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Thousands of rockets ______ with chemicals were fired into the sky to create the beautiful scen...

B 考查非谓语动词。“在亚运会上,成千上万的装满化学物质的火箭被发射到空中,为了制造漂亮的景象。”rockets和load是动宾关系,故用过去分词loaded作后置定语,相当于定语从句(which were loaded...)。故选B。

On the way,they fired on settlers houses and stole about twenty___and six horses.



TriggerWrapper内部类TriggerState的状态和数据库表qrtz_trigger的trigger_state相对应,但是没有找到怎么获取,发现这个状态是转换过来的,在类DefaultClusteredJobStore里evalOrphanedTrigger方法进行了转换,感觉只能根据Scheduler.getTriggerState(TriggerKey triggerKey)反转来得到自己想要的值了

什么是dark fired tobacco?

一种香烟 好像

摄影?Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected


话说“如果被发现吸烟,你就会被解雇”翻译成“if found to smoke ,you will be fired”可以么?


you are fired!中文是什么


get fire or get fired???哪个对???

楼主,您好get fired(着火的)是对的,因为get是系动词后面要加形容词谢谢采纳!



fired noodle是什么意思


sorry,I have boyfired。什么意思?



if+happended+,she+will+()firedAnswer : If happened, she will be fired.




fire n. 火, 炉火, 火灾, 失火, 闪光, 炮火, 热情, 激情 vt. 点燃, 烧制, 使发光, 给(炉子等)加燃料, 放枪, 激动, <口>解雇 vi. 开枪, 射击, 着火, 烧火, 激动 这里是个动词 原形是:fire 表示 解雇

fired没有鱿鱼的意思 为什么是被动时候翻译成炒鱿鱼

fire 例如 你被解雇了 you are fired 我要炒你鱿鱼 I will fire you


fired[英] ["faɪəd][美] ["faɪəd]v.开火,射击( fire的过去式和过去分词 ); <口>解雇; 射(箭); 激励;[例句]The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time枪响了,比顿再次受伤。[原型]fire

学习dojo,在使用firedug打开html文件时报错NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied,

  您好!很高兴为您答疑!  javascript的权限问题,尝试下面的方法:1、要在浏览器的高级选项里 选择允许加载本地文件2、放到本地的 服务器环境里,比如说php jsp 等等的目录  您可以在火狐社区了解更多内容。希望我的回答对您有所帮助,如有疑问,欢迎继续在本平台咨询。

学习dojo,在使用firedug打开html文件时报错NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied,

  尊敬的用户,您好!很高兴为您答疑。  这是因为火狐浏览器针对页面脚本限制了访问本地文件的权限,故而您的代码是无法通过校验权限执行的。  希望我的回答对您有所帮助,如有疑问,欢迎继续咨询我们。



What`s the meaning of I`m so fired?

1 欲火焚身2 怒气冲天

get fired 是什么意思


西餐中 fired or scrambled 是什么意思?

油煎和搅拌的~~~ 一般是做蛋类的菜品

you‘re so fired 是什么意思


you are fire 还是 you are fired?


noodle is fired by egg什么意思?

你确定动词 是 fired 不是 fried?还有,你这句子在哪儿看到的啊。。

请问he was already fired和he has already been fired 请问这两句有区别吗?

这两句的时态不一样,具体用哪个要看时间状语. 第一句是一般过去时,时间状语是过去的一个时间点. 第二句是现在完成时,时间状语应该是since+时间.

you are fire 还是 you are fired?

you are fired? be fired?是句式


"Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president"s palace." The editor at once sent the journalist a telegram instructing

被解雇是get fired 还是got fired ?用过去式还是现在时?

用过去式还是现在时 看是什么时候被解雇的。在说话之前发生用过去时got fired 。说话时get fired get这里是连系动词,相当于BE动词一样。只是更强调解雇的动作。完整句子就是 i got/get fired=i am /was fired 我被解雇了


音标:[ju:] [ɑ:,]["faiəd] 翻译:你被解雇了 读音:优啊 夫爱尔德

英语Should you be fired怎么翻译?



best friend 英[best frend] 美[bɛst frɛnd] [词典] 至好;至交; [例句]I had a long talk about this with my best friend我和我最好的朋友就此事进行了长谈。

I was stuck和I was fired什么意思


should you be fired


being fired为什么不是will be fired

我觉得是ing表示一个伴随的状态,如果用will be fired 的话就会跟result in 冲突,句子中出现两个谓语动词了,希望有帮助

fired by his example求帮忙翻译


builets fired什么意思

您是不是要找:bullets firedbullets fired子弹射击例句:Sgt Roberts died after he was struck by bullets fired from a British tank.罗伯茨军士在他被子弹从英国坦克火力击中死亡。

He was fired. 是被动语态吗?


闪光灯中的fiashi fired是什么意思

Flash is fired.闪光灯闪了。


You"re fired你被开除了fire这里是开除,解除的意思be fired 表示被动,你被开除了

shirt. first fired,中的ir哪一个读音不同


fired, your health care and

Should you be 是虚拟语气,意思是“如果你被……” 这个是固定用法的,需要倒装.would没有这种用法. 这句话的意思就是,如果你被解雇了,你的医疗保险和其他受益不会立即解除.

he can"t be fired和he can"t have been fired的区别?

前者是含有情态动词的被动语态的一般现在时,后者结构不对,应为he hasn"t been fired,是现在完成时态的被动语态。

fire,fires,fired,firearm意思,区别? eg,,keep clear

fire 火fires 火灾fired 因祸得福 电影名firearm 火器 枪炮eg.清除火灾

be fired, be laid off , be dismissed的区别

The main difference between being "laid off" and "being fired" is that a layoff can sometimes be temporary, and often involves many employees rather than just one. Also, being laid off almost always means a person who has lost their job NOT because of something they did (e.g., poor work, being late, etc) but because of economic or business reasons (e.g., not making enough money to be able to pay all the employees).To "be made redundant" is pretty much identical to a layoff. A layoff is called "redundancy" in the U.K. That term is pretty clear -- when one or more positions/jobs are no longer necessary, so the company downsizes.To be "dismissed," at least by the dictionary, is closer in definition to being "discharged" -- "removed from a position or service."There"s no real difference between "dismissed" and "fired," although "dismissed" has a bit less of a negative feel to it. Some sources say that clans or villages that wanted to get rid of unwanted residents (without killing them) would burn those people"s houses down -- hence "fired", or "no longer welcome here."To "be sacked" means the same thing as to "be fired," though "be sacked" is more slangy. "Sacked" also usually suggests being fired summarily / quickly. "Sacked" is an old expression from days when workmen used sacks to carry their tools. When the person employing them no longer wanted/needed them, they were "given the sack" (basically, "take it with you and leave").

i am so afired 是什么意思

afire: adj. & adv. 1. 燃烧着的(地)2. 炽烈的(地),沸腾的(地)3. 激动的(地),充满热情的(地)i am so afired = i am so exciting 我非常激动 = i am so passionalbe 我充满了热情

Fired up 这是什么意思?

但也可能意味着某人很生气。 今日小常识flame first burned for a modern summer Olympic Games at Amsterdam 1928, but it was not until Berlin 1936 that a full torch relay was staged. 1928年在阿姆斯特丹举行的现代夏季奥运会上,第一次点亮了火炬。但直到1936年柏林奥运会的时候才上演了全套火炬接力项目。 例句I"ve managed to get hold of some tickets for the final and the thought of watching it in person has really got me fired up. I was talking to someone about politics and we got really fired up and started shouting at each other. 请注意别把 to get fired up 和 to fire away (at someone) 这两个短语给混淆了。


You"re fired 你被开除了 fire这里是开除,解除的意思 be fired 表示被动,你被开除了


FIREDEP=fire departmentna.(=fire brigade) 消防局;消防队;消防部门例句筛选1.With a cellphone the men reached the Fire Department.他们用手机联系上了消防部门。2.Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department.保持冷静,打电话给消防署。

he shall be fired和he will be fired有什么区别

1. shall 表示“将,将要”时,通常用于第一人称( I 和we)后,后接动词原形,构成一般将来时。如主语是其他人称,就用will 表将来。故He will be fired.意为:他将被开除。2.shall 如果表示告诫,命令,威胁时,可用于各种人称,所以He shall be fired.意为:他应当/必须被开除。

I am so fired 是什么意思?


your fired是什么意思



烧柴火的The next step is they boil the harvested sap in a wood-fired evaporator.下一步是把收获的糖枫汁放在一个烧材火的蒸锅里煮沸。

这里fired 的意思?

从国外的新闻来看,是他中途就被叫停了,也就是在播中就被开除了。DENVER — Denver talk radio host Craig Silverman was fired midway through his program Saturday morning after criticizing President Donald Trump.Instead, program director Kelly Michaels came through the door.“You"re done,” Silverman recounted Michaels as saying.编导直接冲进来,说你完了,然后这个节目也下架了。Silverman confirmed his termination to FOX31 and Channel 2 Saturday evening.The former Denver chief deputy district attorney was hosting “The Craig Silverman Show,” which aired between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Saturdays on 710 KNUS. The program is no longer listed on the conservative radio station"s website.


音标依次是:fired 英["faɪəd] 美["faɪəd] sick 英[sɪk] 美[sɪk] hurt [英]hɜ:t [美]hɜ:rt fine 英[faɪn] 美[faɪn]

"you"re fired"什么意思?“FIRED”?


I am so fired 是什么意思?


you are fired的意思

you are fired的意思:你被炒鱿鱼了。你被解雇了。你明天不用来上班了。you   英[ju]    美[jə]    pron.你;您;你们; Getting good results gives you confidence取得好的结果会给人以信心。fire英 [ˈfaɪə(r)]   美 [ˈfaɪər]  n.火;失火v.射击;开火;开枪The engines were fired with coal and needed water to keep the steam up. 这些发动机烧煤,并且需要加水以不断产生蒸汽。扩展资料1、fire作为物质名词表示“火”时是不可数名词,一般不加冠词,也不能用于复数形式。fire表示具体的炉火、火堆、一次火灾时是可数名词,表示“火灾”这一抽象事件时是不可数名词。fire引申可表示“射击”“炮火”“火力”,是不可数名词。2、fire用于比喻,意思是“热情”“怒火”“热心”,通常不可数,偶尔也用于复数形式,表示各种各样的强烈感情。3、fire用作名词的意思是“火”,转化为动词意思是“烧”“点燃”“开火”“射击”。引申可表示“激动”“发火”“发动”。4、fire可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。5、fire在口语中还可作“解雇”解。


instructed--mandated, well-known--famous publish--release, announce surround--besiege(有围困的意思,也有围住的意思) reluctantly--grudgingly, unwillingly

l am so fired是什么意思

l am so fired我因此解雇了

you are fired是什么意思

You Are Fired 你被解雇了;[例句]And if you are fired?如果你被解雇了?



fired的比较级和最高级 并告诉我它的意思

more firedthe most fired


解雇,比如“You are fired"就是说”你被炒鱿鱼了。


你好!fired 英["faɪəd] 美["faɪəd] v. 开火,射击( fire的过去式和过去分词 ); <口>解雇; 射(箭); 激励; [例句]The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time枪响了,比顿再次受伤。


v.开火,射击( fire的过去式和过去分词 );<口>解雇;射(箭);激励Everyone on floor 4 is fired.4楼的人都解雇.You just fired me!你刚刚解雇了我You"re all fired!你们都被解雇了!And he was fired?然后他就被解雇了?That you got fired?告诉我你被解雇了?And I"m seriously fired.我被彻底解雇了.www.shooter.cnYou were fired this morning.你今天早上被解雇了.www.shooter.cnBut I could get fired!但我可能会被解雇!www.shooter.cnI had them ail fired.我把他们都解雇了.www.shooter.cnBut you"re fired!但你被解雇了!www.shooter.cnAre you saying I"m fired?你是说我被解雇了?www.shooter.cnHow do I get myself fired?我怎样才能让自己被解雇?www.shooter.cnThe weapons never fired accurately.那些武器从来就射不准。How were they fired from the same weapon?它们怎么会从同一把枪射出来的呢?He fired four shots at the car as it drove off.他在车开走时向它射了四枪。However, the nib can be fired from a range of up to eight metres.但是它的笔尖可以射到8米开外。You fired into the goal circle on the location considered oh, it is difficult, but so is beikehanmu training!你要射进球门上圆圈的位置才算哦,难吧,不过贝克汉姆就是这么训练的!With police failing to act and crowds gathering, shots were fired.由於警察法制止人群聚集,於是射。The coach fired the team with a determination to win the championship.教练员激励运动队决心赢得冠军。The coach fired the team with a determination to win the premiership.教练激励球队下决心打赢决赛。








意思:adj. 被开除的,动词fire的过去式和过去分词形式。举例:1、He shall be fired if he makes the same mistake.如果他再犯同样的错误,他会被开除的。2、Well, the truth might get you fired.说出真相你会被开除的。原型用法1、fire作为物质名词表示“火”时是不可数名词,一般不加冠词,也不能用于复数形式。2、fire用于比喻,意思是“热情”“怒火”“热心”,通常不可数,偶尔也用于复数形式,表示各种各样的强烈感情。3、fire可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。4、fire在口语中还可作“解雇”解。


fired的意思是燃烧。读音:英[faɪrd]。释义:adj. 用某种燃料的。v. 烧制;点火;激发(fire 的过去式和过去分词)。变形:原形fire。fired造句。1、He was fired due to poor performance.他因工作表现不佳被解雇了。2、The manager fired anyone who was working complacently.经理把那些自高自大的人都开除了。3、He was fired from his job, and on top of that his wife divorced him.他被解雇了,而且他的妻子也离他而去了。