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Hollywood Undead的《Levitate》 歌词

歌曲名:Levitate歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Need For Speed – Shift 2 Unleashed (Original Sound Tracks)Can"t stop I need some helpFuck you I"m by myselfIs it a truth or lie?It"s what you can"t deny"Cause it"s the way you thinkMixed with the pills and drinkBrought back to the way you areFlowed up to there, close to GodYou know that hiding ain"t gonna keep you safeBecause the tears on your face they leak and leave a trace (trace)So just when you think the true love"s begunIt goes off at any second just like a loaded gunYou know I can take you straight to heaven if you let meYou know I, I can make your body levitate if you let meKnow that I can make your body levitate le-levitate-teI can make you body levitate le-levitate YOU KNOW!Can"t stop the feeling, high as a ceilingAnd I got the money who"s fuckin" dealingI feel the heat like the barrel of a gunI forgot the last time I saw the sunWe got this disease, it"s diggin" deeper in meIt"s like my mind is leavin"But my heart keeps beatin"So I"ll paint the walls red drip from the noseWhere it goes nobody really knowsHit the bottles she"s gonna followI fall asleep there ain"t no tomorrowGone so far, no one can save meWho needs you when I got my babyMy baby"s beautiful she loves me trueBut if she dies I hope I die tooYou know I can take you straight to heaven if you let meYou know I, I can make your body levitate if you let meKnow that I can make your body levitate le-levitate-teI can make you body levitate le-levitate YOU KNOW!I put down another sack of themThen it"s straight back to the flask againI can"t help stop what"s hapenningOn the wrong track yeah I"m back againUp shit"s creek and I"m paddlingBlacked out room and I"m travelin"Good ideas I"m liking themI"m too fucked now I"m babblingWonder how to fix these damages,All these God damn damagesCover myself with bandagesFrom all these goddamn damagesWonder how to fix these damagesAll these God damn damagesCover myself with bandagesFrom all these god damn damagesYou know I can take you straight to heaven if you let meYou know I, I can make your body levitate if you let meKnow that I can make your body levitate le-levitate-teI can make you body levitate le-levitate YOU KNOW!YOU KNOW!http://music.baidu.com/song/58565950


C的T值, 24.4070/6.9973=3.49x2和x3的t值算法相同,我就不在这儿算了T值=系数/StdR-squared 首先残差的2次方和RSS=342.5486,ESS=31.4289推出TSS=RSS+ESS R-squared=ESS/TSS=0.0839 可以看出回归的可信度较低 Adjusted R-squared=1-((1-R-squared)(n-1)/n-k) =1-(1-0.0839 )*1.285=-0.1771S.E. of regression=RSS/n-k=342.5486/7=48.934F-statistic, 因为知道F值的P值了,so查一下表或者用软件算一下,也就是F(3-1,10-3)=F2,7)=Prob(F-statistic)=0.0001


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evil warriors 歌词

歌曲名:evil warriors歌手:Possessed专辑:seven churchesMusic : MT Lyrics : JBSolo : MTWhen you wake up in the nightAnd you stare into the darkYour eyes will scream for sightEvil left its markYou"ll be looking all aboveLooking all aroundBut if you want to see themyou have to look downTortured by thoughtsstricken with fearblasted to hellthe end is nearAs you wait upon your fateyour throat is full of painand when you try to screamYou know it"s all in vainNothing you can changeDestiny is completesilence seems so strangeAs you start to feel the heatPossessedForever to burninfinite paindemons of darknesswarriors domainSolo : LLYou think you"re so secureProtected from aboveGaze into the hell fireI know you"ll fall in loveThey"ll hunt you down at nightYour Flesh is what they wantYour eyes will scream for sightWhen Evil comes to hauntCursed by nightmaresWhen you sleepThey"ll cut your throatAnd blood will seepFighting through the mistforever trapped in hellcrushed with satan"s fistYou can"t escape his spellSanity will passReality is just a wordevil does its taskwith its mighty swordby the hand of massescape and you"ll defymy long awaited graspSolo : MT Solo : LL Solo : MTThey want to steal your soulDeath will steal awayYour wrongs will take their tollBelow the crust you"ll laySpell has cast no hopeforgotten thoughts of goodYour neck awaits a ropeAnd things go like they shouldEnslaved in forever tormentblood drips from your eyesThere is no way to repentfrom your wicked liesBlades of metalCut off your headServed as a mealSatan is fedMasters of evilBlasters of hellno one can stop themwe"re under their spellRed eyes are glowingWith you in sightAnd if your knowingScream out in frighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/14142065


3dmax 灵活一些。

英语谚语:Poverty is the root of all evils 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Poverty is the root of all evils 中文意思: 穷困是万恶之源。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It is not how long but how well we live 问题不是活得长不长而是活得好不好。 It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not whatever be his age 一个人不论年龄多大,都要学习不懂的东西,这不是羞耻。 It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman 君子在德不在衣。 It is not work that kills but worry 劳动不伤人,忧虑才伤人。 It is no use crying over spilt milk 泼水难收。 It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently 话讲得多是一回事,讲得恰当是另一回事。 It is right to put everything in its proper use 凡事都应该用得其所。 It is the first step that costs 万事开头难。 It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother 一切优秀的人通常都从他们母亲那里继承优良的因素。 It is the nature of every man to err but only the fool perseveres in the error 人总不免要犯错误,只有蠢人才坚持不改。 英语谚语: Poverty is the root of all evils 中文意思: 穷困是万恶之源。


I Don"t Believe in the Devil歌手:Erik Corona所属专辑:A Minimal Story作曲 : T. Magnussons



求 《吸血鬼日记二》22集中一插曲 Levi Kreis -I Should Go 的歌词

Here we are Isn"t it familiar Haven"t had someone to talk to In such a long time And it"s strange All we have in common And your company was just the thing I needed tonight Somehow I feel I should apologize Cuz I"m just a little shaken By what"s going on inside I should go Before my will gets any weaker And my eyes begin to linger Longer than they should I should go Before I lose my sense of reason And this hour holds more meaning Than it ever could I should go I should go Baby, I should go It"s so hard Keeping my composure And pretend I don"t see how Your body curves beneath your clothes And your laugh Is pure and unaffected It frightens me to know so well the place I shouldn"t go I know I gotta take the noble path Cuz I don"t want you to question The intentions that I have I should go Before my will gets any weaker And my eyes begin to linger Longer than they should I should go Before I lose my sense of reason And this hour holds more meaning Than it ever could I should go I should go Baby, I should go I don"t mean to leave you with a trivial excuse And when you call tomorrow, I"ll know what to do I should go Before my will gets any weaker And my eyes begin to linger Longer than they should I should go Before I lose my sense of reason And this hour holds more meaning Than it ever could I should go I should go Baby, I should go



general review of the sex situation的翻译

general review of the sex situation性别地位总览Woman wants monogamy ,女人想一夫一妻制Man delights in novelty ;男人喜欢猎奇Love is woman"s moon and sun ,爱情是女人的月亮和太阳Man have another forms of fun ;男人有其他的娱乐方式Woman lives but in her lord ,女人只生活在自己的领地Count to ten ,and man is bored ;从一而终,男人则很无聊With this the gist and sum of it ,有他的重点和总数What earthly good can come of it ?到底能从中得到什么好处?

USB Device over current status detected System will shut down after 15 secon?电脑开机提示以上问题

翻译过来的意思 CMOS检查失败,正在检测的当前的USB设备状态! 系统将在15秒后关闭将主板上的5-6/7-8 USB模式跳线短接成1-2针即可。1.复一下BIOS的缺省值,打开机箱取下主板cmos电池,用螺丝刀在正负极短接后再安装上,BIOS就恢复了初始值。再仔细检查一下主板上的USB接口及设备状态还有一个原因就是电源供电不足,也会导致这情况,建议更换一个电源试。问题可能出现在,你外接的USB设备上,建议尝试如下:拨除所有USB设备,用最小系统法(即只在主板上留CPU,内存,显卡)开机,若提示找不到硬盘,那恭喜你,你的硬件系统并无大碍,如果还是之前的现像和提示,那问题出在你的主板上,可在最小系统下,将机箱前面板的USB接线拨除(拨除前作个记录,以便以后再插上),还是不行的话,可目测一下,主板上(因为你已用替换法,更换过其它硬件)是否有硬伤,主板上的USB插槽是否有短接现像,槽内是否有积尘,碍物等等.以上都尝试过还不行的话,那只能拿着主板去.维修处测一下了.


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我们以前通常会这样做- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ static NSString *CellIdentiferId = @"MomentsViewControllerCellID"; MomentsCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentiferId]; if (cell == nil) { NSArray *nibs = [[NSBundle mainBundle]loadNibNamed:@"MomentsCell" owner:nil options:nil]; cell = [nibs lastObject]; cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];}; } return cell;}严重注意:我们之前这么用都没注意过重用的问题,这样写,如果在xib页面没有设置 重用字符串的话,是不能够被重用的,也就是每次都会重新创建,这是严重浪费内存的,所以,需要修改啊,一种修改方式是使用如下ios5提供的新方式:- (void)registerNib:(UINib *)nib forCellReuseIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier还有就是在xib页面设置好(ios5之前也可以用的)如果忘了在xib中设置,还有一种方式 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/413993/loading-a-reusable-uitableviewcell-from-a-nibNSArray * nibObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomTableCell" owner:nil options:nil];for (id obj in nibObjects){ if ([obj isKindOfClass:[CustomTableCell class]]) { cell = obj; [cell setValue:cellId forKey:@"reuseIdentifier"]; break; } }还有更常用的-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{ return[self.items count];} -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ UITableViewCell * cell =[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"myCell"]; if(!cell){ cell =[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"myCell"];} cell.textLabel.text =[self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; return cell;}但是现在有一种新的方式了,可以采用如下的方式采用registerNib的方式,并且把设置都放在了willDisplayCell方法中了,而不是以前我们经常用的cellForRowAtIndexPath这个方法我试了下,如果我们在xib中设置了 Identifier,那么此处的必须一致,否则会crash的- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ MyCustomCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"myCell"]; if (!cell) { [tableView registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"MyCustomCell" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"myCell"]; cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"myCell"]; } return cell;}- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(MyCustomCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ cell.leftLabel.text = [self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; cell.rightLabel.text = [self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; cell.middleLabel.text = [self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];}

ios开发 通过xib创建view怎么添加tableview

我们以前通常会这样做- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ static NSString *CellIdentiferId = @"MomentsViewControllerCellID"; MomentsCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentiferId]; if (cell == nil) { NSArray *nibs = [[NSBundle mainBundle]loadNibNamed:@"MomentsCell" owner:nil options:nil]; cell = [nibs lastObject]; cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];}; } return cell;}严重注意:我们之前这么用都没注意过重用的问题,这样写,如果在xib页面没有设置 重用字符串的话,是不能够被重用的,也就是每次都会重新创建,这是严重浪费内存的,所以,需要修改啊,一种修改方式是使用如下ios5提供的新方式:- (void)registerNib:(UINib *)nib forCellReuseIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier还有就是在xib页面设置好(ios5之前也可以用的)如果忘了在xib中设置,还有一种方式 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/413993/loading-a-reusable-uitableviewcell-from-a-nibNSArray * nibObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomTableCell" owner:nil options:nil];for (id obj in nibObjects){ if ([obj isKindOfClass:[CustomTableCell class]]) { cell = obj; [cell setValue:cellId forKey:@"reuseIdentifier"]; break; } }还有更常用的-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{ return[self.items count];} -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ UITableViewCell * cell =[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"myCell"]; if(!cell){ cell =[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"myCell"];} cell.textLabel.text =[self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; return cell;}但是现在有一种新的方式了,可以采用如下的方式采用registerNib的方式,并且把设置都放在了willDisplayCell方法中了,而不是以前我们经常用的cellForRowAtIndexPath这个方法我试了下,如果我们在xib中设置了 Identifier,那么此处的必须一致,否则会crash的- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ MyCustomCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"myCell"]; if (!cell) { [tableView registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"MyCustomCell" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"myCell"]; cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"myCell"]; } return cell;}- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(MyCustomCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ cell.leftLabel.text = [self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; cell.rightLabel.text = [self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; cell.middleLabel.text = [self.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];}

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Devil In A New Dress 歌词

歌曲名:Devil In A New Dress歌手:Kanye West专辑:My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKanye West - Devil In A New DressMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010)Lyrics Made by Will Tian 无敌大田@百度韦德吧Roc NationUh put your hands to the constellationsthe way you look should be a sin, you my sensationI know I"m preaching to the congregationwe love Jesus but you done learned a lot from SatanI mean a nigga did a lot of waitingwe aint married but tonight I need some consummationmay the Lord forgive usmay the God"s be with usand that magic hour I seen good christians make rash decisionsoh she do it, what happened to Religion?oh she lose itshe putting on her make upshe casually alluretext message break up, the casualty of tourhow she gone wake up and not love me no moreI thought I was the ass hole, I guess it"s rubbing offhood phenomenom, the Lebron of rhymehard to be humble when you stuntin on a jumbotronI"m looking at her like "this what you really want it, huh?"what we argue anyway, oh I forgot its summertimeUh put your hands to the constellationsthe way you look should be a sin, you my sensationI know I"m preaching to the congregationwe love Jesus but she done learned a lot from Satan (Satan, Satan, Satan)I mean a nigga did a lot of waitingwe aint married but tonight I need some consummationWhen the sun go down its the magic hourthe magic hourand outta all the colours that are still up the skiesyou got green on your mindI can see it in your eyeswhy you standing there with your face screwed updon"t leave while your hot that"s how Mase screwed upthrowing shit around, the whole place screwed upmaybe I should call Mase so that he could pray for usI hit the Jamaican spot, at the bar, take a seatI ordered you jerk, she said "you are what you eat"you see I always loved your sense of humourbut tonight you should have seen how quiet the room wasthe Lyor Cohen or Dior Homme thats Dior Homme not Dior homiethe crib scarface couldn"t be more Tonyyou love me for me could you be more phoneyUh put your hands to the constellationsthe way you look should be a sin, you my sensationhaven"t said a word, haven"t said a wordto me this eveningCat got your tongue?http://music.baidu.com/song/7385322

英语5-star reviews for its usability怎么翻译?


Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Devil 歌手:the servant专辑:the servantDevilKnocking on my door was an evil silhouetteKnocking this morning a black silhouetteKnocking on my door was an evil silhouetteAnd his eyes were glowing like two lit cigarettesMe and the devil were standing side by sideI looked in the mirror into my own eyesMe and the devil were standing side by sideHe held out his claws and I began to riseI got me and the devil bluesMe and the devil blues"I know you know it"s time to go"I got me and the devil bluesMe and the devil bluesMe and the devil blues"I know you know it"s time to go"I got me and the devil blues"About every week I come ringing for the deadI pile ‘em up high - feets and headsI squash ‘em in tightI shout my call :I"ll take your little dead boyI"ll take your little dead girlAbout every week I come ringing for the deadI pile ‘em up high - feets and headsI squash ‘em in tightI shout my call :I"ll take your little dead boyI"ll take your little dead girlI don"t mind"You may bury my body in a supermarket aisleBury my body in the fresh meat aisleYou may bury my body in a supermarket aisleAnd I will rise again like an exocet missileI got me and the devil bluesMe and the devil blues"I know you know it"s time to go"I got me and the devil bluesMe and the devil bluesMe and the devil blues"I know you know it"s time to go"I got me and the devil blueshttp://music.baidu.com/song/23659615


eeView->setModel(m_QF_model);ui->treeView->setRootIndex(m_QF_model->index(m_Qstr_src_FilePath));ui->treeView->showColumn(0);ui->treeView->setColumnWidth(0,300);ui->treeView->setAlternatingRowColors(true);// Demonstrating look


eeView->setModel(m_QF_model);ui->treeView->setRootIndex(m_QF_model->index(m_Qstr_src_FilePath));ui->treeView->showColumn(0);ui->treeView->setColumnWidth(0,300);ui->treeView->setAlternatingRowColors(true);// Demonstrating look



A televised contest that has become hugely popular in China has led to nationwide


hell is empty,the devil is in the world



5 杜舍尔(Duscher) 阿根廷(E) 79.03.22 1746阿德里亚诺(Adriano) 巴西(E) 84.10.26 173 7 纳瓦斯(Jesus Navas) 西班牙 85.11.21 170 8 马雷斯卡(Enzo Maresca) 意大利(E) 80.08.28 180 11 雷纳托(Renato) 巴西(E) 79.05.15 178 17 卡佩尔(Capel) 西班牙 88.02.16 173 20 德穆尔(De Mul) 比利时(E) 86.03.04 178 21 阿科斯塔(Acosta) 阿根廷 88.03.14 168 22 罗马里奇(Romaric) 科特迪瓦(E) 83.06.04 18718马蒂(Marti)西班牙75.04.28180 25马雷斯卡(Maresca)意大利80.02.10177 27阿尔法罗(Alfaro)西班牙87.12.23173


1、mevius是梅比乌斯(MEVIUS)日本香烟,就是以前的七星香烟。2、柔和七星品牌隶属于日本烟草公司,该公司的历史一直可以追溯到十六世纪烟草第一次进入日本的时候。现在的公司成立于1898年,曾经由政府垄断经营。3、柔和七星品牌创立于1977年,并在八十年代成为世界销量最大的烟草品牌之一。4、自2013年2月1日起,改名为新品牌梅比乌斯(日语:メビウス)(MEVIUS)。【扩展资料】七星品种1、MILD SEVEN——柔和七星,分三种——ORIGINAL (blue)(深蓝带)十毫克原味,LIGHT(Sky blue)(天蓝带)八毫克,SUPER LIGHT(Wind Blue)(天蓝窄线)4毫克。(PS:新版标识线却没什么大分别~另外韩国版的Light为六毫克.此外还有特殊的一毫克,三毫克等。)2、虽然SEVEN STARS和MILD SEVEN 都是日本七星公司(简称JT)出的烟,可有着天壤之别。MILD SEVEN是出口版,SEVEN STARS 是日本国内的,就像黄果树似的。NANA的是SEVEN STARS(灰七星), 七星里最纯的。3、一种是国际版(加长宽合的)。还有一种是抽屉版(只见过出口装有这个版本)。七星公司出了几十个品种的烟。SEVEN STARS可谓是公司的佼佼者,是比较经典的一款。而MILD SEVEN 与SEVEN STARS就不是一个层次的,MILD SEVEN只是最大众的烟,比起SEVEN STARS是差些。参考资料:百度百科:Mild Seven

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Torn Apart的《Evil Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Evil Eye歌手:Torn Apart专辑:Ten Songs For The Bleeding HeartsRosemaryHeaven restores you in lifeYou"re coming with meThrough the aging, the fearing and the strifeIt"s the smiling on the packageIt"s the faces in the sandIt"s the thought that moves you upwardsEmbracing me with two handsRight will take you placesYeah maybe to the beachWhen your friends they do come cryingTell them how your pleasure"s set up on slow-releaseHey, waitGreat smileSensitive to faith - notDenialBut hey who is on trial?It took a lifespanWith no cellmateThe long way backSandy why can"t we look the other way?We speaks about travelYeah, we think about the landWe smart like all peopleFeeling real tanI can take you placesDo you need a new man?Wipe the pollen from the facesMake revision to a dream while you wait in the vanHey, waitGreat smileSensitive to faith - notDenialBut hey who is on trial?It took a lifespanWith no cellmateFind a long way backSaying, meanwhile can"t we look the other way?You"re weightless, you are exoticYou need something for which to careSandy why can"t we look the other way?Leave some shards under the bellyLay some grease inside my handIt"s a sentimental juryAnd the makings of a good planYou"ve come to love me lightlyYeah you"ve come to hold me tightIs this motion everlastingOr do shutters pass in the night?RosemaryOh heaven restores you in lifeI spent a lifespan with no cellmateThe long way backSandy why can"t we look the other way?You"re weightless, semi-eroticYou need someone to take you thereSandy why can"t we look the other way?Why can"t we just play the other game?Why can"t we just look the other way?http://music.baidu.com/song/7670761


lifespan 名词 n. 1.(生物的)寿命,预期生命期限2.(物的)使用期限longevity名词 n. [U]1.长命,长寿2.寿命很明显第二个有长寿的意思








    storyboard 故事版:艺术家会手绘出来一幅一幅的画。这些像连环画一样的东西经过剪辑师配上声音剪辑成视频,供导演感受镜头是如何划分的,每个镜头中都有什么。这一切都是二维的。previs:因为最终是要通过三维制作出来的,所以仅仅通过storyboard这个环节感知电影将要成为什么样子是远远不够的。  previs就是根据stroyboard在三维世界里粗略地搭出场景,然后透过摄像机观察效果如何。这里的模型、动画都是很粗略的。前面两个在电影的前期会快速迭代。导演会把控这两个部门的输出,而不只是storyboard。二维可以随便画,但最终必须要在三维中可以实现才行。你说的storyboard和previs不匹配的情况,我猜是因为做previs的时候没按照storyboard来,只是注重了场景的设置和里面的动画,没有关心摄像机的动画。  lau200dyout:到了这一步就要进入正式的制作了。这一步名称很混乱,不同的流程对它的定义不太一样。layout可以指代很多个步骤,或者是他们的集合。我听过的名词有rough layout,还有final layout, 还有什么production prep。合在一起说,在这一步就是确定摄像机最终的动画,拿进来最终的场景模型。绑定好的角色也会放进来。previs会指导这一步。这一步以后就开始做动画,角色特效,特效和灯光了。  u200d

如何使用Skala preview在Sketch上预览设计稿

自从购买了Sketch,$99,在学习的过程中一直纠结与设计稿预览的问题。腾讯isux出品的psPlay只能用于PhotoShop。使用UI中国出品的ScreenRunner可以实现设计稿预览,但是需要手工把PNG文件拖到窗口,并未有photoshop预览方便。Sketch自带的Mirror可以进行预览,但是要进行收费$4.99。幸运的是,Github 上有人为 Sketch 和 Skala 之间加了一个桥梁:marcisme/sketch-preview · GitHub使用方法可以参见它的 readme。 Skala preview 被称作 iOS UI 设计师必备,可以非常方便的将在 Mac 上设计的效果图发到iOS设备上预览。有OSX,IOS,Android版本1、把GitHub下载的SketchPreview压缩包,打开Sketch软件,选择Plugins -> Reveal Plugins Folder放入压缩包。2、通过SketchPreview中间件,可以设置预览的倍数。@2X或者@3X3、设置完成,按下u2318+P即可在IPAD和手机上预览。TIPS:主机需要开启Skala preview,才能自动配对成功。

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I have sent you the revised Graphical abstract. Please find the attachments. 这句话有问题吗 谢谢


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英语作文, what is your favourite television program and why you like it? 越长越多分

As a mature viewer my taste about TV is more various. What I mean by mature is not wisdom-wise but more like age-wise. I am just one from the older generation that"s all. Therefore my favourite TV programs have since changed many times along with my age.In the beginning, just like our friend upstairs, I loved watching sports on television, especially soccer(football). but after I have grown a bit older and the team I was supported had gone from bad to worse, so I gradually lost interest in them. Though I still like watching football from time to time, particularly big matches like the World Cup or the European Championships, but no longer a fanatic. I can watch and I don"t have to watch. It doesn"t bother me anymore. Besides, I have other sports interests too like the Olympic Games. I really enjoyed the one held in London this year. because it was a rather special one for me this time. I had two teams to support. China of course was one of them, the other one was Team GB, since I have been living in the UK from 1967. I am actually a British now, so supporting the GB team is rather normal. I felt really excited whenever either team won a medal. It was kind of double enjoyment for me. After I have gone cool on TV sports, I started to watch reality shows, such as "Dance on ice", "XFactors" and "I am a celebrity, get me out of here!". "Dance on ice" was a program which was taken part by famous person or TV stars and the like. It was a figure skating competition. All the participants never had experience before. They have to start learning from the very beginning. I was really admire at these celebrities. They endured all the hardships in order to score good point and stay in the competition. I was also admire at how fast they have learned. Sadly, now the program has gone out of favour, and they don"t make it anymore.The next TV show I was addicted to and I still do, which is the "Xfactors". As most of you should know that this is a singing competition. People from all walk of life up and down the country can take part if they think that they have got what it takes! But most of the time people have no ideas how little talent they have and how awful they sing! But these are also the parts I like about the show just watching some of them making a fool of themselves.The other TV program I love watch is called "I am a celebrity, get me out of here!". It is a live show with ten celebrities taking parts at the start and two more join in later, which is a survival challenge. Although it is a British TV show, but it is made entirely in the Australian jungle. Celebrities are confined deep inside one of the Queensland"s jungles. Any individual celebrity has to face all sorts of challenge and trails in order to win food for whole group. The challenge activities were design to scare the participants, involving all sorts of horrible games, such as sleeping in a coffin with millions of bugs, eating spiders, worms and other things you normally would feel sick! So often the whole camp goes hungry without anything to eat because the one who was chosen to do the challenge did not do well and wins nothing. The most excited part is watch these people eating some horrible things, tears coming out from their eyes time and again they almost vomit. But some how they eventually managed to swallow them, which makes me really admire at their determinations. Needlees to say, the one has more endurance usually would be the winner. This year"s winner was a young female TV soap star. The one came second was also female, a former pop star from "Pusycat Doll". 我看应该名长了罢,希望会你喜欢。很乐意能够帮到你,希望会对你有助。若不明白请继续问,如满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢你。



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是three most,不是most three。因为three是前位限定词,而most是后位限定词!你查查当多个形容词修饰一个名词时的顺序问题就明白了。


一、R2=1-SSR/TSS=1-342.5486/(31.4289^2) 二、SE=(SSR/(N-K-1))^(-1/2)=(342.5486/7)^(-1/2) 三、调整的R2=1-(SSR/(N-K-1))/(TSS/(N-1)) 其中的SSR就是残差平方和,TSS就是被解释变量的方差,即SD dependent var的平方,N-10,K=2,然后自己去算吧


eviews回归结果tss是R2=1-SSR/TSS=1-342.5486/(31.4289^2) 。SE=(SSR/(N-K-1))^(-1/2)=(342.5486/7)^(-1/2) 三、调整的R2=1-(SSR/(N-K-1))/(TSS/(N-1)) 其中的SSR就是残差平方和,TSS就是被解释变量的方差。Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 变量 系数 标准差 T统计量 P值 一般在5%显著水平下,选择 ABS(T统计量)>2的P。系统介绍:EViews是在Windows操作系统中计量经济学软件里世界性领导软件。强而有力和灵活性加上一个便于使用者操作的界面;最新的建模工具,快速直觉且容易使用的软件。由于它革新的图表使用者界面和精密的分析引擎工具,EViews 是强大,灵活性和便于使用的功能。EViews 预测分析计量软件在科学数据分析与评价、金融分析、经济预测、销售预测和成本分析等领域应用非常广泛。 EViews软件在Windows环境下运行,操作接口容易上手,使得本来复杂的数据分析过程变得易学易用。


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Sleep you little soldier boyWith your ear against the wallYou have held that rifle all of your lifeNow it"s time to let it fallSleep you little alibiWith your reasons in a rowYou have turned in circles all of your lifeJust so your shadow wouldn"t showDream with me, dream with meWe"ll wake in better daysAnd we"ll build a boatAnd we"ll hope that it floatsAnd we"ll sail, we"ll sail awayNow sleep you little resumeWith your head above the crowdYou have held your breath in all of your lifeJust to make somebody proudNow sleep you little reservoirLet your banks just overflowsNo you can"t contain all of that rainYou"re gonna have to let it goDream with me, dream with meWe"ll wake in better light,And until we rise with open eyesGoodnight, my love, goodnightYes, until some sun wakes everyoneGoodnight, my love, goodnightGoodnight


国际知名品牌Ferragamo一向以其声名远播的优质鞋类产品为全世界的名媛淑女们所向往。 奥黛丽·赫本、索菲亚·罗兰、玛丽莲·梦露、麦当娜……这些在世界电影发展史上熠熠生辉的名字,都与Ferragamo结下了一段又一段“仙履奇缘”,为时尚界留下了无数美好回忆。 Ferragamo是意大利一个最显赫的制鞋家族,由意大利人Salvatore Ferragamo开创,公司成立于1927年,至今已经半个世纪,以制鞋享誉世界。 Ferragamo在美国开始了他的制鞋事业,后来回到意大利创立和发展了这个鞋业帝国。 Ferragamo的鞋子以工质皆优出名,格丽泰·嘉宝、奥黛丽·赫本、温莎公爵等名人也常到他那里定制鞋子,因为Ferragamo的鞋子是经典中的经典。 1947年,Ferragamo以其“透明玻璃鞋”获得被誉为“时装界奥斯卡”的Neiman Marcus Award,成为第一个获得这个奖项的制鞋设计师;Ferragamo在1957年出版了自传《梦想的鞋匠》?The Shoemaker of Dreams?,在那时他已创作超过二万种设计和注册三百五十个专利权。 自1960年Salvatore Ferragamo先生公司创办人逝世后, WandaFerragamoSalvatore的妻子便成为公司掌舵人,而她的六名子女均参与公司业务。 在子女们的辅助下,她承接了这份遗产,同时也面对了不少困难。 但是,凭着她坚强的信念及其对意大利和国际市场独特见解? Wanda一步步使Ferragamo在今日的时装界极具规模。 Wanda Ferragamo除致力维护传统及品质优良声誉外?更明白拓展业务的重要性。 因此除生产皮鞋外?亦发展成衣和饰物系列。 如今,Wanda Ferrgamo是菲拉格慕意大利公司的主席。 公司由她的子女、孙儿全资拥有并共同掌管,而Salvatore Ferragamo 也已成为意大利时装界中久负盛名的佼佼者之一。 全球通过400多个销售点(其中153个是自置店铺),分销Ferragamo产品:包括男女皮鞋、成衣、手袋、眼镜、香水及种类广泛的丝质和皮具配饰。 2001年Ferragamo集团的总收入约为641.10百万欧元,比2000年增长4%。 公司现由Ferragamo家族全资拥有。 Ferragamo总部设于意大利佛罗伦萨市一幢历史悠久的建筑物 Palazzo Feroni Spini内?珍藏有文艺复兴时期制造的一些重要杰作。 设于这座建筑物内的除了包括该公司设计部、办公室、陈列室及始建于1995年五月的Salvatore Ferragamo 博物馆,还有一间旗舰店铺。 在这个记载着Salvatore Ferragamo辉煌经历的博物馆里,珍藏着无数明星的鞋模和Ferragamo不同时期的经典鞋款,索菲亚·罗兰、凯瑟琳·赫本、英格丽·褒曼、麦当娜和如今的章子怡,她们都是时代中耀眼的明星,她们的鞋模将留在这里共同见证Ferragamo的历史与未来。

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