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电脑开机出现一个窗口,显示“Steam-Fatal Error”求帮助


电脑开机后黑屏只显示Fatal Error ...System Halted 怎么办

keyboard not found fatal error…system halted这个提示的意思是:没有检测到键盘,致命错误,系统停止。可能引起的原因:1、键盘接头松动,没有插好。2、键盘坏了或者键盘线路短路。3、主板键盘接口坏了或短路。解决方法:1、检查键盘连接线和主板接口处,重新拔插一次,并重启电脑。2、更换新的键盘。3、维修主板键盘接口,或者把键盘换到另一个接口上,如果是PS2接口,可以用PS2转USB的转接

Pearl Jam的《Fatal》 歌词

歌名:Fatal所属专辑: DCU Center, Worcester, MA歌手:Pearl Jam歌词:How good is he? How warm are his eyes? You"ll see it"s not a reprise Did he arrive too late and too tethered away To put on his suit and his tie? How good is he? How warm is his heart or ego, telling him which place to park? Did he relate? The message is clearly, hardly grounds for dismissal Outright... grounds for dismissal outright... I wake up and wait up When anger"s in fashion I wake up and wait up It echoes through the mansions I wake up and wait up When April"s in May, oh, uh-oh I wake up and wait up The answers are fatal The answers are fatal I wake up and wait up The answers are fatal If he"s truly out of sight, is he truly out of mind? If he"s truly out of sight...

每次开机度提示fatal error

意思为:致命的错误。一般指内存读取出错因素为内存不够或故障另种是读取文件失败,文件是只读文件。你可以进入BIOS 设置一下从光盘启动.就是开机后就按DEL键.然后选择 First boot device 这个选项(一般在左边这排的第二个或者第三个里面)。设置成 CD-ROM 就是从光盘启动的。嗯最好换一下系统盘试一下

Fatal error 怎么处理


电脑出现fatal error 这个怎么办?


Fatal error是什么意思



deadly - 指致命的,带有危及人命的倾向。这形容词也可拿来作比喻性描述。 句例: This is a deadly question. 这是一个要命的问题! This is a deadly weapon. 这是一个危害程度很大的武器。(威力很大的意思) fatal - 也是指致命的,但带有悲剧性色彩,意辞严谨。也可依循fate的直接延伸,即命运注定的。 句例: His wound is fatal. 他的伤口是致命的。(意指他会因此伤而亡故。) A fatal accident happened on the highway last night. 昨晚发生了死亡车祸。 Our union is fatal. 我们的相遇是命中注定的。

GTA5 打了修改器之后显示FATAL:

因为修改器与当前游戏版本不匹配,修改了游戏的重要配置参数,破坏了游戏启动条件,才启动不了的。只要找到gta5的根目录,删除gta5 根目录里的 dinput8.dll,即可正常登录游戏。也可以换个可以支持的游戏版本,在窗口下方最后一排就是提示;当然也可以更换支持当前游戏版本的修改器,都可以解决问题。扩展资料GTA5游戏剧情洛圣都,一个庞大且阳光普照的繁华都市,充满了自我救赎的大师们,贪官污吏们和落魄的名人们,一群被羡慕着的西方世界的居民却也正处于挣扎着生存的时代,衰落的经济和廉价的道义让这里混乱不堪。面对滚滚而来的金融风暴,三个不同的怪咖绘制着自己生存和成功的蓝图。富兰克林是一个街头讨债者,寻找着真正的机遇和大笔的资金。麦克是一位名震四海的银行大盗兼职业犯罪者,金盆洗手之后他希望能过上更好的生活。崔佛是个变态的暴力狂和瘾君子,他驱动着无时不有的机会以及那辆载满了白粉的皮卡车。机缘巧合,他们走到了一起。为了自己想得到的一切,三人选择了一系列大胆而危险的犯罪行动。

怎么解决电脑fatal error错误代码?

电脑在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,而在使用电脑的过程中,电脑出现fatal error的问题也日益频繁。那么,如何解决这个问题呢?一、了解fatal error的含义fatal error是指电脑系统在执行某个任务时发生了致命错误,导致系统无法正常运行,通常情况下会出现蓝屏等现象。这个问题的出现通常是由于软件或硬件问题引起的。二、排除软件问题1.重启电脑在出现fatal error的情况下,首先可以尝试重启电脑。这个方法可以排除一些暂时性的软件问题,如果fatal error问题仍然存在,那么很有可能是硬件问题。2.卸载最近安装的软件如果fatal error问题出现在最近安装了某个软件之后,那么可以考虑卸载这个软件,看看问题是否得以解决。3.更新系统和驱动程序操作系统和驱动程序的更新可以修复一些软件问题,因此可以尝试更新系统和驱动程序,看看是否能够解决fatal error的问题。三、排除硬件问题1.检查内存内存是电脑最重要的硬件之一,如果内存出现问题,就会导致电脑出现fatal error。可以使用内存检测软件检查内存是否存在问题。2.检查硬盘硬盘也是电脑中非常重要的硬件之一,如果硬盘出现问题,也会导致fatal error的问题。可以使用硬盘检测软件检查硬盘是否存在问题。3.检查电源电源故障也会导致fatal error的问题,因此可以检查电源是否正常工作,是否存在故障。四、其他方法1.清理电脑电脑长期使用后,可能会积累大量的垃圾文件和缓存文件,这些文件会占用大量的硬盘空间,导致电脑运行缓慢,甚至出现fatal error的问题。因此,定期清理电脑可以有效地避免这个问题的发生。2.重装系统如果以上方法都没有解决fatal error的问题,那么可以考虑重装系统。重装系统可以将电脑恢复到出厂设置,有效地解决一些软件和硬件问题。但是,重装系统会导致所有数据丢失,因此需要提前备份数据。总结:fatal error的问题通常是由软件或硬件问题引起的,可以通过排除软件问题和硬件问题来解决这个问题。如果以上方法都没有解决问题,那么可以考虑重装系统。无论采取哪种方法,都需要提前备份数据,避免数据丢失。最后,建议定期清理电脑,避免出现这个问题。

《Fatal》的歌词 j.holiday唱的

J. Holiday - Fatal everyday you"re goneit"s killin me to be without youcan"t make it aloneeveryday you"re goneit"s killin me to be without youcant make it alone girl cause i"m missin youit"s like I got a hangoveri cant get you outta my headjus like I wrecked my new rovergirl I cant get you out of my headand I aint never been low butits like I"m broke and I"m outta the gameso I swallow my pride if thats the only wayto make it better babei know I been wrong (know I been wrong)& we been fightin so long (we been fightin so long)come & see about me (come & see about me)its gettin hard to breathe (ooohhh)baby I"m sorryi miss youeveryday you"re goneits killin me to be withoutwithout youi cant make it alonebaby can we work it outi miss youits fatal you knogirl I"m guna die withoutwithout youtell me wat to dogirl cause I"m missin you(oh oh) maybe if I was olderthen I wouldnt be makin these mistakes& I know your girlfriends told yai didn"t listen to a word I gotta say ??but all I wana do is hold yayou"re like a habit that I just cant shake& a life with you is what I"m tryna make baby cant you seei know I been wrong (i know I been wrong)& we been fightin so long (we been fightin too long)come & see about me (come & see about me)its gettin hard to breathebaby I"m sorryi miss you (hey)everyday you"re goneits killin me to be without (its killin me)without you (cant ya see)cant make it alonebaby can we work it out (can we work it out)i miss you (ooh baby)its fatal you know (fatal ya kno)girl I"m guna die withoutwithout youtell me wat to do (jus tell me wat to do)girl cause I"m missin you (baby immissin you)tell me what I gotta do (tell me what I gotta do)just ta (bring you back bring you back) to bring you back my waybaby girl let me know don"t jus (keep me hanging) hangin ontell me what I gotta do just tabring you back (what I gotta do) bring you back babybaby girl let me know don"t jus (keep me hanging) hangin on(oooohhh yyyaaa)i miss youeveryday you"re gone it killin me to be withoutwithout youcan"t make it alonebaby can we work it outi miss youits fatal you knowgirl I"m guna die withoutwithout youtell me wat to dogirl cause I"m missin you


fatal一般是表示致命的,如fatal errorfateful用来表示重大的在字典上查的两词有相重复的意思,但总体来讲还是用上述办法。。


首先必须确保游戏路径里面不带汉字。顺带一提“桌面”这两个字也是中文,所以根目录也不要摆在桌面上。改目录名一定要在接下来的改兼容性之前,不然兼容性就白改了。在尤里的复仇文件夹里找有如图图标的文件。打开,出现对话框。然后什么都别做,等它自动消失即可。修改游戏兼容性。如图所示,右键点游戏文件夹里的gamemd.exe,点属性,切到兼容性栏目,选择使用win2000兼容性,确定。用同样的方法给根目录里的ra2md.exe和yuri.exe设置win98兼容性。在windows 2000,windows vista,windows 7上面可能还会遇到“Fatal Error”的提示框,若遇到这种情况,右键点击游戏,选择“以管理员身份运行”即可关于XP下FATAL ERROR的解决方法:右键应用程序,运行方式,选择administrator账户,确定。即可。《红色警戒2》是Westwood公司1996年出品的即时战略游戏派生产品的一款续集。这一大获成功的游戏系列的新成员并未对任何前款游戏的技术细节大费笔墨,而其大肆渲染的冷战场景似乎很难踏上大雅之堂。但是,《红色警戒2》仍不失为一款制作精良的游戏,它将经过千锤百炼的游戏结构与全新功能和改进完美地融于一炉,使之成为一款令人拍手叫绝的续集,而且就其本身来言,也是一款出色的即时战略游戏。红色警戒有许多非官方模组,即指玩家俗称的扩展版或MOD。使用XCC Mixer等软件可以将游戏中的一些隐藏的配置文件文件解压出来,通过修改这些配置文件,玩家可以更改游戏各方面的属性,从而制作自己的DIY版本。

笔记本开机出现fatal!inconsistent data read from

grub起的那个的时候,出现提示:booting find/menu.lst,/boot/grub/menu.lstfatal!inconsistent data read from (0x80)268494345+63fatal!inconsistent data read from (0x80)268494345+1但是可以进入grub菜单,除了03pe和xppe无法启动外,其他的都是正常的。03pe和xppe启动会卡在dos黑屏处,loading ramdisk的字样都不会出来。这是系统引导的问题!!!

电脑出现fatal error问题怎么办?

Fatal error意思抄为:致命的错误。一般指内存读取出错。可以通过找到产生该情况的电脑文件,把它复制粘贴到另外一个文件夹,然后通过新建快捷方式来打开,这样就可以解决问题了,具体方法如下:1、电脑出现fatal error,是因为电脑运行Steam时,游戏安装路径中有中文的话就会出现下图的提示错回误,如下图所示答。2、在桌面上找到该文件,右键单击这个快捷方式,选择打开文件所在的位置,如下图所示:3、进入后,发现的确有中文名称的文件夹。4、鼠标左键单击该文件夹,选择“剪切”。5、返回上一层。这一层路径全是英文和数字了,空白处鼠标右键,选择:粘贴,如下图所示5、重新发送一个快捷方式,就可以正常启动了。


电脑运行Steam提示fatal Error的解决方法:1、如果你的游戏安装路径中有中文的话就会出现下图的提示错误,如下图所示2、下面我们右键单击这个快捷方式,选择打开文件所在的位置,如下图所示3、进入安装文件夹,我们可以发现路径中确实有中文名字的文件夹,如下图所示4、我们首先将整个steam文件夹剪切出去,如下图所示5、返回上一层,这一层路径全是因为和数字了,空白处右键--粘贴,如下图所示6、我们重新发送一个快捷方式,就可以启动steam客户端了,如下图所示7、测试启动完全正常了,如下图所示


deadly[英][u02c8dedli][美][u02c8du025bdli]adj.极端的,非常的; 致命的,致死的; 非常有效的; 如死一般的; adv.极其,非常; 死了一样地; 最高级:deadliest比较级:deadlierfatal[英][u02c8feu026atl][美][u02c8fetl]adj.致命的,攸关的; 毁灭性的,严重的; 命中注定的; 重大的; 易混淆单词:FATAL




fatel 可以描述状况或者条件,因素,除了致命的,也可译作关键性的deadly通常描述致命的疾病,药物或者其他的东西

请问 FATAL ERROR 是什么意思?

字面解释是 致命的错误 不知道你是在哪里看到的,如果是运行程序时出现的,那很可能是这个程序出现了一点故障,建议先重装下这个程序,还是不行则建议更新下驱动,再不行就重装下系统,还是不行那就可能是硬件问题了,这就比较复杂了,这里就不详细解说了 我的Q是1583930560




fatal的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 形容词 a. 1. 命运的;决定命运的 2. 命中注定的 3. 致命的,生死攸关的[(+to/for)] The shot was fatal. 这是致命的一枪。 4. 无可挽回的,毁灭性的[(+to)] He committed a fatal mistake. 他犯了一个无可挽回的错误。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 fatal 1. 致命的,致死的 医学翻译词汇F-2(英语,专业翻译,免费下... 致命的,致死的 fatal http://www.scientrans ... 2. 致命的,命运的 马马虎虎背单词——list 14_外语_中... fatal adj. 致命的,命运的 http://www.eol.cn/mah... 3. 致命的;重大的 自考“英语(一)”笔记(70) 8. fatal adj. 致命的;重大的 http://www.e-stu.net/...

安卓开发报错Android FATAL EXCEPTION:main

ComponentInfo:NullPointerException,没做过android相关的开发,但是很明显根本原因是空指针异常,可以debug去定位;下面这些是有可能会用到的定位信息,或者从开始的入口去一步一步进入,肯定可以找到的~android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:5

android studio AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main运行报错


安卓开发报错Android FATAL EXCEPTION:main


ffatal error C1083: 无法打开包括文件:“Message.h”: No such file or directory


fatal error C1189: #error : Must define a target architecture

我刚碰到过这个问题,不过没用wince6.0,用的vs2008就报错,仔细一看,发现解决方案平台上选择的是pocket pc 2003!将它改成win32就可以搞定了。

用gcc编译c程序出现 fatal error: graphics.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.

graphics.h is including a c++ header sstream, you can"t use it when compiling with a c compiler, switch your code to c++, that can be done by simply changing the file extension to .cpp for example or .cc and gcc will automatically use g++ when compiling the file. 大致的意思是,graphics.h 这个文件属于c++里面的,应该使用g++来编译,或者是gcc-c++来编译,而你现在是c程序,不支持这个头文件。你再检查下?

jori king的fatal love歌词

[ti:Fatal Love][ar:Jori King][al:][by:Maxrnb][00:00.00]Jori King - Fatal Love[00:00.30]( Lyrics by MaxRNB )[00:01.00]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:16.47]Shawty got that crazy love[00:19.16]Like put me inside an insane asylum love[00:22.97]And lock me up[00:25.05]She got that killa touch[00:27.89]Get close enough and watch you"ll self-destruct[00:31.49]Leavin" ya nothing left[00:33.57]As she walks the crowd[00:36.30]I see my world crash down[00:38.99]I just can"t get enough of[00:41.52]This fatal love[00:47.58]It"s softly killing me[00:50.24]This fatal love[00:56.16]Will be the end of me[00:58.62]I - I can"t shake[00:59.87]This one x4[01:03.86]Oh no[01:05.74]Oh-oh-oh[01:07.02]I can"t shake[01:08.08]This one x4[01:12.53]Oh no[01:13.85]Oh-oh-oh[01:16.59]Shawty got a hold of me[01:19.17]Held captive in chains don"t try and set me free[01:23.49]Just let me be[01:25.03]Demented by her drug[01:26.95]Infatuated by every move she makes[01:31.36]A trance I can"t escape[01:33.44]As she walks the crowd[01:36.65]I see my world crash down[01:39.13]I just can"t get enough of[01:41.44]This fatal love[01:47.62]It"s softly killing me[01:50.20]This fatal love[01:55.48]Will be the end of me[01:58.45]I - I can"t shake[02:00.02]This one x4[02:03.76]Oh no[02:05.08]Oh-oh-oh[02:07.24]I can"t shake[02:08.01]This one x4[02:12.21]Oh no[02:13.53]Oh-oh-oh[02:17.73]Oo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-oh x2[02:31.59][02:34.12]As she walks, see my world crash down x2[02:49.69]

jori king的fatal love歌词

歌词:[00:00.00]Jori King - Fatal Love[00:00.30]( Lyrics by MaxRNB )[00:01.00]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:16.47]Shawty got that crazy love[00:19.16]Like put me inside an insane asylum love[00:22.97]And lock me up[00:25.05]She got that killa touch[00:27.89]Get close enough and watch you"ll self-destruct[00:31.49]Leavin" ya nothing left[00:33.57]As she walks the crowd[00:36.30]I see my world crash down[00:38.99]I just can"t get enough of[00:41.52]This fatal love[00:47.58]It"s softly killing me[00:50.24]This fatal love[00:56.16]Will be the end of me[00:58.62]I - I can"t shake[00:59.87]This one x4[01:03.86]Oh no[01:05.74]Oh-oh-oh[01:07.02]I can"t shake[01:08.08]This one x4[01:12.53]Oh no[01:13.85]Oh-oh-oh[01:16.59]Shawty got a hold of me[01:19.17]Held captive in chains don"t try and set me free[01:23.49]Just let me be[01:25.03]Demented by her drug[01:26.95]Infatuated by every move she makes[01:31.36]A trance I can"t escape[01:33.44]As she walks the crowd[01:36.65]I see my world crash down[01:39.13]I just can"t get enough of[01:41.44]This fatal love[01:47.62]It"s softly killing me[01:50.20]This fatal love[01:55.48]Will be the end of me[01:58.45]I - I can"t shake[02:00.02]This one x4[02:03.76]Oh no[02:05.08]Oh-oh-oh[02:07.24]I can"t shake[02:08.01]This one x4[02:12.21]Oh no[02:13.53]Oh-oh-oh[02:17.73]Oo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-oh x2[02:31.59][02:34.12]As she walks, see my world crash down x2[02:49.69]

fatal love歌词含义

fatal love歌词含义是:表达了作者关于爱情的真切感悟,渴望爱情但是又怕无法自拔的矛盾心理。《fatal love》的中文翻译是:致命的爱。这首歌是Jori King演唱的一首曲子,歌词真实又感人,别人准确的表达了作者对于爱情的感悟,想要又害怕的心理状态。《fatal love》的旋律也是扣人心弦的,特别又节奏感,让人容易陷入到曲子的情境中,无法自拔的感觉。Fatal Love - Jori KingShawty got that crazy love美眉 你赢得了我炽热的心Like put me inside an insane asylum love让我爱你成疾And lock me up我的心牢牢被你抓住She got that killa touch她慢慢凑近 颇具魅力Get close enough and watch you"ll self-destruct足够近了 就那样看我自生自灭Leavin" ya nothing left不留一丝痕迹As she walks through the crowd她钻进人群I see my world crash down我的世界天翻地覆I just can"t get enough of我受够了This fatal love这种致命的爱It"s softly killing me它无声息地置我于死地This fatal love这种致命的爱Will be the end of me将会将我了结I - I can"t shake我不能动摇This one This one我不能被这样的爱给动摇Oh noOh-oh-ohI can"t shake我不能动摇This one This one我不能被这样的爱给动摇Oh noOh-oh-ohShawty got a hold of me美眉 你牢牢将我掌控Held captive in chains don"t try and set me free紧紧地将我束缚 不给我一点自由Just let me be让我走吧Demented by her drug你的毒让我欲罢不能Infatuated by every move she makes你的一举一动都让我沉醉其中A trance I can"t escape我呆住了 挪不开目光As she walks through the crowd她钻进人群I see my world crash down我的世界天翻地覆I just can"t get enough of我受够了This fatal love这种致命的爱It"s softly killing me它无声息地置我于死地This fatal love这种致命的爱Will be the end of me将会将我了结I - I can"t shakeThis one This one我不能被这样的爱给动摇Oh noOh-oh-ohI can"t shake我不能动摇This one This one我不能被这样的爱给动摇Oh noOh-oh-ohOo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-ohOo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-oh-oh-oo-whoa-ohAs she walks, see my world crash down她钻进人群 我的世界天翻地覆As she walks, see my world crash down她钻进人群 我的世界天翻地覆

potentially fatal diseases什么意思

potentially fatal diseases的中文翻译potentially fatal diseases 潜在的致命的疾病

高分悬赏>魔兽世界::ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception


vc++无法编译 fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation


布兰妮新专辑 Femme Fatale 销量破百万了吗



大吧的一位亲jez129做的关于HommeFatale的解释:一般是说femme fatale 是法文, 解释是妖姬,倾城倾国的美女转做Homme Fatale就是倾城倾国的美男了!

Till The World Ends (The Femme Fatale Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Till The World Ends (The Femme Fatale Remix)歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Till The World Ends (the Femme Fatale Remix)Britney Spears - Till The World EndsThis kicked ingot your tongs in knots I seeSpit it out cuz im dying for companyI notice that you got itYou notice that I want itYou know that I can take itto the next level ba-byIf you want this good sh*tSicker than the remixBaby let me blow your mind tonightI cant take it take it take no moreNever felt like felt like this beforeC"mon get me get me off the floorDJ whatcha whatcha waitin" forWOAH OH OH OH OH OH WOAH OH OH OH...Watch me movewhen I loose when I loose it hardGet you offwith the touch dancing in the darkYou notice what im wearingI notice that you are staringYou know that I can take itto the next level babyHarder than the A-listNext one on my hit listBaby let me blow your mind tonightI cant take it take it take no moreNever felt like felt like this beforeC"mon get me get me off the floorDJ whatcha whatcha waitin" forWOAH OH OH OH OH OH WOAH OH OH OH...See the sunlight We aint stoppin"Keep on dancing till the world endsIf you feel it let it happenKeep on dancing till the world endsKeep on daancing till the world endsKeep on daancing till the world endsWOAH OH OH OH OH OH WOAH OH OH OH...See the sunlight We aint stoppin"Keep on dancing till the world endsIf you feel it let it happenKeep on dancing till the world endshttp://music.baidu.com/song/17704240

Femme Fatale有歌词本的么?

Artist: Elisa Lyrics Song: Femme Fatale LyricsHere she comes You"d better watch your step She"s going to break your heart in two It"s true It"s not hard to realise Just look into her false colored eyes She"ll build you up just to put you down What a clown! Everybody knows The things she does to please She"s just a little tease See the way she walks Hear the way she talks You"re put down in her book And you are number 37, have a look! She"s going to smile to make you frown What a clown! Little boy, she"s from the street So before you start you"re already beat She"s going to play you for a fool You can see it"s true Everybody knows the things The things she does to please She"s just... just a little tease.. oh, she is just.. See the way she walks Do you hear the way she talks? Everybody knows the things The things she does to please She"s just... just a little tease.. oh, she is just.. Do you see the way she walks? Do you hear the way she talks? She sings.. la la la la la... She"s le femme fatale (and she sings) She"s le femme fatale (and she sings) She"s le femme fatale (and she sings) She"s le femme fatale (and she sings) She sings..

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:4 Minute专辑:volume up 3rd mini album4minute(

Femme Fatale (Alternative Mix) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Femme Fatale (Alternative Mix)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:The Singles Box 1986 - 1995Femme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.b***.com/song/2578612

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Evdokia Kadi专辑:Eurovision Song Contest Belgrade 2008Eurovision 2008 - Cyprus: Evdokia Kadi - Femme FataleYia su manka, ime eyo yinekaKe aniko se ena filο pu tο lete asthenesNdelikati, pyο lepti ke adhinatiApo kathe arseniko pu triyirna stοn kafeneΟ kalos theulis me lipithikeKe mu ‘dhose ena oplο pu me kani dhinatiMu ‘pe mi fοvase esi kοritsi muTοn andra tha tοn ehis pada se ipοtayiBam ke kato, se erixa sta dhihtia muKe m" ena kitayma mu su thοlono ti matyaBam ke mesa, sta onira su triposaKe kunya pu se kunaye yiati im" eyo thea(Bam ke kato, me erixes sta dhihtia su)(Ke m" ena kitayma su mu thοlonis ti matya)(Femme fatale, sta onira mu triposes)(Ke kunya pu me kunaye yiati is" esi thea)Ki olο esi na mu milas yematοs pathοs na kitasSan glikos, pistos fruros xana m" akοluthasBam ke pali tο mialo su kollise(Bam ke kato)(Ke t" asthenes tο filο)Sta mayia pu su ekane i dhiki mu tsahpinyaBam ke kato, epeses agori muKe t" asthenes tο filο, su sklavoni tin kardhya(Ki olο ego na su milo yematοs pathοs na kito)(San glikos, pistos fruros xana s" akοlutho ke)>Bam ke kato, pesate sta dhihtia muKe me ena kunima mu sas tarazo ta nera (Hey)Femme fatale, sta onira sas triposaKe zito pu kaikate yiati im" eyo thea (Hey)Bam ke pali tο mialo sas kolliseSta mayia pu sas ekane i dhiki mu tsahpinya (Hey)Bam vre mankes, oli sas tin pathateYiati im" eyo yineka pu tus andres kiverna (Hey)Yiati im" eyo yineka pu tus andres kiverna(Femme fatale, femme fatale, femme fatale)http://music.baidu.com/song/61611914

Femme Fatale (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale (Live)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Dead Letter Office: The I.R.S. Years Vintage 1987(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2712214

Femme Fatale (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale (Live)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Dead Letter OfficeFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/745416

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Bootleg Series Vol.1 - The Quine Tapes(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8311013

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Nico&The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground Story 2Cd SetFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7558821

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Ours专辑:PreciousFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/9373128

Femme Fatale [Demo] 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale [Demo]歌手:Big Star专辑:Keep An Eye On The SkyFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/8222087

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Elisa专辑:LotusFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/8512178

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Duran Duran (The Wedding Album)Femme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/823783

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:Velvet Underground & Nico: Unripened(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/53565643

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Nico&The Velvet Underground专辑:Gold(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7509450

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground & Nico(45th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/52836375

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Dead Letter Office-Chronic TownFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/1257706

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground / Rock Legends(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8558707

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talkshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8368437

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Nico&The Velvet Underground专辑:The Velvet Underground & NicoFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7560141

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Lou Reed&The Velvet Underground专辑:Live With Lou Reed, Vol.1Femme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/8572187

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Reckoning (Deluxe Edition)Here she comes you better watch your stepShe"s going to play you for a fool it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe"ll build you up to just put you downWhat a clownCause everybody knows the things she does to pleaseShe"s just a little teaseSee the way she walks hear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number thirty-seven have a lookShe"s going to play you for a fool it"s trueLittle boy on the streetBefore you start you"re already beatShe"s going to smile to make you frownWhat a clownCause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walks hear the way she talksCause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)Oh oh oh. Oh oh oh.http://music.baidu.com/song/53487295

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Big Star专辑:Keep An Eye On The SkyFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/8222099

哪有安东尼奥班德拉斯的《舞动人生》及《Femme Fatale蛇蝎美人》的非BT下载


催眠麦克风Femme Fatale第几集

Femme Fatale是《催眠麦克风》第2集出现的歌,标题名《Speak of the devil and he will appear.》动画中的片头曲:ヒプノシスマイク -Rhyme Anima-歌:Division All Stars作词、作曲、编曲:invisible manners(平山大介u30fb福山 整)剧情简介:使用武力的战争不再存在、由女性掌握着霸权的H历。在没有男性的中王区内,女性主持着政治事务,制定了H法案:禁止制造杀伤人类的武器且销毁所有既存的武器。但世界上并不是没有争斗存在。争斗的方法是通过干涉人类精神的被称为“催眠麦克风”的装置,作用于人的神经系统,对人产生影响。男性生活于中王区外的池袋、横滨、涩谷、新宿、大阪、名古屋等区域(Division)内。由作为各个区域代表的MC组合,使用Rap进行对决,进行领土的争夺。在这并不是通过兵器,而是通过语言战斗的世界。赌上男人的尊严的领土战争开始了。

Femme Fatale 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale歌手:Nico&The Velvet Underground专辑:The Very Best Of The Velvet UndergroundFemme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7918025

femme fatale是什么意思?高手帮忙翻译一下~~


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美剧《蛇蝎美人》(Femme Fatales)片头曲 !

Femme Fatales Theme Song已经上传至共享,可以直接点击下载。若符合你所求的资源,还望选为满意答案。路过的同学下载后还可以点一下赞同哦。

求蛇蝎美人Femme Fatales的歌词及MP3

美剧片头曲(蛇蝎美人Femme Fatales)演唱者:Gemma Ray高品质音乐下载中英文歌词对照我的视线已将你锁定我的视线已经你锁定我已完全为你着迷你四处调情 让我的鞋沾满鲜血噢喔哦 啊 啊啊 哦 哦喔哦 啊 啊啊我的视线已经你锁定我的视线已经你锁定我的视线已经你锁定我还有不在场证据所以不用四处张望我已经无所顾忌喔哦 啊 啊啊 哦 哦喔哦 啊 啊啊 哦 哦喔哦 啊 啊啊喔哦 啊 啊啊 哦 哦I"ve got my eye on youI"ve got my eye on youand I"m onto you, tooyour fooling around is getting blood on my shoesohooh, ah, ah-ah, oh, ohooh, ah, ah-ahI"ve set my sights on youI"ve set my sights on youI"ve set my sights on youI"ve got an alibi, tooso don"t look aroundI"ve got nothing to loseooh, ah, ah-ah, oh, ohooh, ah, ah-ah, oh, ohooh, ah, ah-ahooh, ah, ah-ah, oh, ohooh, ah, ah-ah



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