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kenfuni 和kenn怎么读啊?

通常我是对于“KENN”是读 kin,可王爷自己是读做 ken ,从自称“坑爹”一词可以看出。同样的。KENFUNI,前面KEN是同上,而后面是读“傅妮”,所以连读就是“坑傅妮”我挫了……这读音……TAT【泪崩】

Ennio Morricone - Un Amico是几时创作的?

1973年作为意大利电影《Revolver》的主题音乐首次使用这部片子里的un amico还有带歌词的演唱版本昆汀在《无耻混蛋》中的借用这段音乐的效果非常完美

以撒的结合重生染血硬币Bloody Penny有什么用


jennifer has a pair of earring

1.Who has a pair of earrings? 谁有耳环? 2.Who plays badminton every weekend? 谁每周末都打羽毛球? 3.Who took you to the zoo? 谁带你们去动物园?

跪求Jenny Blighe的视频合集~




跪求好心人分享可爱的小崽子们2019年上映的由 Jenny Eclair主演的免费高清百度云资源

《可爱的小崽子们》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aY1FxcYZfLgcej7Lk7jnWw?pwd=wfjk 提取码:wfjk《可爱的小崽子们 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals》主演: Jenny Eclair类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语上映日期: 2019-12-12(中国大陆)、2019(英国)集数: 6片长: 43分钟又名: 动物宝宝的奇妙世界可爱的小刺猬、好奇的企鹅雏鸟、有趣的海豹幼崽,这部纪录片将把镜头对准这些新生动物生命中最重要、最具实验性的几个月吧,他们将经历考验、磨难最终获得胜利。镜头将告诉我们没人看的时候动物宝宝们在做什么,并找出到底是什驱动着他们快乐的(有时是奇怪的)行为。这是一部终极动物肥皂剧,在一个充满戏剧、爱和勇气的世界,在这里,小动物们迈出大胆的新步伐,第一次探索周围的世界。

跪求好心人分享可爱的小崽子们2019年上映的由Jenny Eclair主演的免费高清百度云资源

《可爱的小崽子们》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aY1FxcYZfLgcej7Lk7jnWw?pwd=wfjk 提取码:wfjk《可爱的小崽子们 The Wonderful World of Baby Animals》主演: Jenny Eclair类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语上映日期: 2019-12-12(中国大陆)、2019(英国)集数: 6片长: 43分钟又名: 动物宝宝的奇妙世界可爱的小刺猬、好奇的企鹅雏鸟、有趣的海豹幼崽,这部纪录片将把镜头对准这些新生动物生命中最重要、最具实验性的几个月吧,他们将经历考验、磨难最终获得胜利。镜头将告诉我们没人看的时候动物宝宝们在做什么,并找出到底是什驱动着他们快乐的(有时是奇怪的)行为。这是一部终极动物肥皂剧,在一个充满戏剧、爱和勇气的世界,在这里,小动物们迈出大胆的新步伐,第一次探索周围的世界。




Denise Robinson Denise是游戏里你可以扩展关系的6名女孩之一。她和Grove Street家族有密切的联系,而且她喜欢开车兜风。你会在‘Burning Desire"(燃烧的欲望)任务后开始和她约会,那个任务是CARL被迫从一座燃烧的房子中把她救出来。你需要足够多的”性感吸引力“来给她留下印象。Denise从下午4点到早上6点都有空。和她获得100%的进展,来开启”皮条客“服装(会自动出现在你的衣柜里)。位置:Burning Desire任务中会遇到,在任务以后你们变成了恋人。 初次登场:Burning Desire任务中 品位:她似乎对我们主角的打扮不那么在意。 约会时间:在下午4点以后可以找到她 喜欢的约会方式:如果她提出要兜风,就把她带到敌人的地盘,接近几个小混混的时候,她会从车窗里探出身子朝他们射击。她没说要回家就一直这么兜风。如果她提议去吃饭,就带她去她家南面的Cluckin Bell。 亲密接触:好感度在40-50%以上。 奖励:在好感度50%以上后,一辆停在她家门口的绿色“皮条客”汽车开启了。如果你开一辆拖拉机或是拖车的话,可以把车拖到你自己的车库。取得100%好感度以后,你会得到一件皮条客特殊服装。(和你后面得到特殊服装比起来,算是容易得到的了)



江苏1区南京丶Dennis 战队怎么样?


南京Dennis CF战队 是最大的南京CF战队嘛?

南京丶Dennis是江苏区最大的CF战队 ,我坚信 ,南京丶Dennis以后将成为全国最大 ,最厉害的CF战队 ,顺便说一句;2楼的哥们 ,你是猪啊 ,南京都不知道是哪里的? 我曰你 ,我悄悄的告诉你 ,南京是江苏国南京省 ,这下懂了把 ,记住不要跟别人说奥!

Dennis是一名中学生 他喜欢物理和足球 乐于助人 大家都喜欢他 写一篇60字英语作文

汉译英 还是?请详细一些。我想我可以帮助你~

取个英文名字 DENNIS和那些可以拼在一起??

Samuel dennis ,这个吧!可能会和某些人英文名字一样,但还可以。

翻译成英文、快快快!!::我叫Dennis 、这是我十年之后的样子、我的工作是一名警察、我有着高大

My name is Dennis, this is how I would be after 10 years. I have tall and well-built body with short and black hair. I play Pingpang. I have two kids, they are very healthy and pretty. I love my wife and she love our childen and they love us too. This is me.




dennis读法:英 ["deu026avu026ad] 美 ["deu026avu026ad]大卫。1、I understand you"ve heard about David我知道你们已经听说了戴维的事了。2、I had to admire David"s vow that he would leave the programme.戴维发誓要离开这个项目,我不得不对他表示钦佩。3、He whispered the message to David他悄声把这个消息告诉了戴维。

dennis hutton是谁


dennis hutton是谁

dennis hutton丹尼斯 赫顿

陈汉典有一起模仿dennis 然后dennis出现了 请问是哪一期

04月09日 助理主持:陈汉典饰(康熙赵哥) 超爆笑!明星糗事大公开!嘉宾:Dennis、丁小芹、陈婉若、杜诗梅、宋少卿

康熙来了 凡拍过MV必留下痕迹 那个Dennis叫什么名字

DJ DENNIS 真名叫区耕祥! 他的个人网站是:http://www.dennisau.org/

有关Dennis trident 的资料?

更新1: 包括:{所采用之显示路线方法 底盘 引擎 传动系统 配置车身 载客量 投入服务年份.} 更新2: 包括:{Volvo Super Olympian Volvo Olympian VolvoB9TL MAN......} 丹尼士三叉戟巴士 丹尼士三叉戟巴士(英文:Dennis Trident)乃英国的丹尼士车厂(Dennis Specialist Vehicles)研制的特低地台及低排放环保巴士。 这款巴士在2001年改由TrBus制造(巴士名称一度更改为TrBus Trident)。2004年后,巴士改由Alexander Dennis生产。 >>历史 首辆三叉戟巴士于1996年问世,并于1997年在中国香港投入服务,由中国香港的九龙巴士(九巴)所拥有。除了九巴增购这款巴士外,中国香港的城巴和新世界第一巴士(新巴),亦陆续增购这款巴士。 到了1999年,两车轴的三叉戟巴士,开始在英国本土大量行走,而这款巴士的不同长度版本,亦已于爱尔兰、西班牙、新加坡、美国及加拿大等地投入服务。 >>设计 丹尼士三叉戟的设计原自同厂Arrow型号改良,设有两轴及三轴版本,但两者的设计各有不同。3轴版丹尼士三叉戟(后期亦有被称为Trident 3)采用纵置引擎设计,引擎散热水箱设于引擎右面;而2轴版丹尼士三叉戟(亦有被称为Trident 2)采用横置引擎设计,引擎散热水箱设于引擎左面。 >>英国的丹尼士三叉戟 在英国,丹尼士三叉戟的买家遍布英国各地,包括巴士集团公司第一集团(FirstGroup)及捷达集团(Stagecoach Group)。它们全属两轴兼低地台设计,由1999年起正式在英国投入服务,除伦敦外亦遍布英国其他城市。英国两轴版本丹尼士三叉戟,除了有配置亚历山大车身版本外,更有配置Plaxton和East Lancs制造的车身,亦有部分是采用直楼梯。 随着英国 *** 及欧盟鼓励巴士公司提供低地台巴士服务,而旧有巴士不设低地台的设计亦不合时宜,于是踏入廿一世纪,丹尼士三叉戟巴士在英国越来越多,讫今丹尼士车厂已售出了超过三千部。而丹尼士三叉戟等低地台巴士的普及,亦直接加速了英国经典巴士Routemaster的淘汰。 >>中国香港的丹尼士三叉戟 在中国香港,除了新大屿山巴士有限公司外,所有专利巴士公司都拥有丹尼士三叉戟,长度由10.3米至12米不等。由于中国香港的丹尼士三叉戟巴士都是设有空调机,而中国香港法例又规定总车重超过16吨的汽车,需要有3条车轴以承托车辆重量,双层巴士的载客量再加上空调机的重量关系,中国香港的丹尼士三叉戟全都设有3条车轴。 九巴拥有全球首辆三轴丹尼士三叉戟(ATR1 车牌HJ2127),它亦是九巴首款特低地台双层巴士,于1997年起为乘客服务。不久九巴在5年内购买了超过500部丹尼士三叉戟巴士,主要是12米(ATR1-ATR354、ATR369-ATR392)和10.6米(ATS1-ATS150)版本。九巴亦于2002年底从龙运巴士购入14部12米版本的此类型巴士(ATR355-368)。其中12米版本的此类型巴士主要行走过海隧道线和一些主干路线,包括14、26、42C、46X、48X、73X、87D、98C、98D、271、960等等。 城巴购买了164部此类型巴士(其中62部属于客车版本,60部属半客车版本,其余42部是城市巴士),客车版本及配有行李架的巴士主要行走来往市区及机场的豪华巴士A线;半客车版本及配有行李架的巴士主要行走来往市区及东涌、机场的对外E线;市区版巴士其中有19部(2262-2280)于2003年加装行李架,及7部(2281-2287)于2006-07年加装行李架,主要行走机场对外E线;其余14部(2288-2301)不设行李架,则被编派出行走来往天水围(北)至金钟的967线及市区路线。另外城巴亦购买1部10.6米版本的此类型巴士(2700),最初被派出行走赤柱路线,现时于东区85线服务。城巴亦于2003年从新巴购入9部12米版本的此类型巴士(2302-2310),行走新界西北的长途巴士路线。 龙运巴士亦购买150部配有亚历山大车身的12米版本此类型巴士(其中25部属于客车版本),主要行走东涌及机场巴士路线,后来其中1部巴士(编号197,车牌HT7970)因为机件出现问题而焚毁报废,因此有关生产商以1部配有都普车身的三叉戟巴士(编号301,车牌JV7629)作赔偿。 新世界第一巴士在1998年9月1日接管中巴路线后,亦有派此类型的巴士行走,主要是12米(配亚历山大车身的1001-1190、1201-1221及都普车身的3001-3062)、11.3米(1401-1430,全数配亚历山大车身)和10.6米(配亚历山大车身的1601-1662及都普车身的3601)版本,另外更有10.3米长,4.17米高版本(3301-3360,3301-3340的编号后面曾被加上「L」字,全数配都普车身),主要行走9、13、14、23A、26、66以及来往山顶的15及15B路线;另外也曾经行走西九龙新区的701及702线。 九铁巴士于2000年购买22部11.3米版本的此类型巴士(601-622),主要行驶接驳西铁路线如K58、506等;而为了改善服务质素,于2004年底至2005年期间从新巴购入了47部10.6米(701-747)及6部11.3米版本的此类型巴士(748-753),取代年事已高的都城嘉慕两轴非空调双层巴士,其中9部10.6米巴士(713-718、741-742、745)行驶接驳东铁路线,其余(701-712、719-740、743-744、746-753)则行驶接驳西铁路线。 >>新加坡的丹尼士三叉戟 新加坡巴士公司早于1998年订购20部3轴版丹尼士三叉戟,但由于丹尼士车厂要应付来自中国香港的大量订单,因此巴士延迟至2000年才开始陆续付运。全数20部巴士于2001年投入服务,编号为SBS9671E至9690A。 >>进一步发展 2002年,3轴版三叉戟底盘被TrBus公司改良,并配上全新车身,成为TrBus Enviro 500(后来改称亚历山大丹尼士Enviro 500)。到了2005年,Alexander Dennis研制出2轴版三叉戟的改良型底盘,新底盘拥有更长的前跨距及新款油缸,同样配上全新车身,并以亚历山大丹尼士Enviro 400的名称推出市场。 不过截至2006年,普通版2轴三叉戟底盘仍然继续生产。 参考: zh. *** /w/index?title=%E4%B8%B9%E5%B0%BC%E5%A3%AB%E4%B8%89%E5%8F%89%E6%88%9F&variant=zh-%E5%A3%AB&variant=zh-



求丹尼斯·缪勒(Dennis C. Mueller)的简介。

这个 ,一堆字诶~不好打




ordered 用过去式,表示动作已经发生了Denny ordered a box of tea.丹妮订了一盒茶。


叫何一寒 叫何一寒叫何一寒叫何一寒叫何一寒叫何一寒叫何一寒


Denny 等你Cenny 森尼Aenny 诶嗯尼Senny和Cenny有啥区别


小时候的他也问过那个收养他的爸爸,什么是妈妈,那个黑人他就说妈妈是一匹马的名字,我听到这样的对白心里有一点酸啊。 明白了吧。


Jeffrey Dean Morgan另一部知名美剧--邪恶力量有过客串~还有一部温馨电影---P.S. I Love You 相信LZ看过^_^电影意外之夫里演男主之一~片子不是很多,但轻喜剧较多,很可爱~ps LZ注意,他不是午夜巴塞罗那里的Javier Bardem,很像而已哈~


Jeffrey Dean Morgan官方网站http://www.jdmorgan.net/index.php影人资料姓名: Jeffrey Dean Morgan年龄:41出生地:Seattle, Washington, USA星座:金牛座出生日期:1966-04-22他小时候曾梦想当一名篮球运动员,但却因受伤不得不放弃。随后他离开了学校,去做自己想做的事:绘画和写作作品年表死亡与早餐 | Dead & Breakfast发布年代:2004导演:演员:杰里米 西斯托 , 戴维 卡拉丹 , 戴德里奇 拜德 , 波提亚 德 罗西 , Ever Carradine在片中饰演:The Sheriff堕落标记6 | Six: The Mark Unleashed发布年代:2004导演:Kevin Downes演员:斯蒂芬 鲍德温 , 埃里克 罗伯茨 , Tiny Ron , David A.R. White , Elena Lyons在片中饰演:Tom Newman犯罪天堂路 | Dillinger and Capone发布年代:1995导演:Jon Purdy演员:乔 埃丝泰威兹 , 奇连 侯活 , 玛丽亚 福特 , 马丁 希恩 , 凯瑟琳 希克斯在片中饰演:Jack Bennett全部作品血腥天使 Uncaged犯罪天堂路 Dillinger and CaponeUndercover HeatRoad KillSix: The Mark UnleashedDead & BreakfastThe Making of "Six"Something MoreJamThe Adventures of Beatle Boyin






danny and denny 区别

danny 是个比较常见的名字Denny 不常见







jonathan bennett的英文介绍

三个Jonathan Bennett,一个是美国演员 ,一个是英国哲学家,还有个是AutoIt软件的设计者。演员的:Jonathan D. Bennett (born June 10, 1981) is an American actor best known for his work in the 2004 film Mean Girls.Early lifeBennett was born in Rossford, Ohio. He has a brother and sister, Brent and Lisa Bennett and is the cousin of actress Lori Moegling. His first try at acting was in a play in the seventh grade while living in North Carolina. Shortly after that, he moved to Rossford, Ohio, where he attended Rossford High School. He graduated in 1999 and went to Otterbein College, where he was a student of the theatre program. After dropping out of college he moved to New York to pursue acting.CareerAfter moving to New York, he was cast in a role on the soap opera All My Children as J.R. Chandler from 2001-2002. Since then, he has had guest roles on various television dramas, including Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Deception, Smallville, and Veronica Mars. He played Aaron Samuels, Lindsay Lohan"s love interest, in the hit movie Mean Girls, and subsequently appeared in the films Cheaper by the Dozen 2 and Lovewrecked. Bennett"s most recent film is the direct-to-video prequel, The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning, in which he plays Bo Duke.Bennett posed for a bondage-themed print advertising campaign by Declare Yourself, a campaign encouraging voter registration among youth for the 2008 United States presidential election. In the ads by photographer David LaChapelle, Bennett has three screws through his upper and lower lips, symbolically pinning his mouth shut. The ads drew some media attention.In 2009, Bennett starred in National Lampoon"s Van Wilder: Freshman Year which was released straight to DVD.FilmographyFilmYear Film Role Notes2002 Eastwick Simon TV film2003 Season of Youth Taylor Palm Beach International Film Festival Award for Best Actor2004 Mean Girls Aaron Samuels Nominated — Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Chemistry (shared with Lindsay Lohan)Nominated — Teen Choice Award for Choice Breakout Movie Star - Male2005 Love Wrecked Ryan Howell also known as Temptation IslandCheaper by the Dozen 2 Bud McNulty 2006 Bachelor Party Vegas Nathan 2007 The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning Bo Duke 2009 The Assistants Zack Cooper National Lampoon"s Van Wilder: Freshman Year Van Wilder Slightly Single in L.A. Seven pre-productionTelevisionYear Title Role Notes1997 Dad "Habadadery"1998 The Bill Youth "Racer"2001-2002 All My Children JR Chandler Two episodes2002 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Kyle Fuller "Deception"2003 Boston Public Ethan Guest "Chapter Sixty-Three"2004 1/4life Shane Pilot2005 Smallville Kevin Grady "Blank"2004-2005 Veronica Mars Casey Grant Two episodes2007 Cane Brad "Time Away"哲学的:Jonathan F. Bennett (born 1930, Greymouth, New Zealand) is a British philosopher of language and metaphysics, and a historian of early modern philosophy.Bennett was educated at Oxford University. He has taught at the University of Cambridge (1956-68), Simon Fraser University (1968-70), the University of British Columbia (1970-79), and Syracuse University (1979-97). In 1980, he was the Tanner Lecturer at Brasenose College of Oxford University. In 1992, he was the John Locke Lecturer at Oxford University. In 1985, he was made a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The British Academy extended him the same honor in 1991.His 1966 book Kant"s Analytic, along with P. F. Strawson"s The Bounds of Sense, is considered to have reinvigorated contemporary Kant studies.Bennett"s website is devoted to making the texts of early modern philosophers more accessible to today"s students.Works1989 (1964). Rationality. Hackett.1966. Kant"s Analytic. Cambridge Univ. Press.1971. Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Central Themes. Oxford Univ. Press.1974. Kant"s Dialectic. Cambridge Univ. Press.1990 (1976). Linguistic Behaviour. Hackett.1984. A Study of Spinoza"s Ethics. Hackett.1988. Events and their Names. Hackett.1995. The Act Itself. Oxford Univ. Press.2001. Learning from Six Philosophers. Oxford Univ. Press.2003. A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals. Oxford Univ. Press.

Kenny Chesney的《Boats》 歌词

歌曲名:Boats歌手:Kenny Chesney专辑:Lucky Old SunKenny Chesney - BoatsOl" Joe"s got a Boston whalerhe bought in Key BiscaneHe swears since the day he got hershe"s been nothing but a painwhen the sun"s at his backand the winds in his faceit"s just him and the wheelhe wouldn"t take a million for theway it makes him feelboatsvessels of freedomharbors of heelingboatsNewport is where John hung his hattil he lost his wife Jonow forty feet of sail antiqueis where Ol" John calls homehe watched his life pass before his eyesin the middle of a hurricanecame out alive on the other sidethat"s where "the other side" got its nameBoatsvessels of freedomharbors of heelingboatstwenty years of a landlocked jobwas all that tom could takesitting at his deskall alone and depressedsays this just cant be my fatewent home that night and told his wifeyou can tell all of your friendsit"s been real but it ain"t been fungonna get us one of themboatsvessels of freedomharbors of heelingboatsvessels of freedomboatshttp://music.baidu.com/song/31334059

谁能用英文描述一个名人jennifer ansiton ,口语的,简单句子,

she is an actress who played the Rachel in the famous American sitcom "friends" and ex-wife to Brad Pitt.she is very beatuiful lady. i think the reason why she can be famous is that first,she is really pretty and keep perfect fit,and also,she is very tender and sweet woman,caring about other person. these personality is something i should learn from.



有没有一首诗叫Jenny kissed me when we met?

By Leigh HuntJenny kissed me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in;Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in!Say I"m weary, say I"m sad, Say that health and wealth have missed me,Say I"m growing old, but add, Jenny kissed me.On this day in 1812,Leigh Hunt and his brother Robert were fined and imprisoned for two years following a slander against the Prince Regent in their liberal weekly,the Examiner.While in prison,Hunt transformed his cell in the prison infirmary into a bower of bliss with blinds,rose-trellised wallpaper,busts of poets,and flowers.Here,as the self-proclaimed "amazing prisoner",Hunt entertained swarms of revellers and members of the literati,including Byron,Moore,and Swinburne,swiftly establishing his prison cell as the fashionable place to be seen in reformist circles.There parties became the feeding ground for the group that came to be known as the Cockney School.when Hunt sickened during a flu epidemic,Hunt"s friend Thomas Carlyle and his wife,Jenny,feared he might not survive.On his recovery he paid them an unexpected visit and Jenny,delighted to see him alive and well,leaped up to kiss him,thereby prompting the poem.

有人知道美少女拉拉队4里的Penn饰演者michael copon

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0178757/这个网站上本身就有图片,更多图片可以去google搜索,视频去you tube搜索.Date of Birth13 November 1982, Chesapeake, Virginia, USABirth NameMichael Sowell CoponHeight6" 1" (1.85 m)TriviaHe drove a blue Honda Civic SiHe graduated from Deep Creek high school in 2000Is half-Filipino.Where Are They Now(October 2005) In Vh1"s reality series "But Can They Sing?"


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Claude has 4 dimes (and 7 nickels,4 pennies) (4*0.10)+(7*0.05)+(4*0.01)=0.79

Kenneth Cole New York品牌介绍


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kenneth cole这个牌子的手表特别受欢迎,表盘都设计的比较复杂,看上去很有罗马风的感觉。下面我给大家讲讲kenneth cole手表怎么样?kenneth cole手表什么档次? kenneth cole手表怎么样 KENNETH COLE镂空机械女表,新宠。酷酷的。石英表看腻了。偶然发现这款镂空机械表不失个性反而特别。喜欢。 美国时尚牌子Kenneth Cole New York机械手表,这表太帅了,不买都对不起男票!这牌子可能听说的人比较少,不过他家的手表款式和做工都一点不比别的大牌子差,只不过在国内很少人关注罢了。绝对是型男必备的,买来做情人节礼物,推荐。它家手表都很不错,这款是他家比较中规中矩的,双面穿透,纯皮表带,表盘非常有质感!男票非常喜欢,看来我的眼光还是不算差哈哈。 这个手表买来送女朋友的,她很喜欢,哈哈开心。最近才知道的这个牌子,感觉设计风格深得我心,果断拔草。 新拔草的KENNETH COLE蓝色透明表盘手表,纯正美国范儿,打造专属型格人士的潮流装备。高透的设计犹如腕表界的一股清流,时髦百搭,出挑有型。商务休闲都适合搭配哦,特别显气质! KENNETH COLE,关注这个品牌好久啦,在国内不是很有名,但是在美国炒鸡火的,种草他家小白鞋和手表,不会太浮夸,但都很有特点,看到国内有平台开始卖,果断入手小金表一只,性价比很高,小表盘很适合我这种手腕纤细的钕纸,金色的米兰钢带,很有光泽,比我想象中还要好看,推荐哦~kenneth cole手表档次 KENNETH COLE在美国这品牌是中高端的时尚品牌了。他们家的手表,价格不高,搭配衣服蛮好看的,质量可以,适合走在时尚前端的人群。手表怎么保养 (1)戴手表时,手上的汗水对表壳有腐蚀性,全钢表壳由于是镍铬合金,抗腐蚀性能好些,半钢表壳是铜的,长期与汗水接触,容易腐蚀,应经常用软布抹去汗水或垫上塑料表托,以防止其被汗水侵蚀。 (2)不要随意打开表后盖,以免尘埃进入机芯影响手表的正常工作。 (3)不要将手表放在有樟脑丸的衣柜内,以免表油变质。 (4)不要将手表放在收音机、电视机上,以免磁化。 (5)长期存放不戴的手表,应每月定期上发条一次,使零件不致长期处于静止状态,以保证表机的运转性能。

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1.KENNETH COLE NEW YORK 白底黑字的领标,则是正线品牌,涵盖全系列商品,成熟简洁的线条,最具有代表性意义。 2.KENNETH COLE REACTION 此为副线品牌,风格相较之下,比正线来的年轻活力,形象活泼些。

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俺发现衣服上有这样的字母组合,上面一行是 KENNETH COLE下面一行是REACTION请告诉俺这是什么意思好不?

Kenneth cole 坚尼哥尔是一个牌子REACTION就是复古的意思下面帮你介绍一下这个牌子以皮件与鞋款起家的Kenneth Cole,在1982年以黑马之姿窜红于纽约的时尚圈,崇尚简约主义以及富有现代纽约都会设计风格,Kenneth Cole的设计典雅、时髦并容,吸引了不少穿梭都会核心、讲究生活品味新贵的注意。成立之初以一个货柜起家的Kenneth Cole最初仅有女鞋系列,目前已经扩展到男女装、鞋类、香水、包包以及各种配件。除了全美的75间Kenneth Cole零售店之外,欧洲、亚洲与拉丁美洲也都有据点。现在Kenneth Cole共有17个授权厂商负责生产多达27种不同的商品,而其中前五名依序为男性休闲服饰、男性大衣外套、行李箱、手表及女性休闲服饰。 1997年获得CFDA(The Council of Fashion Designers of America)所颁发的人道主义奖,这座时尚界的奥斯卡奖直接肯定了Kenneth Cole一直以来所坚持的人道主义精神。在2000年的时候更拿下了CFDA的年度男装设计师奖以及纽约杂志所评选的(New York Magazine)的年度时尚大奖。 香水系列也密切反映了Kenneth Cole New York的品牌哲学–纽约都会时尚、简洁实穿风格。无论是香调的呈现或是香水瓶的设计,都延续了Kenneth Cole的一贯形象,因此相当受到消费者的喜爱。Kenneth Cole如今已发展成多元化的生活型态,产业预测专家表示,在不久的将来,相信Kenneth Cole将继Ralph Lauren之后成为下一个纵横美国时尚界的品牌巨人。 Kenneth Cole于1996年推出副产品线Reaction系列,为品牌注入年轻活力,强调生活时尚风。2005年Reaction更排名全美男性香水销售第四,清新性感的香调广受各年龄层男性的喜爱,尤其25~35岁的年轻都会新贵更是Reaction的主要消费群。透明水晶玻璃瓶由底部沿着两侧瓶身透出一抹萤光苹果绿,更添一分时尚感,堪称时尚设计与都会前卫的完美结合。


单曲龙之塔 ED曲「塔顶者たち」(2008/05/28)「LIVIN" ON THE EDGE」(2009/08/14)「SLASH!」(2011/01/01)「THE LIFE」(2011/08/03)明治东亰恋伽 OP「东亰浪漫谭」(2011/10/26)「Pieces of My Wish」(2012/11/28)しらつゆの怪 挿入歌「Sanctuary」(2013/04/24)明治东亰恋伽 / Jewelic Nightmare OP「红ノ夜ノ呗 / Eidolon」(2013/10/30) 单曲筋肉人二世第2季 OP「believe」(2004/04/21)游戏王GX ED2「Wake Up Your Heart 」(2005/09/22)专辑「NAKED!」(2006/09/02) 2006「翼の绊」「ランu30fbランu30fbラン」不二周助(相叶弘树)、不二裕太(KENN)2009「绝顶(クライマックス)HEAVEN」「BRAND NEW DAY」天と千(KENN、前野智昭)「Honey Moon Mystery Tour」ジョーカー(KENN)「Labyrinth」ドライ(KENN)「montage」六本木史(KENN)、新宿凛太郎(置鮎龙太郎)、汐留行(梶裕贵)、両国逸巳(森田成一)「YELL from 42.3」「Platform × Naturally」「线路は走るよ6の字にu301c大江戸线へようこそu30fb六本木ver.u301c」六本木史(KENN)2010「本能(バーニング)ハリケーン」「Made in Love」天と千(KENN、前野智昭)「彷徨えるヒステリックラヴァー」カズキ(高桥広树)× ヒジリ(KENN)「ROAD OF GOLD」无月ヒジリ(KENN)「Be more」ディーノ(KENN)「未来の大空へ」ディーノ(KENN)「LIBERTY★PARTY」「口说き文句じゃなくて」ロナルドu30fbノックス(KENN)2011「咎濡れのkyrie」无月ヒジリ(KENN)「激X烈(ダブルレッド)Zone」翼と天((铃木达央、KENN)「RISE」ヒジリ(KENN)× エピフォン(藤原祐规)「1/1000永远の美学」「爱しのティンカーベル」Callings(近藤隆、KENN、冈本信彦)「Soul Elevation」无月ヒジリ(KENN)「リルハピデイズ」井之上义哉(木村良平)、片桐隼人(细谷佳正)、有坂圭一郎(前野智昭)、时枝あゆむ(KENN)、光永千紘(柿原彻也)「Don"t shed any tears」ヒジリ(KENN)× エピフォン(藤原祐规)「Dan-Gun-XechS」メインスタンス(铃木达央、宫野真守、近藤隆、下野紘、高桥広树、KENN)「Rock"n★Roll★Driller」ヨウスケ(铃木达央)、ヒジリ(KENN)「YOU」ヒジリ(KENN)「毎日がアニバーサリー」井之上义哉(木村良平)、片桐隼人(细谷佳正)、有坂圭一郎(前野智昭)、时枝あゆむ(KENN)、光永千紘(柿原彻也)「TENKAMUTEKI」成宫天十郎(KENN)「爱してるZ!!!!!!」A4+P2(KENN、前野智昭、代永翼、森久保祥太郎、入野自由、野岛健児)「Like A Tiger」降矢虎太(KENN)「Steel Your Heart」「恋色ミラクル」Glass Heart Prince(KENN、铃木达央、羽多野渉、宫田幸季)2013「Again」降矢虎太(KENN)「トランスu30fbゲーム」ジョーカー(KENN)「解禁(ROMANCING)DESTINY」「Sweet Home」天と千(KENN、前野智昭)「100万回の爱革命(REVOLUTION)!」「超(SUPER)弾丸ラヴァー」「燃えよ! LOVE★MUSCLE」MARGINAL#4(増田俊树、高桥直纯、KENN、铃木裕斗)「カルミアと五月雨」「こいのぼり」皐月葵(KENN)「STARDUST LOVERS」雾泽タクト(宫野真守)、无月ヒジリ(KENN)「14 to 1」ASAHINA Bros.+JULI(雅臣(兴津和幸)、右京(平川大辅)、要(诹访部顺一)、光(冈本信彦)、椿(铃村健一)、梓(鸟海浩辅)、枣(前野智昭)、琉生(武内健)、昴(小野大辅)、祈织(浪川大辅)、侑介(细谷佳正)、风斗(KENN)、弥(梶裕贵)、ジュリ(神谷浩史)「LOVE★SAVIOR」「We"re EGOISTIC STAR」「恋せよ乙女!」MARGINAL#4(増田俊树、高桥直纯、KENN、铃木裕斗)「Cycless Wind」フィンクス(KENN)「GET READY TONIGHT!」朝日奈风斗(KENN)「Meteorite Cry u301c叫ぶ流星u301c」ジョーカー(KENN)「挑発 Machine☆Gun」琉生(武内健)、昴(小野大辅)、祈织(浪川大辅)、侑介(细谷佳正)、风斗(KENN)、弥(梶裕贵)、ジュリ(神谷浩史)「Kiss&Cry」侑介(细谷佳正)、风斗(KENN)「ONE」枣(前野智昭)、风斗(KENN)「キミ専用(ONLY)HERO!!!」「Beginning of Love」-8(冈本信彦、野岛健児、KENN、下野紘、木村良平、宫田幸季、小野友树、森久保祥太郎)「轨迹」九十九丸(小野友树)、萤(KENN)「Dream Days!」「恋色フォーエバー」柾木真之介(KENN)、道明寺凯(松冈祯丞)「MASQUERADE」「OVER THE RAINBOW」「O/Z」MARGINAL#4(増田俊树、高桥直纯、KENN、铃木裕斗)「爱=革命(アイハデッドオアラブ)」天と千(KENN、前野智昭)2014「AS IT IS」神原秋人(KENN)「Welcome to THE WORLD!」神原秋人(KENN)× 名瀬博臣(铃木达央)「NO FUTURE,NO LIFE?」仓持青叶(KENN)、宇多野准(小野友树)「忘却イルミネヰト」森鴎外(浪川大辅)、菱田春草(KENN)「STAR SYMPHONY#4」「もう涙を隠さないで」MARGINAL#4(増田俊树、高桥直纯、KENN、铃木裕斗)「オレたちフラメンジャー! u301cサムライ戦队フラメンジャーのテーマu301c」サムライ戦队フラメンジャー(増田俊树、森久保祥太郎、豊永利行、KENN、田村ゆかり)「Rainy Day」卯月新(细谷佳正)、皐月葵(KENN) 「グノーシスの断罪 」(游戏BEYOND THE FUTURE - FIX THE TIME ARROWS - OP曲)「Be the one for you 」(游戏BEYOND THE FUTURE - FIX THE TIME ARROWS - ED曲)GALAXY EXPRESS 999/Get Wild/魂のルフラン/HEART OF SWORD~夜明け前~/ひとりじゃない/DANDAN心魅かれてく/真夏の扉 /ダンバイン とぶ/CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA/限界バトル收录CD:新u30fb百歌声烂Ⅱ-男性声优编―「EVER SMILE」 东日本大震灾 乙女チャリティソングプロジェクト 「Brand New Love」「电撃(サンダーボルト)LOVE」「纯爱狂騒曲」Webラジオ『快感[TO]Night』主题歌「赤いスイートピー」「少年时代」カバーコンピレーションアルバムu301cPlatinum Voice届けたい歌があるu301c

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AntennaPod播客是Android平台难得的精品播客应用,内置中文,支持曲目下载与iTunes订阅导入。再优秀的软件,如果语言不通,都将大大影响用户体验。如果你曾经因为难以跨越的语言关卡一直无法领略优秀应用所带来的快感,那么AntennaPod则值得让你放手一试。优秀的中文界面,在AntennaPod里你找不到丝毫生硬的机械式翻译!遵从Android Design的AntennaPod在界面上自然无需多言,简洁优雅;同时,锁屏与通知栏显示也让使用更为便捷。作为一款免费精品应用,零广告的壮举更是不禁让人泪流满面。



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kenny g的Es Hora De Decir歌词??

Kenny G. - Es Hora De Decir Ft. Camila Te cansaste de mi, me alejaste de ti y la sal de este mar se secò. No se puede salvar lo que ya se quebrò, si en la piel està escrito el final. Fuiste el ùnico amor en que creì pero el tiempo matò lo que te di, tu tambièn estas triste por que duele oir la verdad. Es hora de decir adios, no queda otra salida, terminò. Abràzame en silencio, lo siento, dejèmoslo pasar digamonos adios, tu y yo sin amor,dos en la oscuridad compartiendo tanta soledad. Ya no hay done ir, aceptemos que todo acaba de una vez, te propongo olvidarnos del ayer, separarnos ahora sin llorar. Aunque sea muy triste es mejor oìr la verdad. Es hora de decir adios, no queda otra salida, tèrminò. Abrazame en silencio, lo siento, dejèmoslo pasar, digàmonos adios. Te perdì lo sè, nada quea ya, solo las cenizas de un recuerdo. Tienes que seguir, tengo que seguir, y buscar consuelo en otros besos, siempre hay un tal vez, siempre hay un despuès. Sobreviviràs, sobrevivirè, ya no es tiempo de fingir, no poemos ignorar lo que pide el corazòn, solo pretendo olvidarnos del ayer, separarnos ahora sin llorar, aunque sea muy triste es mejor oìr la verdad. Es hora de decir adios, no queda otra salida, terminò. Abrazame en silencio, lo siento, dejèmoslo pasar, digamonos adios



什么是printed antenna。。天线

这个主要在高频和射频电路中出现。在这种电路中,为了减少体积,提高系统的可靠性,往往会采用一些特殊做法,也就是用电路板上特别设计的走线来作为天线(因为频率高,天线尺寸也不大,可以用走线实现),这个走线是在印制电路板(PCB)制作的时候就做上去的,所以就称为printed antenna,也就是用印制方式加工生产的天线。

GPS 上 antenna SatNav 是什么意思?

antenna Satellite NavigationSatNav是卫星导航的缩写

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接收信号。vehicleantenna的中文意思可以解释为是车天线;车载天线。 汽车天线(车载天线)是拦截发射台发射的高频电波并传输给汽车收音机、车载电话或无线电导航设备的接收机,以对载波解调的装置。

什么是artificial antenna及integral antenna,两者有何区别,谢谢?

artificial antenna 人造的天线 integral antenna 维一的天线(重要的天线、不能缺少的天线)

GPS Antenna是什么?如何用?


GPS Antenna是什么?如何用?

一般是车用的,用东西粘在车外在内置天线的gps接收不好的时候,接上它,能加强信号看接口,gps接口有多种,要对上接口才有使用价值 古老的gps天线

GPS Antenna是什么?如何用?


天线理论英文1# Introduction to Antennas

http://www.antenna-theory.com/intro/main.php In the 1890s, there were only a few antennas in the world. These rudimentary devices were primarly a part of experiments that demonstrated the transmission of electromagnetic waves. By World War II, antennas had become so ubiquitous that their use had transformed the lives of the average person via radio and television reception. The number of antennas in the United States was on the order of one per household, representing growth rivaling the auto industry during the same period. By the early 21st century, thanks in large part to mobile phones, the average person now carries one or more antennas on them wherever they go (cell phones can have multiple antennas, if GPS is used, for instance). This significant rate of growth is not likely to slow, as wireless communication systems become a larger part of everyday life. In addition, the strong growth in RFID devices suggests that the number of antennas in use may increase to one antenna per object in the world (product, container, pet, banana, toy, cd, etc.). This number would dwarf the number of antennas in use today. Hence, learning a little (or a large amount) about of antennas couldn"t hurt, and will contribute to one"s overall understanding of the modern world. What is the origin of the antenna? I"m ruling out such early devices as compasses, because while they in some sense receive a magnetic field, it is not an electromagnetic field. Ben Franklin"s kite experiment wasn"t quite an antenna, as that captured lightning discharge, which is a direct current path where the energy is not transferred independent of the medium it travels. The human eye of course receives high frequency electromagnetic waves (light, to the layman). Technically the eye could be classified as an antenna; however since it can"t transmit waves, it is really a sensor, so I"ll exclude that as well. The first experiments that involved the coupling of electricity and magnetism and showed a definitive relationship was that done by Faraday somewhere around the 1830s. He slid a magnetic around the coils of a wire attached to a galvanometer. In moving the magnet, he was in effect creating a time-varying magnetic field, which as a result (from Maxwell"s Equations), must have had a time-varying electric field. The coil acted as a loop antenna and received the electromagnetic radiation, which was received (detected) by the galvanometer - the work of an antenna. Interestingly, the concept of electromagnetic waves had not even been thought up at this point. Heinrich Hertz developed a wireless communication system in which he forced an electrical spark to occur in the gap of a dipole antenna . He used a loop antenna as a receiver, and observed a similar disturbance. This was 1886. By 1901, Marconi was sending information across the atlantic. For a transmit antenna, he used several vertical wires attached to the ground. Across the Atlantic Ocean, the receive antenna was a 200 meter wire held up by a kite [1]. In 1906, Columbia University had an Experimental Wireless Station where they used a transmitting aerial cage. This was a cage made up of wires and suspended in the air, resembling a cage [2]. A rough outline of some major antennas and their discovery/fabrication dates are listed: Current research on antennas involves metamaterials (materials that have engineered dielectric and magnetic constants, that can be simultaneously negative, allowing for interesting properties like a negative index of refraction). Other research focuses on making antennas smaller, particularly in communications for personal wireless communication devices (e.g. cell phones). A lot of work is being performed on numerical modeling of antennas, so that their properties can be predicted before they are built and tested. References: [1] Balanis, Constantine. "Antenna Theory: A Review", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 80, January 1992. [2] W2AEE Antenna History. Arthur M. Kay, scanned by Alan Crosswell. http://www.w2aee.columbia.edu/history/antenna-history.html A good book on antenna theory would look nice on your bookshelf. And girls really like antenna books. Sometimes you get sick of reading things on the internet, and want a comprehensive antenna book to read. On this page, I"ll review some of the popular antenna books available. The first 3 of these books are more theoretical and have a good chunk of math in them and less hands on material. These books are tricky to write because the math for antennas gets extremely complicated quickly, so once an antenna has a non-simple shape (not a wire), the math becomes intractable. So there"s always a tradeoff in complex math and what you really need to know to learn about antennas. The last 2 are more hands on build-your-own antenna type books, where you can learn what you need to without unnecessary math. 1. Antenna Theory Constantine A. Balanis is a well known name in the antenna world. To be fare, he was my dissertation adviser, so I"m a little biased. He"s a surprisingly sociable guy for an antenna person. Anyway, about his book Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design . This is the largest of the major antenna books, and is used by a large number of American Universities in teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses on antennas. He is very thorough, and tries to walk through the concepts and tractable derivations throughout the book. The thoroughness is often considered a fault by some people, in that things are explained sometimes in a long-winded manner. However, this is often advantageous if you haven"t seen the material in a while. He treats all the major antenna types, discusses arrays, has a chapter on measurements and smart antennas. All in all, this is a good book and understandable. It is quite large though. And if after a thousand pages or so you still want more, the book does come with a CD for visualizing things and aids in understanding certain concepts, if you are interested in that sort of thing. 2. Antenna Theory and Design This book is much smaller than Balanis" book. Despite its size, this book manages to hit a large number of the topics that Balanis does. The math is probably more advanced than that in Balanis" book, but nothing intractable if you are well versed in your undergraduate level vector calculus. One problem with it is that some topics are only glossed over with little detail, such as slot antennas. References are provided if you are so inclined and wish to learn more. All in all, I think this book is great and if you are a quick learner you will probably prefer this to Balanis. If you"ve been out of practice for a while or are rusty on things like math you might be better off with Balanis" book. 3. Antennas This book has good photographs and figures. The math is challenging and some people dislike it because a lot of the text focuses on using math to simplify things or derive auxilliary sources or things like that. However, the author does make an attempt to explain what the math means. This book would work as your antenna theory textbook. For whatever reason, I believe it has fallen out of favor somewhat with the new generation of engineers, but if you are looking to learn how antennas radiate and about the fundamental antennas, this book will take you there. 4. Practical Antenna Handbook This book, The Practical Antenna Handbook (Joseph Carr) will be very helpful to a lot of people. If you are a practical, hands on guy and don"t care about stupid complex math that doesn"t matter, this book is for you. This book contains step-by-step instructions for building antennas and attempts to make everything real-world and not theoretical as some of the former books do. If you are going to be a research antenna engineer and publish papers, you don"t want to start with this book. But if you are into building things and just want to slap on workable antennas to your projects or get a hands on overview of making transmitters and receivers work, this book will do nicely. And true masters of the antenna world should have knowledge of both the theory and the practical skills. So if you are purely a math jockey and need to expand your knowledge base, this might be a good book to pick up, and is fairly priced. 5. The ARRL Antenna Book Another practical handbook is The ARRL Antenna Book: The Ultimate Reference for Amateur Radio Antennas, Transmission Lines And Propagation . This book is a classic, and I mean it goes back to 1939 before people even knew antennas existed. This is a good book for practicing engineers and amateurs, as it attempts to give the theory and hands on antenna projects. While this book does date back to 1939, it has been updated to include modern techniques, such as the slide rule (joke). It incorporates reference to Vector Network Analyzers (VNA), a must have antenna measurement tool. At just under 1000 pages, this is a large book, but well worth the price. Also covers transmission line theory and propagation, which should be understood as well. In sum, everyone who I know who owns the book swears by it. They love it. It provides a good balance between the required theoretical skills and hands on techniques that make for a solid antenna engineer. This page has been written by a small but finite set of aliens with a passion for spreading antenna knowledge. While this passion may seem strange, it is actually quite common outside the milky way. A human or two has contributed to this page (notably Peter Bevelacqua), but they are mainly kept on the team to understand the web-human interface. Keep watching the stars. McNasty, 0*3^H:2





cable antenna 是什么意思


Antenna Source(Blue)是什么意思电路




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请问哪位高人能给我解释下Antenna-Coupling Capacitor(天线耦合电容)的作用

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