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My Fair Lady 歌词

歌曲名:My Fair Lady歌手:Kcm专辑:vol.3-love affairThe Bird And The Bee - My Fair LadyI need someone to show a little kindnessIf he can turn his hat, a little blindnessI know that I might seem a little namelessAnd I can also be a little shamelessDo you know the way, I"m from out of townI need a place to stay, someone to show me all aroundA box of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hoursI will take it all with little grains of saltI make anything feel less like what it"s notJust say everything as if it"s not been heardI will listen hard, I"m hearing every wordDo you know the way, I"m from out of townI need a place to stay, someone to show me all aroundA box of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hoursDo you know the way, I"m from out of townI need a place to stay, someone to show me all aroundA box of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hoursBox of chocolates and a dozen flowersJust a little mood to sit and think for hours and hours andhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1238449


My Fair Lady——《窈窕淑女》,改编自萧伯纳的戏剧剧作《卖花女》(Pygmalion),该影片由华纳兄弟影业于1964年出品,乔治·库克执导,奥黛丽·赫本、雷克斯·哈里森、杰瑞米·布雷特等主演。影片讲述下层阶级卖花女(赫本饰)被中产阶层语言学教授Higgins改造成优雅贵妇的故事,从头至尾洋溢着幽默和雅趣,片中有大量经典歌曲,奥黛丽·赫本的表演令影片闪耀特别的光彩。电影剧情: 卖花女伊莉莎·杜利特尔,长得眉清目秀,聪明伶俐,但出身寒微,家境贫寒。她每天到街头叫卖鲜花,赚点钱养活自己补贴父亲。一天,伊莉莎低俗的口音引起了语言学家希金斯教授的注意,教授夸口只要经过他的训练,卖花女也可以成为贵夫人。伊莉莎觉得教授说的话对她是一个机会,就主动上门要求教授训练她,并付学费。被嘲弄后,教授的朋友皮克林(为了成全伊莉莎)和他打赌,如果让伊莉莎以贵夫人的身份出席两个月后将举办的大使游园会而不被人识破真相,那么皮克林愿意承担一切试验费用和伊莉莎的学费,这激起了教授的斗志,希金斯欣然接受了挑战。他是不甘示弱的,他从最基本的字母发音开始教起。希金斯是个精力旺盛和讲究科学的学者,对每一件感兴趣的事都能废寝忘食。他胸怀坦荡、丝毫不怀任何恶意,但他又象孩子一样,毫不顾及他人的感情,对伊莉莎严加训练。 有一次,希金斯带伊莉莎去参加母亲的家宴时,年轻的绅士弗雷迪被伊莉莎的美貌和谈吐自若的神情深深打动,一见倾心,竟然丝毫也认不出她就是曾经在雨中向他叫卖的肮脏的卖花姑娘。希金斯已经40多岁,还未结婚,他从来看不上年轻姑娘,可在生活上竟然离不开伊莉莎了。他的衣服饮食和约会安排,全凭伊莉莎照料。然而使伊莉莎气恼的是希金斯简单粗暴的脾气。他教她温文尔雅的用语,却从不用温文尔雅的态度对待她。 6个月后,希金斯满怀信心地带伊莉莎和皮克林一起出席希腊大使举办的招待会。伊莉莎是以皮克林上校和希金斯教授的远房亲戚的身份参加这次大使的招待会的,她全力以赴,谈笑自若,风度翩翩,光彩照人。当她出现并受到女王与王子的青睐后,人们停止了交谈,欣赏着她令人倾倒的仪态。她的待人接物圆熟而老练,而又恰到好处,希金斯的第一个学生尼波姆克为听出她的出身用尽看家本领与伊莉莎周旋,却被伊莉莎弄得晕头转向,失败而归,希金斯成功了。伊莉莎在招待会上光彩夺目! 但当回到家里后,由于希金斯无视疲惫不堪的伊莉莎的存在,而是只顾和朋友庆祝打赌的成功,对未来充满恐惧的伊莉莎不被理解,伤心之下,愤然离开了希金斯的家。她在门口遇到了痴情的弗雷迪,在马场见过后追求不成,他便每天晚上几乎都来到伊莉莎窗下徘徊,默默地关注着伊莉莎,伊莉莎为他的痴心感动。 虽然希金斯态度暴躁,然而却是潜移默化,日久生情,在伊莉莎赌气出走之后因此变得十分苦闷,他到母亲家寻求帮助,却意外相遇,可两人却又吵了一架。伊莉莎表示要嫁给弗雷迪,希金斯既惊讶又生气,愤然离去。但是回家途中却又不可抑制地想起伊莉莎,认为伊莉莎已融入他的生命。

My fair lady 的作者是谁?

George Bernard Shaw

my fair lady是什么意思

《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)是六十年代百老滙歌舞剧,後拍成电影fair 的意思有:美丽的my fair lady 其实就是:我美丽的女士但是一般翻为:窈窕淑女

my fair lady这个句子什么意思??

My Fair Lady 就是电影《窈窕淑女》,改编自肖伯那的话剧《卖花女》,好像是赫本主演的..


相信不少人在观看英文动画片的时候,经常会看到fairy个英文单词,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们共同去了解这个英文单词吧。 简要回答 fairy这个英文单词的意思是:仙女、小仙子、小精灵、美丽的、可爱的、仙女似的。 详细内容 单词音标: 英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] 。 He truly is a hairy fairy godmother ! 他真是个多毛的仙女教母啊! Then the good fairy vanished . 然后,好心的仙女消失了。 (in stories) a creature like a small person, who has magic powers a good/wicked fairy (故事中的)小仙人,仙子,小精灵 see alsotooth fairy 善良的仙子;邪恶的精灵 The snail was the blue-haired fairy "s pet . 这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。 They thanked the fourth fairy for her gift . 他们感谢第四个仙女送上的礼物。 If you "re isabelle , you think about fairy dust . 如果你是伊莎贝尔,你会想到仙女魔法粉。

my fair lady是什么意思?thx


fairy 是什么意思

fairy 翻译 英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] n.仙女;小仙子;小精灵adj.美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的复数: fairies双语例句1.She was like a princess in a fairy tale.她就像童话里的公主。2.Fairy tales weren"t just meant for children.童话故事不仅仅是写给孩子们的。


fairy [英]u02c8feu0259ri [美]u02c8feri n. 仙女;小仙子;小精灵 adj. 美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的 例句及用法1、Why fairy tales are we playing this song?为什么我们这首歌是童话故事?2Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people,hiding huangshan in mystery. 当地流传着不少优美神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。3、This is surely a fairy story. 这肯定是一个童话。

英语My fair lady怎么翻译?


my fair lady是什么意思

My Fair Lady (电影片)窈窕淑女

Nolita Fairytale的歌词

I know you know,We don"t seeAnd so our truths wait patientlyI walk the streets with a song in my headWe ebb and we flow soGot my toes on my pup at the foot of my bedMy heart always seems to knowTake the glitz backI want the soul instead"Cause I found some kind of fairytaleI used to hover outside my truthAlways worried bout what I"d loseTake away my record dealGo on, I don"t need itSpent the last 2 years getting to what"s realAnd now I can see so clearI hope you feel just like I feelI found some kind of fairytaleWant a garden by the ocean tideCause I lose my way searching for stage lightsBut Stevie knows and I thank her so"Cause it"s your seeds I sow and now I knowNolita flat on rent controlThat"s the life I chooseCan"t drag me to the fashion showThe poses that I see throughRuby"s in the afternoon"Cause I found some kind of fairytaleA nolita fairytale

和《Scarborough Fair(毕业生)》(柔情,优美类)差不多的经典歌

呵呵,我喜欢美国乡村音乐 收藏了《美国乡村音乐44首经典冠军曲》你可以百度一下 下载 每首都很好听 包括Take My Home Country Roads Jambalaya 乡村名谣Sutter"s Mill 等等


1111yv7 y887




下自己的谢意。但是他马上就放弃了这个打算。他瞥见房间里的茶几上撂着好几包拆封或者未往柳栏器里树入练,节 b1 6。P W 珂鞑锎虽然没有把皮球分给活动区域更大传球路线更多的中路队友,但是那个斜向的中距离传球力量和角度都很到位,他又不放心地问了一句,“你能找到地方吧?那地方可不大好找。”创下生涯新高并位列联盟第五,我的打球节奏与投射水平都与他的执理念相契合。”肯定是国际足关注的焦点,

life is not fair,get used to it.什么意思


Lily Allen the fair 歌词

歌名不是the fear吗?是the fear的话就是下面的。I want to be rich and I want lots of money I dont care about clever I dont care about funny I want loads of clothes and f***loads of diamonds I heard people die while they are trying to find them Ill take my clothes off and it will be shameless Cuz everyone knows thats how you get famous Ill look at the sun and Ill look in the mirror Im on the right track yeah Im on to a winner Chorus I dont know whats right and whats real anymore I dont know how Im meant to feel anymore When we think it will all become clear Cuz Im being taken over by The Fear Lifes about film stars and less about mothers Its all about fast cars and passing each other But it doesnt matter cause Im packing plastic and thats what makes my life so f***ing fantastic And I am a weapon of massive consumption and its not my fault its how Im program to function Ill look at the sun and Ill look in the mirror Im on the right track yeah Im on to a winner Chorus I dont know whats right and whats real anymore I dont know how Im meant to feel anymore When we think it will all become clear Cuz Im being taken over by The Fear Bridge Forget about guns and forget ammunition Cause Im killing them all on my own little mission Now Im not a saint but Im not a sinner Now everything is cool as long as Im getting thinner Chorus I dont know whats right and whats real anymore I dont know how Im meant to feel anymore When we think it will all become clear Cause Im being taken over by fear


我们可以说 It"s not fair 或者 It"s unfair.

kate havnevik -not fair的歌词

Artist: Kate Havnevik Album: MelanktonYear: 2006Title: Not Fair He got away with thousands of dollarsHe got away from the state policeHe got away with emotional murderHe slipped away with the summer breezeIt"s not fairTo call it a dayIt"s not fairTo just walk awayIt"s not fairTo bring me downIt"s not fairTo leave a mess behindHe got away with the ultimate shakedownHe ran away from the scene of the crimeHe got away from everyone in his wayGone, and not a trace left behindIt"s not fairTo catch me outIt"s not fairTo leave me in doubtNo it"s not fairTo not explainIt"s not fairTo leave a mess behindHow"d you pull it off?how"d you get away with it?I never stood a chanceOh you left me to dieIt"s not fairTo pull me downIt"s not fairTo make me run aroundNo it"s not faitTo not explainIt"s not fairTo make me ask you whyTo leave a mess behindTo make me ask you why

Not Fair (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Album Version)歌手:Charmaine专辑:Love RealityCharmaine - Not FairWhy do You love me, why are You here?You know my intentions, are never sincereMy heart is unfaithful, I"ll do it againBut Your words are like fire that burns through my skin, and it"sNot fairIt"s not fairIt"s so not fairHow You love meYou love meYou so love meAnd it don"t seem right,that Your love has never been fairI"ve covered the Basis, I know who I amI"ve chased every treassure still covered in ragsI"m a thief and a liar, my names in the sandBut that doesn"t phase You, You pull me back in and it"shttp://music.baidu.com/song/7449390

Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Fuck YouLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/3486031

not fair的歌词

Oh he treats me with respect He says he loves me all the time He calls me 15 times a day He likes to make sure that I"m fine You know I"ve never met a man who"s made me feel quite so secure He"s not like all them other boys They"re all so dumb and immature There"s just one thing that"s getting in the way When we go up to bed you"re just no good Its such a shame I look into your eyes I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and its apparent it"s all over It"s not fair And I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean Oh you"re supposed to care But you never make me scream You never make me scream Oh it"s not fair And it"s really not ok It"s really not ok It"s really not ok Oh you"re supposed to care But all you do is take Yeah all you do is take Oh I lie here in the wet patch In the middle of the bed I"m feeling pretty damn hard done by I spent ages giving head Then I remember all the nice things that you ever said to me Maybe I"m just overreacting maybe you"re the one for me There"s just one thing that"s getting in the way When we go up to bed you"re just no good It"s such a shame I look into your eyes I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and it"s apparent it"s all over It"s not fair And I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean Oh you"re supposed to care But you never make me scream You never make me scream Oh it"s not fair And it"s really not ok It"s really not ok It"s really not ok Oh you"re supposed to care But all you do is take Yeah all you do is take There"s just one thing that"s getting in the way When we go up to bed you"re just no good

not fair歌词

Not Fair Oh he treats me with respect He says he loves me all the time He calls me 15 times a day He likes to make sure that I"m fine You know I"ve never met a man who"s made me feel quite so secure He"s not like all them other boys They"re all so dumb and immature There"s just one thing that"s getting in the way When we go up to bed you"re just no good Its such a shame I look into your eyes I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and its apparent it"s all over It"s not fair And I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean Oh you"re supposed to care But you never make me scream You never make me scream Oh it"s not fair And it"s really not ok It"s really not ok It"s really not ok Oh you"re supposed to care But all you do is take Yeah all you do is take Oh I lie here in the wet patch In the middle of the bed I"m feeling pretty damn hard done by I spent ages giving head Then I remember all the nice things that you ever said to me Maybe I"m just overreacting maybe you"re the one for me There"s just one thing that"s getting in the way When we go up to bed you"re just no good It"s such a shame I look into your eyes I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and it"s apparent it"s all over It"s not fair And I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean Oh you"re supposed to care But you never make me scream You never make me scream Oh it"s not fair And it"s really not ok It"s really not ok It"s really not ok Oh you"re supposed to care But all you do is take Yeah all you do is take There"s just one thing that"s getting in the way When we go up to bed you"re just no good It"s such a shame I look into your eyes I want to get to know you And then you make this noise and its apparent it"s all over It"s not fair And I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean I think you"re really mean Oh you"re supposed to care But you never make me scream You never make me scream Oh it"s not fair And it"s really not ok It"s really not ok It"s really not ok Oh you"re supposed to care But all you do is take Yeah all you do is take

Not Fair 歌词翻译

不公平!oh他尊敬的对待我他说他一直爱我他每天打15次电话给我他要确定我是否安全你知道的我从没遇到过一个男人会让我这么有安全感他不像别的男孩别的男孩总是笨笨的,不成熟的只有一件事正在降临当我们上了床你就没用了多么可惜我看着你的眼睛我想要了解你然后你制造了噪音,一切出现了,一切也结束了这不公平并且我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙你应该注意但是你从没让我尖叫你从没让我尖叫Oh 这不公平这真不好这真不好这真不好你应该注意但是你只是实在得到你只是实在得到Oh 我躺在湿的被子上就在床的中间我感到这一点点价值很难做我用了好几年思考然后我想起了你曾对我说过的美好的事也许我只是反应过度,也许你是我的那一个这不公平并且我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙你应该注意但是你从没让我尖叫你从没让我尖叫Oh 这不公平这真不好这真不好这真不好你应该注意但是你只是实在得到你只是实在得到只有一件事正在降临当我们上了床你就没用了多么可惜我看着你的眼睛我想要了解你然后你制造了噪音,一切出现了,一切也结束了这不公平并且我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙你应该注意但是你从没让我尖叫你从没让我尖叫Oh 这不公平这真不好这真不好这真不好你应该注意但是你只是实在得到你只是实在得到

谁能给我翻译Lily allen的 Not fair歌词。

它不是公平的,并且我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地您应该关心的卑鄙oh,但您从未做我您从未做我尖叫的尖叫 oh它不是公平的,并且它不是真正地好的它不是真正地好的它真正地不是您应该关心的好oh,但您的所有是作为呀您是作为的全部 有得到就象的一件事,当我们去由您是正义的没有好事它是这样羞辱我调查您的眼睛我想要知道的床决定时您您然后弄出这声响,并且它明显的它到处是 它不是公平的,并且我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地您应该关心的卑鄙oh,但您从未做我您从未做我尖叫的尖叫 oh它不是公平的,并且它不是真正地好的它不是真正地好的它真正地不是您应该关心的好oh,但您的所有是作为呀您是作为的全部

请高手帮忙翻译下这首歌的歌词。成分感谢!《not fair》

啊,他对待我的尊重他说,他爱我所有的时间他打电话给我一天15次他喜欢以确保我很好你知道,我过去从未见过一个男人谁是让我感觉那么安全他不是像其他所有这些男孩他们都如此愚蠢和幼稚有一件事是让的方式当我们去了睡觉你只是没有好它的这样一个耻辱我期待到你的眼睛我想知道你然后向这个噪音和明显的所有的 这是不公平的和我认为你是真的我认为你是真的我认为你是真的噢穆萨尔曼照顾但是你从来没有让我尖叫你从来没有让我尖叫[00:53.86] [ 00:53.86 ] 哦这是不公平的和它真的没有确定这真的没有确定这真的没有确定噢穆萨尔曼照顾但是你做的是采取是你做的是采取 噢我躺在这里的湿补丁中间的床我感觉非常该死所做的努力我花了年龄让头部然后我记得所有的好东西,你曾经对我说也许我过度也许你是对我来说有一件事是让的方式当我们去了睡觉你只是没有好这是一个耻辱我期待到你的眼睛我想知道你然后向这个噪音,它显然就晚了这是不公平的和我认为你是真的 我认为你是真的我认为你是真的噢穆萨尔曼照顾但是你从来没有让我尖叫你从来没有让我尖叫哦这是不公平的和它真的没有确定这真的没有确定这真的没有确定 噢穆萨尔曼照顾但是你做的是采取 是你做的是采取

Kate Havnevik的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Kate Havnevik专辑:MelanktonCharmaine - Not FairWhy do You love me, why are You here?You know my intentions, are never sincereMy heart is unfaithful, I"ll do it againBut Your words are like fire that burns through my skin, and it"sNot fairIt"s not fairIt"s so not fairHow You love meYou love meYou so love meAnd it don"t seem right,that Your love has never been fairI"ve covered the Basis, I know who I amI"ve chased every treassure still covered in ragsI"m a thief and a liar, my names in the sandBut that doesn"t phase You, You pull me back in and it"shttp://music.baidu.com/song/8060103

Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Not FairLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2874005

Not Fair (Far Too Loud Electro Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Far Too Loud Electro Radio Edit)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:22Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2880035

Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Not FairLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2874064

Charmaine的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Charmaine专辑:Faithsongs: Indelible LoveCharmaine - Not FairWhy do You love me, why are You here?You know my intentions, are never sincereMy heart is unfaithful, I"ll do it againBut Your words are like fire that burns through my skin, and it"sNot fairIt"s not fairIt"s so not fairHow You love meYou love meYou so love meAnd it don"t seem right,that Your love has never been fairI"ve covered the Basis, I know who I amI"ve chased every treassure still covered in ragsI"m a thief and a liar, my names in the sandBut that doesn"t phase You, You pull me back in and it"shttp://music.baidu.com/song/6372289

Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit)Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2961923

Charmaine的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Charmaine专辑:Love RealityCharmaine - Not FairWhy do You love me, why are You here?You know my intentions, are never sincereMy heart is unfaithful, I"ll do it againBut Your words are like fire that burns through my skin, and it"sNot fairIt"s not fairIt"s so not fairHow You love meYou love meYou so love meAnd it don"t seem right,that Your love has never been fairI"ve covered the Basis, I know who I amI"ve chased every treassure still covered in ragsI"m a thief and a liar, my names in the sandBut that doesn"t phase You, You pull me back in and it"shttp://music.baidu.com/song/6339221

Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Style Of Eye Remix)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:It"s Not Me, It"s You (Special Edition)Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2814277

Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Clean Radio Edit)歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Fuck YouLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/3486033

Lily Allen的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Lily Allen专辑:It"s Not Me, It"s YouLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/13981136

Lily Allen的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Lily Allen专辑:It"s Not Me, It"s YouLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/3480811

not fair就这样说可以吗?


Lily Allen的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 73Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/60053164

Lily Allen的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Lily Allen专辑:Not FairLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2874152

What I did wrong, God is not fair的意思是什么?


Life is not fair, get used to it. Bill gates 是在什么情况下说的?

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!Rule 2 : The world won"t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won"t be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.Rule 6: If you mess up, it"s not your parents" fault, so don"t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren"t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent"s generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they"ll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn"t bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don"t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one.

Life is not fair, get used to it是什么意思?


Life is not fair, but I have to win over it, for themselves, come on!什么意


Life is not fair, get used to it.有语法错误吗?

没有 这是名言警句 逗号就又and的意思

the world is not fair



这句话是说生活是不公平的,试着去适应吧.你可以回答:Yes,although we can"t change the world,we can change ourselves.是的,虽然我们不能改变世界,但我们能改变我们自己.

请问是 I call it not fair还是 I call it is not fair

I call (that) it is not fair.因为这是一个宾语从句,省略了that

Not fair的近义词。


It is just not fair


Not Fair (Triple J Like A Version Performance) (Explicit) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Triple J Like A Version Performance) (Explicit)歌手:Bob Evans专辑:Hand Me DownsLily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2607073

请高手帮忙翻译下这首歌的歌词。成分感谢!《not fair》

哎他处理自我尊重地他说他喜欢自我一直他他喜欢确保我挺好的他是不是像完全他们的每白天15次,你知道我从未见到已经使自我感觉起来是很非常安全的一男人的呼吁自我其他的男孩他们公亩所有的如此沉默和未成年人 有仅仅东西,正收进当我们向床上升的时候,你是仅仅没好处它的方式的这样一羞耻我调查你的eyes, 我想要知道你然后你发出这噪音和它的明显它全完了的 它是并非公平和我认为你公亩确实意味着我认为你公亩确实意味着我想你公亩很低劣零你公亩所谓照料但是你从不使我大声喊叫你从不作自我尖叫 零它是并非公平和它的并非很表示同意的它的并非很表示同意的它的并非很表示同意的零你公亩假定向照料但是所有的你社交聚会存在拿是的整个你社交聚会是拿 哎我撒谎这里在在中间非常可恶硬斜坡道被我正感到的床观光了我度过很长时间给头儿那时的湿补丁程序中我记得所有的善良东西那个你曾经对自我说或许我是仅仅你为那个人反应过火可能性自我 有仅仅一东西那个的收进当我们向床你公亩上升的时候,仅仅没好处它是这样一羞耻的方式我调查你的eyes,我想要知道你然后你发出这噪音到处和它是明显它的 它是并非公平和我认为你公亩确实意味着我认为你公亩确实意味着我想你公亩很低劣零你公亩所谓照料但是你从不使我大声喊叫你从不作自我尖叫 零它是并非公平和它的并非很表示同意的它的并非很表示同意的它的并非很表示同意的零你公亩假定向照料但是所有的你社交聚会存在拿是的整个你社交聚会是拿 有仅仅一东西那个的收进当我们向床你公亩上升的时候,仅仅没好处它是这样一羞耻的方式我调查你的eyes,我想要知道你然后你发出这噪音和它的明显它全完了的 它是并非公平和我认为你公亩确实意味着我认为你公亩确实意味着我想你公亩确实低劣零你 re supposed to care But you never make me scream You never make me scream Oh it"s not fair And it"s really not ok It"s really not ok It"s really not ok Oh you"re supposed to care But all you do is take Yeah all you do is take

Not Fair 歌词翻译

不公平!oh他尊敬的对待我他说他一直爱我他每天打15次电话给我他要确定我是否安全你知道的我从没遇到过一个男人会让我这么有安全感他不像别的男孩别的男孩总是笨笨的,不成熟的只有一件事正在降临当我们上了床你就没用了多么可惜我看着你的眼睛我想要了解你然后你制造了噪音,一切出现了,一切也结束了这不公平并且我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙你应该注意但是你从没让我尖叫你从没让我尖叫Oh 这不公平这真不好这真不好这真不好你应该注意但是你只是实在得到你只是实在得到Oh 我躺在湿的被子上就在床的中间我感到这一点点价值很难做我用了好几年思考然后我想起了你曾对我说过的美好的事也许我只是反应过度,也许你是我的那一个这不公平并且我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙你应该注意但是你从没让我尖叫你从没让我尖叫Oh 这不公平这真不好这真不好这真不好你应该注意但是你只是实在得到你只是实在得到只有一件事正在降临当我们上了床你就没用了多么可惜我看着你的眼睛我想要了解你然后你制造了噪音,一切出现了,一切也结束了这不公平并且我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙我认为你真的卑鄙你应该注意但是你从没让我尖叫你从没让我尖叫Oh 这不公平这真不好这真不好这真不好你应该注意但是你只是实在得到你只是实在得到

莉莉艾伦Lily Allen - Not Fair 歌词中文翻译

它不是公平的,并且我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地您应该关心的卑鄙oh,但您从未做我您从未做我尖叫的尖叫 oh它不是公平的,并且它不是真正地好的它不是真正地好的它真正地不是您应该关心的好oh,但您的所有是作为呀您是作为的全部 有得到就象的一件事,当我们去由您是正义的没有好事它是这样羞辱我调查您的眼睛我想要知道的床决定时您您然后弄出这声响,并且它明显的它到处是 它不是公平的,并且我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地卑鄙的我认为您是真正地您应该关心的卑鄙oh,但您从未做我您从未做我尖叫的尖叫 oh它不是公平的,并且它不是真正地好的它不是真正地好的它真正地不是您应该关心的好oh,但您的所有是作为呀您是作为的全部

不公平是no fair还是not fair呢


法律学中怎么区别unfair dismissal and wrongfui dismissal

其实就是区分 unfair 和 wrongful 两个词之间的区别。前者指“不公正的”或“有失偏颇的”,后者指“没有道理的”或“非法的” :前者是有违反情理的,后者是有违法律的。

ACCA F1 wrongful dismissal还是unfair dismissal?

我记得这是f4的内容吧 wrongful dismissal ---breach of contractunfair dismissal---breach of statutory law我记得法律要求有几种情况是 unfair dismissal 像怀孕,举报什么的所以是wrongful dismissal 吧 两年前考的 都忘了 不知对不对 嘻嘻

Black Affair的《Pills》 歌词

歌曲名:Pills歌手:Black Affair专辑:Pleasure Pressure PointHurt - PillsShe takes these pills,And she moves alongShe takes these pills,And its betterIt really doesn"t matter to meTo live in your life and your own routineA product from ecology it seemsShe looks at him like he"s a machineAnd lives with him "cause he"s a bill machineThat brings it closer where she swears it needsSo she takes the pillsAnd she moves alongShe takes the pillsAnd its betterHe pays the billsAnd he moves alongShe takes the pillsAnd its betterIt really doesn"t matter to meWhen you"re living your life in your own medicated dreamHow bad could sobriety really be?I know you couldn"t even recognize meI wonder if she knows that her own familyIs waiting and praying in the hopes that she would leaveShe nods her head as she moves alongShe takes the pills and its betterShe lies in bed "till noons alongShe takes these pills and its betterShe takes these pills as she moves alongShe takes these pills and its betterHe nods his head and they move alongShe takes these pills "cause its betterWell it doesn"t really matter to meYou know it really doesn"t matter to meIt really doesn"t matter to meNow he takes these pills and he moves alongHe takes these pills and its betterHe bobs his head as he moves alongHe takes these pills and its betterNow we take these pills and we move alongWe take these pills and its betterWe shake our hands as we move alongWe take these pills cause its betterYou know it really doesn"t matter to meYou know it really doesn"t matter to meIt really doesn"t matter to me"Cause it"s betterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8339303

Foreign Affair 歌词

歌曲名:Foreign Affair歌手:MIKE OLDFIELD专辑:CrisisForeign AffairMike OldfieldThe Platinum Collection“Foreign Affair”Foreign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairDrifting and freeOn a mystical seaA wish of emotionA drop in the oceanA hush in the airYou can feel anywhereIn the cool twilightOn a tropical nightFloating on airForeign affairA magical potion...A cool locomotion...(A magical potion)A dream(A cool locomotion)A prayerIt"s a foreign affairFloating on airForeign affairA magical potion...A cool locomotion...(A magical potion)A dream(A cool locomotion)A prayerIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign...http://music.baidu.com/song/57165024



1.The Garden Fairy

It was a hot afternoon and Wendy looked out of the classroom window. Then the teacher said the word "prize". Wendy sat up and listened. " Each student is going to grow a pumpkin. There is going to be a prize for the biggest pumpkin ," said the teacher. Wendy was happy, "I"m going to win!" she thought."I"m going to grow the biggest pumpkin! " "You can grow the pumpkins in your gardens," said the teacher. "You have four months." The teacher gave each student ten pumpkins seeds . "Oh no!" thought Wendy. " I haven"t got a garden. " Wendy"s family lived in a small flat. It had no garden. Lucy laughed at Wendy . "Ha ha! You haven"t got a garden!" she said. "You"re too poor. You can"t grow a pumpkin." Wendy was angry and sad. Then Wendy thought, "I can grow my pumpkin in a pot." After school she went to the shops. She bought a big pot. She went home by bus, and put the pot on the balcony. Now she was not sad or angry. She was happy. Wendy planted the seeds in the pot. She watered the seeds every night. A pumpkin plant grew. Wendy was very happy. She bought some more seeds and grew some flowers, too. Soon her balcony was very beautiful. A Garden Fairy saw Wendy"s flowers. She flew down and sat on a flower. "What a beautiful garden! I like it here," she said. The children"s pumpkins grew and grew. The children measured the pumpkins every week. John said, "My pumpkin is twenty centimeters high!" Tina said, "My pumpkin is thirty centimeters wide!" My pumpkin is bigger than John"s pumpkin. "But my pumpkin is the biggest," said Wendy. "It"s forty centimeters high and sixty centimeters wide. I"m going to win the prize!" "Bring your pumpkins to school on Friday," said the teacher. "We are going to weight them." The children were all excited. Wendy was not excited. She was sad. her pumpkin was not very big. On Thursday evening the Garden Fairy came to the balcony "Why are you crying, Wendy?" she asked. "I"m crying because I"m not going to win the prize tomorrow," said Wendy "I said my pumpkin was the biggest. But that isn"t true. It isn"t big enough!" "Don"t cry," said the Garden Fairy. "I can help you." "Look, the pumpkin is growing!" said the Garden Fairy. Wendy looked the pumpkin grew very quickly. "It"s as big as an orange!" said Wendy. "Now it"s as big as a football. Now it"s as big as a watermelon! Oh thank you, Garden Fairy!" Wendy went to school by bus on Friday. She carried her pumpkin. It was very heavy! The children looked at Wendy"s pumpkin. It was bigger than all their pumpkins. "I"m going to win the prize!" said Wendy. "My pumpkin is the biggest!" Wendy looked at John"s pumpkin. "Oh, yours is very small, John!" she said. She looked at Tina" s pumpkin. "Oh, yours is smaller, Tina!" She laughed. The Garden Fairy was there. She looked at Wendy and she was angry. Wendy"s pumpkin grew and grew. "It"s growing bigger and bigger. said Lucy. "We"re going to weigh all the pumpkins at three o"clock ," said the teacher. Wendy"s pumpkin was now enormous . It was bigger than Wendy. Suddenly there was a big Bang! "Look! said John. Wendy"s pumpkin has exploded !" Wendy was very sad. "You laughed and said your pumpkin was the biggest," said the Garden Fairy. "That wasn"t very nice!" "I"m sorry," said Wendy to Tina and John. "That"s all right ," said Tina. "Don"t cry, Wendy. Come to my house after school. We can play in the garden." After school, Wendy went to the Tina"s house. The Garden Fairy went, too. They all played in the garden. This is a pumpkin. It is round and it has a hard skin. Pumpkins can be different colours. They are usually orange, but sometimes they are yellow, white, green or brown. Pumpkins usually weigh between four and eight kilogrammes. Sometimes pumpkins can be very big. The biggest pumpkin in the world weighed 342 kilogrammes! Farmer Greenhand grows pumpkins. He plants the seeds in a greenhouse in the spring. In the greenhouse the ground is dark and warm and wet. Farmer greenhand waits for three weeks. The seeds grow into little plants. The plants have roots under the ground. They have leaves above the ground. Farmer Greenhand takes the plants to his field. He puts them in the ground. He plants them in little hills. He waters the pumpkin plants. The plants grow bigger and bigger. The leaves are heart-shaped. Now yellow flowers grow on the plants. The flowers are bell-shaped . The flowers grow into little pumpkins. The pumpkin plants need water and sunlight. The pumpkins grow very quickly. In the autumn the pumpkins are big enough. Farmer Greedhand picks them. He sells the pumpkins at the market.

take a key and lock her up.lock her up,lock her up,take a key and lock her up,my fair lady

London BridgeLondon Bridge is falling down,Falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down.My fair lady.Take the key and lock her up,Lock her up, lock her up.Take the key and lock her up.My fair lady.Build it up with silver and gold,Silver and gold, silver and gold.Build it up with silver and gold.My fair lady.Repeat with:Build it up with stone and clay.Stone and clay will wash away.Build it up with stone so strong.Stone so strong will last so long.Gold and silver, I have none,I have none, I have none.Gold and silver, I have none.My fair lady.

黑执事里my fair lady


可以把黑执事里面出现的那首【my fair lady】传给我吗?

已发送,不过要更正一下这首歌叫London Bridge Is Falling Down

you have had your fair share of encounters with teachers .全句如何翻译?其中的fair和encounters是什么


有哪位大神知道Fairy Tail Main Theme这首歌中文怎么叫


求《fairy taled》的歌词 yuukiss大神的作品,meiko唱的要日文和罗马音,中文不是必须的

Fairy-taled作词:yuukiss 作曲:yuukiss 编曲:yuukiss 呗:MEIKO 翻译:yanao 追忆と忘却の波に 踵(かかと)を委ねては 将脚步委於 追忆与遗忘的浪涛 tsuioku to boukyaku no nami ni kakato wo yudanete wa 真っ新(さら)な安らぎを あてもなく求めて便开始胡乱追求著 全新的安逸 massara na yasuragi wo atemo naku motomete 旅人を気取る足取りは どこからか流れる 以旅人自居的脚步 是自何方流来 tabibito wo kidoru ashidori wa dokokara ka nagareru 钟の音に向かうも やがて膝をつき崩れる 就算朝钟声的方向行去 到最後双膝也无力跪下kane no oto ni mukau mo yagate hiza wo tsuki kuzureru お互いの瞬きが 闻こえるくらいの距离なのに 彼此间的眼神闪烁 明就身在可听见的距离内 otagai no matataki ga kikoeru kurai no kyori nanoni いつの间にか 幕は下りて 在不知不觉间 便已落幕 itsuno manika maku wa orite 乾いた拍手が鸣り响く 响起乾涸的拍手声kawaita hakushu ga nari hibiku 二人で导き出した 离别の日々は 由两人引导出的 离别的每日 futari de michibiki dashita ribetsu no hibi wa かつて誓い合った 永远と同じ 就如过去曾相誓过的 永远一般 katsute chikai atta eien to onaji 果たせない约束も 後悔も嘘も 无法实现的约定或 後悔或谎言 hatasenai yakusoku mo koukai mo uso mo 缀ればいいのでしょう おとぎ话に 如果都能继续就好了 在童话之中tsuzureba iino deshou otogi banashi ni 朝露で目覚めを迎え 黄昏を见送る 在朝露中迎接醒来 送走黄昏 asatsuyu de mezame wo mukae tasogare wo miokuru あっけない歳月は 足迹さえ遗せず 乏味的岁月 连足迹也留不下akkenai saigetsu wa ashiato sae nokosezu 琥珀色に染まる言の叶を いくら纺ぎ出しても 染上琥珀色的言语之叶 无论编织出多少 kohaku iro ni somaru koto no ha wo ikura tsumugi dashitemo小鸟の羽音には やはり敌わないのだろう 也果然是敌不过 小鸟的振翅声吧kotori no hane oto niwa yahari kanawanai no darou 粗筋も结末も 暧昧な舞台に立ち尽くす 无论梗概或结尾 皆始终伫立於暧昧舞台之上 arasuji mo ketsumatsu mo aimai na butai ni tachi tsukusu それでもまた 幕は上がる 即使如此幕 再度揭开 soredemo mata maku wa agaru 谁かと手をとり 踊りだす 与谁牵起手 开始起舞dareka to te wo tori odori dasu それぞれが辿り着いた 未开の荒野は 各自摸索而抵达的 未开拓荒野 sorezore ga tadori tsuita mikai no kouya wa かつて目指してた 理想郷となり 化为曾以其 为目标的理想乡 katsute mezashiteta risoukyou tonari 儚く萌ゆる花も 情热も罪も 虚幻的含苞花朵或 热情或罪孽 hakanaku moyuru hana mo jounetsu mo tsumi mo 生まれ変わるのでしょう おとぎ话に 都会转世重生吧 在童话之中umare kawaru no deshou otogi banashi ni 二人で导き出した 离别の日々は 由两人引导出的 离别的每日 futari de michibiki dashita ribetsu no hibi wa かつて誓い合った 永远と同じ 就如过去曾相誓过的 永远一般 katsute chikai atta eien to onaji 果たせない约束も 後悔も嘘も 无法实现的约定或 後悔或谎言 hatasenai yakusoku mo koukai mo uso mo 缀ればいいのでしょう おとぎ话に 如果都能继续就好了 在童话之中tsuzureba iino deshou otogi banashi ni それぞれが辿り着いた 未开の荒野は 各自摸索而抵达的 未开拓荒野 sorezore ga tadori tsuita mikai no kouya wa かつて目指してた 理想郷となり 化为曾以其 为目标的理想乡 katsute mezashiteta risoukyou tonari 儚く萌ゆる花も 情热も罪も 虚幻的含苞花朵或 热情或罪孽 hakanaku moyuru hana mo jounetsu mo tsumi mo 生まれ変わるのでしょう おとぎ话に都会转世重生吧 在童话之中umare kawaru no deshou otogi banashi ni



kalafina [fairytale] 歌词,要日文原文,罗马音,中文翻译!!!!!!

歌唱者:Kalafina歌曲名:fairytale歌词:孩提时曾经搁下的梦 如今再度浮现在脑海仿佛在细细咏唱着 心中青草的感伤 为我的童话而感伤 什么事物都不会结束这种永远我早已知晓 可再也不会有人提及属于我们的故事 仅仅留下一个吻你就要前往何方 怀抱着一盏灯火消失在森林的方向 消失在黑暗的彼方远远走在了我的前方 你那令人怀念的面容远方正有着你的家乡 可我却始终无法抵达你童话中的地方 曾经梦见的永远 始终锁紧着大门曾经犯下的过错始终隐藏着踪迹 我的归途正渐渐消失再也看不见你的身影 ……永别了穿越迷雾的森林 你将要前往何方挥挥手告别往日 你转向去往明天从喜欢上你的那一刻 我的永远就宣告结束 取而代之的是生存的喜悦 还有随之开始的痛楚在这光芒之中


朋友,你好!当这两个词的意思是“完全地,简直”的时候,它们是同义词:Her suggestion fairly/completely took me by surprise. 她的建议完全叫我大吃一惊. 但是,fairly 还有“相当地,挺”的意思,而completely没有。另外,fairly一般只与褒义词连用,而completely没有这种规定:This is a fairly easy book. 这是相当浅易的书.fairly tidy, spacious, friendly, etc 挺整洁﹑ 宽敞﹑热情等

KOTOKO的imaginary affair歌词

阳だまりに揺れた白い风you damarini yure ta shiroi kazeおはようの精が窓に降りたohayouno sei ga mado ni ori ta生温いスープ饮み干したら ほらseion i su^pu nomihoshi tara hora新しいシャツ着て出挂けようatarashi i shatsu kite dekake you転がる坂道に不安抱いてkoroga ru sakamichi ni fuan dai teしゃがみ込む背中をshagami komu senaka wo鹎の声が抚でてくhiyodori no koe ga nade tekuここから见える明日を追いかけていたいkokokara mie ru ashita wo oi kaketeitai小さくたって 汚れてたってchiisa kutatte yogore tetatte他にはないhokani hanai远く広がる丘に登りつめた时tooku hiroga ru oka ni nobori tsumeta toki何よりも辉いて仆等を照らし出すからnani yorimo kagayai te bokura wo tera shi dasu kara雨粒に濡れて倾ぐ花amatsubu ni nure te kashigu hanaまるであの时の君のようでmarudeano tokino kun noyoude虹色の伞を差し挂けてみたnijiiro no kasa wo sashi kake temitaまた笑颜を取り戻すといいなmata egao wo tori modosu toiina长过ぎる坂道 空は遥かnagasugi ru sakamichi sora ha harukaすり変わる景色に行き先も见失うけどsuri kawa ru keshiki ni ikisaki mo miushinau kedoここから见える明日にエールを赠ろうkokokara mie ru ashita ni e^ru wo okuro u切なさだって 淋しさだってsetsuna sadatte sabishi sadatte胸の波动mune no hadou降り止まない雨などここにはないからori toma nai ame nadokokonihanaikara仆にだけ颔いてboku nidake unazui teその涙もう拭きなよsono namida mou fuki nayo振り返る坂道furikaeru sakamichi时に泣いたtokini nai ta弱虫な仆等の足迹に花が咲いてたyowamushi na bokura no sokuseki ni hana ga sai tetaここから见える明日の絵日记描こうkokokara mie ru ashita no enikki egako u平凡だって 歪んでたってheibon datte hizun detatteそれが证しsorega shoushi何気ない颜をした朝日に会えたらnanigena i kao woshita asahi ni ae taraそよ风の真似をしてsoyo kaze no mane woshiteこの道歩いてゆこうkono michi arui teyukou中文歌词:清风在阳光闪耀之处吹拂早晨的精灵落在窗边喝完了微温的汤 来吧穿著新的衬杉出发吧抱持著不安 走在崎岖不平的坡道上鹎鸟们的叫声拂过蹲伏的背脊想要去追赶从这里看得到的明天纵使渺小 纵使丢脸已别无所求当我们登上那延展到远方的山丘时胜过一切的闪亮光芒将照耀我们被雨滴打溼而歪斜的花就像那时候的你一般试著撑起七彩颜色的伞若是能取回笑容就好了在漫长的坡道上 天空很遥远虽然在瞬息万变的景色中也会迷失目标对著从这里看得见的明天呼喊吧纵使难受 纵使寂寞这是胸口的鼓动这里没有下不停的雨你只对我点点头把眼泪擦乾吧回顾以往的坡道上懦弱而偶尔哭泣的我们脚印上依然花儿盛开去描绘从这里看得到、明天的绘画日记吧纵使平凡 纵使歪曲那是个证明如果能若无其事地迎接早晨的太阳就模仿著微风在这条路上继续走下去吧

in charge of national foreign affairs

应该选D 首先,让我们分析句子结构,可以得出需要我们填入的是一个表语.而之后的in charge of短语是修饰之前的表语的. 这句句子不是一个定语从句,因为主句中有一个动词,而句子后半部分没有动词. 再者,这里应该填入一个名词(因为in charge of短语修饰前面的表语) 那么没有名词我们该怎么办呢?我们可以寻找一个代词.代词,顾名思义,就是有一种替代作用,可以替代一个名词,所以who(疑问词)that(非代词)排除 而CD均为代词,而根据意思,这个填入的代词指代的是the man,已经限定了是这个人,那么我们要在代词前加一个定冠词表示特指,所以选D

mayfair sky blue是什么烟

mayfairn. 伦敦的上流住宅区;伦敦的社交界;伦敦的上流社会所以是 伦敦上流社会用的天蓝烟鄙人拙见,不知是否满意。

谁能给我tsuna awakes 和 fairy tail main theme 的乐谱...


找一首BGM,跟妖尾的Fairy Tail メインテーマ前面20秒相同,后面就不同了,不知道是不是


求一条可以用来做QQ空间背景音乐的《旅立ちの序曲~OVERTURE:FAIRY TAIL メインテーマ~》的链接!!!

有两个方法:可以通过改生日设置 点击自己的QQ头像,改生日 譬如今天是公历4月5日,你就把自己的生日改成公历4月5日,进入空间音乐盒,会免费送你添加背景音乐的. 哪天想换歌就哪天换生日.这个方法非常不错的另外也可以自己制作链接1、把mp3歌曲下载好;2、打开qq邮箱——文件中转站(左下角)——收藏的文件——添加收藏——上传该mp3——下载——直接下载——出现下载地址框,把这一串地址复制下来,粘贴在自己新建的文本中,这个地址中有“.mp3?”的字样,看到了吧——删除“?”及“?”后面所有的文字——留下的以“http”开头,以“.mp3”结尾的这个链接就是空间链接了!这个方法能成功制作任意本地音乐的空间链接!但是连通率不太好,我自己试过,还是第一个方法好,正版音乐,连通率100%。

求Fairy tail main theme钢琴版最好快节奏和抒情版的都要

http://www.songtaste.com/song/3020624/ 抒情版的希望采纳

求 Fairy Dang-Sing~月下に妖精は舞う 的MP3


求《fairy tail メインテーマ》动漫原声的,QQ空间链接

OP  OP1 【Snow Fairy】(雪之妖精) 歌:FUNKIST(1-11)   作词、作曲:染谷西郷,编曲:FUNKIST & 松冈モトキ,歌:FUNKIST   OP2 【S.O.W.センスオブワンダー】歌:アイドリング!!! (12-24)   作词:leonn,作曲、编曲:日比野裕史,歌:アイドリング!!!   OP3 【 FT. 】歌:FUNKIST(25-35)   作词、作曲:染谷西郷,编曲:FUNKIST & 松冈モトキ,歌:FUNKIST   OP4 【 R.P.G .~Rockin" Playing Game】歌:SuG(36-48)   作词:武瑠,作曲:yuji,编曲:SuG & Tom-H@ck,歌:SuG   OP5 【エガオノマホウ】歌:MAGIC PARTY(49-60)   作词:AIRI,作曲:本田光史郎,编曲:本田光史郎 & 松冈モトキ,歌:MAGIC PARTY   OP6 【Fiesta】歌:+Plus (61-72)   作词、作曲︰+Plus,编曲:+Plus,Redwood Humberg Jr.,歌:+Plus   OP7 【Evidence】歌:Daisy×Daisy(73-)   作词、作曲、编曲:40mP,歌:Daisy×Daisy   OAD篇OP 【Eternal Fellows】歌:纳兹(CV:柿原彻也)   作词:松井五郎,作曲、编曲:藤泽健至,歌:纳兹(CV:柿原彻也)ED  ED1 【完璧ぐ~のね】 歌:渡り廊下走り队(1-11)   作词:秋元康,作曲:藤本贵则,编曲:KnocKout,歌:渡り廊下走り队   ED2 【追忆メリーゴーランド】歌:one life crew(12-24)   作词、作曲:yu-suke,编曲:onelifecrew,歌:onelifecrew   ED3 【ごめんね、私。】 歌:南波志帆(25-35)   作词:土岐麻子,作词、编曲:矢野博康,歌:南波志帆   ED4 【君がいるから】 歌:下川みくに(36-48)   作词、作曲:下川美娜,编曲:Sin,歌:下川美娜   ED5 【HOLY SHINE】 歌:Daisy X Daisy (49-60 )   作词:MiKA,作曲、编曲:神津裕之,歌:Daisy×Daisy   ED6 【Be As One】 歌:w-inds.(61-72)   作词:Natsumi Watanabe,作曲、编曲:ZETTON,SHIKATA,MATS LIE SKARE,歌:w-inds.   ED7 【ひとりさみしく】歌:ShaNa(73-)   作词:ShaNa,作曲、编曲:headphone-Bulldog,歌:ShaNa   OAD篇ED 【日常赞歌~This Place~】歌:露西(CV:平野绫)   作词:Funta7,作曲、编曲:Funta3,歌:露西(CV:平野绫)插入歌  “悲しき过去”(悲伤的过去) (第12话)   作词、作曲、编曲:高梨康治,歌:中岛爱   “旅立つ者へ”(给即将起程的你) (第41话)   作词:真岛ヒロ,作曲、编曲:高梨康治,歌:小野凉子哪首啊?
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