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求miley cyrus的hands of love

Miley Cyrus - Hands of Love歌词When the white flag sails, covered in streaks of blood当白色船帆在海上升起,血色条纹随着微风徐徐摆动There"ll be an endless sea, of us rising up会有一片为我们开拓的大海,无穷无尽And the preacher man, and the preacher"s son与牧师还有他的儿子同游Stand arm in arm, just like everyone手挽手站在一起,我们就像一个大家庭We longing to be free, I won"t let you fade away我对自由无限向往,却也不愿让你离去We shed so many dreams, I"ll let them fade away我们失去了那么多的梦想,我会让它们全部淡去In the hands of love, we carry on我们带着手心中的爱继续前行Stronger than we started比开始时候更加强壮Be ashamed of the trail behind us为我们一路走来的劣迹感到羞愧Wicked is the blinded恶人总是那样盲目Who we are comes to life, yeah我们到底是为谁生活Who we are comes to life我们到底是为谁生活When the water spills, the glass will break狡兔死走狗烹It drips like tears, running up your face杯中流出的水就像你脸上滑落的泪And the hounds will cry, for the dance of war猎狗哀嚎着,为了战争的胜利雀跃But the sons of joy, their victory will soar但是快乐的不断延续才是更大的成功We longing to be free, I won"t let you fade away我对自由无限向往,却也不愿让你离去We shed so many dreams, I"ll let them fade away我们失去了那么多的梦想,我会让它们全部淡去In the hands of love, we carry on我们带着手心中的爱继续前行Stronger than we started比开始时候更加强壮Be ashamed of the trail behind us为我们一路走来的劣迹感到羞愧Wicked is the blinded恶人总是那样盲目Who we are comes to life, yeah我们到底是为谁生活Who we are comes to life我们到底是为谁生活Woo哦~Woo哦~Woo哦~Woo哦~We longing to be free, I won"t let you fade away我对自由无限向往,却也不愿让你离去In the hands of love, we carry on我们带着手心中的爱继续前行Stronger that we started比开始时候更加强壮Be ashamed of the trail behind us为我们一路走来的劣迹感到羞愧Wicked is the blinded恶人总是那样盲目Who we are comes to life, yeah我们到底是为谁生活Who we are comes to life我们到底是为谁生活We come alive我们活着We come alive我们活着We come alive我们活着We come alive我们活着We come to life我们又复活了


would 是情态动词,不能单独做谓语,而nice是形容词,只能做表语,前面必须加一个be动词和would 共同做谓语 ..

they were no very nice 这句话的语法正确吗?

不正确。这个句子中no要改为not,即They were not very nice.

They are very nice.(香的)对划线very nice香的提问

They are very nice.(香的)对划线very nice香的提问How are they?How do they taste?

Hereyouare还是Here it is?


Whiskey and morphine中文意思是什么

Whiskey and morphine中文意思是:威士忌和吗啡,见下图百度翻译

whiskey and morphine中文是什么意思

whiskey 翻译结果:威士忌whiskey_有道词典whiskey英 ["hwiski]美 ["hwu026aski]n. 威士忌酒adj. 威士忌酒的更多释义>>[网络短语]Whiskey 威士忌,威士忌酒,大不了Bourbon whiskey 波本威士忌,波本威士忌,波本威士忌American Whiskey 美国威士忌,美国威士忌酒

red river valley (红河谷) nadia 歌词,看下补充

碰巧我也下到Nadia唱的这首歌(3分59秒),前半段歌词维基百科上有,后半段貌似是改编的。。当练练听力吧。我听力也不行,有的地方听不出来。若知道还求告知啊!From this valley they say you are goingWe will miss your bright eyes and sweet smileFor they say you are taking the sunshineThat has brightened our pathway a whileCome and sit by my side if you love meDo not hasten to bid me adieuJust remember the red river valleyAnd a cowboy who"s loved you so true (死活没听到‘s,但后面有清楚听到 loved you)I have being thinking for a long time, my darlingAll the sweet words you never would sayNow 服了,这句就听出来打头的和结尾的 of vanishFor they say you are going awayDo you think of the valley you are leavingOh how lonely and how (开头是D的形容词) it will beDo you think of the kind heart you are breakingAnd the pain you are coursing to meThey will bury me a way you have wanderedNear the hill where the daffodils growWhen you are gone from the red river valleyFor I can"t live without you I knowCome and sit by my side if you love meDo not hasten to bid me adieuJust remember the red river valleyAnd the cowboy who"s loved you so true

disney的《video》 歌词

歌曲名:video歌手:disney"Video"Verse 1Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don"tSometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won"tDepend of how the wind blows I might even paint my toesIt really just depends on whatever feels good in my soulChorusI"m not the average girl from your videoAnd I ain"t built like a supermodelBut I learned to love myself unconditionally,Because I am a queenI not the average girl from your videoMy worth is not determined by the price of my clothesNo matter what I"m wearing I will always beIndia.ArieVerse 2When I look in the mirror and the only one there is meEvery freckle on my face is where it"s suppose to beAnd I know my creator didn"t make no mistakes on meMy feet, my thighs, my Lips, my eyes, I"m loving what I seeChorusVerse 3Am I less of a lady if I don"t where panty hoseMy momma said a lady ain"t what she wears but what she knows.But I"ve drawn the conclusion, it"s all an illusionConfusion"s the name of the gameA misconception, a vast deception,Something got to changeNow don"t be offended this is all my opinionAin"t nothing that I"m saying lawThis is a true confessionOf a life learned lessonI was sent here to share with y"allSo get in when you fit inGo on and shineClear your mindNow"s the timePut your salt on the shelfGo on and love yourself`Cause everything"s gonna be alrightChorusOutKeep your fancy drink, and your expensive minksI don"t need that to have a good timeKeep your expensive cars and your caviarAll"s I need is my guitarKeep your crystal and your pistolI"d rather have a pretty piece of crystalDon"t need you silicone, I prefer my ownWhat god gave me is just fine.Chorushttp://music.baidu.com/song/14374298


此歌曲> 猫步轻俏 歌手:☆原味密桔☆ 填词:希可 后期:耗子 Hey! no matter where you go (你 跟着我做) ...

Level 4 Unit3 Honey Bee Pollination

正文: Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature. 蜜蜂在自然界中扮演着有趣而重要的角色。 In addition to making honey, honeybees help many plants reproduce. 除了制造蜂蜜,蜜蜂还帮助许多植物繁殖。 They do this by pollinating the plant, which means to transfer pollen. 他们通过给植物授粉来做到这一点,这意味着传递花粉。 Pollination occurs when pollen is moved within a plant"s flower or carried to another flower. 当花粉在植物的花中移动或携带到另一朵花时,就会发生授粉。 This is how the plants reproduce. 植物就是这样繁殖的。 For reproduction to succeed, the pollen must be transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part. 为了成功繁殖,花粉必须从花的雄性部分转移到雌性部分。 Many plants depend on pollination for reproduction. 许多植物依靠授粉进行繁殖。 These include many fruits and vegetables. 这些包括许多水果和蔬菜。 Besides honeybees, there are many other pollinators, including birds, insects and other kinds of bees. 除了蜜蜂,还有许多其他传粉媒介,包括鸟类、昆虫和其他种类的蜜蜂。 Without enough pollinators, many of our favorite fruits and vegetables would become more expensive and hard to find. 如果没有足够的传粉媒介,我们最喜欢的许多水果和蔬菜将变得更加昂贵且难以找到。 These include almonds and cherries. 这些包括杏仁和樱桃。 Honeybees are important pollinators and play an important role in agriculture. 蜜蜂是重要的传粉者,在农业中发挥着重要作用。 Beekeepers are people who keep honeybees. 养蜂人是养蜜蜂的人。 In addition to collecting honey, some beekeepers provide pollination services to farmers. 除了采集蜂蜜,一些养蜂人还为农民提供授粉服务。 They do this by raising and managing colonies of bees. 他们通过饲养和管理蜜蜂群来做到这一点。 Farmers need the colonies to pollinate their crops. 农民需要蜜蜂群来为他们的庄稼授粉。 Beekeepers can provide and manage bee colonies for farmers. 养蜂人可以为农民提供和管理蜜蜂群。

Borrowing Money from a friend can Damage your Fri

There is a common saying, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” In my opinion, borrowing or lending money has cost many people a friendship. Why is this so? There are several reasons.First, when friends ask favors of us, we like to oblige them. This may be why some people lend others money when they really cannot afford to do so or when it is inconvenient for them. Then, after they have parted with their money, they begin to feel regret and to blame their friends. Second, people have different concepts of money. What may be a small sum to one person may be a significant amount to another. Also, different people have different ways of spending and saving money. When friends borrow money from each other, these differences may become more obvious and lead to friction.Given all the disadvantages above, I have to agree that borrowing money from a friend can damage your friendship.

oceanbase rowkey 有几个

  Rowkey是OceanBase诞生之初就引入的概念,最终被确立是在OceanBase 0.3。  为了便于理解,不妨把OceanBase想象成一个Key-Value系统,Rowkey就是Key,Value就是返回的行数据。  如果你对mysql数据库熟悉,那么不妨把Rowkey理解成primary key,它就是那几个主键列的组合,列的顺序与primary key中定义的顺序一致。  OceanBase中的静态数据是按照rowkey顺序存储在磁盘中的,这样做的好处是:  1. 支持每一行的快速定位(想象一下BTree的查找过程,如果数据无序,根本无从查起,也不叫BTree了)  2. 支持连续行的扫描。一个rowkey对应一行,一个rowkey前缀则对应一片连续行。  在OceanBase 0.3之前的Rowkey是一个概念,在代码中并没有一个实体对象。例如,在0.2版本中,内存中的行数据是存储在一个大的二维数组中(实际是用一维数组存储,不过逻辑上是二维,对象叫ObCellArray),纵向维度就是一行行的数据,横向维度就是一列列的数据。每一行的开头几列都是Rowkey列,后面几列就是用户看到的数据列。  0.3之后引入了ObRowkey对象,用于表示一行的rowkey,它的构成要素包括:  1. 它记录了主键列的列数  2. 它以数组的形式记录了主键列的值,值在数组中的顺序与primary key的定义顺序一致。

eyesight 与 vision的区别

1. eyesight →普通用词,指眼睛的正常功能. 例如:She has poor eyesight. 她视力差. 2. vision →书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识. 例如:He is a man of great vision. 他是位有远见的人.


money钱的英语如下:它的英式读法是["mu028cni];美式读法是["mu028cni]。只作名词意思是财产;钱;货币。双语例句1、Well,its one for the money.那么,它的货币之一。2、What for? We have no money.去干什么?我们又没有钱。3、If you want my money, I have no!如果你想要我的钱,我没有钱的英文money:money英[u02c8mu028cni]美[u02c8mu028cni]第三人称复数:monies;moneysmoney基本解释:名词钱;款项;财富;薪水money相关词组1. lie out of one"s money未得报酬;2. in the money在富裕境遇中,资金充裕,赌胜;3. spend money like water:挥金如土;4. wallow in money腰缠万贯.;名词1.Money doesn"t always bring happiness.财富并不一定总带来幸福2.He make a lot of money selling clothes.他卖衣服赚了很多钱钱的英文是money吗:是钱的英文有各种说法,用得最普遍的就是money。”Money”既可以指不确定的数目的钱,也可以表达一个概念。比如钱的英文谚语”Money makes the mare go.(有钱能使鬼推磨。)”表达的就只是一个概念。一、钱的英文词汇1.Cash现金,资金;指带在身上的现有的金钱。2.Bill账单,钞票;指日常生活中的电话费/电费/煤气费等账单,也指普通钞票。3.Coin硬币;金属货币的统称,也可以指各种国家法定货币。

Keyboard Filter是什么


键盘过滤器(Keyboard Filter )是什么



hey,let us have some popcorn嘿,让我们吃点爆米花吧





()the cases of blindness, the doctors did as much as they could.请问此处填啥啊?

问题补充: Curing____ (cure)the cases of blindness, the doctors did as much as they could.请问此处填啥啊?上面的题目打错了,少了个cure,这个才正确cure [ kjuu0259 ] vt. 治疗;治愈;使硫化;加工处理 vi. 治病;痊愈;受治疗;被硫化;被加工处理 n. 治疗;治愈;疗法 [过去式cured 过去分词cured 现在分词curing ] in in the case of 至于,在…的情况下

C# TextBox Keypress事件问题,输入字符可执行事件,按回车不执行事件,何解?

KeyPress事件屏蔽掉了回车 Del 等等好多键,就是你按回车就没进入响应事件函数 private void KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)所以用KeyUp事件 自己测试下回车时的e.KeyValue是多少吧 我忘记了


ni记错歌词了吧,是love game i can see you staring there吧,这首歌是lidygaga 的,歌名叫 love game


我想你I miss you


See you tomorrow.明天见。See you tomorrow then. What time is your flight? 那么明天见。你的航班什么时候起飞?满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】


是 say you say me吧,莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie)唱的,1985年


see you again


莱昂纳尔里奇的say you say me




Seyoulala是中文再见的意思。再见,动词,礼貌用语。意指希望能够再一次见面。用于分别时。也指犹言再见个高低,再次出现。外文名有Bye、goodbye、So long、see you again。再见的说法好多种的,用的场合也是有所不同的。一般的朋友之间比较亲密随便可以说:じゃね!-jya ne! / またね!-ma ta ne! / それじゃ!so re jya!表示明天见,可以说また 明日!-ma ta a si ta!





跪求~eyes on you(加藤ミリヤ)的罗马翻译和中文翻译~

Lovin" you baby love 涙(なみだ)溢(あふ)れそうLovin" you baby love Namida AfuresouLookin" my eyes on you 二人(ふたり)は鼓动(こどう)高(たか)まらせてゆくのLookin" my eyes on you Futariwa Kodou TakamaraseteyukunoLovin" my baby love 梦(ゆめ)に见(み)るほどLovin" my baby love Yumeni MiruhodoYou"re my everything 甘(あま)くて爱(いと)しい时间(じかん)をYou"re my everything Amaku Te Itoshi- Jikano过(す)ごしてゆくでしょう forever※Sugoshiteyukudeshou Forever※もしかしたら you 何(なに)か気付(きづ)いてるMoshikashitara you Nanika Kizuiteruこれはきっと爱(あい) まさに最高(さいこう)な feelingKorehakitto Ai Masani Saikouna feeling知(し)りたいと思(おも)わない? My everything babyShiritaito Omowanai? My everything babyあなたにならば打(う)ち明(あ)けられそうなのAnataninaraba Uchi AkeraresounanoI don"t want no substitute こんな风(かぜ)に感(かん)じたことないI don"t want no substitute Konna Kazeni KanjitakotonaiIt seems like U are everywhereIt seems like U are everywhere二人(ふたり)胸(むね)を knock knock knock knockFutari Muneo knock knock knock knockそう爱(あい)の音(おと) 响(ひび)くSou Aino Oto Hibiku好(す)きなところも気(き)になるとこもSukinatokoromo Kini Narutokomo许(ゆる)してあげる 可爱く(かわい)思(おも)えるYurushiteageru Kawai Omoeruあの手(て)この手(て)で笑(わら)わせようとしてAno Tekono Tede Warawaseyoutoshite他(ほか)には见(み)せない something special くれるからHokani Wa Misenai something special kurerukaraもちろん Because of U 君(きみ)だけにハマってるのMochiron Because of U Kimidakeni HAMAtteruno爱(あい)を越(こ)えた爱(あい) 与(あた)え合(あ)う究极(きゅうきょく)の爱情(あいじょう)Aio Koeta Ai Atae Au Kyu-kyokuno Aijouoh boy,yes I do 君(くん)だけに捧(ささ)ぐOh boy,yes I do Kundakeni Sasagu惑(まど)わせるふりをしてMadowaserufurio Shite気付(きづ)いてないだけなのKizuitenaidakenanoI just want U to knowI just want U to knowYou"re watchin" my eyes on U, U oh oh yeah yeahYou"re watchin" my eyes on U, U Oh oh yeah yeah很对不起`我只能做到罗马.是用机器翻出来的.




是see you吧再见;再会希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问



davichi seeya 女生时代歌词

唱片名称:女生时代/永远的爱 歌手:See Ya & Davichi & T-ara 发行时间:2008年05月06日 唱片类型:Dance Pop(韩国) 专辑介绍 单曲辑《女生时代/永远的爱》是韩国女生团体SeeYa与Davichi携手录制而成的。SeeYa与Davichi虽是首次合作,配合起来却也十分默契,她们的动听和声令人印象深刻。另外值得一提的是新人组合T-ara的成员智妍代替离队的南奎丽参与到了专辑的录制工作当中。岚/文 专辑曲目 01. 女生时代 02. 永远的爱 03. 永远的爱(Remix) 罗马拼音:Hwa jang ha go meo ri reul ja reu go meot jean yeo ja ro tae eo nar geo ya ( yeah yeah yeah ) Dang dang ha ge jom deo ggut ggut ha geDu bun da si neun nan wul ji a naYe ppeon gu du reol sin go yoo haeng han heuin ot ik goGeo ri reol na seo bon daNal bo neun sa lam deo rei si seo neun swi jin a na Na neun ye ppeo ni ggaA jik u seol na ri ma neun deYu tae keo geol mul ra seoWi ro wo do wul ji a na a peo ji a naNae in saeng eol sa neun geo yaHwa jang ha go meo ri reul ja reu go meot jean yeo ja ro tae eo nar geo ya ( yeah yeah yeah ) Dang dang ha ge jom deo ggut ggut ha geDu bun da si neun nan wul ji a naLa la la~ la~ la la la la la ~ la~ Na reol wi hae seo nan byun hal ggae ya ( yeah yeah yeah ) Cheo eom bu teo si jan ha neun go ya ga seo meol pyo go nan wut neun geo yaSae bbal gan ri seo ti kae sek si han seo ta king aeO neul do nal ggu min daKot dae ga no peon yo ja da li ga ae ppeon yo jaGeo gae ba lo na yaA jik o seol na ri ma neun daeYeo dae geo geol mul ra seoEo di seo na ja si nit gae ddo ssik ssik ha gaeNae in saeng eol sa neun geo yaHwa jang ha go meo ri reul ja reu go meot jean yeo ja ro tae eo nar geo ya ( yeah yeah yeah ) Dang dang ha ge jom deo ggut ggut ha geDu bun da si neun nan wul ji a naLa la la~ la~ la la la la la ~ la~ Na reol wi hae seo nan byun hal ggae ya ( yeah yeah yeah ) Cheo eom bu teo si jan ha neun go ya ga seo meol pyo go nan wut neun geo yaSae sang I ddo na reul so gin da go hae doNun mu reul dak ko dang dang hae jyo seoSae sang a pae wut do rok ( oh~ ) Oi ro wu do sa neun gae seul peo do myot beo ni ra doI gyo nael ggeo ya( yeah yeah yeah I gyo nael ggeo ya)Sae sang a pae neo meo jin da hae do myot beo ni la doI reo nal ggeo ya (I reo nal ggeo ya)La la la ~ la~ la la la la la~ la~O neul bu teo nan haeng bo kal ggeo ya ( yeah yeah yeah )Sil pae dda win du ryob ji neun a naMeot jin in seng eun nan sal tae ni gga 歌词:化个妆,剪掉头发,变成帅气的女人 yeah yeah yeah )堂堂正正,又恨坚强我不会再次哭泣穿上漂亮的高跟鞋和流行的白色衣服的我出现在大街上那些顶着我看的眼神因为我的美丽才知道原来还有非常多的日子可以去微笑寂寞的时候也不要哭泣,不要伤痛我要这么生活着化个妆,剪掉头发,变成帅气的女人( yeah yeah yeah )堂堂正正,又恨坚强我不会再次哭泣啦啦啦啦~~~~为了自己,我要改变( yeah yeah yeah )从头开始,放轻松我微笑着今天也用新的口红和性感的丝袜装饰自己高高的鼻梁,美丽的双腿这样的女人就是我才知道原来还有非常多的日子可以去微笑无论何处都很自信,昂首挺胸我要这样生活着化个妆,剪掉头发,变成帅气的女人( yeah yeah yeah )堂堂正正,又恨坚强我不会再次哭泣啦啦啦啦~~~~为了自己,我要改变 yeah yeah yeah )从头开始,放轻松我微笑着就算世界再次愚弄了我擦干眼泪,堂堂正正笑着朝前方行进( oh~ )寂寞也没关系,即使悲伤也要赢过它在这个世上即使跌倒了也要爬起来啦啦啦啦啦今天开始我要幸福失败也没什么可怕的我要过帅气的人生!

Krystal Meyers的《Collide》 歌词

歌曲名:Collide歌手:Krystal Meyers专辑:Dying for a HeartCollideKrystal MeyersDying For A HeartCollide --Krystal Meyers(by Finduilas Vardamir)Like a spotlight that breaks into the darknessLike an arrow that"s racing to it"s targetI got you in my sightI am fixed on youAnd I can feel you calling lookin" for me tooNothing"s gonna" stop me "cause I"m on a missionI"m gettin" ready for a demolitionCollide, crash into meCollide, I want to bebroken by you and made brand newCollideIn the aftermath of your hurricaneIt won"t be what I lost but what I stand to gainSo bring your storm to me "cause I know when it"s throughThe clouds will roll awayAs sky will turn to blueNothing"s gonna" stop me I know what I"m doin"Make somethin" beautiful from out of the ruinsCollide, crash into meCollide, I want to bebroken by you and made brand newRearrange meOnly you can save meCollide, crash into meCollide, I want to bebroken by you and made brand newCollide, crash into meCollide, I want to bebroken by you and made brand newCollideCollideCollideCollidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/24871855

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这是罗马音: yareusyareutan neol hyanghan naui mam deullini I need you I love you ireonireon nal eoseo gajyeogajwo deullini I need you I love you 歌词大意: 怎么办,怎么办,怎么办 我爱上了你 我为什么成了这个样子 怎么办,怎么办,怎么办 我的心全部都燃烧了 我就是这样的傻瓜 真的不知道 为什么会变成这个样子 我今天也疲惫的等待你 因为你而在眼泪中无法自拔的女人们 我不愿变成其中的一个 想看着你 全部抓住的我的心不能错过 就那么呼唤我Oh My Honey 一分一秒都在你身边的我 非常非常帅的你 如果看着你,我就会晕晕忽忽 非常非常坏的你 装作不知道只是在那笑 怎么办,怎么办,怎么办 我爱上了你 我为什么成了这个样子 怎么办,怎么办,怎么办 我的心全部都燃烧了 我已经就是这样的傻瓜 就算当什么事都没有 你的全部我都看在眼里 我曾有过名风度翩翩过 这样的我因为你变了 回来我身边 看看我吧“Red Alert” 我和你在一起为什么会这样 心脏停了。。。 这是明明能看到结局的游戏 都这么劝我 可是只要你开口 那么我也不能怎么样 只要想到你嘴边就会浮起微笑 即使每天都好像很烦闷 不知道你的心 漆黑的夜啊 只看我对我说话 Oh My Darling 那么多不会觉得因慢长而觉得厌倦的女人们 非常非常帅的你 看着你的时候 好晕眩啊 非常非常坏的你 连一天不见都想念 R E S P E C T ME 虽然我更喜欢你 Yon don`t be nasty 要疯了 我的心 越越越越 越来越大 我 怎怎怎怎 该怎么办 对你只有迷恋 对我说出我爱你 怎么办 怎么办 怎么办 那样的你出现 把我的心全部抢走 怎么办 怎么办 怎么办 我的眼前 出现了 让我爱你 怎么办 ^^ Ohnae mameul dama nallineun nae kiss neoreul hyanghan sarang dama neon ajik jal moreul geoya nae mami eotteonji almyeonseodo ireoke nal honja dungeoni Yo L O V E sarangiran ireum arae nan nae mam dae ro ji i neodo yeoksi nal johahago isseul georago mitneundane nan neoreul geuryeo mae sungane haru jongil hyeonsireul nan manggakhae hajiman ireol su bakke areunareunhan neoui moksori deullini I need you I love you nageutnageusi nan daedaphagetji deullini I need you I love you yareusyareutan neol hyanghan naui mam deullini I need you I love you ireonireon nal eoseo gajyeogajwo deullini I need you I love you L O V E L O V E L O V E L O V E ai geureoji malgo yaegireul haebwa neutgi jeone mareul haebwa na anin nugungaroneun andoeneun geol ara kkankkanhan neol aljanha na bakken eopjanha naege dagaol deut maldeutan ne haengdonge dareun saramdeureun moreuneun deut hae eonjena ni siseonui geu kkeuteun baro nanana nayeosseo cheoeumbuteo neukkideon bayeosseo geudaeyeo yonggireul nae eoseo soljikhaejyeo bwa yeah that`s all areunareunhan neoui moksori deullini I need you I love you nageutnageusi nan daedaphagetji deullini I need you I love you yareusyareutan neol hyanghan naui mam deullini I need you I love you ireonireon nal eoseo gajyeogajwo deullini I need you I love you I need you I want you I love you L O V E Fly neowa hamkkeramyeon nan Cry I don`t cry no more aiight ne segyero naega deureogage naegero dagawajwo ma babe geu nuga nareul chajihaedo I want you need you love you babe Is it all right Is it all right geureochi anchanha modeun ge chaina nae useum dwie sumgin nunmuri heullyeo naeryeo beorigi jeone naui soneul jabajwo geurigo naege malhaejwo L O V E areunareunhan neoui moksori deullini I need you I love you nageutnageusi nan daedaphagetji deullini I need you I love you yareusyareutan neol hyanghan naui mam deullini I need you I love you ireonireon nal eoseo gajyeogajwo deullini I need you I love you


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Sandy Posey的miss lonely的歌词

歌曲名:Miss Lonely歌手:Sandy PoseyLonely I"m Miss LonelyI have nobody for my ownI am so lonely I"m Miss LonelyWish I had someone to call on the phoneNow he"s a soldier a lonely soldierAway from homeThrough no wish of his ownThat"s why I"m lonely I"m Miss LonelyI wish that he could go back homeLetters never a letterI get no letters in the mailI"ve been forgotten yes forgottenOh how I wonder how is it I failedNow he"s a soldier a lonely soldierAway from home through no wish of his ownThat"s why I"m lonely I"m Miss LonelyI wish that he could come back home

刀锋战士中的PARKER POSEY(女吸血鬼)简介

Leonor Varela 莱昂·维埃拉:Leonor Varela 女,生于1972年12月29日,智利圣地亚哥 星座: 摩羯座 更多译名: 莱昂·维埃拉 生平: 父亲是智利人,母亲是法国人,美丽大方的混血外型,无形中推动着蕾奥娜往演艺之路发展。蕾奥娜于1995年开始其演艺生涯,但艳冠群芳的她总是以花瓶的姿态参与演出,或者只能成为杂志刊物的封面,这使得蕾奥娜也常困惑于自己的演艺能力是否足够,但蕾奥娜始终坚守自己的岗位,努力扮演好每一个角色。 1999年,蕾奥娜有机会参加美国ABC电视台的迷你连续剧《埃及艳后》(CLEOPATRA)的甄选,一路过关斩将,最后居然赢得埃及艳后一角;而这部影集的高收视率让蕾奥娜终于尝到了一夕成名的感觉,蕾奥娜因此开始声名大噪,而且还因演出此剧而与同台演出的比利赞恩 (Billy Zane) 陷入热恋,目前俩人仍在一起。 2003年,蕾奥娜加入《纯真11岁》的演出,纯熟的演技为她带来无数的喝采与掌声,同时也为她个人的演艺生涯攀上更高峰;之后又参加了NBC电视台剧集《E-Ring》的拍摄。







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关键词大全光线篇hard lightinH 强光Volumetric lighting体积照明Cold light冷光Mood lighting 情绪照明Bright 明亮的Soft illuminaotion/soft lights柔和的照明/柔光Fluorescent lighting 荧光灯Rays of shimmering light 微光Crepuscular Ray 黄昏射线Outer space view 外太空观Fairy light 童话灯光Nixie Tube 发光电子管posta pocalyptic后启示录、末日后beautiful lighting 好看的灯光Cinematic light 电影光Volumetric light 立体光Studio light 影棚光Volumetric light 自然光Raking light侧光Edge light 边缘光Warm light 暖光volumetric lighting层次光cinematic lighting 电影灯光bisexual lighting双性照明Rembrandt Lighting 伦勃朗照明Split Lighting 分体照明front lighting 前灯Back lighting 背光照明Glowing Radioactivity 化学放射rim lights边缘灯global illuminations 全局照明neoncold lighting 霓虹灯冷光Darkmoody lighting 照明特效Top light 顶光Rim light 轮廓光Morning light 晨光Sun light 太阳光Golden hourlight 黄金时段光Color light 色光Cyberpunk light 赛博朋克光reflection light 反光mapping light映射光


关键词合集新手入门指南光线描述Cinematic light 电影光Intense backlight 强光逆光Volumetric light 立体光Shimmering light 闪光灯光Studio light 影棚光bisexual lighting 双性照明Reflection effect 反射Soft illuminaotion 柔和的照明soft lights柔光Projection effect 投影Glow effect 发光fuorescent lighting 荧光灯Romantic candlelight 浪漫烛光beautiful lighting 好看的灯光Electric fash 电光闪烁soft light 柔软的光线Misty foggy 雾气朦胧Etherealmist 仙气缭绕BBrutal 残酷的,破碎的Warm glow温暖光辉dramatic contrast 强烈对比的Moody atmosphere 忧郁氛围dramatic light 强光Soft moonlight柔和月光volumetric lighting 层次光rays of shimmering light微光Octane render OC渲染效果Crepuscular Rax黄昏射线unreal engine 5 UE5效果outer space view外太空观yrayvray渲染效果cinematic lighting 电影灯光Dramatic lighting 戏剧灯光Shadow effect 阴影效果Cold light冷光Natural light 自然光Warm light暖光Raking light侧光hard lighting 强光Edge light 边缘光Dramatic light戏剧光Back light 逆光Color light 色光Hard light 硬光Cyberpunk light 赛博朋克光Bright 明亮的光线Rembrandt light 伦勃朗光Top light 顶光reflection light 反光Rim light 轮廓光mapping light 映射光Morning light晨光mood lighting 情调光Sun light 太阳光atmospheric lighting 气氛照明Golden hour light 黄金时段光volumetric lighting 体积照明bright 明亮的mood lighting 情绪照明Dreamy haze 梦幻雾气Rembrandt Lighting 伦勃朗照明Stark shadows 明暗分明Split Lighting 分体照明Moody darkness 黑暗氛围front lighting 前灯Vibrant color 鲜艳色彩Back lighting 背光照明Harsh contrast高对比度clean background trending 干净的背景趋势Serene calm 安静恬淡Bright highlights 明亮高光rim lights 边缘灯lwinkling stars 闪耀星空global illuminations 全局照明Soft candlelight 柔和烛光


关键词大全灯光篇+视角篇关键词【灯光篇】Beautiful lighting 好看的灯光Soft light 柔软的光线Cinematic light 电影光Volumetric light 立体光Studio light 影棚Natural light 自然光Raking light 侧光Edge light 边缘光Back ight 背光/逆光hard light 强光Bright 明亮的光线Top light 顶光Rim light 轮廓光/边缘光Morning light 晨光Sunlight 太阳光Golden hour light 黄金时段光Cold ight 冷光Warm light 暖光Dramatic light 戏剧光Color light 色光Cyberpunk light 赛博朋克光Rembrandt light伦勃朗光Reflection light反射光Mapping light测绘灯Atmospheric lighting 氛围照明Volumetric lighting 体积光照Mood lighting情绪照明Soft illumina otion/s of tights 柔光/柔光Fluorescent lighting 荧光灯Rays of shimmering light/morning light闪烁的光线/晨光Crepuscular Ray黄昏射线Cinematic lighting/Dramatic ighting 电影照明/戏剧照明Bisexual lighting 双性照明Rembrandt Lighting 伦勃朗灯光Split Lighting分体照明Front lighting 前灯Backlighting背光照明Clean background trending 干净的背景趋势Rim lights边缘灯Global illuminations 全局照明Neon cold lighting 霓虹灯冷光关键词【视角篇】A bird"s-eye view, Aerial view 乌瞰图Top view顶视圈Tilt-shift倾斜移位Satellite view卫星视图Bottom view 底视图Front, side, rearview 前视图、侧视图、后视图Product view 产品视图Extreme closeup view 极端特写视图Lookup仰视First-person view 第一人称视角Portrait肖像Elevation perspective 立面透视Ultra wide shot 超广角镜头Headshot爆头Across-section view of(a walnut)核桃的横截面图Cinematic shot 电影镜头Infocus焦点对准Depth of field(d of)景深(d of)Wide-angle view 广角镜头Canon 5d, 1fujifilmxt 100, Sony alpha相机型号焦段光圈Close-Up(CU)特写Medium Close-Up(MCU)中特写Detail Shot(ECU)大特写Medium Shot(MS)中景Medium Long Shot(MLS)中远景Long Shot(LS)远景Over the shoulder shot过肩景Loose shot松散景Tight shot近距离景Two shot(2S)两景(25)Three shot(3S)三景(3S)Group shot(GS)群景(GS)Scenery shot风景照Bokeh背景虚化Foreground前景Background背景Detail Shot(ECU)细节镜头(ECU)Face Shot (VCU)面部拍摄(VCU)Full Length Shot(FLS)全身照(FLS)Detail Shot(ECU)大特写Chest Shot(MCU)胸部以上Waist Shot(WS)腰部以上Knee Shot(KS)膝盖以上Full Length Shot(FLS)全身Long Shot(Ls)人占3/4Extra Long Shot(ELS)人在远方Big Close-Up(BCU)头部以上

为什么烂电影叫cinematic turkeys?



男生叫你honey是亲爱的意思。honey是亲爱的意思,情侣或夫妻之间多称呼对方为honey。honey也可以用来称呼关系亲密的朋友,还可以表示“可爱的人”,指某人特别讨喜。 honey其他含义 Honey其实是一个很简单的词汇,在口语中会经常用到,尤其是情侣之间。美剧中,我们常听到情侣或夫妻之间称呼对方为honey,这个时候多意为“亲爱的、宝贝”。 除了表示感情稳定,honey叫起来也很顺口。另外,honey也可以用来称呼关系亲密的朋友。此外,honey还可以表示“可爱的人”,指某人特别讨喜。 Honey这个词和“l love you”这个句子其实有着异曲同工之妙,如果男生说haney,很可能就是在含蓄的向你表白,如果你对他也有意思的话,就赶快行动吧!




Honey是国外的词语,翻译为中文来说就是亲爱的,蜂蜜的、甜蜜的意思,这些意思都是代表甜的意思,现在大多数用在男女朋友之间的称呼了。哈尼也是亲爱的意思,只不过是honey的谐音中文的意思,那么男生叫你honey是什么意思,男人叫女人哈尼是什么意思?男生如果叫女生为honey的时候,那就代表着男生喜欢这个女生,深深被她吸引了,而且已经无限制的爱她,并且也是想通过这样叫女方,让女方也知道自己爱她,给女生一份安全感,并且在叫女生为honey的时候,女方听了也是比较高兴的。 男人叫女人为哈尼,其实就是上述honey的意思,也是代表着男方对女方的爱,爱得较深,不过用这种谐音的方式叫女方,不仅有爱的含义在里面,还有撒娇的成分在里面,也只有在恋爱中的男人,才会像小朋友一样的向女孩子撒娇,叫对方为哈尼了,这种称呼叫对方心里甜甜的。 在男生谈恋爱的过程中,总是喜欢叫女朋友为honey或者哈尼,这都代表着男人爱着对方,通过这种称谓,也可以不断地增加男女方之间感情的厚度,增进感情。














哈尼,是英文单词honey的音译。表示“亲爱的”意思。 honey:n.蜂蜜;(爱称)亲爱的,宝贝;可爱的人 扩展资料   Honey is basically a compound of water, two types of sugar, vitamins and enzymes.   蜂蜜基本上是水、两种糖、几种维生素和酶的.混合物。   I opened by saying, "Honey, you look sensational."   我第一句话是,“宝贝,你看起来真是美极了。”   Now don"t talk so loud and bother him, honey.   亲爱的,好了,别这么大声说话打扰他。

honey是什么意思 解析honey这个单词的含义?

在英语中,honey还有其他的含义。它可以用来表示“亲爱的”、“甜心”、“宝贝”等亲昵的称呼。例如,“Hey honey, what"s for dinner?”(嘿,亲爱的,晚饭吃什么?)在英语中,honey还有其他的含义。它可以用来表示“亲爱的”、“甜心”、“宝贝”等亲昵的称呼。例如,“Hey honey, what"s for dinner?”(嘿,亲爱的,晚饭吃什么?)总之,honey这个单词的主要含义是“蜂蜜”,但在口语中也有其他的用法。蜂蜜是一种非常营养和健康的食品,大家可以适量食用,享受它的美味和好处。总之,honey这个单词的主要含义是“蜂蜜”,但在口语中也有其他的用法。蜂蜜是一种非常营养和健康的食品,大家可以适量食用,享受它的美味和好处。在英语中,honey还有其他的含义。它可以用来表示“亲爱的”、“甜心”、“宝贝”等亲昵的称呼。例如,“Hey honey, what"s for dinner?”(嘿,亲爱的,晚饭吃什么?)



honey是什么意思中文 honey的中文翻译及用法?

Honey在英语中还有“亲爱的”、“甜心”等含义,在口语中常用来表示亲昵、关爱等情感。“Hi honey,how was your day?”(你好亲爱的,今天过得怎么样?)在中文中,Honey通常被翻译为“蜜糖”或“蜜”,常用于指蜂蜜或甜味食品中的糖分成分。“这个饼干里加了一勺蜜糖,更加香甜可口了。”概述概述






宜丽哈尼honey是深圳市宜丽环保科技控股集团旗下宜丽品牌卫生巾下的哈尼honey系列。宜丽哈尼内含的高科技纳米银抗菌护肤加维生素E芯片,具有超强的渗透性,对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌等致病微生物都有强烈的抑制和杀灭作用,同时,它对受损上皮细胞还具有促进修复作用。从而缓解女性的不适情况, (见检测报告) 而它本身携带的的维生素E, 能促进生殖。还对烧伤、冻伤、毛细血管出血、更年期综合症、美容等方面有很好的疗效。具有卓越的养护功效。




长江 是 中国 第一大河:The Yangtse River is the largest river in China

星辉与奥迪双钻auldey 玩具车哪个好


英文纯rap one for the money and two for the show,有谁知道是什么歌吗?不是All ris

bayarea pre

[求助]Variance Key?

Variance Key决定在公单的target costs中是否计算scrap cost。 1,在create material master(7900,7920)会自动带Variance Key.该值在IMG设定如下: 当Scrap on起来时,在做variance calculate(KKS2)时会计算Scrap Cost,从而target cost = standard price * goods receipt quantity form order,但在做Settlement时Scrap Cost还是会记入variance。 当Scrap 没有on起来时,在做variance calculate时不会计算Scrap Cost,同样在做Settlement时,scrap cost会记入variance。 所以该值对最后的variance没有实际影响。 2,在create product order时会将material master中的variance key带入工单,但可以修改。最后的variance calculate会check该值。

lady gaga beyondce telephone歌词

在歌曲的1:34-1:50都是Beyonce,中间插一段GAGA。到1:57~2.06是BeyonceLady GaGa - Telephone (Feat. Beyonce)Hello, hello, baby; You called, I can"t hear a thing.I have got no service in the club, you see, see…Wha-Wha-What did you say?Oh, you"re breaking up on me…Sorry, I cannot hear you, I"m kinda busy.K-kinda busy K-kinda busySorry, I cannot hear you, I"m kinda busy.Just a second, it"s my favorite song they"re gonna playAnd I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh…You shoulda made some plans with me,you knew that I was free.And now you won"t stop calling me;I"m kinda busy.Stop callin", stop callin",I don"t wanna think anymore!I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.Stop callin", stop callin",I don"t wanna talk anymore!I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…Stop telephonin" me!Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…I"m busy!Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…Stop telephonin" me!Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…Can call all you want, but there"s no one home,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!Out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!Call when you want, but there"s no one home,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!Out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone(Beyonce:Boy, the way you blowin" up my phonewon"t make me leave no faster.Put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster.I shoulda left my phone at home,"cause this is a disaster!Callin" like a collector (Gaga:sorry, I cannot answer!Not that I don"t like you, I"m just at a party.And I am sick and tired of my phone r-ringing.(Beyonce:Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station.Tonight I"m not takin" no calls, "cause I"ll be dancin"."Cause I"ll be dancin""Cause I"ll be dancin"Tonight I"m not takin" no calls, "cause I"ll be dancin"!Stop callin", stop callin",I don"t wanna think anymore!I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.Stop callin", stop callin",I don"t wanna talk anymore!I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.Stop callin", stop callin",I don"t wanna think anymore!I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.Stop callin", stop callin",I don"t wanna talk anymore!I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…Stop telephonin" me!Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…I"m busy!Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…Stop telephonin" me!Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…Can call all you want, but there"s no one home,you"re not gonna reach my telephone!"Cause I"m out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!Call when you want, but there"s no one home,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!"Cause I"m out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!My telephone! M-m-my telephone!"Cause I"m out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!My telephone! M-m-my telephone!"Cause I"m out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub,and you"re not gonna reach my telephone!We"re sorry…the number you have reached is not in service at this time.Please check the number, or try your call again

what i want is not money but happiness句子前为什么加wha

这是一个what引导的主语从句what I want 相当于句子的主语而what 又是 I want 的宾语I want sth 对sth提问应该用what 所以 此处用what
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