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secondary effect secondary effect是什么意思

secondary effect 报错 跟读 口语练习n. 副效应;二次酌;继发效应;次生效应网络释义 专业释义 二次酌 副效应 继发效应 次级效应短语secondary radiation effect 二次辐射效应secondary blast effect 次级爆炸效应 ; 间接冲击波伤害secondary solvent effect 次级溶剂效应 更多网络短语双语例句 权威例句1.It"s that secondary effect that must be causing some worry at the Fed. 跟读另一个效应是美联储希望引起焦虑。article.yeeyan.org2."My best guess is that this was the secondary effect, that they could have hit the ground very fast after being hit by a car or truck, " she said. 跟读“我的最佳猜测是,这种现象是二次效应,就是说这些鸟很可能是在被一辆汽车或卡车碰撞后又再次迅速的撞地而亡。” 她说。article.yeeyan.org3.Secondary hypoadrenalism, or ACTH deficiency hypoadrenalism, is caused bydiseases of the pituitary gland, which lead to adrenal failure as a secondary effect. 跟读二级肾上腺功能减退,或者称为促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏,是由于脑垂体的疾病引起的,导致肾上腺疾病是其副效应。

The union representative put across her argument very effectivelyuff0e

【答案】:B【题 干】工会代表非常有效地解释了她的观点。A.发明 B.解释 C.考虑 D.接受【解 析】本题考查动词词组。划线词组put across的意思是“解释,陈述”,与explain意思相近,故本题选B。

急求一篇100字左右的英语短文,题目是‘How do you work most effectively?’

In order to work most effectively,it is very important to be well-organized.A well-organized person considers and plans his work in advance.He knows how to allocate time for doing different tasks.He puts his working tasks in order and always starts with the most important or urgent ones.He notes down his work in details and clearly knows the progress of each working task. If people learn to be well-organized,he will surely be successful in doing work effectively.






Nowadays cellphones are more and more popular with students. Because they can do many things on them. First they can listen to some beautiful songs or watch films . Second they can communicate with their friends and families anywhere and any time . Third they can play games on them freely. But some students spend too much time on cellphones , which affect their study . So in my opinion we should make good use of our cellphones . And we should not spend too much time on them . And we should see them our tools but not toys .


effect的副词形式是effectively 有效地,生效地;有力地;实际上; effect: n. 影响;效果;作用; vt. 产生;达到目的 扩展资料   His words had exactly the opposite effect.   他的话产生了截然相反的.效果。   The crisis had a negative effect on trade.   这次危机对贸易产生了很坏的影响。   The effect is almost impossible to describe.   这影响几乎无法言表。   The medicine did not achieve the desired effect.   这种药未达到预期效果。

英语作文范文:How to Communicate Effectively

How to Communicate Effectively Communication plays a significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to communicate with people effectively. Effective communication should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely. Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view. Moreover, we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening. Fourth, place ourselves in the place of others. As far as I"m concerned, I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I"m in a merry mood or not. And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely. 《英语作文范文:How to Communicate Effectively》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)

effciently 和 effectively 有什么区别 如果要说有效率地理解某个问题应该用哪个词


You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle

You know,what we have here (S)isa failed experiment (Sc)in how to effectively carry a big milk bottlewith two tiny hands.

高中英语。 effective的副词形式为何不去e再加ly. 高中阶段如何分清是否去E


organizational effectiveness是什么意思

organizational effectiveness [词典] 组织有效性;[例句]Emphasis of the course is on how IT can contribute to organizational effectiveness.这项科目的重点将在于IT如何为组织有效性作出贡献。


LIFE是生活 life, livelihood, activity生命 life, anima寿命 life, lifetime, lifespan, longevity人生 life命 life, command, fate, order, lot生 life, student, livelihood生物 organism, life, living creature性命 life寿 life, longevity, birthday, age, vivacity生机 vitality, life, lease of life日子 day, life, date, when, days of life世 world, life, lifetime, age, era, generation身 body, person, life, torso活命 life春 spring, lust, love, life世面 world, various aspects of society, society, life

物理论文题目翻译 Multiple and broadband near-perfect abso




请问present simple, the present continuous, the present perfect这三个之间有什么区别么?怎么分别他们

present simple定义:一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。 构成:一般现在时用行为动词的原形,但第三人称单数作主语时,动词的词尾要加-S。(一般的动词词尾+S。以sh/ch/s/x结尾的词+es.以辅音字母+Y结尾的把Y变成i,+es。辅音字母+o结尾的+es.) 形式: 主语+be(表状态)或 主语+动词原形+宾语(表动作) 标志词(时间状语):always, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday uauslly often,never,hardly.......... 用法:1.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。present continuous 现在进行时的构成是:主语+be+动词ing〔现在分词〕形式 第一人称+am+doing+sth 第二人称+are+doing +sth 第三人称+is+doing+sth 现在进行时的定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作。可以表示有计划的未来。 现在分词变化规则 1.直接+ ing 2.去e+ing 3.重读闭音节,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing 4.特殊变化:die-dying,lie-lying,tie-tying 5.不规则变化 现在进行时的基本用法: A. 表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。 例:We are waiting for you. B. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。 例:Mr. Green is writing another novel. (说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。) 例:She is learning piano under Mr. Smith. C.已经确定或安排好的将来活动 I"m leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了) we"re flying to Paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了) D.有些动词(状态动词不用于进行时态) 1.表示知道或了解的动词:believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know, remember,realize,suppose,understand 2.表示“看起来”“看上去"appear,resemble,seem 3表示喜爱或不喜爱hate,like.lover.prefer 4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include 5表示感官的动词 hear see smell sound taste 6表示拥有的动词belong to.need.own .possess.want wish 【No. 1】现在进行时的构成 现在进行时由"be+v-ing"构成。be应为助动词,初学者最容易漏掉,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致。 【No. 2】现在进行时的应用 在实际运用时,现在进行时常用以下几种情况: (1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。 (2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。 (3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如: We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。 (4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。如: Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。 present perfect过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果 过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态基本结构:主语+have/has+过去分词(done) ①肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其他 ②否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他 ③一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他 ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词+其他)

perfect square是什么意思

perfect square 英[u02c8pu0259:fikt skwu025bu0259] 美[u02c8pu025afu026akt skwu025br] [词典] 完全平方; [例句]For all integers, is a perfect square.对于每个整数,都是完全平方数。

Two people confirmed on Saturday to be infected with bird flu ...请问句子中的两个to be是什么用法?


这个句子的perfect for及后面是什么句子成分?

Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs perfect for scuba diving and preserving marine habitats.船只经常下沉以便创造出水下暗礁,这对于水肺潜水和保护海洋生境都是极好的。perfect for以后的内容是前面的后置定语。望采纳

求英语作文 My Perfect Day (120字)

How time flies! New term has come. It is the first day of the new term. Today,I become a high school student. How happy I am. In the new term,I will try to study each lesson well.So I can get good grades to thank my parents.What"s more,I decide to make more good friends.I met them today,they are all friendly to me. I"m sure that our friendship will last forever! I hope my new term can be woderful. 时光飞逝!新的学期来到了。今天是新学期的第一天。就在今天,我成为了一名高中生。我真的好开心。 在新的一学期里,我将要尽力学好每一门课程。这样我就可以得到好成绩来报答父母。另外,我决定交更多的好朋友。今天我认识了他们,他们都对我很友好。我确信我们的友情地久天长!我希望我的新学期会很精彩。




《Perfect》歌词 - One DirectionPerfect - One Direction I might never be your knight in shining armor 我可能永远也不会成为你那身着闪亮盔甲的骑士 I might never be the one you take home to mother 我可能永远也不会成为你带去见家长的那个人 And I might never be the one who brings you flowers 我也可能永远也不会为你奉上鲜花 But I can be the one be the one tonight 但在今晚,我能成为你的唯一 When I first saw you 当我第一次看见你 From across the room 从房间的对面 I could tell that you were curious 我就知道你很好奇 Oh yeah 哦耶 Girl I hope you"re sure 女孩儿,我希望你明白 What you"re looking for 你在寻找的是什么 "Cause I"m not good at making promises 因为我不擅长许下诺言 But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms 但如果你想要在酒店房间里闹些乱子 And if you like having secret little rendezvous 如果你想要一些秘密的约会 If you like to do the things you know 如果你想要做一些你明知道 that we shouldn"t do 我们不该做的事 Baby I"m perfect 那我再适合不过 Baby I"m perfect for you 宝贝,我是你的真命天子 And if you like midnight driving with the windows down 如果你想要在半夜开着车窗兜风 And if you like going places we can"t even pronounce 如果你想要去一些我们连名字都不会念的地方 If you like to do whatever you"ve been dreaming about 如果你想要做无论什么你曾梦想去做的事请 Baby you"re perfect 那你再完美不过 Baby you"re perfect 宝贝,你再完美不过 So let"s start right now 让我们现在就行动吧 I might never be the hand you put your heart in 我可能永远都不是那个你能托付爱意的人 Or the arms that hold you any time you want them 或是在你需要依靠时拥抱你的人 But that don"t mean 但那不代表 that we can"t live here in the moment 我们无法活在当下 "Cause I can be the one you love from time to time 因为我可以是你偶尔爱上的人 When I first saw you 当我第一次看见你 From across the room 从房间的对面 I could tell that you were curious 我就知道你很好奇 Oh yeah 哦耶 Girl I hope you"re sure 女孩儿,我希望你明白 What you"re looking for 你在寻找的是什么 Cause I"m not good at making promises 因为我不擅长许下诺言 But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms 但如果你想在酒店房间里闹些乱子 And if you like having secret little rendezvous 如果你想要一些秘密的约会 If you like to do the things 如果你想要做一些你明知道 you know that we shouldn"t do 我们不该做的事 Baby I"m perfect 那我再适合不过 Baby I"m perfect for you 宝贝,我是你的真命天子 And if you like midnight driving with the windows down 如果你想要在半夜开着车窗兜风 And if you like going places we can"t even pronounce 如果你想要去一些我们连名字都不会念的地方 If you like to do whatever you"ve been dreaming about 如果你想要做无论什么你曾梦想去做的事请 Baby you"re perfect 那你再完美不过 Baby you"re perfect 宝贝,你再完美不过 So let"s start right now 让我们现在就行动吧 And if you like cameras flashing every time we go out 如果你想要我们每次出门都伴随着灯光闪烁 Oh yeah 哦耶 And if you"re looking for someone 如果你正在找个人当素材 to write your breakup songs about 去写你的分手情歌 Baby I"m perfect 那我再适合不过 Baby we"re perfect 宝贝,我们简直是天作之合 But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms 但如果你想在酒店房间里闹些乱子 And if you like having secret little rendezvous 如果你想要一些秘密的约会 If you like to do the things you know 如果你想要做一些你明知道我们不该做的事 that we shouldn"t do 我们不该做的事 Baby I"m perfect 那我再适合不过 Baby I"m perfect for you 宝贝,我是你的真命天子 And if you like midnight driving with the windows down 如果你想要在半夜开着车窗兜风 And if you like going places we can"t even pronounce 如果你想要去一些我们连名字都不会念的地方 If you like to do whatever you"ve been dreaming about 如果你想要做无论什么你曾梦想去做的事请 Baby you"re perfect 那你再完美不过 Baby you"re perfect 宝贝,你再完美不过 So let"s start right now 让我们现在就行动吧

have a muted effect on

我觉得也不是什么短语吧,effect on sth.可能算是个短语,muted 是形容词,这用比较级就是了,和过去比起来就更微不足道了. 你自己写那个句子我看挺好,但前面用big rises in prices ,后面加上 than .是不是更合适一点? Nowadays big rises in prices have a more muted effect on the rich than in 1990s.

对……有好的影响,用英文怎么说 除了用influence 和 effect有没有其他的表达

have a good effect / influence / impact on sth 影响 affect effect impact impress infection influence leaven sway tamper with work on


impact 是影响,而 effect 是结果,强调影响的结果。

不好的影响用英语是哪个? 是affect,还是impact,还是?

impact是比较中性的词,如果说不好的影响,可以用adverse impact affect 本身含有坏影响的含义

对……有好的影响,用英文怎么说 除了用influence 和 effect有没有其他的表达

have a good effect / influence / impact on sth 影响 affect effect impact impress infection influence leaven sway tamper with work on

尚雯婕perfect night歌词互译

Perfect night 最后一夜歌词尚雯婕 - 最后一夜词曲唱:尚雯婕专辑:最后的赞歌I"m in a coma.Waking upThe world is opaqueEverything is almost clearI can barely recognize the streetsI can barely remember anythingMy beloved What was IWhat was I seekingBut tonight we rise and riseWe strike we tried to creepThe battle is comingThis world is their pyreNow it"s the time to fightBurning their own livesBurning their own livesWe had the perfect nightMighty soldiersGetting drunkSomething sparklingSearching for eternity.What did I find behind this wall,A crystal trying to hide its lightMy beloved. What was IWhat was I feedingBut tonight we rise and riseWe strike we tried to creepThe battle is comingThis world is their pyreNow it"s the time to fightBurning their own livesBurning their own livesWe had the perfect nightIn the fields there"s a burning fireFloating ashes fly into the night skyThis is our battleThis is our rise upThis is our missionThis is our paeanThe sound of gloryWe know we own the nightBut tonight we rise and riseWe strike we tried to creepThe battle is comingThis world is their pyreNow it"s the time to fightBurning their own livesBurning their own livesWe had the perfect night完美的夜晚词/曲:尚雯婕我昏迷了。醒来世界是不透明的一切几乎是明确我几乎认不出街道我几乎不记得任何事情亲爱的我是什么我是寻求但今晚我们崛起我们走我们试图蠕变战斗即将到来这个世界是他们的火葬现在是战斗时间燃烧自己的生命燃烧自己的生命我们有个完美的夜晚英勇的士兵喝醉了明晃晃的东西寻找永恒。我找到什么了这堵墙的后面,水晶试图隐藏它的光亲爱的。我是什么样的我是什么料但今晚我们崛起我们走我们试图蠕变战斗即将到来这个世界是他们的火葬现在是战斗时间燃烧自己的生命燃烧自己的生命我们有个完美的夜晚在领域有一个燃烧的火浮灰飞入夜空这是我们的战争这是我们起来这是我们的使命这是我们的赞歌荣耀的声音]我们知道我们拥有夜晚但今晚我们崛起]我们走我们试图蠕变]战斗即将到来这个世界是他们的火葬现在是战斗时间燃烧自己的生命燃烧自己的生命我们有个完美的夜晚

在After Effects对于一个Timeline的固态层,以下的描述错误的是哪项?


以Effective communication为题写一篇英语作文 内容要丰富

Communication is an act of being a good listener and understanding what the other person is trying to say.Communication is a useful tool,in speech and in writing,for conveying information to others in everyday transactions.Anyone can become a skilled communicator and effectively interact with others.For most of us,it"s probably easier to be the talker than the listener.But we should try to really listen to what the other person is saying or at least trying to say,and if we are at all confused at what we are hearing,we need to ask more questions!

求 德鲁克的《the effective executive》 中文:《卓有成效的管理者》的英文电子原版,发至邮箱谢谢


看看这个 avast 报告中 infected files 什么意思?

infected files 被感染的文件。



How to deal with the customer complaints effectively? 写一段对话,大学3级口语考试用的2分钟中等语速

The communication is the marketing personnel and the reality and thelatent customer maintenance relation, promptly enterprise"s productintroduced gives the customer, simultaneously pays attentionunderstands their demand, the exchange production and marketinginformation. The communication is the marketing personnel"s foundationwork, is secret and guarantee which the modern enterprise and themarketing personnel succeeds. The marketing study from develops themarket the angle, introduced 4Ps and the 4Cs marketing combination,dissemination (Communication) is the communication, how namely doesthe enterprise link up with the customer or the customer. Tobaccoenterprise similar need and customer communication. How then carrieson the communication? Based on the network work requirement and theexperience, the author thought should pay attention to followingseveral aspects: First, communication principle In the marketing work is for carries out the exchange well withthe customer communication, then promotion sale. Therefore mustpersist five principles with the customer communication. Namely: Theequality, the reciprocal benefit, the credit, are accommodating, thedevelopment. Only has the equality to establish the good interpersonalrelationship, follows the reciprocal benefit mutual benefit thebusiness ethics principle, is realistic, is fastidious the credit,putting oneself in another"s place considers for the customer,understood the customer, the containing customer, do not have to limitthe judgement to each transaction, on each customer body, follows thedevelopment principle, can coordinate and the customer relations, setsup the enterprise image. Second, communication preparation First must draft the communication plan. To where, with thesecustomers exchange, how exchanges, exchange what? Exchanges anydegree; Its secondary preparation some material, topic. In order tocommunication time quotes, presents evidence. For example: Some brandcigarette sale, current condition, next trend, situation forecast andcorrelation data proof. Finally must memorize the customer the basiccondition. If to the customer present situation, management knowsnothing about, the customer can feel unfamiliar, the communicationwith difficulty develops. Therefore, must seek the common language,attention customer information collection and use. Third, communication main point The communication main point is must stand in the customerstandpoint, thought the customer thought, economizes for the customer,makes money. With least Qian Zuozui the big business, while whicheconomizes, the pursue benefit maximization. The anxious customer isanxious, regards as the customer matter own matter, helps to solveeach kind of difficulty and the question. The communication main point first makes the friend, latter doesbusiness. The business relation has exposed is the interpersonalrelationship, therefore, how is the friend with the customer to bevery important. We advocated the familiar customer, the researchcustomer, carry on the communication in the research customerfoundation, lets the customer feel you are the expert, understood verymuch to the market and the product, has the help to the management,thus is glad to make the friend, and listens to advice. Fourth, communication method First must establish the customer file. This is carries on theeffective communication the foundation. The customer file must havethe operating condition, but also must have person"s interest, thehobby, the important commemoration day and so on, favor with thecustomer exchange. Next, must strengthen the sentimental exchange.Chats the day with the customer, helps to straighten up the goods,both the kind nature, shortens the distance, the enhancementsentiment, and can discover expends exceptionally and the changetendency, introduces the new product, the guidance expends, when goodgives advice. Finally, must strengthen the individuality service.Provides the corresponding service according to the customer demand,provides the standardized service to the general customer, theimportant customer provides the individuality service, the specialcustomer provides the special service. The communication is the skill, the communication is an art. Thecommunication pays great attention to honest and the letter, only hashonest and the letter, can move the customer, can obtain the customerthe trust and the support. Hoped when marketing personnel and customercommunication is fastidious the good faith and obtains the success.

effective version与 valid version的区别

valid :强调有效期,如,this film ticket is valid here only for a weekend film (这张票子只能看周末电影)effective强调有效果,this medicine is quite effective, I am getting better.(这药很有效果。我好多了)







No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my worl是什么意思


vital perfection是什么意思

vital perfection 完善至关重要的完善

hierarchy of effect是什么意思

hierarchy of effect层次结构的影响双语例句1Model of Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysis Process for Comprehensive Evaluation of Blasting Effect 爆破效果综合评价的模糊层次分析法模型2At the same time, a different hierarchy of legal norms or legal norms of the same effect as between the main body of the enactment of a variety, it is inevitable there is conflict or inconsistency. 同时,不同位阶的法律规范或是同等效力的法律规范之间由于制定主体的多样,难免存在冲突或不一致的地方。

Yous my Perfection歌词

Yous My Perfection - Jinn ThaoYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fight]Yous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekTo be imperfection is far more than imperfectedKnowing i"m yours there"s no need to be neglectedEver since we started my eyes started to glistenShit talker shit when the good want to listenListen to the story i was told to happenOne day it happened i couldn"t let it goThe more i had the more i wanted so soI won"t let you go if we aren"t still togetherThat"s why i let you know i"m still with you foreverWhenever i cried beside my only selfI know your line is short n full and it kinna helpedYou make my world shine you make my perfect viewNobody else is more perfect than youFrom sea to the skies from skies to the seaI know is real cause we were meant to beCause yous my perfection that"s all we ever needYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seek]With you staring at my eyes for you i will live to diePictures of you on my walls thru all the struggles that we fought]You rather choose to be with me other than all them guysYou rather choose to kiss me you my angel in disguiseSometimes i still question why thru my depressionIs you who"s always there you the only one who caresEven though it seem to me like everyone"s hereYou the only one who can take away my painYou the umbrella for me when the weather choose to rainYou so much of everything that i appreciateYou so important to me you my soulmateEngaged together as we age i know people"s gonna hateGonna break us apart but we know it in our heartsThat we will never be departAnd if they push us then together that we dieSide by side nobody is to share the life of you and iYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lie]Yous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me complete]Yous my perfection never again will i seek

谁有泰国歌手jinn thao的那首yous my perfection的歌词或者大意

Yous My Perfection - Jinn Thaoby:(阳洸)剌 痌 莪 、豞眼Yous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekTo be imperfection is far more than imperfectedKnowing i"m yours there"s no need to be neglectedEver since we started my eyes started to glistenShit talker shit when the good want to listenListen to the story i was told to happenOne day it happened i couldn"t let it goThe more i had the more i wanted so soI won"t let you go if we aren"t still togetherThat"s why i let you know i"m still with you foreverWhenever i cried beside my only selfI know your line is short n full and it kinna helpedYou make my world shine you make my perfect viewNobody else is more perfect than youFrom sea to the skies from skies to the seaI know is real cause we were meant to beCause yous my perfection that"s all we ever needYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekWith you staring at my eyes for you i will live to diePictures of you on my walls thru all the struggles that we foughtYou rather choose to be with me other than all them guysYou rather choose to kiss me you my angel in disguiseSometimes i still question why thru my depressionIs you who"s always there you the only one who caresEven though it seem to me like everyone"s hereYou the only one who can take away my painYou the umbrella for me when the weather choose to rainYou so much of everything that i appreciateYou so important to me you my soulmateEngaged together as we age i know people"s gonna hateGonna break us apart but we know it in our heartsThat we will never be departAnd if they push us then together that we dieSide by side nobody is to share the life of you and iYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seekYous my perfection and i wouldn"t lieYous my perfection and i would stand to fightYous my perfection cause you make me completeYous my perfection never again will i seek

cst仿真时的错误:The discrete port 1 is inside perfect conducting materia.


Infection mell 歌词

[ti:Infection][ar:MELL][al:MIRAGE][by:赖润诚][00:03.57]「Infection」[00:05.57]作词∶MELL/seven-lon[00:07.57]作曲∶井内舞子[00:09.57]歌∶MELL[00:11.57][00:13.57]Infection of the dead one by one.[00:19.21]Infection of the dead two by two.[00:24.84]Infection of the dead all of you.[00:30.52]Give in and go eat them all.[00:35.78]A little dream that you gave me.[00:41.50]But it was just over a fading bond.[00:47.35]What are you you look so pale,[00:52.82]Hey... shall we change all of this world rules.[00:59.14]Horrible!May-day!SOS!Blood of busters.[01:05.00]Blood of your bros dropping from all over you.[01:11.18]For a chance to cut off the world we used to have.[01:17.15]We have the deepen hidden sharpen fang.[01:21.83]It"s joy of the time to enjoy insane, [01:27.96]a big bite for a taste with this dark fang.[01:39.90][01:50.60]You know what, what is the "sane" you say?[01:56.16]"No, I don"t know" Don"t ask me it any more.[02:01.78]But, it"s nice, meeting as a bait.[02:07.42]Try to eat, you and you all around you all.[02:13.60]Horrible!May-day!SOS!Wandering in the world[02:19.82]You are to seek for the phantom peace.[02:25.62]Holding to love you"ve lost, [02:27.86]shouting for what you"d had.[02:31.67]How much you try to fill the thirst is the soul.[02:37.07]Is it the sin we had in past life, [02:42.59]is there any way just to get away?[02:54.72][03:13.40]Horrible!May-day!SOS!Brains of busters.[03:18.79]Wisdom, pureness, innosent, white-raw brain.[03:24.51]Badness, goodness, fairness, [03:26.68]of this world we have now.[03:30.34]It"s with grieving masks under unfair.[03:36.25]Horrible!May-day!SOS!Blood of busters.[03:41.66]Holy and Bright with you what we had.[03:47.74]Throwing dragging breaking all you"ve got "あんっ".[03:53.50]Falling down to the dead and splat.[03:59.00]Nothing more to do see and know.[04:04.55]Good-bye to the insane of the dead is "fang".[04:16.74]

解释creative reflective effective active motivated


Perfect Day 歌词

Perfect Day--The ConstellationsThe wind blows cool across my faceI can the smell the taste, a trace of laceThere"s something sinister in placeIt leaves me restless with no peaceSo it"s a perfect day to fade awayIt"s a perfect day to turn away and runIt"s a perfect day to go and tie one offIt"s a perfect day to waste awayA perfect plot to playJust another perfect dayBut before you know, it"s goneMy mind slips further from what"s realTake my hands away from the steering wheelI"m crashing, coming down in wavesI wipe the sweat from upon my faceAnd it"s a perfect day to leave this placeIt"s a perfect day to hide in my own homeIt"s a perfect day and it"s taking its toll It"s a perfect day to waste awayYour perfect part to playJust another perfect dayBut before you know, it"s goneIt"s a perfect day to hide down in my homeIt"s a perfect day and it"s taking its tollIt"s a perfect day to waste awayYour perfect part to playJust another perfect dayBut before you know, it"s gone-歌名:Perfect Day 完美的一天创作:Lady Antebellum 战前女神所属专辑:《Need You Now》 《想念你》创作者信息Lady Antebellum (战前女神,怀旧女郎)乡村乐团于2006年在美国田纳西州纳什维尔成立。由Charles Kelley(领队,主唱) Dave Haywood(吉他手,钢琴演奏等)和 HillaryScott(主唱)组成。2009年8月,团队发行了他们的第四首单曲,“Need You Now”,该首歌曲获得了最热乡村音乐排行榜的第50名,成为他们的第二支第一名单曲。2009年11月28日,第二张专辑《Need You Now》开始制作,并于2010年1月26日正式发行。


I remember what you wore on the first day我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought你进入了我的生活Hey you know this could be something你知道这代表一些东西"Cause everything you do and words you say你做的每件事说的每句话You know that it all takes my breath away它带走了我的每一口呼吸And now I"m left with nothing现在我一无所有"Cause maybe it"s true也许是真的That I can"t live without you我的生活不能没有你Maybe two is better than one也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life去计算我的余生And you thought that it got me coming undone而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two is better than one我还在想 两人还是比一个好I remember every look upon your face我还记得你脸上的每一个表情The way you roll your eyes你转眼睛的样子The way you taste你的气味You make it hard for breathing你让人呼吸困难"Cause when I close my eyes and drift away因为当我闭上眼睛然后游离I think of you and everything"s okay我想到你一切都美好了I"m finally now believing我现在终于相信了That maybe it"s true也许这是真的That I can"t live without you我的生活不能没有你Maybe two is better than one也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life去计算我的余生And you thought that it got me coming undone而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two is better than one我还在想 两人还是比一个好Yeah yeah耶 耶I remember what you wore on the first day我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought Hey你进入了我的生活Maybe it"s true也许这是真的That I can"t live without you我的生活不能没有你Maybe two is better than one也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life去计算我的余生And you thought that it got me coming undone而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking我还在想I can"t live without you哦 我不能没有你"Cause baby two is better than one因为宝贝两人还是比一人好There"s so much time还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life去计算我的余生But I"ll figure it out我已经想通了When it"s all said and done所有说的和做的Two is better than one两人比一人好Two is better than one两人比一人好

请问paw-fect是什么意思?we make a paw-fect pair我是在这句话里看到的,谢谢


量子芝诺效应(quantum zeno effect)


we will hug afectionately是什么意思?

写错一个词,应该是 we will hug affectionately,意思是 “我们会深情地拥抱”。

well done和perfect的区别?

well done 意思是干好了、完成了。perfect 意思是完美的。

翻译:The Ford motor company’s1 abandonment of electric cars effectively sig

1:福特汽车公司对电力车领域的放弃有力地说明了电力车技术已经走到尽头了。2:the end of the road直接可以按字面意思来理解,路的尽头,此句中既是电力车技术的尽头。并不是一个固定搭配。3:主:The Ford motor company"s abandonment of electric cars 谓: signals 宾:the end of the road for the technology

perfect歌词 问题: perfect歌词

  《Perfect》歌词  One Direction  I might never be your knight in shining armor  I might never be the one you take home to mother  And I might never be the one who brings you flowers  But I can be the one be the one tonight  When I first saw you  From across the room  I could tell that you were curious  Oh yeah  Girl I hope you"re sure  What you"re looking for  "Cause I"m not good at making promises  But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms  And if you like having secret little rendezvous  If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn"t do  Baby I"m perfect  Baby I"m perfect for you  And if you like midnight driving with the windows down  And if you like going places we can"t even pronounce  If you like to do whatever you"ve been dreaming about  Baby you"re perfect  Baby you"re perfect  So let"s start right now  I might never be the hand you put your heart in  Or the arms that hold you any time you want them  But that don"t mean that we can"t live here in the moment  "Cause I can be the one you love from time to time  When I first saw you  From across the room  I could tell that you were curious  Oh yeah  Girl I hope you"re sure  What you"re looking for  Cause I"m not good at making promises  But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms  And if you like having secret little rendezvous  If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn"t do  Baby I"m perfect  Baby I"m perfect for you  And if you like midnight driving with the windows down  And if you like going places we can"t even pronounce  If you like to do whatever you"ve been dreaming about  Baby you"re perfect  Baby you"re perfect  So let"s start right now  And if you like cameras flashing every time we go out  Oh yeah  And if you"re looking for someone to write your breakup songs about  Baby I"m perfect  Baby we"re perfect  But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms  And if you like having secret little rendezvous  If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn"t do  Baby I"m perfect  Baby I"m perfect for you  And if you like midnight driving with the windows down  And if you like going places we can"t even pronounce  If you like to do whatever you"ve been dreaming about  Baby you"re perfect  Baby you"re perfect  So let"s start right now

Yes I Know (Nobody S Perfect) 歌词

歌曲名:Yes I Know (Nobody S Perfect)歌手:Kiss专辑:Sonic BoomYes I Know作词/KOKIA 作曲/KOKIA 编曲/KOKIA歌唱/KOKIAMade by: Camus HarkYes I know.Close relation of danger and fire.Hopefully not, I am weaker than that fire.Come and join us.Let"s make our loop hand in hand.It is contagious what we imagine and have fears.Dazzling love, that"s what I want.Empty life, please someone save my soul.Yes I know.Close relation of danger and fire.Hopefully not, I am weaker than that fire.Dazzling love, that"s what I want.Empty life, please someone save my soul.Wherever you are, I feel you are by my side.Whoever you are, it is fate that we met.Yes I could.Jump over the burning fire.Suddenly, something appears inside of my body.Don"t be afraid to lose your way.(Only the) time will ease our pain or not.Wherever you are, I feel you are by my side.Whoever you are, it is fate that we met.Don"t be afraid to lose your way.(Only the) time will ease our pain or not.I can"t go back to who I was.But, I don"t know why, but I go on ...... Go on...http://music.baidu.com/song/635891

英语短文,《lack of sleep affects memory》

  New research from the University of Copenhagen has found that maintaining a good night"s sleep is important for our future health, partly because of how it affects lifestyle factors. Previous population based studies have not provided sufficient information on the timing of changes in both sleep and lifestyle to tease out cause and effect relations of this highly intertwined relationship.  "This study shows that sleep affects our ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and when sleep deteriorates we are more likely to make unhealthy lifestyle changes," says Postdoc Alice Jessie Clark from the Department of Public Health,  The researchers found that maintaining a good night"s sleep made it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example; they found that smokers who maintained a sleeping pattern characterized by normal sleep duration and undisturbed nights were less likely to still be smoking and more likely to have quit smoking four years on, when compared to those who either shortened their average sleep duration or experienced an increase in sleep disturbances.  Overall, similar patterns were also observed in regards to other adverse lifestyle changes, with onset of impaired sleep inflicting a higher risk of uptake of high-risk alcohol consumption (among non-risk consumers), of becoming physically inactive (among the initially physically active), and of becoming overweight or obese.



Effective Duration 是什么意思啊啊?

effective durationun.有效历时;有效工作时间 有效久期;有效期限;有效持续期例句筛选1.Effective Duration and Effective Convexity有效的久期和有效的凸性2.Study on the Effective Duration of Niclosamide in Water and Soil氯硝柳胺在水体及土壤中持效期的现场试验研究

打开Adobe After Effects CS5时提示quick time 未安装在系统内怎么办?

那就下载个quick time呗……

shielding effect[屏蔽效应]在元素周期表上是如何变化的,就是从左到右从上到下的增减变化


influence affect bother有什么区别?

effect n.结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 vt.招致, 实现, 达到(目的等) affect vt.影响, 感动, 侵袭, 假装 influence n.影响, 感化, 势力, 有影响的人(或事), (电磁)感应 vt.影响, 改变 infect vt.[医] 传染, 感染affect是一个动词,意思是“对……有影响”或“给……带来变化”。 例如:Does second hand smoke affect the health of all of us? effect有时也可以作动词用,意为“执行”。 例如:Only the president can effect such a change. 但是,effect在大多数情况下都被用作名词,意为“结果”。 例如:The drug did not affect the disease, and it had several adverse side effects. 一个简便的原则就是如果你需要一个动词的话,十之八九选用affect,如果需要一个名词,则通常使用effect. affect vt.①影响②打动,感动③(疾病)侵袭 词汇辨析affect,effect,influence: affect常用作动词,effect常用作名词(意为“影响”):to affect sth.=to have an effect on sth. effect 作动词时很正式,意为“产生,带来(结果)”,这个产生或带来的结果常常是某人所希望的。 influence指通过行动、榜样等对他人产生潜移默化的影响或作用,注重“影响”的结果。 记忆方法形似词:effect n.影响;effort n.努力 词根记忆af(使)+fect(做)→使人做→影响 effect 43 n.①结果②效果,作用vt.产生,招致 经典例句The effect speaks, the tongue needs not.事实胜于雄辩。 考点提要in effect = in fact 实际上;take effect = come into force 实施,生效;to that effect 大意如此 记忆方法fect(作用)→affect v.影响;effect n.影响 词根记忆ef(出)+fect(做)→做出来→生效,效果

side effects歌词+翻译

从前我是个小妞 而你是老大 当时太年轻 什么都不懂 太傻太天真 你说什么我都相信 以为强壮的你 会保护我 结果你根本不堪一击 把我藏在温室里 只因为你害怕我变得太强 让你无法一手掌握 即使像个水晶吊灯般闪耀 照亮的也不过就是只属于我俩的 小小世界 我已经受够了 我像个孩子 一心渴望远走高飞 但是我却 藏起了眼泪 因为我知道 如果流下眼泪 这辈子就注定与你 泪眼相对 所以我鼓起勇气 掉头离开 不怕后悔 但身上却还是带着爱情副作用 常在夜里害怕地醒来 因为梦见了哪些粗暴的夜晚 对于后来的伴 也难免更自我保护 在心里筑起围墙 怕再次被爱伤害 沮丧时还是勉强打起笑脸 面对这爱情副作用 爱情副作用 爱情副作用 爱情副作用 打了预防针 认清没有人 是真心诚意的 要保持冷静 偶尔会有点争吵 但还是有极限 别日以继夜 再这样下去 我宁可说谎 就算是你大错特错 我也顺从你 这样做 只是求生本能 不敢相信竟然活得这么狼狈 像是风中残烛 努力抓住一丝生机 与敌人共枕 但却快要窒息 被剥削最后一丝的自己 终于我逃出牢笼 才呼吸到自由的空气 藏起了眼泪 因为我知道 如果流下眼泪 这辈子就注定与你 泪眼相对 所以我鼓起勇气 掉头离开 不怕后悔 但身上却还是带着爱情副作用 常在夜里害怕地醒来 因为梦见了哪些粗暴的夜晚 对于后来的伴 也难免更自我保护 在心里筑起围墙 怕再次被爱伤害 沮丧时还是勉强打起笑脸 面对这爱情副作用 爱情副作用 爱情副作用 爱情副作用 [Young Jeezy:] 我可以原谅 却没办法忘记 每一天我都要面对 藏在心里的爱情副作用 但绝不会让它摧毁我珍贵的心 我可以原谅 却没办法忘记 每一天我都要面对 藏在心里的爱情副作用 但绝不会让它摧毁我珍贵的心

求歌曲Side Effects的中文歌词翻译 玛丽亚的 谢哦

我是个女孩儿,你是个男人我是那么年轻以至于无法理解我是天真并且轻信于人的你告诉我的一切你说你很强壮,你会保护我但我发现其实你很弱让我一直受制于你因为你害怕我会变得更好超出你可控制的范围华丽不过是一种装饰装饰着每一个地方在个人的地狱中,我们建立了并且就像个孩子一样地解决了它我希望我能够高飞但却失败了我把我的眼泪忍住了,因为我明白假如我哭泣的话,那我的余生也将如此悲伤直到最后你变得很强不后悔地走开但是我始终同副作用同在一些夜晚惊吓着醒过来那些暴力的时期依然被我铭刻依然想要被人给予保护我的内心依然有些防备想想那些试图掌控我人生的人仍然有些沮丧我虚假的微笑背后,我同副作用抗衡着内心空白一片,没有人存在不得不安静地保持着,因为这并不是真的一旦奋起抵抗,只会是一个又一个那么美妙的夜晚不一会儿我会躺下你死的错误却是一个最好的结局做我能够做的来逃开不敢相信这就是我的生活如烛台般闪烁尽我最大的力量来把握它与敌人同眠知道他已经窒息每一个全部的我所以我离开并且感受到了呼吸的力量Side Effects[00:15.09]I was a girl, you was a man[00:16.95]I was too young to understand[00:18.90]I was naive, I just believed[00:20.77]Everything that you told me[00:22.68]Said you were strong, protecting me[00:24.55]Then I found out that you were weak[00:27.05]Keeping me there under your thumb[00:28.93]Cause you were scared that I"d become much[00:31.11]More than you could handle[00:33.19]Shining like a chandelier[00:35.67]That decorated every room[00:37.69]Inside this private hell we built[00:40.40]And I dealt with it like a kid[00:43.45]I wished I could fly away but instead[00:46.73]I kept my tears inside cause I knew if I[00:50.57]Started I"d keep cryin" for the rest of my[00:54.34]Life with you I finally built up the strength[00:58.49]To walk away don"t regret it[01:00.50]But I still live with the side effects[01:02.89]Wakin" up scared some nights[01:04.13]Still dreamin" "bout the violent times[01:05.95]Still a little protective "bout the people[01:08.05]That I let inside[01:09.77]Still a little defensive[01:11.08]Thinkin" folks be tryin" to run my life[01:13.66]Still a little depressed[01:15.22]Inside I fake a smile and deal with the[01:17.31]Side effects[01:20.89]Side effects[01:24.57]Side effects[01:28.36]Side effects[01:32.04]Vacant inside no one was there[01:33.98]Couldn"t be real, had to keep quiet[01:35.87]Once in a while put up a fight[01:37.70]It"s just too much night after night[01:39.62]After a while I would just lie[01:41.48]You were dead wrong said you were right[01:43.40]Did what i could just to survive[01:45.27]Couldn"t believe this was my life[01:47.63]Flickering like a candle[01:49.17]Doin" my best to handle[01:51.19]Sleepin with the enemy[01:52.78]Aware that he was smothering[01:56.30]Every last part of me[01:59.61]So I broke away and finally[02:01.58]Found the strength to breathe[02:03.04]I kept my tears inside cause I knew if I[02:06.74]Started I"d keep cryin" for the rest of my[02:10.52]Life with you I finally built up the strength[02:14.67]To walk away don"t regret it[02:16.87]But I still live with the side effects[02:19.47]Wakin" up scared some nights[02:20.61]Still dreamin" "bout the violent times[02:21.82]Still a little protective "bout the people[02:24.07]That I let inside[02:25.68]Still a little defensive[02:26.82]Thinkin" folks be tryin" to run my life[02:29.46]Still a little depressed[02:30.81]Inside I fake a smile and deal with the[02:33.53]Side effects[02:36.71]Side effects[02:40.35]Side effects[02:44.34]Side effects[02:48.64][Young Jeezy Verse][03:20.31]Forgive but I can"t forget[03:22.15]Everyday I deal with this[03:24.05]I live with the side effects[03:25.60]But I ain"t gon let them get the best of me[03:27.86]Forgive but I can"t forget[03:29.77]Everyday I deal with this[03:31.64]I live with the side effects[03:33.21]But I ain"t gon let them get the best of me[03:35.35]I kept my tears inside cause I knew if I[03:39.09]Started I"d keep cryin" for the rest of my[03:42.92]Life with you I finally built up the strength[03:47.04]To walk away don"t regret it[03:48.95]But I still live with the side effects[03:50.82]Wakin" up scared some nights[03:52.51]Still dreamin" "bout the violent times[03:54.58]Still a little protective "bout the people[03:56.61]That I let inside[03:58.34]Still a little defensive[03:59.54]Thinkin" folks be tryin" to run my life[04:02.07]Still a little depressed[04:03.31]Inside I fake a smile and deal with the[04:06.05]Side effects[04:09.38]Side effects[04:13.10]Side effects[04:17.19]Side effects <!--wrap end-->全是我自己翻译的~还希望对你有帮助~

The medicine has side effect。这句话对不对,为什么?谢谢!


Side Effects 歌词

歌曲名:Side Effects歌手:Mandy Capristo专辑:GraceMariah Carey&Young Jeezy - Side EffectsI was a girl, you was a manI was too young to understandI was naive, I just believedEverything that you told meSaid you were strong, protecting meThen I found out that you were weakKeeping me there under your thumbCause you were scared that I"d become muchMore than you could handleShining like a chandelierThat decorated every roomInside this private hell we builtAnd I dealt with it like a kidI wished I could fly away but insteadI kept my tears inside cause I knew if IStarted I"d keep cryin" for the rest of myLife with you I finally built up the strengthTo walk away don"t regret itBut I still live with the side effectsWakin" up scared some nightsStill dreamin" "bout the violent timesStill a little protective "bout the peopleThat I let insideStill a little defensiveThinkin" folks be tryin" to run my lifeStill a little depressedInside I fake a smile and deal with theSide effectsSide effectsSide effectsSide effectsVacant inside no one was thereCouldn"t be real, had to keep quietOnce in a while put up a fightIt"s just too much night after nightAfter a while I would just lieYou were dead wrong said you were rightDid what i could just to surviveCouldn"t believe this was my lifeFlickering like a candleDoin" my best to handleSleepin with the enemyAware that he was smotheringEvery last part of meSo I broke away and finallyFound the strength to breatheI kept my tears inside cause I knew if IStarted I"d keep cryin" for the rest of myLife with you I finally built up the strengthTo walk away don"t regret itBut I still live with the side effectsWakin" up scared some nightsStill dreamin" "bout the violent timesStill a little protective "bout the peopleThat I let insideStill a little defensiveThinkin" folks be tryin" to run my lifeStill a little depressedInside I fake a smile and deal with theSide effectsSide effectsSide effectsSide effectsForgive but I can"t forgetEveryday I deal with thisI live with the side effectsBut I ain"t gon let them get the best of meForgive but I can"t forgetEveryday I deal with thisI live with the side effectsBut I ain"t gon let them get the best of meI kept my tears inside cause I knew if IStarted I"d keep cryin" for the rest of myLife with you I finally built up the strengthTo walk away don"t regret itBut I still live with the side effectsWakin" up scared some nightsStill dreamin" "bout the violent timesStill a little protective "bout the peopleThat I let insideStill a little defensiveThinkin" folks be tryin" to run my lifeStill a little depressedInside I fake a smile and deal with theSide effectsSide effectsSide effectsSide effectshttp://music.baidu.com/song/13965375

long-term side-effects是什么意思

long-term side-effects长期的副作用双语对照例句:1.Trials on laboratory animals, according to a media report, have shown that thecontraceptive effect is reversible and that there are no apparent long-term side-effects. 一份媒体的报告称,动物实验表明该避孕作用是可逆的,并且没有明显的长期副作用。2.Experts advise against this for people who are at no special risk of heart and arterydisease because of the possible long-term side-effects of aspirin. The drug, whichprevents blood clotting, can increase the likelihood of internal bleeding in thestomach, intestines and brain. 考虑到阿司匹林的长期副作用,专家们建议那些没有明显心脏病和动脉疾病的人不要这样做,阿司匹林阻止了血液凝结,(由此)它可以增加胃、肠和大脑内出血的可能性。

求side effects 的歌词的中文翻译


side effects和side effect的区别,副作用的反义词又是什么呢?

一个复数,一个单数,就这点区别. 反义词是:positive effect 【俊狼猎英】 欢迎追问!

求Mariah的《side effect 》的歌词~~

[Young Jeezy:] It"s M.C. and Y.J. Another hit, okay We lookin" fine, takin" off Saw us on a runway On any given Sunday, Monday, Tuesday They try to confuse me, I never let "em use me I was a girl, you were "the man" I was too young to understand I was naive, I just believed Everything that you told me Said you were strong, protecting me Then I found out that you were weak Keepin" me there, under your thumb Cause you were scared that I"d become much More than you could handle, Shining like a chandelier That decorated every room inside The private hell we built, And I dealt with it Like a kid I wished I could fly away but instead I Kept my tears inside Cause I knew if I Started I"d keep crying for the rest of my Life with you I finally built up the strength to walk away Don"t regret it but I still live with the side effects Wakin" up scared some nights still dreaming "bout the violent times Still little protective "bout the people that I let inside Still little defensive thinking folks be tryin" to run my life Still little depressed inside, I fake a smile and deal with the side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Vacant inside, no one was there Couldn"t be real, had to keep quiet Once in awhile, put up a fight It"s just too much, night after night After awhile I would just lie, You were dead wrong, said you was right Did what I could, just to survive Couldn"t believe this was my life, Flickering like a candle Doing my best to handle sleeping with the enemy Aware that he was smothering every last part of me So I broke away and finally found the strength to breathe Kept my tears inside Cause I knew if I started I"d keep crying For the rest of my life with you I finally built up the strength to walk away Don"t regret it but I still live with the side effects Wakin" up scared some nights still dreaming "bout the violent times Still little protective "bout the people that I let inside Still little defensive thinking folks be tryin" run my life Still little depressed inside, I fake a smile and deal with the side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Hey, hey, hey Let"s go! [Young Jeezy:] Hey Magnifico or should I say Magnificent? Ain"t nothing worth your happiness And I ain"t caring who you"re with Misery love company so we ain"t tryin" to hang with y"all Hurt you if ya let "em in Gotta keep ya sucka smilin" Keep tryin" to play I tell him I ain"t blowin" tho Think they want me outta here, I tell "em I ain"t goin" tho Side effects be drowsiness, Loneliness, How is this? I think the call it hateration, What can you prescribe for this? Forgive but I can"t forget, Every day I deal with this I live with the side efffects But I ain"t gonna let them get the best of me Forgive but I can"t forget, Every day I deal with this I live with the side efffects But I ain"t gonna let them get the best of me Kept my tears inside Cause I knew if I started I"d keep crying For the rest of my life with you I finally built up the strength to walk away Don"t regret it but I still live with the side effects Wakin" up scared some nights still dreaming "bout the violent times Still little protective "bout the people that I let inside Still little defensive thinking folks be tryin" run my life Still little depressed inside, I fake a smile and deal with the side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh) Side effects (Oh, oh)

while avoiding the side effects啥意思


side effects什么意思

side effectn.副作用;意外结果谜离药谎;药命关系;没有副作用复数:side effects 例句1.However , though it has brought mankind merits , some undesirable side- effects have gradually come to the surface .尽管……它给人类带来好处,但一些副作用也渐渐表现出来。2.He strongly believes that this "prescription" works well and has no side effects.他坚信这个“处方”效果很好而且没有副作用。3.But health agencies say the side effects cannot expand into a life-threatening infection.但卫生机构说这副作用不会扩大成危及生命的感染。4.The side effects of her regimen of drugs and injections left her feeling weak and nauseous.药物和注射的副作用常使她虚弱、作呕。5.Other side effects may include mild fever, body aches, and fatigue for a few days after the inoculation.疫苗接种后数天内的其他副作用可能包括轻度发热、全身疼痛和疲劳。6.However, the side effects tend to improve after a few weeks as your body gets used to the medicines.不过,副作用往往以改善后的几个星期,因为你的身体得到用于该药品。

请问面阵CCD中effective pixels和active pixels有什么区别

effective pixels是总像素数,而active pixels才是有效像素数,实际上CCD上边缘像素由于遮挡等原因不能有效的将光转为电荷,因此是无效的,有效像素数active pixels总是少于总像素数effective pixels。举例说明:STC-CL232A/CLC232A型相机是日本原装的Camera Link工业数字相机,外形尺寸28(W)×28(H)×47(D)mm,采用1/1.8英寸CCD,逐行扫描,有效像素为1620(H)*1220(V)。有黑白和彩色可供选择。总像素(Effective Picture Element)为1628(H)×1236(V),有效像素(Active Picture Element)是1620(H)×1220(V)。你设计驱动电路的时候只需要考虑有效像素数就可以了。具体情况你可以参考王庆有编写的《图像传感器技术》一书。

英语those hidden imperfections怎么翻译?

英语those hidden imperfections 的意思是:那些隐藏的缺陷。

How does Science Affect Your Daily Life急求一篇英语作文,题

Art comes from life,but higher than the life.This is make known to every family motto.What is life?Life means everything in the nature.Such as:farming,food,travel,rest and so on.What is art?Art refers to all activities in the nature,the natural phenomenon of experience,perception,refining,processing,and art forms to express it.For example:use music to the performance of high mountain and flowing water,with the painting to show the plum chrysanthemum,calligraphy to the performance of the moon.Rules in art interpretation of natural,life.Its purpose is:from the macro point of view,it makes people understand nature,understanding nature,into a natural,human and nature can better coordinate development.From the micro said,to purify the mind,edify sentiment of.Art everywhere embodied life,which embodies the natural.Art from life,life source of natural.Life is in different poses and with different expressions,is naturally with countless changes,therefore,is rich and colorful art.In calligraphy,Wang Xizhi peace,such as spring,sunny; Mi Fei"s elegant,such as the spring breeze willow,very pretty and charming; Yan Zhenqing"s bold,such as burly chap,mighty Kui Wu; Zhao Songxue"s soft,such as a quiet and modest maiden,elegant and ethereal; Hong,such as monastic room seats,fresh and quiet and so on,these are by nature,living to tell of the soul artists.Art comes from life,but higher than life,art is a refinement of life,processing and re creation.The artist to extract valuable,meaningful content from life,to use art to,in turn,enrich people"s life,to bring to people new to enjoy.As a technique of expression of art,must not apply mechanically life,or repeated life,but there is a choice to extract the essence of life.In the extraction process,because everyone"s life in different times,different content,different environment,the feeling is not the same and so on,so that the work is not the same,it is these different,in order to meet the needs of different people.People stand on a different perspective to examine,literary works,enjoy the beauty from.Art comes from life,but higher than the life,they are interdependent,mutual promotion.Nature,life to art provides fertile soil,and art to enjoy the performance of natural life,performance,and make life more rich and colorful.In our nature,life experience to the flowers open,the birds singing,the river Pentium,mountain stands,through cognitive,have feeling,for whom the flowers open?The birds sing for whom?The river Pentium for who?The mountain stands for who?Expression of our natural,life emotion; these emotions into other forms of art,such as calligraphy,painting,sculpture,music,dance and so on,so that we can better integration in nature.

affected为什么用deeply 修饰

所以affectdeeply是“影响深远”的意思。类似的还有high和highly, fartheraffected是指被影响,或者影响,deeply是形容词,表示程度,这里就是用来表示

英语leaving us open to any number of infections


英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part2 Listening:Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. That"s because they are adaptable. Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger. One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. There are several kinds of infectious diseases. Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, are caused by bacteria. These infections can be treated by antibiotics, which kill the bacteria. Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. These can sometimes be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu vaccine. An example of parasitic infection is malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control. And of course these parasites are also adaptable. Antibiotics attack and kill bacteria. How serious are infectious diseases? Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic. It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold. In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world"s population. In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people. The influenza virus that caused it was much stronger than previous influenza viruses. Its mortality rate was two and a half percent compared to a point one percent in previous influenza epidemics. It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours. Schools and businesses closed in many places, and people wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air. What was unusual about this pandemic was that it was most deadly for people aged 20 to 40, rather than the elderly and young children. Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines that have reduced the severity of epidemics . These vaccines need to be updated every year because the virus changes and new strains emerge. What researchers fear is that a new strain of the virus will develop and cause another pandemic. Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before. An unintended consequence of our improved transportation system will be the speed at which an epidemic can spread. Experts predict that the public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. A new strain of a virus is a mutated form of the virus. A new strain of a virus is one that has mutated from the original. So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring. This will require global cooperation and the sharing of data. It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals. Animals, such as birds and pigs, carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. Such a new strain could lead to another pandemic well before a new vaccine could be developed. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national boarders , this is a global issue requiring global action. The threat of a global epidemic is another example of why we must learn to live together. It allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Epidemics don"t stop at national borders. One danger is that an animal virus may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. An improved transportation system allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Animals, such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.Experts predict that public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims. One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for. They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you"re wasting your time, you"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not .” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”“well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “no, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “there"s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian. “it"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. If he asks to be grounded he isn"t crazy. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.

以How Will AI Affect Our Life?为题的英语作文


pitch perfect电影中的所有音乐



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