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program files 是什么文件啊 里面的东西可以删了吗

可以,就是系统文件,开始菜单的源文件。没有什么删了 是系统瘫痪的 东西

C盘program files是什么文件夹?

一、program files,中文意思是:程序文件。它是系统中专门设置的一个文件夹,应用程序默认的安装路径是program files。二、program file与program file(*86) 的区别:program file(*86),这是在64位系统中出现,它的目的是在64位系统中兼容32位应用程序的。三、program file与program file(*86)这两个文件夹,都不能删除。四、系统文件中,除了高级的专业人员外,一般用户都不适宜人工去删除文件。五、管理系统分区的文件,可以使用专业的电脑管家,这样,不会造成系统文件被错误删除。win7c盘里为什么有个program files 一个program files*86这是因为用户安装的系统是win7 64位版本。分析如下:1、win64 位能同时支持32位的windows程序和64位的windows程序;2、windows系统为便于程序的管理,系统默认会将程序安装到program files 文件夹;3、进入64位系统时代后,为了对32位的windows程序和64位的windows程序进行区别管理,所以出现了program files 文件夹(默认为64位程序的安装路径)和program files(x86)文件夹(默认为32位程序的安装路径).

电脑C盘中的 Program Files 文件夹是什么意思呀

Program Files英文意思是程序文件,C:Program Files文件夹是32位Windows操作系统安装应用程序的默认文件夹,进入64位操作系统时代后,C:Program Files成为64位应用程序默认安装文件夹,而32位应用程序的默认安装文件夹则被改为了C:Program Files(x86),这两个文件很重要,不可删除!原则上来说,所有的东西都可以放在里面,一般我们安装软件都会默认在这个目录下,但是因为它是在C区下,如果安装的东西过多会影响系统运行速度。拓展资料:Program Files文件夹里面有什么?当然根据用户的系统不一样Program Files文件夹里面的文件也是不同的,一般初始的windows系统中的Program Files文件夹包括:1、Common Files: 提供程序中的一些共享配置文件。2、Internet Explorer: 网络浏览器。3、Windows Media Player: 媒体播放器。4、Movie Maker: 影片制作工具。5、Outlook Express: 提供邮件收发功能。6、NetMeeting: 网络聊天软件。7、Messenger: 新版网络聊天工具。8、Online Services: 提供创建网络连接的服务商。9、Microsoft Office: 办公软件集合,包括文字处理 Word、表格处理 Excel、幻灯处理 PowerPoint、数据库处理 Access、邮件处理 Outlook 和网页处理 FrontPage。可能还有Microsoft Games电脑内置游戏的哦。其余的文件夹,都是之后安装的程序所在文件夹。

program files是什么文件夹?


电脑里program files是什么文件夹?

一、program files,中文意思是:程序文件。它是系统中专门设置的一个文件夹,应用程序默认的安装路径是program files。二、program file与program file(*86) 的区别:program file(*86),这是在64位系统中出现,它的目的是在64位系统中兼容32位应用程序的。三、program file与program file(*86)这两个文件夹,都不能删除。四、系统文件中,除了高级的专业人员外,一般用户都不适宜人工去删除文件。五、管理系统分区的文件,可以使用专业的电脑管家,这样,不会造成系统文件被错误删除。win7c盘里为什么有个program files 一个program files*86这是因为用户安装的系统是win7 64位版本。分析如下:1、win64 位能同时支持32位的windows程序和64位的windows程序;2、windows系统为便于程序的管理,系统默认会将程序安装到program files 文件夹;3、进入64位系统时代后,为了对32位的windows程序和64位的windows程序进行区别管理,所以出现了program files 文件夹(默认为64位程序的安装路径)和program files(x86)文件夹(默认为32位程序的安装路径).

program files(x86)是什么意思?

Program Files (x86)是一个系统文件夹,一般32位应用程序都会默认安装在Program Files (x86)文件中,而64位应用程序则会安装在Program Files文件夹中。该设计是为了防止加载错误版本的DLL,比如用户安装了32位程序,如果错误加载了64位DLL就会导致程序崩溃,因此微软就设置了2个不同的文件夹Program Files和Program Files (x86)来区分x64和x84不同的程序文件。扩展资料:一个初始的Windows系统中的program files(x86)里一般有以下文件夹:1、Common Files:提供程序中的一些共享配置文件。2、Internet Explorer:网络浏览器。3、Windows Media Player:媒体播放器。4、Movie Maker:影片制作工具。5、Outlook Express:提供邮件收发功能。6、NetMeeting:网络聊天软件。7、Messenger:新版网络聊天工具。8、Online Services:提供创建网络连接的服务商。9、Microsoft Office:办公软件集合,包括文字处理Word、表格处理Excel、幻灯处理PowerPoint、数据库处理Access、邮件处理Outlook和网页处理FrontPage。

program files和program files x86删除吗


C盘、D盘和E盘都有program Files文件夹



注册表定位至以下路径中HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion里面的ProgramFilesDir、ProgramFilesDir (x86)和ProgramW6432Dir相关数据中指定的路径更改一下即可。更改完毕后重启电脑。

C盘里的Program Files可以移动的吗。


WIN7里program files 和programdate的区别

program files 是你的程序安装文件夹,所有应用程序都是装在这里面的,是系统必需的programdate 是一些应用程序创建的保存自己下载或备份数据的文件夹,

电脑C盘里占用很多没用的文件 这三个文件能不能删除掉 program files program files(x86) Windows

首先说一下,Program Files或者Program Files(X86)这个目录都是你安装软件时系统默认的安装路径。也就是说你安装的软件很多都在这里面。因为Program Files里面装的是各种应用程序,从某种意义上来说你可以把他全删了,但是这样的后果就是你电脑桌面上的所有东西都打不开了。如果你对电脑够了解,要问里面那些可以删那就是所有你已经卸载过还剩在那里的文件。或者你认识它,知道这个文件是什么程序的并且你确定不需要用它了你也可以删了去。看了你的截图,从下往上说把,下面那些个windows开头的你就别理他了。uusee是一个网络电视 thunder是迅雷 Tencent是腾讯的玩意包括QQ啊腾讯游戏啊什么的 这个是.net存的别理他。再往上两个分别是R开头的声卡 和显卡的。在往上是几个系统和微软的产品包括办公软件等。不知道是什么的就是那个“lingxiu”和“BOJLIBS Security suite 3.0”前面一个好像是个裸聊的玩意,后面那个不知道。如果说没用估计也就他俩了把。

win10 怎么删除program files

是的。WIN10是有两个这文件夹。不可以删,是这样的,在64位系统下,为了更好的兼容32位程序,在安装一些32位程序(注意某些程序他就是32位的),会默认扔到program files(x86)这个文件夹下,而一些64位的程序,或程序本身没有位数区别的,会默认扔到program files这个文件夹下,他两下,都有一些与程序使用相关的程序,不能轻易删。不过,提醒一下,安装程序时,如果默认路径给出program files(x86),建议最好手动修改一下,改成 d:/program files这样的文件夹,因为有一些程序,一识别文件夹时,会无法识别(x86)这样的写法,而导致你程序无法使用。

电脑program files文件夹删了怎么办


为什么系统盘里有两个program files


program files x86 可以删除吗

这个不可以删哦,删了有可能你的Adobe里面的 软件 比如 ps就有可能不能用了, 谢谢采纳!

如何能把D盘的Program Files文件夹删除?


Program Files和Program Files(x86)两个文件夹中的文件都不能删除吗?


c盘中有一个programfiles和program file(*86)可以删掉吗?

一、program files,中文意思是:程序文件。它是系统中专门设置的一个文件夹,应用程序默认的安装路径是program files。二、program file与program file(*86) 的区别:program file(*86),这是在64位系统中出现,它的目的是在64位系统中兼容32位应用程序的。三、program file与program file(*86)这两个文件夹,都不能删除。四、系统文件中,除了高级的专业人员外,一般用户都不适宜人工去删除文件。五、管理系统分区的文件,可以使用专业的电脑管家,这样,不会造成系统文件被错误删除。

为什么我的c盘里有Program Files和Program Files(x86),且两个里面的很多内容是一


可以删除D盘的Program Files文件夹吗


c盘program files可以删除吗

C盘的program files不能删除,也无法直接删除。C盘的program files文件夹是系统文件夹,是windows系统安装应用软件的默认安装位置。不加指定路径,软件会被自动安装到该目录下。直接强行删除该目录,会导致已经安装的程序丢失,无法使用,甚至导致系统运行出现问题。

电脑C盘里面program Files 是什么意思?

意思是: 程序文件

program files是什么文件夹,可以删除吗

本文操作环境:Windows7系统,Dell G3电脑。 program files是应用程序文件夹,它是Microsoft Windows 操作系统中标准文件夹的目录名称,通常在其中安装不属于操作系统的应用程序。 简单来说,Program Files 是默认安装第三方应用程序的文件夹,但在安装过程中,大多数应用程序的安装程序会为用户提供选择或创建自己的应用程序安装目录路径的选项。这意味着 Program Files 目录只是为了有序和方便而不是必要的固定装置。 安装在“Program Files”目录下的每个应用程序都有一个子目录,用于存放其特定于应用程序的资源。 program files文件夹可以删除吗? Program Files文件夹不可以删除! 无论安装目录在哪里,应用程序或程序通常都可以运行,但也有一些例外。有些程序需要安装在Program Files目录下,通常是因为它们包含一些硬编码的路径,或者因为一些环境变量的要求或者因为一些其他未知因素;但是,这些程序通常不允许用户将它们安装在其他任何地方,因此在安装过程中不会显示该选项。 还有其他程序需要特定文件夹才能安装。例如,设备驱动程序的安装程序不会向用户提供选择安装位置的选项,大多数情况下只是询问是否允许安装,然后安装并完成。 如果删除,会造成电脑重启之后碰到错误。 总结 总的来说,C盘的文件夹大多数是系统文件,用户不能主动删除相关文件,以免造成系统的异常。 可以通过卸载不使用的程序来释放program files文件夹的空间,具体为: 1、首先,双击桌面上的“控制面板”,如下图所示。 2、其次,点击“卸载程序”,如下图所示。 3、接着,可以看到所有安装的程序,如下图所示。 4、最后,右键单击需要卸载的程序,然后选择“卸载/更改”即可,随后将自动卸载程序直至完成。这样,以上的问题就解决了。

C:Program Files下的文件可以删除吗


怎么删除“c:program files”文件夹?

这个文件夹中的文件也挺复杂的,很多系统默认的安装路径都指向这里,但是也有可以删除的文件,如下是如下几个文件夹:C:Program FilesWindows Update 这个目录用于在线升级,可以删除。C:Program FilesWindows Media PlayerSkins 这是WMP自带的“皮肤”。C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedStationery这是Outlook中的信纸图案,有用的留着,用不到的就删除。从某种意义上来说你可以把他全删了,但是这样的后果就是你电脑桌面上的所有东西都打不开了。拓展资料:电脑C盘满了的时候,运行会变慢。下面是电脑C盘不误删清理的方法。1.右键c盘,点击属性,打开之后常规页面有一个磁盘清理,点中之后开始自动清理c盘了。可以清理部分临时文件。2.桌面就是默认c盘存储位置,把桌面上没用的删除,然后回收站永久删除。3.把娱乐游戏软件放到D盘,可以把常用的放到d盘,这样可以就减轻了c盘的负担.4.点击c盘,找到Program Files,搜索common files,点击打开就会看到Tencent,删除这个文件,里面都是一些临时文件图片之类的。5.有些软件不常用,用360软件之类的程序删除这些软件,释放内存。6.从c盘中找到users,看看有没有可以删除的音乐或者视频。然后就好了。欢迎下载腾讯电脑管家了解更多知识,体验更多功能。

电脑C盘里面program Files(x86) 是什么意思?

在64位操作系统里,安装64位应用程序时安装到program Files文件下;32位应用程序时安装到program Files(x86)文件夹下。

电脑C盘里面program Files(x86) 是什么意思?

电脑C盘里面program Files(x86) 是应用程序安装的文件夹,32位的应用程序安装在该文件夹下面,另外C盘的根目录还有一个program Files文件夹,也是应用程序安装的文件夹,64位的应用程序安装在该文件夹下,需要注意的是,64位的系统兼容32位的,即32位的软件也可以安装在64位的系统上。program Files(x86) 和program Files两个文件夹都是重要程序文件,不要随意删除里面文件,否则会引起程序不能运行,如果要删除应用程序,最好到控制面板的“添加和卸载程序”中去卸载。

电脑Program Files文件夹

  Program Files文件夹是什么意思?Program Files文件夹有什么作用?大家知道吗?    电脑程序文件Program File   简单的说是应用软件文件夹 装软件的默认路径。   Program Files 是程序文件,就是说Windows 操作系统,当然也包括其它的操作系统各种软件默认安装到的.目录,位于C盘分区.。    Program Files 文件夹包括什么   一个初始的 Windows 系统中的 Program Files 里一般有以下文件夹:   1. Common Files: 提供程序中的一些共享配置文件。   2. Internet Explorer: 网络浏览器。   3. Windows Media Player: 媒体播放器。   4. Movie Maker: 影片制作工具。   5. Outlook Express: 提供邮件收发功能。   6. NetMeeting: 网络聊天软件。   7. Messenger: 新版网络聊天工具。   8. Online Services: 提供创建网络连接的服务商。   9. Microsoft Office: 办公软件集合,包括文字处理 Word、表格处理 Excel、幻灯处理 PowerPoint、数据库处理 Access、邮件处理 Outlook 和网页处理 FrontPage。    Program Files 文件夹的作用   利用 Program Files 文件夹彻底卸载软件   不少软件在卸载之后都会因为各种各样的原因留下一些残留信息,比如 QQ 软件,在卸载后还会留下账号的聊天记录等信息,以保证以后再安装 QQ 软件时,这些信息不会丢失。如果你认为以后不需要使用到这些信息,那么就可以彻底删除。   在执行了标准卸载后,请立刻打开系统盘下的 Program Files 文件夹,找到软件安装的目录。例如 QQ 软件就存放在 Program Files 文件夹里的 Tencent 目录下,直接将整个文件夹删除,即可实现彻底卸载。

program files 是什么意思


program files 是什么文件啊 里面的东西可以删了吗

program files文件夹,默认情况下,通常将系统基本程序安装目录以及以后安装的东西安装在此处。 如果要删除程序,可以转到控制面板的卸载程序模块中卸载程序,直接删除此文件夹将导致系统崩溃。但是,也有一些文件是可以删除的,比如:C:Program FilesWindows Update,这个目录用于在线升级,可以删除。总的来说,C盘的文件夹大多数是系统文件,用户不能主动删除相关文件,以免造成系统的异常。扩展资料:可以通过卸载不使用的程序来释放program files文件夹的空间,具体为:1、首先,双击桌面上的“控制面板”,如下图所示。2、其次,点击“卸载程序”,如下图所示。3、接着,可以看到所有安装的程序,如下图所示。4、最后,右键单击需要卸载的程序,然后选择“卸载/更改”即可,随后将自动卸载程序直至完成。这样,以上的问题就解决了。

电脑硬盘里的“program files”文件夹是什么意思?

Program Files文件夹是应用软件文件夹,比如你需要安装软件,他的默认安装路径就是Program Files文件夹了。如果对此有怀疑的话可以去安装一个软件试试哦,Program Files文件则是程序文件。Program Files 指的是程序文件,也就是Windows 操作系统,当然也包括其它的操作系统各种软件默认安装到的目录,位于C盘分区("C:Program Files","%ProgramFiles%")。但也可根据用户的需要自定义到别的分区。由于系统分区空间宝贵,因此许多人会将应用程序安装到其他分区,比如D:。然而,一般情况下软件在安装时都会自动选择系统默认的C:Program Files文件夹,每次都要更换安装路径,非常麻烦,需要更改默认安装路径来解决。

什么是Program Files(x86)文件夹?

Program Files (x86)是一个系统文件夹,一般32位应用程序都会默认安装在Program Files (x86)文件中,而64位应用程序则会安装在Program Files文件夹中。该设计是为了防止加载错误版本的DLL,比如用户安装了32位程序,如果错误加载了64位DLL就会导致程序崩溃,因此微软就设置了2个不同的文件夹Program Files和Program Files (x86)来区分x64和x84不同的程序文件。一个初始的Windows系统中的program files(x86)里一般有以下文件夹:1、Common Files:提供程序中的一些共享配置文件。2、Internet Explorer:网络浏览器。3、Windows Media Player:媒体播放器。4、Movie Maker:影片制作工具。5、Outlook Express:提供邮件收发功能。6、NetMeeting:网络聊天软件。7、Messenger:新版网络聊天工具。



program files是什么意思

program files,中文意思是:程序文件。它是系统中专门设置的一个文件夹,应用程序默认的安装路径是program files。program file与program file(*86) 的区别:program file(*86),这是在64位系统中出现,它的目的是在64位系统中兼容32位应用程序的。program file与program file(*86)这两个文件夹,都不能删除。系统文件中,除了高级的专业人员外,一般用户都不适宜人工去删除文件。管理系统分区的文件,可以使用专业的电脑管家,这样,不会造成系统文件被错误删除。win7c盘里为什么有个program files 一个program files*86,这是因为用户安装的系统是win7 64位版本。分析如下:1、win64 位能同时支持32位的windows程序和64位的windows程序;windows系统为便于程序的管理,系统默认会将程序安装到program files 文件夹;2、进入64位系统时代后,为了对32位的windows程序和64位的windows程序进行区别管理,所以出现了program files 文件夹(默认为64位程序的安装路径)和program files(x86)文件夹(默认为32位程序的安装路径).

Program Files是什么意思?


through the fire and flames lyrics歌词


把...分类成....是写classified..into 还是classify..into ?????

classify是一个及物动词,看例子1. The books in the library are classified by subject. 图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 2. Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other? 你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类? 你说的情况这要看主语什么了,懂了吧?


classifiedadj.保密的,(信息)归入密级的; 分类的,归类的v.分类( classify的过去式和过去分词)She glanced her eye down the classified advertisements. 她扫视了一下分类广告。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O


classify是分成类别 分成等级。。divide有分类。。出发。。分开(实物的分开 如分开一块蛋糕)


v&adj 分类,保密(只有adj)



classification 与 classify的区别是什么?

名词 动词

有一首英文歌刚开始是一个男声喊 ten nine eight seven six five four three two one

百度 傲之最战歌

英语The first argument by convention怎么翻译?


defining clause....

Defining clauses: 1) No ma 2) The important information on something. If the defining clause is removed your sentence bees confusing or it doesn"t make sense at all. Examples: The man whose father is my uncle was arrested this morning. whose father is my uncle<-------defining clause ( no ma) Now let"s remove this clause. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MAN was arrested this morning.<--------------- A confusing subject= the man!!!!! The man whose father is my uncle was arrested this morning. ( CLEAR NOW) _____________________________________ Let me show you one more example. The lady who gave you $ 1000 the other day died this morning. who gave you $1000 the other day<------- defining clause with no ma Note: " who" is used to describe " the lady". Let me remove this clause for you now. The lady died this morning. <---------------- WHO was the lady?<-------------------------------------------- That"s it. :) Hope that helps. 8686868686886866868688 In grammar a clause is a pair of words or group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate although in some languages and some types of clauses the subject may not appear explicitly as a noun phrase. It may instead be marked on the verb (this is especially mon in null subject languages.) The most basic kind of sentence consists of a single clause; more plicated sentences may contain multiple clauses including clauses contained within clauses. A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause may be either a sentence (independent clause) or a sentence-like construction included within another sentence (dependent clause). 2009-02-22 10:05:46 补充: Examples: * "Life moves pretty fast. If you don"t stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it." * "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." 参考: en. *** /wiki/Clause grammar.about/od/c/g/clauseterm

non-finite clause是什么意思

non-finite clause非限定分句clause[英][klu0254:z][美][klu0254z]n.从句,分句; 条款,款项; 复数:clauses例句:1.Lawyers said the clause appears to defang the exclusivity pact between wachovia and citigroup. 律师说,该条款看起来削弱了wachovia和花旗间的排他协议。

作为“条款”“规定”之意,term,condition,article,specification,clause 的区别

terms,做条款讲时,意思和conditions差不多,翻译成情况、条件更合适,指限制或定义某件事(如协议或合同)的一些条件或规则,大家都同意这些条件的情况下,此事才有效或发生. 此外,一定要做复数用 clause:指法律条款或有法律效力的条款 Article:正式协议、契约、或者包括部分处理特别指向文件的条款.

Do you find this book____?A.frustrate B.frustrating C.frustrated D.frustration


Do you find this book____?A.frustrate B.frustrating C.frustrated D.frustration


nonfinite clauses什么意思


nonfinite clauses什么意思

nonfinite clause [nu0254n"fainait]【语法学】非限定从句

space sinffier怎么用


健康信里的fits due to high fever该如何翻译?是什么病症?


一首英文歌 开始的英文 听的是 when i ran from you i ran to you when i try to high i find you there

"No Far Away"by Chris AugustWhen I ran from YouI ran to YouAnd when I tried to hideI found You thereWhen I told You noYou knew right where I"d goSo when I ran from YouI ran to YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s nowhere I could go that You"re not already thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere is no height or depthTo hold You backThere is no tower veilTo hide Your face"Cause You tore it downNow we see You all aroundSo when we run from YouWe run to YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s nowhere I could go that You"re not already thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouI fell so far, I was so far goneThen I saw You, yeah, I saw YouI"ve climbed so high that I could not breatheThen I saw You thereYou called me close and my heart gave inThen I saw You yeah I saw YouWell, what matters the mostIn the midst of my sin I saw You thereI saw You thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s nowhere I could go that You"re not already thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouWhen I ran from YouI ran to You

space sinffier怎么用




请高手用中文翻译一下盖瑞贝克的论文The Solution to Traffic Congestio

OAD拥堵是现代物流的诅咒。 It 它 causes unpredictability in journey times and results 导致行车时间和结果的不可预测性 in more vehicles needing to be used to meet 更多的车辆可以用来满足 deadlines and stay within drivers" hours requirements. 期限,并留在司机的小时要求。 But 但 congestion is expected to get much worse in the future, 拥堵有望在未来得到更糟糕, although there is the prospect of some improvement from 尽管有一些改善的前景 the measures in the Government"s Ten Year Plan for 在政府的十年规划的措施 Transport. 运输。 Fleet operators and logistics managers need to 舰队运营商和物流经理需要 allow for changed journey times when planning future 规划未来时,允许改变行车时间 schedules and vehicle numbers. 时间表和车辆号码。 FTA is helping by commissioning research to predict future FTA是帮助受委托研究,以预测未来 journey times on the motorway and trunk road network. 在高速公路和干线公路网的行车时间。 These 这些 new estimates will take account of predicted traffic growth and 新的估计将帐户和预测交通量的增长 promised road capacity improvements and will enable better 承诺提高道路通行能力,将能更好地 informed decisions regarding future road conditions. 关于未来的道路条件下的明智的决策。 The impact of traffic congestion on journey times over the 行车时间的交通挤塞影响 next few years will be profound without a dramatic 未来几年将是深远的,没有一个戏剧性的 improvement in road capacity on key routes. 改善道路上的主要航线的能力。 Published 出版 data reveal the scale of the problem. 数据揭示了问题的规模。 Average speeds on all types of trunk road fell between 1995 对所有类型的主干道路的平均时速1995年间下降了 and 1998. 和1998年。 In the morning peak, speeds were nearly 6mph 在早上繁忙时间,速度是近6英里每小时 slower in 1998 than in 1995. 在1998年比1995年慢。 The largest decreases in speed 跌幅最大的速度 were on motorways - almost 8mph. 上高速公路-几乎8英里每小时。 Near most cities, 附近的大多数城市, speeds fell by over 10mph. 由以上10英里每小时的速度下降。 Traffic forecasts indicate a 17% increase in vehicle 交通预测显示,在车辆增加17% kilometres in England between 2000 and 2010 with 2000年和2010年之间在英格兰公里 improvements promised in the Ten Year Plan, or a 22% “十年计划”中承诺的改善,或22% increase without the Ten Year Plan improvements. 不增加的十年计划改善。 Traffic 交通 growth will be highest on motorways and rural trunk 增长将是最高的高速公路和农村主干 roads. 道路。 Much of the road network already experiences heavy 大部分的道路网络已经经历了重 congestion during the peak periods. 在高峰时段的拥堵。 The Government"s Ten Year Plan for Transport predicts 政府运输计划十大预测 that, based on the 1997 National Road Traffic Forecasts, ,根据1997年全国道路交通预测, with the existing network and no change in policies, the 与现有的网络和政策,没有改变 proportion of the trunk road network with serious 严重的干线公路网的比例 congestion would increase from 14% in 1996 to 26% in 拥塞会增加从1996年的14%至26% 2016. 2016年。 Because these are heavily trafficked roads, the 因为这些都是交通繁忙的道路, proportion of traffic using these stressed sections would 交通使用这些压力部分的比例将 increase from 26% in 1996 to 46% by 2016. 从1996年的46%,26%提高到2016年。 On the same basis, journey times are forecast to increase 在同一基础上,行车时间预计将增加 considerably, by up to 70% on urban motorways in peak 很大,高达70%的城市高速公路在高峰 hours by 2016. 时至2016年。 Congestion at motorway junctions will also increase. 在高速公路路口的挤塞情况也将增加。 By 通过 2016, 74% of off-peak traffic on urban motorways will 2016年,74%的城市高速公路交通离峰会 encounter congestion at junctions, compared to only 19% 在路口遇到拥堵,只有19%相比, of off-peak traffic and 60% of peak traffic in 1996. 非高峰期的交通和在1996年的交通高峰期的60%。 Off-peak 离峰 running times will be less reliable than peak times are today. 运行时间将是不太可靠,比高峰时间是今天。 In the Ten Year Plan, the Government set a target to reduce 在“十年计划”,政府设定目标,以减少 road congestion on the inter-urban network and in large 城市间的网络,并在大型的道路拥堵 urban areas in England below current levels by 2010. 在英格兰市区目前的水平低于2010年。 These 这些 reductions are dependent on increased road capacity being 减少依赖增加道路通行能力 delivered and a reduced number of journeys being made 交付和正在作出的行程数量减少 due to the measures contained in the Ten Year Plan. 由于在“十年计划”所载的各项措施。 It also 它还 plans to provide greater confidence for road users in 计划为道路使用者提供了更大的信心 planning their journeys, as a result of better access to 规划行程,为更好地获得结果 information about conditions on the network. 信息在网络上的条件。 These improvements are highly dependent on the 这些改进是高度依赖于 successful implementation of the Ten Year Plan proposals. 成功实施的十个五年计划的建议。 Yet nearly two years into the plan, industry remains to be 然而,近两年纳入计划,工业仍然是 convinced of the Government"s resolve and ability to fund 相信政府的决心和能力,以资助 the necessary improvements. 必要的改进。 Major unforeseen setbacks in 在重大不可预见的挫折 the rail sector have stalled planned investments necessary to 铁路部门已经停滞不前了必要的投资计划 expand rail services and these will impact on the expected 扩大铁路运输服务,这些都会影响预期 improvements in road conditions. 在道路条件的改善。 Industry therefore needs to plan prudently and have low 因此,行业需要审慎规划和低 expectations of major new infrastructure investment at this 在这个新的重大基础设施投资的预期 stage. 阶段。 These assumptions can be revised in the future 这些假设可以在未来修订 should sustained investment be forthcoming. 应持续投资即将到来。 FTA has contracted TRL (formerly the Transport Research 自由贸易区已签约的TRL(原运输研究 Laboratory) to develop forecasts for future journey times on 实验室),以发展为未来的行车时间预测 the motorway and trunk road network to assist in business 高速公路和干线公路网络,以协助业务 planning decisions. 规划决定。 Using published data on current 使用目前公布的数据 conditions and estimation techniques, new point-to-point 条件和估算技术,新点,以点 timings will be produced for the main motorway and trunk 时序将产生的主要高速公路和主干 road routes that will allow future journey times and vehicle 公路路线,将使未来的行车时间和车辆 schedules to incorporate future congestion levels. 日程,纳入未来的拥塞水平。

eclipse svn:e155004:there are unfinished work items为什么不让clean up

1.首先,使用eclipse -》在项目 右键->tearm->cleanup ,操作了几次问题依然存在。 2.然后使用命令: cd E:gradleprocloud_server 目录,执行:svn cleanup 命令E:gradleprocloud_server>svn cleanup 问题终于解决了,可以上传文件了。


翻译如下:火 不会燃烧我的心被灰尘蒙住 无法拂掉火 不会燃烧我是如此渺小 小到无法被听到火 将何时燃烧蒙住灰尘的心将要爆掉火 将不会燃烧我是如此暗淡 永远无法被听到骗子 将何时死掉幼稚的笑话没有人在乎是坏 是好骗子 他将不会死掉他演着自己的戏剧 乐在其中任逍遥火流星啊 你何时带我离去我已经厌倦劳累 想要熊熊燃烧你是否将要来到 将我永远闪耀 这首歌词的确很给力!!!加油!!!

fifa14中有一首歌歌词有很多i am,…,请问这首歌叫什么名字

Rock Mafia feat. Wyclef Jean & David Correy:《I Am》


就是这些歌啦American Authors:《Hit it》  Amplify Dot:《Get Down》  Bloc Party:《Ratchet》  Chinza Dopeness:《T.U.B.E.》  Chvrches:《We Sink》  Crystal Fighters:《Love Natural》  Dan Croll:《Compliment Your Soul》  David Dallas:《Runnin》  De Staat:《Down Town》  Disclosure:《F For You》  Empire of The Sun:《Alive》  Foals:《My Number (Trophy Wife Remix)》  Grouplove:《I"m With You》  Guards:《I Know It"s You》  Illya Kuryaki & The Vaderramas:《Funky Futurista》  Jamie N Commons:《Marathon》  John Newman:《Love Me Again》  Karol Conka:《Boa Noite》  Los Rakas:《Hot》  Marcelo D2,:《Voce Diz Que O Amor Nao Doi》  Miles Kane:《Do not Forget Who You Are》  Nine Inch Nails:《Copy of A》  OK Kid:《Am Ende》  Oliver:《Mechanical》  Olympic Ayres,:《Magic》  Portugal. The Man:《Purple Yellow Red and Blue》  Robert Delong:《Here》  Rock Mafia feat. Wyclef Jean & David Correy:《I Am》  Smallpools:《Dreaming》  The 1975:《The City》  The Chain Gang of 1974:《Miko》  The Colourist,:《Little Games (St. Lucia Remix)》  The Naked and Famous:《Hearts Like Ours》  The Royal Concep:《On Our Way》  Vampire Weekend:《Worship You》  Wretch,:《32-24 Hours》  You Me At Six,:《Lived A Lie》

荷东舞曲I find the way的中英文歌词


求 “RFID电子标签复合设备” 英文说明书一份 , 中英文最好 ,或者此设备专业英语词汇也可以,非常感谢

RFID电子标签常用英文术语AAccess Control 访问控制Active RFID System 主动射频系统用自身的射频能量主动地发送数据给读写器 Active Tag 有源标签, 或称为主动标签Agile Reader 灵敏解读器AIM 自动识别技术协会Amplitude 振幅 Analog Data 模拟数据 Antenna 天线Anti-collision 防冲突Application Integration 应用集成Application Programming Intece (API) 应用程序接口Asset Management 资产管理Asset Tracking 资产跟踪Audit 核查Automatic data capture (ADC) 自动数据获取Automatic Identification (Auto-ID) 自动识别Automatic Identification and Data Collection (AIDC) 自动识别和数据采集BBack Scatter 反射散布Barcode 条形码Bill of Lading 提货单Bit 位Bluetooth 蓝牙技术Business Process 业务流程CCache 缓存Carrier 载体Carrier Signal 载波讯号Check Digit 校验位Chip 芯片 Chipless Tag 无芯标签Collision 冲突 Concatenation 链接Contactless Smart Card 无接触智能卡Container 集装箱Control Module 控制模块Coupling 耦合DData Carrier 数据载体Data Collection 数据采集Data Entry 数据输入Data Field 数据段Data Standard 数据标准Data Structure 数据结构Data Titles 数据段简称Decode 解码Die 模块Distributed Architecture 分布式结构Distributed Architecture 分布式架构 Distribution Center 分发中心DUN-14 (Despatch Unit Number) 储运单元代码Dynamic Data 动态数据EEAN International 国际物品编码协会EAN UCC Company Prefix EAN·UCC厂商识别代码EAN UCC Prefix EAN·UCC前缀码Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 电磁兼容能力Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) 电磁干扰Electromagnetic Spectrum 电磁波频谱Electromagnetic Waves 电磁波 Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) 商品电子防盗系统Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换Electronic Invoice 电子发票Electronic Product Code (EPC) 电子产品码Encode 编码Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) 企业应用集成Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 企业资源规划EPC Information Service (EPCIS) EPC信息服务European Article Numbering (EAN) 欧洲商品编码Excite 激发Extensible Markup Language (XML) 可扩展标识语言Extension Digit 扩展位FFast Moving Consumer Goods 快速消费品FCC 美国联邦传播委员会Firmware 固件Fixed Measure Trade Item 定量贸易项目GGlobal Commercial Initiative 全球商业联盟Global Location Number 全球位置码Global Tag (GTAG) 全球标准标签(G标签)Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) 全球贸易识别号码Global Trade Item Number 全球贸易项目代码GTIN 全球贸易项目代码HHigh Frequency (HF) 高频House Way Bill Number 货运代理人运单号IInductive Coupling 感应耦合Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Bands 工业,科学和医药频段Infrastructure 基础设施Integrated Circuit (IC) 集成电路International Standards Organization (ISO) 国际标准化组织International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 联合国国际电信联盟Internet of things 物联网Interrogator 询问器Interrogator (see Reader) 讯问器 (参照解读器)Inventory 库存ISO 国际标准化组织Item 产品Item Model 产品型号Item Number 产品编号Item Reference 项目参考Item Reference Number 项目代码LLine-of-sight Technology 可视传输技术Logistic Measures 物流计量Logistic Unit 物流单元Logistics 物流Low Frequency (LF) 低频MMagnification 放大系数Manufacturer 制造商Manufacturer"s ID 制造商标识Manufacturer"s Number 制造商代码Microchip 微芯片Microchip 微芯片Micron 微米 Microwave Tags 微波标签Middleware 中间件Modulation 调制Multiple Access Schemes 多路配置Multiplexer 多路转换器NNanoblock 纳块 Nominal Range 标称范围Null Spot 无效点OObject Naming Service (ONS) 对象名解析服务PPackaging and Labeling 包装和标记Packaging Type 包装类型Pallet 运输托盘Passive RFID system 被动射频系统 Passive Tag 无源标签, 或称被动标签Physical Markup Language (PML) 物理标识语言Platform 平台PML Server 物体标示语言服务器PML Server PML服务器 Protocol 协议Prototype 原型Proximity Sensor 近距离传感器RRadio Frequency (RF) Spectrum 无线电频谱Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 射频识别Radio Wave 射频信号 Read Range 解读范围Read Rate 读取速度Reader 解读器, 或称阅读器, 读写器Reader Collision 解读器冲突Reader Field 解读器区域Read-Only Tag 只读标签Read-Write Tag 读写标签Receiver 接收器Retailer 零售商Return on Investment (ROI) 投资回报Returnable Asset 可回收资产RFID Tag 射频标签SScanner 扫描器Semi-passive RFID System 半主动射频系统 Semi-Passive Tag 半无源电子标签, 或称半被动式电子标签Sensor 感应器Short Range 短距离Simultaneous identification 同时识别功能 Smart Card 智能卡Smart Label 智能标签Static Data 静态数据 Supplier 供应商Supply Chain Management (SCM) 物流管理System Implementation 系统实施TTag 标签Tag Collision 标签冲突Temporal Data 暂态数据 Track and Trace 跟踪与追踪Trade Measures 贸易计量Transmitter 发射器 Transponder 转发器UUHF 超高频Uniform Code Council (UCC) 美国统一代码协会Uniform Product Code (UPC) 通用产品代码WWafer 晶片 Warehouse Management 仓库管理Write Rate 记录速度





I Finally Know 歌词

I Finally Know<~BIBI~我们想念你> 歌手:Boyz II MenI"ve been searchin"For the girl of my dreamsThe one who"ll give all of her love to meYou"ve been there as a friend indeedSomeone that I could dependThrough thick and thinMy strength when I wanted to give inYou"re special to meMade it easy when I felt lonelyIf I only knew then what I know nowMy search would"ve ended long agoI finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeNow I"m in a predicamentAnd I don"t know how to explainTo a friend that"s been a friend for so so longShould I tell you how I feel or leave it alone?Oh oh, it"s amazing how intimidatingI never knew that it was youAnd after all this time, it never crossed my mindThat in a friend, a love I"d findYou"re special to meAnd I hope that we can be much moreMy heart is in your handsSo why don"t we give love a chanceI finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeI"m waiting on a loveA love that stands through anything (anything)And everything (everything)With open arms, I (I"m giving you my all)And every part of me (every part of me)Cuz I know you"re my destiny (know you are my destiny)You"ll see finally (now I see finally)I finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeI finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeI finally knowI finally knowAnd I"m so glad He told me soI thank you Lord for showing me the oneAnd now my search is doneAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I see

找一首英文歌。有一句歌词大概是这样;give me five give me~~~~~是女生唱的。

上面有一个答案了就不复制了fireflyKeep Me By Your Side

It was ___ day that we went out for a walk. A.a such fine B.a so fine fine a D.such fine a




mozilla firefox是什么文件夹

就名字来看,这是火狐浏览器的主程序存放文件夹。Mozilla Firefox,中文俗称“火狐”(正式缩写为Fx或fx,非正式缩写为FF),是一个自由及开放源代码网页浏览器,使用Gecko排版引擎,支持多种操作系统,如Windows、Mac OS X及GNU/Linux等。该浏览器提供了两种版本,普通版和ESR(Extended Support Release,延长支持)版,ESR版本是 Mozilla 专门为那些无法或不愿每隔六周就升级一次的企业打造。Firefox ESR 版的升级周期为 42 周,而普通 Firefox 的升级周期为 6 周。根据2013年8月浏览器统计数据,Firefox在全球网页浏览器市占率76%至81%,用户数在各网页浏览器中排名第三,全球估计有6450万位用户。在印度尼西亚、德国和波兰的占有率最高,分别为97.84%、86.41%和84.31%。自Firefox 29起,浏览器界面有很大程度改变。由于该浏览器开放了源代码,因此还有一些第三方编译版供使用。如pcxFirefox,苍月浏览器,tele009等根据英国防病毒公司Sophos的最新调查数据显示,Firefox连续三年成为互联网用户最受信赖的浏览器[1-2]


这需要跟服务提供商咨询,如果问不到,一般来说,POP服务器就是pop3(或者pop)加上@后面的部分,smtp服务器就是smtp加上@后面的部分。拓展:1、Mozilla Firefox,中文俗称"火狐"(正式缩写为Fx或fx,非正式缩写为FF),是一个自由及开放源代码网页浏览器,使用Gecko排版引擎,支持多种操作系统,如Windows、Mac OS X及GNU/Linux等。该浏览器提供了两种版本,普通版和ESR(Extended Support Release,延长支持)版,ESR版本是 Mozilla 专门为那些无法或不愿每隔六周就升级一次的企业打造。Firefox ESR 版的升级周期为 42 周,而普通 Firefox 的升级周期为 6 周。2、据2013年8月浏览器统计数据,Firefox在全球网页浏览器市占率76%至81%,用户数在各网页浏览器中排名第三,全球估计有6450万位用户。在印度尼西亚、德国和波兰的占有率最高,分别为97.84%、86.41%和84.31%。自Firefox 29起,浏览器界面有很大程度改变。由于该浏览器开放了源代码,因此还有一些第三方编译版供使用。如pcxFirefox,苍月浏览器,tele009等。根据英国防病毒公司Sophos的最新调查数据显示,Firefox连续三年成为互联网用户最受信赖的浏览器。

i am fine中文是什么意思



歌名:《You"Re So Fine》专辑:《Resstless Heart》发行时间:1997-06-05 流派:流行 发行公司:EMI歌词:I want you so badThe thought is driving me madLike a cat on the prowlYou come when you want and not when I callSo sly, so prettyI wanna steal all the keys to your cityTight skirt, skinny legYou make a bad dog sit up and begYou"re everything I wantEverything I needCome in out of the cold, pretty womanSpend the night with meOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mine all mine"Til the end of time, baby, you"re so fineYou"re so hot with body heatYou cause a fire walking down the streetYou got class, you got styleThe girls don"t like it, but, the boys go wildYou"re everything I wantEverything I needCome in out of the cold, pretty womanSpend the night with meOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mineDance little sisterSpinning on a dimeShake a shimmy little twisterI"m gonna make youI"m gonna make you mineMine all mine, you"re so fineI want you so badJust the thought is driving me madI wanna know what you"ll doBaby, baby, I can"t wait to get my hands on youYou"re everything I wantEverything I needCome in out of the cold, pretty womanSpend the night with meOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mineOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mine all mineYou"re so fine





单细胞测序揭示成纤维细胞(fibroblast )异质性

随着单细胞数据的不断积累和转化,拿一个组织画个图谱的草莽时代已经基本一去不复返了。往深了做的一个方面就是做某个细胞类型的图谱。特别是对那些异质性较高的细胞类型。 例如,我们熟悉的fibroblast 就是这样的一类细胞,先来看看科普级的介绍: 成纤维细胞,结缔组织的主要活性细胞。成纤维细胞是大的、扁平的、细长的(纺锤形)细胞,具有从细胞体末端延伸出来的突起。细胞核呈扁平椭圆形。成纤维细胞产生胶原蛋白的前身胶原蛋白和基质,基质是一种无定形凝胶状基质,填充在结缔组织的细胞和纤维之间。 成纤维细胞似乎在伤口愈合中起着重要的作用,而这种活性被认为是由位于组织基质中的纤维细胞调节的。在组织损伤后,成纤维细胞迁移到损伤部位,在那里沉积新的胶原蛋白,促进愈合过程。 纤维细胞是指细胞处于不活跃状态,参与组织的维护和代谢。一些研究人员用成纤维细胞来表示这两种细胞状态,但“blast”一词通常指干细胞或细胞的激活状态。 成纤维细胞最初来源于原始间充质,因此显示出丝蛋白波形蛋白,作为中胚层起源的标记。在某些情况下,上皮细胞也可以产生成纤维细胞,这个过程被称为上皮-间充质转化(EMT)。相反,成纤维细胞有时会发生间充质-上皮转变(MET)产生上皮细胞,这一过程见于发育、组织修复和肿瘤生长。 下面我们走马观花似的,看几篇案例。 这就,能写一段,就是写哪个marker在哪些cluster里表达了,好处是,我们可以从这里面copy marker list: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are a prominent stromal cell type in solid tumors and molecules secreted by CAFs play an important role in tumor progression and metastasis.Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP) marker monocle2 用的可以啊,中规中矩的一篇文章,分群,差异,go 、kegg富集。 We found that these Adrp and Pparg highly expressing MCs were clustered together to form a distinct subpopulation, and at the same time, this cluster also expresses considerable levels of Fabp1,4,5, Lpl, and Lipa. Therefore, we referred to this cluster as lipofibroblasts。 It is interesting that M2 macrophage-like signature genes , together with mesenchymal genes ( Mlc1 , Plek , CD44 , Ptpn12 , and Slpi ), are expressed in the lipofibroblast subtype Seven clusters comprised the two key cell types of the skin, keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Keratinocytes were detected in three clusters (#5, #7 and #15) and their diversity was mainly due to their degree of differentiation. While epidermal stem cells (EpSC) and other undifferentiated progenitors (#7 and #15) expressed markers such as KRT5 , KRT14 , TP63 , ITGA6 , and ITGB1 , differentiated keratinocytes (#5) were defined by KRT1 , KRT10 , SBSN , and KRTDAP expression 33 (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 1c ). Fibroblasts were identified by their archetypal markers LUM , DCN , VIM , PDGFRA , and COL1A2 27 , constituted the most abundant skin cell type (5948 cells in total), and were represented by four clusters (#1, #2, #3, and #9, Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 1c ). Despite the lower amount of cells, the individual analysis of each sample generated a similar number of clusters and identified the same major cell types (Supplementary Fig. 2 ).





Why did USA enter the first world war?

Why the United States Entered World War I The US entered the war for a variety of reasons. Here are some summaries of explanations given by WikiAnswers Contributors. Submarine Warfare and the Lusitania There were unauthorized German submarines along the US East coast. Germany"s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 provided the final straw for US politicians, and America declared war. The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, an British cruise/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York. The German U-boat ring sought to sink all supply ships headed for Britain in order to starve the island. It sank the Lusitania as part of its efforts. 1195 people died, including 128 Americans. The Lusitania"s sinking was the biggest influence on the American decision to enter the war. German submarine warfare (the Lusitania is included in this) sunk many ships over several years. Had it not been for the Lusitania, the US would have stayed out of the War. Economics Some say the "bankers" were involved. The U.S. had huge economic investments with the British and French. If they were to lose, then they would not be able to pay the U.S. debt back (amounting to about two billion dollars while Germany only borrowed a mere 27 million). If Allies could not pay back all the loans made to them by the American bankers, the US"s economy could collapse. France and England were financing their war with US loans. In addition, they were buying massive amounts of arms from the US on credit. The US wanted to make sure that it got paid back. Germany also purchased arms, but in a much more limited fashion. Politics Propaganda from both sides influenced the American decision. Woodrow Wilson did not want to go to war but when Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for another term, Wilson felt threatened and announced that there would be a preparedness program and possibly that the country would go to war. By entering the war, the US got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power. After both sides of the Mexican civil war demanded that our troops leave and public opinion badly swayed against US intervention in Mexico, Wilson had no choice but to withdraw. By having the threat of Germany helping Mexico fight back against him, Wilson knew he had to take action. He couldn"t go back into Mexico because the American people would not allow it. He really had no beef with Germany, he just wanted to save face before Mexico could fight back. Ideology President Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy ("Wilson"s War Address to Congress"). It was partly for idealistic reasons (propaganda was not seen as an evil until after the Great War). The occupation of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania changed a lot people"s minds in the US about Germany. There was more to it than just the submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania although those were the formal and legalistic reasons for declaring war. I think that over time a moral sense had developed that Britain and France were fighting the good fight for freedom against a genuine evil. If that sense had not existed I think the US would have let the Lusitania pass. As it was, it was nearly two years after she was sunk that we finally did declare war. Zimmerman Telegram Other points influenced entrance to the war, but the Zimmerman Telegram (sometimes called the "Zimmerman note" or "Zimmerman telegraph") finally pushed the US to war. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent from the German foreign secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico. It stated the following: On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively. The US has to stay neutral. Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in an financially supported alliance with Germany; If Mexico agrees to fight, they will reconquer New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. The telegraph was intercepted by British Intelligence and transmitted to the American government by the Brits. This infuriated Americans. It was the same sort of alliance that plunged Europe into war. Other WikiAnswers Contributors agree: The clincher was "discovery" of the Zimmerman Telegram (it was de-coded by the British and forwarded to US diplomats; with obvious self-interest on the part of the Brits). Answer Entry of the United States President Wilson before Congress, announcing the break in official relations with Germany on February 3, 1917. America"s policy of insisting on neutral rights while also trying to broker a peace resulted in tensions with both Berlin and London. US president Woodrow Wilson repeatedly warned that he would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Germans repeatedly promised to stop. In January 1917 the German military decided that unrestricted submarine warfare was the best gamble to choke British supplies before the American troops could arrive in large numbers. A proposal to Mexico to join the war was exposed in February, bringing war closer. (See Zimmerman telegram). After further U-boat attacks on American merchant ships, Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, which it did on April 6, 1917 (see: Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany on Wikisource). The House approved the war resolution 373-50, the Senate 82-6, with opposition coming mostly from German American districts. Wilson hoped war could be avoided with Austria-Hungary; however, when it kept its loyalty to Germany, the US declared war on Austria-Hungary in December 1917. Although the American contribution to the war was important, particularly in terms of the threat posed by an increasing US infantry presence in Europe, the United States was never formally a member of the Allies, but an "Associated Power." Significant numbers of fresh American troops only arrived in Europe in the summer of 1918, when they started arriving at 10,000 a day. Germany miscalculated that it would be many more months before large numbers of American troops could be sent to Europe, and that, in any event, the U-boat offensive would prevent their arrival. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, a number of destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland and several submarines to the Azores and to Bantry Bay, Ireland to help guard convoys. Several regiments of U.S. Marines were also dispatched to France. However, it would be some time before the United States would be able to contribute significant manpower to the Western and Italian fronts. The British and French wanted the United States to send its infantry to reinforce their troops already on the battlelines, and not use scarce shipping to bring over supplies. Thus the Americans primarily used British and French artillery, airplanes and tanks. However, General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) commander, refused to break up American units to be used as reinforcements for British Empire and French units (though he did allow African American combat units to be used by the French). Pershing ordered the use of frontal assaults, which had been discarded by that time by British Empire and French commanders as too costly in lives of their troops. To the astonishment of the Allies, the dispirited Germans broke and ran when the Americans came running, and the AEF suffered the lowest casualty rate of any army on the Western Front. (Most of its deaths were due to disease.) The U.S. had a large economic interest vested in certain countries that were in the war. The U.S had loaned millions and millions of dollars to Britain as well as billions to another country, thus it was in their interest to assure that the Allies won - even if that meant entering the war themselves. Answer VI. EXPLAINING US ENTRY--CONTENDING THEORIES: A. Three economic explanations: 1. Neutral rights, commerce protection--"we must protect our 2-way trade with Britain, to capture the efficiencies of the international division of labor." What kind of U.S. war does this explanation predict? A limited U.S. war to protect U.S. commerce with Britain, with no land war on the continent against Germany? 2. Neutral rights, business cycle variant (export protection)--"we must protect our 1-way exports to Britain, to ease US unemployment." What kind of U.S. war does this explanation predict? A limited U.S. war at sea to protect U.S. commerce with Britain? A strategy of prolonged stalemate rather than a push for decisive victory? 3. "Merchants of Death"--protection of munitions makers--"we must protect/expand our munitions exports to Britain, to keep US munitions makers and workers prosperous." Again, does this explanation predict a U.S. strategy of prolonged stalemate? B. National security/balance-of-power: the US fought to contain German military power. What does this explanation predict we should find in the U.S. archives? In U.S. public rhetoric justifying the war? C. US mobilization strategy ---> US was unable to prevent the war, tempted Germany to cut US trade with Britain before the US could mobilize. What does this explanation predict we should find Germans saying about the U.S. in the German archives? D. US misperceptions: Wilson didn"t foresee a long war, the German sub campaign, or the growth of US dependence on exports to allies. E. Common US/allied democratic culture. F. British propaganda, manipulation of US opinion.
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