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Methods of Feeding the Bit

Large rigs: The larger rotary rigs which apply pressure to the bit by using the weight of the drill collars can feed the bit by simply lowering the pipe. The pipe is usually lowered by feeding off against the winch brake. The driller controls the feed rate by watching a gauge showing the“weight”on the bit.Light and medium rigs: Smaller rotary rigs are normally provided with a “pull-down ” mechanism so that when sufficient weight is not available in the drill collars ( e. g. ,at the surface when the hole is being started) ,the rig can “pull the pipe down”into the hole.This means that part of the rig weight is added to the drill pipe weight to get enough weight on the bit.Pull down: The pull-down is achieved by screw, cable, chain or sometimes direct hydraulic action. Chains are mostly used in medium size rigs. The rate of application of pull- down will control the feed rate. Thus,the bit is fed by adjusting the rate of application of the pull-down.The advantages and disadvantages of different rotary drives and feeding methods are listed in Table 7. 1.Table 7. 1 Merits of rotary drive and feed methods

approach to feeding英译汉

饲养或喂养方法。approach是个多义词:方法,来临,处理The holiday is approaching.假日来临了。The approach to teaching is popular with many students.这种教学方法受很多学生喜欢。This is the right way to approach this problem.这是处理此问题的正确办法。


feedings in 24 hours24小时内喂食

feeding fiber 什么意思


I really enjoy feeding the sheep为什么用feeding

enjoy doing

feeding habitat中文翻译

Sunshine island located to the southeast of north lantau is a potential breeding and feeding habitat for white - belped sea eagles 周公岛位于北大屿山的东南部,可能是白腹海雕的繁殖及觅食生境之一。 Is drained every o weeks from november to march , in order to provide feeding habitat for the migratory waterbirds that passing through , or winter in deep bay 从11月至3月期间,工作人员每两星期放乾一个基围,为途经或在后海湾过冬的迁徙涉禽提供觅食生境。 The 46 ha of reedbeds present in the mai po gei wai are probably one of the largest remaining stands in guangdong province , and is a rich feeding habitat for migratory birds , e . g . certain warblers in spring and autumn 米埔的基围共有46公顷的芦苇丛,相信是广东省仅馀面积最大的芦洲丛之,也是候鸟的重要觅食地,部份莺鸟在春秋两季在此觅食。 Most of the pandas are distributed beeen 2 600 - 2 800 m ; 2 ) the pandas more often exploit the conifer - and - broadleaf - mixed forests and prefer to feed fargesia denudafa and more of their activities happen in forests where arrow bamboo grows better ; 3 ) the pandas avoid habitats where human disturbance is intensive ( x2 = 22 . 000 , df - 3 , p = 0 . 000 ) ; logging and pvestock grazing significantly influence feeding habitats of pandas , while herb collecting and poaching has not . the giant pandas prefer the habitats where no human disturbance occurs . in conclusion , human activitires have intensively influenced feeding and other activities of the giant panda and its habitats 垂直主要分布在海拔2600 - 2800m范四川大学硕士学位论文围内; 2 )主要利用植被类型中的针阔混交林,选择有缺苞箭竹、而且缺苞箭竹生长良好的生境,对位置和森林起源这两个生境因素的不同水平,都是随机利用,没有表现出明显的偏好; 3 )大熊猫明显回避那些人类干扰强度大的生境( xz二22 . 000 , df = 3 , p = 0 . 000 ) ;伐木和放牧对大熊猫食竹的生长状态有明显影响,对发生采药和偷猎的生境没有明显回避;对于人类干扰强度大的生境,大熊猫利用频度很低,干扰弱或中等时,表现出随机利用;对于没有干扰的生境,是高频利用。

feeding your ego 是什么意思?


feeding habits中文翻译

Feeding habits and growth of larval and juvenile spinibarbus caldwelp 黑脊倒刺?仔稚鱼摄食的习性与生长 Food and feeding habits of big mouth buffalo ictiobus cyprinellus in fish pond 池养大口胭脂鱼鱼种的食性 Study on the feed habits of young hyriopsis cumingii beeen spring and summer 春夏季三角帆蚌小蚌主要食物组成研究 Soil nematodes are the most abundant metazoan , which have various types of pfe - history and feeding habits , and play a key role in soil food web 线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物,其生活史和取食类型多样,在生态系统中发挥著重要作用。 Besides the birdcalls , introduction of each bird species on their appearance , feeding habit and breeding behavior will also included in the cd 于发布会后,本会将把1000只张光碟将赠送致各公共图书馆学校及为视障人士提供服务的中心以供使用。 We ll also run activities such as taking a closer look on the planktons and insects by microscope , using equipment to find out the feeding habits of different birds , diy wood chips and making reed paper to understand the tree management work 工作坊包括用显微镜观看米埔基围内的水中微生物与小昆虫利用不同工具模仿各种雀鸟啄食习性制作木块匙扣及芦苇纸以了解米埔的树木管理工作等等。 The transparent rings formed by bacterium deposing protein beeen flesh - eating bugs and plant - eating bugs were different . the former were wider than latter . 3 . the ratio of amylase to protease enzyme activies ( a / p ) was used as one of the criteria for identifying the feeding habits of bug . the a / p for plant - eating bugs was about 2 . 0 - 6 . 0 , for the flesh - eating bugs was 0 . 3 - 0 . 8 3试验采用-淀粉酶活力蛋白酶活力比值作为指标,对蝽类昆虫进行了食性鉴定,结果表明:肉食性蝽类的-淀粉酶蛋白酶比值范围在0 . 3 0 . 8之间,而植食性蝽类的-淀粉酶蛋白酶比值范围在2 . 0 6 . 0之间,食性差异明显。 Some mon features in identification , distribution and morphor of endocrine cells were found in 4 reptiles , which exist in digestive physiology and pfe habit . but the differences among 4 reptiles were also significant , which exist in the adaptabipty to feeding habit and pfe environment respectively of each reptiles 几种爬行动物消化道内分泌细胞的分布既表现出了一定的共性,体现了爬行类生活习性及消化生理的某些共同点,又表现出不同物种对各自生活环境、食性很强适应性的种间差异。

make money to feed his family 为何不用feeding?

因为feed前面有to,(make sb/sth to do sth 或者是 make sb/sth doing sth)

feeding america是什么意思

feeding america饲养美国双语对照例句:1.The company partners with feeding america,the hunger-relief charity,to helpsupport local food banks.这家公司还与慈善机构“消除美国饥饿组织(Feeding America)”合作,为当地食品银行提供支持.2.Feeding america said 40% of the people it helps live in families with at leastone working adult.“供养美国”称它所帮助的40%的人群居住在家庭中,至少有一个成年人有工作.3.Millions more americans do not go hungry only because they are so poor theyreceive government food stamps or rely on handouts from food banks such asfeeding america.而另外数百万美国人没有挨饿,仅仅因为他们处于非常贫穷,能获得美国政府的食品券或依靠“供养美国”(feeding america)这类食品库分发的救济食品度日.

feeding networks 什么意思


schedule feeding是什么意思

schedule feeding 计划饲养feeding 英[u02c8fi:du026au014b] n. 饲养; 喂; 给食; 吃; adj. 给食的; 饲用的; 逐渐强烈的; 供给饲料的; v. 喂养( feed的现在分词 ); 满足(欲望等); 向…提供; 供…作食物; [例句]New fathers love bottle feeding their babies.刚当上爸爸的人喜欢用奶瓶喂他们的宝宝。

Feeding Frenzy 歌词

歌曲名:Feeding Frenzy歌手:Midnight Oil专辑:The Real ThingWell I am as old as the hillsAnd young as the dayAnd nobody sees thingsIn quite the same wayComputers and shovelsChurches and brothelsManiquins and skeletonsCities and dustbowlsHere we go, here we go againHear the clamour of the feeding penNew day, new wayAll my friends can say, they sayWe got cyclone fencesIn a cybernetic orchardMidnight OilMiracle drugs, yeahWe gotta discount bulk purchaseSacred in a forestFast food in the kioskCardboard dinnersAnd the saints and the sinnersI don"t wanna run and hideI"ve seen it all from either sideTruth and fiction must collide some dayGod knowsGod knowsGod knowsIt"s been funA sweet sensationThe oldest temptationNow throughout the agesNow each generationGotta choose a new locationGotta reach outGotta sync upGotta buid outGotta get upTo a stronger foundationI say, I say it againI don"t wanna run and hideI"ve seen it all from either sideTruth and fiction must collide some dayGod knowsGod knowsGod knowsIt"s been funGod knows it been funGod knows it been funGod knows it been funGod knows, god knowsGod knows it been fun.http://music.baidu.com/song/31447897

aroma feeding liquid. 什么意思?


送料轮上下调节手柄 英语翻译, 我翻译送料轮是 feeding wheel. 请大家指教,简洁点的

我个人认为,wheel一般是轮子,送料轮会不会类似于下面有轮子的上面有平面的带子,如果这样的话,译为feeding band更好调节 regulating手柄 hand lever / handle上下不用翻译出来,含在regulating里了所以送料轮上下调节手柄可以译为:a regulating hand lever of the feeding band(或你译的wheel) 哦,那上下就是:up and downan up-and-down regulating hand lever of the feeding band

foodfootprint feeding system什么意思?


feeding line什么意思啊。


My job is ( )the animals,too.选项是A.feed B.feeding C.to feed D.feeds

选B,动名词做宾语。A是原态,不能和BE动词用,C选项:BE动词+to+动词可以表示将来时,这里不合适D 这是三人称单数,,不能与BE来用

enteral feeding是什么意思

enteral feeding肠道喂养; 例句:1.The authors described the meaning of early enteral feeding or nutrition, andits common and dirfferent points. 提出了早期肠道喂养与营养的含义、共同点及不同点。2.Diarrhea and abdominal distension are common complications associatedwith enteral feeding. 腹泻和腹胀是肠内营养常见的并发症。

I found him there,feeding the horse.中feed为什么要加ing?




feeding fish 和feedthefish 区别?


N0 FEEDING是什么意思?


feedings in24 hours什么意思

英文:feedings in24 hours中文:喂养24小时很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

bird-feeding 百度翻译

你好!bird feeding 鸟喂食

feeding time什么意思

feeding time网 络喂食时间;饮食时间;喂食时刻;喂养时间双语例句1. Let"s lie off till the next feeding time. 歇会儿,到下次加料时再干.2. Feeding time should last as long as the same amount was fed by nipple. 喂的时间应与婴儿从奶头吸吮同等量所需要的时间相等.

cutting, seeing , feeding 这三个单词哪个不属于




feeding the ducks的音标是什么

feeding[ˈfi:dɪŋ]n.给食; 喂; 饲养; 吃adj.给食的; 饲用的; 逐渐强烈的; 供给饲料的v.喂养( feed的现在分词 ); 满足(欲望等); 向…提供; 供…作食物the英 [ðə]美 [ðə]art.指已提到的人(物); 指说话人与听者已知的人(物); 用于独一无二的事物前; 与形容词最高级和序数词连用ducks[dʌks]n.鸭( duck的名词复数 ); 鸭肉; (表示友好的称呼)乖乖; (板球)零分feeding the ducks喂鸭子

The Cat wants feeding怎么理解


feeding services是什么意思

n. 饲养;吃;输送v. 饲养(feed的ing形式)adj. 供给饲料的;摄取食物的 Feeding喂食,给矿,饲喂

pair-feeding 什么意思

pair feedingun.对饲法 配对喂养;配对饲养例句筛选1.Looking out of the train window, I spotted a pair of camels feeding onthe sparse vegetation amongst the salt flats.从火车窗外看去,我看见两只骆驼在植被稀少的盐碱平地上觅食。2.Structure and Application of Hexagonal Feeding Role Pair六角丝杠副的产生及其应用

feeding america是什么意思

feeding america饲养美国双语对照例句:1.The company partners with feeding america, the hunger-relief charity, to helpsupport local food banks. 这家公司还与慈善机构“消除美国饥饿组织(Feeding America)”合作,为当地食品银行提供支持。2.Feeding america said 40% of the people it helps live in families with at leastone working adult. “供养美国”称它所帮助的40%的人群居住在家庭中,至少有一个成年人有工作。3.Millions more americans do not go hungry only because they are so poor theyreceive government food stamps or rely on handouts from food banks such asfeeding america. 而另外数百万美国人没有挨饿,仅仅因为他们处于非常贫穷,能获得美国政府的食品券或依靠“供养美国”(feeding america)这类食品库分发的救济食品度日。

英语feeding the world怎么翻译?

feeding the world养活世界Feeding the World英 [ˈfiːdɪŋ ðə wɜːld]   美 [ˈfiːdɪŋ ðə wɜːrld]  养活世界

70题这一题为什么用feeding,为什么不能用to 的形式。to 表目的不是为了去喂养人民吗?


Feeding,Also in什么意思

(用这种方法)喂养 依然很时尚 很新潮

i am going to feeding ducks该用feeding还是feed?







您是不是要找:feeding petsfeeding pets饲养宠物很高兴为你解答!如果有疑问请追问,谢谢!




feeding,英 [ˈfiːdɪŋ]   美 [ˈfiːdɪŋ]  n.喂食;饲养;施肥,v.给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养;进食;养,养活(全家、一群人)adj.喂食的;【机】进给的。双语例句1、I"ve arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away. 我们外出期间给猫喂食的事,我已和邻居安排妥了。2、I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby. 我对如何抱婴儿、如何给婴儿喂食一无所知。3、It will take time for the higher rates to feed through to investors. 需要时日投资者才能最终得到较高的回报率。4、The report"s findings will feed into company policy. 公司的政策将会考虑到报告的调研结果。5、You can"t feed a family on £ 50 a week. 你无法靠每周50英镑养活一家人。6、They have a large family to feed. 他们要养活一大家人。