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take attendance是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  take attendance,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:查点考勤。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


第一步:首先算出你所有专业课的加权平均分;加权平均分计算公式:加权平局分=(∑功课k*功课学分)÷总学分,第二步:澳洲学分绩点计算方式为:澳洲学分绩点=加权平均分*4÷100。GPA与均分成绩换算方法:中国学校的分数设置一般是百分制或五分制,具体的折合方式视不同的美国大学(推荐阅读:美国大学)的要求而有所不同,一般来讲,百分制中的90分以上可视为4分,80分以上 为3分,70分以上为2分,60分以上为1分,五分制中的5分为4分,4分为3分,3分为2分,2分为1分。悉尼大学是一所世界顶尖历史名校,是世界最漂亮的大学校园之一,悉尼大学校友领导并服务于澳大利亚各个行业,充当着澳大利亚社会的中流砥柱。


attn. or attnd.

take attendance是什么意思?


attendance 翻译

attendance的翻译是“出席,到场”,通常指参加会议、课程、演出等活动的人数或出勤情况。在学校、公司、组织等机构中,attendance是管理人员统计和评估员工、学生等绩效的重要指标之一。attendance 出席除了作为参考指标外,attendance还与个人的学习、工作效率和表现密切相关。在学校中,缺勤会影响学生对知识的掌握和考试成绩,甚至会导致不及格、留级等结果。在工作场所中,缺勤则可能影响项目进度、工作效率和职业晋升机会。对于个人而言,保持良好的attendance习惯也是建立自律性、责任心和信任感的过程。在享受自由的同时,我们也要认真履行自己的责任和义务,遵守规定、遵循纪律、尊重他人等,为自己的成长和成功奠定基础。




attendance 英[u0259u02c8tendu0259ns] 美[u0259u02c8tu025bndu0259ns] n. 出席率; 出席,参加; 出席者,出席人数; [网络] 出席,出席人数; 出勤; 出勤率; [例句]When the teacher randomly checks the attendance, the double is there to say “ present!” when Cheng` s name is called.老师随机检查出席率时,每当点到程明的名字,替身就会提他喊到。[其他] 复数:attendances 形近词: intendance attendants ascendance




attendance[英][u0259u02c8tendu0259ns][美][u0259u02c8tu025bndu0259ns]n.出席率; 出席,参加; 出席者,出席人数; 复数:attendances形近词:intendanceattendantsascendance双语例句 1Some estimates put the attendance at 60,000.一些预测认为将有6万人参加。2“ Assign someone in HR and/ or management to monitor behavior and to ensure that all in attendance maintain a semi-professional level of behavior. ”“指定人力资源部和/或管理层的某个人,监督大家的行为,确保所有出席派对的人言行举止保持在半专业的水平。”


attendance 是的多义词1、出席, 到场,出勤率,如:  attendance book 签到簿  schoolattendance 就学; 上课考勤2、出席者, 参加者,如:  compulsor attendance 强制就学  take attendance 清点出席人数(点名)3、陪从; 保养看护; 值班,如:  doctor in attendance 护理医生  machine attendance 机床保养

keil混合编程时,用了#pragma asm和#pragma endasm 也设置相应的选项,可还是出错啊。


Queens Club的《Legendary》 歌词

歌曲名:Legendary歌手:Queens Club专辑:Friendly (Ep)LegendSecret SphereA Time Never ComeArtist: Secret SphereAlbum: A Time NevercomeTitle: LegendCandlelight shadesdance upon her glance,stands in loneliness,her mind to hope...forever,an angel without wings that"s her destiny,she feels the emptyness killing her soulRain, blood, storm and thunders,run Aurienne through the night,...storm and thunders, untilI"ll take your hands tonight,you"ll live over the ages and flythrough the gates of wisdom,Your eyes will see the power,the strenght of a world whereemotions and feelings are lifeI see a sphere, shining bright,it invades me, it fills my eyesThese words teara silence made of steel,darkin" times were slowly rapin" her smile,appears a tear, slowly falling,bringing away the pain,uh, the first tear of joy,after the last one of sadnessRun Aurienne through the night, untilI"ll take your hands tonight,you"ll live over the ages and flythrough the gates of wisdom,Your eyes will see the power,the strenght of a world whereemotions and feelings are lifeShadows surround my life,I"ll tear them,with the force of mind,I have no...fear,never think you"d die without light,you"re much strongerWings of power now raise meI"m overfliyng the timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2907746




如果当前时间为2007年7月19日13时56分47秒 结果:Convert.ToDateTime("07/07/19")所表示的时间小于DateTime.Now 原因: 如果我们现在只要做到精确到“日”的时间比较,那么就要把两个时间统到同一精度。 结果:两个时间相等

别安的歌曲《amani》中的歌词 amani nakupenda nakupenda we we 什么意思呢?

非洲国家肯雅的语言AMANI=和平 NAKUPENDA=爱 NAKUPENDA WE WE=我们爱你 TUNA TAKA WE WE=我们需要你 “AMANI”是和平的意思;“ NAKUPENDA NAKUPENDA WEWE”就是“我们爱你,"你"在歌词里代表AMANI也是和平的意思”“TUNE TAKE WE WE”是“我们需要你(和平)”的意思。

amani nakupenda nakupenda 是什么意思?


黄家驹有一首歌是AMAM1I。再次再次呼叫AMANI NAKUPENDA 什么意思啊?翻译中文

amani nakupenda. 什么意思

你好, AMANI "和平",NAKUPENDA“爱”NAKUPENDA WE WE 的意思是“我们爱你”你这是听Beyond的歌曲吧?我的挚爱啊,听了十几年了,至今听,依然感动。






Beyond的《Amani》体现和平和爱,歌词中的这一句是采用非洲肯尼亚的斯瓦西里语。1、“Amani”在斯瓦西里语中是“和平”的意思。2、NAKUPENDA是“爱”的意思3、NAKUPENDA WEWE是“我们爱你”的意思4、TUNA TAKA WEWE“我们需要你”

BEYOND的这句歌词是什么意思amani nakupenda nakupenda we we


英语作文题目:How to protect endangered animal in the world

How to protect endangered animal in the world Many nations have laws offering protection to conservate endangered species: for example, forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually are made to the lists and obtain legal protection like Pandas. Many more species become extinct, or potentially will become extinct, without gaining public notice. Anyway, we should try our best to aid endangered animals by building preservation zone, feeding and breeding, advocating for public attention and governmental measures, punishing the illegal hunters or animal traders and so on.希望能帮到你!

Brenda Lee的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Brenda Lee专辑:The Definitive CollectionIt"s over and donebut the heartache lives on insideAnd who"s the one you"re clinging toinstead of me tonight?And where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingDont you know there"s nobody left in this worldto hold me tightDont cha know there"s nobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnightI"m there at your side,I"m part of all the things you areBut you"ve got a part of someone elseYou"ve got to find your shining starAnd where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingDont you know there"s nobody left in this worldto hold me tightNobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnightAnd where are you now, now that I need you?Tears on my pillow wherever you goI"ll cry me a river that leads to your oceanYou never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heartIt"s just emotion that"s taken me overCaught up in sorrow, lost in my soulBut if you don"t come backCome home to me, darlingNobody left in this worldto hold me tightNobody left in this world to kiss goodnightGoodnight, goodnighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8307699

atlastintheendattheandofbytheend 各是什么意思?用法上有什么不同?例句Canyouwaitforme()thestreat.快

1. at last 最后;终于 一般只用于一般过去时如:He left my room at last.in the end 最后;终于 可用于各种时态如:You will succeed in the end.at the end of 在...尽头/末尾 可表示时间或空间如:I"ll graduate at the end of June.There is a school at the end of the road.by the end 到...为止 一般只表示时间,常用于完成时如:He had learnt 5000 new words by the end of last term.2. in/on in/on the street 在街上Can you wait for me (in/on) the street? 你能在街上等我吗?如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!


js 时间日期控件 可以选择时间的控件//------------------ 样式定义 ---------------------------////功能按钮同样样式var s_tiannet_turn_base = "height:16px;font-size:9pt;color:white;border:0 solid #CCCCCC;cursor:hand;background-color:#2650A6;";//翻年、月等的按钮var s_tiannet_turn = "width:28px;" + s_tiannet_turn_base;//关闭、清空等按钮样式var s_tiannet_turn2 = "width:22px;" + s_tiannet_turn_base;//年选择下拉框var s_tiannet_select = "width:64px;display:none;";//月、时、分选择下拉框var s_tiannet_select2 = "width:46px;display:none;";//日期选择控件体的样式var s_tiannet_body = "width:150;background-color:#2650A6;display:none;z-index:9998;position:absolute;" + "border-left:1 solid #CCCCCC;border-top:1 solid #CCCCCC;border-right:1 solid #999999;border-bottom:1 solid #999999;";//显示日的td的样式var s_tiannet_day = "width:21px;height:20px;background-color:#D8F0FC;font-size:10pt;";//字体样式var s_tiannet_font = "color:#FFCC00;font-size:9pt;cursor:hand;";//链接的样式

marketing calendar是什么意思

marketing calendar营销日历例句:1.The expectation of the so-called new year rally has been a mainstay of the annual marketing calendar for fund management companies for many years, and new fund launches are often scheduled for the festive period. 多年来,在基金管理公司的年度营销计划中,对所谓“新年行情”的预期一直是宣传主调,而新基金的发行也常常选在春节期间。


百度百科....= =

我的世界神奇宝贝a legendary has spawned in a savanna biome,这是什么意思

a legendary has spawned in a savanna biome一个传奇了草原生物群落双语对照例句:1.What life has in store. 人生中会发生些什么。

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Ifyou try your best ,you will transcend any handicap.

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P2P终结者 、 聚生网管 、LaneCat网猫 V1.678外网全功能版 等软件可平均分配带宽。你可以试试!!






这个东西怎么说呢众认所知道的泰国乳胶寝具,好的乳胶床垫的确非常舒服,有抗菌除螨的功效,尤其适合颈腰椎不好的人,可以说是睡眠神器 但令人吃惊的是泰国人很少用乳胶产品,因为基本上都是卖给中国人的,泰国确实拥有乳胶枕的制作历史,但是加工技术还不够成熟,欧美市场很难见到泰国货,因为真正泰国产的品质一般,里面的有害物质不能完全挥发出来对人体有害,消费者根本不知道这些,相信来过泰国旅游的朋友都听导游说过,在泰国,没有假货,造假是要坐牢的,在泰国可以放心买!可是事实却是不是真的如此?其实国内就有制造的 原材料也是来自泰国 我个人感觉咱们的 生产技术肯定要比泰国强一点吧











Orenda 怎么读

[u02c8u0254:rendu0259] 希望对楼主有所帮助~~





A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.


翻译歌词Miss New York (by The Brendan Hines)

high five 是击掌的意思

翻译歌词Miss New York (by The Brendan Hines)

high five 是击掌的意思

法语问题:31Nous allons partir __ une demi-heure. A. pendant B. en C. dans D. depuis

C) dans。 但 B) pendant 也可以, 意思是: 我们会出发30分钟再回来!



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美金:三十一万九千元 Hacienda Heights 哈仙达岗, 独立别墅 全新装修CA 91745 房间: 3, 浴室: 1, 室内: 1337 平方英尺 建于: 1954 年 占地:6490 平方英尺点评:独立别墅,全新

Glendale Heights是哪个城市


NDSL games..Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! (押忍! 战斗! 应援团!) 系咪有英文歌版?

节拍特工(美版应援团) 0655 - Elite Beat Agents - USA 下载页 media8.filewind/g?filepath=1552 有0001到依家既Rom下载(要注册) ndsorz/rom?per_page=1000&cover=no 我觉得啱女仔玩既Game~ 0005 - Wario Ware Touched! 触摸坏莉欧工坊 0362 - cooking mama 料理妈妈 0337 - Shunkan Puzz Loop 瞬感祖玛 0101 - Futari no Survival Life - Lost in Blue 迷失蔚蓝 0442 - New Super Mario Bros 新超级马里奥兄弟 0078 - Kimi no Tame Nara Shineru 为你而死 0305 - Unou no Tatsujin - Soukai! Machigai Museum 右脑达人 - 爽解! 找碴博物馆 任天狗(好多版本) 0608 Nintendogs - Dalmatian & Friends 任天狗 - 斑点狗与它的朋友 USA 0154 Nintendogs - Best Friends 任天狗 - 密友版 USA 详细介绍 0091 Nintendogs - Miniature Dachshund & Friends 任天狗 - 腊肠犬与它的朋友 USA 0090 Nintendogs - Labrador & Friends 任天狗 - 拉不拉多犬与它的朋友 USA 0089 Nintendogs - Chihuahua & Friends 任天狗 - 芝娃娃与它的朋友 USA 0466 Nintendogs - Dalmatian & Friends 任天狗 - 斑点狗与它的朋友 EUR 0124 Nintendogs - Chihuahua & Friends 任天狗 - 芝娃娃与它的朋友 EUR 0123 Nintendogs - Miniature Dachshund & Friends 任天狗 - 腊肠犬与它的朋友 EUR 0102 Nintendogs - Labrador & Friends 任天狗 - 拉不拉多犬与它的朋友 EUR 0075 Nintendogs - Miniature Dachshund & Friends 任天狗 - 腊肠犬与它的朋友 JPN 0068 Nintendogs - Shiba & Friends 任天狗 - 柴犬与它的朋友 JPN 0042 Nintendogs - Chihuahua & Friends 任天狗 - 芝娃娃与它的朋友 JPN你讲果只就系俗称美版应援团其名称是Elite Beat Agents. 图片参考:circuitcity/IMAGE/product/detail/nint/VC.4549737959.E.JPG Elite Beat Agents曲目: 1. Walkie Talkie Man - Steriogram 2. ABC - Jackson Five 3. Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne 4. I Was Born to Love You - Queen 5. Rock This Town - Stray Cats 6. Highway Star - Deep Purple 7. Y.M.C.A. - Village People 8. September - Earth Wind and Fire 9. Canned Heat - Jamiroquai 10. Material Girl - Madonna 11. La La - Ashlee Simpson 12. You"re the Inspiration - Chicago 13. Survivor - Destiny"s Child 14. Without a Fight - Hoobastank 15. Believe - Cher 16. Let"s Dance - David Bowie 17. Jumpin Jack Flash - Rolling Stones 18. Makes No Difference - Sum 41 19. The Anthem - Good Charlotte applepig.idv/archives/333 近年比较好玩的Game是Cooking Mama、Lost in Blue、瞬感Puzzle 2007-02-05 15:04:33 补充: 右脳の达人 爽解!参考: blog.wired/games/2006/10/exclusive_elite

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Holiday Hear the sound of the falling rain 听见下雨的声音 Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!) 倾泄而下,就像世界末日的火焰(嘿!) The shame 可耻的人 The ones who died without a name 没有留名便死去 Hear the dogs howling out of key 听见一只狗狂吠出 To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!) 赞美诗“信仰与苦难”(嘿!) And bleed, the company lost the war today 流血,现在军队失去了战争的胜利 I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies 我企求着能给自己一个梦,不再空虚 This is the dawning of the rest of our lives 这是我们余下生命的黎明 On holiday 在假日里 Hear the drum pounding out of time 听见鼓点应和着时间 Another protestor has crossed the line (Hey!) 又一个抗议着穿过了边线(嘿!) To find, the money"s on the other side 发现,钱在另一边 Can I get another Amen? (Amen!) 我能有另一个神吗?(阿门!) There"s a flag wrapped around the score of men (Hey!) 一面旗帜包裹着一群人 A gag, A plastic bag on a monument 一块用来堵嘴的布,纪念碑上一个塑料的包 I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives On holiday (同上) (Hey!) "The representative from California has the floor" “楼梯上站着来自加洲的代表” Sieg Heil to the president gasman (SIEG HEIL 德语,万岁的意思。。。不明白这句) Bombs away is your punishment 炸弹是对你的惩罚 Pulverize the Eiffel towers 摧毁艾佛儿铁塔 Who criticize your government 谁批评了你的政府 Bang bang goes the broken glass and 乓乓爆炸的碎片 Kill all the fags that don"t agree 杀死所有那些絮絮叨叨的反对者 Trials by fire, setting fire 用火来审判,生起火来 Is not a way that"s meant for me 对我来说无所谓 Just cause, just cause, because we"re outlaws yeah! 就因为,就因为,我们本身就是在逃犯 I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives 同上,反复*2 This is our lives on holiday 这是我们的假日生活

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lunar calendar造句,lunar calendarの例文,"lunar calendar"是什麼意思

In the lunar calendar , the years are designated by the heavenly stems and earthly branches . 阴历用干支纪年。 According to the lunar calendar , the autumn harvest moon is exceptionally bright . 按阴历算,秋收季节里的月光格外明亮。 Do you know what it is according to the lunar calendar 你知道那天是农历几号吗? In 305 days . year in the chinese lunar calendar 在中国农历或者中国阴历里的一年 Conversion of gregorian calendar - chinese lunar calendar 阳历和中国农历的换算 Here is the date in the chinese lunar calendar 以下是您需要的阴历日子阳历日子 Gregorian calendar 2014 chinese lunar calendar 2014 中国农历阴历年历表2014年 Gregorian calendar 2011 chinese lunar calendar 2011 中国农历阴历年历表2011年 Gregorian calendar 2015 chinese lunar calendar 2015 中国农历阴历年历表2015年 Gregorian calendar 2016 chinese lunar calendar 2016 中国农历阴历年历表2016年 It"s difficult to see lunar calendar in a sentence. 用 lunar calendar 造句挺难的 Gregorian calendar 2013 chinese lunar calendar 2013 中国农历阴历年历表2013年 Gregorian calendar 2017 chinese lunar calendar 2017 中国农历阴历年历表2017年 Gregorian calendar 2007 chinese lunar calendar 2007 中国农历阴历年历表2007年 Gregorian calendar 2012 chinese lunar calendar 2012 中国农历阴历年历表2012年 Gregorian calendar 2019 chinese lunar calendar 2019 中国农历阴历年历表2019年 Tomb - sweeping day is from chinese lunar calendar 清明节是一个源于农事历法的节日。 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar 中国农历和公历之间的换算 Chinese lunar calendar chinese new year calculation 中国农历年历和中新年计算 Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious 因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊。 When did the chinese begin to have the lunar calendar 中国人是什么时候开始用阴历的? Collection and study the rare and scattered dunhuang lunar calendar 散见敦煌历朔闰辑考 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2006 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2006年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1951 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1951年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2008 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2008年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1939 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1939年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2011 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2011年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2017 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2017年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1949 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1949年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2007 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2007年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2013 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2013年 It"s difficult to see lunar calendar in a sentence. 用 lunar calendar 造句挺难的 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2009 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2009年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1955 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1955年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2010 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2010年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1940 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1940年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2016 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2016年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1961 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1961年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1958 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1958年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1920 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1920年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2012 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2012年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2018 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2018年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1974 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1974年 A : when did the chinese begin to have the lunar calendar 中国人是什么时候开始用阴历的? Here is the chinese lunar calendar for the year 以下是阴历年历表在 Chinese lunar calendar of my grand father 我外公的中国农历24节气表 Year in the chinese lunar calendar 在中国农历或者中国阴历里的一年 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar : year 1 中国农历和公历之间的换算: 1年 What is the chinese lunar calendar 什么是中国农历或者中国阴历? Chinese traditional hopday and lunar calendar go very well 中国的传统节日和农历搭配得很合适。 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar : year - 1 中国农历和公历之间的换算: - 1年 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar : year 1943 公历和中国农历之间的换算: 1943年 It"s difficult to see lunar calendar in a sentence. 用 lunar calendar 造句挺难的

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求GREENDAY misery歌词中文翻译

痛苦 这次我不会带你回来, 一些的投入你 这次我带来了好的气息, 走下来的路 我无法保证你永远是孤独的, 但只要我们在一起,我们永远是, 苦难、能源部能源部能源部能源部能源部 昨晚我下车的栅栏, 事业我不会欺骗, 这边草绿色则 花园里,我用了增长, 走的路. 我无法保证你永远是孤独的, 但只要我们在一起,我们永远只能 苦难、能源部能源部能源部能源部能源部 苦难、能源部MISERY.DOE能源部能源部能源部 我无法保证你永远是孤独的, 但只要我们在一起,我们永远是, 苦难,披星戴月 痛苦、苦难、能源部能源部能源部能源部 这次我不会带你回来, 我不是傻瓜.

cabin attendant造句 cabin attendantの例文 "cabin attendant"是什麼意思

Di *** issal of a group of cabin attendants by a ferry pany 某船公司解雇一批客舱服务员 No , he " ll be very happy . see , i " m a cabin attendant 不会,他会很高兴。看,我是当空中服务员。 Vacancies include master , cabin attendant , ticketing officer , sailor and cleaner , etc 职位包括船长、客舱服务员、票务主任、水手及清洁员等。 Jane : it certainly wasn " t . after about ten minutes i began to feel really queasy and had to ask the cabin attendant for some seasick pills 珍:当然不有趣。过了大约十分钟,我就开始作呕,得请服务员给我些晕船药。 During the 60 - minute fortable ferry ride , cabin attendants on board offer passengers aircraft - style service in order to acppsh greater passengers satisfaction 客舱服务员于旅程中更提供殷勤周到的航空式服务,让乘客仿如置身于飞机客舱。 During the 60 - minute fortable ferry ride , cabin attendants on board offer passengers aircraft - style service in order to acppsh greater passengers satisfaction 客舱服务员于旅程中更提供殷勤周到的航空式服务,让乘客仿如置身于飞机客舱。 Aviation experienced international aircrew and ground taking traditional way to receive guests of asia as service aim and cabin attendants of dragonair , offer fortable fpght service for our passenger 港龙航空富有经验的国际飞行人员及以传统亚洲待客之道为服务宗旨的地面及机舱服务人员,为我们的乘客提供舒适的飞行服务。 Fpght personnel who have exceeded the time pmit of interruption in fpght prescribed by the petent civil aviation authority under the state council shall be subject to inspection and examination ; with the exception of cabin attendants , fpght personnel shall also go through instruction fpght 空勤人员间断飞行的时间超过国务院民用航空主管部门规定时限的,应当经过检查和考核;乘务员以外的空勤人员还应当经过带飞。 During the carnival , first ferry and first travel will showcase its vessel models and visitors are invited to participate in the exciting booth games to win prizes . besides , to attract more local and overseas tourists to enjoy the scenic spots on the islands , cabin attendants of the first travel s sightseeing route " hong kong dragon cruise " are ready to introduce different routings and distribute timetables 嘉年华举行当日,新渡轮及新旅游将于摊位中展示船队模型,并设有摊位游戏供参观人士大显身手;而新旅游旗下之观光船香港海龙游的服务员更会以亲切的笑容向参观人士介绍一系列的渡轮服务及派发船期表,以吸引更多本地及海外游客到离岛观光旅游,感受香港风光怡人,恬淡宁静的一面。 It"s difficult to find cabin attendant in a sentence. 用 cabin attendant 造句挺难的




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