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shorts形容时用they are还是it is

shorts是名词,“短裤”的意思,复数概念 They are shorts.和shoes 、pants 道理一样 short是形容词,“矮的,短的” It is / They are short 都说得通














Keygen是Key Generator的简写形式,也就是一般所说的注册机,是为软件注册生成所需的注册码的一种程序盗版的工具。




Keygen是一种被用于生成软件序列号的破解工具。然而,我们不建议在Windows 11系统中使用Keygen这样的非法破解工具,因为这样做可能会导致多种问题,包括但不限于:1. 安全问题:Keygen等非法破解工具可能会包含病毒、恶意软件或者木马等,这些软件可能会危害您的计算机安全。2. 法律问题:使用Keygen等非法破解工具是一种侵权行为,可能会涉及到版权、知识产权等法律问题,如果被发现,可能会遭受诉讼或罚款等法律后果。3. 不稳定性问题:使用Keygen等非法破解工具可能会导致软件不稳定或者崩溃,这对您的工作和学习都会产生不良影响。因此,我们建议您在使用Windows 11系统时,遵守相关的法律法规,购买正版软件或者使用免费软件,以确保您的计算机安全和稳定性。




网络问题。keygen注册机打开找不到是因为网络问题导致。Keygen为Key Generator的简写形式就是一般所说的注册机,是为软件注册生成所需的注册码的一种程序。


keygen是什么意思?keygen标签是用来规定用于表单的密钥对生成器字段。当提交表单时,私钥存储在本地,公钥发送到服务器。【推荐教程:HTML教程】html keygen标签 语法作用:规定用于表单的密钥对生成器字段。说明:当提交表单时,私钥存储在本地,公钥发送到服务器。注释:所有主流浏览器都支持 <keygen> 标签,除了 Internet Explorer 和 Safari。html keygen标签 示例<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body><form action="" method="get">用户名:<input type="text" name="usr_name" />加密:<keygen name="security" /><input type="submit" /></form></body></html>

Joe的《Hey Mami》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mami歌手:Joe专辑:And Then....Hey Ma .I`m home againI"ve had such a crazy lifeAnd now I can`t tell wrong from rightBut I won`t give up without a fightHey Ma .I`m a weary soulHow was I supposed to knowThat the world would be so cold?All I`ve learned is to let goWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Hey Ma .I`m off againIt`s so hard to be a manBut I`m sure you`ll understandWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Soler - Hey MaHey Ma .I`m home again !http://music.baidu.com/song/8335528

Mariah Carey的《Miss You》 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Bringin" On The HeartbreakMariah CareyMiss YouOo oo oooooooBaby baby I miss youLonging for you everydayAnd I reach for you everynightBaby nothing"s been the sameSince the day we said goodbyeAnd I can"t go onLike this for too longBoy I need you next to meAnd I"m hungering for your touchCaught up in the memoriesAnd you"re all I"m thinking ofCause I can"t get pastWhat we used to haveI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that yo love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youAll I do is reminisceOf the love that we used to shareCan"t recover from your kissBecause nothing else comparesAin"t no substituteWhen it comes to youVisions of us hand in handCome to me when I close my eyesBaby I don"t understandHow we let it all slip byTell me, can"t we tryMaybe one more timeI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss you(remember when)Our eyes first metI knew I"d never be the same again(why can"t it just)Be like it wasEnough is enoughBaby I miss your loveI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9661496

do they buy flowers for their teachers中文

1.Do they buy flowers for their homes? What do they buy for their homes? 2.Does Mr Johnson like Chinese martial arts? Who likes Chinese martial arts? 3.Is he from Canada? Where does he from? 4.Does she go to school by bike? How does she go to school? 5.Are your parents teachers? What are your parents 6.Does your little brother go to No.1 Middle School? Which Middle School does your little brother go? 7.Are there 30 students in our class? How many students are there in your class? 8.Do you get up at six every day? When do you get up every day? 9.Do they go to the market to buy vegetables and fruits? What do they go to the market bo buy? 10.Does his father gave him fifteen yuan every month for his pocket money? How much money does his father give him every month for his pocket money?

They wanted to make one more pair of shoes.是什么意思



瑞达恒建筑(RCC Group)成立于2007年,是建筑行业知名的咨询及媒体信息平台,其投资方为在咨询和媒体行业有丰富经验的香港和新加坡投资者。工作时间:周一至... rcc瑞达恒的key是什么? 再经过七天的等待后,这小瓶里终于又出现了一滴绿液,韩立看到瓶内出现的绿液时,心中虽早已有了八九分的把握,但仍是异常的高兴,这表明自己以后将会有源源不断的珍稀药材,再也不会为此而发愁。

Ashley Madison的服务国家

该网站已在加拿大、美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚等世界27个国家拥有超过1600万人的会员,2013年6月,AshleyMadison网站又将市场转向亚洲,首个国家就选定为日本。 登陆香港2013年8月23日婚外情网站Ashley Madison登录香港,导致了很多家庭团体的抗议。但是该网站的创始人Noel Biderman表示:“现实就是如此,我们生活在一个没有信仰的社会之中。” Ashley Madison看准了中国的市场。 Ashley Madison网站创始人埃尔·彼得曼(Noel Biderman)将目光瞄准中国市场。他表示:“这就是现实生活,我们活在一个不够忠诚的社会。”打着“人生苦短,偷情趁早”的旗号,该网站鼓吹在15个国家的用户超过2000万。2012年已在日本和印度上线。彼得曼期望他的服务能“风靡”香港。他注意到,在没有任何市场营销活动的情况下,2012年大约32万次点击来自香港。来自香港政府的数据显示,2011年香港30%的夫妇申请离婚,是1991年的2倍。离婚案件在2012年创下21125宗的记录。彼得曼认为,香港人的婚姻和伴侣关系正经历过渡期,一个非常有趣的环境将会随之形成,十分有利于网站业务的开展,所以选择香港进驻。登录日本现在,网站已在世界27个国家拥有2000万名会员。由于突破道德底限,该网站在很多国家被封杀,但在日本却大放异彩。从7月登陆日本以来,不到两周时间注册会员就突破了30万。彼得曼惊呼:“没想到日本会有这么多人注册。进军日本真是无比正确的选择。”他这么说是有道理的。日本注册者的增加速度超过此前任何一个国家,创造了新纪录。这让彼得曼对这个印象中的“保守国家”刮目相看,发誓要为日本人寻找到让他们满意的婚外享受。网站在进军日本市场之前,曾做过两种路演。一种是设想日本人非常保守,进入日本市场后发展不顺利。还有一种是和其它国家一样,用户慢慢增长。但这两种情况都没有出现,日本是爆炸式增长!一位住在东京都墨田区的36岁家庭主妇,已经在网站上找到了自己的“性福”。她给网站发送的反馈邮件称:“丈夫成天忙于工作、经常出差,完全忽视我。3年前,我开始和以前高中的一个同学偷情。但我们有共同的熟人。每次同学聚会时,我和他的眼神都不对,很容易被人发现。而且,时间久了慢慢就没了激情。网站在日本运行的第一天,我就注册了会员。一个星期内通过网站和3个网友会了面。我不知道他,他也不知道我,毫无负担而且充满刺激,让我血脉喷张。期待着通过网站,获得更多这样的夜晚。”一位京都的42岁公司男职员,也对自己在网站上的艳遇回味无穷。他在反馈的感谢邮件中说:“这是一种完全不同的感受。以前背着老婆和同事一起去俱乐部,每次都是笑脸相迎、什么都顺着你的小姐。总感觉太假。有时候也想去那些SM俱乐部,但又怕自己受不了。有了网站后,我找到一位和我年纪差不多的主妇,虽然技巧没那么好,但她的表情让我感觉到了那种真实,不仅肉体上,心理上也获得极大满足。”从会员的这些感谢邮件中,彼得曼显然感受到了另一种文化的魅力。他说,与欧美人比起来,日本人在个人信息栏里不太喜欢宣传自己,而且基本没有人公开照片。对于需要什么样的人,日本人也是语焉不详。这可能就是日本“耻文化”的体现。但有一点却让彼得曼费解,日本会员的配对效率特别高,而且很多看上去完全不般配的网友,最后就能发展成一对“野鸳鸯”。他觉得,连对方的照片都看不到,也不知道对方有哪些兴趣爱好,怎么能说成就成呢。其实,在西方文化中长大的彼得曼,可能并不知道日本人要的就是这种“暧昧”,他或许也不知道有个词叫“闷骚”。

请问国内有像Ashley Madison这样的的交友网站吗?

有这样的交友网站,我们团队正在制作之中,而且主打高端,每个美女都要进行视频认证,虚假的不来,但是现在遇到难题了,,首页图片不知道哪里去弄,有谁有Ashley Madison那张首页嘘小声说话的美女图片。重谢



急需关于《最蓝的眼睛》(the bluest eye)的英文评论?

这是节选:其他见http://www.luminarium.org/contemporary/tonimorrison/bluest.htmThe Bluest Eye": notes on history, community, and black female subjectivity by Jane Kuenz In Toni Morrison"s The Bluest Eye, the Breedloves" storefront apartment is graced overhead by the home of three magnificent whores, each a tribute to Morrison"s confidence in the efficacy of the obvious. The novel"s unhappy convergence of history, naming and bodies--delineated so subtly and variously elsewhere--is, in these three, signified most simply and most crudely by their bodies and their names: Poland, China, the Maginot Line. With these characters, Morrison literalizes the novel"s overall conflation of black female bodies as the sites of fascist invasions of one kind or another, as the terrain on which is mapped the encroachment and colonization of African-American experiences, particularly those of its women, by a seemingly hegemonic white culture. The Bluest Eye as a whole documents this invasion--and its concomitant erasure of specific local bodies, histories, and cultural productions--in terms of sexuality as it intersects with commodity culture. Furthermore, this mass culture and, more generally, the commodity capitalism that gave rise to it, is in large part responsible--through its capacity to efface history--for the "disinterestedness" that Morrison condemns throughout the novel. Beyond exempting this, Morrison"s project is to rewrite the specific bodies and histories of the black Americans whose positive images and stories have been eradicated by commodity culture. She does this formally by shifting the novel"s perspective and point of view, a narrative tactic that enables her, in the process, to represent black female subjectivity as a layered, shifting and complex reality. The disallowance of the specific cultures and histories of African-Americans and black women especially is figured in The Bluest Eye primarily as a consequence of or sideline to the more general annihilation of popular forms and images by an ever more all-pervasive and insidious mass culture industry. This industry increasingly disallows the representation of any image not premised on consumption or the production of normative values conducive to it. These values are often rigidly tied to gender and are race-specific to the extent that racial and ethnic differences are not allowed to be represented. One lesson from history, as Susan Willis reiterates, is that "in mass culture many of the social contradictions of capitalism appear to us as if those very contradictions had been resolved" ("I Shop" 183). Among these contradictions we might include those antagonisms continuing in spite of capitalism"s benevolent influence, along the axes of economic privilege and racial difference. According to Willis, it is because "all the models [in mass cultural representation] are white"--either in fact or by virtue of their status as "replicants ... devoid of cultural integrity"--that the differences in race or ethnicity (and class, we might add) and the continued problems for which these differences are a convenient excuse appear to be erased or made equal "at the level of consumption" ("I Shop" 184). In other words, economic, racial and ethnic difference is erased and replaced by a purportedly equal ability to consume, even though what is consumed are more or less competing versions of the same white image. There is evidence of the presence and influence of this process of erasure and replacement throughout The Bluest Eye. For example, the grade school reader that prefaces the text was (and in many places still is) a ubiquitous, mass-produced presence in schools across the country. Its widespread use made learning the pleasures of Dick and Jane"s commodified life dangerously synonymous with learning itself. Its placement first in the novel makes it the pretext for what is presented after: As the seeming given of contemporary life, it stands as the only visible model for happiness and thus implicitly accuses those whose lives do not match up. In 1941, and no less so today, this would include a lot of people. Even so, white lower-class children can at least more easily imagine themselves posited within the story"s realm of possibility. For black children this possibility might require a double reversal or negation: Where the poor white child is encouraged to forget the particulars of her present life and look forward to a future of prosperity--the result, no doubt, of forty years in Lorain"s steel mills--a black child like Pecola must, in addition, see herself, in a process repeated throughout The Bluest Eye, in (or as) the body of a white little girl. In other words, she must not see herself at all. The effort required to do this and the damaging results of it are illustrated typographically in the repetition of the Dick-and-Jane story first without punctuation or capitalization, and then without punctuation, capitalization, or spacing.

Matthew Morrison的《Hey》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey歌手:Matthew Morrison专辑:Matthew MorrisonMatthew Morrison - HeyI wonder if she"s here with someoneA girl like that can get attentionI could just go walking her wayAll I"ve got to do is figure out the words I need to sayWoo ooh, woo ooh I just need an introductionWoo ooh, woo ooh I keep coming up with nothingWoo ooh, woo ooh Why do I lose my voice and chokeWhen all I wanna say isHey hey I gotta be with you,Hey hey You"re beautiful in every Way waySo what I need to say is Hey heyAnd change the world in a dayIn your eyes I see you"re lonelyLook at me, I want you onlyWe belong together, this I knowJust gotta find the words to tell you soWoo ooh, woo ooh I just need an introductionWoo ooh, woo ooh I keep coming up with nothingWoo ooh, woo ooh Why do I lose my voice and chokeWhen all I wanna say isHey hey I gotta be with you,Hey hey You"re beautiful in every Way waySo what I need to say is Hey heyAnd change the world in a dayI have my lines and story setYou look at me and I forgetThoughts are running through my headJumbled up and left unsaidWoo ooh, woo ooh I just need an introductionWoo ooh, woo ooh I keep coming up with nothingWoo ooh, woo ooh Why do I lose my voice and chokeWhen all I wanna say isHey hey I gotta be with you,Hey heyHey hey So what I need to say is Hey heyAnd change the world in a dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5585514

求马修莫里森(Matthew Morrison)的Hey 歌词

HeyMatthew MorrisonI wonder if she"s here with someoneA girl like that can get attentionI could just go walking her wayAll I"ve got to do is figure out the words I need to sayWoo ooh, woo ooh I just need an introduction Woo ooh, woo ooh I keep coming up with nothing Woo ooh, woo ooh Why do I lose my voice and choke When all I wanna say isHey hey, I gotta be with you, Hey hey, you"re beautiful in every way, way So what I need to say isHey hey, and change the world in a dayIn your eyes I see you"re lonelyLook at me, I want you onlyWe belong together, this I know Just gotta find the words to tell you soWoo ooh, woo ooh I just need an introduction Woo ooh, woo ooh I keep coming up with nothing Woo ooh, woo ooh Why do I lose my voice and choke When all I wanna say isHey hey, I gotta be with you, And hey hey, you"re beautiful in every way, way So what I need to say isHey hey, and change the world in a dayI have my lines and story setYou look at me and I forgetThoughts are running through my headJumbled up and left unsaidWoo ooh, woo ooh I just need an introductionWoo ooh, woo oohI keep coming up with nothingWoo ooh, woo oohWhy do I lose my voice and chokeWhen all I wanna say isHey hey I gotta be with you and hey heyWoo ooh, woo oohI just need an introductionWoo ooh, woo oohI keep coming up with nothingWoo ooh, woo oohWhy do I lose my voice and chokeWhen all I wanna say isHey hey,So what I need to say is Hey hey, and change the world in a day



Anita Kelsey 的歌Sway的中文翻译

当马林巴琴的旋律开始和我跳舞,令我摇晃像懒散的海洋拥抱岸边紧靠我,令我摇晃更多像被微风吹得微歪的花朵和我俯身,轻轻摇晃当我们跳舞时和我就会有方法留在我身边,和我摇晃可能其他的舞者也在舞池但亲爱的,我的眼睛只能看见你只有你有那魔术性的能力让我们摇晃的时候我变得软弱我听到小提琴的声音在它开始之前令我兴奋 因为只有你知道怎麼做轻轻摇晃我 现在摇晃我

谁有XP 的CDkey


请问Sasha Grey 的中文名字是什么?


sasha grey哪部好看


sasha grey群战黑人叫什么名?


marina del rey是哪里

玛丽安德尔湾Marina Del Rey是一个美丽干净的游艇港市,位于洛杉矶市中心区西边,洛杉矶国际机场北面。它的名称是取自西班牙文「帝王之海」的意思。

marina del rey是哪里

Marina Del Rey 中文名 :玛丽安德尔湾。距离洛杉矶机场不到15分钟车程。

Ashley Wilkes在的续集里是什么结局?

再婚了,是一个英国女子,有一个小孩,是斯佳丽把她从爱尔兰送到美国的。之后她认识了Ashley Wilkes,再来,他们就结婚了。在书里面,这个消息是间接表达出来的,没有说幸福不幸福,也没有说Ashley Wilkes是否摆脱了阴影。不过,那个叫哈丽雅特·斯图尔特的女子,某些方面倒与玫兰妮有相似之处,例如,外表柔弱,但却有坚强的一面。






Ashley is the man with whom Scarlett O"Hara is obsessed. Gentlemanly yet indecisive, he loves Melanie, his cousin and later his wife, but is tormented by an obsession with Scarlett. Unfortunately for him and Scarlett, his failure to deal with his true feelings for Scarlett ruins any chance she has for real happiness with the true love of her life (Rhett Butler). Ashley is a complicated character who is sympathetic to the cause of the North. He claims that he would have freed the slaves that worked on his plantation had the "war never come". He pleads, in vain, to his wife Melanie to move to the North after he came back from the War. He ends up working for Scarlett, living off her generosity, because he is a terrible businessman.

raise a few eyebrows 既用法

raised a few eyebrows =使一些人感惊讶 to raise your eyebrows= to move your eyebrows upwards in order to show surprise or disapproval. e.g "Reallr?" she said raising her eyebrows. e.g.This decision caused a few raised eyebrows = this decision raised a few eyebrows这决定令一些人感到惊讶。 (= surprise some people) 中文有很贴切的现成翻译句子:令人侧目 可以参考以下纲址: idioms.thefreedictionary/raises+eyebrows [raise a few eyebrows] 系形容他人对某一个行为或言论嘅反应,包括惊讶,不认同,或轻微反感。 例子: (1) 惊讶 For the first few days after Tom started University his presence always raised a few eyebrlows because he was only thirteen. (2) 惊讶 / 不认同 Peter Lam"s showing up at work as Mary Lam last week raised a few eyebrows. People are still talking and some female co-workers expressed uneasiness in sharing the washroom with her. (3) 轻微反感 The shoe throwing incident in the Executive Council had raised a few eyebrows. 参考: idioms.thefreedictionary/raises+eyebrows

they are on the table翻译

they are on the table翻译:他们在桌子上。名词1.table的基本意思是“桌子”,一般用来吃饭、游戏、工作或放置东西。table还可作“台”“工作台”解,是可数名词。2.table与the连用,可作“一桌人”“全桌人”解。作此解时是集合名词,当其作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。3.table作“某种菜肴,摆到餐桌上的食物”解时用作单数名词,常与不定冠词a连用。4.table还可作“表”“表格”解,指印有或填上数字说明事实或材料等的表格,是可数名词。动词1.table用作动词时英美用法不同,在英式英语中, table作“提出”“把…列入议事日程”解; 在美式英语中作“把…放在以后考虑”解,因此作其解释时要注意联系上下文,不能混淆其意思。2.table只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其过去分词在句中有时还可用作定语。基本步骤1,把需要排序的行放到tbody中(程序会直接取tbody的rows);2,把排序行放到一个数组中;this.Rows = Map(this.tBody.rows, function(o){ return o; });3,按需求对数组进行排序(用数组的sort方法);this.Rows.sort(Bind(this, this.Compare, orders, 0));4,用一个文档碎片(document.createDocumentFragment())保存排好序的行;var oFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();forEach(this.Rows, function(o){ oFragment.appendChild(o); });ps:文档碎片并不是必须的,但建议使用,大量dom操作时使用文档碎片会更有效率。5,把文档碎片插入到tbody中。this.tBody.appendChild(oFragment);

求一首“The way I still Love you”的简谱Reynard Silva的歌谢谢

love the way you lie歌词RihannaJust gonna stand there and watch me burn你是不是就打算站在那看着我五内如焚But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉Just gonna stand there and hear me cry你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie不过没关系,因为我连你的谎言都爱,连你的谎言都爱Eminem]I can"t tell you what it really is我说不出来它到底是什么I can only tell you what it feels like我只能告诉你它是一种什么感觉And right now it"s a still night in my wind pipe现在我的气管像被堵住一样I can"t breathe but I still fight while I can fight无法呼吸 但是我仍在尽力坚持As long as the wrong feels right it"s like I"m in flight就像被驾到高空一样没有任何感觉High off the law, drunk from my hate,借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚It"s like I"m huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate我就像这溺水一样,越是挣扎就越窒息And right before I"m about to drown, she resuscitates me就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我She f**ing hates me and I love it. 我爱她恨我的感觉。Wait! Where you going? I"m leaving you等等!你要去哪儿?我要离开你。No you ain"t. Come back we"re running right back.不,你不能走。

neymar da silva是什么意思


they are on the table翻译

they are on the table翻译:他们在桌子上。名词1.table的基本意思是“桌子”,一般用来吃饭、游戏、工作或放置东西。table还可作“台”“工作台”解,是可数名词。2.table与the连用,可作“一桌人”“全桌人”解。作此解时是集合名词,当其作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。3.table作“某种菜肴,摆到餐桌上的食物”解时用作单数名词,常与不定冠词a连用。4.table还可作“表”“表格”解,指印有或填上数字说明事实或材料等的表格,是可数名词。动词1.table用作动词时英美用法不同,在英式英语中, table作“提出”“把?列入议事日程”解; 在美式英语中作“把?放在以后考虑”解,因此作其解释时要注意联系上下文,不能混淆其意思。2.table只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其过去分词在句中有时还可用作定语。基本步骤1,把需要排序的行放到tbody中(程序会直接取tbody的rows);2,把排序行放到一个数组中;this.Rows = Map(this.tBody.rows, function(o){ return o; });3,按需求对数组进行排序(用数组的sort方法);this.Rows.sort(Bind(this, this.Compare, orders, 0));4,用一个文档碎片(document.createDocumentFragment())保存排好序的行;var oFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();forEach(this.Rows, function(o){ oFragment.appendChild(o); });ps:文档碎片并不是必须的,但建议使用,大量dom操作时使用文档碎片会更有效率。5,把文档碎片插入到tbody中。this.tBody.appendChild(oFragment);

求Reynard Silva的《I need you》歌词,!

Gotta let you know what"s on my mindThis feeling for you I can"t hideYour heart is what I hope to findI lose myself in ur eyesNever thought I would fall for someone like youThis feeling I felt like I knewGuess that"s why I"m so afraidI need to say that..I don"t wanna waste another minute without your lovewithout your loveIt"s driving me crazydriving me crazyI need you girlI need you girlcuz I don"t wanna spend another lonely nightlonely nightwithout you my babywithout you my babyI need you girlI need you girlI need you now...Gotta let you know that u r the oneinto ur arms i know i can runand all my troubles fade awayu light my sky with a bright daynever thought i"d fall for someone like uthis feeling i feel like brand newguess that"s why i"m so afraidi need to say thatI don"t wanna waste another minute without your lovewithout your loveIt"s driving me crazydriving me crazyI need you girlI need you girlcuz I don"t wanna spend another lonely night without you my babywithout you my babyI need you girlI need you girlI need you now...this time goes by i realize thati need ur luv yeahi need ur luv girl this time goes by i realize thatthere r no one else 4 methere r no one else 4 meI don"t wanna waste another minute without your lovewithout your loveIt"s driving me crazydriving me crazyI need you girlI need you girlcuz I don"t wanna spend another lonely nightlonely nightwithout you my babywithout you my babyI need you girlI need you girlI need you now...yeah~

Reynard Silva资料

歌手姓名:Reynard Silva 海外姓名:Reynard Silva 歌手分类:男歌手 歌手地区:欧美 (更多资料)

seal where do they live?eat

1) Where do seals live? Seals live in the sea and mainly the area around the North Pole. 2) What do they look like? Seal has a *** ooth dark-brown skin fore-flippers and very big eyes. And is a mammal. 3) What do they eat? They eat fishes penguines and little sea animals. 4) What is special about them? They have fore-flippers that work as legs to move. HOPE I AM HELPFUL. Where do seals live ? Seals live in the oce of both hemispheres and are mostly confined to polar sub-polar and temperate climates. What do seals look like ? They have *** ooth rubbery skin and sleek streamlined bodies for swimming. They lack external ears. They have a strong tail and fore-flippers. They have a *** ooth layer of fat ( blubber ) lies underneath the skin to keep them warm in the icy water. What do seals eat ? Seals mainly eat fish and squid. What is special about seals ? Their fore-flippers are used for steering and strong abdomenal muscles allow them to perform shows. They have both speed and maneuverability in the water. They are aquatic mammals and mostly very friendly. 参考: ^.^ Good luck

They are jumping. 这句话对吗?

你好,你给的句子they are jumping这个句子是正确的。意思是他们正在跳。这是一个现在进行时的句子。



we saw a monkey jumping last week 为什么jumping要加ing?

要点如下:1. 感官动词see,可以+doing,也就是现在分词,作宾补,表示看见某人做什么。句子意思是,上周,我们看见一只猴子跳跃。2.感官动词还可以跟省略to的不定式。比如I saw him buy apples in the shop. 我看见他在店里买苹果。

可以说though lacked in money,he.....吗 lacking in sth

不能,应该是being lacking in sth和being lacking sth


以存储架构定义语言 (SSDL) 表示的 Key 元素表示基础数据库中某个表的主键。Key 是 EntityType 元素的一个子元素,表示表中的一行。主键是通过引用在 EntityType 元素上定义的一个或多个 Property 元素在 Key 元素中定义的。Key 元素可以具有以下子元素(按所列顺序):PropertyRef(一个或多个)批注元素没有适用于 Key 元素的特性。示例下面的示例演示具有引用一个属性的键的 EntityType 元素:XML复制<EntityType Name="Customers"> <Documentation> <Summary>Summary here.</Summary> <LongDescription>Long description here.</LongDescription> </Documentation> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="CustomerId" /> </Key> <Property Name="CustomerId" Type="int" Nullable="false" /> <Property Name="Name" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" /></EntityType>复制<EntityType Name="Customers"> <Documentation> <Summary>Summary here.</Summary> <LongDescription>Long description here.</LongDescription> </Documentation> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="CustomerId" /> </Key> <Property Name="CustomerId" Type="int" Nullable="false" /> <Property Name="Name" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" /></EntityType><EntityType Name="Customers"> <Documentation> <Summary>Summary here.</Summary> <LongDescription>Long description here.</LongDescription> </Documentation> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="CustomerId" /> </Key> <Property Name="CustomerId" Type="int" Nullable="false" /> <Property Name="Name" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" /></EntityType>

call money rate是什么意思

local rate call本地呼叫速率 双语例句1This reduces the cost by replacing long-distance call charges with a local call rate.这样,通过用本地电话费替代长途电话费的方法,降低了成本。

谁是Ronald Ashley Hall?

Ronald Ashley Hall 先生,于二零一二年四月十日获委任为中铝矿业国际独立非执行董事,为有关技术及策略事宜的独立顾问,在铜开采行业拥有逾30年专业经验,一直致力于中国、印度、俄罗斯、北美及南美的商业及采矿机会。二零零四年至二零一一年,Hall 先生为 Wardrop Engineering(加拿大私营工程公司,从事向加拿大采矿、能源及基建行业提供工程设计与谘询服务)的副总裁。Hall 先生在温哥华开创 Wardrop Engineering 的业务,在两年内将温哥华业务扩展至拥有100多名雇员。Hall 先生于二零零五年成为该公司合伙人,随后五年内在英国、北京、香港及珀斯开设办事处,开启 Wardrop Engineering 的国际发展。二零零八年,Wardrop Engineering 售予美国一间大型上市工程公司 Tetratech Inc.。Hall先生于二零一一年四月从该公司退休。Hall 先生在 Wardrop Engineering 进行的项目包括:;Minco Mining Inc .—中国富湾银矿初步可行性研究的项目经理;;Orsa Ventures,审查中国稀土厂—项目经理及冶金学家;;Zao Severstal-Resurs,俄罗斯 Pechorsky 煤厂—技术审查及扩展研究的项目经理;;MineracaoSerra da Fortaleza S/A,巴西镍项目选矿厂审查—选矿厂╱冶炼厂营运的冶金审查;;Continental Minerals Corporation,西藏谢通门铜项目—概念概况研究的项目经理;;Eureka Mining Plc.,俄罗斯 Miheevskoye 铜项目—初步可行性研究的项目经理;;Wolfden Resources,加拿大努纳武特 High Lake 及 Ulu 项目—参与 High Lake 及Ulu矿体的初步可行性研究;及;Adanac Moly Corp.,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省阿特林 Ruby Creek 项目—钼项目初步可行性及可行性研究的项目经理。二零零一年至二零零四年,Hall 先生担任 Minmet Consulting Limited 的总裁兼顾问。Hall 先生在 Minmet Consulting Limited 进行的项目包括:;保密客户—耐火金矿体的冶金测试开发;及;Northmet Mining — Polymet 多金属矿体的概况研究。一九九八年至二零零一年,Hall 先生担任温哥华 Hatch Associates Ltd.的项目经理,曾参与全球范围内的许多采矿项目,涉及概况与可行性研究、尽职调查及技术支援,以及详细工程设计及项目管理等。所涉商品为铜、镍、钴、金、银、铂、稀土、钨及钼。Hall 先生在 Hatch Associates Ltd.进行的项目包括:;Expatriate Resources — Wolverine 锌矿体的概况研究;;保密客户—红土镍项目的可行性研究、矿场开发及矿泥车间设计;;Eurozinc,葡萄牙 Aljustrel 可行性研究—锌;;Glamis Gold,洪都拉斯 San Marten 项目— 12,000吨╱天金堆浸的 EPCM;;罗兵咸永道会计师事务所—监督 Kemess 铜矿的营运;;Big Valley Resources — QR金矿评估;;D"Long Development Group,中国阿希金矿—金矿审查;;Goldcorp,加拿大安大略省红湖(扩充)项目—金矿;;Peruvian Gold,秘鲁 Lara 铜矿(概况研究)—铜项目;;BC Job Protection Commission — Highland Valley 铜矿的审查及评估;;Grayd Resources Corp.,美国阿拉斯加 Dry Creek 项目—金矿的概况研究;;Newmont Gold,Leeville 取样厂—金矿的初步可行性成本估计;及;Southwestern Gold Corp.—中国金矿项目的冶金测试。一九九七年至一九九八年,Hall 先生为加拿大温哥华 China Clipper Gold Mines 的董事兼副总裁,负责中国各地多个金矿的技术评估及在北京设立一个技术办事处。Hall 先生对吉林、云南、陕西省及新疆维吾尔自治区的多项现有采金业务进行大量尽职调查工作,并与多个政府部门协商谅解备忘录及合资协议。彼亦监督澳大利亚珀斯 Bactech 进行的耐火矿石材料冶金测试。一九九五年至一九九七年,彼为温哥华 SNC Lavalin 的项目经理。Hall 先生在 SNC Lavalin 进行的项目工作包括:;Royal Oak Mines,Kemess South 项目— 45,000吨╱天铜╱金选矿厂详细设计及工程的高级冶金学家;;Pan American Silver,俄罗斯远东地区 Dukat 银矿项目—尽职调查;;ABS Balkhas,哈萨克斯坦— 100万吨╱年金堆浸业务的矿产评估;及;Columbia Gold Mines,加拿大育空地区—育空铜╱钴项目的概况研究。一九九一年至一九九五年,Hall 先生担任博茨瓦纳 BCL Ltd.的营运主管。一九九一年至一九九二年,Hall 先生负责10,000吨╱天低品位镍╱铜硫化矿选矿厂的营运。设备包括破碎、球磨、传统浮选及浓缩设备。一九九二年至一九九五年,Hall 先生负责铜╱镍冶炼厂的营运,包括一座2,000吨╱天的 Outokumpu 闪速炉、3座 Peirce-Smith 转炉、一台2,000吨╱天的 Niro 喷雾乾燥机、煤磨操作及冶炼业务的配套气体清洁设备。Hall 先生亦协助开发及调试钴回收回路。Hall 先生在 BCL Ltd.参与的主要项目包括监督通往冶炼厂的钴渣清洁管(提高铜╱镍渣中的钴回收率)的试验、设计、安装及调试。一九八七年至一九九一年,Hall先生担任南非帕拉博鲁瓦 RTZ Palabora Mining Co.的营运主管,负责80,000吨╱天选铜厂业务(破碎、自磨、棒磨与球磨、浮选、浓缩及尾矿处理)及400吨╱天铜冶炼厂业务(包括一座1,000吨╱天反应炉、3座 Peirce-Smith 转炉、2座阳极炉、一间400吨╱天硫酸厂及配套气体处理设备)的营运。Hall 先生在 RTZ Palabora Mining Co.参与的主要项目包括:;在现有反应炉安装并调试持续顶吹旋涡熔炉以逐步增加铜产量;及;在阳极炉安装石脑油吹气取代传统插木还原以清除阳极精铜的杂质。一九八零年至一九八七年,Hall 先生担任博茨瓦纳 De Beers 的营运主管,负责 Orapa 及 Jwaneng 钻石矿的营运。Hall 先生在博茨瓦纳 De Beers 参与的主要项目包括使用辊碎机破碎提高钻石回收率测试。Hall 先生于一九七六年十一月毕业于英国威尔士大学加的夫学院,以优异成绩获得冶金学理学学士学位。

eying和looking at的区别



前面肯定有be 正在进行时 动词ING形式

mariah carey-i don t wanna cry 的中英文歌词

mariah carey好像没有这样的一首歌啊。。。。看看是不是记错了。。。

They are looking for这个are和这个looking为什么有两个动词?







tssheyourmother这是你妈妈妈妈妈妈 [ mā ma ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ mā ma ]1.母亲。2.对上年纪的妇女的尊称。



traits of the key players翻译是什么?

traits of the key players翻译是关键人物的特征。短语词语分析:Trait,英语单词,主要用作为名词,意为“特性,特点;品质;少许;(美、法)特雷(人名)”。而KEY是钥匙,密码的意思。还有就是重点,重要的意思,如key school 就是重点学校。Trait双语例句:1、That was her trait.那是她的特点。2、If you think of procrastination as a trait, then we all have a certain amount within us.如果你认为拖拉是一种特点,那么我们所有人都有或多或少有那么一点。3、The one trait, however, that they all have in common is that their strength is "impossible to gauge, " and therefore should not, by any means, be underestimated.一个特点,然而,他们的共同点是,他们的实力是“不可能的衡量”,因此不应该以任何方式,予以低估。

什么是迪士尼Mickey Minnie?

Mickey Mouse,米老鼠是迪士尼经典的动画形象。Mickey也是一个老鼠形象,米奇的男朋友,米妮的首部影片是1928年的电影《威利汽船》。




不贵。mickey是DISNEY品牌系列产品,它其实是以米奇老鼠MICKEY MOUSE来命名的产品,这个系列产品的LOGO就是米老鼠头像。其成人休闲装是将活泼可爱的卡通形象转化为年轻淑女的个性表现。其价格在50-150价格区间,京东打折会更便宜。












【Mickey★个人简介】  姓名(Chinese Name):李斯嘉 Li si jia  英文名(English Name):Mickey (Mickey Lee) Mitchie (Mitchie Lee)  外号 (Nickname):米奇 米器   出生地(Regional):上海  生日(Birthday):1990年12月5日和Walter Elias Disney同天生日  星座(Horoscope):射手座  血型(Blood Type):O型  身高(Height):179cm  特长(Specialty):唱歌、排球  家庭成员(Family):父母  嗜好(Hobby):音乐,电影,搜藏世界各地的香水,上网,旅游,购物,摄影,睡觉  座右铭(Motto):he laughs best who laughs last .  鞋码(Shoes code):39  贴吧ID:MickeyMitchieMickey★具体介绍】  最喜欢的食物:鱼、比萨饼·意大利面、蛋糕、寿司以及很多··  最喜欢的水果:榴莲、芒果、猕猴桃、柠檬、草莓、橙子  最喜欢的地方:塞班岛、法国、英国、德国、新加坡、新西兰、瑞士、爱尔兰、意大利、澳大利亚、马来西亚、荷兰、波兰、比利时、瑞典、马尔代夫、苏格兰、芬兰、维也纳、威尼斯、韩国  最喜欢的糖果:牛奶糖、巧克力  最喜欢做的事:听好的音乐、看电影、搜藏世界各地的香水、上网、旅游、购物、摄影、睡觉  最喜欢的演员:Audrey Hepburn, 苏菲·玛索,上野树里等  最喜欢的歌手:Hilary Duff, 艾薇尔, 许飞, 刘力扬, 范晓萱, 孙燕姿,Celine Dion,玛利亚.凯莉,Demi Lovato,Natalie Imbruglia,梅艳芳等  喜欢的体育明星:张怡宁   最喜欢的乐队:Linkin Park,Black Eyed Peas,Blue,Backstreet Boys,GALA, Paris Whitney Hilton,Green Day,Sum 41,跳房子乐队,东方神起,the Cranberries等  最喜欢的书籍:莎士比亚戏剧  音乐:摇滚/重金属, 爵士/蓝调, 古典音乐, 乡村布鲁斯/民谣, 交响乐  最喜欢的电影:芭蕾剧,最后的朋友,Harry Potter,Camp Rock,High School Musical,飞行日志等等很多  最喜欢的运动:射击, 骑马, 高尔夫, 冰球, 滑板, 桌球,开快车,乒乓球, 排球, 溜冰, 滑雪  喜欢的品牌:Levi"s, Tiffany, Chane1 No.5, Bijan, Christian Dior, Avene, ARMANI, Calvin Klein, Dove, The Walt Disney Company, acupuncture,UNIQLO  最喜欢的颜色:蓝,白,红,绿,黑色  最喜欢的车:宝马  最想做的事:考入军艺  希望到的地方:塞班岛  最难忘的事:爷爷过世  用最简单的语言形容自己:率直、倔强、任性、没耐性、叛逆、内向、认生、安静、不善言辞  卡通:米奇、阿童木   饮品:矿泉水、咖啡 橙汁 …………很多····  收集:手表、香水  最讨厌的事:分离、无助、孤单、欺骗、背叛  最感兴趣的时尚内容:香水  喜欢的餐馆:Papa John"s、必胜客、环境舒服的都喜欢   喜欢的杂志:汽车族、环球人物、Hit轻音乐、电影世界、数码前线、数字生活、时尚座驾、瑞丽时尚家居  喜欢的宠物品种:藏獒、哈士奇 Mikey★简要经历】  从小偏好音乐,偏心唱歌,曾经组建过自己的乐队,担任主唱  获得过一些歌唱比赛的荣誉  演唱风格:通俗歌手,摇滚、民谣 Mickey★嗓音】  ★爆发力很强,摇滚小高音  ★没有太多技巧,但是听的会觉得很舒服,很清新自然  ★她确实在专业领域把每一分一毫都做到尽善尽美   ★她的声音是属于很干净,比较亮的那种,适合唱大气的歌曲【Mickey★评价】  ★Mickey很认生,本性非常内向,她是慢热型,性格的人  ★说话直率,很有分寸  ★有点小胖~婴儿肥滴脸~好可爱~  ★真诚,讲义气Mickey★个人生活】  ★很喜欢名模Katherine Sian Moennig  ★一直希望动脉有个纹身  ★喜欢用牛奶润肤露  ★喜欢喝凉茶  ★洗澡不喜欢淋浴  ★很痴迷香水  ★沐浴露喜欢高丝KOSE弱酸性百合花滋润沐浴露,资生堂地中海芳香沐浴露,Dove  ★洗发露喜欢伊卡璐  ★Mickey有体香Mickey★官方网站】  Mickey的网易博客   http://blog.163.com/mickey_lee1205/edit/检举 回答人的补充 2009-09-03 08:56

Bill Conti的《Mickey》 歌词

歌曲名:Mickey歌手:Bill Conti专辑:Rocky Iii: Music From The Motion PictureMickey (Hawaii version)Gorie with Jasmine & Joann作词:ゴリエ美化委员会作曲:Michael Donald Chapman/Nicky Chinn编曲:カケガワヨウスケ ホンザワナオユキOahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Oahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Oahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Oahu its so fine its so fine my Waikiki.Mickey! Hey hey!Hey! Mickey, hey, hey!Hey Mickey!恋するチャンスは无限大ぼやぼやしてたら负け犬だワンちょーSEXY よ 振り向いて Mickey想像なんかじゃ You Don"t know foreverLove is body で Everytime Kissやってすぐ good bye はヨロコビみょ~ MickeyOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey恋する乙女のおまじないOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey私だけを见てCome on! Do Mickey Do MickeyDon"t break my heart, MickeyHey Mickey!松浦ゴリエと申します (ペコリ)普通のかわいい巨乳です (ボイン)うで、ワキ、へそ毛は浓いめです MickeyMy name is Joann from Hawaii (Ahan)Ja Ja Ja Ja Jasmine, my blond is cute!ゴリエの引き立て役じゃろがい MickeyOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey恋する乙女のおまじないOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey私だけを见てCome on! Do Mickey Do MickeyDon"t break my heart, MickeyOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey恋する乙女のおまじないOh Mickey Love Mickey ペコリ Mickey私だけを见てCome on! Do Mickey Do MickeyDon"t break my heart, Mickeyおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2805036

disney 一个蓝色大耳朵的动物叫什么

是不是星际宝贝里的 史蒂奇?


1、n. 精神;取笑或戏弄某人;米老鼠动画片;[M-] 美国米老鼠动画片;[美国俚语]雷达轰炸瞄准器; [美国俚语] = Mick4. [美国俚语]一块土豆。2、[英国口语]精神;傲慢,自大;虚张声势adj.[俚语]粗野的(尤指用于伴舞乐队与音乐)。

mickey是什么意思啊 mickey是什么意思

1、n. 精神;取笑或戏弄某人;米老鼠动画片;[M-] 美国米老鼠动画片;[美国俚语]雷达轰炸瞄准器; [美国俚语] = Mick4. [美国俚语]一块土豆。 2、[英国口语]精神;傲慢,自大;虚张声势adj.[俚语]粗野的(尤指用于伴舞乐队与音乐)。

mickey怎么读 英语mickey怎么读

1、mickey读法:英 [mu026aku026a] 美 [mu026aki],释义:n. 精神;取笑或戏弄某人;米老鼠动画片;n. (Mickey)人名;(英、西)米基。 2、例句:In the scene where Mickey tries therapy, we love it when Mickey tells his rhino shrink, “I grew up behind the walls of a one-room hellhole in the ghetto.在米奇尝试各种疗法的场景中,我们喜欢米奇抱怨他自己钱财短缺:“我从小就住在贫民区,那是一个脏兮兮的地方,只有一间房间。




Mickey Mouse is proof that good guys finish first. With an optimistic outlook on life and a boyishly enthusiastic nature, these are the traits that make Mickey a real winner. He"s a friendly kid-at-heart whose wholesome values and can-do spirit endear Mickey to everyone he meets. Unassuming and modest, he"s an all-around "regular" guy who remains humble despite all his fame and success. With positive values and integrity, Mickey"s the friend we"d all like to have and the person we"d like to be. Debut: November 18, 1928 - Steamboat Willie First Color Film: The Band Concert Past Roles: Firefighter, sorcerer"s apprentice, explorer, football player, and more. Hobbies: Sports, spending time with Minnie and Pluto Featured Magazines: Time, Newsweek, Life, National Geographic, Good Housekeeping Favorite Pet: Pluto (Nemesis is Figaro) Height: 2 ?heads tall Favorite Phrases: "Gosh!", "Oh, boy!", "Aw-Gee", "Uh-Oh!" Note of Interest: Mickey"s head can be drawn using a quarter and two dimes.


手表MICKEY是米奇品牌 是以迪斯尼经典动画形象为依托 构建的相关品牌相信你一定看过它的服饰和文具类关于米奇机械手表的价格 首先 外形蛮可爱的,好的要一千多,价格低的一百多 最好的是限量版的钻石米奇表,要上万,国内也没有 买普通的就好了,手表嘛,就是看个时间罢了 要是真想买好的也别买米奇的,欧米茄江诗丹顿才是顶级


mickey英 [ˈmɪki] 美 ["mɪkɪ] n.精神,骄气网络米奇; 米奇头; 米老鼠复数: meckeys




mickey 英[u02c8mu026aki] 美["mu026aku026a] n. 精神,骄气; [例句]He started taking the mickey out of this poor man just because he is bald.就因为这个可怜的人是个秃顶,他就开始嘲弄他。[其他] 复数:meckeys
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