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product favored by giobal 什么意思


Only those who work hard will be favored in the fierce competition.


i hope they can be favored in high point,什么意思

我希望他们能被赞美/支持到极限high point 英[hai pu0254int]美[hau026a pu0254u026ant]n. 顶点;极限名词复数:high points[例句]Worst : maybe the same as my high point?最差:或许与前面的最佳一样?

Most people favored the plan.

【答案】:A题意:大多数人都赞成这个计划。 句中favored意为:赞成。 A项agreed意为:同意,赞成;例句:I am afraid I can not quite agree with you about that.关于这一点,恐怕我不能完全赞同你。 B项opposed意为:反对;例句:It was courageous of him to oppose his chief.他敢反对他的上司,真是勇敢。 C项liked意为:喜欢;例句:I used to like the clowns best at the circus.我以前最爱看马戏里的小丑。 D项voted意为:投票,选举;例句:I appeal to you to vote against him.我想请你投他的反对票。故本题选A。

be favored 什么意思


we hoped to be favored with answer.为什么是favored?

be favored with 受到青睐be favored是被动语态


favorable adj. 赞同的;称赞的;有利的;讨人喜欢的favored adj. 受到优待的;有天赋的;受优惠的;有利的v. 支持( favor的过去式和过去分词 );赞成;照顾;促成

they are favored as a form of art什么意思?

they are favored as a form of art.意思是:他们就像是一种艺术受推崇。

be favored with an invitation是什么意思

be favored with an invitation得到一个邀请双语对照例句:1.Publicists less frequently are favored with hard news stories. 公关不足,经常是最惠国待遇,用硬的新闻故事。2.She favored him with a charming smile. 她赐给他迷人的一笑。


favorable adj.赞同的;称赞的;有利的;讨人喜欢的 favored adj.受到优待的;有天赋的;受优惠的;有利的 v.支持( favor的过去式和过去分词 );赞成;照顾;促成


favored,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“有利的;受到优待的,受宠的;称心如意的;被推荐的;(运动员等)被看好的”,作动词时译为“支持;对……有利;优惠;宠爱,偏袒;外貌像;悉心照料;帮助(favor 的过去分词)”。短语搭配:favored treatment 优惠待遇favored patterns 优势片段favored pardon 恩赦favored pattern 优势模式favored transition 有利跃迁well favored 好看的Favored Motive 良好动机favored area 受益区favored heterozygote 有利的杂合子双语例句:However, the film wasn"t favored by Chinese moviegoers at first because of the poor translation of the film title.然而,由于片名翻译不当,这部电影一开始并不受中国观众的喜爱。Jackson favored a simple, healthy diet of porridge for breakfast and main meals of fish or chicken with vegetables.杰克逊钟爱简单、健康的饮食,早餐吃麦片粥,主餐吃搭配蔬菜的鱼或鸡肉。The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists "garbage mitt"—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favored by garbage men.《加拿大牛津词典》也列出了“垃圾手套”——那是一种垫得很厚的鹿皮手套,深受收垃圾的人的喜爱。


Blessed [blest] adj. 受祝福的 例句与用法: The Pope blessed the crowd. 教皇向人群祝福. The priest blessed the harvest. 牧师祈求丰收. They brought the children to Jesus and he blessed them. 他们把孩子们领到耶稣跟前, 耶稣就赐福予他们. Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 【谚】无奢望者有福,因其永不失望。 Blessed are the humble. 谦虚的人有福了。 The priest blessed the ship before it left port. 牧师在船离港之前为其祝福。 词形变化: 异体字:blest 名词:blessedness 名词:blessedness 副词:blessedly 英英解释: 动词 bless: give a benediction to 同义词:bless confer prosperity or happiness on 同义词:bless make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate 同义词:bless, sign render holy by means of religious rites 同义词:consecrate, bless, hallow, sanctify 形容词 blessed: highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace) 同义词:blest worthy of worship expletives used informally as intensifiers 同义词:blasted, blame, blamed, damn, damned, darned, deuced, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, infernal Roman Catholic; proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration 同义词:beatified enjoying the bliss of heaven characterized by happiness and good fortune having good fortune bestowed or conferred upon; sometimes used as in combination 同义词:blessed with, endued with 互动百科: Blessed: Blessed adj. 受祝福的习惯用语be Blessed [俚]受诅; 被咒(委婉的说法)..