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每年儿童节晚上都有演出 用英语。 there is a show --___ __ ___ ___ Children's Day every year.

there is a show --_in__ the __ _night__ _of__ Children's Day every year.


这就是我的六一儿童节假期安排的英文:This is my Children"s Day holiday arrangements


"June 1st Children"s Day! Lots and lots of discounts""Lots and lots of fun and surprises on June 1st children"s day!!!


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【 #英语资源# 导语】小时候盼望一觉醒来,随便赖床;长大了盼望一觉醒来,人在课堂。亲爱的,儿童节来了,不管啥愿望,愿你快乐天天一个样。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文  On June 1, I asked Gong Yuhe to go to Honghu park.   As soon as we entered the park, we smelled a faint fragrance. My father said it was lotus. We walked along the fragrance to the pond. As soon as we looked up, we saw the hall full of lotus. WOW! How beautiful! Lotus blossoms are like the smiling faces of children, and lotus leaves are like green skirts. A gust of wind blows, and the lotus swings with the wind like dancing, cheering and saying, "Welcome! Happy June day!"   WOW! There are many fish under the lotus leaf! They swam freely and happily. At this time, I suddenly remembered an ancient poem "Jiangnan", which I had learned. In Jiangnan, you can pick lotus and lotus leaves. Fish play with lotus leaves, fish play with lotus leaves East, fish play with lotus leaves West, fish play with lotus leaves south and fish play with lotus leaves North.   Later, we played pirate ships and bumper cars again. How happy! Happy June day, happy June day! 2.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   The annual International Children"s Day is coming. The school organized us to go to Yucai Middle School to participate in the 61 party. We came to the school early, lined up in a neat line, mighty Arrived at the destination.   The hall is so busy! After a while, the performance officially began: some actors were walking models, some were dancing rubber bands, and others were singing and dancing. Among them, my favorite is to walk the model, because the actors walk the model. Some clothes are really strange, some are wearing red clothes and blue skirts, some are wearing noble suits, some are wearing sportswear and sports equipment, some are wearing clothes made of cartons, and some are actually made of dirty balls... Looking at the ridiculous clothes, we immediately burst into laughter.   When the celebration of children"s day came to an end, I was a little reluctant to part with it. I hope that the next International Children"s Day will have a lot of surprises and happiness! 3.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   Today, I got out of bed early and went to school happily with my low-carbon gadgets.   The teacher led us to the flag raising ceremony on children"s day. After a while, the auction of the Trade Street began. Happy smiling faces poured into the street to choose their favorite items. The variety of goods in the trade street is dazzling. After wandering over and over again, the students always appreciate the low-carbon goods made by their own sales and want to buy them home.   The lively and happy time passed in a flash. I had a very happy "61" day! 4.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   June 1st is international children"s day. This year"s June day is the first time I spent it in primary school. That day, I came to the school early and lined up in a neat line to the playground to participate in the closing ceremony of the Art Festival and Reading Festival. I won four awards: the second prize for children"s painting, the second prize for Western musical instruments, Xinmei art star and reading activists. I"m so happy!   After the closing ceremony, the garden tour began. I won four raffle tickets in exchange for lollipops. In the afternoon, we went to see a good movie Arthur and his mini Kingdom 2, but it was a little scary. 5.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   It"s International Children"s Day. We go to our headquarters to participate in games.   As soon as we arrived at school in the morning, Mr. Lu gave each of us a piece of game paper. I took the paper and went to other classrooms to play games with my classmates. We played bomb bunker, 56 nationalities laughing, self portrait, sticking nose... Each game was very interesting.   My favorite game is "stick your nose". The requirements of the game are: cover your eyes, turn around three times, go to the front of the portrait and stick your nose in the appropriate position. Many students pasted their noses on their chin, eyebrows, ears... And I pasted my nose correctly on the portrait with my feeling and got a smiling face.   I only got three smiling faces in this game, which is far from the standard of the game chapter. I want to train more at ordinary times and strive to achieve good results in the next game activity. 6.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   Today is a very special day. It is a holiday for every child. It must be International Children"s Day.   We brought some fruit and came to the classroom with great interest. We heard the students talking about: some were watching what the other party brought, some were studying what fruit platter to make... The students were all here, and the classroom was still lively. The teacher clapped his hand, and the classroom became quiet. You could hear a needle drop on the ground clearly.   Looking forward, it"s time to make a fruit platter at last, ah! The fruits in our group are so rich! There are blueberries, apples, bananas, watermelons, white melons, mangoes, pitaya, cherries, Hami melons and oranges. They give off a strong flavor.   We began to make fruit platters. First, we cut the fruits into various shapes: triangles, rectangles, squares and five pointed stars... We put these fruits into the plate. At this time, Dai Buwen laughed and said to our team members, "this is not a fruit platter at all, but a fruit pot, hahaha..." our team was unconvinced, "hum, we need to refuel!" We seriously made all kinds of fruits into a mango castle. This is the result of our labor. Although it is not, we are already very satisfied.   What a meaningful and unforgettable International Children"s Day this is! 7.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   On the eve of June 1, our fourth and fifth graders spent an unusual children"s day with their armed police uncles at Chengdu Armed Police Command College.   On a sunny afternoon, the students formed a long line and marched forward to the Armed Police Command College. Along the way, my legs were sore and my throat was smoking with thirst, but I became energetic at the thought of the cruel test endured by the armed police uncles compared with my trivial difficulties.   Ah, finally! I couldn"t help cheering in my heart. An armed police uncle led us into the gate, just in time for the armed police uncles to go to the teaching building for class. Looking at the neat team of armed police uncles and our lazy team, we couldn"t help thinking: armed police is armed police, and a team always exudes a force of bravery and perseverance. In front of the teaching building, rows of small silver benches stood there in good order - worthy of being used by the armed police, with the same discipline as the armed police!   Start the show! The performances of the armed police uncles were just and soft. Although the move was simple, it was always exciting. Let"s give them the warmest applause.   Next is our school performance! The songs sung by the students are full of childlike innocence, passion and vitality. They are really like birds! Next is the dance drama "big cat vs. little mouse". The laughter of the little mouse and the thief and the amazing wisdom of the big cat are really a feast for the eyes.   It"s amazing to spend children"s day with the armed police. This June day is the most unforgettable June day in my life. I believe that the spirit of the officers and soldiers of the armed police that is enough to overcome all difficulties is worth learning forever! 8.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally look forward to International Children"s Day. I am very happy this day!   After breakfast, I put on my new school uniform and came to school early. The campus is very lively. You can see that the students are all in high spirits, and the bright red scarf is particularly dazzling; The students who participated in the performance were dressed in colorful clothes and skirts, just as beautiful as a hundred flower fairies; The rostrum was covered with a red carpet, and the red monogram was very eye-catching. On it, the eight yellow characters "celebrate June 1, dream of flying" were like bright smiling faces of students.   The conference began. The first is to present awards to excellent students. Looking at the students standing on the stage, triumphantly holding the glittering certificates, my face was feverish, my heart was very sad, and I hardly dared to look again. If someone can win the prize, why can"t I? I must study hard in the future, strive for excellent results, and make my mother and father proud of me.   Next is the show. The first program is the chorus of class 2, grade 3. Their voices are crisp and sweet, and there is a lot of applause at the venue. The second... The third... Finally it"s our class"s turn to play handkerchief dance!   With beautiful music, we danced happily. Green handkerchiefs inlaid with gold chains swirled around our fingertips. After a while, the stage seems to become a garden with peonies in full bloom, green petals and golden stamens, and you can almost smell the fragrance of flowers; After a while, the stage turned into a treasure of shining emeralds, one by one so dazzling... We danced and danced heartily, and the cheers under the stage were higher and higher. 9.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   Another year is International Children"s Day. I am already in grade three. In grade one and grade two, we had no activities on International Children"s Day. We just had a day off. Today, I am very happy about International Children"s Day. The school said that this year, we will have a get-together, and every little friend should participate in it. Every class should give a lot of programs.   The annual International Children"s Day has finally arrived. Today, I want to perform a program. I want to sing "happy evergreen". This is my first performance on the stage. I am really afraid of the first performance, but I am very happy. So many people spend the children"s day together. Instead of going to the amusement park, we hold a party in the school. A group of little orange princesses finished the fruit dance. It was time for me to perform the next program. My heart was pounding. Applause rang out. I stepped on the stage and unconsciously finished singing the song. In a trance, I heard a lot of applause. At this time, I realized that my performance was very wonderful and my fellow teachers liked it very much. I"m even happier to hear these applause for my support. It"s really an unforgettable June day.   The June day party ended successfully in the singing and dancing of the students. I won the title of little singer and the second prize of performance. I"m really glad to have such a happy International Children"s Day, which is the most unforgettable International Children"s Day from childhood to adulthood. If I can go to the amusement park next year, I also want to have a more unforgettable International Children"s Day with my teachers and classmates. 10.难忘的六一儿童节英语作文   Today is a happy International Children"s Day. Why do you say so? Because today our school held an activity to celebrate "International Children"s Day".   In the morning, the teachers and students dressed up the classroom, and the students put on their favorite clothes and came to the classroom happily.   Before long, the activity began. Let"s draw the prize first. There are many prizes, including red pen, blue pen, cartoon cup and pen box... I"m very lucky. I"m happy to draw a red pen!   In this activity, the most nervous thing is to turn hula hoops. We are divided into two groups: Men"s group and women"s group. When the competition began, all the students who watched shouted: "come on! Come on!" Some of the students in the competition turned faster and faster, and some only turned a few times, and the hula hoop fell to the ground. The students all turned hard and turned sweating.   The atmosphere in the class was very tense. Finally, the victory and defeat were divided. Deng Boliang, who was extraordinary, won the first place in the men"s group and Li Xiaoqi, who was agile and flexible, won the first place in the women"s group. I really envy them for turning for so long. Then, the teacher asked the students of the chorus of our class to sing a song: "little swallow, wear flower clothes..." listening to this beautiful song, my nervous mood disappeared at once.   Finally, the teacher cut five beautiful cakes, one for each, and ate the sweet and delicious cake. I think everyone is so happy!   It was not until everyone was full that they left school in groups. This is really a happy International Children"s Day.




【 #英语资源# 导语】一年一度的“六一”儿童节,是小朋友们最快乐的一天。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.六一儿童节英语作文范文   International Children"s Day is coming. It"s our children"s day. On this holiday, many children will receive gifts from their grandparents and other relatives. They will also go out with their parents. How happy it is.   However, there are still many children around us who have no parents or relatives to take care of, just like those orphans and disabled children in social welfare institutions. They have no gifts, no surprises, and no loved ones" care. It"s really pathetic. So I had an idea: Although I am still a child and have no money to buy gifts for them, I have some books I have read and they are very new. I can give them.   I told my mother about this idea. My mother also agreed, and said that I could donate some toys and school supplies that I had stopped playing with.   Just as flowers like bright sunshine, birds like blue sky, and fish like clear river water, our children also like their own festival - International Children"s Day. I hope all the children can receive gifts. I hope everyone is happy and can have a happy holiday like me. 2.六一儿童节英语作文范文   "June 1" children"s Day is coming. The children are already immersed in the joy of the festival. We are also immersed in busy Festival preparation activities, enriching the environment, enriching the theme wall, arranging programs, organizing class reunions... Everyone is busy. Although I am very busy, I like the children"s day very much. After all, I am also a big child. This is also my holiday. Right.   Yesterday we finally finished the design and layout of the theme wall in our class!      This theme wall is designed with the theme of "China refueling", including the most touching Sichuan earthquake (the earthquake - the premier"s grandfather visits the children in the disaster area - the green ribbon activity) and the passionate welcome to the torch in Jiangsu two days ago.   The main task today is to beautify the class environment. In order to better set off the festival atmosphere, we hung the pull flowers we had done a few days ago on the class beam and fluorescent lamp, so I was doing high-altitude work all afternoon. I was afraid of heights. After climbing the ladder, I felt my feet shaking involuntarily. Alas... I can"t help it. I"m still trying hard. But the effect is still, hee hee   Tomorrow, we will hold a "61" party. We have to go to work at 7:00 in the morning. At 8:30, the activity starts on time, and then the parent-child party in the class. I am preparing the hosting draft for tomorrow. I hope everything goes well tomorrow, so that every child can have a happy "61" children"s day. 3.六一儿童节英语作文范文   Today is "61 International Children"s Day". Our class had a get-together. I had a very, very good time.   As soon as I get to school in the morning, I look forward to going there in the morning and coming here in the afternoon. But time is as slow as a snail. It"s like a year.   Look forward to the stars and the moon. It"s finally the afternoon. As soon as the teacher told me to get up, I "flew" to the classroom at the speed of Liu Xiang"s 100 meter dash.   The party finally began. The host was Shihui and I. We carefully prepared the host speech and read it out loud with both voice and emotion.   The party is divided into three parts: talent show, interactive game and intelligence competition. In the talent show, I enjoyed beautiful dances, funny sketches, amazing dance skills... But what I like most is intellectual competition.   The rule of intelligence competition is: Hang many pieces of paper on a rope, on which are questions. If you know how to do that, tell the teacher that you can only tear off the note if you answer correctly. In this case, you will be robbed of your own problems by other students. You can only admit that you are unlucky. I tore four pieces of paper and won the second place, but I"m not proud, because the first place tore seven pieces, and I will do all of them. Sobbing   The happy time is always short, and the party is over before you know it. I miss this "June day" very much and look forward to next year"s "June day". 4.六一儿童节英语作文范文   This Wednesday is the international International Children"s Day! Due to the one-day holiday on June 1, our school arranged garden activities on Tuesday. There were many interesting games, such as throwing table tennis, checkers, water bottle grabbing and so on!   Our school held cultural performances, including "welcome music" played by the drum and bugle team, guzheng playing "Xiaoao Jianghu", dance "Butterfly Spring", and sitcom "let love go home". Just this afternoon, I came to the school early. I saw a big stage set up in the middle of the playground, with colorful flags and colorful balloons flying with the wind. It was very beautiful! The campus was full of happy songs and laughter, and the students" faces were full of bright smiles.   My classmates and I are very happy! Our school held a performance to celebrate the international International Children"s Day. All the teachers and students gathered together to watch the performance. The performances include singing, dancing, poetry recitation and sitcoms. They are really colorful! 5.六一儿童节英语作文范文   How time flies! Another children"s Day is coming. The teacher informed us that in order to celebrate the children"s day, all the teachers and students of the school went to the Poly Theater to visit the "June 1" art show. I was happy to dance.   That day, my father sprained his ankle, so I had to go to the show with my aunt. When we got there, many parents and classmates had taken their seats. My aunt and I hurried to find seats and waited for the performance to begin.   The "June 1" art show began, and thunderous applause broke out from the audience. The students danced on the beautiful stage, sang loudly, and showed their talents heartily. I laughed, hummed to the music, and clapped my hands. One of the programs that impressed me most was "wait for the hare". The students" performance was vivid and funny, and from time to time attracted bursts of laughter from the audience. I heard the teacher say that this is a fable story! It tells us that no matter what we do, we will not succeed. Only by working hard can we succeed. I have also gained a lot of knowledge!   Before I knew it, the June 1 art show was over, and I had a happy day. 6.六一儿童节英语作文范文   Time flies. The annual International Children"s Day is coming again with gentle steps.   In the morning, we walked into the campus happily and happily, and unconsciously our crisp and beautiful school song rang out. The students burst out a burst of silver bell like laughter, revealing lovely smiling faces.   After a while, we came to the wide playground in a neat line. At this moment, the teacher flew the water rocket with us. "One, two..." those crystals are the wishes we can"t express with our hearts. Dream, ah! Let"s fly our wishes in this beautiful holiday atmosphere!   Then, we held a chorus competition from the auditorium. Ms Zhang, the principal, gave us some warm words and wishes for our festival. Then the program began.   My favorite program is "flying freely" brought to us by grade 5 (7). Listening to the beautiful music and watching the little sisters dancing in front of us, I am full of praise. Such music brings us a festive atmosphere.   This children"s day makes me keep it in mind, and I look forward to the early arrival of International Children"s Day next year. 7.六一儿童节英语作文范文   Time flies. The annual International Children"s Day is coming again with gentle steps.   In the morning, we walked into the campus happily and happily, and unconsciously our crisp and beautiful school song rang out. The students burst out a burst of silver bell like laughter, revealing lovely smiling faces.   After a while, we came to the wide playground in a neat line. At this moment, the teacher flew the water rocket with us. "One, two..." those crystals are the wishes we can"t express with our hearts. Dream, ah! Let"s fly our wishes in this beautiful holiday atmosphere!   Then, we held a chorus competition from the auditorium. Ms Zhang, the principal, gave us some warm words and wishes for our festival. Then the program began.   My favorite program is "flying freely" brought to us by grade 5 (7). Listening to the beautiful music and watching the little sisters dancing in front of us, I am full of praise. Such music brings us a festive atmosphere.   This children"s day makes me keep it in mind, and I look forward to the early arrival of International Children"s Day next year. 8.六一儿童节英语作文范文   I remember that on International Children"s Day, I went to school to participate in activities. In the afternoon, my mother took me home and said, "let"s go to the Confucius Temple today. After that, we"ll eat good food."   So, my mother and I rode to the gate of the Confucius Temple happily. On this day, the Confucius Temple was packed with people. My mother and I walked around. After walking for a long time, my mother and I were a little tired. When I looked around, there was a pavilion, so I asked my mother to take me in to have a rest. After a long time, we set out again to find something I like. After a long walk, we came to the shop selling small pets. After a long selection, I only like a little white hamster. Mother said, "the hamster is too dirty. I"d better buy something else." But I just don"t like anything else. I only like the little hamster. After my repeated pleading, my mother finally agreed. I bought a hamster and went to eat happily.   Finally, my mother and I rode back home, put some food in the hamster"s cage, and I went to watch TV. 9.六一儿童节英语作文范文   Today, I am particularly excited because our school organized rehearsals of the children"s Day program "61", and it is said that the leaders of the Jiangxi Provincial CPPCC and the Jiangxi Provincial Department of education will come to our school. How happy we are!   We lined up under the organization of our head teacher CAI. After we gathered on the playground, we sat down neatly. Then I heard the sound of gongs and drums. It turned out that the leaders of the province had come. Some of the leaders came to me. I quickly stood up and saluted them.   Before the program, some young pioneers" representatives put on red scarves for their leaders. Then we began to sing the school song of Hongdu primary school, followed by dancing, solo singing and poetry recitation... Finally, it was the turn of three students in our class to perform. When they finished performing, we cheered: "our class"s performance is right!"   Suddenly, there was a light rain, but the students still braved the light rain to perform. The following students also insisted on watching the performance in the rain.   Finally, the rain stopped, and our performance was over. The students happily returned to the classroom. Some students said, "if it were like this every day, how wonderful it would be!"   Although today is not June 1, we have already had a happy "June 1" children"s day ahead of schedule! 10.六一儿童节英语作文范文   Sent away the clouds in May, ushered in the scorching sun in June. In June, there is one of my favorite festivals - June 1 International Children"s day.   I"m a drum team. The teacher said that I would perform on June 1. The school"s radio broadcast music. We also changed our clothes and walked to the front of the flag raising platform with drums on our backs. At the command of the teacher in charge of the team, we began to beat the drums. The sound was really nice.   When Vice President Wei announced the beginning of June 1, huangcaiyan and I went to see what was interesting. In the end, we selected glass beads among many activities. It was easy at first, but I didn"t know it was difficult until I played. The glass bead is round and easy to roll, so it needs some skills to clamp it.   Our second game is blowing candles. Candles are placed horizontally and vertically. We thought it was easier to blow vertically, so we went there to row. When it was almost time for us, I said, "Huang Caiyan, when you blow, I said "happy birthday to you" and you can blow again!" Then, in my wish you a happy birthday, she blew out the candle. It"s a pity that she can only blow one. Alas! She kept complaining about me.   Ha ha! When school was over, the teacher handed out cakes, and the teacher mentioned that it was not allowed to touch water in the wild. Someone joked: do we still take a shower? The whole class burst into laughter.   This June day is really happy. I hope it will be the same next year.
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