---these are the new confrontations of an older,wiser guoup.This clan has outgrown the recess and pencil-topper tricks.They know that their efforts have to bring them something really usefull,so mom and pop are pulled onto the scene.How does five,ten dollars for each “A” sound?Or ,how about no telephone if one doesn"t do good in school?Need I say more? By the time high school arrives,a student"s place in academic excellence or else their unlikelihood to even graduate has been established.Little can be done now to make life"s challenges seem interesting ,especially where school comes in.The slothful are rewarded with a nice job at a gas station,a pregnant girlfriend,and a fifteen-year-old Ford.The diligent are rewarded with an SAT score of over 1100,acceptance into Yale University,and a ticket to life.By meeting the challenges of school,sicking it out,and pulling through,they are given their greatest reward:success.

求一篇英语演讲稿Challenges and opportunities for college students in today`s competitive world?

Good morning /afternoon /evening, ladies and gentlemen, sorry, ”boys and girls” may be better .It"s really a challenge for me to stand here today and you can see that clearly from my trembling voice .So there is no doubt that giving a speech fluently is a bigger challenge for me, who used to be a shy boy during my past 20 years.Today I choose to face it, because I know this is just the beginning of my challenging college life .Many challenges are still waiting for me ahead .As a freshman, I have already feel the pressure from studying .Classmates and friends around me study hard just like our past senior middle school period . The dreamy college life is still in my dream. We have to admit that more students are gaining access to college with the help of expanded enrollment, but we can not fail to see the fact that the competition is much fiercer than before .Besides, the competitive world today has also brought the “Knowledge Economy”, which requires the effective use of knowledge for economic and social development, and also requires skilled and multi-oriented students with a marketable vocational sense.But when we consider the problem in another point of view, we will find many opportunities for us college students. When a multitude of young men ,keen , open-hearted, sympathetic, and observant, come together and freely mix with each other, they are sure to learn one from another; the conversation of all is a series of lectures to each, and they gain for themselves new ideas and views, fresh matter of thought. In addition, the growing dimension of knowledge sources, such as the World Wide Web, library and multimedia sources provide us with opportunities for bringing out the creativity and talent that we have within us.Ladies and gentlemen, as Charles Dickens once commented upon the time of the French Revolution, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." So it is with our time. I believe, if we can make full use of the opportunities and deal with the challenges correctly, we will make it sooner or later. Thank you!

document.form1是什么意思啊 jsp登陆页面javascript的语句



  document forms的中文翻译  document forms  文件形式  双语例句  1  On the selection and coordination of the construction document forms for asphalt concrete surface  沥青砼面层施工资料表式的选用与整理  2  This document forms the first part of these reports.  本文件构成这些报告的第一部分。


document forms 文件形式;On the selection and coordination of the construction document forms for asphalt concrete surface沥青砼面层施工资料表式的选用与整理This document forms the first part of these reports.本文件构成这些报告的第一部分。This document forms the basis of our long-term sustainable development plans, which we are currently working hard to implement.该文件是我国长期可持续发展计划的基础,我们目前正努力加以执行。

谁能帮忙翻译一下歌词啊?需要准确靠谱的翻译,谢谢!Angels & Airwaves - Do It For Me Now

这是一个让人害怕的夜晚,风一直在怒吼风渗过了大厅,然后从门缝低下渗过去好像tmd在说可以将这事做好我不停地给予,但我仍在在对爱情的渴望中,迷失和受伤和碰撞我知道我已经接近,但又确定我还离得很远从这点的悬念,我们知道它会这样(离很远)在我们最喜爱的电影的结尾当男孩抓住小女孩,牵起她的手对她说请带我离开这个残酷的地方因为墓碑已经建好,还有我挖好的洞我不停地给你我的信任就像是上一次,我们接吻,你对我撒了一个谎在这一幕就像演戏,你装做哭泣但是我在这里,我很酷, 就是这样只要给我一个机会,我会试着去原谅你但我不知道我猜不出这将是好的但现在,我的最后愿望是你和我这样做在这里吻我,并且握住我的手让我感觉我是你的唯一我知道你可以的你现在可以对我这样做么?我真的曾经去淋雨去哭泣可以预见的暴风雨,每年都会来它手中拿着球棒,悄悄地登上岸来我不停地试但我做不到你是小偷是女巫,但我爱你到死你偷了我的心,并且在你的呼吸下诅咒我但有一件事我最想要证明就是你走后没有你我也会很好但我不知道我猜不出这将是好的但现在,我的最后愿望是你和我这样做在这里吻我,并且握住我的手让我感觉我是你的唯一我知道你可以的你现在可以对我这样做么?现在,请抓紧我,抓紧我抓紧我,抓紧我。。。。。。

challenge 与什么介词连用 可以与for连用吗,如it"s a challenge for me

challenge 可以和for连用 当作n时 可以是 it"s a chanllege for me to do sth 作v时 例句:He is challenging for the coach in the Football Club. 他正在竞选,争当足球俱乐部的教练 以下是chanllenge的其他用法. 1.向…挑战;要求决斗;要求竞赛:例句:I challenged him to a game of chess. 我向他挑战,要跟他下一盘棋.Mr William challenged the young man to a duel. 威廉先生向这位年轻人提出要求与他决斗.2.【军事】向…查问口令;盘问:例句:The guard at the gate challenged anyone approaching the building. 门卫向走近大楼的每个人进行盘问.3.要求说明原因;对…质疑;反对:例句:I challenge the truth of your story. 我对你说的情况表示怀疑.4.指责;驳斥;否认:例句:The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay. 被告辩护律师驳斥该证据为道听途说.5.对…构成考验;激励,鞭策;促使:例句:The value of this exercise is that it challenges the students to express themselves freely. 这项练习的价值在于它能促使学生自由地表达自己的思想.6.要求;需要:例句:Preventing fires is a problem that challenges everyone"s attention. 防火是需要大家都注意的一个问题.7.【法律】对陪审员的合法性表示反对:例句:The attorney for the defense challenged the juror. 被告辩护律师不同意这位陪审员.8.[美国英语]对某选票或投票人的资格表示异议vi.提出挑战;要求竞赛(或竞争):例句:He is challenging for the coach in the Football Club. 他正在竞选,争当足球俱乐部的教练

entertainment information是什么意思

entertainment information     娱乐资讯如:Entertainment Information for December十二月份娱乐信息

英语作文run for love

Dear dad and mum,  I have been very happy in the school. Sometimes, at night I cry in the bed because I miss you very much. You always say “Learn well and I will be happy.” So I work hard in the school every day. After class I play with my classmates. We skip rope, play cards and ball and so on. I spend a lot of time doing my homework. After lunch we have to do Kumon. When I finish, I play Pingpong with my friends. Then I spend some time reading my English notes. At six o"clock I have my evening class. Then I have my evening snack at twenty past seven. After that, I have some free time. At eight o"clock, I go to bed. This is a day in the school. Mum, you always tell me “Happiness is very important in our life.” So I want to be happy every day. If you are not happy, call me please.  I have a good teacher. Her name is Mrs Chen. She is very young and very thin. She has a daughter. She speak English very well. She is in Class Six Grade Five. Mrs Chen teach me English. She is very kind. But sometime she is very misforture. Becuse many bad some students are not attend a lecture.  Oneday, in the English class, Mrs Chen was teaching Unit 5. But many bad some students did not attend a lecture. They were playing their books. Mrs Chen discovered them. She was very angry. She said, “ In the class, you doesn"t attend a lecture. So, your school record are very bad.” The one of the students said, “ I am a good boy ,So because I"m very clever.” I thought this student was very foolish, because he was very arrogant. “You are wrong, student. Study is very important to you. So you must study hard.” Said Mrs Chen.  Mrs Chen is show concern for us. She hopes us“Good Good study, Day Day up!” So we must study hard and use good school record to repay her.  New semester will begin, of course my planning for study will also be changed.having a good English grades in this year is my aim. First of all, I will spend more time remebering vocabulary, and try to read English book everyday. Besides, I will listen some English music and stories when I have extra time at home. Speaking with my classmates in English is also a good way to improve my English.I know there are a lot of ways to advance my poor English, the main point is whether I will persevere in it or not.I know today doesn"t walk, will have to run tomorrow. In addition, other classes for me can"t be ignored either.No matter what I did before , I will try my best to do everything in this year. Just like master WuGui in KongFu Panda said that to pual:" Yesterday is a history; tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift by god."

Watching Movies for Your Summer Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties——《加菲双猫记》Hello, Garfiel

小题1:A小题1:D小题1:C 略

最后一句是all for one的英文歌名字

high school musical 的 all for one[Troy]The summer that we wanted,[Ryan]Yeah, we finally got it![Chad]Now"s the time we get to share[Sharpay]Each day we"ll be together[Taylor]Now until forever,[Gabriella]So everybody, everywhere[Danielle]Let"s take it to the beach[Troy, Chad, and Ryan]Take it there together[Gabriella, Sharpay, and Taylor]Let"s celebrate today "cause there"ll never be another[Troy, Chad, and Ryan]We"re stronger this time, been there for each other[Gabriella, Sharpay, and Taylor]Everything"s just right[All]Everybody all for one, A real summer has just begun!Let"s rock and roll and just let go, feel the rhythm of the drumsWe"re gonna have fun in the sunNow that all the hard work, work is done!Everybody, one for all and all for one!All for one, one![Sharpay]Summertime together,[Taylor]Now we"re even closer[Gabriella]That"s the way it"s meant to be[Chad]Oh, we"re just getting started[Ryan]Come and join the party[Troy]You deserve it, same as me[Danielle]Let"s take it to the beach[Troy, Chad, and Ryan]Take it together[Gabriella, Sharpay, and Taylor]Let"s celebrate today "cause there"ll never be another[Troy, Chad, and Ryan]We"re stronger this time, been there for each other[Gabriella, Sharpay, and Taylor]Everything"s just right[All]Everybody all for one, A real summer has just begun!Let"s rock and roll and just let go, feel the rhythm of the drumsWe"re gonna have fun in the sunNow that all the hard work, work is done!Everybody, one for all and all for one!All for one, one![Guys]Everybody up![Girls]Everybody rock it![Guys]Take it from the top![Girls]And never ever stop it![Guys]It"s not about the future[Girls]It"s not about the past[All]It"s makin" every single dayLast and last and last!Fun and sun"What could be better?[Danielle]Let"s have funEveryone together now![All]Everybody, e-everybody now!This is where our summer really beginsThe very last time it"s ever gonna be like thisIt"s the party you don"t wanna miss![Guys]Guys rise!Show "em we can make some moves, hey![Girls]Girls!Show "em we know how to groove, oh![Guys]Here[Girls]and now[Guys]Let"s turn the party[Girls]Out![Guys and Girls]Everybody jump in![All]Everybody all for one, A real summer has just begun!Let"s rock and roll and just let go, feel the rhythm of the drumsWe"re gonna have fun in the sunNow that all the hard work, work is done!Everybody, one for all, everybody all for one, A real summer has just begun!Let"s rock and roll and just let go, feel the rhythm of the drumsWe"re gonna have fun in the sunNow that all the hard work, work is done!Come on, everyone let"s dance!We can"t let this moment pass!Let"s make this party last!All for one!All! For! One!

in a completely uniformed manner 是什么意思?


美国U.S.A.F. 的PJ(Pararescue Jumper)和SF(AIRMAN SECURITY FORCE)两个部队有什么区别?

SF顾名思义是负责安全的,AFSC编码是3P0X1,军官是31PX,简单说这支部队是负责美国在本土和国外的空军基地、空军设置、核设施等的安全保卫工作,类似于宪兵(Military Police)的军事警察工作,以及空军基地的防空任务,另外SF还负责保护和回收核武器。PJ就不用多说了,这种单位是USAFSOC(空军特种作战司令部)和USACC(空军作战司令部)直接领导的,AFSC 1T2X1,军官是13DXA,主要负责作战行动和人道主义行动中的救援(包括医疗救助)任务。形象点说,飞机坠毁了,飞行员要PJ去救,但如果有飞机上还有核弹,就需要出动SF了。

supply sb with sth , supply sth to sb,supply sth for sb有什么区别~举几个例子哟·~~

语义上看,supply sb. with sth.=supply sth. to/for sb.给某人提供某物结构上看,supply sb. with sth 是用“人”作及物动词宾语; supply sth. to/for sb 是用“物”作及物动词宾语。例如:The gas station usually supplies its nearby communities with gas.Our parents supply us students with food ,money and all we need to live healthily.=Our parents supply food ,money and all we need to live healthily to us students. 类似词:feed sb on /with sth= feed sth to sb offer sb sth =offer sth for sb afford sb sth=afford sth to sb

supply for 和supply with 的区别

for +sb 而 with + sthsupply sb with sth.指的是:向某人提供某物.例如:supply consumers with gas, electricity, etc.(向消费者提供煤气、电力等.)它的意思等同于supply sth to sb,指将某物提供给某人.例如:a company supplying heating oil to homes.(向住户提供燃油的公司.)supply sth. for sb. 一般指资助或救助某人的意思.例如:supply food for the stranded villagers.(为受困村民提供物资.)


用honour forhonor,单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时译为“荣誉;信用;头衔”;作动词时译为“尊敬(等于honour);给…以荣誉”。honor 一个意思 honor 授予(sb)以honor by 通过。。。尊重sb    

Gossip Girl的Chace Crawford

明星档案  中文译名:切斯·克劳福  英文名:Chace Crawford  全名:克里斯多夫·切斯·克劳福德Christopher Chace Crawford  生日:1985年7月18日  出生地:美国,德克萨斯州,卢博克市  (在拥有3只NBA球队的德克萨斯州,圣安东尼奥马刺,达拉斯小牛和休斯敦火箭,Chace本人也是一个不折不扣的篮球迷)  身高:183cm  家人:父母及一个妹妹  星座: 巨蟹座◆ 切斯·克劳福 (Chace Crawford) 个人简介:  切斯·克劳福 走红原因:在2007年开播的热门青春美剧《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl) 中饰演男主角Nate Archibald,切斯·克劳福 塑造的Nate,英俊、体贴、善良,像王子一样的笑容,因而粉丝无数。切斯·克劳福 塑造的角色 Nate Archibald 虽出身豪门,但个性正义,对朋友对父母都宽容而友善,并不因家门贫寒而看不起小J (Jenny Humphrey),并不因父亲和朋友吸毒滥赌而沉溺,一双正直温柔的蓝眼睛令人不得不爱。  切斯·克劳福 1985年出生在美国德克萨斯州西北部的卢博克市,父母从事的职业分别是皮肤科医生和教师,他还有一位就读于密苏里哥伦比亚大学新闻专业的妹妹。高中毕业后克劳福来到美国加州的马里布,入读佩珀代因大学,由于尚不明确自己将来的发展方向,他一直在广告、商业以及通信专业间犹豫不决。  切斯·克劳福 曾在达拉斯市做过一段时间的模特,但并未和表演事业发生过任何关系,不过母亲却根据克劳福曾经做过的职业态度测试而相信他最适合在演艺圈发展;在母亲的鼓励之下,切斯·克劳福 和经纪公司签约并且全身心地投入到了表演的学习当中。  06年切斯·克劳福 在电视电影《Long Lost Son》中出演了标题中“失踪了很久”又再次出现的儿子马克,并凭借出众的外表得到了《魔界契约》中的重要角色。  07年切斯·克劳福 在出演的第一部电视剧中便担任了男主角,这便是根据畅销小说改编而成的CW新剧《Gossip Girl》。除此之外,切斯·克劳福 (Chace Crawford) 还将出现惊悚影片《Loaded》和它的续集《Reload》当中,并同《K歌情人》中走出的美少女海莉·贝内特联合主演《She Lived》一片。  chace在美国德克萨斯州达拉斯(Chace本人也是小牛队的超级球迷),爸爸是一名皮肤科医生,妈妈是一名教师。此外,Chace还有一个妹妹,Candice,现在正学习广播新闻学。Chace在中学时,就在踢足球和打高尔夫球方面显示出天赋。  2003年他从三一基督学院Trinity Christian Academy毕业。尽管他在达拉斯从事模特这一工作但是他从来没有停止过对表演的追求。高中毕业后,Chace搬到了加利福尼亚州的Malibu市,进入沛普丹大学Pepperdine University学习,大学期间,他加入了Sigma Nu兄弟会。  他试图找寻最适合自己的职业方向,因此他那时在广告、商业和通讯这几个专业犹豫不决。但,大学二年级时在妈妈的鼓励下Chace开始追求自己的演艺生涯,妈妈深信Chace在中学时所做的“职业倾向的测试”,在那项测试中结果显示Chace最适合在表演事业发展。  有了妈妈的支持,Chace迈出了演艺事业中重要的一步,幸运的是,第一次试镜就被成功签约并且也鉴定地成为了一名表演专业的学生。◆参演作品  Chace Crawford电影作品列表   第25届美国音乐录影带颁奖礼 MTV Video Music Awards 2008(2008)  如影随形 The Haunting of Molly Hartley(2008)  She Lived ------- (2008)   绯闻少女(2) "Gossip Girl(2)" ------- (2008)  Breaking the Silence: Exposing the Covenant ------- (2007)   绯闻私校/八卦天后/绯闻少女/流言教主 "Gossip Girl" ------- (2007)   豪门黑金Loaded ------- (2007)   "Gossip Girl" ------- (2007)   魔界契约/盟约/誓约 The Covenant ------- (2006)   丧子疑云 Long Lost Son ------- (2006)

Airmail for IOS 比 Outlook,Cloudmagic 好在哪里

个人感受: Outlook 有点繁琐。 Cloudmagic 一年多前用过,记得邮件整理和格式一般。 Gmail 应用的设计个人不喜欢。 Spark 挺好的,我和 Inbox by Gmail 一起用,最喜欢 Inbox

Chace Crawford的详细资料

Chace Crawfordchace crawford  Chace Crawford的明星档案  生日:1985年7月18日  出生地:美国,德克萨斯州,卢博克市  (在拥有3只NBA球队的德克萨斯州,圣安东尼奥马刺,达拉斯小牛和休斯敦火箭,Chace本人也是一个不折不扣的篮球迷)  全名:克里斯多夫·切斯·克劳福德Christopher Chace Crawford  身高:183cm  家人:父母及一个妹妹  女友:泰勒-摩森Taylor Momsen(Jenny)  迷你档案。。。  Chace在美国德克萨斯州达拉斯(Chace本人也是小牛队的超级球迷),爸爸是一名皮肤科医生,妈妈是一名教师。此外,Chace还有一个妹妹,Candice,现在正学习广播新闻学。Chace在中学时,就在踢足球和打高尔夫球方面显示出天赋。  2003年他从三一基督学院Trinity Christian Academy毕业。尽管他在达拉斯从事模特这一工作但是他从来没有停止过对表演的追求。高中毕业后,Nate搬到了加利福尼亚州的Malibu市,进入沛普丹大学Pepperdine University学习,大学期间,他加入了Sigma Nu兄弟会。  他试图找寻最适合自己的职业方向,因此他那时在广告、商业和通讯这几个专业犹豫不决。但,大学二年级时在妈妈的鼓励下Chace开始追求自己的演艺生涯,妈妈深信Chace在中学时所做的“职业倾向的测试”,在那项测试中结果显示Chace最适合在表演事业发展。  有了妈妈的支持,Chace迈出了演艺事业中重要的一步,幸运的是,第一次试镜就被成功签约并且也鉴定地成为了一名表演专业的学生。  Trivia八卦小档案。。。(挖掘生活中de琐事)  1 Chace父母亲的名字分别是Chris和Dana(Plott)。  2 在整个中学时代,Chace都代表,学校高尔夫队,参加比赛。  3 妹妹的名字叫Candice,现在在学习新闻。  4 小时候在明尼苏达州Bloomington住过几年。参加过Ridgeview Elementary。  5 Chace在中学时获得了“最佳着装奖”(由公众投票产生)  6 他的妹妹Candice是2008年密苏里小姐。(选美冠军Miss Missouri)  7chace最怕的动物是蜘蛛  8.Chace最爱吃麦当劳巨无霸!  9.Chace最搞不懂为什么女生喜欢戴大大的把脸遮掉一半的墨镜。  Chace Crawford stars as Nate Archiblaid  Chace在热播美剧《绯闻少女》gossip girl中饰演男主角儿之一Nate  Chace Crawford电影作品列表   She Lived ------- (2008)   绯闻少女(2) "Gossip Girl(2)" ------- (2008)  Breaking the Silence: Exposing the Covenant ------- (2007)   绯闻私校/八卦天后/绯闻少女/流言教主 "Gossip Girl" ------- (2007)   Loaded ------- (2007)   "Gossip Girl" ------- (2007)   魔界契约/盟约/誓约 The Covenant ------- (2006)   Long Lost Son ------- (2006)

hey im looking for a horny gay什么意思

嗨,我在寻找一个欲火焚身的同志 单词解释:horny [ˈhɔ:ni] adj. 性欲高张[俚]好色的; 淫乱的

Airmail for IOS 比 Outlook,Cloudmagic 好在哪里

  首先它的安全性就很值得怀疑,我用它登录网易邮箱(1.0.4 版本已支持设置其他 IMAP 邮箱),设置完毕半天无法取回任何邮件,iOS 自带的邮件应用却收到了一封新邮件,打开一看,网易发来的……  App Store 里一星的评论几乎都是在说这个问题,尤其是很多企业邮箱的用户都在彼此告诫 Finger weg!!!!(不要手贱!!!)德国人对隐私问题真的超敏感的……敢搜集我私密信息?一星你没商量!  另外值得一提的是,我试了我的网易邮箱还能够登录只是无法取回邮件,我学校的邮箱直接就不让我登录了!我把每一项设置(用户名、密码、学校的邮件收发服务器地址以及 SSL 端口)来回检查了好几遍,保证 100% 正确但点了右上角的 OK 之后就是弹出框框来说登录失败让我检查用户名和密码!(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 反正我最终是放弃尝试了。  所以目前我唯一能用的就只有 Outlook 而已(我 Gmail 里有重要的文件资料没有拿它试),但是就单单这一个 Outlook 它支持得也不好啊。登录了 Microsoft 账户但没有完整的联系人列表以及不能同步收件规则什么的就不说了,收件箱默认只下载 1 个月内的邮件是什么鬼……好歹让用户有个选择吧?!还有应用内的各种按钮和提示基本上就是机器翻译过来的吧,很多地方甚至根本就没有做本地化,尤其是帮助和 Q&A 完全只有英文——可是反馈的界面是中文啊,请问反馈的内容我用中文写好啊还是用英文写好啊?!除此之外如果开了两步验证光是登录 Outlook, OneDrive, Dropbox 就够费劲了——比如 Dropbox,不支持跳转到 Dropbox app 一键授权登录,要输一遍账户名,输一遍密码,还要切换到谷歌的授权应用记下安全码再回来输一遍安全码才能顺利登录。(有时我的确在想我是不是真的应该设置这个两步验证,嗯)  总之完全没有一个微软旗下的应用的感觉,说是半成品也毫不夸张。不愧是刚收购来的,换了一身马甲就上架了么。


thus 是如此这样,therefore 是因此,前者表结果后者表原因




hence 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性. so 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用. therefore 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论 thus 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用.


两者都是副词。区别:thus" 比较强调原因 可以理解成"既然这样"的意思 着重"因"therefore" 是最常用 也是最正式的 表示"所以"
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