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Epiphone Les Paul 的枫木贴面 是否对音色有影响?

这个影响完全可以忽略 因为只要你不是发烧级玩家 你的耳朵是绝对听不出区别来的 贴面而且可以防止木头直接与空气接触 防止氧化 又美观...何乐而不为呢

Epiphone LesPaul 适合布鲁斯和爵士风格的演奏吗?

SQUIER 的TELE 好一点SQUIER 的START也行总体是TELE 布鲁斯爵士更好。START适应种类更多。LES PAUL也可以。具体请自己去琴行弹弹。觉得可以的话就买。每个人对音色风格理解都不一样。这才是音乐。

关于 Epiphone Les Paul

Epiphone LP的三个主要型号,Classic 和Standard的产地都是在国内,最平常的两个型号。Classic应该价格稍低于Standard。这两个型号的最主要区别就是在拾音器上,琴体的配置基本完全一致,Classic的原形是60年代的LP,声音和Standard相比更亮一些,没有那么圆润的低频。琴颈采用60年代风格的薄琴颈,而Standard的原型是50年代的LP,主要采用50年代经典的圆琴颈,从厂家的参数看,两者的厚度差距只有2毫米左右,但是手感很明显有区别。Custom的配置要更高,是高一个档次的琴,产地主要在韩国。拾音器也更高档一些。也是以50年代的LP为原型设计的。至于50年代和60年代的琴的区别,最主要的就是琴颈的尺寸和拾音器的选择。60年代的琴,更适合摇滚乐手的速弹的要求(当然是和Classic相比,如果和Jackson那类的琴还是没得比),至于50年代的琴,更传统,更接近原始的LP的设计。这些是我的了解。这些型号的琴我都试用过。感觉都是不错的。有兴趣交流,发站内信

epiphone les paul 电吉他12品弦距多少才合适呢?急急急


epiphone les paul 57 goldtop这款琴怎么样啊 据说用的是gibson拾音器 音色会比较接近么?



  你希望你的UCAS申请脱颖而出吗?你在寻找提高成绩的方法吗?或者你想要一个有用的技能来帮助你通过大学申请?EPQ(Extended Project Qualifications)可能正适合你。带大家一起来了解EPQ。    什么是EPQ(Extended Project Qualification)?   EPQs是授予学生的一种资格,他们完成了一个特定类型的研究项目,关于他们真正感兴趣的主题。这给了学生一个机会来展示他们可以管理独立的研究和项目管理,这在大学和雇主看来是非常令人印象深刻的!   在最近的一年里,超过33,000名学生报名参加了EPQ,涉及很多不同的学科领域。这个项目可能需要120个小时才能完成,根据你的最终成绩,它可能只值半级A(最高70个UCAS分)。EPQ可以在暑假期间完成,这样就不会打乱你的学习计划。     EPQ 的好处   越来越多的大学和雇主在评估申请时认可EPQs,因此它可以提高你达到目标的机会。它有助于培养批判性思维、解决问题、演讲和创造力等技能,这些技能不仅对大学学习非常有用,对职场也非常有用。   它给你机会去探索你的激情,成为你真正感兴趣的事情的专家——这可能是你从来没有机会正式学习的事情。它增加你的信心,知道你的努力工作已经导致了额外的资格,专家知识,技能和经验,你可能没有其他。它会让你在面试中有一些独特的话题,这在你无话可说的时候非常有用!如果和你申请的大学课程有关,那就更好了。它可以拓宽你的资助选择——东安格利亚大学的Bright Spark奖学金要求学生持有研究项目资格证书,例如EPQ。    EPQs包括什么?   你需要选择一个你想要研究的特定主题,然后写一份关于它的报告(大约5000字),或者制作一个“产品”(比如一个网站或音乐录音)和一份较短的报告。在那之后,你将被要求把所有的东西都总结成一篇简短的演讲,交给一群在你的领域里不是专家的人。   在这个项目中,你将展示你的搜索信息的能力,计划一个项目,学术写作,批判性思考,建立和支持论点,记录和反思你的进展。这些都是你在大学里需要用到的技能,所以提前开始可能是塞翁失马焉知非福!   帮助EPQs   你会有一个项目主管(通常是一个老师)来帮助你完成这个过程,你甚至可以在当地使用其他的教育资源。    开始EPQs   首先告诉你的大学或学校,因为你需要他们的支持来做一个EPQ——他们可以帮助你决定是否适合你,从哪里开始。有些学校可能还没有一个正式的程序来支持EPQ,但是不要担心,因为大学承认并不是每个人都可以选择完成EPQ。   如果你真的想探索一个特定的主题,或者你喜欢发展你的技能和知识,那就试试吧,祝你好运!

Epiphone les paul 拾音器问题 高手来!


求epiphone les paul系列电吉他和gibson les paul系列电吉他的详细信息

既然LS已经粗略的介绍了Gibson公司 就不再多说了 高端的E和低端的G音色差别应该不会太大 但是毕竟瘦死的骆驼比马大 两者的制作工艺和配件上都可以说不在一个档次 至于韩产E 日产E和国产E 日产E现在已经很难买到了 其高端日产已经很逼近G 二手价格大概在4000--5000 如果有条件 收一把还是很不错的 韩产E现在也不多了 我手里就是00年的韩产(00-06为韩产 以后均为国产)个人认为其音色要略好于现今的国产 但是并不会差太多 LZ可以买一把国产E 国产的做工和音色方面都不差 性价比绝对好 音色也是很不错的 普通版本价格在2500左右(限量版除外)

Gibson和Epiphone LesPaul之间的区别

Gibson是目前最大的LP琴厂商,LP是gibson的元老 les paul的简称,所以这款琴也就叫这名子了。真货的除了一把SG customs 7000元,剩下都在万元以上,你看的slash的都是gibson,这是当今最牛最有名的lespaul standard。 epi其实是当初最牛的牌子,但是战后荒废了,被曾经的小厂子Gibson给收购了,这样epiphone后面就派出去生产低端琴了,我们现在手里的真货EPIPHONE其实都是美国之外生产组装的,包括目前青岛也设厂开始国产,价格都在万元以内。 两把琴都是著名的品牌,访的以后就不要再买了,外观什么都不代表 开闭的事情挺复杂,说简单点吧,开放闭合就看是不是拾音器盖盖的,2个捆在一起露着6个磁钉的就是开放的。 网上关于gibson和epiphone的历史你从来不看吗?成片成片的扫盲帖子


EPE(Expandable Polyethylene):聚乙烯泡沫塑料,俗称珍珠棉。特点:密度小、柔韧性好、回复率高;防震性能优于聚苯乙烯塑料;具有独立的气泡结构,表面吸水率低;防渗透性能好;耐酸、耐碱、盐、油等有机溶剂腐蚀,耐老化性能优良;高温时不流淌,低温时不脆裂。EPS(Expanded Polystyrene):聚苯乙烯泡沫,是一种轻型高分子聚合物。它是采用聚苯乙烯树脂加入发泡剂,同时加热进行软化,产生气体,形成一种硬质闭孔结构的泡沫塑料。这种均匀封闭的空腔结构使EPS具有吸水性小,保温性好,质量轻及较高的机械强度等特点。EPP (Expanded polypropylene ):聚丙烯塑料发泡材料是一种性能卓越的高结晶型聚合物/气体复合材料,以其独特而优越的性能成为目前增长最快的环保新型抗压缓冲隔热材料。EPP制品具有十分优异的抗震吸能性能、形变后恢复率高、很好的耐热性、耐化学品、耐油性和隔热性,另外,其质量轻,可大幅度减轻物品重量。三者之间的区别;EPP,能模出成型,即可预发泡成颗粒,再在模具中成各种形状,具有韧性好,不易破裂,缓冲性能好.EPE,能挤出成型或发泡成型,能做成板材或片材或管材,再冲压裁切粘接成型,具有韧性好,不易破裂,缓冲性能好.EPS,能模出成型,即可预发泡成颗粒,再在模具中成各种形状,具有韧性不是很好,易破裂,缓冲性能一般.





常见错误日志如下:org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss1. 原因:是因为ZooKeeper建立连接时采用异步操作,连接操作后并不能保证ZK连接已成功。如果在ZK连接成功前的这个小时间窗口去访问ZK,就会碰到如上错误。2. 解决思路我们在新建ZK连接后要等一段时间,保证连接成功后再访问ZK。3. 网上比较赞同的解决方案: 主要利用两个Java类: (1)java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch: 一个同步辅助类,类似倒数计数,直到计数器为0时才能对资源“解锁”。未解锁前等待该资源的进程只能被阻塞。 主要方法: public CountDownLatch(int count); /* 构造函数,参数指定计数次数 */ public void countDown(); /* 当前线程调用此函数,则计数减一 */ public void await() throws InterruptedException; /* 此函数会一直阻塞当前线程,直到计时器的值为0为止 */ (2)org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher ZooKeeper有一个很有用的功能,就是集群上每一个变化都可以通知到自定义的Watchcer。


常见错误日志如下:org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss1. 原因:是因为ZooKeeper建立连接时采用异步操作,连接操作后并不能保证ZK连接已成功。如果在ZK连接成功前的这个小时间窗口去访问ZK,就会碰到如上错误。2. 解决思路我们在新建ZK连接后要等一段时间,保证连接成功后再访问ZK。3. 网上比较赞同的解决方案:主要利用两个Java类:(1)java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch:一个同步辅助类,类似倒数计数,直到计数器为0时才能对资源“解锁”。未解锁前等待该资源的进程只能被阻塞。主要方法:public CountDownLatch(int count); /* 构造函数,参数指定计数次数 */public void countDown(); /* 当前线程调用此函数,则计数减一 */public void await() throws InterruptedException; /* 此函数会一直阻塞当前线程,直到计时器的值为0为止 */(2)org.apache.zookeeper.WatcherZooKeeper有一个很有用的功能,就是集群上每一个变化都可以通知到自定义的Watchcer。

whisper steps歌词大意 齐豫

whispering steppes love is dear , love is rare, love is never where your eyes would stare, unexpectedly,even blindingly . love will show its face to you . no lie fears subside, clearly why time has come for me to stand aside unencumberedly. though reluctantly. upon the whisering stepes i lie with pride towards the cradle of my hopes now lies my resting grave the warmth of life has left me half-embraced for those who rendered fears and pain I will surely pay with a smile you can"t escape free at last,from the past . time has come for me to greet the vast unencumberedly. though reluctantly. upon the whispering steppes I lie unencumberedly, so gracefully above the whispering steppes I fly 细语咽吟的草原爱 珍贵 稀有 爱绝不出现在你眼光凝聚之处 只在意料之外 甚或以眩目之姿 爱才会展颜 真的 忧虑已然消失 原因很清楚 是放手的时候了 无牵无挂 虽非情愿 我将有尊严的安睡在这片细语咽咽的草原之上 原是我梦想的摇篮 如今是我安息的坟 生命的温暖 留我半拥 对于那些将恐惧与痛苦加诸于我的 我将回报以一抹你们无法闪躲的微笑 终于自由 远离过往 是我迎接浩瀚的时候了 无牵无挂 虽非情愿 我将安睡在这片细语咽咽的草原之上 无牵无挂 雍容优雅的我将安翔于这片细语咽咽的草原之上

《whispering stepes》翻译是什么?

细语咽吟的草原 爱 珍贵 稀有 爱绝不出现在你眼光凝聚之处 只在意料之外 甚或以眩目之姿 爱才会展颜 真的 忧虑已然消失 原因很清楚 是放手的时候了 无牵无挂 虽非情愿 我将有尊严的安睡在这片细语咽咽的草原之上 原是我梦想的摇篮 如今是我安息的坟 生命的温暖 留我半拥 对于那些将恐惧与痛苦加诸于我的 我将回报以一抹你们无法闪躲的微笑 终于自由 远离过往 是我迎接浩瀚的时候了 无牵无挂 虽非情愿 我将安睡在这片细语咽咽的草原之上 无牵无挂 雍容优雅的我将安翔于这片细语咽咽的草原之上

真诚求歌词翻译《Keep the Streets Empty For Me》


if you are tired then sleep 是哪首歌的歌词

Then I"ll be tired of you那就是我厌倦你的时候演唱:carol kidd (卡罗尔.基德)I"ll be tired of you 我将对你感到厌倦when stars are tired of gleaming 当星星厌倦闪烁的时候When I am tired of dreaming 当我厌倦梦想的时候then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候This I know is true 我知道这是真的When winds are tired of blowing 当风儿厌倦吹送的时候When grass is tired of growing 当小草厌倦生长的时候then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候Beyond the years 多年以后Till day is night 直到白昼变成黑夜Till wrong is right 直到错的变成对的Till birds refuse to sing 直到鸟儿不再歌唱Beyond the years 多年以后The echo of my only love 我唯一爱的回音Will still be whispering, whispering 仍将浅唱低吟If my throbbing heart 如果我悸动的心Should ever start repeating 永远反复无常That it is tired of beating 那就是它已厌倦了跳动Then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候Beyond the years 多年以后Till day is night 直到白昼变成黑夜Till wrong is right 直到错的变成对的Till birds refuse to sing 直到鸟儿不再歌唱Beyond the years 多年以后The echo of my only love 我唯一爱的回音Will still be whispering, whispering 仍将浅唱低吟If my throbbing heart 如果我悸动的心Should ever start repeating 永远反复无常That it is tired of beating 那就是它已厌倦了跳动Then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候Then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候(这位祖母级的(今年六十多岁了)英国爵土歌手,永远在一些蚊型的小公司里出唱片, 大凡看到她的唱片介绍都是在一些音响书里, 原因无它, 因为每一款录音都是天碟级数.这首歌曲词意与我国汉乐府《上邪》:"上邪,我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰.山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝" ,异曲同工.)

LG PC-Ephone 谁知道帮帮我




The Elephant and the Spider(一) 作文

大象和蜘蛛(翻译) It was afternoon in the forest. The sun was behind the trees. The animals were quiet. They were waiting for the sun to go down. 下午的森林中,太阳已落到了树的后面。动物们安安静静,等待着太阳落下去。 There was also an old spider. Slowly she worked on a web. It was a very large web. The spider put the web between two trees. The web was silver and gold in the evening sun. The spider worked, and the sun fell. Night came. 一只老蜘蛛慢慢地在网上忙活。这是一张非常大的网,蜘蛛把网结在两棵树之间。网在落日余晖中银光光金闪闪。太阳落下去了,夜晚来了,蜘蛛还在工作。 Nearby, an old elephant was dying.He walked slowly, swinging his old trunk. The elephant slept. 附近,一只老的大象快要死了。它缓慢地走着,摇着它的老鼻子。一会儿,大象睡觉了。 In the night the spider worked. Other animals watched her.There were night birds that did not sleep. There was a snake under a tree. A little mouse looked up at the beautiful web, silver and gold in the moonlight. 夜晚,蜘蛛还在忙活。动物们看着它,夜鸟不睡觉,一条蛇在树的下面,一只小老鼠向上瞅着那美丽的、在月光下银光闪亮的网。 “Why are you working at night?” they asked. “The other spiders are sleeping.”“You can see,” said the spider. “This is going to be my most beautiful web.”“It"s very large,” said the mouse. “There are no flies that large,” said the snake. “I don"t want to catch a fly,” said the spider. “你为什么还要在晚上忙活呢?”动物们问,“别的蜘蛛都睡觉了呀。” 蜘蛛回答:“你们会发现,这可是一张最美的网。” “它非常大。”老鼠说。 “捉只苍蝇也不需要那么大的网。”蛇说。 “我并不想用它去捉苍蝇。”蜘蛛说。 There was a small black bird in a tree above the web. “So what are you going to catch in your web?” she asked. “I"m going to catch an elephant,” said the spider. 一只小黑鸟站到了网上面的树稍上,问道:“那你准备用网捉什么呢?” “我准备捉一只大象。”蜘蛛说。 All the animals laughed and laughed. The spider worked and worked. 动物们笑得情不自禁,而蜘蛛仍然忙来忙去。

intellij idea module设置 dependencies 下 export什么意思

  最近正好用idea碰到了这个配置选项,我得理解是 这个export 会改变当前module的依赖架包的共享范围:  例如有module A 配置依赖了jdbc.jar ,module B 又依赖 module A,但是如果你不在module A里的dependencies 里面把 JDBC。jar 前面的 export 勾上,module B是无法用到 JDBC的内容的,编译无法通过。  前面所说的都是通过IDE配置的 依赖,但是 如果整个module之间的依赖都是通过maven 管理的,那就没有这么多事情,默认就是scope 全局共享,现在用maven 的越来越多,可能这些ide 配置会再以后的版本中删除都有可能。

Here are two letters to George and his replies. Dear George,I’m fourteen and I’m much shorte.

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:B 小题1:细节理解题,由第二和第四语段可知。小题2:细节理解题,由文中的第三语段中的语句“Plan your meals with your mum, and she can help you lose weight. Also, try taking more exercise.”可知小题3:细节理解题,由文中的第四语段中的最后语句Talk to your friends who are good at French. Find something that helps you.可知。

a big elephant is no more an animal than a little cat is. 是什么意思,急!


i keep my money in the

i keep my money in the我把我的钱放在Cr: You really mean, then, that you"re paying me interest on the interest that I earn if I keep my money in the bank. 克雷格:那么您实际上是说,如果我把钱存入银行,你们就会以复制的形式支付我所赢得的利息了。

stay ,remain , keep 做系动词 ”保持”的区别

Stay here quietly please.Keep the noise level down a bit please.Remain quiet when you are in a library..just some examples


相同: 1,都有"保留,保持"的意思. 2.两者都可以做联系动词后跟形容词. 不同: 1.remain有剩下的意思. 2.keep doing sth 保持做... keep ...from doing sth 阻止... 做... 而remain没有此用法.


可以卖,有人买就可以卖。拓展资料:STEPN是建立在Solana公链上鼓励大众跑步运动的Web3应用,STEPN提倡碳中和的生活方式。它将SocialFi和GameFi有机结合,从而创造出了独特的「Move-to-Earn」玩法,顾名思义就是通过跑步来赚钱。项目团队根据官网介绍,STEPN于2021年9月创立,是基于Solana 公链的NFT游戏。游戏开发团队为Find Satoshi Lab,该团队并未有太多公开信息,官网显示其CEO为YAWN RONG、CTO为KEVIN YANG,团队成员均为亚洲面孔。其中CTO Kevin在国内已经有7、8年的传统游戏开发经验,CEO Yawn之前从事实体行业。两人都曾管理过大约300人规模的企业,因此从团队的行业经验来看,开发能力和管理能力都比较出色,这两点笔者也在研究项目的过程中反复得到印证,并在文章最后的项目点评环节有详细的说明。在此前的Solana「Ignition Hackathon」的GameFi领域,STEPN曾获得第四名。投资机构以及合作伙伴2022年1月20日,STEPN宣布完成500万美元种子轮融资,红杉资本印度与Folius Ventures领投,Solana Ventures、Alameda Research、6th Man Ventures、Sfermion等机构,前ParaFi Capital合伙人Santiago Santos与Republic亚太合伙人Zhen Cao等参投。该笔融资通过SAFT完成,将用于团队扩充和产品优化,利用新融资,STEPN计划在接下来的几个月里开发和发布新功能,包括社交元素、NFT成就系统、NFT运动鞋租赁系统等。社交媒体数据社交媒体数据出色,推特人数55.4K、Discord:33K。并且STEPN在国内已经出现自发建立的跑步群等小圈子,从Web3的范围来看,STEPN已然火爆;但是从全社会的范围来看,STEPN里出圈还有很长的距离要走。STEPN使用教程搜索下载APPGoogle Play商店:在 Google Play中搜索“STEPN”下载iOS商店:在Apple Store中搜索“STEPN”下载(需要美区账号)


1.说清楚要得不!什么情况下出现的,一般出现这个错误是调用一个DLL的函数,直接运行EXE文件不会出现这个错误,且调用该函数也成功的。2.首先可能,操作数据库经常会出现c000008错误;这是由于引擎补丁没有打的问题 。3.其次可能,调用某些过程,这些过程没有初始化好。比如UserSend之前的工作没有做。

开机提示框external exception c0000006怎么可以去掉


我的电脑上自动弹出 External exception c0000006 怎么才可以把他关掉。

试试这个方法是否能够解决:在“开始——运行” 输入cmd 回车,在命令提示符下分三次输入以下三个命令,输入完毕回车(也可以分别复制这三个命令,然后在“命令提示符”窗口里光标处右键单击“选择粘贴”),记住了,是三次,不是一次全复制这三个命令咯,第一个命令完成后再输入第二个命令。1、for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1 (完成这一步大概需要几分钟时间)2、for %i in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %i (完成这一步大概需要几分钟时间)3、for %i in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 完成后请重启,但愿重启后可以帮你解决此问题。

电脑弹出 external exception c06d007e 怎么解决

电脑弹出 external exception c06d007e 是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、在弹出来的菜单里面,点击【管理】。2、在计算机管理界面,点击【服务和应用程序】。3、再点击【服务和应用程序】栏目下面的【服务】。4、在服务列表里面找到【AMD External Events Utility】,并双击它。5、进入属性窗口后,启动类型选【禁用】,然后点击【确定】即可。

我的电脑上自动弹出 External exception c0000006 怎么才可以把他关掉。

1、首先打开电脑左下角的开始菜单栏,选择打开“运行”。2、然后在弹出来的窗口中点击输入“cmd”,回车确定。3、然后在弹出来的窗口中点击输入“shutdown -a”,回车确定。4、然后右键单击任务栏选择打开“启动任务管理器”。5、选择想要关闭的进程,点击“结束任务”。6、再回到命令行模式里,按一下回车执行shutdown -a //意思也就是不关机,或者阻止关机。7、然后就可以不重启电脑了。

apart from和except和besides的区别,except from 和 apart from

1.三者的区别是:besides意思是“除...以外,还有...(包括)”。 2.except意思是“除...以外(不包括)”,表示从整体中除去。 3.apartfrom则具有多重意思,既可表示besides,也可以表示except,还可以表示without的意思。

apart from和besides和except区别是什么

这三者的区别:besides意思是“除...以外,还有...(包括)”;except意思是“除...以外(不包括)”,表示从整体中除去;apart from则具有多重意思,既可表示besides,也可以表示except,还可以表示without的意思。 扩展资料   apart from例句:   Apart from clothes and bedding,I have nothing。我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。   His one weakness,apart from aeroplanes,is ice cream。除了对飞机情有独钟,他还嗜好冰激凌。   besides例句:   Besides the two novels,I have bought two atlases。我买了两本小说,另外还买了两本地图册。   There are other visitors besides me。参观人除我之外,还有另外的.人。   except例句:   All the tractors except this are good in quality。除了这台拖拉机,所有其他的拖拉机质量都很好。   He"s the only one absent,everybody else is here.;Everybody has come except him。别人都来了,单单他没来。

Except for和apart from的区别

1.除…之外 Except for smoking and drinking,he is a thrifty man.除了抽烟、喝酒,他是个生活节俭的人.His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误.2....

英语有关“除了”的短语有什么区别? Apart from,besides,except,except for

除.之外(还有)的说法: besides as well as apart from in additon to 除.之外(没有例外)的说法: except 除.中的某个方面/侧面 except for 另外except还可以后接从句that-clause/when-clause

apart from 和except的区别

apart from 翻译为:除了...还有...(实际上含有apart from 后的内容)例句:What did you do there – apart from eating? 你在那里做了什么——除了吃以外?except翻译为:除了...(实际不含有except后面的内容)例句:We all went except him. 除他以外, 我们都去了。

besides apart from except的区别

(1) besides 与 except 前者表示”除.. . 以外,还有.. 后者表示”从整体中除去.. 这 . ”; .” 个大家都知道,就不举例子了. ( 2)except 与 except for a. 除去的和非除去的是同类事物,except eg:All the essays are well written except Nelson"s.用 Nelson 的文章(除去的)和 All the essays(非除去的)是同类事物,所以用 except. b.除去的和非除去的不是同类事物,用 except for,并且从语气上通常表示遗憾. eg:His essay is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.a few spelling mistakes(除去的)和 His essay(非除去的)是不同类的事物. (3) apart from 具有多重意义:既可表示 besides,也可以表示 exept 或 exept for,还可以 表示 without 的意思 eg:Apart from the cost,it will take a lot of time.(=besides) The orphan had no one to take care of him apart from his uncle.(=except) He has done good work,apart from a few slight faults.(=except for) There can be no knowledge apart from practice.实践出真知.

电脑弹出 external exception c06d007e 怎么解决



1.说清楚要得不!什么情况下出现的,一般出现这个错误是调用一个DLL的函数,直接运行EXE文件不会出现这个错误,且调用该函数也成功的。2.首先可能,操作数据库经常会出现c000008错误;这是由于引擎补丁没有打的问题 。3.其次可能,调用某些过程,这些过程没有初始化好。比如UserSend之前的工作没有做。

apart from 和except的区别

Except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分.如:He gets up early everyday except Sunday.除星期天外,他每天早起.apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides.例如:Apart from the coat,the hat doesn"t suit me.除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴.except 用于同类之间.apart from 在同类或不同类都能用.

Go ahead of, keep ahead of ,get ahead of有什么区别?

Go ahwad of表示走在什么前面,或者继续前进keep ahead则表示领先;保持领先地位get ahead of则表示胜过、超过望采纳

怎样让epic games识别装在u盘里的游戏

打开epic点击下载游戏然后暂定,关闭epic(彻底关闭),把已下载的游戏复制到刚才下载的目录里 在打开epic点击下载验证游戏后可玩

keeper和 owner区别

keeper和owner区别:意思不同、读音不同。keeper英 ["kiu02d0pu0259(r)]     美 ["kiu02d0pu0259r]    n.看守人;饲养员;管理者。owner  英 ["u0259u028anu0259(r)]     美 ["ou028anu0259r]    n. 所有人;物主。The keeper told him to sweep out the monkey cage.看守叫他清理那个猴笼。He turned his eyes towards the food which the keeper had brought.他把视线转向看守人所带来的食物。She is not the true owner of this house.她不是这所房子的真正所有人。The stolen property must be restored to its owner.赃物必须物归原主。

keep off 的 keep out区别

keep off一般用来作标志牌 的提醒、警告用语,不靠近,避开,不碰......keep off the grass! You must keep off drinking.Draw the curtains to keep the sun off.Keep your hands off. Keep off !Wet paint! keep... out of...,out of 相当于from,,把......关在外边,不让进入. They buit the wall to keep the enemies out of the country. Keep the newsmen out of the room! keep out还可单独使用,keep put the cold, keep out the foreign goods, 只有当后边要接地点时才加of.

法语中表示时间的介词en/dans/pour/depuis/il y a/pendant的具体区别

1“en”是表示地点的介词,常用在阴性国名前,“en”还可表示在 夏天 秋天 冬天。2 介词dans 的意义和英语的in 意义是一样的。3 pour相当于英语的for.4 depuis 相当于英语的 since.5 il y a 后面常加一段时间 表示这段时间之前。应该说它是复合过去时的标志。6 pendant 相当于英语的during。


《人事改革引出的官场众生相:组织部长(第三部)》百度网盘免费下载链接: 作者:大木 分类:官场小说 出版社:群言出版社组织部长是个特殊的职位,人事机构改革更是个敏感话题,公开选...

How to keep safe on the streets英语作文怎么写

Keeping safe on the streets is important for everyone, especially for young people who may face various dangers when they are out and about. Here are some tips on how to stay safe on the streets:1. Be aware of your surroundings: When you are walking on the streets, pay attention to what is happening around you. Be aware of any potential dangers, such as people who seem suspicious or vehicles that are driving recklessly.2. Avoid walking alone at night: If possible, avoid walking alone at night, especially in areas that are not well-lit or areas that have a high crime rate. If you must walk alone, try to stay on well-lit and populated streets.3. Stay alert: Avoid using your phone or headphones when walking on the streets. These devices can distract you and make you less aware of your surroundings.4. Trust your instincts: If something feels off, trust your instincts and avoid the situation. If you feel unsafe, find a public place or a group of people and seek help.5. Carry a self-defense tool: Consider carrying a self-defense tool, such as pepper spray or a personal alarm. However, make sure you know how to use it safely and legally.6. Stay visible: Wear bright and visible clothing when walking or biking on the streets, especially at night. This will help drivers and other people see you and avoid any accidents.Remember, staying safe on the streets is everyone"s responsibility. By taking these simple steps, you can protect yourself and prevent any potential dangers.

Deep Purple的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Machine Head (Remastered)You"re lazy just stay in bedYou"re lazy just stay in bedDeep PurpleYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawYou don"t want to live you don"t want to cry no moreWell my trying ain"t done no goodI said my trying ain"t done no goodYou don"t make no effort no not like you shouldLazy you just stay in bedLazy you just stay in bedYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28133702

Deep Purple的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Phoenix RisingYou"re lazy just stay in bedYou"re lazy just stay in bedDeep PurpleYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawYou don"t want to live you don"t want to cry no moreWell my trying ain"t done no goodI said my trying ain"t done no goodYou don"t make no effort no not like you shouldLazy you just stay in bedLazy you just stay in bedYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17760637

荷兰国际集团的英文名称 “ ING Groep N.V.” All rights reserved. 中的“N.V.”是什么意思?

N.V. naamloze vennootschap [Netherlands]股份有限公司




As the former chair of the planning board for 18 consecutive years and a board member for 28years, Joan Philkill attended more than 400 meetings and reviewed more than 700 rezoningapplications.(A) As the former(B) The former(C) Former(D) She was (E) As the(A) 不明白解释:as the former chair… for 18 consecutive years不符合逻辑,而且主语谓语是attended…,如果是former chair,attended…也是不符合逻辑的.(former说的是以前的,那为什么不能说前任的chair连续。。。了18年,参加了。。。会议呢?)Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters ofPuget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the useof personal watercraft on common waterways.(A) of violating state laws for allowing(B) of their violating state laws to allow(C) that it violates state laws that allowed(D) that it violated state laws allowing (E) that state laws were being violated allowing 答案为D。但我觉得it指代不清。是指代judge还是ban。E选项的解释是:“被动语态表达不清晰;allowing距离其修饰对象laws太远,产生歧义。”但我觉得allowing是修饰violate的,说的是laws违背了允许。。。的权利。One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, withlarge clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching positionfor flight.(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it 答案为D。答案解释说不定式在这里做目的状语。但是会不会有修饰wings的歧义呢?In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of anintensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to theireffects on workers" performance.(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers" performance (B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance(C) for investigating what the effects on workers" performance are that changes in workingconditions would cause(D) that investigated changes in working conditions" effects on workers" performance(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance 答案解释说(D) 表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions。但我觉得D的conditions是所有格,那么change就应该是in effects而不是in conditions啊。关于(E),答案说“修饰effects的定语从句changes in working conditions would have前面应该加引导词that;what the effects没有谓语;该句用不定式to investigate作定语修饰experiments不及直接用分词更有效。”但我觉得what the effec的谓语是would have,另外不明白为什么说这里的不定式不如分词有效

Simulink 作异步电机矢量控制仿真时,提示错误——Unable to reduce the step size without ……



As the former chair of the planning board for 18 consecutive years and a board member for 28years, Joan Philkill attended more than 400 meetings and reviewed more than 700 rezoningapplications.(A) As the former(B) The former(C) Former(D) She was (E) As the(A) 不明白解释:as the former chair… for 18 consecutive years不符合逻辑,而且主语谓语是attended…,如果是former chair,attended…也是不符合逻辑的.(former说的是以前的,那为什么不能说前任的chair连续。。。了18年,参加了。。。会议呢?)Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters ofPuget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the useof personal watercraft on common waterways.(A) of violating state laws for allowing(B) of their violating state laws to allow(C) that it violates state laws that allowed(D) that it violated state laws allowing (E) that state laws were being violated allowing 答案为D。但我觉得it指代不清。是指代judge还是ban。E选项的解释是:“被动语态表达不清晰;allowing距离其修饰对象laws太远,产生歧义。”但我觉得allowing是修饰violate的,说的是laws违背了允许。。。的权利。One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, withlarge clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching positionfor flight.(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it 答案为D。答案解释说不定式在这里做目的状语。但是会不会有修饰wings的歧义呢?In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of anintensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to theireffects on workers" performance.(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers" performance (B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance(C) for investigating what the effects on workers" performance are that changes in workingconditions would cause(D) that investigated changes in working conditions" effects on workers" performance(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers"performance 答案解释说(D) 表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions。但我觉得D的conditions是所有格,那么change就应该是in effects而不是in conditions啊。关于(E),答案说“修饰effects的定语从句changes in working conditions would have前面应该加引导词that;what the effects没有谓语;该句用不定式to investigate作定语修饰experiments不及直接用分词更有效。”但我觉得what the effec的谓语是would have,另外不明白为什么说这里的不定式不如分词有效。

He slept badly. 这句话怎样不完全爆破,p后面有t,t后面又有b。该怎样读,最好把完整的音标也写下来。

t 几乎可以不发音,有点像吞音,只发b的音就行了.

step up to the line的歌词谁知道可一个我发一下么? 谢谢!

屋顶 - 周杰伦,温岚词:周杰伦曲:周杰伦半夜睡不着觉 把心情哼成歌只好到屋顶找另一个梦境睡梦中被敲醒 我还是不确定怎会有动人 旋律在对面的屋顶我悄悄关上门 带着希望上去原来是我梦里常出现的那个人那个人不就是我梦里那模糊的人 我们有同样的默契用天线用天线排成爱你的形状Ho在屋顶唱着你的歌在屋顶和我爱的人让星星点缀成最浪漫的夜晚拥抱这时刻这一分一秒全都停止爱开始纠结在屋顶唱着你的歌在屋顶和我爱的人将泛黄的夜献给最孤独的月拥抱这时刻这一分一秒全都停止爱开始纠结梦有你而美半夜睡不着觉 把心情哼成歌只好到屋顶找另一个梦境睡梦中被敲醒 我还是不确定怎会有动人 弦律在对面的屋顶我悄悄关上门 带着希望上去原来是我梦里常出现的那个人那个人不就是我梦里那模糊的人 我们有同样的默契用天线用天线排成爱你的形状Ho在屋顶唱着你的歌在屋顶和我爱的人让星星点缀成最浪漫的夜晚拥抱这时刻这一分一秒全都停止爱开始纠结在屋顶唱着你的歌在屋顶和我爱的人将泛黄的夜献给最孤独的月拥抱这时刻这一分一秒全都停止爱开始纠结梦有你而美让我爱你是谁是我让你爱我是谁是你怎会有 动人弦律环绕在我俩的身边让我爱你是谁是我让你爱我是谁 是你原来是这屋顶有美丽的邂逅在屋顶唱着你的歌在屋顶和我爱的人

英语Step right up怎么翻译?

您好,这个词组的原型是 step up 走上前去right是副词,这里表示立即的意思step right up 立即走上前去。满意请关注我

Step it up是什么意思?


exaggerate; repertoire ;questionnaire 这英语用谐音怎么读??


Girl You Know (Feat. Trey Songz) [Step Up 2 The Streets O.S.T. Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Girl You Know (Feat. Trey Songz) [Step Up 2 The Streets O.S.T. Version]歌手:Scarface专辑:Step Up 2 The Streets Original Motion Picture SoundtrackLil Wayne - Girl You Know(Ft. Gudda Gudda, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Tyga, Jae Millz & Omarion)Young moneyHaters in the building n-gga,(Lil Wayne)Uhh, she got that good good,She michael jackson bad,Im attracted to her,But attracted bad,You get her the matching bags,I get her to pack them bags,Get straight in that taxi cab,Come straight to my bachelor pad,I hate to see her go,But i love to watch her leave,But i bet she coming back,Like she forgot her keys,And i"ll murderers because we kill time,She saw doctor carter and now she feel fine,(Gudda Gudda)I like the way you walking if you walking my way,Im that red bull now lets fly away,Lets buy a place,With all kinds of space,I"ll let you be the judge,And and i"m the case,I"m gudda gudda,I putta other,I see me with herNo stevie wonder,She dont even wonder,Cos she know she bad,And i got her n-gga, grocery bags(Omarion - Chorus)Look, look at you (at you)Bad, yes you are,She roll with us,Look at how she walks,I like the way you talk,Damn you know it, damn you know it,And she know it and she know it,Damn you know it, damn you know it,Your so, you know,Your so, you know(Nicki Minaj)Ok i get it, let me think,I guess its my turn,Maybe its time to put this p-ssy on your sideburns,You say i"m bad, you prol right,He pressing me like button downs on a friday night,Im so pretty like, be on my pedal bike,Be on my low scrunch,Be on my egg and whites,You say nicki dont stop you the bestest,And i just be coming off the top asbestos,(Drake)I love your sushi roll,Hotter than wasabi,I race for your love,Shake and bake ricky bobby,I"m at the w but i can"t meet you at the lobby,Girl i gotta watch my back cos im not just anybody,I see em stand in line just to get beside her,I let her see the aston, and let the rest surprise her,Cos when we disappear, you need gps to find her,Oh that was you girl,I thought i recognised her,(Omarion - Chorus)Look, look at you (at you)Bad, yes you are,She roll with us,Look at how she walks,I like the way you talk,Damn you know it, damn you know it,And she know it and she know it,Damn you know it, damn you know it,Your so, you know,Your so, you know(Tyga)She like tanning,I like staying in,She like romancing,I like rollin with friends,She said i"m caged in,I think her conscious is,She watching them dat oxygen,Im watching espn,But when the shows ends she all in my skin,Lotions, no emotions, rollarcoasting like back forth,Hold it (hold it, hold it, hold it)She pose like its for posters,And i poke like i"m supposed to,Take this photo if you for me,She said dont you ever show this,Im too loyal, and too focusedTo be losing and be hopeless,When i spoke this she rejoiced it,Tell your words, get me open,So i closed it, where your clothes is?I"m only lovin for the moment.(Jae Millz)She aint got a man, but she is not alone,Miss independent, yeah she got her own,Hey gorgeous uh i mean flawless,Well thats what you are, how i see it,Is how i call it, yehLook at how she walk,Who knew she know she badDo your thing baby, i aint even mad,And i aint leaving fast,Imma stay a while,Hold your head chris,Imma take it down(Omarion - Chorus)Look, look at you (at you)Bad, yes you are,She roll with us,Look at how she walks,I like the way you talk,Damn you know it, damn you know it,And she know it and she know it,Damn you know it, damn you know it,Your so, you know,Your so, you knowLook, look at you (at you)Bad, yes you are,She roll with us,Look at how she walks,I like the way you talk,Damn you know it, damn you know it,And she know it and she know it,Damn you know it, damn you know it,Your so, you know,http://music.baidu.com/song/8393806

step up love story是什么意思?


Difficult as rumors on micro blog are__,the authorities will step up supervision.

有点难啊~~我感觉,应该把句子这么看;As rumors on micro blog are difficult_______,the authorities will step up supervision.这样的话,前半部分句子可以翻译成:当微博上的谣言很难被阻止时……所以我认为应该填c.你认为呢?on micro blog 就是后置定语,修饰 rumors 。


《舞出我人生4》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dQUr_RvAnnzIsdY-pw_2Rg 提取码:gxtj导演: 斯科特·斯皮尔编剧: 杜安·阿德勒 / 阿曼达·布罗迪主演: 瑞安·古兹曼 / 凯瑟琳·麦考米克 / 杰西卡·瓜迪克斯 / 查德·史密斯 / 史蒂芬·布斯 / 莫嘉娜·斯奈普 / 梅根·布恩 / 克利欧佩特拉·科尔曼类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 音乐制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2012-07-27(美国)片长: 99分钟又名: 舞出真我4(港) / 舞力全开4(台) / Step Up 4 3D / Step up 4: Miami Heat影片讲述一个富商的女儿艾米莉(凯瑟琳·麦考米克 饰)前往迈阿密想要成为一名专业的舞者,她结识了一个顶尖舞蹈团的领队西恩(瑞安·古兹曼 饰),并很快坠入爱河。为了舞团的生存,他们必须拿下一个很重要的赞助项目。但是这时艾米莉的父亲横插一脚,企图改变和拆散舞团,艾米莉、西恩和舞团的其他成员必须团结起来,捍卫并且实现他们的梦想。

《舞出我人生2 - Step Up 2 Street》中穿红衣带白面具的人跳的舞是什么舞?

freestleJabbaWockeeZ 假面舞客http://so.youku.com/search_video/q_%E5%81%87%E9%9D%A2%E8%88%9E%E5%AE%A2

加紧做某事用英语怎么说?是step up to do sth么

你说的是:set up to do sth吧?那个意思是开始做某事. 加紧做某事可以表达为: do sth in a hurry.

歌词里有one step up one step down的歌

歌名:one step up歌词:Woke up this mornin"The house was coldChecked the furnace she wasn"t burnin"Went out and hopped in my old FordHit the engine but she ain"t a turnin"Givin" each other some hard lessons latelyBut we ain"t learnin"Same sad story that"s a factOnce step up and two steps backBird on a wire outside my motel room but he ain"t singin"Girl in white outside a church in JuneBut the church bells they ain"t ringin"Sittin" here in this bar tonightAnd all I"m thinkin" isI"m the same old story same old actOne step up and two steps backIt"s the same thing night all nightWho"s wrong and baby who"s rightAnother fight and I slam the door onAnother battle and a dirty little warWhen I look at myself I don"t see the man I wanted to beSomewhere along the line I slipped off trackMovin" one step up and two steps backThere"s a girl across the barI get the message she"s sendin"Mmm she ain"t lookin too marriedMe, we well honey I"m pretendin"Last night I dreamed I held you in my amrsThe music was never endin"We danced as the evening sky faded to blackMovin" one step up and two steps up(one step up and two steps back)One step up and two steps back(one step up and two steps back)One step up and two steps back(one step up and two steps back)One step up and two steps backOhhh..baby we"re movinOne step up and two steps backOne step up and two steps backOne step up and two steps backMmm..one step up and two steps back(one step up and two steps back)(one step up and two steps back)


step,动词是 踏上,名词是 阶梯drop,动词 放弃up 副词 向上

加紧做某事用英语怎么说?是step up to do sth么

你说的是:set up to do sth吧?那个意思是开始做某事. 加紧做某事可以表达为: do sth in a hurry.

step up 2(舞出我人生2)插曲

1. "Low" Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 3:50(影片后部分”地下街舞秀“开始时及影片结束后第一首音乐) 2. "Shake Your Pom Pom" Missy Elliott 4:00 (女主角Andie和她团队练舞时及影片结束后他们“自娱自乐”时的音乐) 3. "Killa" Cherish featuring Yung Joc 3:50 (女主角在舞台上面试跳舞时的音乐) 4. "Hypnotized" Plies featuring Akon 3:08 (女主角面试失败后跟她朋友在一起时的音乐) 5. "Is It You" Cassie 3:57 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的倒数第二首歌) 6. "Can"t Help But Wait (Remix)" Trey Songz featuring Plies 3:24 7. "Church" T-Pain 4:00 (女主角与第一部中的男主角比舞时的音乐) 8. "Ching-a-Ling" Missy Elliott 3:38 (女主角的团队第一次在“地下街舞俱乐部”,“敌对”团队跳舞“炫耀”时的音乐,47) 9. "Push" Enrique Iglesias 3:28 10. "369" Cupid featuring BoB 3:31 (男主角向女主角一一介绍组成团队的成员时的背景音乐)

在星光少女《Dream Goes On》的歌词中有:勇往直前 step up 一句 我想问问下一句是什么

要让心灵飞扬闪亮这句是真的哦,因为我有《 Dream Goes On》的全部中文歌词

darin zanyar的 step up中文歌词是什么?

Huh, Yeah, Red OneHuh, Lets do it againYayayayOhhJust watch me girl 刚才看我的女孩 Be ready I"m coming for you准备好,我来为你 My body just felt it I knew只觉得我的身体我知道 Tonight is the start of something new今晚是新事物的开始 The way you dance你的舞蹈方式 Makes we wanna get down and show you让我们想要得到的,并且告诉你 That we can become one not two我们可以成为一个没有两个 As we move to this beat like crazy当我们开始想疯了这一掌 Move it move it move it move it将它移动移动移动移动 Let"s rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it让我们的岩石,岩石,岩石,岩石 We can even pop it pop it pop it我们甚至可以弹出弹出弹出 Tonight is on今晚是开启 Girls step up to the party女孩加紧党 Grab a boy and move your body抓住一个男孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my honey不喜欢我和我的蜂蜜 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Boys step up to the party男孩一步党 Grab a girl and move your body抓住一个女孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my shorty不喜欢我和我的矮个子 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 It feels like这感觉就像 We"ve been doing this for years我们已经做了多年 The crowd is reflecting our moves人群是反映了我们的移动 Amazing what a beat can do惊人的拍可以做什么 Now follow me现在跟我走 And pop that body clap your hands并弹出该机构拍拍手 Turn around on one two转身在一两 Say "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ooh"说“哦,哦呵呵呵呵呵呵哦” Move it move it move it move it将它移动移动移动移动 Let"s rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it让我们的岩石,岩石,岩石,岩石 We can even pop it pop it pop it我们甚至可以弹出弹出弹出 Tonight is on今晚是开启 Girls step up to the party女孩加紧党 Grab a boy and move your body抓住一个男孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my honey不喜欢我和我的蜂蜜 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Boys step up to the party男孩一步党 Grab a girl and move your body抓住一个女孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my shorty不喜欢我和我的矮个子 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Baby look at us婴儿在我们看 The way we move我们的移动方式 From side to side从一边到另一边 It"s all so smooth这一切都那么顺利 With every step we take我们采取的每一步 It just get better它只是得到更好的 Girl no doubt女孩毫无疑问 We got it together我们缓过劲 Baby look at us婴儿在我们看 The way we move我们的移动方式 From side to side从一边到另一边 It"s all so smooth这一切都那么顺利 With every step we take我们采取的每一步 It just get better它只是得到更好的 Girl no doubt女孩毫无疑问 We got it together我们缓过劲 Girls step up to the party女孩加紧党 Grab a boy and move your body抓住一个男孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my honey不喜欢我和我的蜂蜜 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Girls step up to the party女孩加紧党 Grab a boy and move your body抓住一个男孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my honey不喜欢我和我的蜂蜜 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Boys step up to the party男孩一步党 Grab a girl and move your body抓住一个女孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my shorty不喜欢我和我的矮个子 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Girls step up to the party女孩加紧党 Grab a boy and move your body抓住一个男孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my honey不喜欢我和我的蜂蜜 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵 Boys step up to the party男孩一步党 Grab a girl and move your body抓住一个女孩和移动你的身体 Do like me and my shorty不喜欢我和我的矮个子 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵

Darin Zanyar的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:Darin Zanyar专辑:Break the NewsStep Upby Darin Zanyaralbum: Darin (2005)Huh, Yeah, Red OneHuh, Lets do it againYayayayOhhJust watch me girlBe ready, I"m coming for youMy body just felt it I knew, tonight is the start of something newThe way you dance, makes we wanna get down and show youthat we can become one, not twoAs we move to this beat like crazyMove it, move it, move it, move itLet"s rock it, rock it, rock it, rock itWe can even pop it, pop it, pop itTonight is onWoo!Girls step up to the partygrab a boy and move your bodyDo like me and my honeyOh Oh Oh Oh Oh OohBoys step up to the partygrab a girl and move your bodyDo like me and my shortyOh Oh Oh Oh Oh OohYayayay(step up, step up, step up, step up)OhhIt feels like, we"ve been doing this for yearsThe crowd is reflecting our moves, amazing what a beat can doNow follow me (follow me), and pop that body clap your handsTurn around on one two (say: Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ooh)Move it, move it, move it, move itLet"s rock it, rock it, rock it, rock itWe can even pop it, pop it, pop itTonight is onWoo!Baby look at us, the way we movefrom side to side, it"s all so smoothWith every step we take, it just get betterGirl no doubt we got it togetherBaby look at us, the way we movefrom side to side, it"s all so smooth (Ohh)With every step we take, it just get betterGirl no doubt we got it togetherGirls step up to the partygrab a boy and move your bodyDo like me and my honeyOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54293902

谁有step up的歌词啊,是林肯公园的

one step closer 歌手:linkin park I cannot take this anymoreSaying everything I"ve said beforeAll these words, they make no senseI"ve found bliss in ignoranceLess I hear, the less you sayYou"ll find that out anywayJust like beforeEverything you say to meTake"s me one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakI need a little room to pray"Cause I"m one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakI"ve found the answers aren"t so clearWish I could find a way to disappearAll these thoughts. they make no senseI"ve found bliss in ignoranceNothing seems to go awayOver and over againJust like beforeEverything you say to meTake"s me one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakI need a little room to pray"Cause I"m one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakEverything you say to meTake"s me one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakI need a little room to pray"Cause I"m one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to BREAK (echo)Shut up when I"m talking to you!Shut up!Shut up!Shut up!Shut up when I"m talking to you!Shut up!Shut up!Shut up!Shut ... UP!I"m about to breakEverything you say to meTakes me one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakI need a little room to pray"Cause I"m one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakEverything you say to meTakes me one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to breakI need a little room to pray"Cause I"m one step closer to the edgeAnd I"m about to BREAK!

samantha jade的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:samantha jade专辑:Turn AroundStep UpSamantha Jade boyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youFeel the rhythm of the beatThat"s my heartCupid shot me with an arrowFrom the startAnd you know that it"s your loving that"s got me trappedEvery time I try to leave, you bring me backSo much harder at times I cried a riverYou dried my eyes and brought me back to laughterAnd when I lay next to you I want to wake upAnd when I break upIt"s only to make upBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youAnd when the symphony plays, I feel my feetLifting from underneathYou grab my handSpin me aroundAnd right before I fallYou catch me and you sayBaby, it"ll be okayJust look into my eyes and we will make another dayBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youAnd if we don"t step upWe"ll lose our grooveSo confused, don"t know which way to moveHold my hand and let me know that you feel me tooLook into my eyes and tell meBaby I love youYou"ll never get wet"Cause I"ll be your umbrellaAnd we can make it through any kind of weatherIf you step upI"ll step upBoy‘Cause I"m trying to be with you foreverBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youStep up... BoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7868591

Drowning Pool的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:Drowning Pool专辑:Desensitized1, 2, 3 - Go!this lrc is specially made for 胡莎 by LionHeadBroken,Yeah, you"ve been living on the edge of a broken dream.Nothing,Yeah, that"s the only thing you"ll ever take away from me.I"m never gonna stop,I"m never gonna drop,Ain"t no different than it was before.So take some good advice,You better stop and think twice,Before you take your first step,Out that door.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down.You had your chance to walk away.Live to see another day.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).You"re gonna get knocked down...Aaaaah...Suffering,Yeah, that"s the only thing here that"s left for you.Nothing,Yeah, that"s the only thing you"re ever gonna fuckin" do.I"m never gonna stop,I"m never gonna drop,Ain"t no different than it was before.So take some good advice,You better stop and think twice,Before you take your first step,Out that door.So if you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down.You had your chance to walk away.Live to see another day.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).You"re gonna get knocked down...You"re gonna get knocked down...And now you"ve crossed that line...You must be out your mind.Go.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down.You had your chance to walk away.Live to see another day.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).You"re gonna get knocked down...You"re gonna get knocked down (step up).You"re gonna get knocked down...You"re gonna get knocked down (step up).You"re gonna get knocked... down!http://music.baidu.com/song/3481109

Drowning Pool的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:Drowning Pool专辑:The Punisher - The Album (Music From The Motion Picture)1, 2, 3 - Go!this lrc is specially made for 胡莎 by LionHeadBroken,Yeah, you"ve been living on the edge of a broken dream.Nothing,Yeah, that"s the only thing you"ll ever take away from me.I"m never gonna stop,I"m never gonna drop,Ain"t no different than it was before.So take some good advice,You better stop and think twice,Before you take your first step,Out that door.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down.You had your chance to walk away.Live to see another day.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).You"re gonna get knocked down...Aaaaah...Suffering,Yeah, that"s the only thing here that"s left for you.Nothing,Yeah, that"s the only thing you"re ever gonna fuckin" do.I"m never gonna stop,I"m never gonna drop,Ain"t no different than it was before.So take some good advice,You better stop and think twice,Before you take your first step,Out that door.So if you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down.You had your chance to walk away.Live to see another day.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).You"re gonna get knocked down...You"re gonna get knocked down...And now you"ve crossed that line...You must be out your mind.Go.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down.You had your chance to walk away.Live to see another day.If you wanna step up (step up),You"re gonna get knocked down (knocked down).You"re gonna get knocked down...You"re gonna get knocked down (step up).You"re gonna get knocked down...You"re gonna get knocked down (step up).You"re gonna get knocked... down!http://music.baidu.com/song/8102391

Linkin Park的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Somewhere I Belong EPyowatch as the room rocksmentally moonwalkmixed media slang banging in your boomboxverbal violencelyrical stylistin a time when rock/hip-hop rhymes are childishyou can"t tempt me with rhymes that are emptyrappin" to a beat doesn"t make you an emceewith your lack of skill and facility you"re killing meand a DJ in the group just for credibilityi heard that some of you are gettin" help with your rhymesyou"re not an emcee if someone else writes your linesrappin" over rock doesn"t make you a pioneercuz rock and hip-hop have collaborated for yearsbut now they"re getting randomly mixed and matched upall after a fast buckand all the tracks suckso how does it stack up?none of its realyou wanna be an emcee?you gotta study the skillwho can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step upso you pick up a pen and write yourself a new identitybut mentally you don"t have the hip-hop energywith a tendency to make up storiesit sounded like the only hip-hop you"ve heard is top-40and your record company"s completely missed itand all the kids are dissin" it for not being legitimateso in a battle, you can"t hack itreact with whack shit, and get smacked with verbal backflipsget your ass kicked, i"m a fabulous battle catalystit"s taken decades for emcees to establish thisyou"re new to hip-hop and welcome if you"re seriousbut not on a mike, leave that to the experienced(using waves of sound the true master paralyzes his opponentleaving him vulnerable to attack)who can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step upwho can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step up, step up(after years of painstaking research by the world"s leadingsound scientistswe here at the sound institute have invented a reliableaudio weapon systemactual movement of musical sound in space is used tocarefully attackand neutralize the cellular structure of the human bodyso the question must be asked)who can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step upwho can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step up, step upstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thisand you do it like thisstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thisstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thisstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thiisss....)http://music.baidu.com/song/437648

Linkin Park的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Splitting The Dna (Dics1)yowatch as the room rocksmentally moonwalkmixed media slang banging in your boomboxverbal violencelyrical stylistin a time when rock/hip-hop rhymes are childishyou can"t tempt me with rhymes that are emptyrappin" to a beat doesn"t make you an emceewith your lack of skill and facility you"re killing meand a DJ in the group just for credibilityi heard that some of you are gettin" help with your rhymesyou"re not an emcee if someone else writes your linesrappin" over rock doesn"t make you a pioneercuz rock and hip-hop have collaborated for yearsbut now they"re getting randomly mixed and matched upall after a fast buckand all the tracks suckso how does it stack up?none of its realyou wanna be an emcee?you gotta study the skillwho can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step upso you pick up a pen and write yourself a new identitybut mentally you don"t have the hip-hop energywith a tendency to make up storiesit sounded like the only hip-hop you"ve heard is top-40and your record company"s completely missed itand all the kids are dissin" it for not being legitimateso in a battle, you can"t hack itreact with whack shit, and get smacked with verbal backflipsget your ass kicked, i"m a fabulous battle catalystit"s taken decades for emcees to establish thisyou"re new to hip-hop and welcome if you"re seriousbut not on a mike, leave that to the experienced(using waves of sound the true master paralyzes his opponentleaving him vulnerable to attack)who can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step upwho can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step up, step up(after years of painstaking research by the world"s leadingsound scientistswe here at the sound institute have invented a reliableaudio weapon systemactual movement of musical sound in space is used tocarefully attackand neutralize the cellular structure of the human bodyso the question must be asked)who can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step upwho can rock a rhyme like thisbring it to you every time like thiswho can rock a rhyme like thisstep, step up, step, step up, step upstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thisand you do it like thisstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thisstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thisstep up to the microphoneand you do it like thiisss....)http://music.baidu.com/song/453704
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