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Klaus Badelt是谁?和fergie什么关系?

分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 海神号片尾曲Won"t let you fall 不是黑眼豆豆里的fegie唱的么 那Klaus Badelt又是谁? 解析: Klaus Badelt是制作的呀 下面有介绍和fergie应该就是合作关系而已吧 电影原声带 — 《 Poseidon 海神号》 专辑名称: Poseidon 海神号 歌手姓名: 电影原声带 唱片公司: 环球唱片 语言种类: 英文 发行日期: 2006年05月30日 专辑简介: “特洛伊:木马屠城”德国名导沃夫冈彼得森执导海难动作片 黑眼豆豆合唱团性感女主唱Fergie独唱2首主题曲 “神鬼奇航”,“康斯坦丁:驱魔神探”德国电影音乐家克劳斯巴代特兼具磅礴气势与情感张力的交响乐大作 “特洛伊:木马屠城”,“天摇地动”德国名导沃夫冈彼得森执导,华纳兄弟影片公司砸下1亿6千万美金摄制,汇集“冰上奇迹”寇特罗素,“机战未来”乔许卢卡斯,“春风化雨1996”李察德瑞福斯,“歌剧魅影”艾咪罗珊,“浴火英雄”洁欣达巴芮特,“当真爱遇上八卦”麦克吴吉,影集“双面女间谍”米雅梅斯托等跨世代明星携手呈现2006暑假钜片【海神号】。 故事描述船身有20层楼高的豪华游轮“海神号”正在北大西洋上进行跨年之旅,在大伙狂欢之际,一道高达1百英尺的巨浪迎面撞击这艘邮轮,经过撞击后的“海神号”完全翻覆,船身主体结构崩解,连带引发瓦斯漏气酿成大火,游轮上一片漆黑,此一浩劫发生后,仅有在舞厅中的数百名乘客幸免于难,有的乘客遵照船长指示等待救援,有的则抗命离开舞厅,展开逃生行动。 全球专辑销售破千万张,2座葛莱美奖喝采的嘻哈酷团The Black Eyed Peas/黑眼豆豆合唱团女主唱Fergie在片中饰演舞厅驻唱歌手Gloria,在影片开场的跨年派对戏中演唱了"Won"t Let You Fall","Bailamos"2首新歌,歌曲由Fergie与黑眼豆豆创作首脑will.i.am携手担任词曲创作与制作,并由A&M厂牌总裁Ron Fair(制作过Christina Aguilera、Vanessa Carlton专辑)担任编曲与指挥工作。片中同时选用华盛顿特区电音二人组Thievery Corporation/窃盗集团强力背书的阿根廷DJ Federico Aubele 2004年散发拉丁热力的摩登电音力作"Postales"。除了3首主题曲外,原声带同时辑录了由德国电影音乐生力军Klaus Badelt/克劳斯巴代特为电影谱写制作的原创音乐。Klaus在2000年前进好莱坞,陆续在德国同胞音乐家Hans Zimmer的提拔下,参与了“神鬼战士”,“不可能的任务2”,“珍珠港”等片的音乐创作,2002年开始独当一面,交出了“K-19”,“神鬼奇航”,“康斯坦丁:驱魔神探”,“紫光任务”与陈凯歌的“无极”…等电影音乐作品。在【海神号】中,Klaus以电子合成器所制作的声效搭配交响乐激荡出气势磅礴的乐声,为影片的滔天巨浪做出绝佳的声音演出,而他同时也透过悲恸的旋律刻划遭逢海难的乘客心情,兼容并蓄的体现影片的戏剧张力。 1.Won"t Let You Fall - performed by Fergie 2.Bailamos - performed by Fergie 3.Postales - performed by Federico Aubele 4.The Poseidon - posed by Klaus Badelt 5.The Wave - posed by Klaus Badelt 6.A Map And A Plan - posed by Klaus Badelt 7.Fire Dive - posed by Klaus Badelt 8.Claustrophobia - posed by Klaus Badelt 9.Drowning - posed by Klaus Badelt 10.Don"t Look Down - posed by Klaus Badelt 11.Escape - posed by Klaus Badelt



求Fergie Finally中文歌词

Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream 还是baby girl的时候,我有一个梦想 Cinderella theme 灰姑娘的水晶鞋 Crazy as it seems 看上去那么漂亮。 Always knew that deep inside that there would come that day 内心深处一直相信,那一天终会来临 But I would have to wait 但我必须等待。 Make so many mistakes 犯了这么多错误(个人理解指上述的轻信与等待) I could"nt comprehend 我无法理解 As I watched it unfold 当它在我面前打开(指个人经历的事情) This classic story told I left it in the cold 这个经典的故事表明我已经遗失了水晶鞋 Walking through the open doors that led me back to you 穿过那些使我背对着你的门 Each one unlocking more of the truth 每一扇显露出的都不仅仅只是事实 I finally stopped tripping on my youth 我终于不再继续我年轻的旅行 I finally got lost inside of you 我终于在你面前迷失了自己 I finally know that I needed to grow 我终于明白我需要长大 And finally my mate has met my soul 而我的伙伴终于和我心心相印 [chorus] Finally 最终 Now my destiny can begin 现在我的命运开始变化 Though it will have a different set 虽然和我小时候的不太一样 Something strange and new is happening 一些陌生的,新的变化正在发生 Finally 最终 Now my life doesn"t seem so bad 我的生活没那么落魄 Its the best that I"ve ever had 现在是我生命中最快乐的时光 Give my love to him finally 最终我爱上了他 MMMMMMMM I remember the beggining you already knew 我记得开始的那一刻(以下是对最开始的幼稚的回忆) I acted like a fool 我像个傻瓜 Just trying to be cool 只是尽量装酷 Fronting like it didn"t matter 表现得好像一切都无所谓 I just ran away 我彻底溃败了 And on another phase And 在另一个时刻(以下是对另一段时间中颓废的回忆) Was lost in my own space 我迷失了自己 Found what it"s like to hurt selfishly 那段时间我自私的伤害(别人和自己) Scared to give of me 畏惧付出 Afraid to just believe 害怕信任 I was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic place 我生活在猜疑的、不安的、悲惨的环境中 Stumbled through the mess that I have made 在我自己制造的困境中蹒跚 Finally got out of my own way 终于我摆脱了那样的生活 I"ve Finally started living for today 终于我开始了现在的新生 I finally know that I needed to grow 终于我明白了自己要成长 And finally my mate has met my soul 而我的伙伴终于和我心心相印 [chorus] Finally 终于

求Fergie losing my ground歌词

Losing My GroundDon"t know what day it is What"s going on? Is this real? Oh no, no, no, no, no I woke up short of breath, but I"ve still got a long day ahead of me I don"t know what day it is but tell me "cuz I gotta know who to be Is this me up in the mirror? "Cuz I thought it was somebody else Well it"s a realization, when you find out you don"t even wanna look at yourself Where do I go? What do I do? Who do I turn to? I"m losing my ground Who am I now? Where does it end? How did it all begin? I"m losing my ground Well, hit my feet, it time to hit the streets And get my life back together again Well, this place is all a masquerade So tell me where in line can I cut in? Downtown wandering aimlessly around still don"t know what I"m tryin" to find Well you could flash all the pretty lights in front of me, I still won"t see the signs Where do I go? Who do I turn to? I"m losing my ground Who am I now? Where does it end? How did it all begin? I"m losing my ground I"m losing my I"m losing my I"m losing my ground Where do I go? What do I do? Why do I do this to myself? Why do I do? Why do I do? Why do I do? Don"t wanna go back there Don"t wanna go back there Where do I go? What do I do? Who do I turn to? I"m loosing my ground Who am I now? Where does it end? How did it all begin? I"m losing my ground Ground I"m losing my I"m losing my I"m losing my ground.

fergie pedestal中文歌词

捷捷— every good

求voodoo doll-Fergie歌词翻译

The devil comes and I try to stall and 魔鬼降临,我深陷落Soon my subconscious 很快我的意识and conscious might start to brawl 与潜意识分道扬镳And I put up my walls 筑造我的墙壁And they begin to fall 他们开始堕落As this cunning demon takes me as it voodoo doll 自从狡猾的魔鬼派我做他的巫毒娃娃Darkness sets in as the horns start to grow 黑暗侵袭,头角长起Suddenly I become somebody I dont know 瞬间我已不认识自己Whoa-what do I do? 喔~我能做什么?Ooh ooh ooh oh 噢噢噢噢This body"s temple of doom 肉身藏匿着原罪Whoa-what can I say? 喔~我能说什么?To-ohh-ohh oh make all of this go away 噢噢噢让这一切消退I got many different names, 我有许多不同的名字but 2u it"s all the same 但对你来说它们都一样I be the crawlin in your skin, 我将轻拂你的肌肤I be the reason 4 your sin 我将是你的原罪I be the cunning in your charm, 我将是你灵验的咒语and I be the needle in your arm 我将是你臂上的毒针Call me once might let you got, 召唤两次你就可梦想成真call me twice and then I"m gonna get ya 召唤我两次让我主宰吧Mind playin tricks on me 思想与我恶作剧I"m paranoid, homie 我是偏执狂,你知道的Nobody know what Im going through 谁也不知道我将怎样做God, I"m so lonely 上帝,我是如此孤独I know I"m loosin it 我过于轻佻我知道的I"m hearing..wispering 但我听到了崇拜之情Somebody"s watching me, 是谁在注视着我clockin me, hear my heart tickin" 敲打着我,听我的心脏滴答滴?Worshiping 2 gods can get you in deep 对神灵的崇拜能使你沉沦Crystal ball show you things 水晶球预示着命运you"re not supposed to see 那些你自己看不到的东西You say you"re comin for ya 你说你为己而来You know I"m gonna get ya 我即将主宰你你知道的 I say I"m gonna get ya 我说我即将主宰你You know I"m comin for ya 我为你而来你知道的You say you"re comin for ya 你说你为己而来You know I"m gonna get ya 我即将主宰你你知道的I say I"m gonna get ya 我说我为你而来You know I"m comin for ya 我为你而来你知道的You say you"re comin for ya 你为己而来你知道的

求Fergie的Pick It Up的歌词及中文翻译!(20岁恋人 插入曲)

The sun didn"t come up today This lonely won"t go away It somehow feels Nothing"s real Like a stranger wears my face I Pick Up and call I Pick Up and call Cause I need to go I Pick Up and call, yeah I feel you missin" me Is there something that you need Cause we got more babe Then you know And this water"s runnin" deep You pick up and call You pick up and call "Cause you need to talk You pick up and call, yeah, yeah I Pick Up and call She picks up and calls We pick up and call "Cause we need to go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Call me on my phone girl Anytime you want girl Seven in the mornin" Pick it up you know I will Baby ain"t no wrong time For you to call up my line You stay on my mind girl You stay on my mind lady Nothing really matters When we sit and chatter Your voice is just like magic Baby, abracadabra, You put a spell on me Yeah girl you done that voodoo So you won"t you dial up my digits So I can talk to you And I Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up Pick It Up, I Pick It Up It"s crazy. How it"s so hard for me to just, call you It"s like I have these feelings, but Someone just keeps, holding me back I don"t know what it is, it"s like my insecurities, my fears I just gotta know, that your gonna be there I feel you missin" me I know you missing me Cause I"ve been missin" you Baby it"s true,it"s true, it"s true I know your wantin" me Just call and talk to me To know your needin; me Like I need you, I need you, I need you


[ti:]Finally[ar:]Fergie[al:]The Dutchess[by:][00:17.18]Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream[00:21.57]Cinderella theme[00:23.60]Crazy as it seems[00:25.75]Always knew that deep inside that there would come that day[00:30.15]When I would have to way[00:32.08]make so many mistakes[00:34.52]I could"nt comprehend[00:36.80]as I watched it unfold[00:38.64]This classic story told I left it in the cold[00:42.92]Walking through an open door that led me back to you[00:47.39]Each one unlocking more of the truth[00:51.63]I finally stopped tripping on my youth[00:55.66]I finally got lost inside of you[01:00.01]I finally know I needed to grow[01:04.23]And finally my maze had been solved[01:10.07]Finally[01:12.48]Now my destiny can begin[01:16.70]Though it will have a differences[01:20.99]Something strange and new is happening[01:26.96]Finally[01:29.45]Now my life doesn"t seem so bad[01:33.97]Its the best that I"ve ever had[01:38.16]Give my love to him finally[01:58.14]I remember the beggining you already knew[02:02.15]I acted like a fool[02:04.28]Just trying to be cool[02:06.64]Fronting like it didn"t matter[02:07.98]I just ran away[02:10.61]On another face[02:12.71]Was lost in my own space[02:15.09]Found what its like to hurt selfishly[02:19.41]scared to give of me[02:21.24]Afraid to just believe[02:23.42]I was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic place[02:27.90]Stumbled through the nets that I have made[02:32.41]Finally got out of my own way[02:36.54]I"ve Finally started living for today[02:40.34]I finally know I needed to grow[02:45.21]And finally my maze had been solved[02:50.78][02:50.96]Finally[02:53.31]Now my destiny can begin[02:57.60]Though we will have a differences[03:01.87]Something strange and new is happening[03:07.69]Finally[03:10.40]Now my life doesn"t seem so bad[03:14.72]Its the best that I"ve ever had[03:19.08]Gave my love to him Finally[03:32.31]Finally, Finally[03:51.02]Finally[03:53.25]Now my destiny can begin[03:57.51]Though it will have a differences[04:02.70]Something beautiful is happening, happening[04:08.33]Finally[04:10.40]Now my life doesn"t seem so bad[04:14.70]It"s the best that I"ve ever had[04:19.15]Give my love to him finally[04:27.00]ohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finally

谁可以帮我简单介绍一下以下几位歌手?谢谢。Jonas Brothers 、Plies 、Common 、Fergie 、Chiodos


歌词的中文翻译 (Fergie)

MD 你为此准备好了吗? MD 哦哦哦哦~ 是我,Fergie 这个坏蛋! Polow! Fergie Ferg,你怎么了,宝贝? 当我来到夜总会,在一旁驻足 最高长官坐在那里(口语中也指父亲),不要被我恨之入骨 VIP,因为你知道我获得了阳光 我是Fergie Ferg,给我更长的时间来爱你 我的妞们彷徨地坐在地板上 背靠背,低着头,确实卑微 我就是这样的一个女人,我跳舞时多么可笑 因为你知道 我不想欺骗谁,所以让我一起来吧!

Fergie的《Finally》 歌词

歌曲名:Finally歌手:Fergie专辑:The Dutchess DeluxeFinallyFergieEver since I was a baby girl I had a dreamCinderella themeCrazy as it seemsAlways knew that deep inside that there would come that dayWhen I would have to waymake so many mistakesI could"nt comprehendas I watched it unfoldThis classic story told I left it in the coldWalking through an open door that led me back to youEach one unlocking more of the truthI finally stopped tripping on my youthI finally got lost inside of youI finally know I needed to growAnd finally my maze had been solvedFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough it will have a differencesSomething strange and new is happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIts the best that I"ve ever hadGive my love to him finallyI remember the beggining you already knewI acted like a foolJust trying to be coolFronting like it didn"t matterI just ran awayOn another faceWas lost in my own spaceFound what its like to hurt selfishlyscared to give of meAfraid to just believeI was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic placeStumbled through the nets that I have madeFinally got out of my own wayI"ve Finally started living for todayI finally know I needed to growAnd finally my maze had been solvedFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough we will have a differencesSomething strange and new is happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIts the best that I"ve ever hadGave my love to him FinallyFinally, FinallyFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough it will have a differencesSomething beautiful is happening, happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIt"s the best that I"ve ever hadGive my love to him finallyohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finallyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7395700



Fergie的《Finally》 歌词

歌曲名:Finally歌手:Fergie专辑:The DutchessFinallyFergieThe DutchessEver since I was a baby girl I had a dreamCinderella themeCrazy as it seemsAlways knew that deep inside that there would come that dayWhen I would have to waymake so many mistakesI could"nt comprehendas I watched it unfoldThis classic story told I left it in the coldWalking through an open door that led me back to youEach one unlocking more of the truthI finally stopped tripping on my youthI finally got lost inside of youI finally know I needed to growAnd finally my maze had been solvedFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough it will have a differencesSomething strange and new is happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIts the best that I"ve ever hadGive my love to him finallyI remember the beggining you already knewI acted like a foolJust trying to be coolFronting like it didn"t matterI just ran awayOn another faceWas lost in my own spaceFound what its like to hurt selfishlyscared to give of meAfraid to just believeI was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic placeStumbled through the nets that I have madeFinally got out of my own wayI"ve Finally started living for todayI finally know I needed to growAnd finally my maze had been solvedFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough we will have a differencesSomething strange and new is happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIts the best that I"ve ever hadGave my love to him FinallyFinally, FinallyFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough it will have a differencesSomething beautiful is happening, happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIt"s the best that I"ve ever hadGive my love to him finallyohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finallyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52053394

Fergie的《Finally》 歌词

歌曲名:Finally歌手:Fergie专辑:Big Girls Don"T CryFinallyFergieThe DutchessEver since I was a baby girl I had a dreamCinderella themeCrazy as it seemsAlways knew that deep inside that there would come that dayWhen I would have to waymake so many mistakesI could"nt comprehendas I watched it unfoldThis classic story told I left it in the coldWalking through an open door that led me back to youEach one unlocking more of the truthI finally stopped tripping on my youthI finally got lost inside of youI finally know I needed to growAnd finally my maze had been solvedFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough it will have a differencesSomething strange and new is happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIts the best that I"ve ever hadGive my love to him finallyI remember the beggining you already knewI acted like a foolJust trying to be coolFronting like it didn"t matterI just ran awayOn another faceWas lost in my own spaceFound what its like to hurt selfishlyscared to give of meAfraid to just believeI was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic placeStumbled through the nets that I have madeFinally got out of my own wayI"ve Finally started living for todayI finally know I needed to growAnd finally my maze had been solvedFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough we will have a differencesSomething strange and new is happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIts the best that I"ve ever hadGave my love to him FinallyFinally, FinallyFinallyNow my destiny can beginThough it will have a differencesSomething beautiful is happening, happeningFinallyNow my life doesn"t seem so badIt"s the best that I"ve ever hadGive my love to him finallyohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finallyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8564717


史蒂丝·安·弗格森(Stacy Ann Ferguson;1975年3月27日-),最为人熟悉是她的艺名菲姬Fergie。美国流行音乐和R&B歌手、词曲创作人和女演员。她过去是儿童节目[1]和乐团野兰花的成员。现在菲姬是Hip Hop乐团黑眼豆豆女主唱,而且在2006年推出了首张个人专辑《菲常妖姬》早期生活菲姬在加州的Whittier出生,在哈仙达岗长大。她拥有爱尔兰和苏格兰的血统。她有一个做女演员的姊妹Dana。小时候菲姬在电视节目Kids Incorporated中客串演出。音乐事业1991年,菲姬和同是Kids Incorporated出身的Renee Sands一同组成乐团野兰花,正当乐团人气逐渐攀升,唱片公司RCA Records宣布与野兰花解约,突来的重挫让菲姬心情跌落谷底。2003年,正在寻求突破的嘻哈队伍黑眼豆豆在巡回演唱期间和菲姬有合作的机会,由於双方默契极佳,菲姬随即加入专辑《放克大象》的录制,正式成为乐团一份子,随著专辑在全球缔造佳绩,黑眼豆豆与菲姬的音乐生涯都达到了巅峰。正当菲姬为黑眼豆豆缔造了两张大热专辑后,她正式宣布要推出一张属於自己的专辑。她的处女专辑《菲常妖姬》在2006年9月12日正式发行。现推出了三支单曲:《London Bridge》[3]、《Fergalicious》[4]和《Glamorous》

求Fergie的 losing my ground歌词中文翻译~

不知道什么是天 这是怎么回事? 这是真的吗? 哦,不,不,不,不,不 我醒来了呼吸急促,但我还有漫长的一天在我前面 我不知道是什么,但它是一天告诉我" cuz余得知道谁是 这是我在镜子? " Cuz我以为是别人 那么这是一个实现,当你发现你甚至不想看自己 我在哪里呢? 我该怎么办? 我应该与谁谈? 我失去我的理由 我是谁吗? 哪里结束? 这一切是怎么开始的? 我失去我的理由 好吧,撞到了我的脚,它的时间来打击街头 并让我的生命重新结合在一起 嗯,这个地方是一种掩饰 因此,告诉我在哪里我可以在减少? 市中心附近游荡漫无目的仍然不知道我设法找到 那么你可以闪光所有漂亮灯在我的前面, 我仍然不会看到的迹象 我在哪里呢? 我应该与谁谈? 我失去我的理由 我是谁吗? 哪里结束? 这一切是怎么开始的? 我失去我的理由 我失去了 我失去了 我失去我的理由 我在哪里呢? 我该怎么办? 为什么我这样做是为了自己? 为什么我怎么办呢? 为什么我怎么办呢? 为什么我怎么办呢? 不想回到那里 不想回到那里 我在哪里呢? 我该怎么办? 我应该与谁谈? 我失去我的理由 我是谁吗? 哪里结束? 这一切是怎么开始的? 我失去我的理由 地面 我失去了 我失去了 我失去了地面。啦啦啦~给我分吧~

Fergie的London Bridge有什么特殊含义?

在英文中London Bridge是英国当时的监狱,被誉为全世界最牢固的监狱和城堡。当时英女皇的珠宝,皇冠以及权杖都存放在London Bridge中。 但是在歌里面表示当这个男孩子来到我身边时, 我内心的坚固的城堡(London Bridge) 也会倒塌。 表示爱情的魔力可以连心中最坚固的设防都可以摧毁的意思!

Fergie的《Pick It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Pick It Up歌手:Fergie专辑:Pick It Up20岁恋人插曲The sun didn"t come up todayThis lonely won"t go awayBut somehow I feel that nothing"s realLike a stranger wears my faceI pick up and callI pick up and callCus I need to tryI pick up and callYeaI feel you missing meIs there something that you needCus we got more, babe, than you knowAnd this waters running deepYou pick up and callYou pick up and callCus I need to try, yeaYou pick up and callOh yeaI pick up and callShe picks and callsYou pick up call, yeaCus we need to know, yeaCall me on my phone call girlHit me, chime the morning 7 in the morningPick it up you know i willBaby there ain"t no wrong timeFor you to call up my lineYou stay on my mind girlYou stay on my mind ladyNothing really mattersWhen we sit and chat ladyVoice is just like magic baby AbracadabraYou put a spell on meYea girl you done that voodooSo wont you dial my digits so i-i talk-talk to you.(Pick it up, puh-pick it up...)It"s crazyHow it"s so hard to just call youIt"s like i have these feelingsBut something just keeps holding me backI don"t know what it isLike my insecurities, my fears, i just dont knowIf you"re gonna be thereI feel you missing meI know you"re missing meCus i"ve been missing you, baby, it"s true, it"s true, it"s trueI know you"re wanting meJust call and talk to meCus i know you"re needing me like i need you, i need you, i need you.感谢 西乱http://music.baidu.com/song/52050890

Fergie-big girls dont cry中文歌词



1. 曲名:Won"t let you fall 歌手:Fergie

求 fergie 的 all that i got 的歌词翻译

baby, baby when you"re looking deep in my eyes宝贝,宝贝 当你看进我眼睛的最深处i know you"re seeing past my make-up我知道你从化了妆的我看到过去into the little girl that used to hide out and cry(的)习惯躲着(偷偷)哭泣的小女孩when her parents fought当她父母争吵时tryin" to be strong试着变坚强you can see the hurt in me你可以看到我受的伤the cover ups so secretly掩盖那么多的秘密and all that i aspire to be所有那些我渴望得到的you see, you see你看到了,你看到了you know who i really am你知道我到底是谁no entourage or caravan没有随从或大蓬车and do u even give me a damn你是否曾给我一只蹄兔all about that, tell me所有那些,告诉我would you love me if i didnt work out如果我没有工作你还会爱我吗or i didn"t change my natural hair或者我没有改变我自然的头发i could be the one you want to grow older with, baby我可以成为你要的那个和你一起变老的人,宝贝i"ll give you all that i got我将给你所有那些我已得到的see, i don"t mean to scare you now and push you away看,我现在不是要吓坏你,推你离开cuz i"m not tryin" to rush anythingCUZ 我不是试着催促任何事but when i look into your eyes但当我看进你的眼里i"m not scared as you say i see little you我不害怕你说你看不到我i"m in the picture too我也在你的眼中like a happy family tree像一个快乐的家庭树we"re together constantly我们在一起不分离this could be eventually这可能是最终的(结局)we"ll see, we"ll see我们将会看到,我们将会看到but all that i have got to know但我必须知道is with me baby will you grow你将和我一起长大sun and rain and heavy snow太阳和雨和大雪oh tell me so now baby哦 现在告诉我 宝贝it"s as simple as one and two它简单的就像1和1i"m in love with you我爱着你and three and four就像3和4you"re all i adore你有我全部的崇拜to the seven and eight像8和9see i"ve been making mistakes看 我一直在犯错cuz when you"re on my mindCUZ 当你在我的心里i just cant think straight我就是不能清楚的思考back to the five and six回到5和6i"m all in the mix and i"m all into you我的艘有都包括 我和你同在without the lipstick没有口红without the l"oreal没有欧莱雅you remain the same angel that i fell for你依然是那个使我深险的天使for real, for real为真实,为真实

Fergie 歌词

Fergie -finallyMMMMMMMMMM Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream Cinderella theme Crazy as it seems Always knew that deep inside that there would come a day When I would have to way make so many mistakes I could"nt comprehend as I watched it unfold This classic story told I left it in the cold Walking through an open door that led me back to you Each one unlocking more of the truth I finally stopped tripping on my youth I finally got lost inside of you I finally know that I needed to grow And finally my maze has been solved [chorus] Finally Now my destiny can begin Though it will have a different set Something strange and new is happening Finally Now my life doesn"t seem so bad Its the best that I"ve ever had Give my love to him finally MMMMMMMM I remember the beggining you already knew I acted like a fool Just trying to be cool Fronting like it didn"t matter I just ran away On another face Was lost in my own space Found what its like to hurt selfishly scared to give of me Afraid to just believe I was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic place Stumbled through the nets that I have made Finally got out of my own way I"ve Finally started living for today I finally know that I needed to grow And finally know that [chorus] Finally Now my destiny can begin Though we will have a different set Something strange and new is happening Finally Now my life doesn"t seem so bad Its the best that I"ve ever had Gave my love to him Finally MMMMMMMM Finally, Finally Finally Now my destiny can begin Though it will have a different set Something beautiful is happening, happening Finally Now my life doesn"t seem so bad Give my love to him finally ohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finally

London Bridge- fergie 歌词

Fergie - "London Bridge" LyricsOh shit, oh shit, oh shitWhen I come to the clubs, step asidePop the seeds, don"t be hating me in the lineV.I.P because you know I gotta shineI"m Fergie FergGive me love you long timeAll my girls get down on the floorBack to back drop it down real lowI"m such a lady but I"m dancing like a hoBecause you know what, I don"t give a ****So here we go!Chorus (x2)How come every time you come aroundMy London London Bridge want to go downLike London London want you to go downLike London London be going downDrinks star pouringAnd my speech start slurringEverybody start looking real goodThe Grey Goose got the girl feeling looseNow I wishing that I didn"t wear these shoesIt"s like everytime I get up on the dudePapparazzi put my business in the newsAnd I"m gonna get up out my face (oh, shit)Before I turn around and spray your ass with mace (oh, shit)My lips make you want to have a taste (oh, shit)You got that? I got the bass




FERGIE LYRICSFour, tres, two, uno[Will I Am]Listen up you all, "cause this is itThe beat that I"m bangin" is delicious[Verse 1 - Fergie]Fergalicious definition make them boys go locoThey want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo.You could see me, you can"t squeeze me.I ain"t easy, I ain"t sleazy.I got reasons why I tease "em.Boys just come and go like seasons.[Hook 1]Fergalicious (so delicious)But I ain"t promiscuous.And if you were suspicious,All that shit is fictitious.I blow kisses (mmmwwahhh)That puts them boys on rock, rock.And they be lining down the block just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)[Chorus]So delicious (it"s hot, hot)So delicious (I put them boys on rock, rock)So delicious (they wanna slice of what I got)I"m Fergalicious (t-t-t-t-t-tasty, tasty)[Verse 2]Fergalicious def-,Fergalicious def-,Fergalicious def- ["def" is echoing]Fergalicious definition make them boys go crazy.They always claim they know me,Comin" to me call me Stacy (Hey, Stacy),I"m the F to the E, R, G, the I, the E,And can"t no other lady put it down like me.[Hook 2]I"m Fergalicious (so delicious)My body stay viciousI be up in the gym just working on my fitnessHe"s my witness (oh, wee)I put yo" boy on rock, rockAnd he be lining down the block just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)[Chorus]So delicious (it"s hot, hot)So delicious (I put them boys on rock, rock)So delicious (they wanna slice of what I got)Fergalicious (hold, hold, hold, hold, hold up, check it out)[Vamp]Baby, baby, baby,If you really want me,Honey get some patience.Maybe then you"ll get a taste.I"ll be tasty, tasty,I"ll be laced with lacey.It"s so tasty, tasty,It"ll make you crazy.[Will I Am]T to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tasty, T to the A to the S T Y - girl, you"re tastyD to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to the D, to the E, to the, to the, to the, hit it Fergie[Rap - Fergie]All the time I turn around brother"s gather round always looking at me up and down looking at my (uh)I just wanna say it now - I ain"t trying to round up drama, little mama I don"t wanna take your man.And I know I"m coming off just a little bit conceited and I keep on repeating how the boys wanna eat it.But I"m tryin" to tell, that I can"t be treated like clientele"Cause they say she...[Hook 3]Delicious (so delicious)But I ain"t promiscuousAnd if you were suspiciousAll that shit is fictitiousI blow kisses (mmmwwahhh)That puts them boys on rock, rockAnd they be lining down the block just to watch what I got (got, got, got)Four, tres, two, uno.My body stay vicious,I be up in the gym just working on my fitness,He"s my witness (oh, wee).I put yo" boy on rock, rock,And he be lining down the block just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)[Chorus]So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)I"m Fergalicious, t-t-t-t-t tasty, tastyIt"s so delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)So delicious (aye, aye, aye, aye)I"m Fergalicious, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t (aye, aye, aye, aye)[Will I Am]T to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tasty. T to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tastyT to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tasty. T to the A, to the, to the (four, tres, two, uno)D to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to the D, to the, E to the, L I C I O U S, to theD to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to the D, to the E, to the, to the, to the (four, tres, two, uno)T to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tasty. T to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tastyT to the A, to the S T Y - girl, you"re tasty. T to the A, to the, four, tres, two, unoD to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to the D, to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to theD to the E, to the L I C I O U S, to the D, to the E, to the, to the, to the, to the, to the.....

Fergie Time是什么意思?

  黑眼豆豆组合(Black Eyed Peas)的女主唱叫Fergie(菲姬)   所以在她登场的时候她的粉丝们就欢呼菲姬时刻。  就像篮球明星,T-mac(麦迪)。 比赛最后35秒独得13分率队绝杀。 从此以后喜欢篮球的人就把这个时刻叫做 麦迪时刻。  谢谢采纳哦!




原名: Fergie 艺名: Stacy Ann Ferguson 生日: 1975-03-27 身高: CM 出生地: Hacienda Heights, CA 黑眼豆豆(Black Eyed Peas)的女主唱,2006 年发行个人专辑,Fergie即使是以个人名义发表专辑,黑眼豆豆的其他团员们也没有缺席,不但在专辑录制时拔刀相助,在Fergie第一首单曲“London Bridge”的音乐录影带里,仍然可以看到其他豆豆们的身影。尽管如此,Fergie还是在她的首张个人专辑里,展现出和在黑眼豆豆团里不一样的风格,最大的不同就在于Fergie在这张专辑里诚实表现出她个人的成长经验以及她所受到的影响,其中甚至包括她曾经与帮派份子往来以及曾有药瘾的荒唐青春岁月,此外,她也特别强调女性要独立自主的女力精神。 黑眼豆豆主唱Fergie 黑眼豆豆被广大乐迷们所喜欢,女主唱Fergie如今已经从当家女主唱,蜕变成时尚界性感宝贝与电影明星,童星起家的她即将在2007年1月发行首张的单飞大碟《The Dutchess》,她将把这股热力带到全新沸点,彻底展现fun到底的流行嘻哈魅力。打头阵首支单曲“London Bridge”以超顽皮嘻哈性格抢攻全美排行榜,一举蝉联流行单曲榜和热门单曲榜3周冠军,同时也在热门数字单曲榜、热门下载单曲榜中夺下冠军后座。 2003年,正在寻求突破的嘻哈队伍黑眼豆豆合唱团在巡回演唱期间意外与Fergie搭上线,由于双方默契极佳,菲姬随即加入专辑《Elephunk》的录制,正式成为乐团一份子,随着专辑在全球缔造佳绩,黑眼豆豆与菲姬的音乐生涯都达到了巅峰,2005年专辑《Monkey Business》声势更是看涨,总计抱回2座格莱美奖、2座MTV音乐录像带大奖、2座MTV欧洲音乐奖、全美音乐奖、灵魂列车奖、全美青少年直选奖等无数奖项。性感魅力从流行乐坛一路蔓延到时尚舞台,菲姬陆续成为《FHM男人帮》、《Maxim》等杂志的封面人物与专题焦悖?006年夏季,更是进军好莱坞,在电影《海神号》中客串、展现歌唱实力。9月首张个人大碟《The Dutchess菲同凡想》正式登场,由黑眼豆豆首脑will.i.am.担纲执行制作总监,黑眼豆豆团员全都友情献艺。 菲姬想借此专辑表达当代女性的玩乐主义。首支单曲“London Bridge”请来天王制作人 Polow The Don与词曲创作家Sean Garrett携手打造;同时力邀多位嘻哈名嘴助阵,will.i.am与菲姬一开场就送上趴踢节奏单曲“Fergalicious”,南方嘻哈高手Ludacris与菲姬合作散发嘻哈时尚风的劲歌“Glamorous”,雷鬼之父Bob Marley遗孀Rita则与菲姬来首融合雷鬼、嘻、摇滚曲风之作“Mary Jane Shoes”,专辑中也不乏展现菲姬精致唱功的慢板情歌“Losing My Ground”、“Finally”。 2007年1月,环球音乐将在中国发行这张创造奇迹的《The Dutchess》专辑!


那是约克公爵夫人萨拉(Duchess of York),因为很喜欢Friends所以客串的。约克公爵(Duke of York)。他是女王的次子安德鲁(Andrew)王子,同时也是因弗内斯伯爵(Earl of Inverness)和基利莱男爵(Baron Killyleagh)。这两个头衔是大婚时女王所授。他的妻子萨拉·弗格森 (Sarah Ferguson),则称为约克公爵夫人。即使夫妻俩于1996年离异,她仍然被称为萨拉-约克公爵夫人。但是她不能再被称为“殿下”。他们的女儿是比阿特丽斯公主(Princess Beatrice)和尤金妮亚公主(Princess Eugenie)。因为安德鲁王子没有儿子,所以他的头衔无人继承。从某种意义上来说,这一头衔的所有权属于王室,在约克公爵过世以后,将来的国王或女王会将此头衔授予他人。

fergie glamorous歌词(英文+中文)

歌曲:Glamorous艺人:Fergie专辑:The DutchessFergie - Glamorous(Featuring Ludacris)If you aint got no money take yo"broke ass homeYou say: If you aint got no money take yo"broke ass homeG-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-SWe flying the first classUp in the skyPoppin" champagneLivin" the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeFor the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyWear them gold and diamonds ringsAll them things dont mean a thingChaperons and limousinesShopping for expensive thingsI be on the moovie screensMagazines and boogie scenesIm not clean, Im not pristineIm n queen, Im no machineI still go to Taco BellDrivethrough, raw as HellI dont care, Im still realNo matter how many records I seelAfter the show or after the grammysI like to go cool out with the familySippin", reminscing on days when I had a MustangAnd now I"m in...the first classUp in the skyPoppin" champagneLivin" the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeFor the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyIm talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreamsYou deserve nothing but all the finer thingsNow this whole world has no clue to do with usI"ve got enough money in the bank for the two of usBrother gotta keep enough lettuceTo support your shoe fetishLifestyles so rich and famousRobin Leach will get jelousHalf a million for the stonesTakin trips from here to RomeSo If you aint got no money take yo"broke ass homeG-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-SWe flying the first classUp in the skyPoppin" champagneLivin" the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeFor the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyI got problems up to hereI"ve got people in my earTelling me these crazy thingsThat I dont want to know (fuck y"all)I"ve got money in the bankAnd I"d really like to thankAll the fans, I"d like to thankThank you really thoughCuz i remember yesterdayWhen I dreamt about the daysWhen I"d rock on MTV, that be really dopeDamn, It"s been a long roadAnd the industry is coldI"m glad my daddy tell me so,he let his daugther know.my daddy tell me sohe let his daugther know.my daddy tell me sohe let his daugther know.只找到这个!你看看是不是你要的!

请帮忙翻译FERGIE 的歌GLUMSY 爱情感冒,中文意思

First time That I saw your eyes Boy you looked right through me, mmmhmm Play it cool But I knew you knew That cupid hit me, mmm mmm 第一次我看到你的眼睛男孩,你看穿了我表现得很酷但是我知道你知道丘比特击中了我You got me trippin, stumbling, flippin, fumbling Clumsy cuz I"m fallin in love 你令我支吾,结巴,冒失,犯错,笨拙因为我爱上了你You got me slippin, tumbling, sinking, f umbling Clumsy cuz I"m fallin in love So in love with you 你让我跌到,摔跤,下沉,犯错,笨拙因为我爱上了你,如你爱你Can"t breath When you touch my sleeve, Butterflies so crazy, mmm mmm Whoa now, think I"m goin down Friends don"t know whats with me, mmm mm m不能呼吸当你触摸我的衣袖,蝴蝶在飞,如此疯狂嗯,我想我现在沦陷了朋友不知道我怎么了 You got me trippin, stumbling, flippin, fumbling Clumsy cuz I"m fallin in love You got me slippin, tumbling, sinking, f umbling Clumsy cuz I"m fallin in love So in love with you 你令我支吾,结巴,冒失,犯错,笨拙因为我爱上了你你让我跌到,摔跤,下沉,犯错,笨拙因为我爱上了你,如你爱你You know, this isn"t the first time this has happened to me This love sick thing I like serious relationships and a A girl like me dont stay single for long 你知道,这不是第一次发生在我身上这爱情的感冒我喜欢认真的关系像我这样的女孩不会单身太久Cuz everytime a boyfriend and I break up My world is crushed and I"m all alone The love bug crawls right back up and bi tes me and I"m back 因为每一次我和一个男孩分手我的世界被粉碎我完全的孤立这爱情的小虫徐徐前行重回到我身边咬我我回去了You got me trippin, stumbling, flippin, fumbling Clumsy cuz I"m fallin in love You got me slippin, tumbling, sinking, f umbling Clumsy cuz I"m fallin in love So in love with you so in love with you so in love with you 你令我支吾,结巴,冒失,犯错,笨拙因为我爱上了你你让我跌到,摔跤,下沉,犯错,笨拙因为我爱上了你,如你爱你如此爱你如此爱你