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fail 与fail in的用法及区别


fail in 和fail to do如何区分?

fail in :I have failed in my exam fail to do:You will fail to pass the exam


fail可用作动词、名词。词典释义:v:失败;忘记做;坏掉;不能正常工作;破产;衰退;消失;舍弃;变弱;在(考试、测验或面试)中不及格。n:不及格;过失;失败;不良表现。第三人称单数:fails;现在分词:failing;过去式:failed;过去分词:failed;1、表示“失败”,通常是不及物动词。表示在某一方面失败,通常用介词in。2. 表示“(考试)不及格”,fail可用作及物或不及物动词(以及物动词为多见)。双语例句:1、Damage is the gist of the action and without it the plaintiff must fail.造成损伤是这次诉讼的要点,不抓住它原告必定失败。2、The computer that runs the place is supposed to be fail-safe.管理这地方的电脑据说可以做到万无一失。3、Companies fail through their narrow view of what contributes to profit.公司由于对赢利因素的狭隘见解而失败。4、Henceforth, parties which fail to get 5% of the vote will not be represented in parliament.从今以后,未能获得5%选票的党派在议会中便没有席位。5、Some Christians fail to contextualize the words of Jesus.一些基督徒对耶稣基督的话断章取义。

格式工厂的fail to convert怎样解决


fail to do与fail (in) sth有什么区别啊


fail的几种用法 fail in sth fail in doing sth fail to do sth fail sth

fail to do sth.没有,不能 fail in(doing)sth.在……方面失败 例如: I fail to see why you find it so amusing.我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑. He never fails to phone his mother on her birthday.每逢母亲过生日时,他都会打电话给她. The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.主席未能说服委员会同意他的观点. He has been failing in health for the last two years.近两年来,他的健康状况一直在衰退. fail in sth 和fail st用不能直接用

用fail to do sth 造句?

造句:1)She fails to finish her homework in time.她没有按时完成作业。2)Some schools fail to require any homework.有些学校没有布置任何家庭作业。3)He failed to file tax returns for the year.他没有填报本年度的纳税申报单。

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别


fail the exam和fail to the exam有区别吗?

“考试不及格”的表达法是fail the exam,不是fail to the exam。


don"t fail to 务必, 一定 never fail to(do) 必定, 从未忘记... without fail 必定, 务必 fail of 缺乏...能力; 不能达到 fail to 没有(做某事); 疏忽; 忘记(做某事)

fail to do等于什么?

fail in doing

fail to等于什么


fail to do和 fail doing有区别没?


fail to do 还是fail to have done?


求启动2007CAD后出现Fail to get CommCntrController什么意思


fail to do和fail doing的区别

fail to do既可以表示没有做某事;也可以表示做了,但失败了。fail in doing表示做了,但失败了,而且是中途失败。fail to do表示还没做某事,不能做某事。 fail to do sth 不能;未能做;没有能力做某事;使…失望(这件事还没做) he failed to catch the first train. 他没能赶上第一班火车。 People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not endwith graduation. 人们似乎没有考虑到教育并不是终止于毕业的事实。 I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。 fail in sth/doing sth 在某些方面失败/不足;考试不及格(强调这件事已经做过了,结果是失败的) He has been failing in health for the last two years. 近两年来,他的健康状况一直在衰退。 (很少用doing,一般后接名词。大部分做考试不及格的意思。) 比如,当你表达一个同学没有完成作业时,可以说she failed in doing his homework.(意思是她的作业没做完),但不能说she fail to do his homework。

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别为:使用场合不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、使用场合不同1.fail to do sth英 [feu026al tu duu02d0 u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 美 [feu026al tu duu02d0 u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 解析:不定式及其短语还可以有自己的宾语、状语,虽然动词不定式在语法上没有表面上的直接主语,但它表达的意义是动作,这一动作一定由使动者(动词的使用者)发出,这一使动者(动词的使用者)我们称之为逻辑主语。2.fail in doing sth英 [feu026al u026an duu02d0u026au014b u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 美 [feu026al u026an duu02d0u026au014b u02c8su028cmθu026au014b] 解析:动名词做主语时,谓语动词为单数,在动名词和不定式中,作为介词的宾语是动名词。二、含义不同1.fail to do sth释义:做不到某事。2.fail in doing sth释义:做某事失败。

fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别


fail to 在句子中作什么成分?

fail 是动词,fail to 在句子中应该作谓语. 例如:He failed to see my meaning.他不懂我的意思.

fail to 在句子中作什么成分?


fail to do 忘记做某事。问:为什么要加to那,直接fail do不就什么了吗?

fail后边要求接带to 的不定式做宾语

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail怎么翻释


fail to do sth ,因为fail 是不及物动词所以加介词to 而介词to后面为什么不跟

doing在这里已经是非谓语动词了,非谓语动词有三种形式,v-ing;v-ed;to do

打开cad软件总是提示fail to get CommCntrContrller是怎么回事?求高手赐教。

出现这种情况的原因是:在启动AutoCAD软件时,系统会收集计算机的用户信息并发送到AutoDesk公司,所以需要关闭。解决办法,是关闭自动发送信息方法一:在注册表中禁止,以AUTOCAD2004为例:打开注册表,找到下列命令符[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskAutoCADR16.0ACAD-201:804ApplicationsWSCommCntrAcCon]"DESCRIPTION"="WSCommCntrAcCon""LOADCTRLS"=dword:00000000"LOADER"="C:Program FilesAUTOCAD 2004WSCommCntrAcCon.arx"双击Loder,在弹出的对话框里,将上述数值清空即可;方法二:删除下列路径文件即可:C:Program FilesAutoCAD2004WSCommCntrAcCon.arx

fail to open file中文意思是什么


fail to realize是什么意思


fail to do sth ,因为fail 是不及物动词所以加介词to 而介词to后面为什么不跟



有区别,todo所表示的动作是将来的一个动作 doing所表示的是过去的动作,英语中很多都是这样的区别,例如: regrettodo/doingremembertodo/doing

我的电脑会出现这个:fail to get CommCntrController请问这怎么回事?拜托各位大神


为什么用格式工厂视频合并老是失败 一直出现Fail to convert 求解决办法

下面这个方法你试试 一、添加完视频后,点开输出配置,把“使用系统编码器”选为关闭状态。二、如果进行了第一步操作,还不行,则选不要转换成RMVB格式,随便选一个,如WMV格式,看能不能转换。如果能转换,则说明你的这个格式工厂软件下载的不好,需要重新下载。 如果还是不能转换,则说明,你的这一视频编码有问题,格式工厂不支持。三 格式工厂的版本有问题 更新版本或者换成老版本

fail to stop是什么意思




有be failed to或be failed in吗

答案是:没有上述的两个词组,只有fail todosth没能做成某事和failin sth比如:Hefailedtocatchtheearlybus他没能赶上早班车Hefailedinthemathexam在数学考试中他不及格☞♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧☜



fail和fail in用法

fail 是一个不及物动词。如果不针对具体的事情,就不用加 in eg:I failed. You will fail if you don"t work hard.如果指具体的事情或者场合就需要加 in eg: He failed in the sports meeting. She failed in her attempt to convince him.

fail to do和fail doing的区别

fail to do没有做成和fail doing做失败

fail in doing / fail to do有什么区别

fail in 在某一方面失败了,在某一方面不足fail to不能~

绝地求生 fail to create的问题,请问怎么解决??

  一、打开游戏库,右键点击游戏,检查游戏的完整性,如果游戏完整性没问题,关闭或者卸载杀毒软件运行游戏,游戏完整性有问题,关闭杀毒软件。重新下载游戏安装。  1、在桌面按WIN+R输入CMD点击确定打开命令提示符窗口,win10用鼠标右键点开始菜单,打开命令提示符(管理员)  2、在命令提示符中输入:netshwinsockreset(可复制用鼠标右键粘贴)  3、稍后,会有成功的提示,成功地重置Winsock目录,重启计算机完成重置。  PS:WIN键是CTRL键旁边有微软图标的键

请问你的格式工厂出现fail to convert 是怎么解决的?谢谢!


fail to do和 fail doing有区别没?

有区别,to do所表示的动作是将来的一个动作doing所表示的是过去的动作,英语中很多都是这样的区别,例如:regret to do/doing remember to do/doing

fail in 名词 fail to do 没做成什么事fail doing fail做什么事失

fail to do 既可以表示没有做某事;也可以表示做了,但失败了.fail in doing 表示做了,但失败了,而且是中途失败.fail to do 表示还没做某事,不能做某事.★最重要的是:“考试失败”必须说:fail to pass the test.或 fail the test.或 didn"t pass the test 绝对不能说是:fail passing the test.我特别去问英语老师的!

fail to do和fail doing区别

有哦。。fail to do sth. 没有,不能fail in(doing)sth.在……方面失败例如:I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。He never fails to phone his mother on her birthday.每逢母亲过生日时,他都会打电话给她。The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.主席未能说服委员会同意他的观点。He has been failing in health for the last two years. 近两年来,他的健康状况一直在衰退。

fail. to. live. up. to 是什么意思,还有这是她对我的备注,问问这是什么意思?

fail. to. live. up. to 是什么意思辜负,未履行承若。你是不是,忘了什么有意义的纪念日

forget to do sth和fail to do sth 的区别 当fail 也意为忘记,时

forget to do sth主要表示客观上忘记做某事,是非刻意的. 因为fail to 有:不能;未能;没能做成;失败这几种意思,所以从感觉上说,它的语气更重,有略带后悔之意.

fail to do和fail doing的区别

fail to do shy是神马意思?

fail to do和fail doing的区别

因为一般通用fail to do,意为:没有能力做某事; eg: He failed to pass the competition. 而fail in doing sth 意为:在某些方面失败 比如当你表达一个同学没有完成作业时,可以说she failed in doing his homework.(意思是她的作业没做完),但不能说she fail to do his homework (意思是她没有能力做作业)

下面这句话中为什么用“failed to”而不用“did not”?二者是否互换?

因为fail to有错过,未能的意思

fail to do/ fail in doing的区别是什么?

"Fail to do"和"fail in doing"的区别在于前者是指没有做某件事情,而后者是指在做某件事情时失败了。例如:He failed to complete the project on time.(他没有按时完成这个项目。)He failed in his attempt to climb the mountain.(他试图攀登这座山但失败了。)

fail to do sth是未能做某事?还是失败做某事?

fail to do 两个意思都有fail in doing 是失败做什么

开机出现Selected boot device failed…是怎么回事啊?

开机出现“Selected boot device failed…”是计算机出现故障不能照常启动。原因和解决办法:1、开机出现reboot and select proper boot device or Insert boot media in select boot 是由于CMOS里面被篡改了启动顺序,变成光盘启动了,而且在光驱无盘的情况下不能自动更改回硬盘启动。2、试试能不能用其他热键进入BIOS,比如F2,能进去的话就手动修改BOOT ORDER,进不去的话就很麻烦,很有可能是主板遭到病毒侵害了3、不排除其他通道造成的故障,可以换个光驱试试。4、系统引导部分出问题了,这句话的意思是:重新启动,然后选择启动盘,或者将可引导盘插入选择的引导设备。5、检查cmos中是否设置了硬盘引导,如果设置了,很可能是硬盘出问题了,使用光盘引导后检查。6、进入BIOS后用方向键选择Advance BIOS Features然后按回车进入菜单,进入后使用方向键选择First BOOT Device点回车进入使用方向键选择HDD-0然后按F10保存退出。就将启动方式改为硬盘启动了。扩展资料:可造成计算机出现故障的部分:计算机是由硬件系统(hardware system)和软件系统(software system)两部分组成的。一、硬件系统传统电脑系统的硬体单元一般可分为输入单元、输出单元、算术逻辑单元、控制单元及记忆单元,其中算术逻辑单元和控制单元合称中央处理单元(Center Processing Unit CPU)。硬件系统:电源、主板、CPU、内存、硬盘、声卡、显卡、网卡、调制解调器、光驱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、音响、打印机、视频设备、闪存卡、移动存储卡及读卡器。二、软件系统所谓软件是指为方便使用计算机和提高使用效率而组织的程序以及用于开发、使用和维护的有关文档。软件系统可分为系统软件和应用软件两大类。1、系统软件:系统软件System software,由一组控制计算机系统并管理其资源的程序组成,其主要功能包括:启动计算机,存储、加载和执行应用程序,对文件进行排序、检索,将程序语言翻译成机器语言等。包括:操作系统(Operating System,OS)、语言处理系统(翻译程序)、服务程序、数据库管理系统。2、应用软件为解决各类实际问题而设计的程序系统称为应用软件。从其服务对象的角度,又可分为通用软件和专用软件两类。参考资料来源:百度百科、计算机

keep the faith的歌词及翻译

Keep The Faith 保持信念If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤Will it get inside 你内心能否得到回应Through the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口And you can say the words 你可以说任何的话Like you understand 就像你理解的那样But the power"s in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧"Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰swim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿And uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负So keep the faith 保持你的信念Don"t let nobody turn you "round 别让人改变你的主意You got to know when it"s good to go 你应该知道什么时候去To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前Believe in yourself no matter what it"s gon" take 相信你自己,不论困难带走什么You can be a winner 你都会是胜利者But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念Go, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友And when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时Does it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯To a place that you only dream of when you"re all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方And you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况But the power"s in believing 力量是存在于信念中的So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧I know that you can 我知道你可以Sail across the water 扬帆航行在水上float across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空Any road that you take will get you there 无论你选择哪条路都会把你领往理想If only you try 只要你肯去尝试So keep the faith 保持着信念Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下Just keep your eyes on the prize盯着你的理想(And your)Feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走So keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前I told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好Lift up your head 抬起你的头And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界Go for what you want 朝着理想前行Don"t let "em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你!You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念Gon" keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的I know that keepin" the faith 我知道保持着信念Is never givin" up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱But the power that love has 爱拥有的力量(To)Make it right 是无所不能的Makes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的So keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走Don"t let nobody turn you "round, brother 别让人改变你的主意You got to know when it"t good to go 你应该知道什么时候去To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前Better stand up and act 你得站起来行动like you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的Don"t play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了Work on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧And you"ll make it someday 终有一天会实现的Go for what you want 朝着理想进发吧And don"t forget the faith 不要忘记了信念Look at yourself and what you"re doin" right now 看看自己正在做什么Stand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下Straighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯And how you"re livin" each day 每天你是怎样度过的Get yourself together 凝聚起自己"Cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧go on继续!Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念Because it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来Some things in life 世上有些事情You best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它Go for what you want 朝着理想前行Don"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你You can make it happen 你能实现它的But you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念Gon" keep it, brother 保持着,兄弟们You gotta keep the faith yeahGon" keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念I"ll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好Lift up your head 抬起你的头And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界Go for what you want 朝着理想前行don"t let "em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者if you"re keepin" the faith 只要你保持着信念Straighten out yourselfand get your mind on track 端正好自己,投入到事情上Dust off your butt and get yourself respect back 去掉身上的灰尘,拿回你的自尊You"ve known me long enough 你了解我To know that I don"t play 知道我不是在开玩笑的Take it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情But you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念Gon" don"t let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下Just keep your eyes on the prize盯着你的理想And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念Because it"s just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前But till that day 在那天之前I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念




fair]y和rather同属程度副词,可以修饰形容词、副词、动词等,两个词的意思很接近,都表示“相当”、“有点”。但仔细分析的话,区别有三: 一、意思上的区别。rather往往含有“褒义”,因此常常跟表示“好”的意思的词连用;fairly往往含有“贬义”,常同包含“坏”的意思的词连用。例如可以说fairly good,fairly safe,不可以说fairly bad,fairly dangerous,因为bad和dangerous都表示“坏”的意思,只能同rather连用:rather bad,rather dangerous.   有时rather可以表示一种“批评”,含有否定的意思;而fairly则表示“尽管有点不满意之处,但总的来说还是肯定”的意思。试比较下列例句:   this is a fairly easy book.这是一本相当浅易的书(虽然浅,还是适宜读的)。   this is a rather easy book.它是一本过于浅易的书(太浅了,或许适宜读)。   he wants a fair1y 1arqe car.他要一辆相当大的汽车(不要小的,也不要太大的)。   that car is rather larger than he wants.那辆汽车比他所需要的大了一点(太大了)。   a fairly cold day.相当冷的一天(虽然冷还能忍受)。   a rather cold day.过于冷的一天(太冷了,有点不能忍受)。   rather偶尔也以跟表示“好”的意思的词连用,这时往往表示说话者较强烈的情绪或感情。例如:   youu2019ve done rather well.你做得相当好。 i was rather pleased when i won the nobel prize.当我获得诺贝尔奖金时,我高兴极了。   二、rather可以和比较级形容词或者too连用,fairly则不行。例如:   my brother is rather better today.我兄弟今天好多了。   this book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.这本书对低年级学生太难对高年级学生又太容易。 在上述各句子中fairly都不能用。   三、rather和fairly在修饰形容词时位置也有些不同。如果形容词前有不定冠词a,rather可以放在a前面也可以放在a后面;fairly则只能放在a后面。例如:   a rather hot day也可说:rather a hot day   a fairly cold day不可说:fairly a cold day   如果形容词前有定冠词the,rather和fairly都只能放在the后面。例如: the rather cold weather the fair1y cold weather   如果形容词前没有冠词,rather和fairly均可直接放在形容词前。   rather cold weather   fair1y cold weather

DNS FAIL 错误 请问这是怎么回事?

巧解DNS错误 你一直可以很好地上网,可是有一天突然之间不能浏览网络、收发邮件、IE只会一次又一次地显示 "DNS Error", 毫无疑问你遇到了DNS 问题...... ISP 导致的DNS 问题 一般情况下ISP开通了很多服务器,而且每台服务器完成的主要功能都不尽相同,比如DNS、POP、SMTP和Web等等,如果其中的一台服务器出了问题(最坏的情形就是DNS服务器出问题),作为客户端的你上网肯定会受到相应的影响。 ISP的DNS服务器在你上网的过程中起了很重要的作用,它负责把你在浏览器、邮件收发客户端输入的所有地址信息转换成IP地址,这样你才能和将要访问的远程服务器进行真正的交流。 解决DNS 问题 1.判断是否是DNS 问题 如果有这么一天,你通过浏览器访问任何网址得到的都是"DNS Error"的错误提示,不要着急,先用IP地址来访问一些网站,看看是否错误真正是由DNS造成的。下边是一些网站和它们的IP地址,如果不能访问则试着通过IP地址来访问。 通过IP地址可以正确访问网站而通过网站名不能,可以肯定你的DNS服务器出了问题。 注意:一个网站能否访问不能简单地通过 ping 或者 ping 来判断,直接在浏览器地址栏中输入目标网站的IP地址才是正确的方法。 2.设置多个DNS服务器解决DNS 问题 既然知道是DNS 服务器故障导致网络不能访问,问题就很容易解决。我们可以尝试改变自己机器的TCP/IP设置中的DNS配置,或者添加多个DNS服务器,这样问题就迎刃而解了。 按照以下步骤为自己的机器添加额外的DNS服务器: Win2000/XP 打开"开始/设置/控制面板/网络连接",在"本地连接"上单击右键,选择"属性",然后设置为相应的DNS 服务器。 Win98 依次打开"开始/设置/控制面板/网络",在"网络"属性窗口双击"配置"选项页中的"TCP/IP -> D-Link DFE-530TX PCI FAST Ethernet Adapter"(例),弹出"TCP/IP属性"窗口后,在"IP地址"选项页选择"指定IP地址"并设置网卡的IP地址;在"DNS配置"选项页中,添加DNS 服务器。 3.SyGate 代理环境快速设置 前面所述方法可以在ISP的DNS服务器出问题时作为临时替代解决方案,如果你是在采用共享上网的网络环境中,则必须在每一台客户端都进行类似的设置,操作起来比较繁琐。 其实在采用SyGate做代理服务器的网络环境中有更简单的配置方法,在"SyGate Manager"的主界面,选择"Tools/Advanced Features-on/Configuration/Advanced",在"Domain Name Server(DNS)"后逐个添加你需要添加的DNS服务器。 采用这种方法不需要你在每台客户端手工添加DNS服务器,节省了不少体力。 防患于未然 要防止ISP的DNS服务器出故障导致不能上网,除了平时收集一些可用的DNS服务器之外,最好还是去找一些DNS缓存软件(如ExtraDNS),这样不但能在ISP的DNS服务器不能使用时解燃眉之急,而且可以加快网络访问速度,何乐而不为呢?

关于history fair

Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben (September 17, 1730 – November 28, 1794) was a Prussian-German army officer who served as inspector general of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He is credited with teaching the Continental Army the essentials of military drill and discipline, helping to guide it to victory. He wrote the book that became the standard United States drill manual until the War of 1812, and essentially served as General George Washington"s chief of staff in the final years of the war. Early life Steuben was born in Magdeburg, Duchy of Magdeburg, the son of Wilhelm Augustin Steuben (1699-1783), a lieutenant of engineers. His mother was Elizabeth von Jagvodin. Steuben accompanied his father to the Russian Empire when Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg, ordered Wilhelm into the service of Czarina Anna I. The family returned to Prussia after the accession of Frederick the Great to the throne in 1740. Steuben was schooled in Breslau by Jesuits and, by the age of 17, was a Prussian officer in the military. During the Seven Years" War he was a member of an infantry unit but served primarily as a staff officer. By 1761 he had risen to the rank of captain and was serving in the Prussian general headquarters. The army was greatly reduced in size at the end of the war, and Steuben was one of many Prussian officers suddenly without work. His Prussian military career would later be exaggerated—he was not one of Frederick the Great"s generals—but his experience on a professional general staff, an agency then practically unknown outside of Prussia, would prove to be valuable in his American career. Between the wars In 1764 Steuben became chamberlain at the petty court of Hohenzollern-Hechingen. In 1769, he started using the title of baron, based on a falsified lineage prepared by his father. He was the only courtier to accompany his incognito prince to France in 1771, hoping to borrow money. Failing to find funds, they returned to Germany in 1775, deeply in debt. In 1776, Steuben"s career at Hohenzollern-Hechigen ended in scandal: he was alleged to be homosexual and was accused of improper sexual behaviour with young boys. Whether or not Steuben was actually homosexual is not known, but the rumors compelled him to seek employment elsewhere. Steuben tried employment in several foreign armies including Austria, Baden, and France. Steuben traveled to Paris in the summer of 1777. As luck would have it, he had formerly been introduced to the French Minister of War, Claude Louis, Comte de Saint-Germain. The Count, fully realizing the potential of an officer with Prussian general staff training, further introduced him to Benjamin Franklin. Upon the Count"s recommendation, Steuben was introduced to George Washington by means of a letter from Franklin as a "Lieutenant General in the King of Prussia"s service," an exaggeration of his actual credentials that appears to be based on a mistranslation of his service record. He was advanced travel funds and left Europe from Marseilles. American Revolution On September 26, 1777, he reached Portsmouth, New Hampshire and by December 1, was extravagantly entertained in Boston. Congress was in York, Pennsylvania, after being ousted from Philadelphia by the British advance. By February 5, 1778, Steuben had offered to volunteer without pay (for the time), and by the 23rd, Steuben reported for duty to Washington at Valley Forge. Steuben spoke little English, but German and French were known by many officers. Many troops were immigrants and therefore spoke German. Colonels Alexander Hamilton and Nathanael Greene were of great help in assisting Steuben in drafting a training program for the Army, which found approval with Washington. Training program Steuben"s training technique was to create a "model company", a group of 120 chosen men who in turn successively trained other personnel at Regimental and Brigade levels. Steuben"s eclectic personality greatly enhanced his mystique. He trained the soldiers, who at this point were greatly lacking in proper clothing themselves, in full military dress uniform, swearing and yelling at them up and down in German and French. When that was no longer successful, he recruited Captain Benjamin Walker, his French speaking aide, to curse at them for him in English. Steuben introduced a system of progressive training, beginning with the school of the soldier, with and without arms, and going through the school of the regiment. This corrected the previous policy of simply assigning personnel to regiments. Each company commander was made responsible for the training of new men, but actual instruction was done by selected sergeants, the best obtainable. Another program developed by Steuben was camp sanitation. He established standards of sanitation and camp layouts that would still be standard a century and a half later. There had previously been no set arrangement of tents and huts. Men relieved themselves where they wished and when an animal died, it was stripped of its meat and the rest was left to rot where it lay. Steuben laid out a plan to have rows for command, officers and enlisted men. Kitchens and latrines were on opposite sides of the camp, with latrines on the downhill side. There was the familiar arrangement of company and regimental streets. Perhaps Steuben"s biggest contribution to the American Revolution was training in the use of the bayonet. Since the Battle of Bunker Hill, Americans had been mainly dependent upon using their ammunition to win battles. Throughout the early course of the war, Americans used the bayonet mostly as a cooking skewer or tool rather than as a fighting instrument. Steuben"s introduction of effective bayonet charges became crucial. In the Battle of Stony Point, American soldiers attacked with unloaded rifles and won the battle solely on Steuben"s bayonet training. The first results of Steuben"s training were in evidence at the Battle of Barren Hill, 20 May 1778 and then again at the Battle of Monmouth in June 1778. Steuben, by then serving in Washington"s Headquarters, was the first to determine the enemy was heading for Monmouth. Washington recommended appointment of Steuben as Inspector General on April 30; Congress approved it on May 5. During the winter of 1778-1779, Steuben prepared Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, commonly known as the "Blue Book." Its basis was the training plan he had devised at Valley Forge. Southern campaign The following winter (1779-1780) Steuben"s commission represented Washington to Congress regarding the reorganization of the army. In 1780 Steuben sat on the court-martial of the British Army officer Major John André, captured and charged with espionage in conjunction with the defection of General Benedict Arnold. He later traveled with Nathanael Greene, the new commander of the Southern campaign. He quartered in Virginia since the American supplies and soldiers would be provided to the army from there. During the spring of 1781, he aided Greene in the campaign in the south, culminating in the delivery of 450 Virginia Continentals to Lafayette in June. He was forced to take sick leave, rejoining the army for the final campaign at Yorktown, where his role was as commander of one of the three divisions of Washington"s troops. Steuben gave assistance to Washington in demobilizing the army in 1783 as well as aiding in the defense plan of the new nation. He was discharged from the military with honor on March 24, 1783. Final years Steuben became an American citizen by act of the Pennsylvania legislature in March 1784 (and later by the New York authorities in July 1786). With the war over, Steuben resigned from service in 1784 and first settled on Manhattan Island, where he became a prominent figure and elder in the German Reformed Church. His business acumen was not very keen and in the depression following the War, found himself in difficult financial conditions, particularly because Congress did not pay a promised pension nor compensate him for wartime expenses. After his friend Alexander Hamilton became Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton, with support of President Washington, submitted Steuben"s expenses to Congress, which in 1790 finally voted him a yearly pension of $2,500. Steuben eventually settled on a small estate in the vicinity of Utica, New York, on land granted to him for his military service. He later assisted in the founding of the Society of the Cincinnati and was appointed a Regent for what evolved into the State University of New York. He never married and had no children. He left his estate to General Benjamin Walker and Captain William North, who had served as his aides-de-camp during the war, and with whom he had had a "extraordinarily intense emotional relationship". He is buried at what is now the Steuben Memorial State Historic Site.



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idea 集成Maven仓库报错Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins?


idea解决"Failed to read artifact descriptor for xxx"问题的方法

问题如图所示: 在terminal输入下面命令强制更新: mvn clean install -e -U -e详细异常,-U强制更新 如果更新完成后还报错,就close project,再打开项目,此时问题已解决(但是instal也l会导致这个项目被安装到本地maven仓库)。

maven eclipse之后出现Failed to resolve artifact.这个错误

出现以面的情况有两个问题:1、默认的是配置到中央仓库,还有可配置其它的,是否连接仓库正常2、关于maven-war-plugin,可能你那样的配置外网仓库找不到,以下是我的,可以正常使用<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> </plugin>实在不行再细聊。

翻译:“for the third time in a row ,she had failed to keep her appointment”


为什么一登陆win7界面就显示failed to start saintsrowiv.exe的错误信息?如何免去?


good night,my fair fellow 用于什么人之间?

no end of a good fellow的意思: 十分和气的人,和蔼可亲者 no end of a good fellow的例句:He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions观对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is Bound to suffer in the end专横跋扈,文过饰非的人到头来总是要吃亏的Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off-whoever started the trouble should end it解铃还需系铃人All good things come to an end.一切美好的事物都有终结的时候(天下没有不散的筵席)。Things rashly taken end as ill草率从事没有好结果

good night,my fair fellow 用于什么人之间?

no end of a good fellow的意思: 十分和气的人,和蔼可亲者 no end of a good fellow的例句:He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions观对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is Bound to suffer in the end专横跋扈,文过饰非的人到头来总是要吃亏的Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off-whoever started the trouble should end it解铃还需系铃人All good things come to an end.一切美好的事物都有终结的时候(天下没有不散的筵席)。Things rashly taken end as ill草率从事没有好结果

Much hard ____he tried,he failed to catch up with the first runner.


英文信函结尾的yours faithfully / yours truly / sincerely 作何翻译?


英文信函结尾的yours faithfully / yours truly / sincerely 作何翻译?


英语信件结尾用Yours faithfully还是Yours sincerely

如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语是Faithfully yours或Faithfully。如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely。 美国英语是Yours truly 或 Sincerely yours或Sincerely,都是“谨启”的意思。扩展资料‘Yours sincerely"与‘Yours faithfully"的区别对很多中国人而言,这两个信件结尾(valediction)或奉承话收尾(complimentary closing)似乎没有什么区别,是可以随意互换使用的套话(formulaic phrase),其实不然。它往往需要配合信头称呼(salutation)。英文信件的结尾方式有几种,以下加以简要介绍。旧式结尾方式(old formal valediction):一般包括yours字样,它是your servant的简写。老式结尾比较长(voluminous),例如:I beg to remain, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant,O.G.可以简写为:Your obt. svt.O.G.或进一步简写为:YOSO.G.现代常见结尾方式:在英国,这种老式结尾已经被‘Yours sincerely"与‘Yours faithfully"所取代。它们是更老的(archaic)表达‘I am, yours sincerely"与‘I am, yours faithfully"的简写。如果信件开头提及收信人(recepient)的名字,并且写信人(sender/writer)一定程度上认识收信人,那么使用‘Yours sincerely";如果不知道对方姓名【例如用‘Dear Mr/Madam"开头】,那么需要使用‘Yours faithfully"。如果知道收信人的名字,但没有见面或没有说过话,有些人还是喜欢用比较疏远的(distant)的‘Yours faithfully",但多数人会使用‘Yours sincerely"。‘Yours truly"或‘Very truly yours"只在非正式或社会往来信件(social correspondence)中使用,并不常见。在美国,社会交往信件通常用‘Yours sincerely"来结尾,而商务信件(business correspondence)中对写信人不知道姓名的人还是使用‘Yours faithfully"。同时,‘Yours sincerely"还常常被写作‘Sincerely yours"或‘Sincerely"。‘Yours truly"或‘Very truly yours"也是常见结尾。其它结尾方式:‘Yours, etc."与‘Yours &c."见于历史上的书信与美国法律信件(legal correspondence)中。简奥斯汀(Jane Austen)书中的某些信件也是用‘Yours, etc."来结束。在商务信件中,‘Kind regards",特别是‘Best regards"越来越常见,主要是电子邮件(email)中的半正式(semi-formal)结束语。非正式情况下,它们也可缩写为‘KR"或‘BR"。‘Kindest regards"语气更正式一些,而‘Kindest regards, I remain"则非常正式。如果对方是非常有身份的(dignified)的人【例如国家元首(head of state)】那么可以用老式结尾,例如:I have the honour to remain, Sir, Your Excellency"s most huble and obedient servant.还有其它一些非正式结束语,如‘Best wishes"、‘All my best"或‘Best"。对家人和特别密切的人,可以用‘Your friend"、‘Your loving son"或‘Your Richard"【爱人之间】之类的表达方式。

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与网页服务器连接失败!*#220807# 的输入是检测和运行手机是不是支持mrp格式的代码,输入最后一个“#”键后,不需要按任何键,如果有所反映的话,那就说明你的手机是支持mrp格式的,如果输完最后一个“#”键,在屏幕上显示的只是这几个数字的话,那么很不幸,你的手机不可以下载还有一种方法就是到你的手机储存里,看看有没有“mythroad”文件夹..如果有的话,那么就说明是可以下载的,然后把你下载的mrp格式的程序放到mythroad文件夹里,然后退出.在输入*#220807# 看看是不是可以运行程序了 ...谢谢,希望我的回答对你有所帮助!

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.Acting before thinking always____failure. A.lead to 导致 B.results from C.results in 导致,结果是D.result from 选C,主语是acting,相当于单数名词 2.It"s not ___ to discuss the question further A.worth 值得 B.worthy 值得的 C.worthwhile 值得做的D.worth while选C,只有 C 有这种用法 3._____you see it ,you will be fascinate with it. A.No sooner B.On condition that 如果 C.So that D.The moment一。。。就选D 4.The forest was on fire for ____before the fire fighters came. A.sometimes 有时 B.some times 几次 C.some time 一段时间 D.sometime 某个时候 选C

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你 是安装的时候,在 没有安装完全就给取消了吧。呵呵,你可以这样弄,打开360安全卫士,找到软件管家,在软件 卸载中找到java的东西,好像有三个,除了数据那个不删了之外,其余都给卸载了。接着重启 电脑,就可以重新安装JDK了。

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理论来说 安卓机器 是都可以刷的 因为安卓是开源的但是理论虽然如此 但实际有很大出入最主要的还是刷机包的问题假如玩的人不多或者卖的又不好 就不会放出刷机包没有刷机包 就没人去研究这个手机的一些内部的驱动配置等就更谈不上修改或者自己做刷机包啦试想一下 假如某手机只买了100部那么谁去为这100部手机制作rom呢?商家是不可能的啦(企业利益) 民间的话我也不知道会有哪个大神会如此....最j8鄙视那些一说刷机的 就说**精灵 ***大师 **-管家 ***神器的啦 一说破解root 就说***工具也很鄙视那些一说找刷机包的 就回答***论坛***网的啦----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------丨(请看清楚 我没说论坛怎么地论坛不好之类的 我说的是那些一说刷机就让去论坛的沙比)丨----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------这些213们都懂个毛线啊????山寨机 如果有刷机包的话那一般就可以刷不过由于山寨机的特殊性 还是不建议刷机的关于驱动的问题刷机包里一般都集成驱动如果驱动没有或者不完全的话那么你的手机可能就不正常使用你可以想一下一个没有装驱动的pc是什么样子没有声音和图像输出 基本上就废啦本来刷机就有危险 山寨机可能就更危险------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(刷机有风险 风险请自担)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------嗯 都不知道你们当初买的时候考虑过没有 就图那手机漂亮图那手机便宜?可是你们怎么就不想想系统的后期维护呢?就拿现在来说吧 当手机出现问题的时候想刷机你能破解root权限吗?破解啦你能找到刷机rom包吗?你找到刷机包啦 在看看那纷繁复杂的蛋疼的刷机过程吧 应该很好玩吧假若我买手机 我首先看的手机后期系统的维护至少在能破解 其次就是在手机系统出故障之后(不要以为你不破解就不会系统故障) 有那么一款两款刷机包而你们买手机 看的就是否漂亮是否便宜??买手机 国产的 华为or中兴(别提联想 联想有几款不是联fuck cpu的机器???)除此之外 那些沙比长虹 沙比TCL 沙比酷派 沙比天语 沙比海信 沙比金立 沙比天时达 沙比康佳 沙比万利达 沙比卓普 沙比七喜 在我看来就是山寨他们拿什么不想山寨???他们拿什么不想山寨???他们拿什么不想山寨???另外还要那些沙比尼采 奥利奥的 德玛西亚之流(泛指那些你连听都没有听过的沙比善哉) 我连看都不看且先不说出了几款手机 也不说卖的怎么样 就问出个手机后期有升级吗?官方不升级甚至不闻不问(你打电话过去要刷机包都没人鸟你) 民间又没有rom刷机包 跟个山寨没有啥区别?别不相信也别一成人 估计也就那些用着自己我感觉良好的人坚持意淫 而已!像这样的厂商 在中国多入牛毛+驴毛 都是看手机行业赚钱 赶紧投入赶紧撸两把而已当初出手机的时候 估计他们都没有考虑刷机包以及后期维护的问题吧更重要的是 那些pc端线刷软件 一般是不支持山寨机的吗?如果非要刷的话只能建议你去找卖家 或者干脆返厂啦(没有下面一段话的都是沙比抄袭党 敬请甄别鄙视假冒)(没有下面一段话的都是沙比抄袭党 敬请甄别鄙视假冒)(没有下面一段话的都是沙比抄袭党 敬请甄别鄙视假冒)还有就是有不少百度昵称带有qiuqiu号的让你去联系的 都tamade是沙比广告他们会告诉你有刷机包 然后跟你谈价钱(30-50RMB不等甚至更多) 等你把钱打过去了 他妈连j8都没有啦屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia屮尼玛的沙比广告si全jia不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用不是说中国骗子太多 只能说中国沙比不够用---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------那些说老子复制的亮瞎你的gou眼看看 是不是老子一个人在战斗你锁看到的都是老子一个人复制粘贴的老子复制的粘贴也是老子自己的东西---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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