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英语的第一个名(first name),最后的名字(last name)与中国名是怎样对应的

最后的名字(last name)是姓(比如段,韩,张),第一个名(first name)是名,就是你姓后面那个

last name 和 first name 到底哪个是名哪个是姓

first name是姓last name是名

Last name 和 First name 到底哪个是名哪个是姓

在英语姓名中,因为姓氏通常被放在最后(即last name),所以通常说的last name指的是姓氏。而first name指的是在英语名字中放在第一个部分的,其实是我们说的“名”。举个例子:一个人的名字叫这个:Tomas William Smith。这里面包含了三个部分其中Tomas排在左边起第一个部分,叫做first name,即“名”。William排在中间,称为middle name,也就是中间名,平常是不用的。有的人有可能有不止一个中间名,这个时候就会相应按顺序称为second name、third nameSmith排在最后,称为last name。英语国家的人其姓氏通常是放在最后的,所以last name即我们说的“姓”。也成为family name或者surname

中文名中的last Name和first name分别指什么? 中文名!!

姓 名

外国人的first name是指名字吗?

first name 是名,填写自己的中文名的拼音即可。比如说中国人“张三”,其中“三”是first name,要填写first name的时候只需要填写“三”的拼音“San”即可。值得注意的是,填写拼音的时候不需要加上中文拼音字母。First name是名字,外国人的人名是“姓在后,名在前”。Jim Green为例,其中格林是姓,吉姆是名,那么这个first name和last name可以从jim Green的朗读顺序来记,那么即jim在前所以是first (先)读,所以first name是名。Green在后,即last(后)读,所以last name是姓。First name 是名字 Frist 是第一首先的意思, 国外人都是名字在前,姓在后的,他们的护照都是这样的他们比较注重自我,认为名字才是我自己的,然而姓是家庭的,所以轮到 last name 才是姓!外国人的名字基本要素包括两个部分,一个姓,一个名,与中国人的名字一样。但外国人的名字与中国人的名字顺序不同,中国人的名字姓在前名在后,突出的是集体。外国人的名在前姓在后,突出的是个人。

first name 和last name的区别

first name是名,last name是姓。西方人名字在前,姓氏在后。

英文名的构成!请问高手们,First name和Last name是什么?举个例子:Tom Green,First name和Last name是

first name 是名字,last name 是姓Green应该是姓

Last name 和 First name 到底哪个是名哪个是姓

英语中,the last name是家族姓氏,the fist name 是名.举例:最新奥斯卡影帝:莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥,英文名:Leonardo DiCaprio,而:莱昂纳多leonardo 是名,迪卡普里奥DiCaprio是姓。中文名字中:正好是相反:姓在前。


歌词是:There"s a fire starting in my heart歌名:Rolling In The Deep专辑:21发行:2010年词曲:Adele, Paul Epworth原唱:AdeleThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo "head and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitchAnd it"s bringing me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it all(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hand(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)And you played it, to the beat(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Baby, I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one on youAnd I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMake a home down thereAs mine sure won"t be shared(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)The scars of your love remind me of us(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)I can"t help feelingWe could have had it all(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hand(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)And you played it, to the beat(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart inside of your handBut you played it, with a beatingThrow your soul through every open door (woah)Count your blessings to find what you look for (woah)Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (woah)You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow (woah)(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)We could have had it all(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it all(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)It all, it all, it all(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it all(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hand(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)And you played it to the beat(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)We could have had it all(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside of your hand(You"re gonna wish you never had met me)But you played itYou played itYou played itYou played it to the beat

the first seven years 课文原文翻译

你好!the first seven years 第一个七年


primarily 是主要地 的意思 firstly 是首先,其实两个意思不同,语法功能一样,换可以,意思不一样首先的不一定是主要的



关于《stealing fire》(中文翻译“盗火”)一书的个人解读

《盗火》是一本严谨的科学著作,它主要研究人们出神所带来的奇特精神状态。有助于帮助人们更好的理解冥想,积极心理学,正念,宗教信仰。 研究发现人在出神状态有更强的学习能力和创造力。出神状态就是链接人脑潜意识的一种方式。 本书关于出神状态的具体定义:忘记自我,忘记时间,感觉游刃有余,丰富感。 本书认为人的意识分为主观意识(平常的状态)和潜意识。 经研究人脑的主观意识一次能处理的120比特的信息,然而人脑潜意识处理数十亿比特的信息。 如何利用出神状态帮助我们服务?谷歌的正念中心与美国海豹突击队感官剥夺水槽运用高新技术使他们的成员保持创造力与学习能力。我们普通人最容易达也是最容易办到的是冥想。 冥想的方法:将注意力放在呼吸上,不要考虑任何事。 人在出神状态会导致人大脑前额皮层活动下降,我们可以更好的和潜意识建立链接。

求中手,At first sight和at the first sight一样吗

两者之间有略微的区别.一:at first sight1.乍一看,初看起来2.乍一看;初见之下(第一眼,或者说因为第一眼所带来的感觉)二:at the first sight1:在第一视域 比如:I like you at the first sight 我喜欢您在第一视域



一篇first job的英语作文,通俗易懂就好100字

英文:My first JobBefore I started at university,I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant.At the night before my first day.I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result,I got up late in the morning.I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant. In a great hurry,I didn"t hear clearly the head waiter"s instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other.So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant,I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30, I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience.中文:我的第一份工作 在我上大学之前,我在一个很不错的餐厅当服务员(女)。就在第一天开始工作的当天晚上。我太疲惫了,以至于一觉睡过了头,第二天就给迟到了。我赶紧穿上衣服大步流星的跑到餐厅。 由于太匆忙了,我没有听清楚领班的指示,他要我们进出厨房的时候,进去时走一个一门,出来时得走另外一个门。所以,当我端着盛有两个鸡蛋和熏肉和一杯橙汁从进口(附带提示:由于我走错了门,进出是两个门)走向餐厅的时候,与迎面而来的同事相撞。 更糟糕的是,我穿的是一双高跟鞋。几个小时后,深处在痛苦之中的我,无法改变眼前的这一切。在10:30分,我们有了一段休息时间,此时的我已经是全身瘫软。不过,我从中学到了不少东西。


1. 以 My first 为题的一篇的英语作文、 My First Year at College ——We will never fet our freshman year at college. In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries. ——College is much different than high school. You may decide to mute from your home to a local campus. What can we expect as we head off into the wonderful world of higher education? ——On some of those long, seemingly endless nights of studying and writing, it will be very natural for me to long for fine old days. Hang in there. These down periods will pass. ——I have made a lot of new friends. I am sure college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term in my life. It"s always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be. ——I am enjoying my newfound freedom. Stay up until dawn talking about my ideals and ambitions with my dorm"s regular bull session buddies. Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day. ——I even start to think about my future. Going to college is as much about finding out who am I as it is about getting the degree.。 2. 以My first time 为题写一篇英语作文 My first time to ride a bike Today I can ride a bike very well. But three years ago, it was too hard for me to ride a bike. Now I still remember my first time to ride a bike. I often fell off the bike, but I didn"t stop riding. First I asked my father to help me with my bike. Next, let him not help me and I rode alone. Then I could ride a few minutes. I kept practising. Finally I could ride a bike to school. I was very happy. From this thing, I know nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it. 评语 文章介绍了第一次学习自行车的经历,和从学自行车中获得的人生哲理,全文非常流畅,英语知识很扎实,继续努力. 3. 以My First MY first English teacher i will never fet my first English teacher.she is a very beautiful lady.she is our teacher in the class, but after class she is our friend. When we happen to meet some problems she must try her best to help us.Just because of her i bee interested in English. i hope i will be a teacher like her in the future. 4. 以:my first time 为题 写80词英语作文~~~~~~ "My First Time"大致要写你第一次的经历,不一定要写得感天动地,只要有你的切身感受即可 Title:My first time to ride a bike I can ride a bike very well. But three years ago, it was too hard for me to ride a bike. Now I still remember the tough time when I tried riding a bike for the first time. I often fell off the bike, but I didn"t stop riding. At the very beginning, I asked my father to help me with my bike. Next, I asked him not to help me and I rode alone. Gradually, I could ride for a few minutes. I kept practising. At last, I could ride a bike to school. I was quite happy. From this thing,I know that nothing in the world is impossible if you put your mind to it. 以上例文,仅供参考。 5. 以My First Job为题写一篇英语作文 My First Job Before I started at university,I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant.At the night before my first day.I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result,I got up late in the morning.I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant. In a great hurry,I didn"t hear clearly the head waiter"s instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other.So when I took o plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant,I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter ing in! Worst of all was that I wore a pair of *** art shoes but with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30 I was pletely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience.。 6. 以my first class为题写一篇作文,一两百字就行,急要 Today I had my first class. I went in with *** il, but the students didn"t see to have any interest in me. I started my lesson. I thought it was a really interesting topic, but after a fewminutes I could hardly believe my eyes : four or five student had fallen asleep on their desks . They doesn"t even pretend to be listening to me. A few minute later, I gave them some work to do. I started walking round the class and found a girl having a sandwich behind her book. I get so angry.T he class was impossible to go! The final blow came when a paper plane hit me I was shouting at the girl. Looking baek now,I see was wrong in how I handled the class. I won"t do this again. I must get to know my students, be good - humoured with them ,and earn their respect. I must try to interest them and get their cooperation. I"m sure I can do it if I try hard! 7. 以Myschoollife为题写一篇英语作文 My School Life My name is… .I"m…years old,and I study in… MiddleSchool .My school is very big andbeautiful.I"m very happy in theschool.We have… classes everyday.The first class begins at …am.I like all the classes,because myteachers can make the classeslively and interesting.My favoritesubject is English,so I join EnglishCorner every week.I can speakEnglish with many other students there.It"s very interesting andexciting.I think it"s helpful for meto learn English well.After class,Ialways play games with myfriends.We play basketball,volleyball,football,ping-pong and so on.They are very relaxing.Ilike my lessons,my friends andmy teachers.In a word,I love myschool.I find my school life i *** ore and more meaningful andcolorful.My school life is wonderful,isn"t it?。 8. 以MyWeek为题写一篇英语作文,80个单词 My Week My week is very busy. I get up at six thirty in the morning, after I brush my teeth, I cook breakfast for myself, and then I have to catch a early bus to go to work. My work begins at eight, but I must get there before half past seven. Then I work till elve. I have a nap after I have lunch. I often go to work at half past o in the afternoon. There are few people at the office. I can do my job easily. It usually cost me for about o hours. then I go shopping in the store. After supper, I will watch TV for o hours, and go to bed about eleven. That"s all for my whole week.。

阅读文章&回答问题 I was born disabled. A difficult birth, feet first, my head stuck in the

1.A loss of oxygen to his brain had destroyed brain signals to the right side of his body.2.His father was to craft muscles straight, at any cost. Back and forth, up and down, his dad pushed and pulled the muscles into shape.3.a set of boxing gloves.4.his father hope he be brave.5.In 19976.Yes,he did.7.He is devoted to his son and have never give up spirit.(我的回答好象有语法问题……抱歉~)

git first,rewinding head to replay your work on top of it提示 什么意思

git first,rewinding head to replay your work on top of itgit首先,复卷头重放你的工作上

《The First Time》的歌词?

We were both young when I first saw you当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装See you make your way through the crowd看见你费劲地从人群中挤出来And say hello, little did I know That you were Romeo对我打招呼,呵,至少让我知道了你的名字叫“罗密欧”You were throwing pebbles你(对着我家的窗户)扔小石子儿And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点And I was crying on the staircase(可是这时)我却蜷坐在楼梯间里偷偷地抹眼泪Begging you please don"t go And I said在心底里祈求你不要离开 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是,我偷偷摸摸地溜到小花园去见你We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew我们压抑着声息,被他们发现我们就完蛋了So close your eyes, Love Story MV那么,闭上你的双眼escape this town for a little while逃避这个喧嚣的尘世,即使只有如此短暂的一刻Oh, oh, oh "Cause you were Romeo,正因为你的出现I was a scarlet letter我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点But you were everything to me但我又怎么能够承受没有你的痛苦I was begging you please don"t go于是,我无时无刻不在祈求你不要离开And I said Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone我说,罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧Romeo, save me,they"re trying to tell me how to feel Love Story MV罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧 他们总在试图左右我的思想This love is difficult, but it"s real我们的爱情面对着重重的困难,却无比的忠诚坚贞Don"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this mess不要害怕,(我相信)我们终究会冲破困境It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我oh,oh I got tired of waiting,我厌倦了似乎无穷无尽的等待wondering if you were ever coming around渐渐开始怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前My faith in you was fading曾经坚定的信念,也渐渐开始动摇when I met you on the outskirts of town当我再一次在小镇的郊外与你相会And I said Romeo save me, I"ve been feeling so alone我说,罗密欧,救救我,我再也无法承受这孤独的煎熬I keep waiting for you but you never come我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Is this in my head, I don"t know what to think我脑子里乱糟糟的,一片空白,又像是一团浆糊He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring梦中的他此时正虔诚地跪在我的面前,捧出一枚戒指And said Marry me, Juliet, you"ll never have to be alone他说,嫁给我吧,茱丽叶,你再也不会是独自一人I love you and that"s all I really know Love Story MV我爱你,我只知道这一件事情I talked to your dad,go pick out a white dress我和你的父亲谈过了,快去挑选你洁白的嫁衣It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这是我们的爱情故事,宝贝请答应我Oh, oh, oh, oh噢,我不禁又想起了,We were both young when I first saw you我第一次看见你的时候,那时,我们还年轻

【英语】【语法】求解析一下后半句的结构,first thing前面好像省略了什么词?

这里并未省略什么,而是first thing 是一副词短语,意思是"一大早"。


《First day of my life》 so I found a reason to stay alive我要找个活下去的理由try a little harder see the other side努力去看生命的另一面talking to myself对自己说too many sleepless nights太多无眠的夜trying to find a meaning to this stupid life试着给这乏味的生活找点意义i don"t want much sympathy我不需要更多的同情sometimes i don"t know who to be有时候我不知道谁才能够hey what you looking for嘿,你在寻找什么no one has the answer没有人知道答案they just want more他们只想要更多hey who"s gonna make it right嘿,谁能做得对this could be the first day of my life这应该是我生命的第一天so i found a reason我找到个借口to let it go让它随风而去tell you that i"m smiling告诉你,我正在微笑but i still need to grow但是我依然需要成长will i find salvation in the arms of lovewill it stop me searching will it be enough是否能阻止我寻找?是否足够?i don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情sometimes i don"t know who to be有时候我不知道谁才能够hey what you looking for嘿,你在寻找些什么no one has the answer but you just want more没有人知道答案,你只想要更多hey who"s gonna make it right嘿,谁才能做对this could be the first day of my life这应该是我生命的第一天the first time to really feel alive第一次真正感觉到存在the first time to break the chain第一次打破枷锁the first time to walk away from pain第一次脱离伤痛hey what you looking for嘿,你在寻找什么no one has the answer we just want more没有人知道答案,我们只是想要更多hey who"s gonna make it right嘿,谁才能做得对this could be the first day ofmy life这应该是我生命的第一天hey what you looking for嘿,你在寻找什么no one has the answer they just want more没有人知道答案,他们只是想要更多hey who"s gonna shine alight?谁能点亮那一盏灯this could be the first day of my life这应该是我生命的第一天


det., adv.1 happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st: his first wife It was the first time they had ever met. I didn"t take the first bus. students in their first year at college your first impressions She resolved to do it at the first (= earliest) opportunity. King Edward I (= said as ‘King Edward the First") the first of May / May 1st His second book is better than his first.2 the most important or best: Your first duty is to your family. She won first prize in the competition. an issue of the first importance there"s a first time for everything (saying, humorous) the fact that sth has not happened before does not mean that it will never happen—more at order n. adv.1 before anyone or anything else; at the beginning: ‘Do you want a drink?" ‘I"ll finish my work first." First I had to decide what to wear. Who came first in the race (= who won)? It plunged nose first into the river.2 for the first time: When did you first meet him?3 used to introduce the first of a list of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing firstly: This method has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker.4 used to emphasize that you are determined not to do sth: She swore that she wouldn"t apologize—she"d die first! at first at or in the beginning: I didn"t like the job much at first. At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people. (saying) If at first you don"t succeed, try, try again. note at firstly come first to be considered more important than anything else: In any decision she makes, her family always comes first. first and foremost more than anything else: He does a little teaching, but first and foremost he"s a writer. first and last in every way that is important; completely: She regarded herself, first and last, as a musician. first come, first served (saying) people will be dealt with, seen, etc. strictly in the order in which they arrive: Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. first of all1 before doing anything else; at the beginning: First of all, let me ask you something.2 as the most important thing: The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader. note at firstly first off (informal, especially BrE) before anything else: First off, let"s see how much it"ll cost. first up (BrE, informal) to start with; before anything else put sb/sth first to consider sb/sth to be more important than anyone/anything else: She always puts her children first.—more at foot n., head n., safety noun1 the first [C] (pl. the first) the first person or thing mentioned; the first person or thing to do a particular thing: I was the first in my family to go to college. Sheila and Jim were the first to arrive. I"d be the first to admit (= I will most willingly admit) I might be wrong. The first I heard about the wedding (= the first time I became aware of it) was when I saw it in the local paper.2 [C, usually sing.] an achievement, event, etc., never done or experienced before: We went on a cruise, a first for both of us.3 (also first gear) [U] the lowest gear on a car, bicycle, etc. that you use when you are moving slowly: He stuck the car in first and revved.4 [C] ~ (in sth) the highest level of university degree at British universities: She got a first in maths at Exeter.—compare second, third first among equals the person or thing with the highest status in a group from the (very) first from the beginning: They were attracted to each other from the first. from first to last from beginning to end; during the whole time: It"s a fine performance that commands attention from first to last.

First, Make The Head,什么意思?

First ,make the head.可以理解为首先,充实一下你的大脑。这句话中的had实际指brain



Head, First, Down的歌词

We are hereIt seems we always must"ve seenA dark black fearAnd nothing ever seems so clearThe sun will not be here and I know my life has an endThe sun will not be here and questions remain in my headSo I fallHead, first, downYou heard my voiceYou heard me howling in the windI saw your soulI knew you"d never let me goYou"re someone who"ll be there andNever let go of my handI"m someone who"ll be there andProtect you from oncoming windsWhen you fallHead, first downThis is realAnd wonder, it"s all aroundYou hit the groundAnd know there, truth is always foundReject superstition and listen to silences soundReject their false prophets and know thatThere"s something aroundAnd they"ll fallHead, first, downBecause we all fallHead, first, down

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《Head First Data Analysis》(Michael Milton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: wg5b书名:Head First Data Analysis作者:Michael Milton豆瓣评分:7.5出版社:O"Reilly Media出版年份:2009-8-4页数:496内容简介:Today, interpreting data is a critical decision-making factor for businesses and organizations. If your job requires you to manage and analyze all kinds of data, turn to "Head First Data Analysis", where you"ll quickly learn how to collect and organize data, sort the distractions from the truth, find meaningful patterns。作者简介:Michael Milton将自己的大半职业生涯献给了非盈利机构,帮助这些机构解析和处理从赞助人那里收集来的数据,提高融资能力。Michael Milton拥有新佛罗里达学院哲学学位及耶鲁大学宗教伦理学学位。多年来,他博览群书,这些书籍虽字字珠玑,却枯燥乏味; 蓦然抬首, 深入浅出(Head First)系列图书让他眼前一亮,他欣然抓住机会,写出了这本同样字字珠玑,兼振奋人心的书。

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《Head First Python(中文版)》(巴里(Barry.P.))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: vjwr书名:Head First Python(中文版)作者:巴里(Barry.P.)译者:林琪 等豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:中国电力出版社出版年份:2012-3-1页数:457内容简介:你想过可以通过一本书就学会Python吗?《Head First Python(中文版)》超越枯燥的语法和甩法手册,通过一种独特的方法教你学习这种语言。你会迅速掌握Python的基础知识,然后转向持久存储、异常处理、Web开发、SQLite、数据加工和lGoogle App Engine。你还将学习如何为Android编写移动应用,这都要归功于Python为你赋予的强大能力。本书会提供充分并且完备的学习体验,帮助你成为一名真正的Python程序员。 作者巴里觉得你的时间相当宝贵,不应当过多地花费在与新概念的纠缠之中。通过应用认知科学和学习理论的最新研究成果,《Head First Python(中文版)》可以让你投入一个需要多感官参与的学习体验,这本书采用丰富直观的形式使你的大脑真正开动起来,而不是长篇累牍地说教,让你昏昏欲睡。作者简介:Paul Barry最近发现他的编程生涯已近四分之一个世纪,这个事实着实让人有些震惊。在此期间,Paul使用过多种不同的编程语言编写程序,他在两个大洲的两个国家生活并工作过,并且娶妻生子,如今已经有3个孩子(当然……实际上孩子们都是他妻子在悉心照顾,不过Paul确实在他们身边),另外他还攻读了计算机的学士和硕士学位,编写或合作编写了另外3本书,还为《LinuxJournal》(他是这家杂志的特约编辑)撰写了大量技术文章。

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《Head First 设计模式(中文版)》(Elisabeth Freeman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:2bn9书名:Head First 设计模式(中文版)作者:Elisabeth Freeman译者:O"Reilly Taiwan公司豆瓣评分:9.2出版社:中国电力出版社出版年份:2007-9页数:637内容简介:《Head First设计模式》(中文版)共有14章,每章都介绍了几个设计模式,完整地涵盖了四人组版本全部23个设计模式。前言先介绍这本书的用法;第1章到第11章陆续介绍的设计模式为Strategy、Observer、Decorator、Abstract Factory、Factory Method、Singleton,Command、Adapter、Facade、TemplateMethod、Iterator、Composite、State、Proxy。最后三章比较特别。第12章介绍如何将两个以上的设计模式结合起来成为新的设计模式(例如著名的MVC模式),作者称其为复合设计模式(这是作者自创的名称,并非四人组的标准名词),第13章介绍如何进一步学习设计模式,如何发觉新的设计模式等主题,至于第14章则很快地浏览尚未介绍的设计模式,包括Bridge、Builder、Chain of Responsibility、Flyweight、Interpreter、Mediator、Memento、Prototype,Visitor。第1章还介绍了四个○○基本概念(抽象、封装、继承、多态),而第1章到第9章也陆续介绍了九个○○原则(Principle)。千万不要轻视这些○○原则,因为每个设计模式背后都包含了几个○○原则的概念。很多时候,在设计时有两难的情况,这时候我们必须回归到○○原则,以方便判断取舍。可以这么说:○○原则是我们的目标,而设计模式是我们的做法。

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Head First PMP, 3rd EditionHead First iPhone and iPad Development, 3rd EditionHead First C#, 3rd EditionHead First HTML and CSS, 2nd EditionHead First CHead First Mobile WebHead First HTML5 ProgrammingHead First jQueryHead First PythonHead First WordPressHead First ExcelHead First 2D GeometryHead First ProgrammingHead First iPhone DevelopmentHead First Data AnalysisHead First Networking Head First RailsHead First AlgebraHead First Web DesignHead First PHP & MySQLHead First PhysicsHead First AjaxHead First StatisticsHead First Servlets and JSP, 2nd EditionHead First JavaScriptHead First Software DevelopmentHead First C#Head First SQLHead First PMPHead First Object-Oriented Analysis and DesignHead Rush AjaxHead First HTML with CSS & XHTMLHead First Java, 2nd EditionHead First Design PatternsHead First Servlets and JSPHead First EJB---------------------------------------------------------------这些都是我从官网上自己复制下来整理的

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《Head First》的诞生,对两位成员来说再自然不过,每当完成一首作品,另一首歌曲的灵感也跟著浮现,Alison Glodfrapp自豪地说:「过去我们创作出像〈Ooh La La〉这样让人手舞足蹈的畅销歌曲,不过似乎少了点柔软的感觉,本张专辑则是一应俱全。」〈Alive〉、〈Believer〉两首歌曲诉尽再次拥抱爱情的热切渴望;专辑同名歌曲〈Head First〉,展现出Alison Glodfrapp最柔媚的声音表情;〈Rocket〉一听就上口的歌词旋律,有让众家抢破头收录的畅销潜力,本碟前八首作品一气呵成,每首歌曲都有成为排行榜金曲的出色水准,更具备卡拉OK经典的顺口副歌。最后一曲〈Voicething〉,以Alison Glodfrapp的喘息、气音与轻吟贯穿头尾,再现他们过去魅惑人心的独门绝技,让整张专辑在绮丽且让人晕眩的氛围中,做了完美收尾。《Head First》绝对是Goldfrapp成军以来,最具活力与欢乐气息的浪漫大碟,聆听这九首电得人通体舒畅的歌曲,犹如搭上他们精心打造的极速火箭,穿越时空重返五光十色的80年代,重新感受那犹如初恋的炙热情怀。求新求变的Goldfrapp,当然不是故意与广大乐迷的期待唱反调,他们不愿意复制昔日荣耀的原因,正是因为他们始终勇於挑战自我,并乐於把一切做到最好!

Head First的系列书籍

一开始 Head First 系列围绕的内容主要以计算机编程和软件开发为主。Head First 系列第一本成功的作品是由 Kathy Sierra 于2003年编写的《Head First Java》。Head First系列丛书国内由中国电力出版社出版引入出版。Head First 已出版的书籍包括 : Head First 软件开发 (ISBN 0-596-52735-7) 作者 Dan Pilone and Russ Miles Head First PMP (ISBN 0-596-10234-8) 作者 Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman Head First 面向对象分析与设计 (ISBN 0-596-00867-8) 作者 Brett McLaughlin, Gary Pollice and David West Head First Ajax (ISBN 0-596-51578-2) 作者 Rebecca Riordan Head First HTML 与 CSS & XHTML (ISBN 0-596-10197-X) 作者 Elisabeth Freeman and Eric Freeman Head First Java (ISBN 0-596-00920-8) by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates Head First 设计模式 (ISBN 0-596-00712-4) 作者 Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates Head First SQL (ISBN 0-596-52684-9) 作者 Lynn Beighley Head First Rails (ISBN 0-596-51577-4) 作者 David Griffiths Head First Servlets 与 JSPs (ISBN 0-596-51668-1) 作者 Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates Head First JavaScript (ISBN 0-596-52774-8) 作者 Michael Morrison Head First PHP 与 MySQL (ISBN 0-596-00630-3) 作者 Lynn Beighley and Michael Morrison Head First Statistics (ISBN 0-596-52758-6) 作者 Dawn Griffiths Head First iPhone Development (ISBN 0-596-80354-0) 作者 Dan Pilone and Tracey Pilone

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下面我将介绍一下我关于LL(1)文法部分的计算文法非终结符First集以及Follow集两个知识点的理解。 首先是First集的计算部分,计算First集首先看我们原文法的左边,原文法左边不重复的都要进行First集的计算,计算时具体有以下三种情况: (1)先看产生式后面的第一个符号,如果是终结符,那就可以直接把它写到这个产生式的First集中,例如:产生式为M->nDc,那在First集中我们就可以直接写上First (M)={ n }; (2)如果产生式后面的第一个符号是非终结符,就看这个非终结符的产生式,看的时候同样利用前面的两种看法;但是当产生式为ε时,则需要把ε带入到待求First集的元素的产生式中再判断。例如:A->Bc; B->aM;B->ε,求First(A)时,我们看到A的第一个产生式中的第一个符号是B,B是一个非终结符,所以我们就要接着看B的产生式,B的第一个产生式的第一个符号为a,a是一个终结符,直接把a写入First(A),B的第二个产生式为ε,把ε带入A->Bc中,A->c(注意:如果将B->ε带入表达式后A的产生式为A->ε,ε不可以忽略),c是终结符,所以把c也写入First(A),最后First (A)={ a,c }。 (3)当产生式右边全为非终结符,且两个非终结符又都可以推出ε时,我们需要把这个产生式的所有情况都列出来,再分析。例如:A->BC;B->b|ε;C->c|ε。我们把A的所有产生式利用上述两种方法列出来就是A->bc,A->b;A->c,A->ε;最后First (A)={b,c, ε}。 接下来介绍一下Follow集的部分,先简单介绍一下计算Follow集的大致规则。比如我们要求Follow(X),文法中多个产生式中含有X,则需要考虑多种情况,以下是具体计算时的三种情况: (1)文法开始符:所有文法开始符的Follow集中都有一个#。 (2)S->αB的形式:求Follow(B),因为B的后面为空,把Follow(S)写入B的Follow集中。 (3)S->αBβ的形式:求Follow(B),B后部不为空。 ①当β是终结符时,直接把β写入Follow(B)。 ②当β是非终结符时,将First (β)(如果First(B)中有ε,就把ε删掉)写入Follow(B)中。(需要注意的是:如果β->ε,那么原产生式就变成了S->αB,也就是第二种情况,这两种情况都要算在Follow(B)中)。

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文章已经在网络上出版了(online first),但是还没有分配卷、期等,过一段时间就会分配卷、期等信息。为了提高本文的知名度等,Springer鼓励作者转告对本文可能有兴趣的同行。由于Springer是收费的数据库,只有付费才能下载电子版全文;但如果作者出版选择的是open access,那么任何读者都可以免费下载全文了;




alter和confirm是系统默认封装的函数,你可以用目前网上比较流行的插件,例如:dialog 网址的: 。alert是HTML DOM 中用到了一种脚本语言,它的中文意思是“提醒”。它是JavaScript或VBscript脚本语言中窗口window对象的一个常用方法;其主要用法就是在你自己定义了一定的函数以后,通过执行相应的操作,所弹出对话框的语言。并且alert对话框通常用于一些对用户的提示信息。超文本标记语言,标准通用标记语言下的一个应用。“超文本”就是指页面内可以包含图片、链接,甚至音乐、程序等非文字元素。超文本标记语言的结构包括“头”部分(英语:Head)、和“主体”部分(英语:Body),其中“头”部提供关于网页的信息,“主体”部分提供网页的具体内容。

Two people confirmed on Saturday to be infected with bird flu ...请问句子中的两个to be是什么用法?


js confirm怎么实现自定义标题


用js(最好jQuery) 重写confirm方法【js高手请进】


在MVC5中,使用confirm ,点击确定后需要将当前时间插入数据库的一个字段里面


有没有confirm sb to do、be confirmed to do啊?到底怎么用啊?这折


ASP.NET 如何实现退出系统并且在系统退出前用confirm加以确定?

1 楼正解


layer.confirm()的用法:1234567layer.confirm("确认你的操作?", {icon: 3, title:"提示"}, function( ){//确认后处理的事情,这里写入你要进行的操作:数据处理等;layer.close( );//关闭弹窗});2. 关闭1layer.close() 即为关闭弹窗;3. 你说的btn2事件,得看你的代码,才知道是什么



ext js中,Ext.Msg.confirm();的用法?

Ext.Msg.confirm("系统提示","确定要...吗?", function(btn){ if(btn=="yes"){ alert("你点了确定"); }else{ } },this);

js 重写系统confirm方法,不改变使用方式。


js 重写系统confirm方法,不改变使用方式。

1、confirm属于特殊的模态窗口,执行这些语句会阻塞浏览器 Javascript 代码的运行。也就是说,在这句中 var a = confirm( "OK?" ) ;执行了 confirm( "OK?" ) 弹出一个确认框后,javascript 就不再执行,等到点完按钮、返回一个值后,才能完成赋值语句的执行。想要模拟这个功能,除非能弹出另外一个模态窗口,否则只用 普通的蒙版和 div 层是做不到阻塞 Javascript 的执行的。修改方法改成:function Confirm(msg,callback_OK,callback_CANCEL) { btnok.onclick = function(){ if(callback_OK && typeof callback_OK == "function") callback_OK( true ); close();//你应该有这个功能吧? } btncancel.onclick = function(){ if(callback_CANCEL && typeof callback_CANCEL== "function") callback_CANCEL( false ); close();//你应该有这个功能吧? }}这样的话,如果想执行类似这样的功能:if(confirm( "OK?" )){ okHandlerCode();}else{ cancelHandlerCode();}Confirm( "OK?" , okHandlerCode , cancelHandlerCode );利用这种方式,就解决了确认对话框的返回值接收的问题:js 重写系统confirm方法,不改变使用方式。 c#后台页代码 如何使用confirm这样的函数,并获得其bool返回值?就是类似messagebox这样函数的功


PHP中使用 confirm 进行更新

<form action="abc.php" method=post onsubmit="return confirm("确定提交么?")"><input type="submit"> </form>

java web如何在jsp中使用confirm()


Confirm的用法,是doing sth还是什么

confirm doing

php问题 confirm在ajax中如何使用?

<input type="button" value="删除" name="del" id="submit"/><script>$(function(){ $("#submit").click(function(){ var a = confirm("确认删除?"); //弹出confirm框 if(a == true){ //确认删除 $.ajax({ //ajax代码 }) }else{ } return false; });})</script>

confirm()我对这个框不是有两个按钮吗一个确定一个取消 怎么才能判断点确定提交表单点取消不跳转呢


有这么个句子,:Please confirm,而confirm 是及物动词,所以句子后面一定要加宾语(比如it)。


jquery dialog confirm的用法

$("input[type="button"]").bind("click",function(){ if( confirm("您确定要这样做吗?") ){ aler("ok"); }});




定义和用法confirm() 方法用于显示一个带有指定消息和 OK 及取消按钮的对话框。语法<pre t="code" l="js">confirm(message)message:要在 window 上弹出的对话框中显示的纯文本(而非 HTML 文本)。说明如果用户点击确定按钮,则 confirm() 返回 true。如果点击取消按钮,则 confirm() 返回 false。在用户点击确定按钮或取消按钮把对话框关闭之前,它将阻止用户对浏览器的所有输入。在调用 confirm() 时,将暂停对 JavaScript 代码的执行,在用户作出响应之前,不会执行下一条语句。提示:对话框按钮的文字是不可改变的,因此请小心地编写问题或消息,使它适合用确认和取消来回答。例子:<pre t="code" l="html"><html><head><script type="text/javascript">function disp_confirm(){var r=confirm("Press a button")if (r==true){document.write("You pressed OK!")}else{document.write("You pressed Cancel!")}}</script></head><body><input type="button" onclick="disp_confirm()"value="Display a confirm box" /></body></html>






JavaScript中的confirm()方法可以实现弹出的对话框的确认和取消的按钮,如果用户点击确定按钮,则 confirm() 返回 true。如果点击取消按钮,则 confirm() 返回 false。有时当我们在网站上注册的用户信息,会弹出,显示诸如下面的页面。这就是弹出的确认对话框,经常会与警告和提示结合在一起。下面我们就来使用confirm()方法来实现这样的对话框我们先来看一下confirm()方法的用法<script> var 变量 = confirm("想要显示的字符串或者值");document.write(变量);</script>具体的代码示例如下<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "ja"> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <title>JavaScript</title> </head> <body> <script> var answer = confirm("输入正确吗?"); document.write(answer); </script> </body></html>运行效果如下:会显示出一个对话框当你点击确定按钮时,对话框消失,会在页面上显示一个true。效果如下当你点击取消按钮时,对话框也消失,会在页面上显示false。效果如下

confirm convice的区别 请说说区别和用法 能举例就更好啦~

confirm一般暗指消除所有不确定的试探性的疑惑: “We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas,but simply to control them” (Claude Bernard). “我们不要用实验来验证我们的想法,只需操纵它们就行了” (克劳德·伯纳德). convince说服:通过进行辩论或者提供证据使…确信或使…采取某种行为参见It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt. 花费了许多个小时法庭才相信他有罪.


确认对话框主要用于征得用户对任何选项的同意,它显示一个带有两个按钮:确定和取消的对话框,confirm就是可以用来实现确认对话框的方法,下面我们来看具体的内容。confirm对话框是使用JavaScript的内置confirm()函数创建的,触发JavaScript confirm()函数时,会弹出一个小框,并显示“确定”按钮和“取消”按钮。如果用户单击“确定”按钮,则窗口方法confirm()将返回true。如果用户单击“取消”按钮,则confirm()返回false。我们来看具体示例代码如下<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title><script type = "text/javascript"> <!-- function getConfirmation() { var retVal = confirm("Do you want to continue ?"); if( retVal == true ) { document.write ("User wants to continue!"); return true; } else { document.write ("User does not want to continue!"); return false; } } //--> </script> </head><body><form> <input type = "button" value = "Click Me" onclick = "getConfirmation();" /> </form> </body></html>浏览器上显示效果如下当点击“Click Me”,将显示如下效果点击确定将会显示:“User wants to continue!”同理,点击取消将会显示:“User does not want to continue!”本篇文章到这里就全部结束了,更多精彩内容大家可以关注Gxl网的相关栏目教程!!!
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