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finger的意思是手指,用手指触摸。n.(名词)手指;(手套的)手指部分;(酒在杯中的深度)一指宽;指状物;竖中指;指针v.(动词)用手指触摸;<美>告发,告密;拨弄(乐器);用某种指法演奏(乐曲);给(乐谱)标明指法符号短语1、ring finger解剖 无名指 ; 环指2、middle finger解剖 中指 ; 竖中指 ; 法语中指 ; 手指3、little finger解剖 小指 ; 小拇指 ; 小手指 ; 小拇哥儿例句1、Harrison dislocated a finger.哈里森让一根手指脱臼了。2、He wagged a disapproving finger.他摇摇手指表示不赞成。3、She wiggled her finger.她摆动着手指头。


手指; 指状物; 指针






finger,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“手指;指针,指状物,人名;作及物动词时意为“伸出;用手指拨弄”,作不及物动词时意为“用指触摸;拨弄”。短语搭配ring finger 无名指 ; 环指 ; 知名指 ; 四拇指finger joint 指形榫 ; [木] 指接 ; [木] 指形接合 ; 胶合板粘合机third finger 无名指 ; 知名指 ; 中指 ; 第三锌指Mallet Finger 锤状指 ; 槌状指 ; 植入物God Finger 神的手指 ; 上帝之手 ; 手指头finger pin 指形梢 ; 探针塞尺 ; 探钩 ; 探针Finger Song 手指歌 ; 手指歌谣finger print 指纹


译音:分 戈儿


fingern.手指; 指状物; 指针;vt.伸出; 告发; 用手指触摸;vi.用手指触摸; 拨弄;


finger手指双语对照词典结果:finger[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259(r)][美][u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a]n.手指; 指状物; 指针; vt.伸出; 告发; 用手指触摸; vi.用手指触摸; 拨弄; 第三人称单数:fingers过去分词:fingered复数:fingers现在进行时:fingering过去式:fingered易混淆单词:Finger以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


finger 英[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259(r)];美[u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a]n. 手指, 指状物, 指针vt. 伸出, 告发, 用手指触摸vi. 用手指触摸, 拨弄


finger 英["fu026au014bɡu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a] n. 手指;指状物;指针 vt. 伸出;告发;用手指触摸 vi. 用手指触摸;拨弄 [例句]Another girl was missing a finger.还有一位女孩失去了一根手指。


finger 英["fu026au014bɡu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a] n. 手指;指状物;指针 vt. 伸出;告发;用手指触摸 vi. 用手指触摸;拨弄 [例句]Another girl was missing a finger.还有一位女孩失去了一根手指。




finger[英]["fu026au014bɡu0259(r)] [美][u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a] 生词本简明释义n.手指;指状物;指针vt.伸出;告发;用手指触摸vi.用手指触摸;拨弄复数:fingers第三人称单数:fingers过去式:fingered过去分词:fingered现在分词:fingering易混淆的单词:Finger以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNTSee also:light-fingered;(除拇指以外的)手指Your fingers are the four long thin parts at the end of each hand.She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room...她突然伸出一根瘦小的手指,指向屋子的另一头。She ran her fingers through her hair...她用手指捋了捋头发。There was a ring on each of his fingers.





急求!在线等!关于finger的 谚语 或 成语


什么是finger 服务

分类: 社会民生 问题描述: 什么是finger服务 ? 什么是cdp 什么是bootp服务? 什么是udp- *** all-server服务?这些都是路由器配置中出现的,不懂,请大家解释,不要给我只弄个网址 谢了....... 解析: Finger 显示有关运行 Finger 服务或 Daemon 的指定远程计算机(通常是运行 UNIX 的计算机)上用户的信息。该远程计算机指定显示用户信息的格式和输出。如果不使用参数,Finger 将显示帮助。 语法 finger [-l] [User] [@Host] [...] 参数 -l 以长列表格式显示用户信息。 User 指定要获得与其相关的信息的用户。如果忽略 User 参数,finger 将显示指定计算机上所有用户的信息。 @ Host 指定运行 Finger 服务的远程计算机,您将在其上查找用户信息。可以指定计算机名或 IP 地址。 /? 在命令提示符下显示帮助。 注释 u2022 可以指定多个 User@Host 参数。 u2022 必须以连字符 (-) 而不是斜线 (/) 作为 finger 参数的前缀。 u2022 只有当“Inter 协议 (TCP/IP)”协议在“网络连接”中安装为网络适配器属性的组件时,该命令才可用。 u2022 Windows Server 2003 家族不提供 finger 服务。 示例 若要显示计算机 上 user1 的信息,请键入: finger 若要显示计算机 上所有用户的信息,请键入: finger @users.microsoftCDP:思科发现协议(CDP:Cisco Discovery Protocol) 思科发现协议 CDP 基本上是用来获取相邻设备的协议地址以及发现这些设备的平台。CDP 也可为路由器的使用提供相关接口信息。CDP 是一种独立媒体协议,运行在所有思科本身制造的设备上,包括路由器、网桥、接入服务器和交换机。

《onelittle finger》儿歌歌词是什么?

one little finger儿歌歌词:One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.一根小手指,一根小手指,一根小手指,Tap tap tap.轻轻点一点。Point your finger up.手指指向上。Point your finger down.手指指向下。Put it on your head. Head!手指放在头上。头!扩展资料:《one little finger》是一首英文歌曲,收录于《贝瓦儿歌》专辑中。英语儿歌《one little finger 》很朗朗上口的一首歌,重复旋律适合低龄宝宝,内容可以互动玩游戏,还能帮宝宝认识自己的身体。趣味性很强,帮助家长带领孩子学习。歌曲调欢快,歌词简单,互动性强。一起伸出小手指,跟着歌曲动一动吧。

finger怎么读 英语finger怎么读

1、finger英[u02c8fu026au014bɡu0259(r)]美[u02c8fu026au014bɡu0259r],n.手指; 有…手指的; 有(或用)…手指的; (手套的)指部;vt.用手指触摸; 告发; 告密。 2、[例句]He ran his finger around the lip of the cup.他用手指沿杯口抹了一下。

thumbs 和finger 有什么区别 都是手指的意思啊







finger是可数名词。 finger:n.手指;有…手指的;有(或用)…手指的; v.用手指触摸;告发;告密 扩展资料   I gave him the two fingers.   我对他做了一个侮辱性的"手势。   She cut her finger on a piece of glass.   一块玻璃把她的手指头划破了。   The article points an accusing finger at the authorities.   那篇文章谴责了当局。


finger 英["fu026au014bɡu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a]n. 手指;指状物;指针vt. 伸出;告发;用手指触摸vi. 用手指触摸;拨弄finger 英["fu026au014bɡu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026au014bɡu025a]n. 手指;指状物;指针vt. 伸出;告发;用手指触摸vi. 用手指触摸;拨弄

finger crossed是什么意思?

finger crossed意思是手指交叉




名词 n. [C]1. 手指;大拇指以外的手指He burnt his finger when he lit a cigar. 他点雪茄烟时烫了手指头。 2. (手套的)套手指部分 3. 指状物;指针The finger of the clock points to twelve. 钟的指针指向十二点。 4. 一指之宽;一中指之长及物动词 vt. 1. 用手指触摸;拨弄She fingered the fine silk. 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。 2. 用指弹奏(乐器、曲调)How do you finger this piece? 这段曲子怎么弹? 3. 指出 4. 【美】【口】告密;告发[(+to)] 5. 偷窃 6. 受(贿)不及物动词 vi. 1. 用指弹奏 2. 用指触摸;拨弄




finger 手指






finger的读音是:英["f??ɡ?(r)]。finger的读音是:英["f??ɡ?(r)]。finger形容词:fingerless;名词:fingerer;过去式:fingered;过去分词:fingered;现在分词:fingering;第三人称单数:fingers。finger【近义词】touch触摸。一、详尽释义点此查看finger的详细内容n.(名词)指,手指(大拇指以外的手指),指部指针指状物一指之宽,一指粗的深度,一中指之长套手指部分狭长物向某人竖起中指(手背向外以表示侮辱)【音乐】弹奏技巧【机械工程】棘爪(机器的突出部分)v.(动词)拨弄,触碰用手指触摸/触碰/ 捻摸/拨弄/摸弄/抚摸偷,偷窃,窃取,顺手牵羊用指弹奏(乐器、曲调)受(贿);接受告密,告发(像手指般)伸出给(乐谱)指示指法指出,指认谴责,指责,控告二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]手指 any one of the five parts extending from each hand[C]指状物 sth like finger[C]指幅 measure of alcohol in a glass, roughly equal to the width of one finger三、词典解释1.(除拇指以外的)手指Yourfingers are the four long thin parts at the end of each hand.e.g. She suddenly held up a small, bonyfinger and pointed across the room...她突然伸出一根瘦小的手指,指向屋子的另一头。e.g. She ran her fingers through her hair...她用手指捋了捋头发。2.(手套的)手指部分Thefingers of a glove are the parts that a person"s fingers fit into.3.指状物;狭长物Afinger of something such as smoke or land is an amount of it that is shaped rather like a finger.e.g. ...a thinfinger of land that separates Pakistan from the former Soviet Union...分隔巴基斯坦和苏联的一块狭长地带e.g. Cover the base with a single layer of sponge fingers.底部垫上一层海棉条。4.用手指触碰;拨弄;抚摸If youfinger something, you touch or feel it with your fingers.e.g. He fingered the few coins in his pocket...他拨弄着口袋里的几枚硬币。e.g. Self-consciously she fingered the emeralds at her throat.她局促不安地摸抚着脖子上的绿宝石。5.(通常指向警方)告发,揭发If youfinger a person or organization, you tell someone, usually the police, that the person or organization has done something illegal or wrong.e.g. Police and prosecutors manipulated the eyewitnesses so they wouldfinger Aldo...警方和检察官操纵目击证人指证奥尔多。e.g. People who have fingered crack houses and fingered drug dealers have been assassinated.那些告发可卡因毒窟和毒品贩子的人遭到了暗杀。6.一指之宽(指表示容量的杯中酒的深度)Afinger of a strong alcoholic drink is an amount of it which, when it is in a glass, is the same size as the width of a person"s finger.e.g. I poured two final fingers of bourbon into my glass.我把最后两指宽的波旁威士忌都倒进自己杯中。7.(因自己的失败或错误而)吃苦头If youget your fingers burned orburn your fingers, you suffer because something you did or were involved in was a failure or a mistake.e.g. He has had his fingers burnt by deals that turned out badly...几笔糟糕的生意让他吃了苦头。e.g. Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business.瓦文萨先生因为承诺给每个波兰人1亿兹罗提创办企业而尝到了苦果。8.(把食指与中指交叉以)祈求好运If youcross yourfingers, you put one finger on top of another and hope for good luck. If you say that someoneis keeping their fingers crossed, you mean they are hoping for good luck.e.g. He crossed his fingers, asking for luck for the first time in his life...他交叉手指,生平第一次祈求好运。e.g. I"m keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.我在心里祈求他们赶快露面。9.动…一根毫毛;碰…一下If you say that someone did notlay a finger on a particular person or thing, you are emphasizing that they did not touch or harm them at all.e.g. I must make it clear I never laid afinger on her.我得说清楚,我可没有动过她一根毫毛。10.尽举手之劳;帮一点忙If you say that a person does notlift a finger orraise a finger to do something, especially to help someone, you are critical of them because they do nothing.finger的反义词e.g. She never lifted afinger around the house...家里的活儿她从来一点忙都不帮。e.g. They will not lift afinger to help their country.他们不愿为自己的国家出一点儿力。11.到处插手;四处干预If you say that someone hasa finger in every pie, you mean they are involved in a lot of things.e.g. He very much likes to have afinger in every pie...他很喜欢什么事都插上一杠。e.g. He"s a man with fingers in a lot of pies.他这个人总是到处管闲事。12.指责;指控If youpoint the finger at someone orpoint an accusing finger at someone, you blame them or accuse them of doing wrong.e.g. He said he wasn"t pointing an accusingfinger at anyone in the government or the army.他说他并不是在指责政府或军方的任何人。13.将怀疑(或指责)的矛头指(向…)Topoint the finger of suspicion orblame at someone means to make people suspect them of doing wrong or blame them for doing wrong.e.g. Forensic evidence points thefinger of suspicion firmly at him.法医的证据将怀疑的矛头明确地指向了他。14.(粗鲁地叫别人)赶紧(或努力)干起来If you tell someone topull theirfinger out or toget theirfinger out, you are telling them rudely that you want them to start doing some work or making an effort.e.g. Isn"t it about time that you pulled yourfinger out?现在到了你该赶紧动起来的时候了吧?15.弄清,指出,确认(原因、问题等)If youput yourfinger on something, for example a reason or problem, you see and identify exactly what it is.e.g. Midge couldn"t quite put herfinger on the reason...米吉还不能十分确定原因何在。e.g. He could never quite put hisfinger on who or what was responsible for all this.他一直就搞不清楚是谁或者什么造成了这一切。16.从…手中溜走;为…所错失If someone or somethingslips through yourfingers, you just fail to catch them, get them, or keep them.e.g. Money has slipped through his fingers all his life...他这一辈子都没能抓住金钱。e.g. You mustn"t allow a golden opportunity to slip through your fingers or you will regret it later.千万别错失良机,否则日后追悔莫及。17. to have green fingers -> see green18. finger on the pulse -> see pulse四、例句The finger of the clock points to twelve.钟的指针指向十二点。The pen slips out of my fingers.钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。She poked her finger into the hole.她把手指插入孔中。She cut her finger on some broken glass.她被碎玻璃划破了手指。Please don"t finger the goods.请勿触摸这些物品。I don"t like eating food that"s been fingered by someone else.我不愿意吃别人摸过的食物。She fingered the rich silk.她抚摸着华丽的丝绒。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)There are five fingers on each hand.每只手有五个手指。The hands of men and women have four slender and flexible fingers and a short, strong thumb that moves opposite to the fingers.人手都有四个纤细灵活的手指和一个短粗壮实的可与其他四个手指进行相对活动的拇指。My fingers are stiff with cold.我的手指冻僵了。His fingers are sticky with mud.他的手指粘着泥。What lovely long slender fingers you have!你有着多么纤细好看的手指啊!The tips of the fingers are particularly sensitive.手指顶部特别敏感。The wood was so rotten that you could put your finger through it.木头已烂透了,你用手指一戳就可戳透。Keep your dirty fingers off the wet paint.油漆未干,别用脏指头乱摸。You can tell how nervous she is by the way her fingers worry at the edge of the tablecloth.看她那用手指拽台布边的样子,你可以断定她是多么紧张。She poured herself three fingers of whisky.她给自己倒了三指深的威士忌。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)be all fingers and thumbs笨手笨脚 be clumsy or awkward with one"s handsget one"s fingers burned吃苦头 bear hardshipshave a finger in every pie参与,好管闲事 a part or interest in everything that is going onkeep one"s fingers crossed希望走好运〔成功〕 hope to get good luck〔success〕lay a finger on触碰,冒犯 harm, touch, even slightlylay〔put〕 one"s finger on发现… find outlay〔put〕 one"s finger on sthThe doctor was able to treat the disease although he could not put his finger on the exact cause.医生能治这种病,不过他不能指出确切的病因。lay〔put〕 one"s finger on wh-clauseSomething"s wrong with this room, but I can"t quite put my finger on what it is.这个房间里有些不对头,但我无法明确地指出那是什么。I know the name, but I can"t quite put my finger on what"s wrong with the engine.我还没弄清楚发动机的毛病。lay〔put〕 one"s finger on sthI haven"t been able to lay my finger on the book you requested.我不能找到你要的那本书。lift a finger尽举手之劳,出力帮助 make any effort to help when necessarylift a finger to-vThey wouldn"t lift a finger to help us.他们连举手之劳也不肯帮助我们。put the finger on告发(某人) give information aboutsnap one"s fingers at对…弹手指表示轻蔑 move the finger in the direction of sb with whom one is angry七、词义辨析n.(名词)lay one"s finger on, lay one"s hand on这两个短语的意思不同,前者是“发现并指出”; 后者的意思是“得到”。例如:I know there is something wrong in our design but I can"t lay my finger on the fault.我知道,我们的设计有些问题,但我找不出错在哪里。That fellow will help himself to anything he can lay his hands on.那个家伙只要能弄到手,什么东西都要拿一点。put one"s finger on, put the finger on这两个短语的意思不同:put one"s finger on的意思是“明确地指出”; put the finger on的意思是“指名告发”,且只用于美国俚语中。例如:I just couldn"t put my finger on the problem.我就是不能确切指出问题所在。Nobody wants to put the finger on you.谁也不想告发你。lay a finger on, lay one"s finger on这两个短语的意思不同:lay a finger on的意思是“触碰”“冒犯”,含有打人的意思,而且只能用于否定、疑问或条件句中; lay one"s finger on则是“正确指出”的意思,且可用于肯定句。例如:If you lay a finger on me,I will not leave a handful of that black hair upon your head.要是你碰我一下,你头上黑乌乌的头发就休想留下一把。It is very kind of you to lay your finger on our plan.你真好,为我们的规划指出缺点。finger的相关临近词fingerprint、finesse、fingers、fingery、Fingerle、Fingerit、fingered、fingerful、fingering、fingercot、Fingerman、Fingerros点此查看更多关于finger的详细信息



权志龙middle finger up音译歌词

boomshakalaka歌手:chip tha Ripper 专辑:《tell ya friends》Boomshakalaka - Chip Tha RipperBoomWe livin in the last daysYeah we saw what"s over40 on me break you off properAnd even got the cocka just boomshakalakaYeah I"m a young cold mother fuckerPut the hammer out and rock it like boomshakalakaMy niggas hit licks like shotas load up the forty glockasLike Boomshakalaka boomAnd my bitch gone blast and she got that assLike boomshakalaka niggaPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaI"m a lose my fuckin mind and I"m aBlast this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaA nigga run upon me and try to take mineI"m a pop this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchI"m ballin forty in my handBet this mother fucker won"t NBA JamUp the springfield don"t" think my aim offMy Louie Jacket cost more then ya chain costI"m finna act up not soberNow show punks just how I"m strapped upGlock on me (fuck you up)Hot damn son of a bitchTell your daddyhush don"t be a son of a snitchTurn tha t.v. on they tellin" storiesTurn your bitches onshe extra hornyAnd you know what I"m on with your fine assShe got red lipstick on the wine glassI know you niggas madI see you tail waggingAct like you got some sense or something bad will happenShe got off work and came straight to the clubYour bitch tryina catch a date with some rich thugOh you mad40 on me break you off properAnd even got the cocka just boomshakalakaYeah I"m a young cold mother fuckerPut the hammer out and rock it like boomshakalakaMy niggas hit licks like shotas load up the forty glockasLike Boomshakalaka boomAnd my bitch gone blast and she got that assLike boomshakalaka niggaPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaI"m a lose my fuckin mind and I"m aBlast this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaA nigga run upon me and try to take mineI"m a pop this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchTrill OG Bun B all readyTrigger finger on the trigger and it"s all steadyNo problem is too big or too smallGot the third eye to see around corners and through wallsNo matter who calls we answer first ringMind on the money baby that"s the first thingGot your baby mama buy her purse dreamsLosing her to me wouldn"t be the worst thingThis that mob music strictly for made menRun up like you want it you can catch up fate thenI ain"t playin I"ll pop you and then I"m not stayinThey gone find you right there in the same spot you layinI"m not the one and I"m not the two broI"m the cat who gone make it do what it do broAnd you know so act right"Cause I"m gonna keep the mack tight make it go boomshakalaka40 on me break you off properAnd even got the cocka just boomshakalakaYeah I"m a young cold mother fuckerPut the hammer out and rock it like boomshakalakaMy niggas hit licks like shotas load up the forty glockasLike Boomshakalaka boomAnd my bitch gone blast and she got that assLike boomshakalaka niggaPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaI"m a lose my fuckin mind and I"m aBlast this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaA nigga run upon me and try to take mineI"m a pop this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchI"m what you call a living legend (sha-plow)This what you call a mack eleven (sha-plow)Here"s two on the way down plow plowHere"s four more plow plow plow plowI got a plan to take over your landIf you keep it a hundred I keep it a hundred grandI"m not a star you know my name now my storyYou simple you represent fame I rep gloryDamn now these nigga"s talkin downBut they don"t say nothin when I"m aroundThey don"t fuck with y"all no doubt you get a poundNo matter of fact fuck that you get aroundI don"t" hang with industry niggas I hang with killersI don"t fuck with these rap niggas they ain"t my niggasMy whole outfit from ParisShow up to your house party like Robert Harris40 on me break you off properAnd even got the cocka just boomshakalakaYeah I"m a young cold mother fuckerPut the hammer out and rock it like boomshakalakaMy niggas hit licks like shotas load up the forty glockasLike Boomshakalaka boomAnd my bitch gone blast and she got that assLike boomshakalaka niggaPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaI"m a lose my fuckin mind and I"m aBlast this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitchPeople say we runnin out of timeAnd they gonna drop anotha rhyme like boomshakalakaA nigga run upon me and try to take mineI"m a pop this tech nine like boomshakalaka bitch

Flick of the Finger 歌词

歌曲名:Flick of the Finger歌手:Beady Eye专辑:Flick Of The FingerFlick Of The Finger - Beady EyeWoke up this morningI was laid out flaton the dark sideWith the moon and the roomon the wrong sideI took a needlesew myself rightback at the seamsI saw my universal gleamI see the wonder of lifeand look for the wallJust taking a walk in the sunIn timein just a secondlike the ghost of a bad ideaI feel myself getting the fearCome onhave we decided if welike being part of the planThe sands are shiftingand there"s nowhere to landIt"s onit doesn"t matter ifall the best tickets are soldAnd all the oldstories are toldI know you"re gonnatell me that you hearevery word I sayBut the futuregets written todayYeah the futuregets written today

Foam Fingers是什么意思?...


We keep our fingers acrossed for Debbie.

意思是 我们为了Debbie祈祷 keep one"s fingers acrossed 表示祈祷的意思

bone的形容词 例如:( ) finger在括号里填bone的相关形式

long bony fingers 细长而瘦的手指


你说five fingers......

She felt the flowers were in her fingers, on her lips, growing in her breast.


beef finger是什么意思

edible things made of beef and mixture of pastry called beef finger, other eg, fish finger, etc.

shag,shack-up,retard, tard (spazzy zoe lol),spaz,crud,shit,crap,poo,wee,piss,bollocks,fingering,

shagn.1. 粗毛;绒布2. 劣质烟丝vt.1. 使蓬松杂乱;使散乱shack up[未婚者]同居shack-up做形容词,同居的retard美式音标: []英式音标: []vt.1. 使减速;妨碍;阻止The heavy rain retarded our progress.大雨妨碍了我们的进展。2. 推迟,延迟Her death was retarded by five years because of good treatment.由于良好的治疗,她多活了五年。3. 【机】使(点火)延迟vi.1. 减慢;受到阻滞n.1. 减速;阻滞;延迟tard n.码spazzy spaz的形容词形式zoe铬合金lol安可spazn.<俚>(被人蔑视的)笨家伙,怪人crud n.脏家伙shitvi.拉屎, <俚>对...胡扯, 企图欺骗, 取笑vt.欺骗n.粪, 屎int.狗屁!crap n.废物, 赌输的一注, 废话vi.掷骰子poo公安POO =Post-Office Order 邮政汇票[英]wee adj.很少的, 微小的, 很早的n.一点点, 一会儿, 极小的空间vi.[非正式](用于儿语)尿尿,撒尿piss vi.小便vt.撒尿弄湿n.小便bollocks 胡说fingeringn.用指摸弄, 抚弄, 捻弄, 用指弹奏, [音]指法, [总称]指法符号, 细绒线

Keren Ann的《Fingertips》 歌词

歌曲名:Fingertips歌手:Keren Ann专辑:Not Going Anywhere Bonus Tracks E.P.Emiliana Torrini - Fingertips猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Before I can open my all to eager eyesEverything changes from the oceans to the skiesPerpetual emotion sadder place by meEverything"s breathing my air in all of treeYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsThey go around and roundThis comical wisdomCreeps into my brainAway of my nerveAnd also free of painYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsThey go round and roundPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-aPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-aElectrical currentHallowed be the nameLive my emotionsAnd vanish all my shameYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsSmell of sodden groundBefore I can open my all to eager eyesEverything changes from the oceans to the skiesYet my fingertipsHave a special soundYet my fingertipsThey go round and roundPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-aPa-pa-pa-ra-raaa-a2009.06.09 9猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你

drumming ones fingers是什么意思


drumming fingers是什么意思

drumming fingers击鼓的手指

肚皮舞中的finger cymbals 叫什么

Finger Cymbals,中文叫作指钹,是一种中东打击乐器。指钹在埃及被称为Sagat,在土耳其被称为Zill。一副指钹由大小相同、质地相同的四块金属片组成,分别套在双手的大拇指和中指上,可作为乐队的乐器,也可由舞者一边舞蹈一边敲打出节奏。
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