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Keep The Faith 保持信念  If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤  Will it get inside 你内心能否得到回应  Through the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口  And you can say the words 你可以说任何的话  Like you understand 就像你理解的那样  But the power"s in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的  So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧  Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰  swim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋  All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿  And uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负  So keep the faith 保持你的信念  Don"t let nobody turn you "round 别让人改变你的主意  You got to know when it"s good to go 你应该知道什么时候去  To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞  So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧  Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题  Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前.  Believe in yourself 相信你自己  no matter what it"s gon" take 不论困难带走什么  You can be a winner 你都会是胜利者  But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念  Go, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友  And when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时  Does it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯  To a place that you only dream of when you"re all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方  And you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进. "  stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况  But the power"s in believing 力量是存在于信念中的  So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧  I know that you can 我知道你可以  Sail across the water 扬帆航行在水上  " loat across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空;  Any road that you take 任何你选择的路  Will get you there 都会把你领往理想-  If only you try 只要你肯去尝试:  So keep the faith 保持着信念  Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下  Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想  And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走;  So keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念  Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题  Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前  I told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟  how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好  Lift up your head 抬起你的头  And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界;  Go for what you want 朝着理想前行  Don"t let "em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你!  You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者  But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念  Gon" keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的  I know that keepin" the faith 我知道保持着信念  Is never givin" up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱  But the power that love has 爱拥有的力量  To make it right 是无所不能的  Makes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的  So keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走  Don"t let nobody turn you "round, brother 别让人改变你的主意  You got to know when it"t good to go 你应该知道什么时候去  To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞  Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧  Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题;  Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前  Better stand up and act 你得站起来行动  like you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的  Don"t play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了  Work on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧  And you"ll make it someday 终有一天会实现的  Go for what you want 朝着理想进发吧  Yand don"t forget the faith 不要忘记了信念  Look at yourself and what you"re doin" right now 看看自己正在做什么"  Stand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下  Straighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯  NAnd how you"re livin" each day 每天你是怎样度过的  Get yourself together 凝聚起自己  cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧,  Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下  Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想  And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走  keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念  Because it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题  Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前  Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来  Some things in life 世上有些事情  You best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它  Go for what you want 朝着理想前行,  Don"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你  You can make it happen 你能实现它的  But you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念  got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念  Gon" keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们  You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念  I"ll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道  how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好  Lift up your head 抬起你的头  And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世`  Go for what you want 朝着理想前行  don"t let "emm get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你  You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者  cif you"re keepin" the faith 只要你保持着信念  Straighten out yourself 端正好自己  cand get your mind on track 投入到事情上"  Dust off your butt 去掉身上的灰尘  jand get yourself respect back 拿回你的自尊,  You"ve known me long enough 你了解我,  To know that I don"t play 知道我不是在开玩笑的  Take it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情  But you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念.  Gon" don"t let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下  And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走  Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念  Because it"s just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题  Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前  But till that day 在那天之前  I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念 希望对你有帮助

always keep the faith ,hope to the end是什么意思?


金在中在always keep the faith上面又纹了个什么?

还有一个The pleasures of the mighty are the Tears Of The poor

在中左胸的ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH的意义是什么?换个问法就是为什么要纹这句话?


仙后们常说的amp和quot 是什么意思 Always keep the faith是无条件相信东方神起的意思吗?

quot是引用的意思, Always keep the faith是永远保持信念的意思,初心不变永远支持~~

Always Keep The Faith Hope to the end 哪部电影

Always Keep The Faith Hope to the end是电影《断背山》。《断背山》是由李安执导,希斯·莱杰、杰克·吉伦哈尔、琳达·卡德里尼、安娜·法瑞丝、安妮·海瑟薇、米歇尔·威廉姆斯主演的爱情片,于2005年12月9日在美国上映。该片改编自安妮·普鲁克斯所著的同名短篇小说,讲述了在1963年至1981年的美国怀俄明州,两个男人之间存在着复杂情爱关系的故事。1963年的灿烂夏日,怀俄明西部,年轻的牛仔杰克·特维斯特(杰克·吉伦哈尔饰)与恩尼斯·德尔玛(希斯·莱杰饰)因同为牧场主乔·阿桂尔(兰迪·奎德饰)打工而相识。杰克比较健谈,且骑术高超。恩尼斯自幼小父母双亡,性格内向寡语。人迹罕至的断臂山深处,高山牧场的放羊工作单调而艰苦,随时有遭遇野兽袭击的可能。供杰克与恩尼斯栖身的帐篷狭小得只能睡下一人,另一人不得不睡在露天篝火旁,起初二人各自放羊,少有交流。直到有一天,二人晚饭时喝多了酒,夜晚又分外寒冷,于是杰克与恩尼斯同帐共裘而眠。在酒精与荷尔蒙的作用下,他们之间发生了“不该发生的事”,空虚寂寥让两个19岁的青年彼此相爱了。一个人做饭,另一个放羊,篝火边长谈,帐篷内欢爱,同性间的爱情伴随着二人度过了人生中最美好的夏日时光。季节性的放牧工作结束后,迫于世俗的压力,杰克与恩尼斯依依不舍地踏上了各自的生活旅程,杰克凭着精湛的骑术成为了德州的竞技牛仔,依靠着妻子露琳(安妮·海瑟薇饰)家族的扶植而事业蒸蒸日上。留在牧场的恩尼斯迎娶了自幼相识的阿尔玛(米歇尔·威廉姆斯饰),每日为待哺的女儿奔忙,过着平凡清苦的日子。

为什么现在仙后的口中都是“Always keep the faith,hope to the end.”这句话?


为什么现在仙后的口中都是“Always keep the faith,hope to the end.”这句话?

Always keep the faith是永远不离不弃

Always Keep The Faith 的由来


Awalys keep the faith是什么意思


Always keep the faith 啥意思

你好。Always keep the faith翻译成中文是:始终保持信念。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

keep the faith的歌曲及专辑介绍

迈克尔杰克逊专辑:“危险”内的一首歌曲,整首歌曲调高昂,歌词励志,有着较好的意义。所属专辑名称:DANGEROUS发行时间:1991年   专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第四张个人专辑,这张专辑的音乐创作水平堪称音乐界的极至。 全球销量3200万张(美国一地800万张,7白金认证)。01 JAM02 WHY YOU WANNA TRIP ON ME03 IN THE CLOSET04 SHE DRIVES ME WILD05 REMEMBER THE TIME06 CAN"T LET HER GET AWAY07 HEAL THE WORLD08 BLACK OR WHITE09 WHO IS IT10 GIVE IN TO ME11 WILL YOU BE THERE12 KEEP THE FAITH13 GONE TOO SOON14 DANGEROUS

谁有MJ KEEP THE FAITH 的歌词谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤 mWill it get inside 你内心能否得到回应 Through the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口 And you can say the words 你可以说任何的话 KLike you understand 就像你理解的那样 But the power"s in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的 So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧 Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰 wim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋 All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿 And uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负 So keep the faith 保持你的信念 Don"t let nobody turn you "round 别让人改变你的主意 You got to know when it"s good to go 你应该知道什么时候去 To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞 So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧 Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题 Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前. Believe in yourself 相信你自己 no matter what it"s gon" take 不论困难带走什么 You can be a winner 你都会是胜利者 But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念 Go, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友 And when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时 Does it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯 To a place that you only dream of when you"re all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方 And you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进. " stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况 But the power"s in believing 力量是存在于信念中的 So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧 I know that you can 我知道你可以 Sail across the water 扬帆航行在水上 " loat across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空; Any road that you take 任何你选择的路 Will get you there 都会把你领往理想- If only you try 只要你肯去尝试: So keep the faith 保持着信念 Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下 Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想 And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走; So keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念 Because it"s just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题 Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前 I told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟 how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好 Lift up your head 抬起你的头 And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界; Go for what you want 朝着理想前行 Don"t let "em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你! You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者 But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念 Gon" keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的 I know that keepin" the faith 我知道保持着信念 Is never givin" up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱 But the power that love has 爱拥有的力量 To make it right 是无所不能的 Makes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的 So keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走 Don"t let nobody turn you "round, brother 别让人改变你的主意 You got to know when it"t good to go 你应该知道什么时候去 To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞 Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧 dBecause it"s just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题; Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前 Better stand up and act 你得站起来行动 dlike you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的 Don"t play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了 Work on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧 And you"ll make it someday 终有一天会实现的 Go for what you want 朝着理想进发吧 Yand don"t forget the faith 不要忘记了信念 Look at yourself and what you"re doin" right now 看看自己正在做什么" Stand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下 Straighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯 NAnd how you"re livin" each day 每天你是怎样度过的 Get yourself together 凝聚起自己cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧, Don"t let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下 Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想 And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走 keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念 KBecause it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题& Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前 Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来 Some things in life 世上有些事情 CYou best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它) Go for what you want 朝着理想前行, Don"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你 BYou can make it happen 你能实现它的 hBut you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念 got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念 Gon" keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们 You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念 I"ll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道( how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好 _Lift up your head 抬起你的头 Aand show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世`Go for what you want 朝着理想前行 qdon"t let "emm get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你 LYou can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者 cif you"re keepin" the faith 只要你保持着信念& Straighten out yourself 端正好自己 cand get your mind on track 投入到事情上" Dust off your butt 去掉身上的灰尘 jand get yourself respect back 拿回你的自尊, You"ve known me long enough 你了解我, To know that I don"t play 知道我不是在开玩笑的 Take it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情 But you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念. Gon" don"t let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下 And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走 Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念 Because it"s just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题 Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前 But till that day 在那天之前 I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念

KAT-TUN的Keep the faith歌词

Keep the faith日文版:わがまま言ってたけど ここならyou know, baby 居场所があったし 信じること口で言えても伤つくから 小さな声で优しさ探し歩き 疲れだ羽根で しゃがみこんでいる No! No! No! you show me the faith 必ず I"ll keep it for you 一人じゃ明日见失うから 派手に 叫ぶのさkeep the faith敌无し 不可能も无し とばすぜ燃え上がれ 本能 つまらねぇ毎日抜け出すぜ 固い约束さkeep the faith间违いだらけの町 何かが自分変えようとしても おびえないで 心の中は 変えられない 足りない言叶ピエロは痛み抱え 作り笑い立ちつくしてる No! No! No! you show me the faith 必ず I"ll keep it for you 俺らが 明かりを灯すから 一人 泣かないで keep the faith その声 离れてても 心は この场所にある 梦见て 倒れて 立ち上がれ すべて赌けるのさkeep the faith 谁も 何も 见ないふりで 君を伤つける 俺ら そばに感じるだろ 君をそこから 救い出すよ Rap:ラップ Count down 开始5to the4 Don"t touch セソサ-3to the2 I don"t wanna change da style,keep da faith 自分のPaceでRaceこれはGame そろそろ着火Runaway 1 Life をかけた爱抚で Blaahh... だから 近(ちか)くに… "Sweety" No! No! No! you show me the faith 必(かなら)ず I"ll keep it for you 一人(ひとり)じゃ 明日(あした) 见(み)失(うしな)うから 派手(はで)に 叫(さけ)ぶのさkeep the faith 敌无(てきむ)し 不可能(ふかのう)も无(な)し とばすぜ 燃(も)え上(あ)がれ 本能(ほんのう) つまらねぇ 毎日(まいにち) 抜(ぬ)け出(だ)すぜ 固(かた)い约束(やくそく)さ keep the faith 梦见て 倒(たお)れて 立ち上(あ)がれ すべて赌(か)けるのさkeep the faith平假名:わがまま/いってたけど/ここなら /you know,bady /いばしよがあったししんじること/くちで/いっても/きずつく/からちいさなこえで/やさし/ささがし/あるきつかれだ/はねで/しやがみ/こんでいるNo!No!No! You show me the faithかならず I"ll keep for youひとりじゃ/あしたみうし/なうからはでに/さけぶ/のさ Keep the faithてきむし/ふかのうもなしとばすぜ/もえあがれ/ほんおうつまらねえ/まいにちぬ/けだすぜかたい/やくそくさ Keep the faithまちがい/だらけのまち/なにかが/じぶん/かえよう/としてもおびえないで/こころの/なかわ/かえられないたりないことば/ぴえろわい/たみかかえつくり/わらい/たちつく/してるNo!No!No! You show me the faithかならず I"ll keep for youおれらが/あかりをとう/すからひとり/なかないで Keep the faithそのこえ/はなれ/ててもこころわ/このばしょお/にあるゆめみて/たおれてたち/あがれすべて/かけるのさ Keep the faithだれも/なにも/みないふりで/きみを/きずつけるおれら/そばに/かんじるだろ/きみう/ぃそこから/すくい/だすよRap: (略)だから/ちかくに SweetyNo!No!No! You show me the faithかならず I"ll keep for youひとりじゃ/あしたみ/うし/なうからはでに/さけぶのさ Keep the faithてきむし/ふかのうも/なしとばすぜ/もえあがれ/ほんのうつまらねえ/まいにち/ぬけだすぜかたい/やくそかさ Keep the faithゆめみて/たおれてたち/あがれすべて/かけるのさ Keep the faith罗马音:wa.ga.ma.ma./i.tte.ta.ke.do. /ko.ko.na.ra. / you know,baby /i.ba.shi.yo.ga./a.tta.shi. shin.ji.ru.ko.to./ku.chi.de./i.e.te.mo./ki.zu.tsu.ku./ka.ra. chi.i.sa.na.ko.e.de./ya.sa.shi./sa.sa.ga.shi./a.ru.ki. tsu.ka.re.da./ha.ne.de./shi.ya.ga.mi./ko.n.de.i.ru. No! No! No! you show me the faith ka.na.ra.zu. I"ll keep it for you hi.to.ri.jya./a.shi.ta.mi.u.shi./na.u.ka.ra. ha.de.ni./sa.ke.bu./no.sa. keep the faith te.ki.mu.shi./fu.ka.no.u.mo.na.shi. to.ba.su.ze./mo.e.a.ga.re./ho.n.no.u. tsu.ma.ra.ne.e./ma.i.ni.chi.nu./ke.da.su.ze. ka.ta.i./ya.ku.so.ku.sa. keep the faith ma.chi.ga.i./da.ra.ke.no.ma.chi. /na.ni.ka.ga./ji.bu.n./ka.e.yo.u./to.shi.te.mo. o.bi.e.na.i.de./ko.ko.ro.no./na.ka.wa./ka.e.ra.re.na.i. ta.ri.na.i.ko.to.ba./pi.e.ro.wa.i./ta.mi.ka.ka.e. tsu.ku.ri./wa.ra.i./ta.chi.tsu.ku./shi.te.ru. No! No! No! you show me the faith ka.na.ra.zu. I"ll keep it for you o.re.ra.ga./a.ka.ri.wo.to.u./su.ka.ra. hi.to.ri./na.ka.na.i.de. keep the faithso.no.ko.e./ha.na.re./te.te.mo. ko.ko.ro.wa./ko.no.ba.shi.yo./ni.a.ru. yu.me.mi.te./ta.o.re.te.ta.chi./a.ga.re. su.be.te./ka.ke.ru.no.sa. keep the faith da.re.mo./na.ni.mo./mi.na.i.fu.ri.de. /ki.mi.wo./ki.zu.tsu.ke.ru. o.re.ra./so.ba.ni./ka.n.ji.ru.da.ro. /ki.mi.wo./so.ko.ka.ra./su.ku.i./da.su.yo. Rap: (略) da.ka.ra./chi.ka.ku.ni. SWEETY No! No! No! you show me the faith ka.na.ra.zu. I"ll keep it for you hi.to.ri.jya./a.shi.ta.mi./u.shi./na.u.ka.ra. ha.de.ni./sa.ke.bu.no.sa. keep the faith te.ki.mu.shi./fu.ka.no.u.mo./na.shi. to.ba.su.ze./mo.e.a.ga.re./ho.n.no.u. tsu.ma.ra.ne.e./ma.i.ni.chi./nu.ke.da.su.ze. ka.ta.i./ya.ku.so.ku.sa. keep the faith yu.me.mi.te./ta.o.re.te.ta.chi./a.ga.re. su.be.te./ka.ke.ru.no.sa. keep the faith中文版:虽然有说任性的话 不过baby 还是有了相应的地方 相信的事情虽然可以说出口却还是会受伤 轻声的去寻找温柔 披着疲惫的羽翼 蹲在那里 一定会I keep for you 一个人的话会迷失明天 让我们大声地叫喊 keep the faith 没有敌人 也没有不可能 飞翔吧 燃烧吧 本能 让我么冲出无趣的每天 我们约定了 keep the faith 到处都是错误的街道 即使他想要来改变自己 不要害怕 你的心是不会改变的 抱着无意的话语带来的伤痛 尽量装出假笑 no no no you show me the faith 一定 会I keep for you 因为有灯光伴着我们 不要一个人哭 keep the faith 那个声音虽然遥远 但是心却是在这里的 怀着梦想 摔倒 再爬起来 赌上全部 keep the faith 装作没有看任何人任何事 伤害了你 可以感觉到我们就在你身旁吗? 会把你从那里救出来的 Rap: (略)no no no you show me the faith 一定 会I keep for you 一个人的话会迷失明天 让我们大声地叫喊 keep the faith 没有敌人 也没有不可能 飞翔吧 燃烧吧 本能 让我么冲出无趣的每天 我们约定了 keep the faith 怀着梦想 摔倒 再爬起来 赌上全部 keep the faith

always keep the faith.什么意思

  意思是总是保持信仰  满意请采纳,谢谢

Keep the faith 什么意思



BON JOVI也有歌叫这个名字吗? 我只知道迈可有首歌是这个名字。。

keep the faith是什么意思

keep the faith保持信念

Role-play the following telephone situation, and write the dialogue. Your lo

请针对下面的电话情境做一个角色扮演的活动, 并将对话写出来.(情境描述)如下:你们家当地电视台有提供参观摄影棚(的活动), 你想要带一群子孩去参观. 当你打电话给电台时, 没人有空接你的电话. 接线员向(负责主办)参观行程的办公室提供了所有的详细资料, (以便)他们安排行程. 你要将所有你认为必需要留的资料电话留言下来. 开始是像这样的: " 早上好, 我可以跟哪位谈一下有关团体参观的事?"以上纯手工翻译, 望采纳~^^


role play the conversation角色扮演对话


没有15分钟 但你可以加内容.(英文自己翻译哦~~) 希望你能接受 两个小女孩1 2 抢劫犯3 路人4 黄飞鸿5 1:我想逛商场,姐姐。陪我嘛。 2:饿 好的。(其实你不愿意)其实我不愿意,我会回来的(对着观众小声地说) 2:你说什么? 2:饿 没有啊!我什么都没讲。 (在路中) 2:哦 我忘记带钱出来了。我得回去一趟。 1:我有,借给你。 2:哦 我忘记带伞出来了。 1:(掏出伞)我有 2:恩~~~~ 哦 我忘记带宠物出来了! 1:好吧 我在这等你。 (冷溜走) 3:美丽的女士 一个人吗?(很温柔)要钱要命?(很凶) 1;救命呀!救命啊! 3:不要叫 女士!(掏出扫把)小心我杀了你! 1:(哭) 4:啊 有人抢劫!!我必须告诉我师傅黄飞鸿。恩?我的手机呢?哦(按黑板擦) 5:你好,这是黄飞鸿。 4:师傅,有抢劫犯。 5:好 我来了!在哪呢? 4:就在你眼前。 (5唱着歌出现) 5:去死吧!可恶的人。 3:啊~~ 5:你已经没事拉,小妹妹 88


do roleplay这个短语用汉语表达翻译为: 做(玩)角色扮演


准备服装 化妆 台词 角色扮演 兴表演(互动)。


Have we ever done roleplayuff1f


评价学生role play的英语水平应该从以下几个方面考虑,并分别给予一定分值:学生表演是否自然、是否落落大方。这是最主要的。扭扭捏捏的分值要低。学生英语表达是否自然,是否使用了简明易懂的,通俗易懂的句式和单词。简单背诵的分值要低。角色演的是否到位,是否担当了应该担当的职责。

求写一个英语ROLEPLAY 要速度!在线等! 写得好追加50分! 急!!!!

California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 Andrew Wilson Lancaster University, UK When Contextualization Cues Mislead: Misunderstanding, Mutual Knowledge, and Non-Verbal Gestures Gumperz (1995: 120) has commented that a “lack of shared background knowledge leads initially to misunderstandings”. Most discussions of linguistic indirectness (e.g. Thomas 1995) have also focussed on the role of contextual knowledge as a help rather than a hindrance to interpreting indirect utterances. In this brief note, however, I hope to demonstrate that a presence of shared background knowledge can be equally responsible for misunderstandings. I believe that this is all the more remarkable since the example in question – a personal experience of mine – actually concerns a non-verbal rather than a verbal communication act. A couple of years ago, I had lunch in Berlin with a recent acquaintance. We chose to eat in a small bistro and were shown to a rather cramped table for two with a wall on one side. When we sat down, I noticed that the ashtray had been placed more or less in the centre of my place setting. Since the salt and pepper containers had been placed against the wall on my side of the table, I decided to move the ashtray into the same position on my acquaintance"s side of the table, where there was space for it. However, as I moved the ashtray into this position, my acquaintance said to me: Ich habe keine Zigaretten mit. ‘I haven"t got any cigarettes with me." Now, my intention in moving the ashtray into this position was simply to create space for our (and especially my) food and drinks. However, my acquaintance clearly understood it to be a (non-verbal) invitation for her to smoke. We had not met in person before, but, prior to our California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 2 lunch meeting, we had exchanged several e-mails and got to know each other quite well. One thing that had emerged from our correspondence was that my acquaintance was an occasional smoker, and I had told her that she was quite welcome to smoke when we met, although I did not smoke myself. If my acquaintance had been a non-smoker, and she knew that I knew this, she would almost certainly not have interpreted my action as being an invitation to smoke: that latter interpretation relied wholly on mutual knowledge. So what thought process led my acquaintance to misinterpret my action? We can draw mainly on Gumperz"s notion of contextualization cues (Gumperz 1992). A contextualization cue has been defined as “any feature of linguistic form that contributes to the signalling of contextual presuppositions” (Gumperz 1982: 131). For instance, it might be a rising intonation signalling a need for encouragement (Gumperz 1982: 147) or the switching between T-type and V-type pronouns to signal how one wishes to be seen on the dichotomy between power and intimacy (Ostermann 2003). However, non-verbal behaviour can also function as a contextualization cue – for example, laughter signalling humour (Kotthoff 2000) – hence Levinson"s (2002) definition of a contextualization cue as “an encoded or conventional reminder, like a knot in a handkerchief, where the content of the memo is inferentially determined” may be more apt. In any case, the contextualization cue serves to activate and retrieve the necessary background knowledge base so that a contextually appropriate process of inference can take place. In my acquaintance"s case, the ashtray served as a contextualization cue. The conceptual link between ashtrays and smoking caused her to retrieve from her memory our exchange of e-mails about her smoking. This then became foregrounded in her mind as the basis for interpreting what I had just done. From that point on, she used this retrieved knowledge base within the normal inferencing process: she inferred herself to be the addressee of an indirect (non-verbal) California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 3 communication act and took my action to have the illocutionary force of an invitation, against the backdrop of my much earlier general statement that she could smoke if she wished to. We can learn a number of valuable lessons from this tiny misunderstanding. Firstly, it shows that something may be perceived as a contextualization cue by a receiver when it is not intended as such by a sender, leading to an incorrect interpretation of the sender"s utterance or non-verbal act. Secondly, it serves to confirm that non-verbal communication and verbal communication should be considered as equal partners within a multimodal concept of communication, since non-verbal acts are subject to the same pragmatic principles and inference strategies as verbal utterances. Thirdly, it demonstrates that non-verbal acts of all kinds may potentially function as contextualization cues, especially if there is a primary conceptual link between an aspect of the cue and an aspect of the retrieved knowledge base. Fourthly, as is one of the main arguments of Thomas (1995), it highlights the importance of considering both intended speaker (or, better, sender) meaning and message understanding within a model of pragmatics: misunderstandings like this can only be comprehended fully by recourse to both parties" cognition. And finally, it may perhaps serve as an incentive to further studies in which the pragmatic theories developed primarily in relation to verbal language may also be applied to situations which are made up wholly or mainly of non-verbal acts. California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 4 References Gumperz, John J. 1982. Discourse strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gumperz, John J. 1992. Contextualization and understanding. In: Duranti, A. / Goodwin C. (eds.).Rethinking context: language as an interactive phenomenon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 229-52. Gumperz, John J. 1995. Mutual inferencing in conversation. In: Marková, I. / Graumann, C.F. / Foppa, K. (eds.) Mutualities in dialogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 101– 123. Kotthoff, Helga. 2000. Gender and joking: on the complexities of women"s image politics in humorous narratives. Journal of Pragmatics 32: 55-80. Levinson, Stephen C. 2002. Contextualizing ‘contextualization cues". In: Eerdmans, S. / Prevignano, C. / Thibault, P. (eds.) Language and interaction: discussions with John J. Gumperz. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 31-39. Ostermann, Ana C. 2003. Localizing power and solidarity: pronoun alternation at an all-female police station and a feminist crisis intervention center in Brazil. Language in Society 32: 351-381. Thomas, Jenny. 1995. Meaning in interaction: an introduction to pragmatics. London: Longman.


【导读】:新生代超人气偶像鹿晗解锁全新MINI专辑《Venture》中的第二首歌《敢(Roleplay)》歌词是什么?鹿晗新歌《敢(Roleplay)》表达了什么意思?   《敢 Roleplay》歌词 专辑:Venture 歌手:鹿晗    作词:AR(刘夫阳)&鹿晗 作曲:A-Dee&&KEPLER    制作:A-Dee&Deekei    躲藏在暗处算计 马戏团小丑的把戏    围绕我跳转着圈    You just wanna play a game    我能看出    别再对我装天真无辜    不可能跟的上我走的步    妄想能把我抓住    瞬间在你眼前消失就像魔术表演    Can"t you see 看你周围    Come try me 我随时奉陪    Come get me    You got no way    到处偷窥你该带个头盔    别惹我 you don"t want no problem    别罗嗦 you don"t want no problem    Play with me 没有好结果    劝你快点认错 不然你们会被    Hold that boy    Hold back boy    追着我在跑不分昼夜 boy    你疯了 boy    Imma get you boy    惹怒我和我的 crew    You don"t want that boy    擅自侵入我的生活    音响开大耳膜都震破    Talk that talk what you mean    当我一出现 你的脸色就变青   别再来我家的地库    再被我们见到就不会饶恕    嘴里没一句是 truth    再尝试这么做我就给你嘴巴上锁    I"m the boss you don"t want no problem    别怪我 you don"t want no problem    Play with me 没有好结果    劝你快点认错不然你们会被    Hold that boy    Hold back boy    追着我在跑不分昼夜 boy    你疯了 boy    Imma get you boy    惹怒我和我的 crew    You don"t want that boy     《敢(Roleplay)》表达了什么意思? 鹿晗的新歌《敢(Roleplay)》用截然不同的街头风格带给乐迷不同的音乐惊喜。以鹿晗本人的真实经历作为创作主体,表达出鹿晗自己在面对过度的窥探、不懂分寸的打扰等现象时的态度。前卫的trap曲风、犀利的rap将鹿晗真实而率性的一面展露无疑,松弛而充满趣味的编曲亦体现出鹿晗大胆用音乐表达,“有话直说”的精神。 《敢(Roleplay)》不仅是鹿晗唱出自己的心声的一首歌,更是为互联网时代下隐私保障、生活中被过度打扰等种种现象发声,鼓励所有在相同境遇下的人都能够“敢”于站出来表达自己的态度,让勇敢的灵魂在此刻能够感同身受。同时,在今日曝光的MV中,鹿晗更大秀舞蹈,纯白的立体空间与纯黑的LED屏地板两个场景之间的切换极具视觉冲击力,而鹿晗极具力量感的舞蹈动作与音乐节奏将身体动作展现到极致,对于肢体间轻重的平衡更把握地炉火纯青。舞蹈时节奏的律动和呈现出的爆发力与鹿晗坚定的眼神更是诠释着《敢(Roleplay)》中所蕴含的态度,在面对生活被“打扰”、隐私被“侵犯”的情况下,应该以更加勇敢的态度为自己正名。



《Pink Elephant》的英文歌词

有两首歌都叫Ping Elephant, 都放在这儿, 你自己看吧:1.Cherry Poppin" Daddies - Pink Elephant A bum was in my trashHe"s pickin" out all the cans firewaterburnin" up his poor swollen glandsThe Lysol and ListerineIt went to his headHe eats boot black rotted on a piece of white breadHe did the Pink the Pink ElephantBlinded by the sauce you know I"d rather stay bentSleazy P. Martini ran the Pink ElephantWith hot-pink curtains where the sloe gin decantsA shave and a haircut knock knockWould for sure get you in to seeThe Cherry Poppin" Daddies playthe lampshades were zebra skinWe did the Pink the Pink ElephantBlinded by the sauce you knowI"d rather stay bentMy mouth is like a circus but I"m always in debtI"d never pass the bar unless I thought it was wetBut that"s the way they sucker me to myfinal dissolve"Cause if you set"em up I"m drinkin"em downI did the Pink the Pink ElephantBlinded by the sauce you know I"d rather stay bent2.Erin Mckeown - Pink Elephant and his shoulders stoop low "neath the weightof beer cases as it grows latein the alleyway college-like state. and the boy who"ll grow coldnow so young and so boldfreely gets drunk of the cold.sittin" on top of the golden world, the pink elephant emerges,with a smile and a twirl to open the bottles of time.he said, "the life in your veins today will be frozen away tomorrow."drag of smoke through white lipsblue dress caresses italian hipsas the sedan rolls by rote upon its trip.sticky fumblings never cleanup the skirt of a black haired queenchasing chasing tv dreams.sittin" on top of the golden world, the pink elephant emerges,with a smile and a twirl to open the bottles of time.he said, "the cheapness of today will be married away tomorrow."entwined a quiet couple laysas colder grow the daysand richer grow the means and ends of ways.tucked away cars and children sleepcontentment slowly creepslulls the happy happy sheep.sittin" on top of the golden world, the pink elephant emerges,with a smile and a twirl to open the bottles of time.he said, "the satisfaction of today will take your sight away tomorrow."and all that is pink it shall sink,your mind shall cease to think,therefore let me be the link.halflit by candle the room glowsa virgin head she dimly showsfears to allay future songs to compose.passion beats to heatintercourse nearly complete"til the boy beats a hasty retreat.sittin" on top of the golden world, the pink elephant emerges,with a smile and a twirl to open the bottles of time.he said, "the lifeline of today will soon to fray away tomorrow."






paly a role



eplan 如何标注直径

EPLAN电位定义点是不能显示线径的。可以用连接定义点,就是线号,在这个属性上标注线径。  在原理图绘制时,如果当前绘图区域的空间不足,需要转到其它页面继续绘制,而这两页之间存在连续的“信息流“时,可以使用“中断点“来传递这种“信息流“。当然有时候在同一页中,为了避免连线交叉影响阅读,也会使用中断点。  在EPLAN 中,中断点必须成对出现,一个中断点标识“信号流“流出;另一个标识“信号流“流入。可以使用“项目检查“功能发现未成对的中断点。  中断点的关联有两种模式,一种是链式,一种是星形。链式关联就是根据中断点在图中的位置,先按照图纸次序,同一页中的从上到下、从左到右扫描配对。


《Robinson Crusoe》([英国] 丹尼尔·笛福)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nKTUW4GFPXi_ZJaUwzie_w 提取码:y51w书名:Robinson Crusoe作者:[英国] 丹尼尔·笛福豆瓣评分:8.1出版社:Lb May & Assoc Inc出版年份:1997-8-5页数:272内容简介:《鲁滨逊漂流记》讲述了17世纪,一名英国水手鲁滨逊·克鲁索不安于中产阶级的那种平庸舒适的生活,多次出海经营。在一次去非洲贩运黑奴的途中海上遇难,飘落荒岛。他以不屈不挠的顽强意志,依靠个人的智慧和辛勤的劳动,谋食建屋,制器养畜,开荒耕种,克服种种困难,最后终于回到文明社会的故事。With an Introduction and Notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury From its first publication in 1719, Robinson Crusoe has been printed in over 700 editions. It has inspired almost every conceivable kind of imitation and variation, and been the subject of plays, opera, cartoons, and computer games. The character of Crusoe has entered the consciousness of each succeeding generation as readers add their own interpretation to the adventures so thrillingly "recorded" by Defoe. Praised by eminent figures such as Coleridge, Rousseau and Wordsworth, this perennially popular book was cited by Karl Marx in Das Kapital to illustrate economic theory. However it is readers of all ages over the last 280 years who have given Robinson Crusoe its abiding position as a classic tale of adventure.作者简介:达尼尔·笛福1660年出生在人伦郭一个商人家庭,父亲经营屠宰业。笛福受过中等教育,信奉不属于英国国教的长老会教派。由于家庭的影响,新教学校的教育,他二十岁时已经成为一个体面的小商人了。他把他的一切希望都建筑在他的商业活动中。他做过烟洒生意,做过内衣制作中间商,也开办过工厂。正处在原始积累阶段的英国资本主义,给他带来了很多的好处,马车、住房和“兴高采烈的生活”。但由于他信奉的是新教,反对英国国教的统冶和压迫,出版调刺政府的小册子,从事政冶活动,1702年被捕入狱。后来,他又被捕过几次,也都是因为他的言论,他办的报纸和刊物,他出版的政冶经济的小册子。因此,他的一生是在不断地入狱和破产中度过的,他始终没能实现他的理想,成为一个大商人,成为一富翁。

为什么很多单词,比如 sweep sweet choose tobacco这很多的单词会连续两个相同的字母

你需要掌握 语音知识

linux 怎么知道fda1是哪个盘啊,fda5怎么是d盘呢,我的是xp、linux双系统, 分区是C,D,E,liinux-ext3,swep



discretion英 [du026au02c8skreu0283n] 美 [du026au02c8skru025bu0283u0259n] n. 慎重;考虑周到;判断力,辨别力;自行决定的自由

函数swep(int x,int y)可实现对x和y值的交换。在执行如下定义和调用语句后,a和b的值分别为

题目本身就有问题,函数swep(int x,int y)应该是不可能实现交换X和Y的值的,如果要实现交换的函数,参数必须是传送地址的,比如:swep(int &x,int &y).如果依照题目,执行了那三句语句后,依然是a=10,b=20

swepping the house 打扫房子,这样写对吗

vents, what experiences, what association

【ceph】问题 - mgr无法启动dashboard

环境信息: 系统:centos 7.5 Ceph:12.2.10 启动命令: 错误信息: 问题分析: 因为我把centos7的ipv6关闭了所以报错了,mgr默认是同时开启ipv4和ipv6,解决方案是指定使用ipv4启动mgr。 解决方案: 参考链接: https://ivirt-it.ru/ceph-mgr-dashboard-zabbix-restful-status-balancer/](https://ivirt-it.ru/ceph-mgr-dashboard-zabbix-restful-status-balancer/

deep dive 是什么意思




whale can dive () the deep coldwater

in the deep cold water

dashboard reporting 什么意思

dashboard reporting 仪表板报表; [例句]The main capabilities are reporting, analysis, dashboards, and scorecarding.它的主要功能有报告、分析、指示板(dashboard)和计分卡(scorecarding)。

什么叫做dashboard report


求大侠帮忙:HD TunePro v4.6硬盘检测结果问题

硬盘有坏道 低格试下 能不能修复 物理坏道就考虑换硬盘吧



wind whiseperer中文是什么意思

wind whisperer 风语者

Who is Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents" house was in north London, but during the second world war Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father"s old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science. Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time. His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge. After gaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1669 by Isaac Newton.Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein"s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century. One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear. Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time. This would imply that the way the universe began was completely determined by the laws of science.His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel. Stephen Hawking has three popular books published; his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell. There are .pdf and .ps versions of his full publication list. Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989. He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences. Stephen Hawking continues to combine family life (he has three children and one grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensive programme of travel and public lectures.

Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet_____life has developed

实际上是life has developed on the planet,但是在题目中没有on这个词,所以空格中应该填 on which=where望采纳



求stephen hawking(史蒂芬霍金)的英文资料


Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet_____life has developed

S.H believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet that could have life forms.S.H believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has developed.S.H believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet which could inhabit life form.S.H believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet whose evironment could sustain life.

英语He is Stephen Hawking是什么意思


Stephen Hawking是什么意思

Stephen Hawking史蒂芬霍金双语对照词典结果:Stephen Hawking史蒂芬·霍金(英国著名物理学家); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Stephen hawking is worried about aliens. -----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


解决楼主的问题的方法就是,分开写代码,即:$filearr = split(".",$filename);$filetype = end($filearr);split 函数用来分割字符串的时候,基本等同于函数 preg_grep,分割表达式可以是一个正则表达式,也可以是一个普通字符串,所以本身的执行效率很低,这一点你要记得……所以,实现你现在的这个需求的话,最好用explode函数,使用普通字符作为分割表达式……但是也的确如楼上所说,split 函数(PHP里)已经弃用,你可以使用 preg_match、preg_match_all 、preg_grep 等使用正则表达式作为分割的函数来替代。就整个你的需求而言,你的思路还不很好,当一个文件名是【a.b.c.d.e.f.g.php】的时候,程序要浪费多余的资源来分割其实你不用的a、b、c……,所以要简单满足你取后缀名的需求的代码应该是:$filetype=substr(strrchr($filename,"."),1); 此外还有:$path_info = pathinfo($filename); $filetype = $path_info["extension"]; 其实不是很推荐。下面比较一下它们各自的执行效率:设文件名是:aaa.bb.php、循环执行10000次;执行10次取平均值:split + end :0.067644sexplode + end :0.016251spathinfo + ["extension"] :0.018983sstrrchr + substr :0.008611s【以上文字现场版纯手敲,2012-2-25 10:41,谢谢】

the reporters exposed the corruption

B 由句意可知,they与ask之间为被动关系,且ask发生在exposed之后,故用一般过去时的被动关系。

我想问一下"Keep you hair across."同"Keep you finger across."


运行java程序时出现的错误:" java.lang.NullPointerException”

Books [] myBooks = new Books[3]; 这个时候只是单纯的创建了数组对象本身而没有对数组中每个对象进行实例化解决办法Books [] myBooks = new Books[3]; myBooks[0] = new Books();myBooks[0].title = "the Grapes of Java";myBooks[0].author = "bob"; 依次就可以了

知道一句歌词I will keep my fingers crossed for you,May God give you happiness。想知道歌名字,谢谢

TV Makes The Superstar——Modern TalkingYou"ll take your chance, to be the oneAnd anything a possible, if you are strong, oh yeahSometimes you"re up, sometimes you"re downBut you feel it in you heart, you can"t go wrongYou are so nervous, just every single dayHere a voice from heaven, you"ll find your way, ohTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youDon"t be so sad, you"re not the oneThere"s another chance for you, keep holing on, oh yeahJust take your time and you will seeYou can win it if you want, oh just like meYou need something to live for, every single dayu200dI"ll keep my fingers crossedu200d, you"ll find your way, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks it TV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youOne - Two - Three - Four - TV makes it, TV even breaks it - ohTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youTV makes it, TV even breaks it


试驾 TEST DRIVE?大切正经是Jeep在SUV中的头牌,施展了自身个性鲜明的外形设计,这让大多数的购车用户对硬派高颜值的SUV车型得到了满足,所以大切才能在较短的时间占领市场。社会经济水平在不断地提升,消费者的眼光也随之更加挑剔。比如越野刚大坡儿、在道路行驶上转向要灵巧无虚位,内饰中控屏尺寸要大、空间还要有,舒适性也要有,电子行车该有的功能要有、还要有自动泊车等等,如果只凭借部分车一枝独秀的优势那肯定是不能打持久战的,很快就会被随时代更新的技术所淹没。可能很多人对于大切总有那么一种情怀,虽然当年给人留下了很深很深的印象,当然加分项肯定不仅仅只是外观,正好小编最近找了一辆大切,19款开了2万公里,先来把驾车感受来分享一下。外观硬朗外观方面格外大气,路上开这款车的人我见过很多,一般老爷子和偏中年人占多数,年轻人也见过不少,比如是一个标准座椅位的情况下需要扒着方向盘看视野的小姑娘。既然从老到少都选择这款车,那肯定有他的道理。作为克莱斯勒公司的一款经典车型,大切可以说是正经的继承了纯正的吉普血统,家族式的七孔进气格栅加上大灯组,让人一眼就能看出来是Jeep的车型。车身上的多车线瞬间就体现出了一种“力量感”。尾部的上下双色尾灯设计的也非常显眼,以及双边排气管,给用户又增加了一种强烈的运动感。动力油耗方面动力方面有着比较好的线性输出,这辆车搭载着3.6升自然吸气的V6发动机,加速和动力传动系统也非常的流畅。它的最大马力有286匹,功率为210千瓦,以及347牛米的最大扭矩。即使是海拔4000左右的地方动力也一样够,而且非常容易,有一种源源不断在供给的感觉。测试中小编行驶的全程大小路段加起来有150公里,途中测试了一段60公里的高速,空调热了开冷了关,百公里油耗11个。市区20公里测试百公里油耗为16个(赶上一段早高峰),而且在公路上稳定性一定是高于普拉多的。内饰和功能虽然一般的越野车型很少会考虑太多的舒适性和辅助功能,不过这个方面大切还算不错,采用了比较传统的中控台布局,轮廓和空调出风口都用了镀铬装饰,全系标配了7英寸的液晶仪表盘和8.4英寸的中控屏,以及蓝牙电话和语音识别控制功能,除顶配车型都配备了带有9扬声器的ALPINE阿尔派音响系统,顶配车型的音响是19扬声器的哈曼卡顿。还有在乘坐空间和储物空间方面并没有达到小编的预期,首先肯定是不会给您一种拥挤感,但也肯定是让您感觉不到宽敞,后排座椅可以调节,但幅度却不是很自由,总有一种拘束感。但是后盖储物空间却是非常的大。越野测试大多数人更关心的是它的越野性能,大切在豪华上虽然不比现在宝马X5、奔驰GLS等车型,但越野上肯定胜于它们,即便是它的同门越野悍将牧马人也是可以拼一下的(当然要除去改装灵活度方面),同样拥有中差和强大的电子限滑系统。在岩石堆测试中,那些圆型岩石看起来很容易就能碾压过去,但这些碎石都是独立存在的所以会给测试过程中增加一些难度,这样的圆石头堆即使是步行在上面也是有些危险。但大切能快速地攀爬和碾过障碍物,没有一点犹豫,而且坐在车里震动感受并不大。第二个是下大坡测试,小编找的是一条土路旁边带有岩石,而且冲下坡的时候故意给了一个紧急转向。途中可以明显的感觉到大切的悬挂系统非常的清晰,而且交叉轴停留时间很短,至少要比一般的SUV要短的多。最后一个测试的是带有涉水的泥路,以30公里每小时的速度直接干进泥坑,即使冲进水坑后引擎盖上出现尾流,然而并没有影响到任何动力,也没有出现任何轮胎抓地力不足的情况。价值和成本虽然这辆大切售价方面还是比较昂贵的落地60多万,但保养方面的开销是要低于其他车辆的,小保养基本价格大概是900左右。最近几天的评测,核算下来平均每个月花费在大切身上的费用大概在4500左右。而且保险和维修费用因为进口材质可能会更贵一些,从而导致往后几年会产生更高的成本,而且通过5年出售价格35%左右来看保值率好像并不高。总结对于一款越野车来说,大切虽然拥有着强劲的动力,但同时您也会得到很高的油耗成本。如果您非常喜欢户外运动,又非常喜欢那份情怀,而且还能让您在暴风雨后从郊区的泥泞、石壁道路里开出来。那您就选择大切吧。但如果你不是上述的用户,那小编还是推荐您选择一辆更有经济型的SUV,因为无论是从经济上还是使用上考虑,大切都是一辆更为独特的越野车,其实来一辆二手的大切也是个非常棒的选择。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。

请问 I will keep my fingers crossed for you! 是什么意思?先谢谢了哈!


Let's keep our fingers crossed

"Keep Fingers Crossed" 系一句西方谚语/俗语或一种民间嘅迷信文化 系有"Good Luck" 嘅意思. 手势系将中指叠过食指上面. 例句: "I wonder the project we submitted to the teacher will get an A-grade" "Let"s keep our fingers crossed." meltmagazine/15_2002/page4 图片参考:thm-a01.yimg/nimage/830437209a233404 fingers crossed me good luck so it me wish you good luck or wish yourself luck 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运! ]Let"s keep our fingers crossed] me: Let"s wait and hope for good oute. *KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED -- From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman: "Hope for success. The saying derives from the superstition that bad luck may be averted by making the sign of the cross. Originated in the 1920s." 参考: Random House Dictionary

keep my fingers crossed是什么意思

keep my fingers crossed 就是左手握右手,十指交叉。为成功祈祷,也可以用做为某人祝福。 I WILL KEEP MY FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU。 我会为你祝福的

keep fingers crossed是什么意思

keep fingers crossed交叉手指; 乞求某事成功双语例句1. Let"s just keep our fingers crossed that he is not too bad. 让我们祝愿祷告,希望他不是太坏就好.来自《简明英汉词典》2. Good luck! We"ll keep our fingers crossed for you. 祝你好运! 我们将为你祈祷.如有疑问,请追问!

keep your fingers crossed的另外意思

意思是 为他祝福吧

keep my fingers crossed to 是什么意思

keep my fingers crossed to sth表示“双手合十期盼。。”如:“i keep my fingers crossed to an A in next exam,我双手合十期盼能够在接下来的考试中得到A

英语中有"Keep my finger crossed for you!",谁能告诉我crossing finger 是怎样的手势?


keep my fingers crossed是什么意思


同义句:You can’t depend on him to attend meeting.

You can"t rely on him to attend the meeting。/You can‘t count for him to attend the meeting。She is smart at foreign languages。He often goes to skating in winter。希望对你有所帮助。学习进步、快乐!

Keep your fingers crossed是什么意思


设a=" ",b=mule,c=old,d=my那么repiace=多少

public class Util {public static void main(String[] args) {String result = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,L,M";String[] arr = new String[result.length()+1]; //放到数组String jieguo = "";for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++){if(i == 10){arr[i] = i+"";}else{arr[i] = i+",";}jieguo += arr[i];}System.out.println(jieguo);}}结果:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10





华为MatePad Pro新品的产品设计有何亮点?值得入手吗?


eprtespnwa lapen 组合成单词,并写意思。

eprtespnwa lapen 由这些字母任意组合?有没有什么要求

wake me up when september ends 吉他谱带和弦图弹唱

http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/wake_me_up_when_september_ends_ver3_crd.htm(和弦配图)Wake Me Up When September EndsGreendayIntro:E|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|B|-------3-------3-|-------3-------3-|-------3-------3-|-------3-------3-|G|----0-----0------|----0-----0------|----0-----0------|----0-----0------|D|--5----------5---|--5----------5---|--5----------5---|--5----------5---|A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|E|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|(This pattern can be played all the way through if you want). G D/F#Summer has come and passedEm7 GThe innocent can never lastCadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endsG D/F#Like my father"s come to passEm7 GSeven years has gone so fast Cadd9 Cm G G Wake me up when September endsEm BmHere comes the rain againC G G/F#Falling from the stars Em Bm Drenched in my pain againC DBecoming who we areG D/F#As my memory restsEm7 GBut never forgets what I lost Cadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endsG D/F#Summer has come and passedEm7 GThe innocent can never lastCadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endsG D/F#Ring out the bells againEm7 GLike we did when spring began Cadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endsEm BmHere comes the rain againC G G/F#Falling from the stars Em Bm Drenched in my pain againC DBecoming who we areG D/F#As my memory restsEm7 GBut never forgets what I lost Cadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endsG D/F#Summer has come and passedEm7 GThe innocent can never lastCadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endsG D/F#Like my father"s come to passEm7 GTwenty years has gone so fastCadd9 Cm G Wake me up when September endswILD gUESS pEOPLES. tHIS iS mY fIRST oNE sO dON"T bE tOO hARSH.


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Wake me up when sep ends 歌词翻译

换上中英的吧。。你看看哈。。Wake me up when september ends 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Summer has come and past. 夏天来了又去 The innocent can never last. 但那纯真从来没有消失过 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Like my fathers come to pass, 就像我父亲来了又去 Seven years has gone so fast. 七年时间过得那么快 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Here comes the rain again, 这里又下雨了 Falling from the stars. 像从星星上落下 Drenched in my pain again, 又1次刺痛我的上 Becoming who we are. 我们成为谁 As my memory rests 就像我的记忆停顿一样 But never forgets what I lost. 但是从来都没有忘记我失去了什么 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Summer has come and past. 夏天来了又去 The innocent can never last. 但那纯真从来没有消失过 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Ring out the bells again. 钟声又敲响了 Like we did when spring began. 就像我们在初春做过得1样 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Here comes the rain again, 这里又下雨了 Falling from the stars. 从星星上落下 Drenched in my pain again, 又1次刺痛我的上 Becoming who we are. 我们成为谁 As my memory rests 就像我的记忆停顿一样 But never forgets what I lost. 但是从来都没有忘记我失去了什么 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Summer has come and past. 夏天来了又去 The innocent can never last. 但那纯真从来没有消失过 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Summer has come and past. 夏天来了又去 The innocent can never last. 但那纯真从来没有消失过 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我 Like my fathers come to pass, 就像我父亲来了又去 Seven years has gone so fast. 七年时间过得那么快 Wake me up when September ends. 当九月去过的时候叫醒我
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