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the explanation for his being late is obscure这句话为

这句话本来就无需被动语态呀,for 后面接名词或动名词, 所以写成his being late. is obscure就是be 动词加上形容词,也不是被动。

detailed explanation是什么意思

detailed explanation详细的解释双语对照例句:1.The company didn"t provide a detailed explanation. 苹果没有对此作出具体解释。2."This is actually going forward quite quickly," he said, after giving a detailed explanation of uranium density and fuel plates. 他在详细解释了什么是铀浓度和燃料板之后说,实际上这方面工作的进展相当快。

explain explanation类似

1.explanation 用explain的名词 2.fools 动词原形 注意是第三人称 3.form 用单数 4.to heat 一般用法是use sth.to do 5.connect must 后面用动词原形


选B C 是指对某一具体事物的描述 A 是对某一问题或概念的解释 这个很容易 平时多注意药瓶上的说明就好了啊

alternative explanation是什么意思


64 A explanation B intention C division D description

【答案】:C64 C 至此文章都是在说男女之间的差别,因此“division”是理想的选择。整个句子说的是:事实上,在服装方面最能清楚地把男女区分开来。“explanation”是“解释”,“intention”是“意图”,“description”是“描写”。

alternative explanation是什么意思

alternative explanation替代性解释But this is not the only alternative explanation. 但这并不是备选假设的唯一版本.An alternative explanation is defense from predation. 一个替代性解释是对被捕食的防范.

make explanations是什么意思

make explanations 做出解释explanations 英[eksplu0259"neu026au0283nz] 美[eksplu0259"neu026au0283nz] n. 解释,说明( explanation的名词复数 ); 能说明某事缘由的言语、事实、情况等; [例句]This encourages reductionist explanations of fascist ideology.这助长了对法西斯意识形态的简单化解释。[其他] 原型: explanation

很多单词 exploit explanation 他们的第一个音标是i 还是e 到底怎么读才是准确的

前一个是/ i / 后一个是 /e/ 它们都是短元音 所以读得较快 在听的过程中有的相似。


what is his explanation of his being late for today"s meeting?


Drill Drawing没对齐:主要是因为此图多了一个表格。 也可以调整位置,在出Gerber的Edit Document对话框,点Options,可设置钻孔图及表格的位置(Justification/Drill Symbols...)。没有对齐也没有关系的,对PCB生产没影响。

17. I was satisfied with her explanation, _______?


the explanation for (doing) sth. 和the explanation of (doing) sth.的区别是?



explain vt. axplain sth to sb.explanation n. make an explanation to

explanation 是可数名词还是不可数名词



explanation是可数名词,意为说明,解释;复数形式是:explanations. 例句: He didnt get a decent explanation. 他没有得到一个合理的解释。 Id like an explanation. 我想要一个解释。 扩展资料   She demanded an immediate explanation.   她要求立即作出解释。   I want an explanation from you, Jeremy.   我要你给我一个解释,杰里米。   Her explanation was patently ridiculous.   她的解释显然是荒唐可笑的。   She"ll cook up a convincing explanation.   她将编造一个有说服力的解释。   His explanation sounds reasonable to me.   他的解释我听着有道理。

explanation 是可数名词还是不可数名词


explanation 是可数名词还是不可数名词



explanation n. 说明,解释;辩解 explanation是可数的。 例句: He didnt get a decent explanation. 他没有得到一个合理的解释。 Id like an explanation. 我想要一个解释。 扩展资料   I want an explanation from you, Jeremy.   我要你给我一个解释,杰里米。   Her explanation was patently ridiculous.   她的解释显然是荒唐可笑的。   She"ll cook up a convincing explanation.   她将编造一个有说服力的解释。




explanation[英][u02cceksplu0259u02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccu025bksplu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.解释; 说明; 辩解; (消除误会后)和解; 复数:explanations


explanation[英][u02cceksplu0259u02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccu025bksplu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.解释; 说明; 辩解; (消除误会后)和解; 复数:explanations例句:1.Another possible explanation could be facebook ( fb). 另一个可能的解释是Facebook。2.No further explanation was given. 声明没有做更多解释。3.This explanation seems anecdotally plausible. 这个解释看起来有些自圆其说。


explanation for I have an explanation for it. 对此我有一种解释.


explanationKK: []DJ: []n.1. 说明,解释[U][C][(+of/for)]It needs no explanation.这无需解释。2. 辩解;辩明[U][C][(+of/for)][+(that)]What did he say in explanation of his lateness?他用什么话来为自己迟到辩白?3. (为消除误会等的)交谈,互相讲明[S]I"ve come to an explanation with him.我与他和解了。interpretationKK: []DJ: []n.1. 解释;阐明[U][C]His arrival can be given more than one interpretation.对他的到来可作出不止一种解释。2. 翻译,口译[U]3. (音乐、戏曲等的)诠释;(根据自己诠释的)演出,演奏[U][C]a wonderful interpretation of the symphony对那首交响乐的极佳诠释

explanation可数吗比如some explanation要加s吗?


explanation后加on 和 for有什么区别?

for 是为了什么, 后面可以是人或事情on是在什么主题上面的意思I will make some explanation for you.I will make some explantion on student behavior.

letter of explanation是什么意思

letter of explanationletter of explanation[英][u02c8letu0259 u0254v u02cceksplu0259u02c8neiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8lu025btu025a u028cv u02ccu025bksplu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]说明书; 3.In the u. k., inflation unexpectedly accelerated in october, exceeding the government"s 3 percent limit and forcing bank of england governor mervyn king to write his fourth letter of explanation to the treasury this year. 英国10月份通货膨胀率意外上升,超过英国政府设定3%的上限,英格兰银行行长默文-金(mervyn king)被迫今年第四次向财政部致函,解释通货膨胀面临的问题。4.Please notify this office in writing, within 15 working days of receipt of this letter, of the specific steps you have taken to correct the noted violation, including an explanation of each step being taken to prevent the recurrence of similar violations. 请在收到这封信的15个工作日内,以书面形式告知本办公室你们为纠正这些违反行为所采取的具体措




1. 它要求耐性, 总是在短补给中。 2. …是没有于图像拳击通常。 3. 她没有鼓励熟悉。 4. 我时常已经尝试为魔法在数年的诡辩后面搜寻 , 我如此的容易在那些礼物中发现。 5. 我认为这一个社会正在作为力量-以琐细的费用喂了。 6. 在她之上永留痕迹的有的…数年的家事。 7. 因为她有了神经和信心…的好前面,所以女孩尊敬了她8. 但是她的棒质量是对不注意真正不让进入的能力。 9. 但是另一边谎言对完全相同的费用打开。 10. 关于虚荣心的麻烦之一是它由于为食的生长。 11. 超过报纸…的对更更棒的范围在广告上的电视生命12. 没有需要在感觉上的飞机上更进一步走向岔道。 13. 她有了辛苦的工作一起保存房子…14.…当老年具有自己的个性和生活是…对期限的一个又苦又甜的来临时候。 15. …以便你能对你自己的满足…揭穿它


explanation的形容词:explainable adj.可说明的;可解释的; explanation n.解释;说明;阐述;解释性说法;说明性文字 扩展资料   Well, the reason in a recent case is actually quite explainable.   事实上,最近发生的一件事表明,原因其实很简单。   The second, we give emphasis on the explainable indicators and theirs economic implication.   第二,重点考察了主权评级的"解释指标以及这些指标的经济含义。   Beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable.   在正常的或科学解释范围以外的。   After 1993, the influence of permanent and transitory income on consumption behavior is strongly explainable.   1993年后,持久收入和暂时收入对居民消费行为的影响具有较强的解释力。

explication 与 explanation 的区别

explication 详细解释 详细分析 针对的是想法或者是文学作品an idea or a work of literature explanation解释说明 阐述 主要针对发生了什么或者是说明理由why sth happened or a reason for sth


你要看情况,可数不可数都可以。explanationKK: []DJ: []n.1. 说明,解释[U][C][(+of/for)]It needs no explanation.这无需解释。2. 辩解;辩明[U][C][(+of/for)][+(that)]What did he say in explanation of his lateness?他用什么话来为自己迟到辩白?3. (为消除误会等的)交谈,互相讲明[S]I"ve come to an explanation with him.我与他和解了。

explanation 是可数名词还是不可数名词



可数不可数均可,要看情况而定。1、如指具体的各种的解释,就可以当可数名词。如:You had better give me an explanation。2、如果指代解释的行为或泛指的解释时,可做不可数名词。如:The new method needs explanation。可数名词复数的规则变化:1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。如:book → books room → rooms pear→pearshouse → houses day → days song→songs2. 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。如:bus → buses box → boxeswatch → watches dish → dishes以上内容参考:百度百科-可数名词




explanation的解释双语对照词典结果:explanation[英][u02cceksplu0259u02c8neu026au0283n][美][u02ccu025bksplu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.解释; 说明; 辩解; (消除误会后)和解; 复数:explanations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Another possible explanation could be facebook ( fb). 另一个可能的解释是Facebook。


explanation的意思是:解释;说明;原因;正当的理由。词典释义:解释;说明;原因;正当的理由。网络释义:解释;说明;解释说明;解释原委;辩解。双语例句:1、The birth rate is central to any explanation of population trends.出生率是说明人口问题趋势的关键。2、An explanation which is far removed from the truth.和事实相距甚远的解释。3、Phenomena once considered supernatural have yielded to naturalistic explanation.曾被认为是超自然的现象已经可以用自然主义解释了。4、We prefer to subscribe to an alternative explanation.我们更赞同另一种解释。5、His explanation for the phenomenon was soon discredited.他对这一现象的解释很快就受到质疑。


explanation美 [.eksplu0259"neu026au0283(u0259)n]英 [.eksplu0259"neu026au0283(u0259)n]n.解释;说明;剖白;(消除误会后)和解 注释;波洛的说明;要求解释复数:explanations例句筛选1.Perhaps, but I suspect there might be other, simpler explanations.但我猜测还有其他更为简单的解释。2.Because of your clear explanations, we are able to see through this complicatedproblem.多亏你清楚的解释,我们才能弄清这个复杂的问题。




explanation英 [u02cceksplu0259u02c8neu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu025bksplu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.解释; 说明; 辩解; (消除误会后)和解解释;说明;辩解;解释说明复数: explanations 双语例句1. Their water was turned off weeks ago without explanation. 他们的水在几周以前就毫无理由地被切断了。2. Herr Kohler wanted an explanation for what he described as "slanderous" remarks. 赫尔·科勒希望有人能够为那些他称之为“造谣中伤”的言辞作出解释。3. It is possible that there"s an explanation for all this. 也许,对于所有这一切,会有一种解释。4. She had not waited for any explanation but had condemned him unheard. 她没等他解释,就指责他充耳不闻。5. How do you know that this explanation is wrong? 你怎么知道这个解释是错误的呢?

explanation、 explication 、explain区别


Explanation 歌词

歌曲名:Explanation歌手:Train专辑:For Me, It"S YouWhat"s your explanation"Cause everybody got oneWhat"s your expectationI know you got some of those tooAre you one to fly with the creatures that always burn up in the flameOr are you one to sing with the creatures that make up the rules to the gameI wont get hung up, strung up on the reasons whyIf you knew me better, baby you would change your mindAnd leave it all behindWhat"s your explanationWhat"s your favorite color, your signYour basic sense of style and date of birthWho"s gonna win your heart and when your heart"s been wonAnd when your hearts been won is it still your daddy firstAre you one to dance to the rhythm or break till the pain shakes looseOr are you one to cryOh, but you stay dry all night longI wont hung up, strung up on the reasons whyIf I knew you better, maybe I could change your mindIf you knew me better, maybe you will change your mindAnd leave it all behindWhat"s your explanationAre you one to fly with the creatures that always burn up in the flameOr are you one to sing with the creatures that make up the rules to the gameWhat"s your explanationWhat"s your explanationWhat"s your explanation"Cause everybody got one"Cause everybody got oneEverybody got onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9648767