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serendipity浪漫解释缘分天注定。serendipity的寓意:意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气。erendipity这个单词的本身意思是指巧事;机缘凑巧,后来延伸为男女之间的情缘,有一种很浪漫的翻译是你是我不期而遇的美好,指男女之间的缘分是天注定的。正是因为serendipity有这么一个浪漫的意思,很多网友都将其用作自己的网名,而且serendipity还有一个配套的情侣网名,这个配套网名就是Destiny Plays意味命运游戏,仔细想想男女之间的相遇、相知到相爱确实是一场命运的游戏啊,先遇上的不一定是对的,后遇上的可能是合适的,就是这么不讲规律。看到这里是不是觉得这个英语单词很浪漫呢?心动的话快点换上当做自己的网名吧。情侣英文网名Oxygen(氧气)| Anoxia(缺氧)idiot(笨蛋)|Afool(傻瓜)Pugss失魂人|Monee控魂者North harbor(北港)|South Bay(南湾)Always in his heart(久居他心)| Settle in her heart(定居她心)关于爱情的英文单词lovesick,相思I"m just lovesick over the language,so I let him slide away。我只为语言害了相思病,因此我让他脱逃而去。devoted,挚爱的They are devoted each orther。他们都深爱着对方。love,爱Our love for each other has been increased by what we"ve been through together。我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。




中文叫《缘分天注定》 导演:彼得·切尔森Peter Chelsom 编剧:马克·克莱因Marc Klein 主演:约翰·库萨克John Cusack 凯特·贝金塞尔 Kate Beckinsale 类型:爱情/喜剧 级别:PG-13 出品:米拉麦克斯公司Miramax Films 上映日期:2001年10月5日 官方网站: www.serendipitythemovie.com


一、意思和用法巧事;机缘凑巧;意外发现珍奇事物的本领,善于发掘新奇事物的天赋。作名词用。1、Someofthebesteffectsinmygardenhavebeentheresultofserendipity. 我园子里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。2、Whendestinyhasasenseofhumor,itiscalledserendipity. 当命运有了幽默感,它就变成了缘分天注定。二、短语serendipityberry 锡兰莓(果很甜)三、词形变化1、形容词serendipitous:偶然发生的;有意外收获的aserendipitousdiscoveries一个偶然的幸运发现2、副词serendipitously: 侥幸地;幸运地;凑巧地3、复数serendipities扩展资料近义词1、coincidencen. 巧合;一致;同时发生Whatacoincidence! 真是太巧了!2、Providencen.天意;天命AllthatisfromthegodsisfullofProvidence. 诸神所给予的,无不是天意。


serendipty特殊含义是:缘分天定,原意:机缘凑巧。 发音:英[u02ccseru0259n"du026apti]美[u02ccseru0259n"du026apti] 1、serendipty出自电影《serendipty》也叫《缘分天定》,电影主角乔纳森和萨拉是把爱情的决定权交给了命运,他们的经历和结局都诠释了这个单词serendipty,缘分天定,也可以叫做与美好不期而遇。 2、旧时锡兰有三个王子,他们并未寻找,却总能遇见计划之外的好东西。因为serendip或serendib是锡兰旧称,所以就发明了这个词—serendipty——“意外发现珍奇事物的才能”。 3、serendipty这个词的中文解释也有问题。既然是“意外发现”——完全“碰”上的——那就不算“才能”,只能算运气。


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serendipity这个英文单词原本的含义是指巧合、机缘凑巧,而其爱情浪漫含义便是指缘分天注定或不期而遇的美好。serendipity还是一对情侣网名,非常适合在情侣之间使用,与之对应的英文网名是Destiny Plays(命运游戏),意思就是你和他的相遇是命运早就安排好的一场游戏,缘分是命中注定的。关于爱情的英文单词1、lovesick,相思I"m just lovesick over the language, so I let him slide away。我只为语言害了相思病,因此我让他脱逃而去。2、devoted,挚爱的They are devoted each orther。他们都深爱着对方。3、love,爱Our love for each other has been increased by what we"ve been through together。我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。


Serendipity原意是“偶然的发现”、“意外发现”。而网名Serendipity通常表示一种意外的、突如其来的幸运或发现,也代表着对生活中出现的机遇和惊喜的积极态度。此外,Serendipity还是一部电影名,电影的主题也与意外的奇遇和发现相关。因此,网名Serendipity通常被用来表述希望偶然的机会能给自己带来好的人生变化和成长的心境。serendipity在剑桥词典中的解释为:the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance.中文被翻译成:(偶然发现有趣或珍贵之物的)机缘,幸运。serendipity可以是牛顿在苹果树下被砸中脑袋,继而发现万有引力的真理;serendipity也可以是在机场的候机大厅,和你暗恋的姑娘不期而遇;serendipity还可以是前方打车排队200人预计等待1小时以上时,被顺路车主接单的惊喜。serendipity的由来:serendipity的由来得从英国作家霍勒斯在1754年写给朋友的一封信说起。霍勒斯在信中描述了这个词的创作过程。他将这个词的诞生归功于一个名为《斯里兰卡的三个王子》的神话故事。这个故事是三个波斯王子出航去Serendip岛发财致富,Serendip指的是锡兰,是斯里兰卡的旧称。王子们一路上意外发现了很多他们并没有去寻求但很珍贵的东西。于是,霍勒斯就根据Serendip创造了SERENDIPITY一词,用来指三个王子具有的“意外发现有价值物品的本领”。后来,Serendipity变成了2001年上映的一部电影的名字,翻译成中文叫作《缘分天注定》。


serendipity出自电影《serendipity》也叫《缘分天注定》,电影主角乔纳森和萨拉是把爱情的决定权交给了命运,他们的经历和结局都诠释了这个单词serendipity,缘分天注定,也可以叫做与美好不期而遇。有一天,在一本书里看到serendipity这个词的由来。旧时锡兰有三个王子,他们并未寻找,却总能遇见计划之外的好东西。因为serendip或serendib是锡兰旧称,所以就发明了这个词—serendipity——“意外发现珍奇事物的才能”。serendipityserendipity这个词的中文解释也有问题。既然是“意外发现”——完全“碰”上的——那就不算“才能”,只能算运气罢了。我们怎样做,才能拥有serendip王子这样的运气?嗯,那就必须拥有serendipity。serendipity是一双善于观察与发现的眼睛。10年前的圣诞夜,一双 羊毛手套让还是大学生的乔纳森和萨拉相识并产生了微妙的情愫。虽然他们各自都有着情感归宿,但仍然无可救药地在这个浪漫的夜晚坠入了爱河,可这究竟只是一次巧遇,还是逃脱不了的缘分呢?萨拉相信命运的 决断力,于是她把自己的 联系方式留在了一本旧书上,然后两人分手离去,一切听凭天意。十年后,乔纳森依然在纽约,成为了一名制片人,而萨拉则在旧金山做精神治疗师。两个人的命运自那次邂逅以后似乎就再也没有了交点。乔纳森正忙着准备结婚,暗地里回味起那短暂的 罗曼史多少有些伤感。当爱情如魔法般不可思议时,你可以叫它命运;而当这种命运充满了幽默意味时,你就应该叫它“飞来好运”,也就是serendipity,与美好不期而遇。


完美解释是:善于发掘新奇事物的天赋;易遇奇缘的运气。英[seru0259n'du026apu0259ti]释义:n.善于发掘新奇事物的天赋;易遇奇缘的运气例句:When destiny has a sense of humor,it is called serendipity.当命运富有幽默感时,即被称之为缘分。近义词:luck英[lu028ck]释义:n.运气;幸运;侥幸v.侥幸成功;走运例句:用作名词(n.)He came to Beijing to try his luck.他来到北京,想碰碰运气。

英语词汇释义, serendipity什么意思?

1、Serendipity释义:与美好的事物不期而遇,意外发现美好事物的能力。serendipity可以是“与君初相识,犹如故人归”;可以是觅得知己时的相见恨晚;也可以是短暂相交后的性情投合。而我更喜欢叫它——“美丽的意外”。由serendipity这个词引出了serendipper,意指有感知力和洞察力、能够发现生活中点滴美好的人。2、Iridescent释义:彩虹色的、彩虹般绚丽的。电影《怦然心动》里,男主的爷爷说出了电影中最经典的一句台词:“Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who"siridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”有些人平庸,金玉其外,败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。3、Redamancy释义:当你爱着某个人时,对方也正爱着你。其实在英文中,redamancy是一个已经不再被人使用的词,字典上称之为“deadword”。它简单地代表“爱”,但不同于其它代表爱的词,它强调爱的“相互作用”。与其说redamancy是一个单词,不如说它是一个故事,一个一对恋人互相爱着彼此的美好故事。4、Echo释义:念念不忘,必有回响。在希腊神话中,Echo是一个森林女神。宙斯的老婆赫拉嫉妒森林女神Echo的美貌,让她失去了正常的说话能力,只能重复别人说话的最后三个字。这也就是Echo后来成为“回声”的由来。直到有一天,Cenarius的出现,一个内心温柔的荒野众神,踱步森林之海的时候找到了她。日复一日,他们一起漫步世界的各个角落,遇见不同的人,听不同种族的语言,渐渐地,Echo的眼眸有了色彩。Cenarius深情地望着Echo说:“我知道遇见你不容易,错过了会很可惜,我不希望余生都是回忆,我想余生每一天都是你,我爱你。”5、Crush释义:短暂的、热烈的但又羞涩的爱恋。字典中crush是“压碎、碾碎、压垮”的意思,但是作为名词,它还有一层意思,就是“短暂的、热烈的但又羞涩的爱恋”。当你遇到某个人的一瞬间,心底的那颗种子就突然萌芽。那种感觉越来越强烈,它生长在你心底最柔软的地方,会“啪”地一声突然开放。




serendipity浪漫解释缘分天注定。serendipity的寓意:意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气。erendipity这个单词的本身意思是指巧事;机缘凑巧,后来延伸为男女之间的情缘,有一种很浪漫的翻译是你是我不期而遇的美好,指男女之间的缘分是天注定的。正是因为serendipity有这么一个浪漫的意思,很多网友都将其用作自己的网名,而且serendipity还有一个配套的情侣网名,这个配套网名就是Destiny Plays意味命运游戏,仔细想想男女之间的相遇、相知到相爱确实是一场命运的游戏啊,先遇上的不一定是对的,后遇上的可能是合适的,就是这么不讲规律。看到这里是不是觉得这个英语单词很浪漫呢?心动的话快点换上当做自己的网名吧。情侣英文网名Oxygen(氧气)| Anoxia(缺氧)idiot(笨蛋)|Afool(傻瓜)Pugss失魂人|Monee控魂者North harbor(北港)|South Bay(南湾)Always in his heart(久居他心)| Settle in her heart(定居她心)关于爱情的英文单词lovesick,相思I"m just lovesick over the language,so I let him slide away。我只为语言害了相思病,因此我让他脱逃而去。devoted,挚爱的They are devoted each orther。他们都深爱着对方。love,爱Our love for each other has been increased by what we"ve been through together。我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。


偶然一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


serendipity的中文意思是易遇奇缘的运气。词汇解析:Serendipity 畅通词汇 1、发音:英 [u02ccseru0259n"du026apu0259ti]     美 [u02ccseru0259n"du026apu0259ti]    2、含义:n. 善于发掘新奇事物的天赋;易遇奇缘的运气意外收获;意外发现的东西3、例句:When destiny has a sense of humor, it is called serendipity.当命运富有幽默感时,即被称之为缘分。扩展资料同近义词——destiny 常用词汇 英 ["destu0259ni]     美 ["destu0259ni]    n. 命运Destiny is sometimes cruel.命运有时是残酷的。adverse destiny 厄运cruel destiny 残酷的命运




释义n. 意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气








serendipity[英][u02ccseru0259nu02c8du026apu0259ti][美][u02ccsu025bru0259nu02c8du026apu026ati]n.意外发现珍奇事物的才能; 意外新发现; 巧事; 机缘凑巧; Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.我园子里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。




  serendipty特殊含义是:缘分天定,原意:机缘凑巧。   发音:英[u02ccseru0259n"du026apti]美[u02ccseru0259n"du026apti]   1、serendipty出自电影《serendipty》也叫《缘分天定》,电影主角乔纳森和萨拉是把爱情的决定权交给了命运,他们的经历和结局都诠释了这个单词serendipty,缘分天定,也可以叫做与美好不期而遇。   2、旧时锡兰有三个王子,他们并未寻找,却总能遇见计划之外的好东西。因为serendip或serendib是锡兰旧称,所以就发明了这个词—serendipty——“意外发现珍奇事物的才能”。   3、serendipty这个词的中文解释也有问题。既然是“意外发现”——完全“碰”上的——那就不算“才能”,只能算运气。






serendipity ser.en.dip.i.ty[u02ccsZru0259n`dIpu0259tI; u02ccsu0454ru0259nˋdipu0259ti]《源自The Three Princes of Serendip的童话故事; 由于故事里的主人翁在偶然间发现了遍寻无著的珍宝》不可数名词偶然发现有价值物品的才能,易遇奇缘的运气



serendipity 的意思是?

serendipity英 [u02ccseru0259nu02c8du026apu0259ti] 美 [u02ccsu025bru0259nu02c8du026apu026ati] n.意外发现珍奇事物的才能; 意外新发现; 巧事; 机缘凑巧网络缘分天注定; 缘份天注定; 意外收获


Tim-Serendipityud55cubc88 ub354 uc6c3uc5b4uc918uc694 ub298 uadf8ub7acub358 uac83ucc98ub7fc ud6c4ud68cuc5c6uc774 ub3ccuc544uc11cuc694 uc774ubcc4uc774ub780 uadf8 ub9d0uc5d0 uc18duc9c0 uc54aub3c4ub85duacc4uc808uc774 ub3ccuc544uc624ub4efuc774 ud574ub3c4 ub2ecuc744 ucc3eub4efuc774uc0acub791uc740 ub610 ub3ccuc544 uc624uaca0uc8e0 uc6b0uc5f0ud788 uc2a4uce5c uac70ub9acuc5d0 uba38ubb3cub358 uc790ub9acuc5d0 uac70uc9d3ub9d0ucc98ub7fc ub610 ub9ccub098uac8c ub420 uc6b0ub9b4ud14cub2c8 uaf2d uc6c3uc73cuba70 ub5a0ub098uc694 ub0b4uc77cuc774uba74 ub2e4uc2dc ub9ccub0a0 uac83ucc98ub7fcucc98uc74c ub9ccub0acub358 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 uc21cuac04uc774 ub2e4uc2dc uc6b0ub9ac uacc1uc5d0 ucc3euc544uc62c ud14cub2c8 uac71uc815 ub9d0uc544uc694 uc548ub155uc774ub780 uc778uc0acub3c4 uc798 uc9c0ub0b4ub780 uadf8 ub9d0ub3c4 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acuc9c0 uc54aub294uac78uc694 uc774ubcc4uc744 ubbffuc9c0 uc54aub294 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0uac90 ub0b4uac00 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc744 ub550 uc560uc368 ucc3euc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694 ub9d8uc774 ub2ffuc740 ub370ub85c uac78uc5b4uc694 uc6b0uc5f0ud788 uac77ub358 uadf8 uae38uc5d0 uba48ucdb0uc120 ubc1cub05duc5d0 uc815ud574uc9c4 ub4efuc774 ub610 ub9ccub098uac8c ub420 uc6b0ub9b4ud14cub2c8 uaf2d uc6c3uc73cuba70 ub5a0ub098uc694 ub0b4uc77cuc774uba74 ub2e4uc2dc ub9ccub0a0 uac83ucc98ub7fc ucc98uc74c ub9ccub0acub358 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 uc21cuac04uc774 ub2e4uc2dc uc6b0ub9ac uacc1uc5d0 ucc3euc544uc62c ud14cub2c8 uac71uc815 ub9d0uc544uc694 ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uace0 ub610 ud5e4uc5b4uc838ub3c4 ub2e4uc2dc uc11cub85cub97c ud5a5ud574 uac77uac8c ub418uae30ub97c uae30ub3c4ud560uac8cuc694ubd80uc9c0ub7f0ud55c uc0acub791ub3c4 uac00ub054uc529uc740 uc26cuc5b4uac00uc57c ud558uaca0uc8e0 uc6b4uba85uc774 ubcf4ub0bc uae30uc801uc744 ubbffuc744uac8cuc694 ub0b4uac00 ub9ccub09c uac00uc7a5 uc18cuc911ud55c uc6b0uc5f0uadf8ub300ub2c8uae4cuc694 Serendipity韩中对照歌词http://pic.yupoo.com/yuzai1223/568595497782/vqdz8jip.jpg


提起serendipity对应情侣名,大家都知道,有人问serendipity另一半情侣名是什么?另外,还有人想问serendipity的情侣网名,你知道这是怎么回事?其实serendipity的情侣网名是什么?下面就一起来看看serendipity另一半情侣名是什么?希望能够帮助到大家! serendipity对应情侣名 1、serendipity对应情侣名:serendipity另一半情侣名是什么? serendipity的情侣网名是DestinyPlays。 serendipity 英[u02ccseru0259nu02c8du026apu0259ti]美[u02ccseru0259nu02c8du026apu0259ti] n.巧事;机缘凑巧serendipity网名啥意思。 Someofthebesteffectsinmygardenhavebeentheresultofserendipity. 我园子里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。 情侣英文名: 1、Oxygen(氧气)‖Anoxia(缺氧) 2、Northharbor(北港)‖SouthBay(南湾) 3、Alwaysinhisheart(久居他心)‖Settleinherheart(定居她心) 4、Decease(死亡)‖Revive() 5、Flies(荏苒)‖Wasted(蹉跎) 6、Thengoodbye(那么再见)‖Donotseeagain(再也不见)serendipity和destiny。 7、Stars(星辰)‖Moon(月亮) 2、serendipity对应情侣名:serendipity的情侣网名 1、Oxygen(氧气)‖Anoxia(缺氧)serendipity的特殊含义。 2、Northharbor(北港)‖SouthBay(南湾) 3、Alwaysinhisheart(久居他心)‖Settleinherheart(定居她心)serendipity另一半情侣名是什么。 4、Decease(死亡)‖Revive()世界最美单词waldosia。 5、Flies(荏苒)‖Wasted(蹉跎) 6、Thengoodbye(那么再见)‖Donotseeagain(再也不见)serendipity微信网名意思。 7、Stars(星辰)‖Moon(月亮) 8、SmallTeenager(小骚年)‖Smallmushroomcool(小姑凉) 9、Sigh(轻叹)‖Joke(笑谈) serendipity的情侣网名是什么? 10、Folltohim(沦陷于他)‖Folltoshe(沦陷于她) 11、Hesitate(犹豫)‖Hesitation(迟疑)男生用serendipity做网名。 12、Sunshine(阳光)‖Sunflower(向日葵) 13、Meet(相约)‖Fellinlove(相恋)有寓意的情侣英文名字。 14、Ifyoucomeback(如果你回来)‖IflStillhere(如果我还在)女生网名serendipity什么意思。 15、Guydream(牵梦)‖Oflove(之恋)serendipity对应的英文情侣网名。 16、Iris(鸢尾)‖Lancome(兰蔻) 17、Allsayhelikeadream(都说他如梦)‖Allsayshedevourdream(都说她噬梦)destiny plays的情侣网名。 18、idiot()‖Afool(傻瓜) 19、Princess(公主)‖Knight() 20、moon(月亮)‖sun(太阳) 21、Deepmemory(深海记忆)‖Shallowseacarp(浅海鲤鱼)小众而有深意的英文单词。 22、Coolheart(凉心)‖Coolfeeling(凉情)serendipity的全部意思。 23、Incubus()‖Smile(笑靥)有特殊爱情意义的英文单词。 24、Longbefore(很久之前)‖Afteralongtime(许久之后)特殊意义小众的英文ID。 25、King(国王)‖Queen(女王) 26、Lovemedonu2019tlietome(爱我别骗我)‖Lietomedonu2019tblameme(骗我别怪我) 27、Youarehere(你在这里)‖Inmyheart(在我心里) 28、Flowerandyouth(花与少年)‖Songssuchasthegirl(歌如少女) 29、Poppy()‖Thorn(曼) 30、Wishhimhappiness(祝他幸福)‖wishmehappy(祝我快乐)destiny对应的情侣网名。 以上就是与serendipity另一半情侣名是什么?相关内容,是关于serendipity另一半情侣名是什么?的分享。看完serendipity对应情侣名后,希望这对大家有所帮助!






serendipity浪漫解释缘分天注定。serendipity的寓意:意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气。erendipity这个单词的本身意思是指巧事;机缘凑巧,后来延伸为男女之间的情缘,有一种很浪漫的翻译是你是我不期而遇的美好,指男女之间的缘分是天注定的。正是因为serendipity有这么一个浪漫的意思,很多网友都将其用作自己的网名,而且serendipity还有一个配套的情侣网名,这个配套网名就是Destiny Plays意味命运游戏,仔细想想男女之间的相遇、相知到相爱确实是一场命运的游戏啊,先遇上的不一定是对的,后遇上的可能是合适的,就是这么不讲规律。看到这里是不是觉得这个英语单词很浪漫呢?心动的话快点换上当做自己的网名吧。情侣英文网名Oxygen(氧气)| Anoxia(缺氧)idiot(笨蛋)|Afool(傻瓜)Pugss失魂人|Monee控魂者North harbor(北港)|South Bay(南湾)Always in his heart(久居他心)| Settle in her heart(定居她心)关于爱情的英文单词lovesick,相思I"m just lovesick over the language,so I let him slide away。我只为语言害了相思病,因此我让他脱逃而去。devoted,挚爱的They are devoted each orther。他们都深爱着对方。love,爱Our love for each other has been increased by what we"ve been through together。我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。


serendipity的特殊含义是缘分天注定、不期而遇的美好。serendipity在剑桥词典中的解释为:the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance.中文被翻译成:(偶然发现有趣或珍贵之物的)机缘,幸运。serendipity可以是牛顿在苹果树下被砸中脑袋,继而发现万有引力的真理;serendipity也可以是在机场的候机大厅,和你暗恋的姑娘不期而遇;serendipity还可以是前方打车排队200人预计等待1小时以上时,被顺路车主接单的惊喜。serendipity的由来serendipity的由来得从英国作家霍勒斯在1754年写给朋友的一封信说起。霍勒斯在信中描述了这个词的创作过程。他将这个词的诞生归功于一个名为《斯里兰卡的三个王子》的神话故事。这个故事是三个波斯王子出航去Serendip岛发财致富,Serendip指的是锡兰,是斯里兰卡的旧称。王子们一路上意外发现了很多他们并没有去寻求但很珍贵的东西。于是,霍勒斯就根据Serendip创造了SERENDIPITY一词,用来指三个王子具有的“意外发现有价值物品的本领”。后来,Serendipity变成了2001年上映的一部电影的名字,翻译成中文叫作《缘分天注定》。


serendipity 意外发现的宝藏。


serendipity,缘分天注定,也可以叫做与美好不期而遇。serendipity的寓意是善于发掘新奇事物的天赋;易遇奇缘的运气。serendipity出自电影《serendipity》也叫《缘分天注定》,电影主角乔纳森和萨拉是把爱情的决定权交给了命运,他们的经历和结局都诠释了这个单词serendipity,缘分天注定,也可以与美好不期而遇。有一天,在一本书里看到serendipity这个词的由来。旧时锡兰有三个王子,他们并未寻找,却总能遇见计划之外的好东西。因为serendip或serendib是锡兰旧称,所以就发明了这个词—serendipity——“意外发现珍奇事物的才能”。十年后,乔纳森依然在纽约,成为了一名制片人,而萨拉则在旧金山做精神治疗师。两个人的命运自那次邂逅以后似乎就再也没有了交点。乔纳森正忙着准备结婚,暗地里回味起那短暂的罗曼史多少有些伤感。当爱情如魔法般不可思议时,你可以叫它命运;而当这种命运充满了幽默意味时,你就应该叫它“飞来好运”,也就是serendipity,与美好不期而遇。serendipity中文意思Serendipity的中文意思就是意外发现珍奇事物的本领,或者侥幸发现的东西也可以指意外的发现。serendipity有多浪漫serendipity出自电影《serendipity》也叫《缘分天注定》,电影主角乔纳森和萨拉是把爱情的决定权交给了命运,他们的经历和结局都诠释了这个单词serendipity,缘分天注定,也可以叫做与美好不期而遇。serendipity的寓意意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气。“serendipity”这个英文单词原本的含义是指“巧合”、“机缘凑巧”,而其特俗的浪漫含义便是指“缘分天注定/不期而遇的美好”,甚至被不少网友称为“最美英文单词”,不少女生都喜欢用这个单词来作为自己的网名!而且“serendipity”还是一对情侣网名哦,非常适合在情侣之间使用,与之对应的英文网名是“Destiny Plays”(命运游戏),意思就是你和他的相遇是命运早就安排好的一场游戏,你们的缘分是命中注定的。简短有意义的英文id1、Crush(短暂的热烈但又是羞涩的爱恋)2、Het(爱而不得)3、YOlo(人生只活一次,活在当下)4、Flechazo(一见钟情)5、Outlier(局外人)6、Traveler(过客)7、shylie(阳光爱笑的女孩)8、Janisa(上帝的恩惠)9、Loser(失败者)10、Sinsoledad(发现幸福掌握在你自己手中)






serendipity这个英文单词原本的含义是指巧合、机缘凑巧,而其爱情浪漫含义便是指缘分天注定或不期而遇的美好。serendipity还是一对情侣网名,非常适合在情侣之间使用,与之对应的英文网名是Destiny Plays(命运游戏),意思就是你和他的相遇是命运早就安排好的一场游戏,缘分是命中注定的。关于爱情的英文单词1、lovesick,相思I"m just lovesick over the language, so I let him slide away。我只为语言害了相思病,因此我让他脱逃而去。2、devoted,挚爱的They are devoted each orther。他们都深爱着对方。3、love,爱Our love for each other has been increased by what we"ve been through together。我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。


serendipity[英][u02ccseru0259nu02c8du026apu0259ti][美][u02ccsu025bru0259nu02c8du026apu026ati]n.意外发现珍奇事物的才能; 意外新发现; 巧事; 机缘凑巧; 例句:1.It restores serendipity to the flow of information. 它能修复信息流中的惊喜。2.So often it is pure serendipity there is no grand plan, no career map. 很多时候完全属于机缘巧合,没有任何远大的计划,没有任何职业规划



expenditure 和expense 和 consumption的区别?



待确认的意思confirmation n.证实,确认,批准pending adj.未决的-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

outstanding invoices,pending balances是啥意思

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Pending Recommendation一般需要多久完成


英语not attending to other people advice怎么翻译?

英语not attending to other people advice.这个英语问题句的翻译是:不听别人的劝告。advice意见,建议


那边的定价基本就相当于北京5折的价钱,弄好了还能再赶上打折.香港的话去海港城那边大牌比较多 还有太古广场

android,,PendingIntent pendingIntent=PendingIntent.getActivity......什么意思?

Intent是一种运行时绑定(run-time binding)机制,它能在程序运行过程中连接两个不同的组件。通过Intent,你的程序可以向Android表达某种请求或者意愿,Android会根据意愿的内容选择适当的组件来完成请求。比如,有一个Activity希望打开网页浏览器查看某一网页的内容,那么这个Activity只需要发出WEB_SEARCH_ACTION给Android,Android就会根据Intent的请求内容,查询各组件注册时声明的IntentFilter,找到网页浏览器的Activity来浏览网页。 pendingIntent是一种特殊的Intent。主要的区别在于Intent的执行立刻的,而pendingIntent的执行不是立刻的。pendingIntent执行的操作实质上是参数传进来的Intent的操作,但是使用pendingIntent的目的在于它所包含的Intent的操作的执行是需要满足某些条件的。主要的使用的地方和例子:通知Notificatio的发送,短消息SmsManager的发送和警报器AlarmManager的执行等等。




Intent 表示一个目的,第一个参数表示所在类,第二个参数表示目标类。 PendingIntent 即是一个Intent的描述。 PendingIntent和Intent的区别: PendingIntent就是一个Intent的描述,可以把这个描述交给别的程序,别的程序根据这个描述在后面的别的时间做安排做的事情 换种说法Intent 字面意思是意图,即我们的目的,我们想要做的事情,在activity中,可以立即执行它 PendingIntent 相当于对intent执行了包装,不一定一定要马上执行它,将其包装后,传递给其他activity或application 这时,获取到PendingIntent 的application 能够根据里面的intent 来得知发出者的意图,选择拦击或者继续传递或者执行。


intent英文意思是意图,pending表示即将发生或来临的事情。  PendingIntent这个类用于处理即将发生的事情。比如在通知Notification中用于跳转页面,但不是马上跳转。  Intent是及时启动,intent随所在的activity消失而消失。  PendingIntent可以看作是对intent的包装,通常通过getActivity,getBroadcast,getService来得到pendingintent的实例,当前activity并不能马上启动它所包含的intent,而是在外部执行pendingintent时,调用intent的。正由于pendingintent中保存有当前App的Context,使它赋予外部App一种能力,使得外部App可以如同当前App一样的执行pendingintent里的Intent,就算在执行时当前App已经不存在了,也能通过存在pendingintent里的Context照样执行Intent。另外还可以处理intent执行后的操作。常和alermanger和notificationmanager一起使用。  Intent一般是用作Activity、Sercvice、BroadcastReceiver之间传递数据,而Pendingintent,一般用在Notification上,可以理解为延迟执行的intent,PendingIntent是对Intent一个包装。  PendingIntent就是一个Intent的描述,我们可以把这个描述交给别的程序,别的程序根据这个描述在后面的别的时间做你安排做的事情(BygivingaPendingIntenttoanotherapplication,youaregrantingittherighttoperformtheoperationyouhavespecifiedasiftheotherapplicationwasyourself,就相当于PendingIntent代表了Intent)。本例中别的程序就是发送短信的程序,短信发送成功后要把intent广播出去。  函数SmsManager.sendTextMessage(StringdestinationAddress,StringscAddress,Stringtext,PendingIntentsentIntent,PendingIntentdeliveryIntent)中参数解释:  1)PendingIntentsentIntent:当短信发出时,成功的话sendIntent会把其内部的描述的intent广播出去,否则产生错误代码并通过android.app.PendingIntent.OnFinished进行回调,这个参数最好不为空,否则会存在资源浪费的潜在问题;  2)PendingIntentdeliveryIntent:是当消息已经传递给收信人后所进行的PendingIntent广播。  查看PendingIntent类可以看到许多的Send函数,就是PendingIntent在进行被赋予的相关的操作。

it can dissipate just as rapidly,depending on what side of the dew point the temperature is on.

it 主语can dissipate 谓语just as rapidly, 状语,一样快depending on 现在分词做状语。depend on 固定用法,决定于取决于。下面是介词 on 的宾语从句what side of the dew point the temperature 宾语从句的主语is on. be动词+表语what side of the dew point the temperature is on 它在露点的哪一侧。整句:取决于它在露点的哪一侧,它也能同样快地消散。

Wendi Koh的《Hey You》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey You歌手:Wendi Koh专辑:Gutsy GirlBrooke Hogan - Hey Yo (Feat. Colby O"Donis)Ohh ohh ohhSome say love and friends they don"t mixBut I can"t help the way that I feel (a yo)Seeing you makes me think (hey yo)Seeing you makes me think(Oh woo Ho)I know you and me it seems weirdBut I think we should consider it(Hey yo)Seeing you makes me think(Hey Yo)Seeing you makes me thinkYour smile is like candySo sweet and sincereYour style is so sexyI love when your nearOur vibe is like heavenYou and I are like windSo cool it"s refreshingWhere do I beginMe and you would be like Christmas DayCause when you smile you shine like the month of mayBut there"s no rush we"ll take our time okayBut I had to let you knowJust incase it didn"t showSome say love and friends they don"t mixBut I can"t help the way i feel (a yo)Seeing you makes me think (hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Oh woo Ho)I know you and me it seems weirdBut I think we should consider it (Hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Hey Yo)Seeing you makes me thinkI ain"t felt this way in a minute.You and me, are you wit it?Yes, cause i only got eyes for youCause you know that I"d ride for youI know you won"t suffer.With me as your manI promise to show you the love that can winMe and you would be like Christmas Day(Me and you would be like Christmas Day)Cause when you smile you shine like the month of May(when you smile you shine like the month of May)But there"s no rush we"ll take our time okay(there"s no rush we"ll take our time..time)But I had to let you knowJust incase it didn"t show(oohh)Some say love and friends they don"t mix (But I)But I can"t help the way i feel (a yo)Seeing you makes me think (It makes me think..it makes me think)Seeing you makes me think(Oh woo Ho)I know you and me it seems weirdBut I think we should consider it (Hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Hey Yo)Seeing you makes me thinkI ain"t felt this way in a minuteI ain"t felt this way in a minute.Some say love and friends they don"t mixBut I can"t help the way that I feel (a yo)Seeing you makes me think (hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Oh woo Ho)I know you and me it seems weirdBut I think we should consider it (Hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Hey Yo)Seeing you makes me thinkSome say love and friends they don"t mixBut I can"t help the way that I feel (a yo)Seeing you makes me think (hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Oh woo Ho)I know you and me it seems weirdBut I think we should consider it (Hey yo)Seeing you makes me think (Hey Yo)Seeing you makes me thinkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2917738

张惠妹的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:张惠妹专辑:Star庆功演唱会隠しトラック(44番目に収录) / 隐藏轨(track44)(*:全CD的音轨共45首,“44”为隐藏的数字。音轨12到43各无声5秒,音轨45无声7秒)「ただいま…エル…」/“我回来了…EL……”「おかえりなさい…パパ…」/“欢迎回来…爸爸…”その男の妄念は永远を孕ませるならば /只要那男人的妄念 仍永远孕育下去物语という歴史は几度でも缲り返されるだろう /被称为故事的历史 就会无尽循环吧——男性(Decadence)と至る幻想 背徳を纺ぎ続けるロマンス(Romance) /——陷于极至颓废(Decadence)的幻想 永续编织的悖德的罗曼史(Romance)痛みを抱くたびに生まれてくる 第四の地平线—— /承负着痛苦而诞生的 第四道地平线——その真実の名は—— /它真实的名字是——http://music.baidu.com/song/247407

蔡依林的《Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:Ending歌手:蔡依林专辑:蔡依林爱情任务庆功演唱会隠しトラック(44番目に収录) / 隐藏轨(track44)(*:全CD的音轨共45首,“44”为隐藏的数字。音轨12到43各无声5秒,音轨45无声7秒)「ただいま…エル…」/“我回来了…EL……”「おかえりなさい…パパ…」/“欢迎回来…爸爸…”その男の妄念は永远を孕ませるならば /只要那男人的妄念 仍永远孕育下去物语という歴史は几度でも缲り返されるだろう /被称为故事的历史 就会无尽循环吧——男性(Decadence)と至る幻想 背徳を纺ぎ続けるロマンス(Romance) /——陷于极至颓废(Decadence)的幻想 永续编织的悖德的罗曼史(Romance)痛みを抱くたびに生まれてくる 第四の地平线—— /承负着痛苦而诞生的 第四道地平线——その真実の名は—— /它真实的名字是——http://music.baidu.com/song/235064



Nell的《The Ending》 歌词

歌曲名:The Ending歌手:Nell专辑:Slip AwayAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18392249

A Truly Happy Ending 歌词

歌曲名:A Truly Happy Ending歌手:Junior Boys专辑:It"s All TrueAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14439780

A Happy Ending 歌词

歌曲名:A Happy Ending歌手:Chris Vrenna专辑:American McGee"s Alice Avril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/25332715

happy ending的中文意思是什么?

happy ending的意思是美满结局、好的结局。通常会用于形容一件事情或者电影小说之类的结局是美好的,让人满意的。happy作为形容词来讲,意为快乐的、幸福的;ending作为作为名词来讲,意为结束、结局、最后的部分。例句:The film has a hollywood happy ending.那部电影有一个好莱坞式的美满结局。Johnson tagged on a happy ending and changed the title to "life begins at 8:30".约翰逊为其添加了个圆满的结局,并将标题改为《生活从8:30开始》。扩展资料:U r light in the darkness and I like what u like, coz " u r everything everything that I want " . So be my happy ending.这句话的大概意思就是你就像是黑夜里的光,是我喜欢的。因为你就是我想要的一切,是我的美满结局。如果是你喜欢的女生对别的男生说的,可以说明这个女生是对别人有意思的。

《My happying ending》中文歌词

my happying ending歌词:So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

艾薇儿的MY HAPPY ENDING 中文意思是什么?详细的

我也很喜欢听这首歌!My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let"s talk this over It"s not like we"re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don"t leave me hanging In a city so dead Held up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You"ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I"m difficult But so are they But they don"t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It"s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

my happy ending 吉他谱(六线的)

  没有六线、只有带和弦的..  A Cappella)  So Much For My Happy Ending.  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Ohhhhh  VERSE:  Bm G  Lets talk this over; its not like we"re dead.  D A  Was it something i did? Was it something you said?  Bm G  Don"t leave me hanging in a city so dead.  D A  Held up so high on such a breakable thread.  PRE CHORUS:  G A  And you were all the things I thought I knew.  G A  And I thought we couid be.  CHORUS:  G D A  You were everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G No Chord  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Ohhhh  (Repeat)  Verse 2  Bm G  You"ve got your dumb friends, I know what they say.  D A  They tell you I"m difficult, but so are they.  Bm G  But they don"t know me, do they even know you?  D A  All the things you hide from me, all the shit that you do.  PRE CHORUS:  G A  And you were all the things I thought I knew.  G A  And I thought we could be.  CHORUS:  G D A  You were everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.  BRIDGE:  A G  It"s nice to know that you were there,  G A  Thanks for acting like you cared,  G  And making me feel like I was the only one.  A Bm G  It"s nice to know we had it all, thanks for watching as I fall,  A  And letting me know we were done.  CHORUS 2:  G (ring) D(ring) A(ring) Harmonics @ Fret 9  He was everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy....  CHORUS:  G D A  You were everything, everything that I wanted.  G D A  And we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.  G D A Bm  And all of the memories so close to me just fade away.  Em G No Chord  All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  Bm G D A G(let ring)  Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh- Oh-Oh  行吗这个?



爱薇儿唱的my happy ending 是什么音乐风格?歌词大概是什么意思?


洪辰My happy ending歌词


我要艾薇儿的MY HAPPY ENDING 的歌词[中,英]还有这首歌的创作背景~!

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let"s talk this over It"s not like we"re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don"t leave me hanging In a city so dead Held up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You"ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I"m difficult But so are they But they don"t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It"s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

my happyending 的歌词 艾薇儿的

My happy ending -AvrilSo much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let s talk this over It s not like we re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don t leave me hanging In a city so dead Caught up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I m difficult But so are they But they don t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It s nice to know you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were doneLZ也喜欢艾薇儿啊~推荐去下 艾薇儿中国歌迷会 有很多艾薇儿的东西~

艾薇儿My Happy Ending 歌词

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为 可能成为 但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆 曾与我很近 都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

求艾薇儿的My happy ending的中文大意

回My Happy Ending 飘然的结局Artist(Band):Avril Lavigneoh oh, oh oh, So much for my happy ending, 飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, So much for my happy ending, 飘然的结局原来不过如此Oh oh, oh oh, oh ohLet"s talk this over我们谈及到此吧It"s not like we"re dead我们不是麻木的Was it something I did? 我做了一些事?Was it something You said? 你说了一些话?Don"t leave me hanging不要离开我未完成的In a city so dead在死城里面Held up so high到达最高点On such a breakable thread像是一条易断的线You were all the things I thought I knew你的全部我猜我知道And I thought we could be我想我们可以的CHORUS: You were everything, everything that I wanted你的全部、全部我想拥有We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们的计划、想像都失去了All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away全部的回忆都靠近我逐渐消失似的All this time you were pretending全部时间你都在假装So much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此Oh oh, oh ohYou"ve got your dumb friends你结交了你的愚蠢朋友I know what they say我知他们怎样说(they say) They tell you I"m difficult他们说我很难交往But so are they但他们呢(so are they) But they don"t know me真的我但他们不知道Do they even know you? 他们一样知道你吗?All the things you hide from me全部你都隐瞒我All the shit that you do他妈的事你已做(all the shit that you do) You were all the things I thought I knew你的全部、全部我想拥有And I thought we could be我想我们可以的[CHORUS] It"s nice to know that you were there很高兴知道你在那Thanks for acting like you cared谢谢你行动的关心And making me feel like I was the only one以致错觉觉得自己是唯一的It"s nice to know we had it all很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过Thanks for watching as I fall当我坠落的时候谢谢你的看顾And letting me know we were done让我知道我们的过去He was everything, everything that I wanted他的全部、全部我想拥有We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们的计划、想像都失去了All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 全部的回忆都靠近我逐渐消失似的All this time you were pretending全部时间你都在假装So much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此You were everything, everything that I wanted你的全部、全部我想拥有We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们的计划、想像都失去了All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away全部的回忆都靠近我逐渐消失似的All this time you were pretending全部时间你都在假装So much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此Oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending飘然的结局原来不过如此oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohoh oh,...答即可得2分,回答被采纳则获得悬赏分以及奖励20分

My Happy Ending 的中文歌词

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

My happy ending的歌词


My happy ending 歌词(艾薇儿)


My Happy Ending翻译

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...谢谢

艾薇儿my happy ending中英文歌词


谁有《my happy ending》的英文歌词和中文的翻译?

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

艾薇儿my happy ending的歌词

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮)我的快乐结局So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...只为给我个快乐结局噢...Let"s talk this over我们好好谈谈吧It"s not like we"re dead我们不要再装死了Was it something I did?是我做了什么Was it something You said?还是你说了什么Don"t leave me hanging别把我丢在这里In a city so dead在这死寂的城市之中Held up so high将我紧紧的套牢On such a breakable thread这一条岌岌可危的细线You were all the things I thought I knew我曾经以为 我非常了解你And I thought we could be而且我们可以一直这样下去You were everything, everything that I wanted曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊All this time you were pretending你总是在装假So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...只为给我一个快乐结局噢...You"ve got your dumb friends你有你愚蠢的朋友们I know what they say我知道他们会怎么说They tell you I"m difficult他们觉得我太难缠But so are they但其实他们也是差不多But they don"t know me但是他们一点也不了解我Do they even know you?他们又真的了解你吗All the things you hide from me你在我面前隐藏你自己All the shit that you do以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事You were all the things I thought I knew我曾经以为 我非常了解你And I thought we could be以为 我们可以一直这样下去It"s nice to know that you were there很高兴知道你曾经在我身边Thanks for acting like you cared谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我And making me feel like I was the only one让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一It"s nice to know we had it all很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐Thanks for watching as I fall谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观And letting me know we were done让我了解 我们就要结束了Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...So much for my happy ending只为给我一个快乐的结局Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Mine is a happy ending 歌词

歌曲名:Mine is a happy ending歌手:V.A.专辑:The Thieves O.S.TAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/29586144

Alt. Ending 歌词

歌曲名:Alt. Ending歌手:One Second Bridge专辑:One Second BridgeAvril Lavigne - My Happy EndingSo much for my happy endingoh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh ohOh oh, oh oh, oh...Lets talk this overIts not like were deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Dont leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could beYou were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAll of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingOh oh, oh ohYouve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you Im difficultBut so are theyBut they dont know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you doIts nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIts nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/25745178
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