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after having heard the news,she fainted.


34. The girl fainted, but she ______ after we splashed water on her face.

应选D come to = come to oneself/ = come to one"s life 苏醒过来,复活,恢复意识come up (问题、建议等)被提出;发芽get over 康复,从(疾病,震惊)恢复常态come over 来访,拜访

She’s fainted. Throw some water on her face and she’ll ____. A.come round B.come along C

A 本题主要考查短语动词的意义区别。选项A的意思是“绕道而来,回心转意,苏醒过来”;选项B的意思是“一起来,一道走,进展,出现”;选项C的意思是“进步,进展,成长,开始”;选项D的意思是“(花)开放,出版,露出”。根据句子的意思,选A。

the woman fainted at the words这个句子是什么结构?

主语the woman谓语fainted状语at the words

fainted from hunger中文翻译

The explorers were faint from hunger and cold . 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。 He fainted from hunger . 他饿晕了。 The explorers were faint from hunger and cold 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪 His poor pttle son fainted from hunger 他那可怜的小儿子饿得昏厥过去了。

She fainted on hearing the news 有无语法错误?


She knew Ellen would have fainted had she ever heard such words from her daughter.


After hearing the news she fainted. 她听到那个消息后,晕倒了。问:我翻译的对吗?有语法错误吗?



加不加be,要看动作是不是主语发出的,“我昏过去了” faint是主语发出的动作,所以不加be.I was confused “我被拒绝了” ,拒绝的动作不是我发出的,我是动作的承受者,所以加be。I was disappointed 我很失望。disappointed是形容词,所以要用was.


fainted英 [feu026antu026ad] 美 [feu026antu026ad] v.晕倒,昏倒( faint的过去式和过去分词 )ADJ-GRADED (声音、颜色、标记、感觉或特性)微弱的,暗淡的,虚弱的,不尽力的;敷衍的;半心半意的 。