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《激动的心》seeya唱的 求中文翻译

SeeYa——激动的心(韩中歌词) uc528uc57c - uac00uc2b4uc774 ubb49ud074 o zon zi sa lang e no lyo wo na na ji so tu lo uc5b4uca50uc9c0 uc0acub791uc740 uc5b4ub824uc6cc ub09c uc544uc9c1 uc11cud234ub7ec 爱情好困难,而我现在还觉得陌生 sa xi len ji gem do ser pem gwa do chin nei sa lang en mon de tei uc0acuc2e4uc740 uc9c0uae08uaecf uc2acud514uacfc ub354 uce5cud574 uc0acub791uc740 uba3cub4efud574 我总觉得,比起爱情,我更习惯了悲伤 u lin so lo no mu ta la so pa bo la nen ko man dar ma so uc6b0ub9b0 uc11cub85c ub108ubb34 ub2ecub77cuc11c ubc14ubcf4ub77cub294 uac83ub9cc ub2eeuc544uc11c 我们差异太大,只有傻气比较相似 dei lon o ge na go dei lon bu di tyo ya ha zi man ub54cub860 uc5b4uae0bub098uace0 ub54cub860 ubd80ub52aud600uc57c ud558uc9c0ub9cc 偶而闹闹别扭,偶而又觉得习惯 sa lang in ga ba sa lang in ga ba yo ge dei po mion ka se mi mung ker lei * uc0acub791uc778uac00ubd10 uc0acub791uc778uac00ubd10uc694 uadf8ub308 ubcf4uba74 uac00uc2b4uc774 ubb49ud074ud574 * 这是爱情吧,就是爱情吧,每次看到你,都觉得内心激动 nog sen ka sem do gu do i don sim zhang do dei wu zun ge dei ub179uc2a8 uac00uc2b4ub3c4 uad73uc5b4uc788ub358 uc2ecuc7a5ub3c4 uae68uc6ccuc900 uadf8ub300 被融化的内心,曾经不肯爱人的内心,都被你唤醒 sa lang hei zwo yo na le la la zwo yo sum kyo wa don nei sang cho ga zi do uc0acub791ud574uc918uc694 ub098ub97c uc548uc544uc918uc694 uc228uaca8uc654ub358 ub0b4 uc0c1ucc98uae4cuc9c0ub3c4 爱我吧,拥抱我吧,就连我内心深处不为人知的伤痛 a pen nun mur do ser pen wei loum do ta si no zi an gei uc544ud508 ub208ubb3cub3c4 uc2acud508 uc678ub85cuc6c0ub3c4 ub2e4uc2e0 uc624uc9c0 uc54auac8c 让心痛的眼泪,让悲伤的孤独,再也不会来我身边 ma em er zu ki ka du lyo wo a pe kei dui ka ba ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc8fcuae30uac00 ub450ub824uc6cc uc544ud504uac8c ub420uae4cubd10 我很害怕将我的心给别人,怕会让我心痛 ke lo kei han dong an bo lyo dun ma min dei da da dun ma min dei uadf8ub807uac8c ud55cub3d9uc548 ubc84ub824ub454 ub9d8uc778ub370 ub2ebuc544ub454 ub9d8uc778ub370 是我曾经被抛弃的心,是我曾经紧闭的心门 on zei se myo de lo wa na yo on zei ka de chei wo nua na yo uc5b8uc81c uc2a4uba70ub4e4uc5b4 uc654ub098uc694 uc5b8uc81c uac00ub4dd ucc44uc6cc ub1a8ub098uc694 却曾几何时,被你打开了,心里满满的都是你啊 ke dei hyang ki der lo ke dei ki o der lo na i man uadf8ub300 ud5a5uae30ub4e4ub85c uadf8ub300 uae30uc5b5ub4e4ub85c ub098uc758 ub9d8 你的香气,和你的记忆,满满的我的心 sa lang in ga ba sa lang in ga ba yo ge dei po mion ka se mi mung ker lei * uc0acub791uc778uac00ubd10 uc0acub791uc778uac00ubd10uc694 uadf8ub308 ubcf4uba74 uac00uc2b4uc774 ubb49ud074ud574 * 这是爱情吧,就是爱情吧,每次看到你,都觉得内心激动 nog sen ka sem do gu do i don sim zhang do dei wu zun ge dei ub179uc2a8 uac00uc2b4ub3c4 uad73uc5b4uc788ub358 uc2ecuc7a5ub3c4 uae68uc6ccuc900 uadf8ub300 被融化的内心,曾经不肯爱人的内心,都被你唤醒 sa lang hei zwo yo na le la la zwo yo sum kyo wa don nei sang cho ga zi do uc0acub791ud574uc918uc694 ub098ub97c uc548uc544uc918uc694 uc228uaca8uc654ub358 ub0b4 uc0c1ucc98uae4cuc9c0ub3c4 爱我吧,拥抱我吧,就连我内心深处不为人知的伤痛 a pen nun mur do ser pen wei loum do ta si no zi an gei uc544ud508 ub208ubb3cub3c4 uc2acud508 uc678ub85cuc6c0ub3c4 ub2e4uc2e0 uc624uc9c0 uc54auac8c 让心痛的眼泪,让悲伤的孤独,再也不会来我身边 Repeat * Repeat * u lein nei nun mur ke tei ka lyo zyo is don sa lam uc624ub79c ub0b4 ub208ubb3c ub05duc5d0 uac00ub824uc838 uc788ub358 uc0acub78c 等待了很久很久,终於让我眼泪乾涸的人 ki na gin nar dung an nei ga ki da lyo don han sa lam uae30ub098uae34 ub0a0 ub3d9uc548 ub0b4uac00 uae30ub2e4ub838ub358 ud55c uc0acub78c 在很久很久以后,我终於盼到的人 ge dei in ka ba ge dei in ka ba yo kyo dei so myo na pa do u kei dei uadf8ub300uc778uac00ubd10 uadf8ub300uc778uac00ubd10uc694 uacc1uc5d0 uc11cuba74 uc544ud30cub3c4 uc6c3uac8c ub3fc 是你吧,就是你吧,只要在你身边,就算心痛还是能够微笑 ki pen hyu to do po le ka don nun mur do na gei hei zun ke dei uae4auc740 ud749ud130ub3c4 ubc84ub987 uac19ub358 ub208ubb3cub3c4 ub0abuac8c ud574uc900 uadf8ub300 就连深深的伤痕,习惯般的泪水,都能够让我遗忘的你 bo yo zur kei yo zon bu da zur kei yo a kyo wa don nei mo den sa lang er ubcf4uc5ecuc904uac8cuc694 uc804ubd80 ub2e4 uc904uac8cuc694 uc544uaef4uc654ub358 ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0 uc0acub791uc744 我要爱你,让我爱你,将我曾经这麼珍惜的爱情都献给你 hon za la nen ma li byo li la nen ma lu li ei kei no kei sa lang man na ma i kei ud63cuc790ub77cub294 ub9d0 uc774ubcc4uc774ub77cub294 ub9d0 uc6b0ub9acuc5d0uac90 uc5c6uac8c uc0acub791ub9cc ub0a8uc544uc788uac8c 让我们之间,没有孤单,没有离别,只有满满的爱情


姓名:南奎丽     英语:Nam Gyu Ri   本名:南美晶(ub0a8ubbf8uc815) 韩文名:ub0a8uaddcub9ac   日文名:ナムu30fbギュリ出生:1985年 4月 26日   星座:金牛座   职业:歌手,演员   所属组合:SeeYA (已退队)   (2009年4月,南圭丽退队;同年8月加入新公司)   经纪公司:EYAGI Entertainment   大陆经纪公司:视博林传媒 Broad View Media   身高:165cm   体重:46kg   出道专辑:2006年SeeYA第一张专辑《女人的香气》   嗜好:写字、自己看电影、搜索歌曲网站   学历:明知专门大学(Myong Ji Junior College)实用音乐毕业  庆熙大学演剧电影学系 南奎丽于2006年2月以韩国三人女子组合SeeYa的队长身份出道。她在SeeYa的活动期间获得了不少人气及知名度,但在2009年4月因为与经纪公司间的几个问题而退出了SeeYa,但是,在SeeYa最后解散的时刻,南奎丽毅然决然的回归,并且说:“她们两个人永远是我的好朋友!我要陪她们走到最后。”参与SeeYa最后一张专辑的制作,随后SeeYa在2011年2月27日正式宣布解散。    南奎丽在离开SeeYa之后,参演了电视剧《人生多美丽》、《49天》等作品,现在依然持续努力在演艺界活跃着。


韩国女子组合SeeYa出道5年近日宣布解散。有着韩国女子SG Wanna Be称号的SeeYa,2006年以包括南圭丽的3人组出道,2009年南圭丽退队,随后新成员李秀美加入,但是随后李秀美加入男女共学。 SeeYa李宝蓝和金延智决定各自发展,SeeYa宣布解散。SeeYa将在2011年1月10日发行最后一张专辑《Good Bye My Friend》。南圭丽应该还是在影视圈发展李宝蓝 金延智应该会继续唱歌




南圭丽通过迷你小窝透露心境后,Seeya所属公司立即表示了自身的强硬立场。 所属公司Core Contentes Media于22日表示,“南圭丽2006年2月和GM企划社签约的时候,曾在其他所属公司做过一段时间,不过她说和前公司合约问题已经完满解决了,所以没有任何专属合约的问题,能和本公司签专属合约了。”于是双方签约并发表了Seeya第1张专辑。 但3个月后,南圭丽前公司说,“南圭丽说以后不再从事演艺活动,申请解除合约,所以我们才合议解除了合约”然后提起诉讼,要求禁止南圭丽参与演出并赔偿1亿5千万的损失。 对此,南圭丽当时的所属公司Mnet Media为了和业界同行完满解决该事件,听取了法院的和解劝告,在总共1700万元的合议金中公司承担了1000万元。 李宝蓝和金延智于2009年2月和Mnet Media合约到期后,根据之前合约中的合议,转移到Core Contentes Media并准备第4张专辑的录音。但是南圭丽对自身的合约内容表示了否认并采取单独行动。 作为现所属公司的Core Contentes Media表示,“当时签约的时候就惹出过类似的问题,公司方面已经完满解决了。现在又挑起这样的问题,擅自离开公司,这个不但是法律责任的问题,也是信义的问题。”“南圭丽不按常规履行合约,抛弃了道义。” Core Contentes Media还说到,“南圭丽是Seeya成员中常常得到特别待遇的成员。不断单独出演艺能节目和电影等等,事实上常常令到Seeya的其他成员感到疏远。拿去年来说,光是参加大学庆典就至少去了30个地方,因为南圭丽拍电影其余两个成员甚至连活动都不可能。” “当时拍电影的时候虽然是新人,但也100%获得出演报酬2000万元和票房红利,得到了公司的特别关怀和待遇。”“南圭丽以这种‘不妥当的、令人感到冤屈的"方式来吐露心境让人无法理解。” “现在因为种种事件使得大众对演艺企划社并没有什么好感,这种情况下似乎有人在背后控制南圭丽,恶意利用了这件事。”


[ti:夕坂][ar:初音ミク][by:CHHKKE][00:03.27]夕坂[00:11.63]作词/作曲:doriko[00:17.13]呗:初音ミク[00:22.65]翻译:Cilde[00:28.18]by:CHHKKE[00:33.34][00:33.97]背着夕阳走返家路[00:38.85]跟面起走着[00:45.30]配合着较高挺[00:49.91]往跨着较步伐[00:54.30][00:55.40]走要走完坡道[01:00.94]该要道别路口[01:06.40]低落消沉说着「再」[01:11.97] 向我伸手[01:18.60][01:19.70]我恋份 平淡幸福[01:25.20]光 今依旧令温柔[01:30.75]要顾盼 双手伴身旁[01:36.70]至今我仍觉[01:40.68][01:41.78]曾几何 眼映身影[01:47.27要相伴 能涌笑容[01:52.81]连相握指尖 所传鼓[01:58.32]切切都让我深深倾[02:04.71][02:07.48]...music...[02:25.55][02:26.74]道别路口松彼手[02:31.89]两背背踏步伐[02:38.46]经意首轻望[02:42.92]身影却已消失见[02:47.39][02:48.42]所诉说语 所描绘事物[02:54.04今所看见景色绝忘记[02:59.49]却毫由 越想越慌[03:05.06]连身影 轻轻摇晃着[03:11.77][03:12.85]我恋份 平淡幸福[03:18.34]光 能够直持续着[03:23.86]点点滴滴全部 都珍贵初忆[03:29.87]连未事都浑觉[03:33.83][03:34.91]论何眼映身影[03:40.39]份绽放笑容[03:45.89]却间洪流眷顾[03:51.53]手终究松远[03:57.83][04:00.56]...music...[04:40.10][04:41.10]我恋份 平淡幸福[04:46.59]光 今依旧令温柔[04:52.18]要顾盼 双手伴身旁[04:58.08]至今我仍觉[05:02.14][05:03.19]背着夕阳 带着影[05:08.66]今剩我独自 走条坡道[05:14.25]闭双眼 寻找着某身影[05:19.74]遇幼我自[05:26.10][05:28.84]-END-[06:00.92] [ti:夕坂][ar:初音ミク][by:CHHKKE][00:03.27]夕坂[00:11.63]作词/作曲:doriko[00:17.13]呗:初音ミク[00:22.65]翻译:Cilde[00:28.18]by:CHHKKE[00:33.34][00:33.97]ka e ri mi chi ha yu u hi wo se ni[00:38.85]ki mi no su ko shi u shi ro wo a ru ku[00:45.30]se no ta ka i ki mi ni a wa se[00:49.91]i tsu mo ho ha ba ga o o ki ku na ru[00:54.30][00:55.40]ko no sa ka wo no bo ri t te shi ma t ta ra[01:00.94]mo u wa ka re mi chi ga su gu so ko ni[01:06.40]ki mi ha u tsu mu i te「a to su ko si da ka ra」to[01:11.97]ka o mo mi zu wa ta si ni te wo sa shi da su[01:18.60][01:19.70]a ri hu re te ru shi a wa se ni ko i shi ta[01:25.20]so n na to ki ga i ma mo ya sa shi ku te[01:30.75]hu ri ka e re ba so no te ga su gu so ko ni[01:36.70]a ru yo u na ki ga i ma mo shi te ru[01:40.68][01:41.78]i tsu no ma ni ka ki mi da ke wo mi te i ta[01:47.27]ki mi ga i re ba wa ra t te i ra re ta[01:52.81]hu re ta yu bi ni tsu ta u ko do u sa e mo[01:58.32]so no su be te ga i to shi ka t ta[02:04.71][02:07.48]...music...[02:25.55][02:26.74]wa ka re mi chi de yu bi wo ha na shi[02:31.89]hu ta ri se wo mu ke te a ru ki da su[02:38.46]hu to hu ri ka e t ta sa ki ni[02:42.92]ki mi no su ga ta ha mo u na ka t ta[02:47.39][02:48.42]ki mi no ha na su ko to ki mi no e ga ku mo no[02:54.04]kyo u mi ta ke shi ki wo wa su re na i[02:59.49]ke do o mo u ho do ni na ze da ka ko wa ku te[03:05.06]na ga i ka ge no wa ta shi mo ma ta yu ra i da[03:11.77][03:12.85]a ri hu re te ru shi a wa se ni ko i shi ta[03:18.34]so n na to ki ga tsu du ku ki ga si te ta[03:23.86]na ni mo ka mo ga ha zi me te no o mo i de[03:29.87]a su no ko to sa e shi ra zu ni i ta[03:33.83][03:34.91]do n na to ki mo ki mi da ke wo mi te i te[03:40.39]ki mi no ta me ni wa ra u ha zu da t ta[03:45.89]da ke do to ki no na ka ni ha gu re te yu ki[03:51.53]ki mi no te ga ha na re te shi ma u[03:57.83][04:00.56]...music...[04:40.10][04:41.10]a ri hu re te ru shi a wa se ni ko i shi ta[04:46.59]so n na to ki ga i ma mo ya sa shi ku te[04:52.18]hu ri ka e re ba so no te ga su gu so ko ni[04:58.08]a ru yo u na ki ga i ma mo shi te ru[05:02.14][05:03.19]yu u hi wo se ni na ga i ka ge wo tsu re te[05:08.66]i ma hi to ri de ko no sa ka wo no bo ru[05:14.25]me wo to zi re ba da re ka wo sa ga shi te i ru[05:19.74]o sa na ki hi no wa ta shi ni de a u[05:26.10][05:28.84]-END-[06:00.92] [ti:ハジメテノオト][ar:初音ミク][al:初音ミク ベスト -memories-][by:CHHKKE][00:01.22]初声音[00:02.72]-[00:03.27]作词:malo[00:05.74]作曲:malo[00:08.09]编曲:malo[00:10.52]呗:初音ミク[00:12.95]翻译:末幽灵[00:15.39]by:CHHKKE[00:18.50]-[00:19.05]初声音 [00:24.09]初声音…[00:28.39]我说 像现[00:33.83]所现我高兴[00:37.93]初言语 [00:42.95]初言语[00:47.92]我言语送[00:52.50]所总像唱著[00:57.10]渐渐月逝[01:02.69]世界变失色[01:06.87]要给予光芒未褪[01:11.73]论何 我都献唱[01:19.75]-[01:22.44]空颜色 风气味[01:27.28]海深沉 声音[01:32.17]我都曾知晓 所歌唱著[01:37.43]藉著唱歌声音传递给[01:41.79]甚么能够传达[01:46.81]论少 少[01:51.29]往惜 像候[01:55.64]初声音…[02:03.57]-[02:04.93]...music...[02:23.15]-[02:23.66]初声音 曾经[02:28.88]初声音…[02:33.03]知道乐曲 街道声音[02:38.34]兴奋雀跃[02:42.69]初语 曾经[02:49.18]初语[02:52.25]我能说完结 没说[02:57.53]看起点寂寞[03:02.17]渐渐月逝[03:07.37]背负 增加[03:12.57]算改变[03:14.26]都想失事物[03:20.50]交给我[03:24.50]-[03:27.29]间流 伤口痛楚[03:32.11]深刻 声音[03:36.91]我都曾知晓 所歌唱着[03:41.73]歌能歌颂 所请细听吧[03:46.54]期盼著[03:50.65]论少 少[03:56.04]往惜 像候[04:00.66]初声音…[04:08.88]-[04:15.73]空颜色 风气味[04:20.10]海深沉 我歌声[04:25.12]往惜 像候[04:29.18]初声音…[04:37.43]-[04:38.43]初声音 熟悉[04:42.89]初声音[04:47.59]论世界哪角落 我都献唱[04:53.24]属于各自 初声音…[04:59.15]-[05:00.16]-END- [ti:ハジメテノオト][ar:初音ミク][al:初音ミク ベスト -memories-][by:CHHKKE][00:01.22]初声音[00:02.72]-[00:03.27]作词:malo[00:05.74]作曲:malo[00:08.09]编曲:malo[00:10.52]呗:初音ミク[00:12.95]翻译:末幽灵[00:15.39]by:CHHKKE[00:18.50]-[00:19.05]hajimete no oto wa nande shita ka?[00:24.09]anata no hajimete no oto wa[00:28.39]watashi ni totte wa kore ga sō[00:33.83]dakara ima ureshikute[00:37.93]hajimete no kotoba wa nande shita ka?[00:42.95]anata no hajimete no kotoba[00:47.92]watashi wa kotoba tte ienai[00:52.50]dakara kōshite utatte imasu[00:57.10]yagate hi ga sugi toshi ga sugi[01:02.69]sekai ga iroasete mo[01:06.87]anata ga kureru akari sae areba[01:11.73]itsudemo watashi wa utau kara[01:19.75]-[01:22.44]sora no iro mo kaze no nioi mo[01:27.28]umi no fukasa mo anata no koe mo[01:32.17]watashi wa shiranai dakedo uta o[01:37.43]uta o utau tada koe o agete[01:41.79]nanika anata ni todokuno nara[01:46.81]nando demo nando datte[01:51.29]kawaranai wa ano toki no mama[01:55.64]hajimete no oto no mama...[02:03.57]-[02:04.93]...music...[02:23.15]-[02:23.66]hajimete no oto wa arimashita ka?[02:28.88]anata no hajimete no oto wa...[02:33.03]shiranai kyoku toka machi no oto ni[02:38.34]waku waku shite masu ka?[02:42.69]hajimete no kotoba wa arimashita ka?[02:49.18]anata no hajimete no kotoba[02:52.25]iezuni shimattari iwanakatta[02:57.53]kotoba wa sukoshi samishisō[03:02.17]yagate hi ga sugi toshi ga sugi[03:07.37]furui nimotsu mo fuete[03:12.57]anata ga kawatte mo[03:14.26]nakushitaku nai mono wa[03:20.50]watashi ni azukete ne[03:24.50]-[03:27.29]toki no nagare mo kizu no itami mo[03:32.11]ai no fukasa mo anata no koe mo[03:36.91]watashi wa shiranai dakedo uta wa[03:41.73]uta wa utaeru wa dakara kīte[03:46.54]moshimo anata ga nozomuno nara[03:50.65]nando demo nando datte[03:56.04]kawaranai wa ano toki no mama[04:00.66]hajimete no oto no mama..[04:08.88]-[04:15.73]sora no iro mo kaze no nioi mo[04:20.10]umi no fukasa mo watashi no uta mo[04:25.12]kawaranai wa ano toki no mama[04:29.18]hajimete no oto no mama...[04:37.43]-[04:38.43]hajimete no oto ni naremashita ka?[04:42.89]anata no hajimete no oto ni[04:47.59]sekai no dokodemo watashi wa utau[04:53.24]sore zore no hajimete no oto o...[04:59.15]-[05:00.16]-END-

悲伤的脚步 seeya 中文歌词

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namaneul baraboneunde naegyeote dareun han saram naegen jeongmal joheun namjajyo geudaeman baraboneunde imi nal ddeonan geudaereuljeongmal andoeneungeonde cam manhi miweohaebwado ijeuryeo noryeoghaebwadonado naemameul igilsuga eobsjyo naeyeope geu saramggaji moduda beoriryeo halmankeumgeudael saranghaedo ijen dolaseoya hajyo(*)geu sarami nareul saranghaeyogeudaega saranghan geos bodabamsae dwiceogimyeo nahanaman gidarigo issjyodasineun apeuji anhdorogdasineun uljido anhdorognal saranghae juneundemanhi aggyeojuneunde ije geudael naemameseo biweonael mankeumeoddeohge salaganeunji nal geogjeong hagin haessnayoneomu neujeo beoryeossjyo cam mosdoen geudaeran saram ijeya jiweoganeundegeudae useumyeo insareul geonnaejyonae yeope geusaramggaji moduda beoriryeo hal mankeumgeudael saranghaedo ijen dolaseoya hajyo(*)geu sarami nareul saranghaeyogeudaega saranghan geos bodabamsae dwiceogimyeo nahanaman gidarigo issjyodasineun apeuji anhdorogdasineun uljido anhdorognal saranghae juneundemanhi aggyeojuneunde ije geudael naemameseo biweonael mankeumjeongmal andoejanhayo uri saranghaedo moreuneunceog salagayajyowae naemameul heundeuleo nohnayo geu saram apeuge hanayo naman barabogo jikyeojul nae sarangi issneundegeudaedo nal ijgo salayo dasineun mannaji malayonal saranghangeosceoreom joheunsaram mannayo geudaeane naransaram biweonael mankeumnado geusaramgwa haengbogharyeohae


南奎丽 走了 这个月迎来新人


<鞋>主唱: seeya圭丽:为了想要分开尝试着如何讨厌你为了把你忘掉尝试着如何讨厌你宝兰:我喝的酩酊大醉用酒精装满了我辛酸的内心seeya:因为我是只知道爱你一个人的,你的女人穿上了高跟鞋认真的化着妆延姬:为了让你一眼就认出我为了让你对我动心seeya:穿上了更高的鞋子又重新化了妆延姬:期望你能再拥抱我或许能让你再次心动圭丽:我喝的酩酊大醉用酒精装满了我辛酸的内心宝兰:因为我是只知道爱你一个人的seeya:你的女人穿上了高跟鞋认真的化着妆为了让你一眼就认出我为了让你对我动心穿上了更高的鞋子又重新化了妆期望你能再拥抱我或许能让你再次心动圭丽:想念你,真的好想念你再怎么思念我也只忍着seeya:因为我只爱你一个人因为我是你的女人穿上了高跟鞋认真的化着妆为了让你一眼就认出我为了让你对我动心穿上了更高的鞋子又重新化了妆期望你能再拥抱我或许能让你再次心动延姬:穿上了高跟鞋[20:50] 结婚吧-uc528uc57c[ti:结婚吧][ar:SeeYa][al:Lovely Sweet Heart][by:°、`藌eR.][00:06.00][00:08.00]uacb0ud63cud560uae4cuc694-uc528uc57c[00:12.00][00:22.72]I Love You I love you I love you~[00:40.60]uadf8ub300uc758 uc791uc740 ud587uc0b4uc774 ubb34uc5c7ubcf4ub2e4 ub0b4uac8c ud070 ud798uc774 ub410uc8e0[00:45.40]uc138uc0c1uc744 ub4f1uc9c0uace0 uc2f6uc744 ub54cuc5d0 uadf8ub300uc758 uc791uc740 uc5b4uae68uc5d0[00:50.05]uae30ub308 ub54cuba74 ub098 ub2e4uc2dc uafc8uc744 uafb8uc8e0 ud76cub9dduc774ub780 ub188uc744 ucc3euc8e0[00:54.84]ub0b4 ub450 ub208uc5d0 ud56duc0c1 uadf8ub300 uc7a1uace0 uc2f6ub124uc694 uc0acub791ud574[00:57.35][00:59.85]ud478ub978 ud558ub298ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub113uc740ubc14ub2e4 ubcf4ub2e4 ub354[01:04.48]uadf8ub308 uc0acub791 ud560 uc218 uc788ub294 ub098uc5d0uc694[01:09.19]uc138uc0c1 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4 ubd80uc871ud558uc9c0ub9cc[01:13.16]uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c uc804ud558uace0 uc2f6uc740 ub9d0[01:15.17][01:17.17]uadf8ub300ub97c uc0acub791ud560uac8cuc694[01:19.51]uc601uc6d0ud788 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8cuc694[01:22.04]ucc98uc74cuacfc uac19uc740 ub9c8uc74c[01:24.17]ub0b4uac8c uc120ubb3cud560uac8cuc694[01:27.40]ud55c uc5ecub984 ub0a0uc5d0 ub208uc774 ub0b4ub9b4 ub54c uae4cuc9c0[01:31.25]ub098uc758 uc0acub791 ubcc0ud558uc9c0ub294 uc54auc544uc694[01:35.90]ud3c9uc0dd ud589ubcf5uc744 uc548uaca8 uc904[01:38.25]uc18cuc911ud55c uc0acub78cuc774uc5d0uc694[01:40.91]uc9c0uae08 uaf2d uc7a1uc740 uadf8 uc190 ub2e4uc2dcub294 ub193uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694[01:46.25]uc57duc18dud574uc918uc694 ud56duc0c1 uac19uc740 uc790ub9acuc5d0[01:51.51]ub098uc640 ud568uaed8 ud558uae30ub97c[01:53.60][01:55.69]uc54cuace0 uc788ub098uc694 uadf8ub300 ub54cubb38uc5d0 uc0acub791ud558ub294 ubc95uc744 ubc30uc6e0uc5b4uc694[02:00.83]ub450 ub208ub3c4 uc870ucc28 ubabb ub728ub358 ub0b4uac00 ub2f9uc2e0uc774 uc544ud30c ud560 ub54cuba74[02:05.49]ub208ubb3cuc774 ub098uc694 uc544ud504uc9c0ub9c8uc694 uc5b8uc81cub098 uc6c3uc5b4uc694 uc57duc18dud560uac8cuc694[02:10.28]uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc0acub791ud574uc694 My Love My Love My Love uacb0ud63cud574uc918uc694[02:12.72][02:15.15]uac70uce5c ud30cub3c4uac00 uc640ub3c4 uba39uad6cub984 ubc00ub824uc640ub3c4[02:19.83]ub0b4 uc0acub791uc740 uadf8ub300uc640 ud568uaed8 ud558uc8e0[02:24.45]uc5b4ub450uc6b4 ubc24uc5d0 uadf8ub300 uae38 uc783uc5b4ub3c4[02:28.42]ub0b4 uc0acub791uc774 ud658ud558uac8c ube44ucd94uc8e0[02:30.45][02:32.47]uadf8ub300ub97c uc0acub791ud560uac8cuc694[02:34.88]uc601uc6d0ud788 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8cuc694[02:37.39]ucc98uc74cuacfc uac19uc740 ub9c8uc74c[02:39.52]ub0b4uac8c uc120ubb3cud560uac8cuc694[02:42.67]ud55c uc5ecub984 ub0a0uc5d0 ub208uc774 ub0b4ub9b4 ub54c uae4cuc9c0[02:46.52]ub098uc758 uc0acub791 ubcc0ud558uc9c0ub294 uc54auc544uc694[02:51.26]ud3c9uc0dd ud589ubcf5uc744 uc548uaca8 uc904[02:53.64]uc18cuc911ud55c uc0acub78cuc774uc5d0uc694[02:56.20]uc9c0uae08 uaf2d uc7a1uc740 uadf8 uc190 ub2e4uc2dcub294 ub193uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694[03:01.49]uc57duc18dud574uc918uc694 ud56duc0c1 uac19uc740 uc790ub9acuc5d0[03:06.78]ub098uc640 ud568uaed8 ud558uae30ub97c[03:08.88][03:10.97]Na Na Na~[03:17.14]uadf8ub308 uc0acub791ud574uc694[03:20.31]uc11cucabd ud558ub298uc5d0 ud574uac00 ub728ub294 ub0a0uae4cuc9c0[03:24.13]uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc694[03:26.52][03:28.90]ub0b4 ud589ubcf5uc744 ub2e4 uc783uc5b4ub3c4 uc138uc0c1 ub208ubb3c ub2e4 uac00uc838ub3c4[03:33.87]uc9c0uae08 uaf2d uc7a1uc740 uadf8 uc190 ub2e4uc2dcub294 ub193uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694[03:39.15]uc57duc18dud560uac8cuc694 uc138uc0c1 uadf8 ub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4 ub354[03:44.45]uadf8ub308 uc0acub791ud560uac8cuc694[03:47.10][03:49.75]I Love You I Love You I Love You~[04:06.02]






uc528uc57c - 《uc0acub791uc544》SeeYa - 《爱情啊》uc6c3uc74cubcf4uc77c ub54c uac00uc138uc694 uac10uc2f8ub294 ub208ubb3c uc77cuae4c ubd10面带笑容的时候走吧 是遮掩的眼泪吧uc5b4uc0c9ud55c ub9d0ud22cub85c ub18dub2f4ub3c4 ud574ubd10uc694 uc870uae08 uc11cub458ub7ecuc918uc694即使用尴尬的语气开玩笑也好 赶紧点吧ud55c uac78uc74cub9cc ube68ub9ac uac00uc694 uadf8ub300 uc560uc6d0ud558uba70 uc7a1uc744uae4c只是一步也好 快点走吧 哀求能抓住你吗uc228uc744 uc8fduc5ecuac00uba70 uc785uc220ub3c4 uae68ubb3cuc5b4uc694 uc0c8ub294 uc2acud514uc774 ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc544屏住呼吸 也咬紧嘴唇 漏出的悲伤快要崩决了uac00uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 uc0acub791uc544 ub098 uc5ecuae30 uc788uc5b4uc694不要走 爱情啊 我就在这里uc218ucc9cubc88uc529 ub2ffuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud560 uc18cub9b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buc8e0数百遍 在心里埋葬无法传达的声音uac00uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 uc0acub791uc544不要走 爱情啊uc7a1uc9c0 ubabbud560 uac81 ub9ceuc740 uc0acub791uc774ub77c无法掌握很胆怯的就是爱情ud63cuc790uc11c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc6b8uace0 uc788uc8e0独自一个像傻瓜般在哭泣uc694uc998 uadf8ub304 uc5b4ub5a4uac00uc694你最近是怎麼过呢ub098ub294 ub9e4uc77c uccaduc18cub9ccud558ub124uc694我每日不停打扫ubc29uc548 uad6cuc11duad6cuc11d uadf8ub300 ud754uc801 uc9c0uc6b0uba70擦掉房里每一处有你的痕迹ud558ub8e8 uc885uc77c ub09c ubc14uc058uac8c uc9c0ub0b4uc694我忙碌的度过一整天ubbf8uc548ud574uc694 uc0acub791uc544 ucc38uc544 ubabb uc7a1ub124uc694对不起 爱情啊 真的 无法抓住uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c uc544ud30cud558uba74uc11c ub0c9uc815ud558uac8c ubcf4ub0c8uc8e0像快要死似的痛 所以要冷静的把爱情送走ubbf8uc548ud574uc694 uc0acub791uc544 ub5a0ub098uc57cub9cc ud589ubcf5ud560 uac83 uac19uc544uc11c 对不起 爱情啊 只有离开才能幸福uadf8ub798uc11c ucc28uac11uac8c ub3ccuc544uc130uc5b4uc694因此冷酷的转身uadf8ub300ub294 ubaa8ub974uc8e0 ubc1buae30ub9cc ud55c ub0b4 uc0acub791uc774你不知道吧 我的爱只接受而不付出uc774ubcc4ud55c ud6c4uc5d0 uc0acubb34uce58ub3c4ub85d ud6c4ud68cub9cc ub0a8ub294uac78离别后深切体会到 可是只留下后悔uac00uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 uc0acub791uc544 ub098 uc5ecuae30 uc788uc5b4uc694不要走 爱情啊 我就在这里uc218ucc9cubc88uc529 ub2ffuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud560 uc18cub9b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buc8e0数百遍 在心里埋葬无法传达的声音uac00uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 uc0acub791uc544不要走 爱情啊uc7a1uc9c0 ubabbud560 uac81 ub9ceuc740 uc0acub791uc774ub77c无法掌握很胆怯的就是爱情ud63cuc790uc11c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc6b8uace0 uc788uc8e0独自一个像傻瓜般在哭泣转自SEEYA中国中文论坛中韩翻译哦。。不要中文就复制韩文吧


韩国女子组合SeeYa出道5年近日宣布解散。有着韩国女子SG Wanna Be称号的SeeYa,2006年以包括南圭丽的3人组出道,2009年南圭丽退队,随后新成员李秀美加入,但是随后李秀美加入男女共学。 SeeYa李宝蓝和金延智决定各自发展,SeeYa宣布解散。SeeYa将在2011年1月10日发行最后一张专辑《Good Bye My Friend》。南圭丽应该还是在影视圈发展李宝蓝 金延智应该会继续唱歌

寻seeya韩文歌词如题 谢谢了

seeya -〔女人的香气〕中文翻译歌词+韩文歌词+罗马拼音 jal ji ne bo yo yo 看我过的很好 ku de ol gu lun, na li go jal sa nun du ha ju 忘记他的脸好好过着的吧 ku lon ku de ga ol ma na mi un ji, ol ma na so u ne nun ji 我是多么讨厌他又多么不舍 nan go bi ma na so, hun ja lan ge xi lo so 我很害怕我讨厌一个人 ku de op xi nan an twi ne yo 没有他我不行 mo li nun ku del xi ge yi jo ne do 脑子里很容易地忘记他 ka su mun ku del ta xi te lio o ne yo 可他又再心里再次出现 sa lang he so na ba, ji u ji mo ta na ba 看来我爱他我不能抹去他 him du lo do ni tul man do o lio do, jo a don ki o man ta xi qa ja wa, na nun do a pu ge ha ju 即使是一些辛苦的事我也只记得 那些开心的事更让我伤心 o do ka na yo, sa lang ha go xi pun de, ju kul man gum no mu po gu xi pun de 该怎么办 想爱想到死了 太想他 se sang e ka jang ha gu pun ma, le so qa ma pol ge yo 世上最想讲出的话 我却要忍着 ka su ma pa do na u ne yo 虽然心痛我依然微笑 nun mu li ma na so, ka su mi qam ya ke so, u nun bo do qal mo la nun de 眼泪不断 脆弱的心 连笑都不会了 ku de de mu ne heng po gul pe wo go 因为他而学习幸福 ku de de mu ne sa lang el a la nun de 因为他而懂得爱 sa lang he so na ba, ji u ji mo ta na ba 看来我爱他我不能抹去他 him du lo do ni tul man do o lio do, jo a don ki o man ta xi qa ja wa, na nun do a pu ge ha ju 即使是一些辛苦的事我也只记得 那些开心的事更让我伤心 o do ka na yo, sa lang ha go xi pun de, ju kul man gum no mu po gu xi pun de 该怎么办 想爱想到死了 太想他 se sang e ka jang ha gu pun mal, ku de lul sa lang he yo 世上最难说出的话 我爱他 yi je nun ku man dwe da gu, yi jo jul de do twin go man ka da go 现在就这样吧 像是能够忘记他 tu nu ni mon da mion, xim jang yi mom qu mion, twil ga yo 闭上双眼 心脏停止跳动就行了 sa lang he don man kum, ku li wo han nal man kum, ku del po ne ju nun go do him nun de 太爱他太想念他所以很难放手 ne ga ol ma na to yi jo ya ha ju, ol ma na do a pa ya ha ju 我是多么努力忘记他又多么痛苦 mo lo ja ka ji man, ta xi nun mo po ji man 虽然要远走,虽然不能再见 ku del wi han ne ma ji man son mu lun, ku de pion hi gal su yi do lo, he so u so bo yi nil 给他的我最后的礼物是让他安心走掉的我的微笑 o nul to ku de heng po ke sal ju 今天,他也幸福地生活






就是和see you的意思一样的






SeeYa 韩国三人女子组合SeeYa(),二OO六年以《女人的香气》专辑出道。『SeeYa』是“See You Always”的简写,意为希望一直陪伴在歌迷身边。隶属于韩国GM企划公司,组合成员南圭丽(21岁)、金延智(20岁)、李宝兰(19岁) 都是在唱片公司以134:1的高竞争率之下脱颖而出的新生代女孩,可谓是一组美貌兼具实力的超强新人组。 值得一提的是,出道40天,她们就荣登韩国电视台音乐节目冠军宝座,由于热门组合SG Wanna Be担当了培训和开发SeeYa的重任,故该组合被韩国媒体称作是女版的SG。 SeeYa成员:南圭丽 南圭丽() 生日:1985年4月26日 身高:165CM 体重:46KG 学历:明智专门大学实用音乐专业休学中 嗜好:写字、单独看电影、浏览音乐网站 SeeYa成员:金延智 金延智() 生日:1986年10月30日 身高:163CM 体重:48KG 学历:平村情报产业高等学校观光专业毕业 嗜好:网上购物、唱歌跳舞、运动 SeeYa成员:李宝蓝 李宝兰() 生日:1987年2月17日 身高:163CM 体重:48KG 学历:首尔艺术大学实用音乐专业 嗜好:听歌、电脑、游戏 ~佐岸*佑转~ 2008-07-30 09:44 检举相关问题 韩国组合SEEYA中,南奎利的详细资料 有人知道韩国组合SEEYA么 SeeYa在韩国的人气怎么样 请谁提供一下韩国组合SeeYa的一些相关信息?其他答案 http://baike.baidu.com/view/521699.htm 黑糖玛奇朵 2008-07-30 09:43 检举f.t island成员的资料姓名:崔宗勋(吉他 & 钢琴)队长 生日:1990年3月7日 身高:178cm 体重:60kg 血型:A型 爱好:听音乐,上网 特长:钢琴 别名:性感宗勋 姓名:李弘基(主唱) 生日:1990年2月6日 身高:176cm 体重:60kg 血型:AB型 爱好:唱歌,踢足球,打电动游戏 特长:唱歌,踢足球 别名:可爱的叛逆儿姓名:吴原彬(吉他 & 主唱) 生日:1990年3月26日 身高:180cm 体重:63kg 血型:O型 爱好:运动,看书,听音乐 特长:武术 别名:淘气鬼原彬姓名:李在锦(贝斯) 生日:1991年12月17日 身高:177cm 体重:58kg 血型:A型 爱好:上网查询 特长:弹贝斯,唱老歌 别名:自震姓名:崔敏焕(鼓手) 生日:1992年11月11日 身高:171cm 体重:55kg 血型:A型 爱好:听音乐,上网查询 特长:架子鼓,吃鸡肉! 别名:小敏 F.T Island是有著与众不同特色的偶像组合.F.T Island成员的平均年纪在16~18岁,是10岁年龄层的组合.但是F.T Island却拒绝了以往的偶像组合的风格,而是一个独具强烈特色的新型偶像组合.就连F.T Island的企划人也对他们的专辑相当的期待.F.T Island是由在韩国发掘了J-Pop的新星K,并成功打入了日本市场的制作人韩成浩以及通过栽培SG Wanna-B, SeeYa等歌手现在在歌坛取得成功的M.net Media的金光洙制作理事一同推出的重量级组合求采纳




seeya是一个女子组合。由李宝蓝、李秀美和金延智组成,专辑有《女人的香气》、《To My Lover》、《无法阻挡的婚姻》等。SeeYa在专辑发行一周后,就刮起了移动通讯下载旋风。SeeYa17日通过几大音乐门户网站发行了她们的第一张专辑同名主打歌在各大网站的排行中排到了前几位,受到了网友们热烈的追捧。seeya其他情况简介。SeeYa组合的音乐训练和音像制作是由实力派组合SG WANNA BE担任,因此歌曲的风格也很接近, 甚至有人说他们是“女子SG WANNA BE”。在南圭丽退队之后,新加入了成员李秀美,在完成了Rebloom(EP)也退队转加入男女共学,seeya进入了两人时期。2011年1月10日,SeeYa发行了最后一张专辑《Goodbye My Friend》之后正式宣布解散。之前南圭丽在听到组合解散的消息之后表示:“我永远都是SeeYa的一员。

Yuke Yuke Monkey中文歌词


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Trey Songz的《infidelity》 歌词

歌曲名:infidelity歌手:Trey Songz专辑:anticipationTrey Songz - InfidelityYou love me like words can"t explainFor me to feel the same is all you wanna gainYou never claim that the dollars made me changeBut the models givin" brainGuess that could f*ck with your brainHurt your heart in the worst wayNever should have let you fall in the first placeBut you"ve fallen, put your all inNow you"re so high off love you don"t wanna get downMost nights she aint sleepWorried where I might or I might not beShesh! for the life for meMan what a life I leadYou kept me on this pedestalNo matter how much I let you down(down x3) I let you down (down x3)With all my infidelityYou loved me so incrediblyInside I"ll fall apartIf you ever love someone instead of me(instead of me )So you deserve a better man(instead of me, instead of me)Clock won"t stop (tick, tock)Her love is going, going, goingBy the minuteGoing, going, goingShe keep givingBut I know she can"t take itStill her heart I keep breakingSo Ima let her love goCause I don"t deserve her love no moreSad storyShe mad for meAnd mad at meSad that weCan"t exude loveNot a true loveCause it"s all screwed upYou kept me on this pedestalNo matter how much I let you down(down x3) I let you down (down x3)With all my infidelityYou loved me so incrediblyInside I"ll fall apartIf you ever love someone instead of meHow do you fix a love undoneHow you even know if you"re fit to love someoneAnd when you decide to take that rideCan you drive from the passengers sideOne wheel in the middleFour hands on itTwo sets of breaksYou decide to slam on itGod damn womanWhere the love goWhip crash will you get whiplashSit back cause you won"t get sh*t backBut think if you tried to get what you jus had backShe mad at factsAnd you can"t be mad at that(You can"t be mad at that)x2Whoa x5(Clock won"t stop - tick, tock)x2You kept me on this pedestalNo matter how muchI let you downI let you downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28203961

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采取完整责任.在人们从他们的到父母政府把他们的未能获得成功归咎于每个的同时,动机的领袖不肯收养受害者 attiude.他们的相信是“ifit"s向是,it"s向上的移动向me.” 按照他的由于向上的移动做阿特出生的父亲和把受到挑战的孩子说成是一在心中,Les Brown"s对未来的希望是奔忙的.但是当一higt学校tecther告诉他那“someoneelse"s关于你剂量的意见的时候,不必须成为你的现实,”布朗意识到他的未来位于他的自己手上和不是在同意其他的中.他继续许多决定成为一ohio国家政客和作者.今天,每作为American"s最高动机的演讲人之一小时20000美元他获得. 过“onpurpose”生活. 什么辨认动机的领袖从其他的存在那那些活生活“onpurpose”-那些是热心于他们的活和并非公正参观者.在你的一生中“having一目的是成为一个完全运转人中最最重要要素,”说韦恩Dyer,一个一本畅销书的作者. 什么时候你过你的有关目的,你的mian关注存在dooing jop纠正的生活.你爱你所做的.因为他们感觉到你的承诺,人们想要模仿生意有的你. 写出一计划. 没有一行动计划达到你的目标Tring是就象请尝试从看哪Angeles到denver外面一地图驾驶.在你达到你的destinaton之前,浪费掉的时间,能源和钱将使你长时间放弃.不是在朝派写作的目标根本不是目标.他们仅仅是抽象概念. 请愿意的付价格. 想要一座大房子,一昂贵小汽车或者一百万dollors真好,但是问题是几乎每人想要这些东西.成功人们发现它花费使他们的梦成为现实的. 成为一个专家. 关于动机的演讲人一个引人注目的因素我intervieved是他们的是最好的不寻常开车去.They"ll几乎做改进他们的技能任何事情. 帕特丽夏fripp,其向财富就怎样成为更多succe演讲500个经理的ssful, took a comedy workshop and hired a private speech tutor to improve her speaking ability. Fripp did this even after being named one of the most exciting speakers in north american by a trade magazine. Never give up. When you truly devote yourself to your goal, giving up isn"t even a choice. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, withstanding all of life"s trials. Spend as much of your day as you can on achieving your goals and dreams. When jack canfield and mark victor chichen soup for the soul, more than one hundred publishers turned them down. But instead of giving up, they stayed focused on their goals. Eventually , a small company agree to take on the coyrights of the book. It not only became a bestseller but also lauched an entrie serise of Chichen Soup books that has sold more than 12 million copies.



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Do the Hokey Pokey的中文翻译是什么?

do the Hokey Pokey

hokey pokey的英文简介

The Hokey Pokey or the Hokey Cokey is a participation dance with a distinctive accompanying tune and lyric structure. It is well known in English-speaking countries.It is of unclear origin with two main traditions having evolved in different parts of the world.1.British IslesKnown as the Hokey Cokey it has virtually the same lyric, tune, and dance style as the U.S. version and was a music hall song and novelty dance popular in England in the mid-1940s. "Hokey-cokey" is also known as "Okey-cokey", perhaps following London Cockney pronunciation.There is a claim of authorship by the British/Irish songwriter Jimmy Kennedy, responsible for the lyrics to popular songs such as the wartime We"re Going to Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried Line and the children"s song Teddy Bears" Picnic. Sheet music copyrighted in 1942 and published by Campbell Connelly & Co Ltd, agents for Kennedy Music Co Ltd, styles the song as "the Cokey Cokey".A competing authorship claim is made by or on behalf of British bandleader Gerry Hoey from around 1940, under the title "the Hoey Oka".2.United StatesKnown as the Hokey Pokey, it became popular in the USA in the 1950s. Larry LaPrise, Charles Macak and Tafit Baker were granted the copyright for the song in 1950. According to popular legend they created this novelty dance in 1949 as entertainment for the ski crowd at Idaho"s Sun Valley resort. However, as the dance was wildly popular with American servicemen and Britons during World War II, this date cannot be correct.There is another contrary belief that states that Robert P. Degan and Joseph P. Brier, both natives of Scranton, Pennsylvania, wrote the original song as confirmed by the U.S. Copyright Office in 1996, thus giving two groups of musicians the rights. Ray Anthony"s big band recording of the song turned it into a nationwide sensation by the mid-1950s (The "Hokey Pokey" appeared on the B side of Anthony"s "Bunny Hop" single). Its rights were purchased in the mid-1960s by country-western music star Roy Acuff"s publishing company, Acuff-Rose.3.Origins and MeaningThere are many theories and conjectures about the meaning of the words "Hokey Pokey", and of their origin. Some scholars[citation needed] attribute the origin to the Shaker song Hinkum-Booby which had similar lyrics and was published in Edward Deming Andrews" A gift to be simple in 1940: (p.42)" A song rendered ("with appropriate gestures") by two Canterbury sisters while on a visit to Bridgewater, N.H. in 1857 starts thus:I put my right hand in,I put my right hand out,I give my right hand a shake, shake shakeAnd I turn myself about.As the song continues, the "left hand" is put in, then the "right foot," then the "left foot," then "my whole head."...Newell gave it the title, "Right Elbow In," and said that is was danced " deliberately and decorously...with slow rhythmical motion."Before the invention of ice cream cones, ice cream was often sold wrapped in waxed paper and known as a hokey-pokey (possibly a corruption of the Italian "ecco un poco" - "here is a little")[1]. An Italian ice cream street vendor was called a hokey-pokey man.Other scholars[citation needed] have found similar dances and lyrics dating back to the 17th century. A very similar dance is cited in Robert Chambers" Popular Rhymes of Scotland from 1826.According to Beth Ann Hughes "hokey cokey" comes from "hocus pocus", the traditional magician"s incantation which in its turn derives from a distortion of hoc enim est corpus meum - "this is my body" - the words of consecration accompanying the elevation of the host at Eucharist, the point, at which according to traditional Catholic practice, transubstantiation takes place - mocked by Puritans and others as a form of "magic words". The Anglican Canon Matt Damon, Provost of Wakefield Cathedral, West Yorkshire, says that the dance as well comes from the Catholic Latin mass[2]. The priest would perform his movements with his back to the congregation, who could not hear well the Latin words nor see clearly his movements.4.Dance movesParticipants stand in the shape of a big ring formation during the dance. The dance follows the instructions given in the lyrics of the song, which may be prompted by a bandleader or another danceleader.* Specific body parts are named, and these are then sequentially put into the ring, taken out of the ring, and finally wiggled around maniacally inside the ring.* After this is done one raises one"s hands up to the side of the head, wiggles them, and turns around in place until the next sequence begins, with a new named body part.A sample instruction set would be:* You put your left leg in* You put your left leg out* You put your left leg in* And you shake it all about.* You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around* That"s what it"s all about...In some cultures, this step is only repeated after a new chorus,* Oh, the hokey pokey,* Oh, the hokey pokey,* Oh, the hokey pokey,* That"s what it"s all about.Similar to the repeat above, the Australian tradition repeat is:* Do, the hokey pokey,* Do, the hokey pokey,* Do, the hokey pokey,* And that"s what it"s all about.5.The Dance in the UKIn parts of the UK the entire dance can be quite different. The instruction set would go as follows:* You put your left leg in* Your left leg out* In, out, in, out,* shake it all about.* You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around* That"s what it"s all about...Each instruction set would be followed chorus, which is entirely different from other parts of the world:* Woah, hokey cokey cokey,* Woah, hokey cokey cokey,* Woah, hokey cokey cokey,* Knees bent, arms stretched, ra ra ra!For this chorus all participants are stood in a circle and hold hands, on each "woah" they all run in toward the centre of the circle and on "hokey cokey cokey" they all run backwards out again. On the last line they bend knees then stretch arms, as indicated, and for "ra ra ra!" they either clap in time or raise arms above their heads and push upwards in time. More often than not, each subsequent verse and chorus is a little faster, with the ultimate aim of making people fall over.6.Copyright* In the United States it costs $32 000 for an ad campaign (television and radio for 3 months) to use the "Hokey Pokey". [citation needed]* In the United Kingdom the "Hokey Cokey" (although not necessarily the U.S. Hokey Pokey) is regarded as a traditional song and is therefore free of copyright restrictions.7.Popular Culture, Trivia* Martin de Maat used the words of the song in his lessons to comedy students at The Second City, saying: "The Hokey Pokey. Think about it. At the end of the song, what do we learn? What is it all about?... You put your whole self in!"* At Virginia Tech, where the athletic teams are known as Hokies, fans dance the Hokey Pokey (NOT the "Hokey Cokey") between the third and fourth quarters of football games.* The song is humorously and existentially dealt with in Jimmy Buffett"s song "What If The Hokey Pokey Is All It Really Is About?" in his 2002 album "Far Side of the World".* In the universe of Babylon 5, the Hokey Pokey has apparently survived to the 23rd century, as it is referenced by Londo Mollari as "the one song that nearly all humans sing to their children at some point or another."* To some, the final word on the Hokey Pokey was given by the actress Teri Garr one night on the David Letterman show: "It"s the most liberating of all dances: you put your whole self in, you put your whole self out! You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. And that"s what it"s all about!"* Magic: the Gathering features a card called Knight of the Hokey Pokey with the flavor text stating "That"s what it"s all about." [1]* In Britain the Hokey Cokey is evocative of the 1940s and the Second World War, and is regarded as a traditional Pub song and part of Cockney music hall tradition.* In the Second World War comedy "Allo "Allo, episode 2 of season 2, Herr Flick shows to Helga the "traditional Gestapo Dance": You put your left boot in / you take your left boot out / you do a lot of shouting and you shake your fists about / you light a little smokey and you burn down ze town / zat what it"s all about... heil! / Ah... Himmler Himmler Himmler....* This song is prominently featured in episode 107, "Chinga", during season 5 of the X-Files.* British Comedian Bill Bailey performed a German translation called "Das Hokey Kokey" in Part Troll, where he claimed it was a "lesser-known, lesser-performed track" by Kraftwerk (where he, joined by three other men in suits, danced robotically). Clip available on YouTube.Man steckt die linke Arm ein, die linke Arm aus. Ein, aus, ein, aus. Man springt es alles um. Man macht das Hokey-Kokey und man dreht sich herum. Das ist die ganze Sache. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Knien gebogen, Armen gestreckt. Bla, bla, bla.Man steckt die linke Bein ein, die linke Bein aus. Ein, aus, ein, aus. Man springt es alles um. Man macht das Hokey-Kokey und man dreht sich herum. Das ist die ganze Sache. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Knien gebogen, Armen gestreckt. Bla, bla, bla.* A reprise of this dance was done during an episode of Sunset Beach that featured Caitlin Richards-Deschanel wedding to Cole Deschanel,with a very pregnant Olivia Richards taking part.* At the satirical Pantomime put on by the British Embassy in Beijing during the Christmas season of 1983, a song to the tune of "Hokey Pokey" satirized the bland Chinese banquet delicacy "The Three Delicious." Those who had suffered a good deal from "Chinese Banquet Torture" appreciated the chorus: "Oh, the Three Delicious: / Sea slug, fish tum, fungus soup."* In a parody of the science fiction comic Freefall there is a reference to a "cramped space" version that goes "You put your right hand in, you put your left eye out..."* In Aberdeen locals use changed lyrics to praise local football hero Darren Mackie replacing "hokey cokey" with "Darren Darren Mackie" and "thats what its all about" with "He put Dnipro out out out" to celebrate a football victory.* In the Washington Post Style Invitational readers were asked to "rewrite some banal instructions." Jeff Brechlin of Potomac Falls, Maryland wrote a version in sonnet form as if it was written by William Shakespeare:O proud left foot, that ventures quick withinThen soon upon a backward journey lithe.Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.Commence though then the fervid Hokey-Poke,A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.To spin! A wilde release from heavens yoke.Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.The Hoke, the poke--banish now they doubtVerily, I say, "tis what it"s all about.

The Hokey Pokey 歌词

歌曲名:The Hokey Pokey歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.3You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out,You put your right foot in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all aboutHey!You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out,You put your right hand in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all aboutYou put your whole self in, You put your whole self out,You put your whole self in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all abouthttp://music.baidu.com/song/765395

hokey pokey什么意思

呵呵,词典上对hokey pokey有一些解释,比如“戏法”等,但都不是你这个视频的意思。这是英语语言国家孩子的一个要求身体动作的律动早操。这首歌20世纪50年代在美国开始风靡,名字就是Hokey Pokey。但在英国通常叫做Hokey Cokey或者Okey Cokey,风靡的时间是20世纪40年代中叶。通常是集体做的一项活动。国内幼儿英语歌曲比赛,这也是常用歌曲之一。相关内容,请阅读:Dance movesParticipants stand in the shape of a big ring formation during the dance. The dance follows the instructions given in the lyrics of the song, which may be prompted by a bandleader or another danceleader.Specific body parts are named, and these are then sequentially put into the ring, taken out of the ring, and finally wiggled around maniacally inside the ring. After this is done one raises one"s hands up to the side of the head, wiggles them, and turns around in place until the next sequence begins, with a new named body part. A sample instruction set would be:You put your left leg in You put your left leg out You put your left leg in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around That"s (clap) what (clap) it"s (lift leg and clap under the knee) all (clap behind back) about (clap and raise right hand)...



hokey pokey是什么意思?


Cheongidan RadiantRegenerating Eye Cream翻译成中文什么意思

Cheongidan RadiantRegenerating Eye Cream/ 天气丹华炫重生眼霜

hokey pokey是什么意思?

hokey pokey戏法双语例句1.Do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.转一转左脚。Hokey Pokey英文儿歌You put your right hand in, you take your right hand out, You put your right hand in, and you shake it all about, You do the Hokey Pokey, and you turn yourself around, That"s what it"s all about这是首儿童歌曲,意思是:伸出你的右手,收回你的右手.伸出你的右手再摆动它,你这样做后,再整个人原地转一圈,所有动作就做完了.


hokey-pokey英 [u02cchu0259u028aki"pu0259u028aki]     美 [u02cchu0259u028aki"pu0259u028aki]    n. 戏法;廉价冰淇淋;欺骗

hokey pokey的英文简介


The Hokey Pokey 歌词

歌名:The Hokey Pokey歌手: Twins时长:1分40秒语言:英语专辑:《Singing In The Twins Wonderland》歌词:You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out,You put your right foot in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all aboutHey!You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out,You put your right foot in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all aboutHey!You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out,You put your right hand in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all aboutHey!You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out,You put your right hand in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all aboutYou put your whole self in, You put your whole self out,Hey!You put your whole self in,And you shake it all about,and then You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundand that what it"s all about

hokey pokey的中文歌词是神马啊~~ 急!!!



词典上对hokey pokey有一些解释,比如“戏法”等,但都不是你这个视频的意思. 这是英语语言国家孩子的一个要求身体动作的律动早操. 这首歌20世纪50年代在美国开始风靡,名字就是Hokey Pokey. 但在英国通常叫做Hokey Cokey或者Okey Cokey,风靡的时间是20世纪40年代中叶. 通常是集体做的一项活动.国内幼儿英语歌曲比赛,这也是常用歌曲之一. 相关内容,请阅读: Dance moves Participants stand in the shape of a big ring formation during the dance.The dance follows the instructions given in the lyrics of the song,which may be prompted by a bandleader or another danceleader. Specific body parts are named,and these are then sequentially put into the ring,taken out of the ring,and finally wiggled around maniacally inside the ring. After this is done one raises one"s hands up to the side of the head,wiggles them,and turns around in place until the next sequence begins,with a new named body part. A sample instruction set would be: You put your left leg in You put your left leg out You put your left leg in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around That"s (clap) what (clap) it"s (lift leg and clap under the knee) all (clap behind back) about (clap and raise right hand)...

hokey pokey是什么意思?

这首儿歌,特别是hokey pokey的意思.You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey, And you turn yourself around, That"s what it"s all about. You put your left hand in, You put your left hand out, You put your left hand in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey, And you turn yourself around, That"s what it"s all about. You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey, And you turn yourself around, That"s what it"s all about. You put your left foot in, You put your left foot out, You put your left foot in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey, And you turn yourself around, That"s what it"s all about. You put your whole self in, You put your whole self out, You put your whole self in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around, That"s what it"s all about. 译文:Honkey Pokey 伸出你的右手, 收起你的右手, 收起你的右手, 到处摇摇你的手。 来做这些动作, 自己来回转一转, 就做这些动作。 伸出你的左手, 收起你的左手, 收起你的左手, 到处摇摇你的手。 来做这些动作, 自己来回转一转, 就做这些动作。 伸出你的右脚, 收起你的右脚, 收起你的右手, 到处摇摇你的脚。 来做这些动作, 自己来回转一转, 就做这些动作。 伸出你的左脚, 收起你的左脚, 收起你的左手, 到处摇摇你的脚。 来做这些动作, 自己来回转一转, 就做这些动作。 伸出你的全身, 收回你的全身, 伸出你的全身, 到处摇摇你的脚。 来做这些动作, 自己来回转一转, 就做这些动作。


"Vary" 是一个动词,表示不同或多样化,而 "pokey" 是形容词,表示慢或缓慢的。在一起使用时,这两个词通常没有固定的短语或习惯用法,但可以根据上下文来理解它们的含义。可能的解释包括:"Varying pokey" 可能意味着速度的变化,例如一个人在不同的地方走路速度可能会变得快一些或慢一些。"Varying pokey" 也可以指行为或进展的变化,例如某人的工作进展可能会时快时慢。"Varying pokey" 也可以描述事物的特性或品质在不同方面的变化,例如某个菜肴的口味可能在咸度、甜度、酸度等方面有所变化。






pokey 英["pu0259u028aku026a]美["pou028aku026a]n. <美俚>监狱;adj. 狭小的; 破旧的; 迟钝的; 无趣的;[例句]They threw him in the pokey, kept him under very harsh conditions.他们把他投进监狱,服刑条件非常恶劣。


1做形容词:迟钝的 2做名词:监狱 3人名:波基



求四辑后续曲a short journey 的韩文歌词~

[00:02.28]uc5ecud589 (A Short Journey)[00:04.28]uc288ud37cuc8fcub2c8uc5b4(Super Junior)[00:06.47]The 4th Album Repackage "ubbf8uc778uc544"[00:08.90]2010.06.28 by:猥琐老囧[00:10.65][00:11.61]ub110 uc0acub791ud588ub358 uc774 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774, ub110 ubc14ub77cubd24ub358 ub0b4 ub450 ub208uc774[00:17.84]uc544uc9c1ub3c4 uc5ecuae30uc5d0…[00:19.30][00:19.60]Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh uc7a0uc2dcub9cc Goodbye[00:24.42]uc548ub155uc774ub780 ub9d0uc740 uc7a0uc2dc uc811uc5b4ub458uac8c[00:28.94]uc800 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uace0uc11c ud55c uac78uc74c ub0b4ubc00uba74[00:33.90]ucf54 ub05duc73cub85c uc804ud574uc9c0ub294 ub108uc758 uc228uacb0[00:38.47][00:38.81]ucc28uac00uc6b4 uadf8 ubc14ub78c uc18duc5d0 ub530ub73bud55c ub108uc758 uc190uae38uc774[00:44.65]ud55cub3d9uc548 ub0a8uc544 uc788ub294 uac78[00:49.32]uc628ud1b5 uadf8ub300 ud754uc801uc774 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub418uc5b4[00:54.03]ub0b4 ub450 ubea8 uc704uc5d0 uba38ubb34ub294 uac78[00:57.20][00:57.73]uc7a0uc2dc ub3d9uc548 uc5ecud589uc744 ub5a0ub098[01:02.43]uac00uc2b4 uc544ud508 uc0c1ucc98 ub2e6uc544 ub0b4uace0uc11c[01:07.09]uc2dcuac04 ud758ub7ec uadf8ub308 ub9ccub098uba74[01:11.86]ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5c8ub2e4 ub124uac8c ub9d0ud574uc904uac8c[01:16.19][01:16.58]Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh uc7a0uc2dcub9cc Goodbye[01:21.39]uc548ub155uc774ub780 ub9d0uc740 uc7a0uc2dc uc811uc5b4ub458uac8c[01:26.11]uc800 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uace0uc11c ud55c uac78uc74c ub0b4ubc00uba74[01:30.92]ucf54 ub05duc73cub85c uc804ud574uc9c0ub294 ub108uc758 uc228uacb0[01:35.40][01:35.88]uadf8ub807uac8c ub610 ud574uac00 uc9c0uace0 ub2ecuc774 ub728ub294 uc624ub298[01:41.51]uc5educ2dc ubcc0ud568uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370[01:46.41]Oh, uc65c uc790uafb8ub9cc ub0b4 ub9d8uc740 uc774ub807uac8c[01:50.64]ube60ub974uac8c ub2ecub77cuc9c0ub294uc9c0[01:54.39][01:54.83]ud30cub780 ud558ub298 ub2eeuc740 uadf8ub300uc758[01:59.45]ubaa8uc2b5uc740 uc5b4ub290 uc0ccuac00 ube44ub97c ub0b4ub9acuace0[02:04.22]uc774 ube57uc18duc5d0 ubab8uc774 uc816uc73cuba74[02:08.98]ud750ub974ub294 ub208ubb3c ub530uc708 uac10ucdb0ub458uac8c yeah~[02:13.26][02:13.65]Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh uc7a0uc2dcub9cc Goodbye[02:18.41]uc548ub155uc774ub780 ub9d0uc740 uc7a0uc2dc uc811uc5b4ub458uac8c[02:23.13]uc800 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uace0uc11c ud55c uac78uc74c ub0b4ubc00uba74[02:27.94]ucf54 ub05duc73cub85c uc804ud574uc9c0ub294 ub108uc758 uc228uacb0[02:32.37][02:33.97]uc9c0ub09c uc2dcuac04 ub108ubb34 uc5b4ub9acuc11duc5c8ub358 ub0b4 uba4bub300ub85cuc600ub358[02:42.24]uadf8ub7f0 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5 ubaa8ub450 uac10uc2f8uc92cub358 ub124uac00 ub108ubb34 uc18cuc911ud55c uac78[02:51.39][02:51.78]Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh uc7a0uc2dcub9cc Goodbye[02:56.45]uc548ub155uc774ub780 ub9d0uc740 uc7a0uc2dc uc811uc5b4ub458uac8c[03:01.02]uc800 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uace0uc11c ud55c uac78uc74c ub0b4ubc00uba74[03:05.91]ucf54 ub05duc73cub85c uc804ud574uc9c0ub294 ub108uc758 uc228uacb0[03:10.19][03:10.67]Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh uc7a0uc2dcub9cc Goodbye[03:15.39]ub0b4uac00 uc788ub358 uadf8 uc790ub9acub85c ub3ccuc544uac08uac8c[03:20.11]uc800 ubb38uc744 uc5f4uace0uc11c ud55c uac78uc74c ub0b4ubc00uc5b4[03:24.97]ubcf4uace0 uc2f6ub358 ub124 uc55euc5d0 uc124 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85d[03:30.78][03:31.37]ub110 uc0acub791ud588ub358 uc774 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774, ub110 ubc14ub77cubd24ub358 ub0b4 ub450 ub208uc774…uae30ub2e4ub9b4uac8c[03:38.41][03:40.25]2010.06.28 by:猥琐老囧[03:42.59]

boney M演唱的 Rasputin .中文名字叫什么?

西德波尼 M演唱组的《Rasputin》中文歌曲《我的心上人》而今刚过而立之年的男同胞们I当年都会哼上两句“我的心上人,请你不要走,音乐正悠扬,鼓声伴着好节奏……”这首被高凌风翻唱为《我的心上人》的歌曲,便是来自于前西德波尼M演唱组的《Rasputin 》。波尼·M 曾是上世纪七八十年代非常受人瞩目的一个演唱组。1977年他们以一曲《Daddy Cool》走红,特有的迪斯科韵味,加之当时美国风行迪斯科热潮,因而乐队大受欢迎。他们不仅仅只是一支曾经红透一时的POP乐队,从某种程度上看他们是整个DISCO历史的缩影和代表。他们在European Charts上有8次单曲第一,同时在欧洲市场上也有3张专辑排行年度销量冠军。他们还是第一支前往前苏联演出的西方演出团体。此外他们演唱的《巴比伦河》、《梦中的妈妈》、《小雨沙拉拉》等也为广大中国乐迷所熟悉。http://calm-sea.com/Song/MovieEnglish/200601/Song_8565.html有下载。Rasputin 歌词There lived a certain man in Russia long agoHe was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glowMost people looked at him with terror and with fearBut to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dearHe could preach the bible like a preacherFull of ecstacy and fireBut he also was the kind of teacherWomen would desireRA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThere was a cat that really was goneRA RA RASPUTINRussia"s greatest love machineIt was a shame how he carried onHe ruled the Russian land and never mind the CzarBut the kasachok he danced really wunderbarIn all affairs of state he was the man to pleaseBut he was real great when he had a girl to squeezeFor the queen he was no wheeler dealerThough she"d heard the things he"d doneShe believed he was a holy healerWho would heal her sonRA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThere was a cat that really was goneRA RA RASPUTINRussia"s greatest love machineIt was a shame how he carried on(Spoken:)But when his drinking and lusting and his hungerfor power became known to more and more people,the demands to do something about this outrageousman became louder and louder."This man"s just got to go!" declared his enemiesBut the ladies begged "Don"t you try to do it, please"No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charmsThough he was a brute they just fell into his armsThen one night some men of higher standingSet a trap, they"re not to blame"Come to visit us" they kept demandingAnd he really cameRA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThey put some poison into his wineRA RA RASPUTINRussia"s greatest love machineHe drank it all and he said "I feel fine"RA RA RASPUTINLover of the Russian queenThey didn"t quit, they wanted his headRA RA RASPUTINRussia"s greatest love machineAnd so they shot him till he was dead(Spoken:) Oh, those Russians...

win7密钥 产品ID00426-OEM-8992662-00015 求密钥!!基本上激活软件都不能用,网上神key也不行,急急

Windows 7 的激活方式:1.软解激活:----也就是通过输入正版密匙的方式进行激活.第一枚“神Key”:TFP9Y-VCY3P-VVH3T-8XXCC-MF4YK第二枚“神Key”:KH2J9-PC326-T44D4-39H6V-TVPBY第三枚“神Key”:236TW-X778T-8MV9F-937GT-QVKBB第四枚“神Key”:87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF以下为旗舰版的 oem key用任一个都行: FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2 --- xxxxx-OEM-8992662-00006 --- ACER/GATEWAY/PACKARD BELL49PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7CD --- xxxxx-OEM-8992662-00015 --- SAMSUNG 三星 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27 --- xxxxx-OEM-8992662-00400 --- DELL 戴尔 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM --- xxxxx-OEM-8992662-00497 --- IBM-LENOVO 联想 6K2KY-BFH24-PJW6W-9GK29-TMPWP-----lenovo 新的 key 联想 236TW-X778T-8MV9F-937GT-QVKBB 87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF KH2J9-PC326-T44D4-39H6V-TVPBY TFP9Y-VCY3P-VVH3T-8XXCC-MF4YK J783Y-JKQWR-677Q8-KCXTF-BHWGC 2VCGQ-BRVJ4-2HGJ2-K36X9-J66JG MGX79-TPQB9-KQ248-KXR2V-DHRTD FJHWT-KDGHY-K2384-93CT7-323RCC4M9W-WPRDG-QBB3F-VM9K8-KDQ9Y如不能成功激活,就采用电话激活方式激活.2.硬解激活:-----也就是采取激活工具破解激活.1)WIN7 Activation v1.7 (推荐,因为我只用过它,呵呵~)2)Windows7_Loader_v3.273)SK_Patch_v1_R2_Final4)nt6-oem-loader-v35)oem7Y(激活工具具体下载地址略,原因你知道的)特别提示: 现今所谓的密匙超过99%失效,硬解激活是最省时省力的做法,

A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen.They are a thorough_____.



Jackeylove、Rookie、TheShy、Ning这四个人,少了任何一个IG都不算是顶尖战队。 特别是Jackeylove,很多人以为IG只打中上,实际上过于印象流。 为什么我这么说,其实回顾一下IG整个S9,Jackeylove做出了什么贡献就懂了。 先是春季赛,开始: IG的3C整体状态低迷,前期基本都是劣势,都是靠后期团战挽回局面,那段时间发挥最出色的是谁? 是打野Ning,那时他的扎克跟“移动泉水”一样,他的凯隐神出鬼没,连续拿下7个MVP。记得那段时间Ning还特意调侃:说实话如果我不去中路一直去帮Rookie的话他应该也拿不到MVP,感觉是官方恶意针对我。 而Jackeylove的状态在春节前打SS那一场开始缓慢回升,在“越南土匪”打野Sofm打野死蹲下路的情况下,Jackeylove硬是抗住压,并且无论在线上还是团战中都表现出色。那场比赛,Jackeylove两次极限反应躲过牛头闪现二连,奠定团战胜局。 特别是4杀那波,牛头全程控他,但是被Jackeylove躲了两个wq和一个闪现ea,一波团战反应过来三次。 春节之后第一场打LGD,Jackeylove缺席上West,结果那场比赛下路全程被虐,rookie各种迷路,上野无限上头,被LGD干脆利落的2:0,简直就是IG近两年最惨不忍睹的比赛之一。 第二次Jackeylove回归后打SDG,玩滑板鞋能稳定压制,玩EZ能稳定s收割,一边A前排,一边闪现回头点掉卡莎,团战打得越来越好。 再之后得两个月春季赛,Jackeylove直接化身为工具人陪Baolan练加里奥。 没错,当时baolan差不多用了一个春季赛练加里奥一个英雄,但这段时间Jackeylove虽然是工具人,但m每一把输出都不错,前期英雄后期打团也能有用,用后期英雄前期线上也能硬刚。 甚至到后来打EDG,更是贡献本年度他最佳得战役。面对小学弟得六神装飞机,Jackeylove的VN硬是各种操作,最后40滴血翻盘,这场比赛Jackeylove就是唯一真神,把一个顶尖AD能做的全部都做到了。 之后季后赛打Top,打野Xx几乎都住在下路了,但还是顶住了loken,抗压一流。 春决,连续三局压制IMP,Carry了三场。 MSI更不用说,Jackeylove是当时世界最好的AD,甚至没有之一。 打SKT的时候,7分钟饮血剑德莱文,玩霞塔下单杀caps,他的表现已经不能用稳定来形容,而是可以站出来Carry队伍。 即使在IG惨败TL的比赛中,Jackeylove的表现也是IG最好的一位。 夏季赛初期,由于baolan被“万人血书”换上新辅助,原本以为需要很长一段时间磨合期,但是在Jackeylove表现依旧不错。那段时间他的希维尔后期伤害打的很足,虽然偶尔上头犯下几波严重的失误,但整体来说还在一流水准。 在baolan回归后的第三场打SNG,Jackeylove对线开始有点变混,但是团战能力依旧犀利,那场他玩霞的致命倒钩拯救了队伍。 Jackeylove这种对线变混,团战输出爆表的情况持续到洲际赛的小组赛,那个时候他的团战输出是今年最好的,能够在团战中找到一个介于暴毙和输出的的临界点。 转折点在洲际赛决赛上,因为帮打小龙,线上又变捞,结果被Deft打穿线。 洲际赛结束后Jackeylove迎来自己状态的低谷期,对线开始被各种单杀,甚至打VG的时候有传送到女警夹子这种瞎B操作。 直到打FPX,IG拿出久违的鲁斯塔姆组合,压制了S9世界冠军下路。 后来打WE,第一局打穿WE替补AD,第二局前期压制大舅子Mystic,甚至有单杀。 再后来Jackeylove的状态开始变得有些“神经”,打RNG时Carry一把,又混一把,打LDG混了一把,打RW继续混。 季后赛IG一直低迷,谁人都在犯罪,这是IG最黑暗的时候。 之后冒泡赛,Jackeylove迎来年度最强的时候,整整10局,他发挥完美,该抗压抗压,该输出输出,该压线压线。 也就是这个时候,Jackeylove被国内各种吹,可能他自己也飘了。 S赛第一轮,开始上头,EZ贴脸甚至在知道对面打野来的时候,还不撤退。 S赛第二轮,Jackeylove迅速调整,但过于猥琐,不敢输出,几乎隐身。 S赛淘汰赛,状态有所回归,但是相比于冒泡赛的时候,还差了不少。后被爆出baolan第一视角,基本全程Jackeylove手动教程。 所以纵观S9这一年,Jackeylove基本有20%的时候血Carry,有40%的时候做好队伍的战术任务,20%的时候在混,20%的时间犯罪葬送了队伍。 都相对而言,他配得起IG的三叉戟, 技术好,状态好,大心脏,关键的时候敢站出来。 而从这些优缺点,也可以判断Jackeylove离开IG会造成什么的影响? 一、战术的多样性 许多人印象流说IG只打中上,但是无论是在今年还是去年,IG都经常把战术核心放在下路,甚至多次拿到过四保一的阵容。 例如打EDG的时候,IG就祭出四个坦克来保Jackeylove的希维尔。 这也说明,Jackeylove离开IG后,如果没有像Jackeylove这种强力的AD,那么将彻底失去下路这个战术可能,完全只能打上中野。 强队,是不可能只有单一的战术,因为太容易被针对了。 二、IG的团战能力减弱 一直以来,IG能打出极限团战,是因为theshy强大的进场能力,Rookie神出鬼没的偷人能力,还有Jackeylove极限输出能力,以及Ning不怕背锅的抓机会能力。 而且除了能力之外,还有默契,想想IG是什么时候开始打出这样不科学的团战? 是从去年的夏季赛季后赛开始,也就是说 Jackeylove的离开,这种极限团战的能力也减弱,即使你找UZI来,也需要一年时间培养他们之间的默契才能打出来。 三、接班人 Rookie鸡真主是一个非常完全的选手,但是年龄摆在这,今年他就有一段时间变捞了,明年又大一岁,所以说明天状态如何谁也不敢保证。 如果Jackeylove走了,Rookie状态又不好,到时候就只能靠TheShy与Ning了。换一个辅助绝对是顶级强队。 很多人说可能打野走了,阿水也走了,ig会不会拉了?但是如果我说只要给下路一个稳得住的aDC,不是太菜的中等水平的就差不多! 配一个价钱高一点的辅助,然后打野的话小乐言虽然没有宁王那么厉害,但是他的状态会在赛场上逐渐的找出来,毕竟有王者1000分的实力在那里!不是说这个阵容有多厉害,把它放到世界赛场上去看,肯定是不够看的,但是在lpl这一亩三分地上面,绝对还是妥妥的强队吧,就凭那些连名字都交不上来的垃圾队伍吗?跟他们抗衡!教练的话还是需要一个老道一点的教练,只要能发挥出中路上路和打野的特色,那么在lpl的这一亩三分地暂时是老三老二的位置!关于阿水的去向的问题,目前还没有官宣,不过我还是希望阿水能够留在IG。 目前ig也在就续约的问题积极的和阿水进行沟通,其实说实话这个信息并不是很准确,因为如果一个队伍想要留住一个队员的话,一定会在合同期内谈续约的事情,至于为什么要在合同到了以后,还在积极的沟通续约,那么情形只有两种: 第一、IG给出的待遇没有达到阿水的要求。 第二、阿水铁了心要走,所以对续约的问题一直没松口。所以无论那种情况,阿水能够在ig继续效力的可能性都很小了。 那么离开阿水的IG还是不是一直强队呢? 我觉得还是! 首先,目前lol的版本还是主打中上野的,而且是偏前期版本,如果前期中上野一旦打出优势,那么只要下路能够正常对线,一般都会赢下比赛。 所以,阿水为什么要走,之前传言是要找一个资源倾向于下路的队伍,但是版本在此,他很难找到下路的资源倾斜的队伍。好的ad少,好的中上野组合更少,放眼lpl能够和ig的中上野实力相当,几乎没有了。其次,既然阿水留不下,那么我们考虑一下目前市场上的能够补充阿水位置的ad吧,首先第一位,smlz,在不久前,sn刚刚宣布,smlz合同到期,成为自由人,而且他们也在积极的沟通续约的时宜。情况和阿水一样,smlz的实力应该和阿水相当,而且比赛中更显老道,只是上赛季被theshy单杀过,是不是存在恩怨就单说了。第二,iboy,小昭这个选手在edg也不是很受待见,但是年少成名的他说起实力来还是不俗的,关键就是浪,如果能够忍得住,稳得住,这名选手大有可为。最后,我和之前几位的观点一致,我觉得ig的短板是辅助,因为在这个版本中,我们可以看到辅助已经成为一个队伍小核心了,这么关键的一个位置,baolan的状态实在难当大任,ad留不住,不如一起再换个辅助吧。现在的 游戏 版本更加倾向于 多核版本 ,即多个位置发力,都可以作为输出位置。 这区别于以前的以AD为核心的版本。 而IG战队的中上两位置无疑是世界级的,IG战队的打法也一直是由中上来带节奏、Carry比赛。至于下路,IG在比赛中并不会投入太多的精力,只需要安稳发育到后期,下路承担输出就可以了。 所以,如果维持目前版本,IG双C依旧能支撑起来队伍。不需要AD去秀、去杀人。 AD前期正常对线、好好发育,前期的节奏和优势由打野带着中上两路去拿。 等到中后期团战,装备成型的AD只需要站在这些大哥的后面打输出就可以了。 这样的打法,究其原因是目前的版本并不倾向于AD。IG不换野辅,以后可能就不是争冠队伍了。中上再强也没用,野辅太菜。阿水走一个是合同到期,一个是不满辅助,生日当天跟孩神双排,明知道孩神跟自己的辅助管理层有矛盾,对喷过,还跟人家双排,懂的都懂。肉鸡上赛季状态是明显不如以前的,已经要走下坡路了,野辅不行,以后全靠the shy??不懂ig管理层的操作,可能是老板出了事,没钱也没心思挖大腿了吧?不然早把野辅踢了失去阿水之后剩下Rookie,TheShy双C的IG战队依旧是一个具有很强实力的战队,但是要退出顶级战队的行列。尽管从最近的季前赛更新来看,ADC的重要性再次下降,但是 游戏 后期战队依然需要AD输出,用来点塔和补充AD伤害。另外老队员之间多年的默契十分重要,比如宁王换了小乐严之后就差了那么一点意思。 特别是换人以后需要时间来磨合,同时还无法保证新队员的技战术特点是否契合团队。如果不解决这些问题,要想重回巅峰很难 尽管上单依旧神勇,但是中单又老了一岁,状态能保持到什么程度还尚未可知,所以阿水的离开是战队的一大损失,俱乐部管理层还是努力保证冠军队伍的完整比较好。 Jk留不住,就把老贼引进来吧!让宝蓝体验一下帝王冷漠。去插眼,别补刀,别跟我,滚~[灵光一闪] 我觉得很难了,虽然rookie跟theshy,个人实力是很强,是能够带领队伍赢得比赛的那种选手,但是在这个 游戏 中,个人实力并不能完全决定队伍的强弱,这是一个团队型 游戏 ,S8的时候ig为什么能够取得冠军?就是因为他们有三叉戟三条线上都很强,有的时候一条线两条线被别人给抓哑火了但是总会有其他人站出来,并且adc这个位置是一个队伍,后期的火力输出点,如果没有一个强力adc的话,后期就不会有保障,目前来说,在国内的顶级adc里面,阿水,还是排得上号的,如果再换一个AD进入ig的话, 首先就是要经过磨合,我个人觉得IG需要更换的不是AD,而是辅助。 你们不考虑下wsc吗?他现在被30亿缠的焦头烂额,哪还有钱在管ig,ig买不到好的选手这个队伍光靠羞男和状态日益下滑的肉鸡怎么可能行。 感觉问题有点大,NING回归后状态还行,但没有上赛季那么抢眼了。宝蓝更是不在状态。TS和ROOKE很强,但大家知道ROOKE打了多久了吗,ROOKE的赛场时间不多了。 IG如果就目前的整容还是有机会冲入S赛,但基本失去夺冠门票。必须要有人员增强。

Eyes Forward 歌词

歌曲名:Eyes Forward歌手:Shawn McDonald专辑:The Analog SessionsShawn McDonald - Eyes Forward.Jumped in the car slammed on the gasGot to get away from here real fastThe enemy is breathing down my neckTrying to grab a hold and make me wreckHot on my tail trying to make me failTrying to take the wind up out of my sailTrying to run me off this road.Eyes forwardDon""t look at whats behindEyes forwardDon""t take your eyes off the prize.Well the pressure""s bleeding inGiving me some blurry visionFogging up my intellectWhere love and hate they intersectKeep the path of the missionNever going to lose my ambitionGot my eyes up on the prize.Eyes forwardDon""t look at whats behindEyes forwardDon""t take your eyes off the prize.Eyes forwardDon""t look at whats behindEyes forwardDon""t take your eyes off the prizehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54875967

As they had no children of their own, they ____ an orphan






女生英文名Janice 、Lesley哪一个好?



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cheney就是女生的名字,所以可以用。读音:[chini]。中文音译:珍妮。名字性别:女孩英文名。来源语种:希伯来语。名字寓意:上帝是仁慈的。名字含义:cheney作为女孩的名字发音为ja-NELL。现代精装形式的简,与女性的结局 - 从像丹尼尔的名字。Dimanutive的JANE。它一直在使用只有从20世纪。名字印象:思维敏捷,多才多艺,表达能力很强。很容易适应新环境。喜欢新的经历。能给人留下很好的第一印象。适合干推销或娱乐行业。做事拖拉。没有耐心和立场。情侣名:Jonathan配对理由:Jonathan和 Janelle 寓意相同,且读音相近,适合情侣专用。二者均为〔 上帝是仁慈的 〕的意思。["du0292u0254nu0259θu0259n]。来源语种:瑞典语、希伯来语。名字寓意:主的礼物,圆融,自己的价值观非常牢固。名字含义:主的礼物,上帝赐予,耶稣的礼物 主的礼物 从希伯来文名字u05d9u05b0u05d4u05d5u05b9u05e0u05b8u05eau05b8u05df(Yehonatan),承包到u05d9u05d5u05b9u05e0u05b8u05eau05b8u05df(Yonatan),意思是“YAHWEH已经给了”。根据旧约,约拿单是扫罗的长子。他与父亲的关系很紧张,因为他与父亲的对手大卫亲密的友谊。与扫罗一起,他在与非利士人的战斗中丧生。作为英语名字,乔纳森直到新教改革之后才变得普遍。着名的持有者是盎格鲁 - 爱尔兰讽刺画家乔纳森·斯威。




tikey 是由tyke变来的 是"淘气的 不听话的"意思

英语单词的押韵是怎么回事? eg:use(v.)与choose,monkey与donkey,been与seen?Does they rhyme?why?


CNBLUE的《Hey You》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey You歌手:CNBLUE专辑:CNBLUE-EAR FUNHey YouCNBLUEI wanna come back,beautiful day

hey you的歌词

I wanna come back, beautiful dayub098 ud63cuc790 ubbf8uce58ub3c4ub85d ub108ub9ccuc744 ubbf8uce58ub3c4ub85d我像疯了一样越来越爱你ub110 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc0acub791ud55c uadf8uac8c uc798ubabbuc774ub77cuba74uc544ub2c8uc57c uc544ub2c8uc57c uc774uac74 uc815ub9d0 uc544ub2c8uc57c如果爱你是个错误,不是 不是 真的 不是Dadu Durudu Love againub9e4uc77c ub9e4uc77c每日 每日dubab dubab uac78uc5b4ubd10Dubab dubab 走着看着ub458uc774 uac77ub358 uac70ub9acub97c uac78uc5b4ubd10徘徊在我们曾一起走过的街道Once again Back again geRinger ringer ringer ringud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8每日每日Monday Tuesday better dayub610 uc6c3uc744 uac70ub77cuace0 uc704ub85cud574 ubcf4uc9c0ub9ccub0b4uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774uc57c即使安慰自己还可以笑,但只有你才是我的唯一Goodbye darling hey youOh my darling hey youuc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c uc0acub791ud574深爱着你,愿生死相依uc81cubc1c ub0b4uac8c ub3ccuc544uc640 uc918 uc0acub791ud558ub2c8uae4cub108ub9cc uc544ub2c8uae4c ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88ub9cc请回到我身边,因为爱着你,请再次回到我身边Love foreverDuruduru durudu Blah blahDuruduru duruduNo no Once again back againBeautiful Beautiful Beautifulone dayDuruduru durudu Blah blahDuruduru duruduNo no uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uc9c0ub9c8No no我爱的人,请不要离开我ub098 ud63cuc790 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc ub10b ub098uac04 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc我像一个丢失了灵魂的傻瓜一样ub0b4uac00 uc9c0uaca8uc6e0ub098 ubd10uac00ub77cuace0 uac00ub77cuace0 ub108ub294 uc774ubcc4uc744 ub9d0ud558uace0我对你的爱,你似乎已厌倦你说你要离开Dudu durudu Love againuc624ub298ub3c4 ub09c ubd88ub7ec ubd10 ud568uaed8 ub4e3ub358 ub178ub798ub97c ubd88ub7ec ubd10今天我唱着我们曾一起听过的歌Once again Back again geringer ringer ringer ringubc24uc774 uc0c8uba74熬过深夜Monday Tuesday better dayub2e4 uc78auc744 uac70ub77cuace0ub9e4ubc88 ub2e4uc9d0ud574ub3c4 ub0b4uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774uc57c每当决心要忘掉,但我只有你Goodbye darling hey youoh my darling hey youuc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c uc0acub791ud574深爱着你,愿生死相依uc81cubc1c ub0b4uac8c ub3ccuc544uc640 uc918 uc0acub791ud558ub2c8uae4cub108ub9cc uc544ub2c8uae4c ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88ub9cc请回到我身边,因为爱着你,请再次回到我身边Love foreverDuruduru durudu Blah blahDuruduru duruduNo no Once again back againBeautiful Beautiful Beautifulone dayDuruduru durudu Blah blahDuruduru duruduNo no uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uc9c0ub9c8No no我爱的你,请不要离开G-g-good bye darling uh,oh oh oh my darling you yeah yeahyeah I ready nowuc544ud504ub2e4uc796uc544 ub09c uc548 ub41cub2e4uc796uc544我的心很痛,你说不会是我Say oh-e-oh oh-e-oh Sayno no no no no noTell me why Hey youGoodbye darling hey youoh my darling hey youub0b4 uc0acub791uc774 ub110 uc6d0ud574想要你成为我的人ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108ub9cc uc6d0ud574只想要你成为我的人ud589ubcf5ud588ub358 ub0a0 uadf8ub9acuc6b4 ub0a0ub85cub418ub3ccuc544uac08ub798希望回到曾经幸福着,想念着的日子Love togetherDuruduru durudu Blah blahDuruduru duruduNo no Once again back againBeautiful Beautiful Beautifulone dayDuruduru durudu Blah blahDuruduru duruduNo no uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uc9c0ub9c8No no 我爱的你,请不要离开

请帮忙分析一下《双城记》中的人物Sydney Carton 用英语哦 谢谢 急

Sydney CartonSydney Carton proves the most dynamic character in A Tale of Two Cities. He first appears as a lazy, alcoholic attorney who cannot muster even the smallest amount of interest in his own life. He describes his existence as a supreme waste of life and takes every opportunity to declare that he cares for nothing and no one. But the reader senses, even in the initial chapters of the novel, that Carton in fact feels something that he perhaps cannot articulate. In his conversation with the recently acquitted Charles Darnay, Carton"s comments about Lucie Manette, while bitter and sardonic, betray his interest in, and budding feelings for, the gentle girl. Eventually, Carton reaches a point where he can admit his feelings to Lucie herself. Before Lucie weds Darnay, Carton professes his love to her, though he still persists in seeing himself as essentially worthless. This scene marks a vital transition for Carton and lays the foundation for the supreme sacrifice that he makes at the novel"s end.Carton"s death has provided much material for scholars and critics of Dickens"s novel. Some readers consider it the inevitable conclusion to a work obsessed with the themes of redemption and resurrection. According to this interpretation, Carton becomes a Christ-like figure, a selfless martyr whose death enables the happiness of his beloved and ensures his own immortality. Other readers, however, question the ultimate significance of Carton"s final act. They argue that since Carton initially places little value on his existence, the sacrifice of his life proves relatively easy. However, Dickens"s frequent use in his text of other resurrection imagery—his motifs of wine and blood, for example—suggests that he did intend for Carton"s death to be redemptive, whether or not it ultimately appears so to the reader. As Carton goes to the guillotine, the narrator tells us that he envisions a beautiful, idyllic Paris “rising from the abyss” and sees “the evil of this time and of the previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation for itself and wearing out.” Just as the apocalyptic violence of the revolution precedes a new society"s birth, perhaps it is only in the sacrifice of his life that Carton can establish his life"s great worth.


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大学英语作文:存钱或者花钱?Save Money or Spend Money?

  【篇一】存钱或者花钱?Save Money or Spend Money?For the old people, they like to save money, because they need money to keep the sense of security. Once the emergent situation happens, they will take out the money and solve the problem. While for the young people, they like to spend money to find fun, happiness comes first. I think it is better to combine both of them. 对于老人来说,她们喜欢存钱,因为他们需要钱来保持安全感。一旦发生了紧急情况,他们会拿出钱来解决问题。然而对于年轻人来说,他们倾向于花钱来找乐子,幸福第一位。我觉得把存钱和花钱合起来用。 First, we need to save money. Once I was asked if worrying tomorrow was a good thing, now my answer is definitely yes. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we can save some money so that we can make better plans for tomorrow. If we meet the emergent situation in the future, money will be the best help. 第一,我们需要存钱。曾经有人问我担忧明天是不是好事,如今我的答案绝对是确定的。没有人知道明天会发生什么事情,但是我们可以存一些钱,这样就能更好地为明天做打算。如果我们在将来遇到紧急情况,钱会帮上很大的忙。 Second, we also need to spent money. The money is not so easy for us to earn, we work so hard to make our living. So when we get the money, we will spend it and find the amusement. Life needs fun, we spend the money to improve our lives and enjoy life. 第二,我们也需要花钱。钱对于我们来说并不容易挣,我们是如此努力的工作来维持生活。所以当我们拿到钱,就会花钱来寻找娱乐。生活需要娱乐,我们花钱来改善生活,享受生活。 Saving money and spending money are both needed, we can find the balance between them and live the better life. 存钱和花钱都是需要的,我们可以找到两者的平衡,过上更好的生活。  【篇二】梅西又拿了金球奖 Messi Wins Ballon d"Or award AgainFootball is the world"s sport, though our football players" level is lagging much behind other countries, football in China is still very popular. The world famous football player like David Beckham is known to all, and the young players Messi and C. Ronaldo are favored by all. Messi takes the lead over C. Ronaldo in Ballon d"Or award, for Messi wins the fifth award. 足球是世界上第一大运动,尽管我们的足球球员水平落后于其他国家,但是足球在中国仍然是非常受欢迎的。世界足球运动员大卫贝克汉姆是众所周知的,年轻球员梅西和c罗纳尔多也是受到全世界球迷的喜爱的。梅西率在金球方面c罗纳尔多,因为他赢得第五个金球奖。 Messi wins his fifth Ballon d"Or award recently, which helps him makes the new record. When talking about him, I admire him so much, because of his experience. Messi is not a tall boy, when he was small, he got sick which made him grow up slowly. In order to fight against this disease, he started to play football, it not only made him become taller, but also helped him earn some money to the treatment. 梅西最近赢了他的第五个金球奖奖项,这帮助他创造了新的纪录。在谈到他的时候,我很钦佩他,因为他的经历。梅西不是一个高大的男孩,在他小的时候,他生病了,这让他长不高。为了对抗这种疾病,他开始踢足球,这不仅使他长得更高,同时也帮他挣些钱治疗。 Now, Messi is the world famous star, his story inspires so many teenagers. Messi and his girlfriend had a boy. Being a father makes Messi much more mature, the boy"s coming completes his life. 现在,梅西是世界上的明星,他的故事激励了很多年轻人。梅西和他的女朋友生了一个男孩。做一个父亲让梅西更加成熟,这个男孩的到来让梅西的人生更加完整。  【篇三】米老鼠的由来 The Coming of Mickey MouseMickey Mouse is very popular around the world since it came to the world. Now Mickey Mouse and its family members have become the main characters in Disneyland. They bring so much joy to the people. The father of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney created this lovely character with the funny story. 米老鼠在全世界都非常受欢迎,自从它来到这个世界。现在米老鼠和它的家庭成员已经成为了迪斯尼乐园的主要人物。他们给人们带来了那么多快乐。米老鼠之父沃尔特迪斯尼创造这个可爱的人物,有着有趣的故事。 When Walt Disney was very young, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building, so they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse. The mouse was not look like the real mouse, it stood on two legs and had big eyes and ears. The most funny thing was that it wore white gloves its hands. 迪斯尼在年轻的时候,他在芝加哥学习艺术。他曾与另一个年轻艺术家的在老建筑里共事。他们经常看见老鼠在老房子里跑进跑出,所以他们想到画一个卡通老鼠。这个老鼠不像真正的老鼠,它两条腿站立,有大眼睛和耳朵。最有趣的事情是,它戴着白色的手套。 They called it Mickey, this is how the great cartoon character comes. Soon this lovely and funny image got famous around the world. It appeared in the screen. The movie was favored by the children. Then it also appeared in the world"s biggest entertainment park Disneyland and amused so many people. 他们称之为米奇,这就是这个伟大的卡通人物的由来。很快这个可爱和有趣的形象在世界各地都出名了。它出现在屏幕上。电影受到了孩子们喜爱。然后它也出现在世界上的娱乐公园迪士尼乐园,逗乐了这么多人。 Walt Disney is such great that he created a popular idol Mickey Mouse. 沃尔特?迪斯尼是如此之大,他创造了一个受欢迎的偶像米老鼠。



Lobo的《Stoney》 歌词

歌曲名:Stoney歌手:Lobo专辑:CalumetStoneysinger:Lobo redactor:TonyI"ve known her since we both were kids,I recall the silly things we didShe would want to ride up on my backTo keep from stepping on a crackI didn"t think of it back thenBut even when she did not winShe was happy just to playStoney likes to live out everydayStoney, happy all the timeStoney, live is summertimeThe joy you find in living everydayStoney, how I love your simple waysThe times when no one understoodSeems that stoney always wouldWe walk for hours in the sandShe would always try and hold my handNow I don"t recollect the timeI fell in love with this old friend of mineOr when I first saw in her eyesWhat she tried so not to hidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8409555

take up money和take money的区别


They are playing football. (改为一般疑问句) I like music

Are they playing football?
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