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whatever英 [wu0252tu02c8evu0259(r)] 美 [wu0259tu02c8evu0259(r)] pron.无论什么;任何(事物);诸如此类;(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以adj.无论什么…都;无论怎样…都;任何…也

whatever用法 whatever用法有哪些

1、Whatever有两个用法,一是引导名词性从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句),二是用于引导让步状语从句。 what用作关系代词,也即连接代词,引导名词性从句, 可以作主语、宾语、定语。 2、whatever用作代词,意为“任何(事物)”、“每样(事物) 无论什么”、“不管什么”,可引导名词性从句或状语从句。


在不同的语境里面它的口语意思是不一样的。例如:不管怎么样,无论如何等。总体而言,whatever它是一个连接词,就是它前面说的是主要是一句话的铺垫,后面要说的才是重点。 whatever的用法 whatever可以用作代词 whatever用作强调的关系代词时,意思是“任何(事物),每样(事物)”,用于引导名词性从句。所引导的从句作主语时,谓语要用单数形式。 whatever经常用于疑问句中,可加强语气,意思是“无论什么,不管什么”。 whatever用作连接代词时,还可以用在让步状语从句中表示“无论什么”,引出的从句可以放在句首或句尾。当whatever所引导的从句如果是不说自明的,可以省略一部分。 whatever用作代词的用法例句 We shall remain friends whatever may betide.无论发生什么事,我们将永远是朋友。 Whatever nonsense the papers print, some people always believe it.不管报纸胡说什么,总有一些人信以为真。 Whatever requests you make will be granted.你提的任何请求都会得到许可




whatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。1. 用于引导名词性从句 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。 Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。 You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。 One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。 2. 用于引导让步状语从句 Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。 Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。 Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。 Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 3.whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如: Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事? Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么意思? 4.Whatever从句有时可以省略。如: Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。


1、what 做代词,意为“…的事物”,“(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么、多少”,可用来引导名词性从句,并在从句中做主语或宾语;2、whatever用作代词,意为“任何(事物)”、“每样(事物) 无论什么”、“不管什么”,可引导名词性从句或状语从句;no matter what意为“无论如何”、“不管怎样”。比如: 1.This dictionary is just what I want for my study.这部词典正是我学习要用的工具。 2.What is the price?价钱多少? 3.I will do whatever you wish.我会对你言听计从。 4.We will never give up working, whatever happens.无论发生什么事, 我们都不会放弃工作。


一、Whatever的用法:用于引导名词性从句I"m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes.我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西。College students are seen doing whatever work they can find.我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace.她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。One should stick to whatever one has begun.开始了的事就要坚持下去。She would tell him whatever news she got.她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。二、Whatever的用法:用于引导让步状语从句Whatever you do,I won"t tell you my secret.不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。We"ll go along together whatever happens.不管发生什么情况我们都要起干。Whatever happens,the first important thing is to keep cool.不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet.不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。

no matter whatever和however的区别

no matter whatever是无论你做什么however是虽然但是的那个但是,表示转折关系


whatever,whoever,whichever引导名词性从句 一、基本用法概说英语中的-ever 词主要包括 whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however 等,其中可引导名词性从句的主要有 whatever, whoever, whichever等,其中可引导Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman"">。这里所说的名词性从句主要指主语从句和宾语从句,它们通常不用于引导同位语从句,同时也很少用于引导表语从句。如:Whatever he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的。(引导主语从句)I don"t believe whatever he said. 无论他说什么我都不信。(引导宾语从句)在某些特定的语境中,也可用于引导表语从句。如: What he wants to get is whatever you have. 他想得到的是你所拥有的一切。 二、whatever引导的名词性从句whatever的意思是“whatever所……的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语。如:Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。I don"t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。 Goats eat whatever food they can find. 山羊找到什么食物就吃什么食物。 三、whoever引导的名词性从句whoever的意思“任何……的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who。whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语。如:I"ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。Whoever says that is a liar. 说那话的人是个骗子。She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。I"ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 谁想要这票,我就把它给谁。Tell whoever you like — it makes no difference to me. 你爱告诉谁就告诉谁吧,对我是无所谓的。注:whoever既用作主语也可用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)。另外,注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:谁赢了都可以获奖。PAN>误:Who wins can get a prize.误:Anyone wins can get a prize. 正:Whoever wins can get a prize. 正:Anyone who wins can get a prize. 四、whichever引导的名词性从句man""whichever的意思“……的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语或定语。如:You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. 你们谁第一谁就能得奖。We"ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。 Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。 五、引导状语从句的用法五、引导状语从句的用法whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句,分别相当于 no matter what, no matter who, no matter which。如:I"ll stand by you whatever [=no matter what] happens. 无论如何我都支持你。Whoever [=No matter who] wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I"m busy. 不管谁要我接电话,就说我现在正忙。Whichever [=No matter which] you buy, there is a six-month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保修期。


what :单独使用,只能引导【名词性从句】,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等,意思是【什么(事、情况、内容等)】.例如:What we need is more practice.主语从句He told me what had happened to him on the island.宾语从句This is what we have got from the project.表语从句whatever :既可以引导名词性从句,也能引导【让步状语从句】,意思是【无论/不管什么(事、情况、内容等)】.相互转化:只有在【引导让步状语从句】时,whatever=no matter what.Whatever happens will never change my Chinese heart.主语从句I"d like to do whatever I can to help you.宾语从句对比:Whatever happens will never change my Chinese heart.Whatever happens,it will never change my Chinese heart.=No matter what happens,it will never change my Chinese heart.祝你开心如意! 望采纳


whatever包含随便的意思。英[wu0252t'evu0259(r)]释义:det.任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓pron.无论什么;诸如此类adj.都,任何adv.一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样conj.任何事物int.(非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣)短语:Whatever It Takes不计代价;爱的代价;天子寻龙;不计一切近义词:however英[hau028a'evu0259(r)]释义:adv.无论如何;不管怎样(接副词或形容词);然而;可是conj.无论以何种方式;不管怎样短语:However they attack无论他们如何诋毁我们;不管别人怎样攻击


whatever用法介绍如下:whatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。1. 用脊虚于引导名词性从句Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。2. 用于引导让步状语从句Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。3.whatever还仿野枣可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如:Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事?Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么备拆意思?4.Whatever从句有时可以省略。如:Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。




what什么 (用于疑问句,就所不知道的事询问具体信息)whatever 连词任何事物


看whatever引导的从句在主句中做什么成分。如果是做主语、宾语、表语、同位语,则引导的是名词性从句,否则便是状语从句。 扩展资料   引导名词性从句:   用于引导名词性从句(主要是引导主语从句和宾语从句),其意相当于anything that或everything that。如:   Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。   He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。   I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。   引导让步状语从句:   用于引导让步状语从句,其意相当于no matter what。如:   Whatever happens, don"t forget to write. 无论怎样别忘了写信。   Whatever you say, I won"t believe you. 不管你说什么,我决不相信你的话。   引导让步状语从句时,从句谓语有时可以用“may+动词原形”代替一般现在时。如:   Keep calm, whatever happens [may happen]. 无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。   Whatever reasons he gives [may give], they can only be excuses. 无论他提出什么理由,那只可能是借口。   whatever例句:   1、Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased.   富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的.任何事情。   2、We shall love you whatever happens, Diana.   戴安娜,不管发生什么,我们都爱你。   3、There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs.   没有任何证据表明,广播业的竞争使成本有所降低。   4、Whatever can you mean?   你到底是什么意思?   5、I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is   我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。

what ever是无所谓吗?

不是,what ever意思是究竟什么,whatever是无所谓。whatever,作限定词时意为“任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓”,作代词时意为“无论什么;诸如此类”,作形容词时意为“都,任何”。作副词时意为“一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样”,作连词时意为“任何事物”,作感叹词时意为“(非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣)”。词语用法whatever用作强调的关系代词时,意思是“任何(事物),每样(事物)”,用于引导名词性从句。所引导的从句作主语时,谓语要用单数形式。whatever经常用于疑问句中,可加强语气,意思是“无论什么,不管什么”。whatever用作连接代词时,还可以用在让步状语从句中表示“无论什么”,引出的从句可以放在句首或句尾。当whatever所引导的从句如果是不说自明的,可以省略一部分。


whatever表示无论什么,它有多种词性。下面我为你 总结 以下whatever的用法吧! 释义 whatever英 [w?t?ev?(r)] 美 [w?t?ev?r] det. 任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓 pron. 无论什么;诸如此类 adj. 都,任何 adv. 一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样 conj. 任何事物 int. (非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣) 词组 短语 or whatever 等等;诸如此类的事 用法 1. 用于引导名词性从句 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。 Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。 You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。 One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。 2. 用于引导让步状语从句 Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。 Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。 Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。 Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 3.whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如: Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事? Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么意思? 4.Whatever从句有时可以省略。如: Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。 whatever的用法总结相关 文章 : 1. whatever的用法和短语例句 2. Whatever的两种用法介绍还有哪些 3. 高中英语知识点总结 人教版 4. conclude的用法和短语例句 5. 英语语法大全总结 6. 初中英语五种语法知识点总结 7. 英语词性语法总结归纳 8. 《Whatever的两种用法介绍还有哪些.doc》


whatever,whoever,whichever,whenever,wherever, however用法归纳 http://blog.163.com/bilixiang123@126/blog/static/13516601020101119640784/一、引导状语从句它们都可用来引导状语从句(让步状语从句),其大意为“无论什么(是谁、哪一个、什么时候、什么地方、如何)”等,相当于英语中的 no matter what (who, which, when, where, how)。如:Whatever [No matter what] you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。Whoever [No matter who] telephones, tell them I"m out. 不管是谁打电话,都说我出去了。Whichever [No matter which] day you come, I"ll be pleasedto see you. 无论你哪天来,我都欢迎。Whenever [No matter when] you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。We found the people friendly wherever [no matter where] we went. 无论我们走到哪里,我们都发现人们很友好。However [No matter how] much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃多少,他都不发胖。注:有时从句谓语可用情态动词:无论他在哪里,我都要找到他。正:I"ll find him, wherever he is.正:I"ll find him, wherever he may be.无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。正:Keep calm, whatever happens.正:Keep calm, whatever may happen另外,whoever 的宾格也是 whoever, 而不是 whomever, 后者在现代英语已基本不用,有的词典已不收录此词。如:Whoever you marry, make sure he can cook. 不管你跟谁结婚,他一定要会做饭才行。二、引导名词性从句除引导状语从句外,whatever, whoever, whichever等还可引导名词性从句(主语从句或宾语从句)。如:He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。Whoever breaks the rules will be punished. 谁违反这些规则都将受到处罚。I"ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。Whichever team gains the most points wins. 哪个队得分最多,哪个队就赢。Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。三、用于加强语气有时用于加强语气,含有“究竟”、“到底”之义。如:Whatever [What ever] do you mean? 你到底是什么意思?Whenever [When ever] did you find time to do it? 你什么时候有空做这事?Wherever [Where ever] can the children be? 孩子们究竟会在哪里呢?Whoever [Who ever] told you that? 到底是谁告诉你的呢?Whichever [Which ever] did you choose? 你到底选了哪个?However [How ever] did you escape? 你到底是怎样逃出来的?

whatever 点解

答: whatever: 1.any or every;anything or everything.任何;每一;任何事物;每一事物。e.g.You can say whatever you like.你想说什么就说什么。 2.used to say that it does not matter what happens or what *** does because the result will be the same.无论如何;不论什么。e.g.I still love you whatever you may think.不管你怎么想,我仍然爱你。 3.(used for expressing surprise or worry)what(表示惊讶或担忧)到底是什么,究竟是什么。e.g.Whatever could have happens to them?他们到底出了什么事? 4.(also亦作whatsoever)at all.根本;丝毫。e.g.I have no reason whatever to doubt him.我根本没有理由怀疑他。 参考: 剑锋 whatever 在文句中的意义必须看上文下理来了解 通常英语句子都会出现whatever 这字的确是解是但 随便.


whatever [wu0252t"evu0259] conj. 无论什么adj. 不管什么样的pron. 无论什么;诸如此类what [wu0252t] pron. 什么;多么;多少adv. 到什么程度,在哪一方面adj. 什么;多么;何等int. 什么;多么


what :单独使用,只能引导【名词性从句】,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等,意思是【什么(事、情况、内容等)】.例如:What we need is more practice.主语从句He told me what had happened to him on the island.宾语从句This is what we have got from the project.表语从句whatever :既可以引导名词性从句,也能引导【让步状语从句】,意思是【无论/不管什么(事、情况、内容等)】.相互转化:只有在【引导让步状语从句】时,whatever=no matter what.Whatever happens will never change my Chinese heart.主语从句I"d like to do whatever I can to help you.宾语从句对比:Whatever happens will never change my Chinese heart.Whatever happens,it will never change my Chinese heart.=No matter what happens,it will never change my Chinese heart.


whatever,whoever,whichever引导名词性从句 一、基本用法概说英语中的-ever 词主要包括 whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however 等,其中可引导名词性从句的主要有 whatever, whoever, whichever等,其中可引导Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman"">.这里所说的名词性从句主要指主语从句和宾语从句,它们通常不用于引导同位语从句,同时也很少用于引导表语从句.如:Whatever he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的.(引导主语从句)I don"t believe whatever he said. 无论他说什么我都不信.(引导宾语从句)在某些特定的语境中,也可用于引导表语从句.如: What he wants to get is whatever you have. 他想得到的是你所拥有的一切. 二、whatever引导的名词性从句whatever的意思是“whatever所……的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语.如:Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了.I don"t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为. Goats eat whatever food they can find. 山羊找到什么食物就吃什么食物. 三、whoever引导的名词性从句whoever的意思“任何……的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who.whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语.如:I"ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去.Whoever says that is a liar. 说那话的人是个骗子.She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁.I"ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 谁想要这票,我就把它给谁.Tell whoever you like — it makes no difference to me. 你爱告诉谁就告诉谁吧,对我是无所谓的.注:whoever既用作主语也可用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用).另外,注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:谁赢了都可以获奖.PAN>误:Who wins can get a prize.误:Anyone wins can get a prize. 正:Whoever wins can get a prize. 正:Anyone who wins can get a prize. 四、whichever引导的名词性从句man""whichever的意思“……的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that.whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语或定语.如:You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个.Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. 你们谁第一谁就能得奖.We"ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧. Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭. 五、引导状语从句的用法五、引导状语从句的用法whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句,分别相当于 no matter what, no matter who, no matter which.如:I"ll stand by you whatever [=no matter what] happens. 无论如何我都支持你.Whoever [=No matter who] wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I"m busy. 不管谁要我接电话,就说我现在正忙.Whichever [=No matter which] you buy, there is a six-month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保修期.


  whatever有无论什么;任何事物等意思,那么你知道whatever的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    whatever的用法大全:   whatever的用法大全:whatever用作强调的关系代词时,意思是“任何(事物),每样(事物)”,用于引导名词性从句。所引导的从句作主语时,谓语要用单数形式。   whatever的用法大全:whatever经常用于疑问句中,可加强语气,意思是“无论什么,不管什么”。   whatever的用法大全:whatever用作连接代词时,还可以用在让步状语从句中表示“无论什么”,引出的从句可以放在句首或句尾。当whatever所引导的从句如果是不说自明的,可以省略一部分。   whatever的用法大全:whatever也可用作形容词,表示“无论什么,任何的”,只用作定语。例如:You may write on whatever subject you like.你可以写任何你所喜欢的题目。   whatever的用法大全:whatever还可用作副词,表示“一点儿都”,用在否定句或疑问句中,和any,not,anything,nothing连用。    whatever的常用短语:   用作代词 (pron.)   or whatever   或其他类似的事物or any other(s) of a similar type   He seems angry with me. I don"t know whether I"ve offended him or whatever. 他似乎生我的气,我不明白是否得罪了他还是有别的什么原因。    whatever的用法例句:   1. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted with my life.   我可以自由支配自己的生活。   2. Whatever you want to chat about, we"ll do it tonight.   不管你想聊些什么,我们今晚聊个够。   3. Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count.   这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。   4. They would in the last resort support their friends whatever they did.   无论他们的朋友做了什么,他们最终都会支持他们的朋友。   5. Whatever troubles arise, we"ll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.   无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。   6. Whatever the outcome, it"s going to be one hell of a fight.   不管结果如何,这都会是场艰苦的战斗。   7. I"ve always found him clued-up on whatever he was talking about.   我一直都觉得他对自己谈论的任何事情都了如指掌。   8. Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed.   不管制订的是什么样的养生计划,都要严格遵守。   9. You"ve just got to crack on, whatever the problems are.   不管有什么问题,你都得抓紧时间努力干。   10. Whatever is hidden is harmful (hence revelation equals security).   任何隐藏的东西都是有害的(所以披露就等于安全)。   11. "I love you," he said. — "Whatever that means," she said.   他说:“我爱你。”——她说:“你懂什么是爱吗?”   12. Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with.   只要是多数人的决定我都愿意服从。   13. It"s an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.   这是一种有趣的科学现象,但没什么实用价值。   14. It means working, within reason, for whatever time is necessary.   这意味着在合理的范围内花费所有必要的时间工作。   15. "Whatever is that row?" she demanded. "Pop festival," he answered.   “那闹哄哄的究竟是在做什么?”她问道。“是流行音乐节,”他回答说。


whatever,主要用作限定词、代词、形容词、副词、连词、感叹词。作限定词时意为“任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓”;作代词时意为“无论什么;诸如此类”,作形容词时意为“都,任何”;作副词时意为“一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样”;作连词时意为“任何事物”,作感叹词时意为“(非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣)”。短语搭配:Whatever Works 怎样都行 ; 总之得就得 ; 纽约遇到爱 ; 管用就好and whatever 无论你发生了什么all whatever 所有的一切 ; 所有无论 ; 所有什么例句:Whatever he does he does well.他做任何事都做得很好。Whatever he told me about, And I love him about it.不管他跟我说的是什么, 我非常喜欢他这一点。




whatever [hwu0254t"evu0259; "hwu0259t-] pron.1. 无论什么,不管什么;具体指:到底,究竟凡是…的事物不管怎样诸如此类,等等2. [俚语]我无所谓,我对这个问题没有特别的意见adj.1. 无论什么样的2. 任何(人),无论谁3. 任何的[通常用于其修饰的名词后、诗歌用语亦作 whate"er /hwu0254t"εu0259,"hwu0259t-/]4. 所有的,全部的


whatever是无论什么的意思。释义:det.任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓pron.无论什么;诸如此类adj.都,任何adv.一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样conj.任何事物int.(非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣)短语搭配:Whatever Works怎样都行;总之得就得;纽约遇到爱;管用就好and whatever无论你发生了什么all whatever所有的一切;所有无论;所有什么Whatever Things MTV搞什么wherever whatever无论什么;无论任何;正在翻译双语例句Whatever he does he does well.他做任何事都做得很好。Whatever he told me about, And I love him about it.不管他跟我说的是什么,我非常喜欢他这一点。Whatever I have tried to do in life.我在生活中尝试做的任何一件事。

whatever 后面跟的名词什么情况下用复数?什么时候用单数?谢谢了!


whatever whichever 的区别

whatever "无论什么" whichever "无论哪一个”例句:Whatever kind of book do you like to read? There are three kinds of books , whichever kind do you like?在有选择项的情况下,从中选择时,用whichever

whatever 和on matter what意思上的区别?

意思差不多一。whatever可用作连接词或连接副词,引导让步状语从句,表示“无论,不管”的意思。此时,可用no matter what结构来替换其意完全相同。位置前后置都可以。二。whatever还可以引导名词性从句,同时起先行词和关系代词的作用。相当于anything that或all that,有任何一切这类意思。此时不能用no matter what替换。三。what和ever分开写,则作“到底,究竟”解,这时它和on earth, in the world相同,起强调作用。e.g. What ever do you mean? = What do you mean on earth?四。what也可以引导名词性从句意为“the thing which”与“whatever”含义相同。五。用法完全与whatever相同的词还有whichever,whoever.




看whatever引导的从句在主句中做什么成分。如果是做主语、宾语、表语、同位语,则引导的是名词性从句,否则便是状语从句。 引导名词性从句 用于引导名词性从句(主要是引导主语从句和宾语从句),其意相当于anything that或everything that。如: Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。 I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。 引导让步状语从句 用于引导让步状语从句,其意相当于no matter what。如: Whatever happens, don"t forget to write. 无论怎样别忘了写信。 Whatever you say, I won"t believe you. 不管你说什么,我决不相信你的话。 引导让步状语从句时,从句谓语有时可以用“may+动词原形”代替一般现在时。如: Keep calm, whatever happens [may happen]. 无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。 Whatever reasons he gives [may give], they can only be excuses. 无论他提出什么理由,那只可能是借口。 whatever例句 1、Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased 富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的任何事情。 2、We shall love you whatever happens, Diana 戴安娜,不管发生什么,我们都爱你。 3、There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs 没有任何证据表明,广播业的竞争使成本有所降低。 4、Whatever can you mean? 你到底是什么意思? 5、I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is 我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。 以上就是我整理的whatever知识点,感谢阅读。


根据该从句在主句中所做成分命名的,名词性从句在主句中作名词(即主语或宾语),状语从句在主句中作状语。名词性从句:(Whatever he said) was right. 引导主语从句状语从句:I"ll stand by you whatever happens. 不管发生什么,我都会支持你。


whatever 译为“无论什么”,具有“任意”性,可以用于句首、句中,多见于条件状语从句。


whatever能引导名词性从句。 whatever: adv.无论什么;一点儿都(不);丝毫(不);什么都(没有);不管发生什么。 det./pron.任何;每一;任何事物;一切事物;(表示做什么或发生什么都没关系,因结果都一样)无论什么,不管什么;(用于问句,表示惊讶或困惑)到底是什么,究竟是什么。 扩展资料   例句:   You can dye your hair whatever colour you like.   你的头发你想怎么染就怎么染。   These costs are payable whatever the outcome of the case.   无论讼案结果如何,这些费用都应照付。   I can do whatever I want.   我想干什么就可以干什么。   She would prove him wrong whatever happened.   不论发生的是什么事,她都会证明他是错的.。   Take whatever action is needed.   采取任何必要的行动。








"whatever"是一个多义词,可以作为一个疑问代词、副词、形容词和叹词。尽管它的含义灵活多变,但作为一个经常使用的口语表达,它通常被用来表示一种放松和不在乎的态度。作为一个疑问代词使用时,"whatever"意为"不管怎样",用来回复别人的问题,表示自己不在意或者无所谓。例如:A: "你准备好今晚的比赛了吗?"B: "whatever,反正我觉得比赛没什么大不了的。"作为一个副词使用时,"whatever"意为"无论什么",用来表示对所有事情都无所谓或者无关紧要。例如:他不在乎其他人对他说什么,他只是说"whatever"告诉他们自己并不想听。作为一个形容词使用时,"whatever"意为"无论什么"、"任何",用于强调任何东西都可以。例如:无论你说什么,我都不会改变主意,因为这不重要。作为一个叹词使用时,"whatever"意为"随便"、"不要紧"。 例如:他说他不想去了,她就叹了一口气,说"whatever",然后一个人去了。



what ever 是什么意思

无论什么=no matter what


whatever 英[wu0252t"evu0259(r)] 美[hwɑtu02c8u025bvu025a, hwu028ct-, wɑt-, wu028ct-] pron. 无论什么;任何(事物);诸如此类;(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什... adj. 无论什么…都;无论怎样…都;任何…也 希望采纳




whatever[英][wu0252tu02c8evu0259(r)][美][wu0259tu02c8evu0259(r)]pron.无论什么; 任何(事物); 诸如此类; (表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以; adj.无论什么…都; 无论怎样…都; 任何…也; 易混淆单词:Whatever例句:1.Do you like whatever she does? 他做什么我都不喜欢?2.Whatever uncertainties the us and britain face, their language still rules the world. 无论美国和英国面对怎样的不确定性,它们使用的语言仍主宰着这个世界

what ever 是什么意思



whatever [英]wu0252tu02c8evu0259(r) 美]wu0259tu02c8evu0259(r) pron. 无论什么;任何(事物);诸如此类;(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什... adj. 无论什么…都;无论怎样…都;任何…也 [例句]You can find just about whatever you want.你能在那里找到你想要的任何东西。



Whatever 中文是什么意思

whatever pron. 凡是...,无论什么 adj. 无论怎样的, 无论哪一种的, 什么也












stealvt.剽窃;偷偷地做;偷窃vi.窃取;偷偷地行动;【棒球】偷垒n.【口】偷窃;便宜货;偷垒;【篮球】断球thievevi.做贼vt.偷窃,行窃steal 可表示偷窃物品,作品,思想而thieve 只是偷窃物品

英文歌,歌词里好像有句just like you everything.just like who

The Show?好像是

英文辩论,我们持这方every country should be allowed to have nuclear weapons

should be aloud nukes however because there are such weapons so many wars have been prevented i mean look rlistically you could fit the UK lets say into texas 13 times however america would never risk a war with the Uk becoz even there tiny lil island would wipe evrymajor city america has clean off the face of the earth and knock out evry defence satilate teh americans have basically making them defense less the russians coudl just walk in and take it so even tho the whole uk wud be gone also america woudl be gone so these weapons basically say you fire we fire we both loose there is no point but you are right there are just some insane people who given these weapons would use them as pawns in a world chest games they woudl just fire and how can u fire a nuke back at mumgabe just to kill him think of the innocent lives u woudl take with it and the damge to the world so in a way they have both saved lives but will one day take all of us nothign lasts forever.Just as some should not be allowed to drive on the public streets as they are too irresponsible there are many nations that should not have the ability to destroy other nations a perfect example is Che the Argentinian who was all over south American doing what he could to destroy others form of government Too some he was and his a hero He said if he could have got nukes he would have used that on the U S to some that is a very pleasing thought But the U S could never had allowed him to have themSome how don"t think this one well ever get them



EVE 米玛塔尔UUC关联芯片哪里换的


英语翻译:句中 across ...and ... 是对levels和ratio 的要求,还是只对ratios 的要求?

……both是俩,那哪俩?不就是level和appropriate ratio这俩么?



聪明有wise,intelligent, *** art,clever,cute,bright几种,问一下它们的具体用法?

wise 形容词 adj. 1.人聪明的,有才智的,明智的,充满智慧的;英明的;明察善断的 Wise men learn by other men"s mistakes. 聪明人能从别人的错误中吸取教训. He is no wiser than he used to. 他绝不比以前聪明. He was wise to give up *** oking. 他戒烟是明智的. It was wise of you to remain silent. 你保持沉默,这很明智. 2.(行动和行为) 明智的;高明的;有判断力的 不及物动词 vi. 1.意识到,觉察(令人不愉快的实情) intelligent 形容词 adj. 1.聪明的; 理解力强的 I have not arrived at a very intelligent opinion on that matter. 我对那件事还没有高见. All human beings are much more intelligent than animal. 整个人类都比动物聪明得多. 2.有智力的;有理解和学习能力的 3.智能的 *** art形容词 adj. 1.整洁漂亮的; 衣着讲究的; 时髦的 2.思维敏捷的,伶俐的; 聪明的 He is a *** art busines *** an. 他是一个精明能干的生意人. 3.有力的,猛烈的 He had to put up with a *** art rebuke from the teacher. 他不得不忍受老师的严厉指责. 4.狡猾的;精明的 5.(讲话等)巧妙的,机敏的;高明的 6.整齐的,整洁的 7.俏的,漂亮的,时髦的;潇洒的 8.练达的,优雅的;流行的 9.轻快的;活泼的 不及物动词 vi. 1.感到刺痛 She was still *** arting from[over] his unkind words. 她对他的那些无情话仍感到很难受. 2.(伤口)疼痛;作痛 My wound *** arts terribly. 我的伤口痛得厉害. 3.引起疼痛,导致疼痛 The tincture of iodine *** arted when applied it to the wound. 往伤口上擦碘酒时,能引起剧痛. 4.受罪,遭殃 5.感到后悔(或悔恨) 名词 n. 1.创伤 He felt the *** art of their insult for many days. 他受到他们的侮辱后好多天都感到难受. 2.刺痛,疼痛 3.痛苦,悲痛,懊恼 及物动词 vt. 1.引起…的疼痛(或痛苦、苦恼等) 副词 adv. 1.聪明伶俐地;轻快地;漂亮地 clever形容词 adj. 1.聪明的,机灵的 Jack is a clever student. 杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生. He was too clever. 他太精明了. 2.灵巧的,精巧的 3.精巧的;精明的 4.油腔滑调的 cute形容词 adj. 1.漂亮的,娇小可爱的 What a cute baby she is! 她是多么逗人喜爱的婴儿啊! 2.聪明伶俐的,精明的 The little girl is very cute. 那个小女孩非常聪明. 3.有性吸引力的;性感的 4.装腔作势的;假装老实的;矫揉造作的;忸怩作态的 5.非常好的;最高的;有魅力的 名词 n. 1.[the cutes] [口语]忸怩作态,矫揉造作 bright形容词 adj. 1.光亮的,闪光的,发光的 2.鲜艳的,鲜亮的 3.生气勃勃的,愉快的; 幸福的 4.聪明的,伶俐的,悟性强的 A bright boy learns quickly. 聪明的孩子学得快. 5.前途光明的,有希望的 6.光线充足的;明亮的 7.阳光灿烂的,晴朗的 8.(证据等)明白的,清晰的,可见的,清晰可闻的 9.充满幸福(或希望)的,有希望的,美好的 (展望前景等)光明向上的,必胜的 10.有利的,顺利的 11.辉煌的;灿烂的,壮丽的,华丽的,绚丽的 副词 adv. 1.明亮地,光亮地,清亮地,光鲜地,鲜明地 2.欢快地,愉快地 名词 n. 1.[诗歌]辉煌,辉耀,光辉;光彩;明亮;壮丽,壮观;显赫,杰出 2.淡色烟草,尤指烤烟

wise 和clever的区别

Wise是智慧 clever是聪明。wise更指人格方面的智慧通达 clever则指智力上面

求关于Never give up的英语演讲稿

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 哪位有关于Never give up的演讲稿,急需 谢谢了~~~~ 解析: Never Give up!(这是介绍名人在没成功前是怎么不放弃的点滴) Henry Ford 亨利方达failed and went broke five times before he finally succeeded.Beethoven 贝多芬handled the violin awkwardly and preferred playing his own positions instead of improving his technique. His teacher called him hopeless as a poser. Colonel Sanders桑德斯 had the construction of a new road put him out of business in 1967. He went to over 1,000 places trying to sell his chicken recipe before he found a buyer interested in his 11 herbs and spices. Seven years later, at the age of 75, Colonel Sanders sold his fried chicken pany for a finger-lickin" $15 million! Walt Disney华尔特.狄斯尼 was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. Disney also went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. Charles Darwin,查尔斯.达尔文 father of the theory of evolution, gave up a medical career and was told by his father, “You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat catching.” In his autobiography, Darwin wrote, “I was considered by my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the mon standard in intellect. Albert Einstein爱伯特.爱因斯坦 did not speak until he was four years old and didn"t read until he was seven. His teacher described him as “mentally slow, unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams.” He was expelled and refused admittance to Zurich Polytechnic School. The University of Bern turned down his Ph.D. dissertation as being irrelevant and fanciful. The movie Star Wars星球大战 was rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood before 20th-Century Fox finally produced it. It went on to be one of the largest grossing movies in film history. Louis Pasteur 路易斯.帕斯特was only a mediocre pupil in undergraduate studies and ranked 15 out of 22 in chemistry. When NFL running back Herschel Walker荷休.瓦克 was in junior high school, he wanted to play football, but the coach told him he was too *** all. He advised young Herschel to go out for track instead. Never one to give up, he ignored the coach"s advice and began an intensive training program to build himself up. Only a few years later, Herschel Walker won the Hei *** an trophy. When General Douglas MacArthur 道格拉斯.麦可亚瑟将军applied for admission to West Point, he was turned down, not once but ice. But he tried a third time, was accepted and marched into the history books. After Fred Astaire"费来德.爱思泰儿s first screen test, the memo from the testing director of MGM, dated 1933, said, “Can"t act! Slightly bald! Can dance a little!” Astaire kept that memo over the fireplace in his Beverly Hills home. The father of the sculptor Rodin罗兰 [The Thinker Statue] said, “I have an idiot for a son.” Described as the worst pupil in the school, Rodin failed three times to secure admittance to the school of art. His uncle called him uneducable. Babe Ruth,路丝宝贝 considered by sports historians to be the greatest athlete of all time and famous for setting the home run record, also holds the record for strikeouts. Eighteen publishers turned down Richard Bach"理查德巴克s Jonathan Livingston Seagull, before Macmillan finally published it in 1970. By 1975 it had sold more than seven million copies in the U.S. alone. Margaret Mitchell"s玛格丽特密雪儿 classic Gone with the Wind was turned down by more than enty-five publishers. Richard Hooker理查得胡克 worked for seven years on his humorous war novel, M*A*S*H, only to have it rejected by 21 publishers before Morrow decided to publish it. It became a runaway bestseller, spawning a blockbusting movie and highly successful television series. When the first Chicken Soup心灵鸡汤 for the Soul book was pleted, it was turned down by thirty-three publishers in New York and another niy at the American Booksellers Association convention in Anaheim, California, before Health Communications, Inc., finally agreed to publish it. The major New York publishers said, "It is too nicey-nice" and "Nobody wants to read a book of short little stories." Since that time more than 8 million copies of the original Chicken Soup for the Soul book have been sold. The series, which has grown to thirty-o titles, in thirty-one languages, has sold more than 53 million copies. In 1954, Jimmy Denny,吉米丹尼 manager of the Grand Ole Opry, fired Elvis Presley after one performance. He told Presley, “You ain"t goin" nowhere… son. You ought to go back to drivin" a truck.” Elvis Presley went on to bee the most popular singer in America. Dr. Seuss"苏博士 first children"s book, And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street, was rejected by enty-seven publishers. The enty-eighth publisher, Vanguard press, sold six million copies of the book. Never give up believing in yourself!!! _______________________________________________________________ The above inspirational stories were piled from o excellent books by Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen: Chicken Soup for the Writer"s Soul and A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Does she read newpaper every day? 这里的read 为什么用原型

Does 你看不见么

【歌舞青春】那首高潮是‘I never have someone’叫什么

亲!找到啦,嘻嘻!!what i"ve been looking for 歌舞青春 http://y.adu.cn/ting_cococ_com_2005/0/1/9388/061101/qc/15.wmaRyan: It"s hard to believe That I couldn"t see Together: You were always there beside me Thought I was alone With no one to hold But you were always right beside me Sharpay: This feelings like no other Together: I want you to know I"ve never had someone that knows me like you do the way you do I"ve never had somone as good for me as you no one like you so lonely before i finally found what i"ve been looking for Sharpay: So good to be seen So good to be heard Together: Don"t have to say a word Ryan: For so long I was lost So good to be found Together: I"m loving having you around Ryan: This feeling"s like no other Together: I want you to know I"ve never had someone that knows me like you do The way you do I"ve never had someone as good for me as you No one like you So lonely before, I finally found what I"ve ben looking for Together: Doo Doo DooDoo Doo Doo DooDoo Do Do Woa-ah-ah-oh

I am a writer. My job is to write something for the newspaper. I work very hard. Every morning ...

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:A小题4:C小题5:D 小题1:本文最后一句为I like being busy.所表示的含义为作者喜欢他的工作,故本题选B。小题2:第二段第一句为I am very busy. I think every minute counts,所表示的含义为我每一分钟都是有价值的,故本题选D。小题3:本文第三行有一句为Then I drive to my office.所表示的含义为我开车去办公室,故本题选 A。小题4:本文第二段第三行为I often go out and visit many people.所表示的含义为作者总是出去接见人作采访,故本题选C。小题5:本文最主要谈论我工作的有关情况,所以本文的标题可以为我的工作,故本题选D。

two people together公式fourever


求Lenka的everything s okay。中英对照歌词

歌名:Everything"s Okay 歌手:Lenka作曲:Lenka Kripac作词:Lenka Kripac专辑:Two发行时间:2011年歌词:Keep giving me hope for a better day 为了更美好的日子一直给予我希望Keep giving me love to find a way 一直给予我爱去找到更好的前路Through this heaviness I feel 穿越我感受到的沉重I just need someone to say everything"s okay 我只是需要有人对我说一切都好Woke my weary head 使我疲惫的头脑清醒Crawled out of my bed 爬上我的床沿And I said "Oh, how do I go on?" 然后我说“哦,我该怎么继续?”Nothing"s going right 没有事是在正轨上shadow"s took the light 影子取代了光亮And I said "Oh, how do I go on?" 然后我说“哦,我该怎么继续?”Sometimes I need a little sunshine 有时我需要一点阳光And sometimes I need you 有时我需要你Keep giving me hope for a better day 为了更美好的日子一直给予我希望Keep giving me love to find a way 一直给予我爱去找到更好的前路Through this messy life I made for myself 穿越我自己制造的混乱生活Heaven knows I need a little Hope for a better day 天堂知道为了更好的日子我需要一点希望I needa love to find a way Through this heaviness I feel 我需要爱去穿越我感受到的沉重I just need someone to say everything"s okay 我只是需要有人对我说一切都好I gave my hope to you 我把我的希望给你When you were early through 当你早早到来And you said, "Oh, I can"t go on 我说,“哦,我不能继续了”Well now I need it back 现在我想要一切倒回"Cause I have got a lack of all that"s good 因为我缺席了所有美好的事物And I can"t go on 我不能继续

求Lenka的everything s okay。中英对照歌词

Keep giving me hope for a better dayKeep giving me love to find a wayThrough this heaviness I feelI just need someone to say, everything"s okayWoke my weary headCrawled out of my bedAnd I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"Nothing"s going right, shadow"s took the lightAnd I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"Sometimes I need a little sunshineAnd sometimes I need youKeep giving me hope for a better dayKeep giving love to find a wayThrough this messy life I made for myselfHeaven knows I need a littleHope for a better dayKeep giving me love to find a wayThrough this heaviness I feelI just need someone to say, everything"s okayI gave my hope to youWhen you were early throughAnd you said, "Oh, I can"t go onWell, now I need it back"Cause I have got a lack of all that"s goodAnd I can"t go onSometimes I need a little sunshineAnd sometimes I need youEverything"s okay, everything"s okaySometimes I need a little sunshineAnd sometimes I need you总是不断的给我希望会有更好的明天总是不断的给我爱让我来逃离这沉重的感觉我只是需要有人说,一切都很好叫醒我疲惫的大脑从床上爬起来我说:“哦,我该如何继续?”一切都不对,阴影带走了光明我说:“哦,我该如何继续?”有时我需要一点阳光有时我需要你总是不断的给我希望会有更好的明天总是不断的给我爱,从我为自己制造的混乱的生活中找到出路。上帝知道我需要对美好的明天抱有一点希望总是不断的给我爱让我来逃离这沉重的感觉我只是需要有人说,一切都很好我把我的希望给了你在你之前经过的时候你却说:“哦,我不能继续下去”那好,现在我要把它收回因为我缺少好的东西并且我不能继续了有时我需要一点阳光有时我需要你一切都很好 ,一切都很好有时我需要一点阳光有时我需要你

every 和each 的区别

两者都有“每个”的意思,但用法不同:(1)each具有名词和形容词的功能,every只有形容词的功能.(2)each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指三个以上的人或事物的“全体”,和all的意思相近.如:He gave a book to each of his parents.他给他父母各送了一本书.Every comrade was there and each did his work.每个同志都在那儿,各人做各人的工作.(3)every总是修饰单数名词,后接单数动词.Every man and woman knows that.每个男人和女人都知道那事.(4)each作为形容词,修饰单数名词,接单数动词.作为代词,单独使用,接单数动词;放在复数名词和代词后作同位语,接复数动词.each of them后可接单数或复数动词.如:Each man carries his own bag.(修饰单数名词)各人背自己的包.We each have our own office.(作We的同位语)我们各有各的办公室.Each carries his own bag.(代词)各人背自己的包.Each of them are/is here.(代词)他们每个人都在这儿.(5)代表each和every的物主代词可以用his,也可以用their.如:Each carried their/his own bag.各人背他们/他自己的包.

一首歌开头是 burning everything i know


If you never abandon,I will in life and death 这句有什么语法问题应该怎样改才可

If you never let go of my hand,I will be with you irrespective of life or death.你若不离不弃,我必生死相随。

初一音乐书最后一首英文歌。名字是 we are one, 开头是Every one in this world

苏教版 还是人教版


怎么打怎么有 怎么投怎么进的意思吧

电影《怦然心动》里的台词:“But every once in a while you find



使用: apply | use | wear | make use of | employ | appliance我使用这个词是出于疏忽。 I used this word from carelessness. 《新英汉大辞典》我们强烈反对使用核武器。 We deplore the use of nuclear weapons. 《21世纪大英汉词典》你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。 If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it. 《新英汉大辞典》你使用英国拼法还是美国拼法? Do you use English or American spelling(s)? 《新英汉大辞典》您因该使用哪一个呢? Which one should you use?使用它们能做什么? What do you use them for?你们必须知道如何使用它们。 You should know how to use them.可是,如果你真的决定使用它,你会用来做什么呢? But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it?应该使用哪一种格式? Which one should I use?我们每天都会用到自控力,但是有些人比其他人更善于使用它们。 We all use it every day, but some of us use it more skillfully than others.因此他们使用互联网来达到(这个目的). So they use the Internet to do that.但是,像所有工具一样,必须知道如何使用它。 But, as with all tools, you have to know when to use it.那是您 应该使用的。 That is what you should use.因此我不推荐使用它们。 Therefore, I recommend against using them.如果愿意您也可以直接使用这个函数。 You can use it by itself if you like.我应该使用哪些特性? Which features should I use?它们中没有一款应用程序可以让你使用它们的程序来像这样来实际做新闻报道。 However, neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually do reporting like this.我如何知道我应当使用这些工件的哪一个? How do I know which one of these artifacts I should use?那么,应该使用哪种方法呢? So, which approach should you use?你会使用他们吗——用来做什么呢? Would you use them - and for what?或者你过去有使用过梵语吗? Or have you used them in the past?因此 我们可以使用它们? So we can use them?谁应该使用这个工具箱? Who should use the toolkit?因此,您可以认为,它不应该使用适配器。 You can assume, therefore, that it should not use adapters.对于某些国家地区的人们来说,这些将成为他们首次使用,或者是唯一的应用程序。 For some of the world, these will be the first or the only applications they use.我的意思是你可以使用它,但不要把它当作权威。 Except,I mean,you could use it, but not use it as authoritative.所以在实践中我们怎么使用它呢? So how might we use this in practice?是否要使用它呢? Should you use it?你使用什么样的搜索引擎,什么情况下会使用? What do you use and in what circumstances do you use it?你使用的触发器是什么,为什么要使用它们? What are the triggers you use and why do you use them?

we must do whatever the people want us to do.画成分.

We must do whatever the people want us to do. 无论人民想要我们做什么,我们都必须要做. 这是个含有宾语从句的主谓宾结构的句型. 主语:we 谓语:must do 宾语:whatever引导的宾语从句.

划分下面句子成分: 1, We must do whatever the people want

1, 主语 We谓语 must do宾语 whatever the people want us to do.

we must do whatever the people want us to do.画成分.

We must do whatever the people want us to do. 无论人民想要我们做什么,我们都必须要做. 这是个含有宾语从句的主谓宾结构的句型. 主语:we 谓语:must do 宾语:whatever引导的宾语从句.
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